Игры, железки и геймдев
Бета-версия подборки новостей об играх и всём, что с ними связано
На русском
последний пост 3 часа назад
СМИ: Ubisoft считает некорректным сравнивать показатели Shadows с Valhalla — та вышла в «исключительных условиях»
СМИ: Ubisoft считает некорректным сравнивать показатели Shadows с Valhalla — та вышла в «исключительных условиях» СМИ: Ubisoft считает некорректным сравнивать показатели Shadows с Valhalla — та вышла в «исключительных условиях»

В компании также довольны решением вернуть свои игры в Steam.

3 часа назад @ dtf.ru
Состоялся анонс PvP-шутера Wildgate от компании Майка Морхейма — трейлер и скриншоты
Состоялся анонс PvP-шутера Wildgate от компании Майка Морхейма — трейлер и скриншоты Состоялся анонс PvP-шутера Wildgate от компании Майка Морхейма — трейлер и скриншоты

Яркая и динамичная игра про космических пиратов выйдет в 2025 году.

4 часа назад @ dtf.ru
В Steam началось тестирование Shadow of the Road — издателем RPG выступает Owlcat Games
В Steam началось тестирование Shadow of the Road — издателем RPG выступает Owlcat Games В Steam началось тестирование Shadow of the Road — издателем RPG выступает Owlcat Games

Все желающие могут опробовать ролевую игру.

5 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Продюсерами следующего фильма о Джеймсе Бонде стали Эми Паскаль и Дэвид Хейман
Продюсерами следующего фильма о Джеймсе Бонде стали Эми Паскаль и Дэвид Хейман Продюсерами следующего фильма о Джеймсе Бонде стали Эми Паскаль и Дэвид Хейман

Они известны по франшизам «Человек-паук» и «Гарри Поттер».

5 часов назад @ dtf.ru
GeoGuessr выйдет в Steam — с режимом дуэлей и бесплатным доступом
GeoGuessr выйдет в Steam — с режимом дуэлей и бесплатным доступом GeoGuessr выйдет в Steam — с режимом дуэлей и бесплатным доступом

Релиз известной географической викторины состоится уже в апреле.

6 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 выйдет в октябре
Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 выйдет в октябре Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 выйдет в октябре

Контент из игры полностью готов — разработчики занимаются исправлением багов и улучшением производительности.

6 часов назад @ dtf.ru
«Смерть не любит, когда её планам мешают»: трейлер следующей части «Пункта назначения»
«Смерть не любит, когда её планам мешают»: трейлер следующей части «Пункта назначения» «Смерть не любит, когда её планам мешают»: трейлер следующей части «Пункта назначения»

Это первая за 14 лет часть франшизы.

7 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Хендерсон: Nintendo Switch 2 выйдет в июне
Хендерсон: Nintendo Switch 2 выйдет в июне Хендерсон: Nintendo Switch 2 выйдет в июне

Игры на консоли будут выходить в три этапа.

8 часов назад @ dtf.ru
СМИ: Минпромторг поручил разработку игрового процессора для российской консоли
СМИ: Минпромторг поручил разработку игрового процессора для российской консоли СМИ: Минпромторг поручил разработку игрового процессора для российской консоли

Стоимость проекта — 20 миллиардов рублей, а производство планируется в Китае.

9 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Издательство «АСТ» выпустило в России «Рассвет жатвы» — пятую книгу из серии «Голодные игры»
Издательство «АСТ» выпустило в России «Рассвет жатвы» — пятую книгу из серии «Голодные игры» Издательство «АСТ» выпустило в России «Рассвет жатвы» — пятую книгу из серии «Голодные игры»

С оригинальной обложкой.

10 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Digital Foundry: «Разработчикам стоит указывать консольные настройки в ПК-версиях игр»
Digital Foundry: «Разработчикам стоит указывать консольные настройки в ПК-версиях игр» Digital Foundry: «Разработчикам стоит указывать консольные настройки в ПК-версиях игр»

Тогда людям будет легче осознать, что «ультра» — не для всех.

11 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Авторы Pacific Drive анонсировали масштабное обновление «Бесконечные экспедиции»
Авторы Pacific Drive анонсировали масштабное обновление «Бесконечные экспедиции» Авторы Pacific Drive анонсировали масштабное обновление «Бесконечные экспедиции»

Оно привнесёт в игру ещё один игровой режим, улучшенные инструменты и возможность сохраниться во время заезда.

12 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Remedy не пришлось перестраиваться, чтобы сделать непривычную для себя FBC: Firebreak
Remedy не пришлось перестраиваться, чтобы сделать непривычную для себя FBC: Firebreak Remedy не пришлось перестраиваться, чтобы сделать непривычную для себя FBC: Firebreak

Однако одному сотруднику «запретили попадать под автобус», потому что без него игра «прекратит существование».

12 часов назад @ dtf.ru
«Не испорть своим поведением праздник»: дебютный трейлер фильма «Чебурашка 2»
«Не испорть своим поведением праздник»: дебютный трейлер фильма «Чебурашка 2» «Не испорть своим поведением праздник»: дебютный трейлер фильма «Чебурашка 2»

Сиквел самой кассовой картины российского проката выйдет в январе 2026 года.

13 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Экранизацию Street Fighter убрали из расписания Sony Pictures — фильм планировали выпустить в марте 2026 года
Экранизацию Street Fighter убрали из расписания Sony Pictures — фильм планировали выпустить в марте 2026 года Экранизацию Street Fighter убрали из расписания Sony Pictures — фильм планировали выпустить в марте 2026 года

Режиссёра для адаптации нашли в конце февраля.

14 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Stopgame Stopgame
последний пост 1 час назад
Журнал Game Informer официально воскрес
Журнал Game Informer официально воскрес Журнал Game Informer официально воскрес

Как оказалось, на этом история Game Informer не оканчивается, ибо полное забвение удалось миновать благодаря компании Gunzilla Games, выкупившая права у GameStop.

Прошлым летом я, как и остальные члены команды, был в отчаянии, когда наша прежняя материнская компания закрыла Game Informer.

Во-первых, Game Informer как бренд и издание было выкуплено и получило новую жизнь.

Во-вторых, вся команда, которая работала вместе до закрытия Game Informer, вернулась — от редакторов до продюсеров и не только.

Мэтт Миллер (Matt Miller), главный редактор Game InformerЧто примечательно, компания Gunzilla Games настояла на сохранении редакторской независимости Game Informer.

1 час назад @ stopgame.ru
CD Projekt RED заработала $120 миллионов в 2024 году, не выпустив ни одной игры
CD Projekt RED заработала $120 миллионов в 2024 году, не выпустив ни одной игры CD Projekt RED заработала $120 миллионов в 2024 году, не выпустив ни одной игры

Студия добилась чистой прибыли в размере 470 миллионов злотых (около 120 миллионов долларов) и выручку в почти миллиард злотых (около 250 миллионов долларов), несмотря на отсутствие игровых релизов.

Основной источник дохода в прошлом году — продолжающиеся продажи Cyberpunk 2077 и её дополнения Phantom Liberty.

В этом году мы планируем выпустить тайтл на Mac с процессорами Apple Silicon.

И это далеко не всё, что мы готовим на ближайшие годы.

Однако Нелюбович пояснил: компания понесла рекордные затраты на разработку проектов , а также выплатила дивиденды в размере 100 миллионов злотых (около 25 миллионов долларов) инвесторам.

1 час назад @ stopgame.ru
Запуск сурвайвал-хоррора Post Trauma перенесли на 22 апреля
Запуск сурвайвал-хоррора Post Trauma перенесли на 22 апреля Запуск сурвайвал-хоррора Post Trauma перенесли на 22 апреля

Команда Red Soul Games вновь переоценила свои силы — изначально она планировала выпустить свой амбициозный хоррор Post Trauma в октябре прошлого года, но затем дату перенесли на 31 марта.

Для начала мы бы хотели выразить благодарность и признательность за вашу постоянную поддержку Post Trauma.

И всё же из-за некоторых неприятных и неожиданных обстоятельств нам пришлось отложить релиз Post Trauma на несколько недель.

Мы благодарим вас за ваше понимание и с нетерпением ждём встречи с вами в 22 апреля независимо от вашей платформы.

Издатель Raw Fury и студия-разработчик Red Soul GamesPost Trauma заявлена для ПК (Steam), PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series без русской локализации.

2 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon получила последнее обновление в раннем доступе
Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon получила последнее обновление в раннем доступе Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon получила последнее обновление в раннем доступе

Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon готовится выйти в полноценный релиз спустя два года пребывания в раннем доступе Steam и GOG.

Как это обычно бывает с крупными патчами ранней версии, для ознакомления геймеры должны начать новую игру, ибо старые сохранения больше не поддерживаются.

Тем не менее в начальном меню игроки смогут выбрать этап прохождения, будь то самое начало, середина, или же текущий эндгейм.

Напомним, Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon является экшен-RPG от первого лица по мотивам одноимённой настолки.

Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon пока доступна только на ПК, а перед покупкой геймеры могут ознакомиться с бесплатным пробником.

2 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
Почти «Sea of Thieves в космосе»: смотрите геймплейный трейлер Wildgate
Почти «Sea of Thieves в космосе»: смотрите геймплейный трейлер Wildgate Почти «Sea of Thieves в космосе»: смотрите геймплейный трейлер Wildgate

Проект обещает сражения в открытом космосе, где игроки в качестве экипажа звездолёта будут бороться за древний Артефакт — самый ценный объект во вселенной.

Судя по трейлеру, нас ждут не только напряжённые перестрелки, но и ловушки, саботаж и исследование опасных космических просторов.

Правда, если верить комментариям на Reddit, плей-тестеры не спешат сравнивать проект с очевидной Sea of Thieves, где можно свободно исследовать мир.

PvPvE-геройский-экстракшн-шутер Wildgate должен выйти в этом году на ПК (Steam), PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series.

С 10 по 14 апреля на всех платформах пройдёт тестирование, записаться на которон можно уже сейчас на официальном сайте проекта.

2 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
Авторы «Симулятора Козла» готовят анонсы на 1 апреля
Авторы «Симулятора Козла» готовят анонсы на 1 апреля Авторы «Симулятора Козла» готовят анонсы на 1 апреля

Сотрудники Coffee Stain North анонсировали свою презентацию Goat Direct, которая стартует 1 апреля в 17:00 по Москве — аккурат к одиннадцатой годовщине оригинальной Goat Simulator.

Грядущее мероприятие станет заключительной точкой празднования десятилетнего юбилея «Симулятора Козла», которое стартовало год назад.

В рамках презентации авторами заявлены различные анонсы от партнёров и новости по франшизе Goat Simulator.

2024 год навсегда останется «Годом Козла» в наших сердцах, но нам не терпится отметить ещё более захватывающие открытия, которые ждут нас в 2025 году.

Мы понимаем, что готовить анонсы в День дурака не самая лучшая идея, но в этом году мы превзошли самих себя, так что, пожалуйс…

3 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
Sony запатентовала систему автоматического липсинка для локализаций в играх
Sony запатентовала систему автоматического липсинка для локализаций в играх Sony запатентовала систему автоматического липсинка для локализаций в играх

Sony, как оказалось, зарегистрировала патент на систему синхронизации губ для NPC в видеоиграх.

Сама Sony отмечает в патенте: «Когда звук переведённого текста не соответствует движению губ персонажа, игрок или зритель видеопроизведения может испытывать дискомфорт».

Система анализирует движения губ NPC и вычисляет «индекс схожести» с переводом, автоматически корректируя анимацию, чтобы она соответствовала диалогам на любом языке.

Достаточно вбить в поиске «Sony запатентовала» и вам попадётся ворох ссылок, включая:Поэтому неизвестно, будет ли использоваться эта система где-либо.

Однако ближайший релиз Sony — ПК-порт The Last of Us Part II Remastered — увидит свет в Steam и EGS третьего апреля…

4 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
Первое контентное обновление для Monster Hunter Wilds выйдет 4 апреля
Первое контентное обновление для Monster Hunter Wilds выйдет 4 апреля Первое контентное обновление для Monster Hunter Wilds выйдет 4 апреля

Capcom провела небольшую презентацию первого контентного патча для Monster Hunter Wilds и объявила, что добавка выйдет уже 4 апреля.

Кроме того, с 50-го ранга геймеры смогут сразиться с Архи-Закалённым Рей Дау в ивент-квесте и получить новый комплект снаряжения.

Все новые миссии можно выполнять как в одиночку, так и в кроссплатформенном кооперативе с другими игроками.

Во время праздников охотники смогут получить ограниченное по времени снаряжение, жесты, украшения для временных лагерей и многое другое.

До этого в мае игра получит патч поменьше, который включает кроссовер с одной из франшиз Capcom.

4 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
Хидэки Камия — о крикливом меньшинстве и Assassin’s Creed Shadows
Хидэки Камия — о крикливом меньшинстве и Assassin’s Creed Shadows Хидэки Камия — о крикливом меньшинстве и Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Знаменитый гейм-дизайнер Хидэки Камия (Hideki Kamiya), создатель Bayonetta и Okami, встал на защиту Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

Похоже, игру чересчур жёстко критиковали, даже немного жалко, но, судя по всему, и продажи, и отзывы оказались на достойном уровне — и это радует!

<…> Это касается не только Assassin’s Creed Shadows, но и любой другой ситуации: когда особо ярые фанаты поднимают шум в духе «Как так?!

Но в итоге проект вполне тепло приняло то самое «молчаливое большинство»: в Steam очень положительные оценки.

Тайтл доступен на ПК (Steam, Epic Games Store, Ubisoft Store), PlayStation 5, Xbox Series и в облачном сервисе Amazon Luna.

5 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Не опять, а снова — Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 перенесли на октябрь
Не опять, а снова — Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 перенесли на октябрь Не опять, а снова — Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 перенесли на октябрь

Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 столкнулась с очередным переносом даты выхода за шесть лет пребывания в производственном аду.

В последний раз запуск игры планировался в первой половине текущего года, а сейчас разработчики заверяют, что она увидит свет в октябре.

За последние пару месяцев мы делились с вами деталями производства Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 при помощи дневников разработки, посвящённых различным аспектам игры, включая фракции Камарильи, Анархов, Охотников и многое другое.

Технически разработка уже завершена, и в настоящее время мы трудимся над исправлением багов, а также улучшением стабильности и производительности, дабы вы получили наилучшие впечатления от и…

6 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Хендерсон: первые игры для Switch 2 выйдут в три этапа, а сама консоль стартует в июне
Хендерсон: первые игры для Switch 2 выйдут в три этапа, а сама консоль стартует в июне Хендерсон: первые игры для Switch 2 выйдут в три этапа, а сама консоль стартует в июне

Авторитетный инсайдер Том Хендерсон (Tom Henderson) поделился своими сведениями касательно планов Nintendo по выпуску первых игр для грядущей консоли Switch 2.

Источники Хендерсона в очередной раз указывают на начало продаж консоли уже в июне.

Что касается игр, то всего компания распланировала три этапа релизов для начальных тайтлов:На запуске новой консоли каталог будет содержать только игры от внутренних команд Nintendo.

В списке свежих тайтлов для Nintendo Switch 2 пока числится только новая часть Mario Kart, которую анонсировали вместе с консолью.

Кроме того, Switch 2 похвастается обратной совместимостью с играми для предыдущего поколения — это касается не только цифровых копий, но и ка…

7 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Новый ивент и ворох улучшений в обзорном трейлере патча 2.3 для Hunt: Showdown 1896
Новый ивент и ворох улучшений в обзорном трейлере патча 2.3 для Hunt: Showdown 1896 Новый ивент и ворох улучшений в обзорном трейлере патча 2.3 для Hunt: Showdown 1896

В предыдущих обновлениях разработчики недооценили влияние скрытности на навыки, оружие и инструменты, поэтому в патче 2.3 они вновь повышают стоимость скрытности для лучшего баланса.

В этом плане Шварц отметил потерю способности бесшумного передвижения с навыком «Лёгкая поступь» для соло-охотников, а также потерю 10 % урона для оружия с глушителями.

7 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Assassin’s Creed Shadows возглавила платный чарт Steam
Assassin’s Creed Shadows возглавила платный чарт Steam Assassin’s Creed Shadows возглавила платный чарт Steam

Assassin’s Creed Shadows наконец добралась до десятки самых продаваемых игр в Steam, причём сразу устроилась на лидирующих позициях.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows — 64 825 человек.

Топ-10 по выручке среди платных продуктов (в скобках — место на предыдущей неделе):Assassin’s Creed Shadows (11).

Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

В Steam начался фестиваль, в центре которого градостроительные симуляторы и стратегии по возведению колоний.

8 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Remedy запретила ключевому девелоперу «попадать под автобус» при разработке FBC: Firebreak
Remedy запретила ключевому девелоперу «попадать под автобус» при разработке FBC: Firebreak Remedy запретила ключевому девелоперу «попадать под автобус» при разработке FBC: Firebreak

Вместе с FBC: Firebreak команда Remedy ступает на новую для себя территорию кооперативных шутеров от первого лица.

Собрали самое интересное из беседы:Каятта признал, что Remedy прославилась не в жанре кооп-шутеров, но это не значит, что в её штате нет сотрудников с подходящим опытом.

Майк КаяттаОднако это не значит, что Remedy вообще не нанимала новых людей, когда взялась за сетевой шутер.

«Мы сказали ему, что ему запрещается делать только одно — попадать под автобус, потому что в противном случае игра перестанет существовать», — рассказал Каятта .

Я осознал, что FBC: Firebreak — это Remedy.

9 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
В новом патче Civilization VII получит Эверест и возможность менять названия городов
В новом патче Civilization VII получит Эверест и возможность менять названия городов В новом патче Civilization VII получит Эверест и возможность менять названия городов

Благодаря изменённой системе генерации карт появятся новые стартовые позиции.

Распределение первичных поселенцев будет похоже на то, как это было в Civilization VI .

Там у континентов было больше вариантов, а расположение городов менее предсказуемо.

11 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Игромания Игромания
последний пост 3 часа назад
Релиз хоррор-выживалки Post Trauma отложили до 22 апреля
Релиз хоррор-выживалки Post Trauma отложили до 22 апреля

Студия Red Soul Games и издательство Raw Fury недавно выпустили релизный трейлер своего сюрреалистичного хоррора Post Trauma.

3 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Студия бывшего главы Blizzard анонсировала фантастический шутер Wildgate
Студия бывшего главы Blizzard анонсировала фантастический шутер Wildgate

Студия Moonshot Games, принадлежащая издательству Dreamhaven, анонсировала свой дебютный проект.

3 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Blizzard решила воскрешать некоторых хардкорных игроков WoW Classic
Blizzard решила воскрешать некоторых хардкорных игроков WoW Classic

На днях «орочья» гильдия OnlyFangs объявила о самороспуске и отказе от участия в рейдах World of Warcraft Classic.

5 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы козлиного симулятора Goat Simulator проведут шоу с «секретными новостями»
Авторы козлиного симулятора Goat Simulator проведут шоу с «секретными новостями»

В Coffee Stain объявили, что 1 апреля (День смеха) пройдёт презентация Goat Direct.

6 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Синематик крупнейшего обновления Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon показал смерть короля
Синематик крупнейшего обновления Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon показал смерть короля

Студия Questline и издательтво Awaken Realms объявили о выходе крупнейшего обновления 0.9 к ролевой игре с открытым миром Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon.

6 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 опять перенесли — игра выйдет в октябре этого года
Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 опять перенесли — игра выйдет в октябре этого года

Создатели Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 поделились коротким роликом. Увы, без хороших новостей. Игру ждёт очередной перенос — на сей раз на октябрь этого года.

7 часов назад @ igromania.ru
В стратегии Sid Meierʼs Civilization 7 улучшили интерфейс и добавили Эверест
В стратегии Sid Meierʼs Civilization 7 улучшили интерфейс и добавили Эверест

Стратегия Sid Meier’s Civilization VII получила обещанное крупное обновление 1.1.1. Оно доступно для загрузки на PC, PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series, однако на Nintendo Switch выйдет позднее.

7 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Хендерсон: игры для Nintendo Switch 2 будут выходить «поэтапно», а консоль появится в июне
Хендерсон: игры для Nintendo Switch 2 будут выходить «поэтапно», а консоль появится в июне

Известный инсайдер Том Хендерсон побывал на конференции GDC 2025. Такой человек не мог обойтись без того, чтобы вынуть всю душу из присутствующих там разработчиков.

8 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Первое крупное обновление Monster Hunter Wilds с новым монстром получило трейлер
Первое крупное обновление Monster Hunter Wilds с новым монстром получило трейлер

Как и было обещано, Capcom рассказала о первом крупном обновлении для Monster Hunter Wilds в рамках презентации.

8 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы Tales of the Shire рассказали о важности совместных трапез
Авторы Tales of the Shire рассказали о важности совместных трапез

Private Division и Weta Workshop рассказали об одном из аспектов будущего симулятора Tales of the Shire по мотивам «Властелина колец».

8 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Assassin's Creed Shadows показала себя хуже Monster Hunter Wilds в релизную неделю в Steam
Assassin's Creed Shadows показала себя хуже Monster Hunter Wilds в релизную неделю в Steam

Valve поделилась данными о выручке видеоигр в Steam в период с 18 по 25 марта 2025 года.

8 часов назад @ igromania.ru
В творческий режим Fortnite добавили контент по вселенной франшизы «Ходячие мертвецы»
В творческий режим Fortnite добавили контент по вселенной франшизы «Ходячие мертвецы»

Epic Games выпустила свежее обновление для Fortnite. На сей раз оно связано с творческим режимом, котором появился контент по вселенной франшизы «Ходячие мертвецы».

9 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Первый «Ведьмак» довёл разработчиков из CD Projekt RED до сна «под столом»
Первый «Ведьмак» довёл разработчиков из CD Projekt RED до сна «под столом»

Руководители CD Projekt Михал Новаковски и Адам Бадовски вернулись в прошлое и вспомнили, как студия функционировала в момент работы над первой The Witcher — 20 лет назад.

9 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Продажи Half-Life в девяностых спасли наклейка «Игра года» и Гордон Фримен на обложке
Продажи Half-Life в девяностых спасли наклейка «Игра года» и Гордон Фримен на обложке

Моника Харрингтон была первым директором по маркетингу Valve и лично застала разработку и релиз первой Half-Life.

10 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы Alan Wake призвали одного из ключевых разработчиков FBC: Firebreak не умирать
Авторы Alan Wake призвали одного из ключевых разработчиков FBC: Firebreak не умирать

Геймдиректор FBC: Firebreak Майк Каятт и менеджер по взаимодействию с сообществом Remedy Entertainment Томас Пуха обсудили грядущий шутер от первого лица.

10 часов назад @ igromania.ru
IXBT.games IXBT.games
последний пост 15 минут назад
Warhammer 40K Darktide получила крупное и бесплатное обновление Nightmares & VisionsГлавным нововведением стал режим Mortis Trials, в котором игрокам нужно сражаться с усиливающимися ордами противников.
Warhammer 40K Darktide получила крупное и бесплатное обновление Nightmares &amp; VisionsГлавным нововведением стал режим Mortis Trials, в котором игрокам нужно сражаться с усиливающимися ордами противников. Warhammer 40K Darktide получила крупное и бесплатное обновление Nightmares &amp; VisionsГлавным нововведением стал режим Mortis Trials, в котором игрокам нужно сражаться с усиливающимися ордами противников.

Warhammer 40K Darktide получила крупное и бесплатное обновление Nightmares & VisionsГлавным нововведением стал режим Mortis Trials, в котором игрокам нужно сражаться с усиливающимися ордами противников.

15 минут назад @ t.me
Релиз тактического экшена Sunderfolk от ветеранов Blizzard состоится в апрелеИгра станет доступна на персональных компьютерах, а также консолях.
Релиз тактического экшена Sunderfolk от ветеранов Blizzard состоится в апрелеИгра станет доступна на персональных компьютерах, а также консолях. Релиз тактического экшена Sunderfolk от ветеранов Blizzard состоится в апрелеИгра станет доступна на персональных компьютерах, а также консолях.

Релиз тактического экшена Sunderfolk от ветеранов Blizzard состоится в апрелеИгра станет доступна на персональных компьютерах, а также консолях.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Илон Маск назвал Assassin's Creed Shadows «отвратительной игрой»Бизнесмен таким образом отреагировал на трансляцию политического комментатора Хасана Пайкера, проведенную в качестве рекламы нового проекта Ubisoft.
Илон Маск назвал Assassin's Creed Shadows «отвратительной игрой»Бизнесмен таким образом отреагировал на трансляцию политического комментатора Хасана Пайкера, проведенную в качестве рекламы нового проекта Ubisoft. Илон Маск назвал Assassin's Creed Shadows «отвратительной игрой»Бизнесмен таким образом отреагировал на трансляцию политического комментатора Хасана Пайкера, проведенную в качестве рекламы нового проекта Ubisoft.

Илон Маск назвал Assassin's Creed Shadows «отвратительной игрой»Бизнесмен таким образом отреагировал на трансляцию политического комментатора Хасана Пайкера, проведенную в качестве рекламы нового проекта Ubisoft.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Фанаты Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 не нашли таинственную незнакомку из трейлера в игре, зато отыскали реальную модельМаркетинговая кампания Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 смогла привлечь внимание игроков, но желанную героиню встретить не получилось.
Фанаты Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 не нашли таинственную незнакомку из трейлера в игре, зато отыскали реальную модельМаркетинговая кампания Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 смогла привлечь внимание игроков, но желанную героиню встретить не получилось. Фанаты Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 не нашли таинственную незнакомку из трейлера в игре, зато отыскали реальную модельМаркетинговая кампания Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 смогла привлечь внимание игроков, но желанную героиню встретить не получилось.

Фанаты Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 не нашли таинственную незнакомку из трейлера в игре, зато отыскали реальную модельМаркетинговая кампания Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 смогла привлечь внимание игроков, но желанную героиню встретить не получилось.

4 часа назад @ t.me
Взрослый шутер удаляют из Steam из-за странной модерации Valve. Разработчикам предложили вернуться в 2022 год, откатив версию Isekai FrontlineВ Steam порой выходят такие игры, что легко усомниться в существовании модерации, но она есть и порой генерирует с
Взрослый шутер удаляют из Steam из-за странной модерации Valve. Разработчикам предложили вернуться в 2022 год, откатив версию Isekai FrontlineВ Steam порой выходят такие игры, что легко усомниться в существовании модерации, но она есть и порой генерирует с Взрослый шутер удаляют из Steam из-за странной модерации Valve. Разработчикам предложили вернуться в 2022 год, откатив версию Isekai FrontlineВ Steam порой выходят такие игры, что легко усомниться в существовании модерации, но она есть и порой генерирует с

Взрослый шутер удаляют из Steam из-за странной модерации Valve. Разработчикам предложили вернуться в 2022 год, откатив версию Isekai FrontlineВ Steam порой выходят такие игры, что легко усомниться в существовании модерации, но она есть и порой генерирует самые неожиданные ситуации.

4 часа назад @ t.me
Тизер Heroes of Might & Magic Olden Era — показали Виноградную лозу ИриядВ Heroes of Might & Magic Olden Era будет обширная линейка разнообразных юнитов. Игроков постепенно с ними знакомят.
Тизер Heroes of Might &amp; Magic Olden Era — показали Виноградную лозу ИриядВ Heroes of Might &amp; Magic Olden Era будет обширная линейка разнообразных юнитов. Игроков постепенно с ними знакомят. Тизер Heroes of Might &amp; Magic Olden Era — показали Виноградную лозу ИриядВ Heroes of Might &amp; Magic Olden Era будет обширная линейка разнообразных юнитов. Игроков постепенно с ними знакомят.

Тизер Heroes of Might & Magic Olden Era — показали Виноградную лозу ИриядВ Heroes of Might & Magic Olden Era будет обширная линейка разнообразных юнитов. Игроков постепенно с ними знакомят.

4 часа назад @ t.me
Для Civilization 7 представили патч 1.1 с изменением геймплея, интерфейса и балансаК Sid Meier's Civilization 7 у игроков множество претензий. Разработчики учитывают отзывы при работе.
Для Civilization 7 представили патч 1.1 с изменением геймплея, интерфейса и балансаК Sid Meier's Civilization 7 у игроков множество претензий. Разработчики учитывают отзывы при работе. Для Civilization 7 представили патч 1.1 с изменением геймплея, интерфейса и балансаК Sid Meier's Civilization 7 у игроков множество претензий. Разработчики учитывают отзывы при работе.

Для Civilization 7 представили патч 1.1 с изменением геймплея, интерфейса и балансаК Sid Meier's Civilization 7 у игроков множество претензий. Разработчики учитывают отзывы при работе.

4 часа назад @ t.me
Не взлетело: из Delta Force удаляют режим рейдВ Delta Force представлено множество режимов, от аналога Escape from Tarkov до Battlefield-подобного. Похоже, что далеко не все оказались достаточно успешными.
Не взлетело: из Delta Force удаляют режим рейдВ Delta Force представлено множество режимов, от аналога Escape from Tarkov до Battlefield-подобного. Похоже, что далеко не все оказались достаточно успешными. Не взлетело: из Delta Force удаляют режим рейдВ Delta Force представлено множество режимов, от аналога Escape from Tarkov до Battlefield-подобного. Похоже, что далеко не все оказались достаточно успешными.

Не взлетело: из Delta Force удаляют режим рейдВ Delta Force представлено множество режимов, от аналога Escape from Tarkov до Battlefield-подобного. Похоже, что далеко не все оказались достаточно успешными.

4 часа назад @ t.me
Издатель Elden Ring выпустил 2 худших игры в истории Steam за два месяца. У Bandai Namco проблемы с новыми релизамиBandai Namco не особо порадовала фанатов «Блича» и не только.
Издатель Elden Ring выпустил 2 худших игры в истории Steam за два месяца. У Bandai Namco проблемы с новыми релизамиBandai Namco не особо порадовала фанатов «Блича» и не только. Издатель Elden Ring выпустил 2 худших игры в истории Steam за два месяца. У Bandai Namco проблемы с новыми релизамиBandai Namco не особо порадовала фанатов «Блича» и не только.

Издатель Elden Ring выпустил 2 худших игры в истории Steam за два месяца. У Bandai Namco проблемы с новыми релизамиBandai Namco не особо порадовала фанатов «Блича» и не только.

4 часа назад @ t.me
Новая God of War будет игрой про Кратоса — инсайдерПохоже, что разработчики God of War всё ещё не попрощались с Кратосом.
Новая God of War будет игрой про Кратоса — инсайдерПохоже, что разработчики God of War всё ещё не попрощались с Кратосом. Новая God of War будет игрой про Кратоса — инсайдерПохоже, что разработчики God of War всё ещё не попрощались с Кратосом.

Новая God of War будет игрой про Кратоса — инсайдерПохоже, что разработчики God of War всё ещё не попрощались с Кратосом.

5 часов назад @ t.me
[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] 7 игр с креативной реализацией механики «вечной смерти» (permadeath)Пермасмерть в современных реалиях — лошадь, мягко говоря, заезженная. Каждый второй инди-разработчик считает своим долгом впихнуть эту механику в свой проект, словно это
[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] 7 игр с креативной реализацией механики «вечной смерти» (permadeath)Пермасмерть в современных реалиях — лошадь, мягко говоря, заезженная. Каждый второй инди-разработчик считает своим долгом впихнуть эту механику в свой проект, словно это [МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] 7 игр с креативной реализацией механики «вечной смерти» (permadeath)Пермасмерть в современных реалиях — лошадь, мягко говоря, заезженная. Каждый второй инди-разработчик считает своим долгом впихнуть эту механику в свой проект, словно это

[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] 7 игр с креативной реализацией механики «вечной смерти» (permadeath)Пермасмерть в современных реалиях — лошадь, мягко говоря, заезженная. Каждый второй инди-разработчик считает своим долгом впихнуть эту механику в свой проект, словно это какой-то...

5 часов назад @ t.me
Представили геймплей мода «METRO: Судьбе Вопреки» для Metro Exodus с говорящим главным героемMetro Exodus продолжают поддерживать силами мод-сообщества. Бывают и крупные проекты, вроде «METRO: Судьбе Вопреки».
Представили геймплей мода «METRO: Судьбе Вопреки» для Metro Exodus с говорящим главным героемMetro Exodus продолжают поддерживать силами мод-сообщества. Бывают и крупные проекты, вроде «METRO: Судьбе Вопреки». Представили геймплей мода «METRO: Судьбе Вопреки» для Metro Exodus с говорящим главным героемMetro Exodus продолжают поддерживать силами мод-сообщества. Бывают и крупные проекты, вроде «METRO: Судьбе Вопреки».

Представили геймплей мода «METRO: Судьбе Вопреки» для Metro Exodus с говорящим главным героемMetro Exodus продолжают поддерживать силами мод-сообщества. Бывают и крупные проекты, вроде «METRO: Судьбе Вопреки».

5 часов назад @ t.me
Показали геймплей A Way Out с русской озвучкой. Mechanics VoiceOver представила фрагмент локализацииСкоро будет возможность пройти A Way Out с полной русской локализацией.
Показали геймплей A Way Out с русской озвучкой. Mechanics VoiceOver представила фрагмент локализацииСкоро будет возможность пройти A Way Out с полной русской локализацией. Показали геймплей A Way Out с русской озвучкой. Mechanics VoiceOver представила фрагмент локализацииСкоро будет возможность пройти A Way Out с полной русской локализацией.

Показали геймплей A Way Out с русской озвучкой. Mechanics VoiceOver представила фрагмент локализацииСкоро будет возможность пройти A Way Out с полной русской локализацией.

5 часов назад @ t.me
NVIDIA выпустила ИИ-помощника для ПК с GeForce RTX — он разгоняет видеокарту, рекомендует включать DLSS и снижать настройки для повышения FPSNVIDIA продолжает развивать разнообразные технологии, в том числе связанные с ИИ.
NVIDIA выпустила ИИ-помощника для ПК с GeForce RTX — он разгоняет видеокарту, рекомендует включать DLSS и снижать настройки для повышения FPSNVIDIA продолжает развивать разнообразные технологии, в том числе связанные с ИИ. NVIDIA выпустила ИИ-помощника для ПК с GeForce RTX — он разгоняет видеокарту, рекомендует включать DLSS и снижать настройки для повышения FPSNVIDIA продолжает развивать разнообразные технологии, в том числе связанные с ИИ.

NVIDIA выпустила ИИ-помощника для ПК с GeForce RTX — он разгоняет видеокарту, рекомендует включать DLSS и снижать настройки для повышения FPSNVIDIA продолжает развивать разнообразные технологии, в том числе связанные с ИИ.

5 часов назад @ t.me
AC Shadows почти лидер, а инди-игра за $10 продаётся лучше Cyberpunk 2077. Valve назвала самые продаваемые продукты прошлой недели в SteamValve оценила финансовые успехи продуктов Steam за минувшую неделю. Некоторые игры наращивают позиции благодаря скидка
AC Shadows почти лидер, а инди-игра за $10 продаётся лучше Cyberpunk 2077. Valve назвала самые продаваемые продукты прошлой недели в SteamValve оценила финансовые успехи продуктов Steam за минувшую неделю. Некоторые игры наращивают позиции благодаря скидка AC Shadows почти лидер, а инди-игра за $10 продаётся лучше Cyberpunk 2077. Valve назвала самые продаваемые продукты прошлой недели в SteamValve оценила финансовые успехи продуктов Steam за минувшую неделю. Некоторые игры наращивают позиции благодаря скидка

AC Shadows почти лидер, а инди-игра за $10 продаётся лучше Cyberpunk 2077. Valve назвала самые продаваемые продукты прошлой недели в SteamValve оценила финансовые успехи продуктов Steam за минувшую неделю. Некоторые игры наращивают позиции благодаря скидкам.

5 часов назад @ t.me
На английском
последний пост 2 часа назад
A Selection of 4Ks and Blu-Rays Are Discounted Right Now in Amazon’s Big Spring Sale
A Selection of 4Ks and Blu-Rays Are Discounted Right Now in Amazon’s Big Spring Sale

A selection of 4Ks and Blu-rays have been discounted in Amazon's Big Spring Sale. You can also take advantage of a "3 for 2" offer at Amazon on 4Ks and Blu-rays right now.

2 часа назад @ ign.com
Game Informer Is Back and the Whole Team Is Returning With It Thanks to a New Owner: Neill Blomkamp's Video Game Studio
Game Informer Is Back and the Whole Team Is Returning With It Thanks to a New Owner: Neill Blomkamp's Video Game Studio

A little over half a year after GameStop shut it down in August 2024, Game Informer is officially back and the whole team is returning with it, thanks to Neill Blomkamp's video game studio.

2 часа назад @ ign.com
Nvidia GeForce RTX 5070 Ti vs. AMD Radeon RX 9070 XT
Nvidia GeForce RTX 5070 Ti vs. AMD Radeon RX 9070 XT

Both the RTX 5070 Ti and RX 9070 XT are more affordable and deliver an extremely solid 4K gaming experience, but which graphics card takes the cake?

2 часа назад @ ign.com
The Jurassic Park Version of The Game of Life Board Game Is Under $20 at Amazon Today
The Jurassic Park Version of The Game of Life Board Game Is Under $20 at Amazon Today

Life finds a way.

2 часа назад @ ign.com
A Ton of Funko Pop Figures Are on Sale in Amazon's Spring Sale
A Ton of Funko Pop Figures Are on Sale in Amazon's Spring Sale

Funko Pop! figures for every fandom are as low as $5.59 in the Amazon Spring Sale.

3 часа назад @ ign.com
Marvel Rivals Update 20250327 Patch Notes Reveal New Galacta's Quest Easter Egg and Hero Fixes Coming This Week
Marvel Rivals Update 20250327 Patch Notes Reveal New Galacta's Quest Easter Egg and Hero Fixes Coming This Week

NetEase Games has released patch notes for Marvel Rivals version 20250327 ahead of Season 2’s launch in mid-April.

3 часа назад @ ign.com
Save $44 Off a Used: Like New PlayStation Portal Exclusively on Amazon
Save $44 Off a Used: Like New PlayStation Portal Exclusively on Amazon

Turn your PS5 into a gaming handheld.

3 часа назад @ ign.com
The Apple Watch Series 10 Drops to the Lowest Price Ever During the Amazon Spring Sale
The Apple Watch Series 10 Drops to the Lowest Price Ever During the Amazon Spring Sale

The best watch for iPhone.

3 часа назад @ ign.com
Save 35% Off PS5 DualSense Controllers Clad in Metallic Deep Earth Colors
Save 35% Off PS5 DualSense Controllers Clad in Metallic Deep Earth Colors

Better than Amazon's Spring Sale prices.

4 часа назад @ ign.com
The Legendary Alienware Area-51 Gaming Laptop Has Returned: New Style, More Power, Better Cooling
The Legendary Alienware Area-51 Gaming Laptop Has Returned: New Style, More Power, Better Cooling

Equipped with the new Nvida Blackwell RTX 5080 GPU.

4 часа назад @ ign.com
Dreamhaven Showcase Pulls Back Curtain on Former Blizzard Leads’ New Adventure
Dreamhaven Showcase Pulls Back Curtain on Former Blizzard Leads’ New Adventure

Today, Dreamhaven partnered with The Game Awards for its first-ever showcase, in which it presented not just one or two games, but four.

4 часа назад @ ign.com
Wildgate: Hands-On With a 20-Player Outer-Space FPS That Mixes Sci-Fi With Sea of Thieves
Wildgate: Hands-On With a 20-Player Outer-Space FPS That Mixes Sci-Fi With Sea of Thieves

Wildgate is a chaotic sci-fi first-person shooter from former Blizzard boss Mike Morhaime's new studio, Dreamhave. It blends PvE and PvP objectives alongside exploration and combat on foot and aboard a ship that requires multiple people to operate – a formula that may feel quite familiar to any fellow Sea of Thieves fans. But unlike Sea of Thieves, where the chaos of player-on-player piracy is a somewhat infrequent and optional distraction, in Wildgate it’s the primary focus, and the inevitable clash of geared-up crews left us feeling the same heart-pounding intensity of a battle royale.

4 часа назад @ ign.com
James Bond: Amy Pascal and David Heyman Officially Announced as Producers of the Next 007 Movie
James Bond: Amy Pascal and David Heyman Officially Announced as Producers of the Next 007 Movie

Amy Pascal and David Heyman were officially announced as the new producers of the next James Bond movie on Tuesday, following last month’s historic departure of the franchise’s long-running bosses Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson.

4 часа назад @ ign.com
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 Suffers Yet Another Delay, This Time to October 2025
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 Suffers Yet Another Delay, This Time to October 2025

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 has been hit with another delay that will see its release date arriving in October 2025.

5 часов назад @ ign.com
SpongeBob Tower Defense Codes (March 2025)
SpongeBob Tower Defense Codes (March 2025)

Our up-to-date list of working codes for SpongeBob Tower Defense will give you the boost you need to keep waves of enemies away.

5 часов назад @ ign.com
Rock Paper Shotgun Rock Paper Shotgun
последний пост 17 минут назад
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide's Nightmares and Visions update adds in a sprinkle of Left 4 Dead, and you can try it out now
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide's Nightmares and Visions update adds in a sprinkle of Left 4 Dead, and you can try it out now Warhammer 40,000: Darktide's Nightmares and Visions update adds in a sprinkle of Left 4 Dead, and you can try it out now

Fancy a bit of Left 4 Dead in your Warhammer 40,000: Darktide?

Oh, well that's convenient, as the game's Nightmare and Visions update just dropped today, adding in Mortis Trials, a new wave-based game mode.

There are also objective waves that take place on the 3rd, 6th, and 9th waves, but you'll have to play to find out what those are like.

For one, Havoc is receiving campaigns, with plans to release new ones with "different mutators and a rotating mission pool" alongside major updates.

It's also worth noting that Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is half off on Steam right now too.

17 минут назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Wildgate is a spacey crew-based shooter from the same ex-Blizzard folks working on Sunderfolk
Wildgate is a spacey crew-based shooter from the same ex-Blizzard folks working on Sunderfolk Wildgate is a spacey crew-based shooter from the same ex-Blizzard folks working on Sunderfolk

Back in 2020, co-founder and former CEO of Blizzard Mike Morhaime formed Dreamhaven, essentially Blizzard 2, albeit a bit more explicit in the fact that it has different studios working under it.

It looks like there's a few different gun options, and even tools to put out fires on your ship.

One prospector looks like some kind of axolotl thing in a fishbowl with robot limbs?

Wildgate doesn't currently have a release date other than sometime this year, i.e.

2025, but you can sign-up to playtest it if the trailer piques your interest.

1 час назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Turns out you have corporate greed to thank for the existence of Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis system
Turns out you have corporate greed to thank for the existence of Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis system Turns out you have corporate greed to thank for the existence of Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis system

I'm talking about its Nemesis system, a mechanic that means certain enemies you face off against remember you and your actions as they get stronger, maybe even calling out certain occasions where they killed you.

Well, former Warner Bros Games exec Laura Fryer recently explained as such in a recent YouTube video of hers.

This meant Rocksteady, and subsequently Warner Bros., weren't getting as much money as they'd like.

"They were only getting paid for the first copy sold," Fryer explained.

"And this thinking is what led to the Nemesis system, arguably one of the most creative and coolest game features in recent memory."

4 часа назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
GeoGuessr is making its way to Steam next month after almost 12 years of sticking it out as a browser game
GeoGuessr is making its way to Steam next month after almost 12 years of sticking it out as a browser game GeoGuessr is making its way to Steam next month after almost 12 years of sticking it out as a browser game

And now, five years on since that whole thing happened, the geography guessing game is coming to Steam.

GeoGuessr Steam Edition, as it's appropriately called, is actually apparently going to be an early access title.

The explanation for this given on the game's Steam page is the usual kind of thing, refining gameplay, adding features, getting direct feedback.

There's no exact release date just yet but the Steam page says that it's actually coming next month, which is literally a week away, so you've not got long to wait.

The game's Steam page does note that the price won't change during its early access period, and is unlikely to change afterwards, so this version might be a one-off payment.

5 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Paradox delay Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 yet again because technical quality is "more important" than sticking to a date
Paradox delay Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 yet again because technical quality is "more important" than sticking to a date Paradox delay Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 yet again because technical quality is "more important" than sticking to a date

"Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 has been delayed again, this time until the first half of 2025," Graham wrote in August last year.

Today I write: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 has been delayed again, this time until the second half of 2025.

The project is currently in the hands of The Chinese Room, who are apparently treating it as a “spiritual successor” rather than a sequel.

According to the above video, Bloodlines 2 is effectively finished and they’re now working on "bug fixing, stability and performance".

"Paradox Interactive and The Chinese Room are committed to delivering this game, and we believe that ensuring great technical quality is more important than sticking t…

5 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Pacific Drive's next update makes driving around endlessly sound pretty good, actually
Pacific Drive's next update makes driving around endlessly sound pretty good, actually Pacific Drive's next update makes driving around endlessly sound pretty good, actually

You would think that with a game that is pretty much all about driving like Pacific Drive, the prospect of an update that promises "endless" driving wouldn't be all that exciting or interesting.

In this case you'd be wrong, though, as the game's upcoming Endless Expeditions patch sounds like a pretty solid one.

On top of that there's also a few quality of life improvements coming.

There's a new feature called cluster spawning, though I couldn't tell you what that is right now.

You've not got long to wait for the update either, as it's due out in a little over a week's time on April 3rd.

6 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Wreckfest 2 early access review
Wreckfest 2 early access review Wreckfest 2 early access review

Wreckfest 2 review (early access)A sturdy frame for a crashy racer that has yet to fully materialise.

| Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / THQ NordicThere are only four cars, for example.

| Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / THQ NordicThe point of Wreckfest is to race with a health bar.

| Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / THQ NordicEvery failed mechanism in your hot rod affects your driving in subtle and not-so-subtle ways.

| Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / THQ NordicI feel about Wreckfest 2 how I recently felt about Space Engineers 2.

6 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Save up to 42% on the HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless, the headset whose battery will outlast your interest in most games
Save up to 42% on the HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless, the headset whose battery will outlast your interest in most games Save up to 42% on the HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless, the headset whose battery will outlast your interest in most games

It’s pricier than most gaming headsets, but the HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless is a belter.

The equivalent US deal isn’t quite so enthusiastic with the price shears, though $200 to $143 is still a decent cut on a headset that’s supremely comfortable and richer than most on powerful, bassy sound output.

HyperX say a full charge yields 300 hours of uptime, but I’m certain mine has managed more than that.

UK deal:US deal:Personally, the only catch of the Cloud Alpha Wireless has been how much it shows up the other wireless peripherals I use.

Be warned if you too are prone to playing out some kind of silly Flowers for Algernon retelling with PC gaming peripherals; otherwise, go for it.

6 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
I've found the best Steam Deck accessory deals in Amazon's Spring Sale 2025
I've found the best Steam Deck accessory deals in Amazon's Spring Sale 2025 I've found the best Steam Deck accessory deals in Amazon's Spring Sale 2025

Alright, Steam Deck owners.

Best Steam Deck dock deals in Amazon Spring SaleA good dock turns your Deck into a command center.

Best Steam Deck case and protections deals in Amazon Spring SaleI’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen someone throw their Steam Deck into a bag unprotected like it’s a stress ball.

Best power bank deals in Amazon Spring SaleThese are the best power banks I’ve tested—period.

Best MicroSD card deals in Amazon Spring SaleI don’t care how big your Steam library is.

7 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
I've found the best Steam Deck Accessory deals in Amazon Spring Sale 2025
I've found the best Steam Deck Accessory deals in Amazon Spring Sale 2025 I've found the best Steam Deck Accessory deals in Amazon Spring Sale 2025

Carrying your Steam Deck without a case is a bold move.

And right now, a bunch of great ones are on sale for Amazon Spring Deal week.

TL;DR - Amazon Spring Sale dealsI’ve tested all of these.

The full deals breakdown is just below.

The best Steamdeck cases and protection Amazon Spring Sale deals breakdown

7 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Monster Hunter Wilds title update 1 will release on PC in April, adding a Grand Hub, Mizutsune and new quests
Monster Hunter Wilds title update 1 will release on PC in April, adding a Grand Hub, Mizutsune and new quests Monster Hunter Wilds title update 1 will release on PC in April, adding a Grand Hub, Mizutsune and new quests

Monster Hunter Wilds will receive its first proper title update on Thursday, April 3rd PT and Friday, April 4th in the UK.

These include the “dazzling and dangerous” Mizutsune, a returning face from Monster Hunter Rise, which will be available in both standard and eight-star Tempered varieties.

To hunt (or capture) the Mizutsune, talk to Kanya in the Scarlet Forest Base Camp at Hunter Rank 21 or above.

The Grand Hub will be available from Hunter Rank 16 – just chat to Tetsuzan in Suja, the Peaks of Accord.

Capcom are already teasing the game’s second title update, which lands this summer – there’s a glimpse of another new predator in the video above.

7 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
I've found the best Steam Deck accessory deals in Amazon's Spring Sale 2025
I've found the best Steam Deck accessory deals in Amazon's Spring Sale 2025 I've found the best Steam Deck accessory deals in Amazon's Spring Sale 2025

The Amazon Spring Sale is live from March 25 to March 31, and some of the best gear I’ve tested is getting hit with serious discounts.

Best Steam Deck dock deals in Amazon Spring SaleA good dock turns your Deck into a command center.

Best Steam Deck case and protections deals in Amazon Spring SaleI’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen someone throw their Steam Deck into a bag unprotected like it’s a stress ball.

Best power bank deals in Amazon Spring SaleThese are the best power banks I’ve tested—period.

Best MicroSD card deals in Amazon Spring SaleI don’t care how big your Steam library is.

8 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Crucial’s zippy X9 Pro SSD hits the Amazon Spring Sale with its lowest prices since Black Friday
Crucial’s zippy X9 Pro SSD hits the Amazon Spring Sale with its lowest prices since Black Friday Crucial’s zippy X9 Pro SSD hits the Amazon Spring Sale with its lowest prices since Black Friday

Someone on RPS – probably a dashing fella who can pronounce 'th' sounds just fine, thank you – reckons the Crucial X9 Pro is the best damn external SSD you can get.

Good thing, then, it’s going for cheap – or at, least cheaper – in the Amazon Spring Sale.

Both Amazons UK and US have snipped down the roomy 2TB model, which will be more than enough for keeping backup installations of your game library favourites.

Us lot in Greater Britland can also save a bundle on the 1TB and 4TB versions, as in all three cases, Amazon UK has the X9 Pro down to prices it’s not bowed to since Black Friday 2024.

It’s also properly, properly fast, and there’s nothing more valuable than your time.

8 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
"All the hair on the right side of my body fell out" - how Tekken nearly broke its designer from stress
"All the hair on the right side of my body fell out" - how Tekken nearly broke its designer from stress "All the hair on the right side of my body fell out" - how Tekken nearly broke its designer from stress

The director of fighting game series Tekken yesterday shared an anecdote about how wild that stress can get.

Speaking about the release of Tekken 4 in 2001, director Katsuhiro Harada remembered it didn't perform as well as previous games.

Conditions like alopecia areata can be activated from stress and cause hair loss from eyebrows, eyelashes, and facial hair.

The developer made the comments after a random follower praised Tekken 4 for being "the most authentic and adult Tekken ever released".

Years later, we're now sitting pretty on Tekken 8, and Harada remains the director of the series.

10 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Here's a free lo-fi Prince Of Persia game with bonus Nazis from the maker of Canabalt
Here's a free lo-fi Prince Of Persia game with bonus Nazis from the maker of Canabalt Here's a free lo-fi Prince Of Persia game with bonus Nazis from the maker of Canabalt

Canabalt developer and Tunic publisher Adam “Atomic” Saltsman has released a free “mash-up” of Wolfenstein and the original Prince of Persia.

It runs on PICO-8, the sprinkle-covered fairy cake of game engines, and comprises 15 levels of jumping over gaps and murdering Nazis.

Unlike in the original Prince Of Persia, each screen shows you the full level with a fog of war effect.

Remember the first time you felt the ground give way and fell on some spikes in Prince Of Persia?

Saltsman has made a few things for Itch, ranging from free tilesets to moderately leftfield sokobans and “bandit accountancy” games.

11 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Polygon Polygon
последний пост 7 months, 2 weeks назад
All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game
All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game

Arrowhead just added new enemies, like the Impaler!

In past patches, seeing new threats emerge organically on the battlefield was a thrill.

Helldivers 2 is also in a somewhat unique situation; since propaganda from our in-game superiors is such a core part of the setting, it makes sense to have the game actively gaslight players about new enemies and updates.

As Helldivers 2 continues, I hope Arrowhead doesn’t shift to sharing upcoming surprises in blog posts and promotional materials.

I want to be absolutely shocked as these new enemies show up and turn my poor Helldiver into chunky salsa; it keeps things fresh.

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone
New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone

The developers of Stalker 2, GSC Game World, released a massive 35-minute video to YouTube on Monday teasing the upcoming sequel of their beloved open-world shooter franchise.

In it, the Ukrainian team described how they leaned heavily into the authenticity of the experience.

That authenticity applies to the game’s real-world setting around the Chornobyl nuclear power plant.

STALKER 2 was originally expected on Sept. 5, but was delayed to Nov. 20.

The final game will be available on PC and Xbox Series X, where it will be included as part of the Xbox Game Pass program and available to all subscribers the day of its release.

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam
Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam

At this point, I think we can safely assume that nobody is going to spend their hard-earned money on tickets to see the Borderlands movie.

The reviews from fans and critics have been absolutely scathing, and frankly, I think we all deserved better.

If you’d like to experience what is still the best version of Borderlands, you can currently pick up the Borderlands Collection: Pandora’s Box from Steam for just $37.12.

Pandora’s Box is a comprehensive collection of the four mainline titles in the Borderlands franchise in addition to all of their corresponding DLC, including cosmetic items and other extras, which total a $664.47 value.

Along with the FPS entries attached to the Borderlands lice…

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi
Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi

Baldur’s Gate 3 won the premier award for narrative excellence in sci-fiction and fantasy media on Sunday.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is the second video game to win the newly created category at the annual Hugo Awards.

The organization attempted to create an award for Best Interactive Video Game in 2006 but didn’t receive enough nominations.

That makes Baldur’s Gate 3 only the second game to win the award.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has already won the Game of the Year Award at five major video game award ceremonies: the Golden Joystick Awards, The Game Awards, the D.I.C.E.

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus
Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus

Netflix wanted to be in on the One Piece business — so much so that not only are they just doing live-action One Piece (with season 2 currently in production), they’re also working with Wit Studio to remake the One Piece anime.

The One Piece, said forthcoming anime that was first announced in December last year, would be running concurrently with the still airing One Piece anime.

One Piece now means something different than One Piece then, and a new anime could add a bit of polish to those first chapters.

The creative team at Wit wants very badly to get everything just right, as the new behind-the-scenes look at The One Piece above shows.

So how exactly do they capture what “One Piece” real…

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale
The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale

The original Deus Ex its sequel Deus Ex 2: Invisible War remain some of the most influential titles in gaming, using the first person shooter genre as a canvas and painting over it an intriguing world of conspiracies and larger questions about what it means for technology to become an extension of humanity.

Those core tenets continued in the more modern sequels, 2011’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution and 2013’s Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

All four games are excellent in their own right, and all are on sale for over 80% off each.

You can pick up the whole series and DLC for less than $20 total.

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46
Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46 Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46

Pokémon voice actor Rachael Lillis died Saturday, Lillis’ sister Laurie Orr announced on GoFundMe.

She filled our Saturday mornings and before/after school hours with her beautiful voice, her terrific comic timing, and her remarkable acting skills.”We all know Rachael Lillis from the many wonderful roles she played.

She filled our Saturday mornings and before/after school hours with her beautiful voice, her terrific comic timing, and her remarkable acting skills.

#RachaelLillis pic.twitter.com/XOjFqY0C1L — Veronica Taylor (@TheVeronicaT) August 12, 2024In 1998, Lillis began voicing Ketchum’s adventure companion Misty, Team Rocket’s Jessie, and several Pokémon, including Jigglypuff.

She also…

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
The best horror to watch on Netflix this August
The best horror to watch on Netflix this August The best horror to watch on Netflix this August

And there’s no better way to get ready than by throwing on a few horror movies just as the sun starts setting a little earlier.

Every month we pick out a few of the best horror movies that Netflix currently has to offer.

It’s also one of the most violent, creepiest, and most disturbing horror movies of the last decade, which certainly makes it worth a look.

All of this makes The Wailing a staggering, ridiculously ambitious horror movie, and unlike just about any other movie ever made.

Cave diving is dangerous enough under the best circumstances, but as you might expect, this particular group of caves is absolutely full of very scary sharks.

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic
Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic

And there can be no doubt about the source of the creative energy and good vibes: World of Warcraft Classic.

This was quickly masked the following year when World of Warcraft Classic drove a huge spike in popularity which was sustained by the pandemic gaming boom in 2020.

When he was speaking in March 2024, World of Warcraft subscriber numbers were higher than they had been at Dragonflight’s launch, and climbing.

But it was Classic updates, starting in August 2023, that prompted Hight’s graph to start trending upward.

There are currently no less than five ways to play WoW Classic: the original game, the Cataclysm expansion, Season of Discovery, and two Hardcore variants.

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher
Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher

Krafton, the publisher behind PUBG: Battlegrounds and The Callisto Protocol, has acquired Tango Gameworks, the studio responsible for The Evil Within games and Hi-Fi Rush.

Tango was shuttered by Microsoft and ZeniMax Media in May, but the talent who formed the Tokyo-based studio will be integrated into Krafton, which now owns the rights to Hi-Fi Rush.

Hi-Fi Rush is available on PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X.

Tango Gameworks became part of Xbox’s stable of studios when ZeniMax was acquired by Microsoft in 2021.

The studio found great critical success with Hi-Fi Rush in 2023.

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

In “Interrogation” [from Lorelei], I used the theme from “Woman on the Other Side”, another song from Lorelei and the Laser Eyes.

It was also inspired partly by Angelo Badalamenti’s walking baselines and slow jazzy drums in “Audrey’s Dance” from Twin Peaks.

Is there anything else I should know about your approach to composing video game music?

It’s like an extension of the video game universe.

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Polygon’s favorite audiobooks
Polygon’s favorite audiobooks Polygon’s favorite audiobooks

Few things are better than settling down with a good book, but sometimes the settling is easier said than done.

For all those times, there’s no better place to turn than audiobooks.

All these options making picking your next audiobook a bit of a chore, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

The dramatized audiobooks for A Court of Thorns and Roses are probably the most popular option — they’re cast with different voice actors for each character, and the audio-engineered foley sounds help you envision the scenes as they happen.

It’s a delicious listen even if you don’t have the right setting, of course.

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice
Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice

It’s easy to see the similarities between The Legend of Zelda games and many FromSoftware games.

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

Yuka Kitamura: Having spent my childhood and growing up with video games in the 1990s and 2000s, there are many masterpieces that have influenced me.

The desire to play the main theme of my favorite video game title of all time, The Legend of Zelda, on the piano motivated me to learn piano during my childhood.

Is there anything else we should know about your approach to composing video game music?

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga
The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga

“We aim to release two more Witcher games after Polaris, creating a new AAA RPG trilogy,” CD Projekt Red said in 2022.

CD Projekt hasn’t announced a final title, gameplay details, or a release date for the fourth mainline entry in The Witcher.

Here’s everything we do know about the new Witcher saga.

The School of the LynxThe one very visible clue that CD Projekt Red has offered about its new Witcher saga is artwork of a medallion buried in snow.

Or, at the very least, CD Projekt wants to downplay the possibility that there’s any sort of exclusivity going on.

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac
A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac

Anyone who’s played A Short Hike knows the soundtrack makes up a hefty percentage of the experience.

And as it turns out, that soundtrack would probably never have happened if composer Mark Sparling hadn’t played The Binding of Isaac in college.

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

Mark Sparling: The soundtrack to the original Binding of Isaac by Danny Baranowsky was a big one for me.

Is there anything else we should know about your approach to composing video game music?

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Eurogamer Eurogamer
последний пост 2 часа назад
Game publishers talk challenges of GTA 6 launch in new report: "We don't want to be anywhere near that"
Game publishers talk challenges of GTA 6 launch in new report: "We don't want to be anywhere near that" Game publishers talk challenges of GTA 6 launch in new report: "We don't want to be anywhere near that"

"Rockstar games always suck a lot of money and, more importantly, time out of the market," the executive told Dring.

A third senior executive - the European boss of an unnamed triple-A publisher - highlighted additional concerns, specifically around the "fall" launch window previously touted for GTA 6's launch by Take-Two Interactive.

"We don't want to launch just before or just after the game," the executive explained.

One "top 10 live service games" developer told Dring, "GTA 6 is basically a huge meteor and we will stay clear of the blast zone.

Take-Two has been doggedly sticking to the same autumn launch window for GTA 6 it announced last May - despite persistent reports of a potential …

2 часа назад @ eurogamer.net
Sunderfolk, from former World of Warcraft boss, is streamlined tabletop D&D by way of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and some is hidden on your mobile
Sunderfolk, from former World of Warcraft boss, is streamlined tabletop D&D by way of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and some is hidden on your mobile Sunderfolk, from former World of Warcraft boss, is streamlined tabletop D&D by way of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and some is hidden on your mobile

Video games have long taken inspiration from tabletop games, but more recently we've seen this trend in reverse.

It's like a streamlined D&D campaign by way of Square Enix's ill-fated Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.

Dreamhaven was founded by former Blizzard boss Mike Morhaime, known for his work on MMORPG World of Warcraft.

Interestingly, unlike other tabletop games, Sunderfolk doesn't use dice rolls but instead players must incorporate fate cards into their deck.

It's this kind of cooperation and competitiveness that's crucial in any good tabletop game, and that's only enhanced by the public-private nature of Sunderfolk's setup.

4 часа назад @ eurogamer.net
Sunderfolk release date and more announced at Dreamhaven showcase hosted by The Game Awards
Sunderfolk release date and more announced at Dreamhaven showcase hosted by The Game Awards Sunderfolk release date and more announced at Dreamhaven showcase hosted by The Game Awards

Dreamhaven has revealed a number of in-development projects at its showcase presented by The Game Awards, including the release date of its tabletop-inspired adventure Sunderfolk.

The biggest announcement was the 23rd April 2025 release date for Sunderfolk, from studio Secret Door, across Steam, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Switch.

While releasing across PC and console, players will use a mobile app instead of a controller to interact with the game.

A preview playtest will take place from 10th-14th April ahead of a launch later in the year across Steam, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

Lastly, Dreamhaven has announced a partnership with Game River to publish its auto-battler Mechabellum.

4 часа назад @ eurogamer.net
Paradox's troubled Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 gets another delay
Paradox's troubled Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 gets another delay Paradox's troubled Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 gets another delay

Paradox Interactive has announced a further delay for Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2.

The Chinese-Room-developed action-RPG sequel will no longer meet its previously announced "first half of 2025" release window and is instead now aiming to launch in October this year.

"The game is currently in a late development stage, and feedback from the community has been taken into account during this time.

The Chinese Room is working hard on quality assurance to ensure it is stable and free of bugs that could disrupt the player experience."

Today's news marks a second delay for Bloodlines 2 under The Chinese Room's stewardship, after its release was moved out of its original "late 2024" launc…

4 часа назад @ eurogamer.net
Here's who Catherine O'Hara will play in The Last of Us, marking a significant change from the games
Here's who Catherine O'Hara will play in The Last of Us, marking a significant change from the games Here's who Catherine O'Hara will play in The Last of Us, marking a significant change from the games

The second season of HBO's The Last of Us is almost upon us, and finally more about Catherine O'Hara's new character has been revealed.

This marks a significant change from the games, and has made me curious about what this will mean for season two's story.

You can check out a clip of O'Hara as Gail with Pedro Pascal's Joel in the second season of The Last of Us below.

The second season of The Last of Us will kick off next month, on 13th April, and will comprise seven episodes, with one of those episodes being "quite big" in length.

Spores have been confirmed for The Last of Us' second season, with the showrunners promising viewers "a different evolution" of infection.

6 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Nintendo reportedly has three-phase launch plan for Switch 2 games
Nintendo reportedly has three-phase launch plan for Switch 2 games Nintendo reportedly has three-phase launch plan for Switch 2 games

Nintendo will reportedly launch its Switch 2 games in three phases.

According to Insider Gaming, the first phase will see primarily first party games released on the console's launch, which is believed to be June.

Manage cookie settings 9 Nintendo Switch 2 Games It NEEDS to Have - Super Mario Odyssey 2 & More!

Watch on YouTubeThe second phase of Nintendo's game launch plan is then reportedly set for around October-November, and will have a greater focus on third-party studios.

Thankfully, there isn't too much longer to go until we hear something more concrete on Nintendo's Switch successor.

7 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Monster Hunter Wilds' first major content update detailed ahead of next week's release
Monster Hunter Wilds' first major content update detailed ahead of next week's release Monster Hunter Wilds' first major content update detailed ahead of next week's release

With Monster Hunter Wilds nudging toward its one-month anniversary, Capcom has whipped out another showcase, this one detailing the game's first free content update.

Starting with the monsters, Monster Hunter Wilds' Title Update 1 adds Mizutsune, first seen in 2015's Monster Hunter Generations and now back to rain bubbly mayhem on unsuspecting players.

Monster Hunter Wilds - Free Title Update 1 A quick look at some of the things in Title Update 1.Watch on YouTubeAdditionally, Title Update 1 introduces big boss Zoh Shia as a farmable monster with its own Hunter and Palico equipment to forge.

There'll be a free outfit included, and presuably more to purchase using real money from the Monster …

7 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Fortnite adding The Walking Dead assets, including Negan's baseball bat, so you can make your own skull-cracking mini-games
Fortnite adding The Walking Dead assets, including Negan's baseball bat, so you can make your own skull-cracking mini-games Fortnite adding The Walking Dead assets, including Negan's baseball bat, so you can make your own skull-cracking mini-games

Fortnite will return to the world of The Walking Dead by offering up a cache of assets for players and developers to go build themed mini-games with.

Characters from The Walking Dead TV show such as Rick, Michonne and Daryl previously popped up in Fortnite as player skins.

Negan's baseball bat Lucille is among the items from the franchise being added as props to Fortnite.

In a press release, Epic Games said it hoped the assets would inspire The Walking Dead "role-playing survival RPGs, prison escape roguelikes, and chaotic free–for-all shoot 'em ups" to be made in Fortnite.

SABRINA CARPENTER IS THE NEXT FESTIVAL ARTIST 🔥Fortnite accidentally added some of her cosmetics to the files earlier …

9 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Phantom Blade Zero aims to beat Black Myth: Wukong and revive the "golden age" of kung fu cinema
Phantom Blade Zero aims to beat Black Myth: Wukong and revive the "golden age" of kung fu cinema Phantom Blade Zero aims to beat Black Myth: Wukong and revive the "golden age" of kung fu cinema

More recently, as more of Phantom Blade Zero has been shown, it's been compared favourably to the Ninja Gaiden series for its combo-led combat.

The S-Game team showed me a presentation detailing reactions to Phantom Blade Zero on social media since its reveal.

And while Wukong's trailers are the most viewed within China, it's outperformed by Phantom Blade Zero in the rest of the world.

Meanwhile, Phantom Blade Zero's announcement trailer on the PlayStation channel has 5.3m views.

Here's the puppet master... | Image credit: S-GameSo far, Phantom Blade Zero appears to be living up to those expectations.

10 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
PS5 and PS4 system updates released
PS5 and PS4 system updates released PS5 and PS4 system updates released

Sony has released system software updates for both the PlayStation 4 and PS5.

Image credit: SonyMeanwhile, while we may now be in the PS5 generation, Sony is still issuing updates for PS4.

The latest PS4 update, system software update 12.50, is more typical of the stability updates Sony likes releasing to patch various exploits used to modify or jailbreak consoles.

PS4 system software update 12.50 is available now✨Please check our page for the latest system software features and how to update.

💡PS4 system software updatehttps://t.co/rufIpiSvs4 pic.twitter.com/ee4RzFAngW — Ask PlayStation (@AskPlayStation) March 25, 2025 Manage cookie settings To see this content please enable targeting cook…

10 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis system was actually created to reduce second-hand sales
Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis system was actually created to reduce second-hand sales Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis system was actually created to reduce second-hand sales

A former vice president of Warner Bros Games has revealed the true genesis of Monolith's beloved Nemesis system.

The Nemesis system, for those unfamiliar, is a clever in-game mechanic which tracks a player's actions to create enemies that feel capable of remembering past encounters.

And, that brings us to the Nemesis system, with Fryer stating that the studio was facing "the same problem" with Shadow of Mordor.

And the solution, well, that was ultimately the Nemesis system.

"And this thinking is what led to the Nemesis system, arguably one of the most creative and coolest game features in recent memory."

11 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Japanese shrine aided by Ghost of Tsushima fans announces tourist ban
Japanese shrine aided by Ghost of Tsushima fans announces tourist ban Japanese shrine aided by Ghost of Tsushima fans announces tourist ban

A Japanese shrine famous to video game fans has announced a ban on visits by tourists, following an "unforgivable act of disrespect".

In 2021, Ghost of Tsushima players helped the Tsushima Watatzumi Shrine shrine raise 27m yen (£192k) to repair its Torii gate, after it was destroyed in a typhoon.

Further details of the incident have not been released, though a message on the Watazumi Shrine's social media accounts states that, going forward, only worshippers will be allowed entrance.

Unacceptable behaviour by tourists at the Watazumi Shrine is nothing new, Automaton reports, and a previous, controversial ban had seen South Korean visitors barred, after incidents of vandalism and abuse direc…

11 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Palworld developer being sued by Nintendo says Switch 2 port still possible
Palworld developer being sued by Nintendo says Switch 2 port still possible Palworld developer being sued by Nintendo says Switch 2 port still possible

If you are hoping to see Palworld move over to Nintendo's consoles on the Switch 2's release, well developer Pocketpair would absolutely consider it.

When asked about Palworld releasing on Switch 2, Bucky said the developer doesn't know the hardware specs yet.

He added that should the specs be "beefy enough" for Palworld, then "it's 100 percent worth considering" a Switch 2 release.

As for when we may hear more about those mysterious Switch 2 specs, Nintendo has a dedicated showcase for its upcoming console scheduled for next week.

Despite this, Pocketpair has released a game on Nintendo Switch.

12 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Assassin's Creed Shadows fans have a list of features Ubisoft should add next
Assassin's Creed Shadows fans have a list of features Ubisoft should add next Assassin's Creed Shadows fans have a list of features Ubisoft should add next

Assassin's Creed Shadows has been warmly-received by fans of the series - and is off to a good start sales-wise, too - but players still have a long list of suggestions for what they'd like to see Ubisoft add to the game next.

A lengthy thread on the Assassin's Creed reddit has dozens of feature ideas - including a particularly prominent handful of concepts from other Assassin's Creed games that didn't return in Shadows that fans want to see added back.

Present in several recent Assassin's Creed games, this essentially put your horse on autopilot, allowing you to go check your phone for a bit.

"Thank you for being part of this journey with us," the Assassin's Creed Shadows development team …

13 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Modder putting GTA 6's map in GTA 5 hit with Take-Two copyright claim
Modder putting GTA 6's map in GTA 5 hit with Take-Two copyright claim Modder putting GTA 6's map in GTA 5 hit with Take-Two copyright claim

A mod putting a playable approximation of GTA 6's map into GTA 5 has run into trouble after Rockstar owner Take-Two issued a copyright removal request to its creator's YouTube channel.

However, the project may already have run aground; Dark Space is reining things in after Take-Two's legal team hit his YouTube channel with a copyright removal request.

"But shortly after uploading a video showcasing the project, Take-Two Interactive took it down.

"I've also removed the download link even though they didn't ask me to," Dark Space continued in the video itself.

In a follow-up interview with IGN, Dark Space admitted he'd anticipated Take-Two might respond the way it did based on previous mod ta…

1 day назад @ eurogamer.net
Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games
последний пост 27 минут назад
Gamers 30+ ,which older games would you still recommend to younger gamers?
Gamers 30+ ,which older games would you still recommend to younger gamers?

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If you thought Fallout was bad with not letting you pick the lock on broken doors, imagine not having enough skill to remove two pieces of tape. [Atomfall]
If you thought Fallout was bad with not letting you pick the lock on broken doors, imagine not having enough skill to remove two pieces of tape. [Atomfall] If you thought Fallout was bad with not letting you pick the lock on broken doors, imagine not having enough skill to remove two pieces of tape. [Atomfall]

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
No way I'm the only one who hates pressing the sticks in right?
No way I'm the only one who hates pressing the sticks in right?

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Game Informer's (Belated) Top 10 Games Of 2024 Awards
Game Informer's (Belated) Top 10 Games Of 2024 Awards

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
Game Informer Is Back
Game Informer Is Back Game Informer Is Back

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
Game Informer Is Back And The Entire Team Has Returned
Game Informer Is Back And The Entire Team Has Returned

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WILDGATE - New FPS from studio run by Blizzard Co-founder Mike Morhaime
WILDGATE - New FPS from studio run by Blizzard Co-founder Mike Morhaime WILDGATE - New FPS from studio run by Blizzard Co-founder Mike Morhaime

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
I tried to draw Old King Doran from Demon's Souls
I tried to draw Old King Doran from Demon's Souls I tried to draw Old King Doran from Demon's Souls

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A comparison between the most graphically detailed eyes in gaming
A comparison between the most graphically detailed eyes in gaming A comparison between the most graphically detailed eyes in gaming

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Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Nightmares and Visions Update | Release Trailer
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Nightmares and Visions Update | Release Trailer

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Looking for a Christmas Themed game like Costume Quest
Looking for a Christmas Themed game like Costume Quest

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The Darkest Files, a game about prosecuting Nazis after the war, has released.
The Darkest Files, a game about prosecuting Nazis after the war, has released.

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Margielyn Didal | Behind The Scenes of Tony Hawk’s™ Pro Skater™ 3 + 4
Margielyn Didal | Behind The Scenes of Tony Hawk’s™ Pro Skater™ 3 + 4

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последний пост 7 часов назад
Зачем Sensor Tower купила VG Insights и как агрессивная консолидация может навредить рынку игровой аналитики
Зачем Sensor Tower купила VG Insights и как агрессивная консолидация может навредить рынку игровой аналитики Зачем Sensor Tower купила VG Insights и как агрессивная консолидация может навредить рынку игровой аналитики

Сегодня мы подробно рассмотрим цели M&A-стратегии Sensor Tower и потенциальные риски для рынка.

Это мажоритарный акционер Sensor Tower, который впервые проинвестировал в нее 45 млн долларов еще в 2020 году.

Один из множества дашбордов, доступных в сервисе VG InsightsКак бы то ни было, зависимость от крупных акционеров может со временем поставить Sensor Tower в уязвимое положение.

Компания хочет, чтобы каждый участник рынка думал о Sensor Tower как о конечном инструменте для решения своих задач.

После сделки Sensor Tower публично позиционирует себя как «исключительный источник игровой аналитики», который теперь также покрывает рынки ПК и консолей.

7 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Assassin’s Creed Shadows заняла первую строчку в чарте самых кассовых платных игр в Steam
Assassin’s Creed Shadows заняла первую строчку в чарте самых кассовых платных игр в Steam Assassin’s Creed Shadows заняла первую строчку в чарте самых кассовых платных игр в Steam

По итогам недели с 18 по 25 марта лидером в чарте продаж Steam среди платных игр стала Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

по-прежнему держится в топ-3 общего чарта, а вот Split Fiction выбыла из тройки самых кассовых игр, опустившись на четвертое место.

Monster Hunter Wilds немного ухудшила позиции в чарте и переместилась с четвертого на шестое место.

Топ-10 самых кассовых платных продуктов в Steam за неделю с 18 по 25 марта:1.

Топ-20 самых кассовых продуктов в Steam за неделю с 18 по 25 марта (с учетом фритуплея)

8 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Саудовская Savvy Games Group думает над покупкой разработчиков игр для консолей и ПК
Саудовская Savvy Games Group думает над покупкой разработчиков игр для консолей и ПК Саудовская Savvy Games Group думает над покупкой разработчиков игр для консолей и ПК

Savvy Games Group, дочерняя компания Суверенного фонда Саудовской Аравии Public Investment Fund (PIF), планирует новые игровые покупки и инвестиции.

После нескольких крупных сделок в мобильном сегменте она не исключает, что подпишет M&A-соглашение с разработчиками игр для «больших» платформ.

Напомним, в середине марта стало известно, что к семье Savvy Games Group скоро присоединится игровое подразделение Niantic, — авторов Pokémon GO за 3,5 млрд долларов купила Scopely.

В сегменте консольных и ПК-игр Savvy Games Group в последний раз совершала крупную сделку два года назад.

Также в 2025 году PIF собирался передать Savvy Games Group принадлежащие ему акции таких компаний, как Take-Two Intera…

9 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Джефф Кили инвестировал в The Game Business — игровое медиа, открытое бывшим главой GamesIndustry
Джефф Кили инвестировал в The Game Business — игровое медиа, открытое бывшим главой GamesIndustry Джефф Кили инвестировал в The Game Business — игровое медиа, открытое бывшим главой GamesIndustry

Кристофер Дринг (Christopher Dring), больше восьми лет возглавлявший редакцию одного из крупнейших порталов о бизнес-стороне игровой индустрии GamesIndustry, открыл собственное медиа.

Называется The Game Business.

В анонсе Дринг сообщил, что запустить The Game Business ему помог Джефф Кили (Geoff Keighley) — продюсер игровых шоу The Game Awards и Summer Game Fest.

Дринг подчеркнул, что хотя Кили и инвестировал в The Game Business, его медиа не вошло в состав The Game Awards и работает независимо.

Однако благодаря поддержке большая часть материалов The Game Business будет распространяться бесплатно.

10 часов назад @ app2top.ru
В Steam новый инди-хит — симулятор наркобизнеса Schedule I привлек свыше 68 тысяч одновременных игроков
В Steam новый инди-хит — симулятор наркобизнеса Schedule I привлек свыше 68 тысяч одновременных игроков В Steam новый инди-хит — симулятор наркобизнеса Schedule I привлек свыше 68 тысяч одновременных игроков

Пользователи Steam с энтузиазмом встретили Schedule I. Это симулятор наркобизнеса, разработанный австралийской инди-студией Tyler’s Video Game Studio (TVGS).

Игра вышла в ранний доступ в ночь на 25 марта и тут же попала в десятку самых популярных новинок 2025-го на платформе.

Schedule IВот весь топ-10 вышедших в 2025 году игр с наибольшим пиковым онлайном в Steam, согласно SteamDB:1.

Динамика онлайна Schedule I в SteamОценки у Schedule I тоже отличные.

На момент написания новости у нее «крайне положительный» рейтинг в Steam — 99% из 1,8 тысяч отзывов являются одобрительными.

12 часов назад @ app2top.ru
СМИ: Минпромторг РФ поручил создателям «Эльбруса» разработать новый процессор для российской игровой консоли
СМИ: Минпромторг РФ поручил создателям «Эльбруса» разработать новый процессор для российской игровой консоли СМИ: Минпромторг РФ поручил создателям «Эльбруса» разработать новый процессор для российской игровой консоли

Предполагалось, что для приставки выберут одну из уже существующих моделей процессора, но она не устроила Минпромторг РФ.

В таком случае его разработка может обойтись МЦСТ в 20 млрд рублей.

Также «Коммерсантъ» ознакомился со стратегией «Цели создания российской игровой консоли», которую подготовил фонд «Сколково» по поручению Минпромторга РФ.

В «Сколково» предлагают на выбор три варианта: стационарную консоль, портативную консоль в духе Steam Deck и консоль для мобильных игр.

Минпромторг РФ, МЦСТ и «Сколково» не ответили на запрос «Коммерсанта» о комментарии.

15 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Следующий WN Connect Belgrade пройдет уже в этот четверг
Следующий WN Connect Belgrade пройдет уже в этот четверг Следующий WN Connect Belgrade пройдет уже в этот четверг

Послезавтра, 27 марта, в столице Сербии, состоится уже вторая по счету встреча разработчиков и издателей видеоигр — WN Connect Belgrade .

Так, мы уверены, будет и в этот раз.

Запланированный на этот четверг ивент пройдет в той же локации, в кальянной HookahPlace на улице Михаила Гавриловича 6.

В ином случае есть риск, что если будет слишком много участников, то организаторы начнут пускать только в случае приобретения билета.

К слову, уже 10 апреля в Белграде пройдет WN LiveOps Summit Belgrade’25.

16 часов назад @ app2top.ru
27 марта в Минске пройдет «Митап: Игровая Индустрия»
27 марта в Минске пройдет «Митап: Игровая Индустрия» 27 марта в Минске пройдет «Митап: Игровая Индустрия»

В этот четверг в столице Беларуси пройдет небольшое индустриальное событие — « Митап: Игровая Индустрия ».

Как и в случае с питерским митапом, который состоялся на прошлой неделе, это будет камерный ивент в уютном пабе, на котором можно будет обсудить новости игровой индустрии и немного выпить (первый напиток — за счет организатора).

Это самый центр Минска, в минуте ходьбы от набережной реки Свислочь и Парка 40-летия Октября.

Сам митап рассчитан на три часа — с 19.00 до 22.00 по местному времени.

К слову, там же, в Минске, 16 апреля под этим же брендом — «Игровая Индустрия» — пройдет конференция.

1 day, 2 hours назад @ app2top.ru
В портфолио Tencent уже 14 «вечнозеленых» игр, в будущем в их число может войти Path of Exile 2 — главное из годового отчета компании
В портфолио Tencent уже 14 «вечнозеленых» игр, в будущем в их число может войти Path of Exile 2 — главное из годового отчета компании В портфолио Tencent уже 14 «вечнозеленых» игр, в будущем в их число может войти Path of Exile 2 — главное из годового отчета компании

Ключевые выводы из отчета:▫️в 2024 году Tencent заработала 660,3 млрд юаней (91,9 млрд долларов), что на 8% больше по сравнению с 2023 годом;▫️валовая прибыль компании увеличилась на 19% до 349,2 млрд юаней (48,6 млрд долларов).

Операционная прибыль подскочила на 24% до 237,8 млрд юаней (33,1 млрд долларов);▫️доля игр в годовой выручке Tencent составила 30%.

Они принесли компании 197,7 млрд юаней (27,3 млрд долларов).

▫️продажи игр в Китае составили 139,7 млрд юаней (19,3 млрд долларов).

▫️в 2024 году в портфолио Tencent стало насчитываться 14 «вечнозеленых» игр.

1 day, 10 hours назад @ app2top.ru
СМИ: Bilibili планирует масштабные увольнения в игровом подразделении, без работы могут остаться до 200 человек
СМИ: Bilibili планирует масштабные увольнения в игровом подразделении, без работы могут остаться до 200 человек СМИ: Bilibili планирует масштабные увольнения в игровом подразделении, без работы могут остаться до 200 человек

По информации GameLook, сейчас в команде Codename: UE насчитывается около 200 человек.

Как объясняет GameLook, в последнее время многие студии из Китая начали заниматься крупнобюджетными тайтлами с открытым миром по мотивам фольклора Поднебесной.

Портит обстановку и то, что не все разработчики до конца понимают, на какую аудиторию должны быть ориентированы их ААА-игры, и как с ней взаимодействовать.

GameLook считает, что Bilibili учла чужие ошибки и засомневалась в шансах Codename: UE на успех.

Сама Bilibili не комментировала ни отмену игры, ни увольнения.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Assassin’s Creed Shadows стартовала в рознице Великобритании лучше, чем Monster Hunter Wilds и другие новинки 2025-го
Assassin’s Creed Shadows стартовала в рознице Великобритании лучше, чем Monster Hunter Wilds и другие новинки 2025-го Assassin’s Creed Shadows стартовала в рознице Великобритании лучше, чем Monster Hunter Wilds и другие новинки 2025-го

Assassin’s Creed Shadows показала лучший старт продаж в британской рознице среди игр, релиз которых состоялся в 2025 году.

Но он указал, что Assassin’s Creed Shadows «заметно» опередила по стартовым продажам на физических носителях в стране уже ставшую хитом Monster Hunter Wilds.

Также, по словам Дринга, Assassin’s Creed Shadows пользуется в британской рознице большим спросом, чем вышедшая в августе 2024-го Star Wars Outlaws.

Тем не менее Assassin’s Creed Shadows продалась ощутимо хуже, чем в свое время Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows отправилась в релиз 20 марта 2025-го на ПК, PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series.

1 day, 14 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Главное за выходные (22-23 марта)
Главное за выходные (22-23 марта) Главное за выходные (22-23 марта)

В Евросоюзе теперь рекомендуют разработчикам указывать цены на внутриигровые товары в реальной валюте, аудитория Assassin’s Creed Shadows превысила 2 млн человек, авторы провальной Seekers of Skyveil решили закрыть студию, — рассказываем о главных событиях в игровой индустрии за минувшие выходные.

1 day, 15 hours назад @ app2top.ru
В 2024 году доля внешнего трафика на страницы игр в Steam достигла почти 50%
В 2024 году доля внешнего трафика на страницы игр в Steam достигла почти 50% В 2024 году доля внешнего трафика на страницы игр в Steam достигла почти 50%

Newzoo проанализировала данные 4600 тайтлов и оценила ситуацию с видимостью игр в Steam.

Если коротко — полагаться только на внутренние инструменты платформы для привлечения пользователей нельзя.

4 days, 7 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Если игра не набирает 250 отзывов в Steam за первый месяц, это провал — Крис Жуковски
Если игра не набирает 250 отзывов в Steam за первый месяц, это провал — Крис Жуковски Если игра не набирает 250 отзывов в Steam за первый месяц, это провал — Крис Жуковски

Эксперт по игровому маркетингу Крис Жуковски (Chris Zukowski) напомнил разработчикам о важном бенчмарке успешности для игр в Steam.

Разработчики, особенно инди-студии, должны ориентироваться на следующий показатель — минимум 250 отзывов в Steam за месяц.

«Если вы не наберете 250 отзывов за первый месяц, ничего не получится», — заявил Жуковски.

Симулятор автоматизации фабрики, разработанный инди-студией Notional Games, за первые три месяца получил лишь 51 отзыв.

Обычно их валовая выручка достигает отметки в 150 тысяч долларов за первые шесть-девять месяцев после запуска.

4 days, 9 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Square Enix подала в суд на разработчиков отмененной игры по Front Mission, обвинив их в краже ассетов
Square Enix подала в суд на разработчиков отмененной игры по Front Mission, обвинив их в краже ассетов Square Enix подала в суд на разработчиков отмененной игры по Front Mission, обвинив их в краже ассетов

Square Enix подала иск к одному из своих бывших подрядчиков.

В качестве доказательств Square Enix приводит 11 страниц скриншотов со сравнением Mecharashi (Metal Storm) и прототипа Front Mission 2089.

При этом Square Enix отмечает, что ответственность несут все вышеуказанные юрлица.

Square Enix требует 150 тысяч долларов за нарушение авторского права и хочет добиться удаления игры из цифровых магазинов.

Скриншоты со сравнением отмененной Front Mission 2089: Borderscape (слева) и Mecharashi | Metal Storm (справа)

4 days, 12 hours назад @ app2top.ru
GamesIndustry.biz GamesIndustry.biz
последний пост 12 часов назад
German games market drops 6% to €9.4bn in 2024
German games market drops 6% to €9.4bn in 2024 German games market drops 6% to €9.4bn in 2024

The German games market decreased by 6% year-on-year to €9.4 billion in 2024, with sales of premium games dropping 17% to €921 million compared to revenues of €1.1 million the previous year.

This is according to market figures from the German Games Industry Association (Game), based on data compiled by YouGov Shopper, Nielsen IQ, and Data.ai.

Overall, games sales (including premium games, in-game and in-app purchases) was down 6% to €5.5 million.

"After years of frequent strong growth, the German games market took a breather in 2024," said Game managing director Felix Falk.

"This was due in part to the fact there were fewer game hits last year and that the demand for game consoles has norma…

12 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle to launch on PS5 on April 17, 2025 | News-in-brief
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle to launch on PS5 on April 17, 2025 | News-in-brief Indiana Jones and the Great Circle to launch on PS5 on April 17, 2025 | News-in-brief

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle to launch on PS5 on April 17, 2025 | News-in-briefMachineGames' action-adventure title launched as a timed console exclusive on Xbox Series X|S and Windows in December 2024

15 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Opus Major raises $10m in seed funding round
Opus Major raises $10m in seed funding round Opus Major raises $10m in seed funding round

Paris-based developer Opus Major has raised $10 million in a seed funding round, led by Griffin Gaming Partners and early investor Alven.

As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, Opus Major will use the investment to support the ongoing development of its debut, cross-platform multiplayer codenamed Opus #1.

Opus Major was co-founded in 2023 by CEO Jean-Nicolas Vernin and chief creative officer Pierre-Armand Nicq.

Vernin previously co-founded mobile developer Madbox (where he served as CEO and chief production officer), and was previously an executive producer and editorial director at Gameloft.

"Our mission at Opus Major is to make the world jam together," said Vernin and Nicq.

1 day, 9 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
SpecialEffect's GameBlast25 raises over £130,000 | News-in-brief
SpecialEffect's GameBlast25 raises over £130,000 | News-in-brief SpecialEffect's GameBlast25 raises over £130,000 | News-in-brief

SpecialEffect's GameBlast25 raises over £130,000 | News-in-briefThe charity event has raised over £1.8 million over the past 12 years, with GameBlast26 announced across February 17 to March 1 next year

1 day, 12 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Silent Hill F has not been banned in Australia
Silent Hill F has not been banned in Australia Silent Hill F has not been banned in Australia

Silent Hill F has not been refused classification in Australia, as confirmed by the country's Classification Board.

In a statement provided to independent games site Stevivor, the entry for Silent Hill F published on March 14, 2025 has since been removed.

"Silent Hill F is not currently classified as 'Refused Classification' in Australia," the Australian Classification Board said.

Earlier this month, Konami released a new cinematic trailer for Silent Hill F. The game has since been rated 18+ in Japan, making it the first title in the franchise to receive this rating.

Last year, Hunter x Hunter Nen x Impact was refused classification by the ACB due to "implied sexual violence."

1 day, 13 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Assassin's Creed Shadows reaches 2m players | News-in-brief
Assassin's Creed Shadows reaches 2m players | News-in-brief Assassin's Creed Shadows reaches 2m players | News-in-brief

Assassin's Creed Shadows reaches 2m players | News-in-briefLatest title in the Assassin's Creed franchise has surpassed the launches of Origins and Odyssey

1 day, 15 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
ESA launches Accessible Games Initiative to improve visibility of accessibility features
ESA launches Accessible Games Initiative to improve visibility of accessibility features ESA launches Accessible Games Initiative to improve visibility of accessibility features

The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has announced the formation of the Accessible Games Initiative.

Developed by Electronic Arts, Google, Microsoft, Nintendo of America, Sony Interactive Entertainment, and Ubisoft, the Accessible Games Initiative aims to provide clear information about accessibility features in games.

Firms including Amazon Games, Riot Games, Square Enix, and Warner Bros. Games have since joined the project.

The full list of tags can be found on the Accessible Games Initiative website.

"We are immediately proud to announce the Accessible Games Initiative in partnership with industry leaders.

4 days, 11 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
United Videogame Workers union launches at GDC 2025 in partnership with CWA
United Videogame Workers union launches at GDC 2025 in partnership with CWA United Videogame Workers union launches at GDC 2025 in partnership with CWA

During the 2025 Games Development Conference this week, industry workers launched the United Videogame Workers union in partnership with the Communication Workers of America.

CWA president Claude Cummings Jr. added: "The formation of United Video Game Workers-CWA is an exciting new step in our union's work to help video game workers build power in their industry.

"As video game studios have consolidated, the workers whose creativity, dedication, and skill bring the games to life have become more an afterthought.

Last year, hundreds of workers at developers including Bethesda Game Studios and Activision Blizzard joined the CWA and unionsed.

The launch of UVW-CWA follows the ongoing battle be…

4 days, 12 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Report: Half of all mobile players have received real-world rewards from games
Report: Half of all mobile players have received real-world rewards from games Report: Half of all mobile players have received real-world rewards from games

50% of mobile players have now received a reward with real monetary value from a smartphone game.

Meanwhile, 72% of that group say real-world rewards are now "important" when it comes to them selecting a new mobile game to download.

That’s according to the second part of Almedia's Rewarded Returns report conducted by Atomik Research, which surveyed over 2,000 mobile players across the US and UK.

The report found that 54% of mobile players are now devoting more time to gaming.

75% of all respondents feel positive to the notion of receiving rewards with real-world value from games.

4 days, 15 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Assassin's Creed Shadows passes 1m players on launch day | News-in-brief
Assassin's Creed Shadows passes 1m players on launch day | News-in-brief Assassin's Creed Shadows passes 1m players on launch day | News-in-brief

Assassin's Creed Shadows passes 1m players on launch day | News-in-briefSet in feudal Japan, Shadows is the 14th mainline installment in the Assassin's Creed franchise

4 days, 15 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Balatro leads Game Developers Choice Awards 2025, wins Game of the Year
Balatro leads Game Developers Choice Awards 2025, wins Game of the Year Balatro leads Game Developers Choice Awards 2025, wins Game of the Year

Balatro dominated the Game Developers Choice Awards last night, taking home Game of the Year and Best Debut alongside Best Design and the Innovation award.

Astro Bot won two awards in the Audio and Technology categories, while Black Myth: Wukong received the accolade for Best Visual Art.

Studio Zero's Metaphor: ReFantazio won Best Narrative with Deck Nine Games' Life is Strange: Double Exposure taking home the Social Impact award.

Freehold Games' Caves of Qud won Excellence in Narrative, Moonloop Games' Hauntii took home the Excellence in Visual Arts award, while Suspicious Developments' Tactical Breach Wizards won Excellence in Design.

Despelote, developed by Julián Cordero and Sebastian V…

5 days, 9 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Monster Hunter Wilds debuts at No.3 on revenue charts for February 2025 | Newzoo Charts
Monster Hunter Wilds debuts at No.3 on revenue charts for February 2025 | Newzoo Charts Monster Hunter Wilds debuts at No.3 on revenue charts for February 2025 | Newzoo Charts

Monster Hunter Wilds debuted at No.3 on Newzoo's overall revenue chart for February, despite launching on the final day of the month.

Capcom's action RPG took the top spot on the firm's premium revenues (full game sales) chart, as well as the PC revenue chart.

As for overall player engagement, Monster Hunter Wilds ranked at No.13.

Avowed also broke into the Top 20, despite being a day one launch on Xbox Game Pass.

The title reached No.18 on the individual revenue chart for Xbox, and No.9 on its engagement rankings.

5 days, 12 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Monster Hunter Wilds is US' best-selling game of 2025 so far | US Monthly Charts
Monster Hunter Wilds is US' best-selling game of 2025 so far | US Monthly Charts Monster Hunter Wilds is US' best-selling game of 2025 so far | US Monthly Charts

Capcom's Monster Hunter Wilds topped Circana's US charts for February, and is the best-selling game of 2025 so far.

According to Circana, launch month sales of Monster Hunter Wilds were more than double than the total Monster Hunter Rise generated in March 2021.

Monster Hunter Wilds sold 8 million units in three days, becoming the fastest-selling title in Capcom's history.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 generated 1 million sales in just 24 hours following its release on February 4, 2025.

"Last War: Survival saw a 17% increase in in-app purchase revenue month over month, while both Royal Match and Roblox saw declines of around 9%," said Aune.

5 days, 13 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Midia Research: Global games industry estimated to reach $236.9bn in 2025
Midia Research: Global games industry estimated to reach $236.9bn in 2025 Midia Research: Global games industry estimated to reach $236.9bn in 2025

The global games industry is predicted to increase by 4.6% in 2026 to $236.9 billion, and is expected to reach $280.1 billion in 2031.

Looking at software, the firm predicts revenues to rise by 4.4% year-over-year to $203.2 billion in 2025.

PC software is "predicted to outpace other segments towards 2031," reaching $44.5 billion in 2025 compared to $41.6 billion in 2024.

Console software is estimated to reach $47.9 billion this year compared to $45.1 billion last year, while mobile is forecast to reach $110.9 billion in 2025 compared to $108.1 billion compared to 2024.

"Things will continue to be difficult in the games market, and these challenging market conditions mean developers are bein…

5 days, 14 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
ID@Xbox has paid indie devs more than $5bn since 2013
ID@Xbox has paid indie devs more than $5bn since 2013 ID@Xbox has paid indie devs more than $5bn since 2013

Microsoft has revealed it has paid developers in its ID@Xbox program more than $5 billion since it launched in 2013.

In a blog post, ID@Xbox director Guy Richards shared that ID@Xbox saw more than 1,000 games launch in 2024 including Balatro, Stalker 2: Heart of Chernobyl, and Phasmophobia.

Richards also spoke with GameRant, revealing that ID@Xbox has worked with over 5,000 developers globally and has shipped an estimated 6,000 games since its inception.

"If you were to ask anybody who was here when we first started the program if we'd be achieving these numbers in 2025, they wouldn't believe it," he said.

"Of course, it's also a testament to our fans who have the passion to play all these …

6 days, 11 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Gamasutra Gamasutra
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Kotaku Kotaku
последний пост 2 часа назад
Witcher 4 Is So Far Away It Sounds Like It Might Be A PS6 Game
Witcher 4 Is So Far Away It Sounds Like It Might Be A PS6 Game Witcher 4 Is So Far Away It Sounds Like It Might Be A PS6 Game

If you are excited to play CD Projekt Red’s upcoming RPG The Witcher 4, just know that you’re gonna be waiting a long time.

And then in December 2024 at the Game Awards, CDP officially unveiled the first trailer for The Witcher 4, featuring Ciri.

Now it seems like we are at least two years away from playing the game that trailer teased.

So The Witcher 4 could be an early RPG success on the PS6, though I’d expect that it would be a cross-gen game, too.

For now though, we all have a lot of waiting to do before we can play either a PS6 or The Witcher 4.

2 часа назад @ kotaku.com
Every Marvel TV Show, Ranked From Awful To Sublime
Every Marvel TV Show, Ranked From Awful To Sublime Every Marvel TV Show, Ranked From Awful To Sublime

The title of Best Marvel TV Show was firmly in the mystical grip of Wanda Maximoff and Wandavision for years, until the mutants came.

Go looking for awe-inspiring moments from Disney’s sequel to X-Men: The Animated Series and you’ll find one that justifies it taking the top spot quicker than a Sentinel can sniff out a mutant.

Those are just a handful of the moments that helped make X-Men ‘97 the crème de la crème of Marvel TV shows.

AdvertisementBeyond the animated theatrics and lore-expanding additions, X-Men 97 is centered around storylines that would be enthralling whether the characters were hand-drawn or in the flesh.

If the 2025 Critics Choice Award for Best Animated Series is any ind…

3 часа назад @ kotaku.com
Ex-Blizzard Devs' New Game Looks Like Sea Of Thieves In Space
Ex-Blizzard Devs' New Game Looks Like Sea Of Thieves In Space Ex-Blizzard Devs' New Game Looks Like Sea Of Thieves In Space

The second was that the sci-fi extraction shooter from ex-Blizzard developers might be able to succeed where Sony’s hero shooter did not thanks to a gameplay loop that looks way more like Sea of Thieves than Call of Duty.

AdvertisementYou can see where I’m getting the Sea of Thieves vibes from.

The team is part of Dreamhaven, the publishing label led by ex-Blizzard president Mike Morhaime.

FuzzyBot’s Lynked: Banner of the Spark, a loot-based action-RPG cozy sim (yes, really), is headed out of Early Access for PS5, Xbox, and PC on May 22.

Finally, Game River’s Mechabellum, a tactical mech auto battler with shades of Total Annihilation that launched on PC last year, recently launched season 3…

3 часа назад @ kotaku.com
Tony Hawk Reportedly Intervened To Get Bam Margera Added Back To THPS 3+4
Tony Hawk Reportedly Intervened To Get Bam Margera Added Back To THPS 3+4 Tony Hawk Reportedly Intervened To Get Bam Margera Added Back To THPS 3+4

Professional skater and Jackass star Bam Margera will be included in the next major Tony Hawk skateboarding game after Hawk himself reportedly stepped in and forced Activison to add Margera to the game’s roster.

Margera appeared in both Tony’s Hawk Pro Skater 3 and Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 4 back when they first launched on PS2.

But when the THPS 3+4 were announced, Margera was missing from the remake’s roster of new and old skaters.

But apparently, Margera is doing better and his friend Tony Hawk fought to make sure he was a part of the upcoming remake.

AdvertisementMargera hasn’t been featured in a Tony Hawk skateboarding game since 2007's Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground, the last game developed…

3 часа назад @ kotaku.com
Nintendo Switch 2 Will Reportedly Launch In June With An Emphasis On First-Party Games
Nintendo Switch 2 Will Reportedly Launch In June With An Emphasis On First-Party Games Nintendo Switch 2 Will Reportedly Launch In June With An Emphasis On First-Party Games

With only a week to go until the Switch 2's big Nintendo Direct showcase, there’s new reporting about when the console will launch and some of what players can expect from the hardware’s first six months.

This might include things like a Mario Kart 9 or a new 3D Mario in the summer launch window, followed by multiplatform ports or other third-party releases in the fall.

Big questions around pricing and the launch lineup remain, but seem like things we’ll likely get answers to during next week’s Switch 2 Nintendo Direct.

AdvertisementRumors have also been circulating about another set of Nintendo announcements focused on the current Switch happening before April.

After that, the Nintendo Dir…

4 часа назад @ kotaku.com
Napster's Corpse Sold To Metaverse Company For $200+ Million
Napster's Corpse Sold To Metaverse Company For $200+ Million Napster's Corpse Sold To Metaverse Company For $200+ Million

It was a free peer-to-peer file sharing service that launched in 1999 and let people share music with others without paying for it.

And now in 2025, a company has spent over $200 million on Napster with the goal of using it in the totally-not-dead tech-bro-fantasy-land that is the metaverse.

AdvertisementOn March 25, as reported by CNBC, 3D technology company Infinite Reality purchased Napster for $207 million.

According to the CEO of Infinite Reality, there is “no better name than Napster to disrupt.” “Disrupt what?” you might ask.

Before Infinite Reality stepped in and bought Napster, the brand had been owned by many different companies, including Rhapsody and Best Buy.

5 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Go-To Strategies To Survive Atomfall's Irradiated Wilds
Go-To Strategies To Survive Atomfall's Irradiated Wilds Go-To Strategies To Survive Atomfall's Irradiated Wilds

If you’re just diving into Atomfall, you should know this survival title is designed to test your skills and patience (in a good way).

Before you set off on your journey in Atomfall, here are three tips to keep in mind that can help improve your chances at survival.

This dramatically reduces how much additional work you’ll need to put into figuring out how to navigate Atomfall’s sprawling world.

AdvertisementStealth is your friendAmmo is hard to come by in Atomfall, so you’ll spend a lot of time in melee combat.

There’s no shame in regrouping and taking things slowly in a game designed around tense survival mechanics.

5 часов назад @ kotaku.com
You Can Finish Atomfall Pretty Quickly, If You Rush Through The Wasteland
You Can Finish Atomfall Pretty Quickly, If You Rush Through The Wasteland You Can Finish Atomfall Pretty Quickly, If You Rush Through The Wasteland

Here’s how long it’ll take you to see what Atomfall has to offer.

Atomfall is an open-zone game that gives you a lot of freedom in how you approach its narrative.

AdvertisementAll of this freedom helps make the overall experience of Atomfall fairly unique for each player.

And if you’re looking to grab every trophy/achievement in the game, you’ll need to beat it various times while following different paths.

AdvertisementThere’s a ton of replay value in Atomfall, so you’ll be able to play through it as many times as you’d like while always seeing something new.

6 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Big Publishers And Studios Are Scrambling To Avoid GTA 6's Launch
Big Publishers And Studios Are Scrambling To Avoid GTA 6's Launch Big Publishers And Studios Are Scrambling To Avoid GTA 6's Launch

Grand Theft Auto 6 is officially launching later this fall on Xbox Series X/S and PS5.

That’s bad news for publishers and developers working on new games or big updates for live-service titles.

As a result, some of these companies are reportedly creating plans to avoid GTA 6 entirely.

AdvertisementLive service devs are worried about Grand Theft Auto 6And its not just publishers nervous about GTA 6's massive impact on the industry.

AdvertisementPerhaps the most frustrating problem publishers and developers are facing is that it’s possible Rockstar delays GTA 6 into 2026.

6 часов назад @ kotaku.com
It Looks Like Sabrina Carpenter Is Coming To Fortnite
It Looks Like Sabrina Carpenter Is Coming To Fortnite It Looks Like Sabrina Carpenter Is Coming To Fortnite

I may be about to face my greatest test yet, however, because it seems like pop star Sabrina Carpenter is coming to the game, and as someone who listened to her smash hit “Espresso” 1500 times last year, am I not duty-bound to show up for my queen?

AdvertisementAdvertisementAll signs point to Carpenter being the artist featured in the rhythm game Fortnite Festival next month, with a set including music, emotes, and, of course, a skin based on the singer herself.

Even if I won’t be playing myself, however, I will be looking forward to people recreating the cartoonish violence of the “Taste” music video in-game.

AdvertisementAnyway, stream Short n’ Sweet Deluxe Edition on your favorite music …

7 часов назад @ kotaku.com
How To Defeat Oda Nobunaga In Assassin’s Creed Shadows
How To Defeat Oda Nobunaga In Assassin’s Creed Shadows How To Defeat Oda Nobunaga In Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Our girl Naoe’s slit a whole lotta throats to get to this point, but it’s finally time to slit the one throat that matters: Oda Nobunaga.

And this is more about getting you in the right place than anything else, which is a little difficult considering Nobunaga’s got Taylor Swift levels of security.

You’ll be elevated, so you’ll be very much out of sight, but you’ll run out of wall when you reach there.

AdvertisementYou’ll be at the entrance of the part of the temple Nobunaga’s holed up in which is, as expected, guarded by a small army.

AdvertisementAssassin’s Creed Shadows is available now on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Windows PC.

7 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Xbox Is Experimenting With An Extra Button Press To Open Games
Xbox Is Experimenting With An Extra Button Press To Open Games Xbox Is Experimenting With An Extra Button Press To Open Games

A new home screen feature is possibly on the horizon for Xbox Series X/S owners.

Microsoft is currently testing new Xbox Game Hub pages that would provide players with more information but also put their games an extra button press away.

The Best Reveals From The Game Awards 2023 CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish view video The Best Reveals From The Game Awards 2023The Best Reveals From The Game Awards 2023 CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish The Best Reveals From The Game Awards 2023The Verge’s Tom Warren shared a clip of how the new feature works on social media.

Currently in testing for members of the Xbox Insiders program, Xbox Game Hubs open after you click on a game tile, and display additional…

7 часов назад @ kotaku.com
How To Defeat The Golden Teppo In Assassin’s Creed Shadows
How To Defeat The Golden Teppo In Assassin’s Creed Shadows How To Defeat The Golden Teppo In Assassin’s Creed Shadows

The Golden Teppo quests will get you the fake name you’ll be using all night, the kosode you need, and teach you how to handle yourself like a proper lady of means when you get in there.

From there, you’ll be able to take a guess which one of the other ladies is the Golden Teppo.

The mission will change to “Drive The Point Home,” and while strolling around Wakasa’s house, you’ll pick up the Golden Teppo she shot you with the night your father got killed.

Once you’ve taken her down, you’ll pick up a letter between her and Wakasa confirming that, sorry Naoe, but your Golden Teppo is in another castle.

AdvertisementAssassin’s Creed Shadows is available now on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Windows …

8 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Game Genres Are Completely Meaningless, And It's All Your Fault
Game Genres Are Completely Meaningless, And It's All Your Fault Game Genres Are Completely Meaningless, And It's All Your Fault

AdvertisementUp until this point, genres were pretty much decided by the developers, even if it was often begrudgingly.

Most instead opted for hyphenates, picking two of three genres their game sort of loosely fell into, describing their game as “first-person-strategy-adventure-typing-sim” or what have you.

That year, Valve ditched Greenlight and replaced it with Steam Direct, where anyone could release a game on Steam if they paid $100.

AdvertisementI first became frustrated by this phenomenon by the demolition of the “adventure” genre.

It was, for my entire life, used to describe...well, “adventure games”!

8 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Take A Break From Murderous Revenge With Some Interior Design In Assassin's Creed Shadows
Take A Break From Murderous Revenge With Some Interior Design In Assassin's Creed Shadows Take A Break From Murderous Revenge With Some Interior Design In Assassin's Creed Shadows

Assassin’s Creed Shadows features both, and you can even customize your base—otherwise known as your hideout—with cherry blossom trees, deer statues, intricate pathways, and so much more.

The Week In Games: What’s Coming Out Beyond Assassin's Creed Mirage CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish The Week In Games: What’s Coming Out Beyond Assassin's Creed MirageWhere to buy new hideout decorationsIf you want to uncover additional hideout decorations, there are a handful of options.

On top of selling a variety of hideout decorations, the ornament vendor in Oyamazaki Village also offers a few horses—better than your stock mount by far—along with multiple saddles.

currently offers a handful of hideout pa…

8 часов назад @ kotaku.com
MCV/Develop MCV/Develop
последний пост 1 day, 10 hours назад
We’re extending the deadline, so you’ve got an extra week to nominate for the 2025 MCV/DEVELOP Awards
We’re extending the deadline, so you’ve got an extra week to nominate for the 2025 MCV/DEVELOP Awards We’re extending the deadline, so you’ve got an extra week to nominate for the 2025 MCV/DEVELOP Awards

We’re extending the deadline, so you’ve got an extra week to nominate for the 2025 MCV/DEVELOP AwardsShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInWe are extending the deadline for MCV/DEVELOP Awards 2025 by one week, ensuring the games industry has an extra bit of wiggle room to get its nominations in following what has been for many companies a busy week at GDC.

The final deadline will now be on March 31, 2025 at 5PM.

You can find out more on how to nominate to us, make your nomination, or go ahead and buy a ticket to be at the ceremony on the night over here on our official awards show website.

If you’d like to speak to our team about which branding and/or sponsorship opportunities are still available fo…

1 day, 10 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
Develop:Brighton 2025 has announced its first speakers
Develop:Brighton 2025 has announced its first speakers Develop:Brighton 2025 has announced its first speakers

Develop:Brighton 2025 has announced its first speakersShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInTandem Events has announced the first speakers for the 2025 Develop:Brighton conference.

This year’s conference will once again be at the Hilton Brighton Metropole, and will take place between July 8 – July 10, 2025.

Speakers this year will focus on practical take-aways and vocational content, with representatives on-site from just about every discipline in game development.

Companies involved with the conference this year include Housemarque, Keywords Studios, Frontier Developments, Ubisoft, ustwo Games, Insomniac Games, Google, Kepler Interactive, and more.

If you want to attend Develop:Brighton, you can bo…

1 week, 5 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] The finalists have been revealed for the 2025 WINGS Award
[From the industry] The finalists have been revealed for the 2025 WINGS Award [From the industry] The finalists have been revealed for the 2025 WINGS Award

[From the industry] The finalists have been revealed for the 2025 WINGS AwardShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

In partnership with the 27th annual Independent Games Festival (IGF) Awards, WINGS Interactive is excited to announce the nominees for the WINGS Award.

The WINGS Award will highlight outstanding games where women and other gender-marginalized developers hold key positions and will be presented during the 2025 IGF Awards on Wednesday, March 19, 2025.

Today, Kidwell continues to make independent games and posts them to her itch.io page.

This is Alexa’s third year speaking at the Game Developers Conference.

1 week, 5 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Secret Mode is now an independent publisher
Secret Mode is now an independent publisher Secret Mode is now an independent publisher

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInSecret Mode has gone independent following a buyout by Ed Blincoe, James Schall and Emona Capital LLP for an undisclosed sum.

Secret Mode was founded as part of the Sumo Group back in 2020, and quickly built up a positive reputation in PC and console publishing for indies.

It will continue to operate as an independent publisher, and will retain its focus on supporting indie PC and console games going forward, under its existing leadership.

Secret Mode is its first venture into funding game publishing.

“We look forward to supporting Secret Mode’s mission within the independent games sector across PC and consoles.”“We are excited to build upon our commitment in th…

1 week, 5 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Portal Studio will sponsor the 2025 MCV/DEVELOP Awards
Portal Studio will sponsor the 2025 MCV/DEVELOP Awards Portal Studio will sponsor the 2025 MCV/DEVELOP Awards

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInPortal Studio is returning as a sponsor for this year’s MCV/DEVELOP Awards.

Portal is a creative marketing agency based out of Horsham.

The company sponsored the MCV/DEVELOP Awards for the first time last year, and we’re delighted they’ve chosen to support our showcase of games industry talent once again.

“At Portal, we’re proud supporters of the MCV Awards and their celebration of the incredible talent across the games industry,” said Emily Godwin, Operations and Project Manager at Portal.

Thank you MCV/DEVELOP.”If you’d like to nominate your company for the MCV/DEVELOP Awards, you can still do that until March 24, 2025.

1 week, 5 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Issue #1001 of MCV/DEVELOP is online now! Inside: Dynasty Warriors, Crescent County, NC America and more!
Issue #1001 of MCV/DEVELOP is online now! Inside: Dynasty Warriors, Crescent County, NC America and more! Issue #1001 of MCV/DEVELOP is online now! Inside: Dynasty Warriors, Crescent County, NC America and more!

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe February-March 2025 issue of MCV/DEVELOP can now be read online for free.

This very special 1001st issue is my first back in editorial, and is also my first issue as the magazine’s editor.

Issue #1001 also sees the exciting debut of MJ Widomska, Anita Wong, and Marie-Claire Isaaman as regular columnists.

If you don’t enjoy it, then please send all complaints to [email protected].

(… and if you don’t get a free print copy, but do want one … then you should subscribe!)

3 weeks, 1 day назад @ mcvuk.com
Biz Dev and Events veterans Alex Boucher and Vanessa Joyce have launched the Games Growth Agency
Biz Dev and Events veterans Alex Boucher and Vanessa Joyce have launched the Games Growth Agency Biz Dev and Events veterans Alex Boucher and Vanessa Joyce have launched the Games Growth Agency

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInAlex Boucher and Vanessa Joyce have announced the launch of the Games Growth Agency, a new company designed to help other companies increase their advertising and sponsorships sales in the games sector with ‘immediate and impactful solutions’.

Boucher and Joyce are well-known figures in the games industry, and have years of experience between them in running successful industry gatherings like the Games Growth Summit, Game Dev Heroes and the DevPub Quiz, as well as assisting on events like the MCV/DEVELOP Awards, IRL, 30 Under 30 and MCV Women in Games on a freelance basis.

In a press release statement accompanying its reveal, the agency confirmed that it had al…

3 weeks, 1 day назад @ mcvuk.com
Gemma Brown and Rob O’Farrell have been appointed as Co-CEOs of Dovetail Games
Gemma Brown and Rob O’Farrell have been appointed as Co-CEOs of Dovetail Games Gemma Brown and Rob O’Farrell have been appointed as Co-CEOs of Dovetail Games

Gemma Brown and Rob O’Farrell have been appointed as Co-CEOs of Dovetail GamesShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInPULLUP Entertainment has announced that Gemma Brown and Rob O’Farrell will serve as Co-CEOs of its video game development studio subsidiary Dovetail Games.

Brown was formerly the Chief Operating Officer at the company, and has been with it for 12 years.

O’Farrell previously served the company as its Chief Development Officer, and has been there for a slightly shorter amount of time, clocking in at 11 years.

Dovetail Games is best known for its work on railway simulation games, particularly the Train Sim World series.

We are also immensely proud to work alongside the talented teams at D…

3 weeks, 5 days назад @ mcvuk.com
International Women’s Day 2025: Celebrating Women Driving the Games Industry Forward
International Women’s Day 2025: Celebrating Women Driving the Games Industry Forward International Women’s Day 2025: Celebrating Women Driving the Games Industry Forward

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInby Megan Cooke at BigGamesMachineFor the past 100 years, International Women’s Day has celebrated the achievements of women worldwide, including those doing incredible work on video games.

Despite that, the games industry is still perceived by many as male-dominated, with many women feeling that their accomplishments often go underlooked.

In 2013, she became co-founder and CEO of WalkMe Mobile Solutions, a Portuguese games studio specialising in puzzle and trivia games for mobile.

Jokela spends her days monitoring countless mobile games for new features, monetisation strategies and market trends.

Looking at the future of women in games, Jokela hopes there will b…

3 weeks, 5 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Modern Times Group has acquired Plarium for £489 million
Modern Times Group has acquired Plarium for £489 million Modern Times Group has acquired Plarium for £489 million

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe Modern Times Group has announced that it has now completed its acquisition of free-to-play mobile game developer Plarium for £489 million [$620 million USD].

Plarium is best known for its work on RAID: Shadow Legends, a mobile RPG which has seen over 100 million downloads and generated £1.8 billion [$2.3 billion] in lifetime revenue since its launch back in 2019.

The Modern Times Group (or MTG) is based in Sweden, and was first founded back in 1997.

The other companies that are part of the Modern Times Group’s gaming portfolio are InnoGames, Hutch, Ninja Kiwi, PlaySimple and Snowprint.

“This transformative deal will enable us to realize our ambitions to beco…

3 weeks, 5 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] The Esports World Cup Foundation has announced a strategic partnership with Tencent
[From the industry] The Esports World Cup Foundation has announced a strategic partnership with Tencent [From the industry] The Esports World Cup Foundation has announced a strategic partnership with Tencent

The Esports World Cup Foundation (EWCF) today announced a partnership with Tencent, making Tencent E-sports the EWCF’s strategic partner in China to drive the expansion of the Esports World Cup’s presence in the region.

This partnership marks a significant milestone in the EWCF’s purpose to unite global esports fans under one competitive umbrella and underscores its commitment to integrating the world’s most important and rapidly growing esports market into the Esports World Cup platform.

Tencent E-sports will provide marketing expertise, strategic consulting, and operational support to deliver diverse content and experiences.

“The Esports World Cup has created a global stage for competitiv…

1 month назад @ mcvuk.com
SEGA has teamed up with NewGen for its new social content strategy
SEGA has teamed up with NewGen for its new social content strategy SEGA has teamed up with NewGen for its new social content strategy

SEGA has teamed up with NewGen for its new social content strategyShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInSEGA and socials agency NewGen have teamed up to ‘supercharge’ their online content strategy on sites like TikTok and Instagram.

NewGen says its mission is to “bring SEGA’s vibrant gaming worlds closer to its community” and that they will do that with ‘gameplay-led content’ that they hope will increase their fans’ engagement on branded social channels.

“At SEGA, we want to work with partners who understand our ethos, can help drive our brand forward, and ultimately become an extension to our team,” said Dan Lazarides, VP of central marketing at SEGA Europe.

“We’re excited at the prospect of invigo…

1 month назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Ukie calls on Government to press start on growth by reforming the Video Games Expenditure Credit
[From the industry] Ukie calls on Government to press start on growth by reforming the Video Games Expenditure Credit [From the industry] Ukie calls on Government to press start on growth by reforming the Video Games Expenditure Credit

[From the industry] Ukie calls on Government to press start on growth by reforming the Video Games Expenditure CreditShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

The UK video games industry, a global leader in creativity and innovation, is urging the Government to reform the Video Games Expenditure Credit (VGEC) to ensure the sector remains internationally competitive and continues to drive growth.

“The UK’s video games industry has seen substantial growth, driven by the VGEC, but this competitive advantage has been eroded over the past decade,” said Nick Poole, Ukie CEO.

“The UK games industry is a global success story, but maintai…

1 month назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] TIGA UK Games Education Awards 2025 are now open for entries
[From the industry] TIGA UK Games Education Awards 2025 are now open for entries [From the industry] TIGA UK Games Education Awards 2025 are now open for entries

[From the industry] TIGA UK Games Education Awards 2025 are now open for entriesShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

TIGA, the trade association representing the UK video games industry, has today announced that the TIGA UK Games Education Awards 2025 are open for entries.

This year we have extended the awards to further recognise the teaching teams behind our outstanding educational institutions.

The TIGA UK Games Education Awards are now open to enter.

“By recognising exceptional students, educators, and institutions, these awards highlight the vital role of education in equipping the next generation of game developers.

1 month, 1 week назад @ mcvuk.com
Outright Games, Naomi House and Jacksplace are calling for UK gamers to stream for a Children’s Hospice Charity Fundraiser
Outright Games, Naomi House and Jacksplace are calling for UK gamers to stream for a Children’s Hospice Charity Fundraiser Outright Games, Naomi House and Jacksplace are calling for UK gamers to stream for a Children’s Hospice Charity Fundraiser

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInNaomi House and Jacksplace, local hospices for children and young adults, have announced their gaming fundraiser event Game On!

The event, which this year will be supported by family-friendly game developer Outright Games, will take place between March 28, 2025 and March 30, 2025.

this year, along with the support from our official fundraising partner Outright Games,” said Chris Meany, Supporter Services Advisor at Naomi House and Jacksplace.

“This campaign means so much to us, as gaming is an essential part of life at Naomi House and Jacksplace.

page over on the Naomi House website.

1 month, 1 week назад @ mcvuk.com
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Warner Bros. Shuts Three Video-Game Studios in Restructuring
Warner Bros. Shuts Three Video-Game Studios in Restructuring

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4 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Warner Bros. Video-Game Division Faces Thin Slate, Leadership Uncertainty and Wonder Woman Issues
Warner Bros. Video-Game Division Faces Thin Slate, Leadership Uncertainty and Wonder Woman Issues

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1 month, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Warner Bros. Gaming Chief David Haddad Steps Down After 12 Years
Warner Bros. Gaming Chief David Haddad Steps Down After 12 Years

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2 months назад @ bloomberg.com
EA Says Bookings Slid on Weakness in Soccer, ‘Dragon Age’ Games
EA Says Bookings Slid on Weakness in Soccer, ‘Dragon Age’ Games

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2 months назад @ bloomberg.com
Sony Cancels Two More PlayStation Projects
Sony Cancels Two More PlayStation Projects

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2 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Ubisoft Hires Advisers to Weigh Options, Delays a Key Game
Ubisoft Hires Advisers to Weigh Options, Delays a Key Game

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2 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Ex-Annapurna Video-Game Staff to Absorb Former Take-Two Indie Label
Ex-Annapurna Video-Game Staff to Absorb Former Take-Two Indie Label

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2 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
CD Projekt Reveals ‘Witcher IV’ With a New Female Protagonist
CD Projekt Reveals ‘Witcher IV’ With a New Female Protagonist

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3 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Grand Theft Auto VI Will Rule the Video Game Industry in 2025
Grand Theft Auto VI Will Rule the Video Game Industry in 2025

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3 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Blizzard Brings Back Old ‘Warcraft’ Games as Global Franchise Turns 30
Blizzard Brings Back Old ‘Warcraft’ Games as Global Franchise Turns 30

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4 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Take-Two Sells Small-Game Division for Undisclosed Sum
Take-Two Sells Small-Game Division for Undisclosed Sum Take-Two Sells Small-Game Division for Undisclosed Sum

Video-game publisher Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. sold Private Division, its label responsible for smaller-scale titles, for an undisclosed price.

The unnamed buyer purchased the rights to “substantially all of Private Division’s live and unreleased titles” with the exception of No Rest for the Wicked, an action role-playing game that was released earlier this year, Take-Two said Wednesday in a statement.

4 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
After Era of Bloat, Veteran Video-Game Developers Are Going Smaller
After Era of Bloat, Veteran Video-Game Developers Are Going Smaller

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4 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
PlayStation Shutters Studio Behind ‘Concord’ Video-Game Flop
PlayStation Shutters Studio Behind ‘Concord’ Video-Game Flop

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4 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
EA’s BioWare Looks For Redemption With New ‘Dragon Age’ Game
EA’s BioWare Looks For Redemption With New ‘Dragon Age’ Game

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4 months, 4 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
The Power Struggle That Imploded Megan Ellison’s Video Game Unit
The Power Struggle That Imploded Megan Ellison’s Video Game Unit

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5 months, 4 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
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последний пост 42 минуты назад
Intel’s Former CEO Pat Gelsinger Gives Out Pointers To His Successor Lip-Bu Tan; Expects Him To Finish The Story of Reviving Intel
Intel’s Former CEO Pat Gelsinger Gives Out Pointers To His Successor Lip-Bu Tan; Expects Him To Finish The Story of Reviving Intel Intel’s Former CEO Pat Gelsinger Gives Out Pointers To His Successor Lip-Bu Tan; Expects Him To Finish The Story of Reviving Intel

Pat Gelsinger gives Intel's new CEO Lip-Bu Tan a warm welcome, expecting him to finish the story of the "revitalization" of Team Blue.

Unfortunately, he couldn't execute his ambitions, as he was ousted from his office in December 2024 and replaced by Lip-Bu Tan.

Now, in an interview with CNBC, Gelsinger has shown optimism toward the future of Intel's new CEO and given him pointers on what Wall Street expects from him.

Intel's former CEO also criticized Wall Street's short-termism approach towards the company, claiming that transforming a company from the ground up in a limited time isn't something that Wall Street looks optimistic about.

Gelsinger says Intel's new CEO, Lip-Bu Tan, will face…

42 минуты назад @ wccftech.com
TSMC Plans To Ramp Up SoIC Packaging Production By The End of 2025; NVIDIA’s Rubin & Apple’s M5 SoCs Are Expected To Feature The Standard
TSMC Plans To Ramp Up SoIC Packaging Production By The End of 2025; NVIDIA’s Rubin & Apple’s M5 SoCs Are Expected To Feature The Standard TSMC Plans To Ramp Up SoIC Packaging Production By The End of 2025; NVIDIA’s Rubin & Apple’s M5 SoCs Are Expected To Feature The Standard

NVIDIA's next-gen Rubin AI architecture will reportedly feature the company's first SoIC packaging, followed by Apple and TSMC has apparently started preparing for it.

Image Credits: TSMCStarting with Team Green's Rubin lineup, we know the architecture will employ a SoIC design courtesy of the functional HBM4.

TSMC knows the importance of SoIC moving forward, and interestingly, one of its biggest clients, Apple, also plans to adopt the standard.

The Cupertino giant's next-gen M5 chip is said to utilize SoIC packaging and be integrated with Apple's "in-house" AI servers, which is simply astonishing to hear.

The Taiwan giant is expected to reach production figures of up to 20,000 for SoIC pac…

1 час назад @ wccftech.com
Samsung’s Base Galaxy S25 In Both 128GB And 256GB Options Gets The Discount Treatment From Amazon’s Big Spring Sale With Up To $125 Off On All Colors
Samsung’s Base Galaxy S25 In Both 128GB And 256GB Options Gets The Discount Treatment From Amazon’s Big Spring Sale With Up To $125 Off On All Colors Samsung’s Base Galaxy S25 In Both 128GB And 256GB Options Gets The Discount Treatment From Amazon’s Big Spring Sale With Up To $125 Off On All Colors

On this occasion, the base Galaxy S25 gets discounted as part of Amazon’s Big Spring Sale, with both the 128GB and 256GB storage variants receiving price cuts and target customers who want a premium smartphone experience without forking a small fortune.

The 128GB model gets a $100 price cut and is currently retailing for $699.99, whereas the 256GB version is $125 off and can be yours for $734.99.

This means that irrespective of which Galaxy S25 model you purchase, the Snapdragon 8 Elite and 12GB of memory will be a guaranteed part of the internals.

The Galaxy S25 is also rocking a versatile camera system by including a wide angle, ultrawide-angle, and telephoto configuration at the back, al…

2 часа назад @ wccftech.com
TSMC’s Arizona Facility Production Is Just 10% More Expensive Than Taiwan Facilities, Shows Expansion Into The US Has Little Financial Complications
TSMC’s Arizona Facility Production Is Just 10% More Expensive Than Taiwan Facilities, Shows Expansion Into The US Has Little Financial Complications TSMC’s Arizona Facility Production Is Just 10% More Expensive Than Taiwan Facilities, Shows Expansion Into The US Has Little Financial Complications

The rumors of the Arizona facility being an expensive venture for TSMC have been refuted in a new report, where it is claimed that production is only just 10% more compared to Taiwan.

According to an analysis by G. Dan Hutcheson of TechInsights, it is claimed that the production of TSMC Arizona is only 10% costlier than that in Taiwan, and the industry has gotten it all wrong.

But, large-scale fabs like Arizona are mostly automated, with labor costs associated with just 2% of the total fees, which shows that the expense difference isn't that large.

So, ultimately, the TSMC Arizona project isn't a "financial burden" for the company, although you could argue that there's a disparity in the R&…

3 часа назад @ wccftech.com
With A Whopping $2,000 Price Tag, The Success Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Could Depend On iPadOS-Like Multitasking And Optimized Software Features
With A Whopping $2,000 Price Tag, The Success Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Could Depend On iPadOS-Like Multitasking And Optimized Software Features With A Whopping $2,000 Price Tag, The Success Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Could Depend On iPadOS-Like Multitasking And Optimized Software Features

Apple plans to launch its foldable iPhone next year, and the latest reports indicate that it will rest more on the pricier end compared to the competition.

While the foldable iPhone will be an innovation for the company, its true success would be tied to the software experience that can handle and make use of the bigger display.

A new report claims that Apple's foldable iPhone will launch "as early as 2026" with a hefty price tag of around $2,000.

As for pricing, according to Gurman, Apple's first foldable iPhone is expected to feature a price tag of around $2,000.

Past reports and rumors have also suggested that Apple's foldable iPhone would be similar to the Galaxy Z Fold lineup instead o…

3 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Monster Hunter Wilds Title Update Adds New Challenges and More on April 4
Monster Hunter Wilds Title Update Adds New Challenges and More on April 4 Monster Hunter Wilds Title Update Adds New Challenges and More on April 4

The first Title Update for Monster Hunter Wilds is rapidly approaching, with information on the upcoming update being revealed in the Monster Hunter Wilds showcase today.

The Title 1 Update for Monster Hunter Wilds will also be introducing the Grand Hub, where players will be able to socialize in new ways.

Also announced in the Monster Hunter Wilds March 2025 showcase was the return of classic gestures as free DLC.

Overall, the upcoming Title Update for Monster Hunter Wilds is stacked with new hunts to go on, whether you're a high-level hunter or just getting started.

The second free Title Update is due to arrive in Monster Hunter Wilds in the summer, with more information being released cl…

3 часа назад @ wccftech.com
OpenAI Restructures Leadership As Sam Altman Shifts Focus To Innovation And Technical Strategy
OpenAI Restructures Leadership As Sam Altman Shifts Focus To Innovation And Technical Strategy OpenAI Restructures Leadership As Sam Altman Shifts Focus To Innovation And Technical Strategy

OpenAI has come a long way and it keeps on pushing boundaries and challenging itself by setting ambitious goals.

Sam Altman promised some major developments for the year and seems to be committed to advancing in the AI field by taking major steps and restructuring leadership.

OpenAI CEO Sam Atman reshuffles leadership to focus on AI research and global expansionOpenAI is now focusing more aggressively on its AI initiatives, as Sam Altman is making some significant changes in the leadership structure in order to advance its AI research and expand further globally.

Brad Lightcap has been with OpenAI since 2018, and his role will be enriched further as Chief Operating Officer.

The reshuffling …

3 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Possibility of GTA 6 Delay Threatens Games Industry: ‘Some Companies Are Going to Tank’ if Wrong
Possibility of GTA 6 Delay Threatens Games Industry: ‘Some Companies Are Going to Tank’ if Wrong Possibility of GTA 6 Delay Threatens Games Industry: ‘Some Companies Are Going to Tank’ if Wrong

It's anyone's guess as to whether GTA 6 will actually release this year or not.

Ben Porter, the Director of Consulting at Newzoo, says that making the wrong prediction could be disastrous for some studios.

GTA 6 is a gargantuan competitor for studios big and small, as there hasn't been a new GTA in 12 years.

There haven't been many big releases thus far that are slated to release in the same time frame as the new Rockstar Games title.

"You do hear a lot of people who are saying that GTA 6 is going to rejuvenate the market.

4 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Warhammer 40K Darktide Gets Big ‘Nightmares & Visions’ Free Update Today
Warhammer 40K Darktide Gets Big ‘Nightmares & Visions’ Free Update Today Warhammer 40K Darktide Gets Big ‘Nightmares & Visions’ Free Update Today

Several years after its original debut on PC, Warhammer 40K Darktide continues to be updated with big patches.

Uncover lore and backstories - By overcoming the Mortis Trials, players will unlock memory echoes, granting them access to secret information on some of the main characters present on the Mourningstar.

Rampaging Enemies - Fallen enemies empower their allies with a surge of strength, making tactical planning crucial to avoid being overwhelmed.

Ogryn Talent Tree Rework - The Ogryn class is getting a Talent Tree overhaul, providing players with increased build opportunities.

You can read the full changelog for Warhammer 40K Darktide - Nightmares and Visions here.

4 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Wildgate Q&A – ‘We’re Definitely Thinking About Joining Game Pass/PS Plus’
Wildgate Q&A – ‘We’re Definitely Thinking About Joining Game Pass/PS Plus’ Wildgate Q&A – ‘We’re Definitely Thinking About Joining Game Pass/PS Plus’

When our team was very small, we could actually only summon about three players per ship to the game.

You're going to have to dig for it.

That's something we were not really working on, so you're going to have to dig into it and find it for yourself.

Then, once in the game, obviously, you're going to customize the heck out of that ship with the equipment that you find.

There's a gunnery game, and there's a piloting game, and there's a probe game, and there's a mining game, and there's a PVE game.

4 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Wildgate First Look and Hands-on – A Sci-Fi Sea of Thieves by Former Blizzard Devs
Wildgate First Look and Hands-on – A Sci-Fi Sea of Thieves by Former Blizzard Devs Wildgate First Look and Hands-on – A Sci-Fi Sea of Thieves by Former Blizzard Devs

Since you might have forgotten, Dreamhaven was founded in September 2020 by former Blizzard founder Mike Morhaime and other Blizzard expatriates.

This is a sci-fi-based game, and there's some bleak sci-fi out there.

With Wildgate, Moonshot wants players to think about positive, optimistic futures.

Due to the studio's background, the developers think a lot about things like balance and a really balanced play experience.

However, there's a lot more, like manning the turrets, putting out fires, and possibly boarding enemy ships to steal loot.

4 часа назад @ wccftech.com
AMD Is Reportedly Bringing Strix Halo To Desktop; CEO Lisa Su Confirms In An Interview
AMD Is Reportedly Bringing Strix Halo To Desktop; CEO Lisa Su Confirms In An Interview AMD Is Reportedly Bringing Strix Halo To Desktop; CEO Lisa Su Confirms In An Interview

AMD's mobile Strix Halo processors might come to desktop PCs as well, offering its exceptional iGPU prowess.

AMD's CEO Reportedly Confirms Strix Halo for Desktop PCs; Powerful Compact Desktops Around the Corner?

AMD's Strix Halo is a revolutionary product as it's the first and the fastest APU to deliver graphical capabilities comparable to modern budget GPUs.

In an interview published on Bilibli, the General Manager of ASUS China, Tony, requested AMD's CEO, Dr. Lisa Su to make the Strix Halo transition to desktop as well.

You can also add RAM and storage like in a regular desktop PC.

5 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Apple Announces WWDC 2025 Event Dates To Unveil Its Biggest iOS 19 Update For The iPhone
Apple Announces WWDC 2025 Event Dates To Unveil Its Biggest iOS 19 Update For The iPhone Apple Announces WWDC 2025 Event Dates To Unveil Its Biggest iOS 19 Update For The iPhone

Apple has just announced that it will be hosting its WWDC 2025 event in June, beginning on Monday, June 9, and ending on Friday, June 13.

Apple announces WWDC 2025 event for June 9 to unveil iOS 19, iPadOS 19, macOS 16, and more to developers and the publicAs has happened in the past, the WWDC 2025 event will kick off with a keynote on the first day, focused on new software announcements and releases.

Apple is expected to announce iOS 19, iPadOS 19, watchOS 12, macOS 16, tvOS 19, and visionOS 3, along with a bunch of other updates.

As mentioned, WWDC 2025 will begin on Monday, June 9, and will be live-streamed directly from the Apple Park Campus in Cupertino, California.

Are you excited abo…

5 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Bloodlines 2 to Launch in October, Game Is Done with Only Polishing Left
Bloodlines 2 to Launch in October, Game Is Done with Only Polishing Left Bloodlines 2 to Launch in October, Game Is Done with Only Polishing Left

Just yesterday, we reported that Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 had been rated by the ESRB.

Today, Paradox Interactive has unveiled that's exactly the timeframe they have in mind, as the long-awaited roleplaying game sequel is now scheduled to launch in October.

The message was delivered by Marco Behrmann, Executive Vice President of the World of Darkness IP (and Executive Producer on Bloodlines 2), who explained that the game is essentially done with only polishing left to do.

But vampire romance isn't the same as human romance.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 will be released for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series S|X.

6 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Nintendo Switch 2 Will Launch This June Primarily With First-Party Titles – Rumor
Nintendo Switch 2 Will Launch This June Primarily With First-Party Titles – Rumor Nintendo Switch 2 Will Launch This June Primarily With First-Party Titles – Rumor

The Nintendo Switch 2 is expected to launch this June, and the new system will be accompanied primarily by first-party titles, according to a new report.

Earlier today, Insider Gaming reported that during this year's GDC, there was much talk centered on the next-generation Nintendo console, which is expected to launch this June, as has been rumored for a while.

The most interesting reveal, however, is regarding a three-phase games launch strategy, which will begin with a first phase featuring primarily first-party titles, followed by a second phase which should begin in October and November featuring games from third-party studios that should receive a development kit in June and a third ph…

7 часов назад @ wccftech.com
последний пост 8 months назад
COLORFUL Announces the Launch of the CVN Z790D5 ARK FROZEN Motherboard
COLORFUL Announces the Launch of the CVN Z790D5 ARK FROZEN Motherboard

Late in the Z790 life cycle, we're still seeing new boards come out for the platform. Case in point, Colorful announced their CVN Z790D5 Ark Frozen motherboard. The new SKU sports titanium gray on the heatsinks and PCB, a change from the black and white we're used to. Additionally, you get well-rounded specifications and robust power delivery to handle any 12th-14th generation processor, even when overclocking.

8 months назад @ overclockers.com
Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review
Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review

Overclockers and enthusiasts know the Xtreem memory series well, as it's always associated with exceptional performance and high overclocking results. The non-RGB version already confirmed great overclocking potential and high performance.

8 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP700 PRO SE 4TB PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review: The fastest SSD, now even faster!
Corsair MP700 PRO SE 4TB PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review: The fastest SSD, now even faster!

We didn't have to wait long for the updated version of the already exceptional Corsair MP700 Pro SSD. The SE version brings us multiple improvements, which we will present in this review.

Corsair provided us with the 4TB version of the MP700 Pro SE SSD, which has the highest capacity so far and is also the fastest Corsair SSD available in stores. In the upcoming weeks, we will see lower capacities and various cooling options for the MP700 Pro SE.

9 months, 4 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
ADATA SD810 2TB USB 3.2 External SSD Review
ADATA SD810 2TB USB 3.2 External SSD Review

We do not often review portable storage devices, but we are always happy to present interesting products. ADATA sent us the SD810 external SSD, which is designed to resist heavy conditions like water or shock caused by drops on the ground. The SSD also has a high capacity of 2TB and promises exceptional performance, so it is the full package for our important data.

9 months, 4 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Reddit: /r/hardware Reddit: /r/hardware
последний пост 16 минут назад
Pat Gelsinger supportive of Lip-Bu Tan, warns him about 'the short-termism of Wall Street'
Pat Gelsinger supportive of Lip-Bu Tan, warns him about 'the short-termism of Wall Street' Pat Gelsinger supportive of Lip-Bu Tan, warns him about 'the short-termism of Wall Street'

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16 минут назад @ reddit.com
Lenovo ThinkPad P16 vs Dell Precision 7680 vs Asus Vivobook S16 OLED
Lenovo ThinkPad P16 vs Dell Precision 7680 vs Asus Vivobook S16 OLED

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55 минут назад @ reddit.com
Qualcomm Takes Legal Fight With Arm to Global Antitrust Agencies
Qualcomm Takes Legal Fight With Arm to Global Antitrust Agencies Qualcomm Takes Legal Fight With Arm to Global Antitrust Agencies

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Worth keeping HD6850 for display test
Worth keeping HD6850 for display test

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GCC & LLVM Clang Merge Support For The NVIDIA Olympus Cores With The Vera CPU
GCC & LLVM Clang Merge Support For The NVIDIA Olympus Cores With The Vera CPU GCC & LLVM Clang Merge Support For The NVIDIA Olympus Cores With The Vera CPU

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What Was the Thought Process Here on Design Choice?
What Was the Thought Process Here on Design Choice?

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5 часов назад @ reddit.com
Noctua's pumpless 'thermosiphon' liquid cooling unit is expected to be released in 2026 and has already given me a free lesson in basic thermodynamics
Noctua's pumpless 'thermosiphon' liquid cooling unit is expected to be released in 2026 and has already given me a free lesson in basic thermodynamics Noctua's pumpless 'thermosiphon' liquid cooling unit is expected to be released in 2026 and has already given me a free lesson in basic thermodynamics

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ACER Predator Z35 Ultra Wide Monitor - Scam or Good Deal?
ACER Predator Z35 Ultra Wide Monitor - Scam or Good Deal?

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Are nvidia tensor and rt cores there own alu?
Are nvidia tensor and rt cores there own alu?

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NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5070 Linux Gaming/Graphics Performance
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5070 Linux Gaming/Graphics Performance NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5070 Linux Gaming/Graphics Performance

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TechInsights: "The Chip Insider®–TSMC'S True Cost: Arizona versus Taiwan"
TechInsights: "The Chip Insider®–TSMC'S True Cost: Arizona versus Taiwan"

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8 часов назад @ reddit.com
Rapidus Announces Strategic Partnership with Quest Global to Enable Advanced 2nm Solutions for the AI Chip Era
Rapidus Announces Strategic Partnership with Quest Global to Enable Advanced 2nm Solutions for the AI Chip Era Rapidus Announces Strategic Partnership with Quest Global to Enable Advanced 2nm Solutions for the AI Chip Era

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9 часов назад @ reddit.com
AMD Readies "Gorgon Point" Mobile Processor for 2026: Zen 5 + RDNA 3.5
AMD Readies "Gorgon Point" Mobile Processor for 2026: Zen 5 + RDNA 3.5 AMD Readies "Gorgon Point" Mobile Processor for 2026: Zen 5 + RDNA 3.5

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[Computer, Enhance!] An Interview with Zen Chief Architect Mike Clark
[Computer, Enhance!] An Interview with Zen Chief Architect Mike Clark [Computer, Enhance!] An Interview with Zen Chief Architect Mike Clark

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11 часов назад @ reddit.com
AMD CEO: Radeon RX 9070 XT first week sales 10x higher than previous generations
AMD CEO: Radeon RX 9070 XT first week sales 10x higher than previous generations AMD CEO: Radeon RX 9070 XT first week sales 10x higher than previous generations

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12 часов назад @ reddit.com
Xbox Wire Xbox Wire
последний пост 2 часа назад
Check Out the In-Game Event for A Minecraft Movie
Check Out the In-Game Event for A Minecraft Movie

The post Check Out the In-Game Event for A Minecraft Movie appeared first on Xbox Wire.

2 часа назад @ minecraft.net
Dreamhaven Showcase Recap: All the News From a New Publisher with a Legendary Past
Dreamhaven Showcase Recap: All the News From a New Publisher with a Legendary Past Dreamhaven Showcase Recap: All the News From a New Publisher with a Legendary Past

Summary Dreamhaven founder Mike Morhaime revealed the publisher’s full slate of games in today’s showcase presented by The Game Awards.

Wildgate , developer Moonshot Game’s edge-of-the-galaxy multiplayer shooter with ship-on-ship combat, was unveiled for the first time.

Also revealed were release dates for Sunderfolk and the 1.0 release of Lynked from the publisher’s line-up.

In today’s showcase presented by The Game Awards, our founder Mike Morhaime shared the most in-depth look yet at Dreamhaven’s upcoming slate of games.

Developed by Secret Door, Sunderfolk will be available on Xbox Series X|S.

4 часа назад @ news.xbox.com
Minecraft: Vibrant Visuals Transforms the Game Into What You’ve Always Imagined in Your Head
Minecraft: Vibrant Visuals Transforms the Game Into What You’ve Always Imagined in Your Head Minecraft: Vibrant Visuals Transforms the Game Into What You’ve Always Imagined in Your Head

At Minecraft Live, we got a glimpse of the future of Minecraft in the form of Vibrant Visuals – an upgrade that will transform the way players experience the game.

The team at Mojang has a perfect way of summing up their intentions – Vibrant Visuals is designed to evoke how Minecraft looks in your head.

Art Director Jasper Boerstra spearheaded the project, and explained that it all began by seeing how the community approached Minecraft: “Vibrant Visuals was inspired by the streamers.

“Vibrant Visuals is not the end; it’s the beginning of our journey,” explains Executive Producer Ingela Garneij.

Vibrant Visuals doesn’t just feel like a new look for the game – it feels like a new dawn.

8 часов назад @ news.xbox.com
Designing the Iconic Liquid Metal T-1000 Terminator for Mortal Kombat 1
Designing the Iconic Liquid Metal T-1000 Terminator for Mortal Kombat 1 Designing the Iconic Liquid Metal T-1000 Terminator for Mortal Kombat 1

One of the guiding lights we use to decide on which guest characters to incorporate in Mortal Kombat 1 is simply… who’s the coolest fit that we haven’t included yet?

The T-1000 Terminator is available today on Xbox Series X|S as part of the Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns Expansion, or a la carte via separate purchase.

Mortal Kombat™ 1: Khaos Reigns Kollection Warner Bros. Games ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 582 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ $89.99 $29.69 Get it now New to Mortal Kombat 1?

Mortal Kombat 1 ushers in a New Era of the iconic franchise with a New fighting system, game modes, and fatalities.

Includes instant access to the Base Game, Kombat Pack, and Dragon Krystals.

10 часов назад @ news.xbox.com
Fortnite OG Makes a (Lucky) Landing into Season 3
Fortnite OG Makes a (Lucky) Landing into Season 3

The post Fortnite OG Makes a (Lucky) Landing into Season 3 appeared first on Xbox Wire.

15 часов назад @ fortnite.com
Celebrate 20 Years of Forza Motorsport with the Legendary Fujimi Kaido Track
Celebrate 20 Years of Forza Motorsport with the Legendary Fujimi Kaido Track Celebrate 20 Years of Forza Motorsport with the Legendary Fujimi Kaido Track

The post Celebrate 20 Years of Forza Motorsport with the Legendary Fujimi Kaido Track appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 day, 8 hours назад @ forza.net
Atomfall Arrives: Six Tips to Survive the Quarantine Zone
Atomfall Arrives: Six Tips to Survive the Quarantine Zone Atomfall Arrives: Six Tips to Survive the Quarantine Zone

For those of you new to the game, Atomfall is an action-survival mystery set in the UK.

In the world of Atomfall, a quarantine zone has been established around the Windscale Atom Plant and no one has been allowed in or out for five years.

Some of these will want to trade but remember that money is useless in the Quarantine Zone, so bartering will be key.

6) Search and Scavenge Whenever You CanResources are scarce in the Quarantine Zone.

See you in the Quarantine Zone!

1 day, 10 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Wheel World is a Radical Take on Bike Racing
Wheel World is a Radical Take on Bike Racing Wheel World is a Radical Take on Bike Racing

Wheel World, with its mix of open-world exploration, loot scouring, and surprisingly fun and competitive racing has put this radical take on bike racing on my radar as it speeds its way to Xbox Series X|S and Windows PC with Xbox Play Anywhere support for release later this year.

In Wheel World you play Kat, a bike rider fated to save this unique realm that’s full of rival riders, spare parts, and portal potties — outhouses that work as a fast-travel option.

Helping Skully gather these spirits is your central goal during your time in Wheel World, but to do that you need to assemble the best ride possible.

Independent developer Messhof describes Wheel World as about the joy and freedom of li…

4 days, 2 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
The Method: Xbox On Explores How Gaming Worlds are Made, with Atomfall and More
The Method: Xbox On Explores How Gaming Worlds are Made, with Atomfall and More The Method: Xbox On Explores How Gaming Worlds are Made, with Atomfall and More

The post The Method: Xbox On Explores How Gaming Worlds are Made, with Atomfall and More appeared first on Xbox Wire.

4 days, 5 hours назад @ youtube.com
Unravel the Dark Fantasy World of Mandragora: Whispers of the Witch Tree
Unravel the Dark Fantasy World of Mandragora: Whispers of the Witch Tree Unravel the Dark Fantasy World of Mandragora: Whispers of the Witch Tree

Summary Discover more about the world of Mandragora: Whispers of the Witch Tree, coming to Xbox Series X|S on April 17.

Mandragora: Whispers of the Witch Tree is an ambitious action RPG set in a dark fantasy world.

Find out more about how Mandragora: Whispers of the Witch Tree immerses you in its dark fantasy with insights from writer Brian Mitsoda.

Defy Your Fate, InquisitorMandragora: Whispers of the Witch Tree is set in the world of Faelduum.

Mandragora: Whispers of the Witch Tree is coming to Xbox Series X|S on April 17.

4 days, 5 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Detective Dotson Puts You in the Shoes of a Reluctant Hero in Modern Day India
Detective Dotson Puts You in the Shoes of a Reluctant Hero in Modern Day India Detective Dotson Puts You in the Shoes of a Reluctant Hero in Modern Day India

Detective Dotson is far and away one of the most charming games I’ve played this year.

That should give you an idea of what independent developer Masala Games is trying to achieve, as Detective Dotson is fast approaching its April 24, 2025, release date for Xbox Series X|S and Windows PC with support for Xbox Play Anywhere.

In Detective Dotson, you take on the role of the title character, an aspiring actor turned amateur detective who is trying to track down who killed his father.

Once all your notes and clues are assembled, you’ll then head to an evidence board to solve the active case.

Even though my demo was short, it’s clear there are many more layers to explore within Detective Dotson,…

4 days, 6 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Next Week on Xbox – New Games for March 24 – 28
Next Week on Xbox – New Games for March 24 – 28 Next Week on Xbox – New Games for March 24 – 28

Sports: Renovations – March 27 Optimized for Xbox Series X|SYour hometown basketball court is in danger – once home to a top-tier league team fostering many new talents in the field, now covered in cobwebs and dust.

And now a big developer is only waiting to get his grubby hands on the place, tear it down and build a new shopping mall instead.

But you won’t accept that.

Give sports facilities a second life in this relaxing story-driven simulator.

Restore the glory of old gyms, courts and pitches, and add a sprinkle of your own style.

4 days, 9 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Why Nightdive Remastered System Shock 2 Instead of Remaking It
Why Nightdive Remastered System Shock 2 Instead of Remaking It Why Nightdive Remastered System Shock 2 Instead of Remaking It

As one of the studio’s formative projects, the Kickstarter campaign for its acclaimed System Shock remake put Nightdive on the map.

But it wasn’t System Shock that inspired Nightdive’s creation, rather its sequel, System Shock 2.

After sharing how much he loved Half-Life, his friend Marshall suggested giving System Shock 2 a try.

System Shock 2: 25th Anniversary Remaster Nightdive Studios ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Get it now How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?

System Shock® 2: 25th Anniversary Remaster by Nightdive Studios brings to you the modernized remaster of the FPS/RPG classic.

5 days назад @ news.xbox.com
FBC: Firebreak Isn’t Just Reimagining Control – It’s Reimagining Modern Co-Op Shooters
FBC: Firebreak Isn’t Just Reimagining Control – It’s Reimagining Modern Co-Op Shooters FBC: Firebreak Isn’t Just Reimagining Control – It’s Reimagining Modern Co-Op Shooters

Remedy comes back to a key point about FBC: Firebreak repeatedly – “this game isn’t a second job.” You won’t need to check in every day.

To bring you up to speed, FBC: Firebreak is a first-person, co-op PvE shooter that pulls us six years beyond the ending of Control.

You’ll play as members of the titular Firebreak, a ragtag group of first responders drafted in to clean up strange threats, using cobbled-together technology to do so.

As you fight, you’ll need to clean them up – not just because they’re causing issues for the décor, but because they have a habit of spontaneously attacking you (literally covering your field of view with little bits of paper), and even coalescing to create elit…

5 days, 1 hour назад @ news.xbox.com
Xbox Joins Partners Across the Industry to Unveil Accessible Games Initiative
Xbox Joins Partners Across the Industry to Unveil Accessible Games Initiative Xbox Joins Partners Across the Industry to Unveil Accessible Games Initiative

To ensure there is no duplication between tags, and every tag adds unique value for players, Xbox will replace existing Xbox Game Accessibility Feature tags with their equivalent Accessible Games Initiative tags.

Any Xbox Game Accessibility Feature tags that do not have equivalent Accessible Games Initiative tags will remain on our platform.

We are excited to be part of the Accessible Games Initiative and happy to share our years of learnings from our Xbox Game Accessibility Feature Tags to help inform these new tags, alongside our partners.

Xbox is working with developers around the world to implement Accessible Games Initiative tags across participating titles.

In the meantime, players ca…

5 days, 2 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
PlayStation Blog PlayStation Blog
последний пост 8 часов назад
Monster Hunter Wilds: a new monster, challenges, and more content arrives on April 4
Monster Hunter Wilds: a new monster, challenges, and more content arrives on April 4 Monster Hunter Wilds: a new monster, challenges, and more content arrives on April 4

Get your gear ready to take on this returning monster for the first time in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Arch-tempered Rey Dau appears in an Event QuestView and download image Download the image close CloseCurrently, Tempered monsters present the highest threat in Monster Hunter Wilds.

View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close CloseNew Rey Dau γ (gamma) and Felyne Rey Dau γ (gamma) sets will be available to forge by hunting Arch-tempered Rey Dau.

View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close CloseAnd of course, materials from Zoh Shia can be used to forge brand-new High Rank hunt…

8 часов назад @ blog.playstation.com
Tales of the Shire: A The Lord of The Rings Game – community building and shared meals gameplay details
Tales of the Shire: A The Lord of The Rings Game – community building and shared meals gameplay details Tales of the Shire: A The Lord of The Rings Game – community building and shared meals gameplay details

So you can either dive deep into those stories or just live out your own little life along the side.

With meals being a central part of Hobbit life, it was really important to be central to our game.

We really wanted what we made to fit within Tolkien’s world, so we positioned it just after The Hobbit and before the events of The Lord of the Rings.

How do you want players to feel when they’re playing the game themselves, whether they’re fans, or not as familiar with The Lord of the Rings?

It’s really important to us to make something that we felt Tolkien would be happy with.

10 часов назад @ blog.playstation.com
Share of the Week: Monster Hunter Wilds – Monsters
Share of the Week: Monster Hunter Wilds – Monsters Share of the Week: Monster Hunter Wilds – Monsters

Like thisLast week, we asked you to focus your lens on the various monsters of Monster Hunter Wilds using #PSshare #PSBlog.

Here are this week’s highlights:shimo_ps shares their hunter taking on an Arkveld in the desertxenobitz shares a Lala Barina in the dark forestSyrenSigh shares a slimy Nu UdraLny_Trpr_EE7 shares an angry long-horned Rey DauPhotoingame shares a Guardian RathalosLeeeshP shares a Arkveld attacking in a caveSearch #PSshare #PSBlog on Twitter or Instagram to see more entries to this week’s theme.

Want to be featured in the next Share of the Week?

THEME: Assassin’s Creed ShadowsSUBMIT BY: 11:59 PM PT on March 26, 2025Next week, leap into Assassin’s Creed Shadows, and share e…

4 days, 7 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Wuthering Waves version 2.2 launches March 26: Tangled Truth in Inverted Tower
Wuthering Waves version 2.2 launches March 26: Tangled Truth in Inverted Tower Wuthering Waves version 2.2 launches March 26: Tangled Truth in Inverted Tower

The upcoming version 2.2 will feature the new Main Quests: The Maiden, The Defier, and The Death Crier.

New Resonator-Cantarella & Rover: AeroThe new 5-Star Resonator Cantarella, known as the 36th Lead of the Fisalia family, will debut in version 2.2.

Aero Rover can unleash Resonance Skill while airborne, and transform all Negative Status effects on enemies into Aero Erosion Effect.

New Companion Story: Cantarella – A Fleeting Night’s DreamCantarella’s Companion Story, A Fleeting Night’s Dream, will also become available in version 2.2.

Version 2.2 will live on March 26—Rovers, embark on the adventure into the inverted tower with Cartethyia and Cantarella to uncover the hidden truth and Rin…

4 days, 10 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Slender: The Arrival VR arrives on PS VR2 May 13
Slender: The Arrival VR arrives on PS VR2 May 13 Slender: The Arrival VR arrives on PS VR2 May 13

Slender: The Arrival VR remains true to the original game while adapting elements to the full-scale immersion VR.

The PS VR2 is a groundbreaking peripheral, and it allowed us to enhance the strengths of Slender: The Arrival further.

A key part of the Slender: The Arrival VR experience is the feedback received when The Slender Man is in your area.

There are other enemies to fear in Slender: The Arrival VR.

Similarly, the original Slender: The Arrival remains the official, proven, and definitive adaptation of The Slender Man to the gaming world.

5 days назад @ blog.playstation.com
Remedy Entertainment reveals Altered Augments for FBC: Firebreak
Remedy Entertainment reveals Altered Augments for FBC: Firebreak Remedy Entertainment reveals Altered Augments for FBC: Firebreak

Today I’m very excited, jazzed even, to talk to you about a brand-new feature in our upcoming game FBC: Firebreak – Altered Augments.

Altered Augments are Altered Items that the Federal Bureau of Control has contained and harnessed for approved use by the Firebreak Initiative.

The Garden Gnome (AI9) is a regular looking garden gnome that is all but normal.

You can attach the Garden Gnome to the Electro-Kinetic Charge Impactor which allows you to fire it towards your enemies.

We’ve been hard at work on FBC: Firebreak with our 50-person strong development team and can’t wait to show you more of the game and get it in your hands!

5 days, 1 hour назад @ blog.playstation.com
Metal Eden PS5 demo launches April 8
Metal Eden PS5 demo launches April 8 Metal Eden PS5 demo launches April 8

Like thisMetal Eden is coming out May 6 and we can’t wait for you all to enjoy this shooter fans paradise!

Aska—a battle-forged android with the power to rip through enemies, evolve beyond limits, and dominate the battlefield in Metal Eden is ready to meet you.

Core Explosion – Harness explosive power to wipe out foes in an instant.

– Harness explosive power to wipe out foes in an instant.

For more offensive players, prioritizing Soniferous Explosion and Core Power upgrades will maximize damage output.

5 days, 1 hour назад @ blog.playstation.com
System Shock 2: 25th Anniversary Remaster out June 26 on PS5, PS4
System Shock 2: 25th Anniversary Remaster out June 26 on PS5, PS4 System Shock 2: 25th Anniversary Remaster out June 26 on PS5, PS4

Announced six years ago as System Shock 2: Enhanced Edition, Nightdive reannounced the project under a new name — System Shock 2: 25th Anniversary Remaster.

Sure enough, during today’s MIX Spring Showcase, Nightdive shared the exciting news that System Shock 2: 25th Anniversary Remaster will release on June 26 for PS4 and PS5.

As exciting as it’s been for System Shock fans to hear they’ll soon be able to play Nightdive’s long-awaited System Shock 2 remaster, one key question remains: why did it take six years?

System Shock 2 was originally a PC release, but don’t worry, the 25th Anniversary Remaster features full controller support for DualShock 4 and DualSense controllers.

I cannot wait to…

5 days, 2 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
The Last of Us Part II Remastered PC features and new No Return content detailed
The Last of Us Part II Remastered PC features and new No Return content detailed The Last of Us Part II Remastered PC features and new No Return content detailed

PC features detailedThe PC version of The Last of Us Part II Remastered brings with it all the improvements and new features added in the PlayStation 5 version released in 2024, such as the roguelike survival mode No Return, Guitar Free Play, and hours of developer commentary.

Part II Remastered on PC will feature full gamepad support, while DualSense controllers are supported and feature full haptic feedback5.

New No Return contentAdditionally, coming at launch for The Last of Us Part II Remastered on PC will be a host of new content for our fan-favorite No Return mode.

We can’t wait for PC players to experience this incredible journey, and for both PC and PS5 players to enjoy our new suit…

5 days, 6 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Gran Turismo World Series 2025 starts with Online Qualifiers on April 2
Gran Turismo World Series 2025 starts with Online Qualifiers on April 2 Gran Turismo World Series 2025 starts with Online Qualifiers on April 2

Like thisThe Gran Turismo World Series 2025 is set to be a classic with a live events calendar that includes London, Berlin, Los Angeles, and culminates with World Finals in Fukuoka, Japan in December.

Play VideoAnyone with a copy of Gran Turismo 7, an internet connection, and a PlayStation Plus membership can compete to try and qualify for a place (subject to eligibility criteria) at the thrilling Gran Turismo World Series international events, where they will race in front of an in-person and global broadcast audience.

Players can sign up in Sport mode in Gran Turismo for the Nations Cup – racing to represent your home country or territory – and/or the Manufacturers Cup, racing for your f…

5 days, 10 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Reveals and updates on indie games coming to PlayStation
Reveals and updates on indie games coming to PlayStation Reveals and updates on indie games coming to PlayStation

Like thisA new year is filled with new possibilities for games, and the indie scene is a great place for innovation to thrive.

Today, we showcased five indie titles coming to PlayStation, revealing release dates, updates, and a surprise or two.

Forever Skies | Coming to PS5 April 14Play VideoFar From Home showcased some new co-op gameplay for Forever Skies, along with the official release date.

Skate Story | Coming to PS5Play VideoThis labor of love by sole developer Sam Eng, Skate Story is coming to PlayStation.

We hope you enjoyed this preview of upcoming indie titles coming to PlayStation and look forward to more updates, news, and surprises in the future.

6 days, 7 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Shred the Underworld in Skate Story, coming to PS5
Shred the Underworld in Skate Story, coming to PS5 Shred the Underworld in Skate Story, coming to PS5

I hope so, because today I wanted to share that Skate Story will be heading to PS5.

Boss fights in particular, are intense skate sessions, each backed by a unique song the music of which you’ll need to keep up with.

CharactersThe Skater’s journey through the underworld runs across many unfortunate souls living in the underworld.

Succumb to the beauty of the boardSell your soul for decks, wheels, and trucks to keep your skating fresh.

Plus, with over 70+ skate tricks to progress and improve, complete skate trials to level up, learn new tricks through massive obelisks, and get new gear.

6 days, 8 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Ruffy and the Riverside launches on PlayStation 5 June 26
Ruffy and the Riverside launches on PlayStation 5 June 26 Ruffy and the Riverside launches on PlayStation 5 June 26

Together with our publisher, Phiphen Games, we are proud to announce that Ruffy and the Riverside will be released on PlayStation 5 on June 26, 2025.

When Ruffy isn‘t jumping, running, skating, or gliding, he is using his unique Swap ability.

When we started to work on Ruffy and the Riverside, we did a lot of drawings for the level design.

PlayStation memories and PlayStation dreamsWe have put much passion into Ruffy and the Riverside, and bringing it to PlayStation feels like a dream to us.

Seeing Ruffy run on PlayStation 5 now really gives us the same joy as it used to when we were kids.

6 days, 8 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Possessor(s): action-packed side-scroller comes to PS5 this year
Possessor(s): action-packed side-scroller comes to PS5 this year Possessor(s): action-packed side-scroller comes to PS5 this year

Like thisExplore the ruins of Sanzu and discover what it means to take control and be controlled in a new gameplay deep dive.

Possessor(s) is a fast-paced action side-scroller that blends platform-fighter precision gameplay with desperate, high-stakes encounters.

Rhem agreed to possess Luca to save both of their lives.

Enemies and combat encountersDemons can possess anything – people, potted plants, vending machines, or even an Agradyne Series LC65 Multi-Function Printer Scanner!

Abilities and progressionAs Luca and Rhem grow stronger, they unlock new combat, traversal abilities, and weapon modifications.

6 days, 8 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
The Knightling launches on PS5 on August 28
The Knightling launches on PS5 on August 28 The Knightling launches on PS5 on August 28

Submerged in mysteryFor the design of the Cornered Bosk, we were inspired by the element of water.

The Cornered Bosk, however, will challenge you to learn what it means to feel alone for the first time.

Before tackling the Cornered Bosk, you must upgrade your legendary shield and learn new Knightling moves at the Knight’s Academy.

This is just a peek at what awaits in the Cornered Bosk and the wider world of Clesseia when The Knightling launches for PlayStation 5 on August 28 from Twirlbound and Saber Interactive.

Get ready to slide into a grand adventure to find Sir Lionstone, prove your worth, and save the realm.

6 days, 8 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
PC Gamer PC Gamer
последний пост 51 минуту назад
Assassin's Creed Shadows' first hotfix addresses stability issues and a photo mode crash
Assassin's Creed Shadows' first hotfix addresses stability issues and a photo mode crash Assassin's Creed Shadows' first hotfix addresses stability issues and a photo mode crash

The first Assassin's Creed Shadows hotfix is live, and in what I have to imagine is seen as good news by developers, the list of fixes is remarkably small.

Update 1.0.1, as it's known, does the following:Stabilization - Fixed some global issues[PS5] Fixed a Photo mode issue that could cause a crash when fetching photos to display on the world map.

[PC] Fixed a Photo mode issue that could cause a crash when taking a photo.

Despite the small number of fixes, it's a fairly beefy update in terms of bytes, clocking in at just a hair over 7 GB on PC.

Take away those externalities, in other words, and maybe Shadows is the real big dog—or at least, maybe it could be.

51 минуту назад @ pcgamer.com
CD Projekt says it's not using generative AI on The Witcher 4 because it's 'quite tricky when it comes to legal IP ownership'
CD Projekt says it's not using generative AI on The Witcher 4 because it's 'quite tricky when it comes to legal IP ownership' CD Projekt says it's not using generative AI on The Witcher 4 because it's 'quite tricky when it comes to legal IP ownership'

CD Projekt said in January 2024 that AI "can help improve certain processes in game production, but not replace people," a mushy sort of statement that's difficult to pin down to any real stance.

During today's FY 2024 financial presentation, however, joint CEO Michał Nowakowski got a little more specific on the topic, saying the studio is not using generative AI on The Witcher 4 or other in-development games.

However, they are really not necessarily focusing on generative AI.

"Gen AI, to be honest, is quite tricky when it comes to legal IP ownership and so on, and many other aspects.

Speaking of things that aren't happening soon, CD Projekt also said today that The Witcher 4 won't be out u…

57 минут назад @ pcgamer.com
The 5th highest-rated game on Steam in 2022 is back with a multiplayer sequel
The 5th highest-rated game on Steam in 2022 is back with a multiplayer sequel The 5th highest-rated game on Steam in 2022 is back with a multiplayer sequel

When you think of the best games of 2022, what springs to mind?

It's Placid Plastic Duck Simulator, which was the one of the five best-reviewed games on Steam in 2022, which still has a 95.36% rating, and which was a game about plastic ducks floating around while you watch.

And yeah, all you did in Placid Plastic Duck Simulator is watch.

That's why Placid Plastic Duck Simulator has a sequel called Slowly Sliding Ducks, and not only are those beautifully rendered ducks back but they're brought online PvP with them.

Take a quack at the trailer:Slowly Sliding Ducks - Announcement Trailer 2025 - YouTube Watch OnAs you can see, this ain't your grandma's game about ducks!

57 минут назад @ pcgamer.com
After punishing my graphics card with Monster Hunter Wilds, I've returned to the rock-solid frame rates of my old hunting grounds: Windows XP
After punishing my graphics card with Monster Hunter Wilds, I've returned to the rock-solid frame rates of my old hunting grounds: Windows XP After punishing my graphics card with Monster Hunter Wilds, I've returned to the rock-solid frame rates of my old hunting grounds: Windows XP

This cooperative side-scrolling beat 'em up is based on Gravity's ancient yet apparently unstoppable MMO Ragnarok Online.

Contact me with news and offers from other Future brands Receive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsorsImage 1 of 5 (Image credit: French-Bread) (Image credit: French-Bread) (Image credit: French-Bread) (Image credit: French-Bread) (Image credit: French-Bread)That's all good and lovely.

There are six basic classes to master, covering Online's starter specialisms (Novice can be unlocked later, as a chaotic treat).

Every class scratches a unique itch, ranging from the glass cannon caution of magician to thief's entertaining acrobatic assaults.

These ar…

1 час назад @ pcgamer.com
Game Informer is back from the dead: 'The whole team has returned'
Game Informer is back from the dead: 'The whole team has returned' Game Informer is back from the dead: 'The whole team has returned'

After being tossed to the curb by struggling retail chain GameStop last year, long-running gaming magazine Game Informer has been revived.

Last August, the entire Game Informer staff was laid off in the middle of producing the magazine's next issue, and years of online coverage were wiped from the web.

"The entire team that was working together at Game Informer's closure has returned, from editorial to production and beyond," wrote Miller, who first joined Game Informer himself back in 2004.

The new Game Informer owner says that the magazine will have editorial independence.

"I am deeply grateful for the trust and enthusiasm from the team at Gunzilla Games; they see the same potential in Ga…

1 час назад @ pcgamer.com
From Palworld movies to Palworld TV shows: 'Everyone under the sun pitched us every idea you can imagine,' says Pocketpair's communications director
From Palworld movies to Palworld TV shows: 'Everyone under the sun pitched us every idea you can imagine,' says Pocketpair's communications director From Palworld movies to Palworld TV shows: 'Everyone under the sun pitched us every idea you can imagine,' says Pocketpair's communications director

"From Palworld movies to Palworld TV shows, Palworld merch, Palworld, you know, everything was pitched at one point," he said.

Considering how many movies and TV shows based on games are currently in development, from Vampire Survivors to Pacific Drive to Split Fiction, I'm not surprised.

But for now, there's no news about a Palworld TV series or movie or any other transmedia spinoff.

So, is there at least hope for eager Palworld fans that they might someday get a TV series or movie based on their favorite Pals?

"We formed that joint venture with Aniplex last year to do non-game IP stuff," Buckley said.

1 час назад @ pcgamer.com
The Witcher 4 won't be out until sometime in 2027 at the soonest, CD Projekt says
The Witcher 4 won't be out until sometime in 2027 at the soonest, CD Projekt says The Witcher 4 won't be out until sometime in 2027 at the soonest, CD Projekt says

The Witcher 4 doesn't have a release date yet, although it's a safe assumption that it remains a long way off.

The real optimists out there might be hoping that it'll be out sometime before the end of 2026—that's nearly two years away, after all—but I'm sorry to say that CD Projekt threw a bucket of cold water on that thought during today's fiscal year 2024 earnings presentation, saying definitively that it ain't gonna happen.

The first mention of the 'not in 2026' timeline came during a look at the "consolidated net profit goals of the motivational program to align top managers goals with the CD Projekt group objectives."

The 2026 target was probably a little over-optimistic, but those hig…

3 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
After 23 years of making Dwarf Fortress, even its creator is still 'terrified' of drowning all his dwarves with aquifers: 'Part of the problem is we are just not good at videogames'
After 23 years of making Dwarf Fortress, even its creator is still 'terrified' of drowning all his dwarves with aquifers: 'Part of the problem is we are just not good at videogames' After 23 years of making Dwarf Fortress, even its creator is still 'terrified' of drowning all his dwarves with aquifers: 'Part of the problem is we are just not good at videogames'

In Dwarf Fortress, aquifers are a scourge.

"I can do the light aquifer, but the heavy aquifer, they do all kinds of crazy stuff."

As Adams tells it, when he first implemented heavy aquifers, he wasn't even sure players could find a workaround.

You know, Dwarf Fortress stuff.

Zach and I suck," Adams said, referring to his brother and Dwarf Fortress co-creator, Zach Adams.

3 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
A unique aspect of Japanese architecture turned out to be a key reason the Like a Dragon games can reuse assets so effectively—and deliver more compact, memorable open worlds than western cities
A unique aspect of Japanese architecture turned out to be a key reason the Like a Dragon games can reuse assets so effectively—and deliver more compact, memorable open worlds than western cities A unique aspect of Japanese architecture turned out to be a key reason the Like a Dragon games can reuse assets so effectively—and deliver more compact, memorable open worlds than western cities

"Why has the Like a Dragon series been able to create games that differ, sometimes even in genre, while using the same locations across them?"

asked RGG studio design manager Eiji Hamatsu, who's been involved in the art production of the series since 2005's Yakuza.

Image 1 of 5 (Image credit: Sega) (Image credit: Sega) (Image credit: Sega, Ryu Ga Gotoku) (Image credit: SEGA)Urban planners rave about this aspect of Tokyo's architecture, but it's as relevant to making good open world games as it is smart, walkable, mixed-use urbanism IRL.

Because of this, I believe a certain amount of spaciousness is required to create a western city," Hamatsu said.

"Kamurochō is able to appear again and agai…

3 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Pacific Drive developers change their mind: A year after refusing to give it mid-run saves, it's getting mid-run saves
Pacific Drive developers change their mind: A year after refusing to give it mid-run saves, it's getting mid-run saves Pacific Drive developers change their mind: A year after refusing to give it mid-run saves, it's getting mid-run saves

Pacific Drive | Endless Expeditions Spring 2025 Update - YouTube Watch OnI like Pacific Drive an awful lot—87 hours into it so far, so says Steam—but there's one thing about it that's always kind of irritated me: The lack of a mid-run save feature.

Currently Pacific Drive auto-saves when you move between junctions, the locations you actually drive around in.

It's not a full-on manual save system, but I think it's a perfectly fair compromise: A way to accommodate the demands of real life without surrendering any of the tension of Pacific Drive's chaotic road trips.

Developer Ironwood Studios says this is the largest Pacific Drive update yet, and after months away it may just be enough to put…

3 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Blizzard co-founder Mike Morhaime's new company is putting Sea of Thieves-style shenanigans in space with a new crew-based shooter
Blizzard co-founder Mike Morhaime's new company is putting Sea of Thieves-style shenanigans in space with a new crew-based shooter Blizzard co-founder Mike Morhaime's new company is putting Sea of Thieves-style shenanigans in space with a new crew-based shooter

After leaving the company in 2019, former Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime announced in 2020 that he'd founded Dreamhaven, a new game publisher seeking to "reimagine the studio model."

In 2024, Secret Door—the first of Dreamhaven's two in-house studios staffed by Blizzard veterans—revealed Sunderfolk, a tabletop-inspired tactical RPG.

It's a space piracy extraction shooter called Wildgate, and it looks like a promising way to get spaced by an enemy crew of animal people privateers.

Alternatively, you can opt for a more confrontational approach to victory, and take out every other gang of space pirates in the sector.

Adding the threat of being vented out into space to that mayhem feels like a good…

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Here's that Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 mod that turns everyone into skeletons you asked for
Here's that Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 mod that turns everyone into skeletons you asked for Here's that Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 mod that turns everyone into skeletons you asked for

(Image credit: Warhorse Studios, Erdeminofff)"I used to enjoy a pint of ale, but these days it goes right through me."

(Image credit: Warhorse Studios, Erdeminofff)I can't decide whether being branded would be better or worse as a skeleton.

(Image credit: Warhorse Studios, Erdeminofff)Here's skeleton Henry and Ser Hans getting caught with their pants, er, up.

(Image credit: Warhorse Studios, Erdeminofff)This image answers my question of whether the mod works in first person, and brilliantly so, I might add.

You can download Skeleton Mod here.

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Forget REPO, Monster Hunter Wilds and Assassin's Creed Shadows, Steam's current global top seller is an early access game about managing a drug empire
Forget REPO, Monster Hunter Wilds and Assassin's Creed Shadows, Steam's current global top seller is an early access game about managing a drug empire Forget REPO, Monster Hunter Wilds and Assassin's Creed Shadows, Steam's current global top seller is an early access game about managing a drug empire

Monster Hunter Wilds, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, Assassin's Creed Shadows, Split Fiction, and Fragpunk have all proved enormously popular with players, and let's not forget the leftfield indie smash that is REPO.

Well, right now, the answer is 'none of them', as they've all been beaten to the top by a game about building and managing your own drug empire.

From these lowly beginnings, you'll "build your drug empire from the ground up" and "contend against intensifying law enforcement and deadly cartel competitors to expand your empire and reach the peak of the underworld."

As the game's Steam page explains, "This is a dangerous line of work."

Schedule I may fall down the Steam rankings in …

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Former Bethesda dev who quit Starfield to go solo says it's 'much less stressful as an indie' without daily meetings or 'office politics': it's 'very refreshing to just care about the game'
Former Bethesda dev who quit Starfield to go solo says it's 'much less stressful as an indie' without daily meetings or 'office politics': it's 'very refreshing to just care about the game' Former Bethesda dev who quit Starfield to go solo says it's 'much less stressful as an indie' without daily meetings or 'office politics': it's 'very refreshing to just care about the game'

During the development of Starfield, however, Purkeypile left Bethesda to create his own studio.

"It was time, I had been there so long, and Starfield wasn't super my thing," Purkeypile said.

"I mostly went there for Fallout, which worked out great, since 10 of those years were just Fallout games."

The Axis Unseen (Image credit: Just Purkey Games)Purkeypile wasn't just part of a smaller team while making The Axis Unseen, he was essentially a solo dev.

"I worked with a lot of really good people who I wouldn't mind working with again," he said.

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
I'm convinced being a ghoul in Fallout 76 is the best way to vibe in West Virginia, thanks to these powerful perk cards and my new true love: Radiation
I'm convinced being a ghoul in Fallout 76 is the best way to vibe in West Virginia, thanks to these powerful perk cards and my new true love: Radiation I'm convinced being a ghoul in Fallout 76 is the best way to vibe in West Virginia, thanks to these powerful perk cards and my new true love: Radiation

One running joke that has always alarmed my friends is how nice I think a Fallout apocalypse would be.

(Image credit: Bethesda)But as time went on, I found myself returning to Fallout 76 less and less; there's only so many hours in the day.

There's also a Hulk-like ability available to ghouls with the help of the Radioactive Strength perk.

The rivers and lakes in Appalachia are radioactive enough to keep my glow high, giving me extra strength and speed.

Turning into a ghoul doesn't completely change Fallout 76, nor does it fix some of its rougher edges.

5 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Nintendo Life Nintendo Life
последний пост 5 часов назад
Select Pokémon Card Pre-Orders Cancelled After New Expansion's Disastrous Launch
Select Pokémon Card Pre-Orders Cancelled After New Expansion's Disastrous Launch Select Pokémon Card Pre-Orders Cancelled After New Expansion's Disastrous Launch

Yesterday, the Pokémon Company launched its latest Trading Card Game expansion, Destined Rivals, via its online store.

This hasn't come in an apology from TPC, but rather by heading to the Pokémon Center website and entering their order number.

In short, if you think your Destined Rivals order is in the post, you might want to double-check.

some of us are just built different pic.twitter.com/te7zBpqcJR March 25, 2025oh it's infuriating to get an order cancelled then look over at ebay and see "10+ destined rivals etb pre order" for 200+ quid.

The Pokémon Company has started to take some action against such profit-based practices, such as removing plastic wrapping on select orders in the Phil…

5 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
After Copying Smash's Homework, MultiVersus Publisher Was Apparently Turning To Mario Kart Next
After Copying Smash's Homework, MultiVersus Publisher Was Apparently Turning To Mario Kart Next After Copying Smash's Homework, MultiVersus Publisher Was Apparently Turning To Mario Kart Next

Late last month, Warner Bros. announced that it was shutting down three studios including Player First, the team behind the soon-to-be-defunct Smash Bros-style brawler MultiVersus.

Before things went south, however, it seems that the publisher was looking to another Nintendo franchise for inspiration, this time with WB San Diego behind the wheel (thanks, VGC).

According to Sacred Symbols podcast host Colin Moriarty (via "someone once associated with WB San Diego"), the studio was working on a Mario Kart-style racing game codenamed 'Moonlight'.

We can kind of see the logic behind trying again with Warner Bros. characters, but looking at the fate of MultiVersus, we doubt it would have been a …

6 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Deals: Waiting For A Good Deal On 1TB+ Micro SD Cards? This Might Be It
Deals: Waiting For A Good Deal On 1TB+ Micro SD Cards? This Might Be It Deals: Waiting For A Good Deal On 1TB+ Micro SD Cards? This Might Be It

It isn't sexy and it isn't cheap, but it's essential if you want to keep your digital games with you.

Amazon has its Spring sale on right now, and we've spotted some decent deals on the larger micro SD cards in the SanDisk range.

Right now, the 1TB card is down to £68 / $75.29 (from £81.13 / $102.99) and the massive 1.5TB card is down to £87.99 (from £148.99).

But if you've been waiting to pull the trigger on a large-capacity card, that whopping 1.5TB version is tempting.

If you're interested in other SD card sizes, check out our guide below:

6 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Rumour: Nintendo Switch 2 To Launch In June With 3-Phase Software Plan
Rumour: Nintendo Switch 2 To Launch In June With 3-Phase Software Plan Rumour: Nintendo Switch 2 To Launch In June With 3-Phase Software Plan

There's just over one more week to go until Nintendo lifts the lid on the Nintendo Switch 2 with its upcoming Direct presentation on 2nd April, but we've got room for another rumour or two right?

Not only that, but Nintendo will supposedly implement a three-phase plan for its Switch 2 software, with first-party titles getting top priority during the initial launch.

Finally, the third phase essentially covers the Christmas period, which presumably would allow both Nintendo and third-party publishers to unleash some major titles.

Activision, Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft etc) will have had their hands on dev kits for some time now.

Whatever happens, we remain confident that the Switch 2 will play ho…

6 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Koei Tecmo Is Bringing A Fan-Favourite Atelier Character To 'Warriors: Abyss'
Koei Tecmo Is Bringing A Fan-Favourite Atelier Character To 'Warriors: Abyss' Koei Tecmo Is Bringing A Fan-Favourite Atelier Character To 'Warriors: Abyss'

Koei Tecmo has announced that Ryza, the star of the Atelier Ryza "Secret" trilogy, is coming to WARRIORS: Abyss on 28th March.

Perhaps best of all for owners of the Musou roguelite, she's coming as a free update, too.

We called the third Ryza game "the perfect end to the best Atelier trilogy."

Still, it's great to see KT continuing to support the game, and who's not a fan of Ryza?

The most recent Atelier entry, Atelier Yumia, launched just a few days ago - an ambitious game but one that really struggles on the Switch hardware.

7 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Massive Civilization VII Update Detailed, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
Massive Civilization VII Update Detailed, Here Are The Full Patch Notes Massive Civilization VII Update Detailed, Here Are The Full Patch Notes

Coal Resource changed from 100% Production bonus towards Rail Stations to 10% Production bonus towards Rail Stations and Ports (the existing 100% bonus was not functioning as intended).

Oil Resource now also gives a 10% Production bonus towards Factories.

Leaders & CivsLeaders Ashoka, World Conqueror : Devaraja Unique Ability combat bonus changed from "+10 against Fortified Districts during Celebrations" to "+5 against Fortified Districts during Celebrations."

[Crossroads of the World DLC*] Carthage: The bonus Combat Strength for Carthage's Numidian Cavalry now only gains +1 per unique City resource slotted in the Capital.

Majapahit: Subak Tradition changed from "+1 Culture and Production o…

8 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Feature: "If The Game Does Not Sell Well, We May Be Done" - It's Do Or Die For Too Kyo Games & 'The Hundred Line'
Feature: "If The Game Does Not Sell Well, We May Be Done" - It's Do Or Die For Too Kyo Games & 'The Hundred Line' Feature: "If The Game Does Not Sell Well, We May Be Done" - It's Do Or Die For Too Kyo Games & 'The Hundred Line'

Nintendo Life: The Hundred Line: Last Defence Academy is Too Kyo Games’ first tactical RPG.

Mr. Kodakan: I know that this game is similar to Danganronpa, but it is my favorite type of game!

It’s been mentioned that Too Kyo Games fell into debt with the development of Hundred Line.

Mr. Kodaka: If the game does not sell well, we may be done, so it is very important we put all our effort into the game and that it does well.

How did you come to collaborate so frequently, even before Too Kyo Games, and have you changed your approach to working together at all?

10 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
New Nintendo Patent Is All About 2D Visuals, But Don't Jump To Any Remake Conclusions
New Nintendo Patent Is All About 2D Visuals, But Don't Jump To Any Remake Conclusions New Nintendo Patent Is All About 2D Visuals, But Don't Jump To Any Remake Conclusions

There's nothing like a bit of patent discussion to get us Nintendo fans all excited, eh?

Patent US 2025/0090952 was approved in the US on 20th March 2025 under the catchy little title 'Non-Transitory Computer-Readable Storage Medium Having Game Program Stored Therein, Game System, Game Processing Method, and Game Apparatus'.

Nintendo’s new patent hints at the possibility of revisiting classic Nintendo games in a 2D HD style.

The technology described, to us, feels much closer to something we've seen in the Paper Mario series than any hint of a new remake style.

These former applications both contain diagrams which appear far more in line with something like Paper Mario or Mario Kart Tour tha…

10 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Random: Not Even Horror Maestro Stephen King Can Crack A Good Pokémon Joke
Random: Not Even Horror Maestro Stephen King Can Crack A Good Pokémon Joke Random: Not Even Horror Maestro Stephen King Can Crack A Good Pokémon Joke

Often regarded as one of the greatest writers in modern literature, Stephen King has produced novels that have gone down in history as some of the best horror stories of all time.

Chances are that if you haven't read these stories or seen the TV/movie adaptations, then you've almost certainly heard of them.

Case in point, the author posted a Pokémon joke to BlueSky recently that he immediately stated was "not very good".

— Stephen King (@stephenking.bsky.social) 2025-03-24T15:50:52.473ZEven some of the comments agree that he could have done better here, with ‪John-James Turner stating "Stick to writing great novels..." and ‪AndyLeeeeeee simply exclaiming "COME ON, NOW".

Still, a lot more fo…

11 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Random: New Video Highlights 120FPS Gameplay On Modded Switch
Random: New Video Highlights 120FPS Gameplay On Modded Switch Random: New Video Highlights 120FPS Gameplay On Modded Switch

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 800kThe Nintendo Switch is a truly remarkable device.

But what if you could boost its performance beyond what Nintendo deems appropriate?

A new video posted by naga on YouTube (thanks, wccftech) showcases what Switch games might look like with frame rates of up to 120fps.

Now, it's important to note here that this is a modded Switch with 8GB, so what you see in the video can't be achieved with the base Switch alone.

Though nothing has been officially confirmed at the time of writing, copious leaks and rumours point to the successor boasting 12GB RAM.

13 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Nintendo Reuploads Game Vouchers Trailer With Switch 2 Fine Print
Nintendo Reuploads Game Vouchers Trailer With Switch 2 Fine Print Nintendo Reuploads Game Vouchers Trailer With Switch 2 Fine Print

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 800kIn February, Nintendo revealed Game Vouchers would not extend to the Switch 2 game exclusives in an official notice on its website.

Now, in an update, Nintendo has gone to the extent of reuploading its YouTube game voucher trailer with fine print specifying the same thing.

"Nintendo Switch Game Vouchers cannot be redeemed for games exclusive to Nintendo Switch 2 and may not be combined with any other sale, discount, or promtional offer unless otherwise specified."

While Nintendo limiting game vouchers to Switch is not exactly the best news, as we've already noted - thanks to backwards compatibility, users should still be able to play all of the game…

18 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Switch 2 And Other Platforms Can Expect "A Lot More" Xbox Games In 2025
Switch 2 And Other Platforms Can Expect "A Lot More" Xbox Games In 2025 Switch 2 And Other Platforms Can Expect "A Lot More" Xbox Games In 2025

Microsoft's Xbox brand has a new strategy where it plans to make gaming more accessible than ever by releasing its games on more devices.

I also reported that Bethesda was targeting April 2025 for Indiana Jones on PS5.

"Indiana Jones and the Great Circle’s release on PS5 is part of a broader effort from Microsoft to bring more Xbox games to rival platforms.

Xbox is gearing up next month for the release of Forza Horizon 5 and Indiana Jones and the Great Circle on the PlayStation 5.

This follows multiple rumours about Xbox bringing all sorts of first-party IP to the Switch successor.

19 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Rumour: Pokémon Legends: Z-A Will Add Lots Of New Mega Evolutions, It's Claimed
Rumour: Pokémon Legends: Z-A Will Add Lots Of New Mega Evolutions, It's Claimed Rumour: Pokémon Legends: Z-A Will Add Lots Of New Mega Evolutions, It's Claimed

Ahead of the funniest day of the year next week, there's a new Pokémon Legends: Z-A rumour doing the rounds online.

While we already know Mega Evolutions will be making a return in this latest entry, the leaker formerly known as Pyoro claims this anticipated release will add 27 brand-new Mega Evolutions.

Website Universo Nintendo has reportedly backed up these claims - suggesting some of the Pokémon getting Mega Evolutions include Chandelure, Excadrill, Starmie, and Victreebel.

The Mega Evolutions that have been confirmed for Pokémon Legends: Z-A so far include Mega Charizard X and Y, Mega Kangaskhan, Mega Ampharos, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Sableye, Mega Altaria, Mega Absol, Mega Lucario and Me…

20 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Nintendo Music Adds 23 Kirby Switch Songs, With Rest Coming "Later This Year"
Nintendo Music Adds 23 Kirby Switch Songs, With Rest Coming "Later This Year" Nintendo Music Adds 23 Kirby Switch Songs, With Rest Coming "Later This Year"

It's 23 tracks from the recent Switch title Kirby and the Forgotten Land - with the rest of the game's songs scheduled to arrive on the app "later this year".

Here's the official notice about this:"Twenty-three of the game's tracks are here today, and the rest are coming later this year!"

The Kirby and the Forgotten Land "complete" soundtrack contains over 100 songs, so this initial drop is a warm up ahead of the full album drop.

Here's what you can listen to in the first part of this update:Kirby and the Forgotten Land (Nintendo Switch)Ready to Go!

(Full)To listen to this latest album update, you'll need to have an active Switch Online subscription and have downloaded this app to your mobi…

21 час назад @ nintendolife.com
Guide: Best Nintendo Switch Open World Games
Guide: Best Nintendo Switch Open World Games Guide: Best Nintendo Switch Open World Games

Despite the console's diminutive size, Nintendo Switch has accrued a selection of vast kingdoms and open worlds to explore and enjoy since launch, and below we've collected our picks of the very best open-world games on Switch.

How do we define an 'open world'?

The non-linear ability to go anywhere, anytime, is a key part of the titles below — whether you've got the chops to survive or not.

If you're after 2D platformers that gradually reveal a large open map to explore, you should check out our guide to the best Switch Metroidvanias.

So, let's take a look at a selection — in no particular order — of the best open worlds on Switch.

1 day, 5 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Pocketgamer Pocketgamer
последний пост 5 часов назад
Off the AppStore: A lovely sense of Communite community
Off the AppStore: A lovely sense of Communite community Off the AppStore: A lovely sense of Communite community

Whether on an island or in the most densely packed city in the world, some of us will always crave some sort of community.

In Communite, you play a little peg of a person exploring a colourful cartoon world with no stress except whatever you take into it.

The mechanics and gameplay are designed to make it feel like you're this little community's interior and exterior decorator.

The more you participate, the more you create and decorate, and the more kindness you'll bring to the community.

It's still in Early Access as it spreads its reach to the official app channels, so look forward to more to a greater community.

5 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
AEW: Rise to the Top to meet the Trailer Park Boys in latest East Side Games crossover
AEW: Rise to the Top to meet the Trailer Park Boys in latest East Side Games crossover AEW: Rise to the Top to meet the Trailer Park Boys in latest East Side Games crossover

So it's little surprise Omega and Jericho also take centre stage in East Side Games' AEW: Rise to the Top.

Conversely, the trio of Ricky, Julian and Bubbles in the Canadian mockumentary Trailer Park Boys are maybe icons in the more infamous sense; although even they have their own mobile release with Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money.

Meanwhile, AEW: Rise to the Top will see Bubbles once more don the cape and mask of The Green Bastard as the boys attempt to crash an AEW event.

Be that the most recent Trailer Boys and Cheech & Chong crossover, or the upcoming AEW collaboration.

Going to be jumping into AEW: Rise to the Top for the first time?

5 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Marvel Snap's fan-favourite High Voltage mode makes a return
Marvel Snap's fan-favourite High Voltage mode makes a return Marvel Snap's fan-favourite High Voltage mode makes a return

But it's about to get even more exciting as Marvel Snap is seeing the return of the fan-favourite High Voltage mode, available until March 28th!

High Voltage is deceptively simple but with a major twist.

So if you don't want to drop tokens to get this mammoth-riding spirit of vengeance, hurry to Marvel Snap!

Subscribe to Pocket Gamer onHigh Voltage mode is well worth the interest.

Speaking of, if you want to keep up to date with which cards are hot and which are not in Marvel Snap, why not check out our tier list?

6 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Children of Morta debuts online co-op in latest update
Children of Morta debuts online co-op in latest update Children of Morta debuts online co-op in latest update

This roguelike hack 'n slash RPG had an unusual premise as it focuses on a clan of Belmont-esque monster hunters battling evil.

It's unusual to have something like this offer a theme of familial harmony, but nonetheless, Children of Morta seemed to carry it off well.

Because Children of Morta's latest post-launch update is here, introducing online co-op.

Available in both Story and Family Trials mode, now you can team up with a friend to take on the Corruption together.

Featuring everything from hardcore hack 'n slash to arcadey adventures!

6 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
RIG M2 Pro HD Streamstar microphone review - "Bluetooth connectivity directly on the mic? Yes, please"
RIG M2 Pro HD Streamstar microphone review - "Bluetooth connectivity directly on the mic? Yes, please" RIG M2 Pro HD Streamstar microphone review - "Bluetooth connectivity directly on the mic? Yes, please"

Enter the RIG M2 Pro HD Streamstar microphone - a nifty new thingamajig that not only looks cool but also performs incredibly well for streamers and non-streamers alike.

Table of contents:RIG M2 Pro HD Streamstar microphone designRight off the bat, the RIG M2 Pro HD Streamstar microphone sets itself apart with its edgy rectangular look.

There's your USB-C port underneath the mic, and two no-frills knobs for the headset and for the mic itself on the front.

Connectivity And PerformanceOf course, this kind of minimalism doesn't mean the Streamstar lacks any features - in fact, its most prominent one is a humdinger.

Overall, the RIG M2 Pro HD Streamstar microphone takes portability to the next …

7 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Oh My Anne gets new Rilla's Storybook update and additional user-polled content
Oh My Anne gets new Rilla's Storybook update and additional user-polled content Oh My Anne gets new Rilla's Storybook update and additional user-polled content

And the latest update further expands on the stories present in the aforementioned Oh My Anne.

No surprise then that Neowiz are also complementing their popular match-three puzzler with a suite of new content.

In this case, it's a selection of content called Rilla's Storybook which focuses on new narrative content told by Anne, much later in life, to her daughter Rilla.

Subscribe to Pocket Gamer onIf you're looking to unlock the new Rilla's Storybook content you'll need to earn in-game currency through puzzle gameplay, with each unlocked tale saved in storybook format you can revisit at any time.

But you'll need to hurry because this content is only available until Wednesday, April 16th.

8 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
NumWorlds is the debut, fully-3D puzzler from Black Pug Studios
NumWorlds is the debut, fully-3D puzzler from Black Pug Studios NumWorlds is the debut, fully-3D puzzler from Black Pug Studios

Make connectionsNumWorlds is the debut release from Black Pug StudiosSimple gameplay has you connect numbered blocks to reach a targetBut rapidly rising targets, different blocks and more create plenty of difficultyIt's not often that we get pitched a debut release, or at least not as often as I'd like.

This is what makes Black Pug Studios' debut NumWorlds such an interesting thing to see.

I've said it before, but NumWorlds is an excellent example of a simple core mechanic for a puzzler.

Just take a glance at those lush, Unreal-engine 3D environments and you can see why Black Pug Studios are so eager to get it in front of players.

Add onto that various additional mechanics such as blockers …

9 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Back 2 Back is out now, putting couch co-op in your hands
Back 2 Back is out now, putting couch co-op in your hands Back 2 Back is out now, putting couch co-op in your hands

This newly-released co-op puzzler pits your reflexes against a mixture of high-octane driving and shoot-'em-up gameplay.

The core concept of Back 2 Back is simple, one player drives and dodges obstacles while the other guns down pursuing robots using a rear-mounted cannon.

The twist, however, comes in that certain robots can only be destroyed by one player's assigned colour!

Meanwhile, if you want to continue to stay Ahead of the Game why not check out our regular feature of the same name?

This week Catherine digs into Dungeons & Eldritch to see what this Lovecraft-inspired hack 'n slash has to offer!

10 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
The Seven Deadly Sins: Origin is back, as teaser website and social channels go live
The Seven Deadly Sins: Origin is back, as teaser website and social channels go live The Seven Deadly Sins: Origin is back, as teaser website and social channels go live

As The Seven Deadly Sins: Origin emerged from the cold with the release of a new teaser site and the opening of new social channels.

For those not in the know, The Seven Deadly Sins is a popular anime and manga series that focuses on the titular seven warriors; after being falsely accused of a crime they didn't commit, they go into hiding, only to emerge once more to save the kingdom that exiled them.

The Seven Deadly Sins already has a presence on mobile, of course, with Grand Cross and the Seven Deadly Sins: Idle spin-off.

However, the decision to open these new social channels certainly suggests that the purported 2025 release date for Seven Deadly Sins: Origin is very feasible.

This wee…

11 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Minion Rumble lets you summon cats and capybaras to war, now in Android pre-registration from Com2uS
Minion Rumble lets you summon cats and capybaras to war, now in Android pre-registration from Com2uS Minion Rumble lets you summon cats and capybaras to war, now in Android pre-registration from Com2uS

The adorable new adventure looks to be a mix of an idle battler and a roguelike RPG, but one thing's for sure - everything is absolutely adorable.

In Minion Rumble, you can look forward to going on an all-out war with cute creatures by your side.

It seems like it's steeped in Norse mythology too given the Yggdrasil tree you can unlock upgrades from.

More importantly, the animal Champions you can summon have a wide range of types, from cuddly cats to curious capybaras.

In the meantime, Minion Rumble is now open for pre-registration on Google Play for Android users if you're keen on getting first dibs.

15 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Ahead of the Game - Dungeons & Eldritch is a love letter to Lovecraftian horrors in the deep blue sea
Ahead of the Game - Dungeons & Eldritch is a love letter to Lovecraftian horrors in the deep blue sea Ahead of the Game - Dungeons & Eldritch is a love letter to Lovecraftian horrors in the deep blue sea

Through this series, you can grab a chance to play games well ahead of their release date, be that through Soft Launch, Open Beta, Demos, or more.

Not a lot of games can perfectly encapsulate what they're all about from the title alone, but with Dungeons & Eldritch, you get exactly what it says on the tin.

It's really all about the eldritch monsters and the dungeons you find them in, with epic gear you can loot from every Lovecraftian horror you slay.

So, how do you play Dungeons & Eldritch?

At the moment, Dungeons & Eldritch is currently running its Season 0 ala-early access phase, and you can only unlock one character class for now.

16 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Diablo Immortal's Writhing Wilds update adds revamped Battlegrounds and the new Sharval Wilds
Diablo Immortal's Writhing Wilds update adds revamped Battlegrounds and the new Sharval Wilds Diablo Immortal's Writhing Wilds update adds revamped Battlegrounds and the new Sharval Wilds

Mingle with Fey and foe alikeDiscover the new Epoch of Madness narrativeAim to clear the Sharval Wilds Main QuestlineThree New Legendary Gems join the frayWith Diablo Immortal revealing its roadmap for the whole year two weeks ago, we now have more details on what's first on the menu - The Writhing Wilds.

The mobile RPG's eleventh major update invites you to explore the Sharval Wilds, and will put your skills to the test in the revamped Battlegrounds experience.

Additionally, the new Epoch of Madness narrative is now available as well, which will last until the end of the year.

As for the Sharval Wilds Main Questline, you can team up with the Druids and Witches in the forest in a fight to k…

16 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Tougen Anki RPG in the works as revealed by Com2uS at Anime Japan 2025, coming later this year
Tougen Anki RPG in the works as revealed by Com2uS at Anime Japan 2025, coming later this year Tougen Anki RPG in the works as revealed by Com2uS at Anime Japan 2025, coming later this year

The popular anime is getting the Summoners War treatment3D RPG with advanced modelling techLaunching later this yearCheck out the 40-second teaser in the meantimeCom2uS has announced an upcoming mobile adventure based on the anime Tougen Anki, which will launch sometime this year as revealed at Anime Japan 2025 in Tokyo Big Sight on March 22nd.

The studio behind the popular Summoners War franchise will be lending its expertise to the upcoming RPG, where you'll get to experience the anime's deep narrative and encounter colourful characters from the IP in a new format.

With the upcoming Tougen Anki RPG, you can look forward to quality 3D modelling tech that will supposedly stay true to the ar…

16 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Genshin Impact will introduce new characters and a playable area in phase one of the version 5.5 update
Genshin Impact will introduce new characters and a playable area in phase one of the version 5.5 update Genshin Impact will introduce new characters and a playable area in phase one of the version 5.5 update

The update is set to release on March 26th with a myriad of content as part of the first phase.

From Event Wishes to new gameplay events, there’s a lot to unpack in the upcoming patch.

We begin with the Event Wishes, which will be available until April 15th, both featuring the new 4-star character Iansan (Electro).

And for more freebies, you can always redeem these Genshin Impact codes!

Begin a new journey by downloading Genshin Impact now for free.

20 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Pokémon Go is hosting the Pokémon Fiesta event at Phoenix Palladium in Mumbai, India
Pokémon Go is hosting the Pokémon Fiesta event at Phoenix Palladium in Mumbai, India Pokémon Go is hosting the Pokémon Fiesta event at Phoenix Palladium in Mumbai, India

The Pokémon Fiesta is coming to Phoenix Palladium in Lower Parel from March 29th to 30th, bringing together Pokémon enthusiasts in the city for two days of fun, adventure, and exclusive in-game content.

Subscribe to Pocket Gamer onIn line with the festivities, Pokémon Go is offering exclusive in-game events from March 28th to 30th.

Completing the tasks before the event ends on March 30th will earn you an Incubator, three exclusive Pikachu saree stickers, and the chance to encounter Pikachu in its festive attire.

Just be sure to complete the tasks and claim the rewards before the event wraps up.

Everyone attending the Pokémon Fiesta Mumbai will enjoy double the Buddy Catch Assist chance, hel…

20 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
UploadVR + Road to VR UploadVR + Road to VR
последний пост 3 часа назад
Onward Update 2.0 Is Out Now, Overhauling Every Weapon In The Game
Onward Update 2.0 Is Out Now, Overhauling Every Weapon In The Game Onward Update 2.0 Is Out Now, Overhauling Every Weapon In The Game

Onward Update 2.0 is out now.

Meta-owned Downpour Interactive describes the update as "the biggest update we have ever done since the game’s release in 2016".

And whereas previously every player on each team looked the same, Onward Update 2.0 adds 10 "operators" per faction, for a total of 20, to customize their appearance.

MARSOC OperatorsVolk OperatorsThe update also adds a new map, called Overgrowth, and a remastered version of the fan-favorite Downfall.

OvergrowthTanker (Day)Onward Update 2.0 also brings a new co-op game mode, called Retrieval, as well as the option for additional AI enemies to spawn after 32 in the Hunt game mode.

3 часа назад @ uploadvr.com
Apple's WWDC25 Takes Place June 9, Where It's Expected To Unveil visionOS 3
Apple&#x27;s WWDC25 Takes Place June 9, Where It&#x27;s Expected To Unveil visionOS 3 Apple&#x27;s WWDC25 Takes Place June 9, Where It&#x27;s Expected To Unveil visionOS 3

The main event will be a free online livestream, and there will also be an in-person "special event" at Apple Park.

Apple first announced visionOS, and the Vision Pro headset, at WWDC 23.

And at WWDC 24 it unveiled visionOS 2 and launched the first beta.

Earlier this month, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman reported that visionOS 3, which will likely be revealed at WWDC 25, will be a "feature-packed release".

While we don't yet know any specific features slated for visionOS 3, Gurman has previously reported that Apple and Sony are working to bring PlayStation VR2 Sense controller support to Vision Pro, and reiterated this reporting last month.

5 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Final Fury Could Become A Must-Play VR Fighting Game
Final Fury Could Become A Must-Play VR Fighting Game Final Fury Could Become A Must-Play VR Fighting Game

Taking influence from Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, Final Fury has been on my radar for the last two years, and the fast-paced 1v1 fighting game has seen some notable changes.

Final Fury uses artificial stick-based locomotion, moving with the left stick and strafing with the right stick while keeping your camera fixed on your opponent's position.

I particularly like the sense of embodiment that Final Fury provides.

So far, it's a promising start, and Final Fury could become a must-play for classic fighting game fans.

Final Fury is “coming soon” to Steam and the Meta Quest platform, and an Alpha playtest is currently live on both platforms.

5 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Smartphone Giant Vivo Announces ‘Vision’ MR Headset, Copying Apple’s Name & Design
Smartphone Giant Vivo Announces ‘Vision’ MR Headset, Copying Apple’s Name & Design Smartphone Giant Vivo Announces ‘Vision’ MR Headset, Copying Apple’s Name & Design

Another Vision Pro knock-off is coming to town, and this time it even has the ‘Vision’ name.

While not a household name, China’s Vivo is known for its sensible, mid-range smartphones, regularly ranking it in the top five smartphone creators by market share.

Now, at the Boao Forum for Asia in China’s Hainan Province today, the company showed off its first entry into the XR segment: Vivo Vision.

A display model was present at Vivo’s booth at Boao Forum for Asia however, revealing the company is taking more than a few design cues from Apple Vision Pro, including its unique headstrap design, digital crown button, and magnetically-tethered external battery.

Notably, Vivo’s fleet of smartphones r…

8 часов назад @ roadtovr.com
China's Vivo Vision Looks Like A Blatant Apple Vision Pro Clone
China&#x27;s Vivo Vision Looks Like A Blatant Apple Vision Pro Clone China&#x27;s Vivo Vision Looks Like A Blatant Apple Vision Pro Clone

China's Vivo unveiled its headset today, and it looks like a blatant Apple Vision Pro clone, with even the name being copied.

While some other headsets like Samsung's and Play For Dream MR are clearly somewhat inspired by Apple Vision Pro, Vivo Vision verges into the realm of looking like an outright clone.

The only notable design departure is side arms, which are metallic-looking, compared to Apple Vision Pro's white plastic.

The visor of Vivo Vision does look to be sleeker than Apple Vision Pro, suggesting it could be lighter too, but whether this advantage makes it to the final product remains to be seen.

Vivo claims it will launch Vivo Vision in "mid-2025".

9 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Roguelike Mech Brawler ‘UNDERDOGS’ Brings Physics-based Carnage to PSVR 2 Today
Roguelike Mech Brawler ‘UNDERDOGS’ Brings Physics-based Carnage to PSVR 2 Today Roguelike Mech Brawler ‘UNDERDOGS’ Brings Physics-based Carnage to PSVR 2 Today

UNDERDOGS (2024), the physics-based mech brawler from Racket: Nx (2019) studio One Hamsa, is now available on PSVR 2, finally bringing its metal-on-metal violence and innovative locomotion to PS5.

Underdogs has been successful on Quest and PC VR headsets since its release in late 2024, where its garnered pretty much universally positive reviews, garnering both an ‘Overwhelmingly Positive’ user score on Steam and a [4.9/5] user score on Quest.

In fact, we liked it so much, we gave it both award for Excellence in Locomotion and Excellence in Indie Development in last year’s Road to VR Game of the Year Awards.

In the meanwhile, you’ll find it over on the PlayStation Store for PSVR 2, priced at…

11 часов назад @ roadtovr.com
John Wick-style Shooter Sandbox ‘HARD BULLET’ Coming to Quest 3 This Spring
John Wick-style Shooter Sandbox ‘HARD BULLET’ Coming to Quest 3 This Spring John Wick-style Shooter Sandbox ‘HARD BULLET’ Coming to Quest 3 This Spring

GexagonVR announced its action flick-inspired shooter sandbox HARD BULLET (2020) is finally coming to Quest.

There’s no specific launch date yet, however Hard Bullet now has a Horizon Store page, which is marked as coming to Quest 3 and 3S sometime this Spring.

Initially released in early access on PC VR headsets in 2020, Hard Bullet is the sort of John Woo-inspired Hong Kong throwback that’s heavy on physics-based combat—and all the hyper-violence that goes along with it.

And as you’d expect, there’s also ‘bullet time’ slow-mo, letting you really get into the John Wick-style shooting and martial arts action.

In the meanwhile, you can wishlist it on the Horizon Store for Quest 3 and 3s.

13 часов назад @ roadtovr.com
Inside The Walkable VR Holodeck That Sells Real Estate
Inside The Walkable VR Holodeck That Sells Real Estate Inside The Walkable VR Holodeck That Sells Real Estate

It's the magic cycle that makes VR work everywhere in the world.

The Austin holodeck uses Wi-Fi, a connection system that was never intended for this kind of continuous low latency high throughput data transfer.

In the Austin holodeck of 2025, redirected walking is managed by a sales pitch delivered by a human guide.

They spent about $3 million to make this holodeck work through trial and error like Thomas Edison's light bulb.

After lunch with the engineers behind the Austin holodeck I was driven back down the hill.

1 day, 3 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Boxed Out Is A VR Puzzler That Scratches That Tetris Itch
Boxed Out Is A VR Puzzler That Scratches That Tetris Itch Boxed Out Is A VR Puzzler That Scratches That Tetris Itch

This arcade-style puzzler has the right blend of approachability and complexity to take care of that itch usually only scratched by Tetris.

Boxed Out screenshot taken by UploadVR on Quest 2The catch?

Boxed Out screenshot taken by UploadVR on Quest 2When I first tried Boxed Out, I completely lost track of time.

Boxed Out's arcade-like setup makes it really replayable, and playing it before launch gave me early access to its leaderboards.

That simple, approachable setup and stationary-friendly play style make Boxed Out effortless to just pick up and play.

1 day, 3 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Hands-On With Pinball FX VR With Arcade2TV-XR Controls
Hands-On With Pinball FX VR With Arcade2TV-XR Controls Hands-On With Pinball FX VR With Arcade2TV-XR Controls

At GDC 2025 we tested Pinball FX VR with the Arcade2TV-XR cabinet and a pair of Quest controllers mounted on top for tracking.

Meanwhile, during my demo with the Touch controllers, Pinball FX VR felt like a welcome evolution on the original game ahead of its launch on April 3.

As it stands, my Pinball FX VR preview has me intrigued to jump into the full release.

We've been testing out the Arcade2TV-XR cabinets at home and will plan on showing it on Steam in the weeks ahead as we test out the fully released version of Pinball FX VR.

Pinball FX VR will reach the Meta Quest platform on April 3.

1 day, 4 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Bigscreen Beyond 2 Sold the Equivalent of 6 Months of Beyond 1 Sales in First 24 Hours
Bigscreen Beyond 2 Sold the Equivalent of 6 Months of Beyond 1 Sales in First 24 Hours Bigscreen Beyond 2 Sold the Equivalent of 6 Months of Beyond 1 Sales in First 24 Hours

Now, the PC VR headset maker notes that its next slim and light headset outsold the original in 24 hours by an impressive margin, making its first day or sales equivalent to six months of what it did with Beyond 1.

In the first hour, they doubled Beyond 1 launch day sales.

Within 10 hours of launching orders, Beyond 2 sold more than the first four months of Beyond 1 sales.

In an X post on Friday, Bigscreen founder and CEO Darshan Shankar revealed the most impressive sales stat yet:“In the first 24 hours, Beyond 2 has sold 10 TIMES as many Beyond 1s sold on its launch day 2 years ago.

In the first 24 hours, Beyond 2 has sold as much as Beyond 1 did in its first 6 months of sales.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ roadtovr.com
Quest's Horizon OS Could Soon Let You Screenshare 2D Windows
Quest&#x27;s Horizon OS Could Soon Let You Screenshare 2D Windows Quest&#x27;s Horizon OS Could Soon Let You Screenshare 2D Windows

Quest's Horizon OS could soon let you share 2D windows with others, datamining reveals.

VR enthusiast Luna regularly inspects the code of Meta's Horizon OS to discover new features and changes in development.

Strings in Quest/Horizon OS v76 PTC suggest that Meta is working on the ability to share windows with other users in Horizon Home (and possibly Worlds).

Currently, YouTube VR is the only 2D app which supports co-watching on Quest, through what appears to be a custom implementation developed with Meta.

To be clear, 2D window sharing is separate from the first person view sharing that Horizon OS already supports in WhatsApp and Messenger view calls.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Quest Update Reveals More Vision Pro Features Are Coming, Including FaceTime-Style Selfie Cam
Quest Update Reveals More Vision Pro Features Are Coming, Including FaceTime-Style Selfie Cam Quest Update Reveals More Vision Pro Features Are Coming, Including FaceTime-Style Selfie Cam

Discovered by serial dataminer ‘Luna’, a beta version of Horizon OS v76 is packing in a few new features, including the very Facetime-inspired avatar selfie cam which can be used in video chatting apps.

Meta Quest/Horizon OS v76 PTC – Avatar Selfie Cam running in sideloaded Discord.

Luna also uncovered a hidden tutorial for an upcoming ‘Navigator’ system user interface overhaul on Horizon OS.

NEW: I’ve datamined a tutorial for the upcoming “Navigator” system UI overhaul on Meta Horizon OS.

This was discovered in v76 PTC.

1 day, 8 hours назад @ roadtovr.com
VR Shooter Hard Bullet Makes Quest Debut Later This Year
VR Shooter Hard Bullet Makes Quest Debut Later This Year VR Shooter Hard Bullet Makes Quest Debut Later This Year

The physics-based combat simulator Hard Bullet arrives on Quest 3 and 3S later this year.

Developed by GexagonVR, Hard Bullet takes inspiration from classic Hong Kong action movies.

Previously, Hard Bullet's immersive gun-forward gameplay was exclusive to PC VR headsets following its launch in 2020.

You can check out comparison footage of the PC VR and Quest edition of Hard Bullet below:0:00 / 0:41 1דThe Meta Quest platform will bring Hard Bullet to an even wider audience, allowing players to experience its raw action in a fully untethered environment,” explained GexagonVR founder Oleg Sanin in a prepared statement.

"We can’t wait for Quest users to dive into the physics-driven chaos and c…

1 day, 9 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Samsung Reportedly Planning to Release XR Glasses This Year
Samsung Reportedly Planning to Release XR Glasses This Year Samsung Reportedly Planning to Release XR Glasses This Year

Citing industry sources, the report alleges Samsung is developing XR glasses (noted as ‘smart glasses’ in the report—more on that below) with the goal of releasing them by the end of the year.

You can find out more about the differences between smart glasses and AR glasses here.

Still, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard Samsung was getting ready to enter the XR glasses market.

Small recompense: Samsung did show off a slide featuring XR glasses as a part of its future roadmap.

Still, no mention of displays, or specific functions that would delineate it as smart glasses of AR glasses as such.

1 day, 9 hours назад @ roadtovr.com