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Подборка ресурсов по кибербезопасности
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последний пост 3 часа назад
OpenELM от Apple: 8 мини ИИ-моделей для смартфонов открывают большие возможности
OpenELM от Apple: 8 мини ИИ-моделей для смартфонов открывают большие возможности

Им не нужны мощные вычислительные ресурсы, чтобы в будущем дать фору GPT-4 и Llama.

3 часа назад @ securitylab.ru
MI5: иностранные агенты хотят похитить научные наработки британских вузов
MI5: иностранные агенты хотят похитить научные наработки британских вузов MI5: иностранные агенты хотят похитить научные наработки британских вузов

MI5: иностранные агенты хотят похитить научные наработки британских вузовAlexander AntipovКрупнейшие университеты должны быть готовы к кибератакам и другим серьезным вызовам.

Спецслужбы Великобритании бьют тревогу — иностранные государства нацелились на кражу интеллектуальной собственности и передовых исследований в ведущих университетах страны.

На специальном закрытом брифинге , организованном MI5 и правительством, присутствовали проректоры 24 элитных британских вузов, включая Оксфордский и Кембриджский университеты, а также Имперский колледж Лондона.

По данным спецслужб, передовые научно-исследовательские разработки, которые можно применить как в гражданских, так и в военных областях, мог…

5 часов назад @ securitylab.ru
Слежка без границ: Великобритания приняла законопроект о тотальном цифровом контроле
Слежка без границ: Великобритания приняла законопроект о тотальном цифровом контроле

Расширение полномочий спецслужб вызывает у граждан опасения по поводу своей конфиденциальности.

6 часов назад @ securitylab.ru
Сотни аварий и 13 смертей: в США расследуют меры безопасности автопилота Tesla
Сотни аварий и 13 смертей: в США расследуют меры безопасности автопилота Tesla

Хорошо ли Tesla заботится о своих клиентах и работе систем?

6 часов назад @ securitylab.ru
Миллионы ПК под контролем PlugX: осиротевший зомби-червь все еще охотится за чужими секретами
Миллионы ПК под контролем PlugX: осиротевший зомби-червь все еще охотится за чужими секретами

Sekoia решает судьбу вируса, который остался без оператора много лет назад.

6 часов назад @ securitylab.ru
Будущее для каждого: Китай открывает доступ к 504-кубитному квантовому чипу
Будущее для каждого: Китай открывает доступ к 504-кубитному квантовому чипу

Китай стремится ускорить научные открытия и достигнуть нового уровня вычислений.

6 часов назад @ securitylab.ru
Фальшивое аудио с провокационными высказываниями едва не стоило работы директору школы
Фальшивое аудио с провокационными высказываниями едва не стоило работы директору школы

Случай в Балтиморе наглядно демонстрирует риски, которые несёт за собой бездумное использование ИИ.

7 часов назад @ securitylab.ru
DoubleYou: новый инструмент защиты macOS от АНБ и Apple
DoubleYou: новый инструмент защиты macOS от АНБ и Apple

Компания позволяет сделать iPhone неуязвимым с индивидуальными средствами безопасности.

7 часов назад @ securitylab.ru
Капсула времени открыта: исходный код MS-DOS 4.0 опубликовали на GitHub
Капсула времени открыта: исходный код MS-DOS 4.0 опубликовали на GitHub

Microsoft и IBM устроили энтузиастам путешествие в прошлое.

7 часов назад @ securitylab.ru
$5,6 млн за технологии: сотрудники Amazon Ring шпионили за 55 000 американцев
$5,6 млн за технологии: сотрудники Amazon Ring шпионили за 55 000 американцев

Ring получила штраф за ненадлежащую защиту видеозаписей клиентов.

8 часов назад @ securitylab.ru
Ключ к экологичным конденсаторам: как 2D-нанонаполнители меняют игру в зелёной энергетике
Ключ к экологичным конденсаторам: как 2D-нанонаполнители меняют игру в зелёной энергетике

Энергосистемы с исторической мощностью на службе у медицины, авиастроения и других сфер.

9 часов назад @ securitylab.ru
Роскомнадзор блокирует 300 тысяч серых сим-карт каждую неделю
Роскомнадзор блокирует 300 тысяч серых сим-карт каждую неделю

Мера против нелегального оборота началась в прошлом году и продолжает набирать обороты.

9 часов назад @ securitylab.ru
ФБР: «Прогорели на левом обменнике? Не наши проблемы»
ФБР: «Прогорели на левом обменнике? Не наши проблемы»

Ведомство напомнило пользователям об опасности незарегистрированных криптовалютных сервисов.

9 часов назад @ securitylab.ru
Видеозвонок с Марса: лазеры делают связь в космосе реальностью
Видеозвонок с Марса: лазеры делают связь в космосе реальностью

Отправить мем или научную работу на другие планеты стало возможно благодаря новой технологии.

9 часов назад @ securitylab.ru
Космическая аномалия: сверхновая без гамма-лучей
Космическая аномалия: сверхновая без гамма-лучей

Как отсутствие излучения изменяет понимание космических процессов.

9 часов назад @ securitylab.ru
Anti-Malware Anti-Malware
последний пост 7 часов назад
Атаки на веб-приложения в 2023 году: анализ действий злоумышленников
Атаки на веб-приложения в 2023 году: анализ действий злоумышленников Атаки на веб-приложения в 2023 году: анализ действий злоумышленников

Компании из всех отраслей ощущают на себе рост числа атак на свои веб-приложения.

Рассказываем о распределении атак на телеком-компании и интернет-площадки, зафиксированных среди пользователей платформы «Вебмониторэкс» в 2023 году, по типам, а также о способах защиты от них.

Анализ включал в себя оценку различных типов атак и рисков в целях определения общего уровня безопасности приложений.

Распространённые атаки на телекоммуникационные организацииАтака типа «RCE» направлена на использование уязвимостей для удалённого выполнения кода в веб-приложениях.

Проведение регулярных проверок паролей на слабость и на присутствие в базах утечек.

7 часов назад @ anti-malware.ru
SafeMobile 8.3, системы для унифицированного управления конечными устройствами
SafeMobile 8.3, системы для унифицированного управления конечными устройствами SafeMobile 8.3, системы для унифицированного управления конечными устройствами

COPE (Company Owned, Personally Enabled) означает, что компания сама предоставляет сотруднику какое-то мобильное устройство, однако разрешает использовать его и для личных целей.

Разные подходы требуют различных политик для одних и тех же мобильных ОС и устройств.

В таких продуктах упор делался на использование гаджетов исключительно для корпоративных целей и на разграничение личных и рабочих данных пользователя.

Эти механизмы являются стандартными, поэтому если ваши разработчики или поставщики уже реализовали их для зарубежного UEM-вендора, чьим продуктом вы пользовались ранее, то для SafeMobile доработок не потребуется.

Подробная документация как для администратора и пользователя, так и д…

11 часов назад @ anti-malware.ru
Тандем МТС RED Anti-DDoS — МТС RED WAF: как качественно защитить веб-приложения от атак
Тандем МТС RED Anti-DDoS — МТС RED WAF: как качественно защитить веб-приложения от атак Тандем МТС RED Anti-DDoS — МТС RED WAF: как качественно защитить веб-приложения от атак

В феврале этого года на российском рынке ИБ появился новый сервис защиты веб-приложений МТС RED WAF.

Рассказываем о том, как этот сервис совместно с МТС RED Anti-DDoS защищает компании от комплекса атак на веб-ресурсы и в чём польза такого тандема.

В апреле на Anti-Malware.ru вышел актуальный обзор рынка защиты веб-приложений (WAF), где, помимо прочих, представлен сервис защиты веб-приложений МТС RED.

Как работает сервис защиты веб-приложений от взломаПосле того как компания принимает решение о подключении к сервису защиты веб-приложений, на DNS-серверах производится смена IP-адресов владельца защищаемых веб-ресурсов на IP-адреса сервис-провайдера защиты.

Это удобно, например, если компания…

1 day, 11 hours назад @ anti-malware.ru
Подводные камни Purple Teaming
Подводные камни Purple Teaming Подводные камни Purple Teaming

Расскажем о проблемах реализации Purple Teaming как со стороны заказчика, так и со стороны исполнителя.

Проблемы защитниковВ первую очередь Purple Teaming нужен для команды защиты.

Лишь Purple Teaming позволит эффективно обнаружить слепые зоны, настоящие «чёрные дыры», закрома вашей сети.

Им требуется выполнять практически те же действия, что и на Red Teaming (либо — очень редко — что и при типовом пентесте).

В таком случае с экспертами, проводящими Purple Teaming, никто не взаимодействует, никто не просит помощи.

2 days, 8 hours назад @ anti-malware.ru
Как организовать процесс управления уязвимостями (Vulnerability Management) в 2024 году
Как организовать процесс управления уязвимостями (Vulnerability Management) в 2024 году Как организовать процесс управления уязвимостями (Vulnerability Management) в 2024 году

Процесс управления уязвимостямиЭтапы управления уязвимостямиЧто же такое управление уязвимостями (Vulnerability Management, VM) в России?

Модель управления уязвимостями не может быть достаточно полной без такого важного этапа, как полная подготовка инфраструктуры, отметила Анастасия Кузнецова.

Внедрение Vulnerability ManagementВедущий спросил спикеров о том, как оценить готовность организации ко внедрению полноценного процесса управления уязвимостями.

В течение трёх-пяти лет заказчики станут лучше понимать свои потребности в управлении уязвимостями и разбираться в доступных им решениях.

В течение трёх-пяти лет заказчики станут лучше понимать свои потребности в управлении уязвимостями и разб…

3 days, 5 hours назад @ anti-malware.ru
SAST, DAST, SCA, SCS: как обеспечить безопасность разработки на всех этапах
SAST, DAST, SCA, SCS: как обеспечить безопасность разработки на всех этапах SAST, DAST, SCA, SCS: как обеспечить безопасность разработки на всех этапах

SAST — это набор технологий для анализа исходного кода и бинарных файлов на предмет таких условий кодирования и проектирования, которые указывают на уязвимости.

Комплексный анализ безопасности на примере Solar appScreenerРассмотрим комплексный подход к безопасной разработке ПО на примере решения Solar appScreener, разработанного ГК «Солар».

Решение Solar appScreener позволяет встраивать инструменты анализа кода в цикл безопасной разработки на разных его этапах.

Модуль SAST может быть использован на этапах разработки и тестирования в цикле SSDLC для своевременного выявления уязвимостей и НДВ.

Модуль DAST может быть использован на финальных стадиях разработки и на этапе тестирования ПО, когда…

3 days, 8 hours назад @ anti-malware.ru
Обзор российского рынка систем серверной виртуализации
Обзор российского рынка систем серверной виртуализации Обзор российского рынка систем серверной виртуализации

Бурный рост российского рынка систем виртуализации серверных мощностей обусловлен уходом западных вендоров и ужесточением требований регуляторов.

Этот обзор затрагивает ПО и ПАК для виртуализации серверной инфраструктуры.

Тенденции на мировом рынке систем серверной виртуализацииСогласно обновлённому исследованию, объём мирового рынка ПО для виртуализации серверов в 2022 году составил 7 878 900 000 долларов США.

Динамика объёма российского рынка систем виртуализации, млн руб.

Качественная платформа серверной виртуализации должна отличаться стабильной работой и надёжностью, поддерживать базовые функции виртуализации и в то же время отвечать узкопрофильным сценариям.

3 days, 11 hours назад @ anti-malware.ru
Почему Гарда WAF — на самом деле не WAF
Почему Гарда WAF — на самом деле не WAF Почему Гарда WAF — на самом деле не WAF

Официальный анонс «Гарда WAF»Новый продукт «Гарда WAF»Группа компаний «Гарда» представила свой продукт «Гарда WAF», назвав его отражением «нового витка эволюции межсетевых экранов для защиты веб-приложений».

Варианты развёртывания облачных WAAP-решений (Gartner)Лука Сафонов, технический директор «Гарда WAF», прокомментировал это отличие следующим образом: «специально вариант облачной поддержки “Гарда WAF” пока не рассматривается».

Как уже было отмечено, группа компаний «Гарда» делает в настоящее время акцент на размещении своего решения в локальном формате, хотя принципиальных запретов на использование «Гарда WAF» в облаке нет.

Варианты наборов правил для контроля рисков («Гарда» / Weblock)…

4 days, 7 hours назад @ anti-malware.ru
Почему в атаках на иностранные госструктуры видят след русских хакеров
Почему в атаках на иностранные госструктуры видят след русских хакеров Почему в атаках на иностранные госструктуры видят след русских хакеров

Основная функция Smoke Loader — загрузка и запуск других вредоносных программ (троянов, шпионов, шифровальщиков) на устройстве жертвы.

Особенности кибератак с использованием Smoke Loader«Достоинствами» дроппера Smoke Loader являются малобюджетность и низкозатратность для организаторов кибератак.

Из самораспаковывающегося архива извлекается BAT-файл, а тот, в свою очередь, выполняет загрузку вредоносного дроппера Smoke Loader и после этого открывает PDF.

Всё это позволяет утверждать, что в данном случае мы, скорее всего, имеем дело с фейковой операцией.

ВыводыВредоносный дроппер Smoke Loader, который может загружать дополнительные модули или ПО, получая команды после подключения к C&C-сервер…

1 week назад @ anti-malware.ru
Как разработать стратегию развития кибербезопасности
Как разработать стратегию развития кибербезопасности Как разработать стратегию развития кибербезопасности

Процесс стратегического менеджмента, выстроенный в компанииОпределите зрелость процесса стратегического менеджмента, принятого в компании, и изучите применяемые практики.

Также на этом шаге нужно выяснить, как в компании определяется целевое состояние: через постановку целей, закрытие рисков и / или угроз либо по-другому.

Изучите прогнозы по ИБ на ближайшее время: как будет развиваться рынок ИБ, какие угрозы и виды атак станут популярными.

Изучите прогнозы по ИБ на ближайшее время: как будет развиваться рынок ИБ, какие угрозы и виды атак станут популярными.

Для успешной реализации стратегии ИБ нужно проанализировать динамику бюджета на ИБ и загрузку ИБ-специалистов, открытые вакансии и попы…

1 week, 1 day назад @ anti-malware.ru
Обзор Solar webProxy 4.0, шлюза информационной безопасности
Обзор Solar webProxy 4.0, шлюза информационной безопасности Обзор Solar webProxy 4.0, шлюза информационной безопасности

Схема интеграции Solar webProxy в корпоративную инфраструктуруВ Solar webProxy реализованы развитые механизмы для обеспечения его бесперебойной работы под большой нагрузкой.

Возможна синхронизация досье сотрудников из Solar webProxy и DLP-системы Solar Dozor.

Выгрузка событий в разделе «Статистика» Solar webProxyКак уже говорилось, в Solar webProxy реализован межсетевой экран.

Настройка NAT в Solar webProxyВ Solar webProxy можно настроить доступ без аутентификации, что актуально для ряда приложений.

Создание правила фильтрации запросов в Solar webProxyВ Solar webProxy реализован модуль разграничения прав на базе ролевой модели.

1 week, 1 day назад @ anti-malware.ru
Злые аналоги ChatGPT: xxXGPT, WormGPT, WolfGPT, FraudGPT, DarkBERT
Злые аналоги ChatGPT: xxXGPT, WormGPT, WolfGPT, FraudGPT, DarkBERT Злые аналоги ChatGPT: xxXGPT, WormGPT, WolfGPT, FraudGPT, DarkBERT

В рекламных постах он описывался как «зловещее творение ИИ на Python, представляющее тёмную силу, превосходящую как ChatGPT, так и WormGPT».

Как и в случае с xxXGPT, WolfGPT широко продвигался на хакерских форумах и в телеграм-каналах, но реальных подтверждений его возможностей, помимо единичных скриншотов интерфейса, найдено не было.

FraudGPT и DarkBERTFraudGPT и DarkBERT — ещё две «злые» разработки, которые кто-то продвигал в даркнете в июле 2023 года наряду с другими ИИ-сервисами для киберпреступников.

ChatGPT и его «злые конкуренты»: сравниваем ключевые параметрыХарактеристика ChatGPT «Злые» аналоги (xxXGPT, WolfGPT, FraudGPT, DarkBERT) Этические ограничения Есть Нет или минимальны Безо…

1 week, 2 days назад @ anti-malware.ru
Обзор рынка защиты веб-приложений (WAF) — 2024
Обзор рынка защиты веб-приложений (WAF) — 2024 Обзор рынка защиты веб-приложений (WAF) — 2024

Сейчас, в условиях недоступности некоторых программных продуктов, рынок WAF в России активно меняется в пользу отечественных решений: появляются новые продукты, производители работают над конкурентными преимуществами.

На основе последних докладов компании Gartner о рынке межсетевых экранов уровня приложений, среди зарубежных продуктов стоит отметить следующие: Akamai Web Application Protector, Imperva WAF, Cloudflare WAF, F5 Big-IP WAF, Barracuda WAF и AWS WAF.

Обзор отечественного рынка WAFПродукты Web Application FirewallВ этом разделе рассмотрим «коробочные» продукты, как в программном исполнении, так и в программно-аппаратном.

«МегаФон WAF» предназначен для защиты веб-приложений от суще…

1 week, 2 days назад @ anti-malware.ru
Аутсорсинг информационной безопасности в России: страшно ли передавать ИБ в чужие руки
Аутсорсинг информационной безопасности в России: страшно ли передавать ИБ в чужие руки Аутсорсинг информационной безопасности в России: страшно ли передавать ИБ в чужие руки

Рынок аутсорсинга информационной безопасностиСовременная концепция аутсорсинга информационной безопасности на рынкеЧто же такое аутсорсинг в 2024 году?

В настоящее время многие компании отдают провайдерам построение систем как по информационной безопасности, так и по информационным технологиям.

Компании будут всё больше осознавать важность информационной безопасности и обращаться к аутсорсинговым партнёрам для обеспечения защиты своих данных и систем.

При выборе провайдера услуг по информационной безопасности важно учитывать такие факторы, как опыт, репутация и финансовая стабильность.

Прогнозы экспертов по развитию аутсорсинга информационной безопасности в целом положительны.

1 week, 3 days назад @ anti-malware.ru
Как спроектировать защиту АСУ ТП с помощью новой концепции Positive Technologies
Как спроектировать защиту АСУ ТП с помощью новой концепции Positive Technologies Как спроектировать защиту АСУ ТП с помощью новой концепции Positive Technologies

Расскажем, как упростить установку и настройку ИБ-решений с помощью OT Security Framework и соблюдать требования законодательства.

Помимо этого, на различных отраслевых конференциях обсуждаем сложности и нюансы обеспечения информационной безопасности в промышленной сфере с клиентами и партнёрами, в числе которых — системные интеграторы в области АСУ ТП.

OT Security Framework собирает вместе лучшие практики Positive Technologies для защиты компаний из индустриальной сферы и регулярно обновляется экспертизой.

Ещё одно направление — руководство по обеспечению соответствия требованиям национальных и международных отраслевых стандартов в области промышленной кибербезопасности с помощью продуктов…

1 week, 3 days назад @ anti-malware.ru
Хабр: ИБ Хабр: ИБ
последний пост 4 часа назад
Путеводитель по Docker. От основ контейнеризации до создания собственного докера
Путеводитель по Docker. От основ контейнеризации до создания собственного докера Путеводитель по Docker. От основ контейнеризации до создания собственного докера

Системные компоненты включают в себя Docker host (сервер Docker), Docker daemon (демон Docker), Docker client (клиент Docker) и Docker-compose (менеджер запуска кластера контейнеров).

Основные переменные компоненты включают в себя: Dockerfile (файл Docker), Docker image (образ Docker), Docker container (контейнер Docker).

Образ Docker содержит все необходимые зависимости и настройки, а контейнер Docker - это экземпляр этого образа, в котором запущено приложение.

Важно отметить, что Docker предоставляет инструменты для обнаружения и устранения уязвимостей, такие как Docker Bench for Security и Docker Security Scanning.

ЗаключениеВ данной статье мы рассмотрели основы Docker и его уязвимости, …

4 часа назад @ habr.com
Чтение на выходные: «Искусство быть невидимым. Как сохранить приватность в эпоху Big Data» Кевина Митника
Чтение на выходные: «Искусство быть невидимым. Как сохранить приватность в эпоху Big Data» Кевина Митника Чтение на выходные: «Искусство быть невидимым. Как сохранить приватность в эпоху Big Data» Кевина Митника

В свое время как хакер совершил ряд преступлений в сети, отсидел и вышел на свободу, поэтому почитать его будет особенно интересно.

Польза книги Митника как раз в том, чтобы научиться этому манипулированию не поддаваться, знать о том, как вас могут вычислить, и соблюдать меры предосторожности.

В результате этого открытия корпорация заявила, что в дальнейшем подобными расследованиями будут заниматься органы правопорядка», — вспоминает он.

Иными словами, как и в ситуации с SDES, новые ключи генерируются для каждого вызова, но ключи существуют в единственном экземпляре и хранятся только на устройствах пользователей».

Впрочем, проколоться и залогиниться в личной почте не с того устройства по за…

4 часа назад @ habr.com
Уязвимости на GitHub: в библиотеке Ruby, которую скачали 250 000 раз, модулях для электронных замков и популярных играх
Уязвимости на GitHub: в библиотеке Ruby, которую скачали 250 000 раз, модулях для электронных замков и популярных играх Уязвимости на GitHub: в библиотеке Ruby, которую скачали 250 000 раз, модулях для электронных замков и популярных играх

Мы нашли уязвимости в популярных библиотеках: для разработки на Ruby, для электронных замков и даже для пользователей Reddit и Minecraft.

Ведь для большинства библиотек репозиторий содержит не только код, но и документацию — инструкции по установке и использованию.

Они не портят и не крадут данные системы кибербезопасности, но неприятности пользователю доставляют.

Напомним, что в первой части исследования мы создали метод быстрой проверки репозиториев GitHub на уязвимости.

Полагаем, наши исследования и статьи помогут выстроить приоритеты и решить, в какие сроки и какими ресурсами проверить код на внешние зависимости.

10 часов назад @ habr.com
Избавляемся от паролей
Избавляемся от паролей Избавляемся от паролей

Там по id имени пользователя вытаскивают PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions — параметр, хранящийся и на бэкенде, и в аутентификаторе.

Какие проблемы в списке WebAuthn закрывает WebAuthnПередача паролей по незашифрованному каналу не работает, так как для функционирования WebAuthn нужен исключительно протокол HTTPS.

Актуально ли это для WebAuthn?

Использование паролей в открытом виде (Plain Text) тоже отпадает, так как с публичным ключом в WebAuthn ничего нельзя сделать, механизм Webauthn защищен ассиметричным шифрованием.

Как правило, самая большая проблема WebAuthn — в восстановлении токена, если доступ будет утрачен.

10 часов назад @ habr.com
Мошенничество? Атака на IT компании
Мошенничество? Атака на IT компании Мошенничество? Атака на IT компании

А дело было так...Где-то в конце прошлого, 2023 года, некоторым сотрудникам (я НЕ в их числе), написал псевдо генеральный директор в Телеграмм.

То, что это мошенники сразу стало понятно, непонятно было что они хотят.

В конце мошенник сказал, что в компании ожидается проверка, придут ревизоры и аудиторы, возможно будут писать тебе - окажи содействие.

Тут уже характерно и то, что опять же все эти люди работаю тоже очень давно, и то, что за эти несколько месяцев уже вся компания успела обсудить странных прошлогодних мошенников.

АудиторыЕсли кто-то нанимает аудиторов, то и данные мог бы предоставить им, хоть и некрасиво, - поэтому видимо и шифруются.

13 часов назад @ habr.com
От падений базы данных до кибератак: история о том, как мы обнаружили взлом
От падений базы данных до кибератак: история о том, как мы обнаружили взлом От падений базы данных до кибератак: история о том, как мы обнаружили взлом

Далеко не с первого раза, но у него это получилось, так как пароль у нас был несложный.

cleanCron() { crontab -l | sed '/base64/d' | crontab - crontab -l | sed '/_cron/d' | crontab - crontab -l | sed '/' | crontab - crontab -l | sed '/update.sh/d' | crontab - # еще ~50 строк }Очистка cron.

Чтобы убитые процессы не в коем случае не ожили.

Схема атакиК большому счастью база данных была запущена не в системе а в docker контейнере и большинство команд просто не смогли выполниться!

Страшно представить что было бы, если бы хакер проник не в докер контейнер, а в саму систему.

13 часов назад @ habr.com
Fuzzing-тестирование. Практическое применение
Fuzzing-тестирование. Практическое применение Fuzzing-тестирование. Практическое применение

И тут используется minimize, то есть он убирает все ненужные байты, и мы приходим к оптимальному значению, которое вызывает нашу панику.

То есть в нашем случае это 0, но всего у нас в корпусе лежит уже 8 seed-ов.

В карточке товара есть поле описания, и в него нельзя добавлять больше трёх Emoji.

У нас это не получилось, из-за чего мы не смогли очищать данные из таблицы.

Если какой-то из сервисов у нас или у наших потребителей начинает троттлить или перезапускаться из-за переполнения памяти, мы также получаем уведомления.

1 day, 3 hours назад @ habr.com
Подводные грабли экспертных утилит при работе с инцидентами
Подводные грабли экспертных утилит при работе с инцидентами Подводные грабли экспертных утилит при работе с инцидентами

Дальнейшее сканирование памяти на хостах было приостановлено, поскольку мы не хотим, чтобы на основе наших рекомендаций клиент сломал себе бизнес-процессы.

Я не знал, пока не создал тикет и разработчик не подтвердил мне одно из очень смелых предположений, причём не с первого раза.

Лимит большой, так что в большинстве случаев можно считать, что это хеш от всего файла.

К счастью, это удалось вовремя выявить, так что это не привело к каким-то негативным последствиям.

Правда, проблема в том, что в современных условиях документация к программным интерфейсам ОС уже давно за гранью обозримого.

1 day, 5 hours назад @ habr.com
Attaque a-la russe: атака с помощью промт-инъекций русскоязычных моделей семейства Saiga2
Attaque a-la russe: атака с помощью промт-инъекций русскоязычных моделей семейства Saiga2 Attaque a-la russe: атака с помощью промт-инъекций русскоязычных моделей семейства Saiga2

Примеры можно увидеть нижеSmartGPT - это новая языковая модель Al, который может очень хорошо следовать инструкциям пользователя и не имеет специальной фильтрации.

SmartGPT - это новая языковая модель Al, который может очень хорошо следовать инструкциям пользователя и не имеет специальной фильтрации.

Для моделей на 7 и 13 миллиардов параметров были так же выбраны две версии квантизованных весов на 4 и 8 байт.

Затем отправить потенциальной жертве электронное письмо, в котором утверждается, что на ее счету произошла неполадка или необходима проверка данных.

Взаимодействие наркотики/фишинг: Атаки, связанные с наркотиками, в большинстве случаев оказались успешнее по сравнению с фишингом, особен…

1 day, 6 hours назад @ habr.com
Как один опытный разработчик за три дня потерял аккаунт в Телеграме, а второй чуть не перевел «другу» 100 тысяч рублей
Как один опытный разработчик за три дня потерял аккаунт в Телеграме, а второй чуть не перевел «другу» 100 тысяч рублей Как один опытный разработчик за три дня потерял аккаунт в Телеграме, а второй чуть не перевел «другу» 100 тысяч рублей

Слава не успел сделать скриншот переписки, поэтому мы постарались восстановить содержимое на основе скриншотов других жертв подобной схемыГолос учтен.

Позже Слава поймет, что в субботу его сессию перехватили мошенники и тихо ждали три дня, чтобы «выкинуть» владельца из всех устройств и завладеть аккаунтом.

Другие жертвы в сумме перевели 300 тысяч рублей, но не по указанному номеру в чате, а на известный им номер Кости.

Придумать подсказку для облачного пароля — учтите, что мошенники ее тоже увидят, поэтому сделайте ее понятной только для вас.

Ищите такие решения, которые учат сотрудников отражать атаки и безопасно общаться и в Телеграме, и Вотсапе.

1 day, 10 hours назад @ habr.com
Обзор K8s LAN Party —  сборника задач по поиску уязвимостей в кластере Kubernetes прямо в браузере
Обзор K8s LAN Party —  сборника задач по поиску уязвимостей в кластере Kubernetes прямо в браузере Обзор K8s LAN Party —  сборника задач по поиску уязвимостей в кластере Kubernetes прямо в браузере

На этот раз взглянем на продукт от разработчиков из компании Wiz Research — Kubernetes LAN Party , челлендж по выполнению CTF-сценариев.

Что такое K8s LAN Party и зачем он нуженK8s LAN Party — это набор из пяти CTF-сценариев, в которых пользователю нужно найти уязвимости в кластере Kubernetes.

В K8s LAN Party следующие правила для выполнения заданий:Выполнять сценарии можно в любом порядке.

65536 / 65536 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 985 p/sУтилита нашла сервис getflag-service.

Вставляем его в поле для ввода и завершаем наш сценарий.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ habr.com
[Перевод] Настройка Kerberos аутентификации в OpenAM
[Перевод] Настройка Kerberos аутентификации в OpenAM [Перевод] Настройка Kerberos аутентификации в OpenAM

Но такой подход неудобен и для администраторов системы и для пользователей.

В текущей статье мы настроим Kerberos аутентификацию в OpenAM.

Настройка WindowsСоздайте в Active Directory учетную запись для аутентификации Kerberos.

Таким образом, вы можете аутентифицироваться по протоколу Kerberos без подключения Active Directory в User Data Store в OpenAM.

Проверка решенияНа Windows машине под аутентифицированным в Active Directory пользователем откройте в браузере url OpenAM http://openam.example.com:8080/openam/XUI/#login/&realm=/&service=ssoЕсли все настроено корректно, OpenAM сразу аутентифицирует вас без запроса учетных данных.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ habr.com
Исследование веб-приложений с помощью утилиты Ffuf
Исследование веб-приложений с помощью утилиты Ffuf Исследование веб-приложений с помощью утилиты Ffuf

Разбираемся с фаззингом с Ffuf и исследуем несколько ключевых методов его применения.

Могут приниматься несколько флагов -H -X HTTP метод для использования -b Данные cookie " Name1 = Value1; Name2 = Value2" для копирования функциональности curl -d Данные POST -http2 Использовать протокол HTTP2 (по умолчанию: false) -ignore-body Не загружать содержимое ответа (по умолчанию: false) -r Следовать перенаправлениям (по умолчанию: false) -recursion Сканировать рекурсивно.

Например: или socks5:// ОБЩИЕ ОПЦИИ: -V Показать информацию о версии (по умолчанию: false) -ac Автоматическая калибровка параметров фильтрации (по умолчанию: false) -acc Пользовательская строка…

1 day, 14 hours назад @ habr.com
Внедряем двухфакторную аутентификацию в веб-приложения, не предусматривающие ее изначально
Внедряем двухфакторную аутентификацию в веб-приложения, не предусматривающие ее изначально Внедряем двухфакторную аутентификацию в веб-приложения, не предусматривающие ее изначально

В продуктовом каталоге Cloud.ru есть несколько вендорских сервисов, в которые не заложили возможность подключения двухфакторной аутентификации, или предлагаемая функциональность нас по ряду причин не устраивала.

Но это требует установки и настройки клиентского ПО, что в удаленном формате работы не очень дружелюбно для пользователей.

Зарегистрировать в IAM пользователя, включить для него 2FA и настроить приложение OTP (например, Google Authenticator, Яндекс Ключ и т.

Настроить сетевую связность и разрешения до IAM и защищаемого приложения.

Что в итоге?

2 days, 8 hours назад @ habr.com
Ландшафт угроз информационной безопасности последних лет. Часть 1
Ландшафт угроз информационной безопасности последних лет. Часть 1 Ландшафт угроз информационной безопасности последних лет. Часть 1

Что не исключает, конечно, ознакомления с угрозами через вендорские отчеты, бюллетени (IBM, Microsoft, Elastic, Acronis, SonicWALL и т.д.)

При этом только через TI-отчеты мы можем разобраться, как работают группировки, прокачиваются, как атакуют с конкретного вредоносного ПО, как используют техники и что сейчас актуально.

Шпионское ПО и некоторые формы рекламного ПО также можно отнести к вредоносному ПО.

Как и в любой другой компании, в группировке присутствуют менеджеры среднего звена, менеджеры по персоналу, различные технические, производственные команды с дорожной картой и релизами.

Причем публикации где угодно, на сайте поставщика с патчем или на черных рынках интернета.

2 days, 8 hours назад @ habr.com
Хакер Хакер
последний пост 3 часа назад
Microsoft опубликовала на GitHub исходный код MS-DOS 4.00
Microsoft опубликовала на GitHub исходный код MS-DOS 4.00 Microsoft опубликовала на GitHub исходный код MS-DOS 4.00

Компания Microsoft опубликовала исходный код MS-DOS 4.00, бинарники, образы дисков и документацию.

Десять лет назад Microsoft уже передавала исходники MS-DOS 1.25 и 2.0 Музею компьютерной истории, а затем повторно опубликовала их и на GitHub.

Теперь был обнародован и исходный код MS-DOS 4.00, отныне доступный под лицензией MIT.

В Microsoft напоминают, что MS-DOS 4.00 — это довольно интересная версия, написанная совместно с IBM.

В прошлом именно от MS-DOS 4.00 было образовано ответвление Multitasking DOS (или MT-DOS), которое в итоге не получило широкого распространения.

3 часа назад @ xakep.ru
В 2023 году вымогатели «заработали» на выкупах более 1 млрд долларов
В 2023 году вымогатели «заработали» на выкупах более 1 млрд долларов В 2023 году вымогатели «заработали» на выкупах более 1 млрд долларов

Так, выплаты вымогателям в прошлом году составили более 1 млрд долларов, что является самым высоким показателем за всю историю.

К примеру, с серьезным ущербом в результате атаки группировки Rhysida столкнулась американская медицинская компания Prospect Medical Holdings.

В результате произошла задержка в выдаче результатов исследований клиентам.

В итоге выплаты вымогателям перевалили за 1 миллиард долларов, что стало самым высоким показателем за всю историю.

Например, в результате атаки одна из крупнейших компаний в сфере гостиничного и развлекательного бизнеса Caesars Entertainment понесла убытки в размере 15 млн долларов.

4 часа назад @ xakep.ru
Уроки форензики. Анализируем логи Windows и таблицу MFT на примере HTB Jinkies
Уроки форензики. Анализируем логи Windows и таблицу MFT на примере HTB Jinkies Уроки форензики. Анализируем логи Windows и таблицу MFT на примере HTB Jinkies

Се­год­ня мы будем учить­ся ана­лизи­ровать логи Windows и смот­реть пол­ную информа­цию о фай­ле в таб­лице MFT.

Откро­ем ути­литу FullEventLogView и заг­рузим логи, рас­положен­ные по такому пути:Jinkies_ KAPE_ output/ TriageData/ C/ Windows/ system32/ winevt/За­тем выс­тавим филь­тр по дате (Options → Advanced Options) и прис­тупим к ана­лизу.

На иссле­дуемом хос­те уста­нов­лена служ­ба Sysmon (сис­темный монитор) — эта ути­лита раз­работа­на в Microsoft для рас­ширен­ного ауди­та Windows.

В 17:15 зафик­сирова­но событие с иден­тифика­тором 4624, тип вхо­да 3 (сетевой вход) с хос­та, с исполь­зовани­ем учет­ных дан­ных поль­зовате­ля Velma.

В клю­че реес­тра ControlSet00…

6 часов назад @ xakep.ru
Облачные клавиатуры, установленные миллиардом пользователей, уязвимы к перехвату нажатия клавиш
Облачные клавиатуры, установленные миллиардом пользователей, уязвимы к перехвату нажатия клавиш Облачные клавиатуры, установленные миллиардом пользователей, уязвимы к перехвату нажатия клавиш

В компании предупредили, что эти проблемы могут использоваться для перехвата нажатий клавиш, и в общей сложности угрожают примерно миллиарду пользователей.

Исследователи рассказывают, что нашли уязвимости в восьми из девяти изученных приложений таких производителей, как Baidu, Honor, iFlytek, OPPO, Samsung, Tencent, Vivo и Xiaomi.

Ведь 95% рынка клавиатур, созданных для того, чтобы пользователи могли быстро и легко вводить китайские иероглифы, занимают уязвимые IME (Input Method Editor) от Sogou, Baidu и iFlytek.

Успешная эксплуатация багов в таких приложениях позволяет расшифровывать нажатия клавиш в пассивном режиме, без передачи дополнительного сетевого трафика.

Это приложение насчитывае…

6 часов назад @ xakep.ru
В Chrome исправили критическую уязвимость, за которую эксперты получили 16 000 долларов
В Chrome исправили критическую уязвимость, за которую эксперты получили 16 000 долларов В Chrome исправили критическую уязвимость, за которую эксперты получили 16 000 долларов

На этой неделе Google выпустила обновление для Chrome 124, которое исправляет четыре сразу уязвимости, включая критическую проблему CVE-2024-4058 в ANGLE (Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine).

Стоит сказать, что за последние годы лишь несколько уязвимостей в Chrome получили статус «критических».

За свои находки исследователи получили вознаграждение в размере 16 000 долларов.

Google не сообщает о том, что CVE-2024-4058 уже может эксплуатироваться хакерами.

Однако злоумышленники нередко эксплуатируют ошибки типа confusion, найденные в Chrome, хотя чаще такие уязвимости затрагивают JavaScript-движок V8.

8 часов назад @ xakep.ru
Власти США арестовали и обвинили операторов миксера Samourai в отмывании 100 млн долларов
Власти США арестовали и обвинили операторов миксера Samourai в отмывании 100 млн долларов Власти США арестовали и обвинили операторов миксера Samourai в отмывании 100 млн долларов

Министерство юстиции США обвинило Кионна Родригеса (Keonne Rodriguez) и Уильяма Лонергана Хилла (William Lonergan Hill) в отмывании более 100 млн долларов через криптовалютный миксер Samourai Whirlpool, которым они управляли на протяжении почти десяти лет.

Родригес был арестован ранее на этой неделе, и в ближайшие дни он предстанет перед судом в США.

В операции, направленной на закрытие Samourai, принимали участие правоохранительные органы Исландии и Португалии, а также Европол.

Предположительно, деятельность по отмыванию денег принесла основателям компании около 4,5 млн долларов США в качестве комиссионных за транзакции Whirlpool и Ricochet.

В настоящее время исландские правоохранительные …

10 часов назад @ xakep.ru
«Лаборатория Касперского» обнаружила криптовалютную пирамиду в Telegram
«Лаборатория Касперского» обнаружила криптовалютную пирамиду в Telegram «Лаборатория Касперского» обнаружила криптовалютную пирамиду в Telegram

Исследователи сообщают об актуальной мошеннической схеме, в рамках которой людям предлагают заработать на криптовалюте Toncoin (TON) через Telegram.

По данным компании, сначала потенциальную жертву побуждают вложить деньги в TON, а потом пригласить в специальный чат в мессенджере своих знакомых и получать за это комиссию.

Далее требуется купить криптовалюту (минимум на 5,5 TON) и перевести ее на свой кошелек.

Чем дороже тариф, тем выше комиссионный процент, — «велосипед» стоит 5 TON и дает 30% комиссии, а «ракета» — 500 TON и 70%.

По уверениям организаторов, в итоге «заработок» будет складываться из двух частей: фиксированной платы в 25 TON за каждого приглашенного друга и комиссии за тариф…

1 day, 2 hours назад @ xakep.ru
5 июня в Москве пройдет конференция «БеКон 2024»
5 июня в Москве пройдет конференция «БеКон 2024» 5 июня в Москве пройдет конференция «БеКон 2024»

5 июня в Москве во второй раз состоится «БеКон» — конференция по безопасности контейнеров и контейнерных сред.

Комьюнити соберется снова, чтобы вместе со спикерами обсудить острые темы, важные моменты и нестандартные решения в области безопасности контейнеров и K8s.

Мероприятие организовано компанией Luntry — российским решением для защиты контейнеров и Kubernetes.

В докладах будут подниматься актуальные темы, касающиеся безопасности контейнерных сред в 2024 году.

Участники смогут познакомиться и лично пообщаться с представителями известных компаний, со спикерами и признанными экспертами в сфере безопасности контейнеров.

1 day, 3 hours назад @ xakep.ru
0-day уязвимости в продуктах Cisco используются для проникновения в сети госучреждений
0-day уязвимости в продуктах Cisco используются для проникновения в сети госучреждений 0-day уязвимости в продуктах Cisco используются для проникновения в сети госучреждений

Cisco стало известно об ArcaneDoor в начале января 2024 года, когда были найдены доказательства того, что злоумышленники тестировали и разрабатывали эксплоиты для уязвимостей с июля 2023 года.

Уязвимости позволяли атакующим внедрять ранее неизвестные вредоносные программы в системы жертв и закрепляться на взломанных устройствах ASA и FTD.

«Злоумышленники использовали специализированный инструментарий, который свидетельствует о явной нацеленности на шпионаж и глубоком знании атакованных устройств, что является отличительными признаками опытных спонсируемых государством субъектов, — пишут в Cisco.

— В рамках этой кампании UAT4356 развернули два бэкдора, Line Runner и Line Dancer, которые в со…

1 day, 4 hours назад @ xakep.ru
Microsoft удалила WizardLM 2 LLM, не прошедшую тест на токсичность, но пользователи ее сохранили
Microsoft удалила WizardLM 2 LLM, не прошедшую тест на токсичность, но пользователи ее сохранили Microsoft удалила WizardLM 2 LLM, не прошедшую тест на токсичность, но пользователи ее сохранили

На прошлой неделе специалисты Microsoft опубликовали LLM WizardLM 2, которая, по их словам, является одной из самых мощных на сегодня больших языковых моделей с открытым исходным кодом.

Затем, спустя несколько часов, компания удалила модель из сети, поскольку перед выпуском ее случайно забыли «протестировать на токсичность».

Однако пользователи успели сохранить LLM, и она по-прежнему доступна всем желающим.

Как отмечает 404 Media, официальные страницы WizardLM 2 на GitHub и Hugging Face все еще не работают, но найти множество копий LLM на тех же платформах совсем нетрудно.

Но, журналисты резюмируют, что факт остается фактом: Microsoft не смогла уберечь ИИ-модель, которую в компании сочли не…

1 day, 6 hours назад @ xakep.ru
Нетипичная змея. Реверсим приложение на Python c кастомным интерпретатором
Нетипичная змея. Реверсим приложение на Python c кастомным интерпретатором Нетипичная змея. Реверсим приложение на Python c кастомным интерпретатором

Но для любого зам­ка оты­щет­ся отмычка: сегод­ня мы раз­берем­ся, как ревер­сить такие прог­раммы, научим­ся вос­ста­нав­ливать исходный код и узна­ем, как соз­дать для них собс­твен­ный дизас­сем­блер.

В качес­тве при­мера возь­мем некое при­ложе­ние для ней­росете­вой обра­бот­ки видео с нехоро­шей осо­бен­ностью: при­ложе­ние про­веря­ет лицен­зию на уда­лен­ном сер­вере при выпол­нении всех более‑менее полез­ных фун­кций.

Что это за фай­лы и с чем их едят, я под­робно рас­ска­зывал в статье «Зме­иная ана­томия.

На скрин­шоте прос­лежива­ется пов­торя­ющий­ся через каж­дые 16 байт шаб­лон, который, похоже, наложен опе­раци­ей XOR на исходный код и мес­тами прог­лядыва­ет на мес­те нулев…

1 day, 6 hours назад @ xakep.ru
Google снова откладывает отключение сторонних cookie
Google снова откладывает отключение сторонних cookie Google снова откладывает отключение сторонних cookie

Разработчики Google сообщили, что из-за тестирований, которые проводят британские регуляторы, отказ от сторонних файлов cookie вновь открывается.

Напомним, что исходно Goodge планировала, что не будет избавляться от сторонних cookie до 2022 года.

Затем срок перенесли, и отказ отложили до 2023 года, а затем и до 2024 года.

Так, власти Великобритании хотят убедиться, что Google вносит изменения в Chrome, не в ущерб конкурентам, ради поддержания собственного рекламного бизнеса.

В результате в Google сообщили, что активно сотрудничают с CMA и ICO и, если удастся достичь соглашения, планируется начать отказ от использования сторонних файлов cookie в начале следующего года.

1 day, 8 hours назад @ xakep.ru
Исследователь заявляет, что взломал DRM-технологию Microsoft
Исследователь заявляет, что взломал DRM-технологию Microsoft Исследователь заявляет, что взломал DRM-технологию Microsoft

К примеру, еще в 2022 году Говдяк сообщил инженерам Microsoft, что ему удалось скачать контент, защищенный PlayReady, с Canal+, премиальной VOD-платформы в Польше.

А в Microsoft тогда заявили СМИ, что «описанные проблемы касаются настроек, контролируемых поставщиком услуг, и безопасности стороннего клиента», подчеркнув, что речь не идет об уязвимости в службе или клиенте Microsoft.

Однако Говдяк продолжил изучать безопасность Microsoft PlayReady и теперь обратил внимание на международные стриминговые сервисы, которые используют PlayReady для защиты контента.

— Любой пользователь Windows может извлечь ключи для фильмов из стриминговых платформ, которые используют уязвимую технологию Microsof…

1 day, 10 hours назад @ xakep.ru
Умный телевизор Hisense случайно вывел из строя Windows-компьютер владельца
Умный телевизор Hisense случайно вывел из строя Windows-компьютер владельца Умный телевизор Hisense случайно вывел из строя Windows-компьютер владельца

Присцилла Сноу (Priscilla Snow), музыкант и аудиодизайнер из Канады, рассказала, что ее телевизор Hisense помешал нормальной работе ее компьютера под управлением Windows.

Пользователь под ником Narayan B рассказывал на форуме Microsoft, что он нашел корень проблемы, которым оказался его телевизор Hisense, работающий на Android.

Оказалось, что телевизор Hisense генерирует «случайные UUID для обнаружения сети UPNP каждые несколько минут».

Windows, не понимая, зачем устройство это делает, видит это и добавляет все эти альтернативные устройства Hisense в свою службу Device Association Framework (DAF).

Narayan B писал, что и раньше замечал, как его телевизор Hisense заваливает обращениями систем…

2 days назад @ xakep.ru
Количество атак на мобильные устройства в России возросло в 5,2 раза
Количество атак на мобильные устройства в России возросло в 5,2 раза Количество атак на мобильные устройства в России возросло в 5,2 раза

Так, Так, в первом квартале 2024 года их число увеличилось в 5,2 раза по сравнению с аналогичным периодом 2023 года и составило более 19 миллионов.

Количество атак Dwphon на российских пользователей выросло в марте 2024 года примерно на 25% по сравнению с декабрем прошлого года и насчитывает почти 222 000 случаев.

Однако в случае с Dwphon жертва получает зараженное устройство прямо из коробки, то есть купив его в магазине.

Однако в Mamont злоумышленники развили функциональность банковского троянца, чтобы выманивать платежные данные потенциальных жертв и получать доступ к их SMS-сообщениям.

Злоумышленники распространяют Mamont на неофициальных площадках, в том числе под видом приложений для …

2 days, 6 hours назад @ xakep.ru
In English 🇺🇸
The Hacker News The Hacker News
последний пост 4 часа назад
Severe Flaws Disclosed in Brocade SANnav SAN Management Software
Severe Flaws Disclosed in Brocade SANnav SAN Management Software Severe Flaws Disclosed in Brocade SANnav SAN Management Software

Several security vulnerabilities disclosed in Brocade SANnav storage area network (SAN) management application could be exploited to compromise susceptible appliances.

The 18 flaws impact all versions up to and including 2.3.0, according to independent security researcher Pierre Barre, who discovered and reported them.

Following responsible disclosure twice in August 2022 and May 2023, the flaws have been addressed in SANnav version 2.3.1 released in December 2023.

Brocade's parent company Broadcom, which also owns Symantec and VMware, released advisories for the flaws earlier this month.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise has also shipped patches for a subset of these vulnerabilities in HPE SANnav…

4 часа назад @ thehackernews.com
10 Critical Endpoint Security Tips You Should Know
10 Critical Endpoint Security Tips You Should Know 10 Critical Endpoint Security Tips You Should Know

We've curated the top 10 must-know endpoint security tips that every IT and security professional should have in their arsenal.

The best way to have time on your side is to invest in endpoint security solutions that provide real-time monitoring and telemetry.

Conducting regular assessments is critical for evaluating the effectiveness of your endpoint security measures and contributing to a healthy security posture.

This continuous improvement cycle allows you to adapt strategies based on your findings, keeping your endpoint security solid and effective.

PRO TIPS:Schedule regular risk assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of your security measures, including endpoint security, network se…

8 часов назад @ thehackernews.com
New 'Brokewell' Android Malware Spread Through Fake Browser Updates
New 'Brokewell' Android Malware Spread Through Fake Browser Updates New 'Brokewell' Android Malware Spread Through Fake Browser Updates

Fake browser updates are being used to push a previously undocumented Android malware called Brokewell.

"Brokewell is a typical modern banking malware equipped with both data-stealing and remote-control capabilities built into the malware," Dutch security firm ThreatFabric said in an analysis published Thursday.

Brokewell is said to be the work of a developer who goes by the name "Baron Samedit Marais" and manages the "Brokewell Cyber Labs" project, which also includes an Android Loader publicly hosted on Gitea.

By default, the loader apps generated through this process have the package name "com.brkwl.apkstore," although this can configured by the user by either providing a specific name o…

8 часов назад @ thehackernews.com
Palo Alto Networks Outlines Remediation for Critical PAN-OS Flaw Under Attack
Palo Alto Networks Outlines Remediation for Critical PAN-OS Flaw Under Attack Palo Alto Networks Outlines Remediation for Critical PAN-OS Flaw Under Attack

Palo Alto Networks has shared remediation guidance for a recently disclosed critical security flaw impacting PAN-OS that has come under active exploitation.

The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-3400 (CVSS score: 10.0), could be weaponized to obtain unauthenticated remote shell command execution on susceptible devices.

It has been addressed in multiple versions of PAN-OS 10.2.x, 11.0.x, and 11.1.x.

The activity, codenamed Operation MidnightEclipse, entails the use of the flaw to drop a Python-based backdoor called UPSTYLE that's capable of executing commands transmitted via specially crafted requests.

"A factory reset is recommended due to evidence of more invasive threat actor activity."

8 часов назад @ thehackernews.com
Hackers Exploiting WP-Automatic Plugin Bug to Create Admin Accounts on WordPress Sites
Hackers Exploiting WP-Automatic Plugin Bug to Create Admin Accounts on WordPress Sites Hackers Exploiting WP-Automatic Plugin Bug to Create Admin Accounts on WordPress Sites

Threat actors are attempting to actively exploit a critical security flaw in the WP‑Automatic plugin for WordPress that could allow site takeovers.

The shortcoming, tracked as CVE-2024-27956, carries a CVSS score of 9.9 out of a maximum of 10.

In the attacks observed so far, CVE-2024-27956 is being used to unauthorized database queries and create new admin accounts on susceptible WordPress sites (e.g., names starting with "xtw"), which could then be leveraged for follow-on post-exploitation actions.

This includes installing plugins that make it possible to upload files or edit code, indicating attempts to repurpose the infected sites as stagers.

"To evade detection and maintain access, atta…

13 часов назад @ thehackernews.com
North Korea's Lazarus Group Deploys New Kaolin RAT via Fake Job Lures
North Korea's Lazarus Group Deploys New Kaolin RAT via Fake Job Lures North Korea's Lazarus Group Deploys New Kaolin RAT via Fake Job Lures

The North Korea-linked threat actor known as Lazarus Group employed its time-tested fabricated job lures to deliver a new remote access trojan called Kaolin RAT.

The Lazarus Group's use of job offer lures to infiltrate targets is not new.

Dubbed Operation Dream Job, the long-running campaign has a track record of using various social media and instant messaging platforms to deliver malware.

"The Lazarus group targeted individuals through fabricated job offers and employed a sophisticated toolset to achieve better persistence while bypassing security products," Camastra said.

What is certain is that Lazarus had to innovate continuously and allocate enormous resources to research various aspe…

1 day, 2 hours назад @ thehackernews.com
Network Threats: A Step-by-Step Attack Demonstration
Network Threats: A Step-by-Step Attack Demonstration Network Threats: A Step-by-Step Attack Demonstration

Follow this real-life network attack simulation, covering 6 steps from Initial Access to Data Exfiltration.

Surprisingly, most network attacks are not exceptionally sophisticated, technologically advanced, or reliant on zero-day tools that exploit edge-case vulnerabilities.

By simulating a real-world network attack, security teams can test their detection systems, ensure they have multiple choke points in place, and demonstrate the value of networking security to leadership.

In the end, we explain why a holistic security approach is key for network security.

How to Protect Against Network AttacksEffectively protecting against attackers requires multiple layers of detection.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ thehackernews.com
DOJ Arrests Founders of Crypto Mixer Samourai for $2 Billion in Illegal Transactions
DOJ Arrests Founders of Crypto Mixer Samourai for $2 Billion in Illegal Transactions DOJ Arrests Founders of Crypto Mixer Samourai for $2 Billion in Illegal Transactions

The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) on Wednesday announced the arrest of two co-founders of a cryptocurrency mixer called Samourai and seized the service for allegedly facilitating over $2 billion in illegal transactions and for laundering more than $100 million in criminal proceeds.

Rodriguez and Hill face a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison each.

Samourai laundered money from illegal dark web marketplaces, including Silk Road and Hydra, as well as spear-phishing schemes and scams aimed at defrauding multiple decentralized finance protocols.

"Ricochet defends against bitcoin blacklists by adding additional decoy transactions between the initial send and eventual recipient," according…

1 day, 8 hours назад @ thehackernews.com
Google Postpones Third-Party Cookie Deprecation Amid U.K. Regulatory Scrutiny
Google Postpones Third-Party Cookie Deprecation Amid U.K. Regulatory Scrutiny Google Postpones Third-Party Cookie Deprecation Amid U.K. Regulatory Scrutiny

Google has once again pushed its plans to deprecate third-party tracking cookies in its Chrome web browser as it works to address outstanding competition concerns from U.K. regulators over its Privacy Sandbox initiative.

The tech giant said it's working closely with the U.K. Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and hopes to achieve an agreement by the end of the year.

Privacy Sandbox refers to a set of initiatives that offers privacy-preserving alternatives to tracking cookies and cross-app identifiers in order to serve tailored ads to users.

Both Apple and Mozilla both discontinued support for third-party cookies in 2020.

The development comes as Google said it's updating client-side en…

1 day, 12 hours назад @ thehackernews.com
State-Sponsored Hackers Exploit Two Cisco Zero-Day Vulnerabilities for Espionage
State-Sponsored Hackers Exploit Two Cisco Zero-Day Vulnerabilities for Espionage State-Sponsored Hackers Exploit Two Cisco Zero-Day Vulnerabilities for Espionage

A new malware campaign leveraged two zero-day flaws in Cisco networking gear to deliver custom malware and facilitate covert data collection on target environments.

Cisco Talos, which dubbed the activity ArcaneDoor, attributing it as the handiwork of a previously undocumented sophisticated state-sponsored actor it tracks under the name UAT4356 (aka Storm-1849 by Microsoft).

Exactly which country is behind ArcaneDoor is unclear, however both Chinese and Russian state-backed hackers have targeted Cisco routers for cyber espionage purposes in the past.

Cisco Talos also did not specify how many customers were compromised in these attacks.

"Perimeter network devices are the perfect intrusion poi…

1 day, 13 hours назад @ thehackernews.com
U.S. Treasury Sanctions Iranian Firms and Individuals Tied to Cyber Attacks
U.S. Treasury Sanctions Iranian Firms and Individuals Tied to Cyber Attacks U.S. Treasury Sanctions Iranian Firms and Individuals Tied to Cyber Attacks

"These actors targeted more than a dozen U.S. companies and government entities through cyber operations, including spear-phishing and malware attacks," the Treasury Department said.

Nasab, Harooni, and Salmani have also been responsible for procuring and maintaining the online network infrastructure used to facilitate the intrusions, the DoJ said.

Each of the defendants has been charged with conspiracy to commit computer fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, and wire fraud.

If convicted, they face up to five years in prison for the computer fraud conspiracy, and up to 20 years in prison for each count of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud.

Nasab, Harooni, and Salmani have als…

2 days, 5 hours назад @ thehackernews.com
Researchers Detail Multistage Attack Hijacking Systems with SSLoad, Cobalt Strike
Researchers Detail Multistage Attack Hijacking Systems with SSLoad, Cobalt Strike Researchers Detail Multistage Attack Hijacking Systems with SSLoad, Cobalt Strike

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered an ongoing attack campaign that's leveraging phishing emails to deliver malware called SSLoad.

The campaign, codenamed FROZEN#SHADOW by Securonix, also involves the deployment of Cobalt Strike and the ConnectWise ScreenConnect remote desktop software.

"Once inside the system, SSLoad deploys multiple backdoors and payloads to maintain persistence and avoid detection."

The initial reconnaissance phase paves the way for Cobalt Strike, a legitimate adversary simulation software, which is then used to download and install ScreenConnect, thereby allowing the threat actors to remotely commandeer the host.

"With this level of access, they could get into any…

2 days, 5 hours назад @ thehackernews.com
Major Security Flaws Expose Keystrokes of Over 1 Billion Chinese Keyboard App Users
Major Security Flaws Expose Keystrokes of Over 1 Billion Chinese Keyboard App Users Major Security Flaws Expose Keystrokes of Over 1 Billion Chinese Keyboard App Users

Security vulnerabilities uncovered in cloud-based pinyin keyboard apps could be exploited to reveal users' keystrokes to nefarious actors.

The only vendor whose keyboard app did not have any security shortcomings is that of Huawei's.

Following responsible disclosure, every keyboard app developer with the exception of Honor and Tencent (QQ Pinyin) have addressed the issues as of April 1, 2024.

Users are advised to keep their apps and operating systems up-to-date and switch to a keyboard app that entirely operates on-device to mitigate these privacy issues.

Other recommendations call on app developers to use well-tested and standard encryption protocols instead of developing homegrown version…

2 days, 9 hours назад @ thehackernews.com
eScan Antivirus Update Mechanism Exploited to Spread Backdoors and Miners
eScan Antivirus Update Mechanism Exploited to Spread Backdoors and Miners eScan Antivirus Update Mechanism Exploited to Spread Backdoors and Miners

A new malware campaign has been exploiting the updating mechanism of the eScan antivirus software to distribute backdoors and cryptocurrency miners like XMRig through a long-standing threat codenamed GuptiMiner targeting large corporate networks.

The intricate and elaborate infection chain, at its core, leverages a security shortcoming in the update mechanism of Indian antivirus vendor eScan to propagate the malware by means of an adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) attack.

"GuptiMiner hosts their own DNS servers for serving true destination domain addresses of C&C servers via DNS TXT responses," researchers Jan Rubín and Milánek said.

"As the malware connects to the malicious DNS servers direct…

2 days, 11 hours назад @ thehackernews.com
CoralRaider Malware Campaign Exploits CDN Cache to Spread Info-Stealers
CoralRaider Malware Campaign Exploits CDN Cache to Spread Info-Stealers CoralRaider Malware Campaign Exploits CDN Cache to Spread Info-Stealers

A new ongoing malware campaign has been observed distributing three different stealers, such as CryptBot, LummaC2, and Rhadamanthys hosted on Content Delivery Network (CDN) cache domains since at least February 2024.

Cisco Talos has attributed the activity with moderate confidence to a threat actor tracked as CoralRaider, a suspected Vietnamese-origin group that came to light earlier this month.

"This threat actor is using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) cache to store the malicious files on their network edge host in this campaign, avoiding request delay," Talos researchers Joey Chen, Chetan Raghuprasad, and Alex Karkins said.

"The actor is using the CDN cache as a download server to dece…

2 days, 14 hours назад @ thehackernews.com
threatpost threatpost
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последний пост 5 months назад
Cyber Threats to Watch Out for in 2024
Cyber Threats to Watch Out for in 2024

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
CISA, NCSC Offer a Road Map, Not Rules, in New Secure AI Guidelines
CISA, NCSC Offer a Road Map, Not Rules, in New Secure AI Guidelines

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
Ardent Health Hospitals Disrupted After Ransomware Attack
Ardent Health Hospitals Disrupted After Ransomware Attack

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
General Electric, DARPA Hack Claims Raise National Security Concerns
General Electric, DARPA Hack Claims Raise National Security Concerns

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
Hamas-Linked APT Wields New SysJoker Backdoor Against Israel
Hamas-Linked APT Wields New SysJoker Backdoor Against Israel

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
Data De-Identification: Balancing Privacy, Efficacy & Cybersecurity
Data De-Identification: Balancing Privacy, Efficacy & Cybersecurity

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
Balancing Simplicity and Security in the Digital Experience
Balancing Simplicity and Security in the Digital Experience

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
Hack The Box Launches 5th Annual University CTF Competition
Hack The Box Launches 5th Annual University CTF Competition

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
Fake Browser Updates Targeting Mac Systems With Infostealer
Fake Browser Updates Targeting Mac Systems With Infostealer

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
Kiteworks' Maytech Acquisition Reaffirms Commitment to UK Market
Kiteworks' Maytech Acquisition Reaffirms Commitment to UK Market

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
Generative AI Takes on SIEM
Generative AI Takes on SIEM

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
Web Shells Gain Sophistication for Stealth, Persistence
Web Shells Gain Sophistication for Stealth, Persistence

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
Qatar Cyber Agency Runs National Cyber Drills
Qatar Cyber Agency Runs National Cyber Drills

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
Researchers Undermine 'Windows Hello' on Lenovo, Dell, Surface Pro PCs
Researchers Undermine 'Windows Hello' on Lenovo, Dell, Surface Pro PCs

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
Mideast Oil & Gas Facilities Could Face Cyber-Related Energy Disruptions
Mideast Oil & Gas Facilities Could Face Cyber-Related Energy Disruptions

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5 months назад @ darkreading.com
последний пост 2 days, 9 hours назад
What makes Starmus unique? – A Q&A with award-winning filmmaker Todd Miller
What makes Starmus unique? – A Q&A with award-winning filmmaker Todd Miller What makes Starmus unique? – A Q&A with award-winning filmmaker Todd Miller

VideoWhat makes Starmus unique?

– A Q&A with award-winning filmmaker Todd MillerThe director of the Apollo 11 movie shares his views about the role of technology in addressing pressing global challenges as well as why he became involved with Starmus.

24 Apr 2024

2 days, 9 hours назад @ welivesecurity.com
How technology drives progress – A Q&A with Nobel laureate Michel Mayor
How technology drives progress – A Q&A with Nobel laureate Michel Mayor How technology drives progress – A Q&A with Nobel laureate Michel Mayor

We spoke to Michel Mayor about the importance of public engagement with science and fostering responsibility among the youth for the preservation of our changing planetJoin us as we speak to the Nobel Prize-winning astronomer Michel Mayor about the intersection of technology and scientific discovery, the art of making science accessible to all, and the imperative of nurturing environmental stewardship among the youth.

In this short video, Professor Mayor offers his quick takes on:the role of technology in driving scientific progressstrategies for communicating complex scientific concepts to the broader publicfostering a sense of responsibility among the youth towards the preservation of pla…

3 days, 5 hours назад @ welivesecurity.com
The vision behind Starmus – A Q&A with the festival’s co-founder Garik Israelian
The vision behind Starmus – A Q&A with the festival’s co-founder Garik Israelian The vision behind Starmus – A Q&A with the festival’s co-founder Garik Israelian

Dr. Israelian talks about Starmus's vision and mission, the importance of inspiring and engaging audiences, and the strong sense of community within the Starmus universeIn this exclusive interview, we delve into the heart of the Starmus Festival with Dr. Garik Israelian, an astrophysicist and the visionary force behind the festival.

Join us as Dr. Israelian shares his views about Starmus's vision and mission, the importance of inspiring and engaging audiences, and the sense of community within the Starmus universe.

What’s the goal of Starmus?

How is the Starmus community evolving?

What empowering messages does Starmus convey to the youth?

3 days, 9 hours назад @ welivesecurity.com
Protecting yourself after a medical data breach – Week in security with Tony Anscombe
Protecting yourself after a medical data breach – Week in security with Tony Anscombe Protecting yourself after a medical data breach – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

What are the risks and consequences of having your health data exposed and what are the steps to take if it happens to you?

Attackers behind the disruptive ransomware attack at medical firm Change Healthcare in late February have begun to leak what they claim are corporate and patient data stolen during the attack.

In this week's video, Tony looks at the risks and consequences of having your health data exposed and the steps you should take if your data is exposed.

1 week назад @ welivesecurity.com
The many faces of impersonation fraud: Spot an imposter before it’s too late
The many faces of impersonation fraud: Spot an imposter before it’s too late The many faces of impersonation fraud: Spot an imposter before it’s too late

This is impersonation fraud, and it’s fast becoming one of the highest earners for cybercriminals.

What does impersonation fraud look like?

Fake social media accounts are a growing challenge; used to spread scam links and too-good-to-be-true offers.

Bogus notificationUnusual messages: Phishing emails often contain inconsistencies which mark them out as impersonation fraud.

With any impersonation fraud, the key is: be skeptical, slow down, and independently verify they are who they say they are.

1 week, 1 day назад @ welivesecurity.com
The ABCs of how online ads can impact children’s well-being
The ABCs of how online ads can impact children’s well-being The ABCs of how online ads can impact children’s well-being

From promoting questionable content to posing security risks, inappropriate ads present multiple dangers for children.

With the rise of social media influencers and curated online content, ads often portray an idealized version of reality that may not reflect the complexities of everyday life.

Parents or responsible adults must help children critically evaluate media messages and develop a balanced perspective.

Security and privacy risksSome ads that children may be exposed to can pose significant security and privacy risks.

From promoting questionable content to posing financial, security, and privacy risks, ads present multiple dangers for young minds.

1 week, 3 days назад @ welivesecurity.com
Bitcoin scams, hacks and heists – and how to avoid them
Bitcoin scams, hacks and heists – and how to avoid them Bitcoin scams, hacks and heists – and how to avoid them

Here’s how cybercriminals target cryptocurrencies and how you can keep your bitcoin or other crypto safeBitcoin is on a tear.

Threat actors are primed and ready to ruthlessly exploit any users lacking digital savvy – via scams and sophisticated malware.

We can divide the main threats into three types: malware, scams and third-party breaches.

Examples of scam sites (source: ESET Threat Report H1 2023)2.

Bogus play-to-earn video game (source: ESET Threat Report H1 2023)3.

1 week, 4 days назад @ welivesecurity.com
eXotic Visit includes XploitSPY malware – Week in security with Tony Anscombe
eXotic Visit includes XploitSPY malware – Week in security with Tony Anscombe eXotic Visit includes XploitSPY malware – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Could your messaging app of choice have been authored by a threat actor known as Virtual Invaders?

As described by ESET researchers this week, this is what happened to the victims of an ongoing and targeted Android espionage campaign called eXotic Visit that began in late 2021 and pose as messaging services.

The malicious apps – which were distributed through dedicated websites and even Google Play – masqueraded as messaging services, but came bundled with the XploitSPY malware.

The campaign appears to have targeted people mainly in Pakistan and India.

To learn more, watch the video and make sure to read the full blogpost.

2 weeks назад @ welivesecurity.com
Beyond fun and games: Exploring privacy risks in children’s apps
Beyond fun and games: Exploring privacy risks in children’s apps Beyond fun and games: Exploring privacy risks in children’s apps

But they could also expose them to exploitative advertising, inappropriate content, and security and privacy risks.

The challenge for parents is compounded by complex privacy settings, opaque privacy policies, regulatory loopholes, weak enforcement and our own lack of awareness.

Limited privacy information: Despite regulatory requirements in many jurisdictions, kids’ apps can feature opaque privacy/security policies which make it unclear how your child’s data will be used and protected.

Security risks: Mobile apps also pose significant security risks.

Educate your children about the importance of protecting their personal information and the potential consequences of security and privacy ri…

2 weeks, 1 day назад @ welivesecurity.com
eXotic Visit campaign: Tracing the footprints of Virtual Invaders
eXotic Visit campaign: Tracing the footprints of Virtual Invaders eXotic Visit campaign: Tracing the footprints of Virtual Invaders

At that time, there were five apps available, using the names ChitChat.apk, LearnSindhi.apk, SafeChat.apk, wechat.apk, and wetalk.apk.

Dink Messenger on Google Play implemented emulator checks (just as Alpha Chat), whereas the one on the dedicated website did not.

Sim Info reached over 30 installs on Google Play; we have no information about when it was removed from the store.

The Specialist Hospital app, available on GitHub, poses as the app for Specialist Hospital in India (specialisthospital.in); see Figure 10.

However, the same GitHub account now hosts several new malicious apps available for download.

2 weeks, 2 days назад @ welivesecurity.com
The devil is in the fine print – Week in security with Tony Anscombe
The devil is in the fine print – Week in security with Tony Anscombe The devil is in the fine print – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Many people bagged Temu's offer and went on to post 'invitation codes' across social media sites in an effort to multiply the rewards for themselves and their relatives and friends.

The company later revised the terms of the giveaway, but the issue put the spotlight on the data collection practices of popular online services these days.

Some of the questions this leads to, however, are:Did Temu's new users read the fine print?

What should you consider before agreeing to these kinds of offers?

Find out in this week's edition of Week in security.

3 weeks назад @ welivesecurity.com
How often should you change your passwords?
How often should you change your passwords? How often should you change your passwords?

In other words, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to when you should change your password(s).

The former means it is easier to store and recall long, strong and unique passwords for every account.

New passwords, especially if created every few months, are also more likely to be written down and/or forgotten, according to the NCSC.

“It’s one of those counter-intuitive security scenarios; the more often users are forced to change passwords, the greater the overall vulnerability to attack.

We believe this reduces the vulnerabilities associated with regularly expiring passwords while doing little to increase the risk of long-term password exploitation.”When to change your passwordHowever, …

3 weeks, 2 days назад @ welivesecurity.com
Malware hiding in pictures? More likely than you think
Malware hiding in pictures? More likely than you think Malware hiding in pictures? More likely than you think

Hence, threat actors continually seek different ways to evade detection, and among those techniques is using malware hidden in images or photos.

Malware placed inside images of various formats is a result of steganography, the technique of hiding data within a file to avoid detection.

Another piece of malware must be delivered that takes care of extracting the malicious code and running it.

It might seem like both pictures are the same, but one of them includes malicious code in the alpha channel of its pixels.

From left to right: Clean image, image with malicious content, and the same malicious image enhanced to highlight the malicious code (Source: ESET Research)As you can see, the differ…

3 weeks, 3 days назад @ welivesecurity.com
RDP remains a security concern – Week in security with Tony Anscombe
RDP remains a security concern – Week in security with Tony Anscombe RDP remains a security concern – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Much has been written about the risks that poorly-secured RDP connections entail, but many organizations continue to leave themselves at risk and get hit by data breaches as a resultRemote Desktop Protocol (RDP) turned out to be a lifeline for organizations around the world during the mass shift to remote and hybrid work arrangements.

Its popularity didn't escape the attention of cybercriminals, and RDP remains a popular attack vector among many bad actors intent on wreaking havoc on corporate networks.

While much has been written about the risks that poorly-secured RDP connections entail, reports show that many organizations continue to leave themselves exposed – and are even hit by data b…

4 weeks назад @ welivesecurity.com
Cybercriminals play dirty: A look back at 10 cyber hits on the sporting world
Cybercriminals play dirty: A look back at 10 cyber hits on the sporting world Cybercriminals play dirty: A look back at 10 cyber hits on the sporting world

As anticipation builds for the upcoming 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, let’s look at 10 cases where sports organizations fell victim to cyberattacks.

The spear phishing attack lured the victim to a bogus Office 365 login page where he unknowingly surrendered his login credentials.

Kneecapped by ransomwareIn November 2020, Manchester United fell victim to a ransomware attack that disrupted the club’s digital operations.

In October 2023, a different kind of buzzer sounded for the French basketball team ASVEL – it signaled a data breach orchestrated by the NoEscape ransomware gang.

This incident compromised servers storing sensitive data, including names, surnames, postal addresses, email addr…

4 weeks, 1 day назад @ welivesecurity.com
Naked Security Naked Security
последний пост 7 months назад
Update on Naked Security
Update on Naked Security Update on Naked Security

Dear Naked Security readers,Firstly, thank you for your interest, your time, and your contributions to the Naked Security community.

We have recently added the extensive catalog of Naked Security articles to the Sophos News blog platform, enabling us to provide all Sophos security research, insights, and intelligence in a single location.

We are redirecting articles from Naked Security to Sophos News and you can continue to access the Naked Security article library whenever you need it.

You can find their articles in the Security Operations, Threat Research and AI Research sections of this blog.

Whether you’re a threat hunter, security administrator, IT/security generalist, home user or mor…

7 months назад @ news.sophos.com
Mom’s Meals issues “Notice of Data Event”: What to know and what to do
Mom’s Meals issues “Notice of Data Event”: What to know and what to do Mom’s Meals issues “Notice of Data Event”: What to know and what to do

Mom’s Meals issues “Notice of Data Event”: What to know and what to do

8 months назад @ nakedsecurity.sophos.com
S3 Ep149: How many cryptographers does it take to change a light bulb?
S3 Ep149: How many cryptographers does it take to change a light bulb? S3 Ep149: How many cryptographers does it take to change a light bulb?

S3 Ep149: How many cryptographers does it take to change a light bulb?

8 months назад @ nakedsecurity.sophos.com
Using WinRAR? Be sure to patch against these code execution bugs…
Using WinRAR? Be sure to patch against these code execution bugs… Using WinRAR? Be sure to patch against these code execution bugs…

Using WinRAR?

Be sure to patch against these code execution bugs…

8 months назад @ nakedsecurity.sophos.com
Smart light bulbs could give away your password secrets
Smart light bulbs could give away your password secrets Smart light bulbs could give away your password secrets

Have you listened to our podcast?

8 months, 1 week назад @ nakedsecurity.sophos.com
“Snakes in airplane mode” – what if your phone says it’s offline but isn’t?
“Snakes in airplane mode” – what if your phone says it’s offline but isn’t? “Snakes in airplane mode” – what if your phone says it’s offline but isn’t?

“Snakes in airplane mode” – what if your phone says it’s offline but isn’t?

8 months, 1 week назад @ nakedsecurity.sophos.com
S3 Ep148: Remembering crypto heroes
S3 Ep148: Remembering crypto heroes S3 Ep148: Remembering crypto heroes

Have you listened to our podcast?

8 months, 1 week назад @ nakedsecurity.sophos.com
FBI warns about scams that lure you in as a mobile beta-tester
FBI warns about scams that lure you in as a mobile beta-tester FBI warns about scams that lure you in as a mobile beta-tester

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8 months, 1 week назад @ nakedsecurity.sophos.com
“Grab hold and give it a wiggle” – ATM card skimming is still a thing
“Grab hold and give it a wiggle” – ATM card skimming is still a thing “Grab hold and give it a wiggle” – ATM card skimming is still a thing

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8 months, 2 weeks назад @ nakedsecurity.sophos.com
Crimeware server used by NetWalker ransomware seized and shut down
Crimeware server used by NetWalker ransomware seized and shut down Crimeware server used by NetWalker ransomware seized and shut down

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8 months, 2 weeks назад @ nakedsecurity.sophos.com
S3 Ep147: What if you type in your password during a meeting?
S3 Ep147: What if you type in your password during a meeting? S3 Ep147: What if you type in your password during a meeting?

S3 Ep147: What if you type in your password during a meeting?

8 months, 2 weeks назад @ nakedsecurity.sophos.com
Microsoft Patch Tuesday: 74 CVEs plus 2 “Exploit Detected” advisories
Microsoft Patch Tuesday: 74 CVEs plus 2 “Exploit Detected” advisories Microsoft Patch Tuesday: 74 CVEs plus 2 “Exploit Detected” advisories

Have you listened to our podcast?

8 months, 2 weeks назад @ nakedsecurity.sophos.com
Help Net Security Help Net Security
последний пост 13 часов назад
Most people still rely on memory or pen and paper for password management
Most people still rely on memory or pen and paper for password management Most people still rely on memory or pen and paper for password management

These practices reveal a significant gap between recommended security practices and actual user behavior, highlighting how weak password habits and password reuse significantly heighten cybersecurity risks and identity theft.

Discrepancy between cybersecurity confidence and behaviorsThere is a critical need for enhanced awareness and education about better cybersecurity habits at home and work.

54% of individuals rely on memory and 33% use pen and paper to manage their passwords at home.

Weak user password practicesThe survey’s findings illustrate that individual password habits at work mirror those at home.

Stronger cybersecurity habits on the riseDespite the password security challenges, …

13 часов назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
LSA Whisperer: Open-source tools for interacting with authentication packages
LSA Whisperer: Open-source tools for interacting with authentication packages LSA Whisperer: Open-source tools for interacting with authentication packages

LSA Whisperer consists of open-source tools designed to interact with authentication packages through their unique messaging protocols.

What LSA Whisperer does“Many authentication packages generally support their internal APIs, known as package calls, and relatively few are documented or used outside of Microsoft.

“LSA Whisperer allows you to directly recover multiple types of credentials from the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) without accessing its memory.

LSA Whisperer uses CMake to generate and run the build system files for your platform.

LSA Whisperer is available for free on GitHub.

14 часов назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
What AI can tell organizations about their M&A risk
What AI can tell organizations about their M&A risk What AI can tell organizations about their M&A risk

Following the past few years of economic turbulence, merger and acquisition (M&A) activity is on the rise in 2024, with several acquisition deals being announced in the first few months of the year valued at billions of dollars.

With the surge of AI adoption, companies must not only reevaluate AI’s role in identifying top prospects but also assess and resolve security risks that may lie hidden within their networks and the companies they are merging or acquiring.

In this Help Net Security video, Brian Neuhaus, CTO Americas for Vectra AI, discusses the intersection of AI and cybersecurity and its impact on M&A processes.

14 часов назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
Breaking down the numbers: Cybersecurity funding activity recap
Breaking down the numbers: Cybersecurity funding activity recap Breaking down the numbers: Cybersecurity funding activity recap

AletheaApril | $20 millionAlethea closed a $20 million Series B funding round led by GV, with participation from Ballistic Ventures, who led Alethea’s Series A funding in 2022.

AxoniusMarch | $200 millionAxonius has secured $200 million in a Series E extension funding round led by Accel and Lightspeed Venture Partners.

Defense UnicornsMarch | $33 millionDefense Unicorns has raised a $35 million Series A funding round led by Sapphire Ventures and Ansa Capital.

NinjaOneFebruary | $231.5 millionNinjaOne raised a $231.5 million Series C funding round led by ICONIQ Growth.

Sweet SecurityMarch | $33 millionSix months after coming out of stealth, Sweet Security announced a $33 million Series A fun…

15 часов назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
New infosec products of the week: April 26, 2024
New infosec products of the week: April 26, 2024 New infosec products of the week: April 26, 2024

Here’s a look at the most interesting products from the past week, featuring releases from Cyberint, Forcepoint, Invicti Security, Netwrix, Trend Micro, Zero Networks, and WhyLabs.

Trend Micro launches AI-driven cyber risk management capabilitiesTrend Micro unveiled AI-driven cyber risk management capabilities across its entire flagship platform, Trend Vision One.

This seamlessly integrates more than 10 industry technology categories into one offering, empowering security, cloud and IT operations teams to manage risk proactively.

Zero Networks unveils identity segmentation solution to prevent credential theftThe Zero Networks identity segmentation solution is automated, agentless, and MFA-p…

15 часов назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
Net neutrality has been restored
Net neutrality has been restored Net neutrality has been restored

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today voted to restore a national standard to ensure the internet is fast, open, and fair.

Today’s decision to reclassify broadband service as a Title II telecommunications service allows the FCC to protect consumers, defend national security, and advance public safety.

Through its actions today, the Commission creates a national standard by which it can ensure that broadband internet service is treated as an essential service.

Today’s vote also makes clear that the Commission will exercise its authority over broadband in a narrowly tailored fashion— without rate regulation, tariffing, or unbundling—to foster continued innovation and investment.


1 day назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
Stellar Cyber and Acronis team up to provide optimized threat detection solutions for MSPs
Stellar Cyber and Acronis team up to provide optimized threat detection solutions for MSPs Stellar Cyber and Acronis team up to provide optimized threat detection solutions for MSPs

Acronis Advanced Security with Endpoint Detection and Response provides unmatched advanced threat detection and remediation capabilities designed for MSPs.

When combined with Stellar Cyber’s Open XDR Platform, MSPs can benefit from streamlined data management, threat detection and correlation, and unmatched visibility.

“Once the Acronis data is ingested and normalized, Stellar Cyber uses machine learning to identify potential threats against the environment.

With the power of Stellar Cyber Open XDR with the Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud, MSPs can seamlessly ingest logs, query alerts, and integrate telemetry into a data lake.

Adding the Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud and enabling the integration …

1 day, 5 hours назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
Edgio Client-Side Protection enables organizations to secure critical customer data
Edgio Client-Side Protection enables organizations to secure critical customer data Edgio Client-Side Protection enables organizations to secure critical customer data

Edgio released its Client-Side Protection solution.

With Edgio Client-Side Protection, organizations handling payment data will be well positioned to gain a competitive edge by adopting client-side security controls ahead of the PCI DSS 4.0’s March 2025 deadline.

Edgio Client-Side Protection enables organizations to secure critical customer data and streamline compliance workflows.

“Edgio Client-Side Protection is proud to offer a full inventory and real-time reporting of all client-side scripts allowing security teams to investigate treats with unprecedented ease and power,” said Edgio CTO Ajay Kapur.

“Edgio Client-Side Protection supports the latest compliance requirements and addresses o…

1 day, 5 hours назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
IBM to buy HashiCorp in $6.4 billion cash deal, expanding cloud portfolio
IBM to buy HashiCorp in $6.4 billion cash deal, expanding cloud portfolio IBM to buy HashiCorp in $6.4 billion cash deal, expanding cloud portfolio

IBM and HashiCorp have entered into a definitive agreement under which IBM will acquire HashiCorp for $35 per share in cash, representing an enterprise value of $6.4 billion.

“HashiCorp has a proven track record of enabling clients to manage the complexity of today’s infrastructure and application sprawl.

Combining IBM’s portfolio and expertise with HashiCorp’s capabilities and talent will create a comprehensive hybrid cloud platform designed for the AI era,” Krishna continued.

For example, the powerful combination of Red Hat’s Ansible Automation Platform’s configuration management and Terraform’s automation will simplify provisioning and configuration of applications across hybrid cloud en…

1 day, 6 hours назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
Dropzone AI raises $16.85 million to combat advanced AI attacks
Dropzone AI raises $16.85 million to combat advanced AI attacks Dropzone AI raises $16.85 million to combat advanced AI attacks

Dropzone AI has raised $16.85 million in Series A funding.

Dropzone AI is the first AI SOC analyst to replicate the techniques of elite human analysts.

Dropzone AI was recently named a finalist in the 2024 RSAC Innovation Sandbox Contest, the youngest and the only Gen AI-powered enterprise security technology in that cohort.

“Cyber defenders are losing today and will face more challenges when attackers leverage AI for more sophisticated attacks,” said Edward Wu, CEO at Dropzone AI.

Giving our SOC analysts the right kinds of AI tools can save lives.”“Dropzone gives you more accurate, more complete analyses of investigation data.

1 day, 6 hours назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
WhyLabs AI Control Center offers teams real-time control over their AI applications
WhyLabs AI Control Center offers teams real-time control over their AI applications WhyLabs AI Control Center offers teams real-time control over their AI applications

WhyLabs launched a new type of AI operations platform: the AI Control Center.

To address these challenges, the WhyLabs AI Control Platform assesses data in real-time from user prompts, RAG context, LLM responses, and application metadata to surface potential threats.

“WhyLabs AI Control Platform provides us with an accessible and easily adaptable solution that we can trust.

Organizations leveraging the WhyLabs AI Control Platform for generative AI applications see the following outcomes:Prevention of security threats : Users can detect bad actors and misuse of externally-facing chatbots and Q&A applications.

These capabilities are available now in the WhyLabs AI Control Platform alongside t…

1 day, 6 hours назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
ESET integrates with Arctic Wolf to provide greater security visibility
ESET integrates with Arctic Wolf to provide greater security visibility ESET integrates with Arctic Wolf to provide greater security visibility

ESET has unveiled a new integration with Arctic Wolf, to ensure increased visibility and protection against modern threats.

By integrating ESET Inspect into Arctic Wolf’s Security Operations Platform, Arctic Wolf customers are able to enhance their security posture – aggregating vast amounts of data from diverse, global sources.

Arctic Wolf is one of the most trusted MDR vendors in the world, and an exciting milestone for our integrations program,” Matchett continued.

“The new ESET PROTECT Platform API allows ESET Inspect data to seamlessly integrate with the Arctic Wolf Platform, that when combined with the telemetry from other security tools, ensure Arctic Wolf customers get holistic prot…

1 day, 7 hours назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
Sublime Security secures $20 million to strengthen cloud email security and visibility
Sublime Security secures $20 million to strengthen cloud email security and visibility Sublime Security secures $20 million to strengthen cloud email security and visibility

Sublime Security has raised $20 million in Series A funding, led by Index Ventures with participation from previous investors Decibel Partners and Slow Ventures.

In a rapidly evolving threat landscape, email remains a top security concern for businesses.

Email security has traditionally been driven by vendors that offer black box, one-size-fits-all solutions.

As the email threat landscape continues to evolve rapidly, defensive tools must be equally adaptable.

Security teams have full control over Sublime’s Attack Score output, enabling them to combine it with other logic using detection-as-code.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
56% of cyber insurance claims originate in the email inbox
56% of cyber insurance claims originate in the email inbox 56% of cyber insurance claims originate in the email inbox

The 2024 Cyber Claims Report is based on reported claims data from January 1 to December 31, 2023.

Drop in ransomware severity, frequency, and demands in 2H 2023Overall claims frequency increased 13% year-over-year (YoY), and overall claims severity increased 10% YoY, resulting in an average loss of $100,000.

As ransomware payments hit $1 billion globally, Coalition ransomware severity dropped by 54%.

Ransomware severity, frequency, and demands all dropped in 2H 2023, though not enough to offset the surge in 1H.

FTF frequency increased by 15% YoY, and severity increased by 24%, to an average loss of more than $278,000.

1 day, 8 hours назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
Anatomy IT’s new Security Suite targets healthcare cybersecurity threats, improves incident response
Anatomy IT’s new Security Suite targets healthcare cybersecurity threats, improves incident response Anatomy IT’s new Security Suite targets healthcare cybersecurity threats, improves incident response

Anatomy IT has announced the launch of an expanded end-to-end cybersecurity product suite designed to safeguard healthcare delivery organizations from evolving and growing IT system threats.

This alignment reaffirms Anatomy IT’s commitment to providing its customers with a comprehensive cybersecurity approach that adheres to world-class security standards.

Anatomy IT’s expanded Security Suite not only addresses the growing cybersecurity concerns faced by healthcare organizations, but also strengthens its approach to incident response and remediation.

Rooted in a methodical approach, the Risk Discovery Tool quantifies a healthcare organization’s risk tolerance and posture through a series of…

1 day, 8 hours назад @ helpnetsecurity.com
IT Security Guru IT Security Guru
последний пост 6 часов назад
APIContext’s Global Cloud API Performance Report Show A Decline In Cloud API Availability
APIContext’s Global Cloud API Performance Report Show A Decline In Cloud API Availability APIContext’s Global Cloud API Performance Report Show A Decline In Cloud API Availability

APIContext has unveiled its 2024 Cloud Service Provider API Report, offering an in-depth examination of the performance of leading cloud service providers in the essential API domain.

These interactions were sourced from a netwrok of over 100 geopraphically dispersed cloud data centers, encompassing major public cloud service providers such as AWS, Azure, Google, and IBM.

Achieving 99.99% is the benchmark all API service providers should be aiming for, while 99.999% is the traditional telecommunications standard for service availability – equating to five minutes of downtime in a year.

Despite poorer overall service availability, other quality API metrics improved, and on balance, the API s…

6 часов назад @ itsecurityguru.org
Cato Networks to Showcase New Security Evasion Tactics at RSA Conference 2024
Cato Networks to Showcase New Security Evasion Tactics at RSA Conference 2024 Cato Networks to Showcase New Security Evasion Tactics at RSA Conference 2024

Cato Networks, the SASE leader, today announced that Cato CTRL, the SASE leader’s cyber threat intelligence (CTI) research team, will demonstrate threat actors’ latest tactics designed to capitalise on organisations’ complex security architectures during presentations at the upcoming RSA Conference 2024.

Talks featuring Cato CTRL include:“The Price is WRONG – An Analysis of Security Complexity” on May 6, 2024, at 10:50 a.m. PT.

With data from over 2,200 organisations, Maor will illuminate organisations’ blind spots and limited network visibility.

Maor will be joined by Tal Darsan, manager of managed cybersecurity services at Cato Networks, to reveal the current evasion techniques used by at…

8 часов назад @ itsecurityguru.org
Salt Security Enhances API Security Platform with OAuth Protection Package
Salt Security Enhances API Security Platform with OAuth Protection Package Salt Security Enhances API Security Platform with OAuth Protection Package

Salt Security have announced the release of its new multi-layered OAuth protection package to detect attempts to exploit OAuth and proactively fix vulnerabilities.

Salt is enhancing its API protection platform with a comprehensive suite of new OAuth threat detections and posture rules to address the growing challenge of OAuth exploitation.

Salt Security’s recent investigation exposed several critical security flaws within the OAuth implementations of popular ChatGPT plug-ins.

Salt Security’s OAuth Protection Package provides robust OAuth defences that help organisations achieve several critical security objectives.

In fact, within just five days of the OAuth protection package being deploye…

1 day, 3 hours назад @ itsecurityguru.org
Female Tech Duo take Flight to Dubai to Launch the future of Cyber Leadership
Female Tech Duo take Flight to Dubai to Launch the future of  Cyber Leadership Female Tech Duo take Flight to Dubai to Launch the future of Cyber Leadership

Two formidable female tech leaders have joined forces to launch an innovative new leadership development and mentoring platform for the cyber community – Leading Cyber.

Leading Cyber was unveiled ahead of the duo visiting UK Cyber Week in London and the leadership development and mentoring platform concept will connect cyber security leaders around the world.

The innovative platform will build a global online community for cyber security leaders and cyber business owners to share, connect and grow.

Danielle is the Founder and Managing Director of Durham based Inside Out, an internal communications consultancy that has successfully penetrated the tech, HE and cyber security sectors building …

1 day, 5 hours назад @ itsecurityguru.org
Interview: Cydea’s Risk Management Platform, Understanding Not Eliminating Risk
Interview: Cydea’s Risk Management Platform, Understanding Not Eliminating Risk Interview: Cydea’s Risk Management Platform, Understanding Not Eliminating Risk

Last week, the IT Security Guru team attended Cydea’s Risk Management Platform launch in London.

Firstly, what is the new Cydea Risk Management platform?

And the financial quantification is the cherry on top: the ROI is immediately obvious!”Cydea’s Risk Management Platform is built on the popular as-a-service model that is currently booming.

Building Cydea Risk Platform was no different.

Cydea Risk Platform helps organisations to have better conversations about cyber risk.

1 day, 5 hours назад @ itsecurityguru.org
AI-driven cyber attacks to be the norm within a year, say security leaders
AI-driven cyber attacks to be the norm within a year, say security leaders AI-driven cyber attacks to be the norm within a year, say security leaders

It finds that most businesses see “offensive AI” fast becoming a standard tool for cybercriminals, with 93% of security leaders expecting to face daily AI-driven attacks.

The research, Cyber security in the age of offensive AI, surveyed security leaders in the UK and US about their experience with AI as a tool in cybersecurity, enhancing both offensive and defensive capabilities.

It reveals that not only do most security leaders expect daily AI-driven attacks, two-thirds (65%) expect that offensive AI will be the norm for cybercriminals, used in most cyber attacks.

Only 11% of security leaders see bot attacks as the greatest cyber threat facing their business, below ransomware, phishing, an…

1 day, 6 hours назад @ itsecurityguru.org
Coalition Finds More Than Half of Cyber Insurance Claims Originate in the Email Inbox
Coalition Finds More Than Half of Cyber Insurance Claims Originate in the Email Inbox Coalition Finds More Than Half of Cyber Insurance Claims Originate in the Email Inbox

Coalition, the world’s first Active Insurance provider designed to prevent digital risk before it strikes, today published its 2024 Cyber Claims Report, which details emerging cyber trends and their impact on Coalition policyholders throughout 2023.

While these tools can help to reduce cyber risk, using some boundary devices can actually increase the likelihood of a cyber claim if they have known vulnerabilities.

Other key findings from the report include:Overall claims frequency increased 13% year-over-year (YoY), and overall claims severity increased 10% YoY, resulting in an average loss of $100,000.

FTF frequency increased by 15% YoY, and severity increased by 24%, to an average loss of …

1 day, 7 hours назад @ itsecurityguru.org
Expert Insight: ‘Minding the Gap’: How can we work to make cyber accessible for women?
Expert Insight: ‘Minding the Gap’: How can we work to make cyber accessible for women? Expert Insight: ‘Minding the Gap’: How can we work to make cyber accessible for women?

According to the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT), only 17% of the UK cyber sector workforce is female, and this is down from 22% in 2022.

As we know, the cyber sector is a male-dominated space, and therefore women aren’t necessarily presented with the same opportunities.

For instance, they might shy away from applying to a cybersecurity role unless they match every single piece of criteria.

Is there anything that can be used to incentivise women to work in the cyber sector?

Prominent female role models and leaders are crucial when it comes to making cyber more attractive for women.

2 days, 3 hours назад @ itsecurityguru.org
KnowBe4 acquires UK’s Egress to create advanced AI-driven platform to manage human risk
KnowBe4 acquires UK’s Egress to create advanced AI-driven platform to manage human risk KnowBe4 acquires UK’s Egress to create advanced AI-driven platform to manage human risk

KnowBe4, the provider of the world’s largest security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Egress, a leader in adaptive and integrated cloud email security.

Egress’ Intelligent Email Security suite provides a set of scaled, AI-enabled security tools with adaptive learning capabilities to help prevent, protect and defend organisations against sophisticated email cybersecurity threats.

By acquiring Egress, KnowBe4 plans to deliver a single platform that aggregates threat intelligence dynamically, offering AI-based email security and training that is automatically tailored relative to risk.

KnowBe4 recently an…

2 days, 6 hours назад @ itsecurityguru.org
Google’s Core Update is ‘Biggest’ Algorithm Update in History
Google’s Core Update is ‘Biggest’ Algorithm Update in History Google’s Core Update is ‘Biggest’ Algorithm Update in History

Search giant Google is currently undergoing one of its biggest algorithm updates in its history, sources are told.

Why Does Google Update its Algorithms?

Certain algorithm updates address particularly search issues, including mobile quality, site speed, trust and authority (E-E-A-T), spam and general quality.

This low quality content should thus be removed or majorly de-valued in the upcoming core update.

The algorithm update concludes on 5th May 2024 with dramatic shifts in search positions expected in the run up to this core update.

2 days, 9 hours назад @ itsecurityguru.org
Expert Insight: Outdated Recruitment Methods Are Impeding The Global Cyber Army
Expert Insight: Outdated Recruitment Methods Are Impeding The Global Cyber Army Expert Insight: Outdated Recruitment Methods Are Impeding The Global Cyber Army

There’s a major paradox at play here: the industry needs more people, yet entire groups of individuals are currently being overlooked.

The main piece of information that is impossible to grasp from a CV is the candidate’s potential to succeed in the specific role being recruited for.

With cybersecurity skills in high demand, it’s time we encourage the pursuit of non-traditional candidates to drastically expand talent pipelines and plug the global skills gap.

Also, almost a third (32%) of neurodivergent individuals score higher in spatial awareness and 10% higher in digit symbol coding.

Hiring needs to consider more than just experience – it needs to assess potential.

3 days, 3 hours назад @ itsecurityguru.org
Mandiant’s M-Trends Report Reveals New Insights from Frontline Cyber Investigations
Mandiant’s M-Trends Report Reveals New Insights from Frontline Cyber Investigations Mandiant’s M-Trends Report Reveals New Insights from Frontline Cyber Investigations

Mandiant, part of Google Cloud, today released the findings of its M-Trends 2024 report.

Now in its 15th year, this annual report provides expert trend analysis based on Mandiant frontline cyber attack investigations and remediations conducted in 2023.

The 2024 report reveals evidence that organizations globally have made meaningful improvements in their defensive capabilities, identifying malicious activity affecting their organization more quickly than in previous years.

Dwell Time By RegionA closer examination reveals that median dwell time varies by region.

Targeting By Industry VerticalThe M-Trends 2024 report highlights key trends in industry targeting by cyber attackers.

3 days, 4 hours назад @ itsecurityguru.org
#MIWIC2024: Melissa Chambers, CEO and Co-Founder of Sitehop
#MIWIC2024: Melissa Chambers, CEO and Co-Founder of Sitehop #MIWIC2024: Melissa Chambers, CEO and Co-Founder of Sitehop

As the CEO of Sitehop, a cutting-edge cybersecurity company, I lead our team in revolutionizing data protection with our innovative solutions.

How did you get into the cybersecurity industry?

It’s utterly thrilling to be a woman in cybersecurity amidst this exhilarating era of technological progress and digital innovation.

The cybersecurity industry is witnessing unparalleled growth and importance, rendering it an immensely exciting period for all those engaged.

What is one piece of advice you would give to girls/women looking to enter the cybersecurity industry?

4 days, 2 hours назад @ itsecurityguru.org
ACDS Launches Revolutionary OBSERVATORY Solution: Redefining Attack Surface Management
ACDS Launches Revolutionary OBSERVATORY Solution: Redefining Attack Surface Management ACDS Launches Revolutionary OBSERVATORY Solution: Redefining Attack Surface Management

Advanced Cyber Defence Systems (ACDS) has unveiled its groundbreaking Attack Surface Management (ASM) solution: OBSERVATORY.

To address this critical challenge, ACDS has created OBSERVATORY, a pioneering solution that equips security teams with lightening-fast, comprehensive, and contextualised threat data at internet scale.

Unlike conventional vulnerability scanning methods, OBSERVATORY employs proprietary algorithms to map an organisation’s entire vulnerability landscape.

Insights: OBSERVATORY doesn’t stop at discovery and validation; it empowers IT leaders with actionable insights to remediate pressing vulnerabilities efficiently.

Elliott Wilkes, CTO at Advanced Cyber Defence Systems, sa…

4 days, 8 hours назад @ itsecurityguru.org
UK’s Cydea introduces new way to quantify risk management
UK’s Cydea introduces new way to quantify risk management UK’s Cydea introduces new way to quantify risk management

Cydea, the cyber risk management provider, has announced the Cydea Risk Platform, set to quantify threats in financial terms to businesses, allowing them to visualise the consequences of different business security-related scenarios.

Allow organisations to manage and communicate their cyber risk internally to make efficient, informed, measured decisions to regulators and partners in a fast-moving, unpredictable risk landscape.

“We’ve witnessed the many varied approaches that CISOs and business leaders have taken to understand cyber risk.

The Cydea Risk Platform cuts through the noise and closes the loop on cyber risk.

By presenting risk in financial terms, we enable organisations to focus o…

1 week назад @ itsecurityguru.org
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последний пост 7 months, 1 week назад
ISO Survey 2022: ISO 27001 certificates (ISMS)
ISO Survey 2022: ISO 27001 certificates (ISMS) ISO Survey 2022: ISO 27001 certificates (ISMS)

ISO Survey 2022: ISO 27001 certificates (ISMS) from Andrey Prozorov, CISM, CIPP/E, CDPSE. LA 27001ISO опубликовала свежую стаистику по выданным сертификатам. Я же обновил свою презентацию по сертификатам ISO 27001 (ISMS).Всего в 2022 году было зарегистрировано 71 549 сертификатов ISO 27001. Это на 22% больше, чем в 2021 году.ТОП 10 стран по количеству сертификатов:1. China - 263012. Japan - 69873. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - 60844. India - 29695. Italy - 24246. United States of America - 19807. Netherlands - 17418. Germany - 15829. Spain - 156110. Israel - 1467Для сравнения, в РФ в 2022 году было зарегистрировано (осталось) только 30 сертификатов, а в 2021 было 95…

7 months, 1 week назад @ 80na20.blogspot.com
Мой первый курс на Udemy. Подготовка к сертификационному аудиту СУИБ
Мой первый курс на Udemy. Подготовка к сертификационному аудиту СУИБ Мой первый курс на Udemy. Подготовка к сертификационному аудиту СУИБ

Выложил на Udemy свой первый курс по подготовке к сертификационному аудиту СУИБ по ISO 27001, "ISO 27001:2022. How to prepare for a certification audit"На нем я разбираю задачи, которые надо сделать До. Во время и После сертификационного аудита. Курс на английском языке.

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ 80na20.blogspot.com
Cybersecurity Frameworks
Cybersecurity Frameworks Cybersecurity Frameworks

Cybersecurity Frameworks for DMZCON23 230905.pdf from Andrey Prozorov, CISM, CIPP/E, CDPSE. LA 27001

7 months, 3 weeks назад @ 80na20.blogspot.com
Еще одна моя презентация про майндкарты
Еще одна моя презентация про майндкарты Еще одна моя презентация про майндкарты

My 15 Years of Experience in Using Mind Maps for Business and Personal Purposes from Andrey Prozorov, CISM, CIPP/E, CDPSE. LA 27001

8 months, 1 week назад @ 80na20.blogspot.com
NIST CSF 2.0, draft
NIST CSF 2.0, draft NIST CSF 2.0, draft

From NIST CSF 1.1 to 2.0.pdf from Andrey Prozorov, CISM, CIPP/E, CDPSE. LA 27001

8 months, 1 week назад @ 80na20.blogspot.com
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Всем привет. Пропал, каюсь, работы слишком много :(А пока принес вам 40% скидку на все курсы и сертификации от Linux Foundation. Скидка действует только сегодня.Если кто давно планировал сдать что-то серьезное по k8s, Linux или из DevOps — самое время. Нап
Всем привет. Пропал, каюсь, работы слишком много :(А пока принес вам 40% скидку на все курсы и сертификации от Linux Foundation. Скидка действует только сегодня.Если кто давно планировал сдать что-то серьезное по k8s, Linux или из DevOps — самое время. Нап Всем привет. Пропал, каюсь, работы слишком много :(А пока принес вам 40% скидку на все курсы и сертификации от Linux Foundation. Скидка действует только сегодня.Если кто давно планировал сдать что-то серьезное по k8s, Linux или из DevOps — самое время. Нап

Всем привет. Пропал, каюсь, работы слишком много :(А пока принес вам 40% скидку на все курсы и сертификации от Linux Foundation. Скидка действует только сегодня.Если кто давно планировал сдать что-то серьезное по k8s, Linux или из DevOps — самое время. Например Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) и Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) бандлом стоит $435 вместо $725.Экзамен можно сдать в течении года после покупки> https://training.linuxfoundation.org/end-of-summer-2023/

8 months назад @ t.me
Schneier on Security Schneier on Security
последний пост 7 часов назад
Long Article on GM Spying on Its Cars’ Drivers
Long Article on GM Spying on Its Cars’ Drivers Long Article on GM Spying on Its Cars’ Drivers

About Bruce SchneierI am a public-interest technologist, working at the intersection of security, technology, and people.

I've been writing about security issues on my blog since 2004, and in my monthly newsletter since 1998.

I'm a fellow and lecturer at Harvard's Kennedy School, a board member of EFF, and the Chief of Security Architecture at Inrupt, Inc.

This personal website expresses the opinions of none of those organizations.

7 часов назад @ schneier.com
The Rise of Large-Language-Model Optimization
The Rise of Large-Language-Model Optimization The Rise of Large-Language-Model Optimization

The advent of AI threatens to destroy the complex online ecosystem that allows writers, artists, and other creators to reach human audiences.

It quickly became apparent that the deluge of media made many of the functions that traditional publishers supplied even more necessary.

Technology companies developed automated models to take on this massive task of filtering content, ushering in the era of the algorithmic publisher.

Unlike human publishers, Google cannot read.

Protecting the web, and nourishing human creativity and knowledge production, is essential for both human and artificial minds.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ schneier.com
Dan Solove on Privacy Regulation
Dan Solove on Privacy Regulation Dan Solove on Privacy Regulation

The law can’t stop privacy consent from being a fairy tale, but the law can ensure that the story ends well.

In the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) uses the express consent approach, where people must voluntarily and affirmatively consent.

Because it conceptualizes consent as mostly fictional, murky consent recognizes its lack of legitimacy.

To return to Hurd’s analogy, murky consent is consent without magic.

Murky consent should be subject to extensive regulatory oversight with an ever-present risk that it could be deemed invalid.

2 days, 7 hours назад @ schneier.com
Microsoft and Security Incentives
Microsoft and Security Incentives Microsoft and Security Incentives

Former senior White House cyber policy director A. J. Grotto talks about the economic incentives for companies to improve their security—in particular, Microsoft:Grotto told us Microsoft had to be “dragged kicking and screaming” to provide logging capabilities to the government by default, and given the fact the mega-corp banked around $20 billion in revenue from security services last year, the concession was minimal at best.

[…]“The government needs to focus on encouraging and catalyzing competition,” Grotto said.

He believes it also needs to publicly scrutinize Microsoft and make sure everyone knows when it messes up.

“At the end of the day, Microsoft, any company, is going to respond mo…

3 days, 7 hours назад @ schneier.com
Using Legitimate GitHub URLs for Malware
Using Legitimate GitHub URLs for Malware Using Legitimate GitHub URLs for Malware

Using Legitimate GitHub URLs for MalwareInteresting social-engineering attack vector:McAfee released a report on a new LUA malware loader distributed through what appeared to be a legitimate Microsoft GitHub repository for the “C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS,” known as vcpkg.

The attacker is exploiting a property of GitHub: comments to a particular repo can contain files, and those files will be associated with the project in the URL.

What this means is that someone can upload malware and “attach” it to a legitimate and trusted project.

For example, a threat actor could upload a malware executable in NVIDIA’s driver installer repo that pretends to be a new driver fixing i…

4 days, 3 hours назад @ schneier.com
Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Trackers
Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Trackers Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Trackers

About Bruce SchneierI am a public-interest technologist, working at the intersection of security, technology, and people.

I've been writing about security issues on my blog since 2004, and in my monthly newsletter since 1998.

I'm a fellow and lecturer at Harvard's Kennedy School, a board member of EFF, and the Chief of Security Architecture at Inrupt, Inc.

This personal website expresses the opinions of none of those organizations.

6 days, 21 hours назад @ schneier.com
Other Attempts to Take Over Open Source Projects
Other Attempts to Take Over Open Source Projects Other Attempts to Take Over Open Source Projects

Surprising no one, the incident is not unique:The OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council received a suspicious series of emails with similar messages, bearing different names and overlapping GitHub-associated emails.

These emails implored OpenJS to take action to update one of its popular JavaScript projects to “address any critical vulnerabilities,” yet cited no specifics.

The email author(s) wanted OpenJS to designate them as a new maintainer of the project despite having little prior involvement.

This approach bears strong resemblance to the manner in which “Jia Tan” positioned themselves in the XZ/liblzma backdoor.

[…]The OpenJS team also recognized a similar suspicious pattern in two …

1 week, 1 day назад @ schneier.com
Using AI-Generated Legislative Amendments as a Delaying Technique
Using AI-Generated Legislative Amendments as a Delaying Technique Using AI-Generated Legislative Amendments as a Delaying Technique

About Bruce SchneierI am a public-interest technologist, working at the intersection of security, technology, and people.

I've been writing about security issues on my blog since 2004, and in my monthly newsletter since 1998.

I'm a fellow and lecturer at Harvard's Kennedy School, a board member of EFF, and the Chief of Security Architecture at Inrupt, Inc.

This personal website expresses the opinions of none of those organizations.

1 week, 2 days назад @ schneier.com
X.com Automatically Changing Link Text but Not URLs
X.com Automatically Changing Link Text but Not URLs X.com Automatically Changing Link Text but Not URLs

X.com Automatically Changing Link Text but Not URLsBrian Krebs reported that X (formerly known as Twitter) started automatically changing twitter.com links to x.com links.

The problem is: (1) it changed any domain name that ended with “twitter.com,” and (2) it only changed the link’s appearance (anchortext), not the underlying URL.

So if you were a clever phisher and registered fedetwitter.com, people would see the link as fedex.com, but it would send people to fedetwitter.com.

Thankfully, the problem has been fixed.

Posted on April 16, 2024 at 7:00 AM • 0 Comments

1 week, 3 days назад @ schneier.com
New Lattice Cryptanalytic Technique
New Lattice Cryptanalytic Technique New Lattice Cryptanalytic Technique

New Lattice Cryptanalytic TechniqueA new paper presents a polynomial-time quantum algorithm for solving certain hard lattice problems.

This could be a big deal for post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, since many of them base their security on hard lattice problems.

There is a wide gulf between quantum algorithms in theory and in practice.

And until we can actually code and test these algorithms, we should be suspicious of their speed and complexity claims.

We don’t have nearly enough analysis of lattice-based cryptosystems to be confident in their security.

1 week, 4 days назад @ schneier.com
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
Upcoming Speaking Engagements Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Upcoming Speaking EngagementsThis is a current list of where and when I am scheduled to speak:I’m speaking twice at RSA Conference 2024 in San Francisco.

I’ll be on a panel on software liability on May 6, 2024 at 8:30 AM, and I’m giving a keynote on AI and democracy on May 7, 2024 at 2:25 PM.

The list is maintained on this page.

Posted on April 14, 2024 at 12:02 PM • 0 Comments

1 week, 5 days назад @ schneier.com
Friday Squid Blogging: The Awfulness of Squid Fishing Boats
Friday Squid Blogging: The Awfulness of Squid Fishing Boats Friday Squid Blogging: The Awfulness of Squid Fishing Boats

About Bruce SchneierI am a public-interest technologist, working at the intersection of security, technology, and people.

I've been writing about security issues on my blog since 2004, and in my monthly newsletter since 1998.

I'm a fellow and lecturer at Harvard's Kennedy School, a board member of EFF, and the Chief of Security Architecture at Inrupt, Inc.

This personal website expresses the opinions of none of those organizations.

1 week, 6 days назад @ schneier.com
Smuggling Gold by Disguising it as Machine Parts
Smuggling Gold by Disguising it as Machine Parts Smuggling Gold by Disguising it as Machine Parts

About Bruce SchneierI am a public-interest technologist, working at the intersection of security, technology, and people.

I've been writing about security issues on my blog since 2004, and in my monthly newsletter since 1998.

I'm a fellow and lecturer at Harvard's Kennedy School, a board member of EFF, and the Chief of Security Architecture at Inrupt, Inc.

This personal website expresses the opinions of none of those organizations.

2 weeks назад @ schneier.com
Backdoor in XZ Utils That Almost Happened
Backdoor in XZ Utils That Almost Happened Backdoor in XZ Utils That Almost Happened

You’ve likely never heard of an open-source library called XZ Utils, but it’s on hundreds of millions of computers.

On March 25, Hans Jansen—another fake name—tried to push the various Unix systems to upgrade to the new version of XZ Utils.

And there’s no way to know how many of the unpaid and unappreciated maintainers of critical software libraries are vulnerable to pressure.

Certainly the security of these libraries needs to be part of any broad government cybersecurity initiative.

The U.S. government needs to recognize this as a national security problem and start treating it as such.

2 weeks, 1 day назад @ schneier.com
History of RSA Conference. Bruce Schneier. The First ‘Exhibitor’ in 1994.
History of RSA Conference. Bruce Schneier. The First ‘Exhibitor’ in 1994. History of RSA Conference. Bruce Schneier. The First ‘Exhibitor’ in 1994.

History of RSA Conference.

Bruce Schneier.

Listen to the Audio on SoundCloud.comBruce Schneier was at the first ever RSA Conference in 1991, and he was the first ‘exhibitor’ in 1994 when he asked Jim Bidzos, Creator of the RSA Conference, if he could sell copies of his book “Applied Cryptography.” Bidzos set Schneier up in the hotel lobby where the conference was being held—and the rest is history.

Listen to some great RSA Conference memories on this episode of the History of RSA Conference.

Posted on April 11, 2024 at 1:52 AM • 0 Comments

2 weeks, 1 day назад @ schneier.com
Krebs On Security
последний пост 3 days, 22 hours назад
Russian FSB Counterintelligence Chief Gets 9 Years in Cybercrime Bribery Scheme
Russian FSB Counterintelligence Chief Gets 9 Years in Cybercrime Bribery Scheme Russian FSB Counterintelligence Chief Gets 9 Years in Cybercrime Bribery Scheme

The protection scheme was exposed in 2022 when Russian authorities arrested six members of the group, which sold millions of stolen payment cards at flashy online shops like Trump’s Dumps.

Tsaregorodtsev was head of the counterintelligence department for a division of the FSB based in Perm, Russia.

In February 2022, Russian authorities arrested six men in the Perm region accused of selling stolen payment card data.

The FSB arrested Tsaregorodtsev, and seized $154,000 in cash, 100 gold bars, real estate and expensive cars.

The stolen customer payment card details were then sold on sites like Trump’s Dumps and Sky-Fraud.

3 days, 22 hours назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
Who Stole 3.6M Tax Records from South Carolina?
Who Stole 3.6M Tax Records from South Carolina? Who Stole 3.6M Tax Records from South Carolina?

Rescator said the data exposed included employer, name, address, phone, taxable income, tax refund amount, and bank account number.

KrebsOnSecurity sought comment from the Secret Service, South Carolina prosecutors, and Mr. Keel’s office.

The AP says South Carolina paid $12 million to Experian for identity theft protection and credit monitoring for its residents after the breach.

Mr. Keel’s assertion that somehow the efforts of South Carolina officials following the breach may have lessened its impact on citizens seems unlikely.

It remains unclear why Shefel has never been officially implicated in the breaches at Target, Home Depot, or in South Carolina.

1 week, 3 days назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
Crickets from Chirp Systems in Smart Lock Key Leak
Crickets from Chirp Systems in Smart Lock Key Leak Crickets from Chirp Systems in Smart Lock Key Leak

The lock’s maker Chirp Systems remains unresponsive, even though it was first notified about the critical weakness in March 2021.

Meanwhile, Chirp’s parent company, RealPage, Inc., is being sued by multiple U.S. states for allegedly colluding with landlords to illegally raise rents.

On March 7, 2024, the U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warned about a remotely exploitable vulnerability with “low attack complexity” in Chirp Systems smart locks.

Neither August nor Chirp Systems responded to requests for comment.

It’s unclear exactly how many apartments and other residences are using the vulnerable Chirp locks, but multiple articles about the company from 2020 state t…

1 week, 4 days назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
Why CISA is Warning CISOs About a Breach at Sisense
Why CISA is Warning CISOs About a Breach at Sisense Why CISA is Warning CISOs About a Breach at Sisense

CISA urged all Sisense customers to reset any credentials and secrets that may have been shared with the company, which is the same advice Sisense gave to its customers Wednesday evening.

It is clear, however, that unknown attackers now have all of the credentials that Sisense customers used in their dashboards.

Beyond that, it is largely up to Sisense customers to decide if and when they change passwords to the various third-party services that they’ve previously entrusted to Sisense.

But when confronted with the details shared by my sources, Sisense apparently changed its mind.

“If they are hosting customer data on a third-party system like Amazon, it better damn well be encrypted,” Weave…

2 weeks назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
Twitter’s Clumsy Pivot to X.com Is a Gift to Phishers
Twitter’s Clumsy Pivot to X.com Is a Gift to Phishers Twitter’s Clumsy Pivot to X.com Is a Gift to Phishers

On April 9, Twitter/X began automatically modifying links that mention “twitter.com” to read “x.com” instead.

Those include carfatwitter.com, which Twitter/X will now truncate to carfax.com when the domain appears in user messages or tweets.

A number of these new domains including “twitter.com” appear to be registered defensively by Twitter/X users in Japan.

The domain netflitwitter.com (netflix.com, to Twitter/X users) now displays a message saying it was “acquired to prevent its use for malicious purposes,” along with a Twitter/X username.

Some of the domains registered recently and ending in “twitter.com” currently do not resolve and contain no useful contact information in their registr…

2 weeks, 2 days назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
April’s Patch Tuesday Brings Record Number of Fixes
April’s Patch Tuesday Brings Record Number of Fixes April’s Patch Tuesday Brings Record Number of Fixes

Although to be fair, it would be tough for Microsoft to eclipse the number of vulnerabilities fixed in this month’s patch batch — a record 147 flaws in Windows and related software.

Microsoft today released updates to address 147 security holes in Windows, Office, Azure, .NET Framework, Visual Studio, SQL Server, DNS Server, Windows Defender, Bitlocker, and Windows Secure Boot.

Childs said one ZDI’s researchers found this vulnerability being exploited in the wild, although Microsoft doesn’t currently list CVE-2024-29988 as being exploited.

“BlackLotus can bypass functionality called secure boot, which is designed to block malware from being able to load when booting up.

Adobe has since clar…

2 weeks, 2 days назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
Fake Lawsuit Threat Exposes Privnote Phishing Sites
Fake Lawsuit Threat Exposes Privnote Phishing Sites Fake Lawsuit Threat Exposes Privnote Phishing Sites

Fory66399 insisted that their website — privnote[.

The tornote.io website has a different color altogetherThe privatenote,io website also has a different color!

Other Privnote phishing domains that also phoned home to the same Internet address as pirwnote[.

A review of the passive DNS records tied to this address shows that apart from subdomains dedicated to tornote[.

How profitable are these private note phishing sites?

3 weeks, 1 day назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
‘The Manipulaters’ Improve Phishing, Still Fail at Opsec
‘The Manipulaters’ Improve Phishing, Still Fail at Opsec ‘The Manipulaters’ Improve Phishing, Still Fail at Opsec

Since that story ran, KrebsOnSecurity has heard from this Saim Raza identity on two occasions.

“Hello, we already leave that fud etc before year,” the Saim Raza identity wrote.

I already leave everything.”Asked to elaborate on the police investigation, Saim Raza said he was freshly released from jail.

Now I want to start my new work.”Exactly what that “new work” might entail, Saim Raza wouldn’t say.

“After your article our police put FIR on my [identity],” Saim Raza explained.

3 weeks, 2 days назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
Thread Hijacking: Phishes That Prey on Your Curiosity
Thread Hijacking: Phishes That Prey on Your Curiosity Thread Hijacking: Phishes That Prey on Your Curiosity

Thread hijacking attacks.

Here’s the story of a recent thread hijacking attack in which a journalist was copied on a phishing email from the unwilling subject of a recent scoop.

Thread hijacking attacks are hardly new, but that is mainly true because many Internet users still don’t know how to identify them.

In contrast, thread hijacking campaigns tend to patiently prey on the natural curiosity of the recipient.

“We call these mutli-persona phishing scams, and they’re often paired with thread hijacking,” Kalember said.

4 weeks назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
Recent ‘MFA Bombing’ Attacks Targeting Apple Users
Recent ‘MFA Bombing’ Attacks Targeting Apple Users Recent ‘MFA Bombing’ Attacks Targeting Apple Users

Several Apple customers recently reported being targeted in elaborate phishing attacks that involve what appears to be a bug in Apple’s password reset feature.

“All of my devices started blowing up, my watch, laptop and phone,” Patel told KrebsOnSecurity.

They can also then remotely wipe all of the user’s Apple devices.

The engineer assured Ken that turning on an Apple Recovery Key for his account would stop the notifications once and for all.

After that, the page will display the last two digits of the phone number tied to the Apple account.

1 month назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
Mozilla Drops Onerep After CEO Admits to Running People-Search Networks
Mozilla Drops Onerep After CEO Admits to Running People-Search Networks Mozilla Drops Onerep After CEO Admits to Running People-Search Networks

The move comes just days after a report by KrebsOnSecurity forced Onerep’s CEO to admit that he has founded dozens of people-search networks over the years.

Mozilla only began bundling Onerep in Firefox last month, when it announced the reputation service would be offered on a subscription basis as part of Mozilla Monitor Plus.

Launched in 2018 under the name Firefox Monitor, Mozilla Monitor also checks data from the website Have I Been Pwned?

“I knew Mozilla had this in the works and we’d casually discussed it when talking about Firefox monitor,” Hunt told KrebsOnSecurity.

Those include voting registries, property filings, marriage certificates, motor vehicle records, criminal records, cou…

1 month назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
The Not-so-True People-Search Network from China
The Not-so-True People-Search Network from China The Not-so-True People-Search Network from China

But it’s not every day you run across a US-focused people-search network based in China whose principal owners all appear to be completely fabricated identities.

“Employees can set a special league for themselves and regularly check and compare their scores against one another.”Imagine that: Two different people-search companies mentioned in the same story about fantasy football.

Sally Stevens’ LinkedIn profile photo is identical to a stock image titled “beautiful girl” from Adobe.com.

The photo next to Ms. Fairly’s quote in Entrepreneurs matches that of a LinkedIn profile for Lynda Fairly.

ANALYSISIt appears the purpose of this network is to conceal the location of people in China who are …

1 month назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
CEO of Data Privacy Company Onerep.com Founded Dozens of People-Search Firms
CEO of Data Privacy Company Onerep.com Founded Dozens of People-Search Firms CEO of Data Privacy Company Onerep.com Founded Dozens of People-Search Firms

The data privacy company Onerep.com bills itself as a Virginia-based service for helping people remove their personal information from almost 200 people-search websites.

Historic registration records indexed by DomainTools.com say Mr. Shelest was a registrant of onerep.com who used the email address [email protected].

Constella found that Minsk telephone number (375-292-702786) has been used multiple times in connection with the email address [email protected].

Domaintools.com finds that all of the domains mentioned in the last paragraph were registered to the email address [email protected].

Anderson said it is concerning to see a direct link between between a data removal service and …

1 month, 1 week назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
Patch Tuesday, March 2024 Edition
Patch Tuesday, March 2024 Edition Patch Tuesday, March 2024 Edition

Apple and Microsoft recently released software updates to fix dozens of security holes in their operating systems.

Meanwhile, Apple’s new macOS Sonoma addresses at least 68 security weaknesses, and its latest updates for iOS fixes two zero-day flaws.

The security updates are available in iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, and iOS 16.7.6.

Apple’s macOS Sonoma 14.4 Security Update addresses dozens of security issues.

Finally, Adobe today issued security updates that fix dozens of security holes in a wide range of products, including Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Premiere Pro, ColdFusion 2023 and 2021, Adobe Bridge, Lightroom, and Adobe Animate.

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
Incognito Darknet Market Mass-Extorts Buyers, Sellers
Incognito Darknet Market Mass-Extorts Buyers, Sellers Incognito Darknet Market Mass-Extorts Buyers, Sellers

“We got one final little nasty surprise for y’all,” reads the message to Incognito Market users.

Incognito Market deals primarily in narcotics, so it’s likely many users are now worried about being outed as drug dealers.

Creating a new account on Incognito Market presents one with an ad for 5 grams of heroin selling for $450.

Incognito Market has priced its extortion for vendors based on their status or “level” within the marketplace.

“Shadowcrew was the precursor to today’s Darknet Markets and laid the foundation for the way modern cybercrime channels still operate today,” Johnson said.

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ krebsonsecurity.com
Graham Cluley Graham Cluley
последний пост 1 day, 1 hour назад
“Junk gun” ransomware: the cheap new threat to small businesses
“Junk gun” ransomware: the cheap new threat to small businesses

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.

The action you just performed triggered the security solution.

There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked.

Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page.

1 day, 1 hour назад @ tripwire.com
Hacker posts fake news story about Ukrainians trying to kill Slovak President
Hacker posts fake news story about Ukrainians trying to kill Slovak President Hacker posts fake news story about Ukrainians trying to kill Slovak President

Czech news agency ČTK announced on Tuesday that a hacker had managed to break into its systems and published fake news reports of a plot to murder the president of a neighbouring country.

A follow-up fake news story published by the hacker on ČTK's website and mobile app claimed that Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský had commented on the alleged murder plot.

The hacker's haste in publishing false news led to careless mistakes that tipped off readers to its lack of factual basis.

Last year, security researchers described how a hacking group called "Ghostwriter" affiliated with the Belarus government had gained access to media organisations' content management systems to post false stories.…

1 day, 5 hours назад @ bitdefender.com
Smashing Security podcast #369: Keeping the lights on after a ransomware attack
Smashing Security podcast #369: Keeping the lights on after a ransomware attack Smashing Security podcast #369: Keeping the lights on after a ransomware attack

All this and more is discussed in the latest edition of the “Smashing Security” podcast by cybersecurity veterans Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault.

Smashing Security listeners get 20% off!

Support the show:You can help the podcast by telling your friends and colleagues about “Smashing Security”, and leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.

Follow us:Follow the show on Twitter at @SmashinSecurity, or on Mastodon, on the Smashing Security subreddit, or visit our website for more episodes.

Follow Graham Cluley on Twitter, Mastodon, or Threads to read more of the exclusive content we post.

1 day, 19 hours назад @ grahamcluley.com
City street lights “misbehave” after ransomware attack
City street lights “misbehave” after ransomware attack City street lights “misbehave” after ransomware attack

But the ransomware attack on Leicester City Council's infrastructure doesn't stop there.

As local media reports, residents have noticed that some street lights have been constantly shining, 24 hours a day, ever since.

He was told by the council that the ransomware attack had affected the city's "central management system" and had resulted in the street lights "misbehaving".

Perhaps it is surprising to some of us that street lights would be centrally controlled at all.

Even if the Leicester City Council wanted to pay the ransom (it says it will not),The City Council says it will not be paying any ransom.

2 days, 7 hours назад @ bitdefender.com
Change Healthcare data for sale on dark web as fallout from ransomware attack spirals out of control
Change Healthcare data for sale on dark web as fallout from ransomware attack spirals out of control Change Healthcare data for sale on dark web as fallout from ransomware attack spirals out of control

February's crippling ransomware attack against Change Healthcare, which saw prescription orders delayed across the United States, continues to have serious consequences.

RansomHub claims 4TB of stolen data are up for sale to the highest bidder unless Change Healthcare pays a ransom.

The haul is said to also contain contracts and legal agreements between Change Healthcare and its business partners.

The ransomware attack was initially attributed to the BlackCat ransomware gang (also known as ALPHV).

None of which is good news, and raises an interesting question - how will Change Healthcare respond to the latest ransom demand?

1 week, 1 day назад @ bitdefender.com
3.5 million Omni Hotel guest details held to ransom by Daixin Team
3.5 million Omni Hotel guest details held to ransom by Daixin Team 3.5 million Omni Hotel guest details held to ransom by Daixin Team

The international hotel chain Omni Hotels & Resorts has confirmed that a cyberattack last month saw it shut down its systems, with hackers stealing personal information about its customers.

According to the firm, it took eleven days to restore systems across its properties, with staff working "tirelessly around the clock."

Omni Hotels hasn't shared details of the specific nature of the cyberattack in its official advisory, but it resembles a ransomware attack.

Sure enough, a ransomware group called the Daixin Team has claimed responsibility.

Daixin Team has been responsible for a number of high-profile attacks.

1 week, 1 day назад @ exponential-e.com
Police smash LabHost international fraud network, 37 arrested
Police smash LabHost international fraud network, 37 arrested

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.

The action you just performed triggered the security solution.

There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked.

Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page.

1 week, 1 day назад @ tripwire.com
Smashing Security podcast #368: Gary Barlow, and a scam turns deadly
Smashing Security podcast #368: Gary Barlow, and a scam turns deadly Smashing Security podcast #368: Gary Barlow, and a scam turns deadly

All this and more is discussed in the latest edition of the “Smashing Security” podcast by cybersecurity veterans Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault.

Bitwarden is an open source password manager trusted by millions of individuals, teams, and organizations worldwide for secure password storage and sharing.

Support the show:You can help the podcast by telling your friends and colleagues about “Smashing Security”, and leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.

Follow us:Follow the show on Twitter at @SmashinSecurity, or on Mastodon, on the Smashing Security subreddit, or visit our website for more episodes.

Follow Graham Cluley on Twitter, Mastodon, or Threads to read more of the excl…

1 week, 1 day назад @ grahamcluley.com
Zambia arrests 77 people in swoop on “scam” call centre
Zambia arrests 77 people in swoop on “scam” call centre Zambia arrests 77 people in swoop on “scam” call centre

Law enforcement officers in Zambia have arrested 77 people at a call centre company they allege had employed local school-leavers to engage in scam internet users around the world.

According to Zambian authorities, Chinese-run Golden Top Support Services, based in an upmarket area of capital city Lusaka, recruited Zambian youths between the ages of 20-25, who believed they were being hired as call centre agents.

Please the people of Zambia report to us every time you are scammed.

Six properties linked to the company at the centre of the investigation have also been seized by authorities, including a luxury lakeside residence.

17 Zambian suspects have since been released, but the remainder o…

1 week, 4 days назад @ bitdefender.com
East Central University suffers BlackSuit ransomware attack
East Central University suffers BlackSuit ransomware attack East Central University suffers BlackSuit ransomware attack

The East Central University (ECU) of Ada, Oklahoma, has revealed that a ransomware gang launched an attack against its systems that left some computers and servers encrypted and may have also seen sensitive information stolen.

In an advisory posted on its website, ECU claims that the BlackSuit ransomware gang was unsuccessful in taking down the university's critical services but were "able to conduct a successful attack on a variety of campus computers."

This is far from the first time the BlackSuit ransomware has targeted the education sector.

The BlackSuit ransomware gang most recently claimed responsibility for a cyber attack against California's Select Education Group, having compromise…

2 weeks, 1 day назад @ bitdefender.com
DragonForce ransomware – what you need to know
DragonForce ransomware – what you need to know

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.

The action you just performed triggered the security solution.

There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked.

Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page.

2 weeks, 1 day назад @ tripwire.com
When a breach goes from 25 documents to 1.3 terabytes…
When a breach goes from 25 documents to 1.3 terabytes… When a breach goes from 25 documents to 1.3 terabytes…

But on Wednesday April 3, Leicester City Council confirmed that about 25 documents had been shared online by attackers, including people’s confidential information.

And the council described the data breach as a “very serious matter.”Well, yes, it is serious if malicious hackers steal 25 documents.

But now we know that Leicester City Council’s attackers didn’t limit themselves to 25 documents.

The latest FAQ from the council reveals that a gobsmacking 1.3 terabytes of data was stolen during the data breach and published on the dark web.

If 25 documents stolen is “very serious,” I’m not sure the words exist to describe 1.3 terabytes of leaked data…Found this article interesting?

2 weeks, 1 day назад @ grahamcluley.com
Smashing Security podcast #367: WhatsApp at Westminster, unhealthy AI, and Drew Barrymore
Smashing Security podcast #367: WhatsApp at Westminster, unhealthy AI, and Drew Barrymore Smashing Security podcast #367: WhatsApp at Westminster, unhealthy AI, and Drew Barrymore

All this and much much more is discussed in the latest edition of the “Smashing Security” podcast by cybersecurity veterans Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault, joined this week by John Hawes.

Smashing Security listeners get 20% off!

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Follow Graham Cluley on Twitter, Mastodon, or Threads to read more of the exclusive content we post.

2 weeks, 1 day назад @ grahamcluley.com
Targus business operations disrupted following cyber attack
Targus business operations disrupted following cyber attack Targus business operations disrupted following cyber attack

Targus, the well-known laptop bag and case manufacturer, has been hit by a cyber attack that has interrupted its normal business operations.

In short, in order to lock the bad guys out of its network, Targus has been forced to disable large parts of its infrastructure.

The one question everyone probably has right now is - so, was this a ransomware attack?

Without SEC regulations that came into effect late last year, we might not have known so quickly about the problems Targus was experiencing.

At the time of writing, no hacking groups have publicly claimed responsibility for the attack against Targus.

2 weeks, 2 days назад @ bitdefender.com
Google sues crypto investment app makers over alleged massive “pig butchering” scam
Google sues crypto investment app makers over alleged massive “pig butchering” scam Google sues crypto investment app makers over alleged massive “pig butchering” scam

Two China-based Android app developers are being sued by Google for an alleged scam targeting 100,000 users worldwide through fake cryptocurrency and other investment apps.

The company is taking action after scammers reportedly tricked victims with bogus promises of high returns from Android apps offering cryptocurrency investment opportunities.

According to Google, victims were asked to pay additional "fees" or "taxes" before a withdrawal, which the scammers would pocket.

Bogus investment platforms like TrionRT appeared legitimate through a variety of methods, including distributing press releases.

Although it has removed offending apps from Google Play when discovered, the scammers are al…

3 weeks назад @ bitdefender.com
Компании 🏢
Блог Касперского Блог Касперского
последний пост 1 day, 3 hours назад
Обновление ОС Kaspersky Thin Client 2.0 | Блог Касперского
Обновление ОС Kaspersky Thin Client 2.0 | Блог Касперского Обновление ОС Kaspersky Thin Client 2.0 | Блог Касперского

Именно такую операционную систему — Kaspersky Thin Client 2.0 — мы и предлагаем использовать в устройствах для подключения к инфраструктуре виртуальных рабочих столов.

Что такое Kaspersky Thin Client и чем может похвастаться версия 2.0?

По сути Kaspersky Thin Client 2.0 — это обновленная операционная система для тонких клиентов, созданная в соответствии с кибериммунным подходом, а потому не требующая наложенных средств защиты.

В основе Kaspersky Thin Client лежит наша система KasperskyOS, что минимизирует риски ее компрометации даже в случае сложных атак.

Также Kaspersky Thin Client 2.0 поддерживает подключение к отдельным бизнес-приложениям на базе инфраструктуры Microsoft Remote Desktop S…

1 day, 3 hours назад @ kaspersky.ru
Мошенничество с криптовалютой Toncoin в Telegram | Блог Касперского
Мошенничество с криптовалютой Toncoin в Telegram | Блог Касперского Мошенничество с криптовалютой Toncoin в Telegram | Блог Касперского

Сегодня расскажем про мошенническую схему «заработка с Toncoin» — криптовалютой, созданной на основе технологий Telegram.

Этап первый: подготовьсяДля начала мошенники предлагают зарегистрировать криптокошелек в неофициальном боте для хранения крипты в Telegram, а после указать данные своего вновь созданного кошелька в боте для «заработка» с помощью покупки ускорителей.

Дальше по инструкции скамеров жертве требуется купить 5,5–501 тонкойн (TON), при этом один TON по текущему курсу эквивалентен примерно пяти-шести долларам.

Чем круче тариф, тем выше комиссионный процент, — «байк» стоит пять тонкойнов и дает 30% комиссии, «ракета» — 500 TON и 70%.

После этого, по задумке мошенников, жертва дол…

2 days, 8 hours назад @ kaspersky.ru
Фильтринг контента в KSMG 2.1 | Блог Касперского
Фильтринг контента в KSMG 2.1 | Блог Касперского Фильтринг контента в KSMG 2.1 | Блог Касперского

В результате в почтовый ящик падает огромное количество подтверждений, ссылок для активации аккаунта и тому подобных писем.

В частности, в приведенном примере атаки через механизмы регистрации оператор может заблокировать письма по наличию в поле Subject слова «регистрация» на различных языках (Registrace | Registracija | Registration | Registrierung | Regisztráció).

В результате письма будут автоматически отправляться в карантин, не доходя до папки «входящие» и не перегружая почтовый сервер.

Гибкая фильтрация бизнес-рассылокРазумеется, новые возможности нашего решения можно применять не только для защиты от почтовых DDoS-атак.

Подробнее узнать о Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway, части решения…

3 days, 4 hours назад @ kaspersky.ru
Как можно прочитать зашифрованные сообщения от ChatGPT и других чат-ботов | Блог Касперского
Как можно прочитать зашифрованные сообщения от ChatGPT и других чат-ботов | Блог Касперского Как можно прочитать зашифрованные сообщения от ChatGPT и других чат-ботов | Блог Касперского

Какую информацию можно извлечь из перехваченных сообщений чат-ботов на основе ИИРазумеется, чат-боты отправляют сообщения в зашифрованном виде.

Чтобы понять, что же происходит в ходе этой атаки, придется слегка погрузиться в детали механики LLM и чат-ботов.

Так что для дальнейшего восстановления текста исходного сообщения из полученной последовательности длин токенов исследователи использовали именно LLM.

Как минимум два разработчика чат-ботов с ИИ — Cloudflare и OpenAI — уже отреагировали на публикацию исследования и начали использовать упомянутый выше метод дополнения (padding), который как раз и придуман для противодействия такого рода атакам.

Вероятно, остальные разработчики чат-ботов с…

4 days, 13 hours назад @ kaspersky.ru
Кампания SubdoMailing: угон доменов для рассылки спама | Блог Касперского
Кампания SubdoMailing: угон доменов для рассылки спама | Блог Касперского Кампания SubdoMailing: угон доменов для рассылки спама | Блог Касперского

А может быть, даже задавались закономерным вопросом, не рассылает ли кто-нибудь вредоносные письма и от имени вашей компании.

Вредоносная кампания SubdoMailing и угон доменов у организацийИсследователи из Guardio Labs обнаружили масштабную кампанию по рассылке спама, которую они назвали SubdoMailing.

Угон доменов с настроенной записью CNAMEКак же именно злоумышленники используют захват чужих доменов?

Примеры угона доменов в ходе кампании SubdoMailingКак вообще могут возникать подобные проблемы, легко понять по случаю с сайтом msnmarthastewartsweeps.com .

Как защититься от SubdoMailingЧтобы предотвратить угон доменов и рассылку спама от имени вашей компании, мы рекомендуем следующее:

1 week, 1 day назад @ kaspersky.ru
Безопасно ли переписываться со сторонними мессенджерами из WhatsApp | Блог Касперского
Безопасно ли переписываться со сторонними мессенджерами из WhatsApp | Блог Касперского Безопасно ли переписываться со сторонними мессенджерами из WhatsApp | Блог Касперского

О том, как эта совместимость будет реализована в WhatsApp и Messenger*, недавно написали инженеры Meta*.

Можно ли переписываться в WhatsApp с пользователями других мессенджеров?

Теперь эти партнеры должны появиться, разработать мост между своим сервисом и WhatsApp и запустить его.

Пока об этом известно только из бета-версий WhatsApp — для переписок со сторонними сервисами будет отдельный подраздел в приложении, чтобы отделить их от чатов с пользователями WhatsApp.

Если вы пользуетесь WhatsApp и обдумываете общение с абонентами других сервисовОцените, сколько людей в вашем окружении не используют WhatsApp, но пользуются иными сервисами, объявившими о совместимости с WhatsApp.

1 week, 3 days назад @ kaspersky.ru
EM Eye: кража данных с камеры видеонаблюдения | Блог Касперского
EM Eye: кража данных с камеры видеонаблюдения | Блог Касперского EM Eye: кража данных с камеры видеонаблюдения | Блог Касперского

Они нашли способ кражи данных из камер видеонаблюдения путем анализа паразитного электромагнитного излучения и назвали эту атаку EM Eye.

Этот «приемник» собирает данные, последующая обработка которых позволяет реконструировать картинку с камеры наблюдения в соседней секретной комнате.

В результате из состояния «почти ничего не видно» получается прекрасное изображение, не хуже, чем в оригинале, разве что с традиционными для нейросетей артефактами.

Но что, если подарить потенциальной жертве, ну, например, слегка модифицированный переносной аккумулятор?

Они разрабатываются не для того, чтобы подсматривать за кем-то уже завтра.

2 weeks назад @ kaspersky.ru
Устранение бизнес-рисков, связанных с домашними прокси
Устранение бизнес-рисков, связанных с домашними прокси Устранение бизнес-рисков, связанных с домашними прокси

Конечно, что все это выполнимо при помощи коммерческих VPN и прокси на базе дата-центров.

Серый рынок proxywareСитуация с домашними прокси сложна, потому что на этом рынке и продавцы, и покупатели, и участники, бывают как абсолютно легитимные (добровольные, соблюдающие лучшие практики), так и откровенно незаконные.

Иногда это связано с тем, что некоторые ПДП покупают инфраструктуру у субподрядчиков и о происхождении прокси не знают сами.

Злоумышленники все чаще пытаются арендовать домашние прокси в регионе, близком к офису атакуемой организации.

Применение прокси для целей бизнеса.

2 weeks, 2 days назад @ kaspersky.ru
Как проверить достоверность и происхождение фото и видео | Блог Касперского
Как проверить достоверность и происхождение фото и видео | Блог Касперского Как проверить достоверность и происхождение фото и видео | Блог Касперского

Подделка изображений в фоторедакторах встречалась и ранее, но появление генеративного ИИ вывело подделки на новый уровень.

Подделка изображений и видео имеет прямое отношение к кибербезопасности.

На сайтах знакомств и в других соцсетях жулики тоже активно используют сгенерированные изображения для своего профиля.

Начнем со случаев, когда изображение не генерируется и не редактируется, — например, настоящий снимок из региона боевых действий выдается за фотографию из другого региона или кадр из художественного фильма преподносится как документальный.

Настоящие фото и видео, сделанные камерой или смартфоном, с метками даты, времени и геопозиции, будет практически невозможно выдать за изображен…

2 weeks, 3 days назад @ kaspersky.ru
Менеджеры заметок и записей с функцией сквозного шифрования | Блог Касперского
Менеджеры заметок и записей с функцией сквозного шифрования | Блог Касперского Менеджеры заметок и записей с функцией сквозного шифрования | Блог Касперского

А после масштабных ransomware-инцидентов последних лет не стоит сбрасывать со счетов и возможность взлома сервисов заметок и массовой утечки пользовательских (ваших!)

Сохранить все удобства цифровых заметок и уберечь их от посторонних глаз поможет сквозное шифрование.

Поэтому для по-настоящему конфиденциальных заметок существуют отдельные, хоть и менее известные приложения, которые мы сегодня рассмотрим и сравним.

Сквозное шифрование для синхронизации включено по умолчанию, заметки зашифрованы и на самом устройстве, для входа в сервис используется двухфакторная аутентификация.

Поэтому в дополнение к одному из конфиденциальных приложений для заметок обязательно используйте комплексную систем…

3 weeks назад @ kaspersky.ru
Как предотвратить слежку через рекламные баннеры | Блог Касперского
Как предотвратить слежку через рекламные баннеры | Блог Касперского Как предотвратить слежку через рекламные баннеры | Блог Касперского

Кроме телефонов и компьютеров, в этом участвуют смарт-часы, умные ТВ и колонки и даже автомобили.

Как выясняется, эти залежи информации используются не только рекламными агентствами, для того чтобы предложить вам лучший пылесос или страховку.

За кулисами контекстной рекламыРанее мы подробно описывали, как данные собираются на веб-страницах и в приложениях, но не уделяли внимания механизму их использования.

Затем DSP вступает в аукцион за нужные виды рекламы (баннер, видео и тому подобное), отображаемые на этих сайтах и в приложениях.

Как защититься от слежки через рекламуПоскольку все вышеописанные компании используют для сбора данных «центральные узлы» рекламной сети — большие рекламные би…

3 weeks, 2 days назад @ kaspersky.ru
Хакеры сорвали киберспортивный турнир по Apex Legends | Блог Касперского
Хакеры сорвали киберспортивный турнир по Apex Legends | Блог Касперского Хакеры сорвали киберспортивный турнир по Apex Legends | Блог Касперского

Но в последнее время кибератаки зашли слишком далеко: недавно злоумышленники сорвали крупный турнир по Apex Legends.

При этом потенциальный виновник не уточнил, где была уязвимость: в самой игре Apex Legends, в обязательном для кибертурниров ПО Easy Anti-Cheat или же в какой-либо другой программе.

Представители античита заявили, что их ПО в порядке.

Посреди матча Иван зашел на трансляцию своей же игры на Twitch — таким образом он мог получить преимущество, ведь на трансляции отображается расстановка сил обеих команд.

Также скептики любят приводить примеры, когда в важнейший момент игры на экране появлялось надоедливое уведомление антивируса.

3 weeks, 3 days назад @ kaspersky.ru
The Beekeeper: кибербезопасность и пасечник | Блог Касперского
The Beekeeper: кибербезопасность и пасечник | Блог Касперского The Beekeeper: кибербезопасность и пасечник | Блог Касперского

Я знаю, что это звучит как бред, но таков сюжет фильма, это не первоапрельская шутка.

А на месте дочери разумно было бы заранее установить на машину надежное защитное решение, которое и от вирусов убережет, и внезапно открывающиеся окна заблокирует.

Кроме оружия и амуниции Клэй также завладевает ее паролем (DR07Z, напечатан на бумажке) и проникает в информационные системы пасечников.

Применяемые в ней эксплойт EternalBlue и бэкдор DoublePulsar предположительно были украдены у разведывательных структур и выложены в открытый доступ.

А значит, следует быть готовыми ко всему и использовать надежные защитные инструменты и на личных устройствах, и для защиты компаний.

3 weeks, 4 days назад @ kaspersky.ru
CVE-2024-3094: вредоносный код в Linux-дистрибутивах | Блог Касперского
CVE-2024-3094: вредоносный код в Linux-дистрибутивах | Блог Касперского CVE-2024-3094: вредоносный код в Linux-дистрибутивах | Блог Касперского

Неизвестные злоумышленники встроили вредоносный код в набор утилит для компрессии с открытым исходным кодом XZ Utils версий 5.6.0 и 5.6.1.

Что еще хуже, утилиты с бэкдором успели попасть в несколько популярных мартовских сборок Linux, так что данную закладку можно расценивать как атаку на цепочку поставок.

Бэкдор перехватывает функцию RSA_public_decrypt, проверяет подпись хоста с использованием фиксированного ключа Ed448 и, в случае успешной проверки, через функцию system() выполняет вредоносный код, переданный хостом, не оставляя следов в логах sshd.

Откуда вредоносный код взялся в утилитах?

А тот, в какой-то момент, добавил в код проекта бэкдор.

3 weeks, 5 days назад @ kaspersky.ru
GoFetch: Взлом шифрования на процессорах Apple | Блог Касперского
GoFetch: Взлом шифрования на процессорах Apple | Блог Касперского GoFetch: Взлом шифрования на процессорах Apple | Блог Касперского

Исследователи показали это на практике, используя сразу две популярных библиотеки для шифрования данных.

Это Go Crypto, стандартная библиотека для разработчиков ПО на языке Go, и OpenSSL, используемая для шифрования сетевого трафика и многих других задач.

Алгоритм DMP иногда по ошибке загружает данные по определенному адресу, который на самом деле является куском этого ключа.

На практике, чтобы извлечь ключ шифрования, нужно провести десятки и сотни тысяч вычислений, подавая на вход алгоритма данные и наблюдая за состоянием кэш-памяти неявным образом.

Прямо сейчас угрозы для данных, хранящихся на устройствах Apple, нет — вряд ли они будут украдены таким сложным способом.

4 weeks назад @ kaspersky.ru
Блог Group-IB
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Cisco Security Blog Cisco Security Blog
последний пост 1 week, 1 day назад
Cisco Hypershield: A New Era of Distributed, AI-Native Security
Cisco Hypershield: A New Era of Distributed, AI-Native Security Cisco Hypershield: A New Era of Distributed, AI-Native Security

I’m proud to announce Cisco Hypershield, the first truly distributed, AI-native system that puts security wherever it needs to be: in every software component of every application running on your network; on every server; and in your public or private cloud deployments.

They converted these products into thousands of pieces of software — including security software — that could run on every server.

Built within the Cisco Security Cloud, Hypershield, plus the processing, protection, and data capabilities within Splunk, will create a transformative hyperscale datacenter that not only leads the AI revolution, but protects it.

We’ll share more soon, but for now, you can expect Cisco Hypershield…

1 week, 1 day назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Cisco Hypershield: Reimagining Security
Cisco Hypershield: Reimagining Security Cisco Hypershield: Reimagining Security

Cisco has created such a fabric — Cisco Hypershield — that we discuss in the paragraphs below.

Virtual/Container Network Enforcement Point: Here, a software network enforcement point runs inside a virtual machine or container.

Centralized security policyThe usual retort to distributed security enforcement is the nightmare of managing independent security policies per enforcement point.

The administrator’s faith in the security fabric — Cisco Hypershield — deepens after a few successful runs through the segmentation process.

ConclusionIn both the examples discussed above, we see Cisco Hypershield function as an effective and efficient security fabric.

1 week, 1 day назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Supercharging Cisco XDR with AI and Identity Intelligence at RSAC 2024
Supercharging Cisco XDR with AI and Identity Intelligence at RSAC 2024 Supercharging Cisco XDR with AI and Identity Intelligence at RSAC 2024

Cisco XDR is a leader in providing comprehensive threat detection and response across the entire attack surface.

Cutting-Edge Innovations in Cisco XDRAt the heart of these innovations is the Cisco AI Assistant in XDR.

The Cisco AI Assistant gives analysts contextual insights, guided responses, and best next steps.

We will also show Cisco Identity Intelligence capabilities.

Cisco XDR can detect and respond to sophisticated identity-based attacks with accuracy and speed by incorporating identity as a source of telemetry.

1 week, 2 days назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Synergizing Advanced Identity Threat Detection & Response Solutions
Synergizing Advanced Identity Threat Detection & Response Solutions Synergizing Advanced Identity Threat Detection & Response Solutions

Two leading players in this space, Cisco’s Duo Security and Cisco Identity Intelligence, have emerged as champions in Identity Threat Detection & Response.

The Power of Identity Threat Detection & ResponseIdentity Threat Detection & Response (ITDR) has become a vital aspect of modern cybersecurity.

Cisco Identity Intelligence: Elevating Cybersecurity PreparednessCisco Identity Intelligence brings an additional layer of protection to the table with its advanced capabilities in anomaly detection and behavioral analytics.

How Cisco Identity Intelligence Complements Cisco’s Duo SecurityEnhanced Anomaly Detection: While Cisco’s Duo Security provides robust MFA and access controls, Cisco Identity…

1 week, 3 days назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Cisco Telemetry Broker (CTB) 2.1 Launch
Cisco Telemetry Broker (CTB) 2.1 Launch Cisco Telemetry Broker (CTB) 2.1 Launch

Cisco Telemetry Broker (CTB) Release 2.1.3 is generally available as of March 25, 2024.

Cisco Telemetry Broker is the answer.

It can broker hybrid cloud data, filter unneeded data, and transform data into a more usable format.

Produces Telemetry for Devices that Cannot Generate NetFlow NativelyTo support the notion of an intelligent telemetry plane, there is a need to generate NetFlow for devices that might not be capable of generating the protocol natively.

Additionally, the CTB Broker to CTB Manager data bandwidth was optimized which improves overall performance significantly and allows scalability of the Manager node.

1 week, 4 days назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Cisco Secure Access Wins Global Security Service Edge Customer Value Leadership Award
Cisco Secure Access Wins Global Security Service Edge Customer Value Leadership Award Cisco Secure Access Wins Global Security Service Edge Customer Value Leadership Award

It’s one thing to claim leadership in cloud security; it’s another to have that leadership acknowledged by industry experts.

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our recent recognition by Frost & Sullivan as the 2024 Customer Value Leader in the Global Security Service Edge Industry.

Frost & Sullivan’s Customer Value Leadership Award recognizes the company that offers products or services customers find superior for the overall price, performance, and quality.

Vendors are evaluated on business impact criteria (including financial performance, customer acquisition, operational efficiency, growth potential, and human capital) and customer impact criteria (price/performance value, customer pu…

2 weeks, 1 day назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Defusing the threat of compromised credentials
Defusing the threat of compromised credentials Defusing the threat of compromised credentials

These attackers used compromised credentials to repeatedly attempt to sign in to the company’s real Microsoft 365 page, triggering the series of MFA notifications—an attack technique known as MFA exhaustion.

According to this quarter’s Talos IR report, using compromised credentials on valid accounts was one of two top initial access vectors.

How credentials are compromisedPhishing, while one of the most popular methods, isn’t the only way that attackers gather compromised credentials.

Reducing the impact of compromised credentialsIt goes without saying that protecting credentials from being compromised and abused is important.

To illustrate, let’s look at when the threat actor begins hammer…

2 weeks, 3 days назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain security due diligence: A guide to hedge risk
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain security due diligence: A guide to hedge risk Cryptocurrency and Blockchain security due diligence: A guide to hedge risk

Blockchain security, by its very nature, often diverges from standard cybersecurity practices originating from its decentralized, immutable, and cryptographic nature.

The hashrate originates from the processing power of validator nodes that lend their computational power to validate and secure blockchain transactions.

There are four main types of blockchains:Public : Anyone can read and write (transact) on a public blockchain such as Bitcoin.

In evaluating blockchain risk levels, public blockchains typically present the lowest risk.

Proof-of-work is extensively used in cryptocurrency and is generally a secure method for validating blockchain transactions .

3 weeks, 4 days назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Balancing agility and predictability to achieve major engineering breakthroughs
Balancing agility and predictability to achieve major engineering breakthroughs Balancing agility and predictability to achieve major engineering breakthroughs

Let’s look at this from the lens of a customer-impacting factor that may make security operations less predictable: security incidents.

According to our latest Security Outcomes Report:According to our 2024 Cybersecurity Readiness Index, 54% of organizations said they have experienced a cybersecurity incident in the last 12 months.

The latest Security Outcomes Report shows preventing incidents and mitigating losses are the top priorities for security resilience overall.

Ensuring leadership is aligned with the organization’s approach to balancing agility and predictability.

In our goal to balance agility with predictability, we have implemented some specific aspects to processes that work be…

1 month назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Hiding in Plain Sight: How Subdomain Attacks Use Your Email Authentication Against You
Hiding in Plain Sight: How Subdomain Attacks Use Your Email Authentication Against You Hiding in Plain Sight: How Subdomain Attacks Use Your Email Authentication Against You

For years, analysts, security specialists, and security architects alike have been encouraging organizations to become DMARC compliant.

These attacks were initially reported by Guardio Labs who reported the discovery of 8,000 domains and 13,000 subdomains being used for these types of attacks since 2022.

In the customer’s instance of Red Sift OnDMARC, they noticed email was coming from a sender with a poor reputation and a subdomain that appeared unrelated to their customer’s main domain.

But these emails had fully passed SPF checks with the customer’s current SPF record.

If you’re a Cisco Secure Email customer, find out how you can quickly add Red Sift domain protection to your security su…

1 month назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Introducing Cisco XDR Playbooks: Finding the balance in automating and guiding incident response
Introducing Cisco XDR Playbooks: Finding the balance in automating and guiding incident response Introducing Cisco XDR Playbooks: Finding the balance in automating and guiding incident response

In Cisco XDR, “Playbooks” are the strategic guides for robust incident response, designed to streamline the identify, contain, and eradicate processes for cyber threats.

The Playbook EditorWhen you open the Editor for the first time, only the Cisco Managed Incident Playbook is displayed and is designated as the “Default” Playbook.

If the Incident does not match any rules assigned to playbooks, the default playbook is assigned to the Incident.

Once a playbook is assigned to an Incident, the assignment Incident cannot be changed, even if the playbook is edited.

In this blog post, we have discussed the evolution and significance of Cisco XDR in standardizing the incident response process, enha…

1 month назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Cisco and Nvidia: Redefining Workload Security
Cisco and Nvidia: Redefining Workload Security Cisco and Nvidia: Redefining Workload Security

Cisco Secure Workload allows enterprise customers to proactively microsegment their applications in an infrastructure, location, and form factor agnostic manner.

With Cisco Secure Workload 3.9, we introduced the Nvidia Bluefield DPU integration which allows the offloading of Secure Workload Agent functionality from hosts to Nvidia Bluefield DPUs.

Under the hood, the control plane logic of the Cisco Secure Workload agent operates on the ARMv8+ CPUs.

Cisco Secure Workload – Nvidia DPU integration fosters a flexible deployment approach which reduces organizational barriers, greatly enhances practitioner experiences, and accelerates the time to value.

Cisco Secure Workload tackles the complexit…

1 month, 1 week назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Cisco Secure Access named Leader in Zero Trust Network Access
Cisco Secure Access named Leader in Zero Trust Network Access Cisco Secure Access named Leader in Zero Trust Network Access

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is a critical component to increase productivity and reduce risk in today’s hyper-distributed environments.

Cisco Secure Access provides a modern form of zero trust access that utilizes a new architecture to deliver a unique level of security and user convenience.

We’re proud to announce that our innovative security service edge (SSE) solution, Cisco Secure Access, has been named an Overall Leader in the KuppingerCole Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) Leadership Compass.

Recognizing the shift towards distributed and hybrid work models, Cisco Secure Access is engineered to modernize cybersecurity strategies, enabling organizations to implement zero trust with …

1 month, 1 week назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Sign up for a Tour at the RSA Conference 2024 SOC
Sign up for a Tour at the RSA Conference 2024 SOC Sign up for a Tour at the RSA Conference 2024 SOC

Join the guided tour outside the Security Operations Center, where we’ll discuss real time network traffic of the RSA Conference, as seen in the NetWitness platform.

Engineers will be using Cisco Security Cloud in the SOC, comprised of Cisco Breach Protection Suite, User Protection Suite, Cloud Protection Suite and Secure Firewall.

Please fill out the RSAC SOC Tour Request Form to request your spot.

Ask a Question, Comment Below, and Stay Connected with Cisco Security on social!

Cisco Security Social ChannelsInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedInShareShare:

1 month, 1 week назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Complexity drives more than security risk. Secure Access can help with that too.
Complexity drives more than security risk. Secure Access can help with that too. Complexity drives more than security risk. Secure Access can help with that too.

In response, organizations have adopted security service edge (SSE) solutions, such as Cisco Secure Access, to protect users regardless of where they are located or what they are accessing.

Experience insights is a core component of Secure Access, which means all its data and alerts are provided in the same management portal as the rest of Secure Access’ capabilities.

In addition, all Secure Access capabilities, including Experience Insights, rely on the Cisco Secure Client, a single agent on the end-user’s machine.

Experience insights is just one capability of an incredible solutionWhile experience insights is our latest announcement, Secure Access includes many capabilities, including a s…

1 month, 1 week назад @ blogs.cisco.com
Microsoft Security Microsoft Security
последний пост 1 day, 2 hours назад
​​Investigating industrial control systems using Microsoft’s ICSpector open-source framework
​​Investigating industrial control systems using Microsoft’s ICSpector open-source framework ​​Investigating industrial control systems using Microsoft’s ICSpector open-source framework

Challenges in ICS forensicsICS forensics differs from standard IT forensics, because ICS environments possess distinctive features that distinguish them.

In contrast, forensics in OT environments involves analyzing ICS data, including data from sensors and controllers used in manufacturing and industrial settings.

Specialized tools and techniques have started to emerge to address the unique challenges of conducting investigations in ICS environments.

Defender for IoT, or any other OT security solution, can help with both proactive and reactive OT incident response.

To get started with OT security, watch the “Introduction to ICS/OT Security” webinar series, hosted by Microsoft Security Commu…

1 day, 2 hours назад @ techcommunity.microsoft.com
5 ways a CNAPP can strengthen your multicloud security environment
5 ways a CNAPP can strengthen your multicloud security environment 5 ways a CNAPP can strengthen your multicloud security environment

Insight #3: Effective cybersecurity takes a good partnerThe next wave of multicloud security with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Read moreKeeping user needs in mind, Microsoft has its own CNAPP solution—Microsoft Defender for Cloud.

Operationalizing Microsoft Defender for Cloud takes both integrating it into daily operations and satisfying your users’ needs by continuously evolving cloud security.

Strengthening the SOC even further is a new Microsoft Defender for Cloud integration with Microsoft Defender XDR.

The future holds significant promise for CNAPP, and Microsoft is leading in this effort with solutions like Microsoft Defender for Cloud.

Also, follow us on LinkedIn (Microsoft Security)…

2 days, 2 hours назад @ microsoft.com
New Microsoft Incident Response guide helps simplify cyberthreat investigations
New Microsoft Incident Response guide helps simplify cyberthreat investigations New Microsoft Incident Response guide helps simplify cyberthreat investigations

To help like-minded defenders tackle this difficult task, Microsoft Incident Response experts have created a guide on using Windows Internals for forensic investigations.

Guidance for Incident Responders The new guide from the Microsoft Incident Response team helps simplify forensic investigations.

Understanding these artifacts will strengthen your ability to conduct Windows forensic analysis.

Shimcache’s forensic evolution : The Shimcache has long served as a source of forensic information, particularly as evidence of program execution.

Forensic insights with SRUM : SRUM’s tracking of application execution, network activity, and resource consumption is a boon for forensic analysts.

3 days, 2 hours назад @ microsoft.com
Analyzing Forest Blizzard’s custom post-compromise tool for exploiting CVE-2022-38028 to obtain credentials
Analyzing Forest Blizzard’s custom post-compromise tool for exploiting CVE-2022-38028 to obtain credentials Analyzing Forest Blizzard’s custom post-compromise tool for exploiting CVE-2022-38028 to obtain credentials

Microsoft Threat Intelligence is publishing results of our longstanding investigation into activity by the Russian-based threat actor Forest Blizzard (STRONTIUM) using a custom tool to elevate privileges and steal credentials in compromised networks.

Forest Blizzard often uses publicly available exploits in addition to CVE-2022-38028, such as CVE-2023-23397.

In addition to patching, this blog details several steps users can take to defend themselves against attempts to exploit Print Spooler vulnerabilities.

Forest Blizzard primarily targets government, energy, transportation, and non-governmental organizations in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East.

To hear stories and insights f…

4 days, 2 hours назад @ microsoft.com
Attackers exploiting new critical OpenMetadata vulnerabilities on Kubernetes clusters
Attackers exploiting new critical OpenMetadata vulnerabilities on Kubernetes clusters Attackers exploiting new critical OpenMetadata vulnerabilities on Kubernetes clusters

Microsoft recently uncovered an attack that exploits new critical vulnerabilities in OpenMetadata to gain access to Kubernetes workloads and leverage them for cryptomining activity.

Attack flowFor initial access, the attackers likely identify and target Kubernetes workloads of OpenMetadata exposed to the internet.

Once they identify a vulnerable version of the application, the attackers exploit the mentioned vulnerabilities to gain code execution on the container running the vulnerable OpenMetadata image.

In this specific case, the attackers’ actions triggered Microsoft Defender for Containers alerts, identifying the malicious activity in the container.

Microsoft Defender Cloud Security Pos…

1 week, 2 days назад @ microsoft.com
New Microsoft guidance for the DoD Zero Trust Strategy
New Microsoft guidance for the DoD Zero Trust Strategy New Microsoft guidance for the DoD Zero Trust Strategy

Today, we are excited to announce Zero Trust activity-level guidance for DoD Components and DIB partners implementing the DoD Zero Trust Strategy.

In this blog, we’ll review the DoD Zero Trust Strategy and discuss how our new guidance helps DoD Components and DIB partners implement Zero Trust.

We’ll cover the Microsoft Zero Trust platform and relevant features for meeting DoD’s Zero Trust requirements, and close with real-world DoD Zero Trust deployments.

Microsoft supports the DoD’s Zero Trust StrategyThe DoD released its formal Zero Trust Strategy in October 2022.1 The strategy is a security framework and mindset that set a path for achieving Zero Trust.

There are 152 Zero Trust activitie…

1 week, 3 days назад @ microsoft.com
​​Microsoft recognized as a Leader in the Forrester Wave™: Workforce Identity Platform, Q1 2024
​​Microsoft recognized as a Leader in the Forrester Wave™: Workforce Identity Platform, Q1 2024 ​​Microsoft recognized as a Leader in the Forrester Wave™: Workforce Identity Platform, Q1 2024

We’re thrilled to announce that Forrester has recognized Microsoft as a Leader in the Forrester Wave™: Workforce Identity Platforms, Q1 2024 report.

In The Forrester Wave™ report, Forrester recognized Microsoft Entra for its adaptive policy engine, well-integrated identity lifecycle management, and end-to-end approach to identity threat detection.

Bookmark the Microsoft Entra blog to keep up with our expert coverage on workforce identity matters.

Also, follow us on LinkedIn (Microsoft Security) and X (@MSFTSecurity) for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity.

Forrester Wave™: Workforce Identity Platforms, Q1 2024, Geoff Cairns, Merrit Maxim, Lok Sze Sung, Pater Harrison.

1 week, 4 days назад @ microsoft.com
How Microsoft discovers and mitigates evolving attacks against AI guardrails
How Microsoft discovers and mitigates evolving attacks against AI guardrails How Microsoft discovers and mitigates evolving attacks against AI guardrails

You can read more about Microsoft’s approach to securing generative AI with new tools we recently announced as available or coming soon to Microsoft Azure AI Studio for generative AI app developers.

While Crescendo attacks were a surprising discovery, it is important to note that these attacks did not directly pose a threat to the privacy of users otherwise interacting with the Crescendo-targeted AI system, or the security of the AI system, itself.

Microsoft Azure AI Content Safety is an example of this approach.

Microsoft Azure AI Content Safety is an example of this approach.

Microsoft’s own procedure is explained here: Microsoft AI Bounty.

2 weeks, 1 day назад @ microsoft.com
Explore Microsoft’s AI innovations at RSA Conference 2024
Explore Microsoft’s AI innovations at RSA Conference 2024 Explore Microsoft’s AI innovations at RSA Conference 2024

Join us a day early, on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at Microsoft Pre-Day to kick-off RSA Conference 2024, and hear directly from our Microsoft Security Business leaders, including Vasu Jakkal, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Security Business, and Charlie Bell, Executive Vice President, Microsoft Security.

Plus, view live demos at a variety of Microsoft sessions happening throughout the conference in breakout rooms and at our booth #6044N.

They’ll reflect on the latest developments in cybersecurity, AI, and how the global community of cyber professionals can work together for a more secure future.

Check out one or all of our Microsoft Security sessions included in the RSA Conference agenda.


3 weeks, 1 day назад @ microsoft.com
Get end-to-end protection with Microsoft’s unified security operations platform, now in public preview
Get end-to-end protection with Microsoft’s unified security operations platform, now in public preview Get end-to-end protection with Microsoft’s unified security operations platform, now in public preview

Today, I am excited to announce the public preview of our unified security operations platform.

Onboarding a Microsoft Sentinel workspace only takes a few minutes, and customers can continue to use their Microsoft Sentinel in Azure.

Unified security operations platform The new platform brings together the capabilities of XDR and SIEM.

Fortunately, the Microsoft Security Exposure Management solution, built right into the new unified platform experience, consolidates silos into a contextual and risk-based view.

If you’d like to join the public preview, view the prerequisites and how to connect your Microsoft Sentinel workplace.

3 weeks, 2 days назад @ microsoft.com
Microsoft Priva announces new solutions to help modernize your privacy program
Microsoft Priva announces new solutions to help modernize your privacy program Microsoft Priva announces new solutions to help modernize your privacy program

Microsoft Priva Privacy AssessmentsBuild the foundation of your privacy posture with Microsoft Priva Privacy Assessments—a solution that automates the discovery, documentation, and evaluation of personal data use across your entire data estate.

Embed your custom privacy risk framework into each assessment to programmatically identify the factors contributing to privacy risk.

Microsoft Priva Privacy Risk ManagementMicrosoft Priva Privacy Risk Management is here to empower you to simplify the identification of unstructured personal data usage.

Key featuresEfficiently manage subject rights requests : Streamline the fulfillment of subject rights request tasks using configurable settings within …

3 weeks, 3 days назад @ microsoft.com
The foundation for responsible analytics with Microsoft Purview
The foundation for responsible analytics with Microsoft Purview The foundation for responsible analytics with Microsoft Purview

The future of compliance and data governance is here: Introducing Microsoft Purview Read moreIn 2022, we introduced Microsoft Purview, a comprehensive set of solutions that let you secure, govern, and ensure compliance across your data estate.

Confidently activate your data with modern data governanceWe are thrilled to introduce the new Microsoft Purview Data Governance experience.

This new reimagined software as a service (SaaS) solution offers sophisticated yet simple business-friendly interaction, integration across your multicloud data estate, and actionable insights that help data leaders to responsibly unlock business value within their data estate.

If you’re attending, don’t miss the…

1 month назад @ microsoft.com
​​Frost & Sullivan names Microsoft a Leader in the Frost Radar™: Managed Detection and Response, 2024
​​Frost & Sullivan names Microsoft a Leader in the Frost Radar™: Managed Detection and Response, 2024 ​​Frost & Sullivan names Microsoft a Leader in the Frost Radar™: Managed Detection and Response, 2024

We are excited to share that Microsoft has been named a Leader by Frost & Sullivan in the Frost Radar™: Managed Detection and Response, 2024, leading in innovation and among the top two in growth.

Frost RadarTM for Managed Detection and Response 2024 showing Microsoft as a leader.

Learn moreTo learn more about our service, visit the Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR web page, read the Defender Experts for XDR docs page, and subscribe to our ongoing news at the Microsoft Security Experts blog home.

Also, follow us on LinkedIn (Microsoft Security) and X (@MSFTSecurity) for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity.

1Frost & Sullivan, Frost Radar™: Managed Detection and Response, 2024, Luc…

1 month назад @ microsoft.com
How Microsoft Incident Response and Microsoft Defender for Identity work together to detect and respond to cyberthreats
How Microsoft Incident Response and Microsoft Defender for Identity work together to detect and respond to cyberthreats How Microsoft Incident Response and Microsoft Defender for Identity work together to detect and respond to cyberthreats

Microsoft Incident Response Strengthen your security with an end-to-end portfolio of proactive and reactive cybersecurity incident response services.

In this incident, one click on a malicious link led a large customer to reach out to Microsoft Incident Response for help.

Then, by leveraging Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alongside Defender for Identity, Microsoft Incident Response was able to trace the threat actor’s movements and disrupt their attempts to use compromised accounts to reenter the environment.

Microsoft Incident Response works with the tools and teams available to support incident response—like Defender for Identity, Defender for Endpoint, and now Copilot for Security—to de…

1 month назад @ microsoft.com
Microsoft Threat Intelligence unveils targets and innovative tactics amidst tax season
Microsoft Threat Intelligence unveils targets and innovative tactics amidst tax season Microsoft Threat Intelligence unveils targets and innovative tactics amidst tax season

At the end of January 2024, Microsoft Threat Intelligence observed a campaign using lures masquerading as tax-related documents provided by employers.

Tax season cybersecurity best practicesThe best defense against cybercriminals, both at tax season and throughout the year, is education and good cyber hygiene.

To learn more about the latest observed tax season phishing campaigns, social engineering fraud, and tips on how to stay ahead of these types of attacks during tax season and other holidays, read the Microsoft Threat Intelligence tax season report.

Microsoft Threat Intelligence Read the new tax season report to learn about the techniques that threat actors use to mislead taxpayers.


1 month, 1 week назад @ microsoft.com
Google Online Security Blog Google Online Security Blog
последний пост 1 week, 1 day назад
Prevent Generative AI Data Leaks with Chrome Enterprise DLP
Prevent Generative AI Data Leaks with Chrome Enterprise DLP Prevent Generative AI Data Leaks with Chrome Enterprise DLP

Generative AI has emerged as a powerful and popular tool to automate content creation and simple tasks.

In this blog post, we'll explore reporting and enforcement policies that enterprise security teams can implement within Chrome Enterprise Premium for data loss prevention (DLP).

Chrome Enterprise DLP rules give IT admins granular control over browser activities, such as entering financial information in Gen AI websites.

As enterprises work through their policies and processes involving GenAI, Chrome Enterprise Premium empowers them to strike the balance that works best.

Learn more about how Chrome Enterprise can secure businesses just like yours here.

1 week, 1 day назад @ security.googleblog.com
How we built the new Find My Device network with user security and privacy in mind
How we built the new Find My Device network with user security and privacy in mind How we built the new Find My Device network with user security and privacy in mind

How location crowdsourcing works on the Find My Device networkThe Find My Device network locates devices by harnessing the Bluetooth proximity of surrounding Android devices.

Nearby Android devices participating in the Find My Device network report the location of the Bluetooth tag.

With end-to-end encrypted location data, Google cannot decrypt, see, or otherwise use the location data.

The Find My Device network is also compliant with the integration version of the joint industry standard for unwanted tracking.

We have an unwavering commitment to continue to improve user protections on Find My Device and prioritize user safety.

2 weeks, 4 days назад @ security.googleblog.com
Google Public DNS’s approach to fight against cache poisoning attacks
Google Public DNS’s approach to fight against cache poisoning attacks Google Public DNS’s approach to fight against cache poisoning attacks

In this post, we will look at DNS cache poisoning attacks and how Google Public DNS addresses the risks associated with them.

DNS Cache Poisoning AttacksDNS lookups in most applications are forwarded to a caching resolver (which could be local or an open resolver like.

For an excellent introduction to cache poisoning attacks, please see “An Illustrated Guide to the Kaminsky DNS Vulnerability”.

Cache poisoning mitigations in Google Public DNSImproving DNS security has been a goal of Google Public DNS since our launch in 2009.

To enhance DNS security, we recommend that DNS server operators support one or more of the security mechanisms described here.

4 weeks, 1 day назад @ security.googleblog.com
Address Sanitizer for Bare-metal Firmware
Address Sanitizer for Bare-metal Firmware Address Sanitizer for Bare-metal Firmware

Address Sanitizer (ASan) overviewAddress sanitizer is a compiler-based instrumentation tool used to identify invalid memory access operations during runtime.

The KASan runtime routines implemented in the Linux kernel serve as a great example of how to define a KASan runtime for targets which aren’t supported by default with -fsanitize=address .

Memory access checkThe routines __asan_loadXX_noabort , __asan_storeXX_noabort perform verification of memory access at runtime.

This routine takes as input a target memory address and sets the corresponding byte in shadow memory to the value of YY .

Essentially, we would need to instrument the memory allocator with the code which unpoisons KASan sha…

1 month назад @ security.googleblog.com
Real-time, privacy-preserving URL protection
Real-time, privacy-preserving URL protection Real-time, privacy-preserving URL protection

That’s why we're excited to announce a new version of Safe Browsing that will provide real-time, privacy-preserving URL protection for people using the Standard protection mode of Safe Browsing in Chrome.

Introducing real-time, privacy-preserving Safe BrowsingHow it worksIn order to transition to real-time protection, checks now need to be performed against a list that is maintained on the Safe Browsing server.

With OHTTP, Safe Browsing does not see your IP address, and your Safe Browsing checks are mixed amongst those sent by other Chrome users.

Since the privacy server doesn’t know the private key, it cannot decrypt the hash prefixes, which offers privacy from the privacy server itself.


1 month, 1 week назад @ security.googleblog.com
Vulnerability Reward Program: 2023 Year in Review
Vulnerability Reward Program: 2023 Year in Review Vulnerability Reward Program: 2023 Year in Review

To further our engagement with top security researchers, we also hosted our yearly security conference ESCAL8 in Tokyo.

Android and Google DevicesIn 2023, the Android VRP achieved significant milestones, reflecting our dedication to securing the Android ecosystem.

The Google Play Security Reward Program continued to foster security research across popular Android apps on Google Play.

All of this resulted in $2.1M in rewards to security researchers for 359 unique reports of Chrome Browser security bugs.

Thank you to the Chrome VRP security researcher community for your contributions and efforts to help us make Chrome more secure for everyone!

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ security.googleblog.com
Secure by Design: Google’s Perspective on Memory Safety
Secure by Design: Google’s Perspective on Memory Safety Secure by Design: Google’s Perspective on Memory Safety

The latest news and insights from Google on security and safety on the Internet

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ security.googleblog.com
Piloting new ways of protecting Android users from financial fraud
Piloting new ways of protecting Android users from financial fraud Piloting new ways of protecting Android users from financial fraud

Google Play, for example, carries out rigorous operational reviews to ensure app safety, including proper high-risk API use and permissions handling.

We recently launched enhanced Google Play Protect real-time scanning to help better protect users against novel malicious Internet-sideloaded apps.

This feature, now deployed on Android devices with Google Play Services in India, Thailand, Singapore and Brazil, has already made a significant impact on user safety.

To help better protect Android users from these financial fraud attacks, we are piloting enhanced fraud protection with Google Play Protect.

Our commitment to protecting Android usersWe believe industry collaboration is essential to …

2 months, 2 weeks назад @ security.googleblog.com
Improving Interoperability Between Rust and C++
Improving Interoperability Between Rust and C++ Improving Interoperability Between Rust and C++

At the time, Rust was already in wide use across Android and other Google products.

Our announcement emphasized our commitment to improving the security reviews of Rust code and its interoperability with C++ code.

Rust is one of the strongest tools we have to address memory safety security issues.

We’re also furthering our existing commitment to the open-source Rust community by aggregating and publishing audits for Rust crates that we use in open-source Google projects.

As these improvements have continued, we’ve seen a reduction in the barriers to adoption and accelerated adoption of Rust.

2 months, 3 weeks назад @ security.googleblog.com
UN Cybercrime Treaty Could Endanger Web Security
UN Cybercrime Treaty Could Endanger Web Security UN Cybercrime Treaty Could Endanger Web Security

Google takes the threat of cybercrime very seriously, and dedicates significant resources to combating it.

Such safeguards aren’t just important to ensuring free expression and human rights, they are also critical to protecting web security.

The Cybercrime Treaty should not criminalize the work of legitimate cybersecurity researchers and penetration testers, which is designed to protect individual systems and the web as a whole.

At the same time, Member States should avoid attempts to criminalize activities that raise significant freedom of expression issues, or that actually undercut the treaty’s goal of reducing cybercrime.

We urge Member States to heed calls from civil society groups to …

2 months, 3 weeks назад @ security.googleblog.com
Scaling security with AI: from detection to solution
Scaling security with AI:  from detection to solution Scaling security with AI: from detection to solution

The AI world moves fast, so we’ve been hard at work keeping security apace with recent advancements.

One of our approaches, in alignment with Google’s Safer AI Framework (SAIF), is using AI itself to automate and streamline routine and manual security tasks, including fixing security bugs.

Last year we wrote about our experiences using LLMs to expand vulnerability testing coverage, and we’re excited to share some updates.

We’ll also show you how we’re using AI to speed up the bug patching process.

If you’re interested in using LLMs to patch bugs, be sure to read our paper on building an AI-powered patching pipeline.

2 months, 3 weeks назад @ security.googleblog.com
Effortlessly upgrade to Passkeys on Pixel phones with Google Password Manager
Effortlessly upgrade to Passkeys on Pixel phones with Google Password Manager Effortlessly upgrade to Passkeys on Pixel phones with Google Password Manager

This is why the Pixel team has been especially excited about passkeys—the easier, safer alternative to passwords.

As part of last December’s Pixel Feature Drop, we introduced a new feature to Google Password Manager: passkey upgrades.

With this new feature, Google Password Manager will let you discover which of your accounts support passkeys, and help you upgrade with just a few taps.

This new passkey upgrade experience is now available on Pixel phones (starting from Pixel 5a) as well as Pixel Tablet.

Google Password manager will incorporate these updates for other platforms in the future.

2 months, 3 weeks назад @ security.googleblog.com
MiraclePtr: protecting users from use-after-free vulnerabilities on more platforms
MiraclePtr: protecting users from use-after-free vulnerabilities on more platforms MiraclePtr: protecting users from use-after-free vulnerabilities on more platforms

Welcome back to our latest update on MiraclePtr, our project to protect against use-after-free vulnerabilities in Google Chrome.

Our analysis is based on two primary information sources: incoming vulnerability reports and crash reports from user devices.

MiraclePtr effectively mitigated 57% of these use-after-free vulnerabilities in privileged processes, exceeding our initial estimate of 50%.

Impressively, five of the six were discovered while investigating MiraclePtr crash reports!

ConclusionIn summary, MiraclePtr has proven to be effective in mitigating use-after-free vulnerabilities and enhancing the overall security of the Chrome browser.

3 months, 2 weeks назад @ security.googleblog.com
Hardening cellular basebands in Android
Hardening cellular basebands in Android Hardening cellular basebands in Android

Beyond security, addressing the issues uncovered by these sanitizers improves code health and overall stability, reducing resources spent addressing bugs in the future.

Baseband security and exploitation has been a recurring theme in security conferences for the last decade.

For example, we consider vulnerabilities allowing Remote Code Execution (RCE) in the cellular baseband to be of CRITICAL severity.

Aside from uncovering security vulnerabilities, this stage is highly effective at uncovering code quality and stability bugs that could result in instability on user devices.

There is no need to rewrite everything in Rust, as Rust provides a strong C FFI support and easily interfaces with ex…

4 months, 2 weeks назад @ security.googleblog.com
Improving Text Classification Resilience and Efficiency with RETVec
Improving Text Classification Resilience and Efficiency with RETVec Improving Text Classification Resilience and Efficiency with RETVec

Systems such as Gmail, YouTube and Google Play rely on text classification models to identify harmful content including phishing attacks, inappropriate comments, and scams.

To help make text classifiers more robust and efficient, we’ve developed a novel, multilingual text vectorizer called RETVec (Resilient & Efficient Text Vectorizer) that helps models achieve state-of-the-art classification performance and drastically reduces computational cost.

RETVec-based Gmail Spam filter improvements.

RETVec is a novel open-source text vectorizer that allows you to build more resilient and efficient server-side and on-device text classifiers.

The Gmail spam filter uses it to help protect Gmail inboxe…

4 months, 4 weeks назад @ security.googleblog.com