Игры, железки и геймдев
Бета-версия подборки новостей об играх и всём, что с ними связано
На русском
последний пост 55 минут назад
Хоррор-адвенчуру Dredge, вдохновлённую творчеством Лавкрафта, портируют на iOS и Android
Хоррор-адвенчуру Dredge, вдохновлённую творчеством Лавкрафта, портируют на iOS и Android Хоррор-адвенчуру Dredge, вдохновлённую творчеством Лавкрафта, портируют на iOS и Android

Она также станет доступна на компьютерах Apple.

55 минут назад @ dtf.ru
Сиквел Alien: Isolation находится в разработке
Сиквел Alien: Isolation находится в разработке Сиквел Alien: Isolation находится в разработке

Его создаёт студия Creative Assembly, выпустившая первую часть.

1 час назад @ dtf.ru
«Незабываемый шедевр Atlus»: оценки Metaphor: ReFantazio — 94 балла из 100 на Metacritic
«Незабываемый шедевр Atlus»: оценки Metaphor: ReFantazio — 94 балла из 100 на Metacritic «Незабываемый шедевр Atlus»: оценки Metaphor: ReFantazio — 94 балла из 100 на Metacritic

Потенциальный кандидат на звание «Игры года» от авторов Persona.

2 часа назад @ dtf.ru
Вышла демоверсия Commandos: Origins — с обучающей миссией на Нормандских островах
Вышла демоверсия Commandos: Origins — с обучающей миссией на Нормандских островах Вышла демоверсия Commandos: Origins — с обучающей миссией на Нормандских островах

Пройти «Операцию „Прелюдия“» могут ПК-игроки и владельцы Xbox Series X|S.

3 часа назад @ dtf.ru
Блогер Wylsacom показал распаковку якобы MacBook Pro с процессором М4 — официально ноутбук ещё не представили
Блогер Wylsacom показал распаковку якобы MacBook Pro с процессором М4 — официально ноутбук ещё не представили Блогер Wylsacom показал распаковку якобы MacBook Pro с процессором М4 — официально ноутбук ещё не представили

От кого он получил устройство — неизвестно.

4 часа назад @ dtf.ru
Ивент с Доктором Думом в Fortnite привлёк 5,6 миллиона одновременных игроков
Ивент с Доктором Думом в Fortnite привлёк 5,6 миллиона одновременных игроков Ивент с Доктором Думом в Fortnite привлёк 5,6 миллиона одновременных игроков

Это лучший показатель с декабря 2023-го.

5 часов назад @ dtf.ru
В ремейке Silent Hill 2 остался знак ранчо со шрифтом Comic Sans, но Bloober Team спрятала его
В ремейке Silent Hill 2 остался знак ранчо со шрифтом Comic Sans, но Bloober Team спрятала его В ремейке Silent Hill 2 остался знак ранчо со шрифтом Comic Sans, но Bloober Team спрятала его

Фанаты довольны.

7 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Геймдиректор inZOI занялся симулятором жизни, так как ему надоело создавать MMORPG
Геймдиректор inZOI занялся симулятором жизни, так как ему надоело создавать MMORPG Геймдиректор inZOI занялся симулятором жизни, так как ему надоело создавать MMORPG

Сам он больше 15 лет играет в The Sims.

7 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Ubisoft о возможной продаже компании: «Мы проинформируем рынок, когда и если это будет уместно»
Ubisoft о возможной продаже компании: «Мы проинформируем рынок, когда и если это будет уместно» Ubisoft о возможной продаже компании: «Мы проинформируем рынок, когда и если это будет уместно»

Ранее стоимость акций компании подскочила на фоне слухов.

8 часов назад @ dtf.ru
«VK Музыка» обновила дизайн сервиса — вынесла на главный экран рекомендательную систему и плейлист пользователя
«VK Музыка» обновила дизайн сервиса — вынесла на главный экран рекомендательную систему и плейлист пользователя «VK Музыка» обновила дизайн сервиса — вынесла на главный экран рекомендательную систему и плейлист пользователя

И добавила новые настройки в систему рекомендаций.

8 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Epic Games собирается внедрить инструментарий из Fortnite в основу Unreal Engine 6
Epic Games собирается внедрить инструментарий из Fortnite в основу Unreal Engine 6 Epic Games собирается внедрить инструментарий из Fortnite в основу Unreal Engine 6

Чтобы создание игр было ещё доступнее.

9 часов назад @ dtf.ru
У мода Fallout: México для New Vegas появился дебютный трейлер
У мода Fallout: México для New Vegas появился дебютный трейлер У мода Fallout: México для New Vegas появился дебютный трейлер

Но до релиза ещё далеко.

9 часов назад @ dtf.ru
343 Industries теперь называется Halo Studios — следующие части серии создают на Unreal Engine 5
343 Industries теперь называется Halo Studios — следующие части серии создают на Unreal Engine 5 343 Industries теперь называется Halo Studios — следующие части серии создают на Unreal Engine 5

Отказ от собственного движка позволит команде ускорить и облегчить разработку игр.

10 часов назад @ dtf.ru
«Википедия» частично заблокировала редактирование страницы ремейка Silent Hill 2 из-за «троллей»
«Википедия» частично заблокировала редактирование страницы ремейка Silent Hill 2 из-за «троллей» «Википедия» частично заблокировала редактирование страницы ремейка Silent Hill 2 из-за «троллей»

Они начали подделывать оценки критиков и занижать их.

1 day назад @ dtf.ru
GamesVoice начала сбор денег на озвучку ремейка Silent Hill 2 — студии нужно чуть меньше 500 тысяч рублей
GamesVoice начала сбор денег на озвучку ремейка Silent Hill 2 — студии нужно чуть меньше 500 тысяч рублей GamesVoice начала сбор денег на озвучку ремейка Silent Hill 2 — студии нужно чуть меньше 500 тысяч рублей

Локализацию собираются выпустить в любом случае, но от суммы зависит, будут ли компромиссы в актёрском составе.

1 day, 4 hours назад @ dtf.ru
Stopgame Stopgame
последний пост 52 минуты назад
Сиквел Alien: Isolation официально в разработке
Сиквел Alien: Isolation официально в разработке Сиквел Alien: Isolation официально в разработке

Ровно 10 лет назад свет увидел один из самых нашумевших хорроров в истории игровой индустрии.

Изданная компанией SEGA Alien: Isolation была очень тепло встречена прессой и десятками тысяч игроков.

С тех пор фанаты ждали продолжения и, по всей видимости, их надежды оправдались!

О разработке сиквела объявил лично креативный директор Эл Хоуп (Al Hope) в своём праздничном обращении по случаю юбилея.

На данный момент новая игра находится на ранних этапах производства, так что разработчик призвал следить за новостями.

52 минуты назад @ stopgame.ru
«Википедия» запретила редактировать страницу ремейка Silent Hill 2
«Википедия» запретила редактировать страницу ремейка Silent Hill 2 «Википедия» запретила редактировать страницу ремейка Silent Hill 2

Напомним, всего за пару дней до релиза проект отметился крайне хвалебными отзывами как от журналистов, так и от простых игроков.

Несмотря на это, некоторые пользователи начали распространять ложную информацию на странице игры в «Википедии», что в конечном итоге привело к её усиленной модерации.

Вскоре модераторы «Википедии» заметили неладное, вернули страницу к исходному состоянию и запретили редактировать её незарегистрированным участникам сайта.

Тем временем обычные геймеры всё ещё дожидаются полного релиза игры.

Стандартное издание ремейка Silent Hill 2 выйдет уже завтра на ПК (Steam) и PlayStation 5.

1 час назад @ stopgame.ru
На ПК и Xbox Series вышла демоверсия Commandos: Origins
На ПК и Xbox Series вышла демоверсия Commandos: Origins На ПК и Xbox Series вышла демоверсия Commandos: Origins

С ней можно ознакомиться на ПК и Xbox Series.

В «демке» игрокам доступна лишь одна миссия в Нормандии, где Джек О’Хара и Джеймс Блэквуд должны устроить диверсию против немцев.

Проходить совместно можно как по Сети, так и на одном устройстве через сплитскрин.

Commandos: Origins выйдет до конца текущего года на ПК (Steam), PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series с русской локализацией текста.

Прямо на релизе игра станет доступной по подписке Game Pass, а чуть позже её выпустят и на консолях прошлого поколения.

2 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
Большой мод Fallout: Nuevo México обзавёлся свежим трейлером
Большой мод Fallout: Nuevo México обзавёлся свежим трейлером Большой мод Fallout: Nuevo México обзавёлся свежим трейлером

Авторы масштабного мода Fallout: Nuevo México для Fallout: New Vegas поделились свежим трейлером своего творения.

Они подчеркнули, что работа пока далека от завершения, так что в ролике показан тот результат, к которому мододелы стремятся.

Fallout: Nuevo México обещает приключение размером с полноценное дополнение, которое посвятят противостоянию местных группировок.

Действие происходит в штате Нью-Мексико спустя пять лет после событий оригинальной Fallout от Interplay.

Напомним, в июне энтузиасты предупредили, что поставили разработку Fallout: Nuevo México на паузу.

3 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
Скоро в Genshin Impact введут двух играбельных героев из Натлана
Скоро в Genshin Impact введут двух играбельных героев из Натлана Скоро в Genshin Impact введут двух играбельных героев из Натлана

Начнём с Часки, которая уже стала частью сюжетной линии Натлана.

Однако она выжила и выросла в стае кукузавров, из-за чего приобрела привычку драться со всеми подряд.

Из поста с представлением героиниВся жизнь Часки сопровождается конфликтами, поэтому она посвятила себя их решению.

В самой игре его пока не показывали, но, возможно, именно его голос звучит в конце задания Архонтов версии 5.0.

Напомним, версия 5.1 продолжит сюжетную линию Натлана, вернёт праздник Сабзеруз, преложит отправиться на охоту за флогистоновой тлей и так далее.

3 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
Вывеска со шрифтом Comic Sans из Silent Hill 2 HD пробралась и в ремейк
Вывеска со шрифтом Comic Sans из Silent Hill 2 HD пробралась и в ремейк Вывеска со шрифтом Comic Sans из Silent Hill 2 HD пробралась и в ремейк

Он же в ремейке 2024-го.

Всё из-за шрифта Comic Sans, который мало того, что не подходит по атмосфере, так ещё и тащит за собой негативный шлейф .

Как оказалось, Bloober Team всё же оставила потешный знак в ремейке, но пасхалку придётся поискать.

Попытка Bloober Team освежить сиквел оказалась в несколько раз удачнее, но команда всё же не удержалась и оставила в ремейке отсылку к HD Collection.

Некоторые в шутку начали просить мод, который вернёт Comic Sans в игру.

4 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
343 Industries сменила название. Студия работает над играми по Halo на UE5
343 Industries сменила название. Студия работает над играми по Halo на UE5 343 Industries сменила название. Студия работает над играми по Halo на UE5

Прощай, 343 Industries, и здравствуй, Halo Studios!

Также разработчики заявили, что трудятся над несколькими играми по франшизе — их делают на базе Unreal Engine 5.

Зрителям показали видео с техническим тестом локаций из Halo на движке Unreal Engine 5.

При этом в Halo Studios подчеркнули, что на футажах не фрагменты готовящихся игр, а лишь примеры того, какими они могут быть с новым движком под капотом.

Кроме того, в Halo Studios уведомили, что обновлённое название означает изменение рабочей культуры и процессов, а также того, как организованы команды.

5 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Ubisoft о возможной продаже: «Мы всегда оцениваем варианты»
Ubisoft о возможной продаже: «Мы всегда оцениваем варианты» Ubisoft о возможной продаже: «Мы всегда оцениваем варианты»

На прошлой неделе издание Bloomberg сообщило, что китайский гигант Tencent и семейство Гиймо (Guillemot) обдумывают возможность выкупить Ubisoft.

В комментарии для VGC представитель Ubisoft косвенно подтвердил известие о потенциальной продаже.

Здесь подробнее СМИ: Tencent и семья Гиймо обсуждают возможность покупки UbisoftВ Ubisoft обратили внимание на недавние спекуляции в прессе, касающиеся потенциальных интересов вокруг компании.

Мы всегда оцениваем все стратегические варианты в интересах акционеров и оповестим рынок, если или когда это будет уместно.

Из послания от представителя UbisoftТакже в пресс-службе сообщили, что в настоящее время руководство Ubisoft сосредоточено на реализации т…

7 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
В Halo Infinite добавят вид от третьего лица
В Halo Infinite добавят вид от третьего лица В Halo Infinite добавят вид от третьего лица

Первый полноценный вид от третьего лица за всю историю серии появится в Halo Infinite до конца ноября с релизом соответствующего обновления.

Об этом сообщили сами разработчики из 343 Industries на официальной страничке Halo в экс-твиттере.

Дополнительными деталями патча поделились старший комьюнити-менеджер Джон Юнышек (John Unyshek) и старший инженер-программист Skybox Labs Колин Коув (Colin Cove).

По их словам, вид «из-за плеча» будет работать как отдельный режим игры, то есть за время матча игроки не смогут по желанию переключать перспективу.

На данный момент неизвестно, будет ли вид от третьего лица поддерживаться в сюжетной кампании, или же его создают исключительно для мультиплеера.

22 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
Достойный повод вернуться — критики высоко оценили первое DLC для Diablo IV
Достойный повод вернуться — критики высоко оценили первое DLC для Diablo IV Достойный повод вернуться — критики высоко оценили первое DLC для Diablo IV

Уже через пару дней состоится релиз дополнения Vessel of Hatred для Diablo IV.

Большая часть оценок оказалась положительной — у Vessel of Hatred в среднем 85 баллов на Metacritic и 86 баллов на Opencritic, а рекомендуют дополнение 92 % журналистов.

К счастью, изменения механик, значительно улучшенная система прогрессии, NPC-компаньоны и возвращение рунических слов — всё это большие плюсы для Diablo IV, и, похоже, нам придётся ещё подождать, чтобы увидеть, куда они приведут игру.

Тем не менее я не могу не указать на одно серьёзное но.

Дэвид Родригес (David Rodriguez)Релиз Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred состоится 8 октября в 02:00 МСК на ПК (Steam, Battle.net), PlayStation и Xbox.

23 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
Ремастер бумер-шутера Killing Time получил дату релиза — 18 октября
Ремастер бумер-шутера Killing Time получил дату релиза — 18 октября Ремастер бумер-шутера Killing Time получил дату релиза — 18 октября

В этот раз выбор пал на Killing Time 1995 года от 3DO.

Спустя всего 4 месяца авторы представили новый трейлер геймплея и определились с датой выхода — тайтл увидит свет через 2 недели.

В Killing Time: Resurrected игроки примерят на себя роль молодого египтолога и отправятся в тёмный особняк на битву с порождениями зла.

Среди улучшений разработчики обещают:Поддержку контроллеров и широкоформатных мониторов до 4К.

Killing Time: Resurrected выйдет на ПК, (Steam, GOG, Humble Store), PlayStation, Xbox и Nintendo Switch без русской локализации.

1 day, 1 hour назад @ stopgame.ru
Игроки встретили ремейк Silent Hill 2 восторженными отзывами
Игроки встретили ремейк Silent Hill 2 восторженными отзывами Игроки встретили ремейк Silent Hill 2 восторженными отзывами

До релиза обновлённой Silent Hill 2 от Bloober Team осталось всего два дня, однако обладатели Deluxe-издания уже получили предварительный доступ к игре.

Несмотря на множество сомнений, вызванных трейлерами и прочими материалами от Konami, проект всё же удостоился похвалы конечных потребителей.

Кроме того, игроки отмечают хорошую оптимизацию с малым количеством багов на релизе.

К примеру, в динамике вы слышите кряхтение монстров и рацию, что довольно круто работает на погружение.

[Boom] XATIKAПолноценно ремейк Silent Hill 2 выйдет 8 октября в 19:00 МСК на ПК (Steam) и PlayStation 5.

1 day, 2 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Поиграли в S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, Kingdom Come 2, Dragon Age 4, MGS Delta и Gothic 1 Remake
Поиграли в S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, Kingdom Come 2, Dragon Age 4, MGS Delta и Gothic 1 Remake Поиграли в S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, Kingdom Come 2, Dragon Age 4, MGS Delta и Gothic 1 Remake

На выставку Tokyo Game Show 2024 притащили гору ожидаемых игр, например: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, Dragon Age: The Veilguard, Metal Gear Solid Delta, Gothic 1 Remake и Kingdom Come: Deliverance II. А сколько там было инди… лучше не спрашивайте. Михаил Галкин и Катерина Краснопольская пробрались на стенды с некоторыми невышедшими проектами, от души в них поиграли и решили обсудить увиденное в подкасте! • Комментарии и обсуждения — https://stopgame.ru/show/140691/poigrali_v_stalker_2_kingdom_come_2_dragon_age_4_mgs_delta_i_gothic_1_remake

• Ещё больше видео — https://www.youtube.com/StopGameRu/StopGame-SUB 0:00 — Японский «Игромир»

3:12 — Dragon Age: The God of War

11:46 — Kingdom Come: Deliverance I…

1 day, 6 hours назад @ youtube.com
Инсайдер: Ubisoft хотела выпустить ремейк Black Flag в ноябре 2025-го
Инсайдер: Ubisoft хотела выпустить ремейк Black Flag в ноябре 2025-го Инсайдер: Ubisoft хотела выпустить ремейк Black Flag в ноябре 2025-го

СМИ и инсайдеры уже давно разболтали, что Ubisoft занимается ремейком Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag.

Black Flag должна была выйти примерно в ноябре 2025-го — неподалёку от многопользовательской Invictus, которая, по слухам, .

Такого плана в студии придерживались до переноса Обновлённаядолжна была выйти примерно в ноябре 2025-го — неподалёку от многопользовательской, которая, по слухам, сильно напоминает Fall Guys .

Такого плана в студии придерживались до переноса Assassin’s Creed Shadows , но в итоге весь график релизов франшизы накрылся медным тазом.

Ubisoft намерена выпустить около десяти игр по Assassin’s Creed в течение ближайших пяти лет.

1 day, 20 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Завершились съёмки экранизации Until Dawn
Завершились съёмки экранизации Until Dawn Завершились съёмки экранизации Until Dawn

Съёмки киноадаптации Until Dawn подошли к концу.

Теперь Until Dawn перейдёт на этап монтажа и постпродакшена.

В режиссёрском кресле сидит Дэвид Ф. Сандберг (David F. Sandberg), который снял ужастики «И гаснет свет…» и «Проклятие Аннабель: Зарождение зла», а также срежиссировал две части супергероики «Шазам!».

Тем временем на ПК и PlayStation 5 свет увидело переиздание Until Dawn.

Ниже только Concord (697 человек) и Sackboy: A Big Adventure (610 человек).

1 day, 21 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Игромания Игромания
последний пост 1 час назад
Авторы Alien Isolation официально подтвердили разработку сиквела
Авторы Alien Isolation официально подтвердили разработку сиквела

Креативный директор Alien: Isolation Алистер Хоуп в честь 10-летия с релиза оригинала официально подтвердил, что сиквел хоррора официально находится на ранней стадии разработки.

1 час назад @ igromania.ru
Критики встретили Metaphor: ReFantazio высочайшими оценками
Критики встретили Metaphor: ReFantazio высочайшими оценками

В сети появились оценки Metaphor: ReFantazio от критиков, которые оказались чрезвычайно положительными.

1 час назад @ igromania.ru
С 16 октября в Hunt: Showdown 1896 стартует «Призрачная жатва»
С 16 октября в Hunt: Showdown 1896 стартует «Призрачная жатва»

Авторы Hunt: Showdown 1896 анонсировали новое событие под названием «Призрачная жатва», которое стартует уже 16 октября.

2 часа назад @ igromania.ru
EA Sports FC 25 и Space Marine 2 лидируют в топе продаж Британии за сентябрь
EA Sports FC 25 и Space Marine 2 лидируют в топе продаж Британии за сентябрь

По данным GamesIndustry.biz, лидером топа продаж Британии за сентябрь стала EA Sports FC 25, которая показала себя слабее предшественника.

2 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Фанат выпустил мод для The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt с новыми квестами и диалогами
Фанат выпустил мод для The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt с новыми квестами и диалогами

Фанат Ведьмак 3: Дикая Охота под ником Roi_Jean выпустил модификацию Song of Wind («Песня ветра»), с которой в игре появились новые квесты, диалоги и механики.

3 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Геймдиректор оригинальной Silent Hill 2 рад появлению ремейка
Геймдиректор оригинальной Silent Hill 2 рад появлению ремейка

Геймдиректор Silent Hill 2 Масаси Цубояма признался, что «очень рад» появлению Silent Hill 2 Remake — и похвалил авторов за смену камеры в игре.

3 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Противостояние с Доктором Думом привлекло более 5,6 млн человек в Fortnite
Противостояние с Доктором Думом привлекло более 5,6 млн человек в Fortnite

Недавнее событие «День Дума» в Fortnite в пике привлекло свыше 5,6 млн игроков и выделилось своим масштабом.

4 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Стратегия Commandos: Origins получила демоверсию на PC и Xbox
Стратегия Commandos: Origins получила демоверсию на PC и Xbox

Тактическая стратегия Commandos: Origins, которая выступает приквелом знаменитой серии, получиладемоверсию на PC (Steam) и Xbox.

4 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Пасхалка со знаком в ремейке Silent Hill 2 привела фанатов в восторг
Пасхалка со знаком в ремейке Silent Hill 2 привела фанатов в восторг

Фанаты франшизы Silent Hill пришли в восторг от пасхалки из Silent Hill 2 Remake, которая отсылает к скандальной Silent Hill HD Collection.

5 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы масштабного мода Fallout: Nuevo Mexico вернулись со свежим трейлером
Авторы масштабного мода Fallout: Nuevo Mexico вернулись со свежим трейлером

Создатели масштабного мода Fallout: Nuevo Mexico вернулись с новым трейлером после недавней заморозки проекта, завершившейся в июле.

8 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Версии Silent Hill 2 Remake для PC и PS5 сравнили в свежем видео
Версии Silent Hill 2 Remake для PC и PS5 сравнили в свежем видео

YouTube-канал ElAnalistaDeBits опубликовал свежее видео, посвящённое сравнению Silent Hill 2 Remake на PC и PlayStation 5.

9 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Страницу ремейка Silent Hill 2 на «Википедии» защитили от хейтерских правок
Страницу ремейка Silent Hill 2 на «Википедии» защитили от хейтерских правок

Wikipedia пришлось поместить страницу Silent Hill 2 Remake (прим. — англоязычный вариант) под замок частичной защиты после того, как пользователи попытались указать ложную информацию о приёме игры.

10 часов назад @ igromania.ru
HoYoverse показала очередной трейлер Genshin Impact с Шилонен
HoYoverse показала очередной трейлер Genshin Impact с Шилонен

Создатели Genshin Impact опубликовали свежий трейлер нового играбельного персонажа Шилонен.

11 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Ремейк Silent Hill 2 получил «крайне положительные» отзывы в расширенном доступе в Steam
Ремейк Silent Hill 2 получил «крайне положительные» отзывы в расширенном доступе в Steam

В Silent Hill 2 Remake уже играют все обладатели Deluxe-изданий на PC и PS5.

11 часов назад @ igromania.ru
В свежем трейлере Life is Strange: Double Exposure показали прошлое Макс и Хлои
В свежем трейлере Life is Strange: Double Exposure показали прошлое Макс и Хлои

Deck Nine Games представила свежий трейлер грядущего приключения Life is Strange: Double Exposure.

13 часов назад @ igromania.ru
IXBT.games IXBT.games
последний пост 54 минуты назад
«Регулярно рассматриваем разные варианты». Ubisoft прокомментировала слухи о продаже компанииСообщается, что в случае продажи компании Tencent, по Ubisoft пройдет волна сокращений, которая затронет около восьми тысяч человек, но заведший Ubisoft в тупик Ив
«Регулярно рассматриваем разные варианты». Ubisoft прокомментировала слухи о продаже компанииСообщается, что в случае продажи компании Tencent, по Ubisoft пройдет волна сокращений, которая затронет около восьми тысяч человек, но заведший Ubisoft в тупик Ив «Регулярно рассматриваем разные варианты». Ubisoft прокомментировала слухи о продаже компанииСообщается, что в случае продажи компании Tencent, по Ubisoft пройдет волна сокращений, которая затронет около восьми тысяч человек, но заведший Ubisoft в тупик Ив

«Регулярно рассматриваем разные варианты». Ubisoft прокомментировала слухи о продаже компанииСообщается, что в случае продажи компании Tencent, по Ubisoft пройдет волна сокращений, которая затронет около восьми тысяч человек, но заведший Ubisoft в тупик Ив Гиймо все равно останется ее руководителем.

54 минуты назад @ t.me
iXBT.games. Короче pinned a photo
iXBT.games. Короче pinned a photo iXBT.games. Короче pinned a photo


Короче63 714 subscribersОтправить новость или свою игру: Анонсы новостей и статей iXBT.games.Отправить новость или свою игру: @ixbtgamesbotIf you have Telegram, you can view postand join iXBT.games.

Короче right away.

1 час назад @ t.me
Обзор Thunderobot Zero 75 Orange: яркая клавиатура с LCD-экраномИгровые клавиатуры с необычным дизайном — это тренд последних лет. Больше цвета, больше интересных конструктивных решений: и красиво, и удобно. Thunderobot Zero 75 Orange — яркий пример такого
Обзор Thunderobot Zero 75 Orange: яркая клавиатура с LCD-экраномИгровые клавиатуры с необычным дизайном — это тренд последних лет. Больше цвета, больше интересных конструктивных решений: и красиво, и удобно. Thunderobot Zero 75 Orange — яркий пример такого Обзор Thunderobot Zero 75 Orange: яркая клавиатура с LCD-экраномИгровые клавиатуры с необычным дизайном — это тренд последних лет. Больше цвета, больше интересных конструктивных решений: и красиво, и удобно. Thunderobot Zero 75 Orange — яркий пример такого

Обзор Thunderobot Zero 75 Orange: яркая клавиатура с LCD-экраномИгровые клавиатуры с необычным дизайном — это тренд последних лет. Больше цвета, больше интересных конструктивных решений: и красиво, и удобно. Thunderobot Zero 75 Orange — яркий пример такого подхода к «клавиатурострению».

1 час назад @ t.me
В разработку запущен сиквел Alien: IsolationРазработка космического хоррора находится на ранних этапах. За проект отвечает студия Creative Assembly.
В разработку запущен сиквел Alien: IsolationРазработка космического хоррора находится на ранних этапах. За проект отвечает студия Creative Assembly. В разработку запущен сиквел Alien: IsolationРазработка космического хоррора находится на ранних этапах. За проект отвечает студия Creative Assembly.

В разработку запущен сиквел Alien: IsolationРазработка космического хоррора находится на ранних этапах. За проект отвечает студия Creative Assembly.

1 час назад @ t.me
Разработчики Metro Awakening показали новый геймплейный ролик своего шутераНа кадрах показана версия для шлема виртуальной реальности PlayStation VR 2. Проект также выйдет на ПК.
Разработчики Metro Awakening показали новый геймплейный ролик своего шутераНа кадрах показана версия для шлема виртуальной реальности PlayStation VR 2. Проект также выйдет на ПК. Разработчики Metro Awakening показали новый геймплейный ролик своего шутераНа кадрах показана версия для шлема виртуальной реальности PlayStation VR 2. Проект также выйдет на ПК.

Разработчики Metro Awakening показали новый геймплейный ролик своего шутераНа кадрах показана версия для шлема виртуальной реальности PlayStation VR 2. Проект также выйдет на ПК.

1 час назад @ t.me
«Выживач» Retreat to Enen выйдет на PS5 и Xbox Series X|S в октябреИгра от студии Head West уже доступна на персональных компьютерах, где у нее смешанные отзывы.
«Выживач» Retreat to Enen выйдет на PS5 и Xbox Series X|S в октябреИгра от студии Head West уже доступна на персональных компьютерах, где у нее смешанные отзывы. «Выживач» Retreat to Enen выйдет на PS5 и Xbox Series X|S в октябреИгра от студии Head West уже доступна на персональных компьютерах, где у нее смешанные отзывы.

«Выживач» Retreat to Enen выйдет на PS5 и Xbox Series X|S в октябреИгра от студии Head West уже доступна на персональных компьютерах, где у нее смешанные отзывы.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Рэнди Питчфорд и его «ящик Пандоры», обзоры The Forever Winter и Iron Meat — самые интересные материалы за неделюКраткий дайджест всех наших материалов за прошлую неделю, в которых мы всячески разбирали игровую индустрию.
Рэнди Питчфорд и его «ящик Пандоры», обзоры The Forever Winter и Iron Meat — самые интересные материалы за неделюКраткий дайджест всех наших материалов за прошлую неделю, в которых мы всячески разбирали игровую индустрию. Рэнди Питчфорд и его «ящик Пандоры», обзоры The Forever Winter и Iron Meat — самые интересные материалы за неделюКраткий дайджест всех наших материалов за прошлую неделю, в которых мы всячески разбирали игровую индустрию.

Рэнди Питчфорд и его «ящик Пандоры», обзоры The Forever Winter и Iron Meat — самые интересные материалы за неделюКраткий дайджест всех наших материалов за прошлую неделю, в которых мы всячески разбирали игровую индустрию.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Компания «Ачивка» в ноябре проведет Console Gaming Festival«Мы хотим дать возможность людям всех возрастов прийти и открыть для себя лучшие игры, которые могут предложить игровые консоли».
Компания «Ачивка» в ноябре проведет Console Gaming Festival«Мы хотим дать возможность людям всех возрастов прийти и открыть для себя лучшие игры, которые могут предложить игровые консоли». Компания «Ачивка» в ноябре проведет Console Gaming Festival«Мы хотим дать возможность людям всех возрастов прийти и открыть для себя лучшие игры, которые могут предложить игровые консоли».

Компания «Ачивка» в ноябре проведет Console Gaming Festival«Мы хотим дать возможность людям всех возрастов прийти и открыть для себя лучшие игры, которые могут предложить игровые консоли».

2 часа назад @ t.me
Nintendo расправилась с очередным эмулятором для Switch, Valve использует ChatGPT — самое интересное за неделюКраткий дайджест всего, что происходило с развлекательной индустрией по всему миру за последнюю неделю.
Nintendo расправилась с очередным эмулятором для Switch, Valve использует ChatGPT — самое интересное за неделюКраткий дайджест всего, что происходило с развлекательной индустрией по всему миру за последнюю неделю. Nintendo расправилась с очередным эмулятором для Switch, Valve использует ChatGPT — самое интересное за неделюКраткий дайджест всего, что происходило с развлекательной индустрией по всему миру за последнюю неделю.

Nintendo расправилась с очередным эмулятором для Switch, Valve использует ChatGPT — самое интересное за неделюКраткий дайджест всего, что происходило с развлекательной индустрией по всему миру за последнюю неделю.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Часка и Оророн из Genshin Impact 5.2. Первый взгляд на новых героев игры miHoYoСкоро Genshin Impact получит обновление 5.2. miHoYo начинает заранее знакомить с теми, кто заглянет в баннеры персонажей.
Часка и Оророн из Genshin Impact 5.2. Первый взгляд на новых героев игры miHoYoСкоро Genshin Impact получит обновление 5.2. miHoYo начинает заранее знакомить с теми, кто заглянет в баннеры персонажей. Часка и Оророн из Genshin Impact 5.2. Первый взгляд на новых героев игры miHoYoСкоро Genshin Impact получит обновление 5.2. miHoYo начинает заранее знакомить с теми, кто заглянет в баннеры персонажей.

Часка и Оророн из Genshin Impact 5.2. Первый взгляд на новых героев игры miHoYoСкоро Genshin Impact получит обновление 5.2. miHoYo начинает заранее знакомить с теми, кто заглянет в баннеры персонажей.

4 часа назад @ t.me
Западные активисты отменяют авторов Genshin, HSR и Zenless Zone Zero из-за Цезарь Кинг. Героиня оказалось недостаточно разнообразнойЗападные активисты продолжают бунтовать-бойкотировать Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail и Zenless Zone Zero, а miHoYo тем вре
Западные активисты отменяют авторов Genshin, HSR и Zenless Zone Zero из-за Цезарь Кинг. Героиня оказалось недостаточно разнообразнойЗападные активисты продолжают бунтовать-бойкотировать Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail и Zenless Zone Zero, а miHoYo тем вре Западные активисты отменяют авторов Genshin, HSR и Zenless Zone Zero из-за Цезарь Кинг. Героиня оказалось недостаточно разнообразнойЗападные активисты продолжают бунтовать-бойкотировать Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail и Zenless Zone Zero, а miHoYo тем вре

Западные активисты отменяют авторов Genshin, HSR и Zenless Zone Zero из-за Цезарь Кинг. Героиня оказалось недостаточно разнообразнойЗападные активисты продолжают бунтовать-бойкотировать Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail и Zenless Zone Zero, а miHoYo тем временем фиксирует прибыль.

5 часов назад @ t.me
Графику ремейка Silent Hill 2 сравнили на ПК и PlayStation 5Игроки знакомятся с ремейком Silent Hill 2. Некоторым было интересно, на какой платформе новинка выглядит лучше всего.
Графику ремейка Silent Hill 2 сравнили на ПК и PlayStation 5Игроки знакомятся с ремейком Silent Hill 2. Некоторым было интересно, на какой платформе новинка выглядит лучше всего. Графику ремейка Silent Hill 2 сравнили на ПК и PlayStation 5Игроки знакомятся с ремейком Silent Hill 2. Некоторым было интересно, на какой платформе новинка выглядит лучше всего.

Графику ремейка Silent Hill 2 сравнили на ПК и PlayStation 5Игроки знакомятся с ремейком Silent Hill 2. Некоторым было интересно, на какой платформе новинка выглядит лучше всего.

5 часов назад @ t.me
Первые баннеры персонажей и оружия Genshin Impact 5.1. miHoYo раскрыла спискиНа подходе в Genshin Impact баннеры обновления 5.1
Первые баннеры персонажей и оружия Genshin Impact 5.1. miHoYo раскрыла спискиНа подходе в Genshin Impact баннеры обновления 5.1 Первые баннеры персонажей и оружия Genshin Impact 5.1. miHoYo раскрыла спискиНа подходе в Genshin Impact баннеры обновления 5.1

Первые баннеры персонажей и оружия Genshin Impact 5.1. miHoYo раскрыла спискиНа подходе в Genshin Impact баннеры обновления 5.1

5 часов назад @ t.me
Состояние Дженсена Хуанга оценивается больше, чем стоит вся IntelГенеральный директор NVIDIA Дженсен Хуанг достиг состояния, превышающего стоимость Intel, которое на данный момент составляет около $109 млрд.
Состояние Дженсена Хуанга оценивается больше, чем стоит вся IntelГенеральный директор NVIDIA Дженсен Хуанг достиг состояния, превышающего стоимость Intel, которое на данный момент составляет около $109 млрд. Состояние Дженсена Хуанга оценивается больше, чем стоит вся IntelГенеральный директор NVIDIA Дженсен Хуанг достиг состояния, превышающего стоимость Intel, которое на данный момент составляет около $109 млрд.

Состояние Дженсена Хуанга оценивается больше, чем стоит вся IntelГенеральный директор NVIDIA Дженсен Хуанг достиг состояния, превышающего стоимость Intel, которое на данный момент составляет около $109 млрд.

5 часов назад @ t.me
Смотрим ИИ-трейлер киноадаптации Resident Evil 4 с известными актёрамиКак выглядела бы адаптация видеоигры по франшизе с участием известных современных актёров? Смотрим ролик, созданный искусственным интеллектом.
Смотрим ИИ-трейлер киноадаптации Resident Evil 4 с известными актёрамиКак выглядела бы адаптация видеоигры по франшизе с участием известных современных актёров? Смотрим ролик, созданный искусственным интеллектом. Смотрим ИИ-трейлер киноадаптации Resident Evil 4 с известными актёрамиКак выглядела бы адаптация видеоигры по франшизе с участием известных современных актёров? Смотрим ролик, созданный искусственным интеллектом.

Смотрим ИИ-трейлер киноадаптации Resident Evil 4 с известными актёрамиКак выглядела бы адаптация видеоигры по франшизе с участием известных современных актёров? Смотрим ролик, созданный искусственным интеллектом.

5 часов назад @ t.me
На английском
последний пост 2 часа назад
Halo’s Move to Unreal Engine 5 Would Make a PS5 Version Easier to Achieve, Tech Experts Say
Halo’s Move to Unreal Engine 5 Would Make a PS5 Version Easier to Achieve, Tech Experts Say

Halo’s move to Unreal Engine 5 would make it easier for developer Halo Studios, née 343 Industries, to take Xbox’s flagship first-person shooter multi-platform, including a launch on PlayStation 5, tech experts have said.

2 часа назад @ ign.com
The Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood of Venice Board Game Is Already on Sale for Prime Day
The Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood of Venice Board Game Is Already on Sale for Prime Day

The Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood of Venice board game is already on sale at Amazon as an early October Prime Day deal.

2 часа назад @ ign.com
New Pirate RPG 'Sea of Legends' Announced, Led by Shadowrun and Crimson Skies Creator
New Pirate RPG 'Sea of Legends' Announced, Led by Shadowrun and Crimson Skies Creator

The creator of Shadowrun, BattleTech, and Crimson Skies – Jordan Weisman – has announced a new deck-building, fantasy-infused, pirate-themed isometric CRPG called Sea of Legends. It's based on the narrative open-world board game of the same name. It's in development now for PC.

2 часа назад @ ign.com
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Review in Progress
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Review in Progress

So far playing this high-flying fighter has felt like a labor of love.

2 часа назад @ ign.com
Metaphor: ReFantazio Review
Metaphor: ReFantazio Review

Atlus further refines its winning RPG formula of weaving turn-based combat into social sim mechanics.

2 часа назад @ ign.com
Undisputed Review
Undisputed Review

Undisputed does a lot of new and unique things in the boxing genre, but also fails to connect in several key areas.

3 часа назад @ ign.com
Star Wars' Ewan McGregor Says Disney Is 'Exploring' Ideas for Obi-Wan Kenobi Season 2
Star Wars' Ewan McGregor Says Disney Is 'Exploring' Ideas for Obi-Wan Kenobi Season 2

Star Wars Prequel Trilogy star Ewan McGregor has renewed hopes for Season 2 of Obi-Wan Kenobi, saying Disney and Lucasfilm are currently "exploring" ideas.

4 часа назад @ ign.com
Sony's Until Dawn Film Has Already Wrapped Filming
Sony's Until Dawn Film Has Already Wrapped Filming

The Until Dawn film from Sony Pictures, based on the beloved PlayStation 4 (and now PS5) horror game, has already wrapped filming.

4 часа назад @ ign.com
Director of Original Silent Hill 2 ‘Not Satisfied’ With Limited Camera From 23 Years Ago, Much Prefers the Remake’s Modern Perspective
Director of Original Silent Hill 2 ‘Not Satisfied’ With Limited Camera From 23 Years Ago, Much Prefers the Remake’s Modern Perspective

Now Bloober’s Silent Hill 2 Remake is out in the wild, the director of the original Silent Hill from 2001 has offered his thoughts on this reimagining of his work, and he’s full of praise.

4 часа назад @ ign.com
Silent Hill 2 Remake Fans Are Loving This Amazing HD Collection Easter Egg
Silent Hill 2 Remake Fans Are Loving This Amazing HD Collection Easter Egg

Silent Hill 2 Remake players have gone out of bounds and discovered the HD Collection’s much-maligned Comic Sans Ranch sign in an abandoned warehouse.

5 часов назад @ ign.com
Silent Hill 2 Remake Global Release Times Confirmed
Silent Hill 2 Remake Global Release Times Confirmed

Konami has revealed the global release times for the Silent Hill 2 remake across PlayStation 5 and PC via Steam.

6 часов назад @ ign.com
Silent Hill 2 Remake Wikipedia Page Locked Down After ‘Persistent Disruptive Editing’ Lowers Review Scores
Silent Hill 2 Remake Wikipedia Page Locked Down After ‘Persistent Disruptive Editing’ Lowers Review Scores

The Silent Hill 2 Remake Wikipedia page was locked down after its list of review scores from the press was edited to make them lower.

7 часов назад @ ign.com
Assassin's Creed Mirage Hits Steam This Month
Assassin's Creed Mirage Hits Steam This Month

Assassin’s Creed Mirage launches on Steam later in October, Ubisoft has announced.

8 часов назад @ ign.com
Amazon Prime Membership Plans and Prices, Explained
Amazon Prime Membership Plans and Prices, Explained

You can still try it free for 30 days and cancel at anytime.

8 часов назад @ ign.com
Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Global Release Times Confirmed
Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Global Release Times Confirmed

Diablo 4 expansion Vessel of Hatred goes live today, October 7 in some regions, with a global release date of October 8. Here are all the release times across PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.

9 часов назад @ ign.com
Rock Paper Shotgun Rock Paper Shotgun
последний пост 2 часа назад
Metaphor: ReFantazio review: like a brilliant fantasy Persona, only with one major catch
Metaphor: ReFantazio review: like a brilliant fantasy Persona, only with one major catch Metaphor: ReFantazio review: like a brilliant fantasy Persona, only with one major catch

Metaphors aside, though, the game is a gigantic fantasy RPG that's technically better than Persona 5 in a lot of ways.

And overall, I think it's the best game Persona or Persona-like Atlus have put out - it really is brilliant.

In other matters, I don't think Metaphor quite has...

Persona has this jazzy vibe and boppy presentation, whereas Metaphor leans more into the familiar Fire Emblem-style soundtrack of strings and plinks.

And it's a better game than Persona, particularly Persona 5.

2 часа назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Dread Dawn review: dawn’t bother
Dread Dawn review: dawn’t bother Dread Dawn review: dawn’t bother

Dread Dawn reviewA few bright spots of ingenuity do little to save joyless, aggressively tedious zombie survival.

With a significant overhaul of basically every player interaction Dread Dawn offers - from the abysmally tedious looting to the rusty combat - it might some day be worth your time.

This should have been the game, Dread Dawn!

I didn’t come close to finishing Dread Dawn.

It's such a core interaction and Dread Dawn couldn't even manage that.

3 часа назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
I really hope turn-based horror RPG Lurks Within Walls gets combat worthy of its lovely claustrophobia
I really hope turn-based horror RPG Lurks Within Walls gets combat worthy of its lovely claustrophobia I really hope turn-based horror RPG Lurks Within Walls gets combat worthy of its lovely claustrophobia

Going by the demo, it's a promising restraint for a horror game, though they really do need to expand on the combat, which is currently a slight waste of some terrific creature art.

The game's monsters are the work of Trevor Henderson, a Canadian artist of some repute, who has a lifelong passion for creepypasta photography.

This being a turn-based game, you can spend an eternity inside that feeling of uncertainty.

Fast-Paced Turn-Based Combat: Engage in intense, tactical battles against a range of nightmarish creatures.

Creatures by Trevor Henderson: Explore accursed buildings and haunted settings, encountering terrifying creatures brought to life by the distinctive style of Trevor Henderso…

3 часа назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Phoenix Springs review: a surreal detective mystery that's both old-school and new wave
Phoenix Springs review: a surreal detective mystery that's both old-school and new wave Phoenix Springs review: a surreal detective mystery that's both old-school and new wave

Phoenix Springs reviewA point-and-click that may share its genre predecessors frustrations, but Phoenix Springs’ striking art style and poetic storytelling makes it feel like an entirely contemporary detective tale.

Kickstarted back in 2017, Phoenix Springs has been on quite a journey.

Soon into the investigation, Iris’ detective work takes her to Phoenix Springs, a lush oasis plonked in the middle of a vast desert.

Detective games always operate on a stream of logic and structure - but Phoenix Springs is different.

Phoenix Springs is a game that demands you slow down, and whose purposefulness will entice some players but put others off.

3 часа назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Epic detail plans for Unreal Engine 6 and share vision of a metaverse spanning "Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite"
Epic detail plans for Unreal Engine 6 and share vision of a metaverse spanning "Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite" Epic detail plans for Unreal Engine 6 and share vision of a metaverse spanning "Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite"

Epic have detailed early plans for Unreal Engine 6, which Sweeney says will combine Unreal Engine with Fortnite's easy-to-use Unreal Editor to create a gigantic, "interoperable" metaverse platform that lets developers sell stuff that can seamlessly be transferred to other games, whether they run on Unreal Engine or not.

All this comes from a new Verge interview with Sweeney and Epic executive vice-president Saxs Persson, which follows this year's Unreal Fest conference in Seattle.

Foremost among those grand plans is the blueprint for Unreal Engine 6, which will take several years to arrive, and is built around the philosophy of "interoperable content" that can be transferred between any gam…

5 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The Silent Hill 2 Remake’s Wikipedia page briefly got transformed into a phantasmagorical reflection of the psyches of idiots unable to accept reality
The Silent Hill 2 Remake’s Wikipedia page briefly got transformed into a phantasmagorical reflection of the psyches of idiots unable to accept reality The Silent Hill 2 Remake’s Wikipedia page briefly got transformed into a phantasmagorical reflection of the psyches of idiots unable to accept reality

If you’ve been keeping up with the positive review scores for the Silent Hill 2 Remake, you may have been surprised to read the Wikipedia page over the weekend, only to learn that the horror game had "received the worst reviews imaginable."

As spotted by Eurogamer, the page has now been locked following some deranged edits that altered review scores to appear much lower than they actually were.

The edits have been attributed to both “anti-woke dorks” and “trolls”, although I’ve also seen the words “Asmongold Subreddit” floating about.

I did briefly check Wikipedia just to see how easy it was to edit a page, since I’d never done it before.

None of this means anything until our man-in-the-fog…

6 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The Maw: what's new in PC games this week?
The Maw: what's new in PC games this week? The Maw: what's new in PC games this week?

Last week we had a critical mass of people being off sick, away on trips, away on holiday, or locked in the cellar reviewing very long video games.

As such, the flow of news to the dark god of video games journalism was sluggish.

Quickly now, let's run through the week's PC game releases of note and top the Maw up before that bonus satellite does anything unconventional, like growing teeth.

Or if that's too ponderous a release to end the week on, Breath of the Wildy platformer Europa.

As ever, feel free to share any amazing PC games we've missed and chuck suggestions for stories into the comments.

8 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
What's on your bookshelf?: former Zachtronics’ Zach Barths and Matthew Burns
What's on your bookshelf?:  former Zachtronics’ Zach Barths and Matthew Burns What's on your bookshelf?: former Zachtronics’ Zach Barths and Matthew Burns

It’s a double feature this week - Zach Barths and Matthew Burns of former Zachtronics fame!

Zach: I started reading Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series during COVID lockdown, which is somewhat out of character for me.

), but there’s something about Discworld that is just the right kind of comforting when I’m looking for an easy read.

Zach: There is a book called Legal Systems Very Different from Ours, by David Friedman, which is about, unsurprisingly, legal systems that are very different from ours.

It also includes examples of situated legal systems (legal systems that exist within other legal systems) and anarchist legal systems (legal systems where no one is in charge, but laws still exis…

1 day, 1 hour назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The Sunday Papers
The Sunday Papers The Sunday Papers

The Sunday Papers is our weekly roundup of great writing about (mostly) videogames from across the web.

For Unlosing Writer, Brendan Sinclair put together a bad quote hall of fame.

Other times, a transparently Bad Quote – like John Riccitiello calling a big chunk of his customers fucking idiots – could look considerably worse a few years down the road.

In the case of shooting Nazis, we take for granted how much of an overused cartoon we’ve made them.

Doom as it’s grown has attempted to add layers of meaning to shooting demons externally through the origination of Demons.

1 day, 6 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
What are we all playing this weekend?
What are we all playing this weekend? What are we all playing this weekend?

My flatmate keeps telling me I shouldn't keep the window wide open if I'm getting cold, but he doesn't understand.

So, now that we're all sitting comfortably atop our heat pads: what are we all playing this weekend?

GrahamI'll be playing Dune Imperium again on Sunday, after a white knuckle game last week for which I'm eager to seek revenge.

Instead, he gets the dreaded italicised write-up for this weekend while he re-evaluates his life choices.

But you, reader dear, what are you playing this weekend?

2 days, 9 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Dead Cells developer's new action-roguelike Windblown is getting a demo and Early Access release this month
Dead Cells developer's new action-roguelike Windblown is getting a demo and Early Access release this month Dead Cells developer's new action-roguelike Windblown is getting a demo and Early Access release this month

Better still, on October 14th, it's getting a singleplayer demo as part of the Steam Next Fest.

Dead Cells had fabulous-feeling combat and an exciting progression system that made each new run exciting.

That dash is seemingly key, based on Edwin's impressions from seeing a Windblown presentation back at GDC.

My favourite times with Dead Cells came early in its Early Access, when it was likewise a game of dash-rolling impatience, and where most enemies could be bested via turret deployments and ladder-based cheese strats.

I'm inclined to hop on the Windblown train early, in case it charts a similar path.

2 days, 22 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Guess a daily word with only clues as to its position in the alphabet to guide you
Guess a daily word with only clues as to its position in the alphabet to guide you Guess a daily word with only clues as to its position in the alphabet to guide you

Yesterday I offered you Scrambled Maps, which is good for fifteen minutes of not working.

Today I offer Alphaguess, a once-a-day browser puzzle game in which you must guess a word.

With every incorrect guess you make, the game tells you whether the correct answer comes before or after it alphabetically.

I regularly refer to works like Alphaguess and Wordle and Scrambled Maps as puzzle games, but I'm not sure that quite communicates their appeal.

Credit to Caroline Cramptom's newsletter, which linked to both Alphaguess and Scrambled Maps this past week.

2 days, 23 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Saber Interactive are making a new action-RPG set in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender
Saber Interactive are making a new action-RPG set in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender Saber Interactive are making a new action-RPG set in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender

Avatar: The Last Airbender hasn't had much luck when it comes to adaptations, whether to film or to video games.

Now Paramount Game Studios and Saber Interactive are going to take a new swing at it.

The pair have announced an action RPG set in the "Avatar Legends universe", the broader world and timeline that The Last Airbender and Legend Of Korra take place within.

Despite that, it's had some underwhelming action games, an underwhelming MMO, and some Smite skins (pictured above).

Legend Of Korra faired better with a Platinum-developed action game, but it as Platinum games go it was some extremely mid work-for-hire stuff.

2 days, 23 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Tencent and Guillemot family considering buyout of Ubisoft, report says
Tencent and Guillemot family considering buyout of Ubisoft, report says Tencent and Guillemot family considering buyout of Ubisoft, report says

Now Tencent and Ubisoft's founders, the Guillemots, are considering buying out the publisher, reports say.

A report by Bloomberg cited "people familiar with the matter," saying Tencent and Guillemot Brothers Ltd were considering their options.

Both parties are currently minority shareholders of Ubisoft, with Tencent controlling around 9% of shares and the Guillemots owning around 20.5%.

Shareholders' frustrations had been growing for some time, but peaked following the "softer than expected" performance of Star Wars Outlaws.

Guillemot has previously maintained they'd consider selling if someone offered; maybe now we'll see if other shareholders would consider selling to him.

2 days, 23 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Not normal at all, don’t let it lie to you gardening game Grunn is out now
Not normal at all, don’t let it lie to you gardening game Grunn is out now Not normal at all, don’t let it lie to you gardening game Grunn is out now

It’s got Mental Baz energy to me.

You’ve met mental Baz, right?

Grunn just released today, and my high level tempter is that it’s a little bit like Outer Wilds, just with all the touching wonder replaced by spooky whimsy.

It’s really one of those less-you-know-the-better cases, but here’s a non-spoilery summary from my review:Is Grunn for you?

Do you like dying in various ways and unlocking new endings and knowing to do things a little differently next time around?

3 days, 1 hour назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Polygon Polygon
последний пост 1 month, 3 weeks назад
All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game
All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game

Arrowhead just added new enemies, like the Impaler!

In past patches, seeing new threats emerge organically on the battlefield was a thrill.

Helldivers 2 is also in a somewhat unique situation; since propaganda from our in-game superiors is such a core part of the setting, it makes sense to have the game actively gaslight players about new enemies and updates.

As Helldivers 2 continues, I hope Arrowhead doesn’t shift to sharing upcoming surprises in blog posts and promotional materials.

I want to be absolutely shocked as these new enemies show up and turn my poor Helldiver into chunky salsa; it keeps things fresh.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone
New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone

The developers of Stalker 2, GSC Game World, released a massive 35-minute video to YouTube on Monday teasing the upcoming sequel of their beloved open-world shooter franchise.

In it, the Ukrainian team described how they leaned heavily into the authenticity of the experience.

That authenticity applies to the game’s real-world setting around the Chornobyl nuclear power plant.

STALKER 2 was originally expected on Sept. 5, but was delayed to Nov. 20.

The final game will be available on PC and Xbox Series X, where it will be included as part of the Xbox Game Pass program and available to all subscribers the day of its release.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam
Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam

At this point, I think we can safely assume that nobody is going to spend their hard-earned money on tickets to see the Borderlands movie.

The reviews from fans and critics have been absolutely scathing, and frankly, I think we all deserved better.

If you’d like to experience what is still the best version of Borderlands, you can currently pick up the Borderlands Collection: Pandora’s Box from Steam for just $37.12.

Pandora’s Box is a comprehensive collection of the four mainline titles in the Borderlands franchise in addition to all of their corresponding DLC, including cosmetic items and other extras, which total a $664.47 value.

Along with the FPS entries attached to the Borderlands lice…

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi
Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi

Baldur’s Gate 3 won the premier award for narrative excellence in sci-fiction and fantasy media on Sunday.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is the second video game to win the newly created category at the annual Hugo Awards.

The organization attempted to create an award for Best Interactive Video Game in 2006 but didn’t receive enough nominations.

That makes Baldur’s Gate 3 only the second game to win the award.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has already won the Game of the Year Award at five major video game award ceremonies: the Golden Joystick Awards, The Game Awards, the D.I.C.E.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus
Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus

Netflix wanted to be in on the One Piece business — so much so that not only are they just doing live-action One Piece (with season 2 currently in production), they’re also working with Wit Studio to remake the One Piece anime.

The One Piece, said forthcoming anime that was first announced in December last year, would be running concurrently with the still airing One Piece anime.

One Piece now means something different than One Piece then, and a new anime could add a bit of polish to those first chapters.

The creative team at Wit wants very badly to get everything just right, as the new behind-the-scenes look at The One Piece above shows.

So how exactly do they capture what “One Piece” real…

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale
The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale

The original Deus Ex its sequel Deus Ex 2: Invisible War remain some of the most influential titles in gaming, using the first person shooter genre as a canvas and painting over it an intriguing world of conspiracies and larger questions about what it means for technology to become an extension of humanity.

Those core tenets continued in the more modern sequels, 2011’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution and 2013’s Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

All four games are excellent in their own right, and all are on sale for over 80% off each.

You can pick up the whole series and DLC for less than $20 total.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46
Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46 Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46

Pokémon voice actor Rachael Lillis died Saturday, Lillis’ sister Laurie Orr announced on GoFundMe.

She filled our Saturday mornings and before/after school hours with her beautiful voice, her terrific comic timing, and her remarkable acting skills.”We all know Rachael Lillis from the many wonderful roles she played.

She filled our Saturday mornings and before/after school hours with her beautiful voice, her terrific comic timing, and her remarkable acting skills.

#RachaelLillis pic.twitter.com/XOjFqY0C1L — Veronica Taylor (@TheVeronicaT) August 12, 2024In 1998, Lillis began voicing Ketchum’s adventure companion Misty, Team Rocket’s Jessie, and several Pokémon, including Jigglypuff.

She also…

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
The best horror to watch on Netflix this August
The best horror to watch on Netflix this August The best horror to watch on Netflix this August

And there’s no better way to get ready than by throwing on a few horror movies just as the sun starts setting a little earlier.

Every month we pick out a few of the best horror movies that Netflix currently has to offer.

It’s also one of the most violent, creepiest, and most disturbing horror movies of the last decade, which certainly makes it worth a look.

All of this makes The Wailing a staggering, ridiculously ambitious horror movie, and unlike just about any other movie ever made.

Cave diving is dangerous enough under the best circumstances, but as you might expect, this particular group of caves is absolutely full of very scary sharks.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic
Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic

And there can be no doubt about the source of the creative energy and good vibes: World of Warcraft Classic.

This was quickly masked the following year when World of Warcraft Classic drove a huge spike in popularity which was sustained by the pandemic gaming boom in 2020.

When he was speaking in March 2024, World of Warcraft subscriber numbers were higher than they had been at Dragonflight’s launch, and climbing.

But it was Classic updates, starting in August 2023, that prompted Hight’s graph to start trending upward.

There are currently no less than five ways to play WoW Classic: the original game, the Cataclysm expansion, Season of Discovery, and two Hardcore variants.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher
Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher

Krafton, the publisher behind PUBG: Battlegrounds and The Callisto Protocol, has acquired Tango Gameworks, the studio responsible for The Evil Within games and Hi-Fi Rush.

Tango was shuttered by Microsoft and ZeniMax Media in May, but the talent who formed the Tokyo-based studio will be integrated into Krafton, which now owns the rights to Hi-Fi Rush.

Hi-Fi Rush is available on PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X.

Tango Gameworks became part of Xbox’s stable of studios when ZeniMax was acquired by Microsoft in 2021.

The studio found great critical success with Hi-Fi Rush in 2023.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

In “Interrogation” [from Lorelei], I used the theme from “Woman on the Other Side”, another song from Lorelei and the Laser Eyes.

It was also inspired partly by Angelo Badalamenti’s walking baselines and slow jazzy drums in “Audrey’s Dance” from Twin Peaks.

Is there anything else I should know about your approach to composing video game music?

It’s like an extension of the video game universe.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Polygon’s favorite audiobooks
Polygon’s favorite audiobooks Polygon’s favorite audiobooks

Few things are better than settling down with a good book, but sometimes the settling is easier said than done.

For all those times, there’s no better place to turn than audiobooks.

All these options making picking your next audiobook a bit of a chore, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

The dramatized audiobooks for A Court of Thorns and Roses are probably the most popular option — they’re cast with different voice actors for each character, and the audio-engineered foley sounds help you envision the scenes as they happen.

It’s a delicious listen even if you don’t have the right setting, of course.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice
Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice

It’s easy to see the similarities between The Legend of Zelda games and many FromSoftware games.

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

Yuka Kitamura: Having spent my childhood and growing up with video games in the 1990s and 2000s, there are many masterpieces that have influenced me.

The desire to play the main theme of my favorite video game title of all time, The Legend of Zelda, on the piano motivated me to learn piano during my childhood.

Is there anything else we should know about your approach to composing video game music?

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga
The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga

“We aim to release two more Witcher games after Polaris, creating a new AAA RPG trilogy,” CD Projekt Red said in 2022.

CD Projekt hasn’t announced a final title, gameplay details, or a release date for the fourth mainline entry in The Witcher.

Here’s everything we do know about the new Witcher saga.

The School of the LynxThe one very visible clue that CD Projekt Red has offered about its new Witcher saga is artwork of a medallion buried in snow.

Or, at the very least, CD Projekt wants to downplay the possibility that there’s any sort of exclusivity going on.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac
A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac

Anyone who’s played A Short Hike knows the soundtrack makes up a hefty percentage of the experience.

And as it turns out, that soundtrack would probably never have happened if composer Mark Sparling hadn’t played The Binding of Isaac in college.

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

Mark Sparling: The soundtrack to the original Binding of Isaac by Danny Baranowsky was a big one for me.

Is there anything else we should know about your approach to composing video game music?

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Eurogamer Eurogamer
последний пост 35 минут назад
Until Dawn's PS5 remake scares - with bugs, image quality concerns and frame delivery issues
Until Dawn's PS5 remake scares - with bugs, image quality concerns and frame delivery issues Until Dawn's PS5 remake scares - with bugs, image quality concerns and frame delivery issues

0:00:00 Introduction0:00:53 News 1: Nintendo takes down Ryujinx0:17:28 News 2: Until Dawn remake tested!

Could Steam Machines match the performance of a PS5 Pro at the same price?

1:42:34 Supporter Q5: The PS5 Pro hasn’t sold out, so is this a sign of underperforming sales?

We mentioned performance issues in cutscenes earlier, and performance in live gameplay and in-engine cutscenes also has frame pacing problems, with highly variable frame-times above and below the customary 33ms.

Regardless of the reason for the remake though, the game's frame-rate delivery issues need to be solved.

35 минут назад @ eurogamer.net
Assassin's Creed Mirage comes to Steam this month, as Ubisoft returns to Valve's storefront
Assassin's Creed Mirage comes to Steam this month, as Ubisoft returns to Valve's storefront Assassin's Creed Mirage comes to Steam this month, as Ubisoft returns to Valve's storefront

Assassin's Creed Mirage is set to make its Steam debut, marking the start of Ubisoft's full return to Valve's PC storefront.

Last month, Ubisoft announced its new releases are set to launch day one on Steam, starting with Assassin's Creed Shadows on 14th February next year.

But, before that, Steam users will also be able to get their hands on Assassin's Creed Mirage, which was initially released back in October last year across consoles and PC (but not via Steam).

Manage cookie settings Here's our Ian with 11 things you need to know about Assassin's Creed Mirage.

For example, Assassin's Creed Valhalla and city-building strategy Anno 1800 eventually arrived on the platform back in 2022, havi…

39 минут назад @ eurogamer.net
Silent Hill 2 Remake "a legitimate evolution", says original director
Silent Hill 2 Remake "a legitimate evolution", says original director Silent Hill 2 Remake "a legitimate evolution", says original director

The director of Silent Hill 2 has commented on the furore around some of the changes Bloober Team and Konami made to its reimagined Silent Hill 2 Remake, saying he "wants to try playing the even more immersive remake" himself.

"In other words, it makes me want to try playing the even more immersive remake of Silent Hill 2!!!"

Responding to a reply from Masahiro Ito, who led creature design on both Silent Hill 2 and the Remake, Tsuboyama added: "I'm glad that it's a legitimate evolution of Silent Hill 2.

I know it was hard work, but thank you for your hard work.

Silent Hill 2 Remake releases on PC and PS5 tomorrow, Tuesday 8th October, although it's available to play now for those who pre-or…

1 час назад @ eurogamer.net
Alien: Isolation sequel in early development, with original director returning
Alien: Isolation sequel in early development, with original director returning Alien: Isolation sequel in early development, with original director returning

Can you believe Alien: Isolation is now 10?!

Today, Alien: Isolation director Al Hope teased some exciting news with the game's community, as part of its 10th anniversary.

An Alien: Isolation sequel is in the works, and Hope will be back at the helm for the upcoming release.

Then, at the end of this post to the community, Hope simply wrote:"Today, I'm delighted to confirm, on behalf of the team, that a sequel to Alien: Isolation is in early development.

As for the original game, we just published a rather timely Alien: Isolation retrospective.

1 час назад @ eurogamer.net
A decade of Alien: Isolation: how Creative Assembly made an all-time horror classic
A decade of Alien: Isolation: how Creative Assembly made an all-time horror classic A decade of Alien: Isolation: how Creative Assembly made an all-time horror classic

"I'd always been a huge fan of the first film," says Alistair Hope, Alien: Isolation's director, of the original 1979 movie .

"Like Alien, [Alien: Isolation] has the idea of working people being crushed under the boots of these companies just looking out for their own interests," Kelly says.

And he's right - even a veteran of horror games and movies like myself started Alien: Isolation three times before finally persevering.

Maybe a large faction of gamers thought Alien: Isolation would be too scary for them.

"You know, in 100 years, when there's no device available to play Alien: Isolation, that movie will still have those 'save' points," he grins.

1 час назад @ eurogamer.net
Metaphor: ReFantazio review - the quintessential Japanese RPG, with Atlus in epic, operatic form
Metaphor: ReFantazio review - the quintessential Japanese RPG, with Atlus in epic, operatic form Metaphor: ReFantazio review - the quintessential Japanese RPG, with Atlus in epic, operatic form

In its 35 year history of developing games, Atlus has become renowned for its Persona and Shin Megami Tensei series.

Really, Metaphor: ReFantazio is the culmination of the genre as a whole.

Politics has often featured in Atlus games, but perhaps never quite so overtly.

The narrative of Metaphor: ReFantazio centres on a magical election: following the death of the king, a tournament is held to decide the next ruler of the kingdom.

Taken as a straightforward fantasy RPG Metaphor: ReFantazio is hard to beat, as Atlus expertly merges nostalgia and modernity.

2 часа назад @ eurogamer.net
Horror fishing game Dredge coming to mobile later this year
Horror fishing game Dredge coming to mobile later this year Horror fishing game Dredge coming to mobile later this year

Mobile and Mac users will soon be able to reel in Dredge, the rather sinister BAFTA-nominated fishing RPG from Black Salt Games.

The news comes from Black Salt Games programmer and writer Joel Mason, who noted this was a "huge day for the steam forums bros who said Dredge looks like a mobile game".

The developer said both the Android and iOS versions of Dredge "will be premium purchases for the full game".

Dredge will be heading to Android, iOS, and Mac on 18th December.

Since its initial release in 2023, the Dredge team has added some DLC to the base game.

2 часа назад @ eurogamer.net
Phoenix Springs review - fascinating, frustrating neo-noir surrealism
Phoenix Springs review - fascinating, frustrating neo-noir surrealism Phoenix Springs review - fascinating, frustrating neo-noir surrealism

A beautiful, elusive mood piece, Phoenix Springs' blend of taut dystopian detective noir and meandering surrealism is likely to frustrate as much as it intrigues.

Phoenix Springs doesn't so much start as awaken, adrift in a shimmering void of static to an only slightly discordant choral swell.

It's here Phoenix Springs jettisons the compelling narrative propulsion and clear-eyed focus of its early mystery, becoming more of a confounding, disorientating mood piece.

In its second half, Phoenix Springs isn't an easy game to love, or even particularly like.

A copy of Phoenix Springs was provided for review by Calligram Studio.

4 часа назад @ eurogamer.net
What Halo on Unreal Engine 5 means for PS5
What Halo on Unreal Engine 5 means for PS5 What Halo on Unreal Engine 5 means for PS5

Halo Studios has said it will now develop all future Halo projects using Unreal Engine 5, the Epic Games-made toolkit for game development that's used widely across the industry.

Discussing the move to Unreal Engine, Halo Studios said the change means faster, smoother development and iteration is now possible, while it will also allow for an easier onboarding of new team members who know the toolkit already.

"From a multi-platform game development perspective, moving to Unreal Engine 5 would certainly be easier for the developer than porting across the existing Slipspace engine," Digital Foundry boss Rich Leadbeatter told me this morning.

But it would require an extra layer of porting work …

4 часа назад @ eurogamer.net
Silent Hill 2 HD Collection's Comic Sans ranch sign is in the Remake… but not in the way you might think it is
Silent Hill 2 HD Collection's Comic Sans ranch sign is in the Remake… but not in the way you might think it is Silent Hill 2 HD Collection's Comic Sans ranch sign is in the Remake… but not in the way you might think it is

A nod to Silent Hill 2's disastrous HD Collection remake is hidden away in Silent Hill 2 Remake: the infamous Silent Hill Ranch sign.

Along with Maria's nightmare-fuel orthodontic rearrangement, one of the most egregious things to come out of the 2012 version for some was the tragically comical Silent Hill Ranch sign, which was written in Comic Sans.

pic.twitter.com/J855Vtk8am — GmanLives (@GmanLives) October 7, 2024 To see this content please enable targeting cookies.

Manage cookie settings"So if you clip through the ranch at the start of the Silent Hill 2 remake you can find the Comic Sans font sign hidden away inside.

"I'm waiting for someone to make a mod that replaces the Silent Hill R…

5 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
You've seen Fallout: London, here's Fallout: Nuevo México
You've seen Fallout: London, here's Fallout: Nuevo México You've seen Fallout: London, here's Fallout: Nuevo México

A group of modders has launched a new project to mod Fallout: New Vegas into an all-new Mexican-set game.

A new trailer for the Fallout: Nuevo México project has been launched to "give you a glimpse of what we ultimately aim to achieve", although an initial gameplay trailer was released last year.

"Mexico City is the largest city in North America and serves as the biggest hub in Fallout: Nuevo México," reads the new trailer description.

Of course, the project is being compared to Fallout: London, a similar game-sized mod released earlier this year that transported Fallout 4 into the English capital.

No doubt the Fallout: Nuevo México team will be hoping for similar success.

6 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Fortnite's big Disney mode likely won't let Mickey Mouse wield an uzi
Fortnite's big Disney mode likely won't let Mickey Mouse wield an uzi Fortnite's big Disney mode likely won't let Mickey Mouse wield an uzi

The mysterious project was announced earlier this year alongside a $1.5bn investment by Disney into Epic Games, strengthening the already-close bond between the two companies.

Fortnite features dozens of Disney skins, including characters from Star Wars, Marvel and now Pixar franchises.

But it sounds like this won't be the case with Epic Games' Disney-specific mode.

"A [Lego] minifig doesn't hold a gun," he continued (which is true to a point - minifigures aren't used in Fortnite's battle royale mode, though they certainly can wield guns in Lego Fortnite).

The Disney experience will share - to some extent - Fortnite players' existing "lockers" of cosmetics.

6 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Ubisoft acknowledges buyout reports, stating it "regularly reviews options"
Ubisoft acknowledges buyout reports, stating it "regularly reviews options" Ubisoft acknowledges buyout reports, stating it "regularly reviews options"

Assassin's Creed and Star Wars Outlaws studio Ubisoft has acknowledged last week's buyout reports, stating it "regularly reviews all its strategic options in the interest of its stakeholders".

On Friday, it was claimed Ubisoft and Chinese tech company Tencent were considering a buyout, to help stabilise the French firm and "bolster its value", following a decline in its market value.

Manage cookie settings Star Wars Outlaws Story Trailer.

"Ubisoft has noted recent press speculation regarding potential interests around the Company," the company wrote.

"It regularly reviews all its strategic options in the interest of its stakeholders and will inform the market if and when appropriate.

6 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Halo developer 343 Industries rebrands, confirms multiple new games
Halo developer 343 Industries rebrands, confirms multiple new games Halo developer 343 Industries rebrands, confirms multiple new games

343 Industries, developer of the Halo series, has confirmed it is working on multiple new games for the franchise under a new name: Halo Studios.

All Halo games from here on out will use UE5, Halo Studios confirmed, ditching its own proprietary Slipspace Engine it toiled on for years.

"Epic is honoured that the Halo Studios team has chosen our tools to help with their future work!"

But it is also the company turning the page on the development of Halo Infinite, which is widely seen as having not met Microsoft's expectations.

"We had a disproportionate focus on trying to create the conditions to be successful in servicing Halo Infinite," said Hintze.

7 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Five Nights at Freddy's 2 movie is "much bigger" and "scarier" than its predecessor
Five Nights at Freddy's 2 movie is "much bigger" and "scarier" than its predecessor Five Nights at Freddy's 2 movie is "much bigger" and "scarier" than its predecessor

Five Nights at Freddy's star Josh Hutcherson says the second Freddy-themed movie is "much bigger" and "scarier" than its predecessor.

"That's something that I really think that we all fought for in the first film, because this world that was created in Five Nights at Freddy's, it's so out-there.

Talking about how much he enjoys working in the Freddy-centric world, Hutcherson says the possibilities with his character, Mike, "are endless".

"This could have a very potentially long run and it could be a lot of fun, but at this point we're focusing on the second movie.

On its release, Five Nights at Freddy's scored the second-largest debut of all time for a video game adaptation in the US, comin…

1 day назад @ eurogamer.net
Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games
последний пост 53 минуты назад
Creative Assembly has confirmed a sequel to Alien: Isolation is in early development
Creative Assembly has confirmed a sequel to Alien: Isolation is in early development Creative Assembly has confirmed a sequel to Alien: Isolation is in early development

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53 минуты назад @ reddit.com
Alien: Isolation sequel in early development at Creative Assembly
Alien: Isolation sequel in early development at Creative Assembly Alien: Isolation sequel in early development at Creative Assembly

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
Metaphor: RePhantazio opens with a 94 on Metacritic (28 Critic Reviews)
Metaphor: RePhantazio opens with a 94 on Metacritic (28 Critic Reviews)

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BLEACH Rebirth of Souls — Kaname Tosen Character Trailer
BLEACH Rebirth of Souls — Kaname Tosen Character Trailer

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
Sequel of Alien Isolation is now in early development
Sequel of Alien Isolation is now in early development

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1 час назад @ reddit.com

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO - Opening Movie
DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO - Opening Movie

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
We are now just a few months away from the midpoint of the 2020's—5 years in, what has been the game of the decade so far?
We are now just a few months away from the midpoint of the 2020's—5 years in, what has been the game of the decade so far?

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
RDR2, but every NPC is drunk.
RDR2, but every NPC is drunk. RDR2, but every NPC is drunk.

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero Review Thread
Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero Review Thread

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Metaphor: ReFantazio Review Thread
Metaphor: ReFantazio Review Thread

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Commandos: Origins gets a free demo mission, now available on PC and Xbox
Commandos: Origins gets a free demo mission, now available on PC and Xbox

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
UK September data: EA Sports FC25 launch sales are slightly lower than FC24, but premium edition sales are up, PS5 Digital console had its 2nd best month yet, Space Marine 2 is already the No.3 best-selling new game of 2024, Astro Bot sales are 24% up over
UK September data: EA Sports FC25 launch sales are slightly lower than FC24, but premium edition sales are up, PS5 Digital console had its 2nd best month yet, Space Marine 2 is already the No.3 best-selling new game of 2024, Astro Bot sales are 24% up over

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
Monolith Soft is working on an in-house game engine that builds upon the Xenoblade engine for use in other titles
Monolith Soft is working on an in-house game engine that builds upon the Xenoblade engine for use in other titles

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
Ubisoft acknowledges buyout reports: ‘We regularly review options’
Ubisoft acknowledges buyout reports: ‘We regularly review options’

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App2Top App2Top
последний пост 4 часа назад
Онлайн Throne and Liberty в Steam превысил 336 тысяч человек
Онлайн Throne and Liberty в Steam превысил 336 тысяч человек Онлайн Throne and Liberty в Steam превысил 336 тысяч человек

Throne and LibertyЭто крупнейший показатель среди игр, разработанных NCSOFT, и третий — среди игр, опубликованных Amazon Games.

Также Throne and Liberty удерживает четвертое место в топе новинок 2024-го с наивысшим онлайном в Steam.

Так сейчас выглядит топ-10 самых популярных игр в Steam, вышедших в 2024 году:1.

Онлайн Throne and Liberty в SteamСколько всего человек сыграли в Throne and Liberty на сегодняшний день — неизвестно.

Ни NCSOFT, ни Amazon Games пока не раскрывали аудиторию проекта.

4 часа назад @ app2top.ru
Ubisoft о возможной продаже: «Мы регулярно рассматриваем все стратегические варианты»
Ubisoft о возможной продаже: «Мы регулярно рассматриваем все стратегические варианты» Ubisoft о возможной продаже: «Мы регулярно рассматриваем все стратегические варианты»

В конце прошлой недели источники Bloomberg сообщили , что семья Гиймо (Guillemot) и китайский гигант Tencent обсуждают продажу Ubisoft.

В ответ на это Ubisoft выпустила официальное заявление.

Во время открытия биржи утром 7 октября акции Ubisoft торговались по цене в 15,25 евро за штуку.

Это на 40,38% больше, чем перед выходом отчета Bloomberg.

К моменту написания новости их стоимость немного откатилась — до 13,76 евро за штуку.

5 часов назад @ app2top.ru
343 Industries сменила название. Теперь она — Halo Studios
343 Industries сменила название. Теперь она — Halo Studios 343 Industries сменила название. Теперь она — Halo Studios

Помимо названия Halo Studios сменила подход к разработке игр, а также пересмотрела организацию команд и внутреннюю культуру.

«Если разобрать историю Halo на части, то увидите, что в ней были две очень разные главы.

Сегодня мы начинаем новую главу», — заявил глава Halo Studios Пьер Хинтце (Pierre Hintze).

Кроме того, Halo Studios подтвердила слухи, что она будет делать новые игры на движке Unreal Engine 5.

Сейчас в работе находятся несколько проектов, — подробнее о них студия расскажет позднее.

6 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Сооснователь MY.GAMES открыл новую компанию — Utmost Games
Сооснователь MY.GAMES открыл новую компанию — Utmost Games Сооснователь MY.GAMES открыл новую компанию — Utmost Games

На появление холдинга под названием Utmost Games обратила внимание газета «Коммерсантъ».

Зарегистрирован Utmost Games на Кипре.

На сегодняшний день Utmost Games сделал по меньшей мере две инвестиции.

В августе 2024-го Utmost Games инвестировал в Top App Games — студию разработки мобильных игр, возглавляемую бывшим директором Studio Nord Владимиром Марковым.

Источники «Коммерсанта» полагают, что Никольский основал Utmost Games для объединения активов под одной управляющей компанией.

7 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Главное за выходные (5-6 октября)
Главное за выходные (5-6 октября) Главное за выходные (5-6 октября)

Суверенный фонд Саудовской Аравии рассматривает возможность увеличить долю в Nintendo, продажи «Русов против ящеров» составили 680 тысяч копий, ремейк Until Dawn показал один из худших стартов с точки зрения онлайна в Steam среди игр Sony, — рассказываем, что произошло в игровой индустрии за выходные.

9 часов назад @ app2top.ru
СМИ: семья Гиймо обсуждает с Tencent продажу Ubisoft
СМИ: семья Гиймо обсуждает с Tencent продажу Ubisoft СМИ: семья Гиймо обсуждает с Tencent продажу Ubisoft

Согласно американскому изданию, в данный момент Ubisoft совместно с Tencent обсуждают будущее компании.

Далее при совместных с семьей Гиймо усилиях Tencent может перевести компанию из публичных в частные.

Рыночная капитализация Ubisoft составляла до публикации новости о переговорах с Tencent около 1,5 млрд долларов.

Дело в том, что и семья Гиймо, и Tencent, являются миноритариями.

Важный нюанс: помимо доли в Ubisoft у Tencent во владении находится 49,9% холдинговой компании братьев Гиймо — Guillemot Brothers Limited.

3 days, 1 hour назад @ app2top.ru
Креативный директор Saber Interactive об огромных бюджетах ААА-игр: Space Marine 2 будет успешной и без 4 млн проданных копий, немало других игр — нет
Креативный директор Saber Interactive об огромных бюджетах ААА-игр: Space Marine 2 будет успешной и без 4 млн проданных копий, немало других игр — нет Креативный директор Saber Interactive об огромных бюджетах ААА-игр: Space Marine 2 будет успешной и без 4 млн проданных копий, немало других игр — нет

Он считает, что в результате компании «перегружают» игры и забывают о том, что на самом деле делает их интересными.

Например, в Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 главной задачей было сделать так, чтобы игроки действительно ощущали себя мощными космодесантниками.

Напомним, по словам менеджера, бюджет Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 оказался вдвое меньше бюджета DOOM Eternal.

«Чтобы Space Marine 2 стала успешной, нам не нужно продавать 4 млн копий.

Актуальные продажи Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Уиллитс не раскрыл.

3 days, 1 hour назад @ app2top.ru
Александр Богданов уйдет с поста генерального директора Belka Games
Александр Богданов уйдет с поста генерального директора Belka Games Александр Богданов уйдет с поста генерального директора Belka Games

У Belka Games скоро сменится руководство.

После отставки Богданова пост генерального директора перейдет к другому ветерану Belka Games — Ивану Горчакову, который сейчас руководит отделом исследований и разработки.

Богданов стал генеральным директором Belka Games в конце 2017-го.

Тогда в компании решили пересмотреть стратегию, и Богданов взялся за реализацию плана под названием Belka 2.0.

До прихода в Belka Games Богданов занимал руководящие позиции в Social Quantum, Playrix, Game Insight, IT Territory и FairPlay Studios (в тот момент она называлась Bad Rabbit Games).

3 days, 3 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Сотрудникам FromSoftware увеличат зарплату на 11,8%
Сотрудникам FromSoftware увеличат зарплату на 11,8% Сотрудникам FromSoftware увеличат зарплату на 11,8%

Elden Ring: Shadow of the ErdtreeОжидается, что средняя базовая зарплата в FromSoftware увеличится на 11,8%.

Стартовая зарплата специалистов, которые устроятся в FromSoftware вскоре после выпуска из университета, вырастет с 260 тысяч иен (1,7 тысяч долларов) до 300 тысяч иен (2 тысяч долларов) в месяц.

Напомним, в начале года материнская компания студии Kadokawa выдала сотрудникам FromSoftware акционные опционы на общую сумму в 5,3 млрд иен (35 млн долларов).

В ноябре 2022-го сотрудники FromSoftware пожаловались на кранчи и зарплату ниже рынка.

По данным Salary Explorer, тогда зарплата в вакансиях студии начиналась от 220 тысяч иен (1,6 тысяч долларов по курсу на тот момент).

3 days, 4 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Исследование: 53% геймеров предпочитают одиночные игры
Исследование: 53% геймеров предпочитают одиночные игры Исследование: 53% геймеров предпочитают одиночные игры

Компания MIDiA Research попробовала выяснить, какие игровые режимы пользуются наибольшей популярностью.

Для этого она опросила свыше 9 тысяч человек из США, Канады, Австралии, Великобритании, Турции, Польши и ряда других стран.

3 days, 6 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Бывший креативный директор Mario + Rabbids открыл собственную студию
Бывший креативный директор Mario + Rabbids открыл собственную студию Бывший креативный директор Mario + Rabbids открыл собственную студию

Давиде Солиани (Davide Soliani) — бывший креативный директор Mario + Rabbids.

В июле 2024-го он покинул Ubisoft после более чем двух десятилетий работы в компании, решив «отправиться в новое приключение».

Теперь стало известно, что он вместе с другими ветеранами индустрии основал новую студию разработки игр.

Вместе с Солиани ее запустили еще трое выходцев из Ubisoft: Кристина Нава (Cristina Nava), Джан Марко Дзанна (Gian Marco Zanna) и Лука Бреда (Luca Breda).

В студию вложились южнокорейская KRAFTON и организация 1Up Veterans.

3 days, 8 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Инсайдер: из Ubisoft ушел вице-президент франшизы Rainbow Six
Инсайдер: из Ubisoft ушел вице-президент франшизы Rainbow Six Инсайдер: из Ubisoft ушел вице-президент франшизы Rainbow Six

Ubisoft потеряла еще одного ведущего сотрудника, утверждает инсайдер Том Хендерсон (Tom Henderson) со ссылкой на письмо для работников компании.

По его информации, из Ubisoft уволился Кэмерон Ли (Cameron Lee) — вице-президент франшизы Rainbow Six.

Сам Ли публично не объявлял об этом, а на его странице в LinkedIn по-прежнему указано, что он работает в Ubisoft.

Во внутреннем письме Ubisoft, которое цитирует Хендерсон, говорится, что на должность Ли пока не будут брать другого человека.

Ли устроился в Ubisoft в апреле 2022-го.

3 days, 8 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Выручка японского рынка PC-игр утроилась за четыре года
Выручка японского рынка PC-игр утроилась за четыре года Выручка японского рынка PC-игр утроилась за четыре года

В 2023 году рынок PC-игр в Японии заработал 236,4 млрд иен или примерно 1,6 млрд долларов, следует из отчета ассоциации CESA.

Final Fantasy XVIАналитик Серкан Тото (Serkan Toto) из Kantan Games обратил внимание, что в последние годы в Японии у PC-игр не просто растет доход, но и стремительно увеличивается рыночная доля.

Если в 2019 году на них приходилось только 5% выручки всего японского игрового рынка, то в 2023 году — уже 13%.

Выручка японского рынка PC-игр в 2019-2023 годы:2019 год — 82,2 млрд иен (560,6 млн долларов);2020 год — 121,7 млрд иен (830 млн долларов);2021 год — 132,1 млрд иен (901 млн долларов);2022 год — 189,2 млрд иен (1,3 млрд долларов);2023 год — 236,4 млрд иен (1,6 млрд…

4 days, 1 hour назад @ app2top.ru
Закрылась Studio Black Flag, — ее признали банкротом
Закрылась Studio Black Flag, — ее признали банкротом Закрылась Studio Black Flag, — ее признали банкротом

После 11 лет работы свое существование прекратила французская Studio Black Flag.

Затем у Studio Black Flag закончились деньги, и она была вынуждена подать заявление на банкротство.

Studio Black Flag добавила, что из-за особенностей договора она не могла передать Orphan Age другому издателю и таким образом привлечь дополнительное финансирование.

Также Studio Black Flag не исключает, что издатель захочет продолжить разработку игры с какой-нибудь другой студией, но она не может этого гарантировать.

Studio Black Flag открылась в 2013 году.

4 days, 2 hours назад @ app2top.ru
У студии-разработчика Outlast произошла утечка данных
У студии-разработчика Outlast произошла утечка данных У студии-разработчика Outlast произошла утечка данных

Канадская студия Red Barrels, отметившаяся играми серии Outlast, сообщила о хакерской атаке.

Злоумышленникам удалось проникнуть в ее внутреннюю сеть и похитить часть данных.

The Outlast TrialsRed Barrels не уточнила, какие именно данные попали в руки хакеров.

После случившегося Red Barrels провела расследование и усилила защиту своей сети.

Сейчас Red Barrels занимается развитием кооперативного хоррора The Outlast Trials, релиз которого состоялся в марте 2024-го.

4 days, 4 hours назад @ app2top.ru
GamesIndustry.biz GamesIndustry.biz
последний пост 3 часа назад
The perks and perils of licensed games, and games journalism's ongoing struggle | Microcast
The perks and perils of licensed games, and games journalism's ongoing struggle | Microcast The perks and perils of licensed games, and games journalism's ongoing struggle | Microcast

The latest episode of The GamesIndustry.biz Microcast is now available to download, offering you a quick dive into the biggest news of the past week.

This week, we use Devolver's unveiling of Big Fan Games - a new publishing label dedicated to indies working on licensed and other established IP - as a jumping off point to discuss the market for video game adaptations.

Other headlines we discuss is Epic Games' latest lawsuit against Google, the closure of Play Magazine, the death of HoloLens, and Palworld coming to mobile.

', Chris looks at the early performance of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

The Microcast can also be found on the GamesIndustry.biz YouTube channel, or via this pla…

3 часа назад @ gamesindustry.biz
EA Sports FC 25, Space Marine 2, Astro Bot and PS5 impress in bumper September | UK Monthly Charts
EA Sports FC 25, Space Marine 2, Astro Bot and PS5 impress in bumper September | UK Monthly Charts EA Sports FC 25, Space Marine 2, Astro Bot and PS5 impress in bumper September | UK Monthly Charts

3.88 million PC and console games were sold in the UK across September, a rise of 8% over 2025.

The jump in game sales is the result of six new titles in the Top Ten.

The No.1 game was, unsurprisingly, EA Sports FC 25.

Although the game's sales are slightly lower than last year, the game's premium early access edition actually performed better year-on-year.

This will be driven by the success of the PS5 All-Digital console last month, plus increased stock levels for the standalone Disc Drive.

3 часа назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Epic aiming for 50 third-party titles and free games program on mobile store by 2025
Epic aiming for 50 third-party titles and free games program on mobile store by 2025 Epic aiming for 50 third-party titles and free games program on mobile store by 2025

MobileGamer.biz reported that Epic Games Store manager Steve Allison shared the news with developers during a roundtable discussion at last week's Unreal Fest 2024.

Allison also said a free games program will launch in Q4.

As with the PC version of Epic Games Store, this will offer players selected games for free in the hopes of driving further adoption of the marketplace.

Last week, Epic announced a reduction in the royalty rate for Unreal Engine games that launch on Epic Games Store before or at the same time as other marketplaces.

Epic Games Store launched on mobile in August, with the company aiming to reach 100 installs across Android and iOS by the end of 2024.

6 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
343 rebrands as Halo Studios, working on multiple Unreal Engine 5 games
343 rebrands as Halo Studios, working on multiple Unreal Engine 5 games 343 rebrands as Halo Studios, working on multiple Unreal Engine 5 games

Microsoft has announced several major changes to 343 Industries, the studio behind the Halo games, including a new name, a new engine, and the beginning of work on multiple new titles in its flagship shooter series.

343 Industries will now be known as Halo Studios with an Xbox Wire post adding that, as well as the rebranding, the developer is "seeing changes in culture, workflow, and how its teams are organised."

Central to this is the decision to move away from the studio's proprietary Slipspace Engine and the shift to Unreal Engine 5 – something that was first reported in 2023.

All future Halo projects will now be built with Epic Games' tech and multiple new games are now in development, …

7 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Tencent and Guillemot family reportedly planning Ubisoft buyout
Tencent and Guillemot family reportedly planning Ubisoft buyout Tencent and Guillemot family reportedly planning Ubisoft buyout

Tencent and Guillemot Brothers Ltd have been exploring ways to stabilise Ubisoft in the wake of its recent troubles, which could result in the pair buying out the publisher and taking it private.

The price dropped to a ten-year low after the launch of Star Wars Outlaws, which the company has since admitted saw "softer than expected" sales.

Guillemot Brothers Ltd is a company run by the family of the same name, some of which founded Ubisoft – including the publisher's long-serving CEO Yves Guillemot.

In 2022, Tencent increased its stake in GBL, indirectly increasing its investment in Ubisoft.

Bloomberg reached out to Ubisoft, GBL and Tencent for comment.

3 days, 1 hour назад @ gamesindustry.biz
53% of gamers prefer single-player games
53% of gamers prefer single-player games 53% of gamers prefer single-player games

A new survey has found that over half of gamers prefer to play single-player titles.

According to Midia Research, this game mode is most popular across all platforms – particularly on mobile, with 58% of respondents saying they preferred single-player games.

Research found that older gamers were more drawn to single-player titles, with 74% of gamers aged over 55 choosing to play games solo.

Meanwhile, players aged between 20 and 24 preferred to play PVP games at 43%.

The report also found that almost a third of those surveyed were motivated to play on their own if they had access to a free demo.

3 days, 1 hour назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Is the Star Wars franchise in crisis? | Opinion
Is the Star Wars franchise in crisis? | Opinion Is the Star Wars franchise in crisis? | Opinion

As hints about the sales numbers for Star Wars Outlaws have trickled out through various different data tracking agencies, the depth of the crisis that has engulfed Ubisoft is slowly becoming clear.

It's certainly true that Star Wars Outlaws isn't all that it could have been, given the property and the premise, and the word-of-mouth around it post-launch has been a bit lukewarm as a result.

All of these takes on the situation, whether they're wrapped up in culture wars or hopeful optimism, tacitly acknowledge the same core issue – Star Wars is currently struggling to find a receptive audience for almost any of its output, and the old idea that Star Wars branding was pixie dust you could sca…

3 days, 4 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
FromSoftware to increase average basic salary pay by around 11.8%
FromSoftware to increase average basic salary pay by around 11.8% FromSoftware to increase average basic salary pay by around 11.8%

FromSoftware has announced that starting in April 2025, employees will receive an average basic salary pay increase of approximately 11.8%.

The Japanese developer also plans to increase the starting salary for new graduates from ¥260,000 ($1,775) to ¥300,000 ($2,050).

"We are working towards stable income and a rewarding work environment where our employees can apply themselves to development," the firm said.

"The increase and base starting salaries is one implementation of this policy."

In 2022, GamesIndustry.biz reported that roles advertised at FromSoftware started from ¥220,000 ($1,500) per month.

3 days, 6 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
11 Bit Studios delays The Alters to 2025 | News-in-brief
11 Bit Studios delays The Alters to 2025 | News-in-brief 11 Bit Studios delays The Alters to 2025 | News-in-brief

11 Bit Studios delays The Alters to 2025 | News-in-briefFrostpunk 2 dev delays its next game to focus on "quality"

3 days, 22 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Mario + Rabbids and Red Dead Redemption creators form new studio: Day 4 Night
Mario + Rabbids and Red Dead Redemption creators form new studio: Day 4 Night Mario + Rabbids and Red Dead Redemption creators form new studio: Day 4 Night

The creators of the Mario + Rabbids series and the lead designer of Red Dead Redemption have formed a new studio called Day 4 Night.

The new team has received funding from Krafton and 1Up Ventures, and is led by Christian Cantamessa (Red Dead Redemption, Shadow of Mordor, Perfect Dark) and Davide Soliani (Mario + Rabbids, Just Dance).

The team also includes Cristina Nava, Gian Marco Zanna and Luca Breda, who were all part of the Mario + Rabbids team at Ubisoft Milan, and have also worked on the likes of Just Dance, Ghost Recon and Star Wars Outlaws.

"Day 4 Night is a return to that innovative spirit, to that innocence, to that unbridled creativity."

"Day 4 Night's pitch presented a highly e…

4 days назад @ gamesindustry.biz
French publisher RIVRS raises €4m to "professionalise and industrialise" UGC
French publisher RIVRS raises €4m to "professionalise and industrialise" UGC French publisher RIVRS raises €4m to "professionalise and industrialise" UGC

French publisher RIVRS has raised €4m to "professionalise and industrialise" user generated content (UGC).

The company says that with "strengths [that] lie in its ability to design games for multiple platforms" like Minecraft, Roblox, and Fortnite, it aims to "become the world leader in UGC video game creation."

The team also hopes this will strengthen its development capabilities and enable it to expand into new platforms.

"Our proven business model and our ability to create quality games at a rapid pace put us in pole position to capture a significant share of the global UGC video game market," said Hubert.

"This round of financing marks a key milestone in our history, and enables us to r…

4 days назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Esports Wales receives up to £125,000 in funding
Esports Wales receives up to £125,000 in funding Esports Wales receives up to £125,000 in funding

Esports Wales has been awarded up to £125,000 as part of the Creative Skills Fund.

Wales' governing Esports body is one of 17 recipients, and will use the funding to extend its academy program to cover the whole country, in addition to offering taster sessions, networking and career events.

The Creative Skills Fund was established in 2022, and its second round covers sectors including video games, film, TV, music, animation, and immersive technology.

"The importance of the creative industries to Wales is clear – it doesn't just create jobs, it is intrinsically linked to our culture, well-being and identity," said Wales Minister for Creative Industries Jack Sargeant.

Earlier this year, Espor…

4 days, 3 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Don't Nod's journey from Life Is Strange to Lost Records: Bloom and Rage
Don't Nod's journey from Life Is Strange to Lost Records: Bloom and Rage Don't Nod's journey from Life Is Strange to Lost Records: Bloom and Rage

Work immediately began on what would become Lost Records: Bloom and Rage, created by the team that brought the first two Life Is Strange games to life.

"We talked about it, and thought the best solution was to give [Lost Records] more space," studio executive producer Luc Baghadoust explains.

With Lost Records now the firm's crucial next release, we reached out for additional comment from Don't Nod, but the request was declined.

Lost Records expands upon the dialogue system developed in the Life Is Strange series | Image credit: Don't Nod Montréal"Yes," Koch laughs.

The overall goal with Lost Records was to make it even more reactive than Don't Nod's previous titles, particularly Life Is St…

4 days, 4 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Fallout series reaches 100m viewers worldwide | News-in-brief
Fallout series reaches 100m viewers worldwide | News-in-brief Fallout series reaches 100m viewers worldwide | News-in-brief

Fallout series reaches 100m viewers worldwide | News-in-briefAmazon's adaptation of the post-apocalyptic franchise premiered on April 10, 2024

4 days, 6 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Steam will no longer sell games in Germany without age rating | News-in-brief
Steam will no longer sell games in Germany without age rating | News-in-brief Steam will no longer sell games in Germany without age rating | News-in-brief

Steam will no longer sell games in Germany without age rating | News-in-briefMove follows request from regulator BZKJ, developers must use USK rating agency or Steam's built-in rating process

4 days, 6 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Gamasutra Gamasutra
последний пост None
Kotaku Kotaku
последний пост 40 минут назад
Ewan McGregor Keeps The Dream Of Live-Action Star Wars: Clone Wars Alive
Ewan McGregor Keeps The Dream Of Live-Action Star Wars: Clone Wars Alive Ewan McGregor Keeps The Dream Of Live-Action Star Wars: Clone Wars Alive

Star Wars is a mess at the moment.

There’s always a new hope though, and right now that’s seeing Obi-Wan Kenobi get a second season and go full live-action Clone Wars with flashbacks galore.

“I’d quite like to wear that armor, I was speaking to someone earlier, from the Clone Wars.

While Star Wars Ahsoka is getting a second season, it was recently reported that a once planned Mandalorian season 4 became the Grogu movie instead.

And the next proper Star Wars film sequel is still nowhere in sight.

40 минут назад @ kotaku.com
Throne And Liberty Has A Unique Class System, And We've Mastered It
Throne And Liberty Has A Unique Class System, And We've Mastered It Throne And Liberty Has A Unique Class System, And We've Mastered It

New hit Throne and Liberty gives players quite a few unique spins on traditional MMO mechanics, but its most compelling is the weapon combo system.

Instead of choosing a player class, by equipping two different types of weapons you earn both the active and passive skills of each, letting you create hybrid builds that can be a hell of a lot of fun to experiment with.

AdvertisementThe best build is always going to be the one you have the most fun with, of course, and any combination of weapons is viable for clearing content if built and played well.

But some combinations are better than others, leading to the inevitable metas—to give you an idea of what’s working best for many players at the …

55 минут назад @ kotaku.com
Alien: Isolation Sequel Announced, Is In 'Early Development'
Alien: Isolation Sequel Announced, Is In 'Early Development' Alien: Isolation Sequel Announced, Is In 'Early Development'

On Monday, Sega and Creative Assembly announced that after a decade of fans asking and pleading for an Alien: Isolation sequel, it’s actually happening.

And in the posted message, he also finally confirmed the news players have been waiting for since 2014: Alien: Isolation 2 (or whatever the sequel will officially be called) is happening and in early development.

Advertisement“ Today, I’m delighted to confirm, on behalf of the team, that a sequel to Alien: Isolation is in early development,” announced Hope.

Once again, thank you.”AdvertisementAnd...that’s all that Hope had to say about the upcoming Alien: Isolation sequel.

AdvertisementTechnically, Alien: Isolation did get a sequel of sorts…

1 час назад @ kotaku.com
One Of The Best Metroidvanias Of The Past Decade Is A Bargain On Steam Right Now
One Of The Best Metroidvanias Of The Past Decade Is A Bargain On Steam Right Now One Of The Best Metroidvanias Of The Past Decade Is A Bargain On Steam Right Now

There have been dozens of new entries in the genre that introduce their own twists on the formula, and one of the best examples of this is Dead Cells.

If somehow you’ve never played it, then you need to take advantage of Steam’s massive discount on Dead Cells and its many expansions.

AdvertisementAdvertisementThis may sound like a relatively simple tweak but, in practice, it turns Dead Cells into a completely different beast.

Knowledge in Dead Cells is a skill in its own right, just as important as any weapon or upgrade for your hero.

AdvertisementThe roguelike nature of Dead Cells means that replaying and mastering its dangerous world never gets old.

1 час назад @ kotaku.com
The Future Of Halo Is Coming And It Includes Multiple Games
The Future Of Halo Is Coming And It Includes Multiple Games The Future Of Halo Is Coming And It Includes Multiple Games

Ever since mass layoffs at Halo maker 343 Industries, fans have wondered what the future will hold for the famed sci-fi shooter.

343 Industries revealed the news during the 2024 Halo World Championship, including that the studio will be called Halo Studios going forward.

Instead of continuing to use its current Slipspace Engine, which was created from the ground up for Halo Infinite, the franchise will abandon it for Unreal Engine 5.

It revealed that multiple new Halo games are currently in development, and Halo Studios is changing more than just its name, with shifts to studio culture, workflow, and team organization as well.

AdvertisementAs for Halo, we still don’t know when these new gam…

2 часа назад @ kotaku.com
Metaphor: ReFantazio: The Kotaku Review
Metaphor: ReFantazio: The Kotaku Review Metaphor: ReFantazio: The Kotaku Review

However, instead of using the supernatural as it does in Persona, in Metaphor it creates a dystopian fantasy that mirrors reality.

In a way, the game feels like Persona with a more thorough editor.

For all the ways Metaphor better utilizes some of Persona’s core elements, it also tends to feel formulaic in some ways.

To most people who want to believe in a better world, nothing Metaphor has to say is necessarily surprising.

Reading fiction that believes in the possibility of a better world is not the same as fighting for one.

2 часа назад @ kotaku.com
The Disneyfication Of Fortnite Won't Let You Take Mickey Mouse On A Killing Spree
The Disneyfication Of Fortnite Won't Let You Take Mickey Mouse On A Killing Spree The Disneyfication Of Fortnite Won't Let You Take Mickey Mouse On A Killing Spree

The Week In Games: Co-Op Bug Blasting And More New Releases CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish view video The Week In Games: Co-Op Bug Blasting And More New ReleasesThe Week In Games: Co-Op Bug Blasting And More New Releases CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish The Week In Games: Co-Op Bug Blasting And More New ReleasesObviously, Disney is already heavily interwoven with Fortnite.

That came a week after skins for Pixar’s The Incredibles characters were added to the game, alongside cosmetics for Deadpool and Wolverine.

Let alone the years of Star Wars-related inclusions in the massive game.

“A minifig doesn’t hold a gun...Some IPs are not teen IPs or mature IPs.

Then you’ll be able to bring in all your …

3 часа назад @ kotaku.com
NYT Connections Was So Easy Today We Almost Felt Useless, But We're Here With Your Hints Anyway
NYT Connections Was So Easy Today We Almost Felt Useless, But We're Here With Your Hints Anyway NYT Connections Was So Easy Today We Almost Felt Useless, But We're Here With Your Hints Anyway

The weekend’s half-gone (or half-full, depending on how much you’re dreading Monday).

We’ve got our Sunday mental workout ready for you, and then you can head off and get your gaming grind on.

AdvertisementYes, your daily sweet 16 words are back and ready for your best grouping efforts.

Remember to take your time—many words have multiple meanings, so think twice before you click.


1 day, 3 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Starfield DLC Fail, Astro Bot Devs Speak, And Other Big Gaming News Of The Week
Starfield DLC Fail, Astro Bot Devs Speak, And Other Big Gaming News Of The Week Starfield DLC Fail, Astro Bot Devs Speak, And Other Big Gaming News Of The Week

It’s been a week, guys.

From new DLC releases, to a new PS5 feature getting frustrating real fast, there was a lot to cover in this first week of October.

We covered Astro Bot devs acknowledging the lack of FF7 characters in its PlayStation love letter, Microsoft asking devs why they’re skipping Xbox, Nintendo killing yet another Switch emulator, Starfield Shattered Space releasing to middling reviews, and a whole lot more.

AdvertisementYeah, we were busy.

Click through for the biggest gaming news of the week.

1 day, 3 hours назад @ kotaku.com
How To Get Ready For Diablo IV Vessel of Hatred, Nab Games For Cheap, And More Helpful Hints
How To Get Ready For Diablo IV Vessel of Hatred, Nab Games For Cheap, And More Helpful Hints How To Get Ready For Diablo IV Vessel of Hatred, Nab Games For Cheap, And More Helpful Hints

It’s the start of a new month, which means there’s a host of hot, new games coming your way.

It can get overwhelming, scanning through the various game marketplaces to decide what you should spend your hard-earned money on, so we’ve gathered 34 games coming out this month that we’re stoked for.

We’ve also spotted some great sales you may want to take advantage of, like Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, the original Resident Evil trilogy, Diablo 4 ahead of its huge expansion, and a bunch of turn-based RPGs at a steal.

Click through for all the helpful hints of the week.

You’re welcome.

2 days, 2 hours назад @ kotaku.com
The Word "Hipster" Will Test Your Patience In NYT Connections Today More Than The Ones Who Live In Your City
The Word "Hipster" Will Test Your Patience In NYT Connections Today More Than The Ones Who Live In Your City The Word "Hipster" Will Test Your Patience In NYT Connections Today More Than The Ones Who Live In Your City

There’s plenty of great stuff to do on this first Saturday of October that doesn’t involve consuming pumpkin spice anything.

(Because, really, it’s kind of played out, and it doesn’t taste that good.)

You could go see Joker: Folie à Deux, but apparently that’s also kind of played out, and it doesn’t sound that good.

AdvertisementIn the meantime, your daily sweet 16 words are back and ready for your best grouping efforts.


2 days, 3 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Our Faves From Tokyo Game Show, New Astro Bot Characters, And More Hot Takes
Our Faves From Tokyo Game Show, New Astro Bot Characters, And More Hot Takes Our Faves From Tokyo Game Show, New Astro Bot Characters, And More Hot Takes

It’s the first week of October and the chill is setting in, but, don’t worry, our takes are still hot.

This week, gathered our favorite games from Tokyo Game Show for you to peruse, suggested some characters that should get added in future Astro Bot DLC, fell in love with Shogun Showdown (after hating it at first), and more.

AdvertisementWe’ve also got hands-on looks at Spray Paint Simulator and Windblown for you to enjoy, so click through for some spicy opinions and hard-hitting takes.

You don’t have to agree with us!

2 days, 3 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Our 8-Part Plan For Alex Pereira To Become A Combat Sports GOAT Begins Tonight
Our 8-Part Plan For Alex Pereira To Become A Combat Sports GOAT Begins Tonight Our 8-Part Plan For Alex Pereira To Become A Combat Sports GOAT Begins Tonight

Before getting his topknot kicked crooked at UFC 303, Jiří Procházka accused Pereira of using “magic” and “spells” to win their previous fight, which is as hilarious as it is bizarre.

But on the off chance that’s it’s true, Pereira’s GOAT resume could benefit from a spell that grants Izzy the courage to give 205 a second chance.

In turn, this makes both of their claims to greatness seem slightly less daring.

Sure, Pereira’s move to heavyweight could and should happen with or without an MMA tie-breaker with Adesanya.

But imagine how much more special it’d be if it came after an ancient Brazilian ritual granted Izzy his former spirit and compelled him to complete the greatest UFC rivalry in t…

2 days, 4 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Kotaku Weekend Guide: 5 Big, Spooky, And Exciting Games We Can't Wait To Play
Kotaku Weekend Guide: 5 Big, Spooky, And Exciting Games We Can't Wait To Play Kotaku Weekend Guide: 5 Big, Spooky, And Exciting Games We Can't Wait To Play

However, rather than once again talking up the collection as a whole for this week’s entry, I’m going to focus on the one game I’ve been playing most within UFO 50 of late: Grimstone, the collection’s epic JRPG.

AdvertisementIn many ways, Grimstone feels like a traditional early JRPG.

And even if the characters in your party don’t have much depth, the world itself does.

I think I’m finally nearing the end of that quest after playing Grimstone pretty obsessively in recent days, though I still have no idea quite what I’ll find at the end of the mysterious late-game dungeon that now awaits me.

One thing I do know, however, is that no matter what I find, finishing Grimstone will hardly mark the…

2 days, 19 hours назад @ kotaku.com
You'll Never Guess What Game This Is From
You'll Never Guess What Game This Is From You'll Never Guess What Game This Is From

I shared the image above with some co-workers at Kotaku and asked them what game they thought it was.

It looks like a new Call of Duty game, maybe a mobile port of one.

The Week In Games: Co-Op Bug Blasting And More New Releases CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish view video The Week In Games: Co-Op Bug Blasting And More New ReleasesThe Week In Games: Co-Op Bug Blasting And More New Releases CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish The Week In Games: Co-Op Bug Blasting And More New ReleasesThe above screenshot isn’t from a fan-made mod or some weird hack involving a camera trick or exploit.

AdvertisementAs seen in an October 1 blog post, Epic Games is moving closer to adding a proper first-person option to …

2 days, 19 hours назад @ kotaku.com
MCV/Develop MCV/Develop
последний пост 1 week, 4 days назад
Here are the 2024 Women In Games winners!
Here are the 2024 Women In Games winners! Here are the 2024 Women In Games winners!

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis afternoon at a ceremony in central London, the worthy winners of this year’s MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games Awards were announced.

Caroline Miller of Indigo Pearl had this to say: “Cat brings an unprecedented level of excellence to every single role she takes.

In the meantime, all the photos will be appearing on the awards website over the coming days.

Our congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone that nominated someone for an award.

Special thanks too to our record breaking sponsors: Amiqus, Code Wizards, Dlala Studios, Easton Smith, Firesprite, Gowling WLG, Green Man Gaming, Liquid Violet, Playdemic, Playground Games, Renaissance PR, Rocksteady, S…

1 week, 4 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Renaissance PR is sponsoring MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games journalism award
Renaissance PR is sponsoring MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games journalism award Renaissance PR is sponsoring MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games journalism award

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInWe’re very pleased to announce that Renaissance PR is among the Award Sponsors for next week’s MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games Awards 2024.

The veteran comms agency, founded by Stefano Petrullo, is supporting the Journalism Impact category.

“I started out more than 30 years ago in games magazines and have always supported the press,” said Petrullo.

“It’s an important pillar of the games industry that holds it to account.

Good luck everyone!”This year is the tenth anniversary of the MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games Awards and takes place on Thursday 26th September at the America Square Conference Centre in London.

2 weeks, 5 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Nominations for the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024 cohort are now open
Nominations for the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024 cohort are now open Nominations for the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024 cohort are now open

The MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 is our annual showcase of the video games industry’s as of yet unrecognised superstars, where we highlight a selection of 30 young people that have worked hard within the last 12 months.

This year’s 30 Under 30 winners will be celebrated in a special supplementary magazine, which will come packed in with MCV/DEVELOP #1000.

As such, the micro-magazine will also commemorate the 30 Under 30 winners of years past, and serve as a bit of a check in on the magnificent work and ongoing careers of previous cohorts.

Nominations for the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024 must be submitted before midday UK time on Friday, October 18, 2024.

They are open to everyone involved in the…

2 weeks, 6 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Sheffield Wednesday and game developer Sumo Digital create a halftime hit
[From the industry] Sheffield Wednesday and game developer Sumo Digital create a halftime hit [From the industry] Sheffield Wednesday and game developer Sumo Digital create a halftime hit

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInIn a first for the football world, Sheffield-based game developer Sumo Digital has developed a brand-new game – Snake Party – exclusively for Sheffield Wednesday’s esports programme, which will be playable during home matches for the remainder of the season.

Developed by the Sumo Digital Academy – an apprenticeship programme run by Sumo Digital which creates new pathways into the games industry for both programmers and technical artists, Snake Party is a 3D reimagining of the classic Snake game where two players compete in round-based challenges.

Jacob Habgood, Director of Education Partnerships at Sumo Digital, said: “Since it launched in 2020, the Sumo Academy…

3 weeks, 3 days назад @ mcvuk.com
First Develop:North speakers announced for inaugural Liverpool event
First Develop:North speakers announced for inaugural Liverpool event First Develop:North speakers announced for inaugural Liverpool event

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe first speakers have been revealed for the inaugural Develop:North, taking place at The Spine in Liverpool on November 14.

They include individuals from the MCV Award-winning Sad Owl Studios.

Remedy Entertainment, Sumo Digital, Criterion and Game Republic, with more to be revealed in the coming weeks.

“This is an exciting step in bringing the highly-regarded Develop conference further afield, this time to an award-winning venue in Liverpool, The Spine.

These range from character art to developing new IP, from diversity in game narratives to TikTok, with plenty more to be announced in due course,” Lane added.

3 weeks, 4 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Develop:North Develop:North

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInVenue: The Spine, LiverpoolDates: November 14, 2024Website: Develop:NorthThe UK’s biggest game developer conference is coming to Liverpool and will bring something for everyone.

Attendees can expect seven tracks covering almost every discipline, as well as a keynote and post-conference networking.

The tracks are: Art, Audio, Business, Coding, Design, Discoverability, and Indie.

3 weeks, 4 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Tickets available for world premier of ZX Spectrum documentary
Tickets available for world premier of ZX Spectrum documentary Tickets available for world premier of ZX Spectrum documentary

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInA documentary telling the story of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum will be enjoying its world premier next month at the BFI IMAX in London for which tickets have just gone on sale.

As well as the first showing of The Rubber-Keyed Wonder documentary on October 3rd, various models of the iconic home computer will be playable in the foyer.

The Sinclair Spectrum debuted in the UK in 1982 and sold more than five million units until it was superseded by the 16-bit Atari and Amiga computers.

The latest version of the machine, the Spectrum Next, was successfully crowdfunded in 2016 with the award-nominated Issue 4 shipping last year.

This year will see the release of another S…

4 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
Code Wizards join the list of supporters for the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards
Code Wizards join the list of supporters for the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards Code Wizards join the list of supporters for the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards

We’re thrilled to share that Code Wizards are joining the line-up of supporters for the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards 2024.

This event celebrates the incredible contributions of women in the gaming industry, and Code Wizards is proud to stand alongside other leading organizations in championing diversity and excellence in gaming.

The awards highlight the achievements and innovations of women who have made significant impacts in the industry, and Code Wizards’ involvement underscores their commitment to supporting and empowering talent in the gaming world.

1 month назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Hub and Spoke Games launches to provide biz dev services
[From the industry] Hub and Spoke Games launches to provide biz dev services [From the industry] Hub and Spoke Games launches to provide biz dev services

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInA new specialist games industry business development agency has been launched by industry veteran Chris Buckley.

Hub and Spoke Games will offer expert experience, knowledge, services, and sales within the external development (exdev/outsourcing/WFH), cinematics, QA, localisation, audio, game scouting, publishing, PR/marketing, B2B events and advertising industries.

The agency has been founded by Chris Buckley, a well-respected and connected, seasoned industry professional with extensive experience in the global games industry.

At the heart of its services, Hub and Spoke Games will provide Business Development & Sales Leads; Meetings Support & Events Attendance; …

1 month назад @ mcvuk.com
UKIE #RaiseTheGame latest to support the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards
UKIE #RaiseTheGame latest to support the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards UKIE #RaiseTheGame latest to support the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards

Today we announce the another supporter for the 26th of September, UKIE #RaiseTheGame are on board to support the Games Campaigner Award. You can see the finalists for this award here. The awards are being held at the America Square Conference Centre and attendees are made up of sponsors, finalists and their guests. We spoke …

1 month назад @ mcvuk.com
Liverpool based Firesprite Games sponsor the 2024 MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards
Liverpool based Firesprite Games sponsor the 2024 MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards Liverpool based Firesprite Games sponsor the 2024 MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInAnother sponsor has signed up to support the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards, with two more to be announced this week.

We are so thrilled to have so many fantastic organisations supporting the event this year to rally behind & celebrate women in the Games Industry.

We caught up with Firesprite Games who will be supplying gift bags for all of our attendees on the day.

We’re so very delighted to sponsor the MCV/Women In Games awards again this year to honour and uplift the extraordinary talent transforming the face of the gaming industry.

These awards play a crucial role in recognising, championing, amplifying, and celebrating the incredible individuals spearhea…

1 month назад @ mcvuk.com
Ann Summers to support the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards
Ann Summers to support the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards Ann Summers to support the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInWe are excited to announce our newest sponsor for the awards on the 26th of September.

For the first time we will have Ann Summers on board to support the event, we spoke with Natalie Amosu – Chief Marketing Officer at Ann Summers who said;“First comes courage, then confidence, followed by success” was one of the late Jacqueline Gold CBE’s powerful sayings.

Empowering women every day is business as usual at Ann Summers, being brave enough to drive positive change is how we as women move forward and help build the future stage for all those following behind us.

We are proud to support the MCV/Develop Women in Games Awards for their 10th Anniversary event, and loo…

1 month назад @ mcvuk.com
Super Massive Games Sponsor Creative Impact Awards at the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards 2024
Super Massive Games Sponsor Creative Impact Awards at the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards 2024 Super Massive Games Sponsor Creative Impact Awards at the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards 2024

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInAnother fantastic organisation has been added to the list of supporters for this years MCV/Develop Women in Games Awards.

Super Massive Games are sponsoring the Creative Impact Award on the 26th September, you can see the finalists for the category here.

We caught up with Becky, Head of HR & Recruitment at Super Massive Games who said;‘We’re delighted to support the MCV/Develop Women in Games Awards once again to celebrate and highlight the vital contribution women make across the industry.

In a year that’s challenged us all to be more innovative and adaptable, we specifically chose to sponsor the Creative Impact award.

We believe that diverse teams and perspect…

1 month назад @ mcvuk.com
MCV/Develop Women in Games Awards 2024 – About our host
MCV/Develop Women in Games Awards 2024 – About our host MCV/Develop Women in Games Awards 2024 – About our host

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis year we welcome Rebecca Burford as our host for the MCV/Develop Women in Games Awards!

She leads the Gowling WLP video games group and has extensive experience working with video games clients.

Rebecca acted for Veloce Esports on various inward investments, and have acted on the sale of Near Light to nDreams and the sale of Edgecase Games to Wargaming.

She is deeply embedded in the video gaming and wider tech market, on both a national and global scale.

Rebecca has featured in The Lawyer’s prestigious Hot 100 List, and is ranked in the Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners as Next Generation Partner.

1 month, 1 week назад @ mcvuk.com
Plaion and Retro Games launching The Spectrum this November with 48 licensed games
Plaion and Retro Games launching The Spectrum this November with 48 licensed games Plaion and Retro Games launching The Spectrum this November with 48 licensed games

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInFresh from showing off the rubber-keyed wonder behind closed doors at this year’s gamescom, Plaion and Retro Games Ltd has announced the November launch of The Spectrum, a near-as-damnit recreation of the original Sinclair home computer from 1982 that arguably did more than any other piece of hardware to kickstart the UK games industry.

In common with other Retro Games machines, The Spectrum will function as a range of models (though not the recent Next) and will ship with a bunch of licensed games ready to play.

A couple of Rare titles would’ve been welcome, but you’ll get the Stamper-esque Head Over Heels and Starquake – probably the best games that Ultimate n…

1 month, 1 week назад @ mcvuk.com
Шрайер Шрайер
последний пост 1 week, 2 days назад
The Power Struggle That Imploded Megan Ellison’s Video Game Unit
The Power Struggle That Imploded Megan Ellison’s Video Game Unit

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1 week, 2 days назад @ bloomberg.com
Inside Activision and Blizzard’s Corporate Warcraft
Inside Activision and Blizzard’s Corporate Warcraft

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1 week, 5 days назад @ bloomberg.com
Annapurna Video-Game Team Resigns, Leaving Partners Scrambling
Annapurna Video-Game Team Resigns, Leaving Partners Scrambling

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3 weeks, 3 days назад @ bloomberg.com
Sony Reveals New, Faster PlayStation 5 Pro for $700
Sony Reveals New, Faster PlayStation 5 Pro for $700

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3 weeks, 6 days назад @ bloomberg.com
Top Director at Bungie Was Fired After Misconduct Investigation
Top Director at Bungie Was Fired After Misconduct Investigation

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1 month, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Ubisoft Entertainment Cuts 45 People From Its US Staff
Ubisoft Entertainment Cuts 45 People From Its US Staff

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1 month, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
PrizePicks Fantasy Sports Names Blizzard Alum Ybarra as CEO
PrizePicks Fantasy Sports Names Blizzard Alum Ybarra as CEO

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2 months назад @ bloomberg.com
Video-Game Firm Started by Congressman Debuts Pickleball Title
Video-Game Firm Started by Congressman Debuts Pickleball Title

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2 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Nintendo Announces New Zelda, Mario Games Ahead of Next Switch
Nintendo Announces New Zelda, Mario Games Ahead of Next Switch

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3 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Sony’s PlayStation Reveals Plans for a Family-Friendly Fall
Sony’s PlayStation Reveals Plans for a Family-Friendly Fall

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3 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Xbox Announces New ‘Doom,’ ‘Gears of War’ Games at Summer Fest
Xbox Announces New ‘Doom,’ ‘Gears of War’ Games at Summer Fest

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3 months, 4 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Behind ‘Suicide Squad,’ the Year’s Biggest Video-Game Flop
Behind ‘Suicide Squad,’ the Year’s Biggest Video-Game Flop

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4 months назад @ bloomberg.com
Sony Promotes Two Executives to Lead Its Video-Game Business
Sony Promotes Two Executives to Lead Its Video-Game Business

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4 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
In Hollywood, Video Games Are the New Superheroes
In Hollywood, Video Games Are the New Superheroes

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5 months назад @ bloomberg.com
Warner Bros. Sales Fall Short on Movie Miss, Poor Ad Sales
Warner Bros. Sales Fall Short on Movie Miss, Poor Ad Sales

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5 months назад @ bloomberg.com
Wccftech Wccftech
последний пост 42 минуты назад
Super Micro Computer (SMCI) Tries To Reset The Narrative Around Its Delayed Annual Report Filing Saga By Announcing That It Is Now Delivering 100,000 Liquid-Cooled GPUs To “AI Factories” Every Quarter
Super Micro Computer (SMCI) Tries To Reset The Narrative Around Its Delayed Annual Report Filing Saga By Announcing That It Is Now Delivering 100,000 Liquid-Cooled GPUs To “AI Factories” Every Quarter Super Micro Computer (SMCI) Tries To Reset The Narrative Around Its Delayed Annual Report Filing Saga By Announcing That It Is Now Delivering 100,000 Liquid-Cooled GPUs To “AI Factories” Every Quarter

Super Micro Computer (SMCI) Has Delivered "Over 2,000 Liquid Cooled Racks Delivered Since June 2024"Perhaps in a bid to reset the narrative, Super Micro Computer has now announced "a complete liquid cooling solution that includes powerful Coolant Distribution Units (CDUs), cold plates, Coolant Distribution Manifolds (CDMs), cooling towers and end to end management software."

Bear in mind that Super Micro Computer's fiscal year ended on the 30th of June, 2024, and, as such, it was required to file an annual report by the 30th of August.

The company now faces the specter of a probable fine by the SEC for continuing to delay the filing of its annual report.

What's more, Super Micro Computer wa…

42 минуты назад @ wccftech.com
Analyst Details All The M4 Variants Coming For The Redesigned Mac mini, MacBook Pro Models, and The 24-Inch iMac
Analyst Details All The M4 Variants Coming For The Redesigned Mac mini, MacBook Pro Models, and The 24-Inch iMac Analyst Details All The M4 Variants Coming For The Redesigned Mac mini, MacBook Pro Models, and The 24-Inch iMac

According to a prominent analyst, Apple plans to launch the M4 variants of the MacBook Pro and Mac mini on November 1, which is a wee bit later than initially expected.

The company will not only introduce the new MacBooks and Mac mini but also plans to introduce the M4 iMac.

Additionally, the higher-end 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro models will be available in M4 Pro and M4 Max configurations.

Other than the MacBook Pro models, the analyst also claims that the Mac mini will be available in M4 and M4 Pro configurations, giving users more options depending on the type of processing they require.

The analyst has also shared details on the upcoming MacBook Air lineup, which will also house th…

1 час назад @ wccftech.com
Galaxy S25 Ultra Mockup Running One UI 7 Shows Rounded Corners Of The Display, Similar To the iPhone
Galaxy S25 Ultra Mockup Running One UI 7 Shows Rounded Corners Of The Display, Similar To the iPhone Galaxy S25 Ultra Mockup Running One UI 7 Shows Rounded Corners Of The Display, Similar To the iPhone

When it comes to the One UI update, Samsung has been very actively rolling it out with the intention of constantly improving user experience.

While there is still time for the latest interface, a mock-up reveals the S25 Ultra design featuring One UI 7, and we have noticed some Apple inspiration.

A mockup has recently surfaced that showcases one UI 7 to arrive with the Galaxy S25 series, and it also reveals the features and design elements that will be coming up.

Ice Universe shared the mockup on X, which is of Samsung's premium series, the upcoming Galaxy S25 Ultra featuring Android 15 and coming with a new control center that seems to mirror the iPhone.

One UI 7 + Galaxy S25 Ultra pic.twit…

1 час назад @ wccftech.com
An Alien: Isolation Sequel is in Early Development, Creative Director Confirms
An Alien: Isolation Sequel is in Early Development, Creative Director Confirms An Alien: Isolation Sequel is in Early Development, Creative Director Confirms

An Alien: Isolation sequel is currently in early development, the original game's Creative Director confirmed today.

Following its original release in 2014, Alien: Isolation was ported first to Nintendo Switch in 2019 and to mobile devices in 2021.

Despite the technical limitations of the Nintendo console, the port turned out great, giving more players the chance to experience one of the best games based on the franchise ever made, as we highlighted in our review.

Alien Isolation is an essential horror game, and the Nintendo Switch version might even be the very best place to play it, as long as you can ignore the caveats mentioned above.

With excellent picture and audio quality, thick atmo…

1 час назад @ wccftech.com
Can You Romance Companions in GreedFall 2: The Dying World?
Can You Romance Companions in GreedFall 2: The Dying World? Can You Romance Companions in GreedFall 2: The Dying World?

Romance was a huge feature of GreedFall, and those who are jumping into the second game will be happy to know that romance is still a feature in GreedFall 2: The Dying World.

GreedFall 2: The Dying World takes place three years after the first, focusing on a Teer Fradee native.

A Steam post from March 2024 by Spiders discusses all of the new features in Early Access, including the cameos from characters like Mev.

Can You Romance in GreedFall 2: The Dying World?

It should be noted that not all companions have been added to the game yet, and only the first initial set of companions have been added during the Early Access period.

1 час назад @ wccftech.com
Samsung Begins Mass Production of PM9E1 Gen5 SSD, Featuring 8th Gen V-NAND With Up To 14.5 GB/s Speeds
Samsung Begins Mass Production of PM9E1 Gen5 SSD, Featuring 8th Gen V-NAND With Up To 14.5 GB/s Speeds Samsung Begins Mass Production of PM9E1 Gen5 SSD, Featuring 8th Gen V-NAND With Up To 14.5 GB/s Speeds

The Samsung PM9E1 Gen5 SSD will bring blazing-fast transfer speeds of up to 14.5 GB/s in SQ Read and up to 13 GB/s in SQ Write.

Samsung begins mass-producing PM9E1 Gen5 SSD for mainstream AI PC platforms, offering an early look at its Gen5 "Consumer" performanceSamsung has begun mass-producing its fastest Gen5 SSD to date.

The announcement was made in a blog post, explaining the features and specifications of the PM9E1 Gen5 SSD, which will be the industry's highest-performance storage drive.

Image Source: Samsung.comThe Samsung PM9E1 Gen5 SSD is manufactured using the in-house 5nm controller node and eight-generation V-NAND(V8) technology, which enables the SSD to reach high storage capacit…

1 час назад @ wccftech.com
Starfield: Shattered Space Looks Glorious With Ray Tracing in New 8K Resolution Video
Starfield: Shattered Space Looks Glorious With Ray Tracing in New 8K Resolution Video Starfield: Shattered Space Looks Glorious With Ray Tracing in New 8K Resolution Video

The new locations introduced in the Starfield Shattered Space expansion look really good, but they can be made to look much better with some choice mods, as showcased by a new video shared online today.

Unfortunately, visuals are the only remarkable feature of the Starfield Shattered Space expansion, as the expansion doesn't bring anything substantial to the table.

The Starfield Shattered Space expansion leaves a lot to be desired.

Although the tighter focus is welcome, the Starfield experience as a whole needs something more substantial to reach its full potential.

The Starfield Shattered Space expansion, alongside the base game, is now available on PC, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S.

1 час назад @ wccftech.com
NVIDIA CEO, Jensen Huang, To Deliver CES 2025 Keynote on 6th January: Next-Gen GPU Announcements Imminent
NVIDIA CEO, Jensen Huang, To Deliver CES 2025 Keynote on 6th January: Next-Gen GPU Announcements Imminent NVIDIA CEO, Jensen Huang, To Deliver CES 2025 Keynote on 6th January: Next-Gen GPU Announcements Imminent

NVIDIA has confirmed that CEO, Jensen Huang, will be delivering the CES 2025 keynote on the 6th of January & this is where we will likely see the launch of the next generation of AI GPUs including Blackwell's consumer "GeForce" launch.

Press Release: The Consumer Technology Association, the owner and producer of CES, the world's most powerful tech event, is announcing that NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang will deliver a keynote at CES 2025.

CES 2025 will take place in Las Vegas from January 7-10, 2025.

Huang will deliver his keynote on Monday, January 6, at 6:30 p.m."We are thrilled to welcome Jensen Huang as a keynote speaker at CES 2025," said Gary Shapiro, CEO, CTA.

His CES 2025 keyno…

2 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Metaphor: ReFantazio Review – Persona Non Grata
Metaphor: ReFantazio Review – Persona Non Grata Metaphor: ReFantazio Review – Persona Non Grata

Has the team at Atlus finally broken out of their mold, or is Metaphor: ReFantazio just the same game with a new mask?

Because of this, dungeons in Metaphor: ReFantazio are better suited to be tackled in a single day without taking return trips.

I touched upon this briefly before, but the Archetype system sets Metaphor: ReFantazio apart from the Shin Megami Tensei counterparts despite both sharing similar DNA.

That isn’t to say that Hashino’s team hasn’t created another stylish JRPG with broad appeal, but the premise that Metaphor: ReFantazio is a brand-new fantasy is dead.

If the Persona series left you wanting more, Metaphor: ReFantazio certainly is a tale worth experiencing for yourself.

2 часа назад @ wccftech.com
ASUS’s Next-Gen Z890 Motherboards For Intel Arrow Lake Desktop CPUs Launch on 10th October
ASUS’s Next-Gen Z890 Motherboards For Intel Arrow Lake Desktop CPUs Launch on 10th October ASUS’s Next-Gen Z890 Motherboards For Intel Arrow Lake Desktop CPUs Launch on 10th October

ASUS will be hosting its next-gen Z890 motherboard launch event on the 10th of October, the same day as the debut of Intel's Arrow Lake CPUs.

These are none other than the Intel Z890 chipset motherboards with the new LGA 1851 socket, which will be compatible with the Arrow Lake CPUs.

Among them is the flagship ASUS ROG Maximus Z890 Extreme, which was listed on a retail website for $1,111.87.

Image Credit: @momomo_usASUS Z890 motherboards will enable overclocking for unlocked Intel Arrow Lake Desktop CPUs such as Core Ultra 9 285K, Core Ultra 7 265K/KF, and Core Ultra 5 245K/KF models.

However, as per the latest reports, the hotspot on the Arrow Lake "LGA 1851" Desktop CPUs is shifted toward…

3 часа назад @ wccftech.com
GreedFall 2: The Dying World Preview – A Dated Feel
GreedFall 2: The Dying World Preview – A Dated Feel GreedFall 2: The Dying World Preview – A Dated Feel

Admittedly, GreedFall II: The Dying World was my first experience with the franchise, and it really wasn't a good one.

GreedFall 2: The Dying World is my first introduction to this franchise, and I immediately struggled to get to grips with it.

While there were tutorials given to you, it didn't really feel as if they were beneficial in any way whatsoever.

However, one feature I did really like about GreedFall 2: The Dying World was exploring the environment.

Overall, I had a lot of fun with GreedFall 2: The Dying World, and I'm eager to see what improvements are made during the Early Access period.

3 часа назад @ wccftech.com
M4 MacBook Pro GPU Benchmark Posts A 7 Percent Higher Score Than M4 iPad Pro, Along With A 15 Percent Lead Over The M3 Models
M4 MacBook Pro GPU Benchmark Posts A 7 Percent Higher Score Than M4 iPad Pro, Along With A 15 Percent Lead Over The M3 Models M4 MacBook Pro GPU Benchmark Posts A 7 Percent Higher Score Than M4 iPad Pro, Along With A 15 Percent Lead Over The M3 Models

The only explanation we have for this difference is that the M4 MacBook Pro’s active cooling solution with a fan helps to post a higher result.

Given that the M4 iPad Pro is exceptionally thin, it is power-constrained, meaning that the SoC cannot properly flex its muscles.

As for the M3 MacBook Pro that launched late last year, we see that the latter achieved a score of 49,890, making the M4 MacBook Pro over 15 percent faster in this specific test.

We can also conclude that this was an ‘apples to apples’ comparison because the M3 is equipped with a 10-core GPU, like its successor.

2 of 9It is possible that this M4 MacBook Pro was the same one tested by a Russian YouTuber because when we cro…

3 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Intel Core Ultra 5 235 “Arrow Lake” CPU Spotted & Benchmarked: 14 Cores, Up To 5 GHz
Intel Core Ultra 5 235 “Arrow Lake” CPU Spotted & Benchmarked: 14 Cores, Up To 5 GHz Intel Core Ultra 5 235 “Arrow Lake” CPU Spotted & Benchmarked: 14 Cores, Up To 5 GHz

Intel's Core Ultra 5 235, an entry-level Arrow Lake CPU, has been spotted at Geekbench with a total of 14 cores & up to 5 GHz clock speed.

The non-K and non-KF editions are set to launch later and will have several SKUs from the Core Ultra 5, Ultra 7, and Ultra 9 sub-series.

The Core Ultra 5 235 is one of the slowest Core Ultra 5 chips in the Arrow Lake lineup with the Core Ultra 5 245, Ultra 5 245K, and KF models at the top.

The Intel Core Ultra 5 235 CPU should be launched alongside other non-K models like Core Ultra 5 245, Ultra 5 225, Ultra 7 265, Ultra 9 285, and others.

Intel Arrow Lake-S Desktop CPU Lineup (Preliminary):CPU Name Architecture (P/E) Cores/Threads Base Clock (P/E Core) …

3 часа назад @ wccftech.com
ShadPS4 PlayStation 4 Emulator Is About to Make Gravity Rush Remastered Fully Playable on PC
ShadPS4 PlayStation 4 Emulator Is About to Make Gravity Rush Remastered Fully Playable on PC ShadPS4 PlayStation 4 Emulator Is About to Make Gravity Rush Remastered Fully Playable on PC

The ShadPS4 PlayStation 4 emulator is finally bringing Bloodborne on PC, also making fan-made remasters possible, but there's another console exclusive that will eventually be made playable on PC before Sony will bother porting it.

As showcased in a recent video shared on YouTube by John GodGames Emus, Gravity Rush Remastered emulation has been improved in the emulator's 0.3.1.

By adding the libSceFontFt.sprx and libSceFreeTypeOt.sprx sys modules, the game running on the emulator properly displays text, solving one of the biggest issues that made the game pretty much unplayable.

The ShadPS4 emulator has been making amazing progress for the past few months, going from barely being able to bo…

4 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Samsung Purchases $20 Million Worth of AMD MI300X Data Center GPUs for AI Development
Samsung Purchases $20 Million Worth of AMD MI300X Data Center GPUs for AI Development Samsung Purchases $20 Million Worth of AMD MI300X Data Center GPUs for AI Development

Samsung Electronics has gone with Team Red and purchased $20 Million worth of AMD Instinct MI300X GPUs for its AI requirements.

Samsung Electronics spends $20M on the AMD Instinct MI300X GPUs to make progress in AI developmentSamsung Electronics has recently started testing newly bought AMD Instinct MI300X GPUs.

The company has commenced its AI development journey with the MI300X data center GPUs, which it states are more affordable than the data center offerings from NVIDIA.

The news comes from viva100, which reported that Samsung Electronics has made a large-scale purchase for AMD MI300X data center GPUs.

While companies like Meta and xAI went with NVIDIA H100 GPUs, Samsung is going throu…

5 часов назад @ wccftech.com
последний пост 2 months, 2 weeks назад
COLORFUL Announces the Launch of the CVN Z790D5 ARK FROZEN Motherboard
COLORFUL Announces the Launch of the CVN Z790D5 ARK FROZEN Motherboard

Late in the Z790 life cycle, we're still seeing new boards come out for the platform. Case in point, Colorful announced their CVN Z790D5 Ark Frozen motherboard. The new SKU sports titanium gray on the heatsinks and PCB, a change from the black and white we're used to. Additionally, you get well-rounded specifications and robust power delivery to handle any 12th-14th generation processor, even when overclocking.

2 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review
Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review

Overclockers and enthusiasts know the Xtreem memory series well, as it's always associated with exceptional performance and high overclocking results. The non-RGB version already confirmed great overclocking potential and high performance.

2 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP700 PRO SE 4TB PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review: The fastest SSD, now even faster!
Corsair MP700 PRO SE 4TB PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review: The fastest SSD, now even faster!

We didn't have to wait long for the updated version of the already exceptional Corsair MP700 Pro SSD. The SE version brings us multiple improvements, which we will present in this review.

Corsair provided us with the 4TB version of the MP700 Pro SE SSD, which has the highest capacity so far and is also the fastest Corsair SSD available in stores. In the upcoming weeks, we will see lower capacities and various cooling options for the MP700 Pro SE.

4 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
ADATA SD810 2TB USB 3.2 External SSD Review
ADATA SD810 2TB USB 3.2 External SSD Review

We do not often review portable storage devices, but we are always happy to present interesting products. ADATA sent us the SD810 external SSD, which is designed to resist heavy conditions like water or shock caused by drops on the ground. The SSD also has a high capacity of 2TB and promises exceptional performance, so it is the full package for our important data.

4 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 GRE Gaming OC 16G Graphics Card Review
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 GRE Gaming OC 16G Graphics Card Review

Radeon RX 7900 GRE wasn't planned for a global release; it was a product designed for the Chinese market. However, it became so interesting that AMD decided to make it available around the world, and we didn't have to wait long for leading partners to present their versions. In this review, we will focus on the RX 7900 GRE from Gigabyte, which uses a custom PCB and power design. The card is also overclocked, so it promises better than standard performance.

5 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Team Group T-Force Xtreem 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review
Team Group T-Force Xtreem 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review

Today, we present the latest Team Group DDR5 memory kit designed for the most demanding users - T-Force Xtreem DDR5-8000. The tested memory kit has 48GB capacity and is rated at 8000MT/s, which suggests it's optimal for a modern gaming PC.

6 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG Review: Skinny Version Packs a Punch!
MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG Review: Skinny Version Packs a Punch!

Today, on our test bench, we have another 'Super' card, but this time, it's the MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG. What a mouthful! Outside of the obvious that it's a 4070 Super and slim compared to the 3-slot plus monsters we're used to seeing, the MLG version (where their Dragon, Lucky, turns into the Dragon Princess) sports red highlights, and it includes a magnetic backplate with a picture of their anime-style princess.

6 months, 4 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
GPU Testing Prodedure 2024 – It’s all about that Ray Tracing and DLSS/FSR
GPU Testing Prodedure 2024 – It’s all about that Ray Tracing and DLSS/FSR

With new video cards set to release by the end of the calendar year (2024), we've updated our testing suite to new games and benchmarks to bring you performance metrics from various titles using the latest technologies from AMD, Intel, and Nvidia.

6 months, 4 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Gigabyte RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G Review
Gigabyte RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G Review

Gigabyte was kind enough to send their RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G with a large 2.5 slot, a three-fan Windforce cooling solution, increased (from reference model) clock speeds, and some cool-looking RGB bling ring inside the fan space. Below, we'll look at the specifications and features and discuss the performance profile of this 1440p/4K UHD targeted graphics card against its peers and the competition.

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP600 Core Mini 2TB NVMe M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD Review
Corsair MP600 Core Mini 2TB NVMe M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD Review Corsair MP600 Core Mini 2TB NVMe M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD Review

Mobile devices like ultrabooks, tablets, and handheld gaming consoles are getting more popular each year. Even if we look only at handheld consoles, a year ago, we had one popular option: Steam Deck. Right now, there is also ASUS ROG Ally and Lenovo Legion GO, and soon MSI will join with their new product. Most of consoles and other devices are sold with lower capacity or simply slower storage, so it's not a surprise that many owners think about replacing the storage, which more often is M.2 SSD in a user-friendly and tiny 2230 form factor. For those users, Corsair designed the reviewed today MP600 Core Mini at a high 2TB capacity.

8 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – The Show Floor
CES 2024 – The Show Floor CES 2024 – The Show Floor

On our last day at CES, Friday, we had a chance to see the show floor. We saw so many things, from 3D printers to AI-based grills, and a whole lot more. In the images below, we'll see new items/ideas from Sony, TCL, Hisense, Samsung, John Deer, Honda, Hyundai, Volkswagon, Mercedes, Goodyear, and many other upstart companies just trying to make their way into the market.

8 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – Enermax shares smallest ATX 3.1 PSU, AIOs, and PC cases
CES 2024 – Enermax shares smallest ATX 3.1 PSU, AIOs, and PC cases CES 2024 – Enermax shares smallest ATX 3.1 PSU, AIOs, and PC cases

One of the last places we visited at CES 2024 (due to being sick, I had to cancel the next day's appointments) was Enermax. They showed off some exciting new ATX 3.1 power supplies, cool new AIOs (one of which sports a removable LCD screen), and several new chassis that sport USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C ports, including one with skinned with the best game ever, PUBG.

8 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – Gigabyte shows off white motheboards and graphics cards, new monitors
CES 2024 – Gigabyte shows off white motheboards and graphics cards, new monitors CES 2024 – Gigabyte shows off white motheboards and graphics cards, new monitors

Also in the Venetian were our friends at Gigabyte. We sat down with them and discussed what we'd like to see from them in the future, among other things. Although their ballroom had a lot more than what we'll list here, there were still many cool new things, including the Nvidia 4000 series super cards, new motherboards, AIOs, monitors, and more, with many of them in white.

8 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – Cherry shows off new Mice, Keyboards, Microphones, and Mousepads!
CES 2024 – Cherry shows off new Mice, Keyboards, Microphones, and Mousepads! CES 2024 – Cherry shows off new Mice, Keyboards, Microphones, and Mousepads!

Later on our first day, we stopped by to visit the Cherry Suite in the Venetian Hotel. Inside, they had several items of note, showing off the keys they are famous for, and some new products as well. Since we last talked with Cherry, they acquired XTRFY (a renowned manufacturer of components and peripherals) and created the CHERRY XTRFY gaming brand to a new generation of high-performance keyboards, mice, and microphones for gamers.

8 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP700 PRO 2TB NVMe PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review
Corsair MP700 PRO 2TB NVMe PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review Corsair MP700 PRO 2TB NVMe PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review

Today, we present the latest and the fastest Corsair SSD - MP700 PRO. The SSD arrived to us a while ago, and we had plenty of time to test it, so the conclusions in this review are based not only on synthetic tests but also on daily workloads.

The MP700 PRO is one of the fastest M.2 SSDs we can buy in stores, and even though it shares the same Phison controllers as all the fastest PCIe 5.0 SSDs, the MP700 PRO's design is improved compared to the competition. Of course, I won't share everything in the introduction, but you can expect some exceptional results.

8 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
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последний пост 1 час назад
Intel Lunar Lake outperforms Steam Deck and Asus ROG Ally in real-world gaming benchmarks
Intel Lunar Lake outperforms Steam Deck and Asus ROG Ally in real-world gaming benchmarks Intel Lunar Lake outperforms Steam Deck and Asus ROG Ally in real-world gaming benchmarks

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My screen sound does not work
My screen sound does not work

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
MediaTek Dimensity chip could power the base Galaxy S25 model
MediaTek Dimensity chip could power the base Galaxy S25 model MediaTek Dimensity chip could power the base Galaxy S25 model

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Portable HDD or SSD for automatic backup on Mac?
Portable HDD or SSD for automatic backup on Mac?

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[Noctua] Roadmap of upcoming products - October 2024
[Noctua] Roadmap of upcoming products - October 2024

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Thermalright Royal Pretor 130 White product page
Thermalright Royal Pretor 130 White product page

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The first cheap Samsung phone to get 6 years of Android updates is here
The first cheap Samsung phone to get 6 years of Android updates is here The first cheap Samsung phone to get 6 years of Android updates is here

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Looking for a budget mechanical keyboard
Looking for a budget mechanical keyboard

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Reuters: "Exclusive: Samsung Electronics says it is not interested in spinning off foundry business"
Reuters: "Exclusive: Samsung Electronics says it is not interested in spinning off foundry business"

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5 часов назад @ reddit.com
Qualcomm Unveils the Networking Pro A7 Elite Platform
Qualcomm Unveils the Networking Pro A7 Elite Platform Qualcomm Unveils the Networking Pro A7 Elite Platform

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A PC case like no other.
A PC case like no other. A PC case like no other.

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Examining impact of voltage offset (AMD) in Gaming scenario (Ready or Not)
Examining impact of voltage offset (AMD) in Gaming scenario (Ready or Not)

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How to get more information about piece of hardware (i.e. wireless mouse)
How to get more information about piece of hardware (i.e. wireless mouse)

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Apple Slowly Moves Away From Its Annual Product Release Strategy
Apple Slowly Moves Away From Its Annual Product Release Strategy Apple Slowly Moves Away From Its Annual Product Release Strategy

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12 часов назад @ reddit.com
Alleged M4 Mac16,1 - Geekbench
Alleged M4 Mac16,1 - Geekbench

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13 часов назад @ reddit.com
Xbox Wire Xbox Wire
последний пост 17 часов назад
Halo Studios: New Name, New Engine, New Games, New Philosophy
Halo Studios: New Name, New Engine, New Games, New Philosophy

The post Halo Studios: New Name, New Engine, New Games, New Philosophy appeared first on Xbox Wire.

17 часов назад @ news.xbox.com
Next Week on Xbox – New Games for October 7 to 11
Next Week on Xbox – New Games for October 7 to 11

The post Next Week on Xbox – New Games for October 7 to 11 appeared first on Xbox Wire.

3 days, 2 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Official Xbox Podcast | Diablo IV Update, FC 25, Controllers, and More
Official Xbox Podcast | Diablo IV Update, FC 25, Controllers, and More

The post Official Xbox Podcast | Diablo IV Update, FC 25, Controllers, and More appeared first on Xbox Wire.

3 days, 18 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Braving the Storm: Inside GSC Game World’s Fight to Bring S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 to Life
Braving the Storm: Inside GSC Game World’s Fight to Bring S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 to Life Braving the Storm: Inside GSC Game World’s Fight to Bring S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 to Life

The tale begins in 1995, when two brothers, Ievgen and Sergiy Grygorovich, sparked by the gift of a computer from their father, pursued their dream of game development.

But now, as the 300-strong GSC Game World team faces the development of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

As the political conflict escalated, so did the risks for GSC Game World.

Two-thirds of GSC Game World’s staff were displaced and they had to rebuild their lives from scratch while continuing their work on S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

But for GSC Game World, this moment represents much more than just feedback.

4 days, 1 hour назад @ developer.microsoft.com
Free Play Days – Matchpoint – Tennis Championships and The Land Beneath Us
Free Play Days – Matchpoint – Tennis Championships and The Land Beneath Us

It’s a double feature this weekend with Free Play Days! Matchpoint Tennis Championships is available this weekend for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, Standard and Core members to play from Thursday October 3 at 12:01 a.m. PDT until Sunday, October 6 at 11:59 p.m. PDT. Additionally with Free Play Days for All, The Land Beneath Us […]

The post Free Play Days – Matchpoint – Tennis Championships and The Land Beneath Us appeared first on Xbox Wire.

4 days, 1 hour назад @ news.xbox.com
Age of Wonders 4 Has a New Chapter of Stories to Tell
Age of Wonders 4 Has a New Chapter of Stories to Tell

The post Age of Wonders 4 Has a New Chapter of Stories to Tell appeared first on Xbox Wire.

4 days, 23 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Xbox Celebrates Accessibility in Gaming with New Adaptive Joystick and Continued Support for Special Olympics
Xbox Celebrates Accessibility in Gaming with New Adaptive Joystick and Continued Support for Special Olympics

The post Xbox Celebrates Accessibility in Gaming with New Adaptive Joystick and Continued Support for Special Olympics appeared first on Xbox Wire.

5 days назад @ news.xbox.com
Starbites: How We Built a Delightful Dystopia
Starbites: How We Built a Delightful Dystopia

The post Starbites: How We Built a Delightful Dystopia appeared first on Xbox Wire.

5 days, 1 hour назад @ news.xbox.com
Baldur’s Gate 3 Gets New Evil Endings, Mods and More on Xbox
Baldur’s Gate 3 Gets New Evil Endings, Mods and More on Xbox

The post Baldur’s Gate 3 Gets New Evil Endings, Mods and More on Xbox appeared first on Xbox Wire.

5 days, 3 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Off The Grid Playtest is Available Today!
Off The Grid Playtest is Available Today!

We are thrilled to invite Xbox Insiders on Xbox Series X consoles to join Off The Grid – Pioneers starting today. But wait, don’t chop your arms and legs off yet. There are a few things for you to know before jumping into the action. Read on for full details on how to get your […]

The post Off The Grid Playtest is Available Today! appeared first on Xbox Wire.

5 days, 21 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Coming Soon to Game Pass: Sifu, Inscryption, Mad Streets, and More
Coming Soon to Game Pass: Sifu, Inscryption, Mad Streets, and More

The post Coming Soon to Game Pass: Sifu, Inscryption, Mad Streets, and More appeared first on Xbox Wire.

6 days, 3 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
What You Need to Know for Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred’s Launch
What You Need to Know for Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred’s Launch

The post What You Need to Know for Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred’s Launch appeared first on Xbox Wire.

6 days, 23 hours назад @ news.blizzard.com
Starfield: Shattered Space – How to Start, What Level You Should Be, the Latest Updates, and More
Starfield: Shattered Space – How to Start, What Level You Should Be, the Latest Updates, and More

The post Starfield: Shattered Space – How to Start, What Level You Should Be, the Latest Updates, and More appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 week назад @ news.xbox.com
Minecraft Live 2024: The Recap
Minecraft Live 2024: The Recap

The post Minecraft Live 2024: The Recap appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 week, 1 day назад @ minecraft.net
Nine Sols: How We Brought a Taopunk World to Life
Nine Sols: How We Brought a Taopunk World to Life

The post Nine Sols: How We Brought a Taopunk World to Life appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 week, 2 days назад @ news.xbox.com
PlayStation Blog PlayStation Blog
последний пост 2 часа назад
Metaphor ReFantazio: hands-on report
Metaphor ReFantazio: hands-on report Metaphor ReFantazio: hands-on report

Like thisAnyone familiar with Atlus’s deep and involving role-playing games has been eager to see what the strange and magical Metaphor: ReFantazio has in store.

Given its setting, Metaphor: ReFantazio soundtrack leans towards the more orchestral, with tense strings, dramatic drums, and chants present in its wonderfully composed battle themes that are already subject to deservedly flattering memes.

From its anime cutscenes to its fun battle chatter to its slick victory outros, Metaphor: ReFantazio rivals Persona for its sheer sense of flair.

Creating bonds with FollowersRomantic Persona fans won’t necessarily find the same starry-eyed connections in Metaphor: ReFantazio, but building relati…

2 часа назад @ blog.playstation.com
Share of the Week: Astro Bot Levels
Share of the Week: Astro Bot Levels Share of the Week: Astro Bot Levels

Last week, we asked you to showcase the best Astro Bot levels using #PSshare #PSBlog.

Here are this week’s highlights:NightmarexDoll shares a spooky level with a mansion and a smiling moon in the background.

Search #PSshare #PSBlog on Twitter or Instagram to see more entries to this week’s theme.

THEME: Spooky SettingsSUBMIT BY: 11:59 PM PT on October 9, 2024Next week, showcase where things go bump in the night with Spooky Settings.

Highlight spooky settings for Share of the Week using #PSshare #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.

3 days назад @ blog.playstation.com
Metro Awakening adapts classic gameplay mechanics for PS VR2
Metro Awakening adapts classic gameplay mechanics for PS VR2 Metro Awakening adapts classic gameplay mechanics for PS VR2

Just last week during State of Play, we were thrilled to finally announce that Metro Awakening is coming to PS VR2 on November 7.

Today, we’re excited to share another glimpse into the game with a new video showcasing extended gameplay on PS VR2.

In Metro Awakening, you’ll confront the mysteries and dangers of a post-apocalyptic world, where survival and exploration are more critical than ever.

Become what you fear…At the heart of Metro Awakening lies the powerful story of Serdar—a doctor searching for his missing wife.

Elevating Metro Awakening with PS VR2Immersion is the essence of both VR and the Metro series, and the PS VR2 elevates this experience.

4 days, 2 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Undisputed launches Oct 11 – how body scans deliver boxing authenticity
Undisputed launches Oct 11 – how body scans deliver boxing authenticity Undisputed launches Oct 11 – how body scans deliver boxing authenticity

Like thisUndisputed launches October 11 on PS5, and has been in development for nearly five years, starting as the humble Esports Boxing Club and then evolving into the first major boxing game in over a decade.

I then work on the tone and symmetry, removing some fat, wrinkles, and imperfections from the body and face.

British and Commonwealth Super-Lightweight Champion, Dalton Smith, was one of the fighters we worked closely with to capture his boxing style.

Rule the ringUndisputed has the most expansive and authentic licensed fighter roster of any boxing game yet, and we’re excited for you to experience that.

You can pick up the Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition on October 8 on PS5 and play th…

5 days, 1 hour назад @ blog.playstation.com
Silent Hill 2: New gameplay reveals intense Flesh Lip boss fight and introduces Laura
Silent Hill 2: New gameplay reveals intense Flesh Lip boss fight and introduces Laura Silent Hill 2: New gameplay reveals intense Flesh Lip boss fight and introduces Laura

Spoiler Alert: This article and video reveal some narrative and gameplay surprises within Silent Hill 2.

In many ways, this boss fight, alongside its accompanying cutscene, exemplifies the approach we took when reimagining Silent Hill 2.

Caption: Comparison between 2001 Silent Hill 2 and the 2024 Silent Hill 2 remakeA boss battle for the agesThe encounter with Flesh Lip is one of Silent Hill 2’s most startling moments.

Caption: Comparison between 2001 Silent Hill 2 and the 2024 Silent Hill 2 remakeBut the biggest change in the design of the boss fight has to do with Flesh Lip himself.

Caption: Comparison between 2001 Silent Hill 2 and the 2024 Silent Hill 2 remakeFinal thoughtsAs the new Si…

5 days, 23 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 7 storms onto PS5 today
Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 7 storms onto PS5 today Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 7 storms onto PS5 today

Like thisHi all – Luke Karmali here from the team over at Larian Studios, bringing you the exciting news that Baldur’s Gate 3’s Patch 7 is now officially available on PlayStation 5 today.

Alongside this, we’ve revamped our split screen gameplay offering for couch co-op play.

Dynamic split screen means each side of the screen will merge when you near each other and split back up as you head off on your own adventures.

5) Mystic Class by XhevoUnable to choose between the initial offering of 12 classes and 46 subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3?

This is just a taster of all that’s on offer with new mods being added all the time.

6 days назад @ blog.playstation.com
Players’ Choice: Vote for September 2024’s best new game
Players’ Choice: Vote for September 2024’s best new game Players’ Choice: Vote for September 2024’s best new game

Like thisSeptember had many games for the kid and the warrior in us all.

At the end of every month, PlayStation Blog will open a poll where you can vote for the best new game released that month.

After the polls close we will tally your votes, and announce the winner on our social channels and PlayStation.Blog.

If you were only able to recommend one new release to a friend that month, which would it be?

The PlayStation Blog editorial team will gather a list of that month’s most noteworthy releases and use it to seed the poll.

6 days, 1 hour назад @ blog.playstation.com
Starship Troopers: Continuum’s upgrade and perk system leans into the original sci-fi film’s mythology
Starship Troopers: Continuum’s upgrade and perk system leans into the original sci-fi film’s mythology Starship Troopers: Continuum’s upgrade and perk system leans into the original sci-fi film’s mythology

On October 31, Starship Troopers: Continuum will be released on PS VR2.

A word from Casper Van Dien“I guess I’m the closest thing Starship Troopers has for a hero.

Authenticity evolvedIn developing Starship Troopers: Continuum, we at XR Games wanted to capture the essence of Starship Troopers.

Starship Troopers: Continuum takes place 25 years after Klendathu, and there’s been a breakthrough in psychic research – the Continuum.

Starship Troopers: Continuum for PS VR2 is released on October 31..

6 days, 23 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 495: Play Date
Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 495: Play Date Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 495: Play Date

Like thisThe crew covers the hottest news and updates coming out of this week's State of Play.

Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or download hereHello listeners, we’ve got a bunch to unpack!

This week, the PlayStation Podcast team dives into some of the hottest reveals coming out of this week’s news-packed State of Play.

Plus, Sid discusses his recent hands-on experience with PS5 Pro launching on November 7.

Game details are gathered from press releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]

1 week, 2 days назад @ blog.playstation.com
Share of the Week: Astro Bot – VIP Bots
Share of the Week: Astro Bot – VIP Bots Share of the Week: Astro Bot – VIP Bots

Like thisLast week, we asked you to share your favorite VIP Bot cameos in Astro Bot using #PSshare #PSBlog.

DiogOliveiraVP shares Astro posing with the Lovestruck Lyricist/PaRappa VIP Bot.

shimo_ps shares the Dependable Smuggler/Joel VIP Bot protecting the Immune Survivor/Ellie VIP Bot from the Fungus Head/Click VIP Bot.

spideyfan0480 shares Astro decked out to match the Dad of Boy/Kratos VIP Bot.

THEME: Astro Bot – LevelsSUBMIT BY: 11:59 PM PT on October 2, 2024Next week, we’re blasting across the galaxies to highlight Astro Bot’s levels.

1 week, 3 days назад @ blog.playstation.com
Tokyo Game Show 2024 PlayStation booth recap: hands-on report
Tokyo Game Show 2024 PlayStation booth recap: hands-on report Tokyo Game Show 2024 PlayStation booth recap: hands-on report

View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close CloseAt the PlayStation booth, visitors can take a look at the PS5 Pro console – displayed publicly for the first time and set to be released on November 7 – and also play Final Fantasy VII Rebirth or Gran Turismo 7 on the new console.

View and download image Downl…

1 week, 3 days назад @ blog.playstation.com
The Last of Us joins PlayStation’s 30th Anniversary celebrations
The Last of Us joins PlayStation’s 30th Anniversary celebrations The Last of Us joins PlayStation’s 30th Anniversary celebrations

Like thisAs The Last of Us Part I launches into PlayStation Plus, enjoy TLOU-themed Avatars, PlayStation Gear discounts, and PlayStation Star challenges.

As PlayStation celebrates its 30th Anniversary, we’re excited to share some thrilling news with our PlayStation Plus members.

The voucher will be available on the PlayStation Plus website and on The Last of Us Page on the PS Plus Hub on your console.

From September 26 to October 26, PlayStation Plus members can enjoy a 10% discount on select The Last of Us merchandise at PlayStation Gear.

*Game Catalog varies over time, region/country, and plan.

1 week, 4 days назад @ blog.playstation.com
Monster Hunter Wilds: hands-on with the opening missions
Monster Hunter Wilds: hands-on with the opening missions Monster Hunter Wilds: hands-on with the opening missions

Like thisMonster Hunter Wilds, the next entry in the popular hunting action game series is set to release on February 28 on PS5.

I had the freedom to customize every detail of the hunter’s appearance and even that of the hunter’s trusted partner, Palico.

As the story began, I found myself traversing Windward Plains in a sand ship with the Forbidden Lands Research Commission.

Seikret joy rideUpon discovering that the young girl was separated from her brother, the hunter decided to find him.

Undoubtedly one of the most satisfying moments in the game was when I managed to destroy multiple wounds with a single Focus Attack.

1 week, 4 days назад @ blog.playstation.com
Dynasty Warriors: Origins — hands-on report
Dynasty Warriors: Origins — hands-on report Dynasty Warriors: Origins — hands-on report

Like thisThe Dynasty Warriors series, known for its 1 vs. 1,000 gameplay, is set to make a grand return in 2025 with its latest entry for PS5, Dynasty Warriors: Origins.

1/3 Now showing slide 1 of 3 Show all View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close CloseExhilarating and gratifying 1 vs. 1,000 hack-and-slash actionAs I embarked on my quest, a horde of Dong Zhuo’s army emerged, sparking a swift battle.

1/2 Now showing slide 1 of 2 Show all View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close CloseStrategic orders to wipe out t…

1 week, 4 days назад @ blog.playstation.com
Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii – hands-on report
Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii – hands-on report Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii – hands-on report

Like thisLike a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, slated for release on February 28 is an action-adventure game that stars Goro Majima as the sole protagonist for the first time.

The Pirate style focuses on attacks using pirate-themed weapons, especially the cutlass, a curved, single-edged sword pirates carry around in films.

The Pirate style in particular, with its use of pirate-themed tools and unique actions, is sure to become addictive.

Similar to Kiryu’s gadget-based Agent style from Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name, Majima’s Pirate style offers a tricky way to fight.

There’s much to look forward to when Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii launches on February 28 on …

1 week, 4 days назад @ blog.playstation.com
PC Gamer PC Gamer
последний пост 52 минуты назад
Everything you need to know about Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
Everything you need to know about Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Everything you need to know about Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 - Multiplayer Reveal Trailer - YouTube Watch OnThe biggest Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 trailer revealsAs with any new Call of Duty game, there is an abundance of trailers.

Fans who hold Black Ops dear to their heart may also recognise this timeframe from Black Ops 2 flashbacks.

What to expect from Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 campaignIn Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, there's a promise of "action-packed moments, high-stake heists, and cloak-and-dagger spy activity."

The return of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 ZombiesCall of Duty: Black Ops 6 marks the joyous return of Round-Based Zombies where you can battle against the hordes, and hordes, and… hordes of the undead.

System Requi…

52 минуты назад @ pcgamer.com
Jon St John is on TikTok and he'll say whatever filth you want in the Duke Nukem voice
Jon St John is on TikTok and he'll say whatever filth you want in the Duke Nukem voice Jon St John is on TikTok and he'll say whatever filth you want in the Duke Nukem voice

For gamers of a certain vintage, Jon St John's voice is instantly recognisable.

His performance of Duke Nukem is iconic—he delivered lines as ridiculous as "Your face, your ass, what's the difference?"

For a couple of days now he's basically been reading out in the classic Duke voice any line a commenter asks for, like a sort of free and chaotic version of Cameo.

I'd somehow also completely missed that Jon owns a Duke Nukem puppet (the "Duppet") which he uses to voice even more one-liners.

It goes to show: there'll always be a place in this industry for a man who can say literally anything with a straight face.

1 час назад @ pcgamer.com
Metaphor: ReFantazio review
Metaphor: ReFantazio review Metaphor: ReFantazio review

No, but has some limited online functionsLink: Official siteFor the past couple of weeks, I've done nothing except live and breathe Metaphor: ReFantazio.

Image 1 of 4 (Image credit: Atlus) (Image credit: Atlus) (Image credit: Atlus) (Image credit: Atlus)Metaphor's consistently excellent English dub actually seems like the language the game was always meant to be played in.

A crowning achievementImage 1 of 6 (Image credit: Atlus) (Image credit: Atlus) (Image credit: Atlus) (Image credit: Atlus) (Image credit: Atlus) (Image credit: Atlus)Metaphor: ReFantazio ran almost perfectly on my PC, with one caveat.

Should it run as smoothly as it did for me though, I honestly can’t think of a single re…

2 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Alien: Isolation is my favourite horror game because it's taken me an entire decade to finish it
Alien: Isolation is my favourite horror game because it's taken me an entire decade to finish it Alien: Isolation is my favourite horror game because it's taken me an entire decade to finish it

Alien: Isolation just turned 10, and for this entire time I've been trying very hard to muster up the courage to finish it.

(Image credit: Sega)But it's not just the overt horror elements that Alien: Isolation nails.

It's the greatest horror game simply because it's the one that scares me the most.

It's the greatest horror game simply because it's the one that scares me the most.

Alien: Isolation is so impressive because, for the most part, you're being hunted by one alien.

2 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Save up to £249 on one of AMD's best RDNA 3 GPUs, thanks to these Prime Day graphics card deals
Save up to £249 on one of AMD's best RDNA 3 GPUs, thanks to these Prime Day graphics card deals Save up to £249 on one of AMD's best RDNA 3 GPUs, thanks to these Prime Day graphics card deals

The Radeon RX 7900 XTX, RX 7900 XT, and 7800 XT have had as much as £249 snipped off, making them all a very tasty purchase.

Radeon RX 7900 XTXASRock RX 7900 XTX | 24 GB GDDR6 | 6,144 shaders | 2,615MHz boost | £998.99 £749.99 at Overclockers (save £249)AMD's mighty RX 7900 XTX is now easy to find well under its original MSRP and it's a seriously powerful graphics card.

What we like about the XFX with its triple-fan array in particular is that it should run quieter than your average RX 7900 XT.

RX 7900 XT price check: Overclockers £629.99 | Ebuyer £619.98 | Scan £659.99Coming in around £120 cheaper than the RX 7900 XTX, is its nearest sibling, the RX 7900 XT.

RX 7800 XT Price check: Overclo…

2 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Age of Empires 2 in first-person? Sure why not
Age of Empires 2 in first-person? Sure why not Age of Empires 2 in first-person? Sure why not

First released in 2021, Overreign is a mod that converts Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition into a first-person experience.

On average, 2-3 games are played per day, which is very nice for a standalone-mod that launched 5 years ago.

"In late game (with many units) it eats up my 32GB for breakfast and freezes every couple of minutes."

PCG's Morgan Park pointed out that this all reminds him of Age of Doom , a brilliant-slash-bizarre mod that uses the Age of Empires 2 engine to make Doom into a third person isometric RTS shooter.

The two certainly make for good companions and, just like Doom, Age of Empires 2 is having quite the afterlife: over a quarter of century since it released, the game…

2 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Duake lets you play Quake as the Doomguy
Duake lets you play Quake as the Doomguy Duake lets you play Quake as the Doomguy

"Run through the Quake campaign as Doomguy," reads the Duake description .

Duake is the work of a modder with an amazing handle: Magic Nipples.

It puts Doomguy and his arsenal of weapons in Quake, and adapts everything for the vertical aiming and movement of that game.

Among Magic Nipples' other projects is one that I covered years ago, Half-Life: Year of the Dragon , which somehow replaces Gordon Freeman with Spyro the dragon.

Doom in Quake - Release Trailer - YouTube Watch On

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Diablo 4 best mercenary and how to recruit them all
Diablo 4 best mercenary and how to recruit them all Diablo 4 best mercenary and how to recruit them all

Hiring mercenaries is one of coolest new features in Diablo 4 's Vessel of Hatred expansion, letting you recruit a famed fighter you can bring into battle with you.

Here I'll list my personal pick for the best merc, how to unlock them, plus how they work.

Who's the best mercenary in Diablo 4?

(Image credit: Blizzard)The best mercenary in Vessel of Hatred is Raheir in my opinion, which is great considering he's the first one you unlock.

The best part is that he's the easiest to recruit as well.

5 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
How to solve the brazier puzzle in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred
How to solve the brazier puzzle in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred How to solve the brazier puzzle in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred

The brazier puzzle is one you'll have to solve if you want to progress the main quest in Diablo 4 's Vessel of Hatred expansion and gain access to Akarat's tomb with Neyrelle and Eru.

This brazier puzzle consists of four torches that you need to light, but you have to do it in a certain order to keep them all lit, opening the door at the far end of the chamber.

You can likely trial-and-error it yourself, but if you'd rather not waste precious grinding time, here's the order you need to light the braziers in to solve the puzzle.

The order you need to light them is:West brazierSouth brazierWest brazierNorth brazierEast brazierWest brazierThis should light all the torches and let you continue …

5 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
All Diablo 4 Runewords and how to farm them
All Diablo 4 Runewords and how to farm them All Diablo 4 Runewords and how to farm them

The new Runeword system in Diablo 4 's Vessel of Hatred expansion is a lot of fun.

Diablo 4 Runeword listSwipe to scroll horizontally Ritual Runes Rune Rarity Gain Cast Yul Legendary 50 Offering Cast a skill with a cooldown.

Cir Magic 50 Offering Cast the same non-channeled skill three times in a row.

Cem Magic 75 Offering Cast evade.

Moni Magic 25 Offering Cast a skill after moving (Cooldown: 0.25 seconds).

5 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
How to unlock the Dark Citadel in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred
How to unlock the Dark Citadel in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred How to unlock the Dark Citadel in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred

The Dark Citadel is the newest endgame activity added in Diablo 4 's Vessel of Hatred expansion, and Blizzard is definitely trying something new here.

Here I've outlined the exact steps to unlocking the Dark Citadel so you can try it for yourself.

Complete quest "The Kurast Undercity" then quest "Undercity: Wail of the Forgotten" (these are the quests that unlock the Undercity activity).

Complete a tier 20 Pit of the Artificers run to unlock Torment world tier8.

Change to Torment 1 world tier and complete the Crater of Lost Souls quest to unlock the Dark Citadel.

5 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
How to taunt the villagers in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred
How to taunt the villagers in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred How to taunt the villagers in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred

The Wayward Friendship sidequest is one of the new ones you can pick up while exploring the region of Nahantu in Diablo 4 's Vessel of Hatred expansion, and it might give you a little trouble.

All that said, here's how to help Ajtzak save the cat and taunt the villagers so you can complete the Wayward Friendship quest.

To do this you need to first enter the camp and then when the objective changes to "Taunts the Villagers", use the taunt emote.

You might have already tried using the taunt emote unsuccessfully—it's worth noting this quest is pretty buggy.

Then all you need to do is defend Ajtzak from the angry poachers and you've completed the quest.

5 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred release date and release times
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred release date and release times Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred release date and release times

We’re less than 24 hours away from when the Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred release times begin.

When is the Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred release time?

(Image credit: Blizzard)Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred will have a global release at 4 pm PDT on Monday, October 7 for PC players using Blizzard’s Battle.net launcher or Steam.

Blizzard is based in California, so the release times are all centered around its own time zone.

Then, as soon as it goes live you can start playing the new campaign and then jump into the Season of Hatred Rising.

7 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Get into the zone with Acezone's new A-Spire Wireless Headset
Get into the zone with Acezone's new A-Spire Wireless Headset Get into the zone with Acezone's new A-Spire Wireless Headset

AceZone A-Spire Wireless - YouTube Watch OnIf you're a casual gamer, then it's possible that sound is the one aspect of your gaming setup that you've been content to overlook.

At the non-competitive end of the gaming spectrum, a high-quality gaming headset can pull you into game worlds like never before.

But whether you're a newbie or a veteran, you should be extracting every bit of immersion out of whatever game you're playing, which is why the AceZone A-Spire Wireless Hybrid Gaming Headset should be on your radar.

To that end, the new A-Spire Wireless contains a built-in precision DAC with 24-Bit/384kHz to ensure the acoustics reaching your ears are of the highest quality—every bullet whi…

9 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Iconic Dungeons & Dragons RPG Planescape: Torment was a 'B-Team' project that started life as 3 different games⁠—including a 3D dungeon crawler
Iconic Dungeons & Dragons RPG Planescape: Torment was a 'B-Team' project that started life as 3 different games⁠—including a 3D dungeon crawler Iconic Dungeons & Dragons RPG Planescape: Torment was a 'B-Team' project that started life as 3 different games⁠—including a 3D dungeon crawler

These were the heady years of 1996-'97, when Interplay was simultaneously publishing Baldur's Gate while internally developing Fallout and, eventually, Planescape: Torment.

Urquhart was head of Interplay's RPG division, which was then coalescing into the publisher's well-loved subsidiary, Black Isle Studios.

"I said, 'Ok, we need a game that we can go and actually just make without inventing new technology,'" Urquhart said.

"[Urquhart] just came one day and said, 'We're going to do a Planescape game,' and in my head I'm going 'What the fuck is that?'"

You can read Robert Zak's full retrospective feature on Planescape: Torment in issue 390/UK 402 of PC Gamer magazine.

12 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Nintendo Life Nintendo Life
последний пост 35 минут назад
Guide: Mario & Luigi: Brothership: Best Pre-Order Deals And Cheapest Prices
Guide: Mario & Luigi: Brothership: Best Pre-Order Deals And Cheapest Prices Guide: Mario & Luigi: Brothership: Best Pre-Order Deals And Cheapest Prices

Mario & Luigi: Brothership launches on Nintendo Switch on 7th November 2024.

If you're hoping to find the best deals and cheapest prices for the game, as well as details on any available pre-order bonuses like the newly-revealed Bon Voyage bundle, you're absolutely in the right place.

Below, we're keeping track of the best retail options available across the US, Canada, and UK.

Pre-Order Mario & Luigi: Brothership In The US & CanadaHere are your current options in the US and Canada:USCanadaJapanese VersionPre-Order Mario & Luigi: Brothership In The UK & IrelandThere are plenty of options in the UK, with the official My Nintendo Store offering a very cute 'Bon Voyage' bundle...UKIrelandBuy S…

35 минут назад @ nintendolife.com
An Alien: Isolation Sequel Is Officially In Development
An Alien: Isolation Sequel Is Officially In Development An Alien: Isolation Sequel Is Officially In Development

Rejoice, Alien: Isolation fans, for a sequel to the modern survival horror classic is officially in early development.

"It's hard to believe that it has been 10 years since we embarked on our journey with the release of ALIEN: ISOLATION™.

When we started developing ALIEN: ISOLATION, we had one guiding principle: to create a truly authentic experience that went back to the roots of the ALIEN™ franchise - a new story capturing the atmosphere and terror of the original 1979 movie masterpiece.

Today, I'm delighted to confirm, on behalf of the team, that a sequel to ALIEN: ISOLATION is in early development.

Naturally, we suspect that an Alien: Isolation sequel will boast significantly improved v…

1 час назад @ nintendolife.com
UK Charts: Zelda Echoes Last Week's Decent Performance
UK Charts: Zelda Echoes Last Week's Decent Performance UK Charts: Zelda Echoes Last Week's Decent Performance

The latest UK Charts data is in, and there's practically no difference for the top performers this week as both EA Sports FC 25 and The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom solidify their positions at 1 and 2 respectively.

The PS5's remaster of Until Dawn performed a bit better, however, and managed to nab the 14th spot in its debut week.

Another good week for Zelda, then!

If we're being honest, it's probably not going to topple EA Sports FC 25 at this point, but we doubt anything will.

Let us know what you think of the latest charts in the comments below.

1 час назад @ nintendolife.com
Talking Point: After A September No-Show, Will There Be An October Nintendo Direct?
Talking Point: After A September No-Show, Will There Be An October Nintendo Direct? Talking Point: After A September No-Show, Will There Be An October Nintendo Direct?

We're now one full week into October following the first September since 2016 without a really big Nintendo Direct.

Looking back at our Nintendo Direct broadcast history guide, it's all there in black and white (well, red and white).

If you count that as a full-fat Direct, 2015 was the last year we got through a September with no big Nintendo announcements.

Will there be an October 2024 Nintendo Direct, then?

Thursday 20th October 2016 was the date Nintendo first showed off Switch to the world (ha ha, ha ha, yeah).

3 часа назад @ nintendolife.com
Pour One Out For The Modchip Seller Facing Nintendo In Court Alone
Pour One Out For The Modchip Seller Facing Nintendo In Court Alone Pour One Out For The Modchip Seller Facing Nintendo In Court Alone

Back in July, Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Modded Hardware — an online store which, as you might expect, sells modded Switch consoles and chips — in its continued attempt to clamp down on piracy.

The agreement was obviously not upheld, leading Nintendo to submit a complaint to a Seattle federal court where Daly is accused of six different charges.

Alongside these responses, Daly has also submitted a list of 17 affirmative defences — a set of statements which if proven, defeat the consequences of the lawsuit.

It is unclear whether Daly will remain self-represented as things progress, though he could still request legal assistance before entering court.

Meanwhile, the Modded Hardware site…

4 часа назад @ nintendolife.com
Deals: Get Discounted Switch eShop Credit, Games And More In The Nintendo Life Store Sale
Deals: Get Discounted Switch eShop Credit, Games And More In The Nintendo Life Store Sale Deals: Get Discounted Switch eShop Credit, Games And More In The Nintendo Life Store Sale

Below, you can pick up discounted vouchers for eShop credit and Switch Online subscriptions that you can either use yourself, or gift to a friend.

By purchasing from our code store, you'll also be supporting the work we do here at Nintendo Life, so thank you ever so much in advance.

Nintendo Switch eShop CreditWant some free money?

These vouchers simply top up your Switch eShop account with credit, so you can even use this discounted credit on games that are currently on sale, saving even more in the process.

(Don't fret US friends – remember you can use the eShop credit vouchers above to buy any game you like!).

5 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Random: Fans Discover A Hidden Credits Screen In Zelda: Majora's Mask
Random: Fans Discover A Hidden Credits Screen In Zelda: Majora's Mask Random: Fans Discover A Hidden Credits Screen In Zelda: Majora's Mask

If you were lucky enough to own a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition promotional disc for GameCube and still happen to have it lying around, you might want to dig it out and try out this neat little easter egg hidden within The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.

As highlighted by YANIS4224 over on Paste Bin (thanks, Gaming Reinvented), if you enter a specific combination of button presses during gameplay, you'll be treated to a single credits screen showcasing the developers responsible for engineering the N64 emulator for the GameCube release.

made a quick recording showing this off in game pic.twitter.com/8zrdYpLhlo October 7, 2024The button combination is an expansion on the c…

5 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Fear Not, Sonic Team Plans To Support Last-Gen Consoles For A While
Fear Not, Sonic Team Plans To Support Last-Gen Consoles For A While Fear Not, Sonic Team Plans To Support Last-Gen Consoles For A While

Even though it seems everyone's attention is on what's next for Nintendo, Sonic Team is keeping last-gen consoles in mind as it looks to the future.

That is according to Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka, who, in a recent interview with IGN, claimed that he wants "as many people as possible to play" Sonic games, and the studio will keep supporting "lower spec consoles" to ensure that.

Coming out with those consoles, we feel that we can make newer Sonic games that can express the speed of Sonic and with much better gaming UI as well.

However, we want to support the lower spec constants as well.

We'll witness the studio's continued support for Switch later this month when Sonic X Shadow Generati…

6 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Feature: Nintendo Life eShop Selects & Readers' Choice (September 2024)
Feature: Nintendo Life eShop Selects & Readers' Choice (September 2024) Feature: Nintendo Life eShop Selects & Readers' Choice (September 2024)

We're fast approaching GOTY season, so it's time to strap in and look back at the best of September in this month's edition of eShop Selects.

Wait, what do you mean "a brand-new Zelda game came out last month"?

We know, don't worry — but what about all of those eShop exclusives, eh?

We'll be looking at September's eShop releases, and it was yet another busy month for the digital storefront.

Another eShop gem, Pizza Tower, topped the votes but we managed to get our review in.

1 day, 1 hour назад @ nintendolife.com
Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Mario Party Advance
Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Mario Party Advance Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Mario Party Advance

Hey everyone, welcome to this week's edition of Box Art Brawl!

North America followed behind with 27%, while the paired-back Japanese edition brought up the rear with 17%.

This week, as we gear up to Nintendo's next big release of 2024, we're taking a look at the Mario Party series.

Specifically, we're putting the series' first full portable title, Mario Party Advance (yep, we're skipping over the e-Reader's Mario Party-e there), under the microscope as we match up a duo of different designs from this 2005 GBA release.

Europe and North America opted for near-identical covers on this one, so it's a good old one-on-one battle against the Japanese variant.

1 day, 6 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Saudi Public Investment Fund Considering Increasing Its Stake In Nintendo
Saudi Public Investment Fund Considering Increasing Its Stake In Nintendo Saudi Public Investment Fund Considering Increasing Its Stake In Nintendo

The Saudi Arabia Public Investment Fund is considering increasing its stake in Nintendo and other gaming firms, it has been revealed.

PIF currently owns 8.58% of Nintendo currently, and is the largest outside investor in the company.

It has minority stakes in video game companies Nexon (10.53%), Keoi Tecmo (8.99%), and Capcom (6.60%).

Increased investment in gaming entities is part of Saudi Arabia's drive to reduce its reliance on oil exports, the nation's main source of wealth.

It initially took a 5% stake in Nintendo in 2022, increasing the stake to 6% the following year.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos Updated For Switch (Version 1.02), Here Are The Full Patch Notes
SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos Updated For Switch (Version 1.02), Here Are The Full Patch Notes SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos Updated For Switch (Version 1.02), Here Are The Full Patch Notes

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 779kThe retro fighter SNK vs. Capcom SVC Chaos this week received a new update adding feature improvements and bug fixes.

Full console patch notes below."

We're happy to announce the #SVCChaos 1.02 patch, previously released on Steam and GOG, is now available on PS4 and Switch as well.

Full console patch notes below.

This update also follows on from an update to the recently released Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection earlier this week.

1 day, 8 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom's Overworld Appears To Include Links To The Past
Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom's Overworld Appears To Include Links To The Past Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom's Overworld Appears To Include Links To The Past

When The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom was initially revealed, there was a fair bit of speculation about the new overworld and how it possibly linked up with the map in previous entries.

As highlighted on social media and elsewhere online by Zelda enthusiasts, it appears the new adventure does actually have some connections to the Super Nintendo classic A Link to the Past.

It’s truly amazing how Grezzo made the Echoes of Wisdom map with such care.

There are all sorts of other similarities between the two games, which seemingly confirms the link.

These connections appear to fueling speculation about the Zelda timeline and how it fits in with A Link to the Past and A Link Between Worlds.

1 day, 10 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
SteamWorld Heist II Has Received A New Update, Here's What's Included
SteamWorld Heist II Has Received A New Update, Here's What's Included SteamWorld Heist II Has Received A New Update, Here's What's Included

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 779kSince arriving on the Switch and other platforms in August, the turn-based action title SteamWorld Heist II has received ongoing support from the development team, and the latest update (Version 1.5) is now live.

"The headliner" according to the team, is that you can now "buy back rare items" you've sold from the new 'Used Goods' section at 'Argent's Articles'.

There are also some new options to improve the 'ship firing angle' and adjust the text speed.

Here's the full rundown (via Steam):Patch v1.5 Notes:New Features:Buy back previously sold rare items from Argent’s Articles in the new Used Goods section.

Your SteamWorld TeamAnd here's a bit about …

1 day, 11 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Atlus Reveals Top 10 'Most Popular' Characters In Unicorn Overlord
Atlus Reveals Top 10 'Most Popular' Characters In Unicorn Overlord Atlus Reveals Top 10 'Most Popular' Characters In Unicorn Overlord

Vanillaware's smash-hit tactical RPG Unicorn Overlord is currently celebrating more than one million sales, and as part of this, the game's developers recently held a special program.

This included Atlus revealing the top 10 most popular characters in the game, as voted by players.

These picks were based on each character's design, personality as well as their usefulness in combat.

Nigel was also apparently on the list (between Benrengaria and Virginia) but according to the source "he's not technically part of the ranking".

Here are the top 10 most popular character in Unicorn Overlord (via Siliconera):Rosalinde Melisandre Berengaria Virginia Alain Eltolinde Yunifi Scarlett Chloe TravisWhen…

1 day, 20 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Pocketgamer Pocketgamer
последний пост 2 months, 1 week назад
PUBG Mobile teases crazy upcoming updates in latest announcement
PUBG Mobile teases crazy upcoming updates in latest announcement PUBG Mobile teases crazy upcoming updates in latest announcement

PUBG Mobile, the hit battle royale from Krafton, has teased some upcoming updates. Suffice it to say with apparent entries like vampires vs werewolves, there's plenty there to unpack. Krafton also reported on their advances in trying to squash cheaters, with their latest efforts leading to a 40% reduction in reports. But enough about that, what's this about vampires? Yes, in September the newest in-game event has been teased as a supernatural crossover, with vampires and werewolves entering the battleground. While it's still early days, we do know that a big boss battle with a giant vampire bat in an enormous Gothic castle is very much on the cards. ... [MORE]

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
Children of Morta, Dead Mage's action roguelite, is coming to mobile thanks to Playdigious
Children of Morta, Dead Mage's action roguelite, is coming to mobile thanks to Playdigious Children of Morta, Dead Mage's action roguelite, is coming to mobile thanks to Playdigious

For many people, family is everything. And that can't be more true for the Bergsons. This monster-slaying family has watched over the land of Rhea for centuries. But when an ancient evil once more stalks the land and looms over Mount Morta, it'll be the fight of the millennia for this clan. And that's the story of the upcoming mobile release Children of Morta! First released back in 2019, this story-driven roguelite RPG is finally making its way to mobile. Releasing on iOS and Android, you can pre-register now. ... [MORE]

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
Netflix releases new game Sports Sports for some retro athletic fun
Netflix releases new game Sports Sports for some retro athletic fun Netflix releases new game Sports Sports for some retro athletic fun

With the Summer Olympics of 2024 in full swing, you may be a little rueful that you can't be at the events in sunny Paris. But if you're looking to get some of the excitement and drama of a big athletic contest in the palm of your hand, and you happen to be a Netflix subscriber, why not grab a copy of the newly-released Sports Sports? While it may not be the official game of the Olympics, Sports Sports still offers some amazing events. In this sports sim, you can try out 12 different minigames themed after popular athletic contests like track and field, swimming, archery and weightlifting. ... [MORE]

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
GameSir G8+ Bluetooth mobile controller review - "Everything you could want from a controller and more!"
GameSir G8+ Bluetooth mobile controller review - "Everything you could want from a controller and more!" GameSir G8+ Bluetooth mobile controller review - "Everything you could want from a controller and more!"

I always wanted to try playing some of my favourite mobile games with a controller, and until now, I haven't had the chance. I have to say, I've been missing out! I guess I was waiting for the right one because, to me, the GameSir G8+ Bluetooth mobile controller is just the perfect fit. Okay, okay, let's not jump the gun. Let me explain why this controller is so good, and after having tested it (extensively) in quite extreme scenarios. Wild Rift ranked mode, I'm looking at you. ... [MORE]

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
Order Daybreak Review - "A fun RPG with a convoluted plot"
Order Daybreak Review - "A fun RPG with a convoluted plot" Order Daybreak Review - "A fun RPG with a convoluted plot"

Order Daybreak is a new mobile MMORPG from developer Neocraft Limited that melds sci-fi and post-apocalyptic genres. You play as an Aegis Warrior who must gather allies to amass a force capable of taking on the corruption that wreaks havoc across the land. Order Daybreak features Four Classes ... [MORE]

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
Kings of the Castle breaks out from Apple Arcade and hits iOS proper
Kings of the Castle breaks out from Apple Arcade and hits iOS proper Kings of the Castle breaks out from Apple Arcade and hits iOS proper

Former Apple Arcade-exclusive Kings of the Castle is finally hitting mobile proper as it lands on the iOS App Store, as of the time of writing. Now, even if you're not a subscriber you can have a go at this intriguing, fast-paced and colourful obstacle course game. The dragon Zantorian has kidnapped Prince Rupert and locked him away in the castle. In response, Lord Baldor dispatches you, the princess, to save him. And you don't have long, to navigate hostile, unfamiliar territory to do just that. ... [MORE]

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
Knight Lancer review - “Gallop on and sing the chivalry song”
Knight Lancer review - “Gallop on and sing the chivalry song” Knight Lancer review - “Gallop on and sing the chivalry song”

If there’s any quote from works of literature that has a straightforward yet effective delivery, I am sure many will cast their vote to “To dream the impossible dream! That is my quest”, which is the key takeaway from Miguel's timeless Don Quixote. For daydreamers who ponder what this high-octane, high-risk mediaeval sport is like in modern times, Knight Lancer fulfils that dream as you start out as a downtrodden knight. Having your land stripped, you embark on a quest of vengeance to reclaim what’s rightfully yours and restore chivalry through bloodshed. Yearning for more retro games of knightly proportions? Gallop on! ... [MORE]

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
Mini Metro devs Dinosaur Polo Club unveil look at now-cancelled project Magic School
Mini Metro devs Dinosaur Polo Club unveil look at now-cancelled project Magic School Mini Metro devs Dinosaur Polo Club unveil look at now-cancelled project Magic School

We often don't hear about cancelled projects, for a variety of reasons. The developers might not feel comfortable revealing what could have been, the game may have barely exited the concept stage, or maybe it just wasn't any good to begin with. Not so with developer Dinosaur Polo Club's Magic School, a now-cancelled project set in, well, a magical school. You can see some of the concept art and screenshots from Magic School below. The project was intended to be a major departure from DPC's previous minimalist simulation games like Mini Metro and Mini Motorways. The project was cancelled after it became clear that it was growing too complex and unintuitive, although the team members were kep…

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
On PocketGamer.fun this week: Great Netflix games, surviving zombie hordes and Luna The Shadow Dust
On PocketGamer.fun this week: Great Netflix games, surviving zombie hordes and Luna The Shadow Dust On PocketGamer.fun this week: Great Netflix games, surviving zombie hordes and Luna The Shadow Dust

Regular readers of Pocket Gamer will be aware that we released a brand new website called PocketGamer.fun. It's a site we've made in collaboration with domain specialists Radix, intending to help you find your next favourite game quickly. So, if you're looking for distilled recommendations, head over to the site, be greeted with dozens of great games and download any that take your fancy. Alternatively, if you're happy with a little more reading, we'll regularly post articles like this one to update you on what we've posted on the site in the last week or so. ... [MORE]

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
Superliminal is a mind-bending dreamlike puzzler, out now for iOS and Android
Superliminal is a mind-bending dreamlike puzzler, out now for iOS and Android Superliminal is a mind-bending dreamlike puzzler, out now for iOS and Android

Dreams are strange, and that's a fact. They can seem very real, but everything can be just a little bit off. And in Noodlecake's Superliminal, that strangeness can hide some very real dangers as you explore the inside of your own mind after falling asleep in front of an ad for dream therapy (or did you?). Superliminal is dreamlike in a very real sense. The core component of gameplay is perspective, as depending on where you place and handle objects, they'll change size, shape and even definition. You need to use the bizarre nature of your dreamlike world to your advantage as you progress and solve puzzles. ... [MORE]

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
Pokemon GO's Mega Rayquaza makes a comeback while Team GO Rocket takes centre stage in latest update
Pokemon GO's Mega Rayquaza makes a comeback while Team GO Rocket takes centre stage in latest update Pokemon GO's Mega Rayquaza makes a comeback while Team GO Rocket takes centre stage in latest update

Pokemon GO fans have plenty of reasons to get catching as Mega Rayquaza comes back with a vengeance at a special raid event, offering Trainers their chance on August 3rd. Raid Hours will be at 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. local time, and if you were waiting to hatch Mega Rayquaza last month, this should hopefully make up for all the trouble during the initial raid. In the latest update to Pokemon GO, you can look forward to an increased Remote Raid Pass limit to 20 beginning August 2nd at 5:00 p.m. to August 3rd at 8:00 p.m. PDT. ... [MORE]

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
Who's getting first dibs on the Xbox Mobile Store?
Who's getting first dibs on the Xbox Mobile Store? Who's getting first dibs on the Xbox Mobile Store?

You may remember back in May when we reported on Xbox president Sarah Bond proclaiming that they would have a mobile store up by July of this year. Well, it seems that time is right around the corner, and not a moment too soon! As reported by the folks over at Windows Central, a web page for early access to the Xbox Mobile store was spotted online. Judging by the error message, at the moment this is planned to be rolled out to those participating in the Xbox Insiders program first. ... [MORE]

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
Cookie Run Kingdom: Financier Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide
Cookie Run Kingdom: Financier Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide Cookie Run Kingdom: Financier Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide

The time has come to explore the front liner that has been dominating the Arena and a lot of the other content for CRK, Financier Cookie! I've created this Financier Cookie guide to help you pick the best Toppings for her, as well as the best Beascuits. Since she is such a popular cookie, and the cookie of choice for many players out there, high or low, she has a pretty standard build by this point. This build is designed to make her extremely tanky, but also provide useful heals and shields to the team. ... [MORE]

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
Cookie Run Kingdom: Pure Vanilla Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide
Cookie Run Kingdom: Pure Vanilla Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide Cookie Run Kingdom: Pure Vanilla Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide

If you're curious about the best Toppings for Pure Vanilla Cookie, this is the guide you need. With powers stemming from the mysterious Shadow Milk Cookie's Soul Jam, Pure Vanilla Cookie is an Ancient healer that fits any team. This cookie used to be one of the most powerful healers in CRK, but once Mystic Flour Cookie was released, she swiftly took his spot on most teams. There is also Snapdragon Cookie who is a safeguard healer, but that's an entirely different story. ... [MORE]

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
Words Across America challenges your musical knowledge and vocabulary, out now on iOS and Android
Words Across America challenges your musical knowledge and vocabulary, out now on iOS and Android Words Across America challenges your musical knowledge and vocabulary, out now on iOS and Android

POMDP, Inc. has announced the official launch of Words Across America, inviting everyone to join in on some wholesome music trivia fun on mobile. Out now on iOS and Android, the trivia-slash-word game challenges your vocabulary while putting your musical know-how to the test at the same time. In Words Across America, you can look forward to enjoying puzzles on license plates without having to worry about any third-party tracking or sneaky invasion of privacy. The family-developed title is committed to confidentiality, so you can rest assured your privacy is safe and secure. ... [MORE]

2 months, 1 week назад @ pocketgamer.com
UploadVR + Road to VR UploadVR + Road to VR
последний пост 1 час назад
The Meta Quest Link PC App Now Has Casting & Remote Desktop Built In
The Meta Quest Link PC App Now Has Casting & Remote Desktop Built In The Meta Quest Link PC App Now Has Casting & Remote Desktop Built In

You no longer need 3 separate PC applications for official Meta Quest casting, PC VR, and remote desktop.

Now, Meta has built casting into Meta Quest Link.

Meta has also changed Meta Quest Link's logo from white to black, solving the problem of it having the exact same logo as Meta Quest Developer Hub.

Meta Quest Remote Desktop was previously required to view your PC screen in the Remote Display and Horizon Workrooms Quest apps, but its functionality has now been merged into Meta Quest Link too.

But if you only need casting, PC VR, and remote desktop, you can now get by with just Meta Quest Link on your PC.

1 час назад @ uploadvr.com
You Can Generate A New Meta Avatar From A Selfie
You Can Generate A New Meta Avatar From A Selfie You Can Generate A New Meta Avatar From A Selfie

Though Meta didn't announce it, you can generate a new Meta Avatar by taking a selfie.

The new Meta Avatars with overhauled graphics and animations launched last week, after being officially confirmed at Meta Connect.

But what Meta didn't announce, neither at Connect nor when launching the new avatars, was that you can generate a new one using your smartphone's front camera.

To do so, just open the Meta Horizon phone app, navigate to your avatar, and create a new one.

Eventually it's possible the same scan could be used to generate a Codec Avatar too, offering you two virtual versions of your self, cartoonish and realistic.

5 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Bounce Arcade Could Be Baller If It Hones The Fundamentals
Bounce Arcade Could Be Baller If It Hones The Fundamentals Bounce Arcade Could Be Baller If It Hones The Fundamentals

That's where Bounce Arcade by Velan Studios comes in.

It's a fun learning experience, as Bounce Arcade truly nails the kinetic nature of its core gameplay.

So at its core, Bounce Arcade nails the core fundamentals.

While Bounce Arcade nails the fundamentals, the stages those mechanics are thrust into are a bit more inconsistent.

Bounce Arcade arrives on November 21 for $20 on the Meta Quest platform.

5 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Metro Awakening Graphics Comparison: Quest 3 vs PlayStation VR2
Metro Awakening Graphics Comparison: Quest 3 vs PlayStation VR2 Metro Awakening Graphics Comparison: Quest 3 vs PlayStation VR2

Metro Awakening gameplay serves as an interesting graphics comparison between standalone and console VR.

If you missed it, on Friday Vertigo Games and Deep Silver shared six minutes of Metro Awakening gameplay running standalone on Quest 3, a day after sharing similar gameplay on PlayStation VR2.

Metro Awakening is coming to Quest 2 and Quest Pro too, but we haven't yet seen what it looks like on those older headsets, which have less than half the GPU performance of Quest 3 and Quest 3S.

As for the gameplay of Metro Awakening, UploadVR's Henry Stockdale recently played a 45-minute demo of the game on PlayStation VR2.

Metro Awakening will arrive on November 7 on Meta Quest headsets, PlayStat…

5 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Apple Hosted visionOS Developers At Its Headquarters For "Cozy" Event
Apple Hosted visionOS Developers At Its Headquarters For "Cozy" Event Apple Hosted visionOS Developers At Its Headquarters For "Cozy" Event

Apple hosted a number of visionOS developers at its headquarters for an event that's been described as a kind of "Cozy WWDC".

"It was a fantastic experience, and I hope Apple holds many more like it," one developer wrote.

"Because the event centered on one topic and visionOS is a very new platform, all of us developers were in the same boat.

'”Apple started selling Vision Pro for $3,500 in February only in the United States, adding additional regions by June and updating the operating system to visionOS 2 in September.

Apple's "cozy" event as well as a steady string of content releases show the tech giant's strategy is largely in line with Meta's long-term strategy toward both headsets and …

18 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Rival Stars Horse Racing: VR Edition Is Nintendogs For Horse Girls
Rival Stars Horse Racing: VR Edition Is Nintendogs For Horse Girls Rival Stars Horse Racing: VR Edition Is Nintendogs For Horse Girls

Before stepping into my Rival Stars Horse Racing: VR Edition demo at Gamescom this year, I'll admit that I wasn’t the biggest fan of horses.

Based on the PC and Mobile game Rival Stars, the VR Edition adapts many existing systems like breeding and training.

In these moments, Rival Stars Horse Racing: VR Edition reminded me of early '00s games like Barbie Horse Adventures and Nintendogs, which leverage the freedom of virtual pet ownership with sincere bond-building.

It’s still early days for Rival Stars Horse Racing: VR Edition, but there’s plenty to love already.

Rival Stars Horse Racing: VR Edition is coming to PC VR and the Meta Quest platform in Q2 2025.

1 day, 3 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
ICYMI This Week: Asgard’s Wrath 2, Ironstrike, Innerspace & More
ICYMI This Week: Asgard’s Wrath 2, Ironstrike, Innerspace & More ICYMI This Week: Asgard’s Wrath 2, Ironstrike, Innerspace & More

Catching up on this week's latest VR news?

Vive Ultimate Trackers now support any PC VR headset, and PS VR2 joined the top 10 VR headsets on Steam.

Beat Saber is getting Britney Spears DLC, Asgard's Wrath 2 joined the Quest+ Games Catalog, and a new MR pet game is coming from Bogo's creator.

Ironstrike Receives PC VR Release Next WeekPreviously released on Quest last November, the VR fantasy roguelike Ironstrike is heading for Steam.

If you'd like to inform us about a VR game we should know about for this article or future updates, you can use our contact page or email [email protected] with details.

2 days, 3 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Watch 6 Minutes Of Metro Awakening Running Standalone On Quest 3
Watch 6 Minutes Of Metro Awakening Running Standalone On Quest 3 Watch 6 Minutes Of Metro Awakening Running Standalone On Quest 3

Vertigo Games and Deep Silver shared six minutes of Metro Awakening gameplay running standalone on Quest 3.

Metro Awakening is set five years before the hit flatscreen game Metro 2033, and is also written by the series creator Dmitry Glukhovsky.

UploadVR's Henry Stockdale recently played a 45-minute demo of the game on PlayStation VR2.

Metro Awakening will arrive on November 7 on Meta Quest headsets, PlayStation VR2, Steam, and Viveport PC.

While the gameplay footage shown here is running on Quest 3, the game will also support the older Quest 2 and Quest Pro headsets (albeit with inferior graphics) as well as the new Quest 3S.

3 days назад @ uploadvr.com
Detective VR Is On The Case Next Year On Quest
Detective VR Is On The Case Next Year On Quest Detective VR Is On The Case Next Year On Quest

Detective VR is a narrative investigation game designed for mixed reality, and that's arriving next year on Quest.

Developed by Valem Studio, Detective VR lets you "control time, collect clues, and interview witnesses" via passthrough across your play space.

Following last year's demo at Meta Connect, Valem Studio founder Quentin Valembois recently showcased a new teaser, which you can watch below.

While LA Noire: The VR Case Files hit the ground running back in 2017, last year's Home Detective also turns your living room into a crime scene through mixed reality.

Detective VR currently targets an early 2025 launch, and you can play the demo now on Quest.

3 days, 1 hour назад @ uploadvr.com
Godot Engine Details Recent VR & Mixed Reality Support Improvements
Godot Engine Details Recent VR & Mixed Reality Support Improvements Godot Engine Details Recent VR & Mixed Reality Support Improvements

The Godot engine has recently made significant improvements to its support for VR and mixed reality.

A breakdown of the improvements was shared by Bastiaan Olij, the core developer for XR support in Godot.

Body tracking support has been added using Godots Humanoid Skeleton as a base which allows various body tracking devices to leverage Godots retargeting logic.

Improved WebXR Support"WebXR support in Godot is seeing continuous improvement, most notably the addition of hand tracking support, but also support for MSAA and a number of smaller bug fixes and improvements.

Meta-Specific ImprovementsEnhanced Passthrough & Hand-Tracking Support"On top of the standardisation of passthrough and hand…

3 days, 2 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Band Space Turns You Into The Ultimate VR Rockstar Later This Month
Band Space Turns You Into The Ultimate VR Rockstar Later This Month Band Space Turns You Into The Ultimate VR Rockstar Later This Month

Band Space hits the right notes by turning you into the ultimate rockstar on Meta Quest and PC VR on October 24, 2024.

For now, players can enjoy 30 different tracks, and take part in a mixed-reality mode on Meta Quest headsets.

While Rock Band VR already happened but has since been delisted, Band Space serves as a different take on the rhythm game genre.

In our Band Space impressions of the demo, we praised the game's multiplayer offerings but hit detection issues caused some frustrations.

Band Space releases on October 24 on PC VR via Steam and the Meta Quest platform.

3 days, 3 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
‘Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom’ Hands-on — Promises of Immersion Dulled By Restrictive Gameplay
‘Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom’ Hands-on — Promises of Immersion Dulled By Restrictive Gameplay ‘Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom’ Hands-on — Promises of Immersion Dulled By Restrictive Gameplay

Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom is a new sort of VR film hybrid for Quest, mashing up a movie’s worth of real-time rendered narrative with sprinkles of first-person gameplay, billing itself an ‘interactive anime’.

Silver Phantom, which enlists you as the protagonist in the beloved mecha-filled world, will no doubt tickle the fancy of hardcore Gundam fans by virtue of the fact that, well, it’s Gundam, however most others will probably be left scratching their heads.

In Silver Phantom’s quest to offer up both embodiment and immersion though—slightly different concepts—its managed to fumble both at the same time.

It’s a flashy, sometimes fun experience that Gundam fans will probably gel wit…

3 days, 4 hours назад @ roadtovr.com
Human Fall Flat VR Is Coming Soon To Quest, Steam & PSVR 2
Human Fall Flat VR Is Coming Soon To Quest, Steam & PSVR 2 Human Fall Flat VR Is Coming Soon To Quest, Steam & PSVR 2

Human Fall Flat, the comedic puzzle platformer, will receive a VR adaptation this Halloween on Quest, Steam, and PlayStation VR2.

Developed by No Brakes Games and published by Curve Games (Lawn Mowing Simulator VR), Human Fall Flat VR adapts the 2016 physics-based flatscreen game with a new control scheme.

0:00 / 0:18 1×Curve Games states the VR adaptation is a "completely new experience" from the original game that uses a third-person view.

Though solo gameplay is supported, Human Fall Flat VR supports co-op for up to three friends as you tackle various challenges.

Human Fall Flat VR arrives on October 31 on the Meta Quest platform, Steam, and PlayStation VR2.

3 days, 5 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Theater Elsewhere Now Home To Impactful Quill VR Animations On Quest
Theater Elsewhere Now Home To Impactful Quill VR Animations On Quest Theater Elsewhere Now Home To Impactful Quill VR Animations On Quest

Meta is reintroducing its VR Animation Player as Theater Elsewhere, now home to some of the best non-interactive VR experiences you can have on Quest.

The overhaul of Meta's VR Animation Player gives Quest headset owners a fresh reason to discover the storytelling power in linear hand-drawn VR artwork.

Meta handed off the creativity app Quill to its creator years ago, with the PC-based software allowing artists using Touch controllers to sketch out entire stories directly in VR with their hands.

The viewer app was first called Quill Theater, then VR Animation Player, and now it's called Theater Elsewhere with a simple one-handed remote control system.

If you're interested in adding your own…

3 days, 17 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Snapstick Delivers An Absurdly Funny Premise Let Down By Repetitive Puzzles
Snapstick Delivers An Absurdly Funny Premise Let Down By Repetitive Puzzles Snapstick Delivers An Absurdly Funny Premise Let Down By Repetitive Puzzles

The puzzle game brings you a variety of different sets that find you moving blocks around, casting shadows in the right formations, or pointing lasers in different directions.

Developed by My Dog Zorro, Snapstick is a mixed reality puzzle game where you can either use your hands or your controllers to complete a variety of mini puzzles.

0:00 / 1:20 1×In the opening moments, Snapstick seems like a relatively simple puzzle game.

Snapstick delivers its comedy brilliantly, bringing back gags regularly and occasionally at unexpected times.

The comedy approach is so utterly absurd and hilarious that it makes the simple puzzles in between feel tedious and, ultimately, very boring.

3 days, 23 hours назад @ uploadvr.com