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Бета-версия подборки новостей об играх и всём, что с ними связано
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последний пост 5 часов назад
Amazon продлил сериал Fallout на второй сезон
Amazon продлил сериал Fallout на второй сезон Amazon продлил сериал Fallout на второй сезон

Поклонникам показали новый постер.

5 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Авторы Kingdom Come: Deliverance II: «Игроки могут ожидать широкий спектр национальностей»
Авторы Kingdom Come: Deliverance II: «Игроки могут ожидать широкий спектр национальностей» Авторы Kingdom Come: Deliverance II: «Игроки могут ожидать широкий спектр национальностей»

Поскольку Индржих отправится в крупный город.

10 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Nothing выпустила наушники Ear и Ear (a) за $149 и $99 с поддержкой ChatGPT
Nothing выпустила наушники Ear и Ear (a) за $149 и $99 с поддержкой ChatGPT Nothing выпустила наушники Ear и Ear (a) за $149 и $99 с поддержкой ChatGPT

Но использовать чат-бота с помощью аудиоустройств смогут только владельцы смартфонов Nothing.

10 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Состоялся анонс Kingdom Come: Deliverance II — трейлер и скриншоты
Состоялся анонс Kingdom Come: Deliverance II — трейлер и скриншоты Состоялся анонс Kingdom Come: Deliverance II — трейлер и скриншоты

Приключения Индржиха продолжаются.

11 часов назад @ dtf.ru
No Rest for the Wicked протестировали на ПК — на RTX 2060 Super часто 60 fps, но просадки есть
No Rest for the Wicked протестировали на ПК — на RTX 2060 Super часто 60 fps, но просадки есть No Rest for the Wicked протестировали на ПК — на RTX 2060 Super часто 60 fps, но просадки есть

Специалист Digital Foundry Джон Линнеман протестировал экшен-RPG No Rest for the Wicked, которая вышла в раннем доступе 18 апреля.

11 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Свен Винке о следующих играх Larian: «Я радуюсь словно ребёнок, когда смотрю на ключевые образы»
Свен Винке о следующих играх Larian: «Я радуюсь словно ребёнок, когда смотрю на ключевые образы» Свен Винке о следующих играх Larian: «Я радуюсь словно ребёнок, когда смотрю на ключевые образы»

Если всё получится, это будут лучшие работы его студии, считает геймдизайнер.

12 часов назад @ dtf.ru
«Отсюда не сбежать»: первый трейлер детективного триллера «Ловушка» от М. Найт Шьямалана
«Отсюда не сбежать»: первый трейлер детективного триллера «Ловушка» от М. Найт Шьямалана «Отсюда не сбежать»: первый трейлер детективного триллера «Ловушка» от М. Найт Шьямалана

С Джошем Хартнеттом в роли серийного убийцы.

12 часов назад @ dtf.ru
No Rest for the Wicked от создателей дилогии Ori вышла на ПК в раннем доступе
No Rest for the Wicked от создателей дилогии Ori вышла на ПК в раннем доступе No Rest for the Wicked от создателей дилогии Ori вышла на ПК в раннем доступе

До 2 мая мрачную экшен-RPG можно купить в Steam со скидкой 10%.

13 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Авторы Just Cause работают над «передовой ААА-игрой с открытым миром» — вдобавок к уже анонсированной Contraband
Авторы Just Cause работают над «передовой ААА-игрой с открытым миром» — вдобавок к уже анонсированной Contraband Авторы Just Cause работают над «передовой ААА-игрой с открытым миром» — вдобавок к уже анонсированной Contraband

Неанонсированный тайтл планируют сделать с видом от третьего лица.

13 часов назад @ dtf.ru
«Никто об этом не просил!»: авторов Pokémon GO массово раскритиковали за изменение лиц и тел персонажей
«Никто об этом не просил!»: авторов Pokémon GO массово раскритиковали за изменение лиц и тел персонажей «Никто об этом не просил!»: авторов Pokémon GO массово раскритиковали за изменение лиц и тел персонажей

У аватаров в том числе пропали изгибы талии.

14 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Авторы Cities: Skylines II отреагировали на неудачный релиз первого DLC — его сделали бесплатным для всех
Авторы Cities: Skylines II отреагировали на неудачный релиз первого DLC — его сделали бесплатным для всех Авторы Cities: Skylines II отреагировали на неудачный релиз первого DLC — его сделали бесплатным для всех

Разработчики градостроительного симулятора сосредоточатся на исправлении игры и пока не будут выпускать платные дополнения.

14 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Трейлер мультфильма «Трансформеры один» — Крис Хемсворт озвучил Оптимуса Прайма
Трейлер мультфильма «Трансформеры один» — Крис Хемсворт озвучил Оптимуса Прайма Трейлер мультфильма «Трансформеры один» — Крис Хемсворт озвучил Оптимуса Прайма

А Скарлетт Йоханссон подарила голос Элите.

14 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Для Dying Light 2 вышел крупный апдейт — с уровнем сложности «Кошмар» и обновлёнными катсценами
Для Dying Light 2 вышел крупный апдейт — с уровнем сложности «Кошмар» и обновлёнными катсценами Для Dying Light 2 вышел крупный апдейт — с уровнем сложности «Кошмар» и обновлёнными катсценами

Студия Techland продолжает активно поддерживать постапокалиптический экшен.

15 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Авторы Baldur's Gate 3 анонсировали крупный патч — с концовками для злых персонажей и инструментами для моддинга
Авторы Baldur's Gate 3 анонсировали крупный патч — с концовками для злых персонажей и инструментами для моддинга Авторы Baldur's Gate 3 анонсировали крупный патч — с концовками для злых персонажей и инструментами для моддинга

Скоро отмеченная наградами RPG станет ещё лучше.

15 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Продажи Fallout 4 в Европе выросли на 7500% — спустя неделю после выхода сериала от Amazon
Продажи Fallout 4 в Европе выросли на 7500% — спустя неделю после выхода сериала от Amazon Продажи Fallout 4 в Европе выросли на 7500% — спустя неделю после выхода сериала от Amazon

Интерес к другим играм серии также повысился.

16 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Stopgame Stopgame
последний пост 7 часов назад
Однокнопочный паладин — стример прошёл Elden Ring с помощью азбуки Морзе
Однокнопочный паладин — стример прошёл Elden Ring с помощью азбуки Морзе Однокнопочный паладин — стример прошёл Elden Ring с помощью азбуки Морзе

Стример под ником Silithur завершил своё необычное прохождение Elden Ring.

Для движения, блока, лечения и ударов он использовал разные последовательности нажатия, так называемые «точки» и «тире».

При таком способе управления небольшая неточность в продолжительности давления на кнопку могла стоить драгоценный очков здоровья.

Для ударов Silithur использовал мощную атаку по площади, что отличается от «типичного» геймплея, где игроку нужно уворачиваться и подгадывать момент для удара.

Silithur поблагодарил своих зрителей за поддержку и собирается снова взяться за кнопку, когда выйдет DLC Shadow of the Erdtree.

7 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Слух: в мае Sony анонсирует ремейк MediEvil 2
Слух: в мае Sony анонсирует ремейк MediEvil 2 Слух: в мае Sony анонсирует ремейк MediEvil 2

По его данным, игру разрабатывает Other Ocean Interactive и релиз может состояться одновременно с официальным анонсом в мае 2024 года.

В 2019 году Sony уже издала ремейк первой части серии.

По слухам, ремейк MediEvil 2 получит версии для PlayStation 4 и 5, на консоли актуального поколения будут графические улучшения недоступные владельцам «четвёрки».

Ранее Orangee предсказал экранизацию Gravity Rush и заявил, что ремастер сиквела уже находится в работе.

Его также должны показать в мае 2024-го.

8 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Ни пуха ни пера! — стартовала «бета» утиного выживача DUCKSIDE
Ни пуха ни пера! — стартовала «бета» утиного выживача DUCKSIDE Ни пуха ни пера! — стартовала «бета» утиного выживача DUCKSIDE

Теперь же любой желающий может попробовать себя в роле утки, что пытается выжить в суровом мире с пушками и гаджетами.

Чтобы получить доступ к выживачу про пернатых достаточно зайти на страничку проекта в Steam.

Что уже есть в DUCKSIDE:Геймплей на стыке Rust DayZ .

На обширной карте игроки появляются ни с чем, собирают ресурсы, строят базу, находят и крафтят снаряжение.

Вооружиться утки могут чем угодно, начиная с лука, и заканчивая автоматическими винтовками.

8 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Живой мир, этническое разнообразие и другие детали о Kingdom Come: Deliverance II
Живой мир, этническое разнообразие и другие детали о Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Живой мир, этническое разнообразие и другие детали о Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

В Deliverance II нет возникающей из воздуха массовки — у всех NPC есть дом, работа и распорядок дня.

Разработчикам даже не хватило кроватей для всех обитателей города Куттенберг, поэтому некоторых «выселили» в пригород — персонажи отправляются туда по вечерам.

Несмотря на то что события второй игры стартуют сразу после финала первой, знакомство с оригиналом не потребуется.

В основе KCDII лежит сильно модифицированный движок CryEngine.

Специалисты Warhorse не стали переходить на другую технологию по простой причине — они выстроили рабочие процессы вокруг CryEngine ещё на этапе производства первой части.

8 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Премьера Kingdom Come: Deliverance II — первые подробности
Премьера Kingdom Come: Deliverance II — первые подробности Премьера Kingdom Come: Deliverance II — первые подробности

Deep Silver и Warhorse Studios представили Kingdom Come: Deliverance II.

Хотя сиквел продолжает историю первой части, сюжет сделан так, чтобы в него могли легко включиться и новички.

Улучшена симуляция жизни: например, если вы совершаете много преступлений, люди станут подозрительнее к вам относиться.

Мол, природа тут не только очень красива, но и таит в себе уйму тайн.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II должна выйти до конца 2024-го на ПК (Steam, EGS), PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series.

11 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Darkest Dungeon II для PlayStation выйдет 15 июля
Darkest Dungeon II для PlayStation выйдет 15 июля Darkest Dungeon II для PlayStation выйдет 15 июля

Скоро у Darkest Dungeon II появится первая консольная версия — для PlayStation.

Кардинальных нововведений на PlayStation, похоже, нет: создатели выделяют лишь поддержку особенностей DualSense.

Darkest Dungeon II станет доступна на PS4 и PS5 с 15 июля.

Предзаказ (в том числе комплекта с DLC) уже открыт — подписчикам PlayStation Plus полагается дополнительная скидка 15 %.

Напомним, ближе к концу года для Darkest Dungeon II также выпустят крупное бесплатное обновление с дополнительным режимом — видимо, оно доберётся и до PlayStation.

11 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Пятый сезон «Ведьмака» от Netflix станет финальным — его снимают вместе с четвёртым
Пятый сезон «Ведьмака» от Netflix станет финальным — его снимают вместе с четвёртым Пятый сезон «Ведьмака» от Netflix станет финальным — его снимают вместе с четвёртым

Netlfix обозначила, как идут дела у её версии «Ведьмака»: началось производство четвёртого сезона, а параллельно с этим стартовала подготовка к пятому сезону — он станет для сериала заключительным.

Вот что уточняют создатели шоу:Пятый сезон собираются снимать одновременно с четвёртым.

Четвёртый и пятый сезоны перескажут три оставшихся книги — «Крещение огнём», «Башня Ласточки» и «Владычица Озера».

Напомним, что Генри Кавилл (Henry Cavill) ушёл из сериала после третьего сезона — дальше Геральта сыграет Лиам Хемсворт (Liam Hemsworth), брат Криса Хемсворта (Chris Hemsworth).

Даты премьеры у конца «Ведьмака» пока нет.

12 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Сказочный градострой Fabledom покинет ранний доступ 13 мая
Сказочный градострой Fabledom покинет ранний доступ 13 мая Сказочный градострой Fabledom покинет ранний доступ 13 мая

Студия Greena Games при поддержке издательств Dear Villagers и Doyoyo Games объявила, что 13 мая игра покинет ранний доступ Steam, а также доберётся до Epic Games Store.

Геймплей Fabledom без труда освоят все любители градостроев — начинаем со скромного поселения и постепенно превращаем его в богатый край.

Отзывы в Steam у игры весьма недурные: больше 2 800 рецензий, доля положительных обзоров — 89 %.

А вот за сложными механиками сюда лучше не ходить — это не самый глубокий представитель жанра.

Fabledom также заглянет на PlayStation 5, Xbox Series и Switch, но когда — неизвестно.

13 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Paradox вернёт деньги за провальное DLC для Cities: Skylines II и полностью сосредоточится на патчах
Paradox вернёт деньги за провальное DLC для Cities: Skylines II и полностью сосредоточится на патчах Paradox вернёт деньги за провальное DLC для Cities: Skylines II и полностью сосредоточится на патчах

Эпопея с провальным запуском Cities: Skylines II продолжается: пользователи разгромили первое платное дополнение для игры, после чего издательство Paradox Interactive опубликовало новые планы по развитию и пообещало компенсации.

Пользователи жалуются и на качество самого дополнения, которое добавляет слишком мало и слишком лениво, и на общее состояние Cities: Skylines II, которую всё ещё не привели в чувство — мол, если базовая игра до сих пор хромает на обе ноги, о каких платных дополнениях может идти речь?

Там, где это возможно, покупателям вернут деньгиBeach Properties также входит в состав Cities: Skylines II — Ultimate Edition.

Команда Cities: Skylines II полностью сосредоточиться на у…

13 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Авторы симулятора жизни Life by You не запретят игрокам монетизировать моды
Авторы симулятора жизни Life by You не запретят игрокам монетизировать моды Авторы симулятора жизни Life by You не запретят игрокам монетизировать моды

Life by You — грядущий симулятор жизни а-ля The Sims.

Подобные игры процветают в том числе благодаря пользовательскому контенту, и разработчики из Paradox Tectonic это понимают — они не будут вставлять палки в колёса сообществу.

Вы не должны нам ни гроша — вперёд.

Опять же, если вы сделаете мод, который загрузят миллионы людей, и подумаете: «Пожалуй, выложу мод на своём сайте и начну его монетизировать, возможно через Patreon, как поступают многие моддеры», — хочу сказать авторам: вперёд, наше разрешение не требуется.

Life by You запустится 4 июня в раннем доступе Steam и Epic Games Store.

14 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Тизеры новых злых концовок из следующего патча Baldur’s Gate III
Тизеры новых злых концовок из следующего патча Baldur’s Gate III Тизеры новых злых концовок из следующего патча Baldur’s Gate III

Его главной особенностью станут расширенные концовки для злых персонажей.

Отрывки из сцен для новых концовок.

Отрывки из сцен для новых концовок.

Свежая композиция из новых концовок.

Под конец Larian снова подчеркнула: она прощается с Dungeons & Dragons и не собирается разрабатывать ни аддоны для Baldur’s Gate III, ни полноценную следующую часть.

14 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Исследование всего контента No Rest For The Wicked на старте раннего доступа займёт 15-20 часов
Исследование всего контента No Rest For The Wicked на старте раннего доступа займёт 15-20 часов Исследование всего контента No Rest For The Wicked на старте раннего доступа займёт 15-20 часов

По оценке студии, в среднем на прохождение всех зон вместе с подземельем Горнило должно уйти не больше 15–25 часов.

Важно уточнить, что речь идёт именно о контенте на старте раннего доступа, так как со временем в RPG-боевик будут зашивать больше добавок.

No Rest For The Wicked стартует в раннем доступе Steam уже через несколько часов.

Ролевой экшен будет работать на Steam Deck, ASUS ROG Ally и других портативных ПК уже с сегодняшнего дня.

Пока на Steam Deck игра выдаёт 30–40 fps в зависимости от качества графики, но иногда случаются просадки до 20-25 кадров в секунду.

16 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Платформер Human Fall Flat 2 переехал на 2026 год — отчёт Devolver Digital
Платформер Human Fall Flat 2 переехал на 2026 год — отчёт Devolver Digital Платформер Human Fall Flat 2 переехал на 2026 год — отчёт Devolver Digital

В 2024-м ожидается более сбалансированное распределение релизов от.

Всего на этот год запланирован выпуск 10 тайтлов.

Например, уже вышли головоломка Children of the Sun и 2D-платформер Pepper Grinder , а в будущем состоится выход шутера Anger Foot , приключения Baby Steps и так далее.

В промежутке с 2024-го по 2026 год выстроена линейка из более чем 30 интерактивных развлечений.

17 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Платформер Human Fall Flat 2 переехал на 2025 год — отчёт Devolver Digital
Платформер Human Fall Flat 2 переехал на 2025 год — отчёт Devolver Digital Платформер Human Fall Flat 2 переехал на 2025 год — отчёт Devolver Digital

В 2024-м ожидается более сбалансированное распределение релизов от.

Всего на этот год запланирован выпуск 10 тайтлов.

Например, уже вышли головоломка Children of the Sun и 2D-платформер Pepper Grinder , а в будущем состоится выход шутера Anger Foot , приключения Baby Steps и так далее.

В промежутке с 2024-го по 2026 год выстроена линейка из более чем 30 интерактивных развлечений.

17 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
За что ругают «Смуту»
За что ругают «Смуту» За что ругают «Смуту»

Смотри обзор игры целиком!

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18 часов назад @ youtube.com
Игромания Игромания
последний пост 1 час назад
Для Stardew Valley на PC вышел свежий патч с новым контентом и улучшениями
Для Stardew Valley на PC вышел свежий патч с новым контентом и улучшениями

Эрик «ConcernedApe» Барон объявил о выходе свежего патча для симулятора Stardew Valley. Речь идёт о патче 1.6.4, который пока доступен только на PC.

1 час назад @ igromania.ru
Джефф Кили поделился свежими скриншотами приключения The Wolf Among Us 2
Джефф Кили поделился свежими скриншотами приключения The Wolf Among Us 2 Джефф Кили поделился свежими скриншотами приключения The Wolf Among Us 2

Джефф Кили поделился в своих соцсетях несколькими свежими скриншотами приключения The Wolf Among Us 2.

По его словам, игра в настоящее время находится в производстве, что несколько разочаровало фанатов.

Напомним, изначально продолжение The Wolf Among Us должно было выйти ещё в 2018 году, но проект постоянно откладывался и перерабатывался.

События The Wolf Among Us 2 развернутся через шесть месяцев после первой части.

Игроков ждёт встреча со старыми-добрыми Бигби и Белоснежкой, а также персонажами из мира Оз: Дороти, Железным Дровосеком, Страшилой и другими.

2 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, Fallout 5, Dead Island 2, Indika
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, Fallout 5, Dead Island 2, Indika

Анонс Kingdom Come 2 слили раньше времени. Тодд Говард прокомментировал разработку Fallout 5. Студия бывшего художника Blizzard представила новую игру Astropulse: Reincarnation.

12 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Новый класс Колдуна для шутера Remnant 2 показали в геймплейном трейлере
Новый класс Колдуна для шутера Remnant 2 показали в геймплейном трейлере

Gunfire Games показала трейлер для нового класса кооперативного шутера Remnant 2.

12 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы Cities Skylines 2 вернут деньги за раскритикованный аддон Beach Properties
Авторы Cities Skylines 2 вернут деньги за раскритикованный аддон Beach Properties

Студия Colossal Order сообщила, что вернёт деньги всем покупателям аддона Beach Properties для Cities Skylines 2.

12 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Анонс Kingdom Come 2, детали Cyberpunk 2 и Fallout 5, No Rest for the Wicked! Новости ALL IN 18.04
Анонс Kingdom Come 2, детали Cyberpunk 2 и Fallout 5, No Rest for the Wicked! Новости ALL IN 18.04 Анонс Kingdom Come 2, детали Cyberpunk 2 и Fallout 5, No Rest for the Wicked! Новости ALL IN 18.04

https://bit.ly/IgromaniaGame : игры для ПК и консолей, пополнение счета Steam, оплата подписок и многое другое! Получи дополнительную скидку в 20% с промокодом “igromania”: https://keysforgamers.com/signup/igromania Заходите за гаджетами в Technodeus: https://Technodeus.ru/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=blogger&utm_campaign=igromania По промокоду «Игромания» вас ждет скидка при покупке. Подписывайся на новый канал Игромании — https://www.youtube.com/@IgromaniaShelf Анонс Kingdom Come 2 слили раньше времени. Тодд Говард прокомментировал разработку Fallout 5. CD Projekt RED раскрыла успехи The Witcher: Polaris и продолжения Cyberpunk 2077. Студия бывшего художника Blizzard представила новую и…

12 часов назад @ youtube.com
Киберпсихи в Cyberpunk 2077 спровоцировали «Макс-так» более семи миллионов раз
Киберпсихи в Cyberpunk 2077 спровоцировали «Макс-так» более семи миллионов раз

CD Projekt RED поделилась новым интересным фактом из статистики Cyberpunk 2077.

13 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы Victoria 3 перенесли первое крупное дополнение Sphere of Influence
Авторы Victoria 3 перенесли первое крупное дополнение Sphere of Influence

Стратегия Victoria 3 вышла в 2022 году, но релиз первого крупного дополнения Sphere of Influence был назначен только на 6 мая этого года.

14 часов назад @ igromania.ru
В седьмом патче Baldurs Gate 3 добавят поддержку модификаций
В седьмом патче Baldurs Gate 3 добавят поддержку модификаций

Студия Larian в очередной раз обратилась к сообществу. Игроков и коллег по индустрии поблагодарили за признание успехов Baldur's Gate III.

15 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Глава Larian высказался о переносе Baldurs Gate 3 из-за страха перед Starfield
Глава Larian высказался о переносе Baldurs Gate 3 из-за страха перед Starfield

Свен Винке дал свежее интервью, в котором поговорил о будущем студии Larian, успехе Baldur's Gate III, современном состоянии игровой индустрии и не только.

15 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Devolver Digital перенесла платформер Human Fall Flat 2 на 2026 год
Devolver Digital перенесла платформер Human Fall Flat 2 на 2026 год

Devolver Digital опубликовала отчёт за 2023 финансовый год. В нём сообщили печальную новость — платформер Human Fall Flat 2 перенесли.

16 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Fallout 4 неожиданно обогнала Helldivers 2 в свежем чарте продаж Европы
Fallout 4 неожиданно обогнала Helldivers 2 в свежем чарте продаж Европы

Стали известны данные о продажах видеоигр в Европе за прошедшую неделю. В этот раз неожиданным лидером стала Fallout 4, чьи продажи выросли более чем на 7500% по сравнению с прошлой неделей.

17 часов назад @ igromania.ru
В свежем обновлении Dying Light 2 добавили новый уровень сложности Nightmare
В свежем обновлении Dying Light 2 добавили новый уровень сложности Nightmare

Techland выпустила свежее обновление для Dying Light 2: Stay Human. Его ключевой новинкой стал новый уровень сложности Nightmare.

17 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Консольный шутер Vigor от авторов Arma скоро выйдет и на PC
Консольный шутер Vigor от авторов Arma скоро выйдет и на PC

Условно-бесплатный лутер-шутер Vigor от авторов серии Arma из Bohemia Interactive, который ранее был доступен только на консолях, скоро доберётся и до PC.

18 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы шутера Ready or Not подтвердили факт хакерской атаки
Авторы шутера Ready or Not подтвердили факт хакерской атаки

Ранее СМИ сообщили об утечке данных в студии Void Interactive, авторов шутера Ready Or Not — а теперь разработчики подтвердили факт хакерской атаки.

19 часов назад @ igromania.ru
IXBT.games IXBT.games
последний пост 28 минут назад
Bethesda: Fallout – канонический телесериал и соответствует видеоиграмСериал Fallout на Amazon Prime Video пользуется успехов у фанатов видеоигры и не только. Но первые не только выражают удовлетворение адаптацией, но и не скрывают разочарования по поводу
Bethesda: Fallout – канонический телесериал и соответствует видеоиграмСериал Fallout на Amazon Prime Video пользуется успехов у фанатов видеоигры и не только. Но первые не только выражают удовлетворение адаптацией, но и не скрывают разочарования по поводу Bethesda: Fallout – канонический телесериал и соответствует видеоиграмСериал Fallout на Amazon Prime Video пользуется успехов у фанатов видеоигры и не только. Но первые не только выражают удовлетворение адаптацией, но и не скрывают разочарования по поводу

Bethesda: Fallout – канонический телесериал и соответствует видеоиграмСериал Fallout на Amazon Prime Video пользуется успехов у фанатов видеоигры и не только. Но первые не только выражают удовлетворение адаптацией, но и не скрывают разочарования по поводу якобы имеющихся сюжетных несоответствий.

28 минут назад @ t.me
Разработчики Homeworld 3 снизили системные требования, опубликовали дорожную карт и показали коллекционное изданиеРеакция разработчиков Homeworld 3 на критику демоверсии игры может стать примером для других студий. Авторы быстро приступила к исправлениям,
Разработчики Homeworld 3 снизили системные требования, опубликовали дорожную карт и показали коллекционное изданиеРеакция разработчиков Homeworld 3 на критику демоверсии игры может стать примером для других студий. Авторы быстро приступила к исправлениям, Разработчики Homeworld 3 снизили системные требования, опубликовали дорожную карт и показали коллекционное изданиеРеакция разработчиков Homeworld 3 на критику демоверсии игры может стать примером для других студий. Авторы быстро приступила к исправлениям,

Разработчики Homeworld 3 снизили системные требования, опубликовали дорожную карт и показали коллекционное изданиеРеакция разработчиков Homeworld 3 на критику демоверсии игры может стать примером для других студий. Авторы быстро приступила к исправлениям, отложив релиз стратегии.

48 минут назад @ t.me
Тодд Говард пообещал в ближайшее время интересные новости о StarfieldStarfield должна была стать знаковым видеоигровым событием 2023 года, но не принесла тех результатов, на которые рассчитывали разработчики.
Тодд Говард пообещал в ближайшее время интересные новости о StarfieldStarfield должна была стать знаковым видеоигровым событием 2023 года, но не принесла тех результатов, на которые рассчитывали разработчики. Тодд Говард пообещал в ближайшее время интересные новости о StarfieldStarfield должна была стать знаковым видеоигровым событием 2023 года, но не принесла тех результатов, на которые рассчитывали разработчики.

Тодд Говард пообещал в ближайшее время интересные новости о StarfieldStarfield должна была стать знаковым видеоигровым событием 2023 года, но не принесла тех результатов, на которые рассчитывали разработчики.

1 час назад @ t.me
Microsoft позволила Blizzard остаться Blizzard, сохранив максимальную свободуРуководитель Blizzard подтвердила, что студия выиграла от приобретения Microsoft, не теряя при этом своей индивидуальности.
Microsoft позволила Blizzard остаться Blizzard, сохранив максимальную свободуРуководитель Blizzard подтвердила, что студия выиграла от приобретения Microsoft, не теряя при этом своей индивидуальности. Microsoft позволила Blizzard остаться Blizzard, сохранив максимальную свободуРуководитель Blizzard подтвердила, что студия выиграла от приобретения Microsoft, не теряя при этом своей индивидуальности.

Microsoft позволила Blizzard остаться Blizzard, сохранив максимальную свободуРуководитель Blizzard подтвердила, что студия выиграла от приобретения Microsoft, не теряя при этом своей индивидуальности.

1 час назад @ t.me
[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Релиз TMNT: Splintered Fate на консолях Switch состоится летом 2024 годаПредставители компании Nintendo объявили, что выпуск игры Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate на Switch произойдет в июле текущего года. Скриншот из видеоА
[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Релиз TMNT: Splintered Fate на консолях Switch состоится летом 2024 годаПредставители компании Nintendo объявили, что выпуск игры Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate на Switch произойдет в июле текущего года. Скриншот из видеоА [МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Релиз TMNT: Splintered Fate на консолях Switch состоится летом 2024 годаПредставители компании Nintendo объявили, что выпуск игры Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate на Switch произойдет в июле текущего года. Скриншот из видеоА

[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Релиз TMNT: Splintered Fate на консолях Switch состоится летом 2024 годаПредставители компании Nintendo объявили, что выпуск игры Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate на Switch произойдет в июле текущего года. Скриншот из видеоАвтор: Nintendo Источник:...

2 часа назад @ t.me
[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Анонсирована дата выхода хоррора Crow Country на консоли Xbox Series X|SБританский разработчик видеоигр SFB Games выпустил короткий трейлер, в котором сообщил, что игра Crow Country будет доступна на консолях Xbox. Автор: SFB Games Источ
[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Анонсирована дата выхода хоррора Crow Country на консоли Xbox Series X|SБританский разработчик видеоигр SFB Games выпустил короткий трейлер, в котором сообщил, что игра Crow Country будет доступна на консолях Xbox. Автор: SFB Games Источ [МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Анонсирована дата выхода хоррора Crow Country на консоли Xbox Series X|SБританский разработчик видеоигр SFB Games выпустил короткий трейлер, в котором сообщил, что игра Crow Country будет доступна на консолях Xbox. Автор: SFB Games Источ

[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Анонсирована дата выхода хоррора Crow Country на консоли Xbox Series X|SБританский разработчик видеоигр SFB Games выпустил короткий трейлер, в котором сообщил, что игра Crow Country будет доступна на консолях Xbox. Автор: SFB Games Источник: store.steampowered.com...

4 часа назад @ t.me
Сериал Fallout был официально продлен на второй сезонШоу вошло в тройку самых просматриваемых на площадке Amazon Prime, встав в один ряд с «Кольцами власти»
Сериал Fallout был официально продлен на второй сезонШоу вошло в тройку самых просматриваемых на площадке Amazon Prime, встав в один ряд с «Кольцами власти» Сериал Fallout был официально продлен на второй сезонШоу вошло в тройку самых просматриваемых на площадке Amazon Prime, встав в один ряд с «Кольцами власти»

Сериал Fallout был официально продлен на второй сезонШоу вошло в тройку самых просматриваемых на площадке Amazon Prime, встав в один ряд с «Кольцами власти»

5 часов назад @ t.me
[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Железнодорожный симулятор Train King Tycoon вышел на AndroidНа прошлой неделе студия BoomBit в своих соцсетях сообщала, что подписала контракт с издателем Charged Monkey для выпуска железнодорожного симулятора Train King Tycoon на мобиль
[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Железнодорожный симулятор Train King Tycoon вышел на AndroidНа прошлой неделе студия BoomBit в своих соцсетях сообщала, что подписала контракт с издателем Charged Monkey для выпуска железнодорожного симулятора Train King Tycoon на мобиль [МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Железнодорожный симулятор Train King Tycoon вышел на AndroidНа прошлой неделе студия BoomBit в своих соцсетях сообщала, что подписала контракт с издателем Charged Monkey для выпуска железнодорожного симулятора Train King Tycoon на мобиль

[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] Железнодорожный симулятор Train King Tycoon вышел на AndroidНа прошлой неделе студия BoomBit в своих соцсетях сообщала, что подписала контракт с издателем Charged Monkey для выпуска железнодорожного симулятора Train King Tycoon на мобильных платформах. На...

6 часов назад @ t.me
Игровые журналисты обрадовались, что авторы Hades 2 сделали из Гефеста инвалида-колясочникаИгроки шутят и говорят, что неумение ходить определенно подчеркивает божественный статус, а также рекомендуют Kotaku перестать заниматься игровой журналистикой
Игровые журналисты обрадовались, что авторы Hades 2 сделали из Гефеста инвалида-колясочникаИгроки шутят и говорят, что неумение ходить определенно подчеркивает божественный статус, а также рекомендуют Kotaku перестать заниматься игровой журналистикой Игровые журналисты обрадовались, что авторы Hades 2 сделали из Гефеста инвалида-колясочникаИгроки шутят и говорят, что неумение ходить определенно подчеркивает божественный статус, а также рекомендуют Kotaku перестать заниматься игровой журналистикой

Игровые журналисты обрадовались, что авторы Hades 2 сделали из Гефеста инвалида-колясочникаИгроки шутят и говорят, что неумение ходить определенно подчеркивает божественный статус, а также рекомендуют Kotaku перестать заниматься игровой журналистикой

6 часов назад @ t.me
Blizzard перманентно забанит игроков, использующих клавиатуру и мышь в консольной версии Overwatch 2Последние месяцы разработчики в тихо собирали информацию о подобных игроках и в скором времени проведут волну блокировок
Blizzard перманентно забанит игроков, использующих клавиатуру и мышь в консольной версии Overwatch 2Последние месяцы разработчики в тихо собирали информацию о подобных игроках и в скором времени проведут волну блокировок Blizzard перманентно забанит игроков, использующих клавиатуру и мышь в консольной версии Overwatch 2Последние месяцы разработчики в тихо собирали информацию о подобных игроках и в скором времени проведут волну блокировок

Blizzard перманентно забанит игроков, использующих клавиатуру и мышь в консольной версии Overwatch 2Последние месяцы разработчики в тихо собирали информацию о подобных игроках и в скором времени проведут волну блокировок

7 часов назад @ t.me
[Видео] Последний обзор СМУТЫВсем игровым разработчикам понятно, как делают игры в открытом мире — вопрос стоит лишь в том, какой размер бюджета
[Видео] Последний обзор СМУТЫВсем игровым разработчикам понятно, как делают игры в открытом мире — вопрос стоит лишь в том, какой размер бюджета [Видео] Последний обзор СМУТЫВсем игровым разработчикам понятно, как делают игры в открытом мире — вопрос стоит лишь в том, какой размер бюджета

[Видео] Последний обзор СМУТЫВсем игровым разработчикам понятно, как делают игры в открытом мире — вопрос стоит лишь в том, какой размер бюджета

7 часов назад @ t.me
Warhorse Studios официально представила Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2Релиз игры состоится до конца текущего года на персональных компьютерах, а также PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series X|S
Warhorse Studios официально представила Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2Релиз игры состоится до конца текущего года на персональных компьютерах, а также PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series X|S Warhorse Studios официально представила Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2Релиз игры состоится до конца текущего года на персональных компьютерах, а также PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series X|S

Warhorse Studios официально представила Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2Релиз игры состоится до конца текущего года на персональных компьютерах, а также PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series X|S

7 часов назад @ t.me
Продажи Fallout 4 в Европе выросли в 75 раз. Эффект премьеры сериала AmazonСериал Amazon напомнил о существовании франшизы Fallout, а для кого-то стал входной точкой. Возник интерес к играм серии
Продажи Fallout 4 в Европе выросли в 75 раз. Эффект премьеры сериала AmazonСериал Amazon напомнил о существовании франшизы Fallout, а для кого-то стал входной точкой. Возник интерес к играм серии Продажи Fallout 4 в Европе выросли в 75 раз. Эффект премьеры сериала AmazonСериал Amazon напомнил о существовании франшизы Fallout, а для кого-то стал входной точкой. Возник интерес к играм серии

Продажи Fallout 4 в Европе выросли в 75 раз. Эффект премьеры сериала AmazonСериал Amazon напомнил о существовании франшизы Fallout, а для кого-то стал входной точкой. Возник интерес к играм серии

8 часов назад @ t.me
[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] 7 игр для Android и iOS с открытым миромКрупные открытые миры присуще не только компьютерным играм, подобные проекты доступны и на мобильных устройствах. Некоторые из них могут удивить хорошим сюжетом и качественным опенворлдом. Ni no...
[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] 7 игр для Android и iOS с открытым миромКрупные открытые миры присуще не только компьютерным играм, подобные проекты доступны и на мобильных устройствах. Некоторые из них могут удивить хорошим сюжетом и качественным опенворлдом. Ni no... [МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] 7 игр для Android и iOS с открытым миромКрупные открытые миры присуще не только компьютерным играм, подобные проекты доступны и на мобильных устройствах. Некоторые из них могут удивить хорошим сюжетом и качественным опенворлдом. Ni no...

[МНЕНИЕ ЧИТАТЕЛЕЙ] 7 игр для Android и iOS с открытым миромКрупные открытые миры присуще не только компьютерным играм, подобные проекты доступны и на мобильных устройствах. Некоторые из них могут удивить хорошим сюжетом и качественным опенворлдом. Ni no...

8 часов назад @ t.me
[СТРИМ] Погружаемся в No Rest for the WickedИграем в новый проект от создателей дилогии Ori из студии Moon, отправляющий в суровый мир, населенный ужасными чудовищами
[СТРИМ] Погружаемся в No Rest for the WickedИграем в новый проект от создателей дилогии Ori из студии Moon, отправляющий в суровый мир, населенный ужасными чудовищами [СТРИМ] Погружаемся в No Rest for the WickedИграем в новый проект от создателей дилогии Ori из студии Moon, отправляющий в суровый мир, населенный ужасными чудовищами

[СТРИМ] Погружаемся в No Rest for the WickedИграем в новый проект от создателей дилогии Ori из студии Moon, отправляющий в суровый мир, населенный ужасными чудовищами

8 часов назад @ t.me
На английском
последний пост 3 часа назад
The Must Owns From a ≤75% Off Microsoft and Activision Sale, a Red Hot Red Dead Bundle, and More!
The Must Owns From a ≤75% Off Microsoft and Activision Sale, a Red Hot Red Dead Bundle, and More!

It's time to stock up on the best and cheapest games available for a weekend binge. Outside is overrated. Get you some game cave hibernation fodder.

3 часа назад @ ign.com
Sonic the Hedgehog 3: Release Date, Cast, and Everything We Know
Sonic the Hedgehog 3: Release Date, Cast, and Everything We Know

Are you excited for more Sonic movies?

4 часа назад @ ign.com
Sony Reportedly in Talks to Join a Bid to Buy Paramount
Sony Reportedly in Talks to Join a Bid to Buy Paramount

Sony is reportedly in talks to join a joint bid with investment firm Apollo Global Management to acquire Paramount, according to an article from the New York Times today.

5 часов назад @ ign.com
Fallout TV Series Officially Renewed for Season 2 on Prime Video
Fallout TV Series Officially Renewed for Season 2 on Prime Video

Just a week after its premiere, Prime Video has officially renewed Fallout for a second season.

6 часов назад @ ign.com
Netflix Co-CEO Clarifies Filmmaking Approach: 'There's No Appetite to Make Fewer Films'
Netflix Co-CEO Clarifies Filmmaking Approach: 'There's No Appetite to Make Fewer Films'

Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos is pushing back against a recent report that claims its new strategy is to make their movies "better, cheaper, and less frequent": "There is no appetite to make fewer films."

6 часов назад @ ign.com
The Jinx – Part Two Review, Episodes 1-4
The Jinx – Part Two Review, Episodes 1-4

The first four episodes of The Jinx – Part Two brilliantly lay bare the ouroboros of the true crime documentary ecosystem and expertly ties up crucial loose ends in the process, giving us a full picture of Robert Durst’s harrowing murders.

6 часов назад @ ign.com
Netflix Adds 9 Million More Subscribers in First Quarter, Will Stop Reporting Subscriber Numbers Next Year
Netflix Adds 9 Million More Subscribers in First Quarter, Will Stop Reporting Subscriber Numbers Next Year

Netflix is reporting a healthy start to the fiscal year in its earnings today, bringing in nine million new subscribers in the last quarter for a grand total of 269.6 million. But soon, we won't be able to headline Netflix earnings stories with that information anymore.

6 часов назад @ ign.com
The 15 Most Expensive Lego Sets You Can Buy Now
The 15 Most Expensive Lego Sets You Can Buy Now

Playing with LEGOs is an expensive hobby.

6 часов назад @ ign.com
Eiyuden Chronicle Sequel Moving Forward Despite Death of Its Creator
Eiyuden Chronicle Sequel Moving Forward Despite Death of Its Creator

The team at Rabbit & Bear Studios is continuing with the development of a new Eiyuden Chronicle sequel following the death of series creator Yoshitaka Murayama.

7 часов назад @ ign.com
Rhea Ripley Should Have Fallen to Liv Morgan...But Not Like This - Wrestling Wrap Up
Rhea Ripley Should Have Fallen to Liv Morgan...But Not Like This - Wrestling Wrap Up 7 часов назад @ ign.com
How to Watch Sasquatch Sunset – Showtimes and Streaming Status
How to Watch Sasquatch Sunset – Showtimes and Streaming Status

Wondering how to watch Sasquatch Sunset? We have all the information on the bizarre, Jesse Eisenberg-led movie, from showtimes to streaming status.

7 часов назад @ ign.com
Target Responds to Reports It's Abandoning Physical Media, Says It Will Keep Offering 'Select DVDs' in Stores
Target Responds to Reports It's Abandoning Physical Media, Says It Will Keep Offering 'Select DVDs' in Stores

Target has officially responded to a recent report that it's planning to stop selling physical media, stating that it will continue to sell physical media both online and in-stores, but is "transitioning" to limit the number of copies sold in-stores.

7 часов назад @ ign.com
World of Warcraft Exec Says Microsoft Has 'Let Blizzard Be Blizzard' Since Acquisition
World of Warcraft Exec Says Microsoft Has 'Let Blizzard Be Blizzard' Since Acquisition

A World of Warcraft exec says Microsoft has "let Blizzard be Blizzard" since the acquisition went through: “There’s no one asking us to do anything."

8 часов назад @ ign.com
Manor Lords Developer Stresses That It's 'Not a Total War Competitor,' Nor an RPG
Manor Lords Developer Stresses That It's 'Not a Total War Competitor,' Nor an RPG

As Manor Lords prepares to finally make its way to the public, developer Slavic Magic has stepped in to make sure fans’ expectations are in check.

9 часов назад @ ign.com
Best Ultrawide Monitor 2024: Immerse Yourself With These Huge Gaming Monitors
Best Ultrawide Monitor 2024: Immerse Yourself With These Huge Gaming Monitors

The best ultrawide monitors are all the rage these days, here are our favorites right now.

9 часов назад @ ign.com
Rock Paper Shotgun Rock Paper Shotgun
последний пост 11 часов назад
Boys will once again be boys in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, revealed today for 2024 release
Boys will once again be boys in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, revealed today for 2024 release Boys will once again be boys in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, revealed today for 2024 release

Going by the announcement video, the new game is the same game but with more cash to burn.

Set in 1403, Deliverance 2 continues the story of former blacksmith Henry, whose quest for revenge saw him breaking into the world of knights and dynasties.

The world is overall twice as large as that of the original Deliverance, and the story features around five hours of cutscenes.

Played once again by Tom McKay, protagonist Henry has come a ways since Deliverance but he's still something of a rough-and-tumble nobody, who must prove himself to the realm's bluebloods.

As for what you do as Henry, it all seems broadly in keeping with the first game's open world survival simulation.

11 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Balatro ‘95 perfects procrastination by modding the roguelike deckbuilder into classic Windows Solitaire
Balatro ‘95 perfects procrastination by modding the roguelike deckbuilder into classic Windows Solitaire Balatro ‘95 perfects procrastination by modding the roguelike deckbuilder into classic Windows Solitaire

If you somehow haven’t fallen down the Balatro hole just yet, that slope is about to get a whole lot slippier.

The mesmerising roguelike spin on poker is easy enough to lose an entire afternoon to by itself, but now it’s been combined with the granddaddy of all computer-related procrastination: classic Windows Solitaire.

Molloy has also created an accessible version of the cards using a high-contract variant, which will toggle on automatically when playing using the high contrast mode.

Introducing BALATRO '95!

A mod that replaces all Balatro's card faces and most of the deck backs with ones from the Windows 95 solitaire game.

11 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut brings PlayStation trophies and friends to PC for the first time
Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut brings PlayStation trophies and friends to PC for the first time Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut brings PlayStation trophies and friends to PC for the first time

Former PS4 hit Ghost of Tsushima is the next big PlayStation exclusive to make the leap to PC, and it’s bringing some extra PS-shaped features with it.

The game’s Director’s Cut - representing the fact this re-release will include its Iki Island expansion and co-op mode - will be the first game that lets you earn PlayStation trophies from your PC, if you so wish.

Manage cookie settingsThat’s probably the most exciting feature being introduced to PC via a new PlayStation overlay you’ll be able to access by hitting Shift + F1 in-between chopping samurai into ribbons.

With more and more PlayStation exclusives finding their way to PC eventually, having a dedicated overlay and things like trophy…

11 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Arma and DayZ makers’ free-to-play looter-shooter Vigor is coming to PC, half a decade after consoles
Arma and DayZ makers’ free-to-play looter-shooter Vigor is coming to PC, half a decade after consoles Arma and DayZ makers’ free-to-play looter-shooter Vigor is coming to PC, half a decade after consoles

Despite military sim series Arma and its zombie survival spin-off DayZ having their de facto home on PC, developers Bohemia Interactive opted to snub us keyboard-and-mousers for their post-DayZ game Vigor.

The free-to-play survival shooter hit early access on Xbox way back in June 2018 - almost six years ago - and subsequently made its way to PlayStation and Nintendo Switch.

And yet, for more than half a decade, no whisper of a PC release was heard - until now, that is.

Early access is expected to last for around three months, with any progress then being wiped (you’ll keep the stuff you’ve paid for, natch) when it hits 1.0.

“Our experience has taught us the importance of receiving early fe…

12 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Braid's Anniversary Edition squeezes in one more delay, three years after it was first meant to arrive
Braid's Anniversary Edition squeezes in one more delay, three years after it was first meant to arrive Braid's Anniversary Edition squeezes in one more delay, three years after it was first meant to arrive

The Anniversary Edition of Braid was originally announced almost four years ago, and originally meant to be out sometime in 2021.

As such, the latest delay to Jonathan Blow’s time-rewinding puzzle-platformer - which sees its date pushed back two weeks into the middle of next month - feels like a relative drop in the hourglass.

Manage cookie settingsBraid, Anniversary Edition - because apparently a standard colon wasn’t quite pretentious enough for the maker of The Witness - was due to be out on April 30th, as announced last year.

(It arrived on Xbox 360 first the August before, making its overall 15th anniversary last summer.)

Per Eurogamer, the latest delay to Braid ~~Anniversary Edition~~…

12 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Larian have two new games in the works, "fueled by the very same fire" as Baldur's Gate 3
Larian have two new games in the works, "fueled by the very same fire" as Baldur's Gate 3 Larian have two new games in the works, "fueled by the very same fire" as Baldur's Gate 3

Larian aren’t just not making Baldur’s Gate 4 – they’re treating Baldur’s Gate 3’s success as an opportunity to develop their own intellectual properties, with two new games in the works.

How about a kart racing game, Larian, or a banging old school mascot platformer?

But know that even as our focus turns to these new games, the sensibilities that brought you Baldur’s Gate 3 are alive and well here at the Larian castle.

Yes, it’s hype but it’s hype because it really looks and feels good.”If you'd rather play another Baldur's Gate than whatever the hell Vincke is talking about, I have good tidings - Hasbro are trying to find somebody else to make Baldur's Gate 4.

Disclosure: Former RPS deput…

12 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
How you sign in to this site is changing slightly
How you sign in to this site is changing slightly How you sign in to this site is changing slightly

As you may know, the network this site belongs to is for sale.

One of those systems is our reader accounts system which powers profiles, comments, subscriptions, and newsletters on this very website.

We are taking the dramatic step of renaming our account system from “ReedPop ID” to… “Gamer Network ID”.

What this means for you:Your account can now be managed at id.gamer.network.

We hope you enjoy the new brand name for our accounts system.

13 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The Electronic Wireless Show podcast S3 Episode 15: everyone loves Fallout and the Fallout TV show
The Electronic Wireless Show podcast S3 Episode 15: everyone loves Fallout and the Fallout TV show The Electronic Wireless Show podcast S3 Episode 15: everyone loves Fallout and the Fallout TV show

Here at the Electronic Wireless Show podcast we're nothing if not ready to jump on a bandwagon, and the hottest wagon in town right now is the Fallout TV show.

A trio of different recommendations, an impression of a South African accent, and a great beans metaphor as James discusses the secondhand hardware market.

You can find the RSS feed here, and you can discuss the episode on our Discord channel, which has a dedicated room for podcast chat.

This week we've been playing 'watching television', Lethal Company, Horizon Forbidden West (still), more Bore Blasters, and a cute papercut puzzle game called Papercut Art Gallery.

Recommendations this week are Karma Drinks' Lemony Lemonade, the Tom …

14 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
I spoke to an Nvidia AI NPC, and he mainly wanted to get me bladdered
I spoke to an Nvidia AI NPC, and he mainly wanted to get me bladdered I spoke to an Nvidia AI NPC, and he mainly wanted to get me bladdered

A lot of responses even seemed to be taking previous responses into account, using them as context to avoid repetition.

Besides Ubisoft, I’m told multiple companies have already approached Nvidia about using ACE to build their NPC casts.

Outside of generative AI, Nvidia themselves have made loads of useful, ethically unproblematic tools that employ machine learning to help players and developers alike.

And even when it does, will enough players actually want to hear what AI voices have to say?

And all of it was crafted from scratch – not by AI, but by a human writer.

14 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
New Nancy Drew game Mystery Of The Seven Keys is out in May, thus making my life very slightly harder
New Nancy Drew game Mystery Of The Seven Keys is out in May, thus making my life very slightly harder New Nancy Drew game Mystery Of The Seven Keys is out in May, thus making my life very slightly harder

They have today announced a release date of May 7th for Nancy Drew: Mystery Of The Seven Keys, along with the official trailer.

), is that Mystery Of The Seven Keys introduces a new "dual navigation system" that allows for either classic point-and-click or "free-roam" controls.

Mystery Of The Seven Keys is 31 games away, so I shall hold the aggressive locals, weird puzzle boxes, hacking mini-games, and the "but who are the real mosters?"

Up until as recently as 2014 they were throwing up a couple of Our Nance games a year, but development time really stretched out after 2015's Sea Of Darkness.

Anyway, Mystery Of The Seven Keys is out on May 7th, I just won't be playing it myself for a while.

15 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Morels 2 sure has a lot of unicorns, for a mushroom collection game
Morels 2 sure has a lot of unicorns, for a mushroom collection game Morels 2 sure has a lot of unicorns, for a mushroom collection game

That game is Morels: The Hunt 2, released this week, and as you might guess, it is about finding and identifying various species of mushroom in lush, photorealistic wilderness locations.

"We loved morel mushroom hunting growing up," they write.

One of the greatest things about mushroom hunting is just being out in nature.

I guess the blend of photography and mushroom gathering makes sense, but I continue to be unsettled by the unicorns.

Being massive lovies, my partner and I have also been mushroom hunting IRL.

17 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Shadow-hopping platformer Schim emerges into the light in July
Shadow-hopping platformer Schim emerges into the light in July Shadow-hopping platformer Schim emerges into the light in July

The fascinating Schim finally has a release date, July 18th.

It stars a little shadowy soul trying to reconnect with its human by hopping from shadow to shadow through city streets, farms, factories, and parks bustling with life and moving parts.

I enjoy games offering worlds as little puzzleboxes full of moving pieces to track and figure out how they might interact with other moving parts.

Schim is hopping onto Windows, Mac, and Linux via Steam and Itch.io on the 18th of July, priced at $25 (regional prices TBA).

The game's made by Ewoud van der Werf and Nils Slijkerman, and published by Extra Nice and Playism.

18 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
1000xResist is a time travel story inspired by Star Trek, the pandemic and immigrant trauma
1000xResist is a time travel story inspired by Star Trek, the pandemic and immigrant trauma 1000xResist is a time travel story inspired by Star Trek, the pandemic and immigrant trauma

1000xResist, from Vancouver-based sunset visitor 斜陽過客, is one of those high-concept sci-fi yarns that easily unravels into a million, bewildering threads of ambition and inspiration.

But there's a twist: you learn early on in the story that the ALLMOTHER has been lying to you.

"One of the main characters of the game is a Hong Kong Canadian immigrant," Siu says.

"And that's kind of where this time travel mechanic came in - this past that we can go back to feels so far away.

The sunset visitor team are made up of experimental performing artists, working across theatre, dance and music.

18 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Homeworld 3 DLC plans revealed alongside collector’s edition with model spaceships
Homeworld 3 DLC plans revealed alongside collector’s edition with model spaceships Homeworld 3 DLC plans revealed alongside collector’s edition with model spaceships

Blackbird Interactive, the team behind upcoming strategy game Homeworld 3, have released details on both the planned roadmap and the game’s chunky-looking collector’s edition, ahead of the game’s release next month, 13th May.

The roadmap details three pieces of paid DLC for the year ahead, plus an additional planned paid piece in 2025.

Together, they’re all targeted at fleshing out the game’s ‘War Games’ three player co-op mode.

Specifically, the roadmap details new playable factions, starting fleets, challenges, emblems, and maps.

Alongside some updated PC specs, the post also shows off Homeworld 3’s collector’s edition.

18 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
No Rest For The Wicked will be playable on Steam Deck, although recommended PC specs may be a worry
No Rest For The Wicked will be playable on Steam Deck, although recommended PC specs may be a worry No Rest For The Wicked will be playable on Steam Deck, although recommended PC specs may be a worry

Nowadays, I'm more than happy to sacrifice high frames and a big screen for the comforts of the Steam Deck.

Minimum PC specs also don't look too taxing, but those after the shiniest-looking game on recommended hardware may be in for a shock.

Moon Studios co-founder Gennadiy Korol said on Xwitter that we can expect around "30-40fps" on the Steam Deck, depending on the quality settings.

But thanks to their "Game Simulation", the game runs at a locked 60fps, so "the game input for the precision combat remains super responsive!".

I really love how this game feels with Deck's locked 40fps screen and our 60fps game simulation and responsive input.

19 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Polygon Polygon
последний пост 11 часов назад
Children of the Sun offers one of the most challenging, satisfying levels of 2024 so far
Children of the Sun offers one of the most challenging, satisfying levels of 2024 so far Children of the Sun offers one of the most challenging, satisfying levels of 2024 so far

In a year already stuffed with terrific games, Children of the Sun stands out as something truly special.

The game’s core concept is relatively simple: You have exactly one bullet that you must use to take down every enemy per level.

You can target specific weak points on your enemies’ bodies to unlock the ability to re-aim your bullet mid-shot.

The level places the player on the outskirts of an office building complex that’s been taken over by the cultists.

The beauty of Children of the Sun is that this solution is totally optional.

11 часов назад @ polygon.com
The Witcher season 5 on Netflix will be the series’ last
The Witcher season 5 on Netflix will be the series’ last The Witcher season 5 on Netflix will be the series’ last

Netflix announced today that Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri will return for a fifth season of The Witcher — and that the show’s fifth season will be its last.

The streaming giant also revealed footage and photos of the production reuniting for the first table read of The Witcher season 4, featuring returning cast members and new addition Liam Hemsworth.

Season 4 will be the first season of The Witcher to feature Hemsworth in the role of Geralt, following Henry Cavill’s departure from the series.

The Witcher Season 4 is officially in production.

pic.twitter.com/mejYbhfhxZ — Netflix (@netflix) April 18, 2024Netflix did not announce a release window for either new season, but with production on th…

11 часов назад @ polygon.com
Everyone’s hot for Hades 2’s Hephaestus
Everyone’s hot for Hades 2’s Hephaestus Everyone’s hot for Hades 2’s Hephaestus

With the Hades 2 technical test underway, we’re asking this question: How are the Greek gods of the game even hotter than in the original, Hades?

Regardless of the answer, there are lots of new characters being added to the franchise’s lore, like Hephaestus, the god of the forge.

He’s also one of the few Greek gods who isn’t “perfect;” it’s said he was thrown from Mt.

His design in Hades 2 takes this backstory into account: In Hades 2, Hephaestus is hot, fat, and disabled — something the community is celebrating.

The Hades 2 technical test is limited to a small portion of the game, but players will likely see more of Hephaestus and the Hades 2 story when the game comes to early access soon.

11 часов назад @ polygon.com
Cities: Skylines 2 devs apologize for state of game: ‘We let you down’
Cities: Skylines 2 devs apologize for state of game: ‘We let you down’ Cities: Skylines 2 devs apologize for state of game: ‘We let you down’

“We see and understand the disappointment many of you have expressed after the release of Cities: Skylines II and the recent release of Beach Properties.

IGN reports that just after release, players noted how the game struggled to play on PCs even with powerful specs, such as those with recent Nvidia graphics cards.

While Cities: Skylines has always been a power-hungry game, encouraging players to only play it on PCs with newer parts was asking a lot.

Despite the player feedback, Colossal Order and Paradox moved forward with the release.

The Beach Properties paid DLC released in March, bringing waterfront zoning to the game, and it was met with harsh feedback from the player base.

11 часов назад @ polygon.com
Pathfinder is having a big year with War of Immortals
Pathfinder is having a big year with War of Immortals Pathfinder is having a big year with War of Immortals

At the center of the new narrative arc will be Pathfinder War of Immortals, a 240-page hardcover rulebook expected in October that will introduce “mythic rules” for Pathfinder Second Edition.

Pathfinder Adventure: Prey for Death is a standalone 128-page adventure for high-level characters (level 14 and above).

Pathfinder Adventure Path: Curtain Call — Pathfinder’s 40th since its launch in 2009 — will take characters from level 11 all the way to 20.

Pathfinder Adventure Path: Triumph of the Tusk, which has players fighting alongside a band of orcs, will pick up in October with Pathfinder Adventure Path #207: The Resurrection Flood and continue into December.

Both Adventure Paths are included…

12 часов назад @ polygon.com
Read an excerpt from Someone You Can Build a Nest In, 2024’s squelchiest cozy fantasy
Read an excerpt from Someone You Can Build a Nest In, 2024’s squelchiest cozy fantasy Read an excerpt from Someone You Can Build a Nest In, 2024’s squelchiest cozy fantasy

Shesheshen haunts her local town, Underlook, until she connects with a human woman whose gentleness surprises her.

What the laborers got out of it that kept them from eating the rich, Shesheshen didn’t understand.

Did this human man recognize her?

As she did, she looked around for an alley where she could drag this human man.

Shesheshen didn’t need to hear what he was muttering to know that the news was about to break.

12 часов назад @ polygon.com
Murderbot plus tentacles: John Wiswell on his cozy neurodivergent fantasy Someone You Can Build a Nest In
Murderbot plus tentacles: John Wiswell on his cozy neurodivergent fantasy Someone You Can Build a Nest In Murderbot plus tentacles: John Wiswell on his cozy neurodivergent fantasy Someone You Can Build a Nest In

Polygon talked to John Wiswell about what went into the novel, how it reflects his experience with disability and the queer community, and what he learned from Murderbot.

But then I was like, Let’s make it difficult for her, let’s have challenges, in the way presenting a disabled body gets.

I’m really glad to meet you!

That comes through as Shesheshen is gradually realizing what [her romance] would do to Homily, really.

John Wiswell is on tour in support of Someone You Can Build A Nest In throughout the summer.

12 часов назад @ polygon.com
Pokémon Go players think new customization update makes trainers ‘ugly’
Pokémon Go players think new customization update makes trainers ‘ugly’ Pokémon Go players think new customization update makes trainers ‘ugly’

Niantic Labs released a Pokémon Go update on Wednesday that claimed to make trainers look “even more” like the players themselves — and players are now starting to see that comment as a roast.

That’s because a loud group of players on social media thinks the update made trainers “ugly.” And, uh, yeah... there’s something off about the new trainer avatars.

The avatars got a makeover, too, with the game giving players new options for body types, hairstyles, and skin tones.

It’s a great thing to give players more options, like using fat bodies, but the implementation went wrong somewhere.

The problem for Pokémon Go players isn’t that there are expanded options, but that they aren’t implemented…

12 часов назад @ polygon.com
M. Night Shyamalan is getting so good that even his new trailers have twists
M. Night Shyamalan is getting so good that even his new trailers have twists M. Night Shyamalan is getting so good that even his new trailers have twists

M. Night Shyamalan has long been known for his twists, but those twists are normally reserved for the ends of his movies, not the trailers.

But it seems like he’s branching out into unexplored territory with his new thriller Trap, which has a first trailer that feels worthy of the Shyamalan name.

The trailer starts out with a daughter (Ariel Donoghue) rushing her father (Josh Hartnett) into a stadium where his favorite pop star (played by M. Night’s daughter Saleka Shyamalan) is about to perform.

In M. Night’s presentation of the trailer at CinemaCon 2024, he said he developed the idea for the movie over several years with his daughter Saleka, who is a real-life concert pianist.

Over the ye…

12 часов назад @ polygon.com
The 25 best PlayStation 5 games
The 25 best PlayStation 5 games The 25 best PlayStation 5 games

What are the best games on PlayStation 5?

New and old PS5 owners will be wondering what to play, so here’s our living list of the best video games available on the platform, to be updated as more games come out.

It’s worth noting that the PS5 does have backward compatibility with PlayStation 4 games, so our list of the 22 best PS4 games will also serve you well.

That balance is not always ideal, but I’m glad, at least, that it forces me to spend more time seeking out interesting things in the game’s world.

It was true in 2009, when developer FromSoftware released the mechanically groundbreaking role-playing game on PlayStation 3, and remains true for Bluepoint Games’ remake, released alongs…

12 часов назад @ polygon.com
Abigail turns Let the Right One In into a frenetic horror comedy
Abigail turns Let the Right One In into a frenetic horror comedy Abigail turns Let the Right One In into a frenetic horror comedy

Eventually, as the trailers show, Abigail is about a ballerina assassin who also happens to be a vampire.

I’d be reticent about even mentioning the vampire in this movie if it wasn’t such a central thrust of the movie’s marketing.

Once Abigail reveals herself as a deadly supernatural creature, the movie transforms into more of an action slasher, rather than going for scares.

In that way, Abigail feels more like Bettinelli-Olpin and Gillett’s earlier movie Ready or Not than like any other vampire movie.

Like Lina Leandersson in that movie, Weir in Abigail is particularly good at selling a child vampire’s genuine pain.

13 часов назад @ polygon.com
Everything we know about Baldur’s Gate 4
Everything we know about Baldur’s Gate 4 Everything we know about Baldur’s Gate 4

and more than 15 million copies sold at the time of this writing, the future of Baldur’s Gate is starting to take shape.

Larian Studios has released its license to the Baldur’s Gate franchise back to Wizards of the Coast and its parent company, Hasbro, so that another studio can take on the next Baldur’s Gate game.

*dodges tomatoes*It also seems as though plans for a sequel to Baldur’s Gate 3 are in the early stages already.

But there is some good news for any fans who might be nervously eyeing the gap between Baldur’s Gate 2’s release in 2000 and Baldur’s Gate 3’s in 2023.

Evans said that WotC and Hasbro’s plan was not to wait another 23 years before releasing Baldur’s Gate 4.

13 часов назад @ polygon.com
Disney Plus is adding channels as streaming inches ever closer back to cable
Disney Plus is adding channels as streaming inches ever closer back to cable Disney Plus is adding channels as streaming inches ever closer back to cable

Streaming is taking yet another step toward cable.

Just weeks after combining its Hulu and Disney Plus services, Disney Plus is adding streaming channels, according to a report from The Information.

Disney Plus’ new feature will reportedly include separate channels for different types of content.

The channels would run 24/7, and would include content curated by Disney, which users could jump straight into whenever they log into the service.

This idea — basically cable channels for streaming services — isn’t a Disney Plus invention.

13 часов назад @ polygon.com
An explosive episode of Critical Role kept viewers hooked for 5 horrifying hours
An explosive episode of Critical Role kept viewers hooked for 5 horrifying hours An explosive episode of Critical Role kept viewers hooked for 5 horrifying hours

[Warning: This story contains spoilers for episode 91 of Critical Role’s Campaign 3, “True Heroism.” The video on demand is now available on YouTube, with audio-only podcast available on Thursday, April 18.]

And then there’s Fresh Cut Grass, an automaton played by Sam Riegel.

Well, they killed everyone in his previous adventuring party, and even attacked the Bell’s Hells at one point in the not-too-distant past.

But their path toward understanding the meaning of existence has revealed he has the ability to love, which is handy.

It’s not clear what lies ahead for either Bell’s Hells or Daggerheart, but last week’s episode showed that there’s reason to hope — and to keep an eye on both.

14 часов назад @ polygon.com
Not sure what movie to watch this weekend? Leave a comment, we’ll help
Not sure what movie to watch this weekend? Leave a comment, we’ll help Not sure what movie to watch this weekend? Leave a comment, we’ll help

We love movie recommendations here at Polygon.

Each Thursday on Polygon we’ll have an open thread dedicated to helping you, our dear readers, find the perfect watch for this weekend.

Looking for a sci-fi movie that will make you contemplate the wonders (or horrors) of the world?

This is also a great place to share what you’ve been watching, if you want to talk about that with your fellow Polygon readers!

What would you like to watch this weekend (or what are you planning to watch)?

14 часов назад @ polygon.com
Eurogamer Eurogamer
последний пост 6 часов назад
Stardew Valley creator casually flings 40 new mine layouts into latest patch
Stardew Valley creator casually flings 40 new mine layouts into latest patch Stardew Valley creator casually flings 40 new mine layouts into latest patch

You'd think after launching Stardew Valley's massive 1.6 update, creator Eric "ConcernedApe" Barone would want to catch his breath; but nope - Barone has just casually tossed out a new patch that, among other things, adds 40 new mine layouts for players to explore.

Barone confirmed a new update was on the way last week, teasing "a new fishing thing, and some new mining related stuff".

Turns out Barone might have been udenrselling things a bit.

And for those players eagerly awaiting Stardew Valley's 1.6 update on consoles and mobile devices, Barone shared an update earlier this month.

"I have no specific release date, but I will give updates if there is anything significant to share.

6 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Darkest Dungeon 2's carriage of horrors trundles onto PlayStation this summer
Darkest Dungeon 2's carriage of horrors trundles onto PlayStation this summer Darkest Dungeon 2's carriage of horrors trundles onto PlayStation this summer

Darkest Dungeon 2, the sequel to developer Red Hook Studios' acclaimed Lovecraftian roguelike RPG, is launching for PlayStation 5 and PS4 on 15th July.

"We have been very eager to bring Darkest Dungeon 2 to PlayStation players," Red Hook's Tyler Sigman said in a statement accompanying today's release date announcement.

Darkest Dungeon 2 will cost £32.49 when it launches for PlayStation 5 and PS4 on 15th July.

Today's news follows last week's announcement Darkest Dungeon 2 will be getting a free new campaign mode, known as Kingdoms, later this year.

Red Hook says it'll combine the permanence and roster management of the original Darkest Dungeon with the traversal and combat of Darkest Dungeo…

8 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Baldur's Gate 3 studio confirms two new projects: "Will be our best work ever"
Baldur's Gate 3 studio confirms two new projects: "Will be our best work ever" Baldur's Gate 3 studio confirms two new projects: "Will be our best work ever"

With the world of Dungeons & Dragons now officially behind it, Baldur's Gate 3 developer Larian Studios has confirmed it currently has two new projects in development, both based on its own IPs, which studio founder Swen Vincke has described as "our best work ever."

Larian shared the news at the end of a Steam blog post detailing Baldur's Gate 3's upcoming patch, which reiterated the studio "won't be introducing any major new narrative content to the story of Baldur's Gate 3 or its origin characters and companions, nor will we be making expansions or Baldur’s Gate 4."

We're currently working on two new projects and we couldn't be more excited about what the future has in store."

"But know t…

10 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 announced
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 announced Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 announced

Warhorse Studios has announced Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, a sequel to its medieval dungeons-and-no-dragons action RPG.

Six years on from the original game, this follow-up will arrive sometime later in 2024 for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

The original Kingdom Come: Deliverance was memorable for the controversies that surrounded it - most notably its developer's insistence it portrayed a historically-accurate version of Central Europe.

Vávra himself courted controversy, promoting Kingdom Come: Deliverance at Gamescom while wearing a T-shirt for a music band fronted by a murderer supportive of far-right ideology, and later supporting the GamerGate harrassment campaign.

"A shadow l…

10 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Netflix confirms The Witcher Season 5 will be its last
Netflix confirms The Witcher Season 5 will be its last Netflix confirms The Witcher Season 5 will be its last

The end is approaching for Netflix's uneven The Witcher adaptation; the streaming service has officially renewed the show for a fifth season, which will be its last.

Netflix shared the news on Tudum, its "official companion site", adding that Season 4 and Season 5 will be shot back-to-back, with production of Season 4 already underway in the UK.

It's official, The Witcher season 4 is in production.

But that's not all, we're already planning season 5, which will be the final season and bring this epic show to a fitting conclusion.

Back in the world of The Witcher video games, CD Projekt has just launched its Witcher 3 modding tools for testing on PC.

12 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Fallout 4 currently Europe's best-selling game, almost a decade after release
Fallout 4 currently Europe's best-selling game, almost a decade after release Fallout 4 currently Europe's best-selling game, almost a decade after release

Fallout 4 has pip (boyed) its way to the top to became Europe's best-selling game, per sales data from chart numbers company GSD.

As reported by Eurogamer's sister site GamesIndustry.biz, sales of the almost decade-old game rose over 7500 percent week-on-week across Europe.

In addition to claiming the top spot, the Fallout series also had another three entries in the European Weekly Top 10 for Digital and Physical sales.

Fallout 76 came in eighth, with Fallout: New Vegas ninth and Fallout 3 rounding things out in tenth.

Soon after the series made its debut, Fallout had "more than doubled its concurrent players" on Steam.

12 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
No Rest for the Wicked: the spectacular evolution of Moon Studios' graphics tech
No Rest for the Wicked: the spectacular evolution of Moon Studios' graphics tech No Rest for the Wicked: the spectacular evolution of Moon Studios' graphics tech

No Rest for the Wicked is out now on early access, giving us our first glimpse at Moon Studios' latest project.

And now, four years later, Moon looks set to do the same for action RPGs with No Rest for the Wicked.

No Rest for the Wicked is presented from a top-down perspective like many action RPGs but offers a unique visual identity that elevates the presentation.

It feels just as lively as the 2D Ori games yet manages to do all of this in full 3D at a larger scale while being significantly more interactive.

Either way, while it's still in development, it's exciting to have a new Moon Studios game available and rest assured that Digital Foundry will continue to track it through its develop…

13 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Video game TV and movie adaptations that need to happen next
Video game TV and movie adaptations that need to happen next Video game TV and movie adaptations that need to happen next

This week on the Eurogamer Newscast, after the success of Amazon's Fallout TV series, we discuss the TV and movie adapatations of video games we'd love to see next.

Not every video game series fits an adaptation, and even the ones which do might need some work.

You need to adapt the game's story well - such as in HBO's The Last of Us - or find space to tell your own narrative without contradicting the game's own.

Joining me this week to discuss are Eurogamer's Ed Nightingale and Victoria Kennedy.

And if you're reading this, Jeff Bezos, please do give us credit whenever you're commissioning TV series with our ideas - thank you.

13 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Elden Ring player completes game in Morse code
Elden Ring player completes game in Morse code Elden Ring player completes game in Morse code

Over two years since its release, Elden Ring players are still completing the game in a variety of weird and wonderful ways.

Earlier this week, Spanish streamer Silithur completed his run of the game using a single button and Morse code.

Manage cookie settings Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree | Official Gameplay Reveal TrailerWatch on YouTubeYet there's one person who was less impressed: X owner Elon Musk.

Manage cookie settingsSass aside, Silithur's feat is impressive on its own as he joins a long line of highly creative Elden Ring players.

Perhaps we'll see a resurgence once Elden Ring DLC expansion Shadow of the Erdtree is released on 21st June.

13 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Blizzard says "it's time to make a bold statement" with World of Warcraft
Blizzard says "it's time to make a bold statement" with World of Warcraft Blizzard says "it's time to make a bold statement" with World of Warcraft

There's an air of change around Blizzard, at least as far as World of Warcraft operations go.

Whether or not World of Warcraft still rules the roost, I don't know, because Blizzard won't talk numbers, which in itself is probably telling.

How does that break down when you factor in World of Warcraft: Classic as well, because anecdotally, it seems to be a really popular thing.

I know he's working on a future vision for Warcraft, but is he directly involved on World of Warcraft day to day?

One, are you all okay, and two, has there been any significant restructuring on the World of Warcraft team itself?

13 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
How you sign in to this site is changing slightly
How you sign in to this site is changing slightly How you sign in to this site is changing slightly

As you may know, the network this site belongs to is for sale.

One of those systems is our reader accounts system which powers profiles, comments, subscriptions, and newsletters on this very website.

We are taking the dramatic step of renaming our account system from “ReedPop ID” to… “Gamer Network ID”.

What this means for you:Your account can now be managed at id.gamer.network.

We hope you enjoy the new brand name for our accounts system.

13 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Here's the sneakiest of sneak peeks at Baldur's Gate 3's upcoming evil endings
Here's the sneakiest of sneak peeks at Baldur's Gate 3's upcoming evil endings Here's the sneakiest of sneak peeks at Baldur's Gate 3's upcoming evil endings

Hot off the heels of its BAFTA wins, developer Larian has given a little tease for Baldur's Gate 3's upcoming "improved" evil endings.

And, with the mention of nightmare, I will segue into those evil endings.

Before I do, though, please be aware of potential Baldur's Gate 3 spoilers.

Find out what's next for Baldur's Gate 3 in Community Update #26 - Evil Endings, New Beginnings.

Manage cookie settingsFor more, our Ed recently chatted with several Baldur's Gate 3 actors about the darker side of success fuelled by AI voice cloning.

14 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
What's new in Hades 2?
What's new in Hades 2? What's new in Hades 2?

Earlier this week Hades 2 developer Supergiant announced its technical test, which players can sign up for now ahead of the game hitting early access.

Hades 2, obviously, is a direct sequel to the first game, though Supergiant has promised it stands alone and does not require prior knowledge of Hades or Greek myth.

Melinoë is a witch, which brings perhaps the biggest shake up of Hades gameplay.

Otherwise, this is more Hades - and that's no bad thing considering the first game was Eurogamer's game of the year in 2020.

Otherwise, sign up for the Hades 2 technical test on Steam.

14 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Cities Skylines 2 publisher refunds DLC and admits: "We let you down"
Cities Skylines 2 publisher refunds DLC and admits: "We let you down" Cities Skylines 2 publisher refunds DLC and admits: "We let you down"

Manage cookie settings Cities: Skylines 2 official gameplay trailer.Watch on YouTubeBeach Properties was criticised by fans for being lacklustre in content and overpriced.

Paradox will now make the add-on free, and provide additional content for Ultimate Edition owners of Cities Skylines 2 in recompense.

"Unfortunately, it will not be possible to offer refunds for Ultimate Edition buyers.

The publisher is also holding an "advisory meeting" with prominent members of the Cities Skylines 2 community to discuss its development plan and provide "full transparency".

Cities Skylines 2 launched in October last year to criticism for its performance and lack of mod support.

14 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Sea of Thieves sails across impressive player milestone ahead of PS debut
Sea of Thieves sails across impressive player milestone ahead of PS debut Sea of Thieves sails across impressive player milestone ahead of PS debut

Earlier this week, the Sea of Thieves team revealed that 40 million of us had embraced our inner pirate and set sail since the game's debut across Xbox and PC.

Sharing this "amazing milestone", Sea of Thieves executive producer Joe 'Three Sheets' Neate acknowledged the game's "brilliant, positive and welcoming community, who continue to surprise and impress us with your creativity and antics out on the waves".

As for what is on that horizon, season 12 is set to kick off later this month, on 30th April.

Sea of Thieves is also set to make its PlayStation debut on the 30th.

Earlier this year, our Matt actually sat down and chatted with both Neate and Sea of Thieves' creative director Mike Chap…

15 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games
последний пост 2 часа назад
I have always been confused by Xbox's button names. I now learned its because there are 2 buttons missing on modern controllers
I have always been confused by Xbox's button names. I now learned its because there are 2 buttons missing on modern controllers I have always been confused by Xbox's button names. I now learned its because there are 2 buttons missing on modern controllers

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Damn… Damn…

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4 часа назад @ reddit.com
Most recent game protagonist that has already become iconic?
Most recent game protagonist that has already become iconic?

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5 часов назад @ reddit.com
Welcome to Crownfall - A new ongoing story event for Dota 2
Welcome to Crownfall - A new ongoing story event for Dota 2

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5 часов назад @ reddit.com
Which one you playing first, Silent Hill or Resident Evil 1? The granddaddy’s of survival horror.
Which one you playing first, Silent Hill or Resident Evil 1? The granddaddy’s of survival horror. Which one you playing first, Silent Hill or Resident Evil 1? The granddaddy’s of survival horror.

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5 часов назад @ reddit.com
Millions Of Borderlands 3 Players Have Helped Microbiome Research
Millions Of Borderlands 3 Players Have Helped Microbiome Research

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
Helldivers 2 players have exterminated nearly 2 billion enemy bugs in the last 12 hours. They were given 5 days to accomplish the task. For SuperEarth!
Helldivers 2 players have exterminated nearly 2 billion enemy bugs in the last 12 hours. They were given 5 days to accomplish the task. For SuperEarth! Helldivers 2 players have exterminated nearly 2 billion enemy bugs in the last 12 hours. They were given 5 days to accomplish the task. For SuperEarth!

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
New images from THE WOLF AMONG US 2, now in production
New images from THE WOLF AMONG US 2, now in production

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
Well this sure is useless
Well this sure is useless Well this sure is useless

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
Greybeard gamers, what game took all your money in the arcade?
Greybeard gamers, what game took all your money in the arcade?

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Eiyuden Chronicle Sequel Moving Forward Despite Death of Its Creator
Eiyuden Chronicle Sequel Moving Forward Despite Death of Its Creator

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
Stardew Valley - The 1.6.4 update is out for PC
Stardew Valley - The 1.6.4 update is out for PC

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8 часов назад @ reddit.com
Why do some games look "fine" at 30fps and others are nauseating?
Why do some games look "fine" at 30fps and others are nauseating?

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Redefining the Game: A Paradigm Shift for the RTS Genre (Uncapped Games first look)
Redefining the Game: A Paradigm Shift for the RTS Genre (Uncapped Games first look)

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My old codebook
My old codebook My old codebook

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App2Top App2Top
последний пост 14 часов назад
House Flipper 2 заработала на консолях 1,17 млн долларов за первые три дня — почти в четыре раза меньше, чем на PC
House Flipper 2 заработала на консолях 1,17 млн долларов за первые три дня — почти в четыре раза меньше, чем на PC House Flipper 2 заработала на консолях 1,17 млн долларов за первые три дня — почти в четыре раза меньше, чем на PC

10 апреля 2024-го симулятор ремонта House Flipper 2 вышел на консолях PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series.

House Flipper 2По словам Костовского, владельцы PlayStation 5 покупали House Flipper 2 активнее, чем владельцы Xbox Series.

На консолях Sony за три дня игра продалась тиражом в 18 170 копий, на консолях Microsoft — в 13 088 копий.

Из этой суммы 667,4 тысячи долларов пришлись на версию для PlayStation 5, а 511,7 тысяч долларов — на версию для Xbox Series.

По состоянию на 31 марта 2024-го продажи House Flipper 2 на PC составляли 363 тысячи копий.

14 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Недельные продажи Fallout 4 в Европе выросли на 7500% после выхода сериала
Недельные продажи Fallout 4 в Европе выросли на 7500% после выхода сериала Недельные продажи Fallout 4 в Европе выросли на 7500% после выхода сериала

Fallout 4 возглавила чарт самых продаваемых игр в Европе по итогам последней недели, сообщает GamesIndustry со ссылкой на данные аналитической платформы GSD.

Fallout 4Сколько копий Fallout 4 было продано — не сообщается.

Отметим, что сейчас Fallout 4 бесплатно доступна подписчикам Game Pass и PlayStation Plus Extra, поэтому общая аудитория игры должна была вырасти еще сильнее.

В чарт попали и другие игры серии: Fallout 76 заняла восьмое место, Fallout: New Vegas — девятое место, Fallout 3 — десятое место, сборник Fallout Classic Collection — 43 место, Fallout 2 — 57 место, а первая Fallout — 70 место.

Топ-10 самых продаваемых игр в Европе за последнюю неделю:1.

15 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Годовой отчет Devolver Digital: выручка упала на 31%, релиз Human Fall Flat 2 отложили до 2026-го
Годовой отчет Devolver Digital: выручка упала на 31%, релиз Human Fall Flat 2 отложили до 2026-го Годовой отчет Devolver Digital: выручка упала на 31%, релиз Human Fall Flat 2 отложили до 2026-го

Devolver Digital опубликовала финансовый отчет за 2023 год.

Компания по-прежнему не получает прибыль, но ее убытки сократились в семь раз.

16 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Власти Великобритании предоставили гранты на 3 млн фунтов стерлингов разработчикам игр
Власти Великобритании предоставили гранты на 3 млн фунтов стерлингов разработчикам игр Власти Великобритании предоставили гранты на 3 млн фунтов стерлингов разработчикам игр

Он выделил более 3 млн фунтов стерлингов на разработку 22 игр.

По условиям фонда, разработчики могут претендовать на гранты в размере от 50 до 150 тысяч фунтов стерлингов.

«Поддержка видеоигр — одна из важнейших составляющих планов правительства по развитию креативной индустрии, объем которой способен достичь 50 млрд фунтов стерлингов к 2030 году.

Мы поддерживаем талантливых разработчиков, чтобы они могли максимально раскрыть свой потенциал и воплотить в жизнь идеи, достойные премии BAFTA и хороших продаж», — сказала министр культуры Великобритании Люси Фрейзер (Lucy Frazer).

Это GLITCHERS за VR-версию игры Sea Hero Quest в 2018 году и Triangular Pixels за Unseen Diplomacy в 2017 году.

18 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Frontier Developments обвинили в «бесчеловечном и жестоком» процессе увольнений
Frontier Developments обвинили в «бесчеловечном и жестоком» процессе увольнений Frontier Developments обвинили в «бесчеловечном и жестоком» процессе увольнений

В октябре 2023-го Frontier Developments объявила о решении сократить штат.

В разговоре с изданием GLHF несколько бывших и текущих сотрудников компании назвали процесс увольнений крайне неуважительным.

19 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Продажи Steam-версии Buckshot Roulette превысили миллион копий
Продажи Steam-версии Buckshot Roulette превысили миллион копий Продажи Steam-версии Buckshot Roulette превысили миллион копий

Инди-хоррору об игре в «русскую рулетку» Buckshot Roulette хватило двух недель, чтобы продаться в Steam тиражом в миллион копий.

Buckshot RouletteКоманда игры напомнила, что 9 апреля она объявила о 500 тысячах проданных копий Buckshot Roulette и полушутя спрогнозировала, что скоро удвоит продажи.

Теперь она надеется, что со временем продажи Buckshot Roulette превысят 2 млн копий.

Сколько раз Buckshot Roulette купили на itch.io, где игра появилась еще в конце прошлого года, — не говорится.

Сейчас у Buckshot Roulette «крайне положительный» рейтинг в Steam.

21 час назад @ app2top.ru
Движок UNIGINE вернули в реестр отечественного ПО
Движок UNIGINE вернули в реестр отечественного ПО Движок UNIGINE вернули в реестр отечественного ПО

17 апреля Минцифры РФ снова включило UNIGINE в реестр отечественного ПО.

В комментарии газете «Коммерсантъ» представитель компании UNIGINE сообщил, что разработчикам пришлось внести ряд изменений в движок, поскольку он не соответствовал новым требованиям реестра.

В частности, компания добавила русскоязычный интерфейс.

Сейчас UNIGINE — единственный игровой движок в реестре.

Ожидается, что позднее там также появится Nau Engine, релиз которого должен состояться в следующем году.

1 day, 14 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Создатели «Авроры» предложили использовать их ОС для отечественной игровой консоли
Создатели «Авроры» предложили использовать их ОС для отечественной игровой консоли Создатели «Авроры» предложили использовать их ОС для отечественной игровой консоли

«Мы можем вносить в ОС возможности, которые нужны авторам игр.

В том числе и на таких устройствах, как приставки или консоли.

Многие движки написаны на языке С/С++, что позволяет переносить такие проекты», — сказал генеральный директор «Открытой мобильной платформы» Павел Эйгес в комментарии газете «Известия».

Во время беседы с «Известиями» разработчики «Авроры» запустили свою ОС на Steam Deck.

Депутат Антон Горелкин и вовсе предположил, что VK уже может создать консоль, подключив к умной колонке «Маруся» джойстик и VK Play.

1 day, 15 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Andreessen Horowitz потратит еще 600 млн долларов на игровые инвестиции
Andreessen Horowitz потратит еще 600 млн долларов на игровые инвестиции Andreessen Horowitz потратит еще 600 млн долларов на игровые инвестиции

Венчурная фирма Andreessen Horowitz, также известная как a16z, собрала 7,2 млрд долларов для новых инвестиций.

600 млн долларов из них она уже перевела в бюджет фонда a16z Games, занимающегося сделками с игровыми компаниями.

a16z Games позиционирует себя как фонд ранних стадий.

Также больше стало инструментов и технологий для разработки, как и фондов, инвестирующих в игровые стартапы», — прокомментировал в X увеличение бюджета a16z Games Джонатан Лай (Jonathan Lai), генеральный партнер Andreessen Horowitz.

1/ excited to share we’ve raised A16Z GAMES FUND TWO — our 2nd $600M fund investing in the best early-stage founders in games!

1 day, 17 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Red Rover Interactive привлекла 15 млн долларов. Среди инвесторов — KRAFTON, The Games Fund и GEM Capital
Red Rover Interactive привлекла 15 млн долларов. Среди инвесторов — KRAFTON, The Games Fund и GEM Capital Red Rover Interactive привлекла 15 млн долларов. Среди инвесторов — KRAFTON, The Games Fund и GEM Capital

Red Rover Interactive — молодая студия, которую в прошлом году основали бывшие сотрудники Funcom, Bohemia Interactive и Lockwood Publishing.

Полученные 15 млн долларов Red Rover Interactive собирается потратить на наем новых сотрудников и дальнейшую разработку своей дебютной игры под кодовым названием Project Coltrane.

KRAFTON сообщила СМИ, что ей нравится «иммерсивный» подход Red Rover Interactive к разработке, — студия регулярно проводит тесты игры, приглашая на них стримеров и геймеров.

Red Rover Interactive уже второй раз привлекает инвестиции.

В июне 2023-го она получила 5 млн долларов в рамках раунда, возглавляемого The Games Fund и Behold Ventures

1 day, 18 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Исходный код Descent 3 появился в открытом доступе
Исходный код Descent 3 появился в открытом доступе Исходный код Descent 3 появился в открытом доступе

Descent 3Архив включает невышедший патч 1.5, но в нем отсутствуют некоторые библиотеки с аудио- и видеофайлами.

Разработчик сообщил, что хочет почистить и остальной код игры.

«Большая часть кода была написана действительно отличной командой, но не забывайте, что тогда мы были гораздо моложе и менее опытны», — добавил Бентли.

Descent 3 — шутер с видом от первого лица, в котором пользователь играет за пилота космического корабля.

Релиз Descent 3 состоялся в 1999 году на PC.

1 day, 20 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Take-Two уволит около 600 сотрудников и откажется от ряда проектов
Take-Two уволит около 600 сотрудников и откажется от ряда проектов Take-Two уволит около 600 сотрудников и откажется от ряда проектов

Компания Take-Two Interactive в отчете для Комиссии по ценным бумагам и биржам США сообщила о старте программы по сокращению расходов.

В рамках нее издатель до конца года уволит 5% персонала.

GTA OnlineКак пишет Bloomberg, в конце предыдущего финансового года, закончившегося 31 марта 2023-го, в Take-Two работало 11 580 человек.

В рамках программы Take-Two также намерена сократить офисные площади и закрыть несколько проектов.

Закрытие офисов обойдется компании в 15-25 млн долларов, а отмена игр — еще в 120-140 млн долларов.

1 day, 21 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Nekki договорилась с продюсерами ленты «Соник в кино» о съемке ТВ-адаптации их следующей игры SPINE
Nekki договорилась с продюсерами ленты «Соник в кино» о съемке ТВ-адаптации их следующей игры SPINE Nekki договорилась с продюсерами ленты «Соник в кино» о съемке ТВ-адаптации их следующей игры SPINE

Мы благодарны Story Kitchen, что они увидели потенциал SPINE, и, конечно, мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы помочь им реализовать этот проект.

Что ж, видимо, мы на верном пути», — прокомментировал соглашение Никита Коржавин, директор по развитию бизнеса Nekki.

Сюжет проекта, как и сюжет игры, будет посвящен истории уличной художницы Рэдлайн, которая ищет брата и сражается с авторитарным ИИ-режимом и его прихвостнями из корпорации Tensor.

Об условиях сделки, о том, кто может принять участие в съемках, а также о возможных датах релиза — никакой информации на сегодняшний момент нет.

Что касается игры SPINE, то она тоже пока находится в разработке.

2 days, 10 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Годовой отчет Team17: рост выручки, падение прибыли и десятки уволенных сотрудников
Годовой отчет Team17: рост выручки, падение прибыли и десятки уволенных сотрудников Годовой отчет Team17: рост выручки, падение прибыли и десятки уволенных сотрудников

Британский издатель Team17 опубликовал финансовый отчет за прошлый год.

Мы выбрали главное.

2 days, 15 hours назад @ app2top.ru
War Robots заработала 900 млн долларов за десять лет
War Robots заработала 900 млн долларов за десять лет War Robots заработала 900 млн долларов за десять лет

14 апреля War Robots отпраздновала десятилетний юбилей.

По этому поводу компания MY.GAMES рассказала о доходах игры и других ее метриках.

2 days, 15 hours назад @ app2top.ru
GamesIndustry.biz GamesIndustry.biz
последний пост 7 часов назад
Ad Infinitum wins three prizes at this year's German Computer Game Awards
Ad Infinitum wins three prizes at this year's German Computer Game Awards Ad Infinitum wins three prizes at this year's German Computer Game Awards

Sign up for the GI Daily here to get the biggest news straight to your inboxHekate's Ad Infinitum led this year's German Computer Game Awards with three honors.

The survival horror title took home the awards for Newcomer Award – Best Debut, Best Audio Design, and Best Story.

While the German Computer Awards recognizes games across 15 categories, its winners and nominees also receive monetary prizes.

"The outstanding winning titles this year are an impressive demonstration of the great achievements that German game developers continue to produce," said managing director at Game (the German Games Industry Association) Felix Falk.

"Once again, the German Computer Game Awards are proof of the c…

7 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Report: 70% of devs say they're concerned with the sustainability of live service titles
Report: 70% of devs say they're concerned with the sustainability of live service titles Report: 70% of devs say they're concerned with the sustainability of live service titles

As reported by Game Developer, the Omdia survey categorizes live service titles as online games with constant updates and in-app purchases.

The Game Developer Collective data is from a report of 600 respondents that took place in February and March.

Additionally, the survey said that 63% of respondents are concerned that players will lose interest as their primary concern regarding the business model of live service games.

In February, Griffin Gaming Partners also released a report providing developer insight on live service games.

It said that 95% of game makers from 537 studios are developing or maintaining a live service game.

10 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
CI Games hits record fiscal revenue in 2023
CI Games hits record fiscal revenue in 2023 CI Games hits record fiscal revenue in 2023

Sign up for the GI Daily here to get the biggest news straight to your inboxCI Games has generated over $60 million in consolidated net revenue for its fiscal year ended December 31, 2023.

CI Games attributed 83% of its sales revenue to Lords of the Fallen, launched October 13, 2023.

Meanwhile, 17% was generated from its back catalog of titles, and Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 accounted for the remaining 9% of revenue.

"Thanks to its successful launch and the continued, solid performance of the existing back catalogue, it was the best year in terms of revenues for CI Games Group."

Tymiński added, from its launch date until December 31, 2023, that the dark RPG also moved approximately 1.…

13 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
OPM's Kim Parker-Adcock: If you survive this industry downsizing, you can survive anything
OPM's Kim Parker-Adcock: If you survive this industry downsizing, you can survive anything OPM's Kim Parker-Adcock: If you survive this industry downsizing, you can survive anything

"In this business, you're responsible for making big decisions, and closing down is one of the biggest.

"You can't see people, you can't hear them, you can't gauge how they really feel about things," Parker-Adcock explains.

"In this business, you're responsible for making a lot of big decisions, and closing a business is one of the biggest ones.

"If you can survive this, if you're still here in a year's time, you will survive anything""I don't know what games recruitment will look like going forwards," she says.

"At the moment, developers, publishers and service companies can't give you an answer on that because it will all depend on the market.

13 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
How you sign in to this site is changing slightly
How you sign in to this site is changing slightly How you sign in to this site is changing slightly

As you may know, the network this site belongs to is for sale.

One of those systems is our reader accounts system which powers profiles, comments, subscriptions, and newsletters on this very website.

We are taking the dramatic step of renaming our account system from “ReedPop ID” to… “Gamer Network ID”.

What this means for you:Your account can now be managed at id.gamer.network.

We hope you enjoy the new brand name for our accounts system.

13 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Xalavier Nelson Jr. on making money and happy players "without exploding in the process"
Xalavier Nelson Jr. on making money and happy players "without exploding in the process" Xalavier Nelson Jr. on making money and happy players "without exploding in the process"

Nelson says, "I think giant games deserve to exist and play a special place in our ecosystem.

"I think we are ignoring a lot of the lessons of history in the current escalation that is being pursued throughout the games industry," he says.

Games that only work and only fulfill their function if they can maintain 2 million concurrent players per day regularly," says Nelson.

Nelson believes that people need to observe the economy and the layoffs to answer whether the game industry is sustainable.

For two weeks, people interested in the game maker can view its entire production process "warts and all," Nelson explains.

15 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Playdate storefront has paid out $544,290 to devs
Playdate storefront has paid out $544,290 to devs Playdate storefront has paid out $544,290 to devs

Playdate maker Panic has revealed that over 150,000 games have been sold since the launch of its storefront, Catalog, in March 2023.

That represented $544,290 in revenue for the developers, after taxes, processing fees, and Panic's 25% revenue share, the company said.

The average price for a game on Playdate over the past year was $5.36 (developers set their own prices, which have ranged from $1 to $15, Panic said).

Playdate's storefront boasted 181 titles as of April 3, 2024, Panic added, not counting over 800+ games available to sideload from itch.io.

The Playdate originally launched in April 2022 – keep an eye out for our interview with Panic's head of special projects + Playdate, Greg M…

17 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Sea of Thieves passes 40m players | News-in-brief
Sea of Thieves passes 40m players | News-in-brief Sea of Thieves passes 40m players | News-in-brief

Sea of Thieves passes 40m players | News-in-briefThe milestone was reached across Xbox, Windows 10 and Steam, six years after the title's launch and a few weeks before its expected release on PS5

17 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Fallout 4 jumps to No.1 across Europe following TV show launch
Fallout 4 jumps to No.1 across Europe following TV show launch Fallout 4 jumps to No.1 across Europe following TV show launch

Sales of Fallout games have shot up across Europe, with Fallout 4 reclaiming the No.1 spot.

The 2015 game’s sales rose over 7,500% week-on-week across Europe.

The majority of Fallout 4’s sales this week were on PC, representing 69% of all sales, with the rest on PlayStation and Xbox.

Further down the charts, the Fallout Classic Collection is up to No.43, Fallout 2 is at No.57 and Fallout makes No.70.

With continued popularity of the Fallout TV series this week, expect the games to hang around for a while to come.

17 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Larian after Baldur's Gate 3: "We have ambitions to make really good RPGs, and that's sufficient"
Larian after Baldur's Gate 3: "We have ambitions to make really good RPGs, and that's sufficient" Larian after Baldur's Gate 3: "We have ambitions to make really good RPGs, and that's sufficient"

By now, there isn't a lot about Baldur's Gate 3's success that hasn't been said already.

We first talked to Larian about Baldur's Gate 3 in 2020, during a press trip showcasing the game for the first time.

We can work from that basis, and we should get more because we'll have the Dungeons & Dragons effect and the Baldur's Gate effect.

But in the end, it's Baldur's Gate 3 that had the upper hand against Bethesda's behemoth.

When Baldur's Gate 3 first came out, the whole discourse was about whether it was setting new standards for RPGs.

18 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
UK games industry salary benchmarking project returns for 2024
UK games industry salary benchmarking project returns for 2024 UK games industry salary benchmarking project returns for 2024

GamesIndustry.biz is once again teaming up with Brightmine (formerly XpertHR) on a salary benchmarking project designed to help UK games companies find and retain talent.

Brightmine is one of the leading names in salary benchmarking across various industries, and last year launched in the video games space.

25 companies took part in the pilot programme in 2023, with pay data from over 3,000 employees.

Ahead of the 2024 project, GamesIndustry.biz and Brightmine will host a webinar that details how the project works, what the data will tell you and how to participate for 2024.

Everyone who takes part in the 2024 Salary Project will receive a top-level analysis on critical roles across the sec…

18 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Ready or Not dev Void Interactive confirms it was hacked, says no user or staff data was breached
Ready or Not dev Void Interactive confirms it was hacked, says no user or staff data was breached Ready or Not dev Void Interactive confirms it was hacked, says no user or staff data was breached

Earlier this week, Insider Gaming reported the studio had suffered a breach that stole over 4TB of data, including the complete source code for Ready or Not.

In a statement to Kotaku, the company confirmed a data breach had taken place but said the damage was more limited than has been reported, assuring that all player data is safe.

"We can confirm that no user-related data or staff information has been breached during this incident," a Void Interactive spokesperson said.

"Furthermore, we have confirmed that some source code as well as directory information has been stolen as a result of this breach.

Void Interactive attributed the hack to "critical vulnerabilities" in TeamCity's cloud ser…

20 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
For Schell Games, VR is the technology of the present (possibly the future, too)
For Schell Games, VR is the technology of the present (possibly the future, too) For Schell Games, VR is the technology of the present (possibly the future, too)

Looking at Schell Games' recent output, it's pretty easy to spot a common thread.

So while the company has certainly invested time and effort in VR, Schell doesn't see the studio as placing any exceedingly large bets on it.

He also points to the quality of VR games, noting that Asgard's Wrath 2 received a 10 out of 10 from IGN in December.

Sales are still "very important" part of Schell Games' strategy with VR titles, but there's not the same pressure to bring the standard asking price down.

"You can't expect every new technology to be this earth-changing thing that's going to sell three billion units.

1 day, 16 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Report calls for new industry-led body to solve UK skills crisis
Report calls for new industry-led body to solve UK skills crisis Report calls for new industry-led body to solve UK skills crisis

Entitled 'The Skills Crisis in the UK Games Sector,' the report identified a skills crisis at the mid to senior level across various sectors of the industry, particularly development.

"There is a clear misalignment between expectations and agreement on who is responsible and should be responsible for the skills management of the UK games industry," wrote Jackson.

In the report, Jackson said this data "indicated that there was a skills crisis and mid to senior level."

"The UK Games Industry has frequently criticized the talent pipeline ecosystem for its perceived failure to provide work-ready talent with the necessary education and skills," Jackson wrote.

Jackson noted that this all preceded…

1 day, 16 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Take-Two laying off 5% of staff
Take-Two laying off 5% of staff Take-Two laying off 5% of staff

Take-Two Interactive is embarking on another cost cutting program, and this one will see the company layoff about 5% of its employees by the end of the year.

In its latest annual report, Take-Two reported having 11,580 full-time employees, which would put the layoffs at approximately 580 people.

This is the third such program Take-Two has announced since the beginning of February 2023.

The original cost reduction plan sought to eliminate $50 million in annual spending, and Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick said at the time that "we don't expect any kind of broad-based reduction in force."

The second cost reduction program was announced a little over two months ago, and when asked about layoffs, …

2 days, 5 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Gamasutra Gamasutra
последний пост None
Kotaku Kotaku
последний пост 7 часов назад
Someone Found A McDonald's N64 Kiosk Filled With Xbox 360 Games In Their Dentist's Office
Someone Found A McDonald's N64 Kiosk Filled With Xbox 360 Games In Their Dentist's Office Someone Found A McDonald's N64 Kiosk Filled With Xbox 360 Games In Their Dentist's Office

A Reddit user found something quite odd inside their dentist’s waiting room: An old McDonald’s N64 video game kiosk that had been converted into an Xbox 360 arcade complete with multiple controllers and games.

AdvertisementOn April 16, Reddit user Asleep-Tumbleweed-99 posted some images on the Xbox 360 subreddit of an Xbox 360 kiosk hanging out in his dentist’s waiting room.

However, digging a bit deeper, this isn’t simply an old N64 kiosk that has had some Xbox 360 consoles shoved in it.

Oh right, yeah that weird old Xbox 360 kiosk in the dentist’s office someone posted on Reddit.

It was a thing you could buy, and it’s probably not made from an actual old McDonald’s N64 kiosk.

7 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Bungie Working To Avoid Launch Day Server Woes For Destiny 2: The Final Shape
Bungie Working To Avoid Launch Day Server Woes For Destiny 2: The Final Shape Bungie Working To Avoid Launch Day Server Woes For Destiny 2: The Final Shape

It is as true for games like Final Fantasy XIV as it is for the likes of Destiny 2, and Bungie has been preparing for the launch of its upcoming launch expansion, The Final Shape, for some time now in order to avoid these launch day woes.

In its most recent “This Week In Destiny” post, Bungie went into excruciating detail about its efforts to curb server issues ahead of The Final Shape.

AdvertisementTo that end, Bungie outlines five core issues it is working on to ensure The Final Shape can launch without a hitch.

It makes sense that Bungie is stressing over The Final Shape and doing everything it can to make sure the expansion goes over well.

In the meantime, Bungie’s also developing anoth…

8 часов назад @ kotaku.com
This Street Fighter Cammy Statue Costs More Than A PS5
This Street Fighter Cammy Statue Costs More Than A PS5 This Street Fighter Cammy Statue Costs More Than A PS5

Premium Collectibles Studio, a company that’s been selling pop culture and video game statues for over 10 years, has partnered with Capcom for a Street Fighter figure of the female assassin Cammy that somehow costs more than a damn PS5.

As spotted by deals tweeter Wario64, Premium Collectibles Studio has three different Cammy statues for preorder through the Big Bad Toy Store website.

All three of them feature the iconic fighter poses in a squating position as she power lifts 180 pounds of weight over her head.

The variation across all three is in her outfits, which feature looks from her appearances in Street Fighter II, Street Fighter Alpha, and Street Fighter 6.

So, if you want 16.5 inch…

8 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Will Be Twice As Big And More Diverse
Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Will Be Twice As Big And More Diverse Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Will Be Twice As Big And More Diverse

Warhorse Studios announced Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, the sequel to an ambitious and intriguing 2018 medieval RPG that had plenty of technical flaws and also became a lightning rod for controversy over its director’s comments about race and historical accuracy.

The story will take players to the metropolitan city of Kuttenberg and focus on a conflict with an invading king.

The studio has promised Deliverance II will be “twice the size” of the first game with many more immersive systems.

“Naturally, in a place like this, people can expect a wide range of ethnicities and different characters that Henry will meet on his journey,” Warhorse Studios spokesperson Tobias Stolz-Zwilling told IGN.…

8 часов назад @ kotaku.com
10 Things To Do Before Final Fantasy XIV's Dawntrail Expansion
10 Things To Do Before Final Fantasy XIV's Dawntrail Expansion 10 Things To Do Before Final Fantasy XIV's Dawntrail Expansion

With Final Fantasy XIV’s Dawntrail expansion launching for players who pre-ordered it on June 28, it’s time to start thinking about how to make the most of your downtime now.

Buy a bunch of eggs—no seriouslyOnce the level cap increases to 100 in Dawntrail, you’ll start the grind to the cap.

Run the benchmark as soon as possible to see if you’ll need to upgrade your PC ahead of launch.

These items are used to augment your item level 650 Tomestone gear into item level 660 gear.

AdvertisementTo even start the quest you’ll need to have completed the Hildibrand questline from Endwalker.

9 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Fan-Made Star Wars Horror Game Featuring Zombie Stormtroopers Goes Viral
Fan-Made Star Wars Horror Game Featuring Zombie Stormtroopers Goes Viral Fan-Made Star Wars Horror Game Featuring Zombie Stormtroopers Goes Viral

A short Star Wars fan game about a stormtrooper fighting off his undead comrades (and its sequel set on Endor) have both gone viral online as fans realize that a horror game set in the popular sci-fi franchise would be awesome.

It’s definitely not the most polished game I’ve played, but it’s a solid example of how a horror game could be a perfect addition to the franchise.

AdvertisementI’m not alone, as plenty of other players have left positive comments on the official Itch.io pages for both Star Wars games.

Personally, I’d love to see a Resident Evil 4-like zombie game set in Star Wars.

Give the people what they want and make an official, non-canon Star Wars horror game.

9 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Fallout 4 Is The Best-Selling Game In Europe Right Now
Fallout 4 Is The Best-Selling Game In Europe Right Now Fallout 4 Is The Best-Selling Game In Europe Right Now

Whether you’re watching it or not, everybody’s talking about Amazon Prime’s Fallout.

In fact, the 2015 post-apocalyptic RPG is the number one best-selling game in Europe right now.

Breaking the figures down a bit, GamesIndustry.biz noted that most of Fallout 4's sales in Europe came from PC, which totaled 69 percent of the overall pie.

That’s by far the highest peak the game has seen since its 471,955 all-time peak concurrent player count.

With Amazon Prime’s Fallout at the forefront of everyone’s mind, and a second season reportedly gearing up for filming, it’s a great time to be a Fallout fan.

9 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Unsurprisingly, Hades 2 Whoops So Much Ass
Unsurprisingly, Hades 2 Whoops So Much Ass Unsurprisingly, Hades 2 Whoops So Much Ass

AdvertisementRead More: Hades II Is Addressing The First Game’s Lack Of Body DiversityAs you might have guessed from that weapon’s name, Melinoë is a witch.

Above her health bar is a magic bar, which refills at the start of every section, and is drained by casting spells.

That means that you’ll need to pick flowers and mine metals on your runs, a crafting/gathering element that, despite being wholly new to the world of Hades, feels like a natural addition.

All of these new elements make Hades 2 feel simultaneously familiar and fresh.

AdvertisementYou can sign up for the Hades 2 technical test on Steam, but if you don’t get in, don’t fret—the Early Access period is nigh.

10 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Helldivers 2’s R-36 Eruptor Is Your New Best Friend For Clearing Bug Holes
Helldivers 2’s R-36 Eruptor Is Your New Best Friend For Clearing Bug Holes Helldivers 2’s R-36 Eruptor Is Your New Best Friend For Clearing Bug Holes

It’s called the R-36 Eruptor and it makes clearing out Automaton Fabricators and Terminid bug holes a breeze.

You’ll need to fork over some cash or grind super credits to unlock it, but once you do it’s well worth the investment.

AdvertisementAnd if you’re anything like me, always coming up one stratagem and a few grenades short of clearing those last couple of bug holes in the Terminid outpost, the Eruptor is a life-saver.

AdvertisementTo unlock the Eruptor you’ll need to first splurge on the Democratic Detonation warbond which costs 1,000 super credits.

If there’s only one gun you buy a premium warbond for, though, it should definitely be the Eruptor.

11 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Hades II Is Addressing The First Game’s Lack Of Body Diversity
Hades II Is Addressing The First Game’s Lack Of Body Diversity Hades II Is Addressing The First Game’s Lack Of Body Diversity

Hades is famously known for its tight action gameplay, unmatched ability to weave narrative into a run-based roguelike, and for Supergiant Games making the pantheon of Greek gods fine as hell.

Thankfully, it looks like the sequel, Hades II, is taking a step forward on this front with Hephaestus, the god of the forge.

Whether Hephaestus is a one-off deviation from how Hades and its sequel depict god-like beauty or foreshadowing of greater body diversity to come remains to be seen.

But at the very least, those looking for a bear instead of a chiseled god are eating with Hades II, as well.

Supergiant is currently taking sign-ups for Hades II’s technical test on Steam.

11 часов назад @ kotaku.com
The Witcher Series Is Ending After Fifth Season
The Witcher Series Is Ending After Fifth Season The Witcher Series Is Ending After Fifth Season

It is official: Netflix’s series based on The Witcher has been renewed for a fifth and final season.

The fourth season is currently in production and both seasons will be shot back-to-back.

Sharlto Copley has also joined the cast, and Danny Woodburn will be portraying Zoltan, a dwarf who’s pretty close to Geralt throughout the series.

Despite the news, Netflix hasn’t said when to expect either of the final two seasons of The Witcher.

On that end, CD Projekt Red, the developers who have helmed the series’ video game adaptations, are working on new installments in the near future, including a remake and a continuation of the trilogy that was capped off with The Witcher 3 back in 2015.

11 часов назад @ kotaku.com
This Company Will Give You A Fortnite Batman Skin If You Generate Enough AI Porn
This Company Will Give You A Fortnite Batman Skin If You Generate Enough AI Porn This Company Will Give You A Fortnite Batman Skin If You Generate Enough AI Porn

In return, the gamers who lend the company their GPUs are paid in Fortnite skins, Minecraft cosmetics, Roblox bux, and other gaming-related gift cards and rewards.

And in exchange for renting out their GPUs to make a lot of AI porn, gamers get some gift cards and skins.

Apparently, some users were worried about not making as much if they opt out of AI porn.

You can also buy Visa and PayPal gift cards, as well as pre-paid food delivery gift cards.

So we don’t know for sure, but yeah, it’s very possible someone got a Batman skin in Fortnite after generating some non-consensual AI porn.

12 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Helldivers 2 CEO Says ‘Just Fix, Don’t Add’ Isn’t A Viable Option
Helldivers 2 CEO Says ‘Just Fix, Don’t Add’ Isn’t A Viable Option Helldivers 2 CEO Says ‘Just Fix, Don’t Add’ Isn’t A Viable Option

Helldivers 2 has spent the last several months on fire.

Now the developer’s CEO has explained why it’s imperative they keep adding new content at the same time as trying to fix the issues.

The folks putting out new stuff on a consistent basis are the same ones expected to squash the problems that introducing new things can add.

Staff are understandably being spread thin as the reality of developing a live service game has settled in.

That or the company takes resources from its newfound success to grow in departments that could better facilitate the balancing of these needs.

13 часов назад @ kotaku.com
This Roguelite Is Giving Hades Meets Dead Cells
This Roguelite Is Giving Hades Meets Dead Cells This Roguelite Is Giving Hades Meets Dead Cells

Windblown, from Dead Cells developer Motion Twin, have also cited Devil May Cry and Bayonetta as major influences

13 часов назад @ kotaku.com
10 Things You Need To Do Before Destiny 2: The Final Shape Arrives
10 Things You Need To Do Before Destiny 2: The Final Shape Arrives 10 Things You Need To Do Before Destiny 2: The Final Shape Arrives

If you’re trying to get your hands on Trophies of Bravery or multiple drops of Brave weapons, Onslaught is perfect for both.

AdvertisementUnlock all Brave weaponsSpeaking of Brave weapons, a selection of 12 past guns—some of which had been sunsetted—makes a triumphant return to Destiny 2.

Playing Onslaught : You’ll see Brave weapons drop during Onslaught quite often, especially if you take on the additional challenge of aiming for 50 waves.

Opening Brave Engrams: As per usual, opening the related Engrams will give you random Brave loot.

There you have it, all the stuff you should check off your list before Destiny 2: The Final Shape drops later this year.

14 часов назад @ kotaku.com
MCV/Develop MCV/Develop
последний пост 15 часов назад
Games Growth Summit 2024: Navigating Transition in the Gaming Industry
Games Growth Summit 2024: Navigating Transition in the Gaming Industry Games Growth Summit 2024: Navigating Transition in the Gaming Industry

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe gaming industry stands at a crossroads, grappling with job cuts, reduced capital, and shifting market dynamics.

In response to these challenges, the Games Growth Summit returns for its annual gathering, poised to guide industry players through this transitional phase.

The Games Growth Summit 2024 aims to foster collaboration and provide actionable solutions to navigate the evolving gaming ecosystem.

“We recognize the challenges currently facing the gaming industry, and the Games Growth Summit 2024 is designed to provide actionable solutions and foster collaboration,” said Alex And Vanessa, the co-founders.

We look forward to meeting with attendees and offeri…

15 часов назад @ mcvuk.com
The shortlist for the 2024 MCV/DEVELOP Awards!
The shortlist for the 2024 MCV/DEVELOP Awards! The shortlist for the 2024 MCV/DEVELOP Awards!

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInWe are pleased to reveal the finalists for the 2024 MCV/DEVELOP Awards, which as previously announced will be held at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London’s Hyde Park on Thursday 20th June.

Voting on the winners will commence soon and we’ll have details of how that process will play out in a few days.

In the meantime, let us all bask in the shared glory of being associated with an MCV/DEVELOP Award 2024 finalist – because, of course, everyone’s a winner!

Whether you are among them or not, tickets for the awards ceremony are still available so do please consider coming along.

We look forward to announcing the winners on June 20th and can’t wait to see you there!

2 days, 18 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the Industry] Dicefolk Brings Deckbuilding & Monster-Collecting to Switch
[From the Industry] Dicefolk Brings Deckbuilding & Monster-Collecting to Switch [From the Industry] Dicefolk Brings Deckbuilding & Monster-Collecting to Switch

An acclaimed adventure praised for its satisfying combat and packed with adorable monsters to befriend while mastering their abilities in battle, Dicefolk is an inventive outing certain to delight Switch fans.

Begin your quest in Dicefolk as a Chimera Summoner, encountering a myriad of formidable creatures that are recruitable to join your team.

Enter Alea, a young Dicefolk hero who learns she can use her powers to befriend Chimeras with the magic of her dice.

Stay up to date on everything Dicefolk by following Good Shepherd Entertainment on Twitter / X @GoodShepherdEnt as well as the official Dicefolk account @dicefolk.

About Good Shepherd Entertainment – Good Shepherd Entertainment is an …

3 days, 15 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the Industry] Limit Break Mentorship opens applications for 2024 Program
[From the Industry] Limit Break Mentorship opens applications for 2024 Program [From the Industry] Limit Break Mentorship opens applications for 2024 Program

Pioneering mentorship scheme Limit Break opens applications for the 2024 program today3 April, 2024 – Limit Break, the pioneering mentorship scheme dedicated to supporting underrepresented and marginalised groups in the UK games industry, has announced the opening of applications for mentors and mentees for its 2024 program.

Entering its sixth year, Limit Break continues its mission to connect people from underrepresented and marginalised backgrounds with experienced industry mentors to help foster diverse talent and creativity across the industry.

The free scheme offers a unique opportunity for members to build connections, share knowledge and experiences and support their professional dev…

1 week, 6 days назад @ mcvuk.com
Sumo’s Group’s Jenny Muhlwa on the importance of evolving leadership skills during turbulent times
Sumo’s Group’s Jenny Muhlwa on the importance of evolving leadership skills during turbulent times Sumo’s Group’s Jenny Muhlwa on the importance of evolving leadership skills during turbulent times

Evolve will provide soft leadership and management skills through a series of virtual workshops run by the Sumo Group Learning & Development team, as well as experienced Sumo developers.

Why are we talking about a skills gap when there’s been so many layoffs?

The skills gap isn’t a new problem in the gaming industry, and it’s not going away any time soon either.

University courses teach hard technical skills, but soft skills like leadership and learning how to work in a team aren’t always part of the curriculum.

Jenny Muhlwa: As I’ve mentioned, the leadership skills gap in the industry is really tricky to solve.

2 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the Industry] Dot Dot Fire’s Money Wise Game has now been played by over half a million people, and the studio is expanding for its follow up
[From the Industry] Dot Dot Fire’s Money Wise Game has now been played by over half a million people, and the studio is expanding for its follow up [From the Industry] Dot Dot Fire’s Money Wise Game has now been played by over half a million people, and the studio is expanding for its follow up

[From the Industry] Dot Dot Fire’s Money Wise Game has now been played by over half a million people, and the studio is expanding for its follow upShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

Dot Dot Fire is proud to announce that its flagship Money Wise Game has been played by over 500,000 unique players across both Android and Apple devices.

Over 100 schools from across 27 London boroughs have taken part in the Money Wise Challenge to date.

After attending Money Wise Challenge events in 2023, 89% of students said they felt very or quite confident with money, and 86.9% of teachers said they would participate in the Money Wise Chall…

1 month, 1 week назад @ mcvuk.com
Issue #995 of MCV/DEVELOP is available to read online
Issue #995 of MCV/DEVELOP is available to read online Issue #995 of MCV/DEVELOP is available to read online

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe February-March issue of the magazine should be landing on doormats and appearing in studio reception areas from today.

For those unable to endure that unmistakable fresh-print smell, the online edition can be found here.

Elsewhere we celebrate ten years of Pocket Gamer Connects London, talk to Koei Tecmo‘s Yosuke Hayashi and ponder the art of The Invincible.

And with it being Vince’s final issue, he rides off into the sunset leaving us two When We Made articles to remember him by.

If you’re heading out to GDC, be sure to seek them out for a chat.

1 month, 1 week назад @ mcvuk.com
The MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards are set for September
The MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards are set for September The MCV/DEVELOP Women in Games Awards are set for September

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInWhile we await the final flurry of nominations to come in for this year’s MCV/DEVELOP Awards, we’d just like to give you advance warning of what’s coming afterwards, in the form of our annual Women in Games Awards.

In recent years we’ve kicked off a new year with the Women in Games Awards and followed it up with the MCV/DEVELOP Awards, but we decided to switch the order this year and kick things off a little later to allow more time for the nomination process to play out.

This year’s Women in Games Awards will be returning to the America Square Conference Centre from 12:30 on September 26.

We’ll have more news for you soon, including of course when and where to …

1 month, 1 week назад @ mcvuk.com
Rocket Brands has opened up Skape.gg and Cre8tor to the public
Rocket Brands has opened up Skape.gg and Cre8tor to the public Rocket Brands has opened up Skape.gg and Cre8tor to the public

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe Swedish corporation Rocket Brands has announced plans to grow with the public launch of new online gaming community platforms Skape.gg and Cre8tor.

It will also include tools for tracking gaming progress, and streaming video content to other users in a safe and secure environment.

Cre8tor on the other hand is designed around opening up monetisation and brand partnership opportunities for a wider range of streamers and content creators.

“Rocket Brands exists to nurture and support innovative companies, with a particular focus on gaming,” said Ole V. Hestaas and Paul Andrews, the co-founders of Rocket Brands in a joint statement about the launch.

“Both Skape.g…

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
The European Speedrunner Assembly raised £67,189 for Make-A-Wish International
The European Speedrunner Assembly raised £67,189 for Make-A-Wish International The European Speedrunner Assembly raised £67,189 for Make-A-Wish International

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe European Speedrunner Assembly held an esports event in Malmö, Sweden last week, where players put their skills to the test to raise money for Make-A-Wish International, a group dedicated to fulfilling wishes for children living with critical illnesses.

“We are delighted to announce our new partnership with Make-A-Wish International,” said Ida Lidholt, an organiser from the European Speedrunner Assembly.

We are so proud to announce a total of $85,000 raised to help grant wishes.

“For many of these children, gaming offers them a sense of escape, helps them connect with friends and distracts them from their long and often difficult treatment journeys.

The funds…

1 month, 2 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
Network N has acquired a majority share of Roucan Events
Network N has acquired a majority share of Roucan Events Network N has acquired a majority share of Roucan Events

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe games media group Network N has acquired a majority share of Roucan, the events company behind shows like WASD and the London Developers Conference.

By the end of its first year, Roucan had established WASD as the natural successor to Rezzed, despite the fact that Rezzed was still around.

Network N had previously bought a minority stake in the company back in 2022, and is now being clear that both Lilley and Styles still be staying on board to grow its events output over at least the next few years.

“Folding into the Network N business gives us all the tools we need to build our owned events, as well as providing support for the Network N brands.

The digital…

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
Q&A: Stefano Petrullo and Torsten Oppermann on Renaissance PR joining the 1SP family, and what creating a ‘superagency’ actually means
Q&A: Stefano Petrullo and Torsten Oppermann on Renaissance PR joining the 1SP family, and what creating a ‘superagency’ actually means Q&A: Stefano Petrullo and Torsten Oppermann on Renaissance PR joining the 1SP family, and what creating a ‘superagency’ actually means

We are now one of 10 different companies all maintaining their own identity and individuality under the 1SP Agency umbrella, which I believe is the best of both worlds.

You mentioned that you were going to ‘join the 1SP family’ in the press release announcing the acquisition – how autonomous will Renaissance PR be going forward?

Stefano Petrullo: Renaissance has always been the home of humble, ambitious and expert people in the field of gaming and comms.

Why has 1SP Agency decided to acquire Renaissance, rather than set up shop here from scratch?

What does Renaissance PR bring to the 1SP family?

1 month, 4 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
MCV/DEVELOP Award nominations to close next month
MCV/DEVELOP Award nominations to close next month MCV/DEVELOP Award nominations to close next month

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInNominations for this year’s MCV/DEVELOP Awards are piling up, but we want more!

Details on how to get your nominations to us are here, where we’ve added one or two suggestions of what you might like to include.

Likewise games; which must’ve been wholly or partially created in the UK and released during 2023.

(Or supported during 2023 in the case of the new Ongoing Innovation award.)

Once you’ve got all your nominations to us, make sure you have a seat at the table on June 20, 2024 to find out who’s won.

2 months назад @ mcvuk.com
1SP Agency has acquired Renaissance PR
1SP Agency has acquired Renaissance PR 1SP Agency has acquired Renaissance PR

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe public relations and communication company 1SP Agency has acquired Renaissance PR for an undisclosed sum.

1SP Agency is based in Germany, and describes itself as a ‘global, integrated marketing powerhouse with expertise in consumer electronics, gaming and technology’.

In recent years it has acquired several other comms and marketing companies and made them part of the 1SP Agency family, including MSM.digital, Insight, FLZR, Studio CO2 and CAD-Laif.

“By joining forces with Renaissance PR, we aim to strengthen our position as a comprehensive provider of top-notch communications services, offering clients a wider array of expertise and an even more extensive re…

2 months назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Five women-led games received an Innovate UK Award
[From the industry] Five women-led games received an Innovate UK Award [From the industry] Five women-led games received an Innovate UK Award

[From the industry] Five women-led games received an Innovate UK AwardShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

Innovate UK is delivering a £6.2 million* boost to the UK’s future innovation leaders.

233 high-potential entrepreneurs from every nation and region of the UK receive funding and tailored business support.

Five women-led games from across the UK have scooped a national award from Innovate UK.

“I’m thrilled to receive this award from Innovate UK to help launch Glowfrog Games.

2 months назад @ mcvuk.com
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последний пост 1 week, 1 day назад
‘Dead Space’ Franchise Is Officially On Hold at Electronic Arts
‘Dead Space’ Franchise Is Officially On Hold at Electronic Arts

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1 week, 1 day назад @ bloomberg.com
Sega Workers Ratify Union Contract, First at a Major Gaming Company
Sega Workers Ratify Union Contract, First at a Major Gaming Company

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3 weeks, 1 day назад @ bloomberg.com
Embracer Group to Sell Saber, Developer of a New ‘Star Wars’ Game Remake, in $500 Million Deal
Embracer Group to Sell Saber, Developer of a New ‘Star Wars’ Game Remake, in $500 Million Deal

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1 month, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
‘Grand Theft Auto’ Maker Rockstar Games Asks Workers to Return to Office Five Days a Week
‘Grand Theft Auto’ Maker Rockstar Games Asks Workers to Return to Office Five Days a Week

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1 month, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Sony Cuts 900 Jobs in Gaming, Shuts Down London Division
Sony Cuts 900 Jobs in Gaming, Shuts Down London Division

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1 month, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
British Game Maker Supermassive Set to Lay Off 90 Workers
British Game Maker Supermassive Set to Lay Off 90 Workers

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1 month, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Blizzard’s New President Johanna Faries Is a Former ‘Call of Duty,’ NFL Executive
Blizzard’s New President Johanna Faries Is a Former ‘Call of Duty,’ NFL Executive

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2 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Embracer Group Cancels ‘Deus Ex’ Video Game
Embracer Group Cancels ‘Deus Ex’ Video Game

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2 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Blizzard Cancels Big New Game After Six Years of Development
Blizzard Cancels Big New Game After Six Years of Development

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2 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Microsoft Cuts 1,900 Jobs in Gaming, Including at Activision
Microsoft Cuts 1,900 Jobs in Gaming, Including at Activision

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2 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
‘The Last of Us’ Online Game Canceled by Sony’s Naughty Dog Studio
‘The Last of Us’ Online Game Canceled by Sony’s Naughty Dog Studio

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4 months назад @ bloomberg.com
New ‘Call of Duty’ Draws Harsh Reviews After Rushed Development
New ‘Call of Duty’ Draws Harsh Reviews After Rushed Development

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5 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Valve Announces New Steam Deck With OLED Screen, More Storage
Valve Announces New Steam Deck With OLED Screen, More Storage

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5 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Take-Two Shares Surge Anticipating ‘Grand Theft Auto’ Release
Take-Two Shares Surge Anticipating ‘Grand Theft Auto’ Release

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5 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Rockstar Plans to Announce Much Anticipated ‘Grand Theft Auto VI’
Rockstar Plans to Announce Much Anticipated ‘Grand Theft Auto VI’

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5 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
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последний пост 33 минуты назад
SK Hynix Partners With TSMC On HBM4 Memory & Next-Gen Packaging Technology Development, Eyes 2026 Release
SK Hynix Partners With TSMC On HBM4 Memory & Next-Gen Packaging Technology Development, Eyes 2026 Release SK Hynix Partners With TSMC On HBM4 Memory & Next-Gen Packaging Technology Development, Eyes 2026 Release

SK hynix has announced its partnership with TSMC for the development of next-gen HBM4 memory and packaging technologies such as CoWoS 2.

SK hynix Enters The HBM4 Memory Race: Partners With TSMC For Next-Gen Memory & Packaging InnovationsThe announcement from SK hynix comes just a day after Samsung announced that it has kicked of its very own HBM4 memory development and eyes release in 2025.

SK Hynix is also working with TSMC to accelerate next-gen packaging innovations such as CoWoS 2 which will play a prime role in development of next-gen AI and GPU accelerators from NVIDIA, AMD & Intel.

That also helps SK hynix produce customized HBM that meets a wide range of customer demands for perform…

33 минуты назад @ wccftech.com
Intel Spills The Beans On High Tech Plans To Retake Global Chip Making Crown
Intel Spills The Beans On High Tech Plans To Retake Global Chip Making Crown Intel Spills The Beans On High Tech Plans To Retake Global Chip Making Crown

Eager to establish itself as the world's leading chip manufacturer, Intel is making rapid progress in introducing advanced chip-making machines in its process flow.

Intel took the lead with the most advanced chip manufacturing machines, namely the high numeric aperture extreme ultraviolet tools, by bringing the first machine to its facilities last year.

According to him, since high NA allows chip makers to use less light per operation in the chip manufacturing process, it reduces the time taken to print chip layers.

2 of 9According to Miller, Intel's 14A will be the first node that will use high NA machines to make chips.

The nature of advanced chip manufacturing coupled with the industry c…

3 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Intel Is Ready For Meta Llama 3 GenAI Workloads: Optimized For Xeon & Core Ultra CPUs, Arc GPUs & Gaudi Accelerators
Intel Is Ready For Meta Llama 3 GenAI Workloads: Optimized For Xeon & Core Ultra CPUs, Arc GPUs & Gaudi Accelerators Intel Is Ready For Meta Llama 3 GenAI Workloads: Optimized For Xeon & Core Ultra CPUs, Arc GPUs & Gaudi Accelerators

In the data center, Gaudi and Xeon processors with Advanced Matrix Extension (AMX) acceleration give customers options to meet dynamic and wide-ranging requirements.

Intel Gaudi 2 accelerators have optimized performance on Llama 2 models – 7B, 13B, and 70B parameters – and now have initial performance measurements for the new Llama 3 model.

With the maturity of the Gaudi software, Intel easily ran the new Llama 3 model and generated results for inference and fine-tuning.

Intel Xeon processors address demanding end-to-end AI workloads, and Intel invests in optimizing LLM results to reduce latency.

In an initial round of testing, Core Ultra processors already generate faster than typical huma…

6 часов назад @ wccftech.com
NVIDIA GPUs Power Meta’s Next-Gen Llama 3 Model, Optimized AI Across All Platforms Including RTX
NVIDIA GPUs Power Meta’s Next-Gen Llama 3 Model, Optimized AI Across All Platforms Including RTX NVIDIA GPUs Power Meta’s Next-Gen Llama 3 Model, Optimized AI Across All Platforms Including RTX

NVIDIA has announced that Meta's Llama 3 LLMs were built with NVIDIA GPUs and are optimized to run across all platforms, from servers to PCs.

Meta's Next-Gen Llama 3 AI LLMs Are Here & NVIDIA Is The Driving Force Behind Them, Optimized Support Across Cloud, Edge & RTX PCsPress Release: NVIDIA today announced optimizations across all its platforms to accelerate Meta Llama 3, the latest generation of the large language model (LLM).

Putting Llama 3 to WorkVersions of Llama 3, accelerated on NVIDIA GPUs, are available today for use in the cloud, data center, edge, and PC.

Image Source: Wccftech (AI-Generated)Businesses can fine-tune Llama 3 with their data using NVIDIA NeMo, an open-source fram…

7 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Google Is Combining Android, Pixel, And Other Hardware, Software Teams Into A Single Unit Called ‘Platforms and Devices’ To Speed Up Work On AI
Google Is Combining Android, Pixel, And Other Hardware, Software Teams Into A Single Unit Called ‘Platforms and Devices’ To Speed Up Work On AI Google Is Combining Android, Pixel, And Other Hardware, Software Teams Into A Single Unit Called ‘Platforms and Devices’ To Speed Up Work On AI

By combining teams into a single one, Google executive claims that AI can be integrated into those products and services significantly fasterWith AI being adopted in various applications at an astonishing pace, Google wants to keep pace with the latest trend.

According to The Verge, Osterloh believes that adding teams from multiple divisions into a single unit means that Google can integrate AI across all of its products and services at a substantial speed.

“You had to have deep knowledge of the hardware systems, from the sensors to the ISPs, to all layers of the software stack.

And, at the time, all the early HDR and ML models that were doing camera processing… and I think that hardware / …

7 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Apple Will Utilize The Leftovers of The Current iPad Pro to Transform The Upcoming 12.9-Inch iPad Air Into a ‘Pro’ Machine
Apple Will Utilize The Leftovers of The Current iPad Pro to Transform The Upcoming 12.9-Inch iPad Air Into a ‘Pro’ Machine Apple Will Utilize The Leftovers of The Current iPad Pro to Transform The Upcoming 12.9-Inch iPad Air Into a ‘Pro’ Machine

The upcoming iPad Air is expected to receive 'Pro' treatment with new display technology for the bigger 12.9-inch variant.

We now have information on the iPad Air 6 receiving mini-LED treatment this year, which will bring it much closer to the iPad Pro lineup.

Since the 11-inch iPad Pro houses an LCD panel as well, it is unlikely that the smaller iPad Air will feature the upgraded display technology.

This will create a wider gap between the iPad Air models, the same gap that Apple flaunts on the current iPad Pro models.

So far, we are expecting the iPad Pro and Air models to be released in May, less than a month before the company's WWDC 2024 event.

9 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Baldur’s Gate 3 Update 7 to Add Mod Tools, Dark Endings, Likely Marks Final Story Content
Baldur’s Gate 3 Update 7 to Add Mod Tools, Dark Endings, Likely Marks Final Story Content Baldur’s Gate 3 Update 7 to Add Mod Tools, Dark Endings, Likely Marks Final Story Content

Recently Larian Studios made the surprise announcement that Baldur’s Gate 3 would not be getting any major story-driven DLC, as they’re moving on to a pair of original projects, but that doesn’t necessarily mean updates are ending.

In fact, in a new blog post Larian has provided some fresh details about what players can expect from Baldur’s Gate 3 Update 7, which is currently in the works.

Perhaps the headline addition will an array of new darker endings for those who chose to embark on particularly evil playthroughs.

These new cinematic cutscenes have also been given the musical treatment by our very own BAFTA award-winning composer, Borislav Slavov.”In addition to the improved endings, pl…

9 часов назад @ wccftech.com
How to Improve Fingerprint Accuracy on Your Phone
How to Improve Fingerprint Accuracy on Your Phone How to Improve Fingerprint Accuracy on Your Phone

If you are wondering how to improve fingerprint accuracy on your phone, then this guide is for you, as we are going to guide you through the process.

Improve fingerprint accuracy on your phone using a number of methodsNow, if you are looking to improve fingerprint accuracy on your phone, the process is simple, but you need to know that this is not a one-shoe-fit-all approach.

It might work for your phone, or it might not work for your phone, depending on how severely inaccurate your phone's fingerprint scanner is.

Ideally, this should help you improve your fingerprint accuracy but if, for some reason, that does not work.

Make sure the sensor area is cleanReplace your screen protectorRe-add …

9 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Is Out This Year and It’s Looking Great, Not to Mention Twice as Large
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Is Out This Year and It’s Looking Great, Not to Mention Twice as Large Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Is Out This Year and It’s Looking Great, Not to Mention Twice as Large

Over six years after the first game's release, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is finally official.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is, in fact, launching this year for PC (the Steam page is available here), PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series S|X.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is said to be much larger in scope, featuring over five hours of cutscenes compared to the three of the predecessor.

Most of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 will take place in the sprawling royal city of Kuttenberg and its vast countryside filled with taverns, bathhouses, castles, and more.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is still built in CryEngine like the original, which is relatively unusual in an era dominated by Unreal Engine and Uni…

10 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Google Maps Users Could Soon Enjoy Satellite Features, Completely Getting Rid of Dead Zones
Google Maps Users Could Soon Enjoy Satellite Features, Completely Getting Rid of Dead Zones Google Maps Users Could Soon Enjoy Satellite Features, Completely Getting Rid of Dead Zones

Satellite connectivity is going to become a big thing on all devices going forward, and Google is making sure that it happens.

Google Maps' satellite navigation will be an excellent feature for places without an active internet connectionAn APK teardown of Google Maps' beta version reveals that there are strings of code that mention satellite-based navigating.

Regardless of the supported devices, this feature is definitely going to make Google Maps a lot more powerful than before, and I am all for it.

At the time of writing, we are not sure when Google Maps is going to get satellite features, but it is safe to say that Google is indeed working on these features, and we should soon start see…

11 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Baldur’s Gate Dev Larian Studios Doing “Best Work Ever” on 2 New Original Projects
Baldur’s Gate Dev Larian Studios Doing “Best Work Ever” on 2 New Original Projects Baldur’s Gate Dev Larian Studios Doing “Best Work Ever” on 2 New Original Projects

Baldur’s Gate 3 has been a massive success for developer Larian Studios, but the developer recently made the surprising announcement they won’t be following up with Baldur’s Gate 4, or even DLC for BG3.

Well, today in a new developer update, Larian provided a bit more information about their future.

We’re currently working on two new projects and we couldn’t be more excited about what the future has in store.

But know that even as our focus turns to these new games, the sensibilities that brought you Baldur’s Gate 3 are alive and well here at the Larian castle.

Can Larian one-up what they achieved with Baldur’s Gate 3?

13 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Japanese Developers Are “Not Good at Adapting Technology From Overseas”, NieR Series Creator Says
Japanese Developers Are “Not Good at Adapting Technology From Overseas”, NieR Series Creator Says Japanese Developers Are “Not Good at Adapting Technology From Overseas”, NieR Series Creator Says

Since the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 era, Japanese developers have struggled to keep up with their Western colleagues, as, according to the NieR series creator, they are not good at adapting technology from overseas for multiple reasons.

Discussing game development with Stellar Blade creative director Hyung-Tae Kim in a lengthy interview posted on IGN, Yoko Taro highlighted how it has proven difficult for Japanese developers to implement Western rendering systems, mostly because they are used to developing their own engines.

Japanese developers were very late with incorporating rendering tools and middleware from the West, and even to this day, many schools still don't teach this to new dev…

14 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Snapdragon X Elite Is A Necessary Hardware Requirement If Users Want To Take Advantage Of Windows 11’s AI Explorer
Snapdragon X Elite Is A Necessary Hardware Requirement If Users Want To Take Advantage Of Windows 11’s AI Explorer Snapdragon X Elite Is A Necessary Hardware Requirement If Users Want To Take Advantage Of Windows 11’s AI Explorer

Unfortunately, the company will reportedly keep the feature limited to PCs that are not running the Snapdragon X Elite, along with other hardware limitations.

This means that even if you have the latest and greatest Intel or AMD CPU, you could potentially be locked out from using AI Explorer.

XDA reports that one of those requirements is having a Snapdragon X Elite, along with 16GB of RAM and 225GB of free storage space.

It is not exactly the most cost-effective route if you want to enjoy using AI Explorer on Windows 11.

While ARM-based chipsets fueling Windows laptops appear to be the way forward, it is not prudent that Microsoft is locking out Intel and AMD users from using AI Explorer.

14 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Nothing Brings a Slew of AI Features to Nothing OS and Nothing Ear
Nothing Brings a Slew of AI Features to Nothing OS and Nothing Ear Nothing Brings a Slew of AI Features to Nothing OS and Nothing Ear

Considering how AI has become mainstream in the modern-day smartphone market, we are witnessing more and more companies bringing their own taste of AI to existing smartphones.

Things are not just limited to the earbuds, as the Nothing OS is also getting some AI sweetness.

Moving further, Nothing OS 2.5.5 will also bring Clipboard to the ChatGPT shortcut, which will allow you to paste text directly into a new conversation with the chatbot every time you copy text.

Honestly, I love the approach to integrating AI with the operating system that is being used here.

I hope that the company keeps developing on this foundation even further and we get some really robust AI-based features in the futu…

14 часов назад @ wccftech.com
It’s Time To Bid Farewell To AMD RDNA 2 “Radeon RX 6000” GPUs, Inventory Hits Rock Bottom
It’s Time To Bid Farewell To AMD RDNA 2 “Radeon RX 6000” GPUs, Inventory Hits Rock Bottom It’s Time To Bid Farewell To AMD RDNA 2 “Radeon RX 6000” GPUs, Inventory Hits Rock Bottom

AMD's Radeon RX 6000 "RDNA 2" GPUs are starting to fade from the markets as inventory levels drop to a new low.

AMD's Radeon RX 6000 "RDNA 2" GPUs Face Significant Inventory Reduction, High-End Models Retailing At Inflated PricesFrom a report by Tom's Hardware, it looks like we are indeed on the timeline to bid farewell to AMD's RDNA 2 "Radeon RX 6000" delight, with the flagship variants, such as the Radeon RX 6900 XT and the Radeon RX 6950 XT, entirely out of the markets, apart from few models retailing either at used marketplaces or at "hoarding" prices on some major retailers.

Now, for mid-tier options, users have choices, like the AMD Radeon RX 6800, retailing for slightly below the $40…

15 часов назад @ wccftech.com
последний пост 1 month назад
Team Group T-Force Xtreem 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review
Team Group T-Force Xtreem 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review

Today, we present the latest Team Group DDR5 memory kit designed for the most demanding users - T-Force Xtreem DDR5-8000. The tested memory kit has 48GB capacity and is rated at 8000MT/s, which suggests it's optimal for a modern gaming PC.

1 month назад @ overclockers.com
MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG Review: Skinny Version Packs a Punch!
MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG Review: Skinny Version Packs a Punch!

Today, on our test bench, we have another 'Super' card, but this time, it's the MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG. What a mouthful! Outside of the obvious that it's a 4070 Super and slim compared to the 3-slot plus monsters we're used to seeing, the MLG version (where their Dragon, Lucky, turns into the Dragon Princess) sports red highlights, and it includes a magnetic backplate with a picture of their anime-style princess.

1 month назад @ overclockers.com
GPU Testing Prodedure 2024 – It’s all about that Ray Tracing and DLSS/FSR
GPU Testing Prodedure 2024 – It’s all about that Ray Tracing and DLSS/FSR

With new video cards set to release by the end of the calendar year (2024), we've updated our testing suite to new games and benchmarks to bring you performance metrics from various titles using the latest technologies from AMD, Intel, and Nvidia.

1 month, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
Gigabyte RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G Review
Gigabyte RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G Review

Gigabyte was kind enough to send their RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G with a large 2.5 slot, a three-fan Windforce cooling solution, increased (from reference model) clock speeds, and some cool-looking RGB bling ring inside the fan space. Below, we'll look at the specifications and features and discuss the performance profile of this 1440p/4K UHD targeted graphics card against its peers and the competition.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP600 Core Mini 2TB NVMe M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD Review
Corsair MP600 Core Mini 2TB NVMe M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD Review Corsair MP600 Core Mini 2TB NVMe M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD Review

Mobile devices like ultrabooks, tablets, and handheld gaming consoles are getting more popular each year. Even if we look only at handheld consoles, a year ago, we had one popular option: Steam Deck. Right now, there is also ASUS ROG Ally and Lenovo Legion GO, and soon MSI will join with their new product. Most of consoles and other devices are sold with lower capacity or simply slower storage, so it's not a surprise that many owners think about replacing the storage, which more often is M.2 SSD in a user-friendly and tiny 2230 form factor. For those users, Corsair designed the reviewed today MP600 Core Mini at a high 2TB capacity.

2 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – The Show Floor
CES 2024 – The Show Floor CES 2024 – The Show Floor

On our last day at CES, Friday, we had a chance to see the show floor. We saw so many things, from 3D printers to AI-based grills, and a whole lot more. In the images below, we'll see new items/ideas from Sony, TCL, Hisense, Samsung, John Deer, Honda, Hyundai, Volkswagon, Mercedes, Goodyear, and many other upstart companies just trying to make their way into the market.

2 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – Enermax shares smallest ATX 3.1 PSU, AIOs, and PC cases
CES 2024 – Enermax shares smallest ATX 3.1 PSU, AIOs, and PC cases CES 2024 – Enermax shares smallest ATX 3.1 PSU, AIOs, and PC cases

One of the last places we visited at CES 2024 (due to being sick, I had to cancel the next day's appointments) was Enermax. They showed off some exciting new ATX 3.1 power supplies, cool new AIOs (one of which sports a removable LCD screen), and several new chassis that sport USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C ports, including one with skinned with the best game ever, PUBG.

3 months назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – Gigabyte shows off white motheboards and graphics cards, new monitors
CES 2024 – Gigabyte shows off white motheboards and graphics cards, new monitors CES 2024 – Gigabyte shows off white motheboards and graphics cards, new monitors

Also in the Venetian were our friends at Gigabyte. We sat down with them and discussed what we'd like to see from them in the future, among other things. Although their ballroom had a lot more than what we'll list here, there were still many cool new things, including the Nvidia 4000 series super cards, new motherboards, AIOs, monitors, and more, with many of them in white.

3 months назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – Cherry shows off new Mice, Keyboards, Microphones, and Mousepads!
CES 2024 – Cherry shows off new Mice, Keyboards, Microphones, and Mousepads! CES 2024 – Cherry shows off new Mice, Keyboards, Microphones, and Mousepads!

Later on our first day, we stopped by to visit the Cherry Suite in the Venetian Hotel. Inside, they had several items of note, showing off the keys they are famous for, and some new products as well. Since we last talked with Cherry, they acquired XTRFY (a renowned manufacturer of components and peripherals) and created the CHERRY XTRFY gaming brand to a new generation of high-performance keyboards, mice, and microphones for gamers.

3 months назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP700 PRO 2TB NVMe PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review
Corsair MP700 PRO 2TB NVMe PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review Corsair MP700 PRO 2TB NVMe PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review

Today, we present the latest and the fastest Corsair SSD - MP700 PRO. The SSD arrived to us a while ago, and we had plenty of time to test it, so the conclusions in this review are based not only on synthetic tests but also on daily workloads.

The MP700 PRO is one of the fastest M.2 SSDs we can buy in stores, and even though it shares the same Phison controllers as all the fastest PCIe 5.0 SSDs, the MP700 PRO's design is improved compared to the competition. Of course, I won't share everything in the introduction, but you can expect some exceptional results.

3 months назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – ibuypower/Hyte
CES 2024 – ibuypower/Hyte CES 2024 – ibuypower/Hyte

Swinging by the Hyte/ibuypower ballroom, they shared several items, including the new Nexus Link ecosystem of products, the Keeb TKL keyboard, and its first AIO liquid cooler, the THICC Q60 with its unique, smartphone-size display on the block.

3 months назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – Patriot and Viper
CES 2024 – Patriot and Viper CES 2024 – Patriot and Viper

As our coverage of CES 2024 rolls on, we bring you the latest and greatest from our friends at Patriot and Viper, Patriot's performance and gaming-focused product line.

3 months назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – MSI shares new Monitors, Nvidia Super cards, new AIO, and the Project Zero ecosystem.
CES 2024 – MSI shares new Monitors, Nvidia Super cards, new AIO, and the Project Zero ecosystem. CES 2024 – MSI shares new Monitors, Nvidia Super cards, new AIO, and the Project Zero ecosystem.

We were busy in MSI's large ballroom as well with them showing off a slew of new and updated items. We saw the new Nvidia Super cards ( in white, another with reference-like cooling), several new monitors including high-frequency OLEDs, power supplies, AIO cooling, magnetic fans, chassis, laptops, their handheld gaming device, and the project zero ecosystem. Among all of the items are several CES innovation award winners.

3 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – ADATA shows off Project Neonstorm M.2 drive, new AIO, and more
CES 2024 – ADATA shows off Project Neonstorm M.2 drive, new AIO, and more CES 2024 – ADATA shows off Project Neonstorm M.2 drive, new AIO, and more

Starting our day off in the Venetian ballrooms, we visited our friends at ADATA who had a fair amount to share with our crowd. We'll see a water-cooled PCIe 5.0 SSDs, a new AIO that DOESN'T use an Asetek pump, a hybrid air/water CPU cooler, new cases, and new magnetic RGB fans, there was a lot to show off.

3 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – AMD Announces 8000 series APUs
CES 2024 – AMD Announces 8000 series APUs CES 2024 – AMD Announces 8000 series APUs

Please insert a summary of the article, or the first few lines of the article here. This is what will appear as a summary of the article when displayed on the frontpage, below the article title.

3 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
Reddit: /r/hardware Reddit: /r/hardware
последний пост 3 часа назад
GTX 1080 gddr5x memory upgrade possible?
GTX 1080 gddr5x memory upgrade possible?

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
Highpoint delivers 56GB/s SSD speeds with Rocket PCIe 5.0 AIC - OC3D
Highpoint delivers 56GB/s SSD speeds with Rocket PCIe 5.0 AIC - OC3D Highpoint delivers 56GB/s SSD speeds with Rocket PCIe 5.0 AIC - OC3D

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
[Hardware Canucks] Thermalright did it AGAIN - Phantom Spirit 120 EVO Review
[Hardware Canucks] Thermalright did it AGAIN - Phantom Spirit 120 EVO Review [Hardware Canucks] Thermalright did it AGAIN - Phantom Spirit 120 EVO Review

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
Speeds > 6000 for AMD?
Speeds > 6000 for AMD?

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7 часов назад @ reddit.com
TSMC to charge premium for making chips outside of Taiwan, including its new US fabs, CEO says
TSMC to charge premium for making chips outside of Taiwan, including its new US fabs, CEO says TSMC to charge premium for making chips outside of Taiwan, including its new US fabs, CEO says

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9 часов назад @ reddit.com
Intel’s 14A Magic Bullet: Directed Self-Assembly (DSA)
Intel’s 14A Magic Bullet: Directed Self-Assembly (DSA) Intel’s 14A Magic Bullet: Directed Self-Assembly (DSA)

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9 часов назад @ reddit.com
Ubuntu 24.04 is 20% faster than Microsoft Windows 11 on AMD Ryzen Framework 16 Laptop
Ubuntu 24.04 is 20% faster than Microsoft Windows 11 on AMD Ryzen Framework 16 Laptop Ubuntu 24.04 is 20% faster than Microsoft Windows 11 on AMD Ryzen Framework 16 Laptop

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9 часов назад @ reddit.com
Memory Address Bus width question
Memory Address Bus width question

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10 часов назад @ reddit.com
TechTechPotato (Dr Ian Cutress): "Intel's Newest $350 Million Machine [ASML's High-NA EUV lithography machine]"
TechTechPotato (Dr Ian Cutress): "Intel's Newest $350 Million Machine [ASML's High-NA EUV lithography machine]" TechTechPotato (Dr Ian Cutress): "Intel's Newest $350 Million Machine [ASML's High-NA EUV lithography machine]"

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12 часов назад @ reddit.com
Cerebrus on chip interconnect vs intel foveros?
Cerebrus on chip interconnect vs intel foveros?

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12 часов назад @ reddit.com
Radeon RX 5700 XT vs. 7700 XT, 2024 Revisit
Radeon RX 5700 XT vs. 7700 XT, 2024 Revisit Radeon RX 5700 XT vs. 7700 XT, 2024 Revisit

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15 часов назад @ reddit.com
Microsoft's upcoming Windows 11 'AI Explorer' update might be exclusive to Arm devices in major blow to Intel's "AI PCs"
Microsoft's upcoming Windows 11 'AI Explorer' update might be exclusive to Arm devices in major blow to Intel's "AI PCs" Microsoft's upcoming Windows 11 'AI Explorer' update might be exclusive to Arm devices in major blow to Intel's "AI PCs"

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18 часов назад @ reddit.com
i3-1215U vs i7-9750H: Is the CPU benchmark representative?
i3-1215U vs i7-9750H: Is the CPU benchmark representative?

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19 часов назад @ reddit.com
Huawei starts sales of new Pura 70 smartphone amid scrutiny on chips
Huawei starts sales of new Pura 70 smartphone amid scrutiny on chips Huawei starts sales of new Pura 70 smartphone amid scrutiny on chips

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21 час назад @ reddit.com
Flash drive or hard drive for long term storage?
Flash drive or hard drive for long term storage?

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1 day, 1 hour назад @ reddit.com
Xbox Wire Xbox Wire
последний пост 12 часов назад
Towerborne: Bringing an Enemy to Life
Towerborne: Bringing an Enemy to Life Towerborne: Bringing an Enemy to Life

From Art to Animation to Combat Design, creating enemies is an effort that travels across game development disciplines.

One of the tricky aspects of character development (specifically enemies) in Towerborne is striking a balance for a creature that is both frightening and whimsical in appearance.

How do you begin the process of bringing an enemy to life?

Part of the challenge is finding the fun, and as a combat team, we always make sure that’s our priority.

Follow our Towerborne Twitch channel for an upcoming Truffleclub Stream with the development team!

12 часов назад @ towerborne.com
New Xbox Mastercard Lets Cardmembers Score Points to Use Toward Digital Games, Add-ons, and More
New Xbox Mastercard Lets Cardmembers Score Points to Use Toward Digital Games, Add-ons, and More New Xbox Mastercard Lets Cardmembers Score Points to Use Toward Digital Games, Add-ons, and More

The Xbox Mastercard allows cardmembers to earn card points with everyday purchases and redeem those points on digital games, add-ons, and more at Xbox.com.

Terms and conditions apply1, 2In September 2023, Xbox Insiders received early access to the Xbox Mastercard to help shape the customer experience.

Learn more about earning card points that can be redeemed for digital games, add-ons, the first payment of subscriptions, consoles, accessories, and more at Xbox.com.

With the Xbox Mastercard, cardmembers can earn card points for every $1 spent on purchases including:Xbox & Microsoft – Earn 5x card points on eligible products at the Microsoft Store.

^1 Xbox Mastercard Terms and Conditions^2 Xb…

13 часов назад @ news.xbox.com
Free Play Days – Dungeons 3, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising and I Am Fish
Free Play Days – Dungeons 3, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising and I Am Fish Free Play Days – Dungeons 3, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising and I Am Fish

Why not try something new with Free Play Days?

Clicking through will send you to the Microsoft Store, where you must be signed in to see the option to install with your Xbox Game Pass Core or Xbox Game Pass Ultimate membership.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising 505 Games ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 241 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ $14.99 $4.49 Get it now PC Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Eiyuden Chronicle: RisingEmbark on a captivating prelude to the highly anticipated Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes with Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, available for Free Play Days.

Don’t miss out on these exciting Free Play Days for Xbox Game Pass Core and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members!

Learn more about Free Play Days here and stay tuned to Xbox Wire to fin…

14 часов назад @ news.xbox.com
Sample Frostpunk 2’s New Sandbox Mode with the New Beta, Available Now Through April 22
Sample Frostpunk 2’s New Sandbox Mode with the New Beta, Available Now Through April 22 Sample Frostpunk 2’s New Sandbox Mode with the New Beta, Available Now Through April 22

Part of the new Utopia Builder mode with unique challenges.

The Beta features a part of the sandbox mode called the Utopia Builder Preview.

While the original Frostpunk launched without a sandbox mode, it quickly became one of the community’s top requests.

From the outset, we knew a variation of the sandbox mode was essential for Frostpunk 2.

Preorder Frostpunk 2: Deluxe Edition today, and unlock the Utopia Builder mode with sandbox Beta for PC.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
How The Riders Market Addition is Turning MotoGP 24 Into the Most Authentic Entry Yet
How The Riders Market Addition is Turning MotoGP 24 Into the Most Authentic Entry Yet How The Riders Market Addition is Turning MotoGP 24 Into the Most Authentic Entry Yet

This year, we’re following the same path by adding what is probably the most requested and long-awaited feature by the community, as MotoGP 24 career mode marks the introduction of the Riders Market.

Starting this year, riders of all categories will be able to change teams, including promotion between classes.

The possibilities are endless, as both the AI and players might be proposed to change teams as seasons progress.

The Riders Market is based on a set of algorithms that generate transfers weaving the riders’ performance with the prestige and aspirations of each team.

Consequently, riders are considered differently by teams based on their past results and the goals they want to achieve.

1 day, 12 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Sea of Thieves Celebrates 40 Million Players
Sea of Thieves Celebrates 40 Million Players

The post Sea of Thieves Celebrates 40 Million Players appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 day, 13 hours назад @ seaofthieves.com
Donate to AbleGamers for a Chance to Win Epic Prizes From Activision Blizzard
Donate to AbleGamers for a Chance to Win Epic Prizes From Activision Blizzard

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You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked.

Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page.

1 day, 15 hours назад @ win.ablegamers.org
Grounded’s ‘Fully Yoked’ Update Out Today: A Bigger, Bolder Backyard Awaits
Grounded’s ‘Fully Yoked’ Update Out Today: A Bigger, Bolder Backyard Awaits

The post Grounded’s ‘Fully Yoked’ Update Out Today: A Bigger, Bolder Backyard Awaits appeared first on Xbox Wire.

2 days, 8 hours назад @ grounded.obsidian.net
Great New Games: Check Out the Season’s Most Exciting New Releases
Great New Games: Check Out the Season’s Most Exciting New Releases Great New Games: Check Out the Season’s Most Exciting New Releases

Dare to explore new stories and worlds with Great New Games, a collection of brand new titles new to Xbox this season.

From April 16 to May 13, with new titles every week, Great New Games will continue to serve up a massive array of brand-new adventures.

There’s a new game to suit every mood and style on Xbox, from new ID@Xbox titles, to new games hitting Xbox Game Pass on day one.

Great New Games is your chance to immersive yourself in epic new adventures on Xbox.

Be sure to check out the full collection of titles here.

2 days, 10 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases Local Legend 15: The Dornier Do 31
Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases Local Legend 15: The Dornier Do 31 Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases Local Legend 15: The Dornier Do 31

By the early 1960s, companies interested in jet-powered VTOL aircraft operation had proven the concept could work with experimental models.

Dornier built three airframes with a group designation Do 31 E (“E” for “Experimental”): the Do 31 E1, the Do 31 E2, and the Do 31 E3.

It then transitioned to horizontal flight through the rearward rotation of the main engine’s thrust vector nozzles.

The concept of a jet-powered VTOL Air Force proved too costly and complex to implement.

NOW AVAILABLE FOR MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR PILOTSThe Microsoft Flight Simulator Dornier Do 31 has been expertly recreated for aviators to enjoy throughout the world.

2 days, 10 hours назад @ flightsimulator.com
How the Legendary Kombatant Ermac Made His Grand Return in Mortal Kombat 1
How the Legendary Kombatant Ermac Made His Grand Return in Mortal Kombat 1 How the Legendary Kombatant Ermac Made His Grand Return in Mortal Kombat 1

For Mortal Kombat 1, NetherRealm wanted to further evolve the visual presentation of Ermac by leaning heavily into certain horror inspirations.

You can pick up the Mortal Kombat 1: Kombat Pack here on the Xbox Store.

Working on klassic characters for a new Mortal Kombat game is almost a sacred responsibility, let alone one of the ninjas.

Mortal Kombat™ 1 Warner Bros. Games ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 391 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ $69.99 $34.99 Get it now It’s In Our Blood!

Mortal Kombat™ 1 ushers in a new era of the iconic franchise with a new fighting system, game modes, and fatalities!

2 days, 12 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Spinning Blades and Brutal Mayhem: New Weapons for Dead Island 2’s SOLA Expansion
Spinning Blades and Brutal Mayhem: New Weapons for Dead Island 2’s SOLA Expansion Spinning Blades and Brutal Mayhem: New Weapons for Dead Island 2’s SOLA Expansion

Summary Two new legendary weapons will be introduced with Dead Island 2’s second expansion.

The Ripper resurrects a Dead Island classic, while the Saw Blade Launcher amps up ranged combat.

Dead Island 2 SOLA expansion to launched on April 17, 2024, for Xbox Series X|S.

Dead Island 2’s upcoming SOLA expansion introduces a whole new area and storyline set around the ultimate California festival.

It’s also included with the Gold Edition and the Dead Island 2 Expansion Pass.

2 days, 13 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases City Update 06: Southwest Germany
Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases City Update 06: Southwest Germany Microsoft Flight Simulator Releases City Update 06: Southwest Germany

This latest update invites Microsoft Flight Simulator aviators to experience the allure of the cities of southwest Germany’s Baden-Württemberg state.

Southwest Germany is the latest exciting enhancement to Microsoft Flight Simulator’s immersive global experience with City Update 06.

Sights abound from the air over Mannheim, including the Mannheim Water Tower, the Mannheim Baroque Palace, and Fernmeldeturm Mannheim, a telecommunications tower.

City Update 06: Southwest Germany is available FREE to all Microsoft Flight Simulator simmers.

For the latest information on Microsoft Flight Simulator, stay tuned to @MSFSOfficial on X (formerly Twitter).

2 days, 13 hours назад @ flightsimulator.com
Coming to Game Pass: Manor Lords, Another Crab’s Treasure, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, and More
Coming to Game Pass: Manor Lords, Another Crab’s Treasure, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, and More Coming to Game Pass: Manor Lords, Another Crab’s Treasure, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, and More

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes (Cloud, Console, and PC) – April 23Available on day one with Game Pass!

Another Crab’s Treasure (Cloud, Console, and PC) – April 25Available on day one with Game Pass!

Manor Lords (Game Preview) (PC) – April 26Available on day one with Game Pass!

More Games Coming to Game Pass Core on April 23For Game Pass Core members, there are three more games coming to the library on April 23!

7 Days to Die (Cloud, Console, and PC)Besiege (Cloud, Console, and PC)EA Sports NHL 22 (Console)Loot River (Cloud, Console, and PC)Pikuniku (Cloud, Console, and PC)Ravenlok (Cloud, Console, and PC)That wraps us up!

2 days, 16 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Drill Into the Competition in Overwatch 2 – Season 10
Drill Into the Competition in Overwatch 2 – Season 10 Drill Into the Competition in Overwatch 2 – Season 10

As we dig into Season 10 of Overwatch 2, we're thrilled to introduce our newest hero, Venture.

Choose Your Mythic PathIn Season 10, we are introducing Mythic Prisms which will allow you to pick the Mythic hero skin of your choice.

The Mythic Prisms you collect can be used to unlock and upgrade Mythic hero skins and upgrade them with unlockable customizations.

Stay tuned for a deeper dive into Mythic Prisms, unlocks, progression, and more when Season 10 officially launches tomorrow.

Start your adventure and drill into the competition with this exciting new chapter in Overwatch 2.

3 days, 11 hours назад @ overwatch.blizzard.com
PlayStation Blog PlayStation Blog
последний пост 12 часов назад
EA Sports F1 24: new details on overhauled Career and Dynamic Handling, coming May 31
EA Sports F1 24: new details on overhauled Career and Dynamic Handling, coming May 31 EA Sports F1 24: new details on overhauled Career and Dynamic Handling, coming May 31

Through the introduction of the new EA Sports Dynamic Handling, players will feel even closer to the action.

Additionally, for the first time, join the grid in Career mode as a driver from the 2024 F1 season.

Further innovations to Career mode include:Gain Recognition: Establish your reputation in the Paddock by achieving on-track goals.

Race with a Friend: Collaborate or compete in a two-player Career mode, with each of the Career mode changes applied.

F1 World returnsF1 World, the platform for Multiplayer, Grand Prix, Time Trial returns for a second season with a new addition: Fanzone.

12 часов назад @ blog.playstation.com
Updates on new indie titles coming to PlayStation
Updates on new indie titles coming to PlayStation Updates on new indie titles coming to PlayStation

Today, we revealed three upcoming indie titles that will appeal to many different PlayStation players.

These titles are for those who like to challenge the unknown, our fans who prefer more spooky things, and those looking for something in between.

Darkest Dungeon II | Coming July 15Play VideoRed Hook Studios returns with the sequel to the Darkest Dungeon series.

Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 2 | Coming June 20The popular series was a nail-biting delight on PlayStation VR2, and we know more fans wanted to experience the survival horror, so Steel Wool Studios is bringing it to the PS5.

Thanks for joining us for this look at three exciting upcoming PlayStation indies.

14 часов назад @ blog.playstation.com
V Rising: Here’s what to expect when you enter Dracula’s frozen domain of Mortium
V Rising: Here’s what to expect when you enter Dracula’s frozen domain of Mortium V Rising: Here’s what to expect when you enter Dracula’s frozen domain of Mortium

V Rising is a survival game with action RPG elements and razor-sharp skill-based combat coming to PlayStation 5 later this year.

In the eons since, the nocturnal lord has resided in a weakened state in the Shadow Realm, strengthening himself and planning his return.

Behold the Draculin, creatures from the Shadow Realm that appear to be tainted by Dracula’s blood-soaked influence.

The Hunt begins in 2024Embrace your darkest desires in V Rising, whether you venture alone or alongside companions.

The hunt is on in 2024 on the PlayStation 5 with V Rising.

14 часов назад @ blog.playstation.com
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 2 seeks new employees on PS5 June 20
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 2 seeks new employees on PS5 June 20 Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 2 seeks new employees on PS5 June 20

Has your lack of a PlayStation VR2 left you unable to play Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 2?

This adaptation of Help Wanted 2 seamlessly transitions the terrifying gameplay experienced in the PS VR2 game onto the flat screen utilized by the power of the PlayStation 5.

All of the games in Help Wanted 2 have been carefully adapted to accommodate the PlayStation 5, allowing a wider range of new hires to come join the fun.

If you’re already an employee via the PS VR2, the standard PS5 version is included at no extra cost to you.

We look forward to receiving your applications – Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 2 hits PS5 June 20, 2024.

14 часов назад @ blog.playstation.com
Darkest Dungeon II rolls onto PS5, PS4 July 15
Darkest Dungeon II rolls onto PS5, PS4 July 15 Darkest Dungeon II rolls onto PS5, PS4 July 15

We are thrilled to officially announce that Darkest Dungeon II will arrive on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on July 15.

Play VideoIn Darkest Dungeon II, we translated the beloved art style of the first game into 3D, complete with full character animations.

But whereas the first game was pure dungeon crawler, the sequel is a roguelike road trip of the damned!

Just like in the first game, you’ll need to pay attention to heroes’ stress.

We at Red Hook Studios are thrilled to bring Darkest Dungeon II to PlayStation, and we hope you’ll join us on the journey.

15 часов назад @ blog.playstation.com
Dead Island 2 adds new zombies variants in SoLA expansion available today
Dead Island 2 adds new zombies variants in SoLA expansion available today Dead Island 2 adds new zombies variants in SoLA expansion available today

Find out how the new Whipper and Clotter zombies were created.

Verify your age to view this content.

“They both offer completely new behaviors never seen before in the Dead Island enemy roster.”Verify your age to view this content.

“In the case of the Whipper,” says Smith, “we had the call out that they would be self-mutilating intestine wielders.

“For example, we wanted the Whipper to thrash around violently and indiscriminately,” Smith adds.

1 day, 14 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Synth Riders goes ‘80s with new music pack, out April 23
Synth Riders goes ‘80s with new music pack, out April 23 Synth Riders goes ‘80s with new music pack, out April 23

So we put together a mixtape: Synth Riders 80s Mixtape – Side A… and it’s coming to the PlayStation VR2 on April 23.

80s Mixtape – Side A features:a-ha – Take on MeStarship – We Built This CityDevo – Whip ItPhil Collins – SussudioINXS – New Sensationand….

Free 1980s-inspired Endless Cafe Stage for all Synth Riders ownersThe only thing that screams, “Totally 80s” more than the music is the looks of the era.

I was talking with Esteban Meneses, 3D Artist on Synth Riders, about what it’s like recapturing a party from 40 years ago:“It’s like trying to capture a melody that everyone remembers a bit differently.

It’s time to slip on some bangles (or your controllers) and get ready to relive five t…

1 day, 16 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut PC cross-play and system requirements revealed
Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut PC cross-play and system requirements revealed Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut PC cross-play and system requirements revealed

Hey everyone, Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is coming to PC on May 16!

As we’ve announced previously, Ghost on Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC contains the full game, the Iki Island expansion, and the cooperative online multiplayer Legends mode.

View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close CloseWhile playing the game, you can earn PlayStation Trophies just like on PlayStation consoles.

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s C…

1 day, 17 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Share of the Week: Dragon’s Dogma 2
Share of the Week: Dragon’s Dogma 2 Share of the Week: Dragon’s Dogma 2

Share this on Twitter (opens in a new window)Share this on Facebook (opens in a new window)Last week, we asked you to dive into Dragon’s Dogma 2 and share epic moments using #PSshare #PSBlog.

Search #PSshare #PSBlog on Twitter or Instagram to see more entries to this week’s theme.

Want to be featured in the next Share of the Week?

THEME: Dragon’s Dogma – PawnsSUBMIT BY: 11:59 PM PT on April 17, 2024Next week, we’re focusing on the Pawns of Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Share portraits of Pawns using #PSshare #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.

6 days, 11 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 482: Learn How To Dolphin Dive
Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 482: Learn How To Dolphin Dive Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 482: Learn How To Dolphin Dive

Share this on Twitter (opens in a new window)Share this on Facebook (opens in a new window)Featuring discussions on Dragon’s Dogma 2, Helldivers 2, Balatro, and more.

Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or download hereHowdy y’all!

This week the team discusses upcoming game releases before catching up on what we’ve been playing including Dragon’s Dogma 2, Helldivers 2, Balaatro, and more.

[Editor’s note: PSN game release dates are subject to change without notice.

Game details are gathered from press releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]

6 days, 11 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
PlayStation Store: March 2024’s top downloads
PlayStation Store: March 2024’s top downloads PlayStation Store: March 2024’s top downloads

It’s time to see which PS5, PS4, PS VR2, PS VR, and free-to-play games topped last month’s download charts.

March’s PS5 list saw democracy being preserved with Helldivers 2 holding the most downloads in both US and EU regions, with new releases MLB The Show 24 and Dragon’s Dogma 2 entering the chart’s top 3 in the US.

New release cyubeVR reached the top spot on the PS VR2 list in both the US and EU regions.

What titles are you playing this month?

Planet Zoo Baldur’s Gate 3 Gran Turismo 7 Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 UFC 5 Mortal Kombat 1 Hogwarts Legacy STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor UFC 5 SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY!

6 days, 14 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Genshin Impact version 4.6 arrives April 24
Genshin Impact version 4.6 arrives April 24 Genshin Impact version 4.6 arrives April 24

Today we are excited to announce that Genshin Impact‘s version 4.6 Two Worlds Aflame, the Crimson Night Fades is arriving on April 24.

Upon version 4.6, we can discover more about her power, the roles she plays, and the past that made her who she is today.

Arlecchino and Lyney may be recruited in the first half of version 4.6 Event Wishes, followed by Wanderer and Baizhu in the second half.

Resonating the spirit of rock music, the Windtrace: Seekers and Strategy event is back in Mondstadt with a few upgrades.

With version 4.6, we hope Arlecchino, the ancient empire undersea, and the rock tunes from Itto can give you a fun and unexpected experience!

6 days, 15 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Stellar Blade: how a Hollywood monster designer and clay models shaped the terrifying Naytiba
Stellar Blade: how a Hollywood monster designer and clay models shaped the terrifying Naytiba Stellar Blade: how a Hollywood monster designer and clay models shaped the terrifying Naytiba

However, with its first PlayStation title, Stellar Blade, developer Shift Up is adding a lot of unique flair to the equation.

Stellar Blade incorporates many assets in the creation of its race of behemoths called the Naytiba.

Play VideoThe birth of the NaytibaPlayStation Blog: Hee-Cheol Jang, how did you get involved with Shift Up and Stellar Blade?

Clay-made creaturesWhat positives come from sculpting the Naytiba designs out of clay before bringing them into the digital world?

I think having these limits in place helps me design creatures that feel more realistic and grounded.

1 week назад @ blog.playstation.com
Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle: Chomp Champs launches May 9
Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle: Chomp Champs launches May 9 Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle: Chomp Champs launches May 9

This is the question we can finally answer in the arena of competitive eating, offered by Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle: Chomp Champs coming to PS5 and PS4 with cross-play on May 9.

Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle: Chomp Champs is an online-only 64-player Pac-Man game, played across just as many interconnected mazes.

In Chomp Champs, every choice made was geared towards bringing more players into the action.

There are seven Power Items in Chomp Champs – some are straightforward easy-to-use boosters, while others will take some practice to truly master.

The customization system in Chomp Champs gives you so many ways to express your personality.

1 week назад @ blog.playstation.com
PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for April: Dave the Diver, Tales of Kenzera: Zau, The Crew 2 and more
PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for April: Dave the Diver, Tales of Kenzera: Zau, The Crew 2 and more PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for April: Dave the Diver, Tales of Kenzera: Zau, The Crew 2 and more

All three games launch onto PlayStation as part of the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog.

PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game CatalogView and download imageDownload the image close CloseAnimal Well* | PS5Explore a surreal, forsaken labyrinth and unravel its many secrets.

View and download imageDownload the image close CloseConstruction Simulator | PS4, PS5Construction Simulator has returned – larger and more impressive than ever!

View and download imageDownload the image close CloseLego Marvel’s Avengers | PS4Avengers Assemble!

View and download imageDownload the image close CloseMiasma Chronicles | PS5Realtime exploration gameplay meets tactical, turn-based combat with RPG elements in Mi…

1 week, 1 day назад @ blog.playstation.com
PC Gamer PC Gamer
последний пост 2 часа назад
Blizzard backs down on unpopular Hearthstone change, so now weekly quests will 'only' waste twice as much of your time, rather than triple
Blizzard backs down on unpopular Hearthstone change, so now weekly quests will 'only' waste twice as much of your time, rather than triple Blizzard backs down on unpopular Hearthstone change, so now weekly quests will 'only' waste twice as much of your time, rather than triple

The main example he gave was of Hearthstone's revised weekly quest system, which tripled the targets players would have to reach to clear those quests while only offering an additional 20% boost in experience points.

Blizzard responded swiftly with the typical "we've heard your feedback" message, saying, "it's clear that we pushed too far."

But rather than scrap the changes altogether, they've simply been revised, and not by that much.

As the latest patch notes show, the new weekly quests are things like "Play Battlecry cards 75 times (instead of 100)" and "Win ranked Hearthstone games 10 times (instead of 15)".

While the initial change tripled the difficulty of completing quests, this iter…

2 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Today's Wordle answer for Friday, April 19
Today's Wordle answer for Friday, April 19 Today's Wordle answer for Friday, April 19

We've got general tips if you'd like to give your game a new angle, as well as a clue written especially for the April 19 (1035) puzzle and today's answer waiting to go.

Today's Wordle hint(Image credit: Josh Wardle)Wordle today: A hint for Friday, April 19The answer today means to elevate, lift, increase, or bring up in some manner.

Today's Wordle answer(Image credit: Future)What is today's Wordle answer?

The answer to the April 19 (1035) Wordle is RAISE.

They are also a good way to eliminate guesses for today's Wordle, as the answer is unlikely to be repeated.

2 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Fallout season 2 has been confirmed, so bring on the deathclaws
Fallout season 2 has been confirmed, so bring on the deathclaws Fallout season 2 has been confirmed, so bring on the deathclaws

To the surprise of nobody, the Fallout TV series will be getting a second season.

Until yesterday, I had assumed that a second season was guaranteed—especially given the enticing finale of the first season—but actually, it had not: a report in The Wrap published on April 15 revealed that Prime Video had yet to purchase a second season.

Both the Prime Video and Fallout X accounts confirmed the second season today, triggering an onslaught of approving Fallout-themed memes.

As for what's actually going to happen in season 2, Wagner said earlier this week that deathclaws didn't appear in season 1 because "we want to save something for season 2".

it'll probably be set in Las Vegas / New Vegas if…

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Warhammer 40,000 has slightly more women in it now and the neckbeards aren't happy
Warhammer 40,000 has slightly more women in it now and the neckbeards aren't happy Warhammer 40,000 has slightly more women in it now and the neckbeards aren't happy

The latest deals with the Adeptus Custodes, genetically engineered bodyguards of the Emperor so gigantic they make space marines look weedy.

and the meme community Grimdank has declared posts about "Femstodes" will only be allowed for one week before they join "Female Space Marine posts" as a banned topic.

The Adeptus Custodes aren't 40K's only genetically engineered supersoldiers, of course.

And the same was true of the Adeptus Custodes, until it wasn't.

Though the customers at the average Warhammer shop are mostly men, these days there are usually one or two women as well.

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
All this Fallout TV show buzz and no new Fallout game to play—but so what?
All this Fallout TV show buzz and no new Fallout game to play—but so what? All this Fallout TV show buzz and no new Fallout game to play—but so what?

The success of the new Fallout TV show has led inevitably to the observation that a ton of people are now excited about Fallout, but there's no new Fallout game to play.

It might've been prudent business-doing to have dropped a new Fallout game in the vicinity of all this TV show buzz, but I'm not convinced that Bethesda has made some huge blunder here.

Bethesda Game Studios gets poked fun at for promoting and rereleasing old games instead of making new ones, but can you blame it?

On the back of the Fallout show's popularity and some strategically timed discounts, Fallout 4, Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition, Fallout 76, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout 4 VR, Fallout Tactics: Brothe…

6 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
The new Helldivers 2 gun that everyone immediately declared 'garbage' is actually a misunderstood masterpiece
The new Helldivers 2 gun that everyone immediately declared 'garbage' is actually a misunderstood masterpiece The new Helldivers 2 gun that everyone immediately declared 'garbage' is actually a misunderstood masterpiece

YouTubers declared it a bottom-tier garbage gun, and its reception on Reddit was only marginally more nuanced.

How to enjoy the AdjudicatorSo if the Adjudicator is a bad assault rifle and middling marksman rifle, why bother?

A battle rifle!

The Adjudicator makes more sense if you think of it like Halo's battle rifle, a high-damage burst gun excellent at medium-long range.

That's okay—the Adjudicator is not the best gun for every scenario, which is what makes it a fantastic Helldivers gun.

6 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
A site literally called 'Spy.pet' claims to have scraped billions of public Discord messages and wants to sell them
A site literally called 'Spy.pet' claims to have scraped billions of public Discord messages and wants to sell them A site literally called 'Spy.pet' claims to have scraped billions of public Discord messages and wants to sell them

First reported by StackDiary and The Register, a website called Spy.pet claims to have scraped billions of public Discord messages made by almost 620 million users, selling the individual messages and profiles for crypto.

Spy.pet ties message logs to the users who sent them, and also collects Discord aliases and linked social media and Steam accounts⁠—it's basically one stop shopping for any surveillance and harassment needs.

Spy.pet further purports to offer an "enterprise option" for anyone looking to train an AI model on the site's library of messages.

As StackDiary points out, Spy.pet is also likely in violation of several articles from the European Union's General Data Protection Regul…

7 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Stardew Valley's latest patch 'adds two inappropriate names to the list to exclude from the name generator' and I am dying to know what they are
Stardew Valley's latest patch 'adds two inappropriate names to the list to exclude from the name generator' and I am dying to know what they are Stardew Valley's latest patch 'adds two inappropriate names to the list to exclude from the name generator' and I am dying to know what they are

One of the more interesting items in the patch notes (for me, at least) is the addition of "two inappropriate names to the list to exclude from the name generator."

– Added fish frenzies.

Gameplay fixes– Fixed disappearing pets bug.

– Fixed issue with duplicated animals & building interiors from pre ~1.3 saves.

Fixes for modded players– Fixed some wallpapers and flooring not appearing in mod item lists.

7 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Braid: Anniversary Edition will feature 40 'brand new and/or alternate redesigns of original levels,' and is also delayed into May
Braid: Anniversary Edition will feature 40 'brand new and/or alternate redesigns of original levels,' and is also delayed into May Braid: Anniversary Edition will feature 40 'brand new and/or alternate redesigns of original levels,' and is also delayed into May

16 years after the release of the original Braid, four years after the announcement of the remake, five months after the reveal of the remake's launch date, and just 12 days before it was finally set to happen, Braid: Anniversary Edition has been delayed.

As updates go, Braid: Anniversary Edition is a big undertaking, with new soundtrack mixes and variants, "hand-repainted graphics," smoother animations, and—this is the kicker—more than 15 hours of commentary from Braid creator Jonathan Blow and other members of the game industry.

That said, the original Braid remains available on Steam, it runs quite well, and supports 4K resolution so there's no weird distortion or wonkiness on modern dis…

7 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
This enchanting fantasy city builder packed with fairytale adventures launches in May
This enchanting fantasy city builder packed with fairytale adventures launches in May This enchanting fantasy city builder packed with fairytale adventures launches in May

But keep your eyes peeled because when it comes to city builders, May is no slouch either.

One of my favorite city builders, Fabledom, is leaving early access with version 1.0 on May 13.

You can also attempt to woo princes or princesses from other realms, and even invite them to visit your city.

Here's a bunch of lovely screenshots so you can start planning how to build your own fairytale city.

Image 1 of 8 (Image credit: Dear Villagers) (Image credit: Dear Villagers) (Image credit: Dear Villagers) (Image credit: Dear Villagers) (Image credit: Dear Villagers) (Image credit: Dear Villagers) (Image credit: Dear Villagers) (Image credit: Dear Villagers)

10 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
'The concerns about claustrophobia were a major aspect' of desiging World of Warcraft: The War Within's underground zones, says director
'The concerns about claustrophobia were a major aspect' of desiging World of Warcraft: The War Within's underground zones, says director 'The concerns about claustrophobia were a major aspect' of desiging World of Warcraft: The War Within's underground zones, says director

"The concerns about claustrophobia were a major aspect coming into this, from the very earliest planning," game director Ion Hazzikostas said in a recent group interview with PC Gamer.

So developers were determined that Azeroth's underground zones shouldn't feel that way.

The end result was zones that didn't feel like they were underground, even when they were.

It's a space that was built from the outset that if you're walking around on the ground, it doesn't feel like you're underground.

"Players tend to prefer zones that feel a bit more natural, a bit more pleasant with the lighting," he said.

10 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
The Witcher on Netflix will end after season 5: 'We're thrilled to be able to bring Andrzej Sapkowski's books to an epic and satisfying conclusion'
The Witcher on Netflix will end after season 5: 'We're thrilled to be able to bring Andrzej Sapkowski's books to an epic and satisfying conclusion' The Witcher on Netflix will end after season 5: 'We're thrilled to be able to bring Andrzej Sapkowski's books to an epic and satisfying conclusion'

Geralt's adventures on Netflix are finally coming to an end: The network announced today that it has given the green light to a "fifth and final season" of The Witcher, which will be filmed back-to-back with season 4.

"We're thrilled to be able to bring Andrzej Sapkowski's books to an epic and satisfying conclusion.

It wouldn’t be our show if we didn't push our family of characters to their absolute limit—stay tuned to see how the story ends."

It's official, The Witcher season 4 is in production.

But that's not all, we're already planning season 5, which will be the final season and bring this epic show to a fitting conclusion.

10 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is twice as big, introduces firearms and is coming this year
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is twice as big, introduces firearms and is coming this year Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is twice as big, introduces firearms and is coming this year

Warhorse Studios has finally unveiled what it admits is probably "the most public secret in the gaming industry", Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

One of Kingdom Come: Deliverance's anachronisms was the absence of crossbows and early firearms, but this has been rectified for the sequel.

Image 1 of 6 (Image credit: Warhorse Studios) (Image credit: Warhorse Studios) (Image credit: Warhorse Studios) (Image credit: Warhorse Studios) (Image credit: Warhorse Studios) (Image credit: Warhorse Studios)Like The Witcher's Geralt, Henry is not a blank slate, but there's still room to make your own version.

With a much bigger space to play around in, I do hope I'm not going to spend hours and hours complete…

10 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Paradox apologizes for latest Cities: Skylines 2 boondoggle, will give refunds for the Beach Properties DLC: '[We] hope we can regain your trust going forward'
Paradox apologizes for latest Cities: Skylines 2 boondoggle, will give refunds for the Beach Properties DLC: '[We] hope we can regain your trust going forward' Paradox apologizes for latest Cities: Skylines 2 boondoggle, will give refunds for the Beach Properties DLC: '[We] hope we can regain your trust going forward'

The first post-launch DLC for Cities: Skylines 2, Beach Properties, arrived in March, and it did not go well.

"The teams from Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive will provide them with full transparency and answer any questions and critiques voiced.

"In closing, we want to reaffirm our dedication to making Cities: Skylines 2 the best city builder it can be," the message concludes.

That's going to make it even harder for Cities: Skylines 2 to pull a redemption 180 in the style of No Man's Sky or Cyberpunk 2077.

An FAQ on refunds and the new development timeline for future Cities: Skylines 2 content is up now on the Paradox forums.

11 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
How to have a good time with Fallout 76 in 2024 (or technically speaking, the year 2105)
How to have a good time with Fallout 76 in 2024 (or technically speaking, the year 2105) How to have a good time with Fallout 76 in 2024 (or technically speaking, the year 2105)

Fallout 76 isn't the game it was at launchFallout 76 was a disappointment at release, rife with bugs and missing the colorful NPCs that normally give the Wasteland life.

But Fallout 76 is different: it's not only a mechanically gentle survival experience, but one with an actively welcoming community.

Know what Fallout 76 can't give you(Image credit: Bethesda)The promise of an online Fallout doesn’t come without compromise, even now.

Fallout 76 doesn't have the simulated world that has ticked along under the hood of Bethesda RPGs for decades.

Fallout 76 is also unexpectedly dedicated to lore from Black Isle’s Fallout games in the '90s.

12 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Nintendo Life Nintendo Life
последний пост 1 час назад
Stardew Valley Adds 40 New Mine Layouts In Latest Update, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
Stardew Valley Adds 40 New Mine Layouts In Latest Update, Here Are The Full Patch Notes Stardew Valley Adds 40 New Mine Layouts In Latest Update, Here Are The Full Patch Notes

The highlight in 1.6.4 is the fact there are now 20 new 'alternate' main layouts and 20 new volcano mines layouts.

There's a bunch of other content, and along with this are some translation changes, balance changes, visual improvements, quality-of-life improvements, bug fixes, and much more.

Gameplay fixes– Fixed disappearing pets bug.

– Fixed issue with duplicated animals & building interiors from pre ~1.3 saves.

– Fixed quest reward icon input offset issue.

1 час назад @ nintendolife.com
My Nintendo Store Adds Animal Crossing: New Horizons Item (North America)
My Nintendo Store Adds Animal Crossing: New Horizons Item (North America) My Nintendo Store Adds Animal Crossing: New Horizons Item (North America)

Although Nintendo has officially wrapped the development of Animal Crossing: New Horizons for the Switch, it hasn't completely forgotten about this particular entry.

This item will set you back 500 Platinum Points (shipping fees apply) and is made of 100% polyester.

Here's the full rundown:Live your best island life with a Nook Inc. leaf-motif bandana inspired by the Animal Crossing: New Horizons game.

Bandana Size: 23”x 16”, Package Size: 5.5”x5.5”Apart from this a 3-pack of 'The Roost Coasters with tin' is also back.

It's available for 800 Platinum Points:

1 час назад @ nintendolife.com
Hatsune Miku's Fitness Boxing Game Is Getting A DLC Update
Hatsune Miku's Fitness Boxing Game Is Getting A DLC Update Hatsune Miku's Fitness Boxing Game Is Getting A DLC Update

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 764kFollowing local classifications for Hatsune Miku's Fitness Boxing game, Imagineer has now announced the Japanese release will be adding an "Editor Mode" in a new DLC update next week.

This DLC will go live on 25th April 2024 and is priced at 990 yen (around $6).

This new mode will allow players to create exercise workouts featuring the famous virtual idol.

The DLC for Fitness Boxing feat Hatsune Miku will be followed by more paid content which includes new exercise music and costumes.

If we hear any updates about a local release of Fitness Boxing feat Hatsune Miku for Switch, we'll let you know.

2 часа назад @ nintendolife.com
Splatoon And Pokémon Join 'Free Comic Book Day' 2024 Lineup
Splatoon And Pokémon Join 'Free Comic Book Day' 2024 Lineup Splatoon And Pokémon Join 'Free Comic Book Day' 2024 Lineup

Free Comic Book Day will take place next month on 4th May 2024 and as usual, there will be some video game-themed ones up for grabs.

Provided you're located near a participating retailer, this year, you'll be able to get your hands on 'Pokémon Adventures: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire’, ‘Street Fighter vs.

Final Fight #1’ and Far Cry: Cull the Herd.

The Pokémon comic also includes a Splatoon 3 comic - with story and art by Sankichi Hinodeya.

The series features appearances from Ant n Castillo (Far Cry 6), Vaas Montenegro (Far Cry 3), Pagan Min (Far Cry 4), and Batari (Far Cry Primal).”Street Fighter vs.

4 часа назад @ nintendolife.com
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Introduces Yoshi Ahead Of Next Month's Launch
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Introduces Yoshi Ahead Of Next Month's Launch Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Introduces Yoshi Ahead Of Next Month's Launch

Nintendo has been building up excitement for the return of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door with regular reminders the game is on the way.

Yoshi has similar abilities to previous games, where he can flutter jump in the air to cross short gaps.

He can float in the air for a moment to cross short gaps, as well as aid Mario in combat!

You can see more of the cast in this particular Paper Mario entry in our previous post.

Paper Mario returns on 23rd May 2024.

5 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Guide: Best First-Party Game Boy Games
Guide: Best First-Party Game Boy Games Guide: Best First-Party Game Boy Games

Looking for a list of Nintendo's first-party Game Boy games?

Wonder what the best first-party Game Boy game is?

Our ranked list of the Top 50 Best Game Boy Games Ever covers every game on the system, but here we're looking specifically at Nintendo-developed Game Boy games released in the West.

Not the Game Boy Color or the Game Boy Advance, just the original DMG-001 and its Pocket follow-up.

You can also use the search bar below to quickly find any Nintendo-developed Game Boy games and rate them as you wish:So, let's take a look at every first-party Game Boy game, as ranked by you, beginning at the bottom...25.

12 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Select Pokémon X Van Gogh Museum Merch Has Been Restocked Online
Select Pokémon X Van Gogh Museum Merch Has Been Restocked Online Select Pokémon X Van Gogh Museum Merch Has Been Restocked Online

Remember last year when the Pokémon x Van Gogh Museum collaboration opened and we were all reminded why we can't have nice things?

Expectedly, the museum's merch stand was immediately hit by a huge influx of customers, leaving the range sold out after just one day.

A selection of Pokémon × Van Gogh Museum products are back in stock at Pokémon Center.

Shop merchandise featuring Pokémon in the style of Vincent van Gogh paintings: pic.twitter.com/jdXFbv9Sz5 UK Trainers!

🎨A selection of Pokémon × Van Gogh Museum products are back in stock at Pokémon Center.

12 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Random: Latest Fan-Made 'Banjo-Threeie' Trailer Very Nearly Had Us Going
Random: Latest Fan-Made 'Banjo-Threeie' Trailer Very Nearly Had Us Going Random: Latest Fan-Made 'Banjo-Threeie' Trailer Very Nearly Had Us Going

Heck, another Banjo-Threeie trailer was released back in May 2022, and at the time we called it "remarkable, stunning, beautiful, gorgeous"... You get the drift.

He highlighted the trailer over on X and said "Very cool, lots to see, and sounds great too!".

Of course, we should reiterate that it isn't real...

It isn't real, folks!

There have been whispers that the franchise might be getting revived over the last few years, but we're honestly not going to hold our breath.

13 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Japanese Charts: New Japan-Only Visual Novel Takes The Crown From Princess Peach
Japanese Charts: New Japan-Only Visual Novel Takes The Crown From Princess Peach Japanese Charts: New Japan-Only Visual Novel Takes The Crown From Princess Peach

It's time for your latest look at the Japanese game charts from Famitsu (via Gematsu) and after three weeks of ruling over the competition, Princess Peach: Showtime!

It's a new Japan-only visual novel, Utakata no Uchronia, that takes the crown this week with a debut of 11,553 sales.

This romance story has shot to the top of the charts, followed closely by Mario Kart 8 Deluxe which speeds into second — as it approaches its seventh birthday, no less.

Elsewhere, it is mostly familiar faces, though It Takes Two has managed to sneak back into the top 10 with an additional 4,832 sales this week.

Here's your look at this week's chart in full:[NSW] Utakata no Uchronia (Broccoli, 04/11/24) – 11,553 …

14 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Nintendo Download: 18th April (North America)
Nintendo Download: 18th April (North America) Nintendo Download: 18th April (North America)

The latest Nintendo Download update for North America has arrived, and it's bringing new games galore to the eShop in your region.

EGGCONSOLE HYDLIDE II PC-8801 (D4 Enterprise, 18th Apr, $6.49) - This is an action RPG released by T&E SOFT in 1985.

. . . . again After Edmonton was destroyed in the aftermath of "Epic Dumpster Bear 2" Dumpster Bear travels back in time to save the future.

5 DX" injects the play control and mechanics from "Epic Dumpster Bear 2" into remixed levels from the indie cult classic "Epic Dumpster Bear" creating a brand new epic adventure of 2D retro platformer goodness.

(SOURCE BYTE, 18th Apr, $2.29) - Embark on a journey of geographical discovery with "Which Country …

14 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Breathe, Octopath Traveler Is Available To Purchase On The Switch eShop Again
Breathe, Octopath Traveler Is Available To Purchase On The Switch eShop Again Breathe, Octopath Traveler Is Available To Purchase On The Switch eShop Again

Last month, the beloved JRPG Octopath Traveler was banished forthwith from the Kingdom of the Switch eShop.

Well the good news is that it's back, as confirmed by Square Enix itself.

Octopath Traveler is now available to purchase on Nintendo Switch eShop once again.Thank you for your patience.

pic.twitter.com/p2qlD56kQe April 18, 2024Released for the Switch back in 2018, Octopath Traveler was co-developed by Square Enix and Acquire, gaining significant positive reception and spawning a direct sequel in 2023.

We're personally hoping that now the rights have switched over to Square Enix, then perhaps the game will be subject to some tasty discounts and sales later down the line.

15 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Motorsport Eras Collide In 'Hot Lap Racing', Speeding Onto Switch This July
Motorsport Eras Collide In 'Hot Lap Racing', Speeding Onto Switch This July Motorsport Eras Collide In 'Hot Lap Racing', Speeding Onto Switch This July

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 764kPublisher Maximum Entertainment and developers Zero Games Studios and Vision Réelle have today announced that the new "simcade" racer, Hot Lap Racing, will be hitting the track on Switch on 16th July.

Hot Lap Racing is all about retracing the history of the sport, with real cars on real tracks being the central focus here.

It's not all about the history, however, as Hot Lap Racing introduces 'Formula Extreme' as an idea of what the world of motorsport could look like in 2030 and beyond — still no sign of those flying cars, then.

- Hot Lap Mode: Race and improve your lap times with each attempt.

Will you be picking up Hot Lap Racing later this year?

15 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Soapbox: Where The Heck Is Fallout 3 On Switch?
Soapbox: Where The Heck Is Fallout 3 On Switch? Soapbox: Where The Heck Is Fallout 3 On Switch?

Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over.

If this quote sounds familiar to you, then chances are you have had some experience with the Fallout franchise.

You can stick to the main storyline if you like, but Fallout 3's true genius lies in its many, many sidequests.

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 764kWould you buy Fallout 3 if it launched on the Switch?

37 %Are you surprised Fallout 3 hasn't been ported to the Switch?

16 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
The First Third-Party iOS App Store Hosts A Free Nintendo Emulator (Europe)
The First Third-Party iOS App Store Hosts A Free Nintendo Emulator (Europe) The First Third-Party iOS App Store Hosts A Free Nintendo Emulator (Europe)

Well, it looks as though the first third-party app 'store', dubbed AltStore PAL, is now available to download with a small one-off fee (thanks, Phone Arena).

This is particularly notable for Nintendo fans as one of the first apps available within AltStore PAL is, surprise surprise, a Nintendo emulator known as Delta.

The app is reportedly able to run games from the NES, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, N64, Nintendo DS, and Sega Genesis.

So, AltStore PAL and Delta have now legally circumvented Apple's own app store to allow for a Nintendo emulator to operate on iOS devices.

What do you make of the ability to download third-party app stores on iOS devices?

17 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Exclusive: Sci-Fi City Builder 'Imagine Earth' Docks Onto Switch Next Month
Exclusive: Sci-Fi City Builder 'Imagine Earth' Docks Onto Switch Next Month Exclusive: Sci-Fi City Builder 'Imagine Earth' Docks Onto Switch Next Month

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 764kIf you're a fan of city builders, then buckle up, because we can exclusively reveal that Imagine Earth, a sci-fi city builder from indie developer Serious Bros. is heading to the Switch on 9th May, 2024.

Originally released on Steam and Xbox to positive reception, Imagine Earth combines laidback strategic gameplay with themes of sustainability as you look to establish new homes in the cosmos in the year 2084.

Corporate greed has led your own planet to ruin, so it's your job to build propserous cities in a more eco-friendly, sustainable manner.

You'll be dealing with meteors, space pirates, assimilators, and your own cities' pollution and emmisions w…

18 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Pocketgamer Pocketgamer
последний пост 9 минут назад
Game Room adds Checkers in its latest update
Game Room adds Checkers in its latest update Game Room adds Checkers in its latest update

The latest update expands the roster of games by one as Checkers is added.

Games Room doesn’t really have a large roster to begin with, featuring six games, including Solitaire, Chess, Hearts, Yacht, Sea Battle, and Flip It.

But just challenging others isn’t the point of Game Room.

Whether you're looking to relieve stress with calming rounds of Solitaire or sharpen your mind with a game of Chess, Game Room offers a variety of options for improving your mental health.

You can find more games on the official website and you can download Game Room if you have an ongoing Apple Arcade subscription.

9 минут назад @ pocketgamer.com
Warhammer 40,000: Warpforge introduces new Dark Zealots raid mode in latest update
Warhammer 40,000: Warpforge introduces new Dark Zealots raid mode in latest update Warhammer 40,000: Warpforge introduces new Dark Zealots raid mode in latest update

Ghallaron the Pious, a fervent disciple of the Dark Pantheon, leads the Black Legion in a menacing assault against the galaxy.

If you're looking to make more additions to your inventory, then be sure to redeem these Warhammer 40,000: Warpforge codes!

However, before these new assets become available through booster packs and wildcards, they will be accessible only through the Dark Zealots Raid event.

Subscribe to Pocket Gamer onThis raid event may be a single event, but it brings bucketloads of content to the game.

As the Raid event draws to a close on May 2nd, you will enter a grace period lasting 24 hours.

1 час назад @ pocketgamer.com
AeroMayhem PvP allows you to engage in thrilling aerial dogfights like in Top Gun, now on Android and iOS
AeroMayhem PvP allows you to engage in thrilling aerial dogfights like in Top Gun, now on Android and iOS AeroMayhem PvP allows you to engage in thrilling aerial dogfights like in Top Gun, now on Android and iOS

While the probability of that actually happening is negligible, TesPOT Games brings the next best thing as their latest title, AeroMayhem PvP, is now available on Android and iOS.

You'll soar through the skies, engage in heated dogfights, and demonstrate your skills in fighter jets inspired by their real-world counterparts.

Subscribe to Pocket Gamer onAeroMayhem PvP offers a diverse selection of fighter aircraft, each belonging to one of three distinct classes.

With authentic combat systems including air-to-air missiles, air-to-ground missiles, flares, and afterburners, the title delivers a thrilling experience of aerial combat.

Then download AeroMayhem PvP now for free by clicking on your …

1 час назад @ pocketgamer.com
Frantic bullet hell shooter Dragon Pow launches today
Frantic bullet hell shooter Dragon Pow launches today Frantic bullet hell shooter Dragon Pow launches today

Dodge, dive and try not to dieDragon Pow is a new, frantic bullet hell shooter that drops for all platforms todayAvailable now for the iOS App Store and Google PlayRide your dragon and dodge projectiles in fast-paced shooter actionDragon Pow, the new bullet hell action RPG, launches today.

Whether that's firing out a blast of wind, lightning or worse, you'll need it all to avoid being blasted out of the sky.

Subscribe to Pocket Gamer onAnd if you're sceptical, you'll be pleased to know that we've already granted Dragon Pow a glowing review.

You can nab Dragon Pow now for free on the iOS App Store and Google Play.

And if it's not your thing but you still want to try some of them out, why not…

2 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
Mystery of Woolley Mountain is a quirky new point-and-click puzzle for iOS
Mystery of Woolley Mountain is a quirky new point-and-click puzzle for iOS Mystery of Woolley Mountain is a quirky new point-and-click puzzle for iOS

Step into the shoes of a very unlikely hero in Mystery of Woolley Mountain, a new point-and-click adventure game just released on the iOS App Store.

Alright, so your tolerance of a game like Mystery of Woolley Mountain is probably going to be inversely proportional to exactly how much you can stand quirky British humour.

However, for people who like that sort of thing, or fans of other point-and-click games like the Monkey Island series, Mystery of Woolley Mountain looks as if it'll offer exactly what you want.

Like our ongoing feature of the top 5 new mobile games to try this week; offering top indie hits, major releases and more.

Or, you can look beyond that and dig into our yearly mega-l…

11 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
The Bear is a bizarre, but comforting new interactive bedtime story for iOS
The Bear is a bizarre, but comforting new interactive bedtime story for iOS The Bear is a bizarre, but comforting new interactive bedtime story for iOS

No relation to the hit miniseriesThe Bear is a new 'interactive bedtime story' perfect for parents and kidsYou can try the first chapter now, totally for freeSo what's this abstract but comfortable puzzle game all about?

The Bear sees you guide the titular bear and the 'little one' through the fairytale world of Gra.

Solving simple puzzles, travelling the world, stargazing and more, The Bear offers a simple but fascinating exploration of an unfolding story chapter by chapter.

Available now on iOS, The Bear won "Best Story" and "Best Graphic Design" at the German Video Game Awards 2024.

But what if a game that's all about bedtime isn't quite as intriguing or exciting as you'd want?

11 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Cat Quest III gets tentative promise of iOS release
Cat Quest III gets tentative promise of iOS release Cat Quest III gets tentative promise of iOS release

Cat Quest III, the latest upcoming instalment of the Cat Quest series, has tentative news of an upcoming iOS release.

An action RPG series with a feline twist, the Cat Quest games mix roleplaying with side-scrolling action.

Set to release, rather fittingly, on International Cat Day (August 8th), Cat Quest III hopefully won't be long in making the promised jump to iOS.

Subscribe to Pocket Gamer onIt's not entirely unrelated for us to be poking into the release of Cat Quest on mobile.

But you don't need to worry about waiting fruitlessly for Cat Quest III's mobile release.

12 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
The Enchanted World is a new fantasy puzzle game from Noodlecake
The Enchanted World is a new fantasy puzzle game from Noodlecake The Enchanted World is a new fantasy puzzle game from Noodlecake

Enchanted World hits stores May 7thThe Enchanted World is a new game coming from NoodlecakeA sliding tile puzzle set in a low-poly fantasy world, it's releasing May 7thYou can try the first chapter of the game for free, before deciding whether you want to buy!

Then why not take a gander at Enchanted World, set to release May 7th?

The Enchanted World is a new game from developer Noodlecake, offering an intriguing fantasy world and challenging tile-sliding puzzles.

Enchanted World also promises to offer a captivating and engrossing story without the use of dialogue, communicated purely through visuals and audio.

And with that kind of graphical style and quirky puzzle gameplay, we'd hope that …

13 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
App Army Assemble: Neuronet: Mendax Proxy - "Should you play this cyberpunk-meets-Reigns narrative adventure?"
App Army Assemble: Neuronet: Mendax Proxy - "Should you play this cyberpunk-meets-Reigns narrative adventure?" App Army Assemble: Neuronet: Mendax Proxy - "Should you play this cyberpunk-meets-Reigns narrative adventure?"

We ask the App ArmyWe handed Neuronet: Mendax Proxy over to our App ArmyOur readers had some mixed thoughts on this choice-based narrative adventureSome enjoyed the replayability while others think there are better options in the genreNeuronet: Mendax Proxy, which Iwan recently reviewed, is a choice-based narrative adventure that draws inspiration from Reigns.

NeuroNet: Mendax Proxy is a cyberpunk narrative game where you shape the story around you based on the choices you make that have real consequences on your adventure.

NeuroNet: Mendax Proxy is an adventure game in the style of the Reigns series of games.

In NeuroNet: Mendax Proxy, you play as a city management AI to govern a city.


15 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
AltStore PAL comes to iOS thanks to new rule changes
AltStore PAL comes to iOS thanks to new rule changes AltStore PAL comes to iOS thanks to new rule changes

Alternate app stores may soon be par for the course on iOSThe AltStore PAL is the latest if not one of the first alternative app stores to launch for iOS under new rulesWhat can you get on this, and what does this store represent?

Let's dig in and find outWith the changes to rules on alternative app stores for iOS, it seemed only a matter of time before we saw a glut of new ones arriving.

The latest, if not one of the first of these is the AltStore PAL, coming from the makers of the Delta emulator, itself one of the debut apps for the store.

The focus with AltStore is very clearly on indie apps, with those that emulate the original iOS interface (for people nostalgic for it) and of course, …

15 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Delta Emulator comes to iOS thanks to alternate app store
Delta Emulator comes to iOS thanks to alternate app store Delta Emulator comes to iOS thanks to alternate app store

Major changes to Apple's once gated ecosystemThe Delta game emulator comes to iOS, but not via the usual App StoreIt launches as a debut app on the AltStore PALBut what's this emulator mean for us?

The Delta game emulator has just been released on iOS but not on the iOS App Store.

With the launch of the alternative app store, AltStore PAL, the Delta game emulator (the successor to previous emulator GBA4iOS) is one of the first new emulators to hit iOS since Apple opened up the ecosystem.

In his blog, discussing the creation of GBA4iOS he takes us through all his reasoning behind why he created the original app, and more importantly, why he thought the time was right to bring the Delta emula…

16 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Mahjong Soul teams up with Blue Archive for exclusive collab
Mahjong Soul teams up with Blue Archive for exclusive collab Mahjong Soul teams up with Blue Archive for exclusive collab

Perhaps one of the major additions to the game is Soul Punch, a new game mode that mixes up the traditional rules of mahjong.

Subscribe to Pocket Gamer onCollaborations between games aren't unusual, but we're interested to see Mahjong Soul tinker with the relatively timeless rules of mahjong for that purpose.

Blue Archive fans meanwhile will likely be eager to jump into a whole new story featuring their favourite characters.

Shiroko, Hoshino, Aru and Mutsuki, all key fan-favourites from Blue Archive, will all be available to recruit during the Mahjong Soul x Blue Archive crossover event, running from...well, now, to May 7th.

As for Blue Archive, if you prefer that game to mahjong, why not c…

17 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Phone Escape: Hopeless is an escape room puzzler that lets you use an intuitive phone interface to survive, out now on iOS
Phone Escape: Hopeless is an escape room puzzler that lets you use an intuitive phone interface to survive, out now on iOS Phone Escape: Hopeless is an escape room puzzler that lets you use an intuitive phone interface to survive, out now on iOS

Discover the story behind your captureUse the OS features to escapeLite version lets you try the game for freeThis is the first in a planned seriesEnigmaticon has officially launched Phone Escape: Hopeless, inviting iOS users to challenge their own survival and puzzle-solving skills across an intuitive smartphone-based interface.

In Phone Escape: Hopeless, you can look forward to putting your thinking cap on as you wake up in an unknown place with a message from a mysterious sender.

What makes the game interesting is the intuitive OS you'll have to navigate, just like you would on your regular smartphone.

If you're eager to join in on all the fun, you can do so by checking out Phone Escape:…

19 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Girls Evo celebrates a million downloads on Google Play, also out now on the App Store
Girls Evo celebrates a million downloads on Google Play, also out now on the App Store Girls Evo celebrates a million downloads on Google Play, also out now on the App Store

This coincides with the title's launch on the App Store as well, so iOS users can now embark on the same adventure titled "Evolution Chronicles".

During the festivities within Girls Evo (or Evolution Chronicles), you can look forward to Nightmare from the Dark Faction coming back with a vengeance as she wields her control skills and powerful magic.

In case you're unfamiliar with Girls Evo, it's an idle title where you can tinker around with monster evolution across Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Light and Dark factions.

If you're on the hunt for more low-pressure games, why not take a look at our list of the best idle games on Android to get your fill?

If you're eager to join in on all the fun, …

21 час назад @ pocketgamer.com
Braid, Anniversary Edition pushes back its release date, reveals more details on new additions
Braid, Anniversary Edition pushes back its release date, reveals more details on new additions Braid, Anniversary Edition pushes back its release date, reveals more details on new additions

An old classic makes a revamped comebackExpect the puzzle platformer to arrive next monthNew levels and redesigns are in the worksExclusive level for Netflix subscribersThekla, Inc. has officially announced the updated release date for Braid, Anniversary Edition, inviting everyone to dive into the indie puzzle platformer next month.

In Braid, Anniversary Edition, you can look forward to experiencing 40 new levels along with some alternate redesigns, adding to the modernised appeal of the classic title for today's hardware.

This comes on top of the 13 fresh Full Puzzle Levels and the 12 Alternate Designs, with enhanced sound and special variants of the soundtrack crafted by Martin Stig Ander…

21 час назад @ pocketgamer.com
UploadVR + Road to VR UploadVR + Road to VR
последний пост 6 часов назад
Quest 2 Accessory Prices Cut By More Than 50%, Including Official Elite Strap & Carrying Case
Quest 2 Accessory Prices Cut By More Than 50%, Including Official Elite Strap & Carrying Case Quest 2 Accessory Prices Cut By More Than 50%, Including Official Elite Strap & Carrying Case

Meta significantly cut the prices of official Quest 2 accessories.

The new Quest 2 official accessory pricing is:Elite Strap: $25 (originally $60)Elite Strap with Battery: $45 (originally $120)Carrying Case: $20 (originally $60)Active Pack: $30 (originally $70)Fit Pack: $20 (originally $50)These represent significant discounts of more than 50% compared to the original pricing.

But there's strong evidence that Meta plans to introduce a cheaper headset to directly replace Quest 2, a headset rumored to be called "Quest 3 Lite" or "Quest 3S".

It seems likely that Quest 2 headset and accessory price cuts are in fact clearance sales, and have already successfully cleared stock of the 256GB model.…

6 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Quest 2 Accessories Got a Massive Price Cut, Is This a Fire Sale?
Quest 2 Accessories Got a Massive Price Cut, Is This a Fire Sale? Quest 2 Accessories Got a Massive Price Cut, Is This a Fire Sale?

Meta today confirmed that the recent price drop of Quest 2 to $200 is now permanent, and official accessories are getting the same treatment.

To be honest, when Meta dropped the price of Quest 2 down to the almost too-good-to-be-true price of $200 last month, we didn’t catch that the company also dropped the price on many official Quest 2 accessories.

Well today the company confirmed that the discount on both Quest 2 and its accessories is permanent going forward.

While Quest 2 (128GB) got a nice discount from $250 to $200, a handful of accessories got a massive 50% cut.

Here’s the breakdown:These Quest 2 accessory discounts finally bring the company’s official accessories much more in-line…

9 часов назад @ roadtovr.com
F1 24 Races Back Onto PC VR This May
F1 24 Races Back Onto PC VR This May F1 24 Races Back Onto PC VR This May

F1 24 has been officially revealed, promising a revamped career mode in PC VR next month.

Following F1 22 and F1 23, it's no surprise that F1 24 also features PC VR support and after February's brief announcement, EA Sports officially revealed F1 24 today.

While we believed it offered "welcome additions," we thought PC VR support remained slightly rough around the edges despite performance improvements.

While PC VR support feels more reliable, several problems stop this from becoming the definitive VR racing game, and Braking Point sometimes misses the mark.

F1 24 reaches PC VR on May 31, alongside a flatscreen release on Xbox, PlayStation and PC.

10 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Umurangi Generation VR Shines With Its Environmental Storytelling
Umurangi Generation VR Shines With Its Environmental Storytelling Umurangi Generation VR Shines With Its Environmental Storytelling

Umurangi Generation VR offers a compelling post-apocalyptic photography sim that shines in its environmental storytelling.

Umurangi Generation VR takes a different approach.

Umurangi Generation VR - PSVR 2 screenshotThis isn't a story told through cutscenes or a more traditional narrative.

Umurangi Generation VR relies exclusively on environmental storytelling that gradually becomes more explicit.

Umurangi Generation VR is out now on the Meta Quest platform and PlayStation VR2 for $24.99.

10 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
OhShape Ultimate Gets Fitness Album As PSVR 2 Port Nears Release
OhShape Ultimate Gets Fitness Album As PSVR 2 Port Nears Release OhShape Ultimate Gets Fitness Album As PSVR 2 Port Nears Release

OhShape Ultimate gets a free fitness-oriented album today, and the PSVR 2 port will soon follow.

The Steam version also receives the Ultimate update today.

Following the Ultimate update last year on Quest and Pico, a mixed reality mode followed when Quest 3 launched.

We praised OhShape in our 2020 review, considering it “a more instant, accessible iteration” of rhythm VR gaming.

OhShape Ultimate is available now on the Meta Quest platform, Pico and Steam, while the PlayStation VR2 version will arrive later this month.

11 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
The Light Brigade 'Shadow Hunter' Update Adds New Playable Class & World
The Light Brigade 'Shadow Hunter' Update Adds New Playable Class & World The Light Brigade 'Shadow Hunter' Update Adds New Playable Class & World

Roguelike shooter The Light Brigade introduces the Hunter class, a new world and more in today's free update.

Available on all platforms, The Light Brigade's 'Shadow Hunter' update introduces the new archery-focused 'Hunter' class.

Elsewhere, Shadow Hunter also introduces a new procedurally generated world, Sunless Keep.

Shadow Hunter marks the latest major post-launch update since last February's launch.

The Light Brigade - Shadow Hunter update is available now on the Meta Quest platform, PSVR 2 and PC VR.

12 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
YouTube Now Supports 8K 360° & 180° 3D Videos On Quest 3
YouTube Now Supports 8K 360° & 180° 3D Videos On Quest 3 YouTube Now Supports 8K 360° & 180° 3D Videos On Quest 3

The YouTube app on Quest 3 now supports 8K videos, including immersive 360° & 180°.

At 8K, 2D 360° videos have enough pixels to almost match the Quest 3's display angular resolution, and 2D 180° videos will far exceed it.

For 3D content, 8K 180° videos almost match Quest 3's display but 360° videos would still be far below.

Around 16K would be required for 3D 360° videos that match Quest 3's display, and around 48K for 3D 360° videos that match the human eye (assuming a capable headset such as Varjo XR-4).

And even on the immersive YouTube videos that do play at 8K on Quest 3, the bitrate seems to be far below what Apple offers with its Apple Immersive Video, which is 8K 180° 3D.

12 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Jet Cars, Dark Alleys, and Holograms: Flying High in Metacity Patrol
Jet Cars, Dark Alleys, and Holograms: Flying High in Metacity Patrol Jet Cars, Dark Alleys, and Holograms: Flying High in Metacity Patrol

Well, there is indeed an intriguing Blade Runner-esque title for Quest on App Lab that might be just what you're looking for, and that's Metacity Patrol from Norainu.

The gameplay is centered around exploration and interaction where players navigate the city using their flying patrol vehicle.

After playing it however, I have to say Metacity Patrol does set itself apart in a few areas.

Aircar - Metacity PatrolAircarLike Metacity Patrol, Aircar is a VR game set in a sprawling futuristic city.

LOW-FI - Metacity PatrolLOW-FILOW-FI from Blair Renaud is a game that shares a very similar aesthetic to Metacity Patrol.

19 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Delta Emulator Brings Nintendo's Game Boy, DS, NES, SNES And 64 To Apple Vision Pro
Delta Emulator Brings Nintendo's Game Boy, DS, NES, SNES And 64 To Apple Vision Pro Delta Emulator Brings Nintendo's Game Boy, DS, NES, SNES And 64 To Apple Vision Pro

A wave of emulators are starting to roll out across Apple platforms, Vision Pro included, as Joy-Cons and other official gamepads prove useful input accessories.

Last year, Apple shared its Apple Vision Pro launch event with Disney as its premiere content partner.

Might Apple somehow surprise everyone and renew its partnership with Nintendo for a new age, including Vision Pro?

In the case of Vision Pro specifically, the multitasking capabilities of the visionOS operating system may even start to feel like an actual analogy of classic gaming.

Nintendo's official site poses the question for us: "But can’t I make a backup copy if I own the video game?"

1 day, 8 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Quest v64 Brought Two Undocumented Features: Furniture Recognition & Multimodal In Home
Quest v64 Brought Two Undocumented Features: Furniture Recognition & Multimodal In Home Quest v64 Brought Two Undocumented Features: Furniture Recognition & Multimodal In Home

The Quest v64 update brought two undocumented major new features.

0:00 / 1:00 1× Quest 3 v64 furniture recognition footage from VR enthusiast Luna.

SceneScript likely requires far more computing power than Quest 3's current furniture recognition, and Meta presented it solely as research, not a near-term feature.

Again though keep in mind it only works with Quest 3 or Quest Pro controllers, so you won't see this feature on Quest 2 unless you buy the Pro controllers for $300.

Multimodal enables an instantaneous transition between controller tracking and hand tracking, no more delay.

1 day, 10 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Downtown Club Steers Onto Quest App Lab This June In Early Access
Downtown Club Steers Onto Quest App Lab This June In Early Access Downtown Club Steers Onto Quest App Lab This June In Early Access

Downtown Club, a VR racing game with full physical controls, launches in early access this June on Quest App Lab.

Developed by Commuter Games (V-Speedway, Neodori Infinity), Downtown Club is designed for standalone VRdiffers considerably from other VR racing games like GRID Legends and Gran Turismo 7.

Instead of just placing you inside the driver's seat, Downtown Club features full motion control support that involves directly grabbing the wheel, shifter and handbrake.

In early access, Commuter Games states there are three hot hatch cars with different versions and paint schemes available.

Downtown Club reaches Quest App Lab this June for $15.99.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Doctor Who: The Edge Of Time PlayStation VR2 Listing Emerges
Doctor Who: The Edge Of Time PlayStation VR2 Listing Emerges Doctor Who: The Edge Of Time PlayStation VR2 Listing Emerges

A new PlayStation Store listing confirms Doctor Who: The Edge of Time is coming to PSVR 2.

Initially launched in 2019, Doctor Who: The Edge Of Time sees you portray an unnamed companion for Jodie Whittaker's 13th Doctor.

While an official announcement hasn't been made, the store listing confirms a PSVR 2 port is in development that includes the Time Lord Victorious DLC.

Though Playstack published the initial release back in 2019, the listing states developer Maze Theory has taken over publishing duties.

We've contacted Maze Theory for further details and we'll update this article if we learn more.

1 day, 12 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
OpenXR 1.1 Update Shows Industry Consensus on Key Technical Features
OpenXR 1.1 Update Shows Industry Consensus on Key Technical Features OpenXR 1.1 Update Shows Industry Consensus on Key Technical Features

OpenXR 1.1 evolves the standard by incorporating new functionality that was important to the industry but previously not standardized.

Following the OpenXR 1.0 release in 2019, this week’s release of OpenXR 1.1 is the first major update to the standard in more than four and a half years.

Thus, extensions can be ‘promoted’ and baked into the OpenXR standard for all to use and support.

Stereo with Foveated Rendering: provides a Primary View Configuration to realize eye-tracked foveated rendering or fixed foveated rendering for XR headsets across multiple graphics rendering APIs.

“OpenXR 1.1 marks a significant milestone in the development of this open standard that has become widely adopted t…

1 day, 12 hours назад @ roadtovr.com
Vision Pro Demos Will Soon Include the Option Watch Your Own Spatial Videos Before Buying
Vision Pro Demos Will Soon Include the Option Watch Your Own Spatial Videos Before Buying Vision Pro Demos Will Soon Include the Option Watch Your Own Spatial Videos Before Buying

Apple will soon allow users to upload their own spatial videos to Vision Pro demo units in hopes to really drive home the headset’s value proposition.

That is, anyone in the US, as the company still hasn’t announced when it’s launching Vision Pro internationally.

Spatial videos captured on a prospective owner’s iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max will be transferred to Vision Pro, which will notably have a limit to keep the whole process snappy.

“Your items will be deleted off of Apple Vision Pro at the end of the demo and will not be accessible to anyone else.

In the meantime, you can actually already watch your iPhone-captured spatial videos on Quest, as Meta has officially supported the …

1 day, 15 hours назад @ roadtovr.com
How Zombie Army VR Adapts The Sniper Elite Spinoff For A New Medium
How Zombie Army VR Adapts The Sniper Elite Spinoff For A New Medium How Zombie Army VR Adapts The Sniper Elite Spinoff For A New Medium

In a crowded field of zombie shooters, Zombie Army VR believes it can make a lasting impression.

Read on for our full interview:Developed by Rebellion, Zombie Army VR closely follows last November's launch of Sniper Elite VR: Winter Warrior.

Despite this fast-paced approach, Cook says Zombie Army VR still includes full manual reloading.

I'm told the campaign occurs between Zombie Army Trilogy and Zombie Army 4, featuring some returning characters as we visit Nuremberg and other European locations.

Zombie Army VR will reach PSVR 2, Quest, Rift and Steam in 2024.

1 day, 16 hours назад @ uploadvr.com