Игры, железки и геймдев
Бета-версия подборки новостей об играх и всём, что с ними связано
На русском
последний пост 39 минут назад
Руководитель PlayStation о преимуществах консолей: «На мобильных устройствах много рекламы, ПК сложно настраивать, а PS достаточно включить»
Руководитель PlayStation о преимуществах консолей: «На мобильных устройствах много рекламы, ПК сложно настраивать, а PS достаточно включить» Руководитель PlayStation о преимуществах консолей: «На мобильных устройствах много рекламы, ПК сложно настраивать, а PS достаточно включить»

Хидеаки Нисино обещает, что консоли останутся ядром бизнеса Sony.

39 минут назад @ dtf.ru
PS5-версия Warhammer 40,000: Darktide получила возрастной рейтинг в Тайване
PS5-версия Warhammer 40,000: Darktide получила возрастной рейтинг в Тайване PS5-версия Warhammer 40,000: Darktide получила возрастной рейтинг в Тайване

Пока что кооперативный шутер доступен только на ПК и Xbox Series.

1 час назад @ dtf.ru
Nintendo заканчивает активную поддержку Splatoon 3
Nintendo заканчивает активную поддержку Splatoon 3 Nintendo заканчивает активную поддержку Splatoon 3

Но от привычных ивентов разработчики пока отказываться не собираются.

1 час назад @ dtf.ru
Второй сезон аниме «Поднятие уровня в одиночку» стартует в январе 2025 года
Второй сезон аниме «Поднятие уровня в одиночку» стартует в январе 2025 года Второй сезон аниме «Поднятие уровня в одиночку» стартует в январе 2025 года

Создатели сериала сопроводили анонс тизером и постером.

1 час назад @ dtf.ru
Гари Олдман о возможном появлении в сериале про Гарри Поттера: «Может, через несколько лет я мог бы сыграть Дамблдора»
Гари Олдман о возможном появлении в сериале про Гарри Поттера: «Может, через несколько лет я мог бы сыграть Дамблдора» Гари Олдман о возможном появлении в сериале про Гарри Поттера: «Может, через несколько лет я мог бы сыграть Дамблдора»

Но он уверен, что авторы следующей адаптации предпочтут собрать полностью новый актёрский состав.

3 часа назад @ dtf.ru
Сборы сиквела «Битлджуса» превысили 260 миллионов долларов при бюджете в 100 миллионов
Сборы сиквела «Битлджуса» превысили 260 миллионов долларов при бюджете в 100 миллионов Сборы сиквела «Битлджуса» превысили 260 миллионов долларов при бюджете в 100 миллионов

Триллер «Не говори никому» с Джеймсом Макэвоем уверенно стартовал в прокате США.

4 часа назад @ dtf.ru
Автор Flappy Bird заявил, что не имеет отношения к анонсированному перезапуску игры
Автор Flappy Bird заявил, что не имеет отношения к анонсированному перезапуску игры Автор Flappy Bird заявил, что не имеет отношения к анонсированному перезапуску игры

Ради этого сообщения он прервал многолетнее молчание в соцсетях.

4 часа назад @ dtf.ru
«Сёгун» стал триумфатором «Эмми-2024» — 18 наград
«Сёгун» стал триумфатором «Эмми-2024» — 18 наград «Сёгун» стал триумфатором «Эмми-2024» — 18 наград

«Медведь» получил 11 статуэток, но лучшей комедией не оказался, а среди мини-сериалов отметили «Оленёнка».

5 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Продюсер Gears of War: «Concord убила культура в студии Firewalk»
Продюсер Gears of War: «Concord убила культура в студии Firewalk» Продюсер Gears of War: «Concord убила культура в студии Firewalk»

Разработчики не смогли адаптироваться к современному рынку или не захотели этого делать, считает Лора Фрайер.

20 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Человечество обновило рекорд по количеству людей на орбите Земли
Человечество обновило рекорд по количеству людей на орбите Земли Человечество обновило рекорд по количеству людей на орбите Земли

После запуска «Союза МС-26» на ней находилось 19 человек.

23 часа назад @ dtf.ru
Saber Interactive получила «значительные инвестиции»
Saber Interactive получила «значительные инвестиции» Saber Interactive получила «значительные инвестиции»

Об этом стало известно на фоне успешного релиза Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2.

1 day, 1 hour назад @ dtf.ru
Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era — детали о режимах игры и скриншоты
Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era — детали о режимах игры и скриншоты Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era — детали о режимах игры и скриншоты

Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era выйдет в раннем доступе Steam во втором квартале 2025 года.

Ранее в сети появился геймплей пошаговой стратегии.

1 day, 2 hours назад @ dtf.ru
Авторы Lollipop Chainsaw RePop скорректируют региональные цены на фоне критики игроков
Авторы Lollipop Chainsaw RePop скорректируют региональные цены на фоне критики игроков Авторы Lollipop Chainsaw RePop скорректируют региональные цены на фоне критики игроков

Разработчики ремастера также занимаются устранением багов и улучшением оптимизации.

1 day, 23 hours назад @ dtf.ru
Съёмки фильма по Watch Dogs завершились
Съёмки фильма по Watch Dogs завершились Съёмки фильма по Watch Dogs завершились

Они длились чуть больше двух месяцев.

2 days, 3 hours назад @ dtf.ru
Некоторые СМИ написали, что дисковод от PS5 Slim не подойдёт к PS5 Pro. В поддержке Sony заявили, что это не так
Некоторые СМИ написали, что дисковод от PS5 Slim не подойдёт к PS5 Pro. В поддержке Sony заявили, что это не так Некоторые СМИ написали, что дисковод от PS5 Slim не подойдёт к PS5 Pro. В поддержке Sony заявили, что это не так

Покупать новый привод не потребуется.

2 days, 18 hours назад @ dtf.ru
Stopgame Stopgame
последний пост 54 минуты назад
«Фоллаут» пролетел мимо главных наград на «Эмми»
«Фоллаут» пролетел мимо главных наград на «Эмми» «Фоллаут» пролетел мимо главных наград на «Эмми»

Несмотря на внушительные 16 номинаций, «Фоллаут» удостоился лишь пары «Эмми» — за «Выдающееся руководство в музыке» и «Выдающуюся медиапрограмму с повышенным погружением».

« Утреннее шоу » .

«Начальная школа „Эбботт“» .

«Начальная школа „Эбботт“» .

«Начальная школа „Эбботт“» .

54 минуты назад @ stopgame.ru
Nintendo объявила о завершении активной поддержки Splatoon 3
Nintendo объявила о завершении активной поддержки Splatoon 3 Nintendo объявила о завершении активной поддержки Splatoon 3

В сообществе давно ходили слухи, что Nintendo объявит о сокращении поддержки красочного шутера после фестиваля Splatfest.

Так в итоге и произошло.

Не исчезнут и сезонные фестивали вроде Splatoween, но темы в них уже будут повторяться.

Напомним, Splatoon 3 вышла 9 сентября 2022-го только на Nintendo Switch.

Игра собрала неплохие отзывы как от критиков, так и от геймеров.

2 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
Dota 2: анонс нового героя и итоги The International 2024
Dota 2: анонс нового героя и итоги The International 2024 Dota 2: анонс нового героя и итоги The International 2024

1 место (более $1,2 миллиона) — Team Liquid.

2 место (более $358 000) — Gaimin Gladiators.

4 место (более $153 000) — Team Falcons.

9-12 места (более $51 000) — nouns, 1w Team, HEROIC, Team Spirit.

Напомним, не так давно Valve ввела и Dota 2 нового героя Ringmaster.

18 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Neon Inferno — киберпанковый 2D-шутер в стиле ретро
Neon Inferno — киберпанковый 2D-шутер в стиле ретро Neon Inferno — киберпанковый 2D-шутер в стиле ретро

Авторы Steel Assault из Zenovia Interactive готовят киберпанковую Neon Inferno — смесь шутера и сайд-скроллера, в которой необходимо помочь своей криминальной семье закрепиться в мегаполисе.

Бандитские кланы Нью-Йорка воюют между собой, а заодно и с коррумпированной полицией за власть над городом.

В борьбу ввязывается и молодая криминальная семья, членом которой является персонаж игрока.

Neon Inferno выйдет в Steam в 2025 году.

Перевода на русский язык нет.

19 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
В HoMM: Olden Era будет одна сюжетная кампания — и другое о режимах игры
В HoMM: Olden Era будет одна сюжетная кампания — и другое о режимах игры В HoMM: Olden Era будет одна сюжетная кампания — и другое о режимах игры

В отличие от предыдущих частей франшизы, в Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era лишь одна сюжетная кампания — в ней объединены истории всех фракций.

Из поста от командыНе забыли в студии и про любимый многими «хотсит» — режим игры за одним компьютером прикрутят и к Olden Era.

Отдельно специалисты Unfrozen сообщили, что не верят в «ровный» баланс и отдают предпочтение мете, в которой присутствуют различные сломанные сборки.

Специалисты предупредили, что в одиночной кампании отдельные навыки и объекты всё же сбалансированы не так, как в других режимах.

Из поста командыHeroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era отправится в ранний доступ Steam во втором квартале 2025-го с поддержкой русского языка.

20 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Съёмки киноадаптации Watch Dogs завершены
Съёмки киноадаптации Watch Dogs завершены Съёмки киноадаптации Watch Dogs завершены

Ubisoft сообщила, что компания New Regency Pictures завершила съемочный процесс экранизации Watch Dogs.

Проект долго шёл к этому этапу — говорить об экранизации начали ещё в 2013 году до релиза оригинальной Watch Dogs.

Студия не комментировала даже место съёмок, поэтому не ясно будет ли действие фильма происходить в Чикаго, Сан-Франциско из второй части или Лондоне из Legion.

В то же время это может быть и оригинальный сюжет в мире хакеров Watch Dogs.

Том Блайт Том Блайт Софи Уайлд

1 day, 1 hour назад @ stopgame.ru
В Pocketpair не уверены, стоит ли переводить Palworld на фритуплей-модель
В Pocketpair не уверены, стоит ли переводить Palworld на фритуплей-модель В Pocketpair не уверены, стоит ли переводить Palworld на фритуплей-модель

На этом фоне у генерального директора Pocketpair Такуро Мизобе (Takuro Mizobe) спросили, не хочет ли студия перевести проект в стан фритуплейных игр-сервисов.

По его мнению, для бизнеса было бы лучше сделать Palworld бесплатной, но возникнут технические сложности.

Игра всё ещё в раннем доступе.

Также обычно игры-сервисы являются бесплатными, где можно купить скины или боевой пропуск, но Palworld не такая.

Такуро МизобеНа релизе в раннем доступе Palworld взорвала Сеть и достигла внушительных 2,1 миллиона одновременного онлайна в Steam.

1 day, 20 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
В Dragon Age: The Veilguard будет много изменений «качества жизни» и котиков
В Dragon Age: The Veilguard будет много изменений «качества жизни» и котиков В Dragon Age: The Veilguard будет много изменений «качества жизни» и котиков

Если в результате вашего решения один из спутников пострадает, то в следующих сценах он будет побитым и раненым, напоминая вам, что вы сделали.

Настройки сложности и доступности позволяют облегчить не только бои, но и решение пространственных головоломок.

Разработчики услышали мольбы фанатов и не стали наполнять регионы кучей квестов «собери X предметов».

У каждого спутника здесь есть собственная комната и дверь в неё подсвечивается, если с товарищем появились новые варианты взаимодействия.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard выйдет уже 31 октября на ПК, PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series с текстовым переводом на русский язык.

1 day, 21 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Гоити Суда считает, что людей слишком сильно волнуют оценки на Metacritic
Гоити Суда считает, что людей слишком сильно волнуют оценки на Metacritic Гоити Суда считает, что людей слишком сильно волнуют оценки на Metacritic

В ходе беседы Суда высказал мнение, что на индустрию дурно влияет одержимость оценками критиков — дескать, в погоне за высокими рейтингами издатели сторонятся экспериментов:Люди уделяют слишком много времени и внимания оценкам на Metacritic.

Дошло до того, что почти сложилась готовая формула — если хочешь получить высокий рейтинг на Metacritic, делай вот такую игру.

Если твоя игра не вписывается в эту формулу, в этот маркетинговый шаблон, то она потеряет баллы на Metacritic.

Лично мне нет особого дела до цифр на Metacritic.

Для нас важно, чтобы мы выпускали те игры, которые хотим, и чтобы люди играли в те игры, которые мы хотим им предложить.

2 days, 15 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Компания Дэна Хаузера собрала студию из авторов провальной Immortals of Aveum
Компания Дэна Хаузера собрала студию из авторов провальной Immortals of Aveum Компания Дэна Хаузера собрала студию из авторов провальной Immortals of Aveum

Absurd Ventures — компания Дэна Хаузера (Dan Houser), одного из отцов Rockstar Games.

У коллектива появилось подразделение Absurd Marin, где трудятся выходцы из Ascendant Studios, выпустившей шутер Immortals of Aveum.

Штат нового филиала Absurd Ventures насчитывает около 20 специалистов, и руководство планирует расширять команду по мере работы над своим проектом.

В Absurd Marin готовят сюжетное приключение по свежей интеллектуальной собственности.

Напомним, Immortals of Aveum увидела свет в прошлом году и не смогла похвастать ни высокими оценками, ни коммерческим успехом.

2 days, 16 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Утиный выживач DUCKSIDE влетит в ранний доступ 25 сентября
Утиный выживач DUCKSIDE влетит в ранний доступ 25 сентября Утиный выживач DUCKSIDE влетит в ранний доступ 25 сентября

Компания tinyBuild объявила, что 25 сентября онлайн-выживач про уток DUCKSIDE стартует в раннем доступе Steam.

До 17 сентября можно опробовать последнюю открытую «бету» игры.

В DUCKSIDE вам в роли пернатого героя предстоит собирать ресурсы, строить убежище, крафтить инструменты и сражаться с другими птицами при помощи огнестрела.

Главное о раннем доступеСнежный и пустынный регионы.

Обновлённые анимации использования оружия и сбора предметов.

2 days, 18 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Лучший световой меч #JediAcademy
Лучший световой меч #JediAcademy Лучший световой меч #JediAcademy

Смотри видео о величии светового меча в Jedi Academy!

https://youtu.be/bywxpR0agFY #jediacademy #starwars #звездныевойны #jedisurvivor #stopgame

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2 days, 20 hours назад @ youtube.com
В Zenless Zone Zero версии 1.2 откроется локация за пределами Нью-Эриду
В Zenless Zone Zero версии 1.2 откроется локация за пределами Нью-Эриду В Zenless Zone Zero версии 1.2 откроется локация за пределами Нью-Эриду

В версии 1.2 Прокси отправятся за пределы Нью-Эриду, чтобы принять участие в мотокроссе вместе с Цезарь, Бёрнис и другими членами банды «Сыны Калидона».

События развернутся на Объездной — застрявшей в прошлом территории на окраине города.

Главным героям предстоит помочь «Сынам Калидона» отразить атаку их соперников в лице Триумфаторов и Вожака.

2 days, 21 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Deadlock теперь поддерживает круглосуточный матчмейкинг
Deadlock теперь поддерживает круглосуточный матчмейкинг Deadlock теперь поддерживает круглосуточный матчмейкинг

Ранее матчмейкинг в геройском шутере работал лишь в определённых временных интервалах, но после недавнего обновления поиск игроков стал функционировать 24/7.

Добавлена новая мини-карта с уникальными иконками героев и особым отображением нейтральных «кэмпов», а оранжевая линия теперь зелёная.

Первый Flex-слот теперь открывается после разрушения двух вражеских вышек, а не одной.

Полный патчноут доступен здесьValve уже не скрывает существование Deadlock, но представлять её официально пока не торопится.

Проект доступен на ПК (Steam), а присоединиться к тестированию можно только по приглашению от другого геймера, который уже играет в шутер.

2 days, 22 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
СМИ: сокращения в Microsoft коснулись команд Warcraft Rumble и Warzone Mobile
СМИ: сокращения в Microsoft коснулись команд Warcraft Rumble и Warzone Mobile СМИ: сокращения в Microsoft коснулись команд Warcraft Rumble и Warzone Mobile

Вчера СМИ раструбили, что игровое подразделение Microsoft снова ждёт череда увольнений — компанию покинут около 650 человек.

Сообщалось, что в основном будут затронуты должности с корпоративными и вспомогательными функциями из Microsoft Gaming.

Одна в ответе за мобильную Warcraft Rumble, а другая занимается Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile.

Сокращения в этих подразделениях никак не связаны с наведением порядка в организации после сделки с ActiBlizz, утверждает информатор.

Microsoft решила оптимизировать число разработчиков упомянутых игр, так как тайтлы не оправдали ожиданий руководства по числу активных пользователей.

2 days, 23 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Игромания Игромания
последний пост 3 часа назад
Авторы Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP пересмотрят стоимость игры в разных регионах после критики
Авторы Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP пересмотрят стоимость игры в разных регионах после критики

Президент Dragami Games и продюсер Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP Ёсими Ясуда пообещал «как можно скорее» скорректировать стоимость игры в разных регионах.

3 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Ubisoft и Unfrozen рассказали обо всех режимах в Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era
Ubisoft и Unfrozen рассказали обо всех режимах в Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era

Ubisoft и команда студии Unfrozen раскрыли больше подробностей обо всех режимах в свой пошаговой тактической стратегии Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era. Выбрали самое главное ниже.

3 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Valve представила на The International 2024 нового героя Kez для Dota 2
Valve представила на The International 2024 нового героя Kez для Dota 2 Valve представила на The International 2024 нового героя Kez для Dota 2

В рамках The International 2024 был представлен новый персонаж для Dota 2.

Им стал Kez — птица-самурай, глава ордена Казураев и герой революции.

Его точную дату выхода не назвали, но, согласно датамайнерам, это произойдёт 24 сентября.

Вместе с ним Valve выпустит четвёртый акт события «Павшая корона».

А мы напомним, что чемпионом The International 2024 по Dota 2 стала Team Liquid, победив Gaimin Gladiators со счётом 3:0.

5 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы сказочного приключенческого платформера The Plucky Squire уточнили время релиза
Авторы сказочного приключенческого платформера The Plucky Squire уточнили время релиза

Издательство Devolver Digital и разработчики из All Possible Futures назвали точно время релиза своего сказочного приключенческого платформера The Plucky Squire во всём мире.

5 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Продюсер Lucasfilm Games обсудил сюжет и геймплей Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Продюсер Lucasfilm Games обсудил сюжет и геймплей Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Исполнительный продюсер Lucasfilm Games Крэйг Деррик поговорил о сюжете и игровом процессе грядущего приключения Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Собрали самые интересные моменты из статьи ниже.

6 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Главной звездой свежего трейлера Genshin Impact вновь стал охотник Кинич
Главной звездой свежего трейлера Genshin Impact вновь стал охотник Кинич

HoYoverse (miHoYo) представила очередной трейлер Genshin Impact, главной звездой которого вновь стал Кинич.

6 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Создатель Flappy Bird высказался о возвращении игры и NFT
Создатель Flappy Bird высказался о возвращении игры и NFT

Создатель легендарной Flappy Bird Донг Нгуен прокомментировал новость о возвращении игры.

8 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы Frostpunk 2 назвали точное время выхода игры в расширенном доступе
Авторы Frostpunk 2 назвали точное время выхода игры в расширенном доступе

11 Bit Studios утончила точное время релиза Frostpunk 2 в расширенном доступе для всех обладателей Deluxe-издания. Сыграть в новинку получится уже завтра в 20:00 МСК.

9 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы Frostpunk 2 рассказали о своих свежих достижениях
Авторы Frostpunk 2 рассказали о своих свежих достижениях

До релиза стратегии Frostpunk 2 остаются считаные дни, и 11 bit Studios завершает полировку игры.

1 day, 20 hours назад @ igromania.ru
Capcom предположительно готовит ремейки только для Resident Evil 0 и Code Veronica
Capcom предположительно готовит ремейки только для Resident Evil 0 и Code Veronica

Некоторое время назад известный инсайдер Dusk Golem объявил, что Capcom работает над ремейками классических хорроров Resident Evil Zero и Resident Evil Code: Veronica.

1 day, 21 hours назад @ igromania.ru
Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit выйдет на консолях 27 сентября
Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit выйдет на консолях 27 сентября

Пиксельный спин-офф культового хоррора Five Nights at Freddy's в начале августа вышел в Steam и собрал крайне положительные отзывы: игру рекомендует 96% покупателей.

1 day, 22 hours назад @ igromania.ru
Директор Dragon Age: The Veilguard настоял на «возобновляемой перебранке»
Директор Dragon Age: The Veilguard настоял на «возобновляемой перебранке»

Директор Dragon Age: The Veilguard Джон Эплер рассказал об одной из самых первых функций, которые он запросил для новой части культовой серии.

1 day, 22 hours назад @ igromania.ru
Ремейк Dragon Quest 3 ушёл на золото
Ремейк Dragon Quest 3 ушёл на золото

Компания Square Enix объявила, что отправила на золото будущий ремейк классической ролевой игры DRAGON QUEST III.

2 days назад @ igromania.ru
Создатели Destiny 2 признались в краже дизайна оружия у игрока
Создатели Destiny 2 признались в краже дизайна оружия у игрока

Недавно авторов Destiny 2 и известную компанию Nerf обвинили в плагиате. Пистолет Nerf Ace of Spades, основанный на знаменитом оружии Кайда-6 из Destiny, оказался не совсем новым.

2 days назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы Steel Assault выпустили трейлер киберпанкового шутера Neon Inferno
Авторы Steel Assault выпустили трейлер киберпанкового шутера Neon Inferno

Студия Zenovia Interactive, известная по ретроплатформеру Steel Assault, представила анонсирующий трейлер своего нового проекта.

2 days, 1 hour назад @ igromania.ru
IXBT.games IXBT.games
последний пост 52 минуты назад
NVIDIA больше не может заниматься компьютерной графикой без искусственного интеллекта — генеральный директорНа недавней конференции Goldman Sachs Communacopia and Technology Conference генеральному директору Дженсену Хуангу задали вопрос о применении ИИ. В
NVIDIA больше не может заниматься компьютерной графикой без искусственного интеллекта — генеральный директорНа недавней конференции Goldman Sachs Communacopia and Technology Conference генеральному директору Дженсену Хуангу задали вопрос о применении ИИ. В NVIDIA больше не может заниматься компьютерной графикой без искусственного интеллекта — генеральный директорНа недавней конференции Goldman Sachs Communacopia and Technology Conference генеральному директору Дженсену Хуангу задали вопрос о применении ИИ. В

NVIDIA больше не может заниматься компьютерной графикой без искусственного интеллекта — генеральный директорНа недавней конференции Goldman Sachs Communacopia and Technology Conference генеральному директору Дженсену Хуангу задали вопрос о применении ИИ. В ответ он сказал, что ИИ незаменим для компьютерной графики.

52 минуты назад @ t.me
Space Marine 2 вошла в десятку самых крупных Steam-релизов 2024 годаВ текущем году было несколько грандиозных релизов: Helldivers 2, Black Myth: Wukong, Sons of The Forest, Dragon's Dogma 2 и другие. Space Marine 2 во вселенной Warhammer вошла в список поп
Space Marine 2 вошла в десятку самых крупных Steam-релизов 2024 годаВ текущем году было несколько грандиозных релизов: Helldivers 2, Black Myth: Wukong, Sons of The Forest, Dragon's Dogma 2 и другие. Space Marine 2 во вселенной Warhammer вошла в список поп Space Marine 2 вошла в десятку самых крупных Steam-релизов 2024 годаВ текущем году было несколько грандиозных релизов: Helldivers 2, Black Myth: Wukong, Sons of The Forest, Dragon's Dogma 2 и другие. Space Marine 2 во вселенной Warhammer вошла в список поп

Space Marine 2 вошла в десятку самых крупных Steam-релизов 2024 годаВ текущем году было несколько грандиозных релизов: Helldivers 2, Black Myth: Wukong, Sons of The Forest, Dragon's Dogma 2 и другие. Space Marine 2 во вселенной Warhammer вошла в список популярных проектов.

1 час назад @ t.me
Опрос показал, что более 80 % геймеров не хотят покупать PS5 Pro ради GTA 6В опросе предполагалось, что GTA 6 будет работать с 30fps с ультра настройками графики, поддерживая более высокое разрешение с трассировкой лучей.
Опрос показал, что более 80 % геймеров не хотят покупать PS5 Pro ради GTA 6В опросе предполагалось, что GTA 6 будет работать с 30fps с ультра настройками графики, поддерживая более высокое разрешение с трассировкой лучей. Опрос показал, что более 80 % геймеров не хотят покупать PS5 Pro ради GTA 6В опросе предполагалось, что GTA 6 будет работать с 30fps с ультра настройками графики, поддерживая более высокое разрешение с трассировкой лучей.

Опрос показал, что более 80 % геймеров не хотят покупать PS5 Pro ради GTA 6В опросе предполагалось, что GTA 6 будет работать с 30fps с ультра настройками графики, поддерживая более высокое разрешение с трассировкой лучей.

1 час назад @ t.me
Спустя 2 года к Splatoon 3 перестанут выходить регулярные обновленияКомпания Nintendo объявила, что Splatoon 3 больше не будет получать регулярные обновления. Шутер от третьего лица вышел в сентябре 2022 года на Nintendo Switch.
Спустя 2 года к Splatoon 3 перестанут выходить регулярные обновленияКомпания Nintendo объявила, что Splatoon 3 больше не будет получать регулярные обновления. Шутер от третьего лица вышел в сентябре 2022 года на Nintendo Switch. Спустя 2 года к Splatoon 3 перестанут выходить регулярные обновленияКомпания Nintendo объявила, что Splatoon 3 больше не будет получать регулярные обновления. Шутер от третьего лица вышел в сентябре 2022 года на Nintendo Switch.

Спустя 2 года к Splatoon 3 перестанут выходить регулярные обновленияКомпания Nintendo объявила, что Splatoon 3 больше не будет получать регулярные обновления. Шутер от третьего лица вышел в сентябре 2022 года на Nintendo Switch.

1 час назад @ t.me
Лучшее лекарство от серых будней. Анонсирован Spray Paint SimulatorПосле стремительного успеха PowerWash Simulator это было неизбежно. Whitethorn Games и North Star Video Games выпустят конкурента с названием Spray Paint Simulator.
Лучшее лекарство от серых будней. Анонсирован Spray Paint SimulatorПосле стремительного успеха PowerWash Simulator это было неизбежно. Whitethorn Games и North Star Video Games выпустят конкурента с названием Spray Paint Simulator. Лучшее лекарство от серых будней. Анонсирован Spray Paint SimulatorПосле стремительного успеха PowerWash Simulator это было неизбежно. Whitethorn Games и North Star Video Games выпустят конкурента с названием Spray Paint Simulator.

Лучшее лекарство от серых будней. Анонсирован Spray Paint SimulatorПосле стремительного успеха PowerWash Simulator это было неизбежно. Whitethorn Games и North Star Video Games выпустят конкурента с названием Spray Paint Simulator.

1 час назад @ t.me
Crystal Dynamics продолжает набор сотрудников для следующей Tomb RaiderУже давно известно, что Crystal Dynamics разрабатывает следующую Tomb Raider, и хотя игра ещё не представлена официально, студия наращивает темп.
Crystal Dynamics продолжает набор сотрудников для следующей Tomb RaiderУже давно известно, что Crystal Dynamics разрабатывает следующую Tomb Raider, и хотя игра ещё не представлена официально, студия наращивает темп. Crystal Dynamics продолжает набор сотрудников для следующей Tomb RaiderУже давно известно, что Crystal Dynamics разрабатывает следующую Tomb Raider, и хотя игра ещё не представлена официально, студия наращивает темп.

Crystal Dynamics продолжает набор сотрудников для следующей Tomb RaiderУже давно известно, что Crystal Dynamics разрабатывает следующую Tomb Raider, и хотя игра ещё не представлена официально, студия наращивает темп.

1 час назад @ t.me
Ещё одна игра после Space Marine 2 показала различие XSX и PS5. Более низкое разрешение и отключенные эффекты в Hunt: Showdown 1896Hunt претерпела метаморфозы, перейдя на новую версию движка. Авторы обещали, что игра будет работать в 60 fps с графическим в
Ещё одна игра после Space Marine 2 показала различие XSX и PS5. Более низкое разрешение и отключенные эффекты в Hunt: Showdown 1896Hunt претерпела метаморфозы, перейдя на новую версию движка. Авторы обещали, что игра будет работать в 60 fps с графическим в Ещё одна игра после Space Marine 2 показала различие XSX и PS5. Более низкое разрешение и отключенные эффекты в Hunt: Showdown 1896Hunt претерпела метаморфозы, перейдя на новую версию движка. Авторы обещали, что игра будет работать в 60 fps с графическим в

Ещё одна игра после Space Marine 2 показала различие XSX и PS5. Более низкое разрешение и отключенные эффекты в Hunt: Showdown 1896Hunt претерпела метаморфозы, перейдя на новую версию движка. Авторы обещали, что игра будет работать в 60 fps с графическим великолепием нового поколения.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle называется духовной наследницей игры 1992 годаРазработчики грядущей Indiana Jones and the Great Circle не раз давали понять, что это не шутер, а основное внимание уделяется геймплею, который заставляет думать.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle называется духовной наследницей игры 1992 годаРазработчики грядущей Indiana Jones and the Great Circle не раз давали понять, что это не шутер, а основное внимание уделяется геймплею, который заставляет думать. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle называется духовной наследницей игры 1992 годаРазработчики грядущей Indiana Jones and the Great Circle не раз давали понять, что это не шутер, а основное внимание уделяется геймплею, который заставляет думать.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle называется духовной наследницей игры 1992 годаРазработчики грядущей Indiana Jones and the Great Circle не раз давали понять, что это не шутер, а основное внимание уделяется геймплею, который заставляет думать.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Как выглядит Star Wars Outlaws в фанатском VR-моде. Спойлер: вполне неплохоМоддер Люк Росс выпустил VR-мод для Star Wars Outlaws в начале сентября. Оказалось, что новая игра Ubisoft удивительно хорошо работает в виртуальной реальности.
Как выглядит Star Wars Outlaws в фанатском VR-моде. Спойлер: вполне неплохоМоддер Люк Росс выпустил VR-мод для Star Wars Outlaws в начале сентября. Оказалось, что новая игра Ubisoft удивительно хорошо работает в виртуальной реальности. Как выглядит Star Wars Outlaws в фанатском VR-моде. Спойлер: вполне неплохоМоддер Люк Росс выпустил VR-мод для Star Wars Outlaws в начале сентября. Оказалось, что новая игра Ubisoft удивительно хорошо работает в виртуальной реальности.

Как выглядит Star Wars Outlaws в фанатском VR-моде. Спойлер: вполне неплохоМоддер Люк Росс выпустил VR-мод для Star Wars Outlaws в начале сентября. Оказалось, что новая игра Ubisoft удивительно хорошо работает в виртуальной реальности.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Remedy скоро прояснит подробности о Alan Wake 2 на PS5 Pro. «У качества изображения большее значение, чем у разрешения»Недавний анализ Digital Foundry показал, что PS5 Pro игра работает с разрешением 864p при 60fps или 1260p при 30fps, а для повышения разр
Remedy скоро прояснит подробности о Alan Wake 2 на PS5 Pro. «У качества изображения большее значение, чем у разрешения»Недавний анализ Digital Foundry показал, что PS5 Pro игра работает с разрешением 864p при 60fps или 1260p при 30fps, а для повышения разр Remedy скоро прояснит подробности о Alan Wake 2 на PS5 Pro. «У качества изображения большее значение, чем у разрешения»Недавний анализ Digital Foundry показал, что PS5 Pro игра работает с разрешением 864p при 60fps или 1260p при 30fps, а для повышения разр

Remedy скоро прояснит подробности о Alan Wake 2 на PS5 Pro. «У качества изображения большее значение, чем у разрешения»Недавний анализ Digital Foundry показал, что PS5 Pro игра работает с разрешением 864p при 60fps или 1260p при 30fps, а для повышения разрешения используется PSSR - как и в базовой версии игры для PS5, где вместо PSSR используется AMD FSR 2.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Разрыв между консолями достигает 15fps. Space Marine 2 по-прежнему хуже работает на PS5Space Marine 2 - пример игры, в которой различия между PS5 и XSX, возможно, самые большие в продуктах текущего поколения. В режиме производительности консоли Sony и Micr
Разрыв между консолями достигает 15fps. Space Marine 2 по-прежнему хуже работает на PS5Space Marine 2 - пример игры, в которой различия между PS5 и XSX, возможно, самые большие в продуктах текущего поколения. В режиме производительности консоли Sony и Micr Разрыв между консолями достигает 15fps. Space Marine 2 по-прежнему хуже работает на PS5Space Marine 2 - пример игры, в которой различия между PS5 и XSX, возможно, самые большие в продуктах текущего поколения. В режиме производительности консоли Sony и Micr

Разрыв между консолями достигает 15fps. Space Marine 2 по-прежнему хуже работает на PS5Space Marine 2 - пример игры, в которой различия между PS5 и XSX, возможно, самые большие в продуктах текущего поколения. В режиме производительности консоли Sony и Microsoft иногда разделяют целых 15 кадров в секунду.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Продюсер Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: «Трой Бейкер воплощает харизму Инди».В интервью исполнительный продюсер Lucasfilm Games Крейг Деррик признал, что найти человека, способного заменить Харрисона Форда, сложно, а затем поведал, почему именно Бейке
Продюсер Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: «Трой Бейкер воплощает харизму Инди».В интервью исполнительный продюсер Lucasfilm Games Крейг Деррик признал, что найти человека, способного заменить Харрисона Форда, сложно, а затем поведал, почему именно Бейке Продюсер Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: «Трой Бейкер воплощает харизму Инди».В интервью исполнительный продюсер Lucasfilm Games Крейг Деррик признал, что найти человека, способного заменить Харрисона Форда, сложно, а затем поведал, почему именно Бейке

Продюсер Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: «Трой Бейкер воплощает харизму Инди».В интервью исполнительный продюсер Lucasfilm Games Крейг Деррик признал, что найти человека, способного заменить Харрисона Форда, сложно, а затем поведал, почему именно Бейкер выбран для этой роли.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Разработчик Frostpunk 2 объяснил, как движок Unreal Engine обеспечил поддержку модификацийБудущая Frostpunk 2 расширяет предшественницу по многим направлениям, от введения районов до фракций и прочего, но одно поможет значительно продлить жизнь игры - подд
Разработчик Frostpunk 2 объяснил, как движок Unreal Engine обеспечил поддержку модификацийБудущая Frostpunk 2 расширяет предшественницу по многим направлениям, от введения районов до фракций и прочего, но одно поможет значительно продлить жизнь игры - подд Разработчик Frostpunk 2 объяснил, как движок Unreal Engine обеспечил поддержку модификацийБудущая Frostpunk 2 расширяет предшественницу по многим направлениям, от введения районов до фракций и прочего, но одно поможет значительно продлить жизнь игры - подд

Разработчик Frostpunk 2 объяснил, как движок Unreal Engine обеспечил поддержку модификацийБудущая Frostpunk 2 расширяет предшественницу по многим направлениям, от введения районов до фракций и прочего, но одно поможет значительно продлить жизнь игры - поддержка моддинга, чего не было у оригинала.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Похоже, Insomniac нанимает сотрудников для следующей Spider-Man с открытым миром — вакансияInsomniac Games недавно начала набирать сотрудников на различные должности. В вакансии старшего аниматора геймплея содержится просьба о наличии опыта в создании аним
Похоже, Insomniac нанимает сотрудников для следующей Spider-Man с открытым миром — вакансияInsomniac Games недавно начала набирать сотрудников на различные должности. В вакансии старшего аниматора геймплея содержится просьба о наличии опыта в создании аним Похоже, Insomniac нанимает сотрудников для следующей Spider-Man с открытым миром — вакансияInsomniac Games недавно начала набирать сотрудников на различные должности. В вакансии старшего аниматора геймплея содержится просьба о наличии опыта в создании аним

Похоже, Insomniac нанимает сотрудников для следующей Spider-Man с открытым миром — вакансияInsomniac Games недавно начала набирать сотрудников на различные должности. В вакансии старшего аниматора геймплея содержится просьба о наличии опыта в создании анимации передвижения героя, боя, боссов, миссий и открытого мира.

4 часа назад @ t.me
У Dragon Age: The Veilguard не получается завоевать популярность у аудиторииПредпродажи Dragon Age: The Veilguard в Steam выглядят не слишком хорошо, несмотря на многообещающие трейлеры и превью.
У Dragon Age: The Veilguard не получается завоевать популярность у аудиторииПредпродажи Dragon Age: The Veilguard в Steam выглядят не слишком хорошо, несмотря на многообещающие трейлеры и превью. У Dragon Age: The Veilguard не получается завоевать популярность у аудиторииПредпродажи Dragon Age: The Veilguard в Steam выглядят не слишком хорошо, несмотря на многообещающие трейлеры и превью.

У Dragon Age: The Veilguard не получается завоевать популярность у аудиторииПредпродажи Dragon Age: The Veilguard в Steam выглядят не слишком хорошо, несмотря на многообещающие трейлеры и превью.

4 часа назад @ t.me
На английском
последний пост 2 часа назад
Splatoon 3 Regular Updates to End 2 Years After Launch, Nintendo Says
Splatoon 3 Regular Updates to End 2 Years After Launch, Nintendo Says

Switch exclusive Splatoon 3 will no longer receive regular updates, Nintendo has announced.

2 часа назад @ ign.com
Flappy Bird Creator Speaks Out After Revival Sparks Backlash
Flappy Bird Creator Speaks Out After Revival Sparks Backlash

The creator of the original Flappy Bird has spoken out on the viral mobile game’s return to distance himself from the project and insist he did not sell the rights to the game.

3 часа назад @ ign.com
Cheaper Wukong, a Drop to the 60s for FFVII Rebirth and Elden Ring, $144 off Logitech Cans, and More!
Cheaper Wukong, a Drop to the 60s for FFVII Rebirth and Elden Ring, $144 off Logitech Cans, and More!

Let's get your week started with mad game savings and a few extra levels to your pile of shame.

9 часов назад @ ign.com
Emmy Winners 2024: The Full List (Updating Live!)
Emmy Winners 2024: The Full List (Updating Live!)

The 76th Emmy Awards have finally arrived and are set to celebrate the best of the best in the world of television from the past year. We will be updating this winners list throughout night, so be sure to keep checking back!

11 часов назад @ ign.com
The Best Aussie Prices for a Lap Smashing Thrustmaster T818 Base, Evo 32R Wheel and Pedals Package
The Best Aussie Prices for a Lap Smashing Thrustmaster T818 Base, Evo 32R Wheel and Pedals Package

Getting to grips with a not-inexpensive bit of kit that aims to deliver the goods come race day.

15 часов назад @ ign.com
Daily Deals: SMT V: Vengeance, 8BitDo Pro 2, ASUS ROG Strix Gaming Desktop, and More
Daily Deals: SMT V: Vengeance, 8BitDo Pro 2, ASUS ROG Strix Gaming Desktop, and More 16 часов назад @ ign.com
The $700 PS5 Pro is Too Much For Too Little
The $700 PS5 Pro is Too Much For Too Little

Even with the promise of running games like Grand Theft Auto 6 better than any other console, the PS5 Pro does little to justify its eye-watering price tag.

22 часа назад @ ign.com
Wil Wheaton on Wesley Crusher’s Impostor Syndrome: ‘I Started Thinking He Had This Revelation’
Wil Wheaton on Wesley Crusher’s Impostor Syndrome: ‘I Started Thinking He Had This Revelation’

Wil Wheaton, the Star: Trek The Next Generation actor and host of The Ready Room, discusses his past, present, and future Trek life.

1 day, 18 hours назад @ ign.com
Daily Deals: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, Guilty Gear Strive, ASUS ROG Strix Gaming Desktop, and More
Daily Deals: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, Guilty Gear Strive, ASUS ROG Strix Gaming Desktop, and More 1 day, 19 hours назад @ ign.com
How Often Do You Upgrade to a New Phone?
How Often Do You Upgrade to a New Phone?

New year, new phones.

1 day, 21 hours назад @ ign.com
Knowing How The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Is Going To End Doesn't Bother Me
Knowing How The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Is Going To End Doesn't Bother Me

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power faces the same hurdle that all prequels face. But stories are about the journey, not the destination, and knowing what will come to pass doesn't pull from the enjoyment of the series.

1 day, 21 hours назад @ ign.com
PS5 Pro Has Bigger Problems Than Price
PS5 Pro Has Bigger Problems Than Price

Although the whopping $700 is a big sticking point, it also feels like Sony moving on from the regular PS5 before most of us think it's realised its potential.

1 day, 22 hours назад @ ign.com
Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Review
Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Review

A smart adaptation that's missing some bristles from the end of its broom.

2 days, 11 hours назад @ ign.com
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Review
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Review

Forced online requirements, inconsistent AI, and chore-like progression undermine otherwise robust driving.

2 days, 11 hours назад @ ign.com
Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis - The Answer DLC Review
Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis - The Answer DLC Review

The Persona 3 Reload DLC, Episode Aigis: The Answer, may be tedious to play at times, but in its faithful recreation is a powerful story about overcoming grief told through the lens of the series' best characters.

2 days, 11 hours назад @ ign.com
Rock Paper Shotgun Rock Paper Shotgun
последний пост 33 минуты назад
Mars First Logistics has turned into a Martian railway builder, with some very pretty, 100% authentic clouds
Mars First Logistics has turned into a Martian railway builder, with some very pretty, 100% authentic clouds Mars First Logistics has turned into a Martian railway builder, with some very pretty, 100% authentic clouds

Efforts to render Mars commuter-friendly proceed apace as Mars First Logistics embraces the magic of trains.

“A new contract type has been added that tasks you with connecting different stations using various structures,” MacLarty explains in a Steam post.

You are, however, free to build structures wherever you like.

Perhaps you have to connect stations to the fuel grid before you can refuel at them?” Yes yes, MacLarty, sounds good, but that’s not a rollercoaster, is it.

“Mars First Logistics is even more delightful than it looks,” Sin wrote last July, praising the game’s “approachable design” and “smooth controls”.

33 минуты назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Satisfactory 1.0 review: yes, it is
Satisfactory 1.0 review: yes, it is Satisfactory 1.0 review: yes, it is

Something is always hungry in Satisfactory, and that hunger pulls you from task to task in a near-seamless and frankly beautiful daze of ever-escalating industry.

Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Coffee Stain PublishingImage credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Coffee Stain PublishingEven your AI boss teases you about your organisational prowess, in one of many remarks that play whenever you deliver enough products to unlock a new tech.

Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Coffee Stain PublishingThe jetpack!

Yet another component Satisfactory nails (factory joke) is its movement, from the powerslide to the unlockable sprinty robo-legs to the powerline grappler.

Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Coffee Sta…

1 час назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The Maw: what's new in PC games this week?
The Maw: what's new in PC games this week? The Maw: what's new in PC games this week?

The squirrels are trying to kill me.

There's a massive horse chestnut tree outside my flat, and whenever I walk under it they drop conkers on my head.

The squirrels are clearly Maw cultists.

Anyway, here's a curated list of PC games that are out in the next five days.

There's a few promising games I've left out for compactness and also, because I keep getting double vision for some reason.

1 час назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Resident Evil and No More Heroes creators join long list of devs who think Metacritic is bad for game dev
Resident Evil and No More Heroes creators join long list of devs who think Metacritic is bad for game dev Resident Evil and No More Heroes creators join long list of devs who think Metacritic is bad for game dev

Goichi 'Suda51' Suda - of No More Heroes and Killer7 fame - reckons a focus on Metacritic scores is bad for creativity.

Speaking to GI.biz recently alongside survival horror genre maker-upper Shinji Mikami, Suda expressed his frustrations with the review aggregator platform’s cultural cache.

"Everybody pays too much attention to and cares too much about Metacritic scores.

It's gotten to the point where there's almost a set formula – if you want to get a high Metacritic score, this is how you make the game," Suda51 told Gi.biz.

"If you've got a game that doesn't fit into that formula, that marketability scope, it loses points on Metacritic.

2 часа назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
This action roguelite’s demo has more stuff in it than some full games, plus some very good goblins
This action roguelite’s demo has more stuff in it than some full games, plus some very good goblins This action roguelite’s demo has more stuff in it than some full games, plus some very good goblins

Bountifully they await on Steam, like a friendly worker offering you toothpick-skewered cheese chunks at your local supermarket.

And, oh, would you look at that: this cheese has some guns in it.

SULFUR is a shooty roguelike with some excellent goblins and a deep RPG equipment system.

And, if the Steam reviews are to be believed, some players are squeezing out dozens of hours from the demo alone.

Here you go:Plan ahead to outsmart enemies and progress through a world of dark creatures and cunning evil.

3 часа назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
What's on your bookshelf?: Firaxis, Hindsight, and Life Is Strange writer Emma Kidwell
What's on your bookshelf?: Firaxis, Hindsight, and Life Is Strange writer Emma Kidwell What's on your bookshelf?: Firaxis, Hindsight, and Life Is Strange writer Emma Kidwell

This week, it’s writer on Marvel’s Midnight Suns, Hindsight, Life is Strange Season 2 and more, Emma Kidwell!

I’m currently reading Thrum, a novella by independent author Meg Smitherman.

I had recently re-watched the movie and wondered what the book was like and wound up enjoying it a lot.

A dear friend of mine bought it as a gift after I told her I had a hard time reading fantasy.

Okay, so even though I have a lot of complicated feelings about Tomorrow And Tomorrow And Tomorrow, it has one of the most (SPOILER ALERT) beautiful chapters about a character’s death.

20 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The Sunday Papers
The Sunday Papers The Sunday Papers

The Sunday Papers is our weekly roundup of great writing about (mostly) videogames from across the web.

Before that, let’s read this week’s best writing about games (and game related things!)

There has never been any overlap between the nominees for GOTY and Best Sports/Racing Game, or Sim/Strategy Game, or Fighting Game, or Mobile Game.

On the other hand, for the last three years, four of the six GOTY nominees have also been nominated in the Action/Adventure category.

This stung to think about especially because my personal GOTY is Tactical Breach Wizards, by the simple virtue of it being the best game I’ve played this year.

1 day, 1 hour назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
One Million Checkboxes players hid binary, QR codes and rickrolls among the boxes during its two week war
One Million Checkboxes players hid binary, QR codes and rickrolls among the boxes during its two week war One Million Checkboxes players hid binary, QR codes and rickrolls among the boxes during its two week war

Back in June, Edwin covered One Million Checkboxes, a website with one million checkboxes that players could check or uncheck, with any change visible to all other visitors of the site.

Folks checked 650,000,000 boxes in the 2 weeks I kept the site online," wrote Nolen Royalty in a recent Twitter thread.

Instead, while some players were battling one another to check and uncheck boxes, some others were using the checkboxes to spell out messages in binary.

It pointed to a Discord called "Checking Boxes", where a small number of players had gathered.

and players doing dumb, mischievous stuff is part of that same spirit.

1 day, 14 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Cosy life sim Tales Of The Shire needs more time in the oven, delayed until 2025
Cosy life sim Tales Of The Shire needs more time in the oven, delayed until 2025 Cosy life sim Tales Of The Shire needs more time in the oven, delayed until 2025

Tales Of The Shire: A The Lord Of The Rings Game has been delayed into early 2025.

The cosy life sim set in the home of the hobbits had initially been aiming for a late 2024 release, but developers Weta Workshop Game Studio announced they need more time.

"All of us here at Weta Workshop are excited to have you join us in the Shire, a peaceful corner of J.R.R.

Tolkien's world.

"To ensure we deliver that vision, Tales Of The Shire will now be launching early 2025."

1 day, 14 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Wonderful photography adventure Toem will be free from Epic next week
Wonderful photography adventure Toem will be free from Epic next week Wonderful photography adventure Toem will be free from Epic next week

Next week it's going to be free to keep from the Epic Games Store.

Toem will be free to keep between September 19th and September 26th, and you'll be able to grab it from its Epic Games Store page.

You'll need an Epic Games account to do so.

Until Toem appears, there are two other games free to keep from Epic, as usual.

If you want to keep up with all the Epic Games freebies, in the past, present and future, check out our regularly updated guide.

1 day, 15 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
What are we all playing this weekend?
What are we all playing this weekend? What are we all playing this weekend?

But for now at least, let's keep up the pretense that we're not all lying through our teeth every weekend with these posts.

I'll just say that I'm immensely excited to be playing The Game.

EdwinI'm probably going to skip games this weekend, but I might give PUNKCAKE Délicieux's Ecstatic a go.

JamesManaged to sneak off and press the "begin weekend" button a day early, so he's off doing goodness knows what.

But you, reader dear, what are you playing this weekend?

2 days, 4 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Ahoy Draculads and ladies, V Rising is free this weekend
Ahoy Draculads and ladies, V Rising is free this weekend Ahoy Draculads and ladies, V Rising is free this weekend

In V Rising, you're a fledgling vampire on a mission to become absolute bossferatu of a Gothic open world.

This, V Rising creators Stunlock have now done.

V Rising - Launch Trailer Watch on YouTubeHere are some things that intrigue and beguile me about V Rising, based on how it's been described to me.

"To gain power is to build things, until the thing you want to build requires you to build something else.

If the non-free version hooks your interest, V Rising is currently 30 percent off with 20 percent off its cosmetic DLC (including a Castlevania-themed DLC pack) until 24th September.

2 days, 18 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Bonkers anti-immersive sim Mosa Lina now has co-op multiplayer, plus "super secret frog mode"
Bonkers anti-immersive sim Mosa Lina now has co-op multiplayer, plus "super secret frog mode" Bonkers anti-immersive sim Mosa Lina now has co-op multiplayer, plus "super secret frog mode"

Released last year, Mosa Lina is a chaotic 2D platform puzzer full of bombs and frogs and spikeballs and tentacles, all subject to real-time physics.

It's an "aggressively random" response to what the developers call the "lock-and-key" philosophy of certain immersive sims.

I will do my best to summarise it, using the bits of my brain that haven't been fritzed by that sentence about deleting.

The new version of the game uses Steam Recording instead, and lets you capture gifs to boot.

It's like a bunch of very dehydrated Transformice developers set out to make a Deus Ex game.

2 days, 19 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Spray Paint Simulator announced, as PowerWash Simulator seethes
Spray Paint Simulator announced, as PowerWash Simulator seethes Spray Paint Simulator announced, as PowerWash Simulator seethes

Whitethorn Games and North Star Video Games have only come out with a rival: Spray Paint Simulator.

Again, all of the same school as PowerWash Sim, which is very much a meditative experience.

Here's hoping Spray Paint Simulator has a similarly playful take on your career trajectory as Paint Person.

Or that it fully embraces its rivalry with PowerWash Simulator in the form of cross-game PVP, as Edwin points out in The Maw.

Spray Paint Simulator hasn't got a release date just yet, but is due sometime on PC via Steam in 2025.

2 days, 22 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
A European consumer watchdog wants you to be able to buy exactly as much in-game currency as you need, not fixed chunks
A European consumer watchdog wants you to be able to buy exactly as much in-game currency as you need, not fixed chunks A European consumer watchdog wants you to be able to buy exactly as much in-game currency as you need, not fixed chunks

They're accusing the publishers of Fortnite, EA Sports FC 24, Minecraft, Clash of Clans and others of misleading people - specifically children - with their in-game premium currencies, and breaching European Union consumer protection laws.

Consumers cannot see the real cost of digital items, leading to overspending: the lack of price transparency of premium in-game currencies and the need to buy extra currency in bundles pushes consumers to spend more.

Companies' claims that gamers prefer in-game premium currencies are wrong.

Consumers are often denied their rights when using premium in-game currencies, tied to unfair terms favouring game developers.

Data shows that children in Europe are s…

2 days, 22 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Polygon Polygon
последний пост 1 month назад
All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game
All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game

Arrowhead just added new enemies, like the Impaler!

In past patches, seeing new threats emerge organically on the battlefield was a thrill.

Helldivers 2 is also in a somewhat unique situation; since propaganda from our in-game superiors is such a core part of the setting, it makes sense to have the game actively gaslight players about new enemies and updates.

As Helldivers 2 continues, I hope Arrowhead doesn’t shift to sharing upcoming surprises in blog posts and promotional materials.

I want to be absolutely shocked as these new enemies show up and turn my poor Helldiver into chunky salsa; it keeps things fresh.

1 month назад @ polygon.com
New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone
New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone

The developers of Stalker 2, GSC Game World, released a massive 35-minute video to YouTube on Monday teasing the upcoming sequel of their beloved open-world shooter franchise.

In it, the Ukrainian team described how they leaned heavily into the authenticity of the experience.

That authenticity applies to the game’s real-world setting around the Chornobyl nuclear power plant.

STALKER 2 was originally expected on Sept. 5, but was delayed to Nov. 20.

The final game will be available on PC and Xbox Series X, where it will be included as part of the Xbox Game Pass program and available to all subscribers the day of its release.

1 month назад @ polygon.com
Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam
Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam

At this point, I think we can safely assume that nobody is going to spend their hard-earned money on tickets to see the Borderlands movie.

The reviews from fans and critics have been absolutely scathing, and frankly, I think we all deserved better.

If you’d like to experience what is still the best version of Borderlands, you can currently pick up the Borderlands Collection: Pandora’s Box from Steam for just $37.12.

Pandora’s Box is a comprehensive collection of the four mainline titles in the Borderlands franchise in addition to all of their corresponding DLC, including cosmetic items and other extras, which total a $664.47 value.

Along with the FPS entries attached to the Borderlands lice…

1 month назад @ polygon.com
Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi
Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi

Baldur’s Gate 3 won the premier award for narrative excellence in sci-fiction and fantasy media on Sunday.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is the second video game to win the newly created category at the annual Hugo Awards.

The organization attempted to create an award for Best Interactive Video Game in 2006 but didn’t receive enough nominations.

That makes Baldur’s Gate 3 only the second game to win the award.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has already won the Game of the Year Award at five major video game award ceremonies: the Golden Joystick Awards, The Game Awards, the D.I.C.E.

1 month назад @ polygon.com
Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus
Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus

Netflix wanted to be in on the One Piece business — so much so that not only are they just doing live-action One Piece (with season 2 currently in production), they’re also working with Wit Studio to remake the One Piece anime.

The One Piece, said forthcoming anime that was first announced in December last year, would be running concurrently with the still airing One Piece anime.

One Piece now means something different than One Piece then, and a new anime could add a bit of polish to those first chapters.

The creative team at Wit wants very badly to get everything just right, as the new behind-the-scenes look at The One Piece above shows.

So how exactly do they capture what “One Piece” real…

1 month назад @ polygon.com
The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale
The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale

The original Deus Ex its sequel Deus Ex 2: Invisible War remain some of the most influential titles in gaming, using the first person shooter genre as a canvas and painting over it an intriguing world of conspiracies and larger questions about what it means for technology to become an extension of humanity.

Those core tenets continued in the more modern sequels, 2011’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution and 2013’s Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

All four games are excellent in their own right, and all are on sale for over 80% off each.

You can pick up the whole series and DLC for less than $20 total.

1 month назад @ polygon.com
Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46
Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46 Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46

Pokémon voice actor Rachael Lillis died Saturday, Lillis’ sister Laurie Orr announced on GoFundMe.

She filled our Saturday mornings and before/after school hours with her beautiful voice, her terrific comic timing, and her remarkable acting skills.”We all know Rachael Lillis from the many wonderful roles she played.

She filled our Saturday mornings and before/after school hours with her beautiful voice, her terrific comic timing, and her remarkable acting skills.

#RachaelLillis pic.twitter.com/XOjFqY0C1L — Veronica Taylor (@TheVeronicaT) August 12, 2024In 1998, Lillis began voicing Ketchum’s adventure companion Misty, Team Rocket’s Jessie, and several Pokémon, including Jigglypuff.

She also…

1 month назад @ polygon.com
The best horror to watch on Netflix this August
The best horror to watch on Netflix this August The best horror to watch on Netflix this August

And there’s no better way to get ready than by throwing on a few horror movies just as the sun starts setting a little earlier.

Every month we pick out a few of the best horror movies that Netflix currently has to offer.

It’s also one of the most violent, creepiest, and most disturbing horror movies of the last decade, which certainly makes it worth a look.

All of this makes The Wailing a staggering, ridiculously ambitious horror movie, and unlike just about any other movie ever made.

Cave diving is dangerous enough under the best circumstances, but as you might expect, this particular group of caves is absolutely full of very scary sharks.

1 month назад @ polygon.com
Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic
Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic

And there can be no doubt about the source of the creative energy and good vibes: World of Warcraft Classic.

This was quickly masked the following year when World of Warcraft Classic drove a huge spike in popularity which was sustained by the pandemic gaming boom in 2020.

When he was speaking in March 2024, World of Warcraft subscriber numbers were higher than they had been at Dragonflight’s launch, and climbing.

But it was Classic updates, starting in August 2023, that prompted Hight’s graph to start trending upward.

There are currently no less than five ways to play WoW Classic: the original game, the Cataclysm expansion, Season of Discovery, and two Hardcore variants.

1 month назад @ polygon.com
Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher
Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher

Krafton, the publisher behind PUBG: Battlegrounds and The Callisto Protocol, has acquired Tango Gameworks, the studio responsible for The Evil Within games and Hi-Fi Rush.

Tango was shuttered by Microsoft and ZeniMax Media in May, but the talent who formed the Tokyo-based studio will be integrated into Krafton, which now owns the rights to Hi-Fi Rush.

Hi-Fi Rush is available on PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X.

Tango Gameworks became part of Xbox’s stable of studios when ZeniMax was acquired by Microsoft in 2021.

The studio found great critical success with Hi-Fi Rush in 2023.

1 month назад @ polygon.com
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

In “Interrogation” [from Lorelei], I used the theme from “Woman on the Other Side”, another song from Lorelei and the Laser Eyes.

It was also inspired partly by Angelo Badalamenti’s walking baselines and slow jazzy drums in “Audrey’s Dance” from Twin Peaks.

Is there anything else I should know about your approach to composing video game music?

It’s like an extension of the video game universe.

1 month назад @ polygon.com
Polygon’s favorite audiobooks
Polygon’s favorite audiobooks Polygon’s favorite audiobooks

Few things are better than settling down with a good book, but sometimes the settling is easier said than done.

For all those times, there’s no better place to turn than audiobooks.

All these options making picking your next audiobook a bit of a chore, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

The dramatized audiobooks for A Court of Thorns and Roses are probably the most popular option — they’re cast with different voice actors for each character, and the audio-engineered foley sounds help you envision the scenes as they happen.

It’s a delicious listen even if you don’t have the right setting, of course.

1 month назад @ polygon.com
Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice
Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice

It’s easy to see the similarities between The Legend of Zelda games and many FromSoftware games.

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

Yuka Kitamura: Having spent my childhood and growing up with video games in the 1990s and 2000s, there are many masterpieces that have influenced me.

The desire to play the main theme of my favorite video game title of all time, The Legend of Zelda, on the piano motivated me to learn piano during my childhood.

Is there anything else we should know about your approach to composing video game music?

1 month назад @ polygon.com
The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga
The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga

“We aim to release two more Witcher games after Polaris, creating a new AAA RPG trilogy,” CD Projekt Red said in 2022.

CD Projekt hasn’t announced a final title, gameplay details, or a release date for the fourth mainline entry in The Witcher.

Here’s everything we do know about the new Witcher saga.

The School of the LynxThe one very visible clue that CD Projekt Red has offered about its new Witcher saga is artwork of a medallion buried in snow.

Or, at the very least, CD Projekt wants to downplay the possibility that there’s any sort of exclusivity going on.

1 month назад @ polygon.com
A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac
A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac

Anyone who’s played A Short Hike knows the soundtrack makes up a hefty percentage of the experience.

And as it turns out, that soundtrack would probably never have happened if composer Mark Sparling hadn’t played The Binding of Isaac in college.

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

Mark Sparling: The soundtrack to the original Binding of Isaac by Danny Baranowsky was a big one for me.

Is there anything else we should know about your approach to composing video game music?

1 month назад @ polygon.com
Eurogamer Eurogamer
последний пост 31 минуту назад
Bungie's former General Counsel says Sony forced the studio "to fix the things that were wrong with their game"
Bungie's former General Counsel says Sony forced the studio "to fix the things that were wrong with their game" Bungie's former General Counsel says Sony forced the studio "to fix the things that were wrong with their game"

Bungie's former chief in-house lawyer, Don McGowan, reckons it's a good thing that Sony is "inflicting some discipline" on the Destiny 2 studio, and helping management "run the game like a business".

"This is the future I thought the company should embrace after the Sony acquisition: a studio, not an 'independent company'," McGowan added.

"Much though it pains me to say this, it appears that Sony’s inflicting some discipline on my former colleagues may have forced them to fix the things that were wrong with their game," McGowan added.

Before his tenure as General Counsel at Bungie, McGowan was Chief Legal Officer at Pokémon, and before that, he spent four years on Microsoft's legal team.


31 минуту назад @ eurogamer.net
Sulfur's adorable but deadly dungeon crawling nails the tense thrill of exploring the unknown
Sulfur's adorable but deadly dungeon crawling nails the tense thrill of exploring the unknown Sulfur's adorable but deadly dungeon crawling nails the tense thrill of exploring the unknown

Don't be fooled by Sulfur's cutesy little goblin demons.

Behind their simple, cell-shaded good looks, these are vicious little creatures intent on sinking their fangs into your weak and tender flesh.

It's a delicious premise whichever way you slice it, and it's backed up by tense and desperate gunplay as you fight your way through each level.

These guns come in all shapes, sizes and calibres, and they rattle and kick with satisfying heft.

There's something sinister going on here, but its Steam demo only gives you the briefest glimpse behind the curtain, and I'm itching for more.

32 минуты назад @ eurogamer.net
Alan Wake 2 composer reduced to a "damn ugly snot cry" by The Lake House DLC
Alan Wake 2 composer reduced to a "damn ugly snot cry" by The Lake House DLC Alan Wake 2 composer reduced to a "damn ugly snot cry" by The Lake House DLC

Alan Wake 2's composer Petri Alanko has teased some pretty emotional-sounding stuff for the game's upcoming DLC, The Lake House.

Manage cookie settings Alan Wake 2 - Night Springs Expansion Launch Trailer | PS5 Games.

"Explore the Lake House and embark on an adventure as the realities of the Pacific Northwest and the Dark Place collide again."

The first of Alan Wake 2's DLCs arrived earlier this year.

Night Springs, as it is called, included a trio of 'What if' tales featuring familiar characters, such as Alan Wake 2's biggest Alan Wake fan Rose the Waitress.

47 минут назад @ eurogamer.net
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 won't "betray" fans of the original, says series producer
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 won't "betray" fans of the original, says series producer Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 won't "betray" fans of the original, says series producer

Final Fantasy series producer Yoshinori Kitase has said the forthcoming third part of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy won't "betray the fans of the original".

"We've always kept the original in mind, and I don't think it's going to be a storyline that will betray the fans of the original [game]," he said.

"But also, at the same time, [it's] been 27 years since the release of the original Final Fantasy 7.

Earlier this year, I interviewed Kitase where we discussed the essence of the Final Fantasy series.

And that to me, that's what Final Fantasy is."

1 час назад @ eurogamer.net
Pokémon Go's Dynamax could be a clever reboot for the seven-year-old game - but currently there's not enough to it
Pokémon Go's Dynamax could be a clever reboot for the seven-year-old game - but currently there's not enough to it Pokémon Go's Dynamax could be a clever reboot for the seven-year-old game - but currently there's not enough to it

There's no new Dynamax Pokédex to fill out, and no way yet of using Dynamax Pokémon outside of their own walled garden.

Either way, there's been little explanation of why players should deviate from those play patterns to begin collecting Dynamax Pokémon or dabbling with its deeper features.

Dynamax Pokémon are acquired via Power Spots, new in-game locations that popped up on Pokémon Go's map last week and act as towering pink sign-posts that Something Big has been added.

But, cruically, their Dynamax abilities can only be used in Dynamax battles - blunting their ability to impact the game elsewhere.

The first Tier-5 Max Battle - which will presumably allow you to capture Legendary Dynamax …

1 час назад @ eurogamer.net
"FM25 is not a continuation of FM24" - the big Football Manager interview
"FM25 is not a continuation of FM24" - the big Football Manager interview "FM25 is not a continuation of FM24" - the big Football Manager interview

FM 25 is: 'This is the next generation of Football Manager' – and this is the first chapter in the new book of Football Manager, and will get expanded on.

The other headline change – and surely the most immediately noticeable for anyone who's played Football Manager before – is the removal of the Inbox.

Image credit: Sports Interactive / SegaThe "core loop," as he describes it, "that is Football Manager – it looks different.

So the fact that EA is doing them now, it's not copying Football Manager, what they're doing; it's bringing them in line with the rest of the football world."

All of the platforms Football Manager is on, meanwhile, are still "on an upward trajectory" in terms of sales.

3 часа назад @ eurogamer.net
Flappy Bird's original creator does not support its revival
Flappy Bird's original creator does not support its revival Flappy Bird's original creator does not support its revival

Just days after we learned that Flappy Bird is set to make a return later this year courtesy of the fan-made Flappy Bird Foundation, the original developer says he has "no relat[ion]" to the game.

In a tweet posted to X/Twitter earlier today (15th September), original developer Doug Nguyen publicly distanced himself from the project and its leader, confirming he has played no role in the game's revival.

I did not sell anything," Nguyen announced on X/Twitter earlier today (Sunday, 15th September).

It's thought Nguyen is likely referring to the project's leader, Michael Roberts, who is connected to crypto firm 1208 Productions.

Flappy Bird will return this autumn, followed by dedicated mobil…

20 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Diablo 4 has reportedly earned Blizzard $150m from microtransactions
Diablo 4 has reportedly earned Blizzard $150m from microtransactions Diablo 4 has reportedly earned Blizzard $150m from microtransactions

Diablo 4 has reportedly earned Blizzard around $150 million from in-game microtransactions since it released in June 2023.

That's according to senior product manager, Harrison Froeschke, who stated in a since-nuked LinkedIn account that they had led the "monetisation strategy of the store cosmetics, pricing, bundle offers, personalised discounts, and roadmap planning which have driven over $150m [microtransaction] lifetime revenue".

The numbers help us contextualise not only Diablo 4's success - Blizzard itself confirmed Diablo 4 had generated $666m in just five days - but also the commercial impact of making the game available for no additional cost to Xbox Game Pass subscribers.

Back in J…

21 час назад @ eurogamer.net
Hunt: Showdown 1896's console upgrades are welcome - but need some work
Hunt: Showdown 1896's console upgrades are welcome - but need some work Hunt: Showdown 1896's console upgrades are welcome - but need some work

On Series X we have 1440p as the set internal target, which is then scaled up to 4K using AMD's FSR 2.

And finally, Series S pushes a native 864p image here, resulting in another step down in overall image clarity.

It's not a perfect delivery by any means but it's a night and day difference next to Series X.

Inside Hunt: Showdown 1896 - The CryEngine Evolves - Crytek Developer Interview Looking to learn more about the upgrades added to Hunt: Showdown 1896?

Where Series S does have struggles though is in handling complex, open scenery and - yes - the Dark Sight view.

21 час назад @ eurogamer.net
Star Wars Outlaws played in first-person VR is a force to be reckoned with
Star Wars Outlaws played in first-person VR is a force to be reckoned with Star Wars Outlaws played in first-person VR is a force to be reckoned with

The first time I crawled into a vent in Star Wars Outlaws and the camera changed from third to first-person, I thought to myself, "why can't the whole game be like this?".

As you'll be able to see in the video, Luke's mod for Star Wars Outlaws is a little different to others that I've featured because this one has a first-person camera toggle.

It's just like playing Star Wars Outlaws in flat screen, but with the added dimension of actually feeling like you're standing there inside a hive of scum and villany.

This is easily one of the best implimentations of Luke's REAL VR mod so far and the first-person view point just feels right.

Thanks to Luke, a realistic, busy and open Star Wars world …

22 часа назад @ eurogamer.net
Periphery Synthetic is playable by sound alone - is it the next step in accessibility for the blind and visually impaired?
Periphery Synthetic is playable by sound alone - is it the next step in accessibility for the blind and visually impaired? Periphery Synthetic is playable by sound alone - is it the next step in accessibility for the blind and visually impaired?

Though that is the closest many sighted players will come to the realities of blind and visually impaired gamers.

Image credit: shiftBacktickA more mainstream focus on accessibility in the last few years has driven a greater concentration on blind accessibility.

In concert with a wider breadth of blind accessibility, The Last of Us Part 1 raised the bar and became an emotional touchstone for blind players used to inaccessible experiences.

Sighted players - and even some partially sighted players - can look forward to regular releases, but for SightlessKombat, accessible gaming officer for RNIB, the gap is much longer.

All of which is to say there is an immense amount of work going into maki…

1 day, 2 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
Human Fall Flat loved a fan-made VR mod so much it "bought it"
Human Fall Flat loved a fan-made VR mod so much it "bought it" Human Fall Flat loved a fan-made VR mod so much it "bought it"

A modder who'd worked to turn cult hit Human Fall Flat into a VR game has revealed that the "creators of the game bought it".

"You might remember some videos of my Human Fall Flat VR mod.

They were so excited about it that they are now releasing an official VR port with the same concept."

They then appended a video of their "old mod" to the message:You might remember some videos of my Human Fall Flat VR mod.

(video is my old mod) https://t.co/Icm8CAgoo5 pic.twitter.com/5NcPBnfYr6 — Raicuparta (@Raicuparta) September 13, 2024 To see this content please enable targeting cookies.

1 day, 17 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
Palworld is "not changing business model" or switching to "free-to-play or games-as-a-service"
Palworld is "not changing business model" or switching to "free-to-play or games-as-a-service" Palworld is "not changing business model" or switching to "free-to-play or games-as-a-service"

Palworld developer Pocketpair says it is "not changing [Palworld's] business model", assuring players it will "remain buy-to-play and not free-to-play or games-as-a-service".

The company was forced to clarify its position after a recently-published interview led some players to believe the team was considering adopting a live service model.

"We are not changing our game's business model, it will remain buy-to-play and not f2p or GaaS," the company said in a statement posted to X/Twitter.

"Palworld was never designed with that model in mind, and it would require too much work to adapt the game at this point," the statement continued.

Regarding the Future of PalworldTL;DR - We are not changin…

1 day, 18 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
Penny's Big Breakaway studio Evening Star announces another half a dozen layoffs
Penny's Big Breakaway studio Evening Star announces another half a dozen layoffs Penny's Big Breakaway studio Evening Star announces another half a dozen layoffs

Evening Star, the studio behind Penny's Big Breakaway, has announced half a dozen layoffs.

"Despite our best efforts to secure another project to keep our team together, we are in the unfortunate situation of having to lay off some of the folks that have worked with us for the last few years on Penny's Big Breakaway.

Unfortunately, due to volatile market conditions in the games industry and operational realities of our business, Evening Star is having to part ways with 6 team members from our Penny’s Big Breakaway development team.

For those keeping track, with one quarter still to go, 2024 has seen almost 13,000 developers and publishers lose their jobs.

The layoffs follow the 1900 people …

1 day, 22 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
Final Fantasy 14's new 7.0 graphics update transforms PC, PS5 and Series X
Final Fantasy 14's new 7.0 graphics update transforms PC, PS5 and Series X Final Fantasy 14's new 7.0 graphics update transforms PC, PS5 and Series X

On PS5 and Series X, the draw volume of grass matches the highest setting on PC, while Series S and PS4 have noticeably reduced density.

The base PS4 version has no resolution settings, no dynamic resolution settings, and no way to disable upscaling.

| Image credit: Digital FoundryThankfully, PS5, Series X and Series S users do get some meaningful new modes.

All three platforms now support 120Hz, with PS5 and Series X are generally turning in framerates ranging from the 60s to 100s at 1440p and a little higher at 1080p.

It's also been great to see that the PS5 and Series X versions are virtually free from compromise against PC.

2 days назад @ eurogamer.net
Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games
последний пост 2 часа назад
the anxiety to complete it
the anxiety to complete it

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
The Lone Gamer
The Lone Gamer The Lone Gamer

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Nightingale - The Realms Rebuilt Update is out
Nightingale - The Realms Rebuilt Update is out

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
Games that used accepted gaming conventions in interesting ways
Games that used accepted gaming conventions in interesting ways

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
I don't understand this game, can anyone ELI5?
I don't understand this game, can anyone ELI5? I don't understand this game, can anyone ELI5?

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4 часа назад @ reddit.com
R o s a l i n a [Smash Bros]
R o s a l i n a [Smash Bros] R o s a l i n a [Smash Bros]

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4 часа назад @ reddit.com
Gaming OSTs that really stick with you
Gaming OSTs that really stick with you

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4 часа назад @ reddit.com
Making Friends Monday! Share your game tags here!
Making Friends Monday! Share your game tags here!

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5 часов назад @ reddit.com
Fallout 4 replay…
Fallout 4 replay…

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5 часов назад @ reddit.com
Life. Is. Good.
Life. Is. Good. Life. Is. Good.

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
I would much prefer the slow forced walking scenes to be cut scenes.
I would much prefer the slow forced walking scenes to be cut scenes.

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Fun browser stuff for downtime at work?
Fun browser stuff for downtime at work?

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Last gaming title you felt was worth the $
Last gaming title you felt was worth the $

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
❄Arctic Motel Simulator - One Slice of Pizza Games - Run your motel, expand your territory, expand your businesses and hunt in the Arctic! DEMO available on Sep 30!
❄Arctic Motel Simulator - One Slice of Pizza Games - Run your motel, expand your territory, expand your businesses and hunt in the Arctic! DEMO available on Sep 30!

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7 часов назад @ reddit.com
App2Top App2Top
последний пост 1 час назад
Steam разрешил разработчикам публиковать ссылки на «ВКонтакте», Telegram и LinkedIn
Steam разрешил разработчикам публиковать ссылки на «ВКонтакте», Telegram и LinkedIn Steam разрешил разработчикам публиковать ссылки на «ВКонтакте», Telegram и LinkedIn

Valve расширила список социальных сетей, ссылки на которые разработчики могут публиковать в специальных полях на страницах игр в Steam.

Сейчас в список разрешенных площадок также вошли:QQ;«ВКонтакте»;Bilibili;Weibo;Reddit;Instagram*;Tumblr;Baidu Tieba;TikTok;Telegram;LinkedIn.

Кроме того, теперь ссылки на социальные сети размещаются в том числе вверху центра сообщества игр.

При желании разработчики могут изменить порядок отображения ссылок.

Вот так выглядит список ссылок на социальные сети в сообществе Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2*Принадлежат компании Meta, которая признана в России экстремистской и запрещена.

1 час назад @ app2top.ru
В Steam появилась возможность закреплять отображение наборов на страницах игр и управлять зависимыми друг от друга DLC
В Steam появилась возможность закреплять отображение наборов на страницах игр и управлять зависимыми друг от друга DLC В Steam появилась возможность закреплять отображение наборов на страницах игр и управлять зависимыми друг от друга DLC

Расширенный набор ссылок на социальные сети — не единственное нововведение в Steam.

Valve представила еще несколько изменений на площадке.

1 час назад @ app2top.ru
Главное за выходные (14-15 сентября)
Главное за выходные (14-15 сентября) Главное за выходные (14-15 сентября)

Европейские правозащитники предложили запретить премиум-валюту в играх, компания сооснователя Rockstar Games сформировала студию из авторов Immortals of Aveum, We Harvest Shadows добавили в вишлист более 100 тысяч человек, — рассказываем, что произошло в игровой индустрии за выходные.

4 часа назад @ app2top.ru
Saber Interactive получила «значительные инвестиции». Точная сумма не называется
Saber Interactive получила «значительные инвестиции». Точная сумма не называется Saber Interactive получила «значительные инвестиции». Точная сумма не называется

Ее разработчик Saber Interactive объявил о получении «значительных вложений в акционерный капитал».

Полученные у Aleph Capital и Crestview средства, согласно официальному пресс-релизу, позволят Saber Interactive погасить задолженность перед Embracer Group в связи с недавним выкупом, а также ускорит ее рост .

Напомним, в марте этого года стало известно, что Beacon Interactive, контролируемая одним из основателей Saber Interactive Мэтью Карчем (Matthew Karch), договорилась о покупке студии у шведского холдинга за 247 млн долларов.

Однако за пару часов до анонса сделки стало известно, что Beacon Interactive перечислила Embracer Group 168,4 млн долларов как раз в качестве части платежа за актив…

1 day, 22 hours назад @ app2top.ru
СМИ: увольнения в Microsoft затронут команды Warcraft Rumble и Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile
СМИ: увольнения в Microsoft затронут команды Warcraft Rumble и Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile СМИ: увольнения в Microsoft затронут команды Warcraft Rumble и Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile

По информации журналиста Стивена Тотило (Stephen Totilo) из Game File, в числе прочих пострадают сотрудники, работающие над мобильными играми Warcraft Rumble и Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile.

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile — слева, Warcraft Rumble — справаНесмотря на увольнения, сами игры закрывать не планируют, отмечает Тотило.

Как утверждает источник Тотило, увольнения в командах Warcraft Rumble и Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile не связаны с перестановками в корпорации после сделки между Microsoft и Activision Blizzard.

По данным сервиса AppMagic, с момента релиза в ноябре 2023-го Warcraft Rumble заработала с IAP 42,4 млн долларов.

Выручка вышедшей в марте 2024-го Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile — …

2 days, 21 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Garry’s Mod попала в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса как самый продаваемый PC-эксклюзив
Garry’s Mod попала в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса как самый продаваемый PC-эксклюзив Garry’s Mod попала в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса как самый продаваемый PC-эксклюзив

Разработчик Гарри Ньюман (Garry Newman) объявил, что созданную им песочницу Garry’s Mod увековечили в Книге рекордов Гиннесса.

Напомним, релиз Garry’s Mod состоялся в 2006 году.

Сейчас Garry’s Mod занимает девятое место в топе игр с наибольшим числом отзывов в Steam (по данным Steam250), — песочница собрала более миллиона отзывов, причем 97% из них являются положительными*.

*На странице Garry’s Mod в Steam указаны немного другие данные.

Дело в том, что Steam учитывает только отзывы пользователей, купивших игру непосредственно в Steam.

2 days, 23 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Новый владелец Saber Interactive не будет выкупать 4A Games и Zen Studios
Новый владелец Saber Interactive не будет выкупать 4A Games и Zen Studios Новый владелец Saber Interactive не будет выкупать 4A Games и Zen Studios

Студии 4A Games и Zen Studios останутся у шведского холдинга Embracer Group.

Ранее предполагалось , что их выкупит Beacon Interactive — компания, которая в марте 2024-го приобрела Saber Interactive.

Metro ExodusEmbracer Group заявила, что рада тому, что 4A Games и Zen Studios продолжат работать в ее составе.

Она назвала студии важными элементами в своем дальнейшем пути, отметив, что сейчас 4A Games трудится над двумя неанонсированными ААА-играми.

Также Embracer Group сообщила, что Beacon Interactive перечислила ей 168,4 млн долларов в качестве части платежа за активы Saber Interactive.

3 days назад @ app2top.ru
Бывший ведущий продюсер Clash Royale открыла собственную студию
Бывший ведущий продюсер Clash Royale открыла собственную студию Бывший ведущий продюсер Clash Royale открыла собственную студию

Теа Чоу (Thea Chow), возглавлявшая команду разработки Clash Royale в Supercell в 2021-2023 годах, объявила о запуске студии под названием Redly Games.

Дебютным проектом Redly Games станет игра под кодовым названием Project Oasis.

Это 3D-адвенчура на движке Unreal Engine 5.

На сайте студии говорится, что игра будет кроссплатформенной, однако в первую очередь ее разрабатывают с ориентацией на мобильные устройства.

Redly Games уже привлекла первые инвестиции — от Supercell.

3 days, 1 hour назад @ app2top.ru
Акции Unity подорожали на 10% после отмены сбора за установки игр
Акции Unity подорожали на 10% после отмены сбора за установки игр Акции Unity подорожали на 10% после отмены сбора за установки игр

К моменту закрытия биржи 12 сентября стоимость акций Unity выросла на 9,81% до 18,91 долларов за штуку.

Однако этого роста оказалось недостаточно для возвращения акций на тот уровень, на котором они находились до анонса Runtime Fee в сентябре 2023-го.

За минувший год ценник на акции Unity рухнул на 48,64%.

А если посмотреть еще шире, то сейчас за одну акцию Unity дают в 10,4 раза меньше, чем на пике в ноябре 2021-го.

Cтоимость акций Unity в период с сентября 2020-го по сентябрь 2024-гоКапитализация Unity на момент написания новости составляет 7,5 млрд долларов.

3 days, 2 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Все сотрудники Annapurna Interactive уволились
Все сотрудники Annapurna Interactive уволились Все сотрудники Annapurna Interactive уволились

Издателя инди-игр Annapurna Interactive покинули все 25 сотрудников по собственному желанию, сообщает Bloomberg.

Как пишет Bloomberg, команда Annapurna Interactive хотела выйти из-под крыла Annapurna Pictures и стать отдельной независимой компанией.

Исход сотрудников Annapurna Interactive стал неприятной новостью для партнеров издателя.

Сообщается, что недавно в Annapurna Interactive вернулся сооснователь Гектор Санчес (Hector Sanchez), занявший теперь пост президента издательства.

Annapurna Interactive открылась в 2016 году и с тех пор выпустила множество инди-хитов, среди которых были, например, Stray, Outer Wilds, Cocoon и Neon White.

3 days, 3 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Unity отменила сбор Runtime Fee для разработчиков игр
Unity отменила сбор Runtime Fee для разработчиков игр Unity отменила сбор Runtime Fee для разработчиков игр

Об этом объявил генеральный директор и президент компании-разработчика движка Мэтью Брумберг (Matthew Bromberg).

Изменение уже вошло в силу.

Новость дополняется…

3 days, 19 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Аналитик: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 уже заработала больше, чем все остальные игры Warhammer 40,000 за весь 2023 год
Аналитик: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 уже заработала больше, чем все остальные игры Warhammer 40,000 за весь 2023 год Аналитик: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 уже заработала больше, чем все остальные игры Warhammer 40,000 за весь 2023 год

Основатель аналитической компании Aldora и ныне закрытой SuperData Йост ван Дрюнен (Joost van Dreunen) подсчитал стартовые доходы Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2.

По его оценкам, меньше чем за неделю со дня выхода новинка Saber Interactive выручила 202 млн долларов.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2Для сравнения: в 2023 году все прочие игры серии Warhammer 40,000 заработали в общей сложности 108 млн долларов — 67 млн долларов на консолях и PC, а 41 млн долларов на мобильных устройствах.

Он отметил только, что наибольшую кассу в прошлом году сгенерировала мобильная Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus от Snowprint Studios — 35 млн долларов.

Общая выручка игр серии Warhammer 40,000 в 2023 году и выручк…

3 days, 20 hours назад @ app2top.ru
KupiKod: «Инди-проекты могут зарабатывать в России от 5 до 50 млн рублей»
KupiKod: «Инди-проекты могут зарабатывать в России от 5 до 50 млн рублей» KupiKod: «Инди-проекты могут зарабатывать в России от 5 до 50 млн рублей»

При этом все эти компании не имели и не имеют регистрации юр.

Но ведь никто не говорил и не говорит, что Amazon — серая компания, которая работает в РФ незаконно.

Но если говорить о зарубежных тайтлах, не считая самых популярных, то доходы для АА-игр могут колебаться в пределах от 50 до 200 млн рублей.

В зависимости от качества, маркетинга и жанра, инди-проекты могут зарабатывать в России от 5 до 50 млн рублей.

И третьим этапом пойдет уже полный продакшн, когда мы уже сможем и игровые механики подкорректировать, и с монетизацией подсказать.

3 days, 21 hours назад @ app2top.ru
В Citizen Sleeper сыграл миллион человек
В Citizen Sleeper сыграл миллион человек В Citizen Sleeper сыграл миллион человек

Научно-фантастическая игра Citizen Sleeper взяла планку в миллион пользователей.

Citizen SleeperПо словам авторов Citizen Sleeper, их творение привлекло больше людей, чем они когда-либо могли представить.

We are so happy to share that Citizen Sleeper has reached 1 million players!

Citizen Sleeper — RPG с элементами визуальной новеллы, использующая механику игральных костей.

Сейчас студия Jump Over The Age трудится над сиквелом под названием Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector.

3 days, 21 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Авторы Dave the Diver все же не станут независимой студией
Авторы Dave the Diver все же не станут независимой студией Авторы Dave the Diver все же не станут независимой студией

Компания Nexon прояснила ситуацию вокруг студии авторов Dave the Diver.

Она опровергла слухи о планах Mintrocket выйти из ее состава, но совсем без изменений не обойдется.

3 days, 22 hours назад @ app2top.ru
GamesIndustry.biz GamesIndustry.biz
последний пост 54 минуты назад
Cheap money and bad bets: How the games industry turned pandemic success into disaster
Cheap money and bad bets: How the games industry turned pandemic success into disaster Cheap money and bad bets: How the games industry turned pandemic success into disaster

"2024 in particular seems to be the year where pricing has become more of a challenge," Mat Piscatella, executive director and video game industry advisor at Circana, writes over e-mail.

As publishers greenlit more and more live service games, players became unable to keep up.

Pandemic prosperity in the video game industry inspired a tidal wave of hiring.

Estimated job losses since 2022 are nearing 30,000 | Image credit: Adobe StockAn unprecedented video game industry labor crisisThe tricky thing about late-stage capitalism is that investors make unreasonable demands on corporations.

It's dependent on executives, some of whom do not even play video games, often chasing trends like Web3 and …

54 минуты назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Fake vintage consoles and games worth almost €50 million seized in Italy
Fake vintage consoles and games worth almost €50 million seized in Italy Fake vintage consoles and games worth almost €50 million seized in Italy

Italian police have seized fake vintage consoles and games worth €47.5 million.

As BBC News reports, almost 12,000 consoles that stored more than 47 million counterfeit games were seized, including titles such as Super Mario Bros., Street Fighter, and Star Wars.

The head of economic crime unit for Turin's financial police Alessandro Langella said the fake retro consoles originated from China and were being "imported to be sold in specalised shops or online."

The devices were fitted with non-certified electrical components and were destroyed as they did not meet European safety standards.

Nine people have been arrested and charged with trading counterfeited goods and could face up to eight y…

1 час назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Saber Interactive secures investors to help clear debt to Embracer
Saber Interactive secures investors to help clear debt to Embracer Saber Interactive secures investors to help clear debt to Embracer

Saber Interactive has secured investments from two private equity firms to help clear its debt to Embracer.

Aleph Capital Partners and Crestview Partners announced a "significant equity investment" of an undisclosed sum, to support Saber in its growth initiatives and M&A activity.

Saber was acquired by the Embracer Group in 2020 for $525 million.

In June 2023, Embracer announced a restructuring program after Savvy Games Group backed out of a $2 billion deal with the firm.

Earlier this year, Saber bought itself back from Embracer in a deal worth up to $500 million.

2 часа назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Control 2, Wanderstop and Mixtape among projects unaffected by Annapurna collapse
Control 2, Wanderstop and Mixtape among projects unaffected by Annapurna collapse Control 2, Wanderstop and Mixtape among projects unaffected by Annapurna collapse

Developers with upcoming projects due to be published by Annapurna Interactive have reacted to the news of its collapse, most of them to say their project is currently unaffected by the situation.

Remedy's communications director Thomas Puha reacted on social media yesterday, to clarify that the Finnish studio's deal for Control 2 and its TV projects were with Annapurna Pictures and not the firm's video games branch, seemingly meaning they are unaffected.

The studio is self-publishing Control 2, with Annapurna's involvement purely on the funding side here.

Elsewhere, The Stanley Parable developer Davey Wreden confirmed that his next project with new studio Ivy Road, Wanderstop, is also not …

2 days, 21 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
What's ailing Ubisoft? | Opinion
What's ailing Ubisoft? | Opinion What's ailing Ubisoft? | Opinion

EA bought almost 20% of the firm in 2004, which Ubisoft executives feared was the prelude to a hostile takeover attempt.

You can see the marks those battles have left on the company just by zooming out on its share price graph.

Image credit: Google FinanceThe pandemic-era spike in valuations for games companies was extremely short-lived for Ubisoft; it peaked in early 2021 and has tumbled precipitously since then.

The basic facts are clear; Ubisoft doesn't stack up well with its publisher peers in terms of its commercial success.

Ubisoft's share price had been inflated beyond reason by years of corporate battlingThe cure on offer from the activist investor, of course, is far worse than the …

2 days, 21 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
First Ontario game dev labour union formed at Joydrop, majority of staff who voted reportedly fired
First Ontario game dev labour union formed at Joydrop, majority of staff who voted reportedly fired First Ontario game dev labour union formed at Joydrop, majority of staff who voted reportedly fired

The first labour union of game developers in Ontario was formed by staff at Joydrop, only for the majority of employees that voted to reportedly be fired two working days after the victory.

Joydrop is the gaming brand of London-based service agency Mikutech, founded in 2013 by Mark Mikulec.

Former employee Stephan Reilly tells GamesIndustry.biz that 16 of 17 members voted in favour of unionsation at Joydrop.

According to Reilly, Mikulec then proceeded to terminate 14 of those who voted.

Mikutech is now facing three unfair labour practice charges in front of the Ontario Labour Board.

2 days, 21 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Absurd Ventures launches new studio with Ascendant Studios staff
Absurd Ventures launches new studio with Ascendant Studios staff Absurd Ventures launches new studio with Ascendant Studios staff

Absurd Ventures has announced the launch of a new studio called Absurd Marin, made up by the former Ascendant Studios team.

Based in San Rafael, California, the developer will be led by Ascendant founder and game director Bret Robbins.

It is a separate project from the title Absurd Ventures is working on, which is based on an universe called A Better Paradise.

While the founder said at the time that he was still hopeful for the future of Ascendant, the studio reportedly furloughed most of its staff a month later.

Meanwhile, Absurd Ventures was founded by former Rockstar boss Dan Houser in June 2023, a mixed-media studio focusing on stories for games, animation, books, podcasts, and more.

2 days, 22 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Embracer confirms it's keeping Metro dev 4A Games and Zen Studios following Saber sale
Embracer confirms it's keeping Metro dev 4A Games and Zen Studios following Saber sale Embracer confirms it's keeping Metro dev 4A Games and Zen Studios following Saber sale

Embracer Group has confirmed it will retain Metro developer 4A Games and Pinball FX creator Zen Studios as the sale of Saber Interactive progresses.

In the sale announcement, the two companies explained which of Saber's many subsidiaries they would be keeping, with Zen Studios and 4A Games among those staying within Embracer.

Embracer Group is currently preparing to split into three separate publicly-listed companies: Asmodee, Coffee Stain & Friends, and Middle-earth Enterprises & Friends (the latter two of which will be renamed at a later date).

4A Games has been confirmed to be staying within Middle-earth Enterprises & Friends, which focuses on AAA games.

It's unclear which entity will ta…

2 days, 23 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Flappy Bird returns after a decade as fan group acquires trademark
Flappy Bird returns after a decade as fan group acquires trademark Flappy Bird returns after a decade as fan group acquires trademark

Mobile hit Flappy Bird is set to return a decade after being taken offline.

As reported by IGN, The Flappy Bird Foundation Group – an organisation of "passionate fans" – announced it had acquired the Flappy Bird trademark from US company Gametech Holdings, which itself secured the trademark from the game's creator Dong Nguyen.

The group has also obtained the rights for Piou Piou vs. Cactus, which reportedly inspired the original Flappy Bird.

"We are beyond excited to be bringing back Flappy Bird and delivering a fresh experience that will keep players engaged for years to come," said Flappy Bird Foundation Group chief creative Michael Roberts.

Flappy Bird launched in 2013 but was taken down…

3 days, 1 hour назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Suda51: "Everyone cares too much about Metacritic scores"
Suda51: "Everyone cares too much about Metacritic scores" Suda51: "Everyone cares too much about Metacritic scores"

Industry veteran and No More Heroes creator Goichi 'Suda51' Suda believes games companies are still putting too much stock in how their games perform on Metacritic.

"Everybody pays too much attention to and cares too much about Metacritic scores.

"If you've got a game that doesn't fit into that formula, that marketability scope, it loses points on Metacritic.

That might not be the main reason, but that's certainly one reason why.

Suda admitted he does occasionally check Metacritic scores, especially when his studio Grasshopper Manufacture has released a game.

3 days, 2 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Annapurna Interactive team quits after spin-off talks fail
Annapurna Interactive team quits after spin-off talks fail Annapurna Interactive team quits after spin-off talks fail

The majority of the Annapurna Interactive team have walked out after talks with its parent company had collapsed.

However, with Annapurna Pictures shifting its strategy around games, the Interactive team was looking to spin the publisher out as an independent business.

However, both parties had failed to reach an agreement, causing the heads of Annapurna Interactive and 'two dozen other staff' to walk out, Bloomberg reports.

Annapurna Interactive was planning to publish over a dozen indie games over the next two years, including a title in the Silent Hill franchise.

It rehired Hector Sanchez from Epic Games, who was one of the founders of Annapurna Interactive, as president of interactive a…

3 days, 13 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Latino Representation in Gaming Coalition wants more transparency and representation in games
Latino Representation in Gaming Coalition wants more transparency and representation in games Latino Representation in Gaming Coalition wants more transparency and representation in games

A number of US Latino-serving organisations have banded together to form the Latino Representation in Gaming Coalition (LRGC).

"Today, video games are playing as large a role as the media I grew up with," said Congressman Joaquin Castro.

"As a Congressman, I’ve worked to improve Latino representation across all sectors of American entertainment, including television and publishing.

Brenda Victoria Castillo, president and CEO of the National Hispanic Media Coalition added: "As a Native woman, as a Latina, as someone who watched my Native and Latino son grow up playing games, this coalition is personal for me.

With Latine individuals playing video games more than any other group, it has never…

3 days, 15 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Campfire raises $3.95m for generative AI engine, Sprites
Campfire raises $3.95m for generative AI engine, Sprites Campfire raises $3.95m for generative AI engine, Sprites

Campfire has raised $3.95m for its generative AI engine, Sprites.

According to Venturebeat, the seed round was supported by Y Combinator, FundersClub, Mercury founder Immad Akhund, gaming entrepreneur and investor Juha Paananen, and Uken Games founder, Chris Ye.

To showcase the tech in action, Campfire is developering its own title, Cozy Friends, which features characters that will "remember previous interactions, retain key info on topics, and display a high level of EQ that affects flow of conversation.

"The shift to AI-native games represents the biggest advancement in gaming since the move to 3D," Paananen said.

We think this technology will transform gaming and entertainment, and Campf…

3 days, 15 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Drama Studios announces new $2.5m seed series investment round
Drama Studios announces new $2.5m seed series investment round Drama Studios announces new $2.5m seed series investment round

French game developer Drama Studios has announced a new $2.5m seed series investment round "to strengthen the core development team and advance [its game Unrecord] to a solid demo state."

French studio Drama Studios' hyper-realistic Unrecord gameplay trailer dropped last year, racking up over 11m views on IGN, and 80m views on X/Twitter, swifly becoming one of the most wishlisted games on Steam.

Drama says this attention drew interest from "the world's biggest publishers," but the team has instead opted to partner with VC The Games Fund because of its "industry expertise" and the two firms' "aligned values and vision for the games industry."

“We were blown away when we saw that gameplay vid…

3 days, 16 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Unity cancels Runtime Fee
Unity cancels Runtime Fee Unity cancels Runtime Fee

Unity has cancelled its runtime fee after "deep consultation" with its "community, customers, and partners."

Last September, Unity announced it would impose a Runtime Fee on every install of a Unity game after it reached certain install and revenue thresholds.

There was considerable backlash to the move, and Unity eventually removed the Runtime Fee for any games built on a Unity Personal license.

Going forward, there will be a free Unity Personal licence, for which Unity has doubled the current revenue and funding ceiling from $100K to $200K.

"Canceling the Runtime Fee for games and instituting these pricing changes will allow us to continue investing to improve game development for everyon…

3 days, 19 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Gamasutra Gamasutra
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Kotaku Kotaku
последний пост 16 часов назад
Noche UFC Deserved Our Reservation, Now It Deserves Our Praise
Noche UFC Deserved Our Reservation, Now It Deserves Our Praise Noche UFC Deserved Our Reservation, Now It Deserves Our Praise

Something strange happened during the lead-up to Noche UFC, the promotion’s second annual celebration of Mexican Independence Day.

For the first time since becoming interested in MMA during the McGregor era and falling in love with the sport during the pandemic, I skipped all of my UFC fight week traditions.

AdvertisementAlmost everything about Saturday night’s card left me and other fans scratching our heads going into it, starting with its hodgepodge of a name: UFC 306: Riyadh Season Noche UFC.

No alternative I had in mind for a more appropriate Sphere card would have resulted in the breathtaking storytelling of Noche UFC.

I don’t know if Noche UFC turned out to be “the greatest sporting …

16 часов назад @ kotaku.com
No Amount Of Non-Astro Bot News From Sony Can Keep Us From Talking About This Delightful Game
No Amount Of Non-Astro Bot News From Sony Can Keep Us From Talking About This Delightful Game No Amount Of Non-Astro Bot News From Sony Can Keep Us From Talking About This Delightful Game

Amid Concord’s demise and a somewhat divisive PS5 Pro announcement, Astro Bot brought us some joy during an otherwise super serious month for Sony.

There are challenges to be found and collectibles to be had, as is often the case with the very best 3D platformers.

AdvertisementAs far as games go, Astro Bot is the perfect de-stresser, especially if you’ve had a September as up-and-down as Sony’s.

So, as we head face-first into another work week, here’s everything we liked, loved, and adored about the most delightful game of the year.

Order Astro Bot: Amazon | Best Buy

20 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Our Staff Has Wildly Differing Opinions On The PS5 Pro — Here's Why
Our Staff Has Wildly Differing Opinions On The PS5 Pro — Here's Why Our Staff Has Wildly Differing Opinions On The PS5 Pro — Here's Why

To be able to afford something means more than just having the money that it costs.

It also means having the requisite desire and perceived need to convince yourself its cost is commensurate with its value.

(Especially as I live in a city with both the best food and the best public transportation system in the country—no matter how badly we New Yorkers talk about the latter.)

So, that’ll probably be my next big purchase, not the PS5 Pro.

If you are, read on to get Zack and Alyssa’s diverging thoughts in full, as well as the internet’s reaction to Sony’s announcement, side-by-side comparisons between games on the PS5 and PS5 Pro, and information about when you’ll be able to pre-order one if …

21 час назад @ kotaku.com
If You Struggled With Today's NYT Connections Answers, The Group That Includes "Clown" May Be Describing You
If You Struggled With Today's NYT Connections Answers, The Group That Includes "Clown" May Be Describing You If You Struggled With Today's NYT Connections Answers, The Group That Includes "Clown" May Be Describing You

Puzzling can become a little obsessive for some people.

Not “Disney adults dropping $400K large to get unbanned from a cultish sounding dinner club” obsessive, but a little crazy nonetheless.

The popular Connections brainbuster from The New York Times has four groups of words with a shared theme or commonality, but they’re shuffled into random order for you to figure out.

Remember to take your time—many words have multiple meanings, so think twice before you click.


22 часа назад @ kotaku.com
Two Very Intense Disney Adults Spent $400,000 Trying To Get Back Into The Park's Exclusive Club 33 After Being Banned
Two Very Intense Disney Adults Spent $400,000 Trying To Get Back Into The Park's Exclusive Club 33 After Being Banned Two Very Intense Disney Adults Spent $400,000 Trying To Get Back Into The Park's Exclusive Club 33 After Being Banned

The Andersons were on a waiting list for more than a decade before being admitted into Club 33.

AdvertisementThe magic came to an abrupt halt on Sept. 3, 2017, when Scott Anderson was allegedly found by security guards showing signs of being intoxicated.

Advertisement“I’ll sell a kidney,” Diana Anderson told the outlet.

Advertisement“They have not established that Mr. Anderson was intoxicated,” Macias told jurors.

The legal battle has cost more than just Diana’s dreams — Scott told the Los Angeles Times that the trial set the couple back $400,000.

1 day, 15 hours назад @ kotaku.com
PS5 Pro Reactions, Destiny Anniversary Feels, And More Of This Week's Spiciest Takes
PS5 Pro Reactions, Destiny Anniversary Feels, And More Of This Week's Spiciest Takes PS5 Pro Reactions, Destiny Anniversary Feels, And More Of This Week's Spiciest Takes

Gaming tags on Steam are used with wild abandon, to the degree that they’re fairly useless.

“Point-and-click” has been reduced to any game with a cursor, and “action” appears to mean any game where you move.

In general, rather than draw you toward a game, their main use is to warn you off one.

And generally, when I see the words “precision platformer,” I know it’s not for me.

Perhaps it was that it was accompanied by “Short” and wasn’t by “Difficult.” Oh, and also “free.” - John Walker Read More

1 day, 19 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Tips To Get You Started Strong In Astro Bot, Games To Play After Black Myth: Wukong And More Pointers For The Week
Tips To Get You Started Strong In Astro Bot, Games To Play After Black Myth: Wukong And More Pointers For The Week Tips To Get You Started Strong In Astro Bot, Games To Play After Black Myth: Wukong And More Pointers For The Week

One of my favorite things The Pokémon Company has done is aim to create at least some merch for every pocket monster.

With over 1000 Pokémon, it’s unreasonable to expect each of them to get the same amount of attention as Pikachu, Eevee, and other marketable mascots.

But merch lines like the Original Stitch collaboration (RIP) and the Sitting Cuties plush line are giving everyone a chance to own some cute, affordable, official representation of their favorite Pokémon.

Now, The Pokémon Company is releasing the Generation VI Sitting Cuties plushies, so if your favorite ‘mon is from the Kalos region in Pokémon X and Y, your chance to grab a plush for them has finally arrived.

- Kenneth Shepard…

1 day, 19 hours назад @ kotaku.com
The PS5 Pro's Power (And Its Price) Are Finally Revealed, Star Wars Outlaws' Start Gets Less Frustrating, And More Of The Week's Top Stories
The PS5 Pro's Power (And Its Price) Are Finally Revealed, Star Wars Outlaws' Start Gets Less Frustrating, And More Of The Week's Top Stories The PS5 Pro's Power (And Its Price) Are Finally Revealed, Star Wars Outlaws' Start Gets Less Frustrating, And More Of The Week's Top Stories

This week, nothing drove more conversation in gaming circles than the official reveal of the PlayStation 5.

Sure, people have strong feelings about its specs, and whether the added power it brings to the table will meaningfully improve your gaming experience, but people feel just as strongly—if not more—about its $700 price tag, which.

We’ve got stories on the reveal and the conversation around it here for you.

AdvertisementAdditionally, Ubisoft is aiming to make the early stealth missions in Star Wars Outlaws less “unfair,” and people made some pretty clever game and movie-related jokes about this week’s presidential debate.

These stories and more await.

1 day, 20 hours назад @ kotaku.com
The Difference Between "Vintage" And "Retro" Has Tons Of NYT Connections Players Stumped Today
The Difference Between "Vintage" And "Retro" Has Tons Of NYT Connections Players Stumped Today The Difference Between "Vintage" And "Retro" Has Tons Of NYT Connections Players Stumped Today

Above is your visual hint for today’s yellow group.

If you’re still scratching your head, well, hate to tell you, but yellow is the easiest group.

If you’re a Paul Giamatti fan, there’s a movie where he probably says these dozens if not hundreds of times.

For once the yellow group lived up to its “easiest category” rep, or at least it did for us.

Today’s yellow group answer is Wine Bottle Info and its words are GRAPE, REGION, VINTAGE, and WINERY

1 day, 21 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Kotaku's Weekend Guide: 5 Games We Can't Wait To Get Back To
Kotaku's Weekend Guide: 5 Games We Can't Wait To Get Back To Kotaku's Weekend Guide: 5 Games We Can't Wait To Get Back To

We’re also officially in the thick of game release season, so why not take a minute to talk about Metacritic?

I love looking at a game’s magic Metacritic score as much as anyone, but the black box calculus can often obscure more than it illuminates.

Personally, I don’t care too much about the Metacritic numbers.

It’s certainly true that it’s not the kind of game made with maximizing a Metacritic score in mind.

Neither are the rest of the games we’re looking forward to playing this weekend.

2 days, 14 hours назад @ kotaku.com
I'm Planning To Buy A PS5 Pro And I'm Excited
I'm Planning To Buy A PS5 Pro And I'm Excited I'm Planning To Buy A PS5 Pro And I'm Excited

AdvertisementYet despite all this, I’m still happily going to buy a PS5 Pro later this year.

With a PS5 Pro, I’ll be able to do that and the games will look and play better in ways I appreciate and care about.

Enjoy this dumb new tech thing.”AdvertisementI understand that not everyone can afford a PS5 Pro.

So I have savings and “fun money.” Not everyone does and if you can’t afford a PS5 Pro I’m not shaming you or saying you can’t be sad about it.

I’m a responsible (more or less) adult who has decided that I want a more powerful console and I’m going to buy it and enjoy it.

2 days, 14 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Someone Recreated Stardew Valley Using 75,000 Lego Bricks
Someone Recreated Stardew Valley Using 75,000 Lego Bricks Someone Recreated Stardew Valley Using 75,000 Lego Bricks

A massive Lego recreation of Stardew Valley’s Pelican Town won the “People’s Choice” award at BrickCon 2024.

Jensen even recreated the Stardew Valley title screen using Lego bricks, too.

I’m not a big Stardew Valley guy, but as a Lego nerd, I’m in love with this build.

It’s clear to me that Jensen isn’t just a Stardew Valley fan, but a Lego expert, too.

And while Jensen appreciated the win, he says what was “better than any award” was the moment Stardew Valley creator Eric Barone showed up to look at his creation.

2 days, 14 hours назад @ kotaku.com
Grab This Heartfelt And Colorful Adventure Game While It’s Cheap
Grab This Heartfelt And Colorful Adventure Game While It’s Cheap Grab This Heartfelt And Colorful Adventure Game While It’s Cheap

Chicory is the wielder of the Picnic Province where the game takes place, only she’s stopped coloring and fallen into a depressive bout.

AdvertisementOtherwise, Chicory is an adventure that is as heartfelt as it is painfully honest.

You will take on drawing challenges sometimes, and while you’re encouraged to do your absolute best, the game refuses to judge you.

AdvertisementI’ve rarely played a game in which themes and mechanics were tied together this well.

If you want a game that feels like a warm and understanding hug, grab Chicory now and thank me later.

2 days, 14 hours назад @ kotaku.com
All Of The Drama Around The $700 PS5 Pro, Explained
All Of The Drama Around The $700 PS5 Pro, Explained All Of The Drama Around The $700 PS5 Pro, Explained

And the company’s presentation did it no favors in trying to sell players on the virtues of making a PS5 Pro their next big gaming purchase.

AdvertisementIt wasn’t until some experts started looking at direct, lossless renders of the PS5 Pro gameplay footage that the improvements left a larger impression.

“Wow, yeah, FF7R looks a LOT better on PS5 Pro,” tweeted Digital Foundry’s John Linneman a couple of days after the initial reveal.

Not everyone believes that Sony is putting its best foot forward with the PS5 Pro price.

And so far the only thing that feels extraordinary about the PS5 Pro is its price.

2 days, 16 hours назад @ kotaku.com
A Bunch Of Batman Games Are On Sale To Celebrate The Penguin
A Bunch Of Batman Games Are On Sale To Celebrate The Penguin A Bunch Of Batman Games Are On Sale To Celebrate The Penguin

If you came away from 2022’s The Batman unexpectedly horny for Colin Farrell’s portrayal of The Penguin, then good news.

To celebrate, Warner Bros. has a Steam Sale running until September 22 that slashes prices on some of the best Batman games ever made, whether The Penguin appears in them or not.

Penguin gets some screen time in the base game but the Cold, Cold Heart expansion puts him front and center.

AdvertisementAdvertisementIf you want something that embraces the comic-like silliness Batman can lean into instead of the gritty action of Arkham, then look no further than the Lego Batman games.

AdvertisementEven if you don’t care about The Penguin, the Steam sale is a great opportunity …

2 days, 17 hours назад @ kotaku.com
MCV/Develop MCV/Develop
последний пост 2 days, 20 hours назад
[From the industry] Sheffield Wednesday and game developer Sumo Digital create a halftime hit
[From the industry] Sheffield Wednesday and game developer Sumo Digital create a halftime hit [From the industry] Sheffield Wednesday and game developer Sumo Digital create a halftime hit

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInIn a first for the football world, Sheffield-based game developer Sumo Digital has developed a brand-new game – Snake Party – exclusively for Sheffield Wednesday’s esports programme, which will be playable during home matches for the remainder of the season.

Developed by the Sumo Digital Academy – an apprenticeship programme run by Sumo Digital which creates new pathways into the games industry for both programmers and technical artists, Snake Party is a 3D reimagining of the classic Snake game where two players compete in round-based challenges.

Jacob Habgood, Director of Education Partnerships at Sumo Digital, said: “Since it launched in 2020, the Sumo Academy…

2 days, 20 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
First Develop:North speakers announced for inaugural Liverpool event
First Develop:North speakers announced for inaugural Liverpool event First Develop:North speakers announced for inaugural Liverpool event

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe first speakers have been revealed for the inaugural Develop:North, taking place at The Spine in Liverpool on November 14.

They include individuals from the MCV Award-winning Sad Owl Studios.

Remedy Entertainment, Sumo Digital, Criterion and Game Republic, with more to be revealed in the coming weeks.

“This is an exciting step in bringing the highly-regarded Develop conference further afield, this time to an award-winning venue in Liverpool, The Spine.

These range from character art to developing new IP, from diversity in game narratives to TikTok, with plenty more to be announced in due course,” Lane added.

3 days, 21 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
Develop:North Develop:North

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInVenue: The Spine, LiverpoolDates: November 14, 2024Website: Develop:NorthThe UK’s biggest game developer conference is coming to Liverpool and will bring something for everyone.

Attendees can expect seven tracks covering almost every discipline, as well as a keynote and post-conference networking.

The tracks are: Art, Audio, Business, Coding, Design, Discoverability, and Indie.

3 days, 23 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
Tickets available for world premier of ZX Spectrum documentary
Tickets available for world premier of ZX Spectrum documentary Tickets available for world premier of ZX Spectrum documentary

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInA documentary telling the story of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum will be enjoying its world premier next month at the BFI IMAX in London for which tickets have just gone on sale.

As well as the first showing of The Rubber-Keyed Wonder documentary on October 3rd, various models of the iconic home computer will be playable in the foyer.

The Sinclair Spectrum debuted in the UK in 1982 and sold more than five million units until it was superseded by the 16-bit Atari and Amiga computers.

The latest version of the machine, the Spectrum Next, was successfully crowdfunded in 2016 with the award-nominated Issue 4 shipping last year.

This year will see the release of another S…

6 days, 22 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
Code Wizards join the list of supporters for the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards
Code Wizards join the list of supporters for the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards Code Wizards join the list of supporters for the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards

We’re thrilled to share that Code Wizards are joining the line-up of supporters for the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards 2024.

This event celebrates the incredible contributions of women in the gaming industry, and Code Wizards is proud to stand alongside other leading organizations in championing diversity and excellence in gaming.

The awards highlight the achievements and innovations of women who have made significant impacts in the industry, and Code Wizards’ involvement underscores their commitment to supporting and empowering talent in the gaming world.

1 week, 2 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Hub and Spoke Games launches to provide biz dev services
[From the industry] Hub and Spoke Games launches to provide biz dev services [From the industry] Hub and Spoke Games launches to provide biz dev services

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInA new specialist games industry business development agency has been launched by industry veteran Chris Buckley.

Hub and Spoke Games will offer expert experience, knowledge, services, and sales within the external development (exdev/outsourcing/WFH), cinematics, QA, localisation, audio, game scouting, publishing, PR/marketing, B2B events and advertising industries.

The agency has been founded by Chris Buckley, a well-respected and connected, seasoned industry professional with extensive experience in the global games industry.

At the heart of its services, Hub and Spoke Games will provide Business Development & Sales Leads; Meetings Support & Events Attendance; …

1 week, 3 days назад @ mcvuk.com
UKIE #RaiseTheGame latest to support the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards
UKIE #RaiseTheGame latest to support the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards UKIE #RaiseTheGame latest to support the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards

Today we announce the another supporter for the 26th of September, UKIE #RaiseTheGame are on board to support the Games Campaigner Award. You can see the finalists for this award here. The awards are being held at the America Square Conference Centre and attendees are made up of sponsors, finalists and their guests. We spoke …

1 week, 4 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Liverpool based Firesprite Games sponsor the 2024 MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards
Liverpool based Firesprite Games sponsor the 2024 MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards Liverpool based Firesprite Games sponsor the 2024 MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInAnother sponsor has signed up to support the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards, with two more to be announced this week.

We are so thrilled to have so many fantastic organisations supporting the event this year to rally behind & celebrate women in the Games Industry.

We caught up with Firesprite Games who will be supplying gift bags for all of our attendees on the day.

We’re so very delighted to sponsor the MCV/Women In Games awards again this year to honour and uplift the extraordinary talent transforming the face of the gaming industry.

These awards play a crucial role in recognising, championing, amplifying, and celebrating the incredible individuals spearhea…

1 week, 5 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Ann Summers to support the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards
Ann Summers to support the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards Ann Summers to support the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInWe are excited to announce our newest sponsor for the awards on the 26th of September.

For the first time we will have Ann Summers on board to support the event, we spoke with Natalie Amosu – Chief Marketing Officer at Ann Summers who said;“First comes courage, then confidence, followed by success” was one of the late Jacqueline Gold CBE’s powerful sayings.

Empowering women every day is business as usual at Ann Summers, being brave enough to drive positive change is how we as women move forward and help build the future stage for all those following behind us.

We are proud to support the MCV/Develop Women in Games Awards for their 10th Anniversary event, and loo…

1 week, 5 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Super Massive Games Sponsor Creative Impact Awards at the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards 2024
Super Massive Games Sponsor Creative Impact Awards at the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards 2024 Super Massive Games Sponsor Creative Impact Awards at the MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards 2024

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInAnother fantastic organisation has been added to the list of supporters for this years MCV/Develop Women in Games Awards.

Super Massive Games are sponsoring the Creative Impact Award on the 26th September, you can see the finalists for the category here.

We caught up with Becky, Head of HR & Recruitment at Super Massive Games who said;‘We’re delighted to support the MCV/Develop Women in Games Awards once again to celebrate and highlight the vital contribution women make across the industry.

In a year that’s challenged us all to be more innovative and adaptable, we specifically chose to sponsor the Creative Impact award.

We believe that diverse teams and perspect…

2 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
MCV/Develop Women in Games Awards 2024 – About our host
MCV/Develop Women in Games Awards 2024 – About our host MCV/Develop Women in Games Awards 2024 – About our host

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis year we welcome Rebecca Burford as our host for the MCV/Develop Women in Games Awards!

She leads the Gowling WLP video games group and has extensive experience working with video games clients.

Rebecca acted for Veloce Esports on various inward investments, and have acted on the sale of Near Light to nDreams and the sale of Edgecase Games to Wargaming.

She is deeply embedded in the video gaming and wider tech market, on both a national and global scale.

Rebecca has featured in The Lawyer’s prestigious Hot 100 List, and is ranked in the Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners as Next Generation Partner.

2 weeks, 3 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Plaion and Retro Games launching The Spectrum this November with 48 licensed games
Plaion and Retro Games launching The Spectrum this November with 48 licensed games Plaion and Retro Games launching The Spectrum this November with 48 licensed games

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInFresh from showing off the rubber-keyed wonder behind closed doors at this year’s gamescom, Plaion and Retro Games Ltd has announced the November launch of The Spectrum, a near-as-damnit recreation of the original Sinclair home computer from 1982 that arguably did more than any other piece of hardware to kickstart the UK games industry.

In common with other Retro Games machines, The Spectrum will function as a range of models (though not the recent Next) and will ship with a bunch of licensed games ready to play.

A couple of Rare titles would’ve been welcome, but you’ll get the Stamper-esque Head Over Heels and Starquake – probably the best games that Ultimate n…

2 weeks, 5 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Dlala Studios Sponsor the Educational Impact Award at The Women in Games Awards 2024.
Dlala Studios Sponsor the Educational Impact Award at The Women in Games Awards 2024. Dlala Studios Sponsor the Educational Impact Award at The Women in Games Awards 2024.

Dlala Studios Sponsor the Educational Impact Award at The Women in Games Awards 2024.

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInWe are delighted to announce our newest sponsor for The Women in Games Awards 2024.

Dlala Studios has spent the past decade focused on creativity, technical knowledge and producing high-quality, passion-driven work.

Gemma Foster, COO who said; We spoke to, COO who said;‘At Dlala Studios, we are passionate about working closely with our local schools, colleges and universities; providing work experience, industry insight and mentorship in all aspects of game development.

We are therefore delighted to be this year’s sponsor for the Educational Impact award category!’The awards ta…

2 weeks, 6 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] devcom developer conference breaks all records in a new location
[From the industry] devcom developer conference breaks all records in a new location [From the industry] devcom developer conference breaks all records in a new location

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedIndevcom Developer Conference 2024, held from August 18–20 at the new Koelnmesse Confex conference center, has ended with record-breaking attendance, session, and speaker numbers.

Additional side events, such as the “Xsolla Game Night,” “European Game Night,” and “Courage Cologne,” contributed to thousands of additional attendees.

In addition to the surge in attendance and content, the conference attracted attendees from 1,660 companies and 83 countries.

Stephan Reichart, Managing Director of game events GmbH: “This year’s devcom Developer Conference was an extraordinary success, exceeding all our expectations and breaking records.

New dates for the upcoming devco…

3 weeks, 3 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Ukie 2024 Video Games Growth Programme adds Department for Business and Trade and reveals this year’s cohort
[From the industry] Ukie 2024 Video Games Growth Programme adds Department for Business and Trade and reveals this year’s cohort [From the industry] Ukie 2024 Video Games Growth Programme adds Department for Business and Trade and reveals this year’s cohort

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInUkie in partnership with Tencent Games is today announcing that the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) is joining the 2024 Video Games Growth Programme as a key partner, highlighting the government’s commitment to supporting growth for British Business.

The premier business programme designed to support the UK’s video games industry is also revealing this year’s cohort featuring 30 founders and leaders of the next generation of UK video games startups and scale ups.

The Ukie Video Games Growth Programme is renowned as the gold standard for business accelerators and scale-ups within the games sector.

Nick Poole, CEO of Ukie, commented: “We are delighted to s…

3 weeks, 6 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Шрайер Шрайер
последний пост 3 days, 13 hours назад
Annapurna Video-Game Team Resigns, Leaving Partners Scrambling
Annapurna Video-Game Team Resigns, Leaving Partners Scrambling

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3 days, 13 hours назад @ bloomberg.com
Sony Reveals New, Faster PlayStation 5 Pro for $700
Sony Reveals New, Faster PlayStation 5 Pro for $700

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5 days, 20 hours назад @ bloomberg.com
Top Director at Bungie Was Fired After Misconduct Investigation
Top Director at Bungie Was Fired After Misconduct Investigation

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2 weeks, 4 days назад @ bloomberg.com
Ubisoft Entertainment Cuts 45 People From Its US Staff
Ubisoft Entertainment Cuts 45 People From Its US Staff

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1 month назад @ bloomberg.com
PrizePicks Fantasy Sports Names Blizzard Alum Ybarra as CEO
PrizePicks Fantasy Sports Names Blizzard Alum Ybarra as CEO

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1 month, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Video-Game Firm Started by Congressman Debuts Pickleball Title
Video-Game Firm Started by Congressman Debuts Pickleball Title

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2 months назад @ bloomberg.com
Nintendo Announces New Zelda, Mario Games Ahead of Next Switch
Nintendo Announces New Zelda, Mario Games Ahead of Next Switch

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2 months, 4 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Sony’s PlayStation Reveals Plans for a Family-Friendly Fall
Sony’s PlayStation Reveals Plans for a Family-Friendly Fall

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3 months назад @ bloomberg.com
Xbox Announces New ‘Doom,’ ‘Gears of War’ Games at Summer Fest
Xbox Announces New ‘Doom,’ ‘Gears of War’ Games at Summer Fest

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3 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Behind ‘Suicide Squad,’ the Year’s Biggest Video-Game Flop
Behind ‘Suicide Squad,’ the Year’s Biggest Video-Game Flop

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3 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Sony Promotes Two Executives to Lead Its Video-Game Business
Sony Promotes Two Executives to Lead Its Video-Game Business

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4 months назад @ bloomberg.com
In Hollywood, Video Games Are the New Superheroes
In Hollywood, Video Games Are the New Superheroes

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4 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Warner Bros. Sales Fall Short on Movie Miss, Poor Ad Sales
Warner Bros. Sales Fall Short on Movie Miss, Poor Ad Sales

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4 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Microsoft’s Xbox Is Planning More Cuts After Studio Closings
Microsoft’s Xbox Is Planning More Cuts After Studio Closings

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4 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Microsoft’s Xbox Division Is Shutting Down Four Bethesda Studios
Microsoft’s Xbox Division Is Shutting Down Four Bethesda Studios

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4 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Wccftech Wccftech
последний пост 34 минуты назад
Nintendo Switch 2 Is the Official Name of the Next Nintendo Console; Has Entered Full Production – Rumor
Nintendo Switch 2 Is the Official Name of the Next Nintendo Console; Has Entered Full Production – Rumor Nintendo Switch 2 Is the Official Name of the Next Nintendo Console; Has Entered Full Production – Rumor

The Nintendo Switch 2 console has entered full production, and the unofficial name that has been used so far for the system may be the official one, according to rumors circulating online.

This Chinese user revealed that the system has begun production, with a quota of 1000 units a day per worker.

Additionally, the system shows a number 2 logo on the side, suggesting that Nintendo Switch 2 will indeed be the official name of the system.

More information on the new Nintendo console may also have come from a new report by the Taiwan Economic Daily.

As the Nintendo Switch 2 is supposedly releasing sometime next year, it likely won't take much longer to finally know which of these many rumors o…

34 минуты назад @ wccftech.com
Google Reportedly Eyeing A Long-Term Partnership With TSMC, Tensor G6 Could Be Mass Produced On The Foundry’s Cutting-Edge 2nm Process
Google Reportedly Eyeing A Long-Term Partnership With TSMC, Tensor G6 Could Be Mass Produced On The Foundry’s Cutting-Edge 2nm Process Google Reportedly Eyeing A Long-Term Partnership With TSMC, Tensor G6 Could Be Mass Produced On The Foundry’s Cutting-Edge 2nm Process

The Mountain View giant has been reported on multiple occasions to be developing the Tensor G5 for its Pixel 10 lineup, and it will be mass produced on the Taiwanese semiconductor titan’s second-generation 3nm process.

In addition, a new report claims that Google has plans to keep TSMC as a long-term partner, with its Tensor G6 supposedly leveraging the advanced 2nm process.

For the Pixel 11 series, the latest report believes that Google will continue to use TSMC’s technology, with its Tensor G6 said to be mass produced on the 2nm node.

“If Google collaborates with TSMC, it could take a considerable amount of time before they return to Samsung for production.

This lack of market penetration…

48 минут назад @ wccftech.com
iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max Battery Replacements Now Cost $119.99, Up 20 Percent Compared To Apple’s Previous Charges
iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max Battery Replacements Now Cost $119.99, Up 20 Percent Compared To Apple’s Previous Charges iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max Battery Replacements Now Cost $119.99, Up 20 Percent Compared To Apple’s Previous Charges

Apple undoubtedly packed bigger batteries inside the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max because both flagships now have a higher runtime than their direct predecessors, with the top-end model now lasting for 33 hours during video playback, making it four hours more than the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus customers have to pay slightly less for battery replacements at $99.99If you head over to Apple’s iPhone repair and service page, you will find that the battery replacement charges for the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max are now 20 percent more expensive.

Thankfully, those who plan on getting the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus will not have to fork over anything extra as…

1 час назад @ wccftech.com
Crimson Desert Shown Off in 50-Minute Gameplay Video
Crimson Desert Shown Off in 50-Minute Gameplay Video Crimson Desert Shown Off in 50-Minute Gameplay Video

Pearl Abyss has published the longest gameplay video preview yet for its upcoming title Crimson Desert.

Crimson Desert re-emerged with a brief gameplay trailer released for Gamescom 2023, which proved it was alive and well.

The recent Gamescom 2024 was even more important, as that was the first time the game was actually playable.

Crimson Desert is based on the same engine as BDO and similarly looks like it has little to no anti-aliasing.

Despite the Gamescom 2024 demo and this fresh extended gameplay video preview, Crimson Desert still has no release window, and that's not the only unknown.

2 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Warhammer 40K Darktide Rated for PlayStation 5 in Taiwan
Warhammer 40K Darktide Rated for PlayStation 5 in Taiwan Warhammer 40K Darktide Rated for PlayStation 5 in Taiwan

Warhammer 40K Darktide appears to be headed to Sony's PlayStation 5 console.

Warhammer 40K Darktide is currently only available on PC and Xbox Series S|X.

Mastery will merge all weapon types/families, meaning Warhammer 40K Darktide players will get to freely switch between different brands of the same weapon type.

When you view a weapon, you will see the weapon's maximum potential stats (which are randomly determined).

While the Mastery system is where a player unlocks a weapon's potential, the Expertise system is where players apply those changes through crafting.

3 часа назад @ wccftech.com
These Crisp Galaxy S25 Ultra Renders Show The Flagship Bearing A Slightly Changed Design And An Embellished Titanium Chassis
These Crisp Galaxy S25 Ultra Renders Show The Flagship Bearing A Slightly Changed Design And An Embellished Titanium Chassis These Crisp Galaxy S25 Ultra Renders Show The Flagship Bearing A Slightly Changed Design And An Embellished Titanium Chassis

The S-Pen also shares the same color scheme as the Galaxy S25 Ultra, with the clicking mechanism also sporting that brushed look.

2 of 9The camera arrangement at the front and rear looks identical to the Galaxy S24 Ultra, which was expected, given that none of the earlier rumors have talked about Samsung bringing a grand design change to the Galaxy S25 Ultra.

These small changes could also be the reason why the Galaxy S25 Ultra has been tipped to be the lightest flagship from the competition.

Lastly, we should appreciate the creators who put hundreds of hours into making these crisp renders, so we should show some love for Technizo Concept.

News Source: Technizo Concept

3 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Check Out iOS 18 Release Time In Your Local Time Zone
Check Out iOS 18 Release Time In Your Local Time Zone Check Out iOS 18 Release Time In Your Local Time Zone

You can check out the iOS 18 update's release time in your local time zone to know when the update will be available in your region.

From the table below, you can check out the iOS 18 release time for your time zone and region.

If past trends are anything to go by, the company will release iOS 18 update at the same time.

We would recommend all users to stick to the iPhones and refresh frequently to get your hands on the special iOS 18 update.

This will be the time when iOS 18 will be released in your local time zone.

4 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Low iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max Demand Causes Pre-Order Sales To Be 12.7 Percent Lower, But ‘Plus’ Variant’s Figures Are Up By 48 Percent
Low iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max Demand Causes Pre-Order Sales To Be 12.7 Percent Lower, But ‘Plus’ Variant’s Figures Are Up By 48 Percent Low iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max Demand Causes Pre-Order Sales To Be 12.7 Percent Lower, But ‘Plus’ Variant’s Figures Are Up By 48 Percent

In comparison, the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max pre-orders were lower than expected, suggesting that the changes might not be compelling enough to warrant an upgrade.

The surprising revelation about these figures is that the less expensive models are actually being favored by customers, with the iPhone 16 Plus pre-orders being 48 percent higher than the iPhone 15 Plus.

While we will have a dedicated discussion of why pre-orders of the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max are lower than last year, a previous report stated that a supercycle is not expected to materialize this year due to macroeconomic factors and the lack of a design change.

However, Apple addressed three major complain…

4 часа назад @ wccftech.com
iPhone 16 Is Clearly The Upgrade You Should Get Over The iPhone 16 Pro – Here’s Why
iPhone 16 Is Clearly The Upgrade You Should Get Over The iPhone 16 Pro – Here’s Why iPhone 16 Is Clearly The Upgrade You Should Get Over The iPhone 16 Pro – Here’s Why

Apple launched the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro models recently and the devices have a lot going for them, but based on first look, the standard models received a handful of design variations, while the bigger 'Pro' models only adhered to the size.

If you are on the verge of making a decision, here's why you should consider the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus instead of the iPhone 16 Pro or iPhone 16 Pro Max.

DesignThe iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus feature a new design from the rear, bringing back the vertical camera setup that is not only slightly bigger than before but more capable as well.

You would be glad to know that the iPhone 16 comes with all the bells and whistles of the 'Pro' models.

6 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Crucial’s T700 4TB PCIe NVMe Gen 5 SSD Can Reach Up To 12,400MB/s Speeds, Supports DirectStorage, And Is 14 Percent Off On Amazon
Crucial’s T700 4TB PCIe NVMe Gen 5 SSD Can Reach Up To 12,400MB/s Speeds, Supports DirectStorage, And Is 14 Percent Off On Amazon Crucial’s T700 4TB PCIe NVMe Gen 5 SSD Can Reach Up To 12,400MB/s Speeds, Supports DirectStorage, And Is 14 Percent Off On Amazon

Solid-state drives that support the PCIe NVMe Gen 4 protocol were already raging fast, but what we have for you here exceeds that threshold by a considerable margin.

Yes, we are talking about the Crucial T700, the company’s lightning-quick PCIe NVMe Gen 5 SSD that breaks multiple speed records, all thanks to supporting a new standard.

Despite sporting the same M.2 form factor as the slower drives, the Crucial T700 can obtain sequential read speeds of 12,400MB/s and write speeds of 11,800MB/s.

Thanks to the impressive read and write speeds of the Crucial T700, DirectStorage is enabled on the 4TB drive by default.

Unfortunately, these high read and write speeds come at a cost; increased tempe…

14 часов назад @ wccftech.com
GTA VI Is By Far the Biggest Reason to Buy a PS5 Pro
GTA VI Is By Far the Biggest Reason to Buy a PS5 Pro GTA VI Is By Far the Biggest Reason to Buy a PS5 Pro

The Fall season is mere days away, which means GTA VI should launch around a year from now.

The anticipation for the next mainline installment in the Grand Theft Auto series can hardly be overstated.

It was, therefore, not very surprising to see the first GTA VI trailer shattering YouTube records in terms of views.

Grand Theft Auto VI is unlikely to be different in this area.

Sony is well aware of this and will likely push to make a Grand Theft Auto VI PS5 Pro bundle when the game finally launches next Fall.

16 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Customer Gets A Intel Core i9-14900K As An RMA For His Faulty Core i9-13900K, Full Refunds Also Being Given Out
Customer Gets A Intel Core i9-14900K As An RMA For His Faulty Core i9-13900K, Full Refunds Also Being Given Out Customer Gets A Intel Core i9-14900K As An RMA For His Faulty Core i9-13900K, Full Refunds Also Being Given Out

Intel 14th & 13th Gen affectees are either receiving new Core i9-14900K CPUs or getting the full cost refund as an RMA for their degraded chips.

This sudden influx of requests showed the problems in Intel's RMA process.

To his surprise, Team Blue returned an "upgraded unit", the Core i9-14900K CPU, a generation ahead of what he originally had.

Intel also mentioned that they will upgrade 13th Gen CPU units to newer generations when the supply eventually runs out.

Given that Intel is focusing on improving its reputation in the eyes of customers, the firm is going one mile ahead, offering better incentives to those involved in the RMA process.

17 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Team Group T-Force A440 LITE 2 TB Gen4 NVMe SSD Review – Heatsink-Less With Same High-End Speeds
Team Group T-Force A440 LITE 2 TB Gen4 NVMe SSD Review – Heatsink-Less With Same High-End Speeds Team Group T-Force A440 LITE 2 TB Gen4 NVMe SSD Review – Heatsink-Less With Same High-End Speeds

T-Force A440 LITE 2 TB PCIe Gen4 NVMe SSDThe T-Force A440 LITE is part of the "A440" series family which has been going on for a long time.

We have previously tested the A440 and A440 PRO and now it's time to test the LITE variant.

SoftwareInvention patent number in Taiwan: I751753In terms of performance, the T-Force A440 LITE 2 TB SSD has sequential read speeds of up to 7400 MB/s and write speeds of 6400 MB/s.

T-Force A440 LITE 2 TB PCIe Gen4 SSD – Unboxing and Closer LookThe T-Force A440 LITE 2 TB SSD comes in a standard package.

The T-Force A440 LITE SSD package includes a warranty booklet and that's about it.

17 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Pick One Out Of The Nine Official Apple Cases For Your iPhone 16 Or iPhone 16 Plus With Silicone & Polycarbonate Options Now 14 Percent Off On Amazon
Pick One Out Of The Nine Official Apple Cases For Your iPhone 16 Or iPhone 16 Plus With Silicone & Polycarbonate Options Now 14 Percent Off On Amazon Pick One Out Of The Nine Official Apple Cases For Your iPhone 16 Or iPhone 16 Plus With Silicone & Polycarbonate Options Now 14 Percent Off On Amazon

Official cases for the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus are readily available on Amazon now, with nine finishes to choose from, along with two materials of your choosing; polycarbonate and silicone.

There is currently one Clear polycarbonate case available on the online retailer, along with eight silicone choices.

The silicone cases are made with 55 percent recycled material, and its soft-touch finish means that it will feel great when you grip it for the first time.

Given that the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus now feature a Camera Control button, the silicone and polycarbonate cases feature a sapphire crystal on that specific area that accurately detect’s the users finger movements.

Apple’s iPh…

18 часов назад @ wccftech.com
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 “SUPER” GPUs Outstrip AMD Radeon RX 7000 Series In Germany DIY Sales, 4080 SUPER Most Popular
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 “SUPER” GPUs Outstrip AMD Radeon RX 7000 Series In Germany DIY Sales, 4080 SUPER Most Popular NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 “SUPER” GPUs Outstrip AMD Radeon RX 7000 Series In Germany DIY Sales, 4080 SUPER Most Popular

NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 40 "SUPER" GPUs have managed to outsell AMD's Radeon RX 7000 series in DIY sales at Germany's largest retailer, Mindfactory, as seen in numbers compiled by TechEpiphany.

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER Sold The Most Among All RTX 40 "SUPER" GPUs At Germany's Largest Retailer, AMD's RX 7800 XT Most Popular In Radeon RX 7000 SeriesNVIDIA recently reported strong sales of its GeForce RTX 40 GPUs, especially the new "SUPER" GPU lineup within its recent earnings.

In terms of revenue, NVIDIA having the higher ASP amounted to 64.33% of revenue while AMD got a revenue share of 35.49%.

As for the most popular GPU models, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER came out on the top with 3…

19 часов назад @ wccftech.com
последний пост 1 month, 3 weeks назад
COLORFUL Announces the Launch of the CVN Z790D5 ARK FROZEN Motherboard
COLORFUL Announces the Launch of the CVN Z790D5 ARK FROZEN Motherboard

Late in the Z790 life cycle, we're still seeing new boards come out for the platform. Case in point, Colorful announced their CVN Z790D5 Ark Frozen motherboard. The new SKU sports titanium gray on the heatsinks and PCB, a change from the black and white we're used to. Additionally, you get well-rounded specifications and robust power delivery to handle any 12th-14th generation processor, even when overclocking.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review
Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review

Overclockers and enthusiasts know the Xtreem memory series well, as it's always associated with exceptional performance and high overclocking results. The non-RGB version already confirmed great overclocking potential and high performance.

2 months назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP700 PRO SE 4TB PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review: The fastest SSD, now even faster!
Corsair MP700 PRO SE 4TB PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review: The fastest SSD, now even faster!

We didn't have to wait long for the updated version of the already exceptional Corsair MP700 Pro SSD. The SE version brings us multiple improvements, which we will present in this review.

Corsair provided us with the 4TB version of the MP700 Pro SE SSD, which has the highest capacity so far and is also the fastest Corsair SSD available in stores. In the upcoming weeks, we will see lower capacities and various cooling options for the MP700 Pro SE.

3 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
ADATA SD810 2TB USB 3.2 External SSD Review
ADATA SD810 2TB USB 3.2 External SSD Review

We do not often review portable storage devices, but we are always happy to present interesting products. ADATA sent us the SD810 external SSD, which is designed to resist heavy conditions like water or shock caused by drops on the ground. The SSD also has a high capacity of 2TB and promises exceptional performance, so it is the full package for our important data.

3 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 GRE Gaming OC 16G Graphics Card Review
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 GRE Gaming OC 16G Graphics Card Review

Radeon RX 7900 GRE wasn't planned for a global release; it was a product designed for the Chinese market. However, it became so interesting that AMD decided to make it available around the world, and we didn't have to wait long for leading partners to present their versions. In this review, we will focus on the RX 7900 GRE from Gigabyte, which uses a custom PCB and power design. The card is also overclocked, so it promises better than standard performance.

4 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Team Group T-Force Xtreem 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review
Team Group T-Force Xtreem 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review

Today, we present the latest Team Group DDR5 memory kit designed for the most demanding users - T-Force Xtreem DDR5-8000. The tested memory kit has 48GB capacity and is rated at 8000MT/s, which suggests it's optimal for a modern gaming PC.

6 months назад @ overclockers.com
MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG Review: Skinny Version Packs a Punch!
MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG Review: Skinny Version Packs a Punch!

Today, on our test bench, we have another 'Super' card, but this time, it's the MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG. What a mouthful! Outside of the obvious that it's a 4070 Super and slim compared to the 3-slot plus monsters we're used to seeing, the MLG version (where their Dragon, Lucky, turns into the Dragon Princess) sports red highlights, and it includes a magnetic backplate with a picture of their anime-style princess.

6 months назад @ overclockers.com
GPU Testing Prodedure 2024 – It’s all about that Ray Tracing and DLSS/FSR
GPU Testing Prodedure 2024 – It’s all about that Ray Tracing and DLSS/FSR

With new video cards set to release by the end of the calendar year (2024), we've updated our testing suite to new games and benchmarks to bring you performance metrics from various titles using the latest technologies from AMD, Intel, and Nvidia.

6 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
Gigabyte RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G Review
Gigabyte RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G Review

Gigabyte was kind enough to send their RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G with a large 2.5 slot, a three-fan Windforce cooling solution, increased (from reference model) clock speeds, and some cool-looking RGB bling ring inside the fan space. Below, we'll look at the specifications and features and discuss the performance profile of this 1440p/4K UHD targeted graphics card against its peers and the competition.

6 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP600 Core Mini 2TB NVMe M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD Review
Corsair MP600 Core Mini 2TB NVMe M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD Review Corsair MP600 Core Mini 2TB NVMe M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD Review

Mobile devices like ultrabooks, tablets, and handheld gaming consoles are getting more popular each year. Even if we look only at handheld consoles, a year ago, we had one popular option: Steam Deck. Right now, there is also ASUS ROG Ally and Lenovo Legion GO, and soon MSI will join with their new product. Most of consoles and other devices are sold with lower capacity or simply slower storage, so it's not a surprise that many owners think about replacing the storage, which more often is M.2 SSD in a user-friendly and tiny 2230 form factor. For those users, Corsair designed the reviewed today MP600 Core Mini at a high 2TB capacity.

7 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – The Show Floor
CES 2024 – The Show Floor CES 2024 – The Show Floor

On our last day at CES, Friday, we had a chance to see the show floor. We saw so many things, from 3D printers to AI-based grills, and a whole lot more. In the images below, we'll see new items/ideas from Sony, TCL, Hisense, Samsung, John Deer, Honda, Hyundai, Volkswagon, Mercedes, Goodyear, and many other upstart companies just trying to make their way into the market.

7 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – Enermax shares smallest ATX 3.1 PSU, AIOs, and PC cases
CES 2024 – Enermax shares smallest ATX 3.1 PSU, AIOs, and PC cases CES 2024 – Enermax shares smallest ATX 3.1 PSU, AIOs, and PC cases

One of the last places we visited at CES 2024 (due to being sick, I had to cancel the next day's appointments) was Enermax. They showed off some exciting new ATX 3.1 power supplies, cool new AIOs (one of which sports a removable LCD screen), and several new chassis that sport USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C ports, including one with skinned with the best game ever, PUBG.

8 months назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – Gigabyte shows off white motheboards and graphics cards, new monitors
CES 2024 – Gigabyte shows off white motheboards and graphics cards, new monitors CES 2024 – Gigabyte shows off white motheboards and graphics cards, new monitors

Also in the Venetian were our friends at Gigabyte. We sat down with them and discussed what we'd like to see from them in the future, among other things. Although their ballroom had a lot more than what we'll list here, there were still many cool new things, including the Nvidia 4000 series super cards, new motherboards, AIOs, monitors, and more, with many of them in white.

8 months назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – Cherry shows off new Mice, Keyboards, Microphones, and Mousepads!
CES 2024 – Cherry shows off new Mice, Keyboards, Microphones, and Mousepads! CES 2024 – Cherry shows off new Mice, Keyboards, Microphones, and Mousepads!

Later on our first day, we stopped by to visit the Cherry Suite in the Venetian Hotel. Inside, they had several items of note, showing off the keys they are famous for, and some new products as well. Since we last talked with Cherry, they acquired XTRFY (a renowned manufacturer of components and peripherals) and created the CHERRY XTRFY gaming brand to a new generation of high-performance keyboards, mice, and microphones for gamers.

8 months назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP700 PRO 2TB NVMe PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review
Corsair MP700 PRO 2TB NVMe PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review Corsair MP700 PRO 2TB NVMe PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review

Today, we present the latest and the fastest Corsair SSD - MP700 PRO. The SSD arrived to us a while ago, and we had plenty of time to test it, so the conclusions in this review are based not only on synthetic tests but also on daily workloads.

The MP700 PRO is one of the fastest M.2 SSDs we can buy in stores, and even though it shares the same Phison controllers as all the fastest PCIe 5.0 SSDs, the MP700 PRO's design is improved compared to the competition. Of course, I won't share everything in the introduction, but you can expect some exceptional results.

8 months назад @ overclockers.com
Reddit: /r/hardware Reddit: /r/hardware
последний пост 34 минуты назад
Exclusive: How Intel lost the Sony PlayStation business
Exclusive: How Intel lost the Sony PlayStation business

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34 минуты назад @ reddit.com
Nvidia CEO: "We can't do computer graphics anymore without artificial intelligence" | Jensen Huang champions AI upscaling in gaming, but players fear a hardware divide
Nvidia CEO: "We can't do computer graphics anymore without artificial intelligence" | Jensen Huang champions AI upscaling in gaming, but players fear a hardware divide Nvidia CEO: "We can't do computer graphics anymore without artificial intelligence" | Jensen Huang champions AI upscaling in gaming, but players fear a hardware divide

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
How to read/copy this smartcard (ISO 7816?)
How to read/copy this smartcard (ISO 7816?)

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Some guidance, please: The future/viability of hardware manufacturing work
Some guidance, please: The future/viability of hardware manufacturing work

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4 часа назад @ reddit.com
Google Tensor G4 fails to outscore Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 and barely beats Tensor G3 in 3DMark Wild Life Extreme
Google Tensor G4 fails to outscore Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 and barely beats Tensor G3 in 3DMark Wild Life Extreme Google Tensor G4 fails to outscore Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 and barely beats Tensor G3 in 3DMark Wild Life Extreme

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7 часов назад @ reddit.com

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11 часов назад @ reddit.com
Are hdd sequencial access?
Are hdd sequencial access?

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11 часов назад @ reddit.com
Best Case of 2024 So Far: Antec Flux Pro Review & Benchmarks
Best Case of 2024 So Far: Antec Flux Pro Review & Benchmarks Best Case of 2024 So Far: Antec Flux Pro Review & Benchmarks

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12 часов назад @ reddit.com

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12 часов назад @ reddit.com
Everyone salute my original kingston data travler 1gb
Everyone salute my original kingston data travler 1gb

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15 часов назад @ reddit.com
[der8auer] Overpriced, Loud and Slow - Geekom Megamini G1
[der8auer] Overpriced, Loud and Slow - Geekom Megamini G1 [der8auer] Overpriced, Loud and Slow - Geekom Megamini G1

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19 часов назад @ reddit.com
Corsair iCUE LINK TITAN 360 RX RGB CPU Cooler Review - OC3D
Corsair iCUE LINK TITAN 360 RX RGB CPU Cooler Review - OC3D Corsair iCUE LINK TITAN 360 RX RGB CPU Cooler Review - OC3D

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19 часов назад @ reddit.com
[STS] This air cooler is way better than expected - Corsair A115
[STS] This air cooler is way better than expected - Corsair A115 [STS] This air cooler is way better than expected - Corsair A115

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20 часов назад @ reddit.com
New Meta Quest 3S Virtual Reality Headset Feature Leaks
New Meta Quest 3S Virtual Reality Headset Feature Leaks New Meta Quest 3S Virtual Reality Headset Feature Leaks

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1 day, 11 hours назад @ reddit.com
Laptop Keeps Bricking Up
Laptop Keeps Bricking Up

Your request has been blocked due to a network policy.

If you're running a script or application, please register or sign in with your developer credentials here.

Additionally make sure your User-Agent is not empty and is something unique and descriptive and try again.

if you're supplying an alternate User-Agent string, try changing back to default as that can sometimes result in a block.

if you think that we've incorrectly blocked you or you would like to discuss easier ways to get the data you want, please file a ticket here.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ reddit.com
Xbox Wire Xbox Wire
последний пост 2 days, 17 hours назад
How Jackbox Games Took a Beloved Party Game and Made a New Remote Play Version
How Jackbox Games Took a Beloved Party Game and Made a New Remote Play Version

The post How Jackbox Games Took a Beloved Party Game and Made a New Remote Play Version appeared first on Xbox Wire.

2 days, 17 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
How Ubisoft Built an Authentic New World for Star Wars Outlaws
How Ubisoft Built an Authentic New World for Star Wars Outlaws

The post How Ubisoft Built an Authentic New World for Star Wars Outlaws appeared first on Xbox Wire.

2 days, 18 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Planet Coaster 2: The Diary of a Park Management Intern
Planet Coaster 2: The Diary of a Park Management Intern

The post Planet Coaster 2: The Diary of a Park Management Intern appeared first on Xbox Wire.

2 days, 20 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Mortal Kombat 1: How We Reinvented Klassic Kombatants Cyrax, Sektor, and Noob Saibot
Mortal Kombat 1: How We Reinvented Klassic Kombatants Cyrax, Sektor, and Noob Saibot

The post Mortal Kombat 1: How We Reinvented Klassic Kombatants Cyrax, Sektor, and Noob Saibot appeared first on Xbox Wire.

2 days, 20 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Next Week on Xbox: New Games for September 16 to 20
Next Week on Xbox: New Games for September 16 to 20

The post Next Week on Xbox: New Games for September 16 to 20 appeared first on Xbox Wire.

2 days, 21 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Free Play Days – UFC 5, Rainbow Six Siege, Classified: France ’44 and Overcooked All You Can Eat
Free Play Days – UFC 5, Rainbow Six Siege, Classified: France ’44 and Overcooked All You Can Eat

Get ready for an action-packed Free Play Day with an exciting lineup featuring the intense battles of UFC 5, the tactical operations of Rainbow Six Siege, the strategic warfare of Classified: France ’44, and the culinary chaos of Overcooked All You Can Eat! available this weekend for Xbox Game Pass Core and Xbox Game Pass […]

The post Free Play Days – UFC 5, Rainbow Six Siege, Classified: France ’44 and Overcooked All You Can Eat appeared first on Xbox Wire.

3 days, 20 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
New Xbox Friends and Followers Experience
New Xbox Friends and Followers Experience

Beginning this week, starting with Alpha Skip-Ahead users on Xbox consoles, and users that have joined the PC Gaming preview on Windows PCs and handheld devices, Xbox Insiders will be able to preview an updated friends and followers experience! With updated relationships, and new privacy and notification settings, you can start managing your social experiences […]

The post New Xbox Friends and Followers Experience appeared first on Xbox Wire.

4 days, 17 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
One Big Game: 24-Hour Football Match Returns in Aid of SpecialEffect
One Big Game: 24-Hour Football Match Returns in Aid of SpecialEffect

The post One Big Game: 24-Hour Football Match Returns in Aid of SpecialEffect appeared first on Xbox Wire.

4 days, 22 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Life Is Strange: Double Exposure Brings Back Max Caulfield By Taking on a Whole New Gaming Genre
Life Is Strange: Double Exposure Brings Back Max Caulfield By Taking on a Whole New Gaming Genre

The post Life Is Strange: Double Exposure Brings Back Max Caulfield By Taking on a Whole New Gaming Genre appeared first on Xbox Wire.

5 days, 1 hour назад @ news.xbox.com
Xbox Game Pass Standard Is Here – How to Choose the Right Plan for You
Xbox Game Pass Standard Is Here – How to Choose the Right Plan for You

The post Xbox Game Pass Standard Is Here – How to Choose the Right Plan for You appeared first on Xbox Wire.

5 days, 16 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
The Haunting Returns! Full Season 6 Reveal: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, Call of Duty: Warzone, and Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile
The Haunting Returns! Full Season 6 Reveal: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, Call of Duty: Warzone, and Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile

The post The Haunting Returns! Full Season 6 Reveal: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, Call of Duty: Warzone, and Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile appeared first on Xbox Wire.

5 days, 17 hours назад @ callofduty.com
The Elder Scrolls: Castles is Available Now on iOS and Android!
The Elder Scrolls: Castles is Available Now on iOS and Android! The Elder Scrolls: Castles is Available Now on iOS and Android!

The post The Elder Scrolls: Castles is Available Now on iOS and Android! appeared first on Xbox Wire.

5 days, 18 hours назад @ bethesda.net
Forza Horizon 5 Welcomes Hide & Seek, Its Newest Multiplayer Experience
Forza Horizon 5 Welcomes Hide & Seek, Its Newest Multiplayer Experience Forza Horizon 5 Welcomes Hide & Seek, Its Newest Multiplayer Experience

In this brand-new game mode, a group of six players will take part in a game of chases taking on one of two roles.

Hiders are tasked with remaining hidden from their opponents until the End Zone (the location the Hider needs to reach) is revealed.

After the End Zone has been disclosed, the Hider will have to reach it before time runs out and before Seekers build enough points to take the win.

On the other hand, Seekers will be tasked with finding and staying close to the Hiders.

Seekers must complete their bar before time runs out and before the Hider reaches the End Zone to put the win under their belt.

5 days, 18 hours назад @ forza.net
Ara: History Untold’s Multiplayer is Designed for Speed, Flexibility, and Fun
Ara: History Untold’s Multiplayer is Designed for Speed, Flexibility, and Fun

The post Ara: History Untold’s Multiplayer is Designed for Speed, Flexibility, and Fun appeared first on Xbox Wire.

5 days, 19 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Persona 3 Reload and Episode Aigis The Answer: A Deeply Personal Journey
Persona 3 Reload and Episode Aigis The Answer: A Deeply Personal Journey

The post Persona 3 Reload and Episode Aigis The Answer: A Deeply Personal Journey appeared first on Xbox Wire.

5 days, 21 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
PlayStation Blog PlayStation Blog
последний пост 2 days, 18 hours назад
Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 494: Bot Thoughts
Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 494: Bot Thoughts Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 494: Bot Thoughts

Like thisDeep dive on Astro Bot including discussions with and without spoilers.

Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or download hereHowdy folks!

The PlayStation Podcast gang returns to continue the discussion on Astro Bot, including segments with and without spoilers.

[Editor’s note: PSN game release dates are subject to change without notice.

Game details are gathered from press releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]

2 days, 18 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Share of the Week: Astro Bot
Share of the Week: Astro Bot Share of the Week: Astro Bot

Like thisLast week, we blasted off into a new adventure with Astro Bot, and asked you to share your favorite moments using #PSshare #PSBlog.

Here are this week’s highlights:Boargs shares Astro leading a pack of bots across the Crash Site.

i3ecci_ shares Astro riding down some colorful railing into a level.

​​AutomotiveVP shares Astro in a gold costume cheering at the end of the casino level.

THEME: Astro Bot – AbilitiesSUBMIT BY: 11:59 PM PT on September 18, 2024Next week, we’re showing off Astro Bot’s many abilities and power-up suits.

2 days, 19 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Exploring the picturesque city of Artia in The Plucky Squire
Exploring the picturesque city of Artia in The Plucky Squire Exploring the picturesque city of Artia in The Plucky Squire

Like thisThe Plucky Squire will leap from the page to PlayStation 5 on September 17, and one of the many magical places you’ll visit on your adventures is the colorful city of Artia, the creative capital of the land of Mojo.

Artia is the home of Jot’s best friend, Violet, and is full of all types of artists, some of whom you might recognize.

Shortly after arriving in the city, you’ll meet Rola Lightbrush, Violet’s proud mum, who informs the crew that Violet’s Uncle Umber has gotten himself into a pickle; his roly-poly Rubboinks have escaped!

Jot springs from the book to find the tool he needs to return Uncle Umber’s final piggy.

Once acquired, Jot can tilt the book to manipulate the charact…

3 days, 21 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Helldivers 2 The Chemical Agents Warbond launches Sept 19
Helldivers 2 The Chemical Agents Warbond launches Sept 19 Helldivers 2 The Chemical Agents Warbond launches Sept 19

I know I do and that’s why I’m really excited to tell you about our next Warbond*: Chemical Agents!

The TX-41 Sterilizer is the tool of the trade, ready to spray down the threat with chemical gas.

The AX/TX-13 “Guard Dog” Dog Breath gassed up and ready to go.

Not only that, but this is bringing some serious variety to Chemical Agents that we hope players will enjoy.

Our players have been asking for more emotes, and the ones included with Chemical Agents are some of our best yet.

3 days, 22 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Until Dawn PC features and specs revealed, out October 4
Until Dawn PC features and specs revealed, out October 4 Until Dawn PC features and specs revealed, out October 4

The terrifying Until Dawn is launching on PC for the first time on October 4, and we wanted to deliver the best horror experience for a new audience.

The PC version will have advanced graphical features, customizability, accessibility features and run on a wide range of hardware.

Upscaling with NVIDIA DLSS 3 & AMD FSR 3We’re using both NVIDIA & AMD technology to bring you the latest versions of their cutting-edge upscaling technologies.

Unlocked frame rateOne of the great reasons for playing on PC is the sheer power of the hardware you can run on.

Compatible PC and Graphics Card required for enhanced visual features.

3 days, 23 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
PS5 system update adds Welcome hub, Party Share, personalized 3D audio profiles, adaptive controller charging, and more
PS5 system update adds Welcome hub, Party Share, personalized 3D audio profiles, adaptive controller charging, and more PS5 system update adds Welcome hub, Party Share, personalized 3D audio profiles, adaptive controller charging, and more

Personalized 3D audio profiles for headphones and earbudsIn this generation, 3D audio is one of the key ways that creators have enhanced the immersive quality of games.

We’re pleased to introduce a feature that lets your PS5 console create a personalized 3D audio profile just for you.

This feature builds on the 3D audio enhancements we’ve introduced to PS5 since launch, including 3D audio support for built-in TV speakers and support for compatible Dolby Atmos-enabled audio devices.

Enable Remote Play for individual usersYou can now adjust Remote Play settings per user and choose who is allowed to connect to your PS5 console using Remote Play.

To adjust these settings, go to [Settings] > [Sy…

4 days, 2 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for September: The Plucky Squire, Night in the Woods, Under The Waves and more
PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for September: The Plucky Squire, Night in the Woods, Under The Waves and more PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for September: The Plucky Squire, Night in the Woods, Under The Waves and more

The Plucky Squire launches day and date into PlayStation Plus, with the lineup’s headliner joined by Under The Waves, Night in the Woods and many more games.

We’re also announcing new classics and PS VR2 game offerings coming to PlayStation Plus Premium, which includes action rhythm shooter Pistol Whip.

View and download imageDownload the image close CloseUnder The Waves | PS4, PS5Under the Waves is a narrative-driven adventure game about the engulfing power of grief.

Night in The Woods is an adventure game focused on exploration, story, and character, featuring dozens of characters to meet and lots to do across a lush, vibrant world.

*PlayStation Plus Game Catalog and PlayStation Plus Prem…

4 days, 20 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
PlayStation Store: August 2024’s top downloads
PlayStation Store: August 2024’s top downloads PlayStation Store: August 2024’s top downloads

Like thisBlack Myth: Wukong journeys to the top of the PS5 charts in August.

It’s time to see which PS5, PS4, PS VR2, PS VR, and free-to-play games topped the download charts last month.

New release Black Myth: Wukong journeyed to the top of the download charts on August’s PS5 list, with Swordsman VR and Beat Saber taking top spots in the US and EU regions.

Check out the full listings below.

What titles are you playing this month?

5 days, 19 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Welcome PlayStation 5 Pro, the most visually impressive way to play games on PlayStation
Welcome PlayStation 5 Pro, the most visually impressive way to play games on PlayStation Welcome PlayStation 5 Pro, the most visually impressive way to play games on PlayStation

: With PS5 Pro, we are upgrading to a GPU that has 67% more Compute Units than the current PS5 console and 28% faster memory.

You can hear Mark Cerny, lead architect for PS5 Pro, discuss the key innovations from PS5 Pro in the following video presentation.

Play VideoOther enhancements include PS5 Pro Game Boost, which can apply to more than 8,500 backward compatible PS4 games playable on PS5 Pro.

View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image …

5 days, 20 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns — unleashing Sektor’s vicious new Brutality
Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns — unleashing Sektor’s vicious new Brutality Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns — unleashing Sektor’s vicious new Brutality

For Mortal Kombat 1, the goal was to convey strength and overwhelming firepower through her use of heavy weapons.

The attack is based on a move she had in Mortal Kombat 3 where a mechanical arm comes out and throws her opponent.

In Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns, we wanted to pay homage to this by having the mechanic arm tear off the victim’s head and hold it up like a trophy.

Sektor has always been an enormous fan-favorite in the Mortal Kombat Universe, and now in Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns, her arsenal of devastating weaponry and abilities give her a target-rich environment among the cast of kombatants in the game.

Sektor will be available as a playable character when the Mortal Kombat …

5 days, 21 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves interview  — SNK director discusses the series’ new direction
Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves interview  — SNK director discusses the series’ new direction Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves interview  — SNK director discusses the series’ new direction

It’s been quite a long time since the pioneering fighting game franchise Fatal Fury has seen a proper new installment.

Yes, characters from the Fatal Fury series have shown up in other games, but the last proper Fatal Fury game, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, hit arcades all the way back in 1999.

25 years later, the Legendary Wolves are back in action in Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, ready to captivate a new generation of fighting gamers and tie-up plot threads longtime fans have seen dangling for decades.

At the time, we didn’t know where that would lead.”Eventually, however, Rock became the new face of Fatal Fury.

It’s a balancing act.”Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves will mark the series’ lo…

5 days, 22 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Destiny 10th Anniversary: PlayStation Studios devs reflect on their time as Guardians
Destiny 10th Anniversary: PlayStation Studios devs reflect on their time as Guardians Destiny 10th Anniversary: PlayStation Studios devs reflect on their time as Guardians

Play VideoWith no further ado, happy 10th anniversary, Destiny!

We had such a great time that it kickstarted our weekly game night that has been going on since 2014.

At the same time, it’s a world that’s so fascinating to explore and delve into.

The artistic lighting since Destiny began has had such a significant influence on the methods that I use to approach lighting in similarly enriched environments.

“ – Daniel Sewell, Senior Lighting Artist, HavenWhat are your earliest and fondest memories from Destiny’s past 10 years?

6 days, 18 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Tune in tomorrow for a PlayStation 5 Technical Presentation hosted by Mark Cerny
Tune in tomorrow for a PlayStation 5 Technical Presentation hosted by Mark Cerny Tune in tomorrow for a PlayStation 5 Technical Presentation hosted by Mark Cerny

Like thisJoin us for a streamed presentation hosted by Mark Cerny, Lead Architect of the PS5 console.

The 9-minute Technical Presentation will focus on PS5 and innovations in gaming technology.

How to watchThe stream will be broadcast in English on the PlayStation YouTube channel September 10 at 8:00am PT / 11:00am ET / 4:00pm BST.

licensed music) that PlayStation does not control.

If you’re planning to save this broadcast as a VOD to create recap videos, or to repost clips or segments from the show, we advise omitting any copyrighted music.

6 days, 20 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Astro Bot: How Team Asobi created a unified vision for fun
Astro Bot: How Team Asobi created a unified vision for fun Astro Bot: How Team Asobi created a unified vision for fun

Team Asobi, the PlayStation Studio behind Astro’s Playroom, infused the little bot’s big new adventure with enough stages, power-ups, secrets, and fun to make any 3D platforming fan grin.

We don’t choose ideas solely from the art aspects, but everything begins with the gameplay ideas.

What are some unique advantages that come with being part of PlayStation Studios?

Doucet: Since this title packs in much of PlayStation history, we worked closely with all the PlayStation Studios.

Apart from our PlayStation Studios, we were also lucky to collaborate with third-party publishers.

6 days, 22 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Share of the Week: Work
Share of the Week: Work Share of the Week: Work

Like thisYou won’t catch these characters slacking at their jobsLast week, we asked you share gaming characters getting to work using #PSshare #PSBlog.

Search #PSshare #PSBlog on Twitter or Instagram to see more entries to this week’s theme.

Want to be featured in the next Share of the Week?

THEME: Astro BotSUBMIT BY: 11:59 PM PT on September 11, 2024Next week, Astro Bot’s off on his next big mission!

Share adorable and adventurous moments with the titular bot and his many rescued friends using #PSshare #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.

1 week, 2 days назад @ blog.playstation.com
PC Gamer PC Gamer
последний пост 8 часов назад
Revisiting the D&D games of my youth really makes me appreciate how much better things are today
Revisiting the D&D games of my youth really makes me appreciate how much better things are today Revisiting the D&D games of my youth really makes me appreciate how much better things are today

Years before Baldur's Gate came along, the CRPGS made in the Gold Box engine, including Curse of the Azure Bonds, were my introduction to the Forgotten Realms.

(Image credit: SNEG)Cherished CompanionThe Steam release of the Gold Box games comes with an app called the Gold Box Companion, which can be downloaded separately for other versions.

(Image credit: SNEG)While some of the rules were annoying, sticking to them meant Curse of the Azure Bonds really did feel like playing D&D.

(Image credit: SNEG)The Gold Box Companion makes replaying Curse of the Azure Bonds more convenient than trying to finish it was when I was a kid.

Even better, I've got a real D&D game on the go and the players have…

8 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Today's Wordle answer for Monday, September 16
Today's Wordle answer for Monday, September 16 Today's Wordle answer for Monday, September 16

Keep things quick and simple with our general tips, spend some time with our clue for the September 16 (1185) puzzle, or skip the whole thing and take a cheeky peek at today's answer instead.

And I really disliked the way that today's answer was blindingly obvious after I'd won, and there was nothing stopping me from trying that out earlier (other than me).

Today's Wordle answer(Image credit: Future)What is today's Wordle answer?

Contact me with news and offers from other Future brands Receive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsorsPrevious Wordle answersThe last 10 Wordle answersPrevious Wordle solutions can help to eliminate guesses for today's Wordle, as the answer is…

8 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Five new Steam games you probably missed (September 16, 2024)
Five new Steam games you probably missed (September 16, 2024) Five new Steam games you probably missed (September 16, 2024)

On an average day about a dozen new games are released on Steam.

Potentially exciting gems are sure to be lost in the deluge of new things to play unless you sort through every single game that is released on Steam.

If nothing catches your fancy this week, we've gathered the best PC games you can play right now and a running list of the 2024 games that are launching this year.

DeathSprint 66DEATHSPRINT 66 Launch Trailer - YouTube Watch OnSteam ‌page‌ ‌Release:‌ September 12Developer:‌ Sumo DigitalThe thing about racing games is there's usually not much death and violence in them.

NocturnalsNocturnals Final Trailer - YouTube Watch OnSteam‌ ‌page‌ ‌Release:‌ September 13Developer:‌ Cowboy Toa…

10 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Diablo 4 has made over $150M from microtransactions, achieved over $1B in lifetime revenue
Diablo 4 has made over $150M from microtransactions, achieved over $1B in lifetime revenue Diablo 4 has made over $150M from microtransactions, achieved over $1B in lifetime revenue

As spotted by Gamepressure, the LinkedIn profile of Harrison Froeschke made for some interesting reading—at least, before he realized and hid it.

As the senior product manager on Diablo 4, Froeschke had good reason to boast about the action RPG's profits, and to be more specific than usual about how they broke down.

Those eye-watering numbers shouldn't be too surprising, given that Diablo 4 is Blizzard's fastest-selling game of all time.

Still, it's interesting to see a full-price game can make 15% of its total revenue from an in-game shop—though admittedly some players got it as part of Game Pass.

Diablo 4's first expansion, Vessel of Hatred, is due on October 8.

11 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Here's a sci-fi action RPG where your inventory is a ship designer and your skills are a tech tree
Here's a sci-fi action RPG where your inventory is a ship designer and your skills are a tech tree Here's a sci-fi action RPG where your inventory is a ship designer and your skills are a tech tree

Starcom: Unknown Space Steam Release Date - YouTube Watch OnAn indie action RPG has a cool twist on the genre, having your character as a starship with parts and a crew to be upgraded rather than the normal single warrior and their inventory of random stuff.

Starcom: Unknown Space looks like just that, a more low-key but still very enjoyable action take on the space sandbox genre that also blends in narrative events as you land on and explore new planets.

One of the coolest things in Starcom is definitely the hex-grid that you build your spaceship on.

At the same time, your "tech tree" of research into new things is also your skill tree, of sorts, letting you choose where to focus efforts a…

13 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Somewhere between Death Stranding and A Short Hike, there's Caravan SandWitch
Somewhere between Death Stranding and A Short Hike, there's Caravan SandWitch Somewhere between Death Stranding and A Short Hike, there's Caravan SandWitch

CARAVAN SANDWITCH - Launch trailer - YouTube Watch OnA new narrative-driven indie exploration game has some really neat stuff going on, playing out like a narrative mix of exploration and story somewhere between a modern Zelda game, Death Stranding, and indie darling A Short Hike.

"In Caravan SandWitch, embark on a journey across a Sci-Fi Provence-like world, driven by a mystery through your missing sister that unfolds with each step you take," reads the official description.

What's cool about Caravan SandWitch's story is that it takes place after the kind of wild sci-fi resource conflict that games are usually about.

Caravan SandWitch is getting pretty good reviews: It's currently at 92% p…

14 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Confused by Warhammer 40,000? Now you can learn 40K lore with Space Marine 2's lead voice actor
Confused by Warhammer 40,000? Now you can learn 40K lore with Space Marine 2's lead voice actor Confused by Warhammer 40,000? Now you can learn 40K lore with Space Marine 2's lead voice actor

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 - Titus Talks Episode 1 - YouTube Watch OnBeefcake shooter Space Marine 2 really dumps you into Warhammer 40,000 at the deep and spiky end.

If you're coming in at the ground floor, here's a fun way to learn what's going on.

Clive Standen, who plays Lieutenant Titus—the protagonist of Space Marine 2—is hosting a three-part video series called Titus Talks that goes right back to the basics.

The first episode is up now, and it's a basic-concept introduction to the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

While this is a fine first step one into 40K as a whole, the next episode will begin to get into the details by explaining what exactly a space marine is.

1 day, 6 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
Today's Wordle answer for Sunday, September 15
Today's Wordle answer for Sunday, September 15 Today's Wordle answer for Sunday, September 15

Wordle help: 3 tips for beating Wordle every dayIf you've decided to play Wordle but you're not sure where to start, I'll help set you on the path to your first winning streak.

Today's Wordle answer(Image credit: Future)What is today's Wordle answer?

The answer to the September 15 (1184) Wordle is RECUR.

Contact me with news and offers from other Future brands Receive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsorsPrevious Wordle answersThe last 10 Wordle answersPrevious Wordle solutions can help to eliminate guesses for today's Wordle, as the answer isn't likely to be repeated.

Once you've typed your guess and hit Enter, you'll see which letters you've got right or wrong.

1 day, 8 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
Pocketpair confirms Palworld isn't turning into a live-service game and won't be free-to-play: 'We are not changing our game's business model'
Pocketpair confirms Palworld isn't turning into a live-service game and won't be free-to-play: 'We are not changing our game's business model' Pocketpair confirms Palworld isn't turning into a live-service game and won't be free-to-play: 'We are not changing our game's business model'

"When you think about it from a business perspective," Mizobe replied, "making [Palworld] a live-service game would extend its lifespan and make it more stable in terms of profitability.

He also mentioned the difficulty of taking a paid game and making it free-to-play—as many successful live-service games are—without alienating its existing audience.

"It is common for live-service games to be F2P with paid elements such as skins and battle passes," he said, "but Palworld is a B2P game, so it's difficult to turn it into a live-service game from the ground up."

Some Palworld players, however, thought the opposite, and took to social media to complain about the game they loved becoming a dread…

1 day, 8 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
Deadlock has picked up some vital tools for policing bad player behavior
Deadlock has picked up some vital tools for policing bad player behavior Deadlock has picked up some vital tools for policing bad player behavior

Valve's in-development moba Deadlock picked up a couple new non-game features in an update this week, all of which are intended to make the experience of play among a larger population much better.

The major first update is a low priority queue, which will place players in a secondary queue that's less likely to match.

Players can be placed in low priority by abandoning games or for bad behavior, and will have to complete a certain number of full games in order to return to normal matchmaking.

They'll need that pretty quick, to be honest—they've already got cheaters messing around in there which is honestly pretty sad for the cheaters.

"Deadlock gives me the same feeling Dota 2 and Team For…

1 day, 9 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
The Watch Dogs movie has finished filming, probably can't do worse than the Borderlands movie did
The Watch Dogs movie has finished filming, probably can't do worse than the Borderlands movie did The Watch Dogs movie has finished filming, probably can't do worse than the Borderlands movie did

The live-action Watch Dogs movie, which began principal photography back in July, has now completed filming.

As Ubisoft announced on the hate site formerly known as Twitter, "run film_wrapped.exe(#watchdogsmovie.mp4)".

As we said back when it was confirmed that a movie based on Watch Dogs was happening, we're not sure we want one.

The Watch Dogs games don't exactly have the worldbuilding of the Assassin's Creed series, and it's hard to see what the license offers that you couldn't do in a generic hacker movie without it.

(For real, if you like the idea of a daft horror-comedy werewolf movie and you've already seen Ginger Snaps, you should totally watch Werewolves Within.)

1 day, 10 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
Overwatch 2 gets a set of World of Warcraft 20th anniversary crossover skins
Overwatch 2 gets a set of World of Warcraft 20th anniversary crossover skins Overwatch 2 gets a set of World of Warcraft 20th anniversary crossover skins

Overwatch 2 x World of Warcraft | Collaboration Trailer - YouTube Watch OnOverwatch 2 will get a series of four skins as a collaboration-crossover with developer Blizzard's World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary.

The four skins cast Overwatch characters as similar-in-silhouette counterparts from across World of Warcraft's 20 year history.

It has been a weird year for Overwatch 2, with the long-running shooter doing better than you'd expect in some metrics and worse at others.

At the same time, Overwatch 2's pricing and the costs of skins continue to be a point of contention when weird bundles or promotions are announced.

The 20th anniversary of World of Warcraft, on the other hand, appears to b…

1 day, 11 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
Disco Elysium's narrator is going to stream Disco Elysium to raise funds for Palestine
Disco Elysium's narrator is going to stream Disco Elysium to raise funds for Palestine Disco Elysium's narrator is going to stream Disco Elysium to raise funds for Palestine

As the narrator for Disco Elysium: The Final Cut, Lenval Brown recorded 350,000 words of dialogue.

Next he'll be playing the RPG he's most famous for as a charity fundraiser, "where he will play the game and talk about his experience as a voice actor for Disco Elysium."

It'll be part of Workshops 4 Gaza, a series of benefits where writers, artists, and teachers offer online courses in return for donations to Palestinians in Gaza.

To register for Voice of the Narrator: A Disco Elysium livestream, you'll need to donate to a gofundme to help Dr. Alaa Abu Musa and his family evacuate the Gaza Strip.

Then fill out the registration form linked at the Workshops 4 Gaza event page.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
Today's Wordle answer for Saturday, September 14
Today's Wordle answer for Saturday, September 14 Today's Wordle answer for Saturday, September 14

Whether you prefer a little light guidance or really wish someone would just tell you the answer to today's Wordle, we can help.

Oh heck, I should've spotted today's Wordle answer a whole row earlier.

Today's Wordle hint(Image credit: Josh Wardle)Wordle today: A hint for Saturday, September 14Something wide, or having a large range, could be called this.

Today's Wordle answer(Image credit: Future)What is today's Wordle answer?

Contact me with news and offers from other Future brands Receive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsorsPrevious answersThe last 10 Wordle answersThe more past Wordle answers you can cram into your memory banks, the better your chances of guessing …

2 days, 8 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
Penny's Big Breakaway studio announces layoffs: 'Evening Star has been swept up in the same turbulence that has affected so many of our peers in the games industry'
Penny's Big Breakaway studio announces layoffs: 'Evening Star has been swept up in the same turbulence that has affected so many of our peers in the games industry' Penny's Big Breakaway studio announces layoffs: 'Evening Star has been swept up in the same turbulence that has affected so many of our peers in the games industry'

The videogame industry continues to be wracked by instability and chaos: Evening Star, the developer of the 3D platformer Penny's Big Breakaway, has announced that "turbulence" in the business has forced it to lay off six employees.

"Despite our best efforts to secure another project to keep our team together, we are in the unfortunate situation of having to lay off some of the folks that have worked with us for the last few years on Penny's Big Breakaway."

But while reviews were generally positive, Penny's Big Breakaway was not—at least on Steam—a breakout success.

That's not the whole story, as Penny's Big Breakaway is also available on Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch,…

2 days, 13 hours назад @ pcgamer.com
Nintendo Life Nintendo Life
последний пост 1 час назад
Upcoming Action RPG 'Reynatis' Bags A Free Switch Demo
Upcoming Action RPG 'Reynatis' Bags A Free Switch Demo Upcoming Action RPG 'Reynatis' Bags A Free Switch Demo

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 777kNIS America has released a free demo for its upcoming action RPG REYNATIS ahead of the game's full release on 27th September 2024.

The demo is available via the Switch eShop and will showcase the game's opening chapters as you take on the roles of Marin Kirizumi and Sari Nishijima.

Full game coming September 27, 2024 to Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, and Steam.

He came into his magic at the age of 14, after a car accident put him on the verge of death.

In order to free himself from this oppression and obtain freedom, he aims to become the "strongest wizard that no one can defeat."

1 час назад @ nintendolife.com
It's Official, Splatoon 3's "Regular Updates" Are Coming To An End
It's Official, Splatoon 3's "Regular Updates" Are Coming To An End It's Official, Splatoon 3's "Regular Updates" Are Coming To An End

After a weekend of splatting in the Grand Festival, Nintendo has announced that Splatoon 3's "regular updates" will come to an end.

The announcement tweet was quick to clarify that just because this is the end, it doesn't mean it's the end.

After 2 INK-credible years of Splatoon 3, regular updates will come to a close.

Splatoween, Frosty Fest, Spring Fest, and Summer Nights will continue with some returning themes!

The climactic 72-hour-long Splatfest took place this weekend, complete with a huge arena for live performances from some of the series' most famous faces.

2 часа назад @ nintendolife.com
Guide: Best Power Rangers Games, Ranked - Switch And Nintendo Systems
Guide: Best Power Rangers Games, Ranked - Switch And Nintendo Systems Guide: Best Power Rangers Games, Ranked - Switch And Nintendo Systems

Without further ado, let's see the power (rangers) rankings as they currently stand...21.

It feels like the developers have paid no attention to how Power Rangers Megaforce plays, and it seems like no attempt has been made to correct its many problems.

The time-hopping levels add a nice variety to the story and the Rangers' dash move and collectable weapons mix up the combat a little more than the later Power Rangers GBA titles would.

It's far from the best Rangers game out there, but you could do a lot worse, even on the GBA.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (GB) Publisher: Bandai / Developer: Tom Create Release Date: Aug 1994 ( USA ) / 1994 ( UK/EU ) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on Game Boy i…

20 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Mailbox: Mini Consoles, Grand Festivals, Weekly Downloads - Nintendo Life Letters
Mailbox: Mini Consoles, Grand Festivals, Weekly Downloads - Nintendo Life Letters Mailbox: Mini Consoles, Grand Festivals, Weekly Downloads - Nintendo Life Letters

Yes, it's time for another round of correspondents' correspondence as we open up the Nintendo Life Mailbox.

The three mainline Xenoblade Chronicles games on Switch sold (at least) an average of 2.19 million copies.

It does have me thinking, would a traditional fighting game with Nintendo characters work?

Those mini consoles were a stop-gap sideline while the Wii U was on life support.

Personally, I am going with team Past!

23 часа назад @ nintendolife.com
Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Contra 4
Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Contra 4 Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Contra 4

Hello folks, we're back once again for another edition of Box Art Brawl!

Before we get started, let's take a look back at how things played out last week.

We checked out the GameCube classic Pokémon Colosseum, originally released in Japan in 2003 before making its way West in 2004.

In fact, things ended in a draw between North America and Europe, both of which scored 37% of the vote.

This time, we're moving over to the DS with WayForward's remarkable revival of the Contra franchise with Contra 4.

1 day, 1 hour назад @ nintendolife.com
Mega Man Joins Free-To-Play Platform Fighter Brawlhalla Later This Month
Mega Man Joins Free-To-Play Platform Fighter Brawlhalla Later This Month Mega Man Joins Free-To-Play Platform Fighter Brawlhalla Later This Month

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 777kUbisoft's free-to-play platform fighter Brawlhalla has played host to all sorts of collaborations over the years and the latest one sees the blue bomber Mega Man join the battle.

According to an official update, he'll arrive later this month on 25th September 2024.

Evil Robots beware 🤖 The Brawlhalla x Mega Man Crossover Event rocks into Brawlhalla on September 25th!Evil Robots beware 🤖 pic.twitter.com/CynfrTvKeQ September 14, 2024No other details have been shared just yet, but Brawlhalla can be downloaded for free right now from the Switch eShop.

Some of the previous paid collaborations in this party-style brawler include Capcom's Street Fighter, S…

1 day, 2 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom Estimated Switch File Size Revealed
The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom Estimated Switch File Size Revealed The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom Estimated Switch File Size Revealed

Update [Sun 15th Sep, 2024 09:00 BST]:Nintendo has now confirmed the Switch eShop file size for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom as 5.4 GB.

Original [Sun 23rd Jun, 2024 13:00 BST]:Nintendo has shared some key details about the new top-down Zelda game (starring the Princess herself), but there's still a lot of information that hasn't been revealed just yet.

Fortunately, one small detail we've now got is the game's file size - revealing just how much space you'll need on your Switch if you're planning on picking up the eShop version.

According to official listings for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, you'll need around 6GB of free space.

Grezzo's 2019 Switch release The Legend of Z…

1 day, 3 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
'The Art Of Bravely Default II: 201X-2021' Is Getting An English Release In 2025
'The Art Of Bravely Default II: 201X-2021' Is Getting An English Release In 2025 'The Art Of Bravely Default II: 201X-2021' Is Getting An English Release In 2025

Square Enix's Bravely Default series is absolutely stunning to look at, so you might be pleased to hear the art book based on the Switch release is now on its way to the West.

'The Art of Bravely Default II 201X-2021' was originally released in Japan and now Dark Horse Books has announced it will be localising it.

It will come with a hardcover, is 304 pages, and is due out next year in April 2025.

It's available to pre-order now on sites like Amazon and will set you back around $50 (or your regional equivalent).

Here are some extra details, courtesy of Dark Horse (via Amazon):

1 day, 9 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Another Life-Size Pokémon Plush Has Been Announced
Another Life-Size Pokémon Plush Has Been Announced Another Life-Size Pokémon Plush Has Been Announced

We've seen The Pokémon Company release all sorts of life-size Pokémon plush in the past and now the latest is officially available.

It's Porygon (one of the OG Pokémon) and is available for roughly $391.20 USD (thanks, Kotaku).

Here's a look at this new life-size release in all its glory:As you can see, it can fit right in with your everyday activities!

Some of the previous life-size Pokémon locally released include Mareep, Snorlax, Spheal, Arcanine, Lucario and Slowpoke.

Would you be interested in housing a life-size Porygon?

1 day, 10 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake Has Officially Gone Gold, Out This November
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake Has Officially Gone Gold, Out This November Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake Has Officially Gone Gold, Out This November

After originally being revealed in 2021, Square Enix's highly anticipated release Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake has finally gone gold ahead of its release later this year.

To mark this occasion, the official Dragon Quest account on social media put out a special photo, featuring the father of the series (and industry legend Yuji Horii) alongside the game's producer Masaaki Hayasaka.

"DragonQuest III HD-2D Remake has gone gold!

Time for a snap of Yuji Horii, father of #DragonQuest, and Masaaki Hayasaka, producer of Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, to commemorate the moment.

Just 2 months until the worldwide release"Time for a snap of Yuji Horii, father ofJust 2 months until the worldwide relea…

1 day, 11 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Upgrade Your GameCube Controller With This New Wireless And Driftless Kit From 8BitDo
Upgrade Your GameCube Controller With This New Wireless And Driftless Kit From 8BitDo Upgrade Your GameCube Controller With This New Wireless And Driftless Kit From 8BitDo

8BitDo's latest mod kit will enable GameCube fans to transform their trusty wired pads into fancy wireless versions, complete with Hall Effect sticks and triggers.

For $26, the kit upgrades your GameCube pad so it can be used with the 8BitDo GC Retro Receiver, giving you a Bluetooth connection for wireless play.

Pre-oder on eShop now:… Introducing the 8BitDo Mod Kit for Original NGC Controller.

Easily modify your original wired NGC controller into a Bluetooth controller, bring wireless compatibility with Switch and Android.

The 8BitDo Mod Kit for Original NGC Controller is expected to ship on September 25th.

1 day, 16 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Review: Gimmick! 2 (Switch) Review: A Fluid, Feel-Good Platformer That Lives Up To Its Name
Review: Gimmick! 2 (Switch) Review: A Fluid, Feel-Good Platformer That Lives Up To Its Name Review: Gimmick! 2 (Switch) Review: A Fluid, Feel-Good Platformer That Lives Up To Its Name

Captured on Nintendo Switch (Docked)It’s fair to say that Gimmick!

Captured on Nintendo Switch (Docked)Once you get the hang of the controls and the game’s approach to momentum, Gimmick 2 feels brilliantly fluid.

Players can switch difficulty settings on the fly with a friendlier “Assisted” mode or a true-to-the-original “Gimmick!” mode with fewer hit points, narrower platforms, and more frequent enemy encounters.

Captured on Nintendo Switch (Handheld/Undocked)To be clear, “Assisted” mode is not "Easy" mode.

Captured on Nintendo Switch (Handheld/Undocked)While we came away without confronting glaring issues or having major complaints, though more enemy variety would be nice.

1 day, 21 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (14th September)
Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (14th September) Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (14th September)

I’m not done with it just yet, and I just can’t seem to stop playing.

As for the Switch, I’m currently playing a bit of Marvel Vs. Capcom: Fighting Collection (mainly MvC 2, let’s be honest) while making my way through Super Mario Odyssey once again.

Felix Sanchez, Video ProducerThis weekend I’m continuing my endeavour in Ace Attorney 3.

Kate Gray, ContributorThis weekend I'm on HOLIDAY in a CABIN.

The cabin I'm in is on the ocean, though, so I feel like I should be playing some kind of sea-based game.

2 days, 2 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Free Update Adding New Demon Navigators
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Free Update Adding New Demon Navigators Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Free Update Adding New Demon Navigators

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 777kThe Atlus release Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance arrived on the Switch in June.

and now in an update, the team has announced this enhanced JRPG release will be receiving some new content.

This free update, which will arrive at some point in the future will add six new demon navigators.

Here's the official announcement, along with some artwork:In some other Shin Megami news, Steam achievements in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster reportedly suggest Atlus could be planning on releasing a new remaster collection (via Gematsu)It could apparently include the PlayStation 2 game Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs.

The Soulles…

2 days, 7 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Penny's Big Breakaway Dev Downsizes Due To "Volatile Market Conditions"
Penny's Big Breakaway Dev Downsizes Due To "Volatile Market Conditions" Penny's Big Breakaway Dev Downsizes Due To "Volatile Market Conditions"

Now, to unfortunately add to this, Penny's Big Breakaway developer Evening Star has announced it's had to let go of some of its team.

Here's the full message:"Unfortunately, due to volatile market conditions in the games industry and operational realities of our business, Evening Star is having to part ways with 6 team members from our Penny’s Big Breakaway development team.

We didn't want to reduce our team size but it is now an unavoidable reality for us.

We didn't want to reduce our team size but it is now an unavoidable reality for us.

It was the first project from Evening Star (the same talent that worked on Sonic Mania) and was well-received by fans and critics.

2 days, 9 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Pocketgamer Pocketgamer
последний пост 1 month, 2 weeks назад
PUBG Mobile teases crazy upcoming updates in latest announcement
PUBG Mobile teases crazy upcoming updates in latest announcement PUBG Mobile teases crazy upcoming updates in latest announcement

PUBG Mobile, the hit battle royale from Krafton, has teased some upcoming updates. Suffice it to say with apparent entries like vampires vs werewolves, there's plenty there to unpack. Krafton also reported on their advances in trying to squash cheaters, with their latest efforts leading to a 40% reduction in reports. But enough about that, what's this about vampires? Yes, in September the newest in-game event has been teased as a supernatural crossover, with vampires and werewolves entering the battleground. While it's still early days, we do know that a big boss battle with a giant vampire bat in an enormous Gothic castle is very much on the cards. ... [MORE]

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
Children of Morta, Dead Mage's action roguelite, is coming to mobile thanks to Playdigious
Children of Morta, Dead Mage's action roguelite, is coming to mobile thanks to Playdigious Children of Morta, Dead Mage's action roguelite, is coming to mobile thanks to Playdigious

For many people, family is everything. And that can't be more true for the Bergsons. This monster-slaying family has watched over the land of Rhea for centuries. But when an ancient evil once more stalks the land and looms over Mount Morta, it'll be the fight of the millennia for this clan. And that's the story of the upcoming mobile release Children of Morta! First released back in 2019, this story-driven roguelite RPG is finally making its way to mobile. Releasing on iOS and Android, you can pre-register now. ... [MORE]

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
Netflix releases new game Sports Sports for some retro athletic fun
Netflix releases new game Sports Sports for some retro athletic fun Netflix releases new game Sports Sports for some retro athletic fun

With the Summer Olympics of 2024 in full swing, you may be a little rueful that you can't be at the events in sunny Paris. But if you're looking to get some of the excitement and drama of a big athletic contest in the palm of your hand, and you happen to be a Netflix subscriber, why not grab a copy of the newly-released Sports Sports? While it may not be the official game of the Olympics, Sports Sports still offers some amazing events. In this sports sim, you can try out 12 different minigames themed after popular athletic contests like track and field, swimming, archery and weightlifting. ... [MORE]

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
GameSir G8+ Bluetooth mobile controller review - "Everything you could want from a controller and more!"
GameSir G8+ Bluetooth mobile controller review - "Everything you could want from a controller and more!" GameSir G8+ Bluetooth mobile controller review - "Everything you could want from a controller and more!"

I always wanted to try playing some of my favourite mobile games with a controller, and until now, I haven't had the chance. I have to say, I've been missing out! I guess I was waiting for the right one because, to me, the GameSir G8+ Bluetooth mobile controller is just the perfect fit. Okay, okay, let's not jump the gun. Let me explain why this controller is so good, and after having tested it (extensively) in quite extreme scenarios. Wild Rift ranked mode, I'm looking at you. ... [MORE]

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
Order Daybreak Review - "A fun RPG with a convoluted plot"
Order Daybreak Review - "A fun RPG with a convoluted plot" Order Daybreak Review - "A fun RPG with a convoluted plot"

Order Daybreak is a new mobile MMORPG from developer Neocraft Limited that melds sci-fi and post-apocalyptic genres. You play as an Aegis Warrior who must gather allies to amass a force capable of taking on the corruption that wreaks havoc across the land. Order Daybreak features Four Classes ... [MORE]

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
Kings of the Castle breaks out from Apple Arcade and hits iOS proper
Kings of the Castle breaks out from Apple Arcade and hits iOS proper Kings of the Castle breaks out from Apple Arcade and hits iOS proper

Former Apple Arcade-exclusive Kings of the Castle is finally hitting mobile proper as it lands on the iOS App Store, as of the time of writing. Now, even if you're not a subscriber you can have a go at this intriguing, fast-paced and colourful obstacle course game. The dragon Zantorian has kidnapped Prince Rupert and locked him away in the castle. In response, Lord Baldor dispatches you, the princess, to save him. And you don't have long, to navigate hostile, unfamiliar territory to do just that. ... [MORE]

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
Knight Lancer review - “Gallop on and sing the chivalry song”
Knight Lancer review - “Gallop on and sing the chivalry song” Knight Lancer review - “Gallop on and sing the chivalry song”

If there’s any quote from works of literature that has a straightforward yet effective delivery, I am sure many will cast their vote to “To dream the impossible dream! That is my quest”, which is the key takeaway from Miguel's timeless Don Quixote. For daydreamers who ponder what this high-octane, high-risk mediaeval sport is like in modern times, Knight Lancer fulfils that dream as you start out as a downtrodden knight. Having your land stripped, you embark on a quest of vengeance to reclaim what’s rightfully yours and restore chivalry through bloodshed. Yearning for more retro games of knightly proportions? Gallop on! ... [MORE]

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
Mini Metro devs Dinosaur Polo Club unveil look at now-cancelled project Magic School
Mini Metro devs Dinosaur Polo Club unveil look at now-cancelled project Magic School Mini Metro devs Dinosaur Polo Club unveil look at now-cancelled project Magic School

We often don't hear about cancelled projects, for a variety of reasons. The developers might not feel comfortable revealing what could have been, the game may have barely exited the concept stage, or maybe it just wasn't any good to begin with. Not so with developer Dinosaur Polo Club's Magic School, a now-cancelled project set in, well, a magical school. You can see some of the concept art and screenshots from Magic School below. The project was intended to be a major departure from DPC's previous minimalist simulation games like Mini Metro and Mini Motorways. The project was cancelled after it became clear that it was growing too complex and unintuitive, although the team members were kep…

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
On PocketGamer.fun this week: Great Netflix games, surviving zombie hordes and Luna The Shadow Dust
On PocketGamer.fun this week: Great Netflix games, surviving zombie hordes and Luna The Shadow Dust On PocketGamer.fun this week: Great Netflix games, surviving zombie hordes and Luna The Shadow Dust

Regular readers of Pocket Gamer will be aware that we released a brand new website called PocketGamer.fun. It's a site we've made in collaboration with domain specialists Radix, intending to help you find your next favourite game quickly. So, if you're looking for distilled recommendations, head over to the site, be greeted with dozens of great games and download any that take your fancy. Alternatively, if you're happy with a little more reading, we'll regularly post articles like this one to update you on what we've posted on the site in the last week or so. ... [MORE]

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
Superliminal is a mind-bending dreamlike puzzler, out now for iOS and Android
Superliminal is a mind-bending dreamlike puzzler, out now for iOS and Android Superliminal is a mind-bending dreamlike puzzler, out now for iOS and Android

Dreams are strange, and that's a fact. They can seem very real, but everything can be just a little bit off. And in Noodlecake's Superliminal, that strangeness can hide some very real dangers as you explore the inside of your own mind after falling asleep in front of an ad for dream therapy (or did you?). Superliminal is dreamlike in a very real sense. The core component of gameplay is perspective, as depending on where you place and handle objects, they'll change size, shape and even definition. You need to use the bizarre nature of your dreamlike world to your advantage as you progress and solve puzzles. ... [MORE]

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
Pokemon GO's Mega Rayquaza makes a comeback while Team GO Rocket takes centre stage in latest update
Pokemon GO's Mega Rayquaza makes a comeback while Team GO Rocket takes centre stage in latest update Pokemon GO's Mega Rayquaza makes a comeback while Team GO Rocket takes centre stage in latest update

Pokemon GO fans have plenty of reasons to get catching as Mega Rayquaza comes back with a vengeance at a special raid event, offering Trainers their chance on August 3rd. Raid Hours will be at 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. local time, and if you were waiting to hatch Mega Rayquaza last month, this should hopefully make up for all the trouble during the initial raid. In the latest update to Pokemon GO, you can look forward to an increased Remote Raid Pass limit to 20 beginning August 2nd at 5:00 p.m. to August 3rd at 8:00 p.m. PDT. ... [MORE]

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
Who's getting first dibs on the Xbox Mobile Store?
Who's getting first dibs on the Xbox Mobile Store? Who's getting first dibs on the Xbox Mobile Store?

You may remember back in May when we reported on Xbox president Sarah Bond proclaiming that they would have a mobile store up by July of this year. Well, it seems that time is right around the corner, and not a moment too soon! As reported by the folks over at Windows Central, a web page for early access to the Xbox Mobile store was spotted online. Judging by the error message, at the moment this is planned to be rolled out to those participating in the Xbox Insiders program first. ... [MORE]

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
Cookie Run Kingdom: Financier Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide
Cookie Run Kingdom: Financier Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide Cookie Run Kingdom: Financier Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide

The time has come to explore the front liner that has been dominating the Arena and a lot of the other content for CRK, Financier Cookie! I've created this Financier Cookie guide to help you pick the best Toppings for her, as well as the best Beascuits. Since she is such a popular cookie, and the cookie of choice for many players out there, high or low, she has a pretty standard build by this point. This build is designed to make her extremely tanky, but also provide useful heals and shields to the team. ... [MORE]

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
Cookie Run Kingdom: Pure Vanilla Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide
Cookie Run Kingdom: Pure Vanilla Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide Cookie Run Kingdom: Pure Vanilla Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide

If you're curious about the best Toppings for Pure Vanilla Cookie, this is the guide you need. With powers stemming from the mysterious Shadow Milk Cookie's Soul Jam, Pure Vanilla Cookie is an Ancient healer that fits any team. This cookie used to be one of the most powerful healers in CRK, but once Mystic Flour Cookie was released, she swiftly took his spot on most teams. There is also Snapdragon Cookie who is a safeguard healer, but that's an entirely different story. ... [MORE]

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
Words Across America challenges your musical knowledge and vocabulary, out now on iOS and Android
Words Across America challenges your musical knowledge and vocabulary, out now on iOS and Android Words Across America challenges your musical knowledge and vocabulary, out now on iOS and Android

POMDP, Inc. has announced the official launch of Words Across America, inviting everyone to join in on some wholesome music trivia fun on mobile. Out now on iOS and Android, the trivia-slash-word game challenges your vocabulary while putting your musical know-how to the test at the same time. In Words Across America, you can look forward to enjoying puzzles on license plates without having to worry about any third-party tracking or sneaky invasion of privacy. The family-developed title is committed to confidentiality, so you can rest assured your privacy is safe and secure. ... [MORE]

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ pocketgamer.com
UploadVR + Road to VR UploadVR + Road to VR
последний пост 42 минуты назад
Sequel to Quest’s Most Popular VR Boxing Game Teases Release in New Trailer
Sequel to Quest’s Most Popular VR Boxing Game Teases Release in New Trailer Sequel to Quest’s Most Popular VR Boxing Game Teases Release in New Trailer

Thrill of the Fight 2, the upcoming sequel to Quest’s most popular VR boxing sim, seems to be gearing up for release, as studios Sealost Interactive and Halfbrick Studios tossed out its first teaser trailer.

Thrill of the Fight 2, which is now in co-development by Halfbrick Studios, is bringing the much-requested feature of multiplayer mode.

Halfbrick is known for developing both the flatscreen versions of Fruit Ninja and Fruit Ninja 2 and also their respective VR adaptations.

In an update posted to Reddit by Sealost Interactive, series developer Ian Fitz discusses Halfbrick’s involvement.

Fitz also broke down the division of labor, and how the sequel is being made in cooperation with Halfb…

42 минуты назад @ roadtovr.com
‘Human Fall Flat’ is Getting Official VR Support Thanks to This Prolific Modder
‘Human Fall Flat’ is Getting Official VR Support Thanks to This Prolific Modder ‘Human Fall Flat’ is Getting Official VR Support Thanks to This Prolific Modder

Human Fall Flat (2016) is getting VR support soon, bringing the whimsical, wobbly physics-based platformer to all major headsets.

And you can thank VR modder ‘Raicuparta’ for that.

Raicuparta reveals Human Fall Flat studio No Brakes Games actually bought experimental VR support from the modder after having seen a video of some early control concepts at work.

“They then offered to buy the mod from me, so that they could eventually use the same “puppet controls” concept on an official VR port,” Raicuparta says.

Launching “soon” on Quest 2/3/Pro, PSVR 2 and SteamVR headsets, Human Fall Flat is coming with all levels from the game’s original release as well as extra content created by community…

1 час назад @ roadtovr.com
Thrill Of The Fight 2 Teases Release Date Announcement
Thrill Of The Fight 2 Teases Release Date Announcement Thrill Of The Fight 2 Teases Release Date Announcement

Thrill Of The Fight 2's release date will be announced soon.

Teased with just a short video featuring no gameplay, creators behind the game suggest that a release date will be revealed soon.

0:00 / 0:19 1×The original Thrill Of The Fight carries overwhelmingly positive ratings on Steam from its release back in 2016 from Sealost Interactive.

Given its reveal for the Quest first, we wouldn't be surprised to see gameplay revealed in connection with Meta's Connect conference later this month.

Thrill Of The Fight 2 is poised to be a major draw for the headset, then, alongside other upcoming games like Batman: Arkham Shadow.

21 час назад @ uploadvr.com
Another Door: Escape Room Preview - A Door To Horror And Adventure
Another Door: Escape Room Preview - A Door To Horror And Adventure Another Door: Escape Room Preview - A Door To Horror And Adventure

Another Door: Escape Room refuses to hold your hand at all.

Another Door is a VR escape room game that offers both horror and action experiences from which to escape.

During my Gamescom preview, I wanted to try the pharaoh adventure as I'm half Egyptian, but the demo only involved a doll-inspired horror room.

What makes Another Door feel like a real escape room is that you can drop an important object.

Another Door: Escape Room arrives on October 10 on the Meta Quest platform.

23 часа назад @ uploadvr.com
More Quest 3S Photo Leaks Reveal Its Battery Size & Lack Of Headphone Jack
More Quest 3S Photo Leaks Reveal Its Battery Size & Lack Of Headphone Jack More Quest 3S Photo Leaks Reveal Its Battery Size & Lack Of Headphone Jack

All things considered, we'd expect Quest 3S to have a very similar battery life to Quest 2 and Quest 3.

Location Capacity Apple Vision Pro Tethered 35.9Wh Pico 4 Ultra Rear Padding 22Wh Meta Quest Pro Rear Padding 20.6Wh Pico 4 Rear Padding 20.4Wh Meta Quest 3 Visor 18.9Wh Meta Quest 3S Visor 16.7Wh Meta Quest 2 Visor 14WhAnother of the leaked photos suggests Quest 3S will come with an 18W charger, the same as Quest 3, and another shows a hand controller that looks to be identical to Quest 3's Touch Plus controllers.

Quest 3S: Meta's Leaky Next HeadsetThis is far from the first time we've seen leaked images of Quest 3S, despite the headset not yet being announced by Meta.

A wide range of le…

1 day, 17 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
ICYMI This Week - Brazen Blaze, Pencil!, Freeland, Frenzy Extinction & More
ICYMI This Week - Brazen Blaze, Pencil!, Freeland, Frenzy Extinction & More ICYMI This Week - Brazen Blaze, Pencil!, Freeland, Frenzy Extinction & More

Reports emerged that future Apple Vision headsets may use regular OLED panels, while visionOS 2 will be released next week.

is now available in early access on Quest 3 and Quest Pro.

Team-Based Multiplayer Sequel Frenzy Extinction Is Out Now On Quest & SteamPublished by Clique Games, Frenzy Extinction is now available on Quest and Steam following previous playtests.

Freeland Is A Free-To-Play Galactic VR Adventure On Quest & Steam Early AccessDeveloped by Andromeda Entertainment, Freeland is a free-to-play VR galactic online adventure coming to Steam and Quest on September 19 in early access.

If you'd like to inform us about a VR game we should know about for this article or future updates,…

1 day, 22 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Bootstrap Island Promises The VR Survival Game Of My Dreams
Bootstrap Island Promises The VR Survival Game Of My Dreams Bootstrap Island Promises The VR Survival Game Of My Dreams

I’m a big survival game fan.

Like many survival games, I find myself stranded on a desert island.

Unlike most survival games, rather than gathering resources to build tools, I can use my hands to do everything I want.

There aren’t a ton of things you can do in Bootstrap Island yet as an early access game, so I’m looking forward to the fall update.

This survival game feels for what VR is best at: putting you and your two hands into a new world.

1 day, 23 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Sony Fixed The PlayStation VR2 On PC Distortion Issue We Noted In Our Review
Sony Fixed The PlayStation VR2 On PC Distortion Issue We Noted In Our Review Sony Fixed The PlayStation VR2 On PC Distortion Issue We Noted In Our Review

Sony updated PlayStation VR2's firmware to fix the rotational distortion issue we noted in our review of the PC adapter.

In our review of the PSVR 2 PC adapter, I praised how it delivers a unique OLED PC VR headset with stunning colors and contrast, at the cost of a softer image with a mura pattern.

With version 2.0.0 of the PlayStation VR2 app for PC, released today, Sony has updated the headset's firmware to fix this issue.

Note that to access all the fixes and improvements of 2.0.0, you'll need to launch the PlayStation VR2 app on Steam, turn on your headset and controllers, and click 'update' on each.

With the rotational distortion issue now solved, PlayStation VR2 becomes a lot easier …

2 days, 11 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Best VRChat Worlds: Top Places To Visit & Explore
Best VRChat Worlds: Top Places To Visit & Explore Best VRChat Worlds: Top Places To Visit & Explore

Over the past couple of months, we've explored some of the most compelling, imaginative, and breathtaking worlds VRChat has to offer, and today we're highlighting the worlds that stood out and left a lasting impression on us.

Of the worlds we've visited from our existing community recommendations, here's our list of the best worlds to explore, not ranked in any particular order.

Cosmoria: VR Museum of SpaceCreator: vsp_vrc0:00 / 1:46 1×Cosmoria: VR Museum of Space commemorates the legacy of space exploration.

Awarded Best Immersive World at Raindance Immersive 2023, Magnetize combines surreal visuals with a touch of nostalgia.

ConclusionAnd there you have it—the top 10 VRChat worlds right n…

2 days, 16 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Discovering FNAF: Secret Of The Mimic At PAX West 2024
Discovering FNAF: Secret Of The Mimic At PAX West 2024 Discovering FNAF: Secret Of The Mimic At PAX West 2024

One of the hottest demos at PAX West 2024 came from the Five Nights at Freddy’s team, which offered a preview of Secret of the Mimic on PlayStation VR2.

PAX West 2024 was a big show for FNAF in general, with one of the largest booths in the expo hall.

The Five Nights at Freddy's: Secret of the Mimic VR demo was in an enclosed space nearby, with a packed line on every day of the convention.

0:00 / 0:42 1×Secret of the Mimic is the 11th game in the FNAF series and the fourth developed by Steel Wool Studios.

Five Nights at Freddy’s: Secret of the Mimic arrives in 2025 for PC, PS5, and PlayStation VR2.

2 days, 16 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Why Starlink On Flights Will Be A Game Changer For Headsets Like Meta Quest & Apple Vision
Why Starlink On Flights Will Be A Game Changer For Headsets Like Meta Quest & Apple Vision Why Starlink On Flights Will Be A Game Changer For Headsets Like Meta Quest & Apple Vision

It won't be active on flights until late 2025, but I expect other major airlines will quickly follow suit.

Any time I've flown to and from the US I've experienced just how bad geostationary satellite internet is.

This is possible on flights today because platforms like Apple TV, Disney+, and Prime Video support on-device downloads on visionOS for offline viewing.

In contrast to legacy satellite internet, Starlink has far more satellites orbiting at a far lower altitude.

And with Starlink, this personal cinema screen will play whatever you want, not limited to what you've downloaded or painstakingly sideloaded.

2 days, 17 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Quest 3S Name Seemingly Confirmed in Leaked Meta Support Page
Quest 3S Name Seemingly Confirmed in Leaked Meta Support Page Quest 3S Name Seemingly Confirmed in Leaked Meta Support Page

It’s called Quest 3S.

Provided the image is genuine, it makes for the most direct confirmation of the Quest 3S name among a torrent of strong, but equally questionable leaks.

Back in March, an image from a now deleted Reddit post (preserved by Luna) showed an ostensible mock-up of a French language Meta store landing page, wherein ‘Quest 3S’ is both seen and named.

Then, in May, Meta-owned studio Magnopus briefly listed ‘Quest 3S’ as a supported device in their fitness game Alo Moves XR.

So now we’ve seen the headset, and we now know with confidence it’s actually named Quest 3S, what else is there to find out?

2 days, 20 hours назад @ roadtovr.com
Quest 3S 'Action Button' Described On Official Meta Support Page
Quest 3S 'Action Button' Described On Official Meta Support Page Quest 3S 'Action Button' Described On Official Meta Support Page

Official Meta support pages now reference Quest 3S, and one describes it as having a new button to toggle passthrough.

First spotted by VR enthusiast Luna, the "Full-color Passthrough on Meta Quest" support article now describes how this new button acts as a toggle between passthrough and immersive VR, replacing the unreliable double tap of previous Quest headsets:Another article, called "Status display light colors on Meta Quest 3 and Meta Quest 3S", references the repeatedly leaked headset too:This isn't the first time Meta has accidentally leaked the name Quest 3S.

The official Quest Store accidentally listed Quest 3S as supported by some games at the end of May.

Quest 3S: Meta's Next He…

2 days, 23 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Crimen - Mercenary Tales Brings Fantasy Adventure To PSVR 2 Today
Crimen - Mercenary Tales Brings Fantasy Adventure To PSVR 2 Today Crimen - Mercenary Tales Brings Fantasy Adventure To PSVR 2 Today

Crimen - Mercenary Tales reaches PlayStation VR2 later this week.

Developed by Carbon Studio (Hunt Together, The Wizards), you may recall Crimen - Mercenary Tales previously launched last year on most major VR platforms.

0:00 / 1:30 1×On PlayStation VR2, Crimen includes enhancements like 4K textures, dynamic shadows, improved lighting, and metallic effects on weapons.

While it doesn't support features like adaptive triggers or haptic feedback, Carbon Studio informed UploadVR that it will "try to deliver them as soon as possible after launch."

Crimen - Mercenary Tales launches on PlayStation VR2 today.

3 days, 1 hour назад @ uploadvr.com
Hide-and-Seek VR Shooter ‘Mannequin’ Launches on Quest & Steam, Trailer Here
Hide-and-Seek VR Shooter ‘Mannequin’ Launches on Quest & Steam, Trailer Here Hide-and-Seek VR Shooter ‘Mannequin’ Launches on Quest & Steam, Trailer Here

Mannequin has graduated from early access on Steam and Quest, bringing the 2v3 hide-and-seek style shooter to the respective main stores.

Update (September 13th, 2024): Fast Travel Games has fully released its asymmetrical stealth VR shooter Mannequin, which is said to include visual improvements with enhancements for Quest 3.

The original article highlighting its early access release on Steam follows below:Original Article (June 12th, 2024): The hide-and-seek style VR shooter will launch on Steam Early Access on June 20th, which includes cross-play support with Quest.

Fast Travel Games says the PC VR version of Mannequin is slated to include improved visuals over the Quest version, however…

3 days, 2 hours назад @ roadtovr.com