Игры, железки и геймдев
Бета-версия подборки новостей об играх и всём, что с ними связано
На русском
последний пост 7 часов назад
Контрабанда и прогулки по крышам: детали Assassin's Creed Shadows
Контрабанда и прогулки по крышам: детали Assassin's Creed Shadows Контрабанда и прогулки по крышам: детали Assassin's Creed Shadows

Разработчики показали ещё немного геймплея и интерфейс.

7 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Ремастер Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness получит много улучшений — разработчики восстановили «большую часть» вырезанного контента
Ремастер Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness получит много улучшений — разработчики восстановили «большую часть» вырезанного контента Ремастер Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness получит много улучшений — разработчики восстановили «большую часть» вырезанного контента

Оригинальная адвенчура получила низкие оценки — во многом из-за технических проблем.

9 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Джефф Грабб: сервисные игры Bluepoint и Bend Studio отменили из-за провала Concord
Джефф Грабб: сервисные игры Bluepoint и Bend Studio отменили из-за провала Concord Джефф Грабб: сервисные игры Bluepoint и Bend Studio отменили из-за провала Concord

Теперь эти студии, скорее всего, переключатся на одиночные игры.

10 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Вышла Dynasty Warriors: Origins — первая часть во франшизе с 2018 года
Вышла Dynasty Warriors: Origins — первая часть во франшизе с 2018 года Вышла Dynasty Warriors: Origins — первая часть во франшизе с 2018 года

Оценки экшена от игроков достаточно высокие — в Steam у него более 90% положительных отзывов.

10 часов назад @ dtf.ru
11 bit studios представила Death Howl — мрачную тактическую игру со сбором колод
11 bit studios представила Death Howl — мрачную тактическую игру со сбором колод 11 bit studios представила Death Howl — мрачную тактическую игру со сбором колод

Игрокам предстоит сражаться с жуткими боссами.

11 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Стивен Кинг призвал отменить «Оскар» из-за пожаров в Лос-Анджелесе
Стивен Кинг призвал отменить «Оскар» из-за пожаров в Лос-Анджелесе Стивен Кинг призвал отменить «Оскар» из-за пожаров в Лос-Анджелесе

«Нет места блеску, когда Лос-Анджелес горит», — считает писатель.

11 часов назад @ dtf.ru
По «Чёрной книге» вышла настольная игра
По «Чёрной книге» вышла настольная игра По «Чёрной книге» вышла настольная игра

Её действие происходит после событий оригинала.

13 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Стоимость акций Nintendo упала на 7% после анонса Switch 2
Стоимость акций Nintendo упала на 7% после анонса Switch 2 Стоимость акций Nintendo упала на 7% после анонса Switch 2

Похоже, инвесторы ожидали от первого показа большего. Как и СМИ, которые назвали ролик с консолью «блеклым и корпоративным».

13 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Eurogamer: геймдиректор Dragon Age: The Veilguard покидает BioWare
Eurogamer: геймдиректор Dragon Age: The Veilguard покидает BioWare Eurogamer: геймдиректор Dragon Age: The Veilguard покидает BioWare

По данным СМИ, других изменений в студии не планируется.

15 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Riot Games отправит всю выручку со скина в League of Legends и бандла в Valorant на помощь в борьбе с пожарами в Лос-Анджелесе
Riot Games отправит всю выручку со скина в League of Legends и бандла в Valorant на помощь в борьбе с пожарами в Лос-Анджелесе Riot Games отправит всю выручку со скина в League of Legends и бандла в Valorant на помощь в борьбе с пожарами в Лос-Анджелесе

Компания также помогает другими способами.

15 часов назад @ dtf.ru
«Хроники Нарнии» от Netflix выйдут в прокат — фильм будут показывать в IMAX-кинотеатрах
«Хроники Нарнии» от Netflix выйдут в прокат — фильм будут показывать в IMAX-кинотеатрах «Хроники Нарнии» от Netflix выйдут в прокат — фильм будут показывать в IMAX-кинотеатрах

В компании пошли на беспрецедентные условия ради ленты Греты Гервиг.

16 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Конана-варвара добавят в Mortal Kombat 1 уже 21 января
Конана-варвара добавят в Mortal Kombat 1 уже 21 января Конана-варвара добавят в Mortal Kombat 1 уже 21 января

Как обычно, сначала доступ получат обладатели DLC.

16 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Продажи Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown достигли шести миллионов копий
Продажи Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown достигли шести миллионов копий Продажи Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown достигли шести миллионов копий

На шестую годовщину.

17 часов назад @ dtf.ru
В Microsoft отвергли сообщения СМИ, что Сатья Наделла думал о закрытии Xbox
В Microsoft отвергли сообщения СМИ, что Сатья Наделла думал о закрытии Xbox В Microsoft отвергли сообщения СМИ, что Сатья Наделла думал о закрытии Xbox

В корпорации также настаивают, что вовлечённость игроков сейчас выше, чем когда-либо.

18 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Юристы SEGA, Capcom и Konami назвали патенты способом покрытия затрат, а не попыткой монополизации технологий и механик
Юристы SEGA, Capcom и Konami назвали патенты способом покрытия затрат, а не попыткой монополизации технологий и механик Юристы SEGA, Capcom и Konami назвали патенты способом покрытия затрат, а не попыткой монополизации технологий и механик

Nintendo использует их для защиты бренда.

18 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Stopgame Stopgame
последний пост 2 часа назад
«Лучшая игра про пиратов со времён Black Flag» — что пишут в превью Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii
«Лучшая игра про пиратов со времён Black Flag» — что пишут в превью Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii «Лучшая игра про пиратов со времён Black Flag» — что пишут в превью Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii

Вот несколько главных тезисов из опубликованных превью:Боевая система в реальном времени стала ещё более зрелищной и динамичной, чем когда бы то ни было в серии.

Оба стиля Мадзимы ощущаются не как битемап из прошлых частей, а как полноценный слэшер.

После прохождения Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag в 2013 году мне не терпелось сыграть в ещё один достойный тайтл про морских волков.

Так продолжалось до тех пор, пока мне не довелось сыграть в Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii.

Ник Майе (Nick Maillet) из IGNYakuza, но также из спин-оффа Внимания заслуживает довольно обширная кастомизация как самого судна, так и его команды.

2 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
Death Howl — ККИ-соулслайк о скорбящей матери
Death Howl — ККИ-соулслайк о скорбящей матери Death Howl — ККИ-соулслайк о скорбящей матери

Датская команда The Outer Zone при поддержке издателя 11 bit studios представила меланхолическое приключение Death Howl.

Антураж Death Howl — забытые земли, навеянные скандинавскими мифами.

Исследуя локации, вы будете собирать ресурсы для создания карт и находить тотемы, которые улучшат вашу колоду.

Death Howl прибудет в 2025 году на ПК (Steam, GOG).

Уже 20 января станет доступна демоверсия.

6 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Игроки с восторгом встретили Dynasty Warriors: Origins
Игроки с восторгом встретили Dynasty Warriors: Origins Игроки с восторгом встретили Dynasty Warriors: Origins

Сегодня состоялся релиз Dynasty Warriors: Origins — новой части культовой серии мусоу-экшенов, которая предлагает геймерам принять участие в масштабных сражениях с целыми армиями в сеттинге китайского Троецарствия.

Сюжетно Dynasty Warriors: Origins повествует историю воина с амнезией, который сражается наряду с легендарными героями эпохи Троецарствия.

Сражения с ордами противников стали более увлекательными благодаря расширенной боевой системе с разнообразным арсеналом оружия и множеством комбинаций.

Взял предзаказ не особо раздумывая, так как нравится серия Warriors.

Хорошая графика, и у меня не было ни одно вылета или бага… The Sytylaya psinaDynasty Warriors: Origins вышла на ПК, PlayStat…

7 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Метроидвания ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist покинет ранний доступ 22 января
Метроидвания ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist покинет ранний доступ 22 января Метроидвания ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist покинет ранний доступ 22 января

В марте прошлого года метроидвания ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist запустилась в раннем доступе Steam.

События Bloom in the Mist происходят спустя несколько десятков лет после финала ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights.

По словам разработчиков из студий Live Wire и Adglobe, игра получилась масштабнее и увлекательнее, чем Quietus of the Knights.

ENDER MAGNOLIA хвастает впечатляющими отзывами в Steam: 4 504 рецензии, доля положительных — 98 %.

По словам пользователей, MAGNOLIA — достойная преемница ENDER LILIES: очень качественная метроидвания с приятной музыкой и насыщенной атмосферой.

7 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Битва с огненной виверной в новой демонстрации Monster Hunter Wilds
Битва с огненной виверной в новой демонстрации Monster Hunter Wilds Битва с огненной виверной в новой демонстрации Monster Hunter Wilds

Сотрудники IGN продолжают публиковать эксклюзивные записи геймплея Monster Hunter Wilds.

Впервые это чудище появилось ещё в оригинальной Monster Hunter, а в последний раз геймеры сражались с ним в Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate 2015 года.

Сравнение Гравиоса из Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate и Monster Hunter Wilds.

Как и прежде, Гравиос предпочитает селиться в жарких областях вроде вулканических пещер — в Monster Hunter Wilds он обосновался в нефтяном бассейне, где его огненные атаки особенно разрушительны благодаря окружению.

Юя Токуда (Yuya Tokuda), гейм-директор Monster Hunter WildsРелиз Monster Hunter Wilds состоится 28 февраля на ПК (Steam), PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series с полно…

9 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Морское приключение Age of Water получило большое обновление и вышло в релиз
Морское приключение Age of Water получило большое обновление и вышло в релиз Морское приключение Age of Water получило большое обновление и вышло в релиз

Gaijin Entertainment и студия Three Whales объявили о старте апдейта Beyond the Waves для постапокалиптического морского приключения Age of Water.

Одной из центральных новинок стал командный PvP-режим «Контроль точек», где нужно захватывать и удерживать стратегические позиции в коварных водах.

Для тех, кто ищет настоящих испытаний, в морских глубинах теперь скрыты пять опасных зон со свирепыми боссами.

Этот уникальный враг заставит игроков выложиться на полную, предлагая эпическое сражение, аналогов которому в Age of Water ещё не было.

Наконец, мир Age of Water стал ещё более живым благодаря десяти новым зонам для сражений на суше.

9 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
До ужаса затягивающая — что пишут в превью Civilization VII
До ужаса затягивающая — что пишут в превью Civilization VII До ужаса затягивающая — что пишут в превью Civilization VII

Firaxis Games дала прессе и блогерам поиграть в бета-сборку Sid Meier’s Civilization VII — осветить разрешили только две первые эпохи.

В седьмой Civilization разработчики внесли ряд больших и не очень изменений, поэтому поклонникам серии важно запускать её без каких-либо предубеждений.

На выбор представлен обширный выбор цивилизаций и в тандеме с вашим лидером, если играть с умом, могут получиться мощные комбо-вомбо.

Гарри Олстон (Harry Alston) из TheGamerНапомним, эпох в Civilization VII теперь только три: Античность, Эпоха исследований и Современность.

«Civilization VII решает многие проблемы, появившиеся в Civilization VI, и играть в неё одно удовольствие», — поделился репортёр Windows C…

10 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Продажи Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown достигли 6 млн копий
Продажи Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown достигли 6 млн копий Продажи Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown достигли 6 млн копий

Компания Bandai Namco раскрыла обновлённые показатели продаж Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown — за всё время аркадный экшен с боевыми самолётами разошёлся общим тиражом в 6 миллионов копий.

Для достижения такого результата у игры ушло почти 6 лет с момента релиза.

В последний раз Bandai Namco сообщала об успехах Ace Combat 7 в ноябре 2023-го — тогда игра достигла отметки в 5 миллионов.

Продажи тайтла особенно подскочили летом прошлого года, когда состоялся релиз порта для Nintendo Switch.

Что касается всей франшизы Ace Combat, то на сегодняшний день она насчитывает более 20 миллионов реализованных копий.

11 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Похоже, гейм-директор Dragon Age: The Veilguard покидает BioWare
Похоже, гейм-директор Dragon Age: The Veilguard покидает BioWare Похоже, гейм-директор Dragon Age: The Veilguard покидает BioWare

Появился слух, что гейм-директор Dragon Age: The Veilguard Корин Буше (Corinne Busche) уйдёт из BioWare в течение ближайших недель.

Сперва сведения подтвердил журналист Джефф Грабб (Jeff Grubb), а позже об этом заговорили и в Eurogamer со ссылкой на свои источники.

Буше встала у руля Dragon Age: The Veilguard в феврале 2022-го и вместе с творческим руководителем Джоном Эплером (John Epler) контролировала заключительный этап разработки.

Как поняли в СМИ, других изменений в BioWare пока не планируется.

После релиза Dragon Age: The Veilguard команда BioWare переключилась на разработку следующей Mass Effect.

13 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
В ремастере Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness вернут вырезанный контент
В ремастере Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness вернут вырезанный контент В ремастере Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness вернут вырезанный контент

В ремастере, который войдёт в коллекцию Tomb Raider IV–VI Remastered, команда Aspyr постаралась воздать проекту должное и представить его в том виде, в котором он изначально задумывался.

Важно отметить, что в студии не обещают восстановить абсолютно весь вырезанный контент.

Как и в предыдущем сборнике, геймеры смогут выбирать между новой и классической («танковой») схемой управления.

Теперь Лара может не только стрелять в воздухе и выполнять последовательные прыжки, но и стрелять из-за углов в скрытном режиме.

Покупки в ломбарде Даниэля Ренна и в магазине лечебных трав.

14 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
В Microsoft опровергли заявления СМИ, что рассматривалось закрытие Xbox
В Microsoft опровергли заявления СМИ, что рассматривалось закрытие Xbox В Microsoft опровергли заявления СМИ, что рассматривалось закрытие Xbox

Пру дней назад издание The Information опубликовало статью, в которой затронуло неважные финансовые показатели Xbox и возможное закрытие, которое могло случиться в 2021 году.

В комментарии для Insider Gaming представители Microsoft и Activision Blizzard опровергли часть сведений и внесли больше контекста.

В Microsoft отрицают, что перед генеральным директором Сатьей Наделлой (Satya Nadella) стоял такой выбор.

В Microsoft подчеркнули, что за последний год направление игр и сервисов Xbox стабильно росло.

В последнем на данный момент финансовом отчёте Наделла хвалился, что в день запуска В последнем на данный момент финансовом отчётехвалился, что в день запуска Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 сервис…

16 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Sony отменила две сервисные игры — одна из них была по God of War
Sony отменила две сервисные игры — одна из них была по God of War Sony отменила две сервисные игры — одна из них была по God of War

Компания отменила ещё два подобных проекта, которыми занимались в Bend Studio и Bluepoint Games .

В Bluepoint корпели над игрой-сервисом по вселенной God of War.

Какой франшизой занимались разработчики в Bend — неизвестно.

Кроме того, Sony тесно сотрудничает с Bend Studio и Bluepoint Games, чтобы определиться с их следующими проектами.

В настоящее время «в живых» остаются не так много игр-сервисов Sony.

17 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Конан-варвар кромсает бойцов в геймплейном трейлере Mortal Kombat 1
Конан-варвар кромсает бойцов в геймплейном трейлере Mortal Kombat 1 Конан-варвар кромсает бойцов в геймплейном трейлере Mortal Kombat 1

Сотрудники NetherRealm Studios показали геймплейный трейлер Конана-варвара, который заглянет в качестве гостевого персонажа в Mortal Kombat 1 уже в этом месяце.

Герой станет доступен обладателям Kombat Pack 2 / дополнения Khaos Reigns с 21 января, а остальные геймеры смогут опробовать его спустя неделю — c 28 января.

В новом трейлере в полной мере представлен набор уникальных и разрушительных приёмов Конана, основанных на его культовом мече.

Мастер клинка может выполнять сложные приёмы с этим внушительным оружием, включая замысловатые пируэты и фирменный рубящий удар сверху, сокрушающий противников грубой силой.

В будущем игроки ожидают появления ещё одного бойца — Терминатора T-1000, однак…

1 day, 4 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Вышла демоверсия кровавого соулслайка The First Berserker: Khazan
Вышла демоверсия кровавого соулслайка The First Berserker: Khazan Вышла демоверсия кровавого соулслайка The First Berserker: Khazan

Как и было обещано, сегодня южнокорейская студия Neople выпустила демоверсию своей амбициозной экшен-RPG The First Berserker: Khazan.

Демоверсия весом в более 30 Гб предлагает две начальные миссии общей продолжительностью в 3-4 часа.

Напомним, сюжетно новый тайтл по вселенной Dungeon Fighter Online повествует историю легендарного генерала Хазана, который пережив предательство вознамерился очистить своё имя и отомстить изменникам.

The First Berserker: Khazan выйдет 27 марта на ПК (Steam), PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series с русской локализацией текста.

Предзаказавшие Deluxe-издание смогут начать своё прохождение на 72 часа раньше.

1 day, 6 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
В Space Marine II поиграли свыше 6 млн пользователей
В Space Marine II поиграли свыше 6 млн пользователей В Space Marine II поиграли свыше 6 млн пользователей

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II перемахнула очередную планку — к экшену приобщились более 6 миллионов человек.

Напомним, Space Marine II можно приобрести на ПК (Steam, EGS), PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series.

Боевик от Saber Interactive не входит в подписные сервисы и не участвовал в бесплатных раздачах, так что его тираж, скорее всего, также близок к 6 миллионам копий.

Народную любовь к Space Marine II трудно переоценить.

В частности, экшен собрал почти 90 тысяч положительных рецензий в Steam.

1 day, 6 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Игромания Игромания
последний пост 1 час назад
Авторы Vampire Survivors рассказали о своих планах: онлайн-кооператив, киноадаптация и не только
Авторы Vampire Survivors рассказали о своих планах: онлайн-кооператив, киноадаптация и не только

Разработчики Vampire Survivors подвели итоги 2024 года. Команда поблагодарила фанатов за поддержку и показала видео, в котором представлен краткий обзор с достижениями за прошедший год.

1 час назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы Kingdom Come 2 ужесточили правила общения и пригласили на концерт
Авторы Kingdom Come 2 ужесточили правила общения и пригласили на концерт

Студия Warhorse выпустила очередное видео, посвящённое Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

5 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Запуск мобильной версии Dark and Darker начнётся с Канады
Запуск мобильной версии Dark and Darker начнётся с Канады

Издательство Krafton объявило, что 5 февраля в Канаде состоится мягкий запуск игры Dark and Darker Mobile, разрабатываемой студией Bluehole.

6 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Respawn может анонсировать стратегию по «Звёздным войнам» в конце апреля
Respawn может анонсировать стратегию по «Звёздным войнам» в конце апреля

Почти год назад мы услышали от Тома Хендерсона, что Respawn Entertainment работает над «многообещающей игрой» во вселенной «Звёздных войн».

7 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Под новым лейблом Baron Du Juvenile вышли Slay the Alice и Waiting in the Lime Forest
Под новым лейблом Baron Du Juvenile вышли Slay the Alice и Waiting in the Lime Forest

Японское издательство Why So Serious, известное по бренду WSS Playground, объявило о создании нового бренда Baron Du Juvenile.

7 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы ремастера The Angel of Darkness восстановят вырезанные диалоги и предметы
Авторы ремастера The Angel of Darkness восстановят вырезанные диалоги и предметы

Осенью прошлого года студия Aspyr анонсировала новый сборник ремастеров: в Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered войдут обновлённые версии игр Darkness Trilogy.

8 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Зрелищный слэшер Dynasty Warriors: Origins получил рейтинг 95% в Steam
Зрелищный слэшер Dynasty Warriors: Origins получил рейтинг 95% в Steam

Компания Koei Tecmo выпустила боевик Dynasty Warriors: Origins, очередную часть прославленной серии мусоу-слэшеров.

9 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Kingdom Come 2 — главная игра 2025 года? Новая RPG от создателей «Ведьмака»! | Итоги недели
Kingdom Come 2 — главная игра 2025 года? Новая RPG от создателей «Ведьмака»! | Итоги недели Kingdom Come 2 — главная игра 2025 года? Новая RPG от создателей «Ведьмака»! | Итоги недели

https://keysforgamers.com/r/Igromania : игры для ПК и консолей, пополнение счета Steam, оплата подписок и многое другое! Получи дополнительную скидку в 20% с промокодом “igromania”: https://keysforgamers.com/r/Igromania Журналисты оценили превью-версию Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Создатели The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt показали вампирскую экшен-RPG The Blood of Dawnwalker. В сети появились возможные детали ремейка The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion — игру могут анонсировать на Xbox Developer_Direct. Аналитик рассказал о возможной стоимости Grand Theft Auto 6 и её влияние на всю индустрию видеоигр. Nintendo анонсировала Switch 2. Это и многое другое ждёт тебя в Итогах недели от Игромании за 17 января…

10 часов назад @ youtube.com
Авторы Mind Scanners и 11 bit анонсировали карточный хардкор Death Howl
Авторы Mind Scanners и 11 bit анонсировали карточный хардкор Death Howl

Студия 11 bit выступит издателем новой игры студии The Outer Zone, известной по политической антиутопии Mind Scanners. Игра, вдохновлённая хардкорной серией Souls, получила название Death Howl.

10 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы Bleach: Rebirth of Souls рассказали о режимах и механиках
Авторы Bleach: Rebirth of Souls рассказали о режимах и механиках

Bandai Namco опубликовала очередной трейлер будущего сюжетного файтинга Bleach Rebirth of Souls.

11 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Новые ролики Monster Hunter Wilds показывают геймплей с виверной Гравиос
Новые ролики Monster Hunter Wilds показывают геймплей с виверной Гравиос

Журналисты IGN поделились новыми роликами c геймплеем Monster Hunter Wilds. Видео, которые можно посмотреть в 4K при 60 FPS, посвящены виверне Гравиос.

16 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Path of Exile 2 получила свежий патч с исправлениями баланса и новыми картами башни
Path of Exile 2 получила свежий патч с исправлениями баланса и новыми картами башни

Grinding Gear Games выпустила свежий патч для Path of Exile 2. Напомним о главных нововведениях версии 0.1.

17 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Вышли финальные превью Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii
Вышли финальные превью Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii

Игровые СМИ опубликовали свои превью Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii вместе со свежими геймплейными роликам.

18 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Тираж аркадного авиасимулятора Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown превысил 6 млн копий
Тираж аркадного авиасимулятора Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown превысил 6 млн копий

Команда Project Aces поделилось обновлёнными данными о продажах аркадного авиасимулятора Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.

19 часов назад @ igromania.ru
В свежем ролике Genshin Impact показали способности Лань Янь
В свежем ролике Genshin Impact показали способности Лань Янь

HoYoverse (miHoYo) представила свежий ролик серии «Коллекция Genshin Impact», главной звездой которого стала Лань Янь. Баннер с ней станет доступен 21 января.

20 часов назад @ igromania.ru
IXBT.games IXBT.games
последний пост 1 час назад
Анонсирован карточный соулслайк Death HowlИгра разрабатывается студией The Outer Zone и при поддержке издательства 11 bit.
Анонсирован карточный соулслайк Death HowlИгра разрабатывается студией The Outer Zone и при поддержке издательства 11 bit. Анонсирован карточный соулслайк Death HowlИгра разрабатывается студией The Outer Zone и при поддержке издательства 11 bit.

Анонсирован карточный соулслайк Death HowlИгра разрабатывается студией The Outer Zone и при поддержке издательства 11 bit.

1 час назад @ t.me
Авторов Genshin Impact вынудили запретить продавать лутбоксы детям и оштрафовали на 20 млн. долларовКомпания Cognosphere согласилась с обвинениями Федеральной торговой комиссии США.
Авторов Genshin Impact вынудили запретить продавать лутбоксы детям и оштрафовали на 20 млн. долларовКомпания Cognosphere согласилась с обвинениями Федеральной торговой комиссии США. Авторов Genshin Impact вынудили запретить продавать лутбоксы детям и оштрафовали на 20 млн. долларовКомпания Cognosphere согласилась с обвинениями Федеральной торговой комиссии США.

Авторов Genshin Impact вынудили запретить продавать лутбоксы детям и оштрафовали на 20 млн. долларовКомпания Cognosphere согласилась с обвинениями Федеральной торговой комиссии США.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Кочевники Пустошей из Warhammer: Necromunda получат книгу и новые миниатюрыИгрокам, которым понравилась настолка «Некромунда: Пепельные пустоши», наверняка будет приятно узнать, что для Кочевников выпустят отдельную книгу и новые отряды.
Кочевники Пустошей из Warhammer: Necromunda получат книгу и новые миниатюрыИгрокам, которым понравилась настолка «Некромунда: Пепельные пустоши», наверняка будет приятно узнать, что для Кочевников выпустят отдельную книгу и новые отряды. Кочевники Пустошей из Warhammer: Necromunda получат книгу и новые миниатюрыИгрокам, которым понравилась настолка «Некромунда: Пепельные пустоши», наверняка будет приятно узнать, что для Кочевников выпустят отдельную книгу и новые отряды.

Кочевники Пустошей из Warhammer: Necromunda получат книгу и новые миниатюрыИгрокам, которым понравилась настолка «Некромунда: Пепельные пустоши», наверняка будет приятно узнать, что для Кочевников выпустят отдельную книгу и новые отряды.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Главный редактор IGN предложил назвать отмену игр-сервисов Sony «эффектом Concord»Райан МакКэффри считает, что Sony поступила правильно, ведь игры бы все равно провались.
Главный редактор IGN предложил назвать отмену игр-сервисов Sony «эффектом Concord»Райан МакКэффри считает, что Sony поступила правильно, ведь игры бы все равно провались. Главный редактор IGN предложил назвать отмену игр-сервисов Sony «эффектом Concord»Райан МакКэффри считает, что Sony поступила правильно, ведь игры бы все равно провались.

Главный редактор IGN предложил назвать отмену игр-сервисов Sony «эффектом Concord»Райан МакКэффри считает, что Sony поступила правильно, ведь игры бы все равно провались.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Император защищает. Аудитория Space Marine 2 достигла шести миллионов человекНа это брутальному экшену понадобилось четыре месяца.
Император защищает. Аудитория Space Marine 2 достигла шести миллионов человекНа это брутальному экшену понадобилось четыре месяца. Император защищает. Аудитория Space Marine 2 достигла шести миллионов человекНа это брутальному экшену понадобилось четыре месяца.

Император защищает. Аудитория Space Marine 2 достигла шести миллионов человекНа это брутальному экшену понадобилось четыре месяца.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Оказались по другую сторону баррикад. Глава разработки Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 ответил на критикуНа страницы игры в социальной сети X начали скрывать комментарии людей, ведущих себя токсично.
Оказались по другую сторону баррикад. Глава разработки Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 ответил на критикуНа страницы игры в социальной сети X начали скрывать комментарии людей, ведущих себя токсично. Оказались по другую сторону баррикад. Глава разработки Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 ответил на критикуНа страницы игры в социальной сети X начали скрывать комментарии людей, ведущих себя токсично.

Оказались по другую сторону баррикад. Глава разработки Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 ответил на критикуНа страницы игры в социальной сети X начали скрывать комментарии людей, ведущих себя токсично.

6 часов назад @ t.me
Нейросеть показала экранизацию Cyberpunk 2077 в стиле боевиков 1980-ых годовБлагодаря современным технологиям энтузиаста легко могут собирать концепты. Некоторые фантазируют на тему потенциальной экранизации Cyberpunk 2077 в ретро-стиле.
Нейросеть показала экранизацию Cyberpunk 2077 в стиле боевиков 1980-ых годовБлагодаря современным технологиям энтузиаста легко могут собирать концепты. Некоторые фантазируют на тему потенциальной экранизации Cyberpunk 2077 в ретро-стиле. Нейросеть показала экранизацию Cyberpunk 2077 в стиле боевиков 1980-ых годовБлагодаря современным технологиям энтузиаста легко могут собирать концепты. Некоторые фантазируют на тему потенциальной экранизации Cyberpunk 2077 в ретро-стиле.

Нейросеть показала экранизацию Cyberpunk 2077 в стиле боевиков 1980-ых годовБлагодаря современным технологиям энтузиаста легко могут собирать концепты. Некоторые фантазируют на тему потенциальной экранизации Cyberpunk 2077 в ретро-стиле.

7 часов назад @ t.me
Sony начинает работать над PS6, будет поддержка 3D V-Cache — инсайдОтносительно недавно запустили PlayStation 5 Pro, но некоторые геймеры уже готовятся к следующему поколению консолей.
Sony начинает работать над PS6, будет поддержка 3D V-Cache — инсайдОтносительно недавно запустили PlayStation 5 Pro, но некоторые геймеры уже готовятся к следующему поколению консолей. Sony начинает работать над PS6, будет поддержка 3D V-Cache — инсайдОтносительно недавно запустили PlayStation 5 Pro, но некоторые геймеры уже готовятся к следующему поколению консолей.

Sony начинает работать над PS6, будет поддержка 3D V-Cache — инсайдОтносительно недавно запустили PlayStation 5 Pro, но некоторые геймеры уже готовятся к следующему поколению консолей.

7 часов назад @ t.me
Геймдиректор The Blood Of Dawnwalker объяснил, почему уволился из CDPR и открыл собственную студиюДалеко не все специалисты продолжили работать в CD Projekt RED после релизов The Witcher 3 и Cyberpunk 2077. Некоторые решили сделать The Blood Of Dawnwalker.
Геймдиректор The Blood Of Dawnwalker объяснил, почему уволился из CDPR и открыл собственную студиюДалеко не все специалисты продолжили работать в CD Projekt RED после релизов The Witcher 3 и Cyberpunk 2077. Некоторые решили сделать The Blood Of Dawnwalker. Геймдиректор The Blood Of Dawnwalker объяснил, почему уволился из CDPR и открыл собственную студиюДалеко не все специалисты продолжили работать в CD Projekt RED после релизов The Witcher 3 и Cyberpunk 2077. Некоторые решили сделать The Blood Of Dawnwalker.

Геймдиректор The Blood Of Dawnwalker объяснил, почему уволился из CDPR и открыл собственную студиюДалеко не все специалисты продолжили работать в CD Projekt RED после релизов The Witcher 3 и Cyberpunk 2077. Некоторые решили сделать The Blood Of Dawnwalker.

7 часов назад @ t.me
У гачи Infinity Nikki появился официальный запах. Sony предлагает понюхать игруСовременные технологии позволяют предложить игрокам интересный опыт. Поклонники Infinity Nikki смогут буквально почувствовать запах любимой гача-игры.
У гачи Infinity Nikki появился официальный запах. Sony предлагает понюхать игруСовременные технологии позволяют предложить игрокам интересный опыт. Поклонники Infinity Nikki смогут буквально почувствовать запах любимой гача-игры. У гачи Infinity Nikki появился официальный запах. Sony предлагает понюхать игруСовременные технологии позволяют предложить игрокам интересный опыт. Поклонники Infinity Nikki смогут буквально почувствовать запах любимой гача-игры.

У гачи Infinity Nikki появился официальный запах. Sony предлагает понюхать игруСовременные технологии позволяют предложить игрокам интересный опыт. Поклонники Infinity Nikki смогут буквально почувствовать запах любимой гача-игры.

7 часов назад @ t.me
Студия авторов Apex Legends и Star Wars Jedi скоро покажет стратегию по Star Wars — инсайдерФраншиза Star Wars продолжает расширяться. Похоже, что скоро появится ещё одна RTS-игра.
Студия авторов Apex Legends и Star Wars Jedi скоро покажет стратегию по Star Wars — инсайдерФраншиза Star Wars продолжает расширяться. Похоже, что скоро появится ещё одна RTS-игра. Студия авторов Apex Legends и Star Wars Jedi скоро покажет стратегию по Star Wars — инсайдерФраншиза Star Wars продолжает расширяться. Похоже, что скоро появится ещё одна RTS-игра.

Студия авторов Apex Legends и Star Wars Jedi скоро покажет стратегию по Star Wars — инсайдерФраншиза Star Wars продолжает расширяться. Похоже, что скоро появится ещё одна RTS-игра.

7 часов назад @ t.me
[СТРИМ] Выживание на развалюхе. My Summer CarСпустя восемь лет в раннем доступе «выживач» про автомобилиста все же добрался до релиза.
[СТРИМ] Выживание на развалюхе. My Summer CarСпустя восемь лет в раннем доступе «выживач» про автомобилиста все же добрался до релиза. [СТРИМ] Выживание на развалюхе. My Summer CarСпустя восемь лет в раннем доступе «выживач» про автомобилиста все же добрался до релиза.

[СТРИМ] Выживание на развалюхе. My Summer CarСпустя восемь лет в раннем доступе «выживач» про автомобилиста все же добрался до релиза.

8 часов назад @ t.me
Из-за провала Concord фанаты Sony теперь не увидят игру-сервис по God of War, заявил Джефф ГраббSony была шокирована провалом шутера от Firewalk, и теперь куда более внимательно подходит к аудиту разрабатываемых проектов.
Из-за провала Concord фанаты Sony теперь не увидят игру-сервис по God of War, заявил Джефф ГраббSony была шокирована провалом шутера от Firewalk, и теперь куда более внимательно подходит к аудиту разрабатываемых проектов. Из-за провала Concord фанаты Sony теперь не увидят игру-сервис по God of War, заявил Джефф ГраббSony была шокирована провалом шутера от Firewalk, и теперь куда более внимательно подходит к аудиту разрабатываемых проектов.

Из-за провала Concord фанаты Sony теперь не увидят игру-сервис по God of War, заявил Джефф ГраббSony была шокирована провалом шутера от Firewalk, и теперь куда более внимательно подходит к аудиту разрабатываемых проектов.

9 часов назад @ t.me
[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Обзор новой игры «Indiana Jones and the Great Adventure» в сравнении с «Uncharted»Тихо, молча и без особого шума в конце 2024 года вышла новая игра про знаменитого искателя сокровищ Индиана Джонса. Игра была выпущена на ПК и Xbox последн
[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Обзор новой игры «Indiana Jones and the Great Adventure» в сравнении с «Uncharted»Тихо, молча и без особого шума в конце 2024 года вышла новая игра про знаменитого искателя сокровищ Индиана Джонса. Игра была выпущена на ПК и Xbox последн [МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Обзор новой игры «Indiana Jones and the Great Adventure» в сравнении с «Uncharted»Тихо, молча и без особого шума в конце 2024 года вышла новая игра про знаменитого искателя сокровищ Индиана Джонса. Игра была выпущена на ПК и Xbox последн

[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Обзор новой игры «Indiana Jones and the Great Adventure» в сравнении с «Uncharted»Тихо, молча и без особого шума в конце 2024 года вышла новая игра про знаменитого искателя сокровищ Индиана Джонса. Игра была выпущена на ПК и Xbox последнего поколения, а на PS5 игра...

9 часов назад @ t.me
Портативка Legion Go S будет достойным конкуреном ROG Ally X по меньшей цене — утечкаLenovo готовит к выпуску портативный ПК Legion Go S с процессором AMD Ryzen Z2 Go. Согласно утечке, Legion Go S предложит привлекательное соотношение производительности и
Портативка Legion Go S будет достойным конкуреном ROG Ally X по меньшей цене — утечкаLenovo готовит к выпуску портативный ПК Legion Go S с процессором AMD Ryzen Z2 Go. Согласно утечке, Legion Go S предложит привлекательное соотношение производительности и Портативка Legion Go S будет достойным конкуреном ROG Ally X по меньшей цене — утечкаLenovo готовит к выпуску портативный ПК Legion Go S с процессором AMD Ryzen Z2 Go. Согласно утечке, Legion Go S предложит привлекательное соотношение производительности и

Портативка Legion Go S будет достойным конкуреном ROG Ally X по меньшей цене — утечкаLenovo готовит к выпуску портативный ПК Legion Go S с процессором AMD Ryzen Z2 Go. Согласно утечке, Legion Go S предложит привлекательное соотношение производительности и цены.

9 часов назад @ t.me
На английском
последний пост 2 часа назад
Save 60% Off the Razor Sharp 27" Samsung ViewFinity S8 4K Monitor
Save 60% Off the Razor Sharp 27" Samsung ViewFinity S8 4K Monitor

One of the sharpest monitors around for productivity work.

2 часа назад @ ign.com
Nintendo Switch 2 Is a Great Name for Nintendo's New Console, Analysts Say
Nintendo Switch 2 Is a Great Name for Nintendo's New Console, Analysts Say

Super Nintendo Switch. Nintendo Switch Pro. New Nintendo Switch. All were floated as potential names for Nintendo's new console. But Nintendo settled on the most normal possibility of all, which also just happened to be the most abnormal one for Nintendo specifically: the Nintendo Swich 2.

2 часа назад @ ign.com
Which Nintendo Franchise Deserves a LEGO Set the Most in 2025?
Which Nintendo Franchise Deserves a LEGO Set the Most in 2025?

So much brick potential.

3 часа назад @ ign.com
Best Buy Kicks Off a 4-Day Sale on Budget TVs
Best Buy Kicks Off a 4-Day Sale on Budget TVs

Get your new TV in time for the Big Game on February 9.

3 часа назад @ ign.com
What to Watch This Weekend (January 17-19)
What to Watch This Weekend (January 17-19)

Skeleton Crew and Silo both saw finales this week, while Severance finally returned from its extremely long hiatus. Here's what to watch the weekend of January 17.

6 часов назад @ ign.com
Nintendo Switch 2 Preorders: Where to Buy, Sign Up for Interest, and More
Nintendo Switch 2 Preorders: Where to Buy, Sign Up for Interest, and More

Everything we know about how to get your hands on the upcoming Switch 2, including potential pricing, retailers, and launch games.

6 часов назад @ ign.com
Why Thunderbolts: Doomstrike Is an Essential Part of Marvel's One World Under Doom Crossover
Why Thunderbolts: Doomstrike Is an Essential Part of Marvel's One World Under Doom Crossover

With the Marvel Universe facing the imminent reign of Emperor Doom, the writers of Thunderbolts: Doomstrike explain why the series will be especially crucial to the One World Under Doom crossover.

7 часов назад @ ign.com
The Best Dell & Alienware Deals and Coupons: Gaming Laptops, PCs, Monitors, and More
The Best Dell & Alienware Deals and Coupons: Gaming Laptops, PCs, Monitors, and More

New 2025 discounts.

7 часов назад @ ign.com
Switch 2's Big Twist Is That It Plays It Safe, And That’s 100% The Right Move
Switch 2's Big Twist Is That It Plays It Safe, And That’s 100% The Right Move

The Nintendo Switch 2 has been officially announced and it's a straightforward upgrade. But like upgrading your iPhone, the Switch 2 doesn't need a big twist this time around.

7 часов назад @ ign.com
Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Season 1 Review
Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Season 1 Review

A surprise through and through, Skeleton Crew deserves a spot in the upper ranks of Star Wars’ Disney era.

8 часов назад @ ign.com
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero DLC 1: Hero of Justice Adds 11 New Characters This Month
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero DLC 1: Hero of Justice Adds 11 New Characters This Month

Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero will receive its first major downloadable content pack on January 23, with the DLC 1: Hero of Justice pack adding 11 new heroes and more.

8 часов назад @ ign.com
Where To Buy Pokémon TCG: Prismatic Evolutions
Where To Buy Pokémon TCG: Prismatic Evolutions

Don't pay over the odds, stock is rolling in now and through 2025.

9 часов назад @ ign.com
What is Mario Kart 9’s New Twist?
What is Mario Kart 9’s New Twist?

Could the Switch 2's new Mario Kart be open world? We look into it, as well as other theories.

9 часов назад @ ign.com
Stephen King Says the Oscars Should Be Cancelled Amid Los Angeles Wildfires
Stephen King Says the Oscars Should Be Cancelled Amid Los Angeles Wildfires

Esteemed author Stephen King has called for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to cancel the 97th annual Oscars award ceremony in the wake of the wildfires still devastating Los Angeles.

9 часов назад @ ign.com
TikTok Faces Ban by Sunday After Supreme Court Rejects Appeal
TikTok Faces Ban by Sunday After Supreme Court Rejects Appeal

A TikTok ban is set to go ahead on Sunday, January 19, after the Supreme Court rejected an appeal.

9 часов назад @ ign.com
Rock Paper Shotgun Rock Paper Shotgun
последний пост 8 часов назад
Unless this cake is lying to you Silksong will reappear in April
Unless this cake is lying to you Silksong will reappear in April Unless this cake is lying to you Silksong will reappear in April

Team Cherry's long-awaited metroidvania Hollow Knight: Silksong will be re-revealed in April, if you believe a bunch of frantic reddit posts about cake.

The standard practice when writing up such fan theorising is to walk you through it step by step, peeling back the layers like Inspector Clouseau.

It's the sequel to Hollow Knight, remember?

The game stars Hornet, a character from Hollow Knight, and is about journeying upward through "coral forests, mossy grottos, gilded cities and misted moors" where Hollow Knight was about venturing ever downward.

Here's everything we know about Silksong at the time of writing.

8 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Hyper Light Breaker early access review: a flashy but hollow roguelike with few of Drifter’s charms
Hyper Light Breaker early access review: a flashy but hollow roguelike with few of Drifter’s charms Hyper Light Breaker early access review: a flashy but hollow roguelike with few of Drifter’s charms

Hyper Light Breaker early access reviewHyper Light Breaker is a disappointing 3D action roguelike, with awkward combat and little of Hyper Light Drifter's atmosphere or storytelling chops.

Hyper Light Breaker, in expanding from the 2D action of Hyper Light Drifter, chooses to almost entirely remake itself as a free-roaming roguelike, trading post-apocalyptic pixel art for big proc-gen vistas and even more acrobatic swordplay.

Not to mention it has more than its fair share of early access bugs and, especially in the early stages, balancing missteps.

Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Arc GamesAgain, maybe that’s something that can be tweaked further down the early access pipe.

As much as Hyper…

9 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
11-bit's latest curiosity Death Howl is a sorrowing open world deckbuilder set in the Nordic Stone Ages
11-bit's latest curiosity Death Howl is a sorrowing open world deckbuilder set in the Nordic Stone Ages 11-bit's latest curiosity Death Howl is a sorrowing open world deckbuilder set in the Nordic Stone Ages

Three-person Danish team The Outer Zone and Frostpunk creators 11-bit studios have announced Death Howl, a very gloomy soulslike deck-builder set in a "stone-age Nordic-inspired" open world that consists of biomes with names like "the Forest of Howling Shadows".

"Each realm visited offers unique deck types and mechanics, enriching and deepening the strategic layer," howls the press release.

I'm always up for a good Universal Theme, but foregrounding your takeaways so baldly feels false, and a certain amount of clunky melodrama seems inevitable when your tale of woe is literally called Death Howl.

The talk of wrestling with one's mortality sits a little uneasily alongside the paint-by-number…

11 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
PlayStation put the axe in a live service God Of War game, alongside a project from the Days Gone studio
PlayStation put the axe in a live service God Of War game, alongside a project from the Days Gone studio PlayStation put the axe in a live service God Of War game, alongside a project from the Days Gone studio

They were making the unannounced live service God Of War game, according to Schreier.

We didn't hear much talk about the God Of War game before now.

But we knew something was afoot at Bend when they began hiring for staff with experience making blockbuster live service games.

Live service is an interesting monster in the grander ecosystem of videos gamesing.

Here's a good part of that:Even before they became ubiquitous, live service games felt like a burden.

14 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The Marvel Rivals devs might ban you for using a mouse-and-keyboard adapter
The Marvel Rivals devs might ban you for using a mouse-and-keyboard adapter The Marvel Rivals devs might ban you for using a mouse-and-keyboard adapter

"We define keyboard and mouse adapters as the use of software or hardware to mimic controller inputs with a keyboard and mouse," explains a post on the game's forums.

Some common adapters include the XIM series, Cronus Zen series, Titan Two series, KeyMander series, and Brook Sniper series, among others.

Any device enabling keyboard and mouse emulation of controller inputs, even if not explicitly listed, will be considered a keyboard and mouse adapter."

Penalties for users of keyboard and mouse adapters may include temporary or permanent account suspensions, removal from leaderboards, or other punishments depending on the circumstances."

I don't envy the devs trying to distinguish the super…

14 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Come say goodbye to Ed, our departing reviews editor
Come say goodbye to Ed, our departing reviews editor Come say goodbye to Ed, our departing reviews editor

Ed has decided to lay down the mantle of reviews editor and rejoin polite society.

You ought to know Ed's work by now.

He's been reviews editor around these parts for around 18 months, but he was a senior staff writer for over two years before that.

Check out the Destiny 2 episode of video series Ed made with Liam, Inventory Space.Watch on YouTubeAs reviews editor, Ed's been responsible for wrangling code from developers and words from the team and from freelancers, which is no mean feat.

We've had more goodbyes than welcomes at RPS of late, but that should change in the months to come as we'll be hiring for a new reviews editor.

16 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
That Oblivion Feeling
That Oblivion Feeling That Oblivion Feeling

It's the precise moment I felt excitement shoot through my chest, a pang of "I can't believe I'm back".

And to be honest, I've seen a lot of folks move on and the team morph and the company ahem… shift countless times.

RPS has been a grand old time and I'm sure I’ll mourn leaving for a long, long while.

I've remote worked for so long that I've become somewhat of a reclusive goblin with a recurring back injury I'm desperate to shake.

| Image credit: Blizzard EntertainmentNot only do I want to - cringe inbound - challenge myself, I want to reconnect with games again and get that Oblivion feeling, which the nature of our work gradually dulls.

16 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Tales Of Graces f Remastered is out on PC for the first time, with new quality-of-life updates
Tales Of Graces f Remastered is out on PC for the first time, with new quality-of-life updates Tales Of Graces f Remastered is out on PC for the first time, with new quality-of-life updates

Like many JRPG series, it feels as if the Tales Of series has made strides in popularity in recent years.

Tales Of Graces f Remastered, a revision of the 2009 entry in the series, is out now.

Much like Final Fantasy, entries in the Tales Of series tend to standalone, linked by style and high fantasy settings.

Originally released for Wii in 2009, it got a light remaster with some quality-of-life features in a PlayStation 3 port called Tales Of Graces f in 2010.

You'll find Tales Of Graces f Remastered over on Steam for £35/€40/$40.

1 day, 3 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Tokyo Xtreme Racer returns to the road for the first time in 18 years next week
Tokyo Xtreme Racer returns to the road for the first time in 18 years next week Tokyo Xtreme Racer returns to the road for the first time in 18 years next week

The announcement of a new Tokyo Xtreme Racer for the first time in 18 years was a welcome surprise at the end of 2024.

It's an Early Access launch, but I am excited to drive a gaudy monstrosity on a Japanese highway.

When it was announced, there wasn't much more to see of TXR than some logos and a screenshot of a road.

As it stands, there are more screenshots and trailers now, but they do not suggest an Early Access launch lousy with content.

Genki hope to keep the game in Early ACcess for "approximately 4 months", but the actual duration will depend upon player feedback.

1 day, 6 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Blade Chimera’s demo suggests another rad 2D metroidvania from the Touhou Luna Nights devs
Blade Chimera’s demo suggests another rad 2D metroidvania from the Touhou Luna Nights devs Blade Chimera’s demo suggests another rad 2D metroidvania from the Touhou Luna Nights devs

Blade Chimera is a cyberpunk metroidvania from Team Ladybug, the team behind the really very good Touhou Luna Nights and Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth.

If your interest has been piqued, I’d download that demo pronto, because they’ll likely pull it soon.

It casts you as Shin, a cyberpunk demon hunter who doesn’t have a memory but does have a Demon Sword called Lux who can turn into bridges, ropes, and barricades.

In terms of how it differs from Team Ladybug's previous games, the map is apparently “far larger”.

If you’re seriously beguiled, you can also get a bundle of four Team Ladybug games, including Blade Chimera, for 39% off.

1 day, 6 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Video game publishers are starting to use "anti-DEI" as a marketing meme
Video game publishers are starting to use "anti-DEI" as a marketing meme Video game publishers are starting to use "anti-DEI" as a marketing meme

The recent comments about DEI from CI Games are clearly aimed at this bunch.

In confirmation that "anti-DEI" is now a CI Games PR campaign, Tyminski is also now openly toying with updating Lord Of The Fallen's character model labelling to suit transphobic, "anti-woke" ideas about gender.

As for avoiding games that have "social or political agendas" - it's obvious that Hill has specific agendas in mind.

In their apology, CI Games claim they weren't "directly" involved in the event and that as such, "certain decisions were overlooked".

Perhaps baiting the DEI Detectors will work out for CI Games in the short term.

1 day, 8 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Killer strategy boardgame Root's Steam expansion has made me aware that Root exists as a PC game
Killer strategy boardgame Root's Steam expansion has made me aware that Root exists as a PC game Killer strategy boardgame Root's Steam expansion has made me aware that Root exists as a PC game

I have an on-and-off-again relationship with boardgaming based mostly on the fact that I have nobody to play boardgames with.

Good news, me: I've just learned that Dire Wolf adapted it into a PC game a whole four years ago.

Root, as I understand it, is excellent because the factions are effectively playing different games side by side.

I think they're done playing Twilight Imperium now?

It's been years, but this is Twilight Imperium.

1 day, 8 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Minishoot' Adventures review: a deceptively simple blend of 2D Zelda and shoot 'em up action
Minishoot' Adventures review: a deceptively simple blend of 2D Zelda and shoot 'em up action Minishoot' Adventures review: a deceptively simple blend of 2D Zelda and shoot 'em up action

Minishoot' Adventures reviewA straightforward but wonderfully executed blend of topdown shmup action with a 2D Zelda structure.

About an hour into Minishoot' Adventures, I was ready to call this straightforward mix of 2D shmup and 2D Zelda mediocre.

Minishoot' Adventures is straightforward in concept, but its execution is a masterclass of craftsmanship.

Minishoot' Adventures has you controlling a small hovercraft, which from the surprising apostrophe in the title (why not "Minishoot's"?)

Minishoot' Adventures is an outwardly straightforward game, but its straightforwardness is deceptive.

1 day, 8 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Somebody recreated all of GTA 4's Liberty City in GTA 5 aaaaand it's gone
Somebody recreated all of GTA 4's Liberty City in GTA 5 aaaaand it's gone Somebody recreated all of GTA 4's Liberty City in GTA 5 aaaaand it's gone

The mod in question is the GTA 5 Liberty City Preservation Project, a six year project that rebuilds GTA 4's Liberty City in GTA 5's world.

My brother did a "friendly takedown" on me once, and my elbow still doesn't bend the right way.

"Due to the unexpected attention that our project received and after speaking with Rockstar Games, we have decided to take down the Liberty City Preservation project," he wrote.

"This isn't a DMCA [Digital Millennium Copyright Act claim], rather a friendly takedown, mutually agreed upon by all parties involved.

This isn't the only GTA 5 Liberty City mod.

1 day, 10 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The Nintendo Switch 2 looks like a Steam Deck but worse
The Nintendo Switch 2 looks like a Steam Deck but worse The Nintendo Switch 2 looks like a Steam Deck but worse

Clearly, this is a naked attempt at ripping off and cashing in on the real best gaming handheld of 2025, the Steam Deck.

Here are five reasons why everyone excited about the Switch 2 is wrong, and should buy a Steam Deck instead.

As such, the Switch 2’s thumbsticks make no sense, unlike the concave sticks of the Steam Deck that will nestle your digits like a kitten in a fruit bowl.

The Switch 2 controllers can’t transform into gaming miceThis is actually a feature of the Lenovo Legion Go, rather than the Steam Deck.

But the Steam Deck is a better handheld than the Legion Go, and since the Switch 2’s lack of improvised mouse sensors make it worse than the Legion Go, that means it’s also wors…

1 day, 10 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Polygon Polygon
последний пост 5 months, 1 week назад
All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game
All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game

Arrowhead just added new enemies, like the Impaler!

In past patches, seeing new threats emerge organically on the battlefield was a thrill.

Helldivers 2 is also in a somewhat unique situation; since propaganda from our in-game superiors is such a core part of the setting, it makes sense to have the game actively gaslight players about new enemies and updates.

As Helldivers 2 continues, I hope Arrowhead doesn’t shift to sharing upcoming surprises in blog posts and promotional materials.

I want to be absolutely shocked as these new enemies show up and turn my poor Helldiver into chunky salsa; it keeps things fresh.

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone
New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone

The developers of Stalker 2, GSC Game World, released a massive 35-minute video to YouTube on Monday teasing the upcoming sequel of their beloved open-world shooter franchise.

In it, the Ukrainian team described how they leaned heavily into the authenticity of the experience.

That authenticity applies to the game’s real-world setting around the Chornobyl nuclear power plant.

STALKER 2 was originally expected on Sept. 5, but was delayed to Nov. 20.

The final game will be available on PC and Xbox Series X, where it will be included as part of the Xbox Game Pass program and available to all subscribers the day of its release.

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam
Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam

At this point, I think we can safely assume that nobody is going to spend their hard-earned money on tickets to see the Borderlands movie.

The reviews from fans and critics have been absolutely scathing, and frankly, I think we all deserved better.

If you’d like to experience what is still the best version of Borderlands, you can currently pick up the Borderlands Collection: Pandora’s Box from Steam for just $37.12.

Pandora’s Box is a comprehensive collection of the four mainline titles in the Borderlands franchise in addition to all of their corresponding DLC, including cosmetic items and other extras, which total a $664.47 value.

Along with the FPS entries attached to the Borderlands lice…

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi
Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi

Baldur’s Gate 3 won the premier award for narrative excellence in sci-fiction and fantasy media on Sunday.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is the second video game to win the newly created category at the annual Hugo Awards.

The organization attempted to create an award for Best Interactive Video Game in 2006 but didn’t receive enough nominations.

That makes Baldur’s Gate 3 only the second game to win the award.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has already won the Game of the Year Award at five major video game award ceremonies: the Golden Joystick Awards, The Game Awards, the D.I.C.E.

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus
Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus

Netflix wanted to be in on the One Piece business — so much so that not only are they just doing live-action One Piece (with season 2 currently in production), they’re also working with Wit Studio to remake the One Piece anime.

The One Piece, said forthcoming anime that was first announced in December last year, would be running concurrently with the still airing One Piece anime.

One Piece now means something different than One Piece then, and a new anime could add a bit of polish to those first chapters.

The creative team at Wit wants very badly to get everything just right, as the new behind-the-scenes look at The One Piece above shows.

So how exactly do they capture what “One Piece” real…

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale
The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale

The original Deus Ex its sequel Deus Ex 2: Invisible War remain some of the most influential titles in gaming, using the first person shooter genre as a canvas and painting over it an intriguing world of conspiracies and larger questions about what it means for technology to become an extension of humanity.

Those core tenets continued in the more modern sequels, 2011’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution and 2013’s Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

All four games are excellent in their own right, and all are on sale for over 80% off each.

You can pick up the whole series and DLC for less than $20 total.

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46
Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46 Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46

Pokémon voice actor Rachael Lillis died Saturday, Lillis’ sister Laurie Orr announced on GoFundMe.

She filled our Saturday mornings and before/after school hours with her beautiful voice, her terrific comic timing, and her remarkable acting skills.”We all know Rachael Lillis from the many wonderful roles she played.

She filled our Saturday mornings and before/after school hours with her beautiful voice, her terrific comic timing, and her remarkable acting skills.

#RachaelLillis pic.twitter.com/XOjFqY0C1L — Veronica Taylor (@TheVeronicaT) August 12, 2024In 1998, Lillis began voicing Ketchum’s adventure companion Misty, Team Rocket’s Jessie, and several Pokémon, including Jigglypuff.

She also…

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
The best horror to watch on Netflix this August
The best horror to watch on Netflix this August The best horror to watch on Netflix this August

And there’s no better way to get ready than by throwing on a few horror movies just as the sun starts setting a little earlier.

Every month we pick out a few of the best horror movies that Netflix currently has to offer.

It’s also one of the most violent, creepiest, and most disturbing horror movies of the last decade, which certainly makes it worth a look.

All of this makes The Wailing a staggering, ridiculously ambitious horror movie, and unlike just about any other movie ever made.

Cave diving is dangerous enough under the best circumstances, but as you might expect, this particular group of caves is absolutely full of very scary sharks.

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic
Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic

And there can be no doubt about the source of the creative energy and good vibes: World of Warcraft Classic.

This was quickly masked the following year when World of Warcraft Classic drove a huge spike in popularity which was sustained by the pandemic gaming boom in 2020.

When he was speaking in March 2024, World of Warcraft subscriber numbers were higher than they had been at Dragonflight’s launch, and climbing.

But it was Classic updates, starting in August 2023, that prompted Hight’s graph to start trending upward.

There are currently no less than five ways to play WoW Classic: the original game, the Cataclysm expansion, Season of Discovery, and two Hardcore variants.

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher
Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher

Krafton, the publisher behind PUBG: Battlegrounds and The Callisto Protocol, has acquired Tango Gameworks, the studio responsible for The Evil Within games and Hi-Fi Rush.

Tango was shuttered by Microsoft and ZeniMax Media in May, but the talent who formed the Tokyo-based studio will be integrated into Krafton, which now owns the rights to Hi-Fi Rush.

Hi-Fi Rush is available on PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X.

Tango Gameworks became part of Xbox’s stable of studios when ZeniMax was acquired by Microsoft in 2021.

The studio found great critical success with Hi-Fi Rush in 2023.

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

In “Interrogation” [from Lorelei], I used the theme from “Woman on the Other Side”, another song from Lorelei and the Laser Eyes.

It was also inspired partly by Angelo Badalamenti’s walking baselines and slow jazzy drums in “Audrey’s Dance” from Twin Peaks.

Is there anything else I should know about your approach to composing video game music?

It’s like an extension of the video game universe.

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
Polygon’s favorite audiobooks
Polygon’s favorite audiobooks Polygon’s favorite audiobooks

Few things are better than settling down with a good book, but sometimes the settling is easier said than done.

For all those times, there’s no better place to turn than audiobooks.

All these options making picking your next audiobook a bit of a chore, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

The dramatized audiobooks for A Court of Thorns and Roses are probably the most popular option — they’re cast with different voice actors for each character, and the audio-engineered foley sounds help you envision the scenes as they happen.

It’s a delicious listen even if you don’t have the right setting, of course.

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice
Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice

It’s easy to see the similarities between The Legend of Zelda games and many FromSoftware games.

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

Yuka Kitamura: Having spent my childhood and growing up with video games in the 1990s and 2000s, there are many masterpieces that have influenced me.

The desire to play the main theme of my favorite video game title of all time, The Legend of Zelda, on the piano motivated me to learn piano during my childhood.

Is there anything else we should know about your approach to composing video game music?

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga
The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga

“We aim to release two more Witcher games after Polaris, creating a new AAA RPG trilogy,” CD Projekt Red said in 2022.

CD Projekt hasn’t announced a final title, gameplay details, or a release date for the fourth mainline entry in The Witcher.

Here’s everything we do know about the new Witcher saga.

The School of the LynxThe one very visible clue that CD Projekt Red has offered about its new Witcher saga is artwork of a medallion buried in snow.

Or, at the very least, CD Projekt wants to downplay the possibility that there’s any sort of exclusivity going on.

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac
A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac

Anyone who’s played A Short Hike knows the soundtrack makes up a hefty percentage of the experience.

And as it turns out, that soundtrack would probably never have happened if composer Mark Sparling hadn’t played The Binding of Isaac in college.

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

Mark Sparling: The soundtrack to the original Binding of Isaac by Danny Baranowsky was a big one for me.

Is there anything else we should know about your approach to composing video game music?

5 months, 1 week назад @ polygon.com
Eurogamer Eurogamer
последний пост 45 минут назад
Ubisoft says Assassin's Creed Shadows will have less map icon 'hand-holding', more player-driven exploration
Ubisoft says Assassin's Creed Shadows will have less map icon 'hand-holding', more player-driven exploration Ubisoft says Assassin's Creed Shadows will have less map icon 'hand-holding', more player-driven exploration

According to Ubisoft, Shadows makes "major changes and additions" to exploration in order to "foster a unique sense of discovery" as players roam the world.

The world map, for instance, will only show region names and vague illustrative hints at potential key locations at first, with more details being revealed as players explore regions, sub-regions, and local landmarks.

One of Assassin's Creed's most iconic exploration features is also getting an overhaul, with viewpoints - AKA synchronisation points - now behaving a little differently.

Ubisoft says the goal here is to give players a "more intentional and active way to find their next adventure."

Ubisoft recently delayed Assassin's Creed …

45 минут назад @ eurogamer.net
Genshin Impact maker agrees to pay $20m in FTC case accusing it of violating children's privacy and deceiving players
Genshin Impact maker agrees to pay $20m in FTC case accusing it of violating children's privacy and deceiving players Genshin Impact maker agrees to pay $20m in FTC case accusing it of violating children's privacy and deceiving players

Genshin Impact maker HoYoverse has agreed to pay $20m to settle a complaint - filed by the US Department of Justice on behalf of the Federal Trade Commission - accusing it of violating children's privacy laws and deceiving users over the true cost of obtaining rare loot box prizes.

As per the FTC's announcement, the complaint accused Singapore-based Cognosphere - which does business under the name HoYoverse - of actively marketing Genshin Impact to children and of collecting their personal information in violation of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA).

Additionally, the filing claimed HoYoverse deceived players regarding the odds of - and true cost of - winning particular…

2 часа назад @ eurogamer.net
Death Howl is a strikingly moody "Soulslike deck builder" from publisher 11-Bit Studios
Death Howl is a strikingly moody "Soulslike deck builder" from publisher 11-Bit Studios Death Howl is a strikingly moody "Soulslike deck builder" from publisher 11-Bit Studios

Three-person Danish developer The Outer Zone and publishing partner 11 Bit Studios (of Frostpunk fame) have unveiled Death Howl, a gorgeously moody melding of turn-based tactical action, deck-building, and "Soulslike" exploration that's coming to PC later this year.

As players venture deeper, they'll uncover fragments of Ro's story, steeped in love and loss, alongside forgotten lore.

Additionally, each discoverable realm promises unique cards and deck mechanics that'll gradually deepen Death Howl's strategy layer, as well as the likes of shamanic totems that can further enhance a deck.

"The loss of a loved one is universal - an inevitable part of the human experience," The Outer Zone explai…

4 часа назад @ eurogamer.net
Switch 2 hands-on registration now open in Europe, and you'll get up to four hours play time
Switch 2 hands-on registration now open in Europe, and you'll get up to four hours play time Switch 2 hands-on registration now open in Europe, and you'll get up to four hours play time

Following yesterday's long-awaited Switch 2 reveal, Nintendo has started opening up registrations for its previously announced public hands-on play sessions, confirming that attendees will have up to four hours play tie with the new console.

Nintendo's Switch 2 World Tour, as the company's calling the months-long event, runs from 4th April until sometime in June.

Anyone looking to go hands-on must select a 60-minute arrival window when they register, but actual play sessions officially last four hours.

In Europe, at least - details currently available for North American venues point to significantly shorter play sessions, lasting two and a half hours.

It's worth reiterating registration doe…

7 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Switch 2's reveal: what have we learned about its next-gen potential?
Switch 2's reveal: what have we learned about its next-gen potential? Switch 2's reveal: what have we learned about its next-gen potential?

The key question I've been thinking about is this: did we see a proper generational leap from the Mario Kart demo we saw compared to the existing Switch's Mario Kart 8 Deluxe?

0:00:00 Introduction0:01:12 Switch 2 hardware0:16:42 New Mario Kart analysis0:28:32 Only partial backwards compatibility?

0:52:19 Supporter Q3: Will Nintendo release performance patches for Switch 1 games on Switch 2?

Character rendering and environments have a similar style to Mario Kart 8 but there are some interesting embellishments.

Everything we know about the T239 processor within Nintendo Switch 2, including simulated performance on broadly equivalent Nvidia hardware.

8 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Civilization 7 will feature an exciting cast of "really popular" and "underrepresented" leaders
Civilization 7 will feature an exciting cast of "really popular" and "underrepresented" leaders Civilization 7 will feature an exciting cast of "really popular" and "underrepresented" leaders

Firaxis has revealed its hugely-anticipated sequel, Civilization 7, will boast a diverse and "representative" cast of leaders.

"We do that throughout the first year of development, the Leaders and the Civ choices, and everybody has their favourite," Shirk explained.

The "really involved" process also taps into the expertise of the in-house historians who not only recommend "really popular" leaders, but "underrepresented" ones, too.

"Our in-house historians are making recommendations for not just Civilizations and Leaders that we think are going to be really popular, but also for ones that are underrepresented that we want to represent.

It's just a lot of discussion, a lot of back and forth,…

9 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Koei Tecmo's protective about its Dead or Alive IP because the characters are "like daughters"
Koei Tecmo's protective about its Dead or Alive IP because the characters are "like daughters" Koei Tecmo's protective about its Dead or Alive IP because the characters are "like daughters"

Koei Tecmo said it has taken "strict action" against thousands of provocative Dead or Alive fanart images because the characters are "like daughters" to their creators.

Whilst it would be impractical for Koei Tecmo to pursue every inappropriate image, Nishimura said that the legal team takes action against 2000-3000 doujinshi - the sale of self-published works based on existing franchises and characters - every year.

That's despite the fact the latest game in the series, Dead or Alive 6, was released six years ago in 2019.

With an all-new instalment called Venus Vacation Prism: Dead or Alive Xtreme expected later this year, however, Nishimura is probably expecting a few more naughty images …

9 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Tomb Raider 4 - 6 Remastered restores unused dialogue from series misfire Angel of Darkness
Tomb Raider 4 - 6 Remastered restores unused dialogue from series misfire Angel of Darkness Tomb Raider 4 - 6 Remastered restores unused dialogue from series misfire Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider 4 - 6 Remastered will restore unused voice lines from Angel of Darkness, and make some quality of life changes to Kurtis Trent's abilities.

Tomb Raider 4 - 6 Remastered includes Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (1999), Tomb Raider: Chronicles (2000), and - of course - Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (2003).

As with the first batch of remastered Tomb Raider games, each of the next three games will feature improved visuals that bring new life to environments, characters, and artefacts.

There will be the option to toggle between classic and modern graphics as well, much like with Tomb Raider 1 - 3 Remastered.

Let's start with Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness' Kurtis Trent, who is …

10 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Silksong fans believe creator's Switch 2 hint points to April announcement - and it's all thanks to a slice of cake
Silksong fans believe creator's Switch 2 hint points to April announcement - and it's all thanks to a slice of cake Silksong fans believe creator's Switch 2 hint points to April announcement - and it's all thanks to a slice of cake

Desperate Silksong fans believe a new ARG hinting at the long-awaited game's release date has begun, involving the Nintendo Switch 2 and a slice of cake.

Two days ago, Hollow Knight and Silksong co-creator William Pellen updated his social media handle, profile name and picture on X.

His handle is now @everydruidwaswr, his name is now "little bomey" and his profile picture is a slice of cake.

It's this slice of cake which fans have now linked to Switch 2.

Or, Silksong fans say, maybe there's more!

10 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Mario Kart 9 fan speculation points to fuel tank gameplay
Mario Kart 9 fan speculation points to fuel tank gameplay Mario Kart 9 fan speculation points to fuel tank gameplay

Mario Kart fans are pouring over yesterday's reveal of a new entry in Nintendo's racing series for Switch 2 - and have come up with a few more clues on how the game might play.

Our first look at Mario Kart 9 - or whatever it ends up being called - was, on the surface, a pretty straightforward affair.

Overnight, fans have analysed the trailer in more detail - with an eye to working on what Mario Kart 9's main 'gimmick' might be.

We've had underwater racing and gliders, anti-gravity tracks, and now... could Mario Kart 9's big change revolve around conserving fuel?

One fan spotted a rather conspicuous fuel tank added to the side of Mario's otherwise familiar kart, labelled "1-UP Fuel".

12 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Nintendo responds to Donkey Kong credits furore, says it values "contributions that all staff make"
Nintendo responds to Donkey Kong credits furore, says it values "contributions that all staff make" Nintendo responds to Donkey Kong credits furore, says it values "contributions that all staff make"

Nintendo said it believes "in giving proper credit" to those who work on its games, after recently omitting the original development team at Retro Studios from Donkey Kong Country Returns HD's credits.

Donkey Kong Country Returns HD is a remaster of 2010's Wii release, which was originally developed by Retro and published by Nintendo.

Meanwhile, Nintendo has omitted the original developers from the ending, simply stating the HD remaster was "based on the work" of the Donkey Kong Country Returns team.

Image credit: NintendoWe recently awarded Donkey Kong Country Returns HD three out of five stars.

"A straightforward remaster that struggles to outshine the Switch port of Tropical Freeze, but …

12 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Riot Games details in-game fundraisers to support those impacted by LA fires
Riot Games details in-game fundraisers to support those impacted by LA fires Riot Games details in-game fundraisers to support those impacted by LA fires

Riot Games is running in-game events from next week to raise funding for those impacted by the LA fires.

Now Riot is inviting its players to support those impacted by the catastrophe via in-game donations through League of Legends and Valorant.

From 22nd-30th January, Valorant's EX.O Collection will become a Give Back Bundle, with proceeds from weapon skins and accessories in the bundle going to the Riot Games Social Impact Fund, a donor-advised fund account sponsored by ImpactAssets.

In League of Legends, from 23rd January until 5th February, proceeds from Firefighter Tristana - who will be unvaulted for this fundraiser - will also go to the Riot Games Social Impact Fund.

Riot has also mad…

12 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Nintendo Switch modder arrested in Japan, setting new harsher precedent
Nintendo Switch modder arrested in Japan, setting new harsher precedent Nintendo Switch modder arrested in Japan, setting new harsher precedent

Japanese police have arrested a man accused of modifying and selling Nintendo Switch consoles.

It's the first time someone under suspicion of breaking the country's Trademark Act by handling modded Switch consoles has been arrested, NTV News (via Automaton) reports, potentially setting a new, harsher precedent for the future.

The 58-year-old suspect is believed to have made a business out of modifying second-hand Switch consoles so that they play pirated games, and reselling these modded units for 28,000 yen (about £150) apiece.

Manage cookie settings Nintendo Switch 2 and Mario Kart 9 have been revealed - but questions remain.Watch on YouTubeThe man, who has reportedly admitted to the char…

13 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Remembering David Lynch, and his wonderfully surreal PlayStation 2 adverts
Remembering David Lynch, and his wonderfully surreal PlayStation 2 adverts Remembering David Lynch, and his wonderfully surreal PlayStation 2 adverts

Director and writer David Lynch, known for his surreal work across film and television, has passed away at the age of 78.

"RIP David Lynch," PlayStation AU wrote.

"David Lynch has been a huge inspiration to me and a huge influence on my work," he wrote.

"I think David Lynch is swimming with the big fish now," Lake shared with an image of the book.

I think David Lynch is swimming with the big fish now.

13 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth verified for Steam Deck handheld
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth verified for Steam Deck handheld Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth verified for Steam Deck handheld

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has been Steam Deck verified ahead of its PC release next week.

The PC release brings new bells and whistles to the game's visuals, though presumably these won't be available on the comparatively underpowered Steam Deck.

The PC release of Final Fantasy 7 Remake was notoriously disappointing thanks to performance issues.

To celebrate the Steam Deck verification, Square Enix has created a fluffy chocobo themed handheld too (see video above).

pic.twitter.com/FTsm0wbbsk — FINAL FANTASY VII (@finalfantasyvii) January 16, 2025 To see this content please enable targeting cookies.

14 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games
последний пост 1 час назад
SimCity 4, tilted 45 degrees with the 3D mod, previously before that mod this could not be possible
SimCity 4, tilted 45 degrees with the 3D mod, previously before that mod this could not be possible SimCity 4, tilted 45 degrees with the 3D mod, previously before that mod this could not be possible

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
Xbox Series X|S console sales fell by almost 50% in 2024
Xbox Series X|S console sales fell by almost 50% in 2024

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
A game where the shield blocks damage from behind if its on your back?
A game where the shield blocks damage from behind if its on your back?

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Genshin Impact Game Developer Will be Banned from Selling Lootboxes to Teens Under 16 without Parental Consent, Pay a $20 Million Fine to Settle FTC Charges
Genshin Impact Game Developer Will be Banned from Selling Lootboxes to Teens Under 16 without Parental Consent, Pay a $20 Million Fine to Settle FTC Charges

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4 часа назад @ reddit.com
Here we go again.
Here we go again. Here we go again.

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5 часов назад @ reddit.com
What games have the worst opening hour?
What games have the worst opening hour?

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5 часов назад @ reddit.com
*Donk* *dank* *tink*
*Donk* *dank* *tink* *Donk* *dank* *tink*

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
Deadlock: Holliday, Vyper, Calico, and The Magnificent Sinclair
Deadlock: Holliday, Vyper, Calico, and The Magnificent Sinclair

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
I would have loved nothing more than Chrono Trigger on the Switch. Maybe on the new hardware. What are your go to comfort games?
I would have loved nothing more than Chrono Trigger on the Switch. Maybe on the new hardware. What are your go to comfort games? I would have loved nothing more than Chrono Trigger on the Switch. Maybe on the new hardware. What are your go to comfort games?

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
Dinoblade Steam Wishlist Game Trailer
Dinoblade Steam Wishlist Game Trailer

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7 часов назад @ reddit.com
Climactic turning points in Games where you can say "I'm not afraid of you anymore"
Climactic turning points in Games where you can say "I'm not afraid of you anymore"

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7 часов назад @ reddit.com
Die in the Dungeon Release Date Trailer [February 21]
Die in the Dungeon Release Date Trailer [February 21]

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7 часов назад @ reddit.com
I know a monster just ate your entire family and the war has destroyed your village...A round of Gwent?
I know a monster just ate your entire family and the war has destroyed your village...A round of Gwent? I know a monster just ate your entire family and the war has destroyed your village...A round of Gwent?

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7 часов назад @ reddit.com
Assassin’s Creed Shadows – Deep Dive into Exploration
Assassin’s Creed Shadows – Deep Dive into Exploration

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Kitten Food Alley - Official Trailer
Kitten Food Alley - Official Trailer

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последний пост 8 часов назад
«Российский игровой рынок стабилизируется», — Александр Михеев из VK Play об итогах 2024 года
«Российский игровой рынок стабилизируется», — Александр Михеев из VK Play об итогах 2024 года «Российский игровой рынок стабилизируется», — Александр Михеев из VK Play об итогах 2024 года

2024 год стал для VK Play годом достижений и роста.

Обновление коснулось и Игрового центра (ИЦ): он также получил новый дизайн и навигацию, подчеркивающие единую экосистему VK Play.

VK Play Live выросла и стала отдельным сервисом внутри «VK Видео» — «VK Видео Live»Благодаря этой интеграции стримеры и авторы контента получили доступ к многомиллионной аудитории крупнейшей российской видеоплатформы.

Для VK Play это был самый большой и красивый стенд за все время существования платформы, так что им мы тоже очень гордимся.

Для работы с независимыми разработчиками у нас существует отдельное подразделение VK Play Indie и совместный с Astrum Entertainment проект Prototype.Indie, запущенный в 2024 г…

8 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Bloomberg: авторам Genshin Impact, возможно, придется выплатить компенсацию обманутым гачей игрокам из США
Bloomberg: авторам Genshin Impact, возможно, придется выплатить компенсацию обманутым гачей игрокам из США Bloomberg: авторам Genshin Impact, возможно, придется выплатить компенсацию обманутым гачей игрокам из США

Ведомство изучает гачу-систему в игре Genshin Impact.

Genshin ImpactПо информации издания, FTC предполагает, что разработчики Genshin Impact вводят геймеров в заблуждение насчет того, во сколько обходится получение пятизвездочных персонажей.

Утверждается, что FTC и Hoyoverse близки к урегулированию спора.

По условиям готовящегося соглашения Hoyoverse собираются обязать компенсировать ущерб американским игрокам, которые пытались получить персонажей с помощью гачи.

Представители FTC и Hoyoverse отказались комментировать Bloomberg информацию источников.

10 часов назад @ app2top.ru
СМИ: гейм-директор Dragon Age: The Veilguard покинет BioWare
СМИ: гейм-директор Dragon Age: The Veilguard покинет BioWare СМИ: гейм-директор Dragon Age: The Veilguard покинет BioWare

В ближайшие недели Коринн Буше (Corinne Busche), выступившая гейм-директором последней части Dragon Age, может уйти из компании BioWare.

Dragon Age: The VeilguardПочему Буше покидает BioWare — достоверно неизвестно.

Как утверждает Eurogamer, ее отставка напрямую не связана с показателями Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Должность гейм-директора Dragon Age: The Veilguard она заняла в феврале 2022-го.

Также SmashJT заявил, что, по его сведениям, BioWare намерена в феврале закрыть студию в Эдмонтоне, — эту часть слухов источники Eurogamer опровергают.

12 часов назад @ app2top.ru
«Год пре-продакшена, но одновременно и активного роста команд», — Артур Мостовой из Larian Studios об итогах 2024 года
«Год пре-продакшена, но одновременно и активного роста команд», — Артур Мостовой из Larian Studios об итогах 2024 года «Год пре-продакшена, но одновременно и активного роста команд», — Артур Мостовой из Larian Studios об итогах 2024 года

Год пре-продакшена, но одновременно и активного роста команд и технологий для реализации наших задумок.

Общий вайб — много маленьких прорывов и больших провалов, много сокращений, но и оптимизма при взгляде в будущее.

Инди-игры генерят больше юнитов и выручки, но в целом рынок минимально вырос за год — что и понятно, учитывая пару лет коррекции.

Если говорить про RPG в принципе — я бы сказал, что год оказался в целом неплохим.

Но я и не считаю, что надо ограничиваться конкретно этой нишей в ответе на вопрос.

13 часов назад @ app2top.ru
После анонса новой консоли у Nintendo подешевели акции
После анонса новой консоли у Nintendo подешевели акции После анонса новой консоли у Nintendo подешевели акции

Вчера Nintendo официально показала консоль Nintendo Switch 2.

Как заметил Bloomberg, несмотря на шумиху вокруг анонса, утром 17 января стоимость акций компании на Токийской фондовой бирже упала на 5,9%.

«Акции упали, потому что анонсированная Nintendo Switch 2 полностью соответствовала утечкам в сети и не преподнесла никаких сюрпризов.

Выпущенная в 2017 году Nintendo Switch — третья по продажам консоль в истории.

Большим спросом пользовались только Nintendo DS (154,02 млн) и PlayStation 2 (160 млн).

14 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Отчет PulluP Entertainment: второй лучший квартал в истории, аудитория Space Marine 2 превысила 6 млн человек
Отчет PulluP Entertainment: второй лучший квартал в истории, аудитория Space Marine 2 превысила 6 млн человек Отчет PulluP Entertainment: второй лучший квартал в истории, аудитория Space Marine 2 превысила 6 млн человек

Материнская компания издателя Focus Entertainment Publishing отчиталась за квартал, продлившийся с октября по декабрь 2024-го.

PulluP Entertainment похвасталась ростом доходов на фоне успехов Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, Drova и других игр.

16 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Sony отменила две сервисные игры, но закрывать их авторов не планирует
Sony отменила две сервисные игры, но закрывать их авторов не планирует Sony отменила две сервисные игры, но закрывать их авторов не планирует

Журналист Bloomberg Джейсон Шрайер (Jason Schreier) выяснил, что Sony приняла решение свернуть разработку двух неанонсированных проектов.

«Под нож» попали игры-сервисы студий Bluepoint Games и Bend Studio.

God of War: RagnarökПо сведениям Шрайера, Bluepoint Games работала над игрой во вселенной God of War.

«Bend Studio и Bluepoint Games — высококвалифицированные команды и ценные члены семьи PlayStation Studios.

В Sony добавили, что корпорация намерена дальше создавать и игры-сервисы, и сюжетные игры.

17 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Microsoft отрицает, что размышляла над закрытием игрового подразделения в 2021 году
Microsoft отрицает, что размышляла над закрытием игрового подразделения в 2021 году Microsoft отрицает, что размышляла над закрытием игрового подразделения в 2021 году

Недавно издание The Information опубликовало материал, посвященный проблемам игрового подразделения Microsoft.

В нем среди прочего говорилось, что в 2021 году корпорация рассматривала закрытие Xbox.

В комментарии порталу Insider Gaming представитель Microsoft «категорически» опроверг это.

Также представитель Microsoft опроверг слухи, что покупка Activision Blizzard не привела к росту игрового подразделения и оказалась разочаровывающей.

Сообщение The Information о планах нарастить аудиторию Game Pass до 100 млн человек к 2030 году Microsoft не комментировала.

18 часов назад @ app2top.ru
«Теперь наша основная задача — защищать интересы участников игровой индустрии», — Владимир Прокуронов из АИИ об итогах 2024 года
«Теперь наша основная задача — защищать интересы участников игровой индустрии», — Владимир Прокуронов из АИИ об итогах 2024 года «Теперь наша основная задача — защищать интересы участников игровой индустрии», — Владимир Прокуронов из АИИ об итогах 2024 года

Она существует с 2020 года и в момент старта в нее в основном входили специалисты, которым необходимо было решать вопросы лицензирования контента.

Мы решили переформатировать и обновить Ассоциацию, так что теперь ее основные задачи — защищать интересы участников игровой индустрии и консолидированно вести диалог на всех уровнях властной вертикали.

Появления каких трендов ждете в рамках российской игровой индустрии в 2025 году?

В целом я вижу заметное повышение интереса к российским игровым франшизам и думаю, что в ближайшее время игровой контент станет куда более заметен, в том числе и в федеральных СМИ.

Разумеется, в планах и расширение международного сотрудничества, и конкретные инициативы…

1 day, 8 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Nintendo анонсировала Nintendo Switch 2
Nintendo анонсировала Nintendo Switch 2 Nintendo анонсировала Nintendo Switch 2

В анонсирующем трейлере можно заметить, что Nintendo Switch 2 немного больше предшественницы, а контроллеры Joy-Con теперь, похоже, крепятся к консоли с помощью магнитов.

Nintendo Switch 2 получила обратную совместимость с играми для оригинальной Switch.

Но, как уточняет Nintendo, некоторые тайтлы будут поддерживаться не полностью.

Продажи Nintendo Switch 2 стартуют в этом году.

Подробнее о консоли и дебютных играх для нее Nintendo расскажет на презентации Nintendo Direct, запланированной на 2 апреля 2025-го.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ app2top.ru
«За год IAP-монетизацию удалось раскачать на 650%», — Антон Рыбаков из JoyBits об итогах 2024 года
«За год IAP-монетизацию удалось раскачать на 650%», — Антон Рыбаков из JoyBits об итогах 2024 года «За год IAP-монетизацию удалось раскачать на 650%», — Антон Рыбаков из JoyBits об итогах 2024 года

В далеком 2010 году студия JoyBits популяризировала механику мерджа релизом Doodle God, а в 2024 году случился настоящий бум новых игр в нашем «домашнем» жанре.

И только в 2010 году на волне успеха веб-прототипа JoyBits сделала A+B=C по настоящему массовым глобальным феноменом.

Большой шаг в сторону упрощения в жанре случился в 2021 году с релизом Doodle God Universe на Apple Arcade.

Отмечу, что ИИ повлияло в этом году на весь геймдев, но именно A+B=C, похоже, лучше других жанров подходит под полную автоматизацию через ИИ.

Сильный гибрид сегодня можно монетизировать не только на таких платформах, как App Store и Google Play, но и на сотнях других сторов.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Исследование: в 2024 году вышло 930 визуальных новелл с русской локализацией
Исследование: в 2024 году вышло 930 визуальных новелл с русской локализацией Исследование: в 2024 году вышло 930 визуальных новелл с русской локализацией

С каждым годом появляется все больше визуальных новелл, в которых есть частичная или полная поддержка русского языка.

В сети обратили внимание, что в прошлом году до релиза добралась почти тысяча таких тайтлов.

«Бесконечное лето»Об этом сообщает группа «ЛД | Новости визуальных новелл» во «ВКонтакте», заметившая исследование.

Для сравнения: в 2023 году вышло 579 визуальных новелл с русской локализацией, в 2020 году таких новинок было 325 штук, а в 2015 — 109 штук.

Количество визуальных новелл с русской локализацией, вышедших в 2001-2024 годах

1 day, 12 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Бывший генеральный менеджер PlayStation стал коммерческим директором Astrum Entertainment
Бывший генеральный менеджер PlayStation стал коммерческим директором Astrum Entertainment Бывший генеральный менеджер PlayStation стал коммерческим директором Astrum Entertainment

К штату Astrum Entertainment присоединился Сергей Клишо — ветеран игровой индустрии, который 15 лет руководил подразделением PlayStation в России и СНГ.

Клишо занял должность коммерческого директора Astrum Entertainment.

В сообщении компании говорится, что на своем посту он будет отвечать за коммерческую сторону продвижения проектов Astrum Entertainment.

Спустя два года Клишо возглавил запущенное им локальное подразделение PlayStation и оставался на этой должности вплоть до апреля 2024-го.

При его участии в России и СНГ продвигались консоли PlayStation 3, 4 и 5, а также многие игры для них.

1 day, 14 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Аналитика: 97% вышедших за последние три года мобильных игр провалились
Аналитика: 97% вышедших за последние три года мобильных игр провалились Аналитика: 97% вышедших за последние три года мобильных игр провалились

Директор студии Playhero Антон Слащев подсчитал, что хотя бы относительной популярности достигли только 2,7% игр, появившихся в Google Play и App Store за последние три года.

По его оценкам, за три года в Google Play и App Store вышло 139 396 игр.

Их общие цифры могут показаться большими: за 2024 год эти проекты суммарно сгенерировали 16,89 млрд долларов чистой IAP-выручки и собрали 23,96 млрд загрузок.

Данные по играм, вышедшим в Google Play и App Store за последние три годаПо мнению Слащева, сейчас у новых команд на рынке есть два основных пути развития:1. активно тестировать игры и учиться на многочисленных провалах.

На достижение успеха стоит заложить по меньшей мере два года;2. подумат…

1 day, 15 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Аудитория Where Winds Meet в Китае превысила 10 млн человек
Аудитория Where Winds Meet в Китае превысила 10 млн человек Аудитория Where Winds Meet в Китае превысила 10 млн человек

Ролевой экшен Where Winds Meet пока официально доступен только в Китае, но это не помешало ему стать хитом.

Where Winds MeetЭту отметку Where Winds Meet взяла 13 января — спустя чуть больше двух недель после релиза в стране.

Как аудитория распределилась между мобильной и ПК-версией Where Winds Meet — не сообщается.

Что касается выручки, то китайская iOS-версия Where Winds Meet заработала с IAP «чистыми» 3,22 млн долларов.

Точной даты глобального релиза у Where Winds Meet пока нет.

1 day, 18 hours назад @ app2top.ru
GamesIndustry.biz GamesIndustry.biz
последний пост 11 часов назад
Dragon Age: The Veilguard game director Corinne Busche reportedly leaves BioWare
Dragon Age: The Veilguard game director Corinne Busche reportedly leaves BioWare Dragon Age: The Veilguard game director Corinne Busche reportedly leaves BioWare

Dragon Age: The Veilguard game director Corinne Busche has reportedly left Bioware.

Busche has worked at EA for 18 years, joining in 2006 as a designer before moving on to senior design roles including creative director and design director.

She became game director of Dragon Age: The Veilguard in February 2022, overseeing development with the game's creative director John Epler.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is the fourth entry in the Dragon Age franchise, which launched last October.

The copy has been amended to reflect that Busche has reportedly already left her position at BioWare, rather than "in the coming weeks."

11 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Winking Studios announces proposed acquisition of Mineloader
Winking Studios announces proposed acquisition of Mineloader Winking Studios announces proposed acquisition of Mineloader

Outsourcing and development firm Winking Studios has announced the proposed acquisition of Shanghai-based studio Mineloader.

The total consideration amounts to £16.3 million, comprising an upfront payment of £14.7 million and a deferred balance dependent on performance over the next five years.

"This marks the largest acquisition to date and represents a pivotal step that augments our position in the global video games industry," said Winking Studios founder and CEO Johnny Jan."Mineloader's team of more than 460 employees will be a valuable addition to Winking Studios' existing headcount of over 800, boosting our service offerings in this segment and adding new clients."

There are also oppo…

14 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Huuuge Games cuts 29% of workforce
Huuuge Games cuts 29% of workforce Huuuge Games cuts 29% of workforce

Poland-based Mobile developer and publisher Huuuge Games has announced a 29% cut in its workforce, affecting 122 employees.

Huuuge Games is also ceasing operations at its studios in the Netherlands and Finland.

The developer will also cease financing of Bananaz Studios, writing down its assets value by $3.5 million.

"We deeply value the contributions of all our team members and are taking steps to support those affected through this transition," said Huuuge CEO Wojciech Wronowski.

As part of its strategic changes, Huuuge games also announced the appointment of Maciej Hebda as treasurer and EVP of finance, effective April 1, 2025.

15 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Sony confirms cancellation of live service projects from Bend Studio and Bluepoint Games
Sony confirms cancellation of live service projects from Bend Studio and Bluepoint Games Sony confirms cancellation of live service projects from Bend Studio and Bluepoint Games

Sony has confirmed the cancellation of two unannounced live service titles from Bend Studio and Bluepoint Games.

As reported by Bloomberg, a spokesperson said the projects were shut down "following a recent review."

Bend Studio has been a first-party developer for Sony since 2000 and is known for its work on the Days Gone franchise.

Last September, Sony pulled its live service hero shooter Concord from sale two weeks after its August release.

A month later, Sony shuttered Concord's developer Firewalk Studios alongside Neon Koi after evaluating its "games portfolio and status of [its] projects."

16 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
90% of Africa's games industry revenue generated by mobile games
90% of Africa's games industry revenue generated by mobile games 90% of Africa's games industry revenue generated by mobile games

A new report into Africa's games industry has revealed that 90% of its revenue is generated by mobile games.

However, just 12% of respondents were female, signalling "a clear need to foster greater inclusivity and diversity within the industry."

Its overall market is projected to grow to $333 million by 2026, driven primarily by mobile gaming and esports.

Nigeria's gaming market - "supported by a young, tech-savvy population and a growing esports scene - generated $249 million in 2021, whilst Kenya generated $46 million in the same year, with "significant growth in mobile gaming and a focus on educational, AR, and VR games."

"The African games industry is surging forward, fuelled by a vibra…

1 day, 4 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Nintendo patent attorney clarifies company's zero-tolerance position on emulation
Nintendo patent attorney clarifies company's zero-tolerance position on emulation Nintendo patent attorney clarifies company's zero-tolerance position on emulation

The general manager of Nintendo's IP department has clarified the company's position on emulation.

As reported by Denfaminicogamer (via Automaton), Nishiura acknowledged that whilst emulation software alone is not inherently illegal, an emulator could "become illegal depending on how it's used."

For instance, if an emulator copied a title or linked to sites where players could download pirated games, that would constitute copyright infringement.

Or if an emulator disabled its game encryption or "technical protection measures," that would violate Japan's Unfair Competition Prevention Act.

Earlier today, Nintendo revealed its first official look at the Switch 2, confirming that the console wi…

1 day, 4 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
IGF Awards 2025 finalists revealed
IGF Awards 2025 finalists revealed IGF Awards 2025 finalists revealed

GDC 2025 has revealed the finalists for the 27th annual Independent Games Festival (IGF).

From almost 500 entries, the jurors selected the finalists "after playing, discussing, and meticulously evaluating them" for each category: Audio, Visual, Student, Nuovo, Design, Narrative, and the Seumas McNally Grand Prize.

Despelote, developed by Julián Cordero and Sebastian Valbuena, secured four nominations: Excellence in Audio, Excellence in Narrative, the Nuovo Award, and the Seumas McNally Grand Prize.

The full list of finalists - as well as honourable mentions - can be found on the IGF website.

The winners will be announced during the IGF Awards on March 26 and broadcast on Twitch.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Report: 77% of devs expect games industry to grow in 2025
Report: 77% of devs expect games industry to grow in 2025 Report: 77% of devs expect games industry to grow in 2025

77% of game developers expect industry growth in 2025, with 90% of studios planning to release at least one new title.

This is according to Metaplay's Game Development Renaissance report, which surveyed 150 senior Unity developers in the UK and US conducted by independent market research firm Atomik Research.

According to the report, most respondents were optimistic about industry growth this year.

63% of those surveyed also expect game development costs to be lower this year due to the use of technology rooted in artificial intelligence.

"Our findings have shown that live ops, cross-platform development, and external technology are at the heart of the game development renaissance," said Me…

1 day, 10 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Nintendo Switch 2 officially revealed
Nintendo Switch 2 officially revealed Nintendo Switch 2 officially revealed

Nintendo has revealed its first official look at the Switch 2, confirming that the console will release in 2025.

In a video published to its YouTube channel, Nintendo showcased the console's new hardware including magnetically attachable Joy-Cons, a USB-C port, and a new button on the right Joy-Con.

Last November, Nintendo confirmed the Switch 2 would be backwards compatible and that Nintendo Online will carry over.

In its latest announcement, Nintendo said that backwards compatibility will be the case for physical and digital games.

The firm says it will share more information about the Switch 2 on its website at a later date, and will provide a more detailed look during a Nintendo Direct …

1 day, 11 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Soul Assembly cuts 15% of workforce
Soul Assembly cuts 15% of workforce Soul Assembly cuts 15% of workforce

Just Dance VR developer Soul Assembly has laid off 15% of its staff.

"This decision was taken to ensure the studio is aligned with the requirements of our upcoming projects," said Soul Assembly CEO David Solari.

"We are providing support to the affected team members as they transition to new opportunities and thank them for their contributions.

Employees affected have been sharing the news on LinkedIn, including 3D artist Kristina Jonaityte, QA technician Simon Kent, QA team lead Jamie Keys, and senior character artist Jonathan Pearmain.

Based in Leamington Spa, Soul Assembly was formed in 2022 after being spun out of Pixel Toys.

1 day, 14 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
European game sales rose 1% in 2024 | European Annual Report
European game sales rose 1% in 2024 | European Annual Report European game sales rose 1% in 2024 | European Annual Report

EA Sports FC 25 was the best-selling game across Europe in 2024, despite being down 5% compared to its predecessor FC 24 in 2023.

As for physical, it saw a 22% decline with 56.5 million titles sold in physical stores.

Going back to the charts, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 was the second-best selling game in 2024 despite launching towards the end of the year.

Helldivers 2 was the top new release in 2024, ranking at No.6.

As for hardware, overall sales of consoles dropped by 21%.

1 day, 15 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Palestinian game developer concludes crowdfund almost $50,000 over goal
Palestinian game developer concludes crowdfund almost $50,000 over goal Palestinian game developer concludes crowdfund almost $50,000 over goal

Palestinian game developer Rasheed Abueideh has concluded his crowdfund for a pseudo-3D stealth adventure inspired by a historical Palestinian folk tale almost $50,000 over the original funding goal.

Abueideh took the crowdfund for Dreams on a Pillow to Launch Good after "facing a decade of rejection and avoidance from funding partners and publishers who deemed supporting a Palestinian 'too risky' or 'controversial'."

"The team has attempted to raise publisher funding and cultural grants for the project, but has consistently been rejected," the Crowdfund page explains.

However, the money raised from the crowdfund can "move the game from pre-production into a production state."

Abueideh than…

2 days, 4 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Nintendo under fire once again for omitting original devs from remaster credits
Nintendo under fire once again for omitting original devs from remaster credits Nintendo under fire once again for omitting original devs from remaster credits

Donkey Kong Country Returns HD remaster is under fire for omitting the original development team from its credits.

As reported by Nintendo Life, the remaster - handled by Forever Entertainment - only acknowledges the original developers of the 2010 Wii game with a statement saying the game was "based on the work of the original development staff."

This is the second time Retro Studios has been omitted from the credits of a remaster; in 2023, Metroid Prime Remastered was also criticised for leaving Retro Studios off its credits list.

Nintendo has also been challenged for previously excluding contractors and translators from its credit rolls, too.

Nintendo has yet to respond publicly to reque…

2 days, 4 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Aonic invests $10m in mobile gaming loyalty firm Mega Fortuna
Aonic invests $10m in mobile gaming loyalty firm Mega Fortuna Aonic invests $10m in mobile gaming loyalty firm Mega Fortuna

Aonic has made a $10 million minority investment in "mobile gaming loyalty and discovery platform", Mega Fortuna.

Aonic was attracted to Mega Fortuna as its player reward technology could dovetail with other companies in its portfolio.

"Mega Fortuna is revolutionising how players interact with mobile gaming by seamlessly blending discovery and rewards," said Paul Schempp, Aonic CEO (thanks, VB).

"In just two years, they have built an incredible platform that resonates with millions of players worldwide.

Mega Fortuna CEO, Şeyhmus Ölker, added: "This milestone is a testament to the exceptional talent, dedication, and innovation of the entire Mega Fortuna team... None of this would have been p…

2 days, 5 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Sony donates $5m to support LA wildfire relief | News-in-brief
Sony donates $5m to support LA wildfire relief | News-in-brief Sony donates $5m to support LA wildfire relief | News-in-brief

Sony donates $5m to support LA wildfire relief | News-in-briefDonation will go towards first responders, community relief, rebuilding efforts, and assistance programs

2 days, 11 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Gamasutra Gamasutra
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Kotaku Kotaku
последний пост 3 часа назад
Kotaku Weekend Guide: 5 Amazing Games We Just Can’t Quit
Kotaku Weekend Guide: 5 Amazing Games We Just Can’t Quit Kotaku Weekend Guide: 5 Amazing Games We Just Can’t Quit

Play it on: PC, Xbox, PlayStation, SwitchCurrent goal: Face Godzilla, and survive!

Gone, too, is the game’s ethereal, mysterious hint of a story, largely left open to interpretation.

And I’m definitely not immune to Fortnite’s spectacle, especially in those moments when it does something wild at a scale that few other games could match.

Right now is just such a time as Godzilla, king of the monsters, has a chance of spawning in each match.

So hey, if you happen to be playing Fortnite this weekend and you turn into Godzilla and then see me as a tiny speck running around way down below, please don’t hurt me.

3 часа назад @ kotaku.com
Far Cry 3 Does What Every Game Should And Ditches Unobtainable Multiplayer Achievements
Far Cry 3 Does What Every Game Should And Ditches Unobtainable Multiplayer Achievements Far Cry 3 Does What Every Game Should And Ditches Unobtainable Multiplayer Achievements

Far Cry 3 was released over a decade ago, and while it supported achievements on console and Ubisoft’s own PC launcher, it didn’t include any Steam achievements.

Earlier this week, Ubisoft officially announced that Far Cry 3 now has Steam achievements.

AdvertisementThankfully, Ubisoft also removed six achievements from Far Cry 3 that were connected to the game’s online multiplayer modes.

AdvertisementAdvertisementReleased in 2012, Far Cry 3 is arguably the game that made the franchise the AAA juggernaut it is today.

Over the last few weeks, Ubisoft has added Steam achievements to Far Cry 4 and Far Cry 5 as well as Assassin’s Creed Unity, Black Flag, Revelations, and Syndicate.

6 часов назад @ kotaku.com
A Ton Of 4K Blu-Ray Box Sets Are On Sale Right Now
A Ton Of 4K Blu-Ray Box Sets Are On Sale Right Now A Ton Of 4K Blu-Ray Box Sets Are On Sale Right Now

A big 4K Blu-ray movie collection sale is happening right now, letting you grab all of the movies in some popular franchises—like Harry Potter and Mad Max—for around the cost of a single, new UHD film.

Live Forever in the Universe of 'New World: Aeternum' Share Live Forever in the Universe of New World: AeternumGruv.com is currently doing a large, 4K UHD sale on a selection of movie collections.

So instead of just Jurassic World or one Fast & Furious movie, these collections often contain the entire franchise, or most of it.

These collections are a great way to build up your physical movie collection, especially when they are on sale like this.

AdvertisementGruv’s 4K UHD collection sale end…

7 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's First DLC Reveals Big Upgrades For Gohan And Piccolo
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's First DLC Reveals Big Upgrades For Gohan And Piccolo Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's First DLC Reveals Big Upgrades For Gohan And Piccolo

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero felt a bit content-lite when it launched last year.

Bandai Namco revealed that 11 new playable characters will join the arena fighter later this month, including all forms of Gohan and Piccolo from the most recent Dragon Ball film, Super Hero.


AdvertisementOtherwise, the focus is largely on incorporating all of the characters and transformations showcased in 2022's Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, which gave both Gohan and Piccolo massive power-ups to take on the return of Cell.

DLC2 and DLC3, while not fully r…

8 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Pokémon TCG's Prismatic Evolutions Is A Fantastic Set, If You Can Find It
Pokémon TCG's Prismatic Evolutions Is A Fantastic Set, If You Can Find It Pokémon TCG's Prismatic Evolutions Is A Fantastic Set, If You Can Find It

It’s into this situation that Prismatic Evolutions launches, which is a double-shame, given it’s the most fun set to open in forever.

AdvertisementHowever, Kotaku is in the fortunate position of having had The Pokémon Company International send over a box filled with various Prismatic Evolutions collection boxes and an ETB, with a total of 26 packs to open.

And I feel that way despite, in opening all 26 packs, not pulling a single card above an ultra-rare.

AdvertisementAdvertisementPrismatic Evolutions is packed with so many special-feeling cards that the pull rate I experienced was close to 1.

In the 26 packs, we received four or five of almost every basic card, and a ridiculous eight copi…

9 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Bayonetta Director Calls For Switch 2 Leakers To Be Covered In Poop And Shot Into Space
Bayonetta Director Calls For Switch 2 Leakers To Be Covered In Poop And Shot Into Space Bayonetta Director Calls For Switch 2 Leakers To Be Covered In Poop And Shot Into Space

Hideki Kamiya, the director behind Platinum Games’ Bayonetta series who’s now working on Okami 2 under a new studio, has never been one to hold back.

The latest targets of his ire are Switch 2 leakers who basically beat Nintendo to revealing the console weeks ago.

Kamiya used the occasion of the new console’s official announcement yesterday to unload on anonymous online users.

The Switch 2 was a perfect example, with major features ranging from magnetic Joy-Con to alleged motherboard specs leaking months ahead of time.

AdvertisementIt’s hard to know what impact, if any, that may have had on Nintendo’s eventual official reveal of the Switch 2 this week.

9 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Donkey Kong Looks Old-School In New Mario Kart And Not Everyone's Happy
Donkey Kong Looks Old-School In New Mario Kart And Not Everyone's Happy Donkey Kong Looks Old-School In New Mario Kart And Not Everyone's Happy

Fans are already calling the kart racer Mario Kart 9 despite us having no official title yet.

(Well, the tie actually first surfaced a few months earlier, in the outstanding 1994 Game Boy game Donkey Kong ‘94, but Donkey Kong Country popularized his new look.

Oh, and this character is actually the grandson of the original Donkey Kong, now known as Cranky Kong in most modern Donkey Kong and Mario games.

Donkey Kong has looked pretty much the same since Rare put out Donkey Kong Country in 1994, but it looks like Mario Kart 9 might be a turning point for the character, as he now resembles his Super Mario Bros. Movie iteration, as well as harkening to 2D illustrations by Nintendo artist Shigehi…

9 часов назад @ kotaku.com
God Of War Multiplayer Game And More Canceled Following Concord Flop
God Of War Multiplayer Game And More Canceled Following Concord Flop God Of War Multiplayer Game And More Canceled Following Concord Flop

They also said that Sony will continue to make both single-player and multiplayer games.

Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier confirmed on social media that the canceled Bluepoint project was a live service God of War spin-off.

While neither project was officially announced, previous leaks suggested Bend was working on a multiplayer game with a military shooter aesthetic.

Back in 2023, Sony also shutdown a highly-anticipated Last Of Us multiplayer game called Last of Us Online.

AdvertisementBack in 2023, then-PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan promised 12 live-service games by 2025.

9 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Pokémon TCG Pocket Reveals Trading Rules That Will Keep Players From Sharing Their Rarest Cards
Pokémon TCG Pocket Reveals Trading Rules That Will Keep Players From Sharing Their Rarest Cards Pokémon TCG Pocket Reveals Trading Rules That Will Keep Players From Sharing Their Rarest Cards

Since it launched last year, Pokémon TCG Pocket players have been eager to get to do the “trading” part of the game’s title.

AdvertisementHere’s the full list of rules previewed by Pokémon TCG Pocket’s developers at Creatures, Inc. and DeNA:Trades can be done between friends.

So basically, trading in Pokémon TCG Pocket will have a currency-limited cooldown and it will only be for older booster pack collections.

AdvertisementAdvertisementAs you can imagine, this hasn’t gone over well with Pokémon TCG Pocket’s most diehard fans.

“Your concerns are seen,” Pokémon TCG Pocket’s devs responded.

10 часов назад @ kotaku.com
There's A VR Game All The Kids Are Playing, And They're Convinced It's Haunted
There's A VR Game All The Kids Are Playing, And They're Convinced It's Haunted There's A VR Game All The Kids Are Playing, And They're Convinced It's Haunted

The kids’ game of choice is Gorilla Tag.

AdvertisementGorilla Tag is an online multiplayer game of VR tag where everyone plays as a gorilla.

Gorilla Tag was officially launched in late 2022 for Meta Quest, then SteamVR in early 2023, and most recently PSVR2 at the end of 2024.

So let’s be very clear about something: Gorilla Tag is not some sort of Poppy’s Playtime-adjacent horror game being marketed to children.

It’s still possible for my son, and every other kid, to have a fun time just playing Gorilla Tag properly.

11 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Severance's Creepiest Addition Since The Goats Is A Child
Severance's Creepiest Addition Since The Goats Is A Child Severance's Creepiest Addition Since The Goats Is A Child

“Why are you a child?”It only took ten minutes for Severance’s Season 2 premiere to introduce the question that will surely be on everyone’s minds for the remainder of the season.

Asked by former Lumon retiree Mark W. (Bob Balaban), the question’s target is Miss Huang, played with bone-chilling apathy by Sarah Bock.

Huang is one of the newest additions to the Severance world, and her mere existence on the severed floor comes with some disturbing implications.

By the looks of the Season 2 premiere, it might be the latter.

There’s no telling how brainwashed the youngest Severance speaking character is but even so, the Season 2 premiere put enough fear in our hearts of just how depraved Lumon …

12 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Severance Season 1 Finale Was Almost Shot From The Innies' Perspective
Severance Season 1 Finale Was Almost Shot From The Innies' Perspective Severance Season 1 Finale Was Almost Shot From The Innies' Perspective

On the final episode of The Severance Podcast with Ben Stiller and Adam Scott’s first season, Stiller explains the intricate way he filmed the season finale in pieces, and reveals the original way the final episode was supposed to go.

That piecemeal style of filming wasn’t the only quirky directing choice made by Stiller, who reveals on the podcast that he originally was going to shoot the entire finale from the Innies’ perspective on the outside.

As enjoyably immersive as that would’ve been, it would’ve taken away from scenes like Mark’s punctuating ”She’s alive!” moment, which carries an extra emotional weight thanks to Mark’s shocked look.

Advertisement“It can’t be in their point of view…

1 day, 4 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Here's When Switch 2 Pre-Orders Might Go Live
Here's When Switch 2 Pre-Orders Might Go Live Here's When Switch 2 Pre-Orders Might Go Live

Now, for some good news: We probably know when Switch 2 pre-orders will go live.

AdvertisementWhen Switch 2 pre-orders will (likely) go liveAt the end of the new Switch 2 trailer, the company confirmed it would have a Nintendo Switch 2-focused Direct later this year.

And this is likely the date when pre-orders will go live in most territories.

Every website and social media account dedicated to games will post about Switch 2 pre-orders the moment they are available.

AdvertisementWe’ll update this post as we learn more about the price, release date, and pre-order times for Switch 2..

1 day, 5 hours назад @ kotaku.com
5 Details Fans Noticed In The New Mario Kart Trailer
5 Details Fans Noticed In The New Mario Kart Trailer 5 Details Fans Noticed In The New Mario Kart Trailer

AdvertisementYoshi has a burger stand of some kind, but in keeping with a long series tradition, there’s also branding seen in the trailer that references other characters and entities.

There’s a brief shot where you can see the logo for Morton’s Construction, a reference to one of the Koopalings, and you can see logos for sponsors on the tracks like Luigi Tires, Mario Motors, Mario Kart TV, and 1-Up Fuel.

Those are just a few of the details folks are pointing out, and there will no doubt be more discoveries as Mario sickos comb through the trailer.

Beyond that, we’ll more than likely hear more about the next Mario Kart in April when Nintendo holds its Switch 2 Direct on April 2.

1 day, 5 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Netflix's Final Season Of You Gets Release Date And Hints Of Joe's Death
Netflix's Final Season Of You Gets Release Date And Hints Of Joe's Death Netflix's Final Season Of You Gets Release Date And Hints Of Joe's Death

For four seasons of Netflix’s stalker drama You, Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley) has cheated death (and a few love interests) enough to warrant him being eliminated from existence forever, and the final season looks like it’s going to do just that.

Today, Netflix put us all out of our misery by finally announcing the release date for the final season of You, while also offering some hints about Joe’s potential fate.

YOU: Season 5 | Date Announcement | NetflixThe final season of You will release on April 24, a little under 5 1/2 years after the series made its way over to Netflix from its original home, Lifetime.

Is he breaking the fourth wall and actually talking to the viewers?

In addition to …

1 day, 6 hours назад @ kotaku.com
MCV/Develop MCV/Develop
последний пост 1 day, 10 hours назад
These are the categories for the MCV/DEVELOP Awards 2025 (and nominations are now open!)
These are the categories for the MCV/DEVELOP Awards 2025 (and nominations are now open!) These are the categories for the MCV/DEVELOP Awards 2025 (and nominations are now open!)

These are the categories for the MCV/DEVELOP Awards 2025 (and nominations are now open!)

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe MCV/DEVELOP Awards will be back on Thursday, June 19, 2024, and are returning to the Royal Lancaster Hotel, which overlooks London’s Hyde Park.

There’s no limit on the number of nominations you can send, or in how many categories you can be nominated.

We look forward to all nominations in all of our categories, but as usual, please nominate responsibly.

If you (or your brand) would like to sponsor the MCV/DEVELOP Awards show itself, please reach out to Alex Boucher or Vanessa Joyce.

1 day, 10 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] AMC Studio has expanded into co-development services and opened a new division
[From the industry] AMC Studio has expanded into co-development services and opened a new division [From the industry] AMC Studio has expanded into co-development services and opened a new division

[From the industry] AMC Studio has expanded into co-development services and opened a new divisionShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

One of Romania’s leading players in the video game development industry, AMC Studio, a Keywords Studio that specializes in 3D Art Services, is marking its nearly 30 years of activity by expanding its operations into Full Co-Development Services (“Co-Dev”).

Before joining the AMC team, Eugen worked for AMC’s sister studio in Canada, Snowed In , also part of Keywords Studios .

Vlad Alexandru, Studio Head at AMC Studio, comments: “AMC has an incredibly solid foundation through our strong core te…

1 day, 11 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
Nintendo has announced the Nintendo Switch 2 will release later this year
Nintendo has announced the Nintendo Switch 2 will release later this year Nintendo has announced the Nintendo Switch 2 will release later this year

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInNintendo has officially announced the successor to Nintendo Switch will release later this year, and has given video game fans a first official look at the upcoming hardware.

The Nintendo Switch 2 announcement was made on the official Nintendo website, as well as Nintendo’s various social media and YouTube channels, at 1PM on Thursday, January 16, 2025.

While little has been said about the actual technical specifications of the machine, a brief snippet of what is apparently an as of yet unreleased Mario Kart title shows that the system will both have increased graphical fidelity, and will be able to be played both in portable and ‘docked and connected to an exte…

1 day, 12 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
Develop:Brighton is now accepting speaker applications for its 2025 conference
Develop:Brighton is now accepting speaker applications for its 2025 conference Develop:Brighton is now accepting speaker applications for its 2025 conference

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInTandem Events has launched an open call for speakers for the Develop:Brighton 2025 conference.

Those that have never given a talk before will also be offered additional support, and can be paired with an experienced mentor that will be able to help them better prepare their presentations for the event.

People that do become speakers at the event will also receive a complimentary pass to the rest of the conference, as well as a variety of publicity opportunities.

Tandem and the Develop Conference are currently looking for speaker submissions on:AIARTAUDIOBUSINESSCODINGDISCOVERABILITYINDIEINDIE BOOTCAMPMOBILEROUNDTABLESVR/ARIf you’d like to get involved, you can d…

3 days, 15 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Cooldown Games has announced itself as a new independent publisher
[From the industry] Cooldown Games has announced itself as a new independent publisher [From the industry] Cooldown Games has announced itself as a new independent publisher

Cooldown Games proudly announces its official launch as an independent publisher of PC and console games.

The team is dedicated to Cooldown Games’ core belief that great games don’t need to be all-consuming and can still fit seamlessly into a busy lifestyle.

“Our team is confident rational business models will be a long-term strength of Cooldown Games and that just might be a refreshing contrast from many recent industry trends,” said Steve Gibson, CEO of Cooldown Games.

Let’s make some great games together.”“Over the last five years, we all individually noticed that we’ve been gravitating away from many of the predictable new releases,” said Jeff Skal, Chief Marketing Officer of Cooldown G…

1 week, 1 day назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] CULT Games to forge ahead with acquisition of Neonhive
[From the industry] CULT Games to forge ahead with acquisition of Neonhive [From the industry] CULT Games to forge ahead with acquisition of Neonhive

Today, CULT Games announces it has acquired Scottish publisher and boutique marketing agency Neonhive – levelling up the next-gen independent publishing offering under the CULT Games banner.

Founded by industry leader Korina Abbott — named one of the most influential women in the UK games industry by GamesIndustry.biz — Neonhive brings award-winning expertise across the spectrum from independent gems to AAA titles.

“I’m excited to bring that expertise to CULT Games to propel them to even greater heights.”CULT Games has been releasing consistently acclaimed games with their superindie peer-partner approach.

Headed by founder and CEO Helen Burnill, CULT Games began as a boutique, releasing hi…

1 week, 1 day назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Clear Angle Studios opens new Culver City hub to support growing demand for its scanning services
[From the industry] Clear Angle Studios opens new Culver City hub to support growing demand for its scanning services [From the industry] Clear Angle Studios opens new Culver City hub to support growing demand for its scanning services

[From the industry] Clear Angle Studios opens new Culver City hub to support growing demand for its scanning servicesShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

Clear Angle Studios is thrilled to announce the opening of its new full-service studio in Culver City, LA.

Clear Angle Studios was founded in 2013 and has its main headquarters at Pinewood Studios, London.

Dominic Ridley, Co-Founder and CEO at Clear Angle Studios, commented:“This is an exciting step in the growth of Clear Angle Studios.

Clear Angle Studios will be growing the team in early 2025 with new roles being announced on the website in the coming months.

1 week, 1 day назад @ mcvuk.com
Issue #1000 of MCV/DEVELOP and the 30 Under 30 Annual 2024 are online now!
Issue #1000 of MCV/DEVELOP and the 30 Under 30 Annual 2024 are online now! Issue #1000 of MCV/DEVELOP and the 30 Under 30 Annual 2024 are online now!

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe much-anticipated MCV/DEVELOP #1000 and the 30 Under 30 Annual for 2024 should now be arriving in homes and in offices, ready to be accompanied by a seasonal latte and only the best of festive Michael Bublé tracks.

Incoming Editor Vince Pavey has also prepared an all-new, first-of-its-kind MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024 Annual for the occasion, which looks at the inception of the award, checks in with people previously selected for the spotlight, and then announces the new cohort of the best and brightest young talent for this year.

Luckily for you, both magazines are also available in digital form, so that you can read them wherever and whenever you want at ab…

1 month назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Video Game Development and Services Company PTW Opens Studio in Charleston, South Carolina
[From the industry] Video Game Development and Services Company PTW Opens Studio in Charleston, South Carolina [From the industry] Video Game Development and Services Company PTW Opens Studio in Charleston, South Carolina

PTW, a global game development and services provider for many of the industry’s largest publishers and studios, today announced the opening of its latest studio in Charleston, South Carolina.

Its opening makes PTW the first gaming services company in the city, marking a pivotal moment for Charleston’s game development landscape.

Rieder will oversee day-to-day operations of the facility, leveraging Charleston’s vibrant tech ecosystem and the wealth of local talent it harbors.

Expected to be ISO 27001 compliant by next year, the Charleston studio will provide an ideal environment for nurturing local talent and providing top-tier game development services to PTW’s clients, all from a secure fa…

1 month, 1 week назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Here are the winners of the TIGA Awards 2024!
[From the industry] Here are the winners of the TIGA Awards 2024! [From the industry] Here are the winners of the TIGA Awards 2024!

[From the industry] Here are the winners of the TIGA Awards 2024!

The 2024 TIGA Games Industry Awards have once again showcased the extraordinary creativity, innovation, and talent within the sector, which gathered at the historic Shoreditch Town Hall for a gala dinner and presentation ceremony on the evening of Thursday November 28th.

In the Business categories, Dlala Studios was named Best Small Studio, while Best Large Studio went to Rebellion, and Best Publisher to nDreams.

I would also like to say a very special ‘thank you’ to our generous sponsors, who make the Awards possible.”SpecialEffect was the Charity Partner for the TIGA Awards.

TIGA would like to thank our generous sponsors fo…

1 month, 1 week назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Electronic Arts Opens Up 23 More Accessibility Patents for Wider Use and Open-Sources Photosensitivity Analysis Plugin
[From the industry] Electronic Arts Opens Up 23 More Accessibility Patents for Wider Use and Open-Sources Photosensitivity Analysis Plugin [From the industry] Electronic Arts Opens Up 23 More Accessibility Patents for Wider Use and Open-Sources Photosensitivity Analysis Plugin

[From the industry] Electronic Arts Opens Up 23 More Accessibility Patents for Wider Use and Open-Sources Photosensitivity Analysis PluginShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

Dynamically Selecting Speech Functionality on Client Devices: A system that automatically detects and enables speech recognition technologies available on a gaming device.

They could make it possible for those players’ speech to be more effectively recognized and reflected in-game in a way that is representative of their age, emotion, language and speaking style.

The Electronic Arts accessibility portal is an online resource where players can learn abou…

1 month, 1 week назад @ mcvuk.com
MCV/DEVELOP’s 30 Under 30 2024
MCV/DEVELOP’s 30 Under 30 2024 MCV/DEVELOP’s 30 Under 30 2024

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInWelcome to this year’s 30 Under 30, where we put the spotlight on the best and brightest young talent that the industry has to offer.

While it is her first role in the games industry, she consistently demonstrates initiative, problem-solving skills, and a remarkable ability to connect with other people.

Joe also collaborates with organisations like the Eden Project and Natural England to raise people’s awareness of environmental issues through the medium of video games.

KIERAN TOWNLEYAssociate Lead Programmer at Soul AssemblyEven though he is only 26 years old, Kieran has already led multiple games industry programming teams across the country.

She’s in charge o…

1 month, 1 week назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] GAMM, the biggest video game museum in Italy, is now open to the public
[From the industry] GAMM, the biggest video game museum in Italy, is now open to the public [From the industry] GAMM, the biggest video game museum in Italy, is now open to the public

[From the industry] GAMM, the biggest video game museum in Italy, is now open to the publicShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

GAMM – Game Museum has now opened to the public in the historical center of Rome at Piazza della Repubblica.

GAMM – Game Museum aims to highlight the cultural and artistic value of video games as interactive works allowing visitors to immerse themselves in a path based on the combination of history, technology, and the exploration of gameplay.

Marco Accordi Rickards, Director of GAMM said: “GAMM is a wonderful celebration of video game culture that showcases a journey for preservation digitally and …

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Jingle Jam 2024 begins with over £750,000 raised on Night One, as best-ever Games Collection revealed
[From the industry] Jingle Jam 2024 begins with over £750,000 raised on Night One, as best-ever Games Collection revealed [From the industry] Jingle Jam 2024 begins with over £750,000 raised on Night One, as best-ever Games Collection revealed

[From the industry] Jingle Jam 2024 begins with over £750,000 raised on Night One, as best-ever Games Collection revealedShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

Jingle Jam unites the worlds best games, creators and their communities for two weeks of entertainment that powers a lifetime of change.

Viewers are encouraged to donate as much as they are able to, with the first 100,000 people to donate £35 or more receiving a copy of the Jingle Jam 2024 Games Collection.

“This year’s Jingle Jam is finally underway, and we’re already seeing the amazing things that can happen when gaming and creator communities gather to support our in…

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
The Games Growth Summit will return to London in February 2025
The Games Growth Summit will return to London in February 2025 The Games Growth Summit will return to London in February 2025

The award-nominated Games Growth Summit will return on February 28, 2025 in London.

This established event offers a crucial opportunity for gaming industry players to navigate challenges and capitalise on emerging opportunities.

Featuring keynotes, panels, and networking, this event aims to equip attendees with actionable strategies for sustainable growth, leveraging technology, funding, resilience, and community collaboration.

“Our focus is to foster collaboration and provide actionable solutions for our audience to navigate the evolving gaming ecosystem.

We are extremely grateful for all of the support we have had so far and can’t wait for the 4th Games Growth Summit in February!”You can …

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
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последний пост 1 day, 2 hours назад
Sony Cancels Two More PlayStation Projects
Sony Cancels Two More PlayStation Projects

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1 day, 2 hours назад @ bloomberg.com
Ubisoft Hires Advisers to Weigh Options, Delays a Key Game
Ubisoft Hires Advisers to Weigh Options, Delays a Key Game

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1 week, 1 day назад @ bloomberg.com
Ex-Annapurna Video-Game Staff to Absorb Former Take-Two Indie Label
Ex-Annapurna Video-Game Staff to Absorb Former Take-Two Indie Label

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1 week, 3 days назад @ bloomberg.com
CD Projekt Reveals ‘Witcher IV’ With a New Female Protagonist
CD Projekt Reveals ‘Witcher IV’ With a New Female Protagonist

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1 month назад @ bloomberg.com
Grand Theft Auto VI Will Rule the Video Game Industry in 2025
Grand Theft Auto VI Will Rule the Video Game Industry in 2025

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1 month, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Blizzard Brings Back Old ‘Warcraft’ Games as Global Franchise Turns 30
Blizzard Brings Back Old ‘Warcraft’ Games as Global Franchise Turns 30

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2 months назад @ bloomberg.com
Take-Two Sells Small-Game Division for Undisclosed Sum
Take-Two Sells Small-Game Division for Undisclosed Sum Take-Two Sells Small-Game Division for Undisclosed Sum

Video-game publisher Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. sold Private Division, its label responsible for smaller-scale titles, for an undisclosed price.

The unnamed buyer purchased the rights to “substantially all of Private Division’s live and unreleased titles” with the exception of No Rest for the Wicked, an action role-playing game that was released earlier this year, Take-Two said Wednesday in a statement.

2 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
After Era of Bloat, Veteran Video-Game Developers Are Going Smaller
After Era of Bloat, Veteran Video-Game Developers Are Going Smaller

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2 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
PlayStation Shutters Studio Behind ‘Concord’ Video-Game Flop
PlayStation Shutters Studio Behind ‘Concord’ Video-Game Flop

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2 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
EA’s BioWare Looks For Redemption With New ‘Dragon Age’ Game
EA’s BioWare Looks For Redemption With New ‘Dragon Age’ Game

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2 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
The Power Struggle That Imploded Megan Ellison’s Video Game Unit
The Power Struggle That Imploded Megan Ellison’s Video Game Unit

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3 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Inside Activision and Blizzard’s Corporate Warcraft
Inside Activision and Blizzard’s Corporate Warcraft

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3 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Annapurna Video-Game Team Resigns, Leaving Partners Scrambling
Annapurna Video-Game Team Resigns, Leaving Partners Scrambling

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4 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Sony Reveals New, Faster PlayStation 5 Pro for $700
Sony Reveals New, Faster PlayStation 5 Pro for $700

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4 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Top Director at Bungie Was Fired After Misconduct Investigation
Top Director at Bungie Was Fired After Misconduct Investigation

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4 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Wccftech Wccftech
последний пост 5 часов назад
Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal Hit All the Right Notes, According to Analyst
Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal Hit All the Right Notes, According to Analyst Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal Hit All the Right Notes, According to Analyst

Early reception for the Nintendo Switch 2 seems positive, but we reached out to MIDiA Research Games Analyst Rhys Elliott to get his perspective on the reveal.

Based on the development timelines of their internal studios, it seems Nintendo has been sitting on a goldmine of titles to launch during the Nintendo Switch 2’s launch window.

Things will be different for the Nintendo Switch 2, and third parties will get in on the ground floor.

How do you feel about the Nintendo Switch 2 after the reveal?

As a reminder, the Nintendo Switch 2 will be fully revealed through a dedicated Direct showcase scheduled for April 2.

5 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Assassin’s Creed Shadows Gets Exploration Deep Dive – Devs Say The Game Won’t Hold Your Hand Too Much
Assassin’s Creed Shadows Gets Exploration Deep Dive – Devs Say The Game Won’t Hold Your Hand Too Much Assassin’s Creed Shadows Gets Exploration Deep Dive – Devs Say The Game Won’t Hold Your Hand Too Much

Following the new delay, Ubisoft is throwing Assassin's Creed Shadows fans a bone in the way of a new deep dive into the exploration part of the game.

In Assassin's Creed Shadows, information is something you need to look for and earn, whether through your spies, NPC encounters, or through your own eyes.

Interestingly, in Assassin's Creed Shadows, several of Japan's mountains won't be climbable due to their steepness.

The quest log in Assassin's Creed Shadows is called Objective Board, which Ubisoft says will be key in investigating and locating the assassination targets.

Assassin's Creed Shadows is out on March 20 for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series S|X.

6 часов назад @ wccftech.com
NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 5090 and RTX 5080 Listed at Spanish Retailer; EU Buyers To Face Significantly Higher “Premium Tax” This Time
NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 5090 and RTX 5080 Listed at Spanish Retailer; EU Buyers To Face Significantly Higher “Premium Tax” This Time NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 5090 and RTX 5080 Listed at Spanish Retailer; EU Buyers To Face Significantly Higher “Premium Tax” This Time

NVIDIA's high-end GeForce RTX 5090/RTX 5080 have started hitting retail all across Europe, and the initial listing prices aren't looking too fancy, with the GeForce RTX 5090 costing up to €2,889.

NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 5090 Gets Listed Up To €2,889 Including VAT, EU Consumers May Need To Break Their Banks This TimeWell, EU prices certainly vary, given how the VAT taxes fluctuate in each nation.

Here are all the GeForce RTX 5090 models listed at the Spanish retailer:PNY GeForce RTX 5090 Epic-X - €2,649PNY GeForce RTX 5090 OC - €2,599ZOTAC GeForce RTX 5090 AMP Gaming Extreme - €2,889ZOTAC Gaming GeForce RTX 5090 OC - €2,789ZOTAC Gaming GeForce RTX 5090 - €2,769Gigabyte AORUS Master GeForce RTX …

6 часов назад @ wccftech.com
FAA Confirms SpaceX Starship Flight 7 Mishap Investigation & Is Verifying Property Damage From The Flight
FAA Confirms SpaceX Starship Flight 7 Mishap Investigation & Is Verifying Property Damage From The Flight FAA Confirms SpaceX Starship Flight 7 Mishap Investigation & Is Verifying Property Damage From The Flight

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has confirmed that a mishap investigation will be required for SpaceX's Starship Flight 7.

Starship Flight 7 took to the skies less than a day ago amidst much fanfare as SpaceX tested a brand new upper-stage spacecraft with the test.

After the flight, CEO and chief engineer Elon Musk was hopeful that the next Starship test might not be delayed beyond February.

Starship Super Heavy at the point of stage separation in November during an earlier Starship flight.

A mishap investigation can prolong the time that it takes for SpaceX to secure its launch license for Starship Flight 8.

7 часов назад @ wccftech.com
iPhone SE 4 Dummy Units Offer A First Look At Its Design And Form Factor, Showcasing An Uncanny Resemblance To The Sleek iPhone 14
iPhone SE 4 Dummy Units Offer A First Look At Its Design And Form Factor, Showcasing An Uncanny Resemblance To The Sleek iPhone 14 iPhone SE 4 Dummy Units Offer A First Look At Its Design And Form Factor, Showcasing An Uncanny Resemblance To The Sleek iPhone 14

Some accessory makers use these molds for cases, and these dummy units have proved to be entirely accurate in the past.

We have previously reported that Apple's iPhone SE 4 or the iPhone 16E will feature a design similar to that of the iPhone 14.

You can see that the dummy units of the iPhone SE 4 feature a design that is almost identical to that of the iPhone 14.

The iPhone SE 4 is expected to launch in the Spring, possibly in April of this year, alongside a handful of additional products.

Do you think the iPhone SE 4 will sell well compared to the previous version?

7 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Mark Zuckerberg Predicts AI Might Replace Mid-Level Engineers In 2025 And Completely Reshape Coding
Mark Zuckerberg Predicts AI Might Replace Mid-Level Engineers In 2025 And Completely Reshape Coding Mark Zuckerberg Predicts AI Might Replace Mid-Level Engineers In 2025 And Completely Reshape Coding

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, has managed to stay in the news for the past week owing to his appearance on a recent episode of the Joe Rogan podcast and spilling the beans on various aspects.

It is not just his upfront viewpoint on the Cupertino-based tech giant that stood out, but also his prediction regarding the role of AI and how it could potentially replace mid-level engineers by 2025.

With the rapid and broad adoption of AI, many professionals worry about their job security and whether their roles will become redundant with time.

This fear has been further fueled by Mark Zuckerberg's recent projection of the role of AI not just for Meta but for other big companies as well.

While Z…

8 часов назад @ wccftech.com
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 Up To 37% Faster Than RTX 4090 In Vulkan, 16% Faster In OpenCL Tests
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 Up To 37% Faster Than RTX 4090 In Vulkan, 16% Faster In OpenCL Tests NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 Up To 37% Faster Than RTX 4090 In Vulkan, 16% Faster In OpenCL Tests

NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 5090 GPU has been tested within the Geekbench OpenCL & Vulkan APIs, offering up to 37% faster performance.

NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 5090 "Blackwell Flagship" GPU Tested In Geekbench OpenCL & Vulkan Benchmarks, Big Jump In Vulkan Versus RTX 4090NVIDIA's next-generation GeForce RTX 5090 GPU launches soon and, with that, we are looking at the first independent performance leaks which might give us an idea of the uplifts, with the use of DLSS.

First up, we have the OpenCL API where the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 scored 367,740 points, a 16% lead versus the RTX 4090.

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50 GPU Specs (Preliminary):Graphics Card Name NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5080 NVI…

8 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Skyrim Unreal Engine 5.5 Unofficial Remaster Brings Impressive Visual Improvements Over the Original, but at a Considerable Performance Cost, Even on an RTX 4080
Skyrim Unreal Engine 5.5 Unofficial Remaster Brings Impressive Visual Improvements Over the Original, but at a Considerable Performance Cost, Even on an RTX 4080 Skyrim Unreal Engine 5.5 Unofficial Remaster Brings Impressive Visual Improvements Over the Original, but at a Considerable Performance Cost, Even on an RTX 4080

The unofficial Skyrim Unreal Engine 5.5 remaster brings significant visual improvements over the original using Lumen and Nanite, but at a considerable performance cost even on a powerful GPU like the RTX 4080.

A new comparison video put together by MxBenchmarkPC puts the fan-made remaster and the original side by side, highlighting how much hardware Lumen and Nanite improve the game's visuals while leaving the original assets intact.

In case you are afraid of stressing your system out a bit to check how Skyrim has been recreated in the latest version of Unreal Engine 5, you can download the demo here.

While an official Skyrim remake is nowhere on the horizon, we will soon be able to return…

8 часов назад @ wccftech.com
G.SKILL Debuts 2x 48GB DDR5 Memory Kits, Featuring 6400 MT/s Memory Speed & Exceptionally Low-Latency
G.SKILL Debuts 2x 48GB DDR5 Memory Kits, Featuring 6400 MT/s Memory Speed & Exceptionally Low-Latency G.SKILL Debuts 2x 48GB DDR5 Memory Kits, Featuring 6400 MT/s Memory Speed & Exceptionally Low-Latency

G.SKILL Unveils Trident Z5 RGB and Trident Z5 Royal Series 48 GB DDR5 Memory Modules with CL30 LatencyOne of the leading memory manufacturers, G.SKILL, announced its latest DDR5 memory kits for Intel and AMD platforms.

The company has introduced high-capacity and low-latency memory modules for intensive workloads and high-performance PCs, aiming to improve computing performance.

In order to meet the demands of both mainstream and enthusiast users, these memory kits will be available under the Trident Z5 RGB and Trident Z5 Royal series respectively.

With a 96 GB memory configuration at 6400 MT/s speed, G.SKILL shows off an impressive CAS Latency of CL30-39-39-102.

As per G.SKILL's announceme…

9 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Intel Shares Jump On Renewed Buyout Chatter
Intel Shares Jump On Renewed Buyout Chatter Intel Shares Jump On Renewed Buyout Chatter

Just a few weeks after the chatter around Broadcom's possible buyout of Intel seemingly fizzled out, we again have renewed speculation as to this tantalizing possibility, albeit without knowing the identity of the acquirer.

To wit, SemiAccurate has just disclosed that it is now around 90 percent confident that the tip it received a while back regarding Intel's buyout is "real."

This development comes as Qualcomm seemingly cooled off on its ambitions to acquire Intel.

Of course, Intel's middling performance in the AI arena and continuing market share losses to AMD might have also influenced this outcome.

Investors appear to be reacting positively to this tidbit, with Intel shares currently u…

10 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Apple Watch Saves Man’s Life After He Passes Out While Driving, Accelerates Car Into Neighbor’s Swimming Pool, And Gets Trapped Upside Down
Apple Watch Saves Man’s Life After He Passes Out While Driving, Accelerates Car Into Neighbor’s Swimming Pool, And Gets Trapped Upside Down Apple Watch Saves Man’s Life After He Passes Out While Driving, Accelerates Car Into Neighbor’s Swimming Pool, And Gets Trapped Upside Down

From internal heart conditions to calling emergency services in time, the Apple Watch is one of the best life-saving gadgets one can have.

In a new incident, an Apple Watch was involved in saving a man's life after his car crashed into a neighbor's swimming pool.

Apple Watch helped save a man's life after his car crashed upside down in a swimming pool, called emergency on timeOn December 16, Apple Watch user Brent Hill from Easthampton, MA, was driving home and felt nauseous while driving the vehicle.

It appears that Hill's Apple Watch used the Crash Detection feature and called emergency services automatically.

Hill's neighbor also credited the Apple Watch and praised the Crash Detection f…

10 часов назад @ wccftech.com
NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 50 GPUs Expected to Have Limited Launch Availability; Team Green To “Nitpick” Retailer Distribution of SKUs
NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 50 GPUs Expected to Have Limited Launch Availability; Team Green To “Nitpick” Retailer Distribution of SKUs NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 50 GPUs Expected to Have Limited Launch Availability; Team Green To “Nitpick” Retailer Distribution of SKUs

It seems like NVIDIA has a new strategy for distributing NVIDIA's RTX 50 series SKUs among retailers, as Team Green may "nitpick" stores where the GPUs will be available.

It is claimed that NVIDIA will, this time, decide which retailer will have the larger share of NVIDIA's RTX 50 GPUs.

The only way to access the RTX 50 GPUs might be through "digital-queue" systems, which yet again are influenced by automated bots.

Still, the general notion this time is that Team Green will have a confined stock altogether compared to previous releases.

Especially for flagship SKUs like the GeForce RTX 5090, getting them at MSRPs would be almost impossible, given that, this time, availability is pretty low.

10 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Verizon Customers With Five Or More Lines Should Brace For A Hefty Price Hike And Be Ready To Pay At Least $15 Extra Per Month
Verizon Customers With Five Or More Lines Should Brace For A Hefty Price Hike And Be Ready To Pay At Least $15 Extra Per Month Verizon Customers With Five Or More Lines Should Brace For A Hefty Price Hike And Be Ready To Pay At Least $15 Extra Per Month

Telecommunication companies have invited trouble for themselves due to hidden charges or uncalled-for price hikes sporadically.

T-Mobile was earlier legally charged for passing off price increases as mandatory government charges.

Many Verizon users have expressed their dismay about the rumored price increase.

Verizon is not the only company with price hikes, as this seems to be a broader trend in the telecommunications industry.

Most companies are steadily opting for price increases and citing these adjustments as operational costs or finding other justification for them.

11 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Diablo IV Season of Witchcraft Adds the Armory, Witchy Powers, and a New Storyline on the Tree of Whispers
Diablo IV Season of Witchcraft Adds the Armory, Witchy Powers, and a New Storyline on the Tree of Whispers Diablo IV Season of Witchcraft Adds the Armory, Witchy Powers, and a New Storyline on the Tree of Whispers

Yesterday, Blizzard hosted a developer live stream to reveal many new details about Diablo IV Season of Witchcraft, scheduled to go live on public servers on January 21 at 10 AM Pacific Time.

If an item saved in the player's Armory loadout is no longer available because it has been sold, traded, or salvaged, an icon will indicate the item is missing in the loadout preview.

Diablo IV Season of Witchcraft focuses on the Coven of the Witches of Hawezar.

These seasonal socketables provide additional affixes and add Witchcraft tags to the player's Skills, complementing the new Witchcraft Powers.

Last but not least, Diablo IV Season of Witchcraft adds three new Legendary Runes for owners of the V…

11 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Nintendo Switch 2 Leaked Clock Speeds Further Suggest 8nm Chip; Reveal Trailer Has No Obvious Evidence That DLSS or Any Ampere Feature Were Being Used
Nintendo Switch 2 Leaked Clock Speeds Further Suggest 8nm Chip; Reveal Trailer Has No Obvious Evidence That DLSS or Any Ampere Feature Were Being Used Nintendo Switch 2 Leaked Clock Speeds Further Suggest 8nm Chip; Reveal Trailer Has No Obvious Evidence That DLSS or Any Ampere Feature Were Being Used

The Nintendo Switch 2 leaked clock speeds, which look rather legitimate, further suggest how the system is powered by an 8nm chip, according to a new analysis.

Still, everything considered, these clock speeds are definitely in line with what an 8nm chip can achieve, further suggesting that it is the process node used for the T239 chip that powers the system.

The reveal trailer, unfortunately, did not specify if the screen sports a higher resolution than the one of the original system.

What the Nintendo Switch 2 reveal trailer also failed to show is how the system will take advantage of the T239's Ampere architecture.

The Nintendo Switch 2 launches worldwide later this year.

12 часов назад @ wccftech.com
последний пост 5 months, 3 weeks назад
COLORFUL Announces the Launch of the CVN Z790D5 ARK FROZEN Motherboard
COLORFUL Announces the Launch of the CVN Z790D5 ARK FROZEN Motherboard

Late in the Z790 life cycle, we're still seeing new boards come out for the platform. Case in point, Colorful announced their CVN Z790D5 Ark Frozen motherboard. The new SKU sports titanium gray on the heatsinks and PCB, a change from the black and white we're used to. Additionally, you get well-rounded specifications and robust power delivery to handle any 12th-14th generation processor, even when overclocking.

5 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review
Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review

Overclockers and enthusiasts know the Xtreem memory series well, as it's always associated with exceptional performance and high overclocking results. The non-RGB version already confirmed great overclocking potential and high performance.

6 months назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP700 PRO SE 4TB PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review: The fastest SSD, now even faster!
Corsair MP700 PRO SE 4TB PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review: The fastest SSD, now even faster!

We didn't have to wait long for the updated version of the already exceptional Corsair MP700 Pro SSD. The SE version brings us multiple improvements, which we will present in this review.

Corsair provided us with the 4TB version of the MP700 Pro SE SSD, which has the highest capacity so far and is also the fastest Corsair SSD available in stores. In the upcoming weeks, we will see lower capacities and various cooling options for the MP700 Pro SE.

7 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
ADATA SD810 2TB USB 3.2 External SSD Review
ADATA SD810 2TB USB 3.2 External SSD Review

We do not often review portable storage devices, but we are always happy to present interesting products. ADATA sent us the SD810 external SSD, which is designed to resist heavy conditions like water or shock caused by drops on the ground. The SSD also has a high capacity of 2TB and promises exceptional performance, so it is the full package for our important data.

7 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 GRE Gaming OC 16G Graphics Card Review
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 GRE Gaming OC 16G Graphics Card Review

Radeon RX 7900 GRE wasn't planned for a global release; it was a product designed for the Chinese market. However, it became so interesting that AMD decided to make it available around the world, and we didn't have to wait long for leading partners to present their versions. In this review, we will focus on the RX 7900 GRE from Gigabyte, which uses a custom PCB and power design. The card is also overclocked, so it promises better than standard performance.

8 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Reddit: /r/hardware Reddit: /r/hardware
последний пост 53 минуты назад
The RTX 5090 is HERE and I already got to do a build with it! | JayzTwoCents
The RTX 5090 is HERE and I already got to do a build with it! | JayzTwoCents The RTX 5090 is HERE and I already got to do a build with it! | JayzTwoCents

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53 минуты назад @ reddit.com
The uk stop killing games petition is now at 8,679, we need now just an extra 1k for the government to respond, 100k would have a debate at parliament
The uk stop killing games petition is now at 8,679, we need now just an extra 1k for the government to respond, 100k would have a debate at parliament The uk stop killing games petition is now at 8,679, we need now just an extra 1k for the government to respond, 100k would have a debate at parliament

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59 минут назад @ reddit.com
Arstechnica: Camera owner asks Canon, skies: Why is it $5/month for webcam software?
Arstechnica: Camera owner asks Canon, skies: Why is it $5/month for webcam software? Arstechnica: Camera owner asks Canon, skies: Why is it $5/month for webcam software?

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Techspot - Intel claims Core Ultra 200 patches improve gaming performance by up to 26%
Techspot - Intel claims Core Ultra 200 patches improve gaming performance by up to 26% Techspot - Intel claims Core Ultra 200 patches improve gaming performance by up to 26%

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
SK Hynix to mass produce 10nm 1c DDR5 (6th gen DRAM) in February. World-first milestone
SK Hynix to mass produce 10nm 1c DDR5 (6th gen DRAM) in February. World-first milestone

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8 часов назад @ reddit.com
SK hynix Reported to Deliver HBM4 Samples to NVIDIA in June, with Mass Production by Q3 2025 | TrendForce News
SK hynix Reported to Deliver HBM4 Samples to NVIDIA in June, with Mass Production by Q3 2025 | TrendForce News SK hynix Reported to Deliver HBM4 Samples to NVIDIA in June, with Mass Production by Q3 2025 | TrendForce News

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8 часов назад @ reddit.com
New York Proposes Doing Background Checks on Anyone Buying a 3D Printer
New York Proposes Doing Background Checks on Anyone Buying a 3D Printer New York Proposes Doing Background Checks on Anyone Buying a 3D Printer

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8 часов назад @ reddit.com
Do Intel iGPU support Rezisable BAR?
Do Intel iGPU support Rezisable BAR?

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9 часов назад @ reddit.com
Lifetime of RAM and NVME SSD
Lifetime of RAM and NVME SSD

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9 часов назад @ reddit.com
(Rumor/Exclusive) Spanish technology portal claims planned shortage of 5000 series. (link)
(Rumor/Exclusive) Spanish technology portal claims planned shortage of 5000 series. (link)

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11 часов назад @ reddit.com
CI vs production architecture: build application on legacy vs modern CPU
CI vs production architecture: build application on legacy vs modern CPU

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12 часов назад @ reddit.com
Semiaccurate: Intel the target of an acquisition
Semiaccurate: Intel the target of an acquisition Semiaccurate: Intel the target of an acquisition

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12 часов назад @ reddit.com
SanDisk's 512GB microSD Express Card Up for Pre-Order at B&H Photo for $93.83
SanDisk's 512GB microSD Express Card Up for Pre-Order at B&H Photo for $93.83

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12 часов назад @ reddit.com
Have you seen this stunning GPU benchmark? Let's stress and measure the new GPUs!
Have you seen this stunning GPU benchmark? Let's stress and measure the new GPUs! Have you seen this stunning GPU benchmark? Let's stress and measure the new GPUs!

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13 часов назад @ reddit.com
[Hardware Canucks] The ALMOST Perfect $99 CASE! - Phanteks G400A
[Hardware Canucks] The ALMOST Perfect $99 CASE! - Phanteks G400A [Hardware Canucks] The ALMOST Perfect $99 CASE! - Phanteks G400A

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13 часов назад @ reddit.com
Xbox Wire Xbox Wire
последний пост 7 часов назад
Hexes, Headrotten, and Havoc – The Lore of Diablo IV: Season of Witchcraft
Hexes, Headrotten, and Havoc – The Lore of Diablo IV: Season of Witchcraft Hexes, Headrotten, and Havoc – The Lore of Diablo IV: Season of Witchcraft

Beginning January 21, the Tree of Whispers—a macabre yet essential presence in Sanctuary—finds itself under siege in Diablo IV’s Season of Witchcraft.

Gelena: A stern leader who relies on magic tied to the psyche, mastering illusions and divination.

A stern leader who relies on magic tied to the psyche, mastering illusions and divination.

Witchcraft Powers UnleashedSeason of Witchcraft introduces an exciting new mechanic: Witchcraft Powers.

Claim Balance from ChaosDiablo IV: Season of Witchcraft is one of the most haunting journeys yet.

7 часов назад @ news.xbox.com
Next Week on Xbox: New Games for January 20 to 24
Next Week on Xbox: New Games for January 20 to 24 Next Week on Xbox: New Games for January 20 to 24

Synduality: Echo of Ada – January 23Optimized for Xbox Series X|STaking place in the year 2222, years after a mysterious poisonous rain called The Tears of the New Moon wiped out most of humanity and birthed deformed creatures that now hunt the population.

Amidst the calamity, humans are forced to build an underground haven to survive.

Take on the role of a Drifter whose goal is to collect the rare resource known as AO Crystals.

In your quest, you must collaborate with your artificial intelligence partner to face xenomorphic creatures known as Enders and survive the hazards on the surface.

10 часов назад @ news.xbox.com
Free Play Days – January EA Sports Takeover
Free Play Days – January EA Sports Takeover Free Play Days – January EA Sports Takeover

Whether you’re scoring goals, hitting the gridiron, racing to the finish line, or landing knockout punches, this weekend has it all with Free Play Days!

To download on console, click on the Subscriptions tab in the Xbox Store and navigate down to the Free Play Days collection on your Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

Free Play Days (Membership Required)EA SPORTS FC™ 25 Standard Edition Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S Electronic Arts ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 612 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ $69.99 $27.99 Get it now EA Sports FC 25Optimized for Xbox Series X|SEA Sports FC 25 gives you more ways to win for the club.

EA SPORTS™ College Football 25 Electronic Arts ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 1303 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ $69.99 $27.99 Get it now Free Trial EA Sports Col…

1 day, 9 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Celebrate the New Year With UFC 5 Joining the Play List and EA Sports Week
Celebrate the New Year With UFC 5 Joining the Play List and EA Sports Week Celebrate the New Year With UFC 5 Joining the Play List and EA Sports Week

EA Sports UFC 5Get ready to unleash your fury as EA Sports UFC 5 is now on the Play List for all EA Play members (conditions, limitations and exclusions apply – see here for details).

Alongside unlimited access to EA SPORTS UFC 5, EA Play members can score the Bruce Lee Bundle and play as Alter Egos of the father of MMA.

The celebration starts with the EA Sports FC 25’s ‘Team of the Year’ two-week activation and the addition of EA Sports UFC 5 to the Play List.

The gifting continues this month for EA Play members as the new year brings new heart pumping action with all the great rewards, including:Apex Legends Feelin’ lucky?

Visit the EA Play page for more details, and to stay up to date on…

2 days, 7 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Introducing More Ways for Players to Repair their Xbox Consoles, Reduce Waste and Save Energy
Introducing More Ways for Players to Repair their Xbox Consoles, Reduce Waste and Save Energy Introducing More Ways for Players to Repair their Xbox Consoles, Reduce Waste and Save Energy

We’ve heard from players that they want more options for support when their Xbox consoles need repair.

Expanding Repairability, Updating Console Packaging and Reducing Plastic WastePlayers will soon have more options for support when considering in-person repairs for the three Xbox Series X|S console options.

By expanding the number of ways players can get support and repair for their Xbox consoles, we also help extend the longevity of Xbox devices, reduce waste, promote re-use, and ultimately reduce our environmental impact.

Packaging for the three Xbox Series X|S console options are now fully paper and fiber-based, eliminating all single-use plastics.

Through recent system updates to Xbox…

2 days, 9 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
33 Immortals Third Playtest is Back from Jan 28 to Feb 7
33 Immortals Third Playtest is Back from Jan 28 to Feb 7 33 Immortals Third Playtest is Back from Jan 28 to Feb 7

33 Immortals is back for Xbox Insiders with a third playtest starting January 28.

Limited space is available so be ready to join on January 28 to experience this co-op action-roguelike for 33 players.

If you want to learn more, please sign up on the 33 Immortals Website!

Select the Games category and 33 Immortals Beta subcategory.

And feel free to interact with the community on the Xbox Insider SubReddit.

3 days, 9 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Dynasty Warriors: Origins Truly Reinvents a Decades-Long Series
Dynasty Warriors: Origins Truly Reinvents a Decades-Long Series Dynasty Warriors: Origins Truly Reinvents a Decades-Long Series

The title tells you what you need to know – Dynasty Warriors: Origins is going back to basics, a reinvention that goes beyond the incremental changes fans have been used to from most new versions of this series.

You’ll spend the majority of Dynasty Warriors: Origins playing as this character – perhaps the biggest marker that this game is making a major change.

While Origins drops the open world format of 2018’s Dynasty Warriors 9, having a single main character allows the developers to craft a more mutable Story Mode.

All of this speaks to a renewed focus on how combat works in Dynasty Warriors.

And it’s that balance between old and new that defines Origins’ approach – this is recognizably …

4 days, 14 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Candy Crush Solitaire Arrives on February 6 – Register to Play Now
Candy Crush Solitaire Arrives on February 6 – Register to Play Now Candy Crush Solitaire Arrives on February 6 – Register to Play Now

The post Candy Crush Solitaire Arrives on February 6 – Register to Play Now appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 week назад @ youtube.com
Next Week on Xbox: New Games for January 13 to 17
Next Week on Xbox: New Games for January 13 to 17 Next Week on Xbox: New Games for January 13 to 17

Beautiful Sakura: Surfing Club (Windows) – January 15Going in with low expectations, Kaito couldn’t believe it when he hit it off with the new girl at school, Michiko.

But just as the two were getting to know each other, Kaito discovered that his new crush has a twin sister, Yuuki, and he begins to question everything he’s feeling.

When Kaito finally comes to his senses, he realized that it may be too late.

Who does Kaito end up choosing?

1 week назад @ news.xbox.com
Developer_Direct Returns on January 23 – A Celebration of What’s Coming for Xbox Players
Developer_Direct Returns on January 23 – A Celebration of What’s Coming for Xbox Players Developer_Direct Returns on January 23 – A Celebration of What’s Coming for Xbox Players

It’s time to get a look at what’s next – Developer_Direct is back.

On Thursday, January 23 at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern / 6pm UK, fans will get an inside look at a selection of highly anticipated games coming to Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Game Pass players this year.

Presented by the game creators themselves, Developer_Direct offers an in-depth look at upcoming titles, how they’re being created, and who’s creating them.

The team will share more about the game’s creation and how they plan to deliver an incredible story in a gorgeous fantasy world.

Stay tuned to our official social channels for more from Developer_Direct, airing on Thursday, January 23 at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern / 6pm UK.

1 week, 1 day назад @ news.xbox.com
Railway Islands 2: a Puzzle Game for Train Fans and Cozy Gamers, Now on Xbox
Railway Islands 2: a Puzzle Game for Train Fans and Cozy Gamers, Now on Xbox Railway Islands 2: a Puzzle Game for Train Fans and Cozy Gamers, Now on Xbox

Whether it’s the detailed realism of train simulators or the tactile joy of arranging model railways, the appeal of trains transcends generations.

Enter Railway Islands 2, now available on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One.

Unlike complex train simulators or sprawling strategy games, Railway Islands 2 embraces simplicity.

A Modest Tribute to the Joy of TrainsAt its heart, Railway Islands 2 is a humble celebration of the creativity and joy that trains inspire.

Railway Islands 2 is available right now on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Windows Store.

1 week, 2 days назад @ news.xbox.com
The Belly Bumpers Preview is Now Available for Xbox Insiders!
The Belly Bumpers Preview is Now Available for Xbox Insiders! The Belly Bumpers Preview is Now Available for Xbox Insiders!

Xbox Insiders can now join the preview for Belly Bumpers!

Use your belly to knockout other players in this 2-8 online and local party game.

How to Participate:Sign in on your Xbox Series X|S or Xbox One console and launch the Xbox Insider Hub app (install the Xbox Insider Hub from the Store first if necessary).

Navigate to Previews > Belly Bumpers.

And feel free to interact with the community on the Xbox Insider SubReddit.

1 week, 3 days назад @ news.xbox.com
Coming Soon to Game Pass: Diablo, EA Sports UFC 5, and More
Coming Soon to Game Pass: Diablo, EA Sports UFC 5, and More Coming Soon to Game Pass: Diablo, EA Sports UFC 5, and More

Available TodayRoad 96 (Cloud, Console, and PC) – January 7Game Pass Ultimate, PC Game Pass, Game Pass StandardReturning to the Game Pass library, Road 96 is a crazy, beautiful road-trip.

Coming SoonLightyear Frontier (Game Preview) (Xbox Series X|S) – January 8Now with Game Pass StandardStart your interstellar homestead in this peaceful open-world farming adventure!

EA Sports UFC 5 (Cloud and Xbox Series X|S) EA Play – January 14Game Pass UltimateUnleash your fury and get unlimited access to EA Sports UFC 5, coming to Game Pass Ultimate via EA Play.

Diablo (PC) – January 14Game Pass Ultimate, PC Game PassReturn to the legendary town of Tristram in Diablo, the groundbreaking action-RPG that…

1 week, 3 days назад @ news.xbox.com
Xbox and LG to Bring Cloud Gaming to LG Smart TVs
Xbox and LG to Bring Cloud Gaming to LG Smart TVs Xbox and LG to Bring Cloud Gaming to LG Smart TVs

Millions of Game Pass Ultimate members are already using Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) to play great games from the Game Pass catalog on various devices.

Today, we’re excited to announce our collaboration with LG Electronics to bring the Xbox app to their new LG Smart TVs later this year.

This means Game Pass Ultimate members will be able to play their games directly from the Xbox app on supported LG Smart TVs via Xbox Cloud Gaming.

Stream Your Own GameWe also recently announced that Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members can stream select games they own, outside the Game Pass catalog.

We’ll share more details on the Xbox Cloud Gaming experience with LG TV in the coming months.

1 week, 4 days назад @ news.xbox.com
Valorant: Meet Your New Agent, Tejo
Valorant: Meet Your New Agent, Tejo Valorant: Meet Your New Agent, Tejo

Summary Say hello to our newest Agent, Tejo, who’s joining our roster from Colombia.

Tejo, like all Valorant Agents, is unlocked for those with a Game Pass membership.

You finish them.” This statement from Tejo perfectly encompasses our newest Initiator-class Agent, the well-dressed man of action.

Hailing from Colombia, Tejo will undoubtedly shake up the gameplay with his unique kit that flushes out enemies using a top-down approach.

Everyone can play Tejo but those with strategic game sense can make this new Agent really shine.

1 week, 4 days назад @ news.xbox.com
PlayStation Blog PlayStation Blog
последний пост 7 часов назад
Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 506: Marvelous Start
Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 506: Marvelous Start Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 506: Marvelous Start

Like thisThe cast returns for the year's first show and talks Marvel Rivals.

Topics of discussion include Marvel Rivals and retro classics Final Fantasy 5 and the Contra series.

Plus, Brett joins to close out the PlayStation 30th Anniversary discussion by sharing his favorite PS5 and PS VR2 games.

[Editor’s note: PSN game release dates are subject to change without notice.

Game details are gathered from press releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]

7 часов назад @ blog.playstation.com
Share of the Week: New Games
Share of the Week: New Games Share of the Week: New Games

Last week, we asked you to share moments from a new game you started in 2025 using #PSshare #PSBlog.

Search #PSshare #PSBlog on Twitter or Instagram to see more entries to this week’s theme.

Want to be featured in the next Share of the Week?

THEME: Wuthering WavesSUBMIT BY: 11:59 PM PT on January 22, 2025Next week, we’re exploring the world of Wuthering Waves.

Share adventurous moments meeting different Resonators using #PSshare #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.

8 часов назад @ blog.playstation.com
(For Southeast Asia) January Deals come to PlayStation Store
(For Southeast Asia) January Deals come to PlayStation Store (For Southeast Asia) January Deals come to PlayStation Store

Like thisEA SPORTS FC 25, Gran Turismo 7, The Last of Us Part I and more are discounted for a limited time.

PlayStation Store’s extending the new year celebrations with the January Deals promotion, starting January 15 for a limited time*.

Head to PlayStation Store to see the full list and find out your regional discount.

*January Deals promotion available on PlayStation Store from 00.00am JST, Wednesday January 15 until 23:59pm JST Wednesday January 29.

Check PlayStation Store for more details.

21 час назад @ blog.playstation.com
10 must-play platformers available with PlayStation Plus
10 must-play platformers available with PlayStation Plus 10 must-play platformers available with PlayStation Plus

But Astro Bot doesn’t exist in a vacuum – Team Asobi’s award-winning hero comes from an illustrious legacy of PlayStation platformers spanning way back to the original PlayStation, from first-party studios and third-party developers and publishers alike.

If you’re looking to dig into the legacy of PlayStation platformers from the beginning to the current day, there’s no better way to do it than with the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog and Classics Catalog.

Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment | Developer: Sony Interactive EntertainmentCeleste | 2018Play VideoAh, the humble dash: a truly beloved platformer maneuver.

Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment | Developer: Sony Interactive E…

1 day, 9 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
World premiere of the Until Dawn movie trailer
World premiere of the Until Dawn movie trailer World premiere of the Until Dawn movie trailer

Like thisThis year marks the 10th anniversary of the release of the Until Dawn game, and I’m thrilled to share with you the world premiere of the trailer for Until Dawn the movie, coming to theaters.

Though the movie’s story is set in the same world as the game, it was important to us that the movie wasn’t just a retelling.

With the movie we wanted to keep the audience guessing until the end.

We can’t wait for fans to discover how the events of the movie connect to the Until Dawn game.

The movie is going to be full of fresh characters and victims in a brand-new story, loaded with twists.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for January: God of War Ragnarök, Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name, Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand, and more
PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for January: God of War Ragnarök, Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name, Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand, and more PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for January: God of War Ragnarök, Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name, Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand, and more

These games and more form January’s PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup* and will be available to play from January 21.

Two timeless classics are also joining PlayStation Plus Premium: PS2 adventure epic adventure Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings and PS2’s spooky Medievil II.

PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game CatalogView and download imageDownload the image close CloseGod of War Ragnarök | PS4, PS5From Santa Monica Studio comes the sequel to the critically acclaimed God of War (2018).

View and download imageDownload the image close CloseMedievil II | PS4, PS5The sequel to MediEvil released on the original PlayStation in 2000.

*PlayStation Plus Game Catalog and PlayStation Plus …

2 days, 9 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Arken Age – A new sci-fi fantasy adventure hits PS VR2 Jan 16
Arken Age – A new sci-fi fantasy adventure hits PS VR2 Jan 16 Arken Age – A new sci-fi fantasy adventure hits PS VR2 Jan 16

My name is Blake Stone, Lead Designer at VitruviusVR, the development team behind Mervils & Shadow Legend VR on the original PS VR.

We are very excited to launch our newest title Arken Age, a single-player VR adventure set in a terraformed sci-fi fantasy world.

Arken Age has a full 15-hour story driven campaign, was built from the ground-up for PlayStation VR2, and is launching tomorrow, January 16.

He later sent us a prototype of the Project Morpheus headset which would later be renamed PlayStation VR, and since then we have never looked back.

We want to thank everyone in the PlayStation VR community for their support over the years and we hope Arken Age will be something PS VR2 fans can e…

2 days, 10 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
New Year Deals come to PlayStation Store
New Year Deals come to PlayStation Store New Year Deals come to PlayStation Store

Like thisGran Turismo 7, Hitman World of Assassination, The Crew, and more are discounted for a limited time.

PlayStation Store’s extending the new year celebrations with the New Year Deals promotion, starting January 15 for a limited time*.

You can enjoy steep discounts on a variety of titles, including Gran Turismo 7 25th Anniversary Digital Deluxe Edition, Hitman World of Assassination, The Crew: Motorfest Deluxe Edition and many more.

Get a preview of just some of the games under offer below, then head to PlayStation Store when the promotion goes live to see the full list and find out your regional discount.

Check PlayStation Store for more details.

3 days назад @ blog.playstation.com
(For Malaysia) Level Up New Year’s Play! Purchase PlayStation 5 and stand a chance to win rewards!
(For Malaysia) Level Up New Year’s Play! Purchase PlayStation 5 and stand a chance to win rewards! (For Malaysia) Level Up New Year’s Play! Purchase PlayStation 5 and stand a chance to win rewards!

Like thisPromotion begins from 17 January till 2nd February 2025 and to feature attractive prizes, such as PS5 Digital Edition – 30th Anniversary Limited Edition BundleHi everyone!

Purchase a new PlayStation®5 and stand to win prizes such as PS5 Digital Edition – 30th Anniversary Limited Edition Bundle, PlayStation Portal Remote Player, PlayStation Store gift cards, Sony Bravia TV and more.

Additionally, entrants who own PS Plus Membership during campaign period will qualify for special prizes that include PS5 Digital Edition – 30th Anniversary Limited Edition Bundle, DualSense Wireless Controller – Monster Hunter Wilds Limited Edition and PlayStation Portal Remote Player.

* “Participating …

3 days, 19 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Honkai: Star Rail Version 3.0 “Paean of Era Nova” Arrives January 15
Honkai: Star Rail Version 3.0 “Paean of Era Nova” Arrives January 15 Honkai: Star Rail Version 3.0 “Paean of Era Nova” Arrives January 15

Today, I’m thrilled to share more about Version 3.0 “Paean of Era Nova,” launching January 15.

In Version 3.0, Trailblazers will also explore the unique city-state of Castrum Kremnos.

In addition, in the first half of Version 3.0, there will also be a special Warp event.

System OptimizationsLastly, we’ve listened closely to player feedback and, in this major Version 3.0 update, have implemented several system optimizations to improve the gameplay experience!

These are just some exciting updates in Version 3.0 — there’s plenty more to explore and enjoy!

3 days, 23 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
(For Singapore) Level Up New Year’s Play! Purchase PlayStation 5 and stand a chance to win rewards!
(For Singapore) Level Up New Year’s Play! Purchase PlayStation 5 and stand a chance to win rewards! (For Singapore) Level Up New Year’s Play! Purchase PlayStation 5 and stand a chance to win rewards!

Like thisPromotion begins from 17 January till 2nd February 2025 and to feature attractive prizes, such as PS5 Digital Edition – 30th Anniversary Limited Edition BundleHi everyone!

Purchase a new PlayStation®5 and stand to win prizes such as PS5 Digital Edition – 30th Anniversary Limited Edition Bundle, PlayStation Portal Remote Player, PlayStation Store gift cards, Sony Bravia TV and more.

Additionally, entrants who own PS Plus Membership during campaign period will qualify for special prizes that include PS5 Digital Edition – 30th Anniversary Limited Edition Bundle, DualSense Wireless Controller – Monster Hunter Wilds Limited Edition and PlayStation Portal Remote Player.

* “Participating …

3 days, 23 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
(For Thailand) Level Up New Year’s Play! Purchase PlayStation 5 and stand a chance to win rewards!
(For Thailand) Level Up New Year’s Play! Purchase PlayStation 5 and stand a chance to win rewards! (For Thailand) Level Up New Year’s Play! Purchase PlayStation 5 and stand a chance to win rewards!

Like thisPromotion begins from 17 January till 2 February 2025 and to feature attractive prizes, such as PS5 Digital Edition – 30th Anniversary Limited Edition BundleHi everyone!

Purchase a new PlayStation®5 and stand to win prizes such as PS5 Digital Edition – 30th Anniversary Limited Edition Bundle, PlayStation Portal Remote Player, PlayStation Store gift cards, Sony Bravia TV and more.

Additionally, entrants who own PS Plus Membership during campaign period will qualify for special prizes that include PS5 Digital Edition – 30th Anniversary Limited Edition Bundle, DualSense Wireless Controller – Monster Hunter Wilds Limited Edition and PlayStation Portal Remote Player.

* “Participating Co…

3 days, 23 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
(For Indonesia) Level Up New Year’s Play! Purchase PlayStation 5 and stand a chance to win rewards!
(For Indonesia) Level Up New Year’s Play! Purchase PlayStation 5 and stand a chance to win rewards! (For Indonesia) Level Up New Year’s Play! Purchase PlayStation 5 and stand a chance to win rewards!

Like thisPromotion begins from 17 January till 2 February 2025 and to feature attractive prizes, such as PS5 Digital Edition – 30th Anniversary Limited Edition BundleHi everyone!

Purchase a new PlayStation®5 and stand to win prizes such as PS5 Digital Edition – 30th Anniversary Limited Edition Bundle, PlayStation Portal Remote Player, PlayStation Store gift cards, Sony Bravia TV and more.

Additionally, entrants who own PS Plus Membership during campaign period will qualify for special prizes that include PS5 Digital Edition – 30th Anniversary Limited Edition Bundle, DualSense Wireless Controller – Monster Hunter Wilds Limited Edition and PlayStation Portal Remote Player.

* “Participating Co…

3 days, 23 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Dynasty Warriors: Origins — hands-on report
Dynasty Warriors: Origins — hands-on report Dynasty Warriors: Origins — hands-on report

Like thisJanuary 17 will bring Dynasty Warriors: Origins, a thrilling new addition to the Dynasty Warriors series to PlayStation 5, and we recently had the opportunity to play the tactical hack-and-slash action ahead of its release.

Play VideoThe gripping tale of a ‘nameless hero’Dynasty Warriors: Origins follows the drama surrounding China’s Three Kingdoms period, from the Yellow Turban Rebellion to the Battle of Red Cliffs.

Dominate your foes with Musou Attacks and Companion attacksPowerful Musou Attacks can be triggered when the Musou Gauge reaches a certain level, and they can eliminate enemies in a wide area.

Experience unprecedented scale as thousands of soldiers clash on the battlefi…

4 days, 10 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Share of the Year 2024
Share of the Year 2024 Share of the Year 2024

As 2024 came to a close, we asked you to take a look back and share your favorite screenshots you took while playing in 2024 using #PSshare #PSBlog.

Here are the Share of the Year highlights:cuterboy296 shares Astro Bot in the God of War themed level tossing the Leviathan Axe.

Search #PSshare #PSBlog on Twitter or Instagram to see more entries to this week’s theme.

Want to be featured in the next Share of the Week?

Next week, share moments diving into a game you’ve never played before using #PSshare #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.

1 week назад @ blog.playstation.com
PC Gamer PC Gamer
последний пост 1 час назад
As the LA fires raged, Riot Games provided a generator to a fire station that lost power and donated meals from its employee cafeteria
As the LA fires raged, Riot Games provided a generator to a fire station that lost power and donated meals from its employee cafeteria As the LA fires raged, Riot Games provided a generator to a fire station that lost power and donated meals from its employee cafeteria

"Early in the crisis, we provided a backup generator to a local fire station that had lost power, enabling them to continue fighting fires and protecting homes," Riot said in a blog post on Thursday.

Last week, Riot CEO Dylan Jadeja said that the game developer intends to "stand up for Los Angeles" and give back however it can.

Similar to other VALORANT fundraisers, proceeds from weapon skins and accessories in the bundle during this time will go to the Riot Games Social Impact Fund, a donor-advised fund account sponsored by ImpactAssets.

Game developer Necrosoft has also been organizing a California Fire Relief Bundle on itch.io, which should be available soon.

According to the LA Times, t…

1 час назад @ pcgamer.com
This Path of Exile 2 build simply opts out of danger by keeping nearby enemies permanently frozen in time
This Path of Exile 2 build simply opts out of danger by keeping nearby enemies permanently frozen in time This Path of Exile 2 build simply opts out of danger by keeping nearby enemies permanently frozen in time

Path of Exile 2 can be punishing.

With this Titan build devised by YouTuber Panzerfaust, however, there's a simple solution to the onrushing hordes of skeletons and hyena demons: Just keep them from moving.

While that Hulking Form increase doesn't apply to many of the more interesting passive skills on the tree, it does apply to many of the passive skills Panzerfaust's selected that increase the effects of curses and reduce the time it takes for abilities to activate.

Path of Exile 2 - YouTube Watch OnIn a YouTube video showcasing the build, you can watch Panzerfaust march through crowded map hallways.

While I doubt I'll have it in me to recreate Panzerfaust's build for myself, I'm pleased …

2 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
FTC says Genshin Impact 'deceived children' and orders its publisher to pay a $20 million fine and stop selling loot boxes to kids
FTC says Genshin Impact 'deceived children' and orders its publisher to pay a $20 million fine and stop selling loot boxes to kids FTC says Genshin Impact 'deceived children' and orders its publisher to pay a $20 million fine and stop selling loot boxes to kids

Although Cognosphere has accepted the fine, it says that "many of the FTC's allegations are inaccurate."

"Genshin Impact deceived children, teens, and other players into spending hundreds of dollars on prizes they stood little chance of winning," said Samuel Levine, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.

"Companies that deploy these dark-pattern tactics will be held accountable if they deceive players, particularly kids and teens, about the true costs of in-game transactions."

All loot boxes available for purchase with virtual currency will also be made available for direct purchase using real money.

"Genshin Impact is a popular free-to-play, anime-style game designed for olde…

3 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
'Please remember the game has no plot': Vampire Survivors dev points out one of the many challenges in turning its roguelike into a live-action film
'Please remember the game has no plot': Vampire Survivors dev points out one of the many challenges in turning its roguelike into a live-action film 'Please remember the game has no plot': Vampire Survivors dev points out one of the many challenges in turning its roguelike into a live-action film

Poncle also said there are more Vampire Survivors tie-ins on the way this year, the result of teaming up with other developers (like 2024's Balatro collaboration for Friends of Jimbo).

And, in addition to the Vampire Survivors animated series we first heard about a couple of years ago, there's apparently also a live-action Vampire Survivors film in the works.

Patches, updates, DLC, videogame tie-ins, a live-action film and an animated series isn't even the full list of what Poncle is working on.

A Vampire Survivors theme park filled with real vampires?

There's lots more info in Poncle's post on Steam, and below you can watch the 2024 Vampire Survivors wrap-up video.

3 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
'The kid is 100% getting kidnapped': Our 7 best guesses at what the plucky kid in the new Assassin's Creed Shadows art is gonna do in the game
'The kid is 100% getting kidnapped': Our 7 best guesses at what the plucky kid in the new Assassin's Creed Shadows art is gonna do in the game 'The kid is 100% getting kidnapped': Our 7 best guesses at what the plucky kid in the new Assassin's Creed Shadows art is gonna do in the game

(Image credit: Ubisoft)Ubisoft posted some new Assassin's Creed Shadows artwork the other day.

We don't really know much about the supporting cast of Shadows, and our assumptions here are possibly (OK, probably) unfair.

Lincoln Carpenter, News Writer: The "future of Japan" hint makes me think he's some sort of precocious child inventor.

The kid is 100% getting kidnapped and, chances are, when he does you'll be really glad: And slightly annoyed the game makes you rescue him.

Naoe hugs the kid, the day is saved, and everyone realizes there's a whole lot more than meets the eye with this plucky little guy.

3 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is Steam Deck verified
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is Steam Deck verified Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is Steam Deck verified

But the good news is the game isn't so demanding that it won't run on a Steam Deck—in fact, it's now officially Steam Deck verified.

Steam Deck verification, as explained on the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth store page, means it's "fully functional on Steam Deck, and works great with the built-in controls and display."

All functionality is accessible via the default controller configuration, Steam Deck controller icons are displayed in-game, interface text is fully legible, and the "default graphics configuration performs well."

To celebrate Steam Deck verification, Square Enix also teased a "very special chocobo-themed Steam Deck," and it's definitely a marketing thing but may not be just for sh…

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
As a longtime GTA roleplayer, this documentary about actors putting on Hamlet inside GTA Online made me laugh, cry, and wholeheartedly regret ever calling Shakespeare a boring old bastard
As a longtime GTA roleplayer, this documentary about actors putting on Hamlet inside GTA Online made me laugh, cry, and wholeheartedly regret ever calling Shakespeare a boring old bastard As a longtime GTA roleplayer, this documentary about actors putting on Hamlet inside GTA Online made me laugh, cry, and wholeheartedly regret ever calling Shakespeare a boring old bastard

Grand Theft Hamlet is a masterpiece.

On the other hand, shot entirely inside GTA Online, Grand Theft Hamlet is a refreshing and nuanced exploration of telling old stories in new and unlikely ways.

(Image credit: MUBI)Which could well be the case in the here and now with Grand Theft Hamlet.

And so through all of this, when Grand Theft Hamlet asks: to be or not to be?

Grand Theft Hamlet releases in US theaters today.

6 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 rolls out new forum rules to curb toxic behavior, which immediately sparks toxic behavior
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 rolls out new forum rules to curb toxic behavior, which immediately sparks toxic behavior Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 rolls out new forum rules to curb toxic behavior, which immediately sparks toxic behavior

"Occasional swearing" is fine, they added—Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is an M-rated game, after all—but users are urged to "keep it reasonable."

This includes:1.1 Racism : Prejudice or hostility based on race or ethnicity.

1.2 Sexism : Discrimination or hostility based on gender or sex.

1.8 Colourism : Bias or prejudice based on skin tone.

In recent days, there's been a more virulent backlash against claims that Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 includes an "unskippable" same-sex love scene, prominent Black characters, and "lectures" about feminism.

6 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
So is the US banning TikTok or not? The Supreme Court says go for it, but it's up to Trump now: 'You're going to see what I'm going to do'
So is the US banning TikTok or not? The Supreme Court says go for it, but it's up to Trump now: 'You're going to see what I'm going to do' So is the US banning TikTok or not? The Supreme Court says go for it, but it's up to Trump now: 'You're going to see what I'm going to do'

The US Supreme Court has upheld a law that could see TikTok being banned within the country in the next few days over national security concerns.

"But Congress has determined that divestiture is necessary to address its well-supported national security concerns regarding TikTok’s data collection practices and relationship with a foreign adversary.

The Supreme Court's decision will allow it to "prevent the Chinese government from weaponizing TikTok to undermine America's national security," says Attorney General Merrick Garland.

President-elect Donald Trump threatened to ban TikTok in his first term, but has now changed his tune.

Racing to the Supreme Court judgement on CNN, Trump said "it u…

7 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Instead of role queue, Marvel Rivals wants to trust players with the epic responsibility of creating a functioning team by themselves: 'We’ll be taking a little bit more of a Marvel-inspired approach'
Instead of role queue, Marvel Rivals wants to trust players with the epic responsibility of creating a functioning team by themselves: 'We’ll be taking a little bit more of a Marvel-inspired approach' Instead of role queue, Marvel Rivals wants to trust players with the epic responsibility of creating a functioning team by themselves: 'We’ll be taking a little bit more of a Marvel-inspired approach'

Three things in this life are guaranteed: taxes, death, and a fight breaking out in Marvel Rival's team chat when no one on your team goes Vanguard.

"We totally get that the community is discussing role lock and role queue," Marvel Rivals director Guangyun Chen says in an interview with Metro.

So, what we want to offer is more line-up or more team-comp possibilities through our hero design and our team-up mechanic.

There are definitely plenty of ways to stack a team so that you win, but I don't think most Marvel Rivals players have cottoned onto that idea yet.

As more players join the ranks of Marvel Rivals and get to grips with different effective team comps and strategies, there could be …

7 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
This is not a drill: The Razer Kuromi collab is finally more widely available, offering a pointy-eared headset, keyboard, mouse, and gaming chair
This is not a drill: The Razer Kuromi collab is finally more widely available, offering a pointy-eared headset, keyboard, mouse, and gaming chair This is not a drill: The Razer Kuromi collab is finally more widely available, offering a pointy-eared headset, keyboard, mouse, and gaming chair

Previously China-exclusive, the Razer Kuromi collaboration is now available in the US by popular demand.

The full range includes a suitably themed Enki X gaming chair, tenkeyless Ornata V3 keyboard, DeathAdder Essential mouse and mouse mat bundle, plus the striking Leviathan V2 X soundbar.

And, befitting a youngster in receipt of a considerable monthly allowance, the Razer X Kuromi collaboration costs a pretty penny too.

Razer | Kuromi Collection - YouTube Watch OnStill, as a very much not US-based Sanrio fan, my money is safe for now—though, I have hope that Razer may make moves to plan a little Europe trip for the Kuromi collaboration one day.

In the meantime, US-based PC Gamers can scoop…

8 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Logitech G Pro X TKL Rapid review
Logitech G Pro X TKL Rapid review Logitech G Pro X TKL Rapid review

The Logitech G Pro X TKL Rapid is Logi's first attempt at rapid trigger and, despite being a bit loud and a bit niche, it's as solid as its aluminium front plate.

With the launch of the Pro X Superlight 2 Dex and Logitech G Pro Lightspeed, I found myself wondering what they would really add to the average Logitech gamer's life, even if they were solid upgrades.

Pro X TKL Rapid specs (Image credit: Future) Size: TKLConnectivity: WiredKeycaps: Dual-shot PBTSwitches: Magnetic analog switchesHot-swappable: NoMedia Controls: 5Lighting: YesSoftware: Logitech G HubPrice: $170 | £170Starting with the rapid trigger.

The G Pro X TKL Rapid has a very smooth typing experience.

✅ You're looking for a bu…

8 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
A not-so-subtle tease suggests Games Workshop is finally bringing Total War: Warhammer 3's Grand Cathay army to the tabletop wargame
A not-so-subtle tease suggests Games Workshop is finally bringing Total War: Warhammer 3's Grand Cathay army to the tabletop wargame A not-so-subtle tease suggests Games Workshop is finally bringing Total War: Warhammer 3's Grand Cathay army to the tabletop wargame

One of the interesting quirks of 2022's Total War: Warhammer 3 is that it featured two major armies that never actually existed in the tabletop game Warhammer Fantasy.

(Image credit: Games Workshop)Reddit detectives quickly worked out that the vague shape in this blank spot is in fact a Cathayan mountain range from a specific piece of Total War: Warhammer 3 art.

Based on the faction's roster in Total War: Warhammer 3, that means we can potentially expect miniatures of dragons, flying cavalry, terracotta warriors, jade lions, and more.

And if Grand Cathay is returning, the chances seem good for Kislev eventually too.

But I think there's enough evidence here for Total War: Warhammer 3 fans to…

8 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
'You can’t plan a success in this industry': Former Sony exec Shuhei Yoshida says he would've 'tried to resist' the company's ill-fated march towards live service gambles
'You can’t plan a success in this industry': Former Sony exec Shuhei Yoshida says he would've 'tried to resist' the company's ill-fated march towards live service gambles 'You can’t plan a success in this industry': Former Sony exec Shuhei Yoshida says he would've 'tried to resist' the company's ill-fated march towards live service gambles

"I was responsible for allocating resources to what kind of games [we'd] make.

If the company was considering that [live service way], it probably wouldn't have made sense to stop making great single-player games and to put money into these service games."

"What they did after [Hermen Hulst] took over is the company and Sony allocated a lot more resources [to live service games].

Yoshida doesn't think anyone at the company was ignorant of the risks: "I'm sure they knew it's risky.

Still, Yoshida says that the whole live service diceroll is far from how he would've handled it.

8 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
This leather-wrapped PC case is trying to be all executive chic but it looks like Don Draper's gaming PC
This leather-wrapped PC case is trying to be all executive chic but it looks like Don Draper's gaming PC This leather-wrapped PC case is trying to be all executive chic but it looks like Don Draper's gaming PC

Look, I'm all for a touch of eccentric design in the PC case world.

But I'm not entirely sure I can get behind the aesthetic of the Montech Heritage PC case.

It's got diagonal slashes, which are rather neat, and the front, rear, and top panels have plenty of holes for ventilation (via Techpowerup).

But wrapping a PC case in leather?

The biggest gaming news, reviews and hardware deals Keep up to date with the most important stories and the best deals, as picked by the PC Gamer team.

8 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Nintendo Life Nintendo Life
последний пост 7 часов назад
Video: We've Spotted Some Secrets In The Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal Trailer
Video: We've Spotted Some Secrets In The Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal Trailer Video: We've Spotted Some Secrets In The Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal Trailer

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 792kYou probably already know this, but the Nintendo Switch 2 was officially unveiled to the world yesterday.

We won't touch on everything in this article, so make sure you watch the video up top for every single detail — secret or otherwise — we've spotted on the Switch 2.

A fine finishStarting things off on a subtle note, the Switch 2's finish looks a fair bit different from the Switch 1's.

Well, on the Switch 2, they've moved — and they're a bit bigger, too.

So, those are some of the coolest little details we spotted in the Switch 2 reveal trailer.

7 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Nintendo Download: 16th January (North America)
Nintendo Download: 16th January (North America) Nintendo Download: 16th January (North America)

BACKROOMS INSIDE THE ESCAPE (RandomSpin Games, 16th Jan, $9.99) - Venture through a labyrinth of seemingly endless, creepily familiar corridors based on popular Creepypasta lore.

Decoration Rush (NOSTRA GAMES, 16th Jan, $4.99) - Grab your team and start the race to become the best decorator.

EGGCONSOLE CRIMSON PC-8801mkIISR (D4 Enterprise, 16th Jan, $6.49) - This game was released in 1987 in Japan as a role-playing game.

The Last Light (EpiXR Games, 16th Jan, $11.99) - It all takes place in a dark, abandoned hospital.

Things Too Ugly (Baltoro Games, 16th Jan, $7.99) - Clock in for the night shift at TEREBRO INC., 1986.

8 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
'Sonic Jam' Skin Is Now Free For All Owners Of Sonic X Shadow Generations
'Sonic Jam' Skin Is Now Free For All Owners Of Sonic X Shadow Generations 'Sonic Jam' Skin Is Now Free For All Owners Of Sonic X Shadow Generations

Before Sonic X Shadow Generations launched on 25th October 2024, Sega ran a promotion in which it gave away a free Sonic Jam character skin to those who signed up to the company's emails.

Well, that promotion is long gone now, and Sega has decided to offer the skin to all owners of Sonic X Shadow Generations, regardless of platform (thanks, Sonic Stadium).

So all you need to do is head to your respective Nintendo Switch eShop and download the skin at no extra cost.

We highly recommend you give Sonic X Shadow Generations a shot if you're after an honest-to-God great 3D Sonic game.

We awarded it a score of 9/10 and said that it "combines two excellent campaigns to create what is likely the ve…

8 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Talking Point: Did All The Switch 2 Leaks 'Damage' Nintendo Or The Console's Reveal?
Talking Point: Did All The Switch 2 Leaks 'Damage' Nintendo Or The Console's Reveal? Talking Point: Did All The Switch 2 Leaks 'Damage' Nintendo Or The Console's Reveal?

In the leak-filled weeks prior to the Switch 2 reveal, we saw increasing incredulity from die-hard Nintendo fans on social media.

developments for years, it's been irritating to see clout-seeking, source-burying leaker wannabes 'forgetting' to highlight that, actually, the reveal trailer in their first tweet is fan-made and not the real "Switch 2 trailer!"

Confusing frustration and impatience with the idea that Nintendo and Switch 2's official reveal has been 'damaged' somehow by this carnival of leaks is a mistake, though.

Secondly, and most significantly: the Switch 2 reveal trailer is not for you.

But anyone who thinks the platform holder's inaction allowed leaks to 'spoil' Switch 2's re…

9 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Atari's CEO Is "Extremely Pleased" With Company's Performance In 2024
Atari's CEO Is "Extremely Pleased" With Company's Performance In 2024 Atari's CEO Is "Extremely Pleased" With Company's Performance In 2024

Atari has released an end-of-year business update regarding its work and performance during 2024; its first full calendar year in executing its new retro-focused strategy.

Crucially, things seem to be looking good for Atari, with the company highlighting several launches during 2024, including the likes of Yars Rising, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind, The Thing: Remastered, and RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic.

It specifically singled out its acquisitions of Digital Eclipse and Nightdive Studios, noting how this has "significantly deepened the company’s expertise in bringing retro games from the 1970s through the early 2000s to modern PCs and consoles and expanded the company’s skil…

10 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Nintendo Believes In "Giving Proper Credit" After Backlash Over Donkey Kong Country Returns HD
Nintendo Believes In "Giving Proper Credit" After Backlash Over Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Nintendo Believes In "Giving Proper Credit" After Backlash Over Donkey Kong Country Returns HD

Nintendo has issued a short statement in response to the backlash following the omission of Retro Studios' staff from the credits of Donkey Kong Country Returns HD.

In speaking with Eurogamer, Nintendo said that it believes in "giving proper credit for anyone involved in making or contributing to a game's creation".

However, it would not elaborate on why exactly it opted to leave the original development team out of the credits for the new Switch release.

Donkey Kong Country Returns HD is out now on Nintendo Switch.

Much like Metroid Prime Remastered, the credits for the new release make a passing reference to original developer Retro Studios, simly stating "Based on the work of the origina…

11 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Nintendo's Share Price Dips Following Its Big Switch 2 Reveal
Nintendo's Share Price Dips Following Its Big Switch 2 Reveal Nintendo's Share Price Dips Following Its Big Switch 2 Reveal

Nintendo's share price has taken a slight hit since the company officially revealed its next-gen hardware: the Nintendo Switch 2.

As reported by Al Jazeera (thanks, Eurogamer), Nintendo's share price fell as much as 7.2% following the surprise reveal.

Nintendo's share price has been at a record high for quite some time now, climbing even further in the days preceding the Switch 2's reveal.

In fact, Nintendo's share price at the time of writing (9,181 JPY) is still higher than where it started during the first week of 2025.

Nintendo's share price is likely to fluctuate significantly over the coming weeks, but we suspect it will remain quite high, particularly as we inch toward the upcoming D…

12 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Nacon Reveals New Switch 2 Accessory Range, Including Mario Kart Wheels
Nacon Reveals New Switch 2 Accessory Range, Including Mario Kart Wheels Nacon Reveals New Switch 2 Accessory Range, Including Mario Kart Wheels

Following the official reveal of the Nintendo Switch 2, accessory maker Nacon has revealed a range of new products for the upcoming console.

If you're familiar with the kind of stuff manufacturers would make for the original Switch, then very little here will come as a surprise.

That said, the premium-looking steering wheel that houses both of the Switch 2's Joy-Con looks rather swish; we'd love to take that one for a spin.

Otherwise, we've got carry cases, Joy-Con wheels for use with Mario Kart 9 and other potential racers, standard grips, and screen protectors.

Still, it's cool to see this stuff finally see the light of day after the Switch 2 was shrouded in mystery for so long.

13 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Poll: What Do You Think Of Donkey Kong's Redesign In Mario Kart 9?
Poll: What Do You Think Of Donkey Kong's Redesign In Mario Kart 9? Poll: What Do You Think Of Donkey Kong's Redesign In Mario Kart 9?

With the reveal of the Switch 2, Nintendo also gave us a brief glimpse at a brand-new Mario Kart game; something that many of us were hoping for after the last mainline entry launched over ten years ago.

Yes, the game we're currently referring to as Mario Kart 9 is still somewhat shrouded in mystery, but the short tease revealed a number of tantalising hints as to what we might expect from the upcoming Switch 2 title.

One notable change that we (and indeed, many of you) caught was the design for Donkey Kong.

What do you make of Donkey Kong's design in Mario Kart 9 (hey, that rhymes)?

Are you keen on the new look, or would you rather Nintendo had retained his classic, more recognisable desig…

14 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Japanese Charts: Freedom Wars Remastered Makes Its Top Ten Debut
Japanese Charts: Freedom Wars Remastered Makes Its Top Ten Debut Japanese Charts: Freedom Wars Remastered Makes Its Top Ten Debut

Famitsu has posted the latest boxed sales charts for Japan, and this time, Freedom Wars Remastered makes its debut on the Switch and the PS5.

Rather predictably, the Switch version sold more copies at 8,277 (4,829 on the PS5) but couldn't quite manage to climb the ranks and claim the top prize.

It's the only blip in what is otherwise a pretty familiar sight by now, with Super Mario Party Jamboree once again topping the charts, followed not-so-closely by Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

Overall, sales figures have dropped significantly from the rush over the Christmas and New Year period, but this is to be expected.

The standard PS5 had a good crack at it, mind you, marginally losing out to the OG Switc…

15 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Switch 2 Supply Chain Figures Reportedly Revealed Ahead Of 2025 Launch
Switch 2 Supply Chain Figures Reportedly Revealed Ahead Of 2025 Launch Switch 2 Supply Chain Figures Reportedly Revealed Ahead Of 2025 Launch

As exciting as new console launches are, it's become increasingly difficult in recent years to secure certain systems on release.

Sony's PlayStation 5 was hugely impacted by this coming off the pandemic, so how will it be for Nintendo's Switch successor this many years on?

In comparison, the original Switch shifted around 15 million units in its opening year, but the Switch 2 launch will now be nearly a decade later.

Of course, one thing we also don't know just yet is the price of the Switch 2 - which will likely be a deciding factor for many fans.

There have already been all sorts of price estimates and predictions based on the rumoured technology inside of Nintendo's new hardware, so hope…

20 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Round Up: Video Game Industry Reacts To Nintendo's Switch 2 Announcement
Round Up: Video Game Industry Reacts To Nintendo's Switch 2 Announcement Round Up: Video Game Industry Reacts To Nintendo's Switch 2 Announcement

The Switch 2 announcement and reveal video is now trending across the internet and more industry figures, developers and publishers are beginning to share their reactions.

We've rounded up as many as can find here in one post.

UbisoftAfter some rumours suggesting it's bringing over a dozen games to Nintendo's new platform, Ubisoft has now publicly declared it's in love with the Switch 2:

21 час назад @ nintendolife.com
Silksong Fans Think They've Narrowed Down The Big Announcement
Silksong Fans Think They've Narrowed Down The Big Announcement Silksong Fans Think They've Narrowed Down The Big Announcement

Hollow Knight fans have been waiting over five years now for Silksong, so when will we hear more about it?

While the best guesses have been shared time and time again, the next date fans have discovered actually lines up with Nintendo's Switch 2 Direct.

Long story short, someone ended up reverse image searching the picture of the cake and the first search result was for a recipe with the date "2nd April" at the top of the page.

if you reverse image search the pfp cake you get a link for a recipe article posted on April 2nd, the same day as the newly annouced Switch 2 direct.

Silksong was meant to launch on multiple occasions in the past but has been delayed again and again.

23 часа назад @ nintendolife.com
Random: Switch 2 Leakers Called Out By Industry Veteran Hideki Kamiya
Random: Switch 2 Leakers Called Out By Industry Veteran Hideki Kamiya Random: Switch 2 Leakers Called Out By Industry Veteran Hideki Kamiya

Okami, Bayonetta and Devil May Cry creator Hideki Kamiya has shared his thoughts about leakers following Nintendo's official reveal of the Switch 2.

In a series of messages on social media, he's gone on a bit of a rant, claiming "those who helped leak it" or share any information about the new system should "be cursed for the rest of their lives".

He is the worst of scum, so he should be covered in sh** from head to toe and thrown out of the atmosphere... and then stop thinking and wander forever...

Just yesterday, former Nintendo employees Kit and Krysta shared their thoughts about how Nintendo would likely be feeling about the leak.

As we've already noted here on Nintendo Life, as excitin…

1 day, 1 hour назад @ nintendolife.com
Reaction: Nintendo Pins Hopes On Familiar Fun With Switch 2
Reaction: Nintendo Pins Hopes On Familiar Fun With Switch 2 Reaction: Nintendo Pins Hopes On Familiar Fun With Switch 2

News Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal Trailer Gives First Official Look At The New Console The wait is over!

This is a straight sequel to a barnstormer that gives Nintendo another generation to figure out what to do next - and I don't think Nintendo has another eight-year cycle to figure it out.

This all sounds like a downer when the future is very bright and there's so much we still don't know.

Sony fans don't get glum when the next console is a PlayStation with a new number, and rightly so.

Great Nintendo games, of course; the tantalising prospect of a new generation's worth of first-party gems!

1 day, 7 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Pocketgamer Pocketgamer
последний пост 9 часов назад
Arknights celebrates fifth anniversary in style with new limited-time event
Arknights celebrates fifth anniversary in style with new limited-time event Arknights celebrates fifth anniversary in style with new limited-time event

Can't wait for dayArknights is celebrating its fifth anniversary in style with a new limited-time eventAdventures that Cannot Wait for the Sun introduces brand-new limited operatorsThat's on top of login rewards and more for loyal players!

But you're going to have to check in quick if you want to find out what else Arknights has in store for you.

That's because this limited-time event is only running from January 16th to February 13th, so be sure to take a gander quickly before time runs out!

Meanwhile, if you want to build a top-tier team in Arknights don't get caught slacking.

Instead, check out our Arknights tier list ranking all currently available operators, updated for January 2025 to…

9 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Vahalla Survival unveils new details of what to expect in latest preview
Vahalla Survival unveils new details of what to expect in latest preview Vahalla Survival unveils new details of what to expect in latest preview

Pre-registration now openFind out more about upcoming roguelike hack 'n slasher Valhalla SurvivalNew details on features, stages and more!

Just look at Lionheart Studios and their upcoming, highly-touted roguelike RPG Valhalla Survival that's now in pre-registration.

Ahead of their April 21st launch we've been handed new preview details to share that'll give you an idea of what to expect on launch!

To start, aside from being delivered to you on Unreal Engine 5, one of the key selling points that Lionheart is eager to stress is the vertical interface being used for Valhalla Survival.

While this ain't exactly Diablo, I can't deny that Valhalla Survival looks like it's shaping up to be a worth…

9 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
AFK Journey sends a chill up your spine with the new Chains of Eternity update
AFK Journey sends a chill up your spine with the new Chains of Eternity update AFK Journey sends a chill up your spine with the new Chains of Eternity update

Not so with AFK Journey's new update Chains of Eternity.

Promising to offer some horror-thriller fun, it's guaranteed to leave you with chills.

Too often horror-themed updates for releases that don't already concentrate on it are usually very in-your-face and over the top.

If you're looking to jump into AFK Journey for the first time, be sure to check out our list of relevant promo codes to give yourself a boost!

And if that's not enough we've also got an entire list ranking all the currently-available characters in AFK Journey that are sure to prep you for the battles ahead.

10 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Company of Heroes debuts multiplayer skirmish mode for iOS port
Company of Heroes debuts multiplayer skirmish mode for iOS port Company of Heroes debuts multiplayer skirmish mode for iOS port

Classic strategy PvP, in the palm of your handCompany of Heroes, the hit RTS from Relic entertainment, ported by Feral interactive, is getting multiplayer!

The original was made available a little while back on mobile with one key missing feature, multiplayer.

Yes, I've spotted on the iOS page for Company of Heroes the enticing news that Online Skirmish Mode has debuted as a beta feature.

Company of Heroes is fondly remembered for managing to strike a dynamic balance between realistic warfare and more gamified RTS fun.

Dig into our list of the top 25 best strategy games for Android and iOS to find all the best RTS and grand-strategy releases that'll test your mettle.

11 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Pokémon TCG Pocket previews new trading feature and gives fresh details on implementation
Pokémon TCG Pocket previews new trading feature and gives fresh details on implementation Pokémon TCG Pocket previews new trading feature and gives fresh details on implementation

Fortunately, Pokémon TCG Pocket has anticipated this and is set to introduce a trading feature that'll let you swap and share like you're really there.

To start, you can only trade cards of the same rarity and then only between friends.

The system is set to go live at some time later this month, with the team behind Pokémon TCG Pocket planning to assess how it works once it's introduced.

Of course, in our own discussions of the feature, we've noted that certain rarity tiers won't be available for trade.

In the meantime if you want to get better, why not check out our list of the best decks to play in Pokémon TCG Pocket?

11 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Once Human opens mobile pre-orders as it debuts new content
Once Human opens mobile pre-orders as it debuts new content Once Human opens mobile pre-orders as it debuts new content

Not long now, soon to be once-humansOnce Human has opened up its hotly-anticipated mobile pre-registration campaignThat means big rewards!

Everything from resources up to exclusive weaponsAnd with the new Visional Wheel and Blood Moon events, there'll be plenty of content to explore at launchOnce Human, NetEase's hotly-anticipated, supernaturally-inspired open-world survival RPG, is finally opening pre-orders for mobile.

You can sign up for the mobile pre-registration campaign on the official Once Human website.

And you'll want to have some of these resources and weapons to hand to because there's plenty of great content awaiting you in Once Human.

For example, the recently added Visional W…

11 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
10 iOS and Android games like Pokemon GO
10 iOS and Android games like Pokemon GO 10 iOS and Android games like Pokemon GO

Pokemon Go is a pretty unique game in concept, especially when it comes to the location-based aspect of the game.

And the concept behind Pokemon; collecting, battling, and taking gyms is just something that doesn't transfer to other games.

However, if the spawns aren't on or if you are otherwise a bit bored with Pokemon Go, there are quite a few other games to check out!

Though many of these games won't have the iconic Pokemon we all know and love, they do have a lot going for them.

Let's get into our list of games like Pokemon Go.

14 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Top 10 best one-button games on iPhone and iPad (iOS)
Top 10 best one-button games on iPhone and iPad (iOS) Top 10 best one-button games on iPhone and iPad (iOS)

iPhone gaming appeals to a far broader crowd than the traditional consoles do.

Even within the field of iOS games, though, there are degrees of complexity.

To many, one-button games represent the purest form of gaming.

You don't have to worry about virtual D-pads; handset orientation; or even assorted swipes and prods.

Here are ten of our favourite one-button games on iPhone, then.

14 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Arknights: Endfield PC beta test begins today, no news on mobile test yet
Arknights: Endfield PC beta test begins today, no news on mobile test yet Arknights: Endfield PC beta test begins today, no news on mobile test yet

Sadly, although a new beta test is kicking off as of the time of writing, it remains PC-only!

Set in the world of the original Arknights, Endfield promises to take the series into the 3D RPG genre laid out by predecessors such as MiHoYo's Genshin Impact.

Once we start getting news trickling out from this beta test we'll also learn a lot more about Endfield, with new characters, dodge mechanics, combos and more set to be introduced to the audience in this latest test.

Subscribe to Pocket Gamer onNow, admittedly I am exaggerating just a teeny bit about the stinging remark above.

But at the same time, it is interesting to see PC prioritised slightly over mobile here, especially when most of yo…

15 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Honor Magic 7 Pro review - "Beauty on the outside, beast on the inside"
Honor Magic 7 Pro review - "Beauty on the outside, beast on the inside" Honor Magic 7 Pro review - "Beauty on the outside, beast on the inside"

But while other brands like Redmagic flaunt these neon-lit badges loud and proud, it seems like Honor is opting to go for a subtler approach, especially given the elegance of the Honor Magic 7 Pro.

Table of contents:Honor Magic 7 Pro Design And HardwareRight out of the box, you can instantly tell how much love and effort was poured into making the Honor Magic 7 Pro a stunning beauty.

Infinix GT 20 Pro review - “An impressive gaming phone for those on a budget”And the battery?

Honor does, apparently.

Overall, the Honor Magic 7 Pro is an AI-focused flagship that's beautiful inside and out.

15 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
eFootball unveils the Lunar New Year campaign with numerous challenges and rewards to earn
eFootball unveils the Lunar New Year campaign with numerous challenges and rewards to earn eFootball unveils the Lunar New Year campaign with numerous challenges and rewards to earn

Running from January 16th to February 6th, this event offers a variety of rewards, including a Manchester United player as a login present and Select Booster Tokens through Objectives.

eFootball’s Lunar New Year event kicks off with the Highlight: Manchester United Chance Deal bonus for everyone.

At the centre of this update is of course the Lunar New Year Campaign, with numerous objectives that will help enhance your team.

Subscribe to Pocket Gamer onCompleting all challenges nets you several rewards, including 100x Select Booster Tokens, two Highlight: Manchester United Chance Deals, a Manchester United Avatar Set, 150x eFootball Coins, and various training programs.

Finally, a Lunar New …

17 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Solo Leveling: Arise releases the new year’s first update with a brand new raid battle
Solo Leveling: Arise releases the new year’s first update with a brand new raid battle Solo Leveling: Arise releases the new year’s first update with a brand new raid battle

The biggest part about the patch is a new cooperative raid, a powerful Hunter, as well as numerous limited-time events.

The centrepiece of this update is the Jeju Island Alliance Raid Event, a cooperative raid that invites you to clear dungeons and contribute to the overall raid progress.

As you advance, you'll earn Jeju Island Raid Contribution Points and Coins, which can be exchanged for valuable rewards like the Jeju Island Raid Celebration SSR Hunter Weapon Selection Ticket.

Completing these missions can earn you Sung Jinwoo’s SSR weapons, Truth: Kasaka’s Venom Fang, as well as other SSR Hunters like Cha Hae-In and Meilin Fisher.

New weapons for Sung Jinwoo have been added, while additi…

17 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Genshin Impact has revealed the rest of the events that will be part of version 5.3
Genshin Impact has revealed the rest of the events that will be part of version 5.3 Genshin Impact has revealed the rest of the events that will be part of version 5.3

Phase two of version 5.3 brings new characters to the frayEarn several freebies through the login eventSpringtime Charms will grant you a costume for XianglingGet yourself new characters and weapons from event wishesIt’s been a few weeks since HoYoverse released version 5.3, Incandescent Ode of Resurrection, in Genshin Impact.

And of course, Primogems, Weapon Ascension Materials, and more will also be on offer.

Consume Original Resin during this phase to double your rewards, which can be done up to three times a day.

Here’s a list of redeemable Genshin Impact codes to stock up on resources!

And to top it off, Epitome Invocation will boost the drop rate for two 5-star weapons, Crimson Moon’s…

18 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
The Seven Deadly Sins: Idle Adventure’s first update of 2025 introduces a new character and several events
The Seven Deadly Sins: Idle Adventure’s first update of 2025 introduces a new character and several events The Seven Deadly Sins: Idle Adventure’s first update of 2025 introduces a new character and several events

This update introduces new events, an additional character, and expanded stages, offering you an enhanced adventure experience as we step into 2025.

The latest addition to The Seven Deadly Sins: Idle Adventure’s roster is the Holy Maiden of the Forest Elaine.

Subscribe to Pocket Gamer onThe update also introduces the Happy New Year event packed with bucketloads of rewards.

You can also get yourself some freebies by redeeming these Seven Deadly Sins: Idle Adventure codes!

Participate in the New Year’s event by downloading The Seven Deadly Sins: Idle Adventure now on your preferred link below.

18 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Brown Dust 2’s Onsen Training update goes live with new hot spring-themed challenges
Brown Dust 2’s Onsen Training update goes live with new hot spring-themed challenges Brown Dust 2’s Onsen Training update goes live with new hot spring-themed challenges

The first update since the game’s 1.5-year anniversary celebration, it will introduce a fresh story that is perfect for the weather as it takes place in a Japanese winter hot spring.

New adventures and challenges await as you take part in this Onsen Training patch.

In Brown Dust 2’s Onsen Training update, you’ll find yourself at a Japanese hot spring where protagonist Ventana is rescued by Blade, a legendary swordfighter from the Kendo Club.

Here’s our Brown Dust 2 tier list and a handy reroll guide to go along with it!

Enjoy all this new content by downloading Brown Dust 2 now on your preferred link below.

19 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
UploadVR + Road to VR UploadVR + Road to VR
последний пост 2 часа назад
Somnium VR1 Price Increases Bring Base Model To €3000
Somnium VR1 Price Increases Bring Base Model To €3000 Somnium VR1 Price Increases Bring Base Model To €3000

Somnium VR1, the European wide field of view PC VR headset, has just received a price increase for all three remaining variants, bringing the entry price to €3000.

But in late 2021 it announced the Somnium VR1 headset with a monster spec sheet for the time, in partnership with VRgineers - known for its ultra-high end XTAL headsets for enterprise.

This focus on expanding field of view is why Somnium VR1 is so bulky in an era of far slimmer pancake lens headsets.

Later this year, it plans to start selling spare parts for Somnium VR1 to enable self-repairs.

We went hands-on with Somnium VR1 back in July.

2 часа назад @ uploadvr.com
Sony's Shuhei Yoshida: "I'm Sorry I Was Wrong" About PlayStation VR2
Sony's Shuhei Yoshida: "I'm Sorry I Was Wrong" About PlayStation VR2 Sony's Shuhei Yoshida: "I'm Sorry I Was Wrong" About PlayStation VR2

Former Sony executive Shuhei Yoshida is "sorry" for being "wrong" about PS VR2, though described his work on the original headset as "the most fun I had".

Near the end of the interview, the host Greg Miller asked Yoshida the direct question: "What happened with PS VR2, Shu?

Shuhei Yoshida:"I'm sorry I was wrong - PS VR2 didn't become PS2."

These are two amazing, amazing games I want everyone to try if you have a PS VR2.

Multiple developers have told UploadVR they've seen a noticeable uptick in PS VR2 sales in this time.

2 часа назад @ uploadvr.com
90s Inspired VR Adventure Lovesick Is Making Its Debut On Quest This March
90s Inspired VR Adventure Lovesick Is Making Its Debut On Quest This March 90s Inspired VR Adventure Lovesick Is Making Its Debut On Quest This March

Rose City Games announced that its grungy VR puzzle game Lovesick will launch this March on Quest.

Here's the new gameplay trailer.

0:00 / 1:36 1×Alongside the launch date announcement, the new gameplay trailer showed off some of Lovesick’s puzzles and minigames.

The trailer also showcased more of the game's narrative, which centers around the tumultuous emotional journey the longtime friends and musicians are on.

Lovesick will be available for the Meta Quest 3/3S, Quest 2, and Quest Pro on March 6.

6 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Assetto Corsa EVO Faces Rocky Early Access Start With 'Unplayable' PC VR Support
Assetto Corsa EVO Faces Rocky Early Access Start With 'Unplayable' PC VR Support Assetto Corsa EVO Faces Rocky Early Access Start With 'Unplayable' PC VR Support

Assetto Corsa EVO has officially launched on Steam Early Access, though many users are reporting it's currently “unplayable” in VR.

Shortly after yesterday's early access launch of Assetto Corsa EVO, which includes optional PC VR support, reports soon emerged about performance issues in VR.

If that doesn't work, Assetto Corsa EVO's 2nd major update on the early access roadmap promises “step 2” for VR support.

Assetto Corsa EVO - early access roadmapWhile Assetto Corsa EVO's initial launch includes 20 cars and five circuits, developer Kunos Simulazioni is targeting 100 cars and 15 circuits at full release.

A Steam FAQ confirms the full release should be “ready within less than one year from …

6 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Rogue Piñatas: VRmageddon Smashes Onto Quest Next Month
Rogue Piñatas: VRmageddon Smashes Onto Quest Next Month Rogue Piñatas: VRmageddon Smashes Onto Quest Next Month

Rogue Piñatas: VRmageddon gears up for smashing hordes in a family-friendly VR co-op roguelite next month on Quest.

Developed by Nerd Ninjas, Rogue Piñatas: VRmageddon is a colorful action game where sentient piñatas have become tired of being attacked by humans and are fighting back.

We enjoyed our time with Rogue Piñatas: VRmageddon during our recent preview on Quest 3.

Ultimately, I need more time with Rogue Piñatas: VRmageddon but smashing through piñatas in co-op is entertainingly silly.

Rogue Piñatas: VRmageddon reaches the Meta Quest platform on February 6, followed by a Steam release in spring.

8 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Quest App Downloads Drop 27% Year-Over-Year as Meta Aims to Bolster Quest 3S Sales
Quest App Downloads Drop 27% Year-Over-Year as Meta Aims to Bolster Quest 3S Sales Quest App Downloads Drop 27% Year-Over-Year as Meta Aims to Bolster Quest 3S Sales

Note: Quest 3S is the company’s latest mixed reality headset, which packs in Quest 3’s Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 chipset and full-color mixed reality capabilities, as well as Quest 2’s older displays and bulkier Fresnel lenses.

Quest 3S is an excellent headset if you only have $300 to spend, although we still recommend springing for Quest 3, priced at $500.

As Game Developer notes, other factors that may detract from linking app downloads directly to headset sales include second-hand sales, headset sharing, and non-owners downloading the app to explore the app store.

Two-thirds of those headsets were Quest 3S, while the remainder was Quest 3, according to the report.

Still, the decrease in app d…

9 часов назад @ roadtovr.com
VR Platformer No More Rainbows Jumps Onto PlayStation VR2
VR Platformer No More Rainbows Jumps Onto PlayStation VR2 VR Platformer No More Rainbows Jumps Onto PlayStation VR2

No More Rainbows, a VR platformer where you can only move using your hands, is now available on PlayStation VR2.

It's unclear if No More Rainbows features any visual or performance upgrades on PlayStation VR2 compared to other platforms, and PS5 Pro enhancements aren't mentioned on the store page.

We've been waiting for further news on the PS VR2 port since it was initially confirmed last year.

No More Rainbows takes the classic platformer and brings it crashing into VR in a way that is both innovative and familiar.

No More Rainbows is out now on the Meta Quest platform, Steam, Pico, and PlayStation VR2.

10 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
The Thrill Of The Fight 2 Is An Intriguing Evolution Of VR Boxing
The Thrill Of The Fight 2 Is An Intriguing Evolution Of VR Boxing The Thrill Of The Fight 2 Is An Intriguing Evolution Of VR Boxing

When I first played Sealost Interactive’s The Thrill of the Fight, it felt like the closest thing I’d come across to real boxing in the video game medium.

Rather than controlling boxers with analog sticks and shoulder buttons on a console like with EA’s Fight Night, Thrill of the Fight lets me use my real footwork.

The Thrill of the Fight 2, which is currently in early access, takes things even further, and allows you to fight real people online.

!, but the feedback he received from players was that they didn’t want an arcade style boxing game, they wanted something more realistic.

“I see this all the time, where people say, why do you want a VR game that’s table tennis – you can just go pl…

12 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Somnium Space Announces New Pricing for VR1 Lineup, Putting Entry-level Headset North of $3,000
Somnium Space Announces New Pricing for VR1 Lineup, Putting Entry-level Headset North of $3,000 Somnium Space Announces New Pricing for VR1 Lineup, Putting Entry-level Headset North of $3,000

taxes) USD New Price (EUR excl.

Previously, Somnium Space’s entry level offering was its Classic Edition, which as its ‘barebones’ PC VR headset, didn’t include eye-tracking.

Additionally, the company says it’s now adjusting its delivery timeline for new orders of Somnium VR1, with the updated delivery window slated for March–April 2025.

If you’re looking to learn more about Somnium VR1, make sure to check out our hands-on from the company’s annual Somnium Connect event last July.

Somnium VR1 SpecsDisplay: QLED Mini-Led Fast LCD – 2,880 × 2,880 per-eyeField of view: 130° horizontal, 105° vertical.

15 часов назад @ roadtovr.com
‘Assetto Corsa EVO’ Launches on PC VR Headsets in Early Access, But You May Want to Wait
‘Assetto Corsa EVO’ Launches on PC VR Headsets in Early Access, But You May Want to Wait ‘Assetto Corsa EVO’ Launches on PC VR Headsets in Early Access, But You May Want to Wait

Assetto Corsa EVO made its big Early Access launch on Steam yesterday, bringing the next iteration of the racing franchise to both flatscreen and PC VR headsets.

KUNOS Simulazioni, developer behind both Assetto Corsa (2014) and Assetto Corsa Competizione (2018), released their long-awaited follow-up, Assetto Corsa EVO.

The Early Access version boasts five tracks, 20 vehicles, single player, support for SteamVR headsets, as well as triple screen support.

“I won’t comment on the performance issues, as this is early access, only remark is that VR is currently unplayable,” says Steam user Poloman.

Full VR support for Assetto Corsa Competizione was released a month after it was available on trad…

16 часов назад @ roadtovr.com
Arken Age Review - Satisfying Sci-Fi Adventure With Great VR Design
Arken Age Review - Satisfying Sci-Fi Adventure With Great VR Design Arken Age Review - Satisfying Sci-Fi Adventure With Great VR Design

Arken Age delivers a satisfying sci-fi action-adventure that shines with its clever VR gameplay design.

Without revealing any particulars, Arken Age follows a trend we've recently seen with VR games like Epyka and Alien: Rogue Incursion.

Arken Age screenshot captured by UploadVR on PlayStation VR2 with PS5 ProPlaying on PlayStation VR2 also adds some welcome features.

Arken Age Review - Final VerdictArken Age delivers clever VR-first gameplay design for a great sci-fi adventure.

Between combat's great integration of haptic feedback, strong enemy variety and satisfying kills, Arken Age is an easy recommendation.

1 day, 5 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Viva Las Elvis Walkabout Course Channels Vegas Casino With Heartbreak Hotel & Graceland
Viva Las Elvis Walkabout Course Channels Vegas Casino With Heartbreak Hotel & Graceland Viva Las Elvis Walkabout Course Channels Vegas Casino With Heartbreak Hotel & Graceland

Animator and Walkabout Mini Golf course designer Henning Koczy offered a tour of Mighty Coconut's Viva Las Elvis chock full of behind-the-scenes details.

Walkabout's 31st course begins at hole 1 as you pull up to the casino in glittering '70s era Las Vegas.

Even in this dream-like setting of Viva Las Elvis, details like handrails help ground the player and sell the place, explains Koczy.

If you want to avoid spoilers, check out the tour after you've played through the course yourself.

Tours, Membership & SupportWe love seeing eye-catching new places in VR and you can always email us with interesting places via [email protected].

1 day, 8 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Shuhei Yoshida, Industry Veteran & Main Figure Behind PSVR, Departs Sony
Shuhei Yoshida, Industry Veteran & Main Figure Behind PSVR, Departs Sony Shuhei Yoshida, Industry Veteran & Main Figure Behind PSVR, Departs Sony

Shuhei Yoshida (aka ‘Shu’) has left Sony, closing a near 32-year chapter of his life with the company.

Yoshida announced he was leaving Sony back in November, setting his retirement date for January 15th, 2025.

Now, the one-time President of Sony Interactive Entertainment’s Worldwide Studios has bid farewell to the company.

At farewell party yesterday 😆 pic.twitter.com/hpiPWQIO1z — Shuhei Yoshida (@yosp) January 14, 2025“I’ve been with PlayStation from the beginning, and this is my 31st year with PlayStation,” Yoshida said in a PS blog interview.

Above all, Yoshida has always been a refreshingly candid and positive influence in the industry, and Road to VR wishes him well on wherever he dec…

1 day, 9 hours назад @ roadtovr.com
Meta & Plessey Announce Super Bright, High-efficiency Red MicroLED: an Important Piece in All-day AR
Meta & Plessey Announce Super Bright, High-efficiency Red MicroLED: an Important Piece in All-day AR Meta & Plessey Announce Super Bright, High-efficiency Red MicroLED: an Important Piece in All-day AR

Meta announced in 2020 it was working with UK-based AR display maker Plessey, which was tapped to provide Meta with AR displays over the course of multiple years.

Now the companies have announced they’ve developed what they’re deeming “the world’s brightest” red microLED display for AR glasses.

Blue GaN microLEDs are traditionally more efficient and brighter, while green GaN microLEDs are slightly less efficient than blue, but typically much more efficient than red.

All three should be balanced to create a full-color, high-performance AR display, making red color output a limiting factor.

“These types of breakthroughs are crucial to build AR glasses that help people stay more present and em…

1 day, 11 hours назад @ roadtovr.com
‘Drop Dead’ & ‘Warhammer 40K: Battle Sister’ Developer Soul Assembly Lays Off 15% of Staff
‘Drop Dead’ & ‘Warhammer 40K: Battle Sister’ Developer Soul Assembly Lays Off 15% of Staff ‘Drop Dead’ & ‘Warhammer 40K: Battle Sister’ Developer Soul Assembly Lays Off 15% of Staff

Soul Assembly, the studio behind the Drop Dead VR shooter franchise, announced it’s laying off 15% of its team, maintaining the reduction is required for the success of upcoming projects.

The UK-based VR developer and publisher announced the news following in inquiry by UploadVR, which followed a series of affected developers posting the dreaded ‘Open to Work’ banner on LinkenIn.

This decision was taken to ensure the studio is aligned with the requirements of our upcoming projects,” the studio told UploadVR.

“I’ve been made redundant, effective from the end of this week.”In 2022, Soul Assembly spun out of the XR division of developer Pixel Toys, the original developer behind Drop Dead (2017…

1 day, 13 hours назад @ roadtovr.com