Игры, железки и геймдев
Бета-версия подборки новостей об играх и всём, что с ними связано
На русском
последний пост 11 часов назад
Для Indiana Jones and the Great Circle вышел первый патч — в нём добавили трассировку пути на ПК
Для Indiana Jones and the Great Circle вышел первый патч — в нём добавили трассировку пути на ПК Для Indiana Jones and the Great Circle вышел первый патч — в нём добавили трассировку пути на ПК

И исправили несколько десятков багов.

11 часов назад @ dtf.ru
«Моана 2» вошла в пятёрку по сборам за 2024 год — она заработала 600 миллионов долларов
«Моана 2» вошла в пятёрку по сборам за 2024 год — она заработала 600 миллионов долларов «Моана 2» вошла в пятёрку по сборам за 2024 год — она заработала 600 миллионов долларов

В России лидером уикенда стала картина «Приключения Паддингтона 3».

11 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Фото: Хидео Кодзима тестирует Death Stranding 2 — и засыпает
Фото: Хидео Кодзима тестирует Death Stranding 2 — и засыпает Фото: Хидео Кодзима тестирует Death Stranding 2 — и засыпает

Геймдизайнер признался, что не высыпается.

12 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Состоялся анонс Covenant — «соулслайк»-шутера в сеттинге тёмного фэнтези
Состоялся анонс Covenant — «соулслайк»-шутера в сеттинге тёмного фэнтези Состоялся анонс Covenant — «соулслайк»-шутера в сеттинге тёмного фэнтези

Ближний бой в игре тоже будет — врагов получится пинать, захватывать и валить на землю, чтобы казнить.

13 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Bloomberg: Sony и Apple вместе работают над поддержкой контроллеров от PS VR2 для гарнитуры Vision Pro
Bloomberg: Sony и Apple вместе работают над поддержкой контроллеров от PS VR2 для гарнитуры Vision Pro Bloomberg: Sony и Apple вместе работают над поддержкой контроллеров от PS VR2 для гарнитуры Vision Pro

Их планируют начать продавать отдельно.

15 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Инсайдер: South of Midnight выпустят в марте 2025 года
Инсайдер: South of Midnight выпустят в марте 2025 года Инсайдер: South of Midnight выпустят в марте 2025 года

У Microsoft будет очень плотное начало года.

16 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Bloomberg: iPhone 17 Air станет примерно на 2 мм тоньше, чем iPhone 16 Pro
Bloomberg: iPhone 17 Air станет примерно на 2 мм тоньше, чем iPhone 16 Pro Bloomberg: iPhone 17 Air станет примерно на 2 мм тоньше, чем iPhone 16 Pro

Смартфон окажется самым тонким в истории Apple.

18 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Obsidian о свободе в Avowed: почти каждый квест можно начать разными способами
Obsidian о свободе в Avowed: почти каждый квест можно начать разными способами Obsidian о свободе в Avowed: почти каждый квест можно начать разными способами

Цель разработчиков — пробуждать у игроков чувство исследования и жажду странствий.

22 часа назад @ dtf.ru
«Я должен вызволить её отсюда»: полноценный трейлер второго сезона «Разделения»
«Я должен вызволить её отсюда»: полноценный трейлер второго сезона «Разделения» «Я должен вызволить её отсюда»: полноценный трейлер второго сезона «Разделения»

Новые серии — новые тайны.

1 day, 10 hours назад @ dtf.ru
Sony Pictures начала тизерить «28 лет спустя»
Sony Pictures начала тизерить «28 лет спустя» Sony Pictures начала тизерить «28 лет спустя»

Трейлер фильма, похоже, выйдет в ближайшие дни.

1 day, 14 hours назад @ dtf.ru
В Fortnite появятся матчи формата «5 на 5» от первого лица в духе Counter-Strike
В Fortnite появятся матчи формата «5 на 5» от первого лица в духе Counter-Strike В Fortnite появятся матчи формата «5 на 5» от первого лица в духе Counter-Strike

Ранний доступ «Линии огня» стартует 11 декабря — игроки смогут принять участие в обычных и рейтинговых сражениях.

1 day, 15 hours назад @ dtf.ru
Сиквел «Джокера» вошёл в пятёрку самых популярных фильмов ноября у российских «пиратов»
Сиквел «Джокера» вошёл в пятёрку самых популярных фильмов ноября у российских «пиратов» Сиквел «Джокера» вошёл в пятёрку самых популярных фильмов ноября у российских «пиратов»

«Мегалополису» Копполы удалось попасть в топ-10.

1 day, 16 hours назад @ dtf.ru
Path of Exile 2 дебютировала в Steam с пиковым онлайном 459 тысяч человек и «очень положительными» отзывами от игроков
Path of Exile 2 дебютировала в Steam с пиковым онлайном 459 тысяч человек и «очень положительными» отзывами от игроков Path of Exile 2 дебютировала в Steam с пиковым онлайном 459 тысяч человек и «очень положительными» отзывами от игроков

Авторы ARPG относительно быстро исправили проблемы с серверами.

1 day, 18 hours назад @ dtf.ru
СМИ: звезда «Теда Лассо» Бретт Голдстин — кандидат на роль Хагрида в сериале «Гарри Поттер»
СМИ: звезда «Теда Лассо» Бретт Голдстин — кандидат на роль Хагрида в сериале «Гарри Поттер» СМИ: звезда «Теда Лассо» Бретт Голдстин — кандидат на роль Хагрида в сериале «Гарри Поттер»

А у Шэрон Хорган есть шанс сыграть профессора Макгонагалл.

1 day, 20 hours назад @ dtf.ru
В студии Deck Nine Games прошла вторая за 2024 год волна сокращений
В студии Deck Nine Games прошла вторая за 2024 год волна сокращений В студии Deck Nine Games прошла вторая за 2024 год волна сокращений

Спустя чуть больше месяца после выхода Life is Strange: Double Exposure.

1 day, 21 hours назад @ dtf.ru
Stopgame Stopgame
последний пост 11 часов назад
Авторы Secret Level опубликовали свежие отрывки из трёх эпизодов
Авторы Secret Level опубликовали свежие отрывки из трёх эпизодов Авторы Secret Level опубликовали свежие отрывки из трёх эпизодов

Всего за пару дней до премьеры антологии Secret Level сотрудники Amazon выложили в Сеть небольшие фрагменты из трёх эпизодов, призванные продемонстрировать зрителям качество анимации.

В отрывке из эпизода по Sifu показано, как главный герой сражается с бандой в узком коридоре.

Из описания роликаВ эпизоде по Armored Core зрителей ждёт динамичное сражение летающих мехов, которые пользуются не только огнестрелом, но и оружием ближнего боя.

Из описания роликаПод конец авторы показали перестрелки на арене из Unreal Tournament, где ведущая роль досталась роботам.

Из описания роликаSecret Level стартует 10 декабря на Prime Video.

11 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Анонсирован Covenant — мрачный боевик от первого лица в сеттинге тёмного фэнтези
Анонсирован Covenant — мрачный боевик от первого лица в сеттинге тёмного фэнтези Анонсирован Covenant — мрачный боевик от первого лица в сеттинге тёмного фэнтези

Независимая студия Legion представила анонсирующий трейлер своего дебютного экшена под названием Covenant.

По описанию проект является «FPS-соулслайком» от первого лица с элементами метроидвании в мире тёмного фэнтези, где помимо сюжетной кампании заявлен кооперативный режим с поддержкой PvP.

Герой должен пойти по следу своего предшественника, чтобы узнать подробности его гибели и раскрыть великую тайну мироздания.

Разработчики обещают представить обширный мир с взаимосвязанными локациями для исследования, сложные битвы с боссами, головоломки, платформинг, а также разнообразный арсенал оружия и способностей.

На данный момент в списке целевых платформ для Covenant значится только ПК (Steam и…

13 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Кооперативный рогалик Ravenswatch получит несколько DLC и новых персонажей
Кооперативный рогалик Ravenswatch получит несколько DLC и новых персонажей Кооперативный рогалик Ravenswatch получит несколько DLC и новых персонажей

Авторы Ravenswatch из французской студии Passtech Games поделились платном контентной поддержки игры на 2025 год.

Платное DLC с набором косметических предметов.

Бесплатное DLC с двумя новыми играбельными героями , каждый из которых похвастается своим набором уникальных способностей ближнего и дальнего боя.

Третий апдейт с ворами и новыми квестами.

Ravenswatch доступна на ПК (Steam), PlayStation и Xbox с русской локализацией текста и поддержкой кроссплатформенного кооператива.

14 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
В ранней сборке Deadlock появился новый играбельный герой в лице советского шпиона
В ранней сборке Deadlock появился новый играбельный герой в лице советского шпиона В ранней сборке Deadlock появился новый играбельный герой в лице советского шпиона

На сей раз в игру добавили нового персонажа, коим стал советский шпион по кличке Ворон, доступный для тестирования в Hero Labs.

Неустанно преследуя свою цель, оперативник, известный как Ворон, прочесал Землю в поисках странных артефактов, апокрифических писаний и мудрости загробной жизни.

Теперь в Нью-Йорке Ворон пытается найти способ вселить дух Екатерины в смертную оболочку.

Кроме того, в арсенале Ворона имеется оглушающая граната, которая замедляет противников и увеличивает входящий по ним урон со спины на 70 %.

Если смотреть на Ворона слишком долго, то на бойца будет наложено проклятие.

16 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Видеопамять важнее, чем вы думаете — разбор ПК-версии Indiana Jones от DF
Видеопамять важнее, чем вы думаете — разбор ПК-версии Indiana Jones от DF Видеопамять важнее, чем вы думаете — разбор ПК-версии Indiana Jones от DF

Например, в разрешении 1440p видеокарта RTX 3080 с 10 Гб на борту не в силах кэшировать текстуры ультра качества без значительного ухудшения производительности.

Разрешение 2160p/4K 8 Гб видеопамяти — не работает.

Есть проблемы и с качеством теней, но грядущая опция с полным рейтрейсингом должна исправить ситуацию.

В Indiana Jones and the Great Circle есть динамическое разрешение, но по какой-то причине оно работает только с TAA, но не с DLSS.

Есть жалобы и на кат-сцены — анимация в них порой отрисовывается в 30 fps.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Для Potion Craft вышел большой патч — с новым балансом и ныряльщиком Дэйвом
Для Potion Craft вышел большой патч — с новым балансом и ныряльщиком Дэйвом Для Potion Craft вышел большой патч — с новым балансом и ныряльщиком Дэйвом

В игру ввели древо талантов, содержащее 50 с лишним новых талантов.

Вы встретите множество новых клиентов и персонажей: от искателей приключений и бандитов до приглашённой звезды — главного героя Dave the Diver .

Читай также Дэйв и друзья — в Dave the Diver стартовал кроссовер с Balatro и Potion CraftРецепты в Алхимической Машине стали менее утомительными.

Прошлые сохранения работают и в свежей версии.

Поддержка игры не завершена — скоро авторы предложат новые легендарные вещества и соли, книги рецептов, типы ингредиентов, улучшения для алхимического снаряжения и многое другое.

1 day, 13 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Ролевой экшен Where Winds Meet выйдет 27 декабря на ПК, но только в Китае
Ролевой экшен Where Winds Meet выйдет 27 декабря на ПК, но только в Китае Ролевой экшен Where Winds Meet выйдет 27 декабря на ПК, но только в Китае

Разработчики из китайской Everstone Studio подготовили красивый трейлер ролевого боевика Where Winds Meet.

В нём есть и завораживающие пейзажи, и драки, и даже бег по воде.

В Where Winds Meet смешались открытый мир, приключение и боевые искусства.

Управлять предстоит молодым фехтовальщиком, который вырос в эпоху вечных войн и конфликтов.

Именно отсюда растут ноги всех этих невозможных пируэтов и бега по воде.

1 day, 14 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
В основе новой игры от автора The Stanley Parable лежит пережитое им выгорание
В основе новой игры от автора The Stanley Parable лежит пережитое им выгорание В основе новой игры от автора The Stanley Parable лежит пережитое им выгорание

В выпущенном недавно трейлере гейм-дизайнер не только озвучил дату релиза, но и рассказал о процессе создания тайтла.

Однако девушка не хочет там находиться и не воспринимает этот поворот судьбы как возможность сделать передышку.

И тогда я решил сделать уютный тайтл, что-то простое и спокойное, что позволит мне исцелиться и вернуть баланс жизни.

Процесс исцеления довольно неприятный и мучительный, и я хочу узнать, как это сделать.

Но как же тяжело этого достичь, боже мой.

1 day, 14 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
СМИ: акционеры Ubisoft обсуждают возможные условия выкупа студии
СМИ: акционеры Ubisoft обсуждают возможные условия выкупа студии СМИ: акционеры Ubisoft обсуждают возможные условия выкупа студии

Как пишет Reuters, в настоящее время акционеры Ubisoft Entertainment обсуждают, как можно было бы всё организовать, чтобы сохранить при этом контроль семьи Гиймо (Guillemot), основавшей студию.

Семейство Гиймо , являющееся крупнейшим акционером компании, уже несколько недель ведёт разговоры с Tencent и другими инвесторами о выкупе французской компании.

Тем временем в Tencent, которая владеет второй по величине долей акций Ubisoft, пока не решили, участвовать ли в авантюре, чтобы нарастить процент акций.

Тот же источник добавил, что китайский гигант хочет иметь больше влияния на будущие решения совета директоров, но семья Гиймо не горит желанием это допускать.

Текущий план фирмы — проявить т…

1 day, 16 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
В студии авторов Life is Strange: Double Exposure снова сокращения
В студии авторов Life is Strange: Double Exposure снова сокращения В студии авторов Life is Strange: Double Exposure снова сокращения

Deck Nine Games, создавшая в том числе Life is Strange: True Colors и недавнюю Life is Strange: Double Exposure, снова в кризисе.

Сокращения в студии проходят уже второй раз за год.

По словам руководителя, влияние в том числе оказали «тяжёлые времена, которые коснулись многих компаний в индустрии».

За 2024 год более 14 600 человек потеряли работу в игровой индустрии, а по некоторым подсчётам цифра превышает уже 16 000 человек.

Ранее стало известно, что Ubisoft уволит около 300 специалистов в связи с закрытием шутера XDefiant и самой студии, ответственной за него.

1 day, 16 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Почему Emperor's Tomb – настоящая игра про Индиану Джонса
Почему Emperor's Tomb – настоящая игра про Индиану Джонса Почему Emperor's Tomb – настоящая игра про Индиану Джонса

Смотри «Разбор полётов» Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb:

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1 day, 19 hours назад @ youtube.com
Изумительная For The King II попадёт на консоли и в Game Pass 12 декабря
Изумительная For The King II попадёт на консоли и в Game Pass 12 декабря Изумительная For The King II попадёт на консоли и в Game Pass 12 декабря

Пошаговый кооперативный рогалик For The King II от IronOak Games получит релиз на консолях Xbox One, Xbox Series и PlayStation 5 12 декабря.

Небольшая студия, где к релизу игры на ПК было всего 13 человек, завершила работу над консольной версией и патчами.

Развлекаться можно и в одиночку, но по-настоящему игра раскрывается в компании друзей.

ДжубиТакже разработчики из IronOak Games заявили, что к выходу готовится версия для PlayStation 4 в первом квартале 2025 года.

Добавим, что в игре есть кросс-плей.

2 days, 2 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Подписчики Prime получили бесплатно 10 игр к выходу Secret Level
Подписчики Prime получили бесплатно 10 игр к выходу Secret Level Подписчики Prime получили бесплатно 10 игр к выходу Secret Level

В каталог сервиса Prime Gaming добавили 10 тайтлов, связанных с франшизами из анимационного сериала.

Подписчики Prime получили на ограниченное время следующие тайтлы:В списке не оказалось ни одного тайтла Sony, хита Sifu и, конечно же, упокоенной Concord.

Также стоит отметить, что для запуска Mega Man 11 потребуется облачный сервис Amazon Luna.

Также стоит отметить, что The Outer Worlds хоть и представлена в подборке оригинальной игрой, в самом сериале события будут связаны уже с сиквелом RPG, который пока в разработке.

Анимационная антология Secret Level от Blur Studio выйдет 10 октября на стриминге Prime Video.

2 days, 3 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Ремастер Croc: Legend of the Gobbos стартует в начале 2025-го
Ремастер Croc: Legend of the Gobbos стартует в начале 2025-го Ремастер Croc: Legend of the Gobbos стартует в начале 2025-го

Переиздание 3D-платформера Croc: Legend of the Gobbos задерживается — студия Argonaut Games перенесла релиз с конца 2024-го на первый квартал 2025-го.

Мы ценим вашу поддержку и продолжаем трудиться, чтобы возродить Croc в наилучшем виде.

Из обращения Argonaut GamesНапомним, Croc: Legend of the Gobbos увидела свет в 1997 году.

Ещё одна новинка — виртуальный музей с материалами о создании игры, такими как дизайн-документы, арты, эксклюзивные интервью и ранние версии саундтрека.

Обновлённая Legend of the Gobbos заглянет на ПК (GOG), PlayStation, Xbox и Nintendo Switch.

2 days, 10 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Хорошая анимация и слабые сюжеты — критики не в восторге от антологии Secret Level
Хорошая анимация и слабые сюжеты — критики не в восторге от антологии Secret Level Хорошая анимация и слабые сюжеты — критики не в восторге от антологии Secret Level

До премьеры амбициозной антологии Secret Level осталось всего несколько дней, но журналисты уже успели поделиться своими впечатлениями.

По мнению журналистов, антология больше похожа не на самостоятельное произведение, а на сборник рекламных трейлеров с Е3, где преобладает бездумный экшен.

Если Secret Level и не является очевидной маркетинговой уловкой, то проект всё равно передаёт ощущения как при просмотре одного видеоигрового трейлера за другим.

Стивен Нгуен Скайф (Steven Nguyen Scaife) из IGNЗа все 15 эпизодов Secret Level так и не удосуживается объяснить, почему любой из эти миров достоин исследования.

Эндрю Вебстер (Andrew Webster) из The VergeТо, насколько Secret Level понравится кон…

2 days, 11 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Игромания Игромания
последний пост 2 часа назад
В «хайп-трейлере» The Game Awards 2024 показали GTA 6, сериал Fallout и других номинантов
В «хайп-трейлере» The Game Awards 2024 показали GTA 6, сериал Fallout и других номинантов

Организаторы The Game Awards опубликовали «хайп-трейлер» грядущего шоу с номинантами этого года.

2 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Аудитория шутера Marvel Rivals в духе Overwatch превысила 10 млн игроков за 3 дня с релиза
Аудитория шутера Marvel Rivals в духе Overwatch превысила 10 млн игроков за 3 дня с релиза

Marvel Rivals — убийца Overwatch для одних, китайская копия Overwatch для других — привлекла 10 млн игроков по всему миру всего за 3 дня с релиза.

2 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Bethesda и MachineGames выпустили Indiana Jones and the Great Circle на PC и Xbox Series
Bethesda и MachineGames выпустили Indiana Jones and the Great Circle на PC и Xbox Series

Состоялся полноценный релиз Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, нового приключения Bethesda и MachineGames, на PC и Xbox Series (а также в Game Pass). В России новинка официально недоступна.

3 часа назад @ igromania.ru
PC-версию Indiana Jones and the Great Circle протестиррвали на производительность
PC-версию Indiana Jones and the Great Circle протестиррвали на производительность

PC-версию Indiana Jones and the Great Circle протестировали на производительность, используя широкий спектр видеокарт, включая AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT, RX 7900 XTX и Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti, RTX 3080 и RTX 4090, а также процессор AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D (32GB).

20 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Ravenswatch получит несколько дополнений и дуэт героев в 2025 году
Ravenswatch получит несколько дополнений и дуэт героев в 2025 году

Рогалик Ravenswatch получит в 2025 году бесплатное дополнение с двумя новыми героями, играбельными только в кооперативе. Первый будет бойцом ближнего боя, а второй — стрелком.

23 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Valve презентовала нового персонажа Deadlock и выпустила к игре обновление
Valve презентовала нового персонажа Deadlock и выпустила к игре обновление

В популярной MOBA Deadlock от Valve появился новый герой — Рэйвен, вместе с которым вышло и обновление. Рэйвен — стильно одетый советский шпион с зонтом-оружием доступен для тестирования в Hero Labs.

23 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Бывший глава Blizzard назвал Marvel Rivals китайской копией Overwatch
Бывший глава Blizzard назвал Marvel Rivals китайской копией Overwatch

Релиз шутера Marvel Rivals оказался успешным, и ему не помешали постоянные сравнения с Overwatch.

1 day, 13 hours назад @ igromania.ru
Fortnite становится шутером от первого лица в новом режиме «Линия огня»
Fortnite становится шутером от первого лица в новом режиме «Линия огня»

Epic Games объявила, что с 11 декабря в Fortnite появится новый соревновательный режим.

1 day, 14 hours назад @ igromania.ru
«Болливудское» приключение Detective Dotson выйдет в апреле 2025 года
«Болливудское» приключение Detective Dotson выйдет в апреле 2025 года

Индийская независимая студия Masala Games объявила дату релиза приключенческого детектива Detective Dotson.

1 day, 15 hours назад @ igromania.ru
Уютное чайное приключение Wanderstop выйдет в марте
Уютное чайное приключение Wanderstop выйдет в марте

Студия Ivy Road, основанная разработчиками The Stanley Parable и Gone Home, объявила дату релиза своего дебютного проекта, Wanderstop.

1 day, 16 hours назад @ igromania.ru
Square Enix похвасталась многомиллионными продажами игр серии Dragon Quest
Square Enix похвасталась многомиллионными продажами игр серии Dragon Quest

Меньше месяца назад состоялся релиз обновлённой версии приключения Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake.

1 day, 17 hours назад @ igromania.ru
Создатели MMO Soulframe показали волка-компаньона и социальный хаб
Создатели MMO Soulframe показали волка-компаньона и социальный хаб

Компания Digital Extremes провела специальную трансляцию, посвящённую очередному обновлению Preludes к онлайновой ролевой игре Soulframe.

1 day, 18 hours назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы Vetrix Worlds анонсировали боевик Steampunk Shinobi
Авторы Vetrix Worlds анонсировали боевик Steampunk Shinobi

Студия Vagabond, известная по серии аркадных головоломок Vetrix, анонсировала свой новый проект.

1 day, 18 hours назад @ igromania.ru
Ремастер Croc: Legend of the Gobbos отложили на 2025 год
Ремастер Croc: Legend of the Gobbos отложили на 2025 год

Студия Argonaut Games решила отложить выпуск ремастера трёхмерного платформера Croc: Legend of the Gobbos. Это решение продиктовано желанием лучше отполировать игру и «добавить последние штрихи».

1 day, 19 hours назад @ igromania.ru
Hunt: Showdown 1896 войдет в подписку Game Pass
Hunt: Showdown 1896 войдет в подписку Game Pass

Разработчики из студии Crytek в своих соцсетях объявили о том, что онлайн-экшен Hunt: Showdown 1896 станет частью Game Pass 12 декабря.

1 day, 19 hours назад @ igromania.ru
IXBT.games IXBT.games
последний пост 4 минуты назад
Технология PSSR в PS5 Pro сталкивается с проблемами роста в определенных играхНовая технология искусственного интеллекта PlayStation для масштабирования изображения не лишена недостатков и ограничений, и некоторые игры после её использования выглядят хуже.
Технология PSSR в PS5 Pro сталкивается с проблемами роста в определенных играхНовая технология искусственного интеллекта PlayStation для масштабирования изображения не лишена недостатков и ограничений, и некоторые игры после её использования выглядят хуже. Технология PSSR в PS5 Pro сталкивается с проблемами роста в определенных играхНовая технология искусственного интеллекта PlayStation для масштабирования изображения не лишена недостатков и ограничений, и некоторые игры после её использования выглядят хуже.

Технология PSSR в PS5 Pro сталкивается с проблемами роста в определенных играхНовая технология искусственного интеллекта PlayStation для масштабирования изображения не лишена недостатков и ограничений, и некоторые игры после её использования выглядят хуже.

4 минуты назад @ t.me
Ubisoft движется к приватизации и демонтажу в 2025 году — экспертЭксперт индустрии видеоигр Йост ван Дрюнен считает, что Ubisoft будет приватизирована и расформирована в 2025 году, поскольку французская компания строит планы по безопасному поглощению.
Ubisoft движется к приватизации и демонтажу в 2025 году — экспертЭксперт индустрии видеоигр Йост ван Дрюнен считает, что Ubisoft будет приватизирована и расформирована в 2025 году, поскольку французская компания строит планы по безопасному поглощению. Ubisoft движется к приватизации и демонтажу в 2025 году — экспертЭксперт индустрии видеоигр Йост ван Дрюнен считает, что Ubisoft будет приватизирована и расформирована в 2025 году, поскольку французская компания строит планы по безопасному поглощению.

Ubisoft движется к приватизации и демонтажу в 2025 году — экспертЭксперт индустрии видеоигр Йост ван Дрюнен считает, что Ubisoft будет приватизирована и расформирована в 2025 году, поскольку французская компания строит планы по безопасному поглощению.

24 минуты назад @ t.me
Marvel Rivals набрала 10 миллионов игроков за 72 часа, сравнявшись с Apex LegendsНовая супергеройская игра NetEase преодолела огромный рубеж, набрав восьмизначное число игроков всего за несколько дней.
Marvel Rivals набрала 10 миллионов игроков за 72 часа, сравнявшись с Apex LegendsНовая супергеройская игра NetEase преодолела огромный рубеж, набрав восьмизначное число игроков всего за несколько дней. Marvel Rivals набрала 10 миллионов игроков за 72 часа, сравнявшись с Apex LegendsНовая супергеройская игра NetEase преодолела огромный рубеж, набрав восьмизначное число игроков всего за несколько дней.

Marvel Rivals набрала 10 миллионов игроков за 72 часа, сравнявшись с Apex LegendsНовая супергеройская игра NetEase преодолела огромный рубеж, набрав восьмизначное число игроков всего за несколько дней.

44 минуты назад @ t.me
На пике популярности. Path of Exile 2 обошла бесплатные новинки Marvel Rivals и Delta ForcePath of Exile 2 была одной из самых ожидаемых игр на рынке, о чем свидетельствует высокий интерес в Steam.
На пике популярности. Path of Exile 2 обошла бесплатные новинки Marvel Rivals и Delta ForcePath of Exile 2 была одной из самых ожидаемых игр на рынке, о чем свидетельствует высокий интерес в Steam. На пике популярности. Path of Exile 2 обошла бесплатные новинки Marvel Rivals и Delta ForcePath of Exile 2 была одной из самых ожидаемых игр на рынке, о чем свидетельствует высокий интерес в Steam.

На пике популярности. Path of Exile 2 обошла бесплатные новинки Marvel Rivals и Delta ForcePath of Exile 2 была одной из самых ожидаемых игр на рынке, о чем свидетельствует высокий интерес в Steam.

1 час назад @ t.me
Apple и Sony работают над совместными VR-решениями — слухТема виртуальной реальности затрагивает миллионы геймеров по всему миру и в последнее время ситуация на этом рынке становится всё интереснее.
Apple и Sony работают над совместными VR-решениями — слухТема виртуальной реальности затрагивает миллионы геймеров по всему миру и в последнее время ситуация на этом рынке становится всё интереснее. Apple и Sony работают над совместными VR-решениями — слухТема виртуальной реальности затрагивает миллионы геймеров по всему миру и в последнее время ситуация на этом рынке становится всё интереснее.

Apple и Sony работают над совместными VR-решениями — слухТема виртуальной реальности затрагивает миллионы геймеров по всему миру и в последнее время ситуация на этом рынке становится всё интереснее.

1 час назад @ t.me
Приключения на консолях в For the King 2 начнутся в декабреЛюбителей пошаговых ролевых игр определённо заинтересует серия For the King от независимой студии IronOak Games. Скоро появится возможность оценить игру на консолях.
Приключения на консолях в For the King 2 начнутся в декабреЛюбителей пошаговых ролевых игр определённо заинтересует серия For the King от независимой студии IronOak Games. Скоро появится возможность оценить игру на консолях. Приключения на консолях в For the King 2 начнутся в декабреЛюбителей пошаговых ролевых игр определённо заинтересует серия For the King от независимой студии IronOak Games. Скоро появится возможность оценить игру на консолях.

Приключения на консолях в For the King 2 начнутся в декабреЛюбителей пошаговых ролевых игр определённо заинтересует серия For the King от независимой студии IronOak Games. Скоро появится возможность оценить игру на консолях.

1 час назад @ t.me
South of Midnight от разработчиков We Happy Few выйдет в марте — слухПоявляется всё больше слухов о том, что произойдет на The Game Awards 2024, и информаторы пытаются привлечь к себе внимание, делясь информацией, которая ещё не раскрыта продюсерами.
South of Midnight от разработчиков We Happy Few выйдет в марте — слухПоявляется всё больше слухов о том, что произойдет на The Game Awards 2024, и информаторы пытаются привлечь к себе внимание, делясь информацией, которая ещё не раскрыта продюсерами. South of Midnight от разработчиков We Happy Few выйдет в марте — слухПоявляется всё больше слухов о том, что произойдет на The Game Awards 2024, и информаторы пытаются привлечь к себе внимание, делясь информацией, которая ещё не раскрыта продюсерами.

South of Midnight от разработчиков We Happy Few выйдет в марте — слухПоявляется всё больше слухов о том, что произойдет на The Game Awards 2024, и информаторы пытаются привлечь к себе внимание, делясь информацией, которая ещё не раскрыта продюсерами.

1 час назад @ t.me
На этой неделе на Xbox выйдет 29 новых игрКоманда Xbox традиционно подготовила список игр, которые появятся на консолях Microsoft на текущей неделе.
На этой неделе на Xbox выйдет 29 новых игрКоманда Xbox традиционно подготовила список игр, которые появятся на консолях Microsoft на текущей неделе. На этой неделе на Xbox выйдет 29 новых игрКоманда Xbox традиционно подготовила список игр, которые появятся на консолях Microsoft на текущей неделе.

На этой неделе на Xbox выйдет 29 новых игрКоманда Xbox традиционно подготовила список игр, которые появятся на консолях Microsoft на текущей неделе.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Baldur's Gate 3 получила улучшенную русскую озвучку с меньшим числом ошибок в ударениях. Геймеры отметили повышение качестваИз-за масштабов Baldur's Gate 3 трудно ожидать полноценную озвучку, но современные технологии позволяют техно-энтузиастам решить это
Baldur's Gate 3 получила улучшенную русскую озвучку с меньшим числом ошибок в ударениях. Геймеры отметили повышение качестваИз-за масштабов Baldur's Gate 3 трудно ожидать полноценную озвучку, но современные технологии позволяют техно-энтузиастам решить это Baldur's Gate 3 получила улучшенную русскую озвучку с меньшим числом ошибок в ударениях. Геймеры отметили повышение качестваИз-за масштабов Baldur's Gate 3 трудно ожидать полноценную озвучку, но современные технологии позволяют техно-энтузиастам решить это

Baldur's Gate 3 получила улучшенную русскую озвучку с меньшим числом ошибок в ударениях. Геймеры отметили повышение качестваИз-за масштабов Baldur's Gate 3 трудно ожидать полноценную озвучку, но современные технологии позволяют техно-энтузиастам решить этот вопрос.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Блогер сделал свою GTA 6 и показал геймплей с озвучкой. Он использовал утечки, трейлер и фанатскую карту Vice City в качестве референсовВ ожидании Grand Theft Auto 6 некоторые не скучают. Энтузиасты сами создают желанную игру.
Блогер сделал свою GTA 6 и показал геймплей с озвучкой. Он использовал утечки, трейлер и фанатскую карту Vice City в качестве референсовВ ожидании Grand Theft Auto 6 некоторые не скучают. Энтузиасты сами создают желанную игру. Блогер сделал свою GTA 6 и показал геймплей с озвучкой. Он использовал утечки, трейлер и фанатскую карту Vice City в качестве референсовВ ожидании Grand Theft Auto 6 некоторые не скучают. Энтузиасты сами создают желанную игру.

Блогер сделал свою GTA 6 и показал геймплей с озвучкой. Он использовал утечки, трейлер и фанатскую карту Vice City в качестве референсовВ ожидании Grand Theft Auto 6 некоторые не скучают. Энтузиасты сами создают желанную игру.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Создателю Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 объявили локальный бойкот. Некоторых возмутил «троллинг» по поводу онлайна Dragon Age The Veilguard и первой KCDПерсоны с активной жизненной позицией не прошли мимо нашумевшей публикации разработчика Kingdom Come Delive
Создателю Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 объявили локальный бойкот. Некоторых возмутил «троллинг» по поводу онлайна Dragon Age The Veilguard и первой KCDПерсоны с активной жизненной позицией не прошли мимо нашумевшей публикации разработчика Kingdom Come Delive Создателю Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 объявили локальный бойкот. Некоторых возмутил «троллинг» по поводу онлайна Dragon Age The Veilguard и первой KCDПерсоны с активной жизненной позицией не прошли мимо нашумевшей публикации разработчика Kingdom Come Delive

Создателю Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 объявили локальный бойкот. Некоторых возмутил «троллинг» по поводу онлайна Dragon Age The Veilguard и первой KCDПерсоны с активной жизненной позицией не прошли мимо нашумевшей публикации разработчика Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 в социальной сети. Даниэль Вавра оказался «на прицеле».

2 часа назад @ t.me
Моддер TES V Skyrim представил некстген-механику отрубания головКому-то захотелось вывести процесс отрубания голов в The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim на новый уровень.
Моддер TES V Skyrim представил некстген-механику отрубания головКому-то захотелось вывести процесс отрубания голов в The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim на новый уровень. Моддер TES V Skyrim представил некстген-механику отрубания головКому-то захотелось вывести процесс отрубания голов в The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim на новый уровень.

Моддер TES V Skyrim представил некстген-механику отрубания головКому-то захотелось вывести процесс отрубания голов в The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim на новый уровень.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Авторы LEGO Fortnite спародировали арт с героями Grand Theft Auto 6Grand Theft Auto 6 не успела выйти, но уже привлекла много внимания. Игра не вышла, но уже делают отсылки к ней в самых неожиданных местах.
Авторы LEGO Fortnite спародировали арт с героями Grand Theft Auto 6Grand Theft Auto 6 не успела выйти, но уже привлекла много внимания. Игра не вышла, но уже делают отсылки к ней в самых неожиданных местах. Авторы LEGO Fortnite спародировали арт с героями Grand Theft Auto 6Grand Theft Auto 6 не успела выйти, но уже привлекла много внимания. Игра не вышла, но уже делают отсылки к ней в самых неожиданных местах.

Авторы LEGO Fortnite спародировали арт с героями Grand Theft Auto 6Grand Theft Auto 6 не успела выйти, но уже привлекла много внимания. Игра не вышла, но уже делают отсылки к ней в самых неожиданных местах.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Босс Xbox Фил Спенсер раскрыл свои итоги 2024 года — Vampire Survivors в топ-3 игр не попалаФил Спенсер тоже играет в игры. В 2024 году он изучил много проектов, некоторые особенно сильно его увлекли.
Босс Xbox Фил Спенсер раскрыл свои итоги 2024 года — Vampire Survivors в топ-3 игр не попалаФил Спенсер тоже играет в игры. В 2024 году он изучил много проектов, некоторые особенно сильно его увлекли. Босс Xbox Фил Спенсер раскрыл свои итоги 2024 года — Vampire Survivors в топ-3 игр не попалаФил Спенсер тоже играет в игры. В 2024 году он изучил много проектов, некоторые особенно сильно его увлекли.

Босс Xbox Фил Спенсер раскрыл свои итоги 2024 года — Vampire Survivors в топ-3 игр не попалаФил Спенсер тоже играет в игры. В 2024 году он изучил много проектов, некоторые особенно сильно его увлекли.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Босс франшизы Diablo вспомнил, как пришёл в Blizzard и увидел ненавистную философию «Всё будет готово, когда будет готово»Так удачно сложилось обстоятельства, что менеджер, ответственный за Diablo 4 и франшизу в целом, раскрыл свой подход к работе.
Босс франшизы Diablo вспомнил, как пришёл в Blizzard и увидел ненавистную философию «Всё будет готово, когда будет готово»Так удачно сложилось обстоятельства, что менеджер, ответственный за Diablo 4 и франшизу в целом, раскрыл свой подход к работе. Босс франшизы Diablo вспомнил, как пришёл в Blizzard и увидел ненавистную философию «Всё будет готово, когда будет готово»Так удачно сложилось обстоятельства, что менеджер, ответственный за Diablo 4 и франшизу в целом, раскрыл свой подход к работе.

Босс франшизы Diablo вспомнил, как пришёл в Blizzard и увидел ненавистную философию «Всё будет готово, когда будет готово»Так удачно сложилось обстоятельства, что менеджер, ответственный за Diablo 4 и франшизу в целом, раскрыл свой подход к работе.

3 часа назад @ t.me
На английском
последний пост 3 часа назад
Dune: Prophecy Episode 4 Review – “Twice Born”
Dune: Prophecy Episode 4 Review – “Twice Born”

Dune: Prophecy’s worst tendencies (and its pale Game of Thrones impression) are on full display.

3 часа назад @ ign.com
AU Deals: A Free LEGO Skywalker Saga, Hundreds Off Humble Bundles, 54 bucks for GT7, and More!
AU Deals: A Free LEGO Skywalker Saga, Hundreds Off Humble Bundles, 54 bucks for GT7, and More!

Another week, another mound of mad gaming deals. Get in and secure some bargains before they get deleted.

4 часа назад @ ign.com
Daily Deals: Sackboy: A Big Adventure, Astro Bot, Sonic X Shadow Generations, and More
Daily Deals: Sackboy: A Big Adventure, Astro Bot, Sonic X Shadow Generations, and More 9 часов назад @ ign.com
Disneyland 70th Anniversary Celebrations Announced for 2025 and Beyond: 'Celebrate Happy'
Disneyland 70th Anniversary Celebrations Announced for 2025 and Beyond: 'Celebrate Happy'

Disneyland is celebrating its 70th anniversary in 2025 and Disney Parks has revealed how the Happiest Place on Earth will be celebrating this huge milestone! This guide will ensure you don't miss a thing for this big party that begins in May 2025 and runs through Summer 2026.

12 часов назад @ ign.com
Beats Headphones Over 50% Off In Todays UK Deals
Beats Headphones Over 50% Off In Todays UK Deals

As of Dec. 7, Beats headphones are on sale in the UK with savings up to 57%. Get Beats Studio3 for £149.99 and more!

17 часов назад @ ign.com
These Are the 10 Most Popular Items Bought from IGN's Social Media in Amazon’s Cyber Monday Sale
These Are the 10 Most Popular Items Bought from IGN's Social Media in Amazon’s Cyber Monday Sale

Let's see what 10 items have been popping off most from IGN Deals social media accounts since Amazon opened the Cyber Monday official deals floodgates on December 2.

1 day, 1 hour назад @ ign.com
Dandy's World Codes (December 2024)
Dandy's World Codes (December 2024) 1 day, 6 hours назад @ ign.com
Anime Shadow Codes (December 2024)
Anime Shadow Codes (December 2024)

Looking for free tickets in Anime Shadow? These codes have you covered.

1 day, 6 hours назад @ ign.com
Basketball Legends Codes (December 2024)
Basketball Legends Codes (December 2024) 1 day, 6 hours назад @ ign.com
Bee Swarm Simulator Codes (December 2024)
Bee Swarm Simulator Codes (December 2024) 1 day, 6 hours назад @ ign.com
Creatures of Sonaria Codes (December 2024)
Creatures of Sonaria Codes (December 2024)

Looking to score some free goodies in Creatures of Sonaria? Check out these codes.

1 day, 6 hours назад @ ign.com
Does Pets Go Have Codes? (December 2024)
Does Pets Go Have Codes? (December 2024) 1 day, 6 hours назад @ ign.com
DOORS Codes (December 2024)
DOORS Codes (December 2024) 1 day, 6 hours назад @ ign.com
Driving Empire Codes (December 2024)
Driving Empire Codes (December 2024) 1 day, 6 hours назад @ ign.com
Evade Codes (December 2024)
Evade Codes (December 2024) 1 day, 6 hours назад @ ign.com
Rock Paper Shotgun Rock Paper Shotgun
последний пост 14 часов назад
What's on your bookshelf?: Divinity: Original Sin 2, Baldur's Gate 3, and Saltsea Chronicles’ Charlene Putney
What's on your bookshelf?: Divinity: Original Sin 2, Baldur's Gate 3, and Saltsea Chronicles’ Charlene Putney What's on your bookshelf?: Divinity: Original Sin 2, Baldur's Gate 3, and Saltsea Chronicles’ Charlene Putney

Booked For The Week is our weekly chat with industry folk about the books they love, have loved, and are hoping to love in the future.

Everyone knows about ‘hardback’ and ‘softback’ books, but have you heard of the quickly discontinued ‘rice puddingback’?

This week, it’s Charlene Putney, who’s been writing for games for over ten years, including bits for Divinity: Original Sin 2, Baldur's Gate 3, NUTS, and Saltsea Chronicles!

I’m also re-reading fragments of Too Loud A Solitude by Bohumil Hrabal for an upcoming book club I’m leading on it.

I would love to design the narrative backend for all of the memory loss and loops in there.

14 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The RPS Advent Calendar 2024, December 8th
The RPS Advent Calendar 2024, December 8th The RPS Advent Calendar 2024, December 8th

It's Ubisoft metroidvania Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown!

This is a Prince Of Persia game where you don't play as the prince.

But whether you're a long-term fan or a total newcomer, what matters is how The Lost Crown feels in the hands.

Jeremy: I have many feelings about how Ubisoft mismanaged Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.

Because The Lost Crown deserved better.

18 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The Sunday Papers
The Sunday Papers The Sunday Papers

The Sunday Papers is our weekly roundup of great writing about (mostly) videogames from across the web.

They might forget the user's name and call them "Kent," for example, and when the user asks, "who's Kent?"

At any rate these are still the four suits still found in Italian and Spanish playing cards today, and are sometimes referred to as the Latin suits.

Metafilter surfaced this 2018 article on the history of playing cards earlier this week.

Music this week could be the previously featured Doechii, who did an excellent Tiny Desk Concert this week.

19 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Ballionaire, the physics roguelike in which you build pachinko boards, drops on December 10th
Ballionaire, the physics roguelike in which you build pachinko boards, drops on December 10th Ballionaire, the physics roguelike in which you build pachinko boards, drops on December 10th

There's no perfect time to release a video game, but if I were deciding when to release one, do you know when I'd do it?

"Pachinko-inspired" might conjure certain images, and recent pachinko roguelike Peglin among them.

Ballionaire takes a different tact, with no traditional goblin-based combat staredown at the top of the screen.

Instead, players are charged with designing the pachinko bored itself, placing different kinds of pegs in advance of their ball's descent.

There's then a roguelike wrapper around this bally good time: it's run-based, there are many different boards to encounter, there are between-board upgrades, and so on.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Escape Simulator 2 announced with promises of Dracula's castle and an improved escape room editor
Escape Simulator 2 announced with promises of Dracula's castle and an improved escape room editor Escape Simulator 2 announced with promises of Dracula's castle and an improved escape room editor

I had a few merry evenings playing Escape Simulator back in 2022.

Of the co-op escape room games I've played, it was the best, both in terms of its relatively neutral framing (with little heavyhanded storytelling) and its pretty solid puzzle design.

Escape Simulator 2 will explore "darker escape room themes", looks visually more detailed, and comes with a new editor for those who wish to design their own escape rooms.

"We were inspired to explore darker escape room themes and experiment with new gameplay and puzzle ideas.

The original Escape Simulator came with a toolkit with which community members made many, many escape rooms of their own.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Caves Of Qud, one of the most exciting development projects in PC gaming, hit 1.0 this week
Caves Of Qud, one of the most exciting development projects in PC gaming, hit 1.0 this week Caves Of Qud, one of the most exciting development projects in PC gaming, hit 1.0 this week

Late or not, I can't let it pass unremarked upon: Caves Of Qud, the vast, weird roguelike which has been in development for 17 years, hit version 1.0.

Caves Of Qud has a complex, reactive, detailed world, but it's worth stating that it was never as obtuse in its menus or controls as its peer.

After 17 years of work, they're going to take a break, they say.

We haven't had a proper appraisal of Caves Of Qud since Marsh skated across its mutant pond upon its arrival in Steam Early Access nine years ago.

Now that Brendy is done with Indy's tombs, he's going to turn his attention to Qud's caves for a review before the end of the year.

1 day, 9 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The RPS Advent Calendar 2024, December 7th
The RPS Advent Calendar 2024, December 7th The RPS Advent Calendar 2024, December 7th

The RPS Advent Calender 2024 is underway!

Or I think that's a load-bearing pillar over there - may as well just bring down the entire advent calendar to find out what's behind today's door.

Released in December 2023, it was late enough in the year to remain eligible for 2024's advent calendar.

Yes, yes it would.

Head back to the advent calendar to open another door!

1 day, 18 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
What are we all playing this weekend?
What are we all playing this weekend? What are we all playing this weekend?

JamesNo games for me this weekend, as I box up my PC in preparation for a flat move.

JeremyThis weekend I will be playing a crafting game called 'decorate a Christmas tree and clean up all of the pine needles that fall on the floor before the dogs chew them.'

I will also be playing a Soulslike called 'navigate London's Christmas markets with the wife.'

OllieThe support meta in Apex Legends is getting a bit silly, so we're probably gonna take a little break from that this weekend.

But you, reader dear, what are you playing this weekend?...

1 day, 22 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The Witcher 3’s Gwent is getting a full physical game next year, so you too can play cards while the world burns
The Witcher 3’s Gwent is getting a full physical game next year, so you too can play cards while the world burns The Witcher 3’s Gwent is getting a full physical game next year, so you too can play cards while the world burns

Both (the best Final Fantasy game) Final Fantasy 8’s Squall and The Witcher 3’s Geralt simply cannot get enough of leaving their friends and the entire world in mortal peril while they sneak in a quick round of cards, and I love them for it.

Now, Hatchette Board Games is putting out a full physical edition of Gwent next year.

A good Gwent deck consists of only about 25 cards.

Then there was the rather good Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales, which wove Gwent into a single-player story.

In other Witchly news, The Witcher 4 has entered "the most intensive phase of development".

2 days, 9 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Canine filth-criminal Doronko Wanko is getting some new dog breeds to cause tangible financial damage with
Canine filth-criminal Doronko Wanko is getting some new dog breeds to cause tangible financial damage with Canine filth-criminal Doronko Wanko is getting some new dog breeds to cause tangible financial damage with

Where were you during the Summer of Doronko Wanko?

Why, I remember it like it was March, and not actually Summer, when the delightful free game about a mucky pomeranian was unleashed into the world.

Roughly translating to ‘covered in mud doggy’, the game set you the task of racking up tangible financial damage to your owner’s house by getting mud everywhere - first by normal dog means, and then with giant mud cannons.

It isn’t arriving until next Spring, but it’s bringing three new mystery dog breeds with it when it does.

Although I’m sure one of you bastards will find a way to ruin it for me.

2 days, 10 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Mandatory ray tracing makes Indiana Jones and the Great Circle pretty yet brutal, like Indy himself
Mandatory ray tracing makes Indiana Jones and the Great Circle pretty yet brutal, like Indy himself Mandatory ray tracing makes Indiana Jones and the Great Circle pretty yet brutal, like Indy himself

And yet here we are, with Indiana Jones and the Great Circle loving its ray tracing so much that the effects can’t ever be fully switched off.

The Great Circle is, as far as I know, the first to make hardware-based ray tracing mandatory, hence the prevalence of GeForce RTX and newer AMD cards in its system requirements.

In English, that roughly translates into “No ray tracing hardware?

Sometimes, it works fabulously: on the RTX 4090, for instance, it boosted that 69fps average on Supreme settings right up to 133fps.

It's also worth noting that this isn’t even The Great Circle’s final form – it’s set to add "full ray tracing", AKA path tracing, in an update on December 9th.

2 days, 13 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Indiana Jones And The Great Circle review: a grand adventure that keeps faith with the movies
Indiana Jones And The Great Circle review: a grand adventure that keeps faith with the movies Indiana Jones And The Great Circle review: a grand adventure that keeps faith with the movies

The Hitlerites and blackshirts of Indiana Jones And The Great Circle sneeze and cough as they patrol the dig sites of Gizeh, or the marble corridors of the Vatican.

Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / BethesdaIt's thankfully not long until you're out of this famous scene, and exploring the artifact collections at Indy's university campus.

But I like how Machine Games begin our boy's journey in the exact space he's always harping on about - a quiet museum.

Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / BethesdaAll this meant I didn't find the punching all that enjoyable at first.

In the same way, Machine Games have reproduced the experience of the Lucasfilm movies in a 99% accurate form.

2 days, 17 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The RPS Advent Calendar 2024, December 6th
The RPS Advent Calendar 2024, December 6th The RPS Advent Calendar 2024, December 6th

The RPS Advent Calender 2024 is underway!

Open a door, then back here again, open a door, then back here again.

James: I don’t know if I’d call Hades 2 a roguelike for people who don’t like roguelikes, because it is very, very roguelikey.

And yet here am: just a boy who hates roguelikes, with all their for-the-sake-of-it difficulty and lack of respect for my time, and has nonetheless tossed Hades 2 enough advent calendar votes to now be writing its intro piece.

Head back to the advent calendar to open another door!

2 days, 18 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The Beastmaster of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, part two: the Zone bites back
The Beastmaster of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, part two: the Zone bites back The Beastmaster of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, part two: the Zone bites back

Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/GSC Game WorldThis, surprisingly, turns out to be quite a few: I manage to repair some radio masts, track down a lost stalker squad, and uncover some tradeable artifacts, all without firing a shot.

Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/GSC Game WorldThe problem, I decide, is that I’m adopting them from the wrong places.

Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/GSC Game WorldAfter escaping, I’m free to leave the Lesser Zone behind and venture north-eastward, through the charmingly named region of Garbage and into a storm-ravaged set of plains.

Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/GSC Game WorldAll the more infuriating, then, when none of that happens.

Image credit: Rock Paper…

2 days, 18 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Total Chaos is a grimy horror FPS from the Turbo Overkill devs
Total Chaos is a grimy horror FPS from the Turbo Overkill devs Total Chaos is a grimy horror FPS from the Turbo Overkill devs

I think It’s safe to say that Trigger Happy Interactive’s upcoming survival horror Total Chaos is a bit of a palette change from their last offering - the frenetic, neon-drenched, chainsaw-legged Turbo Overkill.

Still, it’s not often we see psychological horror combined with ultraviolence, and anything that gives off even a whiff of Condemned: Criminal Origins has my attention.

Crafting for Survival: Build and upgrade weapons using scavenged materials to stand a chance against the relentless terrors stalking you.

Total Chaos is “Coming soon”.

I’d say “not soon enough!” but I don’t know how soon they mean, so that’d be like, possibly a lie.

3 days, 7 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Polygon Polygon
последний пост 3 months, 4 weeks назад
All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game
All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game

Arrowhead just added new enemies, like the Impaler!

In past patches, seeing new threats emerge organically on the battlefield was a thrill.

Helldivers 2 is also in a somewhat unique situation; since propaganda from our in-game superiors is such a core part of the setting, it makes sense to have the game actively gaslight players about new enemies and updates.

As Helldivers 2 continues, I hope Arrowhead doesn’t shift to sharing upcoming surprises in blog posts and promotional materials.

I want to be absolutely shocked as these new enemies show up and turn my poor Helldiver into chunky salsa; it keeps things fresh.

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone
New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone

The developers of Stalker 2, GSC Game World, released a massive 35-minute video to YouTube on Monday teasing the upcoming sequel of their beloved open-world shooter franchise.

In it, the Ukrainian team described how they leaned heavily into the authenticity of the experience.

That authenticity applies to the game’s real-world setting around the Chornobyl nuclear power plant.

STALKER 2 was originally expected on Sept. 5, but was delayed to Nov. 20.

The final game will be available on PC and Xbox Series X, where it will be included as part of the Xbox Game Pass program and available to all subscribers the day of its release.

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam
Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam

At this point, I think we can safely assume that nobody is going to spend their hard-earned money on tickets to see the Borderlands movie.

The reviews from fans and critics have been absolutely scathing, and frankly, I think we all deserved better.

If you’d like to experience what is still the best version of Borderlands, you can currently pick up the Borderlands Collection: Pandora’s Box from Steam for just $37.12.

Pandora’s Box is a comprehensive collection of the four mainline titles in the Borderlands franchise in addition to all of their corresponding DLC, including cosmetic items and other extras, which total a $664.47 value.

Along with the FPS entries attached to the Borderlands lice…

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi
Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi

Baldur’s Gate 3 won the premier award for narrative excellence in sci-fiction and fantasy media on Sunday.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is the second video game to win the newly created category at the annual Hugo Awards.

The organization attempted to create an award for Best Interactive Video Game in 2006 but didn’t receive enough nominations.

That makes Baldur’s Gate 3 only the second game to win the award.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has already won the Game of the Year Award at five major video game award ceremonies: the Golden Joystick Awards, The Game Awards, the D.I.C.E.

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus
Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus

Netflix wanted to be in on the One Piece business — so much so that not only are they just doing live-action One Piece (with season 2 currently in production), they’re also working with Wit Studio to remake the One Piece anime.

The One Piece, said forthcoming anime that was first announced in December last year, would be running concurrently with the still airing One Piece anime.

One Piece now means something different than One Piece then, and a new anime could add a bit of polish to those first chapters.

The creative team at Wit wants very badly to get everything just right, as the new behind-the-scenes look at The One Piece above shows.

So how exactly do they capture what “One Piece” real…

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale
The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale

The original Deus Ex its sequel Deus Ex 2: Invisible War remain some of the most influential titles in gaming, using the first person shooter genre as a canvas and painting over it an intriguing world of conspiracies and larger questions about what it means for technology to become an extension of humanity.

Those core tenets continued in the more modern sequels, 2011’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution and 2013’s Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

All four games are excellent in their own right, and all are on sale for over 80% off each.

You can pick up the whole series and DLC for less than $20 total.

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46
Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46 Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46

Pokémon voice actor Rachael Lillis died Saturday, Lillis’ sister Laurie Orr announced on GoFundMe.

She filled our Saturday mornings and before/after school hours with her beautiful voice, her terrific comic timing, and her remarkable acting skills.”We all know Rachael Lillis from the many wonderful roles she played.

She filled our Saturday mornings and before/after school hours with her beautiful voice, her terrific comic timing, and her remarkable acting skills.

#RachaelLillis pic.twitter.com/XOjFqY0C1L — Veronica Taylor (@TheVeronicaT) August 12, 2024In 1998, Lillis began voicing Ketchum’s adventure companion Misty, Team Rocket’s Jessie, and several Pokémon, including Jigglypuff.

She also…

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
The best horror to watch on Netflix this August
The best horror to watch on Netflix this August The best horror to watch on Netflix this August

And there’s no better way to get ready than by throwing on a few horror movies just as the sun starts setting a little earlier.

Every month we pick out a few of the best horror movies that Netflix currently has to offer.

It’s also one of the most violent, creepiest, and most disturbing horror movies of the last decade, which certainly makes it worth a look.

All of this makes The Wailing a staggering, ridiculously ambitious horror movie, and unlike just about any other movie ever made.

Cave diving is dangerous enough under the best circumstances, but as you might expect, this particular group of caves is absolutely full of very scary sharks.

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic
Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic

And there can be no doubt about the source of the creative energy and good vibes: World of Warcraft Classic.

This was quickly masked the following year when World of Warcraft Classic drove a huge spike in popularity which was sustained by the pandemic gaming boom in 2020.

When he was speaking in March 2024, World of Warcraft subscriber numbers were higher than they had been at Dragonflight’s launch, and climbing.

But it was Classic updates, starting in August 2023, that prompted Hight’s graph to start trending upward.

There are currently no less than five ways to play WoW Classic: the original game, the Cataclysm expansion, Season of Discovery, and two Hardcore variants.

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher
Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher

Krafton, the publisher behind PUBG: Battlegrounds and The Callisto Protocol, has acquired Tango Gameworks, the studio responsible for The Evil Within games and Hi-Fi Rush.

Tango was shuttered by Microsoft and ZeniMax Media in May, but the talent who formed the Tokyo-based studio will be integrated into Krafton, which now owns the rights to Hi-Fi Rush.

Hi-Fi Rush is available on PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X.

Tango Gameworks became part of Xbox’s stable of studios when ZeniMax was acquired by Microsoft in 2021.

The studio found great critical success with Hi-Fi Rush in 2023.

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

In “Interrogation” [from Lorelei], I used the theme from “Woman on the Other Side”, another song from Lorelei and the Laser Eyes.

It was also inspired partly by Angelo Badalamenti’s walking baselines and slow jazzy drums in “Audrey’s Dance” from Twin Peaks.

Is there anything else I should know about your approach to composing video game music?

It’s like an extension of the video game universe.

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Polygon’s favorite audiobooks
Polygon’s favorite audiobooks Polygon’s favorite audiobooks

Few things are better than settling down with a good book, but sometimes the settling is easier said than done.

For all those times, there’s no better place to turn than audiobooks.

All these options making picking your next audiobook a bit of a chore, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

The dramatized audiobooks for A Court of Thorns and Roses are probably the most popular option — they’re cast with different voice actors for each character, and the audio-engineered foley sounds help you envision the scenes as they happen.

It’s a delicious listen even if you don’t have the right setting, of course.

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice
Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice

It’s easy to see the similarities between The Legend of Zelda games and many FromSoftware games.

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

Yuka Kitamura: Having spent my childhood and growing up with video games in the 1990s and 2000s, there are many masterpieces that have influenced me.

The desire to play the main theme of my favorite video game title of all time, The Legend of Zelda, on the piano motivated me to learn piano during my childhood.

Is there anything else we should know about your approach to composing video game music?

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga
The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga

“We aim to release two more Witcher games after Polaris, creating a new AAA RPG trilogy,” CD Projekt Red said in 2022.

CD Projekt hasn’t announced a final title, gameplay details, or a release date for the fourth mainline entry in The Witcher.

Here’s everything we do know about the new Witcher saga.

The School of the LynxThe one very visible clue that CD Projekt Red has offered about its new Witcher saga is artwork of a medallion buried in snow.

Or, at the very least, CD Projekt wants to downplay the possibility that there’s any sort of exclusivity going on.

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac
A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac

Anyone who’s played A Short Hike knows the soundtrack makes up a hefty percentage of the experience.

And as it turns out, that soundtrack would probably never have happened if composer Mark Sparling hadn’t played The Binding of Isaac in college.

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

Mark Sparling: The soundtrack to the original Binding of Isaac by Danny Baranowsky was a big one for me.

Is there anything else we should know about your approach to composing video game music?

3 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Eurogamer Eurogamer
последний пост 12 часов назад
Call of Duty: Block Ops 6 players accuse Activision of using "AI slop"
Call of Duty: Block Ops 6 players accuse Activision of using "AI slop" Call of Duty: Block Ops 6 players accuse Activision of using "AI slop"

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 players have hit out at "AI slop" they believe has been used within the game and its promotional materials.

Manage cookie settingsBut that's not the only image that's caught fans' eyes for all the wrong reasons.

They are feeding us slop because they want to pay their millionaire executives a little bit more.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6's Free Trial starts next Friday, 13th December, on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC.

"For a series built on high-octane thrills and explosive gratification, its withdrawal to the well-trodden formula echoes the wider industry's continued allergy to risk," Chris Tapsell wrote in Eurogamer's Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 review.

12 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Soulframe dev hears your feedback about combat and social features
Soulframe dev hears your feedback about combat and social features Soulframe dev hears your feedback about combat and social features

Warframe developer Digital Extremes has given us another peek at its upcoming free-to-play fantasy action-MMORPG, Soulframe.

Creative director Geoff Crookes also reflected on how important community feedback was to development, saying "feedback from the community will always remain our north star".

"Even as Ode'n shadow spreads across Alca, the future of Soulframe: Preludes is bright, Envoys!

Back in July 2022, Digital Extremes unveiled its first new property since Warframe's release back in 2013.

Soulframe will be Digital Extremes' first new game in over five years, following on from 2017's short-lived team-based FPS The Amazing Eternals.

13 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Hunter x Hunter Nen x Impact banned in Australia for "implied sexual violence"
Hunter x Hunter Nen x Impact banned in Australia for "implied sexual violence" Hunter x Hunter Nen x Impact banned in Australia for "implied sexual violence"

Fighting game Hunter x Hunter Nen x Impact has been refused a rating by the notoriously-strict Australian ratings board.

Hunter x Hunter Nen x Impact has been effectively banned down under by the country's Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications, and the Arts' Classification Board for "implied sexual violence".

Hunter x Hunter's first full-fledged fighting game is set to release in 2025, featuring 3v3 Nen ability team battles.

It's unclear at this time if publisher Arc System Works will appeal the decision or censor its game accordingly to appease the board.

Back in January 2015, designer Jonatan Söderström memorably told Aussie fans to simply pirate Ho…

15 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
PlayStation 30th anniversary: what if Digital Foundry existed in 1990s?
PlayStation 30th anniversary: what if Digital Foundry existed in 1990s? PlayStation 30th anniversary: what if Digital Foundry existed in 1990s?

Digital Foundry first manifested on the pages of Eurogamer way back in 2007, looking at the differences between Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 software - but what if DF actually emerged back in 1994, examining the fifth generation consoles: Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation?

DF Retro: Sega Saturn vs Sony PlayStation - The Driving/Racing Game Face-Off What if Digital Foundry existed in the 90s?

This hasn't been easy - primarily because analysis is derived from digital video footage, which wasn't available to us back then.

As for the concept of Digital Foundry content being possible in the 1990s, that would have been challenging to say the least.

The transition from analogue to digital video outpu…

16 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Crash Bandicoot's true legacy? All the average games we love
Crash Bandicoot's true legacy? All the average games we love Crash Bandicoot's true legacy? All the average games we love

By now, the history of Crash Bandicoot - and the bejorted platformer's fabled importance to the PlayStation - has been pretty well documented.

And that legacy is a very strange contradiction: a lot of people love Crash Bandicoot, and a lot of people also think it's not very good.

Image credit: Naughty Dog / UniversalFor a long time I've always approached that as a kind of debate: you love Crash, or you think Crash is bad.

And making people who don't, typically, play video games in the way many people who read a website like Eurogamer play video games feel a sudden compulsion to take part.

I love its sequels, I love Crash Team Racing, I love its jagged edges and searing hot clash of colours …

20 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Ubisoft revises loyalty program to allow discounts on pre-orders and new games, too
Ubisoft revises loyalty program to allow discounts on pre-orders and new games, too Ubisoft revises loyalty program to allow discounts on pre-orders and new games, too

Ubisoft has revised its loyalty program, allowing players to "exchange units on a wider selection of products".

In an email sent out to players subscribed to the loyalty scheme and seen by Eurogamer, Ubisoft announced that effective immediately, the units collected by players "will now also apply to pre-order and new release purchases made on the Ubisoft store", with 100 units equating to a 20 percent discount.

If you're interested in signing up, don't forget that new Ubisoft accounts start with 100 units, which is enough for a 20% discount on your first Ubisoft Store purchase.

ICYMI, Ubisoft is continuing its talks with Chinese giant Tencent over a possible buyout deal that would take the …

1 day, 13 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
Former Blizzard boss blasts Marvel Rivals' similarity to Overwatch
Former Blizzard boss blasts Marvel Rivals' similarity to Overwatch Former Blizzard boss blasts Marvel Rivals' similarity to Overwatch

Former Blizzard boss Mike Ybarra has slammed Marvel Rivals, intimating its an Overwatch clone.

In a now-deleted tweet posted yesterday, Ybarra called NetEase Games' free-to-play team-based PVP shooter "Overwatch Marvel Rivals", adding that much like Tencent's Light of Motiram is "a clear copy of Horizon Zero Dawn", Marvel Rivals clearly took inspiration from Blizzard's own team-based PVP shooter, Overwatch.

"Looks like Overwatch Marvel Rivals ships tomorrow," Ybarra wrote in the now-deleted tweet.

Former Blizzard President Mike Ybarra calls Marvel Rivals "An Overwatch Clone" in a now Community Noted and Deleted tweet.

We cooked his ass 😋 pic.twitter.com/IRMxF3tQCE — Marvel Rivals Intel (@Ma…

1 day, 14 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
Pokémon TV is back in time for the holidays
Pokémon TV is back in time for the holidays Pokémon TV is back in time for the holidays

Good news, Pokémon fans - Pokémon TV is back.

Pokémon TV, the app and website that let you watch episodes from the long-running Pokémon anime for free, was removed from app stores earlier this year, but now it's returned, albeit in a new home on YouTube and with a truncated library.

"Welcome to the official Pokémon TV YouTube channel, where you can explore the world of Pokémon with Ash & Pikachu!"

Now, however, it looks as though Pokémon has found a new home where fans can once again follow Ash for free.

In related Pokémon news, Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket is thought to have raked in over $200m during its first month of launch.

1 day, 14 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
PowerWash Sim wants to put you in the festive mood with this free Christmas update
PowerWash Sim wants to put you in the festive mood with this free Christmas update PowerWash Sim wants to put you in the festive mood with this free Christmas update

A free festive update has just dropped in PowerWash Simulator.

Ice Rink Winter Seasonal 2024 is now available for no extra cost across all platforms: PC via Steam, PS5, Xbox Series S|X, and last-gen systems.

"Step into Christmas with our new Winter Seasonal, The Ice Rink!"

If you've never tried PowerWash Simulator, you may want to look into it.

A first-of-its-kind study commissioned in 2022 analysed data from over 8500 PowerWash Simulator players across almost 40 countries, including the US and the UK, and found 72 percent of players reported an "uplift in mood" whilst playing PowerWash Simulator.

1 day, 15 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle PC: impressive performance - but care is needed with 8GB graphics cards
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle PC: impressive performance - but care is needed with 8GB graphics cards Indiana Jones and the Great Circle PC: impressive performance - but care is needed with 8GB graphics cards

On first boot, the PC version of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle presents as a simply great PC release.

Shadows are closest to the medium setting, which reduces the amount of geometry added to the shadow maps, so entire objects lose shadows, particularly indoors.

Users with 8GB or 10GB cards may run into issues with the texture cache setting.

So, for example, at 1440p, a 10GB RTX 3080 can't use the ultra texture cache option without massively degraded performance.

Check out the video as I go into depth on how the cache works - for much of the time, even the lowest texture cache setting can still look fine.

1 day, 15 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
Fortnite goes first-person for new 5v5 mode Ballistic
Fortnite goes first-person for new 5v5 mode Ballistic Fortnite goes first-person for new 5v5 mode Ballistic

Fortnite Ballistic is a new 5v5 mode launching next week in early access within the main Fortnite client.

It's also Epic Games' first proper foray into first-person for Fortnite - a move that has been long-awaited by some fans.

As with most other Fortnite shooter modes, Ballistic will host both Ranked and Unranked modes, with the former offering a ladder to climb and penalities if you leave matches.

The addition of Fortnite Ballistic follows yesterday's arrival of Fortnite OG as a newly-permanent mode, and last week's launch of Chapter 6 for the game's main battle royale offering.

Epic Games has already begun teasing a fresh update for its main Lego Fortnite mode that seems like it may feat…

1 day, 15 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
Life is Strange: Double Exposure studio Deck Nine makes more cuts to staff
Life is Strange: Double Exposure studio Deck Nine makes more cuts to staff Life is Strange: Double Exposure studio Deck Nine makes more cuts to staff

Deck Nine Games, the studio behind Life is Strange: Double Exposure and last year's The Expanse: A Telltale Series, has confirmed further layoffs.

Lyons' words stopped short of confirming how many staff had been impacted by the most recent round of cuts, or how it will affect its development pipeline.

Manage cookie settings Life is Strange: Double Exposure Review.Watch on YouTube"Today we are sad to share the news that we must say goodbye to some of our talented team members," the statement began.

pic.twitter.com/7C2xjhrT68 — Deck Nine Games (@DeckNineGames) December 6, 2024 To see this content please enable targeting cookies.

Manage cookie settings"To those of you leaving the studio due to…

1 day, 17 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
How PlayStation propelled Tekken into the big time
How PlayStation propelled Tekken into the big time How PlayStation propelled Tekken into the big time

Tekken wasn't just a fighting game, it was a console game that would keep you going for months, perhaps even years.

"Fans of Tekken in the arcade were being trained to fall in love with PlayStation games, whether they realised it or not.

Got a few friends round for a drink or two and want to play PlayStation?

This was the first Tekken game Harada worked on as director, and it is also, perhaps unsurprisingly, his favorite of the three PS1 Tekken games.

From Tekken Ball mode to Tekken Force mode (a beat 'em-up within a fighting game), Tekken 3 was the complete package.

1 day, 20 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
90s platformer remaster Croc: Legend of the Gobbos delayed into next year
90s platformer remaster Croc: Legend of the Gobbos delayed into next year 90s platformer remaster Croc: Legend of the Gobbos delayed into next year

If you'd been hoping to round out your 2024 with a solid blast of 90s nostalgia, there's some bad news; Argonaut Games' Croc: Legend of the Gobbos remaster - previously scheduled to release this month - has been delayed into "Q1" next year.

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos initially launched for PlayStation 1 some 27 years ago, taking players - in the role of the titular reptile - on a platforming adventure through Gobbo Valley in a bid to free their friends from the evil magician Baron Dante.

We appreciate your patience and support as we work to bring Croc back in the best possible way."

Argonaut's Croc: Legend of the Gobbos spruce-up promises enhanced high-definition graphics, updated modern co…

2 days, 6 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
Path of Exile 2 early access review-in-progress - coming for Diablo 4's lunch in style
Path of Exile 2 early access review-in-progress - coming for Diablo 4's lunch in style Path of Exile 2 early access review-in-progress - coming for Diablo 4's lunch in style

Path of Exile 2 early access review-in-progress Developer: Grinding Gear GamesGrinding Gear Games Publisher: Grinding Gear GamesGrinding Gear Games Platform: Played on PCPlayed on PC Availability: Out now in Early Access on PC (Steam, Epic Games Store), PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series S/XThat something - Path of Exile 2 - is finally here, at least in early access, and understandably there's tremendous excitement for it.

Nevertheless, this is far from a sketchy early access release.

The experience I've had, albeit on quiet, press-intended pre-release servers - which have now been wiped as Grinding Gear prepares for the public early access stampede - has been rock solid.

Path of Exile 2: Early…

2 days, 11 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games
последний пост 43 минуты назад
My OG Maria cosplay from Silent Hill 2
My OG Maria cosplay from Silent Hill 2 My OG Maria cosplay from Silent Hill 2

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43 минуты назад @ reddit.com
Strange Seed - Chronicle Games - Evolve and adapt, collect DNA for new parts, fight bosses, and explore a 3D Metroidvania world
Strange Seed - Chronicle Games - Evolve and adapt, collect DNA for new parts, fight bosses, and explore a 3D Metroidvania world

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
'Rocky IV' dubbed with PUNCH-OUT!! (NES) game sounds! | RetroSFX Mashups
'Rocky IV' dubbed with PUNCH-OUT!! (NES) game sounds! | RetroSFX Mashups 'Rocky IV' dubbed with PUNCH-OUT!! (NES) game sounds! | RetroSFX Mashups

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
Upheaval - Alex Leone - Text-based open world game where the passage of time changes the world
Upheaval - Alex Leone - Text-based open world game where the passage of time changes the world

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
Bandai Namco’s unsuccessful MMORPG Blue Protocol to be reincarnated as Star Resonance by Chinese studio
Bandai Namco’s unsuccessful MMORPG Blue Protocol to be reincarnated as Star Resonance by Chinese studio

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
Two nice little goodwill finds this weekend
Two nice little goodwill finds this weekend Two nice little goodwill finds this weekend

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Paper Perjury - Paper Cat games -An Ace Attorney inspired mystery game (Coming out Tomorrow)
Paper Perjury - Paper Cat games -An Ace Attorney inspired mystery game (Coming out Tomorrow)

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Based on the last game you've played, what are you getting arrested for?
Based on the last game you've played, what are you getting arrested for?

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Multiplayer Teamwork/Minigame Game Recommendations?
Multiplayer Teamwork/Minigame Game Recommendations?

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
If Kirby ate you what power/item would he gain?
If Kirby ate you what power/item would he gain?

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Eclipse Breaker - Jorge Rodriguez - A JRPG Roguelike Blending Final Fantasy VII and Hades-Style Combat DEMO OUT NOW!
Eclipse Breaker - Jorge Rodriguez - A JRPG Roguelike Blending Final Fantasy VII and Hades-Style Combat DEMO OUT NOW!

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
Bethesda: Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is out now
Bethesda: Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is out now

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
Can anyone recommend great offline mobile gaming
Can anyone recommend great offline mobile gaming

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4 часа назад @ reddit.com
Marvel Rivals has 10 million players worldwide
Marvel Rivals has 10 million players worldwide

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5 часов назад @ reddit.com
What's one video game level you are surprised people had a tough time with?
What's one video game level you are surprised people had a tough time with?

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App2Top App2Top
последний пост 2 days, 14 hours назад
СМИ: менеджмент Ubisoft рассматривает возможность выкупа компании
СМИ: менеджмент Ubisoft рассматривает возможность выкупа компании СМИ: менеджмент Ubisoft рассматривает возможность выкупа компании

Последние несколько недель руководители и акционеры Ubisoft обсуждают возможность выкупа компании ее менеджментом.

Assassin’s Creed ShadowsКак пишет Reuters, основавшая Ubisoft семья Гиймо «ясно дала понять», что хочет сохранить за собой контроль над компанией.

Сейчас Tencent принадлежит чуть менее 10% акций Ubisoft, что делает его вторым по величине акционером компании после семьи Гиймо — та владеет 15% акций.

Также утверждается, что Tencent хочет предотвратить враждебное поглощение Ubisoft другими инвесторами.

Tencent и семья Гиймо отказались комментировать Reuters информацию источников.

2 days, 14 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Ноябрьская WN Conference прошла в Сямыне. В ней приняли участие более 400 человек
Ноябрьская WN Conference прошла в Сямыне. В ней приняли участие более 400 человек Ноябрьская WN Conference прошла в Сямыне. В ней приняли участие более 400 человек

С 21 по 22 ноября на юго-востоке Китая прошла конференция для разработчиков и издателей игр WN Conference .

46% из них были менеджерам по развитию бизнеса и продажам, еще примерно столько — 44% — отнесли себя к топ-менеджерам и владельцам компаний.

Всего было представлено 290 бизнесов, так или иначе связанных с игровой сферой.

В качестве спонсоров ивента выступили провайдер финансовых услуг Unlimit и игровой акселератор Meridian Play.

Стенды G-EIGHT и CreSpiritСтенды Ginvo Studio и Clay Game StudioТакже в рамках WN Conference в Сямыне прошла официальная церемония награждения международного конкурса анимационных работ Golden Dolphin Award.

2 days, 15 hours назад @ app2top.ru
«Выпустили функционал веток и вышли за рамки Unity», — Павел Игнатов и Андрей Апанасик из Balancy об итогах 2024 года
«Выпустили функционал веток и вышли за рамки Unity», — Павел Игнатов и Андрей Апанасик из Balancy об итогах 2024 года «Выпустили функционал веток и вышли за рамки Unity», — Павел Игнатов и Андрей Апанасик из Balancy об итогах 2024 года

На очереди — интервью с Balancy , которая специализируется на LiveOps.

Balancy на порядок вырос по всем показателям — количеству клиентов, количеству активных игроков и по выручке.

Теперь гейм-дизайнеры и менеджеры по монетизации могут разрабатывать новый функционал в отдельных ветках и удобно объединять изменения.

Павел Игнатов: В 2024 году тема LiveOps оставалась в центре внимания, как и в предыдущие годы.

Расширить доступность Balancy для большего числа разработчиков, выпуская новые SDK для различных движков.

2 days, 15 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Ранний доступ к Path of Exile 2 купили более миллиона человек
Ранний доступ к Path of Exile 2 купили более миллиона человек Ранний доступ к Path of Exile 2 купили более миллиона человек

Path of Exile 2 выйдет в формате платного раннего доступа на PC и консолях уже сегодня вечером: в 22.00 по Москве.

Path of Exile 2Сообщается, что саппорт-паки, в которых находится ключ для раннего доступа к Path of Exile 2, приобрели более миллиона человек.

Студия Grinding Gear Games предупредила, что в дебютные выходные на серверах могут возникнуть очереди.

После выхода из раннего доступа Path of Exile 2 станет бесплатной.

Ранее аналитический сервис VG Insights подсчитал, что Path of Exile 2 только в Steam добавили в вишлисты 1,7 млн человек.

2 days, 16 hours назад @ app2top.ru
«Мы наконец выпустили Selfloss», — Саша Гудвин из Goodwin Games о главном за 2024 год
«Мы наконец выпустили Selfloss», — Саша Гудвин из Goodwin Games о главном за 2024 год «Мы наконец выпустили Selfloss», — Саша Гудвин из Goodwin Games о главном за 2024 год

Напомню, что сейчас в Goodwin Games — три человека.

Теперь я знаю, что могу доводить разработку до конца и с кем-то еще, а не только в одиночку.

Но это не будет касаться больших девелоперов.

Ну и ИИ-контента будет больше и больше — в первую очередь его будет больше в ААА.

Но мы живем не в таком мире, поэтому, как мне кажется, мы просто начнем получать по две Call of Duty в год вместо одной.

2 days, 17 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Исследование: 93% Web3-игр — мертвы
Исследование: 93% Web3-игр — мертвы Исследование: 93% Web3-игр — мертвы

Средняя продолжительности жизни игр с блокчейном или Web3-игр составляет всего четыре месяца, говорится в исследовании платформы ChainPlay.

К такому выводу она пришла, проанализировав 3279 проектов в этом сегменте.

2 days, 17 hours назад @ app2top.ru
В 2024 году пользователи «ВКонтакте» чаще обсуждали Helldivers 2, чем «Смуту»
В 2024 году пользователи «ВКонтакте» чаще обсуждали Helldivers 2, чем «Смуту» В 2024 году пользователи «ВКонтакте» чаще обсуждали Helldivers 2, чем «Смуту»

VK подвела итоги года для социальной сети «ВКонтакте».

Среди прочего она назвала игры, которые чаще всего упоминали пользователи в комментариях и публикациях в 2024 году.

Она забрала это звание у Genshin Impact, лидировавшей в 2022 и 2023 годах.

Какие еще игры от отечественных разработчиков активно обсуждались во «ВКонтакте» в 2024 году — не сообщается.

VK не указала, сколько раз пользователи социальной сети упомянули те или иные игры.

2 days, 19 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Royal Kingdom в три раза обошла Royal Match по выручке за первые две недели
Royal Kingdom в три раза обошла Royal Match по выручке за первые две недели Royal Kingdom в три раза обошла Royal Match по выручке за первые две недели

По данным аналитического сервиса AppMagic, за две недели с момента релиза Royal Kingdom заработала 1,83 млн долларов — это чистая IAP-выручка уже за вычетом комиссий сторов и налогов.

Royal KingdomДля сравнения: ее предшественница Royal Match на старте за это же время выручила куда меньше — 548,3 тысячи долларов.

Самыми кассовыми рынками Royal Kingdom по итогам первых двух недель стали США (853 тысячи долларов), Великобритания (418,2 тысячи долларов) и Австралия (219,3 тысячи долларов).

Стоит упомянуть, что Royal Kingdom активно зарабатывала еще на этапе софтлонча, продлившегося 19 месяцев.

По данным AppMagic, за две релизные недели Royal Kingdom скачали 2,54 млн раз — в пять раз больше, че…

2 days, 20 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Студия бывших разработчиков Disco Elysium получила семизначные инвестиции
Студия бывших разработчиков Disco Elysium получила семизначные инвестиции Студия бывших разработчиков Disco Elysium получила семизначные инвестиции

Dark Math Games — одна из игровых студий, основанных бывшими сотрудниками ZA/UM.

XXX NightshiftДеньги Dark Math Games дала эстонская инвестиционная фирма MM Grupp, в свое время вложившаяся и в ZA/UM.

Полученные средства Dark Math Games потратит на разработку детективной RPG в научно-фантастическом сеттинге XXX Nightshift.

Глава студии Каур Кендер (Kaur Kender) заявил, что благодаря инвестициям его команда сможет воплотить в жизнь долгосрочное видение и обрести стабильность.

Напомним, сейчас помимо Dark Math Games на игровом рынке есть еще три студии, состоящие из ветеранов ZA/UM.

2 days, 21 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake продалась тиражом в 2 млн копий за три недели
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake продалась тиражом в 2 млн копий за три недели Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake продалась тиражом в 2 млн копий за три недели

Square Enix поделилась успехами ремейка Dragon Quest III.

Что касается PC-версии, то в Steam пиковый онлайн переосмысления Dragon Quest III превысил 45 тысяч человек.

Отметим, с дебюта Dragon Quest в 1986 году на NES общее число реализованных копий франшизы превысило 91 млн.

А последняя вышедшая игра в оригинальной серии — Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of An Elusive Age — разошлась тиражом в 7 млн копий за пять лет.

Релиз Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake состоялся 14 ноября на PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series и Nintendo Switch.

2 days, 21 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Marvel Rivals стала четвертой игрой по онлайну в Steam среди релизов 2024-го
Marvel Rivals стала четвертой игрой по онлайну в Steam среди релизов 2024-го Marvel Rivals стала четвертой игрой по онлайну в Steam среди релизов 2024-го

6 декабря на PC и консолях состоялся релиз Marvel Rivals — командного экшена с героями Marvel, разработанного китайской компанией NetEase.

Marvel RivalsЭтого хватило, чтобы Marvel Rivals попала на четвертое место в списке самых популярных новинок 2024-го в Steam.

Marvel Rivals — 444 286 человек;5.

Скорее всего, на выходных онлайн Marvel Rivals вырастет еще сильнее, и игра поднимется в рейтингах.

Онлайн Marvel Rivals в SteamЧто касается оценок, то к моменту написания новости Marvel Rivals собрала 4,2 тысячи отзывов в Steam, из которых 75% — одобрительные.

2 days, 23 hours назад @ app2top.ru
«Мы выросли почти на 80%», — Алексей Мелешкевич из Goodville о главном за 2024 год
«Мы выросли почти на 80%», — Алексей Мелешкевич из Goodville о главном за 2024 год «Мы выросли почти на 80%», — Алексей Мелешкевич из Goodville о главном за 2024 год

Мы стали прибыльными, выросли почти на 80%, и запустили новые фичи.

Главное достижение — наша помощь людям: тысячи благодарных отзывов подтверждают, что мы действительно меняем жизни к лучшему.

Мы часто получаем отзывы от людей о том, что Goodville действительно помогает им справляться с трудностями, облегчает жизнь в сложные периоды и дарит радость.

Еще мы обязательно продолжим сотрудничество с ВОЗ: с июля 2022 года мы тесно сотрудничаем со Всемирной Организацией Здравоохранения.

В ближайшее время мы планируем большое обновление в рамках нашей коллаборации.

3 days, 14 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Количество загрузок созданных при поддержке ИРИ игр превысило 6,7 млн
Количество загрузок созданных при поддержке ИРИ игр превысило 6,7 млн Количество загрузок созданных при поддержке ИРИ игр превысило 6,7 млн

«Смута» (слева), «Фиксики: Космическая история!» (справа вверху), «Сатурн» (слева внизу), «Передний край» (справа внизу)По словам организации, наибольшее количество загрузок собрала серия мобильных игр «Академики Веселых Игр».

В ИРИ добавили, что всего на мобайл пришлось 3,4 млн загрузок.

Также в ИРИ составили топ самых скачиваемых PC-игр.

В ИРИ не указали, сколько загрузок собрала та или иная игра на PC, но часть цифр ранее раскрыли разработчики.

Например, известно, что по состоянию на 27 ноября на счету «Смуты» и ее DLC был 1 млн суммарных загрузок, а «Передний край» к 29 мая скачали 112 тысяч раз.

3 days, 14 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Продажи инди-«рогалика» Dungeon Clawler превысили 100 тысяч копий за две недели
Продажи инди-«рогалика» Dungeon Clawler превысили 100 тысяч копий за две недели Продажи инди-«рогалика» Dungeon Clawler превысили 100 тысяч копий за две недели

Dungeon Clawler — пошаговая карточная тактика с элементами «рогалика», в которой предметы для колоды надо вытягивать клешней из игрового автомата.

Игра дебютировала в Steam и мобильных устройствах 21 ноября 2024-го и к сегодняшнему дню продалась тиражом свыше 100 тысяч копий.

По словам разработавшей Dungeon Clawler студии Stray Fawn Studio, половина этого тиража была продана уже через пять дней после выхода проекта.

Сейчас рейтинг Dungeon Clawler в Steam равен «очень положительным» 89%.

Больший онлайн в свое время показал только градостроитель The Wandering Village, который на пике привлек в Steam 5 786 человек.

3 days, 15 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Playgama привлекла 3 млн долларов. Средства пойдут на развитие их экосистемы для браузерных игр
Playgama привлекла 3 млн долларов. Средства пойдут на развитие их экосистемы для браузерных игр Playgama привлекла 3 млн долларов. Средства пойдут на развитие их экосистемы для браузерных игр

Playgama — платформа для HTML5-игр — успешно завершила очередной раунд финансирования.

Также в числе крупных инвесторов — The Games Fund, FJ Labs, TON Ventures и фаундер крипто-сервиса Unlimit.

Полученные деньги планируется потратить на:разработку новых инструментов для разработчиков;заключение контрактов с новыми платформами для продвижения игр;интеграцию блокчейн-технологий в Web3-игры.

За год платформа выросла настолько, что сейчас разработчики с ее помощью выходят на аудиторию в 220 млн MAU.

Сервис также позволяет им запускать свои игры сразу в Telegram, Facebook*, «Яндекс.Игры» и другие площадки.

3 days, 15 hours назад @ app2top.ru
GamesIndustry.biz GamesIndustry.biz
последний пост 2 days, 18 hours назад
75% of UK students in favour of esports education in schools
75% of UK students in favour of esports education in schools 75% of UK students in favour of esports education in schools

75% of UK students advocate the integration of esports into the school curriculum, with 64% already engaged in esports-related academic activities.

This is according to new research commissioned by Tencent in collaboration with the British Esports Federation and Ukie.

Despite 16 higher education institutions in the UK offering degree programs relating to esports, 36% of respondents found there were financial barriers in pursuing further education.

33% said career pathways were unclear.

"However, support and recognition from video game publishers and industry stakeholders are crucial to driving sustainable growth, grassroots development and clear career pathways within the esports ecosystem."

2 days, 18 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Apple faces UK class action lawsuit for "anti-competitive" 30% fee
Apple faces UK class action lawsuit for "anti-competitive" 30% fee Apple faces UK class action lawsuit for "anti-competitive" 30% fee

Apple is facing a class action lawsuit from UK developers alleging that the App Store's 30% fee is anti-competitive.

The claim alleged that Apple's 30% cut creates an "anti-competitive tax on the nation's tech industry," the publication said.

The UK's Competition Appeal Tribunal gave the greenlight for the suit to go ahead, dismissing Apple's arguments to have it blocked.

The claim is led by UK competition policy professor Sean Ennis.

Around the same time, Apple updated its business terms in the EU to allow developers to link to external payment systems.

2 days, 19 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Stories from 30 years of PlayStation
Stories from 30 years of PlayStation Stories from 30 years of PlayStation

During EGX in London, PlayStation veterans Chris Deering, David Wilson, Geoff Glendenning, David Ranyard and Masami Kochi took to the stage to share stories from the history of PlayStation.

"So I was optimistic, but not too optimistic to think it wasn't going to be a fight.

"I was optimistic about PS2, but not too optimistic to think it wasn't going to be a fight."

Chris DeeringPlayStation UK gave away loads of PS1s to 'cool' peopleThe UK PlayStation team was determined to make this new console a desirable, cool product for adults.

"The popular consensus was that the same platform holder had never maintained dominance over two generations," recalled former PlayStation UK and European PR lea…

2 days, 20 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Google's Genie 2 AI tool can generate a playable 3D world from a "single prompt image"
Google's Genie 2 AI tool can generate a playable 3D world from a "single prompt image" Google's Genie 2 AI tool can generate a playable 3D world from a "single prompt image"

Google's AI tool Genie 2 is a "large-scale foundation world model" capable of generating "an endless variety of action-controllable, playable 3D environments" from a single image prompt.

According to a report detailing the advanced tech, this enables artists and designers to prototype quickly, "which can bootstrap the creative process for environment design, further accelerating research."

"Thanks to Genie 2's out-of-distribution generalisation capabilities, concept art and drawings can be turned into fully interactive environments," the report explained.

"This enables artists and designers to prototype quickly, which can bootstrap the creative process for environment design, further accele…

3 days, 11 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
UK specialist media publisher Future signs strategic partnership with OpenAI
UK specialist media publisher Future signs strategic partnership with OpenAI UK specialist media publisher Future signs strategic partnership with OpenAI

Specialist media distributor and publisher Future has announced a strategic partnership with OpenAI and its ChatGPT tool.

Future publishes a range of specialist lifestyle magazines and websites, most notably for the games industry, Edge magazine, PC Gamer, TechRadar, Tom's Guide, and GamesRadar+.

The publisher has also developed chatbots "so users can engage more deeply with content from Tom’s Hardware and Who What Wear."

Our partnership with OpenAI helps us achieve this goal by expanding the range of platforms where our content is distributed," said Future CEO Jon Steinberg.

"ChatGPT provides a whole new avenue for people to discover our incredible specialist content.

3 days, 12 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
EA expands free library of accessibility patents to make more games inclusive
EA expands free library of accessibility patents to make more games inclusive EA expands free library of accessibility patents to make more games inclusive

Electronic Arts has added 23 new patents to its public library of free accessibility tools, including patents for photosensitivity analysis plugins, intelligent personalised speech recognition, and generating expressive speech audio from text data.

EA said that by making the patents available to developers across the industry, free of charge, it is continuing its commitment to inclusive gaming.

The IRIS plugin helps developers analyse and identify frames that "could potentially impact players who experience photosensitivity" in real-time.

"By making this technology available to others, we continue to work to enhance accessibility and inclusivity for players around the world by removing unin…

3 days, 12 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Ex-Disco Elysium devs at Dark Math Games secure seven-figure investment
Ex-Disco Elysium devs at Dark Math Games secure seven-figure investment Ex-Disco Elysium devs at Dark Math Games secure seven-figure investment

Dark Math Games has secured additional investment for its debut project, XXX Nightshift.

The investment comes from MM Grupp, an Estonia-based investor that has helped finance 132 companies across media, entertainment, healthcare and more.

MM Grupp was also a majority investor in ZA/UM's acclaimed RPG Disco Elysium.

Dark Math Games was founded earlier this year by a group of former ZA/UM staff, including Disco Elysium's executive producer Kaur Kender.

MM Grupp CEO Kristel Volver added: "The [Dark Math] team has a proven track record, and the creative concept for the new game is both ambitious and intriguing."

3 days, 13 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
PTW opens new studio in South Carolina
PTW opens new studio in South Carolina PTW opens new studio in South Carolina

Games industry service provider PTW has opened a new studio in Charleston, South Carolina.

The office will be led by studio head Bernhard Rieder under the leadership of VP of operations for Americas, Sebastien Bisch.

This is PTW's fourth North American studio, and it'll feature "state-of-the-art amenities designed for next-gen testing," the announcement said.

"PTW is excited to create a center of excellence for the industry within the vibrant Charleston community and we look forward to building a new flagship studio in the US."

Earlier this year, PTW acquired Florida-based developer Ghostpunch Games for $13 million.

3 days, 15 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Top App Games raises $10m in funding
Top App Games raises $10m in funding Top App Games raises $10m in funding

Mobile developer Top App Games has secured a $10 million investment.

The Cyprus-based studio will use the funding to refine its strategy RPG title Ludus: Merge Arena and support development of new titles.

"The funding will be used to improve and promote Ludus which we will continue to develop and grow its revenues," said Top App Games CEO and studio head Vladimir Markov.

"Moreover, I believe Top App Games is now ready to attract new teams to create hit games."

Earlier this year, the developer received funding of an undisclosed sum from former My.Games CEO Vladimir Nikolsky.

3 days, 15 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Blue Owl Capital acquires minority stake in Bitkraft Ventures
Blue Owl Capital acquires minority stake in Bitkraft Ventures Blue Owl Capital acquires minority stake in Bitkraft Ventures

Blue Owl Capital has acquired a minority stake in Bitkraft Ventures for an undisclosed sum.

The investment, provided by Blue Owl's GP Strategic Funding platform, will support the venture capital firm's operations and investment platform, which includes over $1 billion in assets.

"We are pleased to support Bitkraft's continued growth into a globally recognised investment platform for gaming, Web3, and AI," said co-president and head of Blue Owl's GP Strategic Capital platform Michael Rees.

"These are complex markets, but Bitkraft's expansive portfolio demonstrates a thoughtful, diversified approach to investment that we want to support."

Bitkraft founding general partner Jen Hilgers added: "…

3 days, 16 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
The challenges and opportunities Black Myth: Wukong created for China's developers
The challenges and opportunities Black Myth: Wukong created for China's developers The challenges and opportunities Black Myth: Wukong created for China's developers

The success of Black Myth: Wukong could inspire a shift in Chinese games development | Image credit: Game ScienceWith the success of Black Myth: Wukong, a game that showcases Chinese culture and traditions, how important is it for studios to present Chinese culture to a global audience?

Steven Wu: As a studio, we're excited to see Black Myth: Wukong doing so well worldwide.

Black Myth: Wukong is a great example of how a well-crafted game can integrate cultural content in a way that resonates globally.

Steven Wu: I believe larger companies are already motivated by Black Myth: Wukong's success and will start supporting more premium projects.

If the free-to-play game does well, it will pave th…

3 days, 17 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Reforged Studios acquires Yellow Lab Games
Reforged Studios acquires Yellow Lab Games Reforged Studios acquires Yellow Lab Games

Reforged Studios has acquired South African developer Yellow Lab Games.

The terms of the acquisition were not disclosed, with the announcement only saying that Yellow Lab will continue operating as an independent studio working on its own IP, while also contributing to Reforged Studios projects.

Yellow Lab Games have been on my radar for some time, especially since seeing the positive reaction to Metavoidal, their first foray into PC and console gaming.

So when the opportunity arose to have [Yellow Lab head of studios] David Hecker and his team join our group, we did not hesitate.

If you want to read more about the South African games industry, we ran a week-long editorial special exploring…

3 days, 17 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Fortnite UGC studio Creators Corp receives $2m investment
Fortnite UGC studio Creators Corp receives $2m investment Fortnite UGC studio Creators Corp receives $2m investment

Fortnite user-generated content developer Creators Corp has received a $2 million investment from new venture fund Lumina.

As reported by GamesBeat, Creators Corp will use the funding to expand its development portfolio, partner with more influencers, and support community engagement.

Founded in 2023 by CEO Anne-Margot Rodde, Creators Corp has developed 15 titles, including Steph Curry Run the Ring, US Open Tennis Storm, and Dude Perfect Dodgeball.

"UGC games are the next wave of entertainment, and Creators Corp is leading the movement," said Lumina founder Thomas Benski.

"The investment from Lumina will unlock new opportunities to build upon our portfolio of fan-driven games in Unreal Edit…

3 days, 19 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 to release a week early | News-in-brief
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 to release a week early | News-in-brief Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 to release a week early | News-in-brief

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 to release a week early | News-in-briefDeveloper Warhorse Studios and publisher Deep Silver bring release date forward one week to February 4, 2025

3 days, 19 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
IllFonic "re-aligns to a refined strategy" as it makes "cuts" to its teams
IllFonic "re-aligns to a refined strategy" as it makes "cuts" to its teams IllFonic "re-aligns to a refined strategy" as it makes "cuts" to its teams

Developer IllFonic has confirmed it has made "cuts" to its staff.

In a brief statement, CEO and co-founder Charles Brungardt said it had to "accept the harsh reality" of the "state of the industry" and "re-align to a refined strategy" "with the heaviest of hearts."

“Today we had to accept the harsh reality that the state of the industry has impacted us here at IllFonic," Brungardt wrote in the statement posted to social media.

"It is with the heaviest of hearts that cuts to our teams had to be made today as we re-aligned to a refined strategy.

Brungardt's words stopped short of confirming how many staff had been impacted by the cuts, or how it expects to reshape its strategy going forward.

4 days, 9 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Gamasutra Gamasutra
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Kotaku Kotaku
последний пост 16 часов назад
December's Cant-Miss Game Releases, Amazon's Free Games For Prime Members, And More Holiday Season Tips
December's Cant-Miss Game Releases, Amazon's Free Games For Prime Members, And More Holiday Season Tips December's Cant-Miss Game Releases, Amazon's Free Games For Prime Members, And More Holiday Season Tips

It’s December 4, and that means it’s the officially unofficial “Dragon Age Day.” Get it?

Dragon Age.

Anyway, this year, BioWare released some statistics about players’ choices in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

The RPG has been out for a little over a month now, so that means more players have gotten further into the game than the last time BioWare released detailed info about players’ various choices.

So let’s jump into it and break down the choices people made from the start to the end of their journey.

16 часов назад @ kotaku.com
We May Have Gotten Our First Glimpse Of Switch 2 Joy-Con This Week
We May Have Gotten Our First Glimpse Of Switch 2 Joy-Con This Week We May Have Gotten Our First Glimpse Of Switch 2 Joy-Con This Week

This week, a low-quality video may have given us our first look at the Joy-Con that will be used by the successor to the Nintendo Switch.

Also, Sony celebrated the 30th anniversary of PlayStation by putting the original console’s boot-up sound on PS5, along with customization options that let people apply the familiar sounds of other PlayStation consoles to the UI of the current one.

Read on for these and more of the week’s top stories.

1 day, 16 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Joker: Folie à Deux Will Be Available To Stream Very Soon
Joker: Folie à Deux Will Be Available To Stream Very Soon Joker: Folie à Deux Will Be Available To Stream Very Soon

One of 2024's biggest disappointments in movie theaters will soon be able to try and redeem itself in your homes.

Before you and yours get into the holiday spirit on Christmas Day, Joker: Folie à Deux will be available to stream on Max on December 13.

There is no word yet on whether the streaming version of Joker: Folie à Deux will come with any extra content, like behind-the-scenes videos, cast interviews, or a Director’s Cut that can make better sense of this confusingly bad film.

On the bright side for this movie, there are a few examples of films gaining new life in streaming.

But, chances are, it’ll be background noise for those who need to keep the TV on to go to bed.

1 day, 17 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Kotaku's Weekend Guide: 4 Awesome Games To Get Cozy With
Kotaku's Weekend Guide: 4 Awesome Games To Get Cozy With Kotaku's Weekend Guide: 4 Awesome Games To Get Cozy With

And oh em gee, I forgot how much fun the core combat loop of this game is.

It’s been so long since I played the first one that I can’t really remember the concrete differences between Zero Dawn and Forbidden West during the hectic moments.

Seriously, this would be my GOTY if it had come out this year (I mean, it kinda did on PC anyway).

As with Zero Dawn, I feel like this setting and these characters could’ve used another draft or two?

That said, I’m starting to really like Aloy as a heroine.

2 days, 8 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Grand Theft Auto 6's First Trailer, A Year Later
Grand Theft Auto 6's First Trailer, A Year Later Grand Theft Auto 6's First Trailer, A Year Later

At the 1:05 mark in GTA 6's debut trailer, you can briefly spot a heavily tattooed man speaking to a judge via a webcam sentencing.

Then on December 11, Sullivan demanded Rockstar Games and its parent company Take-Two Interactive pay him $2 million.

“Florida Joker ain’t having that, y’all took my likeness, y’all took my life.”On December 13 2023, Sullivan claimed he was going to sue Rockstar over the whole situation.

On December 5, 2024—a year after the trailer dropped—Sullivan uploaded a video on TikTok claiming his threats of a lawsuit were just him trolling.

He then claimed that he was the reason the GTA 6 trailer was so popular.

2 days, 8 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Suicide Squad Fans Get Hyped For Deathstroke As They Wait For MIA Offline Mode
Suicide Squad Fans Get Hyped For Deathstroke As They Wait For MIA Offline Mode Suicide Squad Fans Get Hyped For Deathstroke As They Wait For MIA Offline Mode

Whether he’ll arrive solo or alongside the live-service game’s promised offline mode remains to be seen.

Unlike some of those earlier additions, however, fans are actually excited about the sword-wielding assassin’s reveal, at least for now.

One thing that would keep Suicide Squad secure for its existing fanbase is an offline mode.

A spokesperson for Warner Bros. didn’t respond to a request for comment when Kotaku recently inquired if an offline mode was still on track for this year.

Players are hopeful that, despite radio silence on the feature for months, the fact that it’s still promised on Suicide Squad’s website means it’s still coming, eventually.

2 days, 8 hours назад @ kotaku.com
14 Things To Know Before Playing Indiana Jones And The Great Circle
14 Things To Know Before Playing Indiana Jones And The Great Circle 14 Things To Know Before Playing Indiana Jones And The Great Circle

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is a lot of fun.

AdvertisementTurn down the music and turn up the voicesThe default audio mix in Great Circle is very music-heavy and while I enjoy the game’s soundtrack, I had trouble hearing Troy Baker’s Indy when playing.

Food is very important in Great Circle.

AdvertisementThoroughly look at all items when solving puzzlesThere are a lot of puzzles to solve in Great Circle, and a few times I found myself stumped.

When spotted, run away for a bitStealth is a big part of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

2 days, 9 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Dev Behind Co-Op Hit It Takes Two Has A New Game Reportedly Coming Out In March
Dev Behind Co-Op Hit It Takes Two Has A New Game Reportedly Coming Out In March Dev Behind Co-Op Hit It Takes Two Has A New Game Reportedly Coming Out In March

Hazelight Studios, led by the colorful Josef Fares, might be revealing its latest game very soon.

The Week In Games: Reignited Rivalries And More New Releases CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish view video The Week In Games: Reignited Rivalries And More New ReleasesThe Week In Games: Reignited Rivalries And More New Releases CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish The Week In Games: Reignited Rivalries And More New ReleasesThat’s according to Dealabs’ billbil-kun.

It Takes Two melded the two approaches with a co-op adventure about divorce that ended up winning Game of the Year honors at The Game Awards 2021 and went on to sell over 20 million copies.

AdvertisementOutside of making games, Fares is best know…

2 days, 9 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Silo Season 2's Most Shocking Death Is Going To Change The Show
Silo Season 2's Most Shocking Death Is Going To Change The Show Silo Season 2's Most Shocking Death Is Going To Change The Show

The second season of Apple TV+’s hit sci-fi series Silo has been inching toward a rebellion, and the latest episode featured a shocking death that will set up the biggest conflict the series has ever seen.

We saw how a rebellion erupted in a separate Silo—Silo 17—resulting in people defiantly venturing to the outside world only to be killed by the noxious air.

Since then, we’ve seen Juliette Nichols (Rebecca Ferguson) walk through what could be the future for Silo 18, the Silo she left: dead bodies strewn outside, “Lies” scrawled across the monitor the Silo people use to see the outside world, and darkness.

AdvertisementAfter Bernard’s brooding enforcer Robert Sims (Common) questions Judge …

2 days, 9 hours назад @ kotaku.com
The 10 Worst Games Of 2024 According To Metacritic
The 10 Worst Games Of 2024 According To Metacritic The 10 Worst Games Of 2024 According To Metacritic

2024 was a year filled with good games, especially if you looked beyond the biggest AAA releases and played some of the amazing indie titles and smaller games we got over the last 12 months.

The best games are only great if we can compare them to mediocre or awful games.

So let’s take a look at some of the worst-reviewed games of 2024.

But before we do that it’s worth repeating: Liking a “bad” game isn’t a bad thing.

Now, as we’ve done before, here are the 10 worst-rated games on Metacritic with at least seven reviews.

2 days, 10 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Is On Sale For A Short Time, But There’s A Catch On PlayStation
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Is On Sale For A Short Time, But There’s A Catch On PlayStation Dragon Age: The Veilguard Is On Sale For A Short Time, But There’s A Catch On PlayStation

Dragon Age: The Veilguard has been out for about a month now, and with the holidays approaching, BioWare and EA have put the game on sale for consoles.

However, for whatever reason, the PlayStation 5 version is only on sale if you buy the Deluxe Edition.

The Xbox sale ends in two days as of this writing, meaning you have just this weekend (December 6-8) to buy The Veilguard for cheap on your Series X/S.

AdvertisementPlayStation, meanwhile, has only the Deluxe Edition on sale for $62.99 until December 17.

The standard edition doesn’t get the same discount.

2 days, 10 hours назад @ kotaku.com
TikTok Ban Will Move Forward After Court Rejects Appeal
TikTok Ban Will Move Forward After Court Rejects Appeal TikTok Ban Will Move Forward After Court Rejects Appeal

A U.S. ban of TikTok will move forward unless Chinese-owned tech company ByteDance divests its control by January 19 after an appeals court rejected its argument against the constitutionality of the new law.

AdvertisementA TikTok spokesman told NPR today that it will appeal the latest setback to the Supreme Court.

Incoming President-Elect Donald Trump has also promised to “save TikTok,” though it’s not clear what form that would take.

Earlier this week, Trump shared TikTok stats on Truth Social about his viral McDonalds and garbage truck videos from back during the campaign.

AdvertisementGaming communities in particular have always thrived online, especially on social media, and Tiktok is n…

2 days, 10 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Netflix Killed Its Interactive Shows, But Fans Are Bringing Them Back To Life
Netflix Killed Its Interactive Shows, But Fans Are Bringing Them Back To Life Netflix Killed Its Interactive Shows, But Fans Are Bringing Them Back To Life

After December 1, only four interactive shows were left standing on Netflix: Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. the Reverend, Ranveer vs. Wild with Bear Grylls, and You vs. Wild.

Advertisement“I couldn’t let this work go to waste,” Pixel, one of the fans working to archive everything, explained to 404 Media.

This is actually a similar method to how Netflix created some YouTube-exclusive ads promoting the interactive shows a few years ago.

AdvertisementPixel told 404 Media that Netflix’s interactive shows relied on an “internal video” that contained all the different paths and endings.

According to the archivist, these interactive shows were controlled by two JS…

2 days, 11 hours назад @ kotaku.com
The Campaign Against Avowed Reveals The Bigotry That Fuels The Anti-Woke
The Campaign Against Avowed Reveals The Bigotry That Fuels The Anti-Woke The Campaign Against Avowed Reveals The Bigotry That Fuels The Anti-Woke

The latest target is Avowed, but in picking on it, those running the grift have rather shown their hand.

But with Avowed, the forthcoming Obsidian role-playing game set in the world of Pillars of Eternity, the con is so brazenly laid bare.

And in doing so, they made incredibly clear what it is that’s really at the bottom of all of this: bigotry.

There’s no white man.

But they’re going after it too, because, more than anything else, it hasn’t made any special effort to center a straight, white man in its marketing.

2 days, 11 hours назад @ kotaku.com
11 Things To Know Before Starting Marvel Rivals
11 Things To Know Before Starting Marvel Rivals 11 Things To Know Before Starting Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals is out now and free to play on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

I put about 15 hours into Marvel Rivals during its test periods and about a few additional hours since its launch on December 5.

However, they are not the end-all-be-all of strategy in Marvel Rivals.

AdvertisementUltimate charge carries between roundsOne of the nice differences between Marvel Rivals and Overwatch is that Ultimate charge transfers between rounds.

I did that once in Marvel Rivals on launch night and realized I’d completely forgotten that I’d still have it when the loading screen between rounds was done.

2 days, 12 hours назад @ kotaku.com
MCV/Develop MCV/Develop
последний пост 3 days, 19 hours назад
MCV/DEVELOP’s 30 Under 30 2024
MCV/DEVELOP’s 30 Under 30 2024 MCV/DEVELOP’s 30 Under 30 2024

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInWelcome to this year’s 30 Under 30, where we put the spotlight on the best and brightest young talent that the industry has to offer.

While it is her first role in the games industry, she consistently demonstrates initiative, problem-solving skills, and a remarkable ability to connect with other people.

Joe also collaborates with organisations like the Eden Project and Natural England to raise people’s awareness of environmental issues through the medium of video games.

KIERAN TOWNLEYAssociate Lead Programmer at Soul AssemblyEven though he is only 26 years old, Kieran has already led multiple games industry programming teams across the country.

She’s in charge o…

3 days, 19 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] GAMM, the biggest video game museum in Italy, is now open to the public
[From the industry] GAMM, the biggest video game museum in Italy, is now open to the public [From the industry] GAMM, the biggest video game museum in Italy, is now open to the public

[From the industry] GAMM, the biggest video game museum in Italy, is now open to the publicShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

GAMM – Game Museum has now opened to the public in the historical center of Rome at Piazza della Repubblica.

GAMM – Game Museum aims to highlight the cultural and artistic value of video games as interactive works allowing visitors to immerse themselves in a path based on the combination of history, technology, and the exploration of gameplay.

Marco Accordi Rickards, Director of GAMM said: “GAMM is a wonderful celebration of video game culture that showcases a journey for preservation digitally and …

4 days, 13 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Jingle Jam 2024 begins with over £750,000 raised on Night One, as best-ever Games Collection revealed
[From the industry] Jingle Jam 2024 begins with over £750,000 raised on Night One, as best-ever Games Collection revealed [From the industry] Jingle Jam 2024 begins with over £750,000 raised on Night One, as best-ever Games Collection revealed

[From the industry] Jingle Jam 2024 begins with over £750,000 raised on Night One, as best-ever Games Collection revealedShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

Jingle Jam unites the worlds best games, creators and their communities for two weeks of entertainment that powers a lifetime of change.

Viewers are encouraged to donate as much as they are able to, with the first 100,000 people to donate £35 or more receiving a copy of the Jingle Jam 2024 Games Collection.

“This year’s Jingle Jam is finally underway, and we’re already seeing the amazing things that can happen when gaming and creator communities gather to support our in…

4 days, 13 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
The Games Growth Summit will return to London in February 2025
The Games Growth Summit will return to London in February 2025 The Games Growth Summit will return to London in February 2025

The award-nominated Games Growth Summit will return on February 28, 2025 in London.

This established event offers a crucial opportunity for gaming industry players to navigate challenges and capitalise on emerging opportunities.

Featuring keynotes, panels, and networking, this event aims to equip attendees with actionable strategies for sustainable growth, leveraging technology, funding, resilience, and community collaboration.

“Our focus is to foster collaboration and provide actionable solutions for our audience to navigate the evolving gaming ecosystem.

We are extremely grateful for all of the support we have had so far and can’t wait for the 4th Games Growth Summit in February!”You can …

4 days, 14 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
EA Playdemic is sponsoring the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 2024
EA Playdemic is sponsoring the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 2024 EA Playdemic is sponsoring the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 2024

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInEA Playdemic is the Headline Sponsor for the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024.

Playdemic is a Manchester-based mobile game development studio that has been around since 2010.

It is best known for creating the hugely successful Golf Clash, and was acquired by Electronic Arts back in 2021.

“EA Playdemic is thrilled to announce its ongoing partnership with MCV/DEVELOP this year with the sponsorship of its prestigious 30 Under 30 award!” said Shaun Lawrence, Game Design Director at EA Playdemic.

The new issue will be heading out to subscribers just before Christmas, so don’t delay — there’s not long left to get involved!

3 weeks, 5 days назад @ mcvuk.com
DevPub Quiz finishes its 2025 UK tour in London
DevPub Quiz finishes its 2025 UK tour in London DevPub Quiz finishes its 2025 UK tour in London

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInNext week, the capital’s brainiest and most competitive devs will descend on Russell Square for the final DevPub Quiz of the year, a community pub quiz run by Analog Events.

DevPub Quiz London takes place on Thursday 21st November, at The Generator, near Russell Square.

You can book teams of up to 5 people, the entry price includes drinks tokens & pizza.

The London DevPub Quiz always sells out, so be sure to book your winning team hereThe DevPub Quiz is set to return in 2025, (dates and locations TBC), along with additional Analog Events, Halcyon, VIVA!

Games Marketing, Games Growth Summit, Games Meet Music and Game Dev Heroes.

3 weeks, 6 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Xsolla Enhances Game Developer Experience with Web Shop Innovations, Parental Controls, and Localised Payments
Xsolla Enhances Game Developer Experience with Web Shop Innovations, Parental Controls, and Localised Payments Xsolla Enhances Game Developer Experience with Web Shop Innovations, Parental Controls, and Localised Payments

The Xsolla Web Shop is a fully integrated extension of mobile games designed to drive higher profit margins and enhance users’ Lifetime Value (LTV) by leveraging a reliable, proven direct-to-consumer toolkit.

Xsolla Web Shop addresses all the needs of game developers at every stage of web shop creation and operation, whether they are looking for a solution to launch web sales quickly or to develop a complex, unique portal for their players.

With Xsolla Web Shop, developers can provide their audience with the most seamless and personalized experience, making it easier to attract more players while increasing retention and engagement.

“These new advancements in our Web Shop solution are more …

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
CCP CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson to kick off the Games Growth Summit 2025
CCP CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson to kick off the Games Growth Summit 2025 CCP CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson to kick off the Games Growth Summit 2025

The 4th edition of the award-nominated Games Growth Summit is back on the 28th Feb at RSM UK in Farringdon.

The team are delighted to announce Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, CEO of CCP as our Fireside Keynote for GGS.

This day of panels will take a deep dive into h ow the games industry changed in 2024, and a look ahead at the year to come.

Co-Founders Vanessa Joyce and Alex Boucher intend to grow the event for 2025; “We’re excited to announce our 4th edition of GGS, and it feels like an event of this nature has never been more crucial.

The industry has been going through some fundamental changes right now, and Games Growth Summit is well-placed to educate, inform and connect the movers and shake…

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
Issue 999 of MCV/DEVELOP is available to read online right now
Issue 999 of MCV/DEVELOP is available to read online right now Issue 999 of MCV/DEVELOP is available to read online right now

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe penultimate issue of MCV/DEVELOP for 2024 – and the last before it hits the big 1-O-O-O – is available in digital form for your eyes to feast upon.

Just click or prod here and let your ocular organs do their thing!

Print editions will be delicately inserted through front doors and mail slots from tomorrow.

We could tell you what’s in it beyond the obvious, but that would ruin the surprise.

Enjoy the issue, have a great weekend and see you on the other side.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
Nominations for the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024 will close at midday tomorrow!
Nominations for the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024 will close at midday tomorrow! Nominations for the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024 will close at midday tomorrow!

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInIf you still want to nominate someone for the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024, you should get on it as soon as possible, as the submissions window closes tomorrow, October 18, 2024 at 12:00 BST.

The 30 Under 30 is our annual celebration of the video games industry’s as of yet unrecognised superstars, where we put the spotlight on 30 young people that have worked hard within the last year.

As a reminder: to be eligible to appear in our 30 Under 30 list this year, nominees must be under the age of 30 on December 31, 2024.

If they’ve had an honourable mention in a previous 30 Under 30 list, they’re still eligible.

Sponsorship opportunities for both the 30 Under 30 Spe…

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
Early Bird rates for Develop:North end tonight at midnight
Early Bird rates for Develop:North end tonight at midnight Early Bird rates for Develop:North end tonight at midnight

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInIf you’re planning to attend the inaugural Develop:North conference taking place at The Spine in Liverpool next month, you only have until midnight tonight to take advantage of the Early Bird rates.

That’s a saving of £100 on the regular price of a Conference Pass, or means picking one up for just £120 if you’re a student or micro indie developer.

Develop:North takes place on Thursday, November 14, with a packed program that aims to cover art and audio, coding and design, as well as business and discoverability, with the founders of Wushu Studios delivering the keynote.

You can plan your day by checking out who else will be speaking at Develop:North right here.

1 month, 4 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
Here are the 2024 Women In Games winners!
Here are the 2024 Women In Games winners! Here are the 2024 Women In Games winners!

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis afternoon at a ceremony in central London, the worthy winners of this year’s MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games Awards were announced.

Caroline Miller of Indigo Pearl had this to say: “Cat brings an unprecedented level of excellence to every single role she takes.

In the meantime, all the photos will be appearing on the awards website over the coming days.

Our congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone that nominated someone for an award.

Special thanks too to our record breaking sponsors: Amiqus, Code Wizards, Dlala Studios, Easton Smith, Firesprite, Gowling WLG, Green Man Gaming, Liquid Violet, Playdemic, Playground Games, Renaissance PR, Rocksteady, S…

2 months, 1 week назад @ mcvuk.com
Renaissance PR is sponsoring MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games journalism award
Renaissance PR is sponsoring MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games journalism award Renaissance PR is sponsoring MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games journalism award

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInWe’re very pleased to announce that Renaissance PR is among the Award Sponsors for next week’s MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games Awards 2024.

The veteran comms agency, founded by Stefano Petrullo, is supporting the Journalism Impact category.

“I started out more than 30 years ago in games magazines and have always supported the press,” said Petrullo.

“It’s an important pillar of the games industry that holds it to account.

Good luck everyone!”This year is the tenth anniversary of the MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games Awards and takes place on Thursday 26th September at the America Square Conference Centre in London.

2 months, 3 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
Nominations for the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024 cohort are now open
Nominations for the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024 cohort are now open Nominations for the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024 cohort are now open

The MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 is our annual showcase of the video games industry’s as of yet unrecognised superstars, where we highlight a selection of 30 young people that have worked hard within the last 12 months.

This year’s 30 Under 30 winners will be celebrated in a special supplementary magazine, which will come packed in with MCV/DEVELOP #1000.

As such, the micro-magazine will also commemorate the 30 Under 30 winners of years past, and serve as a bit of a check in on the magnificent work and ongoing careers of previous cohorts.

Nominations for the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024 must be submitted before midday UK time on Friday, October 18, 2024.

They are open to everyone involved in the…

2 months, 3 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Sheffield Wednesday and game developer Sumo Digital create a halftime hit
[From the industry] Sheffield Wednesday and game developer Sumo Digital create a halftime hit [From the industry] Sheffield Wednesday and game developer Sumo Digital create a halftime hit

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInIn a first for the football world, Sheffield-based game developer Sumo Digital has developed a brand-new game – Snake Party – exclusively for Sheffield Wednesday’s esports programme, which will be playable during home matches for the remainder of the season.

Developed by the Sumo Digital Academy – an apprenticeship programme run by Sumo Digital which creates new pathways into the games industry for both programmers and technical artists, Snake Party is a 3D reimagining of the classic Snake game where two players compete in round-based challenges.

Jacob Habgood, Director of Education Partnerships at Sumo Digital, said: “Since it launched in 2020, the Sumo Academy…

2 months, 3 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
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последний пост 3 weeks, 4 days назад
Blizzard Brings Back Old ‘Warcraft’ Games as Global Franchise Turns 30
Blizzard Brings Back Old ‘Warcraft’ Games as Global Franchise Turns 30

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3 weeks, 4 days назад @ bloomberg.com
Take-Two Sells Small-Game Division for Undisclosed Sum
Take-Two Sells Small-Game Division for Undisclosed Sum Take-Two Sells Small-Game Division for Undisclosed Sum

Video-game publisher Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. sold Private Division, its label responsible for smaller-scale titles, for an undisclosed price.

The unnamed buyer purchased the rights to “substantially all of Private Division’s live and unreleased titles” with the exception of No Rest for the Wicked, an action role-playing game that was released earlier this year, Take-Two said Wednesday in a statement.

1 month назад @ bloomberg.com
After Era of Bloat, Veteran Video-Game Developers Are Going Smaller
After Era of Bloat, Veteran Video-Game Developers Are Going Smaller

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1 month, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
PlayStation Shutters Studio Behind ‘Concord’ Video-Game Flop
PlayStation Shutters Studio Behind ‘Concord’ Video-Game Flop

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1 month, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
EA’s BioWare Looks For Redemption With New ‘Dragon Age’ Game
EA’s BioWare Looks For Redemption With New ‘Dragon Age’ Game

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1 month, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
The Power Struggle That Imploded Megan Ellison’s Video Game Unit
The Power Struggle That Imploded Megan Ellison’s Video Game Unit

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2 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Inside Activision and Blizzard’s Corporate Warcraft
Inside Activision and Blizzard’s Corporate Warcraft

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2 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Annapurna Video-Game Team Resigns, Leaving Partners Scrambling
Annapurna Video-Game Team Resigns, Leaving Partners Scrambling

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2 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Sony Reveals New, Faster PlayStation 5 Pro for $700
Sony Reveals New, Faster PlayStation 5 Pro for $700

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2 months, 4 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Top Director at Bungie Was Fired After Misconduct Investigation
Top Director at Bungie Was Fired After Misconduct Investigation

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3 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Ubisoft Entertainment Cuts 45 People From Its US Staff
Ubisoft Entertainment Cuts 45 People From Its US Staff

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3 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
PrizePicks Fantasy Sports Names Blizzard Alum Ybarra as CEO
PrizePicks Fantasy Sports Names Blizzard Alum Ybarra as CEO

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4 months назад @ bloomberg.com
Video-Game Firm Started by Congressman Debuts Pickleball Title
Video-Game Firm Started by Congressman Debuts Pickleball Title

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4 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Nintendo Announces New Zelda, Mario Games Ahead of Next Switch
Nintendo Announces New Zelda, Mario Games Ahead of Next Switch

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5 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Sony’s PlayStation Reveals Plans for a Family-Friendly Fall
Sony’s PlayStation Reveals Plans for a Family-Friendly Fall

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5 months, 4 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
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последний пост 9 часов назад
SpaceX Is Using Robots To Make Starship Rockets In Texas Shows Footage
SpaceX Is Using Robots To Make Starship Rockets In Texas Shows Footage SpaceX Is Using Robots To Make Starship Rockets In Texas Shows Footage

As it prepares for Starship Flight 7, SpaceX is busy manufacturing rockets for subsequent flights to fuel its 2025 Starship test campaign.

Footage from local media in Boca Chica, Texas, shows the firm manufacturing what appears to be a component of an upper-stage Starship rocket in its factory.

SpaceX is building a massive factory in Boca Chica called the Starfactory, through which it plans to eventually produce 1,000 upper-stage Starship rockets annually.

SpaceX Picks Up The Pace With Starship Flight 7 Tests In TexasSpaceX manufactures its upper and lower-stage Starship rockets in stages.

Starship Flight 7 can take place in January, and the test will be a key stepping stone for the Starshi…

9 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Top Tips For Playing Indiana Jones and The Great Circle
Top Tips For Playing Indiana Jones and The Great Circle Top Tips For Playing Indiana Jones and The Great Circle

Here are some top tips for playing Indiana Jones and The Great Circle.

Skill Books are also a great way to give you an advantage in Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, as they can upgrade your abilities.

Stealth is a huge part of Indiana Jones and The Great Circle.

Looting food and bandages is key to your survival in Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, regardless of what difficulty you play it.

These are some tips that will help you survive and explore Indiana Jones and The Great Circle.

9 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Skyrim Gets True PBR with Community Shaders 1.0
Skyrim Gets True PBR with Community Shaders 1.0 Skyrim Gets True PBR with Community Shaders 1.0

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim may have celebrated its thirteenth birthday around a month ago, but its modding community is more alive than ever.

The last few days brought several exciting developments, starting with the long-awaited release of Community Shaders 1.0, a plugin that introduces advanced graphics features to the open world roleplaying game.

Historically, Boris Vorontsov's ENB has been the go-to graphics enhancement framework for Skyrim and many other PC games.

2 of 9Community Shaders 1.0 added more than just PBR to Skyrim.

Version 1.0 is far from the final release of Community Shaders.

9 часов назад @ wccftech.com
T-Mobile Is Now Facing A Class Action For Allegedly Deceiving Consumers Through Its Misleading Pricing Practices
T-Mobile Is Now Facing A Class Action For Allegedly Deceiving Consumers Through Its Misleading Pricing Practices T-Mobile Is Now Facing A Class Action For Allegedly Deceiving Consumers Through Its Misleading Pricing Practices

Consumers filed a lawsuit against T-Mobile for misleading pricing practicesT-Mobile lands itself in hot waters and is now facing a class action that is pursued by 23 plaintiffs against the company for its deceptive pricing practices.

According to the lawsuit, the carrier's Regulatory Programs and Telco Recovery Fee (RPTR Fee) is misleading because there is a lack of transparency on the type of fee being charged.

The plaintiffs in T-Mobile's case did try for arbitration, but apparently, the company did not opt for it.

The lawsuit also highlights how the telecommunication service provider adjusted the fee without any notice to its consumers.

The class action is seeking not only financial comp…

9 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Microsoft’s Surface Laptop Equipped With A 12-Core Snapdragon X Elite Is Priced Under $1,000 On Amazon, Making It The Perfect Windows MacBook Alternative
Microsoft’s Surface Laptop Equipped With A 12-Core Snapdragon X Elite Is Priced Under $1,000 On Amazon, Making It The Perfect Windows MacBook Alternative Microsoft’s Surface Laptop Equipped With A 12-Core Snapdragon X Elite Is Priced Under $1,000 On Amazon, Making It The Perfect Windows MacBook Alternative

The arrival of the Snapdragon X Elite means that every Windows notebook featuring Qualcomm’s latest and greatest silicon for portable computers is now a worthy MacBook competitor, including the smaller 13.8-inch Surface Laptop.

Bear in mind that not everyone will get used to macOS, meaning that for them, a premium alternative is the Surface Laptop.

The 13-inch supports touchscreen inputs, with the entire chassis made using the most premium of materials.

Thankfully, with the Snapdragon X Elite, that problem has been addressed because the Surface Laptop boasts up to a 20-hour runtime on a single charge.

This is all made possible thanks to the Neural Processing Unit of the Snapdragon X Elite.

10 часов назад @ wccftech.com
AirPods 4 Are Now Cheaper Than The AirPods Pro 2 And At $138.99 On Amazon, These Offer An Affordable Path For Earbuds With ANC, Superior Audio Quality & More
AirPods 4 Are Now Cheaper Than The AirPods Pro 2 And At $138.99 On Amazon, These Offer An Affordable Path For Earbuds With ANC, Superior Audio Quality & More AirPods 4 Are Now Cheaper Than The AirPods Pro 2 And At $138.99 On Amazon, These Offer An Affordable Path For Earbuds With ANC, Superior Audio Quality & More

Apple’s AirPods Pro 2 were available for just $153.99 during Amazon’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale, with a surprising revelation being that these were more affordable than the AirPods 4 at the time, making them a ‘no brainer’ purchase.

Other than that, you get the exact custom H2 chip, which is shockingly missing from the AirPods Max, and yet the latter’s most affordable price on Amazon is $462.74.

Assuming you do not want to enable Active Noise Cancellation, you can net an impressive 30 hours of listening time.

Now, there is always those bunch of readers who demand the best of the best, which in this case, would be the AirPods Pro 2.

Get the AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation f…

11 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Apple’s Stalling Vision Pro Sales Prompt Partnership With Sony To Add PlayStation VR2 Controller Support
Apple’s Stalling Vision Pro Sales Prompt Partnership With Sony To Add PlayStation VR2 Controller Support Apple’s Stalling Vision Pro Sales Prompt Partnership With Sony To Add PlayStation VR2 Controller Support

A new report claims that the company is expanding the Vision Pro headset use case by potentially partnering with Sony for its VR Gaming Controller support.

The partnership has been in the works for several months now, and Sony's VR controllers will be available to users as optional accessories.

The PlayStation and Xbox controllers lack the 6DOF or the six degrees of freedom required for precise VR gaming controls.

Sony would have to make some changes to its product distribution strategy if it goes ahead with Apple's plans, requiring it to offer the PlayStation VR2 controller separately, as it is currently bundled with the company's headset.

Apple is aiming to expand its market for the Visio…

11 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Michael Saylor Does Something That Has Preceded Huge BTC Purchases By MicroStrategy In The Previous 4 Instances, Urges The US Government To “Demonitize The Entire Gold Asset Class” By Buying Bitcoin
Michael Saylor Does Something That Has Preceded Huge BTC Purchases By MicroStrategy In The Previous 4 Instances, Urges The US Government To “Demonitize The Entire Gold Asset Class” By Buying Bitcoin Michael Saylor Does Something That Has Preceded Huge BTC Purchases By MicroStrategy In The Previous 4 Instances, Urges The US Government To “Demonitize The Entire Gold Asset Class” By Buying Bitcoin

JUST IN: For the 5th week in a row, Michael Saylor posts the Saylor #Bitcoin tracker 👀 MicroStrategy always buys more BTC the next day 🚀 pic.twitter.com/gDRhL5Eckd — Bitcoin Magazine (@BitcoinMagazine) December 8, 2024To wit, for the fifth straight week, Michael Saylor has posted the so-called Saylor Bitcoin Tracker, which tracks MicroStrategy's BTC purchases over time.

Critically, immediately after the said X post, MicroStrategy proceeded to buy more Bitcoin in each of the past four instances.

"Dump your gold, sell all the US gold and buy bitcoin, then the trade is free.

You will demonetize the entire gold asset class and our enemies hold gold in their banks so their assets would go to zer…

13 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Apple Vision Pro Has Recorded Less Than 500,000 Units In Sales Since Its February Launch, With Internal Data Revealing Reduced Usage Amongst Buyers Who Kept The Headset
Apple Vision Pro Has Recorded Less Than 500,000 Units In Sales Since Its February Launch, With Internal Data Revealing Reduced Usage Amongst Buyers Who Kept The Headset Apple Vision Pro Has Recorded Less Than 500,000 Units In Sales Since Its February Launch, With Internal Data Revealing Reduced Usage Amongst Buyers Who Kept The Headset

A multitude of reasons exist for why the Apple Vision Pro did not reach the heights that it was intended to, given that it is a technological marvel compared to its competitors.

Even those who forked over $3,499 for the Apple Vision Pro ended up returning it, which altered the total sales figure.

“Since the Vision Pro went on sale in February, I’m told that the company has sold fewer than half a million units.

And a large number of Vision Pro buyers (those who haven’t returned it) aren’t using the product as much as Apple anticipated, according to internal data gathered by the company.

Hopefully, when there is a comprehensive app library, not to mention additional productivity-focused and m…

15 часов назад @ wccftech.com
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Sees Massive Price Hike Prior To RTX 5090 Launch: Over $2500 & Discontinued At Major Retailers
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Sees Massive Price Hike Prior To RTX 5090 Launch: Over $2500 & Discontinued At Major Retailers NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Sees Massive Price Hike Prior To RTX 5090 Launch: Over $2500 & Discontinued At Major Retailers

The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 GPU has reached discontinuation status and its price has seen a massive hike before the next-gen RTX 5090 launch.

Imminent NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 Launch Results In Skyrocketing of RTX 4090's Prices, Now Almost 2x Its MSRPThe NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 GPU launched as the flagship product of the existing RTX 40 "Ada" lineup almost two years ago.

B&H Photo is the one retailer that lists all models of the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 as Discontinued.

Image Source: B&HOutside the US markets, the EU and UK regions are also experiencing similar price hikes and out-of-stock scenarios for the GeForce RTX 4090.

With the supply now exhausted, it looks like AIBs and retailers will…

15 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Broadcom Unveils “Cutting-Edge” 3.5D XDSiP Technology, Embeds Four Compute Tiles & 12 HBM Sites On A Single Package
Broadcom Unveils “Cutting-Edge” 3.5D XDSiP Technology, Embeds Four Compute Tiles & 12 HBM Sites On A Single Package Broadcom Unveils “Cutting-Edge” 3.5D XDSiP Technology, Embeds Four Compute Tiles & 12 HBM Sites On A Single Package

Broadcom has unveiled its "cutting-edge" 3.5D XDSiP platform technology, focused on custom compute platforms to bring in significant performance and efficiency gains.

Broadcom’s 3.5D XDSiP platform achieves significant improvements in interconnect density and power efficiency compared to the Face-to-Back (F2B) approach.

Key Benefits of Broadcom's 3.5D XDSiPEnhanced Interconnect Density: Achieves a 7x increase in signal density between stacked dies compared to F2B technology.

The 3.5D XDSiP has demonstrated complete functionality and exceptional performance across critical IP blocks, including high-speed SerDes, HBM memory interfaces, and die-to-die interconnects.

For more information on Bro…

15 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Samsung’s 4TB 990 PRO SSD With A Heatsink Is More Affordable Than The Version Without Thanks To Amazon Slashing 40 Percent Off Its Original Price
Samsung’s 4TB 990 PRO SSD With A Heatsink Is More Affordable Than The Version Without Thanks To Amazon Slashing 40 Percent Off Its Original Price Samsung’s 4TB 990 PRO SSD With A Heatsink Is More Affordable Than The Version Without Thanks To Amazon Slashing 40 Percent Off Its Original Price

Samsung currently has two versions of the 990 PRO PCIe NVMe Gen 4 SSD that are available with 4TB of capacity; one that ships with a heatsink and one without.

That is right, with a 40 percent discount, the 990 PRO with the passive cooler is now listed for $289.99, making it one of the lowest prices that we have seen.

Sure, Amazon has removed Black Friday and Cyber Monday discounts that made the 4TB SSD even more affordable at $269.99, but even you would agree that the difference is negligible.

According to the company, the 990 PRO can also deliver up to 55 percent improvement in random read and write performance compared to the 980 PRO, making it the fastest drive from the company.

Get the …

17 часов назад @ wccftech.com
China To Counter “Trump Tariffs” By Preferring “Made-In-China” Goods For Official Use, Combating The Influence Of US Products
China To Counter “Trump Tariffs” By Preferring “Made-In-China” Goods For Official Use, Combating The Influence Of US Products China To Counter “Trump Tariffs” By Preferring “Made-In-China” Goods For Official Use, Combating The Influence Of US Products

China is expected to combat "Trump tariffs" by lowering the price evaluation of domestically manufactured products and reducing the influence of US items on home soil.

First, the product must be produced in China, which means transformation of attributes from raw materials to components and products within the Chinese territory, excluding labeling and simple packaging.

Second, the production cost of components manufactured within the Chinese territory for a product must reach a certain level, which will be dynamically adjusted according to specific products.

Third, on the basis of the first two requirements, for specific products, key components and key production processes should be comple…

19 часов назад @ wccftech.com
U.S. House Of Representatives To Vote Next Week On a Defense Bill Allocating $3 Billion For Removing Chinese Telecom Equipment Made By Huawei To Minimize Security Risks
U.S. House Of Representatives To Vote Next Week On a Defense Bill Allocating $3 Billion For Removing Chinese Telecom Equipment Made By Huawei To Minimize Security Risks U.S. House Of Representatives To Vote Next Week On a Defense Bill Allocating $3 Billion For Removing Chinese Telecom Equipment Made By Huawei To Minimize Security Risks

An annual defense bill is said to receive a vote from the U.S. House of Representatives and will include a budget of $3 billion that will allow telecom companies to replace the existing hardware made by companies like Huawei, ZTE, and others.

According to Reuters, another step that the U.S government is taking is ensuring that no security risk exists when using telecom equipment mass produced by the aforementioned companies.

The Federal Communications Commission has previously said that purging equipment from overseas sources will require a budget of $4.98 billion.

The FCC Chair is not the only high-ranking official who has voiced concerns over the prompt replacement of Chinese telecom equi…

20 часов назад @ wccftech.com
ASRock Demos Over 10,000 MT/s DDR5 Memory Speeds With Ambient Air-Cooling Using Z890 Taichi OCF
ASRock Demos Over 10,000 MT/s DDR5 Memory Speeds With Ambient Air-Cooling Using Z890 Taichi OCF ASRock Demos Over 10,000 MT/s DDR5 Memory Speeds With Ambient Air-Cooling Using Z890 Taichi OCF

ASRock has demonstrated over 10,000 MT/s DDR5 memory speeds on its Z890 Taichi OCF motherboard using standard air cooling in an ambient room.

ASRock Z890 Taichi OCF keeps breaking records and is probably the first motherboard to push dual DDR5 memory sticks over 10,000 MT/s without the need for high-end coolingThe Z890 Taichi OCF might surpass ASRock's expectations at this point.

While this record has already been broken with a G.Skill module by Splave, who overclocked it to 12666 MT/s, ASRock Z890 Taichi OCF has just now secured another record.

The new ASRock Z890 Taichi OCF motherboard can stably run DDR5-10133 at room temperature, which is really insane.

Image Credit: hkepc.comThis once …

20 часов назад @ wccftech.com
последний пост 4 months, 2 weeks назад
COLORFUL Announces the Launch of the CVN Z790D5 ARK FROZEN Motherboard
COLORFUL Announces the Launch of the CVN Z790D5 ARK FROZEN Motherboard

Late in the Z790 life cycle, we're still seeing new boards come out for the platform. Case in point, Colorful announced their CVN Z790D5 Ark Frozen motherboard. The new SKU sports titanium gray on the heatsinks and PCB, a change from the black and white we're used to. Additionally, you get well-rounded specifications and robust power delivery to handle any 12th-14th generation processor, even when overclocking.

4 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review
Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review

Overclockers and enthusiasts know the Xtreem memory series well, as it's always associated with exceptional performance and high overclocking results. The non-RGB version already confirmed great overclocking potential and high performance.

4 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP700 PRO SE 4TB PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review: The fastest SSD, now even faster!
Corsair MP700 PRO SE 4TB PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review: The fastest SSD, now even faster!

We didn't have to wait long for the updated version of the already exceptional Corsair MP700 Pro SSD. The SE version brings us multiple improvements, which we will present in this review.

Corsair provided us with the 4TB version of the MP700 Pro SE SSD, which has the highest capacity so far and is also the fastest Corsair SSD available in stores. In the upcoming weeks, we will see lower capacities and various cooling options for the MP700 Pro SE.

6 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
ADATA SD810 2TB USB 3.2 External SSD Review
ADATA SD810 2TB USB 3.2 External SSD Review

We do not often review portable storage devices, but we are always happy to present interesting products. ADATA sent us the SD810 external SSD, which is designed to resist heavy conditions like water or shock caused by drops on the ground. The SSD also has a high capacity of 2TB and promises exceptional performance, so it is the full package for our important data.

6 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 GRE Gaming OC 16G Graphics Card Review
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 GRE Gaming OC 16G Graphics Card Review

Radeon RX 7900 GRE wasn't planned for a global release; it was a product designed for the Chinese market. However, it became so interesting that AMD decided to make it available around the world, and we didn't have to wait long for leading partners to present their versions. In this review, we will focus on the RX 7900 GRE from Gigabyte, which uses a custom PCB and power design. The card is also overclocked, so it promises better than standard performance.

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Team Group T-Force Xtreem 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review
Team Group T-Force Xtreem 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review

Today, we present the latest Team Group DDR5 memory kit designed for the most demanding users - T-Force Xtreem DDR5-8000. The tested memory kit has 48GB capacity and is rated at 8000MT/s, which suggests it's optimal for a modern gaming PC.

8 months, 4 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG Review: Skinny Version Packs a Punch!
MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG Review: Skinny Version Packs a Punch!

Today, on our test bench, we have another 'Super' card, but this time, it's the MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG. What a mouthful! Outside of the obvious that it's a 4070 Super and slim compared to the 3-slot plus monsters we're used to seeing, the MLG version (where their Dragon, Lucky, turns into the Dragon Princess) sports red highlights, and it includes a magnetic backplate with a picture of their anime-style princess.

9 months назад @ overclockers.com
GPU Testing Prodedure 2024 – It’s all about that Ray Tracing and DLSS/FSR
GPU Testing Prodedure 2024 – It’s all about that Ray Tracing and DLSS/FSR

With new video cards set to release by the end of the calendar year (2024), we've updated our testing suite to new games and benchmarks to bring you performance metrics from various titles using the latest technologies from AMD, Intel, and Nvidia.

9 months назад @ overclockers.com
Gigabyte RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G Review
Gigabyte RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G Review

Gigabyte was kind enough to send their RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G with a large 2.5 slot, a three-fan Windforce cooling solution, increased (from reference model) clock speeds, and some cool-looking RGB bling ring inside the fan space. Below, we'll look at the specifications and features and discuss the performance profile of this 1440p/4K UHD targeted graphics card against its peers and the competition.

9 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Reddit: /r/hardware Reddit: /r/hardware
последний пост 1 час назад
Why Gelsinger was wrong for Intel | The Observation Deck
Why Gelsinger was wrong for Intel | The Observation Deck

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
Intel 0x114 Microcode Update Spotted And It Could Fix Arrow Lake Gaming Performance
Intel 0x114 Microcode Update Spotted And It Could Fix Arrow Lake Gaming Performance Intel 0x114 Microcode Update Spotted And It Could Fix Arrow Lake Gaming Performance

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
Baseless Intel Hate Needs to Stop
Baseless Intel Hate Needs to Stop

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7 часов назад @ reddit.com
[Hardware Busters] Arctic S12038-4K 120mm 4k rpm server fan [benchmarks]
[Hardware Busters] Arctic S12038-4K 120mm 4k rpm server fan [benchmarks] [Hardware Busters] Arctic S12038-4K 120mm 4k rpm server fan [benchmarks]

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7 часов назад @ reddit.com
Would you trade
Would you trade

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8 часов назад @ reddit.com
[Gamers Nexus] Intel Battlemage GPU Deep-Dive Into a Frame | Engineering Discussion ft. Tom Petersen
[Gamers Nexus] Intel Battlemage GPU Deep-Dive Into a Frame | Engineering Discussion ft. Tom Petersen [Gamers Nexus] Intel Battlemage GPU Deep-Dive Into a Frame | Engineering Discussion ft. Tom Petersen

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9 часов назад @ reddit.com
Apple collaborating with Sony to bring Playstation VR2 controller support to Vision Pro headset
Apple collaborating with Sony to bring Playstation VR2 controller support to Vision Pro headset Apple collaborating with Sony to bring Playstation VR2 controller support to Vision Pro headset

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9 часов назад @ reddit.com
How could 2nm node processes change triple A gaming? IBM announced in 2021 their achievement. .
How could 2nm node processes change triple A gaming? IBM announced in 2021 their achievement. .

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10 часов назад @ reddit.com
What's up with MiniSD cards?
What's up with MiniSD cards?

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10 часов назад @ reddit.com
Unless my phone can be a PC too, I don't want to keep paying for extra performance
Unless my phone can be a PC too, I don't want to keep paying for extra performance Unless my phone can be a PC too, I don't want to keep paying for extra performance

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14 часов назад @ reddit.com
TSMC hits 60% yield on 2nm chip trial production
TSMC hits 60% yield on 2nm chip trial production TSMC hits 60% yield on 2nm chip trial production

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14 часов назад @ reddit.com
[STS] Do AMD GPUs scale better with AMD CPUs? 7900XTX + 7700X vs 13700k (uplift from RTX 3080 Ti & vs. RTX 4080/4090)
[STS] Do AMD GPUs scale better with AMD CPUs? 7900XTX + 7700X vs 13700k (uplift from RTX 3080 Ti & vs. RTX 4080/4090) [STS] Do AMD GPUs scale better with AMD CPUs? 7900XTX + 7700X vs 13700k (uplift from RTX 3080 Ti & vs. RTX 4080/4090)

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17 часов назад @ reddit.com
SD Express Card Flaw Exposes Laptops and Consoles to Memory Attacks
SD Express Card Flaw Exposes Laptops and Consoles to Memory Attacks SD Express Card Flaw Exposes Laptops and Consoles to Memory Attacks

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18 часов назад @ reddit.com
SC24 Reveal: Nvidia’s PC/Server ARM CPU Program Started on x86
SC24 Reveal: Nvidia’s PC/Server ARM CPU Program Started on x86

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21 час назад @ reddit.com
What would be a theoretical max performance a PCI-E X1 GPU can be ? (e.g. 1060 level, etc).
What would be a theoretical max performance a PCI-E X1 GPU can be ? (e.g. 1060 level, etc).

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22 часа назад @ reddit.com
Xbox Wire Xbox Wire
последний пост 1 day, 16 hours назад
Fortnite Ballistic: New Tactical 5v5 First-Person Shooter Launching in Early Access on December 11, 2024
Fortnite Ballistic: New Tactical 5v5 First-Person Shooter Launching in Early Access on December 11, 2024

The post Fortnite Ballistic: New Tactical 5v5 First-Person Shooter Launching in Early Access on December 11, 2024 appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 day, 16 hours назад @ fortnite.com
For the King II Comes to Xbox Game Pass on December 12
For the King II Comes to Xbox Game Pass on December 12 For the King II Comes to Xbox Game Pass on December 12

Summary For The King II is coming to Xbox Game Pass on December 12!

We are ecstatic to let the Xbox community know that you will be able to play For the King II via Xbox Game Pass on December 12!

Building on the successes of its predecessor, For The King II follows suit by bringing innovation and exciting gameplay to a much-loved RPG that blends the borders of rogue-lite elements and tabletop gameplay.

What Makes For The King II Replayable?

Thank you for being part of our next chapter, and we hope you enjoy For The King II!

2 days, 11 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Bethesda Blog: Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Early Access Starts Now
Bethesda Blog: Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Early Access Starts Now Bethesda Blog: Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Early Access Starts Now

The post Bethesda Blog: Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Early Access Starts Now appeared first on Xbox Wire.

2 days, 11 hours назад @ bethesda.net
Eight Tips for Exploring the Island of the Gods in Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island
Eight Tips for Exploring the Island of the Gods in Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island Eight Tips for Exploring the Island of the Gods in Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island

Today, we at Whitethorn Games are here to guide you as you explore the mythical Ambrosia Island, befriend the gods of Greek myth, and unravel the mystery that surrounds them in Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island — available now on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S!

Developed by double BAFTA-nominated indie studio Polygon Treehouse (Röki), Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island puts you in the well-worn hiking boots of backpacker Alex, who finds herself shipwrecked and stranded on the beautiful but mysterious Ambrosia Island.

Meet With OraOne of the first friends you’ll meet in Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island isn’t a person at all, but a friendly statue named Ora.

Talk to the IslandersAs you explore Ambrosia Island…

2 days, 13 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Why Winter Fest is World of Tanks Modern Armor’s Biggest Seasonal Event Ever
Why Winter Fest is World of Tanks Modern Armor’s Biggest Seasonal Event Ever Why Winter Fest is World of Tanks Modern Armor’s Biggest Seasonal Event Ever

Summary Winter Fest arrives in World of Tanks Modern Armor on December 10, the biggest festive update yet.

Learn all about the new tanks, Commanders, and the brand-new World of Tanks Winter Fest storyline.

Winter Fest is the biggest holiday event in World of Tanks Modern Armor’s history.

The Winter Fest War Chests work similarly to our regular War Chests, offering rarer content depending on their tier.

Winter Fest is just about ready to warm you up with pure holiday magic inside World of Tanks Modern Armor.

2 days, 13 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Season of Xbox: Celebrate with Limited Time Events, Game Pass Ultimate Perks, and More
Season of Xbox: Celebrate with Limited Time Events, Game Pass Ultimate Perks, and More Season of Xbox: Celebrate with Limited Time Events, Game Pass Ultimate Perks, and More

Embark on thrilling new journeys and adventures with our limited-time collection of special events, fresh content, and exciting game updates.

Discover an array of new characters, levels, skins, modes, and more, including Game Pass Ultimate Perks.

LTD. ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 1053 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Get it now Xbox Game Pass Genshin Impact, the open-world adventure free-to-play RPG, has officially arrived on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox Cloud Gaming!

Game Pass Ultimate Perks for the HolidaysDon’t forget to check the Perks gallery throughout the season!

From festive outfits to exclusive bonuses, Game Pass Ultimate members can enjoy holiday treats all month long!

2 days, 14 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Next Week on Xbox: New Games for December 9 to 13
Next Week on Xbox: New Games for December 9 to 13 Next Week on Xbox: New Games for December 9 to 13

Enotria: The Last Song – December 12Optimized for Xbox Series X|SA thrilling soulsike set in a sun-lit land inspired by Italian folklore and filled with danger.

The world has been gripped by the Canovaccio – a twisted eternal play that keeps everything in an unnatural stasis.

You, Maskless One, are the only one without a given role and master of your destiny.

Defeat the fearsome Authors that created it and free the world from stagnation.

2 days, 15 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: Starting Tips and Tricks for Your Adventure
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: Starting Tips and Tricks for Your Adventure Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: Starting Tips and Tricks for Your Adventure

It’s time to pack your whip, don your hat and embark on a journey in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, available in early access today for Xbox Series X|S consoles and Game Pass.

As such, the Wire team has assembled some handy, spoiler-free tips, tricks and pointers to get you started on your escapades.

Sights, Camera, ActionThe greatest mysteries and perplexing puzzles require documentation, and that rings true throughout Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, in which snapping photos is key.

These will come in super handy if you’re enjoying being creative with the vast range of melee options on display.

We hope our guidance proves helpful as you begin your own adventure in Indiana Jones an…

3 days, 6 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
How The Thing: Remastered Remains Faithful To 2002’s The Thing Adaptation
How The Thing: Remastered Remains Faithful To 2002’s The Thing Adaptation How The Thing: Remastered Remains Faithful To 2002’s The Thing Adaptation

This is where Nightdive comes in with The Thing: Remastered, available on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One today.

Game preservation is something I recently stressed the importance of while writing about Killing Time: Resurrected, and the same remains true for The Thing: Remastered.

It’s a smart movie, a masterclass in cinema,” remarks Joel Welsh, art lead on The Thing: Remastered at Nightdive Studios.

While it’s not required to watch “The Thing” before playing The Thing: Remastered, it does help broaden your knowledge of the peril Captain J.F.

Working on The Thing: Remastered with Nightdive, Atkinson took on a similar role.

3 days, 10 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Xbox Indie Winter Game Fest Demo Event
Xbox Indie Winter Game Fest Demo Event Xbox Indie Winter Game Fest Demo Event

Speaking of which, we have an exciting new lineup of game demos just for you!

From December 10 to December 31, 2024, you’ll have the opportunity to play over 35 demos of upcoming unreleased games for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One!

Here are a few things to keep in mind:These demos will only be available on the Xbox Dashboard through December.

These “game demos” are not the usual kind.

Stay tuned to Xbox Wire to learn more about what Team Xbox has planned!

3 days, 12 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Fantasian Neo Dimension is Out Now – How to Strategize Your Way to Win
Fantasian Neo Dimension is Out Now – How to Strategize Your Way to Win Fantasian Neo Dimension is Out Now – How to Strategize Your Way to Win

Set across a backdrop of over 150 hand-crafted dioramas, Fantasian Neo Dimension will bring a fun challenge set across beautiful—very real landscapes.

Getting StartedOne of the key features of Fantasian Neo Dimension is the Skill Trajectories that you’ll use in battle.

Dimengeon Machine Reset – If you ever feel like you have too many enemies in your Dimengeon Machine, you can stop by the Outskirts of the Vibra Royal Capital and find a device that can empty the Dimengeon Machine for a cost.

Party Members – Later in the game, Leo will be joined by multiple members that you can swap into your party.

Embark on a Multi-Dimensional AdventureArmed with these tips and tricks, I hope you can go fort…

3 days, 13 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Free Play Days – Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, The Crew Motorfest, Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker, and More
Free Play Days – Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, The Crew Motorfest, Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker, and More Free Play Days – Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, The Crew Motorfest, Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker, and More

We’ve got plenty for you to try with Free Play Days!

Clicking through will send you to the Microsoft Store, where you must be signed in to see the option to install with your Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, Standard and Core membership.

To download on console, click on the Subscriptions tab in the Xbox Store and navigate down to the Free Play Days collection on your Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 970 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ $19.99 $4.99 Get it now Free Trial Naruto to Boruto Shinobi StrikerAnswer the call of the shinobi!

Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker is on sale now up to 75% off for a limited time during this Free Play Days weekend.

3 days, 13 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Minecraft Avatar Rights of Passage DLC is Available Now
Minecraft Avatar Rights of Passage DLC is Available Now

The post Minecraft Avatar Rights of Passage DLC is Available Now appeared first on Xbox Wire.

3 days, 14 hours назад @ minecraft.net
Relive the Origins of Battle Royale with Fortnite OG Chapter 1 – Season 1, Starting December 6
Relive the Origins of Battle Royale with Fortnite OG Chapter 1 – Season 1, Starting December 6

The post Relive the Origins of Battle Royale with Fortnite OG Chapter 1 – Season 1, Starting December 6 appeared first on Xbox Wire.

3 days, 15 hours назад @ fortnite.com
Game Over: Xbox Unveils Controllers and Fan Activations for Netflix’s “Squid Game” Season 2
Game Over: Xbox Unveils Controllers and Fan Activations for Netflix’s “Squid Game” Season 2 Game Over: Xbox Unveils Controllers and Fan Activations for Netflix’s “Squid Game” Season 2

As the highly anticipated Season 2 of the global sensation “Squid Game” approaches, Netflix and Xbox have teamed up to offer fans an exciting way to immerse themselves in the Squid Game universe.

Test your skills for a chance to win one of the coveted Game Over controllers at the Xbox and Squid Game event!

To play, visit Squid Game: The Experience in NYC on December 16, 2024, at 9 am ET.

Tune into Xbox’s Twitch livestream on December 16, 2024, to get in on the action and potentially win an exclusive Game Over Xbox controller!

For an added twist, “Squid Game” is also making its way into Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, with an exciting new in-game integration coming soon.

3 days, 16 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
PlayStation Blog PlayStation Blog
последний пост 1 day, 15 hours назад
Fortnite: new 5v5 tactical FPS mode Ballistic coming December 11
Fortnite: new 5v5 tactical FPS mode Ballistic coming December 11 Fortnite: new 5v5 tactical FPS mode Ballistic coming December 11

Relive the OG OG Battle Royale experience in Fortnite OG Chapter 1 Season 1.

Additionally, soon you’ll be able to prove your skill, precision, and teamwork in the new tactical 5v5 FPS, Fortnite Ballistic, launching December 11 into early access.

Welcome back Fortnite OG – always on, every dayRelive the classic Battle Royale experience in Fortnite OG!

Kick it old school with the Fortnite OG PassThe Fortnite OG Pass is giving all the feels by featuring 45 tiers of modern twists on classic rewards.

Join the fun in Fortnite OG Chapter 1 Season 1 and Battle Royale Chapter 6 Season 1: 鬼 Hunters today.

1 day, 15 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Path of Exile 2 Early Access available today on PS5
Path of Exile 2 Early Access available today on PS5 Path of Exile 2 Early Access available today on PS5

Like thisExplore the dark, twisted realm of Wraeclast when Path of Exile 2 Early Access launches today on PS5.

Swift and deadly, a blur of motion that leaves nothing but mangled bodies in its wake.

Warrior: A savage force, wielding deadly weapons with brutal efficiency, tearing foes apart with raw power.

A savage force, wielding deadly weapons with brutal efficiency, tearing foes apart with raw power.

Take the first steps into Path of Exile 2 Early Access on PS5 today and face the horrors that await.

2 days, 11 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 503: Celebrating 30 Years of PlayStation (Part 3)
Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 503: Celebrating 30 Years of PlayStation (Part 3) Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 503: Celebrating 30 Years of PlayStation (Part 3)

Like thisThe festivities continue as the podcast crew shares their favorite games on PS Vita, PS4, and PS VR.

The PlayStation 30th anniversary celebration continues this week as the crew hears from listeners and developers about their favorite PlayStation games of all time.

Plus, the crew dives into their favorite games on PS Vita, PS4, and PS VR.

We’ll continue to feature listeners and developers (and name our personal top picks for PS5 and PS VR2 games!)

Game details are gathered from press releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]

2 days, 11 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Share of the Week: Stellar Blade x Nier: Automata
Share of the Week: Stellar Blade x Nier: Automata

Last week, we asked you to dive into Stellar Blade’s newly released photo mode to highlight the Nier: Automata DLC costumes using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights: marka_game shares Eve in 2B’s classic outfit, and Adam’s themed bot at her shoulder. sorathluna shares Lily, Eve, and Adam’s Nier themed costumes. sirevanztheduke shares Eve […]

2 days, 13 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Finals live in Amsterdam starting Dec 8
Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Finals live in Amsterdam starting Dec 8 Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Finals live in Amsterdam starting Dec 8

Like thisIt’s a special time of year in the GT calendar as we head to Amsterdam in the Netherlands for the World Finals of the Gran Turismo World Series 2024.

Play VideoAs ever, the Toyota Gazoo Racing GT Cup final is the warm-up event for World Finals weekend and takes place at 16:00 CET on Friday, December 7.

Always competitive, the TGR GT Cup will feature a mix of established World Series stars, aiming to make a winning start to their weekends, with some newcomers to the international scene keen to establish themselves.

But its talisman, Igor Fraga (BRA), winner of Round 1 in Montreal, will not be at the World Finals due to Super GT racing commitments in Japan.

Race like the best in Gran…

2 days, 16 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Zenless Zone Zero launches version 1.4 December 18
Zenless Zone Zero launches version 1.4 December 18 Zenless Zone Zero launches version 1.4 December 18

With the highly anticipated version 1.4, A Storm of Falling Stars, launching on December 18, I am eager to share our latest game content and optimizations with you!

Also, I’m excited to announce that Zenless Zone Zero will be arriving on PS5 Pro with a multitude of optimizations for the new console.

To enhance immersion and interactions with Agents, in version 1.4, all contracted Agents are controllable in the city as we promised.

To deliver stunning visuals, version 1.4 of Zenless Zone Zero introduces exciting engine features, particularly ray tracing, newly optimized specifically for the PS5 Pro.

We sincerely hope that you enjoy our newly updated version 1.4 and relish the combat experien…

2 days, 17 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Wanderstop, a cozy game about change and tea, coming to PS5 March 11, 2025
Wanderstop, a cozy game about change and tea, coming to PS5 March 11, 2025 Wanderstop, a cozy game about change and tea, coming to PS5 March 11, 2025

Like thisMy name is Jenny, and I’m the Communications Director for Ivy Road, the indie studio currently developing Wanderstop.

Our team is proud to announce that Wanderstop will be released on PlayStation 5 on March 11, 2025.

But Alta isn’t quite like everyone else, and this golden opportunity for rest is something she wishes she could escape.

We also drew from the groundwork of many narrative and cozy games that have also explored challenging topics.

As he progressed, he discovered that playing cozy games can provide lots of relaxation – making them still contain the stresses and challenges that all game development holds.

3 days, 7 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Announcing PlayStation Tournaments: XP, a new live studio event and competition open to the global PS5 community
Announcing PlayStation Tournaments: XP, a new live studio event and competition open to the global PS5 community Announcing PlayStation Tournaments: XP, a new live studio event and competition open to the global PS5 community

In the spirit of celebrating our community, we’re excited to announce PlayStation Tournaments: XP, a new live studio event that invites the top competitive gamers globally on PS5 for a unique in-person team-based competition.

Play VideoOn January 18, 2025, the first-ever PlayStation Tournaments: XP competition will be held live in London.

How to qualify for PlayStation Tournaments: XPTo battle for a chance to compete in London, play in any PlayStation Tournaments: XP Open Qualifier on PS5.

After four rounds of competition and surprise mini-games, the top two teams will compete to become the first-ever Champions of PlayStation Tournaments: XP.

Stay tuned for the latest PlayStation Tournament…

3 days, 14 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Synth Riders Experience – Barbie Dance ‘n Dream DLC out on PS VR2 today
Synth Riders Experience – Barbie Dance ‘n Dream DLC out on PS VR2 today Synth Riders Experience – Barbie Dance ‘n Dream DLC out on PS VR2 today

Hi, I’m Falcon from Kluge Interactive and this is the new Synth Riders Experience – Barbie Dance ‘n Dream.

Here’s a small taste of what you can experience yourself right now in Synth Riders with this new DLC.

Play VideoYou’ll soak in some rays at the beach, groove at the roller disco, and dance through Barbie dreams in Synth Riders’ latest musical journey.

Jaime adds, “It’s really all about bringing a huge smile to your face by the time the song’s done.” So pull out that power pink wardrobe and get yourself ready for the Synth Riders Experience — Barbie Dance ‘n Dream!

The Synth Riders Experience – Barbie Dance’n Dream DLC is available now on PlayStation VR2 for $2.99.

3 days, 16 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles reveals new Lightsaber Color Toggle feature
Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles reveals new Lightsaber Color Toggle feature Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles reveals new Lightsaber Color Toggle feature

Like thisIn our upcoming release of Star Wars: Episode I: Jedi Power Battles, which launches January 23 on PS5 and PS4, we’re excited to introduce the new Lightsaber Color Toggle.

Play VideoFor the first time, Mace Windu can wield his iconic purple lightsaber in Jedi Power Battles, a nod to his weapon seen throughout the Star Wars films and beyond.

Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles is packed with memorable locations and action, from the Theed Palace on Naboo to the Trade Federation Battleship.

How to access the Lightsaber ToggleSwitching your lightsaber color is as easy as igniting your blade!

Don’t miss the battlePre-order Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles today.

3 days, 17 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Nobuo Uematsu: Fantasian Neo Dimension’s composer discusses his scores for the soundtrack
Nobuo Uematsu: Fantasian Neo Dimension’s composer discusses his scores for the soundtrack Nobuo Uematsu: Fantasian Neo Dimension’s composer discusses his scores for the soundtrack

I’m Nobuo Uematsu, the composer of Fantasian Neo Dimension.

Play VideoToday, I’ll be introducing five of my favorite tracks from Fantasian Neo Dimension’s soundtrack.

Main Theme of FantasianComposing the main theme for a game is always a headache.

God RealmIs music considered “proper” only when it has a beautiful melody on top of beautiful chords, played with a beautiful tone?

Speaking of which, Yuria Miyazono’s vocals are so beautiful…Discover these tracks for yourself in-game when Fantasian Neo Dimension launches on PlayStation Store December 5, 2024.

4 days, 13 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered – Lost Levels and other bonus materials detailed
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered – Lost Levels and other bonus materials detailed Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered – Lost Levels and other bonus materials detailed

Relive the epic narrative through FMV cinematics from Soul Reaver 1 & 2, now presented with even more detail.

The Soul Reaver Lost Levels: A journey through what might have beenDiscover the “Soul Reaver Lost Levels” section, a unique addition to our Bonus Materials that showcases several areas that didn’t make the original game.

Each provides a glimpse into alternative visions of the original Soul Reaver.

Forges: Soul Reaver was originally designed with six elemental enhancements for the Reaver.

Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Soundtracks: An auditory legacyLastly, immerse yourself in the haunting melodies of Nosgoth with the extended playlists of the soundtracks from both Soul Reaver 1 & 2.

4 days, 14 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Bleach Rebirth of Souls launches March 21, 2025
Bleach Rebirth of Souls launches March 21, 2025 Bleach Rebirth of Souls launches March 21, 2025

Every time a Reishi gauge is cut down, the player’s Konpaku takes damage.

Every time a Reishi gauge is cut down, the player’s Konpaku takes damage.

Spiritual Power Gauge: Accumulated when attacking an opponent.

Along with basic abilities, players can activate the Awakening state in the form of signature Bleach skills like Shikai, Bankai, and Resurrección.

Bleach Rebirth of Souls is coming to PS5 and PS4 on March 21, 2025.

4 days, 15 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
My First Gran Turismo launches on PS5 and PS4 December 6
My First Gran Turismo launches on PS5 and PS4 December 6 My First Gran Turismo launches on PS5 and PS4 December 6

Like thisAs we celebrate PlayStation’s 30th anniversary, I’m thrilled to introduce My First Gran Turismo, a special free-to-play invitation to dive into the exhilarating world of motorsports.

My First Gran Turismo will be available through PlayStation Store December 6 at 12:00am local time.

Players will drive them on iconic tracks that some Gran Turismo veterans may find nostalgic, namely the Kyoto Driving Park, Deep Forest Raceway, and Trial Mountain Circuit.

Full PlayStation VR2 Support (PS5 only)My First Gran Turismo also has full PlayStation VR2 support, allowing you to experience a whole new level of driving realism and highly immersive gameplay.

We can’t wait for everyone to experienc…

4 days, 16 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Civilization VII: First look at PS5 gameplay ahead of February 11 launch
Civilization VII: First look at PS5 gameplay ahead of February 11 launch Civilization VII: First look at PS5 gameplay ahead of February 11 launch

Today, I’m delighted to give you a first look at Civilization VII on PS5, with a UI designed for your controller and features specially made for PlayStation platforms.

With Civilization VII, we’re planning to deliver new content simultaneously across PC and consoles, and this unified launch date is the first step in that commitment.

Let’s take a closer look at how Civilization VII plays on PS5, and some of the new features we’ve developed specifically for PlayStation players.

Civilization VII supports up to five players in the Antiquity Age and Exploration Age, and up to eight players in the Modern Age.

We can’t wait for you to take one more turn with Civilization VII on February 11, 2025!

4 days, 17 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
PC Gamer PC Gamer
последний пост 2 часа назад
Today's Wordle answer for Monday, December 9
Today's Wordle answer for Monday, December 9 Today's Wordle answer for Monday, December 9

Wordle help: 3 tips for beating Wordle every dayIf you've decided to play Wordle but you're not sure where to start, I'll help set you on the path to your first winning streak.

Today's Wordle answer(Image credit: Future)What is today's Wordle answer?

Contact me with news and offers from other Future brands Receive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsorsPrevious Wordle answersThe last 10 Wordle answersPrevious Wordle solutions can help to eliminate guesses for today's Wordle, as the answer isn't likely to be repeated.

Once you've typed your guess and hit Enter, you'll see which letters you've got right or wrong.

🟩 means you've got the right letter in the right spot.

2 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Skyrim Special Edition's Community Shaders mod just hit 1.0 and became an essential graphical upgrade
Skyrim Special Edition's Community Shaders mod just hit 1.0 and became an essential graphical upgrade Skyrim Special Edition's Community Shaders mod just hit 1.0 and became an essential graphical upgrade

If you're still playing Skyrim Special Edition and you haven't dived into the world of Community Shaders, now is the time.

Now that it's arrived at version 1.0, there are even more reasons to give Community Shaders a try.

Image 1 of 10 Before (Image credit: Bethesda) After (Image credit: Community Shaders Team/Bethesda) Before (Image credit: Bethesda) After (Image credit: Community Shaders Team/Bethesda) Before (Image credit: Bethesda) After (Image credit: Community Shaders Team/Bethesda) Before (Image credit: Bethesda) After (Image credit: Community Shaders Team/Bethesda) Before (Image credit: Bethesda) After (Image credit: Community Shaders Team/Bethesda)To install Community Shaders you'l…

2 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Five new Steam games you probably missed (December 9, 2024)
Five new Steam games you probably missed (December 9, 2024) Five new Steam games you probably missed (December 9, 2024)

On an average day about a dozen new games are released on Steam.

If nothing catches your fancy this week, we've gathered the best PC games you can play right now and a running list of the 2024 games that are launching this year.

Nikoderiko: The Magical WorldNikoderiko: The Magical World - PC Release Trailer - YouTube Watch OnSteam‌ ‌page‌Release:‌ December 6Developer:‌ Knights PeakThis lush 2.5D platformer is strongly reminiscent of Retro Studios' Donkey Kong offerings.

EscaEsca Trailer - YouTube Watch OnSteam‌ ‌page‌ ‌Release:‌ December 7Developer:‌ LuNEsca is a murky, atmospheric survival RPG played from a top down perspective.

As the trailer above makes clear, this is borderline a horror…

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Witcher 3 modders datamine a quest where Geralt would have teleported to Night City from Cyberpunk 2077: 'Technologically advanced, but broken. Dying.'
Witcher 3 modders datamine a quest where Geralt would have teleported to Night City from Cyberpunk 2077: 'Technologically advanced, but broken. Dying.' Witcher 3 modders datamine a quest where Geralt would have teleported to Night City from Cyberpunk 2077: 'Technologically advanced, but broken. Dying.'

It's this bracing, exciting, and surprising bit of high-concept sci-fi in The Witcher 3 that I just really dig.

The first jaunt, though, would send them to Night City, with Geralt and Avallac'h exchanging the following dialogue:Geralt: "What... What is this place?

The What Lies Unseen team also stated that CD Projekt Red developers have talked publicly about wanting to implement a scene like this.

At this stage of The Witcher 3's development (circa 2012), CDPR had not even put out that legendary/infamous first pre-rendered trailer announcing Cyberpunk 2077.

For more Witcher 3 secrets, we have an overview article about the other new information revealed so far by the What Lies Unseen team.

5 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Witcher 3 modders just upended everything we know about how it was made with a 584-page breakdown of an early prototype that had a 150-hour main quest, all thanks to a database 'containing almost every single line of text' from its development
Witcher 3 modders just upended everything we know about how it was made with a 584-page breakdown of an early prototype that had a 150-hour main quest, all thanks to a database 'containing almost every single line of text' from its development Witcher 3 modders just upended everything we know about how it was made with a 584-page breakdown of an early prototype that had a 150-hour main quest, all thanks to a database 'containing almost every single line of text' from its development

There was a lot more travel back and forth between Velen, Skellige, and Novigrad, and plotlines and characters that were more contained in the final game would extend across multiple acts.

Your choice between Yennefer or Triss would mean that the other sorceress would be absent from the final third of the game.

There was a multipart heist quest in Novigrad that required allies like the Kaer Morhen siege.

The game didn't have Gwent, and instead saw the return of arm wrestling and dice poker from TW1 and 2.

"Included with this development kit was a string database, containing almost every single line of text that was written between the earliest and latest point in Witcher 3's development.

7 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop is a spaceship repair roguelite with excellent animation and a naughty sense of humor
Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop is a spaceship repair roguelite with excellent animation and a naughty sense of humor Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop is a spaceship repair roguelite with excellent animation and a naughty sense of humor

Okay, fine, this isn't a hardcore spaceship repair simulator but it is a pretty funny one, and it just released this week.

Boasting a funky sense of humor, a host of goofy minigames, and a big manual to read when fixing ships, Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop is something pretty much entirely unlike other games I've played—and for that I commend it.

That's not to say that Uncle Chop's is inflexible.

PC Gamer features producer Mollie Taylor enjoyed Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop quite a lot in a preview of the game, even if it apparently reminded her how fundamentally bad she is at reading directions.

You can find Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop on publisher Kasedo Games' website, and for sale on Epic and Steam …

7 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
If you have fond memories of Warhammer battle reports from antique issues of White Dwarf, here's a turn-based wargame that's basically just those
If you have fond memories of Warhammer battle reports from antique issues of White Dwarf, here's a turn-based wargame that's basically just those If you have fond memories of Warhammer battle reports from antique issues of White Dwarf, here's a turn-based wargame that's basically just those

It looks rather a lot like a battle report from an old issue of Games Workshop's in-house White Dwarf magazine some time in the early 1990s.

(Image credit: Dalen)This powerfully straightforward art style makes manoeuvering in SOVL easy to grasp.

The focus is kept on those kind of sweeping, general-in-a-tent decisions because the rules are so simple.

You won't have to learn Warhammer Fantasy Battle to play SOVL, which has its own rules you can read on the official Github.

The base game is available for zero dollars and zero cents on Steam.

7 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
You'll be able start 'almost every, if not every' quest in Obsidian's Avowed in multiple ways, so you can feel safe wandering around doing whatever
You'll be able start 'almost every, if not every' quest in Obsidian's Avowed in multiple ways, so you can feel safe wandering around doing whatever You'll be able start 'almost every, if not every' quest in Obsidian's Avowed in multiple ways, so you can feel safe wandering around doing whatever

The devs behind Obsidian's upcoming first-person RPG Avowed continue to drive home their commitment to letting you experience the world at your own pace and in the order you pick.

Designer Berto Ritger recently told GamesRadar that the game's quests can be started in multiple ways, so even if you march off in the opposite direction of your main quest marker, you'll still be able to start them in organic ways.

"I think almost every, if not every, quest in the game has more than one way to start it," Ritger explained.

And we want you to be able to do that just based on however you naturally progress through the world."

"If Starfield felt cold and sterile, playing Avowed is like putting on a l…

8 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Get to Work is a game that finally asks the question: 'Can you climb the corporate ladder if you have rollerblades strapped to your hands and feet?'
Get to Work is a game that finally asks the question: 'Can you climb the corporate ladder if you have rollerblades strapped to your hands and feet?' Get to Work is a game that finally asks the question: 'Can you climb the corporate ladder if you have rollerblades strapped to your hands and feet?'

Get To Work - Announcement Trailer - YouTube Watch On"You are poor and bald.

Get to work," reads the simple description of Get to Work, a game that is a metaphor for climbing the corporate ladder that also a game where you are a guy with rollerblades on his hands and feet and little wheeled pads on his knees and elbows who can only go very fast.

Plus, advertise the creators: "Unlike your real 9-5 job, you get a "give up" button that you can press at anytime!"

Though apparently the consequences are very similar to giving up at your real job: Eternal shame.

Get to Work is a narrated experience, a bit of a satirical jaunt about working in today's economic conditions.

9 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Today's Wordle answer for Sunday, December 8
Today's Wordle answer for Sunday, December 8 Today's Wordle answer for Sunday, December 8

Keep it simple and click straight through to today's answer if you like, or spend some time with our clue for the December 8 (1268) puzzle.

Wordle help: 3 tips for beating Wordle every dayIf you've decided to play Wordle but you're not sure where to start, I'll help set you on the path to your first winning streak.

Today's Wordle answer(Image credit: Future)What is today's Wordle answer?

The answer to the December 8 (1268) Wordle is HYENA.

Contact me with news and offers from other Future brands Receive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsorsPrevious Wordle answersThe last 10 Wordle answersPrevious Wordle solutions can help to eliminate guesses for today's Wordle, as the…

1 day, 2 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
Soulframe shows off a new teaser trailer and a cool giant wolf to hang out with
Soulframe shows off a new teaser trailer and a cool giant wolf to hang out with Soulframe shows off a new teaser trailer and a cool giant wolf to hang out with

I've been reliably informed that some people want nothing more than a really big wolf to ride around on.

Behold: Soulframe answers, with its latest teaser trailer showing off Orengall's new fable, which lets you forge a pact with the wolf.

Which means big wolf.

The teaser trailer was debuted at the end of this week's Soulframe developer stream leading up to their enhanced pre-alpha—called Preludes—and eventually full public access to Soulframe.

Soulframe Devstream #3 - YouTube Watch On

1 day, 6 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
What are your most-played games on Steam, and why have you spent so many hours on them?
What are your most-played games on Steam, and why have you spent so many hours on them? What are your most-played games on Steam, and why have you spent so many hours on them?

One option seems to exist just to give you an existential crisis: Sort By Hours Played.

My runners-up are DayZ (370 hours), No Man's Sky (266 hours), Skyrim (239 hours, though add another 40 for Special Edition), Elite Dangerous (226), and Plants Vs. Zombies (216).

My most-played game is actually The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, but I didn't play it on Steam, I played it on the disc games used to come on.

Balatro is a more feelgood inclusion—a real testament to the hooks it got into me this year that it's already my eighth most-played Steam game ever.

Unfortunate that I can't see the sum total of Dwarf Fortress hours I've accumulated across different installs and PCs since I was 16, though.

1 day, 6 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
PowerWash Simulator gives us the free Christmas DLC we didn't know we wanted
PowerWash Simulator gives us the free Christmas DLC we didn't know we wanted PowerWash Simulator gives us the free Christmas DLC we didn't know we wanted

"Ho-Ho-Hold on to your PowerWashers, it's about to get chilly in Muckingham❄️," says developer FuturLab in their announcement for Ice Rink, the new, free winter seasonal relesae for smash hit PowerWash Simulator.

PowerWash Simulator | Ice Rink Winter Seasonal 2024 - YouTube Watch OnYou know, I never appreciated before now how the washers of PowerWash Simulator get to wear proper Personal Protective Equipment for their job.

This is actually the second Christmas holiday release for PowerWash Simulator, which dropped Santa's Workshop as a cleanup spot last year.

You can find PowerWash Simulator - Ice Rink on Steam.

So true, in fact, that some research scientists wanted to know if PowerWash Sim…

1 day, 7 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is free on Epic, and so is Bus Simulator 21
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is free on Epic, and so is Bus Simulator 21 Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is free on Epic, and so is Bus Simulator 21

Epic's rolling out the holidays a bit early this year with Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga as a free game this week.

The mammoth capstone to nearly 20 years of the Lego Star Wars series has a sprawling campaign that covers nine movies' worth of story.

If that's not your speed, well, there's always Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop, which is also free from Epic this week.

I can already imagine a parent parking their kid in front of the TV with Lego Star Wars while they sit back and brew a fresh, hot cup of tea to play Bus Simulator 21.

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga earned a 77% PC Gamer review back in 2022.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
Life is Strange: Double Exposure developer Deck Nine lays off staff for the second time this year
Life is Strange: Double Exposure developer Deck Nine lays off staff for the second time this year Life is Strange: Double Exposure developer Deck Nine lays off staff for the second time this year

Life is Strange: Double Exposure developer Deck Nine has shared a message to Twitter that it has laid off an undisclosed number of employees.

Back in February, the studio let go of 20% of its staff, and the studio also suffered layoffs in 2023.

Deck Nine's first round of layoffs this year came in February, well before the release of Double Exposure, and were attributed to "worsening market conditions."

This year's cuts also came after Deck Nine let go of an estimated 30 people back in May 2023.

Deck Nine took over stewardship of the Life is Strange series from Don't Nod, producing the Before the Storm prequel game, 2022's remastered collection, and the follow-ups True Colors and Double Expo…

1 day, 8 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
Nintendo Life Nintendo Life
последний пост 20 часов назад
Poll: Box Art Brawl: Wario Land 3
Poll: Box Art Brawl: Wario Land 3 Poll: Box Art Brawl: Wario Land 3

Be sure to cast your votes in the poll below; but first, let's check out the box art designs themselves.

EuropeThe European design shows ol' Wario in a series of different unfortunate incidents, each set against a plain sky backdrop.

Which region got the best Wario Land 3 box art?

Europe North America Japan Which region got the best Wario Land 3 box art?

We'll see you next time for another round of Box Art Brawl.

20 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Minecraft's Creepy New Biome And Mob Update Is Now Live On Switch, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
Minecraft's Creepy New Biome And Mob Update Is Now Live On Switch, Here Are The Full Patch Notes Minecraft's Creepy New Biome And Mob Update Is Now Live On Switch, Here Are The Full Patch Notes

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 788kEarlier this year at Minecraft Live 2024, Mojang announced a creepy new biome and mob update for the game.

Play the Garden Awakens drop today and explore a biome that's sleepy during the day – and unsettling at night.

Stay tuned for… Something stirs in the pale garden!Play the Garden Awakens drop today and explore a biome that's sleepy during the day – and unsettling at night.

It can spawn a Creaking mob when it is night time, and it is placed between two correctly aligned Pale Oak log blocks.

It has one point of health (half a heart)Creaking summoned from the Creaking Heart cannot be spawned with a spawn egg, nor can it be summoned with commands.

21 час назад @ nintendolife.com
'Toree Saturn' Switch Release Delayed Until Early 2025
'Toree Saturn' Switch Release Delayed Until Early 2025 'Toree Saturn' Switch Release Delayed Until Early 2025

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 788kUpdate #2 [ ]: Following the delay of Toree Saturn last month, developer Siactro has now released a brand new gameplay trailer featuring the music track Blackbird Down (Toree Saturn OST) by KB.

Update #1 [ ]:Although Toree Saturn was scheduled to arrive this year on the Switch, developer Siactro has announced the game has now been delayed until early 2025.

Here's the message in full:"I am sorry, but I have to delay Toree Saturn into early 2025.

I am very sorry!🙇‍♂️ I am sorry, but I have to delay Toree Saturn into early 2025.A december release was possible, but the quality would have suffered a lot.

Original Story:A new trailer and PC demo for the u…

23 часа назад @ nintendolife.com
Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles 2 Announced
Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles 2 Announced Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles 2 Announced

If you played the Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles video game and were wondering when Tanjiro and his demon-slaying buddies would be returning, we've got an update.

Aniplex has announced the second chapter of this game - officially titled Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – The Hinokami Chronicles 2.

No platforms or release date has been revealed just yet, but the first game was released on the Switch in June 2022.

We called it a solid adaptation of the hit anime and manga series, awarding it eight out of ten stars.

A party game called Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- Sweep the Board!

1 day, 1 hour назад @ nintendolife.com
Video: Yooka-Replaylee Dev Demo Highlights "New Features And More Changes"
Video: Yooka-Replaylee Dev Demo Highlights "New Features And More Changes" Video: Yooka-Replaylee Dev Demo Highlights "New Features And More Changes"

Price also talks about the various changes made to the game since this demo's release.

Because our crafty salesman Trowzer has gotten pickier over the years.

Trowzer's new wares — The role of Trowzer is fundamentally changing in Yooka-Replaylee with a whole new set of wares to sell.

New Pagie pieces collectible — A new collectible has joined the roster in the form of Pagie pieces.

Levels available in their "expanded" stage from the start — In another change to the original Yooka-Laylee, levels will now be available in their entirety from the very start.

1 day, 1 hour назад @ nintendolife.com
Rate Your Favourite Switch Games Of The Year 2024
Rate Your Favourite Switch Games Of The Year 2024 Rate Your Favourite Switch Games Of The Year 2024

It's that time of year for reflection, to sit down and take stock of all the wonderful games that released in 2024.

How to rate your Games of the Year 2024Below you'll find every Switch game we've reviewed this year awarded a 6/10 or higher.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All Switch games released in 2024 are eligible and available to rate via our database.

Later in the month, all your ratings will be sorted into the Top 50 Switch games of 2024, one that will still be influenced by User Ratings even once it's live.

Our database should contain every game released in 2024, but please let us know below if anything is missing.

1 day, 16 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (7th December)
Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (7th December) Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (7th December)

Gavin Lane, EditorThe mad Game-of-the-Year dash continues as I play Lorelei and more Tales of Kenzera: ZAU this weekend.

Alex Olney, Senior Video ProducerIt could be a long weekend for me, but 'long' only in the sense that there are games I have to play.

What are you playing this weekend (7th/8th December)?

What are you playing this weekend (7th/8th December)?

(1 vote) Rayman Origins (Wii) 1That's what we have planned for the weekend, but what about you?

1 day, 20 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Anniversary: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Is Now Six Years Old
Anniversary: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Is Now Six Years Old Anniversary: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Is Now Six Years Old

Super Smash Bros.

Ultimate fans around the world have this week taken to social media and other parts of the internet to celebrate the game's sixth anniversary.

The famous Japanese publication Famitsu even took a moment to acknowledge this special occasion:"Super Smash Bros.

According to Nintendo's official data, Super Smash Bros.

Ultimate has now sold more than 35 million units worldwide, making it the third best-selling Switch game behind Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in the top spot.

1 day, 23 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Shin chan: Shiro And The Coal Town Switch "Limited Run" Physical Release Announced
Shin chan: Shiro And The Coal Town Switch "Limited Run" Physical Release Announced Shin chan: Shiro And The Coal Town Switch "Limited Run" Physical Release Announced

Following Shin chan: Shiro and the Coal Town's localisation for the eShop in October, the game is now getting a physical Switch release.

It will be handled by physical distributor Limited Run Games and pre-orders will go on sale next week on 10th December.

Wishlist and learn more now: pic.twitter.com/CrlgL2L07K Welcome to Coal Town!

Shin chan returns for a new adventure in Shiro and the Coal Town!Pre-orders open on Tuesday, December 10th!

Here on Nintendo Life, we awarded Shin chan: Shiro and The Coal Town eight out of ten stars, calling it "stunningly beautiful".

2 days, 1 hour назад @ nintendolife.com
Rumour: One Of Kirby's 3DS Titles Will Return Next Year, It's Claimed
Rumour: One Of Kirby's 3DS Titles Will Return Next Year, It's Claimed Rumour: One Of Kirby's 3DS Titles Will Return Next Year, It's Claimed

According to a new rumour shared by 'Nate the Hate' on his podcast, Nintendo will be calling on the pink puff's 2016 3DS game Kirby: Planet Robobot - with a Switch port expected at some point next year.

Here's exactly what he had to say, and we'll note - he sounds rather confident:"A game that's one of my personal favourites, will be coming to the Nintendo Switch in 2025.

And that title is Kirby: Planet Robobot.

When Planet Robobot was originally released for 3DS, we gave it an "excellent" nine out of ten stars.

Kirby's last outing on the Nintendo Switch was Return to Dream Land Deluxe in 2023, which was a remake of the 2011 Wii action-platformer.

2 days, 2 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
New Shenmue III Publisher Asks If You Want To See The Game On Switch
New Shenmue III Publisher Asks If You Want To See The Game On Switch New Shenmue III Publisher Asks If You Want To See The Game On Switch

And now, ININ Games has shared a survey on social media, asking fans to answer "a couple questions on Shenmue III".

and "What graphics and performance improvements would you like to see for Shenmue III?

", there's one big one that caught our eye:"On which platform would you like to see Shenmue III?".

Shenmue III continues the story of Ryo Hazuki directly from the end of Shenmue II, despite the near-20 years release gap between the games.

Do you want Shenmue III on Switch?

2 days, 8 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Arcade Shoot 'Em Up 'Under Defeat' Blasts Onto Switch Early 2025
Arcade Shoot 'Em Up 'Under Defeat' Blasts Onto Switch Early 2025 Arcade Shoot 'Em Up 'Under Defeat' Blasts Onto Switch Early 2025

Looks like this one slipped by us (and many others), but Clear River Games announced last week that Under Defeat "will be arriving later than expected" in the West, and has been moved to early 2025.

We look forward to seeing you enjoy this shoot 'em up gem!

We look forward to seeing you enjoy this shoot 'em up gem!

Original Story: Published Tue 5th Nov, 2024 17:30 GMTPublisher Clear River Games and developer City Connection have today announced that the arcade shoot 'em up Under Defeat will be flying onto Switch on 5th December.

This Switch release houses both the original Arcade Mode for that vertical scrolling feeling and a New Order Mode for those who like things a little more modern.

2 days, 9 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Croc Remaster Will Miss Its December 2024 Launch Window
Croc Remaster Will Miss Its December 2024 Launch Window Croc Remaster Will Miss Its December 2024 Launch Window

Argonaut Games has made the tough decision to delay the upcoming Croc: Legend of the Gobbos remaster to Q1 2025.

"We understand that after 27 years of waiting, this news might be a little disappointing, especially with the festive season coming."

However, we've waited this long for the little crocodile's return — we can wait a little bit longer, we think.

It also gives us a little longer to save up for that rather lovely-looking special edition, doesn't it?

Are you looking forward to the Croc remaster?

2 days, 10 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Gallery: Feast Your Eyes On This Massive Wario Collection
Gallery: Feast Your Eyes On This Massive Wario Collection Gallery: Feast Your Eyes On This Massive Wario Collection

Fast forward a few decades and many games later (New Wario Land please, Nintendo!

), and I have just about every piece of Wario merchandise ever made, with well over 100 pieces in the collection.

The Wario Land 3 Music Box is a beautiful addition that was gifted to me by an amazing artist.

Tier TwoThings get freaky on the fourth level down, with a creepy Wario Land 4 zombie taking centre stage.

Fun Fact: The plush Wario on the kart was the first piece of Wario merchandise I ever owned.

2 days, 11 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Ubisoft Reportedly Discussing Buyout Options As Talks Of Going Private Continue
Ubisoft Reportedly Discussing Buyout Options As Talks Of Going Private Continue Ubisoft Reportedly Discussing Buyout Options As Talks Of Going Private Continue

Back in October, it was rumoured that Ubisoft was considering going private after a rough year of releases.

Two months on and it appears that the negotiations are still ongoing, with Ubisoft and Tencent apparently engaged in talks about buyout terms.

According to the outlet's sources, Ubisoft shareholders are currently considering a potential buyout of the company, but one that still leaves the founding Guillemot family in control.

Reuters reports that the talks are still ongoing, with no decision having been reached at the time of writing.

Earlier this week, Ubisoft reported another wave of layoffs, with hundreds of staff members reportedly affected.

2 days, 12 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Pocketgamer Pocketgamer
последний пост 15 часов назад
Pokemon Go promo codes (December 2024)
Pokemon Go promo codes (December 2024) Pokemon Go promo codes (December 2024)

We are testing codes each week, and always get new ones from different sources to keep the Pokemon Go promo codes updated and fresh.

This list will always include up-to-date promo codes and we will keep making sure you have access to them through this post.

How to redeem Pokemon Go promo codes?

If it’s something you can use in-game, there can be promo codes given away for it.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any of these Pokemon Go promo codes are expired and we will get the list updated quickly!

15 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Fortress Saga codes (December 2024)
Fortress Saga codes (December 2024) Fortress Saga codes (December 2024)

Have some free gems, cake, hero tickets, and other gifts - all you have to do is redeem the codes for Fortress Saga listed below.

- checked for codesDo you want to use the latest Fortress Saga codes?

In Fortress Saga, you have a relaxing idle adventure where you command a walking fortress and some heroes (the fortress is kinda similar to Howl's Moving Castle, to be honest) - and as is the case in many similar ones, you have to defeat enemies to progress.

Step 3: Type in one of the active Fortress Saga codes, then hit the Submit button.

However, when we find new Fortress Saga codes, we add them here, so make sure you check this page regularly because we're going to give you all the latest on…

21 час назад @ pocketgamer.com
Daily free Monopoly Go dice links (December 2024)
Daily free Monopoly Go dice links (December 2024) Daily free Monopoly Go dice links (December 2024)

The list of Monopoly Go free dice links is being updated daily, giving you new dice rolls in the mobile version of the most famous board game ever.

We are updating a list of free dice links for Monopoly Go daily so you will never run out of dice again!

Well, truth to be told, it's easy to run out of dice - especially if you roll 10x, but with these free dice links, you can at least roll more than you normally would.

Monopoly GO free dice linksAll the links for free dice in Monopoly GO are valid for a few days, so make sure you check them all so you won't miss a single one.

How to get more free dice in Monopoly GoMore free rolls refill over time, up to the maximum number you have allowed (ba…

22 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
Shrek Swamp Tycoon codes - All currently valid promo codes in December 2024
Shrek Swamp Tycoon codes - All currently valid promo codes in December 2024 Shrek Swamp Tycoon codes - All currently valid promo codes in December 2024

We've collected all the promotional codes for Shrek Swamp Tycoon that are currently working!

In Shrek Swamp Tycoon you'll experience a mixture of tycoon game and obby course, where you collect coins to help rebuild iconic locations around Shrek's swamp.

So if you want to find some of the best codes, check out the ones we've listed below!

List of Shrek Swamp Tycoon codes & rewardsActive Swamp Tycoon codesSuperAmigo - 15,000 CoinsExpired codesCelebrateTheWeekend - 15,000 CoinsGrandOpening : +15k Coins+15k Coins AreWeThereYet : DittoDitto StayUpLate : DittoDitto MakingWaffles : DittoDitto DoTheRoar : DittoDitto GingyShrekHow to redeem Shrek Swamp Tycoon codes?

Redeeming Shrek Swamp Tycoon code…

22 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
Miraibo GO codes (December 2024)
Miraibo GO codes (December 2024) Miraibo GO codes (December 2024)

It was quite surprising to see that Miraibo GO actually has gift codes, and today we're going to check them all out!

With these codes, you can get a few free rewards, such as wood, stone and meat, and if you're at the beginning of your journey, trust me - they will come in handy.

Just bear in mind they are available for a limited time, so you gotta be quick and claim them before they expire.

You can find more codes on the game's official social media game, as well as on their Discord server.

We have similar freebies, for example, Summoners Kingdom Goddess codes and The Grand Mafia codes to claim some gold and speed-ups!

22 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
Demian Saga codes (December 2024)
Demian Saga codes (December 2024) Demian Saga codes (December 2024)

Do you want to know all the active Demian Saga codes?

You can use Super Snail codes, or codes for Legends of Mushroom if you're eager to get free gifts in some of these games as well.

Active Demian Saga codesGigaCode (valid till January 31st) (new!)

(valid till January 31st) (new!)

You can also check out our Demian Saga tier list if you need some help putting together a strong squad.

22 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
Warhammer 40,000 Warpforge codes (December 2024)
Warhammer 40,000 Warpforge codes (December 2024) Warhammer 40,000 Warpforge codes (December 2024)

You'll get gifts like booster packs, Avatars and other desirable bits and pieces.

With Everguild’s CCG card battler Warhammer 40,000 Warpforge having made the jump to mobile, and been out for a while now, we hope you’ve been getting to grips with the grim darkness of the far future right on your phone!

While Warpforge is a tactical, engaging way to experience the universe of Warhammer 40,000, it does require plenty of cards to build a versatile and powerful deck, something which might require shelling out a bit of real cash.

This is why we’ve got the exclusive, latest Warhammer 40,000 Warpforge codes right here for you to get a boost on your opponents.

These codes will add booster packs for…

22 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
Bingo Blitz free credits daily links (December 2024)
Bingo Blitz free credits daily links (December 2024) Bingo Blitz free credits daily links (December 2024)

The developers are releasing links to claim Bingo Blitz credits every day, and we are collecting them so you can get all freebies in one place!

This extends to mobile and other platforms, with the latest game to grab onto this ongoing craze being Bingo Blitz.

Daily links to Bingo Blitz creditsDecember 8, 2024December 7, 2024December 5, 2024December 4, 2024December 3, 2024December 2, 2024December 1, 2024November 30, 2024November 29, 2024November 28, 2024November 27, 2024November 26, 2024November 25, 2024November 24, 2024November 23, 2024November 22, 2024November 21, 2024November 20, 2024November 19, 2024The other method is to use the daily links available to claim free Bingo Blitz credits.


23 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
Echocalypse redeem codes (December 2024)
Echocalypse redeem codes (December 2024) Echocalypse redeem codes (December 2024)

This is a list of all the active Echocalypse redeem codes that can be used to obtain in-game freebies such as Chests, Materials, Crystalline Cells items, and more.

But enough about that - let's head right into...Echocalypse redeem codes that are workingpj86cbm2 - Random Special Chimera Material Chestl x1, Multicore Artifax Matrix x5 (new!)

- Generic Bio-Chip IIl x3,SSR Affinity Gift Selection Chest x5 (new!)

Redemption steps for Echocalypse codesCodes provided below have lapsed and are no longer viable for redemption:To enjoy the benefits of these codes, follow the steps below to redeem them:Run Echocalypse on your device.

About the gameDevelopers distribute more redeem codes for Echocalyps…

23 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
Viking Rise codes (December 2024)
Viking Rise codes (December 2024) Viking Rise codes (December 2024)

- checked for codesWe will share all the latest working Viking Rise codes you can use to get in-game freebies.

So bookmark this post and check back often to get your hands on new Viking Rise codes before others.

ACTIVE VIKING RISE CODESVRKINGDOM400VRTDOCT24VRKINGDOM350VRKINGDOM300VRKINGDOM250VRKINGDOM200VRKINGDOM150AWAKENFIRSTOVRKINGDOM100VRKINGDOM50VR777Viking Rise codes are time-limited, so try to use them as soon as possible before they expire.

Step 1 : Launch Viking Rise and click on your profile icon located in the upper left corner of the screen: Launch Viking Rise and click on your profile icon located in the upper left corner of the screen Step 2 : Go to the settings tab: Go to the …

23 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
Era of Conquest codes (December 2024)
Era of Conquest codes (December 2024) Era of Conquest codes (December 2024)

Era of Conquest is currently a very popular strategy game where you can participate in worldwide epic battles and, unsurprisingly given the name, conquer territories.

If you want an edge over your opponents, you need resources, some of which you can get your hands on quickly by using the latest Era of Conquest codes.

New Era of Conquest codes are released weekly by the developers.

Neware released weekly; you can track them through the game's official Facebook page or Discord server .

However, we recommend bookmarking this page as we will update the new codes on this page as soon as any get released.Other game codes that we have covered:

23 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
The Grand Mafia codes (December 2024)
The Grand Mafia codes (December 2024) The Grand Mafia codes (December 2024)

With the following codes for The Grand Mafia, you can claim Gold, speed-ups and many other items that will help you build that underground empire.

And if you get tired of doing the mafioso things, relax and use some of the Cats and Soup codes, Cat Fantasy codes, or gift codes for Fishing Master.

How to redeem codes in The Grand MafiaStep 1 : Tap on your profile picture in the top left corner of the screen.

Step 4: Type in one of the active Grand Mafia codes, and hit Exchange.

New Grand Mafia codes are sometimes released on the official Facebook page , but if you want to be up to date with all of them, just follow this page because we're updating it regularly with all the codes and rewards.

23 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
Rise of Kittens codes (December 2024)
Rise of Kittens codes (December 2024) Rise of Kittens codes (December 2024)

- new codes addedDid you know there are valid Rise of Kittens codes?

Regardless, we are going to take a look at the complete list of active codes for Rise of Kittens because they will give you lots of Summon Tickets and Gold!

Unlike another game that bears a close resemblance in name, Rise of Kingdom (we also have ROK codes), Rise of Kittens is an idle RPG where you have mighty warriors known throughout history... but as cats.

If you're a fan of similar games, there are codes for Capybara Go, if you're a fan of something a bit different but newer, use codes for King Arthur Legends Rise.

How to get more codes for Rise of Kittens?

23 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
The Presentation Experience codes (December 2024)
The Presentation Experience codes (December 2024) The Presentation Experience codes (December 2024)

Hundreds of points and a pile of gems await in this school-trashing experience - all you have to do is redeem The Presentation Experience codes listed here.

So, we've compiled a list of all of the current working codes in The Presentation Experience right now.

Working codes for The Presentation Experiencecoolcodethatmaxwellfound - 100 points and 6 gems100 points and 6 gems dodgingcode - 50 Gems50 Gems omg350klikes - 100 Points and 12 Gems- 100 Points and 12 Gems unexpected - 15 Gems- 15 Gems 200MVISTS!

Step 4: Tap CodesStep 5: Enter The Presentation Experience code and tap RedeemNote that we'll update this guide with new codes for Presentation Experience as soon as they get released.

Our fo…

23 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
Edenight codes for free gems (December 2024)
Edenight codes for free gems (December 2024) Edenight codes for free gems (December 2024)

It's a relatively new game, so there aren't many gift codes that you can use, but we will keep updating it with new Edenight codes as soon as they get released.

Among the best ways to receive in-game items in Edenight is by using the different gift codes released by the developers.

Everyone loves these presents, so there are other resources that you can find on PG, including Soul Knight Prequel codes, codes for One Punch Man World, or Seven Knights Idle Adventure codes.

Working Edenight codes for free rewardsEdenight codes allow you to receive free rewards without putting in any effort.

The process of using Edenight codes is pretty simple, and you can complete the process in a few minutes.

23 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
UploadVR + Road to VR UploadVR + Road to VR
последний пост 8 часов назад
They're Back! - Between Realities VR Podcast Season 9 Premiere
They're Back! - Between Realities VR Podcast Season 9 Premiere They're Back! - Between Realities VR Podcast Season 9 Premiere

The Between Realities Podcast has returned!

After over three months away, Alex VR and Skeeva are back on the usual weekly cadence of livestreams revolving around the VR industry and the passionate community that supports it.

And to finish off this double header, in this second episode of the Between Realities Podcast, Alex and Skeeva host the father-son duo of Brian and Damien Ruffy, hosts of the Ruff Talk VR podcast.

Brian and Damien explain how their lives have changed as a result of starting their VR podcast.

The group shares insights from podcasting in the VR space, share stories and lessons from producing the shows over the years, and chat about the plethora of upcoming VR game release…

8 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Apple Vision Pro Could Soon Support PlayStation VR2's Controllers
Apple Vision Pro Could Soon Support PlayStation VR2's Controllers Apple Vision Pro Could Soon Support PlayStation VR2's Controllers

Apple and Sony are working to bring support for PlayStation VR2's controllers to Vision Pro, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman reports.

Apple Vision Pro's gaze-and-pinch interaction system is ideal for interface interaction, and its hand tracking is suitable for casual gaming.

PlayStation VR2's Sense controllers have thumbsticks, buttons, grip triggers, and index triggers, as well as high fidelity haptic feedback.

To bring this kind of content to visionOS, Apple approached Sony earlier this year to bring support for PlayStation VR2's Sense controllers to Vision Pro, Gurman reports.

Apple Vision Pro has an install base of only around half a million owners, and only a fraction of them will own or buy P…

16 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
XR News Round-Up: Color-A-Cube, Virtual Hunter, Breachers & More
XR News Round-Up: Color-A-Cube, Virtual Hunter, Breachers & More XR News Round-Up: Color-A-Cube, Virtual Hunter, Breachers & More

Our latest edition of XR News Round-Up is live, offering quick updates on more news stories from the last week.

Virtual Hunter, an open world PC VR hunting game, recently received a major update that adds multiplayer with up to five other players, new hunting challenges and roe deer have been introduced.

The game is also leaving early access in January now that it's feature complete, with a price from $20 to $25 planned when this happens.

Humble Bundle Kicked Off a VR Vacation Sale With PC VR DiscountsFollowing its recent Black Friday sale, Humble is continuing its run of PC VR discounts with a new 'VR Vacation Sale.'

If you'd like to inform us about a VR game we should know about for this …

1 day, 16 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Pack Your Bait As A World Tour Edition Update Heads To Real VR Fishing
Pack Your Bait As A World Tour Edition Update Heads To Real VR Fishing Pack Your Bait As A World Tour Edition Update Heads To Real VR Fishing

Real VR Fishing is adding three European DLC packs as part of its World Tour Edition Update, which will arrive on December 17.

Additionally, Devs United Games also announced that from today, new fishing locations will be added monthly to keep things fresh for players.

This announcement coincides with Real VR Fishing's Steam release, which comes today, five years after its initial launch.

Alongside the upcoming World Tour Update, PC VR players will have access to the entire library of previously available DLC, including the US West Coast, US East Coast, Japan DLC Part 1, and Japan DLC Part 2.

The World Tour Update will initially reach the Meta Quest platform on December 17, with Steam and Pi…

2 days, 12 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Meta Announces Multi-year Exclusive Agreement for Spatial Content with James Cameron’s 3D Studio
Meta Announces Multi-year Exclusive Agreement for Spatial Content with James Cameron’s 3D Studio Meta Announces Multi-year Exclusive Agreement for Spatial Content with James Cameron’s 3D Studio

Meta announced it’s partnering with Lightstorm Vision, James Cameron’s 3D film studio, to produce spatial content across multiple genres, including live events and full-length entertainment.

The agreement includes the production of live sports and concerts, feature films, and TV series featuring “big-name IP,” Meta says in a recent blog post, noting that Quest will be Lightstorm Vision’s the exclusive MR hardware platform.

Meta says the collaboration with Lightstorm Vision will include the co-production of original stereoscopic content, but also be geared towards “improving content creators’ ability to make high-quality stereoscopic content through the use of advanced tooling, including emp…

2 days, 14 hours назад @ roadtovr.com
Meta Pushes Back on Reported Outsourcing of XR Headset Designs
Meta Pushes Back on Reported Outsourcing of XR Headset Designs Meta Pushes Back on Reported Outsourcing of XR Headset Designs

A recent report from The Information maintains Meta has started outsourcing some design for upcoming headsets amid a shift to move part of its production out of China.

Such a joint design manufacturing relationship would allegedly include Meta outlining goals to Goertek, which then proposes multiple options for Meta to choose from.

Andrew Bosworth, Meta CTO and head of the company’s XR-focused Reality Labs, has however refuted those specific design claims in a recent X post.

“We continue to design our headsets in house as we have and have no plans to change that.

“To be clear, Goertek is a great partner and as parts of our stack are more mature and used from headset to headset we’re glad to…

2 days, 17 hours назад @ roadtovr.com
Meta & James Cameron Partner To Bring 3D Video Content To Quest
Meta & James Cameron Partner To Bring 3D Video Content To Quest Meta & James Cameron Partner To Bring 3D Video Content To Quest

James Cameron announced an exclusive multi-year partnership with Meta to bring significantly more 3D video content to Quest headsets.

Specifically, Lightstorm Vision is building tools it hopes will enable any entertainment production to film and distribute in 3D easily and at low cost.

Meta says this partnership will bring "world-class 3D entertainment experiences spanning live sports and concerts, feature films, and TV series featuring big-name IP" to Horizon OS.

James Cameron trying Quest 3.

Navigating that future with Meta will ensure ALL of us have the tools to create, experience and enjoy new and mind-blowing forms of media," Cameron said.

2 days, 18 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
‘Stay: Forever Home’ is Bringing a Loveable Little Mixed Reality Canine Pal to Quest Next Year
‘Stay: Forever Home’ is Bringing a Loveable Little Mixed Reality Canine Pal to Quest Next Year ‘Stay: Forever Home’ is Bringing a Loveable Little Mixed Reality Canine Pal to Quest Next Year

Indie studio Windup Minds have finally announced its long-awaited virtual pet simulator, Stay: Forever Home, bringing a cute little canine friend to Quest in early 2025.

The studio says Stay: Forever Home blends AR, VR, and unscripted AI to create a more realistic pet companion that is unique to each player, resulting in what it calls a game that “loves you back.”1 of 3Built by a team of veteran VR developers behind Meta’s Bogo and First Steps demos, Stay: Forever Home centers around ‘Ember’, a magical canine pal which lives by your side in mixed reality, but can also take you through a door to a charming virtual reality environment for a walk, game of fetch, treats, and maybe “a little mis…

2 days, 18 hours назад @ roadtovr.com
Project Aeroes Guides Mixed Reality Spaceships Through Danger Next Week On Quest
Project Aeroes Guides Mixed Reality Spaceships Through Danger Next Week On Quest Project Aeroes Guides Mixed Reality Spaceships Through Danger Next Week On Quest

Project Aeroes sees you guiding mixed reality spaceships to safety next on Meta Quest 3, 3S, and Pro next week.

Today's UploadVR Winter Showcase announced that this arcade-style sci-fi adventure will hit MR-friendly Quest platforms on December 12.

0:00 / 0:31 1×Project Aeroes is set to be single-player only at launch, but SUPER HYPER MEGA has promised some form of multiplayer update down the line.

0:00 / 1:01 1×Project Aeroes is set to launch on December 12 for $9.99 on Quest 3, 3S, or Pro, and you can wishlist it now on the Meta Quest Store.

For further reveals from the UploadVR Winter Showcase, you can find the full stream below.

2 days, 20 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Ashen Arrows Brings Fantasy Archery To Major VR Platforms On February 20
Ashen Arrows Brings Fantasy Archery To Major VR Platforms On February 20 Ashen Arrows Brings Fantasy Archery To Major VR Platforms On February 20

Ashen Arrows is a new VR fantasy archery game based on Norse Mythology, and its full release is out next year on Quest, Pico, and Steam.

As seen in today's UploadVR Winter Showcase today, you can watch the new trailer below.

It also recently won 'Best VR Game' in Tencent's annual award show, Games Without Borders.

Check out Ashen Arrows' store page on the Meta Quest Store or Steam.

For further reveals from the UploadVR Winter Showcase, you can find the full stream below.

2 days, 20 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
UNDERDOGS Heads For PlayStation VR2 In Early 2025
UNDERDOGS Heads For PlayStation VR2 In Early 2025 UNDERDOGS Heads For PlayStation VR2 In Early 2025

Urban sci-fi brawler UNDERDOGS is heading to PlayStation VR2 early next year.

Previously released on Quest, Steam and Pico, this 22nd century underground roguelike fighter is now scrapping onto Sony's headset with Perp Games publishing.

Announced during the UploadVR Winter Showcase, here's the reveal trailer.

UNDERDOGS reaches PlayStation VR2 in Q1 2025, and it's available now on Quest, Steam, and Pico.

For further reveals from the UploadVR Winter Showcase, you can find the full stream below.

3 days, 7 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Wade Into Pools In PlayStation VR2 Headsets Next Year
Wade Into Pools In PlayStation VR2 Headsets Next Year Wade Into Pools In PlayStation VR2 Headsets Next Year

The eerie setting of water-filled Pools VR is coming to PlayStation VR2 headsets in 2025.

Earlier this year the developers behind the popular Steam title revealed their SteamVR trailer with UploadVR.

Now in the UploadVR Showcase, the studio is confirming a PlayStation VR2 version is also on the way in 2025.

As described on Steam with a beta of the VR version available now:Walking simulator.

Inspired by backrooms0:00 / 0:45 1×The full release of Pools VR for Steam and PlayStation VR2 headsets is scheduled for sometime in 2025.

3 days, 8 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Slot Car VR Promises Nostalgic Racing Today on Quest
Slot Car VR Promises Nostalgic Racing Today on Quest Slot Car VR Promises Nostalgic Racing Today on Quest

Slot Car VR is a mixed-reality track-building and toy car racing game that's available now on the Meta Horizon Store.

The concept of Slot Car VR will be familiar to anyone who remembers childhood days spent building and racing the classic slot car toys known as Scalextric (Hot Wheels or Micro Machines in North America).

In Slot Car VR, this nostalgic pastime gets new life, where players can race slot cars on custom-built racetracks in mixed-reality.

Players can upload their custom-built tracks, submit their best times to the global leaderboards, and compete on other slot car racers' tracks.

Slot Car VR is playable on Quest 3, Quest 3S, Quest 2, and Quest Pro.

3 days, 8 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Among Us VR Runs Round Up Event Through January 28
Among Us VR Runs Round Up Event Through January 28 Among Us VR Runs Round Up Event Through January 28

Among Us VR from Schell Games is hosting an old west-themed event through January.

Available on all major VR gaming platforms, Among Us VR's deception-based gameplay has grown considerably from its initial release over two years ago, particularly with seasonal updates and cosmetic items to unlock.

Round Up your crew and horse around while you can — the sun sets on this event on January 28, 2025!

Among Us VR, meanwhile, sees one of VR's most experienced development studios approach the multiplayer masses with ongoing updates and add-ons, with the latest Round Up keeping the gaming fresh through the holiday season.

Among Us VR is out now on the Meta Quest platform, SteamVR, Pico, and PlayStat…

3 days, 8 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Drums Rock Adds Cyberpunk 2077 DLC
Drums Rock Adds Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Drums Rock Adds Cyberpunk 2077 DLC

Drums Rock is adding songs from Cyberpunk 2077 in a new DLC pack.

Revealed during the UploadVR Showcase, the new pack teases four songs from Samurai, the band from Cyberpunk 2077.

0:00 / 0:46 1×Earlier this year, Drums Rock added songs from Green Day, Disturbed and more as the game continues its long update path.

The latest song pack was revealed during the UploadVR Showcase alongside a large number of new trailers and videos.

The tracks from Samurai are:Chippin' InA Like SupremeThe Ballad Of Buck RaversNever Fade AwayThe music pack is available now for Drums Rock across Meta Horizon Store, Steam, and PlayStation VR2 headsets.

3 days, 8 hours назад @ uploadvr.com