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Бета-версия подборки новостей об играх и всём, что с ними связано
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последний пост 8 часов назад
Первый тизер сериала Like a Dragon: Yakuza
Первый тизер сериала Like a Dragon: Yakuza Первый тизер сериала Like a Dragon: Yakuza

Шоу стартует на Amazon Prime в конце октября.

8 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Аниме-адаптация хоррор-манги «Спираль» Дзюндзи Ито стартует 28 сентября — тизер
Аниме-адаптация хоррор-манги «Спираль» Дзюндзи Ито стартует 28 сентября — тизер Аниме-адаптация хоррор-манги «Спираль» Дзюндзи Ито стартует 28 сентября — тизер

Шоу анонсировали ещё в 2019 году — его релиз переносили три раза.

10 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Для Path of Exile вышло масштабное обновление «Поселенцы Калгуура» — с валютным рынком, золотом и постройкой города
Для Path of Exile вышло масштабное обновление «Поселенцы Калгуура» — с валютным рынком, золотом и постройкой города Для Path of Exile вышло масштабное обновление «Поселенцы Калгуура» — с валютным рынком, золотом и постройкой города

Одно из крупнейших дополнений для игры.

10 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Гигантские осьминоги и реки лавы в геймплейном трейлере World of Goo 2
Гигантские осьминоги и реки лавы в геймплейном трейлере World of Goo 2 Гигантские осьминоги и реки лавы в геймплейном трейлере World of Goo 2

Игра выйдет на ПК и Nintendo Switch уже 2 августа.

11 часов назад @ dtf.ru
«Саурон вернулся» — большой трейлер второго сезона сериала «Властелин колец: Кольца власти»
«Саурон вернулся» — большой трейлер второго сезона сериала «Властелин колец: Кольца власти» «Саурон вернулся» — большой трейлер второго сезона сериала «Властелин колец: Кольца власти»

Продолжение шоу стартует 29 августа.

12 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Анонсирован симулятор свиданий Date Everything! — в нём можно закрутить роман с холодильником, пылесосом и другими предметами
Анонсирован симулятор свиданий Date Everything! — в нём можно закрутить роман с холодильником, пылесосом и другими предметами Анонсирован симулятор свиданий Date Everything! — в нём можно закрутить роман с холодильником, пылесосом и другими предметами

В игре будет 100 объектов, которые превращаются в девушек и парней.

12 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Стримерша убила двух финальных боссов Shadow of the Erdtree одновременно — одного на контроллере, а второго на танцевальном коврике
Стримерша убила двух финальных боссов Shadow of the Erdtree одновременно — одного на контроллере, а второго на танцевальном коврике Стримерша убила двух финальных боссов Shadow of the Erdtree одновременно — одного на контроллере, а второго на танцевальном коврике

Достижение, которое мало кто сможет повторить.

13 часов назад @ dtf.ru
На PS5 и Xbox Series X|S стартовала открытая «бета» Valorant — онлайн-шутера от Riot Games
На PS5 и Xbox Series X|S стартовала открытая «бета» Valorant — онлайн-шутера от Riot Games На PS5 и Xbox Series X|S стартовала открытая «бета» Valorant — онлайн-шутера от Riot Games

Подписчики Game Pass Ultimate смогут сразу разблокировать всех героев и получить новые дополнения.

14 часов назад @ dtf.ru
В раннем доступе Steam вышел ролевой экшен «Древние Русы» — в нём можно встретить Бабу-Ягу и поиграть в карты с мужиками
В раннем доступе Steam вышел ролевой экшен «Древние Русы» — в нём можно встретить Бабу-Ягу и поиграть в карты с мужиками В раннем доступе Steam вышел ролевой экшен «Древние Русы» — в нём можно встретить Бабу-Ягу и поиграть в карты с мужиками

Игра получила профессиональную озвучку от GamesVoice.

15 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Анимационный фильм Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden запустили в разработку — героев озвучат Дольф Лундгрен и Иэн Макэлхинни
Анимационный фильм Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden запустили в разработку — героев озвучат Дольф Лундгрен и Иэн Макэлхинни Анимационный фильм Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden запустили в разработку — героев озвучат Дольф Лундгрен и Иэн Макэлхинни

Экранизацию постапокалиптической адвенчуры об антропоморфных зверях сделают на Unreal Engine 5.

17 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Разработчики Gran Turismo 7 разбираются с багом, из-за которого машины взлетают к небу
Разработчики Gran Turismo 7 разбираются с багом, из-за которого машины взлетают к небу Разработчики Gran Turismo 7 разбираются с багом, из-за которого машины взлетают к небу

Некоторые сцены напоминают побег Гарри Поттера в Хогвартс.

19 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Разработчики ремастера Lollipop Chainsaw выпустят его на PS4 — по просьбам фанатов
Разработчики ремастера Lollipop Chainsaw выпустят его на PS4 — по просьбам фанатов Разработчики ремастера Lollipop Chainsaw выпустят его на PS4 — по просьбам фанатов

Сроки релиза этой версии назовут позже.

21 час назад @ dtf.ru
Epic прекратит выпускать свои игры на мобильных площадках, которые «несправедливо обходятся с разработчиками»
Epic прекратит выпускать свои игры на мобильных площадках, которые «несправедливо обходятся с разработчиками» Epic прекратит выпускать свои игры на мобильных площадках, которые «несправедливо обходятся с разработчиками»

Заявление опубликовали на фоне подготовки к запуску версии EGS для смартфонов.

22 часа назад @ dtf.ru
NetEase показала кинематографический трейлер Marvel Rivals с Доктором Думом
NetEase показала кинематографический трейлер Marvel Rivals с Доктором Думом NetEase показала кинематографический трейлер Marvel Rivals с Доктором Думом

Сейчас PvP-экшен находится в закрытой бете.

22 часа назад @ dtf.ru
Создатели Soulframe будут «дорабатывать боевую систему и серьёзно экспериментировать с геймплеем»
Создатели Soulframe будут «дорабатывать боевую систему и серьёзно экспериментировать с геймплеем» Создатели Soulframe будут «дорабатывать боевую систему и серьёзно экспериментировать с геймплеем»

«Мы любим ваши отзывы и постоянно читаем их».

1 day назад @ dtf.ru
Stopgame Stopgame
последний пост 2 часа назад
Mortal Kombat 1: сюжетное DLC, свежий набор бойцов и возвращение анималити
Mortal Kombat 1: сюжетное DLC, свежий набор бойцов и возвращение анималити Mortal Kombat 1: сюжетное DLC, свежий набор бойцов и возвращение анималити

Mortal Kombat 1 получит сюжетное расширение Khaos Reigns и набор персонажей Kombat Pack 2, состав которого ещё месяц назад раскопали датамайнеры.

В состав Khaos Reigns также входит набор бойцов Kombat Pack 2.

Отдельно от Khaos Reigns второй Kombat Pack продаваться не будет, однако получится прикупить набор сразу с Kombat Pack 1 на борту.

Двое последних примерят на себя свои же облики из Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.

Одновременно с выходом DLC MK1 получит обновление с анималити — этот тип добивания впервые появился в Mortal Kombat 3.

2 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
В Crossout прибудут двуногие боевые машины
В Crossout прибудут двуногие боевые машины В Crossout прибудут двуногие боевые машины

Gaijin Entertainment сообщила, что в постапокалиптическом онлайн-экшене Crossout появятся гигантские боевые роботы.

В конструктор бронемобилей будет добавлен новый тип ходовой — вертикальные меха-ноги, благодаря чему можно будет устраивать меха-зарубы.

Новый тип ходовой позволит игрокам собирать боевые машины, которые передвигаются на двух ногах.

Напомним, в Crossout можно свободно конструировать технику из сотен и тысяч доступных деталей и тут же отправляться в бой.

Ходячие боевые роботы будут применяться только в режимах, где также доступны бронелёты, а сами режимы будут обновлены и станут ещё безумнее.

11 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
На PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series началось ОБТ Valorant
На PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series началось ОБТ Valorant На PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series началось ОБТ Valorant

Riot Games сообщила, что соревновательный шутер Valorant добрался до стадии открытой «беты» на PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series.

Пара нюансов:Кросс-плей работает только между PlayStation и Xbox — владельцы ПК не смогут сразиться с консольщиками.

ОБТ доступно в тех же регионах, где проходило закрытое тестирование, — в США, Канаде, Европе, Японии и Бразилии.

Наш автор Алексей Лихачёв ознакомился с новой версией на этапе ЗБТ и остался очень доволен:

11 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Дольф Лундгрен и Иэн Макэлхинни сыграют в мультфильме по Mutant Year Zero
Дольф Лундгрен и Иэн Макэлхинни сыграют в мультфильме по Mutant Year Zero Дольф Лундгрен и Иэн Макэлхинни сыграют в мультфильме по Mutant Year Zero

Ещё в 2020 году стало известно, что режиссёр Хасраф Далалл (Hasraf Dulull) готовит анимационную полнометражку по мотивам стелс-тактики Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden.

Как сообщает The Hollywood Reporter, персонажей картины озвучат Дольф Лундгрен (Dolph Lundgren) и Иэн Макэлхинни (Ian McElhinney).

Дольф Лундгрен прославился благодаря роли Ивана Драгов в «Рокки 4» и сыграл во многих боевиках, таких как «Универсальный солдат» и «Неудержимые».

Среди заметных актёрских работ Иэна Макэлхинни — Барристан Селми в «Игре престолов» и генерал Додонна в «Изгой-один: Звёздные войны.

Кого они озвучат в Mutant Year Zero — не уточняется.

12 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Kill The Shadow — 2D-3D-детектив с нотками Disco Elysium
Kill The Shadow — 2D-3D-детектив с нотками Disco Elysium Kill The Shadow — 2D-3D-детектив с нотками Disco Elysium

Издательство 663 Games и студия Shadowlight Sanctuary представили ролевой детектив Kill The Shadow.

Он должен раскрыть серию преступлений в разных районах города — исчезновение человека, внезапную смерть и даже появление отсечённых конечностей в канализации.

От них зависит ваш стиль игры — можно прибегать к психологическим уловкам, подкупать или просто избивать подозреваемых.

По ходу расследования вы повстречаете колоритных жителей — бойкую девочку с камерой, изящную миссис Руан, языкастого Сорванца и не только.

Kill The Shadow прибудет на ПК (Steam) в 2024 году.

14 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Похоже, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver готовится к переизданию
Похоже, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver готовится к переизданию Похоже, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver готовится к переизданию

Серия Legacy of Kain — народная любимица от Crystal Dynamics, которой очень не повезло с последними релизами.

Там на стенде комикс-издательства Dark Horse выставлена статуэтка с логотипом Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver I & II Remastered.

На то, что Legacy of Kain воскрешают, указывает и недавно анонсированный комикс The Dead Shall Rise.

Soul Reaver I & II Remastered окажется первым официальным игровым релизом во франшизе с 2003 года.

Кроме неё также была отменённая в начале нулевых Dead Sun и мультиплеерный спин-офф Nosgoth, так и не вышедший из стадии бета-тестирования.

14 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Экранизация BioShock сильно схуднула в бюджете
Экранизация BioShock сильно схуднула в бюджете Экранизация BioShock сильно схуднула в бюджете

Ещё в начале 2022-го стало известно, что Netflix собирается выпустить фильм по мотивам BioShock.

С планами не расстались, но с бюджетами всё пошло не так — экранизацию пересобирают под более скромные рамки.

Об этом рассказал продюсер ленты Рой Ли (Roy Lee).

С момента анонса у Netflix сменилось руководство, которое решило снизить расходы на съёмки фильмов (вероятно, имеются в виду именно полнометражные ленты).

Рой ЛиКак добавил Рой Ли , теперь Netflix иначе оценивает успешность своих релизов.

15 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Dragon Age: The Veilguard для Steam работает без приложения EA
Dragon Age: The Veilguard для Steam работает без приложения EA Dragon Age: The Veilguard для Steam работает без приложения EA

Если вы хотите брать Dragon Age: The Veilguard в Steam, есть хорошие новости: в магазине Valve будет полностью «родная» версия без особо навязчивых лишних примесей.

— Мы полностью совместимы со Steam Deck.

— У нас родная версия для Steam — приложение EA не понадобится для игры.

Хотя разработчики говорят о родной версии для Steam, в чём именно это выражается (помимо совместимости со Steam Deck), пока неизвестно — на странице The Veilguard в магазине Valve пока не указаны особенности вроде достижений и облачных сохранений.

Системные требования пока не раскрываются, но раз есть совместимость со Steam Deck, ничего заоблачного там, скорее всего, не будет.

15 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
В сентябре Remnant II получит финальное дополнение
В сентябре Remnant II получит финальное дополнение В сентябре Remnant II получит финальное дополнение

Gunfire Games анонсировала третье и заключительное дополнение для боевика Remnant II.

Мы хотим, чтобы The Dark Horizon стало самым масштабным дополнением для Remnant II.

Оно будет не только полностью соответствовать знакомому вам духу Remnant II, но и включать совершенно новый и доступный каждому пользователю игровой режим.

Из послания от разработчиковИзначально Gunfire Games планировала выкатить все три DLC в течение года после старта игры.

Напомним, Remnant II увидела свет в июле 2023-го и получила признание со стороны критиков — в настоящее время у боевика 80 баллов на Metacritic.

16 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Похоже, Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP выйдет и на PS4
Похоже, Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP выйдет и на PS4 Похоже, Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP выйдет и на PS4

Точно известно, что ремастер Lollipop Chainsaw посетит ПК и консоли актуального поколения.

Как заявил продюсер игры Ёсими Ясуда (Yoshimi Yasuda), после официального анонса Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP студия получила множество просьб выпустить ремастер и на PlayStation 4.

Собирается ли студия обратить свой взор на Xbox One — неизвестно.

Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP стартует 25 сентября на ПК (Steam), PlayStation 5, Xbox Series и Nintendo Switch с английской и японской озвучками.

В ремастере улучшили боевую систему, ввели более яркий режим отображения, отрисовали множество костюмов для главной героини и так далее.

17 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Blizzard даст шанс формату «6 на 6» в Overwatch 2
Blizzard даст шанс формату «6 на 6» в Overwatch 2 Blizzard даст шанс формату «6 на 6» в Overwatch 2

Отказ от формата «6 на 6» в пользу «5 на 5» при переходе к Overwatch 2 можно считать одним из самых спорных решений Blizzard.

Однако надежда на возвращение ещё есть — студия готовится протестировать прежний формат в череде ивентов.

По его словам, формат с пятью бойцами в команде был выбран сразу по ряду причин.

Поэтому Blizzard готовится провести серию мероприятий, чтобы опробовать различные форматы в составе «6 на 6».

Помимо экспериментов с форматом «6 на 6» Blizzard намерена поработать над компоновкой отрядов, чтобы геймеры не испытывали ощущение однообразия.

18 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Авторы Gran Turismo 7 извинились за баг, запускающий авто в небо
Авторы Gran Turismo 7 извинились за баг, запускающий авто в небо Авторы Gran Turismo 7 извинились за баг, запускающий авто в небо

Также студия Polyphony Digital внесла правки в физическую модель, однако что-то пошло не так и разработчикам пришлось извиняться.

Вскоре после выхода обновления соцсети заполонили ролики со скачущими машинами из Gran Turismo 7 — на колёсах неуверенно стояли как автомобили под управлением ИИ, так и «ласточки» игроков.

Автомобиль ведёт себя не так, как задумано, если в настройках активирована определённая опция.

Gran Turismo 7 вышла в марте 2022-го на PlayStation.

С момента релиза автосимулятор получил уже кучу апдейтов, добавляющих в игру машины, трассы и другой контент.

20 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Epic уберёт свои игры из мобильных площадок, которые несправедливы к девелоперам
Epic уберёт свои игры из мобильных площадок, которые несправедливы к девелоперам Epic уберёт свои игры из мобильных площадок, которые несправедливы к девелоперам

В преддверии открытия Epic Games Store на iOS и Android компания Epic Games сделала несколько важных объявлений.

С какими-то мобильными магазинами сотрудничество прекращается, в то время как с другими — начинается.

Так что Epic Games готовится отправить Fortnite и другие свои игры на площадки, которые предоставляют выгодные условия всем девелоперам.

Epic Games перестанет сотрудничать с мобильными магазинами, которые «выступают сборщиками арендной платы, не желают конкуренции и не со всеми разработчиками обходятся справедливо».

Fortnite и прочие продукты компании пропадут из Samsung Galaxy Store, так как Samsung использует неконкурентные методы вроде блокировки сторонних загрузок по умолчани…

20 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
В Steam появилась возможность создавать отдельные страницы для «демок»
В Steam появилась возможность создавать отдельные страницы для «демок» В Steam появилась возможность создавать отдельные страницы для «демок»

Добавляемые в библиотеку демоверсии не нужно устанавливать в тот же момент.

Для этого появилась отдельная кнопка «Добавить в библиотеку».

«Пробник» получится установить даже в том случае, если у человека уже имеется полноценная версия этой же игры.

Разработчикам вручили возможность создавать отдельные страницы для демоверсий, где можно добавить более подробное описание, скриншоты и видео.

Ознакомиться с другими мероприятиями в Steam на остаток 2024-го и начало 2025-го можно в этой статье.

21 час назад @ stopgame.ru
Голоса должны быть живыми! — профсоюз SAG-AFTRA объявил забастовку против игровых компаний из-за использования ИИ
Голоса должны быть живыми! — профсоюз SAG-AFTRA объявил забастовку против игровых компаний из-за использования ИИ Голоса должны быть живыми! — профсоюз SAG-AFTRA объявил забастовку против игровых компаний из-за использования ИИ

После переговоров, которые длились последние полтора с лишним года, объединённые Гильдиия киноактёров США и Американская федерацией актёров телевидения и радио (SAG-AFTRA) объявили забастовку крупным игровым компаниям.

На работу не выйдут сотрудники следующих компаний:WB Games Inc .VoiceWorks Productions Inc .Activision Productions Inc .Blindlight LLC .

Insomniac Games Inc .Llama Productions LLC .

Take 2 Productions Inc.Как сообщают источники издания Variety, стороны уже договорились обо всем, даже о повышении средней зарплаты, но не о регулировании использования генеративного искусственного интеллекта.

Ранее профсоюзы в США отстояли права актеров и режиссёров.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ stopgame.ru
Игромания Игромания
последний пост 2 часа назад
Fallout: London, забастовка SAG-AFTRA, Overwatch 2, Roblox — в Итогах недели от 26 июля
Fallout: London, забастовка SAG-AFTRA, Overwatch 2, Roblox — в Итогах недели от 26 июля

Гильдия SAG-AFTRA объявила забастовку против крупных игровых компаний — релиз Grand Theft Auto 6 под угрозой. Blizzard может добавить бои 6 на 6 в Overwatch 2.

2 часа назад @ igromania.ru
К Castle Crashers выпустят первое дополнение за 12 лет
К Castle Crashers выпустят первое дополнение за 12 лет

Студия The Behemoth анонсировала дополнение Painter Boss Paradise к кооперативному аркадному слэшеру Castle Crashers.

12 часов назад @ igromania.ru
На консолях Xbox и PlayStation открылась бета Valorant
На консолях Xbox и PlayStation открылась бета Valorant

Riot Games объявила, что владельцам консолей Xbox и PlayStation больше не потребуются пригласительные коды, чтобы познакомиться с условно-бесплатным онлайновым шутером Valorant.

13 часов назад @ igromania.ru
SAG-AFTRA и проблемы GTA 6, улучшения Overwatch 2, Roblox, YouTube в России! Итоги недели 26.07
SAG-AFTRA и проблемы GTA 6, улучшения Overwatch 2, Roblox, YouTube в России! Итоги недели 26.07 SAG-AFTRA и проблемы GTA 6, улучшения Overwatch 2, Roblox, YouTube в России! Итоги недели 26.07

https://bit.ly/IgromaniaGame : игры для ПК и консолей, пополнение счета Steam, оплата подписок и многое другое! Получи дополнительную скидку в 20% с промокодом “igromania”: https://keysforgamers.com/signup/igromania Обзор Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree — насколько хорош главный претендует на звание «дополнения года 2024»? Новое видео на канале Полка Игромана: https://youtu.be/wLB2Fsoby5w Гильдия SAG-AFTRA объявила забастовку против крупных игровых компаний — релиз Grand Theft Auto 6 под угрозой. Blizzard может добавить бои 6 на 6 в Overwatch 2. Roblox попал в эпицентр очередного скандала из-за проблем с безопасностью. В GOG вышла глобальная модификация Fallout: London. Разработчик из Lar…

13 часов назад @ youtube.com
Первое крупное обновление к The First Descendant выпустят 31 июля
Первое крупное обновление к The First Descendant выпустят 31 июля

Компания Nexon объявила, что ожидаемое обновление Week 5 для онлайнового шутера The First Descendant выйдет на день раньше, чем планировалось: не 1 августа, а 31 июля.

14 часов назад @ igromania.ru
В футбольной гонке Rocket League появился контент по «Дэдпулу» Marvel
В футбольной гонке Rocket League появился контент по «Дэдпулу» Marvel

Создатели Rocket League поделились трейлером очередных новинок.

14 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Scorchlands покинула ранний доступ и продаётся за полцены
Scorchlands покинула ранний доступ и продаётся за полцены

Фантастическая градостроительная стратегия Scorchlands добралась до релиза после года в раннем доступе Steam.

14 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Создатели Kingdom Come: Deliverance показали «игрофильм» с полным сюжетом игры
Создатели Kingdom Come: Deliverance показали «игрофильм» с полным сюжетом игры

Привлечение новых поклонников к сиквелам вышедших игр — тяжёлая задача.

14 часов назад @ igromania.ru
В военной стратегии Wargame: Red Dragon появится итальянская армия
В военной стратегии Wargame: Red Dragon появится итальянская армия

Французская студия Eugen Systems после трёхлетнего перерыва вспомнила о своей стратегии в реальном времени Wargame: Red Dragon.

15 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Ролевой симулятор Mirthwood выйдет 11 сентября на PC
Ролевой симулятор Mirthwood выйдет 11 сентября на PC

Издательство V Publishing совместно с независимой студией Bad Ridge Games объявили, что симулятор средневековой жизни Mirthwood выйдет на РС 11 сентября.

15 часов назад @ igromania.ru
В пиксельном приключении Kill The Shadow детектив-выпивоха сможет отматывать время
В пиксельном приключении Kill The Shadow детектив-выпивоха сможет отматывать время

Молодая китайская студия Shadowlight Sanctuary и издательство 663 Games анонсировали остросюжетную детективную ролевую игру Kill The Shadow.

15 часов назад @ igromania.ru
В трейлере нового кроссовера Fall Guys и «Звёздных войн» показали Йоду и других знакомых героев
В трейлере нового кроссовера Fall Guys и «Звёздных войн» показали Йоду и других знакомых героев

Разработчики из Mediatonic показали свежий трейлер Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout.

16 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Elden Ring и Call of Duty не смогли сломить лидерство Fortnite по выручке за июнь
Elden Ring и Call of Duty не смогли сломить лидерство Fortnite по выручке за июнь

Аналитики из Newzoo рассказали об играх, которые принесли наибольшую выручку своим создателям в США, Великобритании, Германии, Франции, Испании и Италии за июнь 2024 года на консолях и PC.

17 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Файтинг 2XKO в мире League of Legends получил новый геймплейный ролик
Файтинг 2XKO в мире League of Legends получил новый геймплейный ролик

В рамках EVO 2024, одного из главных событий среди фанатов файтингов, показали новый геймплей 2XKO.

17 часов назад @ igromania.ru
В средневековом экшене For Honor стартовал бесплатный доступ на PC и консолях
В средневековом экшене For Honor стартовал бесплатный доступ на PC и консолях

Ubisoft объявила, что отныне сыграть в средневековый экшен For Honor получится бесплатно. Однако акция ограничена по времени и уже началась, поэтому всем заинтересованным стоит поспешить.

18 часов назад @ igromania.ru
IXBT.games IXBT.games
последний пост 1 час назад
Выход Call of Duty в Game Pass омрачён техническими проблемами. Игроки испытывают проблемы с входом в игруДобавление последней части Call of Duty в каталог Game Pass был правильным шагом со стороны Microsoft. Но релиз не обошёлся без проблем: некоторые игр
Выход Call of Duty в Game Pass омрачён техническими проблемами. Игроки испытывают проблемы с входом в игруДобавление последней части Call of Duty в каталог Game Pass был правильным шагом со стороны Microsoft. Но релиз не обошёлся без проблем: некоторые игр Выход Call of Duty в Game Pass омрачён техническими проблемами. Игроки испытывают проблемы с входом в игруДобавление последней части Call of Duty в каталог Game Pass был правильным шагом со стороны Microsoft. Но релиз не обошёлся без проблем: некоторые игр

Выход Call of Duty в Game Pass омрачён техническими проблемами. Игроки испытывают проблемы с входом в игруДобавление последней части Call of Duty в каталог Game Pass был правильным шагом со стороны Microsoft. Но релиз не обошёлся без проблем: некоторые игроки жаловались на невозможность присоединиться к игре.

1 час назад @ t.me
Тор размахивает Мьёлниром в новом трейлере Marvel RivalsNetEase Games и Marvel Games представили новый кинематографический трейлер Marvel Rivals, новой бесплатной PvP-игры 6 на 6, находящейся в стадии закрытого бета-тестирования.
Тор размахивает Мьёлниром в новом трейлере Marvel RivalsNetEase Games и Marvel Games представили новый кинематографический трейлер Marvel Rivals, новой бесплатной PvP-игры 6 на 6, находящейся в стадии закрытого бета-тестирования. Тор размахивает Мьёлниром в новом трейлере Marvel RivalsNetEase Games и Marvel Games представили новый кинематографический трейлер Marvel Rivals, новой бесплатной PvP-игры 6 на 6, находящейся в стадии закрытого бета-тестирования.

Тор размахивает Мьёлниром в новом трейлере Marvel RivalsNetEase Games и Marvel Games представили новый кинематографический трейлер Marvel Rivals, новой бесплатной PvP-игры 6 на 6, находящейся в стадии закрытого бета-тестирования.

1 час назад @ t.me
Анонсирован анимационный фильм по игре Mutant Year Zero: Road to EdenПриключения Бормина и Дакса обретут вторую жизнь в виде мультфильма. Дольф Лундгрен и Иэн Макэлхини подарят свои голоса главным героям.
Анонсирован анимационный фильм по игре Mutant Year Zero: Road to EdenПриключения Бормина и Дакса обретут вторую жизнь в виде мультфильма. Дольф Лундгрен и Иэн Макэлхини подарят свои голоса главным героям. Анонсирован анимационный фильм по игре Mutant Year Zero: Road to EdenПриключения Бормина и Дакса обретут вторую жизнь в виде мультфильма. Дольф Лундгрен и Иэн Макэлхини подарят свои голоса главным героям.

Анонсирован анимационный фильм по игре Mutant Year Zero: Road to EdenПриключения Бормина и Дакса обретут вторую жизнь в виде мультфильма. Дольф Лундгрен и Иэн Макэлхини подарят свои голоса главным героям.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Возвращение в Камурочо. Смотрим первый трейлер сериала Like a Dragon: YakuzaПервый трейлер Like a Dragon: Yakuza от Amazon предлагает прогуляться по опасным улицам Камурочо и увидеть культовую татуировку Курю Кадзумы во всей красе.
Возвращение в Камурочо. Смотрим первый трейлер сериала Like a Dragon: YakuzaПервый трейлер Like a Dragon: Yakuza от Amazon предлагает прогуляться по опасным улицам Камурочо и увидеть культовую татуировку Курю Кадзумы во всей красе. Возвращение в Камурочо. Смотрим первый трейлер сериала Like a Dragon: YakuzaПервый трейлер Like a Dragon: Yakuza от Amazon предлагает прогуляться по опасным улицам Камурочо и увидеть культовую татуировку Курю Кадзумы во всей красе.

Возвращение в Камурочо. Смотрим первый трейлер сериала Like a Dragon: YakuzaПервый трейлер Like a Dragon: Yakuza от Amazon предлагает прогуляться по опасным улицам Камурочо и увидеть культовую татуировку Курю Кадзумы во всей красе.

6 часов назад @ t.me
Для Mortal Kombat 1 было анонсировано дополнение Khaos ReignsKhaos Reigns расширит сюжетную линию оригинальной игры, а также добавит шесть новых бойцов, включая женские версии Сайракса и Сектора.
Для Mortal Kombat 1 было анонсировано дополнение Khaos ReignsKhaos Reigns расширит сюжетную линию оригинальной игры, а также добавит шесть новых бойцов, включая женские версии Сайракса и Сектора. Для Mortal Kombat 1 было анонсировано дополнение Khaos ReignsKhaos Reigns расширит сюжетную линию оригинальной игры, а также добавит шесть новых бойцов, включая женские версии Сайракса и Сектора.

Для Mortal Kombat 1 было анонсировано дополнение Khaos ReignsKhaos Reigns расширит сюжетную линию оригинальной игры, а также добавит шесть новых бойцов, включая женские версии Сайракса и Сектора.

8 часов назад @ t.me
Новый трейлер World of Goo 2 напоминает, что релиз головоломки про жижу состоится в августеИгра разрабатывается студиями Tomorrow Corporation и 2D Boy для персональных компьютеров, а также Nintendo Switch.
Новый трейлер World of Goo 2 напоминает, что релиз головоломки про жижу состоится в августеИгра разрабатывается студиями Tomorrow Corporation и 2D Boy для персональных компьютеров, а также Nintendo Switch. Новый трейлер World of Goo 2 напоминает, что релиз головоломки про жижу состоится в августеИгра разрабатывается студиями Tomorrow Corporation и 2D Boy для персональных компьютеров, а также Nintendo Switch.

Новый трейлер World of Goo 2 напоминает, что релиз головоломки про жижу состоится в августеИгра разрабатывается студиями Tomorrow Corporation и 2D Boy для персональных компьютеров, а также Nintendo Switch.

8 часов назад @ t.me
В Steam сейчас проходит акция на выходных со скидками до 90%Для удобства мы разделили подборку на проекты, доступные в российском сегменте магазина Valve и игры, для приобретения которых необходимо сменить регион.
В Steam сейчас проходит акция на выходных со скидками до 90%Для удобства мы разделили подборку на проекты, доступные в российском сегменте магазина Valve и игры, для приобретения которых необходимо сменить регион. В Steam сейчас проходит акция на выходных со скидками до 90%Для удобства мы разделили подборку на проекты, доступные в российском сегменте магазина Valve и игры, для приобретения которых необходимо сменить регион.

В Steam сейчас проходит акция на выходных со скидками до 90%Для удобства мы разделили подборку на проекты, доступные в российском сегменте магазина Valve и игры, для приобретения которых необходимо сменить регион.

8 часов назад @ t.me
Netflix отменила экранизацию Dragon's Lair с нелинейным повествованием. Адаптация выйдет в виде классического фильмаСоздателям фильма Dragon's Lair пришлось отказаться от создания нелинейного приключения из-за снижения производственных бюджетов.
Netflix отменила экранизацию Dragon's Lair с нелинейным повествованием. Адаптация выйдет в виде классического фильмаСоздателям фильма Dragon's Lair пришлось отказаться от создания нелинейного приключения из-за снижения производственных бюджетов. Netflix отменила экранизацию Dragon's Lair с нелинейным повествованием. Адаптация выйдет в виде классического фильмаСоздателям фильма Dragon's Lair пришлось отказаться от создания нелинейного приключения из-за снижения производственных бюджетов.

Netflix отменила экранизацию Dragon's Lair с нелинейным повествованием. Адаптация выйдет в виде классического фильмаСоздателям фильма Dragon's Lair пришлось отказаться от создания нелинейного приключения из-за снижения производственных бюджетов.

9 часов назад @ t.me
Слили геймплей Marvel's Wolverine за сильную и не очень красивую женщину. Геймеры усмотрели работу Sweet Baby IncАвторы Marvel's Wolverine не спешат радовать сообщество новыми промо-материалами, но благодаря хакерам игроки сами занимаются их производством.
Слили геймплей Marvel's Wolverine за сильную и не очень красивую женщину. Геймеры усмотрели работу Sweet Baby IncАвторы Marvel's Wolverine не спешат радовать сообщество новыми промо-материалами, но благодаря хакерам игроки сами занимаются их производством. Слили геймплей Marvel's Wolverine за сильную и не очень красивую женщину. Геймеры усмотрели работу Sweet Baby IncАвторы Marvel's Wolverine не спешат радовать сообщество новыми промо-материалами, но благодаря хакерам игроки сами занимаются их производством.

Слили геймплей Marvel's Wolverine за сильную и не очень красивую женщину. Геймеры усмотрели работу Sweet Baby IncАвторы Marvel's Wolverine не спешат радовать сообщество новыми промо-материалами, но благодаря хакерам игроки сами занимаются их производством. Некоторые моменты вызывают определённые опасения за полную версию игры.

11 часов назад @ t.me
Процессоры Intel 13-го и 14-го поколения возвращают по гарантии в 3-4 раза чаще, чем 12-е поколениеКрупные европейские продавцы столкнулись с возросшими возвратами процессоров Intel 13-го и 14-го поколения. Анонимный источник рассказал, какие модели чаще в
Процессоры Intel 13-го и 14-го поколения возвращают по гарантии в 3-4 раза чаще, чем 12-е поколениеКрупные европейские продавцы столкнулись с возросшими возвратами процессоров Intel 13-го и 14-го поколения. Анонимный источник рассказал, какие модели чаще в Процессоры Intel 13-го и 14-го поколения возвращают по гарантии в 3-4 раза чаще, чем 12-е поколениеКрупные европейские продавцы столкнулись с возросшими возвратами процессоров Intel 13-го и 14-го поколения. Анонимный источник рассказал, какие модели чаще в

Процессоры Intel 13-го и 14-го поколения возвращают по гарантии в 3-4 раза чаще, чем 12-е поколениеКрупные европейские продавцы столкнулись с возросшими возвратами процессоров Intel 13-го и 14-го поколения. Анонимный источник рассказал, какие модели чаще всего возвращают по гарантии.

11 часов назад @ t.me
Инди-разработчик заступился за 30% комиссию Steam. Благодаря Valve он получил рекламу, которая окупает издержкиНекоторые компании и разработчики активно критикуют так называемые грабительские 30% в Steam. Далеко не все разделяют такой взгляд на комиссию Va
Инди-разработчик заступился за 30% комиссию Steam. Благодаря Valve он получил рекламу, которая окупает издержкиНекоторые компании и разработчики активно критикуют так называемые грабительские 30% в Steam. Далеко не все разделяют такой взгляд на комиссию Va Инди-разработчик заступился за 30% комиссию Steam. Благодаря Valve он получил рекламу, которая окупает издержкиНекоторые компании и разработчики активно критикуют так называемые грабительские 30% в Steam. Далеко не все разделяют такой взгляд на комиссию Va

Инди-разработчик заступился за 30% комиссию Steam. Благодаря Valve он получил рекламу, которая окупает издержкиНекоторые компании и разработчики активно критикуют так называемые грабительские 30% в Steam. Далеко не все разделяют такой взгляд на комиссию Valve.

12 часов назад @ t.me
13 минут геймплея Dynasty Warriors Origins. Koei Tecmo участвует в ChinaJoy 2024После Dynasty Warriors 9 франшиза всё же не закончилась. Koei Tecmo готовится к возвращению с новой игрой.
13 минут геймплея Dynasty Warriors Origins. Koei Tecmo участвует в ChinaJoy 2024После Dynasty Warriors 9 франшиза всё же не закончилась. Koei Tecmo готовится к возвращению с новой игрой. 13 минут геймплея Dynasty Warriors Origins. Koei Tecmo участвует в ChinaJoy 2024После Dynasty Warriors 9 франшиза всё же не закончилась. Koei Tecmo готовится к возвращению с новой игрой.

13 минут геймплея Dynasty Warriors Origins. Koei Tecmo участвует в ChinaJoy 2024После Dynasty Warriors 9 франшиза всё же не закончилась. Koei Tecmo готовится к возвращению с новой игрой.

12 часов назад @ t.me
У Paradox на 90% обвалилась операционная прибыль. Издатель откажется от рискованных и дорогих проектовParadox Interactive оказалась в незавидном положении после серии не очень удачных решений руководства.
У Paradox на 90% обвалилась операционная прибыль. Издатель откажется от рискованных и дорогих проектовParadox Interactive оказалась в незавидном положении после серии не очень удачных решений руководства. У Paradox на 90% обвалилась операционная прибыль. Издатель откажется от рискованных и дорогих проектовParadox Interactive оказалась в незавидном положении после серии не очень удачных решений руководства.

У Paradox на 90% обвалилась операционная прибыль. Издатель откажется от рискованных и дорогих проектовParadox Interactive оказалась в незавидном положении после серии не очень удачных решений руководства.

12 часов назад @ t.me
Новый геймплей Lost Soul Aside, китайского аналога Final Fantasy для PlayStationSony активно взаимодействует с китайскими разработчиками. Библиотека PlayStation постепенно расширяется.
Новый геймплей Lost Soul Aside, китайского аналога Final Fantasy для PlayStationSony активно взаимодействует с китайскими разработчиками. Библиотека PlayStation постепенно расширяется. Новый геймплей Lost Soul Aside, китайского аналога Final Fantasy для PlayStationSony активно взаимодействует с китайскими разработчиками. Библиотека PlayStation постепенно расширяется.

Новый геймплей Lost Soul Aside, китайского аналога Final Fantasy для PlayStationSony активно взаимодействует с китайскими разработчиками. Библиотека PlayStation постепенно расширяется.

12 часов назад @ t.me
Новый трейлер «Корея. Ил-2». 1C Game Studios представила F-80C Shooting StarВ «Корея. Серия Ил-2» будут представлены разнообразные самолёты. 1C Game Studios начинает демонстрировать местный авиапарк.
Новый трейлер «Корея. Ил-2». 1C Game Studios представила F-80C Shooting StarВ «Корея. Серия Ил-2» будут представлены разнообразные самолёты. 1C Game Studios начинает демонстрировать местный авиапарк. Новый трейлер «Корея. Ил-2». 1C Game Studios представила F-80C Shooting StarВ «Корея. Серия Ил-2» будут представлены разнообразные самолёты. 1C Game Studios начинает демонстрировать местный авиапарк.

Новый трейлер «Корея. Ил-2». 1C Game Studios представила F-80C Shooting StarВ «Корея. Серия Ил-2» будут представлены разнообразные самолёты. 1C Game Studios начинает демонстрировать местный авиапарк.

12 часов назад @ t.me
На английском
последний пост 3 часа назад
Deadpool & Wolverine's Best Surprise Character Could Also Save an Upcoming MCU Movie
Deadpool & Wolverine's Best Surprise Character Could Also Save an Upcoming MCU Movie

Some motherf#@kers are always trying to ice-skate uphill. But Wesley Snipes is back as Blade in Deadpool & Wolverine, so we're looking at the history -- and MCU future -- of the character.

3 часа назад @ ign.com
Dexter Sequel Series, Resurrection, Revealed With Michael C. Hall Returning | SDCC 2024
Dexter Sequel Series, Resurrection, Revealed With Michael C. Hall Returning | SDCC 2024

Michael C. Hall will be returning for a new Dexter sequel series, Resurrection, as well as lending his voice to the previously announced Dexter: Original Sin.

4 часа назад @ ign.com
Video of Francis Ford Coppola Kissing Extras on Megalopolis Set Emerges After Accusations of Inappropriate Behavior
Video of Francis Ford Coppola Kissing Extras on Megalopolis Set Emerges After Accusations of Inappropriate Behavior

Back in May, director Francis Ford Coppola was accused of attempting to kiss extras on the set of Megalopolis. Now, video has surfaced seeming to show him doing just that, as detailed in a report from Variety.

5 часов назад @ ign.com
New Alien: Romulus Trailer Is Chock Full of Facehuggers | SDCC 2024
New Alien: Romulus Trailer Is Chock Full of Facehuggers | SDCC 2024

At San Diego Comic-Con today, the cast and director of Alien: Romulus joined a Hall H full of fans for a panel celebrating the upcoming film. And that panel included a never-before-seen extended trailer that was absolutely brimming with facehuggers.

5 часов назад @ ign.com
Spider-Man Gets a New Costume... From Doctor Doom? | SDCC 2024
Spider-Man Gets a New Costume... From Doctor Doom? | SDCC 2024

Marvel Comics revealed a surprising new direction for the monthly Amazing Spider-Man series, as Doctor Doom grants Spidey a new costume and eight extra lives.

6 часов назад @ ign.com
Deadpool & Wolverine: The 10 Biggest Burning Questions We Have After the Marvel Movie
Deadpool & Wolverine: The 10 Biggest Burning Questions We Have After the Marvel Movie

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman's Deadpool & Wolverine has finally arrived, and man, do we have some questions...

6 часов назад @ ign.com
The Boys: What to Know About Vought Rising's Stormfront and Soldier Boy
The Boys: What to Know About Vought Rising's Stormfront and Soldier Boy

Amazon has revealed a new The Boys prequel called Vought Rising, starring Jensen Ackles' Soldier Boy and Aya Cash's Stormfront. Let's break down the sordid history of these two villains in The Boys so far.

7 часов назад @ ign.com
Gearbox Boss Randy Pitchford Teases a Second Borderlands Film
Gearbox Boss Randy Pitchford Teases a Second Borderlands Film

Gearbox Software is just days away from the premiere of its live-action Borderlands movie, but that isn’t stopping it from planning for a sequel.

7 часов назад @ ign.com
Marvel Comics Reveals TVA Comic Starring Miss Minutes, Spider-Gwen and Captain Carter | SDCC 2024
Marvel Comics Reveals TVA Comic Starring Miss Minutes, Spider-Gwen and Captain Carter | SDCC 2024

Marvel Comics announced a new TVA series at Comic-Con, with the series starring multiverse heroes like Spider-Gwen and Captain Carter.

7 часов назад @ ign.com
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Will Get a Season 3 | SDCC 2024
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Will Get a Season 3 | SDCC 2024

Today at San Diego Comic-Con, it was announced that The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon would be renewed for a third season at AMC.

8 часов назад @ ign.com
DC Studios' Logo Has Been Revealed and Its a Nod to a Classic DC Comics Logo | SDCC 2024
DC Studios' Logo Has Been Revealed and Its a Nod to a Classic DC Comics Logo | SDCC 2024

DC Studios revealed its new logo at San Diego Comic-Con and its an homage to Milton Glaser's DC Comics logo from the 1970s to the early 2000s.

8 часов назад @ ign.com
Asus ROG Strix XG27UCS Gaming Monitor Review
Asus ROG Strix XG27UCS Gaming Monitor Review

The Asus ROG Strix XG27UCS is a good gaming monitor at a reasonable price but doesn’t “wow” us in any particular way.

8 часов назад @ ign.com
Yakuza Live-Action Series Reveals Nishiki Casting Along With Comic-Con Teaser Trailer | SDCC 2024
Yakuza Live-Action Series Reveals Nishiki Casting Along With Comic-Con Teaser Trailer | SDCC 2024

Amazon has provided the first teaser trailer for Like a Dragon: Yakuza, which is premiering on October 24, exclusively on Prime Video.

8 часов назад @ ign.com
First Look at Animalities in Mortal Kombat 1 | SDCC 2024
First Look at Animalities in Mortal Kombat 1 | SDCC 2024

NetherRealm has revealed animalities for Mortal Kombat 1 in what marks the return of the fatality variant after a 29-year absence.

9 часов назад @ ign.com
How to Get (or Switch Over to) the Disney+/Hulu/Max Streaming Bundle
How to Get (or Switch Over to) the Disney+/Hulu/Max Streaming Bundle

Existing subscribers need to take a few extra steps, but it won't make you want to pull your hair out.

9 часов назад @ ign.com
Rock Paper Shotgun Rock Paper Shotgun
последний пост 10 часов назад
Paradox CEO admits company made "wrong calls in several projects" in wake of Life By You's cancellation
Paradox CEO admits company made "wrong calls in several projects" in wake of Life By You's cancellation Paradox CEO admits company made "wrong calls in several projects" in wake of Life By You's cancellation

Paradox Interactive appear from the outside to be a company run by dice roll.

That was the case earlier this year when they cancelled Sims competitor Life By You and closed its developers, weeks after it had missed a project release date.

"It is clear that we have made the wrong calls in several projects, especially outside of our core, and this must change," writes CEO Fredrik Wester in an interim financial report, released today.

Due to writing down the development cost of 208 million kronor (around £14.9 million) for Life By You, operating profit in Q2 2024 fell 90% year-on-year.

Life By You isn't the only troubled project to fall under Paradox in recent years.

10 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Steam has made it easier to find, download and even review game demos
Steam has made it easier to find, download and even review game demos Steam has made it easier to find, download and even review game demos

Demos were once a cornerstone of PC gaming and they arguably will be again thanks to events like Steam Next Fest.

The latest update to Steam seeks to make those free slices of potential delight easier to find for players, and easier to promote for developers.

The Great Steam Demo Update, as the announcement calls it, makes several changes.

All demos will also now appear in more places around the Steam store, acting more like standalone free games.

For me, demos are an unequivocal good: free, hypothetically fun, and great way to avoid spending money on games I wouldn't like.

11 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
There's a new episode of Double Fine's Psychonauts 2 documentary
There's a new episode of Double Fine's Psychonauts 2 documentary There's a new episode of Double Fine's Psychonauts 2 documentary

Double Fine's PsychOdyssey is a 32-part documentary series which charts the creation of 2021 platformer Psychonauts 2, from initial brainstorming sessions to its final release.

Or it was - now it's 33 parts, as a new 94-minute episode was just released which looks back at the game, its reception, and the release of the documentary itself.

If you have any interest in video game development at all, you owe it to yourself to watch the documentary from the beginning.

Even if you don't care about development or video games, I think it would be compelling to watch a team of sincere, talented people collaborate to make something complicated and joyful.

This latest episode looks back on those chall…

12 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Final update to Morrowind-like RPG Dread Delusion adds a big nautilus with a town built inside its shell
Final update to Morrowind-like RPG Dread Delusion adds a big nautilus with a town built inside its shell Final update to Morrowind-like RPG Dread Delusion adds a big nautilus with a town built inside its shell

Well sir, have you heard of a little open world RPG called Dread Delusion?

I admit picking on TESO director Matt Firor's quote from Edwin's recent musings on the open world genre is not entirely fair.

For one thing, there is a map and a compass in Dread Delusion.

That aside, Dread Delusion is a game that trusts the player to discover the weirdness of its world at their own pace.

Dread Delusion doesn't want a broad audience.

14 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Zombie survival game 7 Days To Die version 1.0 is out now after 11 years in early access
Zombie survival game 7 Days To Die version 1.0 is out now after 11 years in early access Zombie survival game 7 Days To Die version 1.0 is out now after 11 years in early access

I don't know what the longest-running early access game in history has been (perhaps Project Zomboid?)

but I know that zombie survival game 7 Days To Die is definitely up there.

But at least now 7 Days To Die has finally released its fully baked version 1.0.

Even after all that, the developers say they're not done working on the game.

It's possible a decade of half-hearted survival games has blunted the edge of my enjoyment of the genre.

19 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Balatro can run Doom – or can it?
Balatro can run Doom – or can it? Balatro can run Doom – or can it?

However, nowhere in Katharine’s (RPS in peace) review does it address the one eternal issue: can it run Doom?

The answer, apparently, is to just turn a big pile of Joker cards into portions of a video screen.

After some initial umming, I think I’d fall into the "lower our standards" camp – surely Doom does not need to actually be comfortable to play for official Can It Run Doom certification, as long as it merely runs.

I don’t think Balatro cards were ever meant to be vessels of video output, even if it is fun how shuffling them around also moves the corresponding window of Doom footage.

Maybe this post should as well, so just go look at the It Runs Doom!

20 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
This upcoming dating sim lets you romance household objects turned absolute fitties
This upcoming dating sim lets you romance household objects turned absolute fitties This upcoming dating sim lets you romance household objects turned absolute fitties

Not as much as "Dateviator" glasses, which come courtesy of Sassy Chap Games and their upcoming dating sim Date Everything!

As the title suggests: you date everything, from kitchen sponges to lampshades, as they morph into absolute fitties once you've donned the special specs.

In what's been coined as a "sandbox" dating simulator, the game sees you explore a home from a first-person perspective and don the Dateviator glasses to chat up everyday objects.

Truthfully, I think it would be my Sonic The Hedgehog lamp that isn't actually of the character Sonic, but just the words "Sonic The Hedgehog".

There isn't a release date yet, but you can follow the game over on Steam if you're curious.

20 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver I & II remasters on horizon, if a Comic-Con plaque is to be believed
Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver I & II remasters on horizon, if a Comic-Con plaque is to be believed Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver I & II remasters on horizon, if a Comic-Con plaque is to be believed

It looks like the Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver games could be getting the remaster treatment.

An attendee at San Diego Comic-Con was looking at a set of figures based on characters from the series when they saw that the plaque accompanying the figures was labelled with the words "Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered" alongside the logo for Crystal Dynamics.

A reporter from Gamespot went over to the display cabinet to see for themselves, but the sign had by then been removed.

The 25th anniversary of the first Soul Reaver game is also coming up in August.

Meanwhile, I only have vague memories of the Legacy of Kain series, and recall the opening cinematic of the first Soul Reaver better…

21 час назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
"AI protections remain the sticking point" for today’s SAG-AFTRA game actor strike
"AI protections remain the sticking point" for today’s SAG-AFTRA game actor strike "AI protections remain the sticking point" for today’s SAG-AFTRA game actor strike

The strike comes after over 18 months of negotiations with some of gaming’s largest companies - including Activision, EA, Insomniac, Take-Two, and WB Games - over AI protections.

"Any game looking to employ SAG-AFTRA talent to perform covered work must sign on" to agreements specified in a post by the guild, “These agreements offer critical AI protections for members."

"I would humbly consider myself one of the top voice actors working in games," wrote Deux Ex actor Elias Toufexis.

Last December, union ZeniMax Workers United came to a "first of its kind" agreement with Microsoft over the usage of AI tools in game development.

Per the agreement, ZeniMax will "provide notice to the union in c…

21 час назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Earth Defense Force 6 players on Steam will only need to sign into Epic once, say publishers in apology for "lack of advance notice"
Earth Defense Force 6 players on Steam will only need to sign into Epic once, say publishers in apology for "lack of advance notice" Earth Defense Force 6 players on Steam will only need to sign into Epic once, say publishers in apology for "lack of advance notice"

Earth Defense Force 6 players on Steam aren’t happy about having to sign into the Epic Games Store, it seems.

In response, D3PUBLISHER have put out an apology statement, reassuring players that this third-party log in will only be required once.

Online play requires signing in to your Epic Games account.

"Signing in to your Epic Games account is required the first time you play online.

While the game’s Steam page has now been updated to show that the game requires an Epic Online Services account for online play, D3PUBLISHER neglected to inform players beforhand.

22 часа назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is delayed again, but a developer deep dive is coming soon
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is delayed again, but a developer deep dive is coming soon S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is delayed again, but a developer deep dive is coming soon


2: Heart of Chornobyl, the beautifully grotty sci-fi shooter sequel from Ukrainian studio GSC Game World, has been delayed once again.

There’s also clever little in-universe announcement video (one which gives the fourth wall a study kick on its way out), and an accompanying promise of a meaty "developer deep dive video", set to reveal much more of the game’s radioactive hellscape on August 12th.

To sate our appetites for schlepping through an overgrown Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and firing rusty AKs at psychic beasts, the deep dive video will include "exclusive interviews, lots of new footage, and a full video walkthrough of one of the game quests".

Staff from the Kyiv-based s…

1 day, 16 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Over 500 World of Warcraft developers at Blizzard have voted to form Microsoft’s biggest wall-to-wall union
Over 500 World of Warcraft developers at Blizzard have voted to form Microsoft’s biggest wall-to-wall union Over 500 World of Warcraft developers at Blizzard have voted to form Microsoft’s biggest wall-to-wall union

Following the news earlier this week that 241 Bethesda Games Studios staffers had formed what was at the time the biggest wall-to-wall under Microsoft, The Verge reports that over 500 World Of Warcraft developers have voted to form their own union, alongside the Communication Workers of America (CWA).

The World Of Warcraft GameMakers Guild consists of workers from every department - hence 'wall-to-wall' - including designers, engineers, artists, and producers, across offices in California and Massachusetts.

It’s now the second-largest union at Microsoft overall, after 600 Activision Blizzard QA workers formed a union in March, despite the publisher’s history of attempting to shoot down simi…

1 day, 17 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The 10 best immersive sims on PC
The 10 best immersive sims on PC The 10 best immersive sims on PC

The immersive sim has seen a revival in recent years.

The "immersive sim" is also hard to define.

Remember: if you love a particular immersive sim, and find it absent below, please recommend it in the comments.

Nobody Wants To Die for another cyberpunk gumshoe detectiveProcedural detective 'em up Shadows Of Doubt really runs with the "sim" part of immersive sim.

If an immersive sim is partly defined by the emergent nonsense of its systems, then this surely qualifies.

1 day, 18 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
The twisted animals of horror zookeeping sim Zoochosis will be released from their cages in autumn
The twisted animals of horror zookeeping sim Zoochosis will be released from their cages in autumn The twisted animals of horror zookeeping sim Zoochosis will be released from their cages in autumn

Animal caretaking sim Zoochosis is about being an ordinary zookeeper working in an ordinary zoo.

There are no ordinary zoos?

But now the upcoming horror sim has been given an autumn release date in a new trailer.

It is these travails you'll be dealing with as the feeder and cleaner of the wildlife in the upcoming horror game.

I'm not sure how deep the sim elements go and how much it will veer off into straight horror.

1 day, 19 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
AMD Ryzen 9000 delayed after first chips fail to meet "quality expectations"
AMD Ryzen 9000 delayed after first chips fail to meet "quality expectations" AMD Ryzen 9000 delayed after first chips fail to meet "quality expectations"

In a certifiably not-great week for gaming CPUs, AMD have announced that the new Ryzen 9000 series is being delayed for a few days.

That’s thanks to initial production units not being up to standards, an AMD executive admitted, and comes shortly after rivals Intel copped to a potentially chip-killing fault in their latest Core processors.

Having been previously expected on July 31st, the 9000 series era will instead begin with the Ryzen 7 9700X and Ryzen 5 9600X on August 8th, while the Ryzen 9 9950X and Ryzen 9 9900X are delayed until August 15th.

"During final checks, we found the initial production units that were shipped to our channel partners did not meet our full quality expectations…

1 day, 20 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Polygon Polygon
последний пост 7 часов назад
Prime Video’s Like a Dragon show trailer premieres at SDCC
Prime Video’s Like a Dragon show trailer premieres at SDCC Prime Video’s Like a Dragon show trailer premieres at SDCC

We first learned in June that Amazon intended to adapt the video game franchise Like a Dragon (née Yakuza) into a live-action Japanese series.

(Perhaps most significant for this project: Takashi Miike directed Like a Dragon: The Movie, also based on the first game in the series.)

The latest entry, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, is an absolute delight, and one of our favorite games of the year.

The Like a Dragon show comes in the wake of Prime Video’s highly successful adaptation of the Fallout video game series, and broader interest from the entertainment industry in adapting big video game properties.

The biggest question left: Will the show include the game series’ famous mini-games (and…

7 часов назад @ polygon.com
James Gunn’s DCU kickoff Creature Commandos snuck a trailer into SDCC
James Gunn’s DCU kickoff Creature Commandos snuck a trailer into SDCC James Gunn’s DCU kickoff Creature Commandos snuck a trailer into SDCC

As previously reported, DC Comics didn’t have a presentation scheduled for San Diego Comic-Con this year, because, as DC honcho James Gunn put it, he’s too busy directing his new take on Superman.

The series features yet another roster for Amanda Waller’s Suicide Squad — this time, with an all-non-human lineup.

Sean Gunn also voices G.I.

The first season will run for seven episodes, and will premiere in December, though no specific date was given.

You can find all Polygon’s coverage of SDCC 2024 news, trailers, and more here.

7 часов назад @ polygon.com
Bad Boys: Ride or Die, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire on Netflix, and every movie new to streaming this week
Bad Boys: Ride or Die, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire on Netflix, and every movie new to streaming this week Bad Boys: Ride or Die, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire on Netflix, and every movie new to streaming this week

This week, Bad Boys: Ride or Die, the new buddy cop movie starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, comes to VOD this week along with the Hindi action thriller Kill.

From our review:The Ghostbusters franchise doesn’t really seem to be aimed at anyone anymore.

Frozen Empire’s unintentional answer to the question seems to be that Ghostbusters is now corporate nostalgia-farming given cinematic form.

The pair has leveled up since Bad Boys for Life, showing themselves as eager students of Bayhem, happy to deploy camera work as exciting as the shootouts it captures.

Their action shines brightest when it features someone capable of believably kicking ass on screen, like Jacob Scipio, returning as M…

8 часов назад @ polygon.com
Mortal Kombat 1 year 2 DLC brings Scream’s Ghostface, Noob Saibot, and Animalities to the game
Mortal Kombat 1 year 2 DLC brings Scream’s Ghostface, Noob Saibot, and Animalities to the game Mortal Kombat 1 year 2 DLC brings Scream’s Ghostface, Noob Saibot, and Animalities to the game

NetherRealm chief creative officer Ed Boon was on hand at SDCC 2024 to reveal a new Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath-style add-on called Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns.

Animalities, a finishing move introduced in Mortal Kombat 3, are also returning in year 2 of MK1.

Kombat Pack 1 included six post-launch characters for Mortal Kombat 1: MK mainstays Quan Chi, Ermac, and Takeda, and guest characters Invincible’s Omni-Man, The Boys’ Homelander, and DC’s Peacemaker.

The previous game in the franchise, Mortal Kombat 11, featured John Rambo, RoboCop, the Terminator T-800, Spawn, and The Joker as guest fighters.

Mortal Kombat 1 is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series …

9 часов назад @ polygon.com
Legend of Vox Machina’s first season 3 look at SDCC is good chaotic fun
Legend of Vox Machina’s first season 3 look at SDCC is good chaotic fun Legend of Vox Machina’s first season 3 look at SDCC is good chaotic fun

The heroes of Vox Machina are back and ready to take on their most powerful foes yet.

The Amazon animation panel at San Diego Comic-Con revealed a new clip of the upcoming season of The Legend of Vox Machina.

The description for season 3 is below:Everything is at stake in the long-awaited Season Three of The Legend of Vox Machina.

The Chroma Conclave’s path of destruction spreads like wildfire while the Cinder King hunts down Vox Machina.

The Legend of Vox Machina returns to Prime Video on Oct. 3.

10 часов назад @ polygon.com
The long-awaited anime adaptation of Junji Ito’s Uzumaki is finally almost here
The long-awaited anime adaptation of Junji Ito’s Uzumaki is finally almost here The long-awaited anime adaptation of Junji Ito’s Uzumaki is finally almost here

Adult Swim’s adaptation of Junji Ito’s landmark horror manga Uzumaki has been a long time coming.

Hiroshi Nagahama (Mushi-Shi and Flowers of Evil), is directing the Uzumaki anime, which is being produced by Japanese animation studio Drive (To Your Eternity season 2).

Will Nagahama’s Uzumaki anime finally break that curse of subpar Junji Ito anime?

We’ll have to wait — just a little bit longer — until the series’ premiere to find out.

Uzumaki will premiere on Adult Swim on Sept. 28 and stream the next day on Max.

10 часов назад @ polygon.com
Doctor Who teases a new spinoff series and Christmas special at SDCC 2024
Doctor Who teases a new spinoff series and Christmas special at SDCC 2024 Doctor Who teases a new spinoff series and Christmas special at SDCC 2024

Ncuti Gatwa, Russell T. Davies, and Millie Gibson shared a sneak peak at Doctor Who’s 2024 Christmas special episode during their Hall H panel at San Diego Comic-Con on Friday.

The episode, titled “Joy to the World,” was written by Doctor Who veteran and former showrunner Steven Moffat.

It will be Moffat’s 50th episode of Doctor Who, following “Boom,” his tense entry in the series’ 14th season.

Moffat told TV Choice it might be his last Doctor Who episode, although he’s said that before.

The show, titled Doctor Who: The War Between the Land and the Sea, will start shooting in August.

10 часов назад @ polygon.com
Viva El Presidente! Grab the Tropico collection and more for $15 from Humble Bundle
Viva El Presidente! Grab the Tropico collection and more for $15 from Humble Bundle Viva El Presidente! Grab the Tropico collection and more for $15 from Humble Bundle

Even if you’ve never stepped foot in the world of Tropico, chances are you know of the smile.

Yes, that Smile — the joyous grin of El Presidente that has adorned the cover ever since 2003’s Tropico 2, back when he was just a simple pirate.

Humble Bundle’s new Management Material bundle includes Tropico 6 and virtually all of its pun-filled DLC, as well as a coupon for 10% off the latest content pack, Tropican Shores.

That, in and of itself, is a pretty great deal for $15, but the bundle also includes Tropico 3, Tropico 4, and Tropico 5, as well as publisher Kalypso’s other big management series including Railway Empire (along with all DLC), Port Royale 3 and 4, and Spacebase Startopia.

The …

11 часов назад @ polygon.com
The Boys gets a prequel series following two of its biggest villains
The Boys gets a prequel series following two of its biggest villains The Boys gets a prequel series following two of its biggest villains

The Boys is in its endgame as a series, but only just getting started as a TV empire.

The violent Prime Video superhero satire will soon have a third spin-off joining the college-set Gen V and the animated The Boys: Diabolical, along with the still-in-development The Boys: Mexico.

Revealed by Deadline and formally announced at The Boys’ San Diego Comic-Con panel on Friday, the new series is a prequel called Vought Rising, and will re-unite previous The Boys guest stars Aya Cash and Jensen Ackles as Stormfront and Soldier Boy, respectively.

(The pair will also produce.)

A release window is still a ways off, but until then fans can catch Jensen Ackles returning as Soldier Boy in the forthcomi…

12 часов назад @ polygon.com
Rings of Power just struck a huge blow for better gender representation in Middle-earth
Rings of Power just struck a huge blow for better gender representation in Middle-earth Rings of Power just struck a huge blow for better gender representation in Middle-earth

And With this week’s San Diego Comic-Con trailer for season 2 of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, we’ve just seen a new one.

Oft I have cried: “Hey, Rings of Power, show me an Entwife!

You’re in the right time period!”And lo, Rings of Power has answered: Here you go.

They’re the other half of the Ent species, a whole race of tree women to compliment the tree men.

“For many years we used to go out every now and again and look for the Entwives,” Treebeard tells Merry and Pippin, “walking far and wide and calling them by their beautiful names.

12 часов назад @ polygon.com
Rings of Power’s SDCC trailer actually looks like the Lord of the Rings show we were promised
Rings of Power’s SDCC trailer actually looks like the Lord of the Rings show we were promised Rings of Power’s SDCC trailer actually looks like the Lord of the Rings show we were promised

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 1 played a lot close to the chest.

But if the trailer that just dropped at San Diego Comic-Con is any indication, there’s a lot more out in the open in season 2.

Instead of revealing his betrayal, she watched as Celebrimbor (Charles Edwards) forged the three elven rings of power.

And we won’t have to wait much longer to see it: The Rings of Power season 2 drops on Prime Video on Aug. 29.

You can find all of Polygon’s coverage of SDCC 2024 news, trailers, and more here.

12 часов назад @ polygon.com
The tortured production timeline of Marvel’s Blade reboot, explained
The tortured production timeline of Marvel’s Blade reboot, explained The tortured production timeline of Marvel’s Blade reboot, explained

Few Marvel projects have been met with the enthusiasm that greeted the studio’s 2019 announcement of a Blade movie starring a two-time Academy Award winner in the title role.

To help you keep track of all the goings-on with Marvel’s tortured Blade movie, we’ve put together a full timeline of everything that’s happened, from the moment it was announced until now.

July 2019: Blade is announcedMarvel announced Mahershala Ali’s casting in a revamped Blade movie at 2019’s San Diego Comic-Con, mere months after Avengers: Endgame was released.

Series that explains it: 2022’s Moon Knight, DeMayo’s first Marvel project, where he served as a writer.

Polygon will continue to update this timeline as ne…

12 часов назад @ polygon.com
The best video game documentary ever just got better
The best video game documentary ever just got better The best video game documentary ever just got better

The greatest video game documentary of all time just got a 90-minute prologue and a special edition Blu-ray (including an 80-page booklet for which I wrote the intro).

First, the documentary series (published on YouTube in early 2023) is one of the most frank, thorough, and lovingly crafted stories of the video game development process ever made.

Though it was made by Double Fine’s internal video production team, 2 Player Productions, this is neither PR nor marketing.

This is a “warts and all” television-length, behind-the-scenes story of the long, and at times troubled, production of Psychonauts 2.

Other times, you find yourself ten hours into the history of a retro video game, wondering w…

13 часов назад @ polygon.com
Flock shows us a gentler (and smarter) approach to creature collecting
Flock shows us a gentler (and smarter) approach to creature collecting Flock shows us a gentler (and smarter) approach to creature collecting

The premise of Flock is relatively simple: I play as a person who rides a giant bird.

Once I find the corresponding whistle for a family of creatures, the bird I ride can partake in a flamboyant wooing ritual.

The simple act of stopping to observe, and then thinking somewhat critically about the creature, is what makes Flock so special to me.

When playing, I wasn’t fighting these creatures or going up to them and assaulting them like I would in a Pokémon game.

Equal parts whimsical and thoughtful, Flock is a must-play for anyone who loves creatures, being a naturalist, or in my case, collecting fun little guys.

13 часов назад @ polygon.com
The Suicide Squad anime continues Japan’s history of making American superhero stories better
The Suicide Squad anime continues Japan’s history of making American superhero stories better The Suicide Squad anime continues Japan’s history of making American superhero stories better

The more you think about it, the more Suicide Squad Isekai makes sense.

Unless, of course, you’re already familiar with Batman: Gotham Knight, because there is a clear path of lessons learned, analyzed, and improved on between that 2008 American-Japanese co-production and Suicide Squad Isekai.

And along that path, one might find more examples of Japan improving American superhero stories.

Of particular interest is the X-Men anime (2011), based on the Dark Phoenix saga, possibly the most filmed X-Men plot ever.

There’s action in the X-Men anime but there’s also a lot of humanity (or mutanity) in it.

14 часов назад @ polygon.com
Eurogamer Eurogamer
последний пост 16 часов назад
PSA: This weekend is your last chance to buy from the Xbox 360 online marketplace
PSA: This weekend is your last chance to buy from the Xbox 360 online marketplace PSA: This weekend is your last chance to buy from the Xbox 360 online marketplace

This is your friendly reminder that Microsoft is set to close its Xbox 360 digital store on 29th July – that's next Monday – so you have just a few days left to make the most of those last discounts on some of the best Xbox 360 games of the generation.

Microsoft announced a raft of discounts on Xbox 360 digital games back in May.

The Xbox 360 store is being obliterated from orbit on July 29, 2024 so I've written a non-exhaustive thread here of a few interesting games/DLC that will not survive*.

Some are on sale others...not on sale.🧵 pic.twitter.com/a8Mn2pIX09 — KaL (@Kalyoshika) July 24, 2024 To see this content please enable targeting cookies.

ICYMI, the team at Double Fine is offering Xb…

16 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
PlayStation live-service Concord won't sell you a battle pass - but would it be more successful if it did?
PlayStation live-service Concord won't sell you a battle pass - but would it be more successful if it did? PlayStation live-service Concord won't sell you a battle pass - but would it be more successful if it did?

This week on the Eurogamer Newscast, we discuss the downsides and upsides of the video game battle pass.

In a week where PlayStation live-service hopeful Concord trumpeted the fact it won't sell you a battle pass as a marketing beat, and Apex Legends dialled back (some of) its battle pass changes following fan fury, we consider the options available to video game makers hoping to ensure their latest releases keep being played - and paid for - well after release.

Would more people play Concord if it was a free-to-play title with a battle pass?

Not everyone can promise they'll never sell post-launch content, as Stardew Valley's creator did this week.

Joining me this week are Eurogamer's Ed Ni…

17 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
GTA 6 unaffected by video game acting strike, contract terms appear to state
GTA 6 unaffected by video game acting strike, contract terms appear to state GTA 6 unaffected by video game acting strike, contract terms appear to state

Yesterday's dramatic announcement of strike action by video game actors over AI concerns may have less of an immediate impact on upcoming titles than first thought.

While the SAG-AFTRA union has indeed voted for voice artists and performance capture personnel to strike from today, a large swathe of projects now appear unaffected.

"We served a separate notice relating to live service games, which we can strike in less than 60 days," SAG-AFTRA continued.

"We will update the membership if we expand the strike order to include those games closer to that time."

Performers would not be in violation of the strike order if they continue working on these games."

18 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Paradox CEO admits it "made the wrong calls in several projects", following cancellation of Life By You
Paradox CEO admits it "made the wrong calls in several projects", following cancellation of Life By You Paradox CEO admits it "made the wrong calls in several projects", following cancellation of Life By You

CEO of Paradox Fredrik Wester has admitted the publisher "made the wrong calls in several projects", following the cancellation of its The Sims competitor Life By You.

The game was cancelled back in June, and the internal studio behind the project, Paradox Tectonic, was closed.

Manage cookie settings Cities: Skylines II Official Gameplay TrailerWatch on YouTubeHe continued: "It is clear that we have made the wrong calls in several projects, especially outside of our core, and this must change.

Along with the cancellation of Life by You, Paradox previously received criticism for the launch of Cities: Skylines 2 due to its poor performance.

The cancellation of Life by You has resulted in a 90…

18 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
No Rest for the Wicked update revamps its Crucible roguelite endgame mode
No Rest for the Wicked update revamps its Crucible roguelite endgame mode No Rest for the Wicked update revamps its Crucible roguelite endgame mode

No Rest for the Wicked developer Moon Studios has released its first new content update for the early access release.

The Crucible is an endgame roguelike dungeon in No Rest for the Wicked, which thanks to this update has been revamped in a bid to improve players' experience.

"Thanks to Echoes and the randomisation of them, no two runs in the Crucible will ever be alike," the No Rest for the Wicked team said.

If you need a slightly more serene moment after all that ripping and shredding, the No Rest for the Wicked team has also added in some new stray animals to pet.

We're eager to share more details on our Early Access Road Map soon so stay tuned for that," Moon Studios closed.

18 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Netflix's BioShock adaptation will be a "more personal" film "as opposed to a grander, big project"
Netflix's BioShock adaptation will be a "more personal" film "as opposed to a grander, big project" Netflix's BioShock adaptation will be a "more personal" film "as opposed to a grander, big project"

Netflix's BioShock adaptation has been "reconfigured" to be a "more personal" film with a tighter budget.

That's according to producer Roy Lee, who told fans at a panel at San Diego Comic-Con that changes at the top of Netflix's movie department have seen the budget streamlined.

"The new regime has lowered the budgets," Lee added, as reported by Variety.

"So we're doing a much smaller version...It's going to be a more personal point of view, as opposed to a grander, big project."

Last week, a screenshot purportedly taken from Cloud Chamber's upcoming BioShock game - codenamed "Parkside" - popped up online.

19 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
UK actors' union Equity stands "in solidarity" with SAG-AFTRA but won't authorise its own strike
UK actors' union Equity stands "in solidarity" with SAG-AFTRA but won't authorise its own strike UK actors' union Equity stands "in solidarity" with SAG-AFTRA but won't authorise its own strike

UK actors' union Equity stands "in solidarity" with SAG-AFTRA following news of a strike, though won't be authorising a strike itself.

"Equity stands in total solidarity with SAG-AFTRA who have taken the brave decision to authorise a strike against US video games companies," reads a statement from Equity assistant general secretary John Barclay.

🚨 SOLIDARITY FOREVER 🚨📣Equity stands in total solidarity with our sister union @sagaftra as their members working in video games go on strike.#VideoGameStrike #LevelUpTheContract pic.twitter.com/5AvYbB7MFU — Equity (@EquityUK) July 26, 2024 To see this content please enable targeting cookies.

The union has worked hard to try and establish collective…

19 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
The Garden Path offers a purposefully slow escape
The Garden Path offers a purposefully slow escape The Garden Path offers a purposefully slow escape

The Garden Path Developer: carrotcakecarrotcake Publisher: Mooncat GamesMooncat Games Platform: Played on PCPlayed on PC Availability: Out 30th July on PC and Nintendo SwitchThough, even with this knowledge in mind, the first hours of The Garden Path do feel a little directionless.

The Garden Path is tied, Animal Crossing-esque, to our own real world clock, with all four seasons passing you by in the spawn of 28 days.

Image credit: Eurogamer/carrotcakeIt's a time frame which also perfectly suits how developer carrotcake has purposefully designed The Garden Path to be played in short bursts instead of long play sessions.

You're always meant to have another reason to walk down the garden path…

19 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Coral Island developer blames Humble Games layoffs for leaving Switch port "in a place of uncertainty"
Coral Island developer blames Humble Games layoffs for leaving Switch port "in a place of uncertainty" Coral Island developer blames Humble Games layoffs for leaving Switch port "in a place of uncertainty"

Coral Island developer Stairway Games has responded to the lack of Switch port, blaming the recent layoffs at Humble Games for leaving console versions "in a place of uncertainty".

Coral Island 1.1 “Story Finale: Land & Sea” Coral Island 1.1 “Story Finale: Land & Sea”Watch on YouTubeComments from backers have been shared on social media, describing the situation as "super gross".

"To start, we share in your frustrations regarding the lack of a Nintendo Switch port of Coral Island," the statement reads.

It should be noted, though, the Humble Games layoffs occurred just earlier this week.

The Coral Island Kickstarter was launched in 2021 and the game released out of early access in November 2…

20 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Gaming's most serious racing sim Gran Turismo 7 has a seriously funny bug
Gaming's most serious racing sim Gran Turismo 7 has a seriously funny bug Gaming's most serious racing sim Gran Turismo 7 has a seriously funny bug

Manage cookie settingsコーヒーブレイクNO???ドカ沸きするランエボを避けて走ろう! pic.twitter.com/PA42FbAUei — ハ イサイド齋藤 (@kosmic_gt) July 25, 2024 To see this content please enable targeting cookies.

Manage cookie settings"I think I had, like, 12 heart attacks," added one Redditor.

ついにミサイル発射出来るようになったんですね。#GT7 #グランツーリスモ7 pic.twitter.com/0qbcwBZcc7 — 会長 (@y31ced) July 25, 2024 To see this content please enable targeting cookies.

We apologize for any… — Gran Turismo (@thegranturismo) July 25, 2024 To see this content please enable targeting cookies.

Manage cookie settings"Unintended vehicle behavior is produced when a particular car setting is set within Car Settings.

20 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Dragon Age: The Veilguard will be Steam native, so you don't need the dreaded EA App
Dragon Age: The Veilguard will be Steam native, so you don't need the dreaded EA App Dragon Age: The Veilguard will be Steam native, so you don't need the dreaded EA App

In a pleasantly surprising move, BioWare will launch Dragon Age: The Veilguard natively via Steam on PC, meaning there's no need to download and install the fussy EA App.

"There's a few more surprises in store for later this summer," BioWare's Michael Gamble teased via social media platform X, sharing the news.

Gamble is a familiar face on social media, though his day job is leading BioWare's Mass Effect team.

Still, it's likely he's referring to further Dragon Age details, in the run up to BioWare's next project launching at some poin this autumn.

Reacting to the news of Dragon Age: The Veilguard launching native via Steam, games industry analyst Mat Piscatella said he believed the decisio…

20 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
What we've been playing - oil rigs, court cases, and great adaptations
What we've been playing - oil rigs, court cases, and great adaptations What we've been playing - oil rigs, court cases, and great adaptations

This week we enjoy poking around spooky oil rigs, we object in dramatic court cases, and we discover what we love about a game series through a TV adaptation of it.

-DionStill Wakes the Deep, Xbox Series XMore horror games should be set on oil rigs.

It makes me want more games set on oil rigs, please.

I'm about half-way through it, and like many others, I'm really enjoying it.

I haven't played the old Fallout games and I haven't touched Fallout 76, so my knowledge of the series is patchy.

20 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Nobody Wants to Die review - a noiry cyberpunk tale told beautifully
Nobody Wants to Die review - a noiry cyberpunk tale told beautifully Nobody Wants to Die review - a noiry cyberpunk tale told beautifully

Nobody Wants to Die doesn't bring much invention to the table - but while it lacks originality, it has atmosphere, heart and relevance in spades.

Noir and dystopia go together like hot lead and even hotter dames, but Critical Hit Games have taken it to extremes and it is glorious.

If you want to flex your detecting muscles, Nobody Wants to Die isn't the place to do it.

It's not subtle, but the issues Critical Hit Games have highlighted are more pressing now than ever, and the time for subtlety has long passed.

A copy of Nobody Wants to Die was provided for review by Plaion.

21 час назад @ eurogamer.net
Epic pulls Fortnite from "rent collector" mobile stores as it readies own shop
Epic pulls Fortnite from "rent collector" mobile stores as it readies own shop Epic pulls Fortnite from "rent collector" mobile stores as it readies own shop

This summer, Epic Games finally gets its wish when, thanks to new EU regulations, it's launching its own digital store on iOS and Android.

And ahead of its arrival, the company has announced it's removing Fortnite and other Epic games from what it calls "rent collector" competing stores, "even if those stores offer us a special deal for our own games."

It then reveals plans to pull its own games from some competing stores.

Conversely, Epic says it's planning to brings its own mobile games to stores that "give all developers a great deal".

The Epic Games Store is set to launch on iOS in the EU and Android worldwide later this year.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 remaster hints surface at Comic-Con
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 remaster hints surface at Comic-Con Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 remaster hints surface at Comic-Con

Crystal Dynamics' beloved dark fantasy action-adventure series Legacy of Kain could be poised to receive the remaster treatment, if newly sighted branding at Comic-Con is to be believed.

As spotted on Resetera, a logo for an unannounced "Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered" was featured on display plaques for a pair of statues depicting game characters Kain and Raziel at the San Diego show.

A Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver graphic novel prequel, The Dead Shall Rise, was recently announced by Dark Horse Comics, and GameSpot has now received official confirmation this is due to release in August.

Since then, however, parent company Embracer Group has embarked on an devastating programme…

1 day, 9 hours назад @ eurogamer.net
Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games
последний пост 58 минут назад
Self Promotion Saturday! Small streamer? Just getting started? Tell us about it here!
Self Promotion Saturday! Small streamer? Just getting started? Tell us about it here!

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58 минут назад @ reddit.com
The giant anglerfish on Rune was one of the scariest encounters.
The giant anglerfish on Rune was one of the scariest encounters. The giant anglerfish on Rune was one of the scariest encounters.

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
As an adult, what’s the last game you couldn’t put down?
As an adult, what’s the last game you couldn’t put down?

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Toad and Yoshi reveal
Toad and Yoshi reveal

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Managed to get 88 out of 8 strikes on Xbox Live
Managed to get 88 out of 8 strikes on Xbox Live Managed to get 88 out of 8 strikes on Xbox Live

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The War Within Official Cinematic | Shadows Beneath
The War Within Official Cinematic | Shadows Beneath

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
Final update to Morrowind-like RPG Dread Delusion adds a big nautilus with a town built inside its shell
Final update to Morrowind-like RPG Dread Delusion adds a big nautilus with a town built inside its shell

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4 часа назад @ reddit.com
I want to house design but not professionally
I want to house design but not professionally

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4 часа назад @ reddit.com
I recently leveled up to 43, got a slight promotion at my job after crossing my 60 day probation, bills are paid and life is... decent ATM. Decided to treat myself.
I recently leveled up to 43, got a slight promotion at my job after crossing my 60 day probation, bills are paid and life is... decent ATM. Decided to treat myself. I recently leveled up to 43, got a slight promotion at my job after crossing my 60 day probation, bills are paid and life is... decent ATM. Decided to treat myself.

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
Favorite 2D level of all time?
Favorite 2D level of all time?

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Games like doodle champions
Games like doodle champions Games like doodle champions

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7 часов назад @ reddit.com
Stardew Valley: It's not you, it's me.
Stardew Valley: It's not you, it's me.

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8 часов назад @ reddit.com
It's been 7 years since Shadow of War released, has the Nemesis System ever been used in anything again?
It's been 7 years since Shadow of War released, has the Nemesis System ever been used in anything again?

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8 часов назад @ reddit.com
Gotta love gaming logic where this is an uncrossable bridge lol
Gotta love gaming logic where this is an uncrossable bridge lol Gotta love gaming logic where this is an uncrossable bridge lol

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if you think that we've incorrectly blocked you or you would like to discuss easier ways to get the data you want, please file a ticket here.

8 часов назад @ reddit.com
Looking for games to play with my niece (5)
Looking for games to play with my niece (5)

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9 часов назад @ reddit.com
App2Top App2Top
последний пост 16 часов назад
Epic Games прекратит выпускать игры в мобильных сторах, которые несправедливо относятся к разработчикам
Epic Games прекратит выпускать игры в мобильных сторах, которые несправедливо относятся к разработчикам Epic Games прекратит выпускать игры в мобильных сторах, которые несправедливо относятся к разработчикам

Компания Epic Games готовится к выпуску магазина Epic Games Store на мобильных устройствах в странах ЕС.

FortniteВ частности, компания больше не будет сотрудничать с мобильными магазинами приложений, «которые являются сборщиками комиссии, препятствуют конкуренции и не со всеми разработчиками работают справедливо».

Epic Games прекратит партнерства, даже если ей самой эти площадки предлагают специальные выгодные условия.

В то же время список партнеров Epic Games пополнится мобильными магазинами приложений, которые, по мнению компании, действуют более честно.

Epic Games анонсировала выход своих игр в AltStore для iOS в странах ЕС.

16 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Британский профсоюз актеров поддержал решение SAG-AFTRA. Тем не менее он бастовать не будет
Британский профсоюз актеров поддержал решение SAG-AFTRA. Тем не менее он бастовать не будет Британский профсоюз актеров поддержал решение SAG-AFTRA. Тем не менее он бастовать не будет

Профсоюз актеров Великобритании Equity заявил, что полностью солидарен с Гильдией актеров США SAG-AFTRA, которая начала забастовку против игровых компаний.

Как и члены американской Гильдии, члены Equity обеспокоены отсутствием ограничений на применение искусственного интеллекта в разработке игр.

Также они недовольны размером зарплат актеров в Великобритании.

Однако зарплаты участвующих в разработке игр британских актеров годам не растут и не отражают реальную стоимость их труда.

Несмотря на все, Equity не будет проводить собственную забастовку.

17 часов назад @ app2top.ru
В Steam появились отдельные страницы для демоверсий, — и еще ряд нововведений
В Steam появились отдельные страницы для демоверсий, — и еще ряд нововведений В Steam появились отдельные страницы для демоверсий, — и еще ряд нововведений

Valve внесла в Steam изменения, связанные с демоверсиями.

Теперь их функционал на площадке стал гораздо ближе к обычным играм.

17 часов назад @ app2top.ru
В 2024 году Hasbro рассчитывает получить 135 млн долларов роялти от авторов MONOPOLY GO! и Baldur’s Gate 3
В 2024 году Hasbro рассчитывает получить 135 млн долларов роялти от авторов MONOPOLY GO! и Baldur’s Gate 3 В 2024 году Hasbro рассчитывает получить 135 млн долларов роялти от авторов MONOPOLY GO! и Baldur’s Gate 3

Среди прочего она сообщила, что продолжает получать хорошую выручку от лицензирования франшиз MONOPOLY и Baldur’s Gate.

— слева, Baldur’s Gate 3 — справаВо втором квартале роялти от авторов мобильной игры MONOPOLY GO!

составили 35 млн долларов — это сверх 5 млн долларов минимальной гарантии.

Hasbro указала только, что планирует по итогам всего года получить от Larian Studios порядка 30 млн долларов роялти.

Напомним, в 2023 году роялти от Baldur’s Gate 3 составили 90 млн долларов.

21 час назад @ app2top.ru
Выручка MONOPOLY GO! преодолела рубеж в 3 млрд долларов
Выручка MONOPOLY GO! преодолела рубеж в 3 млрд долларов Выручка MONOPOLY GO! преодолела рубеж в 3 млрд долларов

Компания Hasbro в финансовом отчете за второй квартал 2024-го раскрыла актуальный доход мобильного хита MONOPOLY GO!.

Она сообщила, что пользователи потратили в игре уже 3 млрд долларов.


Отметку в свой первый миллиард долларов игра взяла в ноябре того же года, а в феврале 2024-го ее выручка превысила 2 млрд долларов.

заработала 3 млрд долларов быстрее, чем любая другая мобильная игра в мире.

21 час назад @ app2top.ru
Гильдия актеров США объявила забастовку против игровых компаний из-за использования ИИ
Гильдия актеров США объявила забастовку против игровых компаний из-за использования ИИ Гильдия актеров США объявила забастовку против игровых компаний из-за использования ИИ

Гильдия актеров США SAG-AFTRA не смогла мирно договориться об условиях работы с сотрудничающими с ней игровыми компаниями.

Теперь она будет отстаивать свои требования с помощью забастовки.

GTA OnlineВ официальном заявлении Гильдия объяснила, что камнем преткновения стал искусственный интеллект.

Игровые компании отказались ограничивать использование технологий, способных создавать цифровые копии голосов актеров.

Стороны пришли к соглашению по 24 пунктам из 25, включая «историческое» повышение зарплаты и усиление мер безопасности, и только насчет ИИ их мнения разделились.

22 часа назад @ app2top.ru
Количество загрузок игр серии Talking Tom превысило 23 млрд
Количество загрузок игр серии Talking Tom превысило 23 млрд Количество загрузок игр серии Talking Tom превысило 23 млрд

Talking Tom — одна из самых популярных мобильных игровых франшиз.

My Talking Tom 2Ежемесячно активная аудитория игр по Talking Tom по-прежнему держится на уровне в 470 млн человек [это число Outfit7 раскрывала еще в 2022 году — прим.

По данным студии, 70% пользователей предпочитают играть в игры в духе «тамагочи», к которым относятся My Talking Tom и My Talking Angela.

Еще 20% пользователей играют в ранеры вроде Talking Tom Gold Run, а 10% пользователей — в остальные игры серии.

Согласно сервису AppMagic, самой скачиваемой игрой серии остается My Talking Tom.

1 day, 16 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Почти треть жителей Германии — мобильные геймеры
Почти треть жителей Германии — мобильные геймеры Почти треть жителей Германии — мобильные геймеры

Число мобильных геймеров в Германии растет.

По данным немецкой игровой ассоциации GAME, в конце 2023-го в мобильные игры играли 24,6 жителей страны.

Согласно Федеральному статистическому ведомству страны (Destatis), по состоянию на декабрь 2023-го в Германии проживали 84,7 млн человек.

Как подсчитали в GAME, в 2023 году он вырос до 2,89 млрд евро.

Еще 43 млн евро принесли подписки.

1 day, 17 hours назад @ app2top.ru
«Мы завершаем квартал со смешанными чувствами», — операционная прибыль Paradox Interactive упала на 90%
«Мы завершаем квартал со смешанными чувствами», — операционная прибыль Paradox Interactive упала на 90% «Мы завершаем квартал со смешанными чувствами», — операционная прибыль Paradox Interactive упала на 90%

Paradox Interactive выпустила отчет за второй квартал 2024-го.

Отмена симулятора жизни Life by You серьезно сказалась на финансах компании.

1 day, 17 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Sensor Tower: в 2024 году IAP-выручка глобального рынка мобильных игр вырастет до 78 млрд долларов
Sensor Tower: в 2024 году IAP-выручка глобального рынка мобильных игр вырастет до 78 млрд долларов Sensor Tower: в 2024 году IAP-выручка глобального рынка мобильных игр вырастет до 78 млрд долларов

Спад на рынке мобильных игр заканчивается, прогнозирует аналитическая компания Sensor Tower.

Также аналитики предполагают, что в 2026 году IAP-выручка рынка с впервые превысит 90 млрд долларов, а в 2028 году и вовсе перевалит за 100 млрд долларов.

IAP-выручка рынка мобильных игр в 2019-28 годыКрупнейшими регионами с точки зрения IAP-выручки останутся США, Китай, Япония и Южная Корея.

По прогнозу Sensor Tower, в 2028 году жители США потратят на IAP в мобильных играх 33,5 млрд долларов, а жители Китая — около 20 млрд только в App Store.

IAP-выручка рынка мобильных игр в США (синий), Китае (красный), Японии (желтый), Южной Корее (зеленый) в 2019-28 годы

1 day, 19 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Seekers Notes от MYTONA скачали 43 млн раз за девять лет
Seekers Notes от MYTONA скачали 43 млн раз за девять лет Seekers Notes от MYTONA скачали 43 млн раз за девять лет

29 июля хиддену Seekers Notes исполнится девять лет.

В честь этого разработчики поделились статистикой игры.

1 day, 20 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Продажи ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights достигли 1,5 млн копий
Продажи ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights достигли 1,5 млн копий Продажи ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights достигли 1,5 млн копий

Авторы метроидвании ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights объявили, что их игра продалась тиражом свыше 1,5 млн копий.

Достичь этой отметки удалось за три года: релиз ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights состоялся в июне 2021-го.

ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the KnightsДинамика продаж ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights:600 тысяч копий — март 2022-го;1 млн копий — февраль 2023-го;1,5 млн копий — июль 2024-го.

ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights рассказывает о приключениях девочки в мире, в котором «дождь смерти» превратил живых существ в монстров.

Ранее Nintendo включила ее в топ-15 самых продаваемых инди-игр на Nintendo Switch за 2021 год.

1 day, 21 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Разработчики World of Warcraft объединились в крупнейший профсоюз в Blizzard
Разработчики World of Warcraft объединились в крупнейший профсоюз в Blizzard Разработчики World of Warcraft объединились в крупнейший профсоюз в Blizzard

Организовать его решили еще в 2021 году после того, как их разочаровала реакция руководства Activision Blizzard на иск о дискриминации и домогательствах в компании.

Тогда многие сотрудники Blizzard, в числе которых были и разработчики World of Warcraft, вышли на забастовки, что и положило начало их профсоюзной деятельности.

Окончательное решение о создании профсоюза было принято после появления в Activision Blizzard других трудовых объединений.

Профсоюз World of Warcraft Game Makers Guild стал вторым по величине в Microsoft и крупнейшим в Blizzard.

Он уступает по размерам только профсоюзу тестировщиков Activision, в который входят 600 человек.

1 day, 22 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Lilith Games отдает сотрудникам до 20% прибыли игр
Lilith Games отдает сотрудникам до 20% прибыли игр Lilith Games отдает сотрудникам до 20% прибыли игр

Китайская Lilith Games, разработавшая Rise of Kingdoms и AFK Arena, показывает чудеса щедрости.

AFK ArenaПо словам Оу, для каждой своей новой игры Lilith Games открывает отдельную дочернюю компанию, и все ключевые члены команды проекта получают в ней долю.

После релиза игры Lilith Games раз в год в дополнение к зарплате перечисляет сотрудникам часть прибыли тайтла в соответствии с принадлежащей им долей.

Например, в 2021 году Lilith Games отдала 90 разработчикам игры AFK Arena 25 млн долларов.

Как говорит Оу, с помощью этой программы Lilith Games пытается повысить лояльность и мотивацию сотрудников, а также удержать их в компании.

2 days, 15 hours назад @ app2top.ru
СМИ: как минимум один косметический предмет в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III был создан с помощью ИИ
СМИ: как минимум один косметический предмет в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III был создан с помощью ИИ СМИ: как минимум один косметический предмет в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III был создан с помощью ИИ

Как пишет издание, компания уже начала продавать в играх созданную с помощью ИИ «косметику».

Yokai’s WrathПо данным Wired, ИИ применялся как минимум для косметического набора в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III под названием Yokai’s Wrath, поступившего в продажу в декабре 2023-го.

Какой предмет или предметы в наборе были частично сгенерированы ИИ — не уточняется.

В самой игре никаких пометок об использовании ИИ в создании «косметики» нет.

Тогда руководство заверило художников, что такие технологии будут применяться только на этапе концепции и точно не станут использоваться в создании игровых ассетов.

2 days, 16 hours назад @ app2top.ru
GamesIndustry.biz GamesIndustry.biz
последний пост 15 часов назад
Look North World raises $4.5m in overall funding
Look North World raises $4.5m in overall funding Look North World raises $4.5m in overall funding

Developer and publisher Look North World has raised an additional $2.25 million in seed funding, bringing the total raised to $4.5 million.

Look North World has already developed and published five games on Unreal Engine for Fortnite.

"Investing in Look North World cements our belief in user-generated content being a core pillar of the future of gaming," said London Venture Partners' Matt Bilbey.

With Look North World they continue to reshape how games are built and published."

Look North World was established last year by EA, Bungie, and Kongreate alums Alex Seropian, Jay Pecho, Patrick Moran, Kyle Marks, Aaron Marroquin, and Prashant Patil.

15 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Arts union Equity issues guidance for UK workers following SAG-AFTRA strike
Arts union Equity issues guidance for UK workers following SAG-AFTRA strike Arts union Equity issues guidance for UK workers following SAG-AFTRA strike

The UK's performing arts and entertainment union Equity has shared its support of SAG-AFTRA's video game strike announced yesterday.

Due to UK legislation, Equity is unable to join in on the strike action as performers who wish to take part will not have legal protection against being dismissed or sued for breach of contract.

Equity has issued guidance for SAG-AFTRA members who are contracted in the UK to work for struck companies.

It has advised Equity members to continue work and undertake contractual obligations, and for SAG-AFTRA members working in the UK to do the same as the US-based union "is not permitted to discipline [members] for continuing to work" under UK law.

Excessive non-di…

16 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Steam demo overhaul includes standalone store pages, user reviews and wishlist notifications
Steam demo overhaul includes standalone store pages, user reviews and wishlist notifications Steam demo overhaul includes standalone store pages, user reviews and wishlist notifications

Perhaps the most notable addition is that studios can now set up separate store pages for their free demos, where they can post screenshots, trailers and specify the contents of this download.

These pages will also automatically link to the full game's store page for wishlisting or purchase.

The store page will also collect and present user reviews specifically for the demo.

Valve also assured developers that Steam will "treat your demo mostly the same way" regardless of whether or not it has a store page.

"Launching a new free demo for your game will behave similarly as launching a free stand-alone game on Steam," Valve explained.

16 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Hasbro CEO: "We're going all in on becoming a digital play company"
Hasbro CEO: "We're going all in on becoming a digital play company" Hasbro CEO: "We're going all in on becoming a digital play company"

Cocks said that Hasbro's "capital envelope" is about $250 million a year, and that "about half of that" is going into digital games.

Cocks added that, looking at the company's full line-up of licensed titles, Hasbro has 150 projects that are either out or in development.

We're going all in on becoming a digital play company."

For the first half of 2024, Wizards of the Coast & Digital Gaming's revenue was up 20% year-on-year.

We talked to Hasbro head of digital product development Dan Ayoub in April, about the firm's $1 billion bet on internal game development.

17 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Netflix reduces budget for BioShock film, making a "more personal" story
Netflix reduces budget for BioShock film, making a "more personal" story Netflix reduces budget for BioShock film, making a "more personal" story

The upcoming movie adaptation of Bioshock has seen its budget slashed as Netflix focuses on making it a smaller, "more personal" project.

In March, Netflix named Dan Lin as its new film boss, with the producer of the company's live action Avatar: The Last Airbender remake replacing Scott Stuber, who was in charge when the BioShock film was announced back in 2022.

It's going to be a more personal point fo view, as opposed to a grander, big project."

This is not the first time a BioShock movie has been in the works, or gone through budget issues.

This was put on hold the following year following Universal Pictures' concerns with the budget.

17 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Elden Ring climbs to Top Five in revenue charts for June | Newzoo Charts
Elden Ring climbs to Top Five in revenue charts for June | Newzoo Charts Elden Ring climbs to Top Five in revenue charts for June | Newzoo Charts

Elden Ring has jumped 18 places to No.3 in Newzoo's overall revenue charts for June, following the release of its Shadow of the Erdtree expansion.

The FromSoftware title also broke into the Top 20 of the data firm's monthly active user engagement charts at No.13, jumping from its No.27 position in May.

Fortnite and EA Sports FC 24 remained in the top two spots of Newzoo's revenue chart across all platforms, while Destiny 2 moved up three places from No.8 to No.5.

While Luigi's Mansion 2 HD didn't make the Top 20 in the overall revenue charts, it climbed to No.2 on the Switch revenue charts in three days following its release on June 27.

Metroid Prime: Remastered also jumped 65 spots to No.1…

18 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Devil May Cry | Why I Love
Devil May Cry | Why I Love Devil May Cry | Why I Love

That's when I had my mind completely blown by the announcement of a very strangely named game from Capcom: Devil May Cry.

Why would the devil cry?

Who's making the devil cry?

You have to be able to play it and feel it for yourself, and for me, Devil May Cry was unlike anything I'd ever felt before.

I'm sure anyone who plays our studio's upcoming game Astor: Blade of the Monolith will certainly see the influence Devil May Cry had on it.

18 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Unionisation leaps forward: now it's time to deliver | Opinion
Unionisation leaps forward: now it's time to deliver | Opinion Unionisation leaps forward: now it's time to deliver | Opinion

Such tipping points usually look very obvious with hindsight but are notoriously tricky to pick out in the moments when they're occurring.

The successful unionisation of 500+ World of Warcraft staff is a major symbolic milestone in overturning the old regime at Activision BlizzardIs this a tipping point, then?

Even though the neutrality deal with the CWA is specific to Microsoft-owned studios, the high visibility of such major unionisation successes could start pushing over dominoes elsewhere.

None of this is to say that the newly unionised workers shouldn't be celebrating the success of even getting to this point at all.

My intention isn't to rain on any parades – these are significant and…

20 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Paradox Interactive profits drop 90% due to Life By You cancellation
Paradox Interactive profits drop 90% due to Life By You cancellation Paradox Interactive profits drop 90% due to Life By You cancellation

Paradox Interactive's profits have significantly dropped by 90% following the cancellation of Life By You.

Write-downs of development costs for Life By You amounted to SEK 208 million ($19.2 million), which are included in the operating profits.

"We end the second quarter of the year with mixed feelings," said Paradox Interactive CEO Fredrik Wester.

It was due to be the debut title of internal studio Paradox Tectonic, formed in 2019 and led by former Electronic Arts executive vice president Rod Humble.

Paradox Tectonic was shuttered as a result of the cancellation, which affected 24 employees.

21 час назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Epic removes Fortnite from mobile app stores to prepare for own store launch
Epic removes Fortnite from mobile app stores to prepare for own store launch Epic removes Fortnite from mobile app stores to prepare for own store launch

Epic Games is pulling Fortnite and other games from mobile app stores ahead of the launch of its own digital storefront on iOS and Android.

In an announcement, the publisher said it would be ending distribution partnerships with mobile stores "that serve as rent collectors without competing robustly and serving all developers fairly, even if those stores offer [it] a special deal on [its] own games."

Epic also revealed it would be removing Fortnite and its other titles from the Samsung Galaxy store due to the company's decision to block side-loading by default on Samsung devices.

The publisher announced that its mobile games will be available on AltStore on iOS in the European Union, and "a…

22 часа назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Discuss the skills crisis at the GamesIndustry.biz HR Summit
Discuss the skills crisis at the GamesIndustry.biz HR Summit Discuss the skills crisis at the GamesIndustry.biz HR Summit

More speakers have been confirmed for this September's GamesIndustry.biz HR Summit, including sessions on the skills crisis and developing young talent.

The GamesIndustry.biz HR Summit takes place at the Royal Institution in London on September 18.

Skillfull founder Gina Jackson will share with attendees and update on her report on the Skills Crisis in a session at the event.

Finally, Wardog Studios' operations director Scott Baxter will discuss training in an era of rapid skills decay.

The conversation around skills development is one of many topics that will be discussed at the HR Summit.

22 часа назад @ gamesindustry.biz
PSVR 2 app to release on Steam on August 6 | News-in-brief
PSVR 2 app to release on Steam on August 6 | News-in-brief PSVR 2 app to release on Steam on August 6 | News-in-brief

PSVR 2 app to release on Steam on August 6 | News-in-briefThe app means users will be able to play PlayStation VR 2 titles on PC via Steam

22 часа назад @ gamesindustry.biz
SAG-AFTRA calls for a "video game strike", effective from tomorrow
SAG-AFTRA calls for a "video game strike", effective from tomorrow SAG-AFTRA calls for a "video game strike", effective from tomorrow

The Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) has called a strike, effective at 12.01am tomorrow (July 26).

National executive director and chief negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, acting under the authority delegated by SAG-AFTRA, says the strike comes "after more than a year and a half of negotiations without a deal."

"The video game industry generates billions of dollars in profit annually.

The driving force behind that success is the creative people who design and create those games.

Frankly, it's stunning that these video game studios haven’t learned anything from the lessons of last year - that our members can and will stand up and demand f…

1 day, 11 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Xsolla appoints new chief financial officer, Cathleen Nilson
Xsolla appoints new chief financial officer, Cathleen Nilson Xsolla appoints new chief financial officer, Cathleen Nilson

Cathleen Nilson has been appointed Xsolla's new chief financial officer.

The global game commerce firm confirmed Nilson's new appointment after she served a year at software-as-a-service AI company Kami Vision.

Before then, Nilson served at other technology and game firms such as Samsung, Turing, and Electronic Arts (EA).

"Cathleen Nilson's appointment as CFO marks a significant milestone for Xsolla," said founder Agapitov, who also serves as CEO.

The Xsolla Greater China Region office will help facilitate new programs and partnerships to provide support for marketing, game development, and monetisation strategies.

1 day, 12 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon hits 3 million sales
Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon hits 3 million sales Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon hits 3 million sales

Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon hits 3 million sales"Thank you to all Ravens, new and old, who have braved the fires and flown on borrowed wings"

1 day, 12 hours назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Gamasutra Gamasutra
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Kotaku Kotaku
последний пост 9 часов назад
The 2024 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony Goes Full Assassin's Creed Parkour On Paris' Rooftops
The 2024 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony Goes Full Assassin's Creed Parkour On Paris' Rooftops The 2024 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony Goes Full Assassin's Creed Parkour On Paris' Rooftops

So I was extra surprised when the opening ceremony looked like a scene out of a classic Assassin’s Creed game.

The Week In Games: What’s Coming Out Beyond Assassin's Creed Mirage CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish The Week In Games: What’s Coming Out Beyond Assassin's Creed MirageApparently everyone else was, too.

Advertisement“We were impressed by the opening ceremony and very proud to see that Assassin’s Creed was one of the inspirations for the show’s talented creators,” a spokesperson for Ubisoft told Kotaku in a statement.

“It is a true testament to video games’ influence on popular culture.”While seeing gaming recognized IRL is always a neat surprise, not everyone was impressed with the op…

9 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Capcom Made A Game That Doesn't Belong In 2024 And It's Fantastic
Capcom Made A Game That Doesn't Belong In 2024 And It's Fantastic Capcom Made A Game That Doesn't Belong In 2024 And It's Fantastic

It’s just an excellent game, and it shows what’s possible when big publishers take a chance on something completely different.

“Mixing multiple game elements will always increase the complexity of the game, but it is important to choose carefully what is and isn’t necessary for the game,” said Kawata.

Where other games devolve into ticking boxes on a marketing strategy, Path of the Goddess feels bereft of bloat.

Before pitching Path of the Goddess, Kawata directed Shinsekai: Into the Depths, an underwater action puzzle game on Apple Arcade that was later ported to Switch.

When I asked if we might see more experiments like Path of the Goddess from Capcom, Hirabayashi said he couldn’t comment…

10 часов назад @ kotaku.com
X-Men Comics Fans At War Over Bonus Pages Hidden Behind QR Codes
X-Men Comics Fans At War Over Bonus Pages Hidden Behind QR Codes X-Men Comics Fans At War Over Bonus Pages Hidden Behind QR Codes

As such, some of these tweets have gone semi-viral among comic book fans, leading to a lot of people assuming that this is the case.

If you were to scan this code you’d unlock a bonus comic page teasing future events or villains.

This QR code bonus page popped up in some other recent X-Men comics.

Advertisement[The QR code page] was a bonus page to begin with, an extra page—we didn’t scale back the contents of X-Men #1 in order to do it,” said Brevoort.

They see these bonus pages as important to the overall story and as such these “extras” are indeed the last pages of a comic book.

10 часов назад @ kotaku.com
MrBeast Has Hired An Investigator To Look Into Grooming Allegations Against Ex-Co-Host Ava Kris Tyson
MrBeast Has Hired An Investigator To Look Into Grooming Allegations Against Ex-Co-Host Ava Kris Tyson MrBeast Has Hired An Investigator To Look Into Grooming Allegations Against Ex-Co-Host Ava Kris Tyson

AdvertisementAccording to the article, LavaGS, who is now 20 years old, has a history with Tyson going back several years.

Eventually, LavaGS was even able to get a job working for MrBeast’s gaming-centric channel, MrBeastGaming, through Tyson.

As a production assistant for the channel, LavaGS moderated aspects of the channel, appeared in some videos, and even flew out to MrBeast’s “compound” in North Carolina.

Since the allegations against Tyson were made in June by a right-wing creator, and subsequently picked up by numerous other YouTuber content creators a month later, LavaGS has spoken up a number of times.

At first, he came to Tyson’s defense, saying, “These videos are massive lies an…

11 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Five Years Later, Fire Emblem: Three Houses’ Best Character Is Still Edelgard
Five Years Later, Fire Emblem: Three Houses’ Best Character Is Still Edelgard Five Years Later, Fire Emblem: Three Houses’ Best Character Is Still Edelgard

But in recognition of the game’s fifth anniversary, it’s time I declared that one character stands above all the rest: Edelgard von Hresvelg, Fire Emblem: Three Houses’ greatest triumph.

There are the Blue Lions and the Golden Deer, but I am most concerned with the Black Eagles and its seemingly cold-hearted leader, Edelgard.

In Crimson Flower and the Black Eagles route through the game’s first section, she gets to be human.

Through Edelgard, Three Houses gives you the rare chance to do something truly revolutionary as a protagonist.

She is, however, the most compelling and well-written character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

11 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Another Game Just Got Review-Bombed Into Dropping Controversial Login Requirement
Another Game Just Got Review-Bombed Into Dropping Controversial Login Requirement Another Game Just Got Review-Bombed Into Dropping Controversial Login Requirement

Bad news, if you want to play the game online on Steam you’ll have to create an Epic Games account.

But the game quickly received a ton of negative reviews on Steam because of a previously unannounced Epic Games account requirement for online play.

As reported by GamesRadar, by the end of launch day, EDF 6 had over 1,000 reviews and a “Mostly Negative” status on Steam.

AdvertisementThis whole fiasco reminds me of the Helldivers 2 PSN requirement meltdown that happened earlier this year.

Like with EDF 6, players review bombed the popular sci-fi shooter’s Steam page enough that Sony eventually relented and backpedaled on its PSN requirement.

13 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Castle Crashers' First DLC In 12 Years Lets You Make Your Own Characters
Castle Crashers' First DLC In 12 Years Lets You Make Your Own Characters Castle Crashers' First DLC In 12 Years Lets You Make Your Own Characters

Castle Crashers was one of the first breakout indie darlings on Xbox 360 to show players the console’s Live Arcade wasn’t just a backwater for low-effort shovelware.

The Behemoth’s Flash-animation-inspired arcade brawler became an instant classic, and over a decade later its getting its biggest DLC yet on PC.

AdvertisementAdvertisementThe DLC also includes a new playable character—Paint Junior—who fights enemies with art.

The puzzle platformer will also finally escape the Xbox 360 on console and get a modern port on Xbox Series X/S.

Pit People is getting a quality-of-life update as well (still no word on a PlayStation port).

13 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Fallout 76: Minerva’s Location And Inventory: Late July, 2024
Fallout 76: Minerva’s Location And Inventory: Late July, 2024 Fallout 76: Minerva’s Location And Inventory: Late July, 2024

After the main story wraps up and you you reach Fallout 76's end-game, , you’ll have to find new ways to spend your time in Appalachia.

It’s a valuable end-game currency that unlocks crafting and construction plans, like various Gauss weaponry and C.A.M.P.

AdvertisementHere is where to find Minerva in Fallout 76 this week!

Minerva only remains in Appalachia for a short period—one week—and then moves on to a new location.

Then, she’ll set up camp outside of Foundation, just in front of the bridge leading up to the main entrance.

13 часов назад @ kotaku.com
House Of The Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 Recap: How To Ride Your Dragon
House Of The Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 Recap: How To Ride Your Dragon House Of The Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 Recap: How To Ride Your Dragon

Season two’s sixth episode in HBO’s chronicle of House Targaryen opens with the Lannister Army arriving at Golden Tooth and meeting with the surrendering Lord Lefford.

When Criston Cole warns Aemond of the risk, he is sent off to prepare for the Harrenhal battle.

First up to bat is Ser Steffon Darklynn who has a Targaryen great-grandmother and is honored to ride a god.

Rhaenyra skips going to the council for riding her dragon to search for this mysterious rider.

AdvertisementThis episode raises many questions like; Will Team Black accept a non-nobleborn dragon rider?

13 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Kotaku’s Weekend Guide: Six Games We Can't Wait To Get Back To
Kotaku’s Weekend Guide: Six Games We Can't Wait To Get Back To Kotaku’s Weekend Guide: Six Games We Can't Wait To Get Back To

I first played Judgment after a bad breakup, and proceeded to devote every mind-numbing minute of the next few weeks to that game.

Yakuza: Like a Dragon came out two months later, and I played it till I felt empty inside and couldn’t stomach it anymore.

These games are immense and all-consuming, which is both great and terrifying depending on the light in which you’re looking at it.

Despite it all, I love this series and I want to experience the rest of Kiryu’s story from the beginning, so here we are.

I’m a few chapters in, and enjoying the meticulous pace at which I’m absorbing the game.

13 часов назад @ kotaku.com
How And Why You Should Farm Automatic Parts In Once Human
How And Why You Should Farm Automatic Parts In Once Human How And Why You Should Farm Automatic Parts In Once Human

AdvertisementHere is where to get Automatic Parts in Once Human!

AdvertisementWhere to find Automatic Parts in Once HumanAdvertisementYou can find Automatic Parts in Once Human from high-level zones, such as:Blackfell Fallen Zone - Red Sands (Level 41)Blackfell Oil Fields - Red Sands (Level 43)Fort Eyrie - Red Sands (Level 45)Forsaken Monolith Danger Zone - Red Sands (Level 50)Are you noticing a trend?

That’s where you’ll you farm Automatic Parts in Once Human.

Like most aspects of Once Human, the hunt for Automatic Parts proves to be a circle.

You need more potent weaponry to farm the late-game areas where Automatic Parts spawn.

14 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Gran Turismo 7 Update Breaks Cars, Turns Them Into Wacky Missiles
Gran Turismo 7 Update Breaks Cars, Turns Them Into Wacky Missiles Gran Turismo 7 Update Breaks Cars, Turns Them Into Wacky Missiles

Gran Turismo 7's most recent update was meant to improve and tweak the racing sim’s car physics.

AdvertisementReleased on July 25 on PS4 and PS5, Gran Turismo 7’s 1.49 patch added a new race track, six new cars, and improved tire handling.

While these wacky flying cars might not be “realistic” or “correct,” it certainly is fun to watch.

This isn’t what most Gran Turismo players want.

But I’d argue these flying cars are very funny and have made me more interested in playing Gran Turismo 7.

14 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Elden Ring Streamer Beats Final Erdtree Boss On Dance Pad And Controller At The Same Time
Elden Ring Streamer Beats Final Erdtree Boss On Dance Pad And Controller At The Same Time Elden Ring Streamer Beats Final Erdtree Boss On Dance Pad And Controller At The Same Time

I literally just cataloged a bunch of cool ways that Elden Ring players have managed to beat several of the game’s tough boss fights, and now we’ve got a new one to add to the pile.

The Most Sought After Elden Ring Sword Has A Storied History CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish view video The Most Sought After Elden Ring Sword Has A Storied HistoryThe Most Sought After Elden Ring Sword Has A Storied History CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish The Most Sought After Elden Ring Sword Has A Storied HistoryAdvertisementSomehow, MissMikkaa beat Promised Consort Radahn, the asshole awaiting players at the end of Shadow of the Erdtree, in the hardest way possible.

She didn’t just whoop him, she beat him on a d…

15 часов назад @ kotaku.com
The Top 10 Worst Pokémon Of All Time
The Top 10 Worst Pokémon Of All Time The Top 10 Worst Pokémon Of All Time

We love Pokémon.

We think they’re gorgeous.

But not all Pokémon are equal.

Here are the top ten Pokémon that make me want to shiver off my own skin.

Oh, and before we start, a massive thanks to Bulbagarden, the amazing Pokémon wiki that collates information about everything imaginable to do with the franchise, as well as collecting all the Pokédex entries.

15 часов назад @ kotaku.com
How To Get Fallout 76’s Best Shotgun
How To Get Fallout 76’s Best Shotgun How To Get Fallout 76’s Best Shotgun

AdvertisementHere is how to get and craft the Gauss Shotgun in Fallout 76!

Where to get the Gauss Shotgun PlanCurrently, there are only two places to purchase the Gauss Shotgun Plan: Minerva and Samuel.

She may sell the Gauss Shotgun Plans one week but not the next.

But she might be worth the wait, as her Gauss Shotgun Plan is cheaper!

AdvertisementHow to craft a Gauss ShotgunAdvertisementOnce you purchase and learn the plans for the Gauss Shotgun, head back to C.A.M.P.

15 часов назад @ kotaku.com
MCV/Develop MCV/Develop
последний пост 2 days, 13 hours назад
[From the industry] devcom Developer Conference 2024 announces new speakers and program highlights
[From the industry] devcom Developer Conference 2024 announces new speakers and program highlights [From the industry] devcom Developer Conference 2024 announces new speakers and program highlights

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe devcom Developer Conference 2024 is just four weeks away.

Aiming for a full program with 250+ speakers and approximately 200 sessions across 15 stages, the conference is set to break new content records.

The program features sessions on 18 topics across all aspects of game development, with new additions such as Artificial Intelligence, Multiplayer, and VR & XR.

Side-Event Program to Complement the ConferenceEvery year, attendees and partners eagerly anticipate the extensive networking and matchmaking opportunities that are held alongside the devcom Developer Conference.

The conference days will conclude with the Sunset Mixer Party on Monday and the Develope…

2 days, 13 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
Andrew Byatt and Dominic Wheatley on Evercade’s success and their retail plans for Blaze’s expanding line of retro consoles
Andrew Byatt and Dominic Wheatley on Evercade’s success and their retail plans for Blaze’s expanding line of retro consoles Andrew Byatt and Dominic Wheatley on Evercade’s success and their retail plans for Blaze’s expanding line of retro consoles

Then you’ve got a newer audience who just want to be able to play retro games in a way that is quick and easy.

We wanted to make something that had real value as a console that went forward as something that you can play retro games on.

Dominic: I think one of the key things that we’re trying to do now is get retail exposure.

A lot of Evercade games and hardware has been sold though sites like Amazon, but not so much of it is being stacked on the shelves in stores.

I think it’s great fun and I think retail has been grateful to have something that they can actually sell.

2 days, 20 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
Playground Games sponsoring Women In Games Development Impact award
Playground Games sponsoring Women In Games Development Impact award Playground Games sponsoring Women In Games Development Impact award

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThere are two months to go until this year’s MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games Awards and we have another sponsor to announce: Playground Games, the studio behind the phenomenally successful Forza Horizon series, is supporting the Development Impact award, which aims to highlight those working under the hood of game development.

Head of studio at Playground Games Trevor Williams, said: “We are incredibly proud to be sponsoring the Women in Games MCV Development Impact 2024 Award.

We endeavour to encourage more Women into the gaming industry and truly appreciate and support exceptional talent in games development and design.

By engendering inclusion and growing a divers…

2 days, 20 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
How Discord is supporting a generation of developers
How Discord is supporting a generation of developers How Discord is supporting a generation of developers

In platforms’ infancy, budding developers build experiences that add value for users and infuse creativity beyond the core product.

For a platform looking to inspire developers, this means starting with an open API that lets developers do the same things that users do.

We’re unlocking the potential for even richer, more interactive games and social experiences that Discord users want and love.

In 2023, we also kicked off our annual Discord App Pitches competition, offering funding to Discord Developers to make their app dreams a reality.

In June, we introduced a new “Growth” Tier to our platform with the goal of better supporting up-and-coming developers on Discord.

2 days, 21 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
Is now the time to ditch Steam and consider alternatives for digital game distribution?
Is now the time to ditch Steam and consider alternatives for digital game distribution? Is now the time to ditch Steam and consider alternatives for digital game distribution?

Is now the time to ditch Steam and consider alternatives for digital game distribution?

With the company being sued for £656m and audience trust seemingly low, is now the time to consider alternatives when selling digital games?

Why publishers don’t trust marketplacesNaturally, digital game distribution is much more cost effective than physical sales.

At its lowest, the publisher will receive 70% of €24.99, bringing the value down to €17.49 per game sold through the distribution channel.

Most likely, with each copy of the game sold, the publisher missed out on €6.12, which could have brought Sega an additional €61,200 for every 10,000 copies.

2 days, 22 hours назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Warhammer Skulls Showcase cements itself as unofficial start of Summer showcase season, as viewers soar to 27.4 million
[From the industry] Warhammer Skulls Showcase cements itself as unofficial start of Summer showcase season, as viewers  soar to 27.4 million [From the industry] Warhammer Skulls Showcase cements itself as unofficial start of Summer showcase season, as viewers soar to 27.4 million

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInGames Workshop, in conjunction with their licensed partners, has revealed that 27.4 million viewers watched this year’s Warhammer Skulls Showcase.

The increasing popularity of Warhammer Skulls has also strongly benefitted the games announced at the annual event.

The Warhammer Skulls Steam page saw 8 million reads, up from 6.3 million last year, a further 45% increase since the rebrand of the event in 2021.

This year’s world premiere announcement from Kasedo Games, the anticipated sequel to fan favourite Mechanicus, received a massive 105.4k wishlists from May 23rd to May 30th.

You can only hope people like what they see, but with the sheer volume of excitement, …

1 week, 4 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Develop:Star Awards 2024 winners announced
[From the industry] Develop:Star Awards 2024 winners announced [From the industry] Develop:Star Awards 2024 winners announced

The winners of the Develop:Star Awards 2024, hosted last night during Develop:Brighton, have been announced.

The Develop:Star Awards, sponsored by Unreal Engine, saw winners crowned in 22 categories before this year’s Develop Star Award recipient, Sports Interactive, was celebrated for its contribution to the UK game development scene.

It was a big night for Larian Studios following the release of Baldur’s Gate 3 last summer, as they claimed Best Narrative, Best Studio – sponsored by Epic Games – and Best Game – sponsored by Testronic.

The other new award this year, Supporting Star, was won by Game Republic.

Elsewhere, A Highland Song developer inkle won Best Small Studio, Best Mobile Game …

2 weeks, 1 day назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Sporty Group acquires Sociable Soccer
[From the industry] Sporty Group acquires Sociable Soccer [From the industry] Sporty Group acquires Sociable Soccer

Featuring fast-paced arcade football action and more than 12,000 licensed FIFPRO players, Sociable Soccer offers a fresh alternative to traditional football games.

Sociable Soccer is already captivating players on Steam and Nintendo Switch, with upcoming launches slated for Xbox and PlayStation later this year.

The acclaimed designer initiated the Sociable Soccer project several years ago and will continue to spearhead its development, focusing on game design and product management leveraging Sporty’s resources and innovative vision.

In recent years, game development and publishing has become more complex than ever and the landscape ever more competitive, making it harder for titles to find…

2 weeks, 4 days назад @ mcvuk.com
EA Playdemic sponsoring Women In Games Outstanding Contribution Award
EA Playdemic sponsoring Women In Games Outstanding Contribution Award EA Playdemic sponsoring Women In Games Outstanding Contribution Award

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInPlaydemic, the EA-owned studio behind mobile hit Golf Clash, is proudly sponsoring the final award at September’s MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games Awards.

The Outstanding Contribution award, which reflects upon the life of someone who has had a long and and inspiring career in the games industry, has in previous years has been handed to Tara Mustapha, Marie-Claire Isaaman, Gina Jackson, Siobhan Reddy, Jessica Curry, Noirin Carmody, and Dr Jo Twist.

Luke Didd, Playdemic studio GM, said: “We are honoured to sponsor this year’s Outstanding Contribution Awards, allowing us to support and recognize the vital work being done to promote inclusion, belonging, and allyship in …

3 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
Stevenage FC signs Xsolla on a two-year deal
Stevenage FC signs Xsolla on a two-year deal Stevenage FC signs Xsolla on a two-year deal

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInMonetisation platform Xsolla (not to be confused with Chelsea legend Gianfranco Zola) will be the club and shirt sponsor of Stevenage FC for the coming and subsequent football seasons, according to an announcement made by the EFL League One and Eastern Region Women’s Football League club.

It means that as well as player and replica kit, the Xsolla logo will feature in print, digital and social media, game day hoardings, as well as in any videogames in which the club features.

“We are thrilled to partner with Stevenage FC, a club with a rich history and passionate fans.

This collaboration gives us a unique opportunity to connect with the global football community…

3 weeks, 1 day назад @ mcvuk.com
Amiqus sponsoring MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games Awards 2024
Amiqus sponsoring MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games Awards 2024 Amiqus sponsoring MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games Awards 2024

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInWe are very pleased to announce that Amiqus is sponsoring this year’s MCV/DEVELOP Women In Games Awards, taking place at on September 26th at the America Square Conference Centre in London.

“We’re very happy to once again support the MCV Women in Games Awards which celebrate the amazing talent of women in the industry” said Liz Prince, Amiqus’ Business Manager.

These awards shine a light on the incredible work of the developers, artists, designers, marketers, leaders and campaigners who also happen to be women or identify as women.

By celebrating their achievements, we can inspire the next generation to bring their unique perspectives and ideas to the world of g…

3 weeks, 2 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Jagex announces RuneFest at the NEC on March 1st-2nd, 2025
[From the industry] Jagex announces RuneFest at the NEC on March 1st-2nd, 2025 [From the industry] Jagex announces RuneFest at the NEC on March 1st-2nd, 2025

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInJagex is delighted to confirm that RuneFest will take place at the NEC in Birmingham, United Kingdom on March 1st – March 2nd, 2025, with an additional 1,000 tickets to be made available later this summer.

All existing tickets will transfer automatically, meaning RuneFest will be bigger than ever.

Any ticketholders who are unable to attend the new dates will be able to claim a full refund.

Those of you who wish to claim a refund can do so at SeeTickets.

As Insomnia will no longer be a part of RuneFest, there wIll be no access to other events at the NEC and camping is no longer available – all camping tickets purchased will be automatically refunded.

3 weeks, 2 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the Industry] Mystic Forge Secures Investment of 2M EURO
[From the Industry] Mystic Forge Secures Investment of 2M EURO [From the Industry] Mystic Forge Secures Investment of 2M EURO

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInMystic Forge Secures Strategic Investment of 2M EURO from ForsVC and ROM Utrecht RegionUtrecht, Netherlands — July 1st, 2024 — Mystic Forge, a newly established boutique game publisher, is thrilled to announce an investment of 2M EURO from ForsVC and ROM Utrecht Region.

Mystic Forge is founded by industry veterans Paul Hanraets, Randy Greenback, and Vernon Vrolijk, formerly of Good Shepherd Entertainment.

Inspired by the legendary blacksmiths of lore, Mystic Forge is dedicated to bringing ideas to life through passion, creativity, and a bit of magic.

Founded by seasoned industry veterans, Mystic Forge aims to make a significant impact in the indie gaming landsca…

3 weeks, 2 days назад @ mcvuk.com
The digital edition of MCV/DEVELOP issue 997 is available now
The digital edition of MCV/DEVELOP issue 997 is available now The digital edition of MCV/DEVELOP issue 997 is available now

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInAs we await delivery of the print edition (hundreds of copies of which will be available for you to swipe from Develop:Brighton should you be so inclined) the digital version of MCV/DEVELOP #997 is ready for you to flick through right now!

The focus for this issue is virtual reality, or XR as it prefers to be called these days.

Not only have we assembled a crack team of XR game movers and shakers, including the CEOs of nDreams, Resolution Games, CCP and XR Games, but we even sat down to watch The Lawnmower Man to get us in the mood.

It’s a terrible movie.

Enjoy the issue!

3 weeks, 3 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Gamescom to host first ever ‘Home of XR’ megabooth, revealing new games from world’s top XR studios
[From the industry] Gamescom to host first ever ‘Home of XR’ megabooth, revealing new games from world’s top XR studios [From the industry] Gamescom to host first ever ‘Home of XR’ megabooth, revealing new games from world’s top XR studios

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInAhead of what is anticipated to be XR’s biggest holiday season to date, a new industry-focused alliance has confirmed both its formation and exhibition plans for Gamescom 2024 today.

The Home of XR megabooth has been established by award-winning companies in the virtual reality, mixed reality, and augmented reality (together “XR”) spaces to showcase what’s possible using the technology of tomorrow.

Media and influencers interested in booking time to experience everything the Home of XR has to offer, including interview opportunities, should reach out to [email protected] to make arrangements.

Additionally, the Home of XR is opening up a limited number of a…

4 weeks, 1 day назад @ mcvuk.com
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последний пост 1 week, 2 days назад
Video-Game Firm Started by Congressman Debuts Pickleball Title
Video-Game Firm Started by Congressman Debuts Pickleball Title

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1 week, 2 days назад @ bloomberg.com
Nintendo Announces New Zelda, Mario Games Ahead of Next Switch
Nintendo Announces New Zelda, Mario Games Ahead of Next Switch

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1 month, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Sony’s PlayStation Reveals Plans for a Family-Friendly Fall
Sony’s PlayStation Reveals Plans for a Family-Friendly Fall

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1 month, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Xbox Announces New ‘Doom,’ ‘Gears of War’ Games at Summer Fest
Xbox Announces New ‘Doom,’ ‘Gears of War’ Games at Summer Fest

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1 month, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Behind ‘Suicide Squad,’ the Year’s Biggest Video-Game Flop
Behind ‘Suicide Squad,’ the Year’s Biggest Video-Game Flop

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1 month, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Sony Promotes Two Executives to Lead Its Video-Game Business
Sony Promotes Two Executives to Lead Its Video-Game Business

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2 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
In Hollywood, Video Games Are the New Superheroes
In Hollywood, Video Games Are the New Superheroes

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2 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Warner Bros. Sales Fall Short on Movie Miss, Poor Ad Sales
Warner Bros. Sales Fall Short on Movie Miss, Poor Ad Sales

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2 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Microsoft’s Xbox Is Planning More Cuts After Studio Closings
Microsoft’s Xbox Is Planning More Cuts After Studio Closings

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2 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Microsoft’s Xbox Division Is Shutting Down Four Bethesda Studios
Microsoft’s Xbox Division Is Shutting Down Four Bethesda Studios

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2 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Take-Two Interactive Shuts Down Two Game Studios
Take-Two Interactive Shuts Down Two Game Studios

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2 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
‘Dead Space’ Franchise Is Officially On Hold at Electronic Arts
‘Dead Space’ Franchise Is Officially On Hold at Electronic Arts

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3 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Sega Workers Ratify Union Contract, First at a Major Gaming Company
Sega Workers Ratify Union Contract, First at a Major Gaming Company

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4 months назад @ bloomberg.com
Embracer Group to Sell Saber, Developer of a New ‘Star Wars’ Game Remake, in $500 Million Deal
Embracer Group to Sell Saber, Developer of a New ‘Star Wars’ Game Remake, in $500 Million Deal

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4 months, 4 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
‘Grand Theft Auto’ Maker Rockstar Games Asks Workers to Return to Office Five Days a Week
‘Grand Theft Auto’ Maker Rockstar Games Asks Workers to Return to Office Five Days a Week

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4 months, 4 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
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последний пост 1 час назад
Apple Drops To Sixth Position In China’s Smartphone Shipments, As The iPhone Faces Immense Competition From Huawei, Vivo, More
Apple Drops To Sixth Position In China’s Smartphone Shipments, As The iPhone Faces Immense Competition From Huawei, Vivo, More Apple Drops To Sixth Position In China’s Smartphone Shipments, As The iPhone Faces Immense Competition From Huawei, Vivo, More

The second quarter results suggest that Apple is now the sixth largest smartphone vendor in China, competing against Chinese brands like Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, and more.

The company's smartphone shipments in the region dropped by at least 6.7 percent year-over-year, and there could be many reasons for this.

Honor took the third spot with 10.7 million units, and Huawei, which has improved a lot in recent years, took the fourth spot with 10.6 million units.

Xiaomi upped its game and bagged 10 million units, entering the top five position, but Apple failed to make the cut as it only managed to gather 9.7 million units of the iPhone in China.

With fierce competition among Android smartphone manufa…

1 час назад @ wccftech.com
Warner Bros. Games Announces Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns
Warner Bros. Games Announces Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns Warner Bros. Games Announces Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns

Today, Warner Bros. Games announced that Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns, a new expansion, will be released.

With the addition of Kombat Pack 2, returning combatants such as Noob Saibot, Cyrax, and Sektor will be joining the fray.

In addition to these new add-ons, all owners of Mortal Kombat 1 will receive a free MK 95 Scorpion character skin inspired by the original Mortal Kombat movie, which will be available in-game today.

The expansion will include both the Khaos Reigns expansion and the Kombat Pack 2.

Additionally, for any new Mortal Kombat 1 players, the first Kombat Pack is now available as part of the Mortal Kombat 1 Premium Edition, or you can purchase it separately.

6 часов назад @ wccftech.com
How To Start The Harbinger Quest Line in WoW Dragonflight
How To Start The Harbinger Quest Line in WoW Dragonflight How To Start The Harbinger Quest Line in WoW Dragonflight

One of the first quest lines players will encounter in the pre-patch is the Harbinger quest line, where players are introduced to the antagonist, Xal'atath.

How To Start the Harbinger QuestlineTo start the Harbinger quest line, you have to log in to one of your max-level characters and have the Dragonflight expansion.

Accept the quest and make your way to Dalaran, where you'll be given instructions on how to progress through the quest line.

Below are the quests that are part of the Harbinger quest line in WoW, and the order in which you need to complete them.

For completing the Harbinger quest line, you are given multiple rewards, but none are outstanding.

7 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Intel Denies Possibility of 14th & 13th Gen CPU Recall Amid Heightened Consumer Woes From Instability Issues, 65W & Above CPUs Affected
Intel Denies Possibility of 14th & 13th Gen CPU Recall Amid Heightened Consumer Woes From Instability Issues, 65W & Above CPUs Affected Intel Denies Possibility of 14th & 13th Gen CPU Recall Amid Heightened Consumer Woes From Instability Issues, 65W & Above CPUs Affected

Intel has responded to the most "awaited' questions surrounding their 14th & 13th Gen CPU instability fiasco, and by the looks of it, the company looks clueless.

Apart from this, the firm didn't close statistics on the overall Intel CPUs affected by the instability issues, and neither did they cooperate with The Verge on disclosing the reason behind "selling these chips ahead of any fix."

New Intel 14th Gen & 13th Gen CPUs will ship out with the microcode patches; however, existing users will need to implement them via BIOS update once available.

Team Blue didn't answer whether they will extend warranty servicing on the affected units, and neither did it comment on the general RMA process r…

11 часов назад @ wccftech.com
NASA Official Spills The Beans For SpaceX’s Rocket Accident Earlier This Month
NASA Official Spills The Beans For SpaceX’s Rocket Accident Earlier This Month NASA Official Spills The Beans For SpaceX’s Rocket Accident Earlier This Month

The briefing was for NASA and SpaceX's Crew-9 mission, SpaceX's fourth Dragon launch of 2024 and the 45th Dragon mission to the ISS to date.

This test will evaluate SpaceX's changes on its second stage design after the anomaly.

Stich added that "NASA has been following along step by step" with SpaceX's investigation with the FAA.

A SpaceX press release late in the evening yesterday shared that a faulty clamp in a sense line in the second stage led to the failure.

The Falcon 9's second stage is visible on the right with the ice buildup before the anomaly.

12 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Look North World Announces $4.5M in Seed Funding, Partnerships with Bandai Namco
Look North World Announces $4.5M in Seed Funding, Partnerships with Bandai Namco Look North World Announces $4.5M in Seed Funding, Partnerships with Bandai Namco

In total, 15 games are being created with major IP deals, allowing Look North World to invest in accelerating the creation of original games using UGC.

Using the Creator Label, Look North World aims to provide end-to-end support for creators in the UGC gaming sphere.

TomJank is known for creating Dream Job Tycoon, and SleightedSloth has worked on various tycoon games across the Epic Games Store creation applications.

"Investing in Look North World cements our belief in user-generated content being a core pillar of the future of gaming.

With Look North World they continue to reshape how games are built and published," says Matt Bilbey, Venture Partner at London Venture Partners.

12 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Erying Brings Intel’s 14th Gen “HX” CPUs To Its Polestar HM770 “MoTD” Motherboard, Up To 24 Cores
Erying Brings Intel’s 14th Gen “HX” CPUs To Its Polestar HM770 “MoTD” Motherboard, Up To 24 Cores Erying Brings Intel’s 14th Gen “HX” CPUs To Its Polestar HM770 “MoTD” Motherboard, Up To 24 Cores

Erying has unveiled its brand new MoTD (Motherboard on Desktop) design under its Polestar series, now featuring Intel's 14th Gen HX CPUs.

Erying's Polestar "MoTD" Motherboard Platform Is Upgraded With Intel's Newest Raptor Lake Refresh "HX" CPUs, Featuring Up To Intel's Core i9-14900HX With 24 CoresErying is known to bring innovation into the motherboard markets by offering its lineup of MoDT (Mobile on Desktop) motherboards.

We have covered Erying's products in the past as well, such as the Polestar MoDT HX, which featured Intel's 13th Gen mobile HX processors; however, the newer release comes with the upgraded Intel CPU series, the "Raptor Lake Refresh" or the 14th Gen HX CPUs.

Image Cred…

12 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Koei Tecmo Reveals Storyline Details For Dynasty Warriors: Origins
Koei Tecmo Reveals Storyline Details For Dynasty Warriors: Origins Koei Tecmo Reveals Storyline Details For Dynasty Warriors: Origins

Koei Tecmo has officially announced the first story line details for their new upcoming action game Dynasty Warriors: Origins.

This game is slated for release in 2025 across PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Steam.

Koei Tecmo has promised that this game will be the most jam-packed and intense action game out of any of the Warriors games already available on the market.

So that fans can see what to expect from Dynasty Warriors: Origins, the general producer Akihiro Suzuki has collaborated with producer Tomohiko Sho to produce a video that outlines their expectations for Dynasty Warriors: Origins, which can be watched on YouTube.

Although many people won't be able to understand what is bein…

14 часов назад @ wccftech.com
New AMD Ryzen 5 9600X 6-Core CPU Benchmarks Leak While ASUS Posts 55000 Points With Ryzen 9 9950X LN2 Overclock
New AMD Ryzen 5 9600X 6-Core CPU Benchmarks Leak While ASUS Posts 55000 Points With Ryzen 9 9950X LN2 Overclock New AMD Ryzen 5 9600X 6-Core CPU Benchmarks Leak While ASUS Posts 55000 Points With Ryzen 9 9950X LN2 Overclock

AMD's Ryzen 5 9600X, the most entry-level Zen 5 Desktop CPU with 6 cores, has been tested in Cinebench while the Ryzen 9 9950X posts a new LN2 record.

AMD Ryzen 5 9600X CPU Benchmarks Show 10% Gain Over 7600X, Ryzen 9 9950X Tested With LN2 OC by ASUSNew benchmarks of AMD's highest-end and lowest-end "Zen 5" Desktop CPUs have appeared online.

The AMD Ryzen 5 9600X CPU benchmarks come from a leak posted by HXL while ASUS has showcased the overclocking performance of its ROG Crosshair X670E GENE motherboard at China Joy 2024.

Starting with the specifications, the AMD Ryzen 9 9950X "100-000001277" CPU is the flagship offering with two Zen 5 CCDs and a single IOD.

At stock, the CPU scores 16205 …

14 часов назад @ wccftech.com
NVIDIA Expected To Offer “US-Compliant” GB20 Blackwell AI Servers To China
NVIDIA Expected To Offer “US-Compliant” GB20 Blackwell AI Servers To China NVIDIA Expected To Offer “US-Compliant” GB20 Blackwell AI Servers To China

NVIDIA now looks to offer "US-compliant" Blackwell GB20 AI servers to China in an attempt to capitalize on rising demands.

This shows that NVIDIA is seeing enormous interest in its Blackwell architecture from China, which is why they have now decided to design a China-specific AI server as well.

The news comes from The Information, citing supply chain sources, that NVIDIA has decided to offer Blackwell AI servers to Chinese customers, which are compliant with the regulations imposed by the Biden administration.

The AI server is likely going to be called the "GB20", which will be offered alongside the B20 AI GPUs to provide a complete package to customers.

With the GB20 expected to debut in …

15 часов назад @ wccftech.com
GameStop Short-Seller – Citron Research’s Andrew Left – Jointly Indicted By The SEC And DOJ For A “Multi-Year Scheme To Defraud Followers”
GameStop Short-Seller – Citron Research’s Andrew Left – Jointly Indicted By The SEC And DOJ For A “Multi-Year Scheme To Defraud Followers” GameStop Short-Seller – Citron Research’s Andrew Left – Jointly Indicted By The SEC And DOJ For A “Multi-Year Scheme To Defraud Followers”

Fast forward to 2024: Left has now been indicted for improperly profiting off his short recommendations to retail traders.

To wit, a California Grand Jury has now indicted Citron Research's Andrew Left for "engaging in a $20 million multi-year scheme to defraud followers."

According to the prosecutors, this playbook was able to move target stocks by over 12 percent on average.

Left would buy back the target stock immediately after recommending to his followers to sell, and he would sell the stock immediately after prescribing his followers to buy.

As recently as June, Andrew Left's Citron Research took another short position in GameStop after bashing Roaring Kitty's pump-inducing moves.

15 часов назад @ wccftech.com
What Are Warbands in World of Warcraft: The War Within?
What Are Warbands in World of Warcraft: The War Within? What Are Warbands in World of Warcraft: The War Within?

The pre-patch for the latest WoW expansion has been released, introducing the Warbands system to the game.

While this feature is specific to The War Within expansion for World of Warcraft, it has been released early to let players begin gearing up and preparing for the upcoming battles on August 26.

Warbands allow players to have account-wide progression across the characters in the Warband.

With the addition of the Warband-specific bank, players will gain access to five tabs with 98 inventory slots on each tab.

That's everything you need to know about Warbands in World of Warcraft and how you can utilize them in the upcoming expansion for WoW, The War Within.

16 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Lost Soul Aside New Gameplay Footage Focuses On Combat
Lost Soul Aside New Gameplay Footage Focuses On Combat Lost Soul Aside New Gameplay Footage Focuses On Combat

New Lost Soul Aside gameplay footage was shared today, providing a new look at the game by Ultizero Games that has been in development for quite a long time.

The new footage, which was shared today during a presentation held during Chinajoy 2024, showcases a tutorial fight as well as a fight against a new boss and a new weapon.

Sadly, the game doesn't seem to be in great shape, as gameplay looks clunky and not particularly inspired.

Lost Soul Aside began development as a solo project by Yang Bing, who later created the development studio Ultizero Games to complete the development of the game.

Despite having been in development for a long time, Lost Soul Aside still lacks a release window.

16 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Cyber Insurance Firm Believes That The CrowdStrike Outage Was The Largest In IT History, And Is Estimated To Have Cost Other Companies Over $5 Billion In Losses
Cyber Insurance Firm Believes That The CrowdStrike Outage Was The Largest In IT History, And Is Estimated To Have Cost Other Companies Over $5 Billion In Losses Cyber Insurance Firm Believes That The CrowdStrike Outage Was The Largest In IT History, And Is Estimated To Have Cost Other Companies Over $5 Billion In Losses

CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz has stated that 97 percent of affected machines are now back online from what cyber security experts claim is the largest IT outage in history.

The total cost of $5.4 billion only includes the outage for the Fortune 500 companies; CrowdStrike CEO has yet to provide updates on actual damagesOut of the Fortune 500, CrowdStrike has stated that it works with 298 of them, but Axios provides some interesting tidbits in the latest report.

The software and IT-related businesses suffered the least, according to cyber security insurance firm Parametrix, and only accounted for 21 percent of all outages.

This is because most software companies run on Linux, which remained u…

16 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Remnant II Gets Third DLC Delay Announcement
Remnant II Gets Third DLC Delay Announcement Remnant II Gets Third DLC Delay Announcement

Remnant II, a 2023 game, has been announced to receive its third and final DLC.

Originally, Gunfire Games, the developer behind Remnant II, wanted all three DLCs released by the game's first anniversary.

The Dark Horizon, the third DLC, is set to be the most expansive of the three that Remnant II will receive.

In addition to the DLC in progress, they are creating a brand-new game mode that will be free to everyone who owns Remnant II.

The developers say they will reveal more information about this game mode and The Dark Horizon DLC "soon."

16 часов назад @ wccftech.com
последний пост 1 day, 17 hours назад
COLORFUL Announces the Launch of the CVN Z790D5 ARK FROZEN Motherboard
COLORFUL Announces the Launch of the CVN Z790D5 ARK FROZEN Motherboard

Late in the Z790 life cycle, we're still seeing new boards come out for the platform. Case in point, Colorful announced their CVN Z790D5 Ark Frozen motherboard. The new SKU sports titanium gray on the heatsinks and PCB, a change from the black and white we're used to. Additionally, you get well-rounded specifications and robust power delivery to handle any 12th-14th generation processor, even when overclocking.

1 day, 17 hours назад @ overclockers.com
Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review
Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review

Overclockers and enthusiasts know the Xtreem memory series well, as it's always associated with exceptional performance and high overclocking results. The non-RGB version already confirmed great overclocking potential and high performance.

1 week, 4 days назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP700 PRO SE 4TB PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review: The fastest SSD, now even faster!
Corsair MP700 PRO SE 4TB PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review: The fastest SSD, now even faster!

We didn't have to wait long for the updated version of the already exceptional Corsair MP700 Pro SSD. The SE version brings us multiple improvements, which we will present in this review.

Corsair provided us with the 4TB version of the MP700 Pro SE SSD, which has the highest capacity so far and is also the fastest Corsair SSD available in stores. In the upcoming weeks, we will see lower capacities and various cooling options for the MP700 Pro SE.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
ADATA SD810 2TB USB 3.2 External SSD Review
ADATA SD810 2TB USB 3.2 External SSD Review

We do not often review portable storage devices, but we are always happy to present interesting products. ADATA sent us the SD810 external SSD, which is designed to resist heavy conditions like water or shock caused by drops on the ground. The SSD also has a high capacity of 2TB and promises exceptional performance, so it is the full package for our important data.

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 GRE Gaming OC 16G Graphics Card Review
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 GRE Gaming OC 16G Graphics Card Review

Radeon RX 7900 GRE wasn't planned for a global release; it was a product designed for the Chinese market. However, it became so interesting that AMD decided to make it available around the world, and we didn't have to wait long for leading partners to present their versions. In this review, we will focus on the RX 7900 GRE from Gigabyte, which uses a custom PCB and power design. The card is also overclocked, so it promises better than standard performance.

3 months назад @ overclockers.com
Team Group T-Force Xtreem 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review
Team Group T-Force Xtreem 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review

Today, we present the latest Team Group DDR5 memory kit designed for the most demanding users - T-Force Xtreem DDR5-8000. The tested memory kit has 48GB capacity and is rated at 8000MT/s, which suggests it's optimal for a modern gaming PC.

4 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG Review: Skinny Version Packs a Punch!
MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG Review: Skinny Version Packs a Punch!

Today, on our test bench, we have another 'Super' card, but this time, it's the MSI RTX 4070 Super Gaming X Slim MLG. What a mouthful! Outside of the obvious that it's a 4070 Super and slim compared to the 3-slot plus monsters we're used to seeing, the MLG version (where their Dragon, Lucky, turns into the Dragon Princess) sports red highlights, and it includes a magnetic backplate with a picture of their anime-style princess.

4 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
GPU Testing Prodedure 2024 – It’s all about that Ray Tracing and DLSS/FSR
GPU Testing Prodedure 2024 – It’s all about that Ray Tracing and DLSS/FSR

With new video cards set to release by the end of the calendar year (2024), we've updated our testing suite to new games and benchmarks to bring you performance metrics from various titles using the latest technologies from AMD, Intel, and Nvidia.

4 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Gigabyte RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G Review
Gigabyte RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G Review

Gigabyte was kind enough to send their RTX 4070 Ti Super Gaming OC 16G with a large 2.5 slot, a three-fan Windforce cooling solution, increased (from reference model) clock speeds, and some cool-looking RGB bling ring inside the fan space. Below, we'll look at the specifications and features and discuss the performance profile of this 1440p/4K UHD targeted graphics card against its peers and the competition.

5 months назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP600 Core Mini 2TB NVMe M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD Review
Corsair MP600 Core Mini 2TB NVMe M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD Review Corsair MP600 Core Mini 2TB NVMe M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD Review

Mobile devices like ultrabooks, tablets, and handheld gaming consoles are getting more popular each year. Even if we look only at handheld consoles, a year ago, we had one popular option: Steam Deck. Right now, there is also ASUS ROG Ally and Lenovo Legion GO, and soon MSI will join with their new product. Most of consoles and other devices are sold with lower capacity or simply slower storage, so it's not a surprise that many owners think about replacing the storage, which more often is M.2 SSD in a user-friendly and tiny 2230 form factor. For those users, Corsair designed the reviewed today MP600 Core Mini at a high 2TB capacity.

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – The Show Floor
CES 2024 – The Show Floor CES 2024 – The Show Floor

On our last day at CES, Friday, we had a chance to see the show floor. We saw so many things, from 3D printers to AI-based grills, and a whole lot more. In the images below, we'll see new items/ideas from Sony, TCL, Hisense, Samsung, John Deer, Honda, Hyundai, Volkswagon, Mercedes, Goodyear, and many other upstart companies just trying to make their way into the market.

6 months назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – Enermax shares smallest ATX 3.1 PSU, AIOs, and PC cases
CES 2024 – Enermax shares smallest ATX 3.1 PSU, AIOs, and PC cases CES 2024 – Enermax shares smallest ATX 3.1 PSU, AIOs, and PC cases

One of the last places we visited at CES 2024 (due to being sick, I had to cancel the next day's appointments) was Enermax. They showed off some exciting new ATX 3.1 power supplies, cool new AIOs (one of which sports a removable LCD screen), and several new chassis that sport USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C ports, including one with skinned with the best game ever, PUBG.

6 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – Gigabyte shows off white motheboards and graphics cards, new monitors
CES 2024 – Gigabyte shows off white motheboards and graphics cards, new monitors CES 2024 – Gigabyte shows off white motheboards and graphics cards, new monitors

Also in the Venetian were our friends at Gigabyte. We sat down with them and discussed what we'd like to see from them in the future, among other things. Although their ballroom had a lot more than what we'll list here, there were still many cool new things, including the Nvidia 4000 series super cards, new motherboards, AIOs, monitors, and more, with many of them in white.

6 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
CES 2024 – Cherry shows off new Mice, Keyboards, Microphones, and Mousepads!
CES 2024 – Cherry shows off new Mice, Keyboards, Microphones, and Mousepads! CES 2024 – Cherry shows off new Mice, Keyboards, Microphones, and Mousepads!

Later on our first day, we stopped by to visit the Cherry Suite in the Venetian Hotel. Inside, they had several items of note, showing off the keys they are famous for, and some new products as well. Since we last talked with Cherry, they acquired XTRFY (a renowned manufacturer of components and peripherals) and created the CHERRY XTRFY gaming brand to a new generation of high-performance keyboards, mice, and microphones for gamers.

6 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP700 PRO 2TB NVMe PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review
Corsair MP700 PRO 2TB NVMe PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review Corsair MP700 PRO 2TB NVMe PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review

Today, we present the latest and the fastest Corsair SSD - MP700 PRO. The SSD arrived to us a while ago, and we had plenty of time to test it, so the conclusions in this review are based not only on synthetic tests but also on daily workloads.

The MP700 PRO is one of the fastest M.2 SSDs we can buy in stores, and even though it shares the same Phison controllers as all the fastest PCIe 5.0 SSDs, the MP700 PRO's design is improved compared to the competition. Of course, I won't share everything in the introduction, but you can expect some exceptional results.

6 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
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последний пост 2 часа назад
Intel raptor lake ring bus flaw leak
Intel raptor lake ring bus flaw leak Intel raptor lake ring bus flaw leak

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Phoronix: "NVIDIA's Open-Source Linux Kernel Driver Performing At Parity To Proprietary Driver"
Phoronix: "NVIDIA's Open-Source Linux Kernel Driver Performing At Parity To Proprietary Driver" Phoronix: "NVIDIA's Open-Source Linux Kernel Driver Performing At Parity To Proprietary Driver"

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5 часов назад @ reddit.com
Intel 13th and 14th Gen 'Raptor Lake' instability troubles: Everything you need to know
Intel 13th and 14th Gen 'Raptor Lake' instability troubles: Everything you need to know Intel 13th and 14th Gen 'Raptor Lake' instability troubles: Everything you need to know

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7 часов назад @ reddit.com
ASRock launches first Thin Mini-ITX motherboard with AMD AM5 socket, supports Ryzen 9000 CPUs - VideoCardz.com
ASRock launches first Thin Mini-ITX motherboard with AMD AM5 socket, supports Ryzen 9000 CPUs - VideoCardz.com ASRock launches first Thin Mini-ITX motherboard with AMD AM5 socket, supports Ryzen 9000 CPUs - VideoCardz.com

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8 часов назад @ reddit.com
How does PC handle so much of a network data?
How does PC handle so much of a network data?

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10 часов назад @ reddit.com
Zen 5/Strix HX 370 Cinebench R23 MT/ST
Zen 5/Strix HX 370 Cinebench R23 MT/ST

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11 часов назад @ reddit.com
Zen 5’s 2-Ahead Branch Predictor Unit: How a 30 Year Old Idea Allows for New Tricks
Zen 5’s 2-Ahead Branch Predictor Unit: How a 30 Year Old Idea Allows for New Tricks Zen 5’s 2-Ahead Branch Predictor Unit: How a 30 Year Old Idea Allows for New Tricks

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11 часов назад @ reddit.com
Reason for low rating on Arctic Liquid Freezer iii?
Reason for low rating on Arctic Liquid Freezer iii?

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11 часов назад @ reddit.com
RESEARCH NOTE: Is Arm Neoverse the Datacenter’s Secret Weapon?
RESEARCH NOTE: Is Arm Neoverse the Datacenter’s Secret Weapon? RESEARCH NOTE: Is Arm Neoverse the Datacenter’s Secret Weapon?

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12 часов назад @ reddit.com
Game dev adds in-game crash warning for 13th and 14th Gen Intel CPUs — link provides affected owners instructions to mitigate crashes
Game dev adds in-game crash warning for 13th and 14th Gen Intel CPUs — link provides affected owners instructions to mitigate crashes Game dev adds in-game crash warning for 13th and 14th Gen Intel CPUs — link provides affected owners instructions to mitigate crashes

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13 часов назад @ reddit.com
Intel 13th Gen CPUs allegedly have 4X higher return rate than the prior gen — retailer stats also claim Intel CPU RMAs are higher than AMD
Intel 13th Gen CPUs allegedly have 4X higher return rate than the prior gen — retailer stats also claim Intel CPU RMAs are higher than AMD Intel 13th Gen CPUs allegedly have 4X higher return rate than the prior gen — retailer stats also claim Intel CPU RMAs are higher than AMD

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13 часов назад @ reddit.com
Apple vs Qualcomm vs Intel vs AMD Laptops - The Definitive Review.
Apple vs Qualcomm vs Intel vs AMD Laptops - The Definitive Review. Apple vs Qualcomm vs Intel vs AMD Laptops - The Definitive Review.

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14 часов назад @ reddit.com
There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent
There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent

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14 часов назад @ reddit.com
[TechTechPotato] TSMC Technology Interview: A16 Node, System-on-Wafer, and High-NA
[TechTechPotato] TSMC Technology Interview: A16 Node, System-on-Wafer, and High-NA [TechTechPotato] TSMC Technology Interview: A16 Node, System-on-Wafer, and High-NA

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16 часов назад @ reddit.com
Q&A With TSMC on Next-Gen Foundry
Q&A With TSMC on Next-Gen Foundry Q&A With TSMC on Next-Gen Foundry

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16 часов назад @ reddit.com
Xbox Wire Xbox Wire
последний пост 14 часов назад
Valorant’s Xbox Series X|S Open Beta Begins Today – Here’s Why It’s No Simple Port
Valorant’s Xbox Series X|S Open Beta Begins Today – Here’s Why It’s No Simple Port

The post Valorant’s Xbox Series X|S Open Beta Begins Today – Here’s Why It’s No Simple Port appeared first on Xbox Wire.

14 часов назад @ news.xbox.com
Next Week on Xbox: New Games for July 29 to August 2
Next Week on Xbox: New Games for July 29 to August 2

The post Next Week on Xbox: New Games for July 29 to August 2 appeared first on Xbox Wire.

15 часов назад @ news.xbox.com
Double Fine PsychOdyssey: The Acclaimed Documentary Available in a Blu-ray Collector’s Set
Double Fine PsychOdyssey: The Acclaimed Documentary Available in a Blu-ray Collector’s Set Double Fine PsychOdyssey: The Acclaimed Documentary Available in a Blu-ray Collector’s Set

About the SeriesDouble Fine PsychOdyssey follows the creative process of game-making from the earliest concepts all the way to launch and beyond as it tracks the development of Psychonauts 2.

Initially released in 2023, this deep dive into development was met with critical acclaim and more than a few people who said “Hey, I want that series on a disc.”Behold, the Double Fine PsychOdyssey Limited Edition Blu-ray Collector's Set!

Available in this Limited Run Games release, the Double Fine PsychOdyssey is perfect for Psychonauts super-fans, anyone eager to own the best documentary ever or those eager to understand the hectic but inventive world of game design.

Either way, we love you and hope…

16 часов назад @ limitedrungames.com
Official Xbox Podcast: Hands on with The Deadpool Controller
Official Xbox Podcast: Hands on with The Deadpool Controller

The post Official Xbox Podcast: Hands on with The Deadpool Controller appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 day, 9 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Alaskan Road Truckers: Highway Edition – Ten Tips for Success
Alaskan Road Truckers: Highway Edition – Ten Tips for Success

The post Alaskan Road Truckers: Highway Edition – Ten Tips for Success appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
State of Decay 2’s #SummerOfSurvival – New Update Benefits the American Red Cross
State of Decay 2’s #SummerOfSurvival – New Update Benefits the American Red Cross

The post State of Decay 2’s #SummerOfSurvival – New Update Benefits the American Red Cross appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
How to Get Through an Exhausting Night in Your Own Style in Exhausted Man
How to Get Through an Exhausting Night in Your Own Style in Exhausted Man

The post How to Get Through an Exhausting Night in Your Own Style in Exhausted Man appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 day, 12 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
World of Tanks Metal Fest: How Motorhead’s Iconic Mascot Was Brought to Life By… A Puggle
World of Tanks Metal Fest: How Motorhead’s Iconic Mascot Was Brought to Life By… A Puggle

World of Tanks Modern Armor: Metal Fest is back for 2024, with Motörhead and Rob Zombie as the main acts! New vehicles, Commanders, and more heavy-as-TOG-II content is ready to blast your eardrums as soon as you fire up World of Tanks Modern Armor. Here, you’ll get insight from the developers themselves on the […]

The post World of Tanks Metal Fest: How Motorhead’s Iconic Mascot Was Brought to Life By… A Puggle appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 day, 13 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Free Play Days – Sand Land, For Honor, Dead by Daylight and Unturned
Free Play Days – Sand Land, For Honor, Dead by Daylight and Unturned

Dive into a desert adventure, step onto the battlefield, survive the horror or fight to survive in a zombie infested world this weekend with Free Play Days! Dead by Daylight and Unturned are available this weekend for Xbox Game Pass Core and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members to play from Thursday, July 25 at 12:01 […]

The post Free Play Days – Sand Land, For Honor, Dead by Daylight and Unturned appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 day, 15 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Sea of Thieves Blazes Into Season 13
Sea of Thieves Blazes Into Season 13

The post Sea of Thieves Blazes Into Season 13 appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 day, 16 hours назад @ seaofthieves.com
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: New Release Date and Developer Deep Dive Coming Soon
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: New Release Date and Developer Deep Dive Coming Soon S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: New Release Date and Developer Deep Dive Coming Soon

The post S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: New Release Date and Developer Deep Dive Coming Soon appeared first on Xbox Wire.

1 day, 17 hours назад @ youtube.com
Core Keeper is Coming Day One to Xbox Game Pass on August 27
Core Keeper is Coming Day One to Xbox Game Pass on August 27

Explorers! Prepare to dig into a brand new sandbox adventure when Core Keeper comes to Xbox Game Pass on Xbox Series X|S and Windows PC on August 27th. Everybody here at Pugstorm is so excited for Xbox Game Pass players to be able to jump into Core Keeper on day one, and explore the game’s […]

The post Core Keeper is Coming Day One to Xbox Game Pass on August 27 appeared first on Xbox Wire.

2 days, 13 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Path of Exile 2: More Fun, More Flexible, More Evil
Path of Exile 2: More Fun, More Flexible, More Evil

The post Path of Exile 2: More Fun, More Flexible, More Evil appeared first on Xbox Wire.

2 days, 13 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
The Biggest World Update Ever for Microsoft Flight Simulator Is Its Best Yet
The Biggest World Update Ever for Microsoft Flight Simulator Is Its Best Yet

The post The Biggest World Update Ever for Microsoft Flight Simulator Is Its Best Yet appeared first on Xbox Wire.

2 days, 15 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
From Snapshot to Eternity: How The Star Named Eos Transforms Photos into Puzzles
From Snapshot to Eternity: How The Star Named Eos Transforms Photos into Puzzles

The post From Snapshot to Eternity: How The Star Named Eos Transforms Photos into Puzzles appeared first on Xbox Wire.

3 days, 9 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
PlayStation Blog PlayStation Blog
последний пост 14 часов назад
Share of the Week – Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn
Share of the Week – Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn Share of the Week – Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Like thisAxes and foxes take the spotlight.

Last week, we asked you journey to the world of Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn and share epic moments using #PSshare #PSBlog.

Want to be featured in the next Share of the Week?

THEME: Games within GamesSUBMIT BY: 11:59 PM PT on July 31, 2024Next week, we turn the spotlight on games within a video game.

From sports to cards, or challenges to races, share your favorite characters taking part in an in-game game using #PSshare #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.

14 часов назад @ blog.playstation.com
Meet the Concord crew with new animated shorts and gameplay trailers
Meet the Concord crew with new animated shorts and gameplay trailers Meet the Concord crew with new animated shorts and gameplay trailers

As we look ahead to launch in August, we’re excited to further unpack our launch roster of 16 playable Freegunners, including a limited animated series called Concord: Freegunner Adventures.

Each episode of Concord Freegunner Adventures and gameplay trailer will launch on the official PlayStation YouTube channel.

Introducing the DualSense Wireless Controller – Concord Limited Edition Additionally, we were excited to have the opportunity to collaborate with PlayStation to develop a special Concord-themed version of the PlayStation 5 DualSense controller, which features a custom design inspired by the vibrant and colorful universe of Concord.

The DualSense Wireless Controller – Concord Limite…

1 day, 13 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Evo 2024: Hands-on report with new fighting game content
Evo 2024: Hands-on report with new fighting game content Evo 2024: Hands-on report with new fighting game content

The beautiful yet terrifying Versusia was unveiled near the start of Evo, and she was playable at the CyGames booth.

She’ll be accompanied by various gameplay adjustments, a new Grand Master rank, and additions to the game’s single-player story mode.

Also announced but not playable was Vikila, whose bubbly personality and smaller stature stand in stark contrast to Versusia’s chaos.

Who else will be revealed before Hunter X Hunter Nen Impact’s debut this winter?

Under Night In-Birth II Sys:Celes delivers a creepy new combatantUzuki, the be-hatted and be-spectacled young lass, is the first DLC character from UNI2’s season pass.

1 day, 18 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
World of Tanks Modern Armor gets loud with Motörhead and Rob Zombie July 30
World of Tanks Modern Armor gets loud with Motörhead and Rob Zombie July 30 World of Tanks Modern Armor gets loud with Motörhead and Rob Zombie July 30

Like thisMetal Fest returns to the battlefield with two new acts and content including new tanks, Commanders, and more.

This summer, World of Tanks Modern Armor gets loud as Motörhead and Rob Zombie take the stage for Metal Fest, the central event of our new Heavy Metal season!

Play VideoJust like all the best music festivals, Metal Fest has become an annual event.

Motörhead and Rob Zombie were among players’ top five most requested acts, and we’re honored to bring them you.

We’ll see you on the battlefield for Metal Fest starting July 30 on PS5 and PS4!

1 day, 20 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure launches July 25, devs detail boss design
Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure launches July 25, devs detail boss design Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure launches July 25, devs detail boss design

Like thisThe world of Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure takes place on a sprawling, interconnected gameplay grid, on which characters, objects, puzzles, and exploration all follow the same logic: when player character Jemma moves, the world moves too.

And when you step off the edge of the grid in any direction, you “loop” around to the other side.

We started by laying down some structural ground rules about the game world, to keep our scope in check and put a rough template in place to design around.

feel intimidating, our bosses are ultimately just larger puzzles that have more at stake in the context of the story.

That’s not the case in Arranger, but your progress will still be limited …

2 days, 14 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Explore the top choices in Rise of the Ronin
Explore the top choices in Rise of the Ronin Explore the top choices in Rise of the Ronin

Here’s a sneak peek at choices players have made while playing Rise of the Ronin.

We wanted as many players to enjoy Rise of the Ronin, so we included a selection of difficulty settings.

Free demo now availableAfter collating player data, we realized that many of you around the world have been enjoying Rise of the Ronin.

A free playable demo of Rise of the Ronin is now available for download on the PlayStation Store.

For those of you who have not yet played Rise of the Ronin, we encourage you to explore its vast and beautiful world.

2 days, 15 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Empire of the Ants marches to PS5 November 7: Details on crafting a realistic microscopic world
Empire of the Ants marches to PS5 November 7: Details on crafting a realistic microscopic world Empire of the Ants marches to PS5 November 7: Details on crafting a realistic microscopic world

Like thisWith the new real-time strategy game Empire of the Ants set for release November 7 on PS5, players will be able to fully immerse themselves in the surprising world of insects, thanks to near-realistic graphics built in Unreal Engine 5.

Play VideoA meticulous inspirational work by Tower FiveAn adaptation of Bernard Werber’s famous novel, which vividly portrays the daily life of these incredible insects, Empire of the Ants naturally opted for a realistic artistic direction.

Unreal Engine 5 has been a true asset for the developers, with features like Nanite allowing for an almost unlimited increase in triangles, or Lumen, which almost perfectly mimics the behavior of light.


2 days, 16 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.49 brings six new cars, updated physics simulation model, and more on July 24
Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.49 brings six new cars, updated physics simulation model, and more on July 24 Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.49 brings six new cars, updated physics simulation model, and more on July 24

This month’s Update 1.49* for Gran Turismo 7 will be available as of July 24 at 11:00pm PST / July 25 at 7:00am BST / 3:00pm JST.

Genesis X Gran Racer Vision Gran Turismo Concept*Can be purchased from Brand CentralThe racing version of the Gran Berlinetta adorned with aerodynamic parts.

The Genesis X Gran Racer Vision Gran Turismo Concept is the most emotional expression of Athletic Elegance in the Genesis portfolio.

Subaru Impreza Rally Car ‘98*Can be purchased from Legend CarsSubaru’s triple race winning Impreza World Rally car from the 1998 season.

*Internet connection and Gran Turismo 7 game required for update.

2 days, 17 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
New PS5 beta rolls out tomorrow with personalized 3D audio profiles and new Remote Play settings
New PS5 beta rolls out tomorrow with personalized 3D audio profiles and new Remote Play settings New PS5 beta rolls out tomorrow with personalized 3D audio profiles and new Remote Play settings

Additionally, PS5 beta participants using the latest, slimmer PS5 model will be able to test adaptive charging for their controllers.

We’re pleased to introduce a feature that lets your PS5 console create a personalized 3D audio profile just for you.

This feature builds on the 3D audio enhancements we’ve introduced to PS5 since launch, including 3D audio support for built-in TV speakers and support for compatible Dolby Atmos-enabled audio devices.

Enable Remote Play for individual users (available for all PS5 models)You can now adjust Remote Play settings per user and choose who is allowed to connect to your PS5 console using Remote Play.

To adjust these settings, go to [Settings] > [System…

2 days, 18 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Helldivers 2’s biggest update yet, Escalation of Freedom, drops August 6
Helldivers 2’s biggest update yet, Escalation of Freedom, drops August 6 Helldivers 2’s biggest update yet, Escalation of Freedom, drops August 6

Like thisWelcome to the Escalation of Freedom, Helldivers.

As we stand here, on the eve of the Escalation of Freedom, we reflect on the 6 months since launch.

Escalation of Freedom is unleashing some new threats to our liberty that will take some serious strategizing from the Helldivers to take down.

Under the HoodThe last addition I want to highlight about the Escalation of Freedom update is that we’re making changes to mitigate the problem of grief kicking in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2: Escalation of Freedom is launching on August 6!

3 days, 17 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Tower of Fantasy’s first anniversary brings Summer events and a new companion
Tower of Fantasy’s first anniversary brings Summer events and a new companion Tower of Fantasy’s first anniversary brings Summer events and a new companion

To celebrate this significant milestone, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming Version 4.2 update, packed with exciting new content.

By participating in in-game events, you can earn up to 299 draws, 1,000 Dark Crystals, free vehicles, Shirli’s Haute Couture, and more.

Seaside summer bashSummer is here, and we’ve got exclusive summer events just for you, set to launch soon.

Anka’s swimsuit, Whimsy Fruit Punch Night, and the Authorizer’s swimsuit, Summer Special, will also be available starting from August 6, adding an extra touch of summer coolness to Astra Coast.

New interactive system: Dorm GameplayAfter the version update, Authorizers can enter a specific room via the Dorm option in th…

4 days, 5 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 490: Interview w/ Firewalk Studios on Concord
Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 490: Interview w/ Firewalk Studios on Concord Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 490: Interview w/ Firewalk Studios on Concord

Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or download hereHey y’all!

This week the PlayStation Podcast crew sits down with Firewalk Studios Lead Gameplay Designer Claude Jerome and Lead Character Designer Jon Weisnewski to talk all things Concord.

Plus, the team dives into their experiences with the Concord Early Access Beta and discusses Tekken’s 30th anniversary.

[Editor’s note: PSN game release dates are subject to change without notice.

Game details are gathered from press releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]

1 week назад @ blog.playstation.com
Share of the Week: Sailing
Share of the Week: Sailing Share of the Week: Sailing

Like thisGamers share moments sailing everything from rivers to high seas.

Last week, we asked you to share moments sailing through your favorite games using #PSshare #PSBlog.

Want to be featured in the next Share of the Week?

THEME: Flintlock: The Siege of DawnSUBMIT BY: 11:59 PM PT on July 24, 2024Next week, humanity makes their last stand.

Share epic moments exploring Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn using #PSshare #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.

1 week назад @ blog.playstation.com
Mortal Kombat 1: Takeda’s disarming Brutality revealed
Mortal Kombat 1: Takeda’s disarming Brutality revealed Mortal Kombat 1: Takeda’s disarming Brutality revealed

Like thisTakeda Takahashi will join the Mortal Kombat 1 roster on July 23, get ready with background on the former Kombat Kid.

Resetting the Mortal Kombat Universe allowed us to experiment with their narratives to sharpen relationships, increase connections, and heighten conflicts.

Before we dive into the backstory of Takeda joining the Mortal Kombat 1 roster, let’s take a first look at his Brutality finishing move.

As was the case in the prior Mortal Kombat era, the two men have different agendas which bring them into conflict.

View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close Close…

1 week, 1 day назад @ blog.playstation.com
Concord Open Beta gameplay tips
Concord Open Beta gameplay tips Concord Open Beta gameplay tips

Like thisFreegunners, Concord’s Open Beta launches today, granting you a weekend’s worth of galactic action on PS5 and PC.

Open Beta gives you a chance to try out the 16-strong character roster, and get to grips with Crew Builder, the Job Board and more.

You’ll find additional gameplay details, tips and lore in the ‘How to Play’ section of the Open Beta’s main menu.

Play VideoA Freegunner for everyoneConcord’s 16-strong character roster offers a lot of variety from the off.

That unlocks more options, more customisation for your characters.”Concord’s Open Beta is available on PS5 & PC July 18 – 21.

1 week, 1 day назад @ blog.playstation.com
PC Gamer PC Gamer
последний пост 3 часа назад
Today's Wordle answer for Saturday, July 27
Today's Wordle answer for Saturday, July 27 Today's Wordle answer for Saturday, July 27

Today's Wordle hint(Image credit: Josh Wardle)Wordle today: A hint for Saturday, July 27Sweet, sticky, fruity fluids can be called this.

Today's Wordle answer(Image credit: Future)What is today's Wordle answer?

The answer to the July 27 (1134) Wordle is JUICE.

Contact me with news and offers from other Future brands Receive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsorsPrevious answersThe last 10 Wordle answersThe more past Wordle answers you can cram into your memory banks, the better your chances of guessing today's Wordle answer without accidentally picking a solution that's already been used.

After that it's just a case of using what you've learned to narrow your guesses do…

3 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
How to find the 'Wealthy Weirdo' at the Beso Rápido Motel in The Sims 4 Lovestruck expansion
How to find the 'Wealthy Weirdo' at the Beso Rápido Motel in The Sims 4 Lovestruck expansion How to find the 'Wealthy Weirdo' at the Beso Rápido Motel in The Sims 4 Lovestruck expansion

Almost too easy, really, as in the case of a strange phone call you may receive inviting you to the Beso Rápido in Ciudad Enamorada.

Where is the Beso Rápido Motel location?

(Image credit: Electronic Arts)The Beso Rápido motel is next to the lounge in the Vista Hermosa neighborhood of Ciudad Enamorada, the world added with the Lovestruck expansion.

Pull up their phone and select Travel > Travel and head to the Laguna Del Abrazo lounge.

If you're looking to complete the quest, click on the motel with the Sim who's been invited and select "Meet the Wealthy Weirdo."

5 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
A dairy-sponsored women's Fortnite tournament called 'The Milk Cup' is awarding 'the largest women's esports prize pool in North America' this year
A dairy-sponsored women's Fortnite tournament called 'The Milk Cup' is awarding 'the largest women's esports prize pool in North America' this year A dairy-sponsored women's Fortnite tournament called 'The Milk Cup' is awarding 'the largest women's esports prize pool in North America' this year

"The Milk Cup was specifically designed with the gaming community to address their needs," says the Gonna Need Milk campaign, "and is helping to level the playing field in professional gaming (especially in pay disparity) while celebrating and empowering girls and women gamers."

Its $250K prize pool is "the largest women's esports prize pool in North America" according to the milk companies, and the first-place trio at the championship event this fall will win $75,000.

🤗 This is already such a milestone in YOUR GAMING CAREER 💕 pic.twitter.com/idoxDUmVVnJuly 26, 2024This actually isn't the first time a sporting event has been called the "Milk Cup."

This Fortnite tournament is the only event …

6 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Activision secretly experimented on 50% of Call of Duty players by 'decreasing' skill-based matchmaking, and determined players like SBMM even if they don't know it
Activision secretly experimented on 50% of Call of Duty players by 'decreasing' skill-based matchmaking, and determined players like SBMM even if they don't know it Activision secretly experimented on 50% of Call of Duty players by 'decreasing' skill-based matchmaking, and determined players like SBMM even if they don't know it

The new paper, a 25-page document titled "The Role of Skill In Matchmaking," is as impressive as it is jarring.

Discreetly, Activision toned down the "skill" in skill-based matchmaking for 50% of the North American MW3 population.

Over 90% of players with toned down SBMM played less Call of Duty after the change, with the top 10% of skilled players not as affected.

For example, a player with 10 kills and one death, is better than a player with 10 kills and 20 deaths.

For example, a player with 10 kills and one death, is better than a player with 10 kills and 20 deaths.

6 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred—Everything we know about the action RPG's first expansion
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred—Everything we know about the action RPG's first expansion Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred—Everything we know about the action RPG's first expansion

Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred will be the action RPG's first expansion, bringing with it the new spiritborn class and a new campaign set in the jungle region of Nahantu.

In the last few months, Blizzard radically changed how Diablo 4 works in preparation for the changes coming in the expansion.

The Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred release date is October 8, 2024 on Steam and Battle.net for PC.

The first major reveal was the new spiritborn class, which I recently had hands-on with at Blizzard's campus in Irvine, California.

How does Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred's new spiritborn class work?

7 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Valley Peaks trades Getting Over It's frustration for cozy frog vibes, but keeps you climbing
Valley Peaks trades Getting Over It's frustration for cozy frog vibes, but keeps you climbing Valley Peaks trades Getting Over It's frustration for cozy frog vibes, but keeps you climbing

Valley Peaks is Out Now!

- YouTube Watch OnValley Peaks, which released on Steam this week, is a cozy first-person platformer where you play as a frog tasked with climbing mountains and installing radio transmitters on them.

I had a delightful time in the Valley Peaks demo.

The game kinda gave me Getting Over It vibes, but with cozy froggitude instead of all the screaming frustration.

There's something intensely satisfying about climbing, and Scottish indie devs Tub Club have bottled that up in Valley Peaks.

7 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Every ARPG needs a good endgame, and for No Rest for the Wicked, it's a roguelite that just got a huge update
Every ARPG needs a good endgame, and for No Rest for the Wicked, it's a roguelite that just got a huge update Every ARPG needs a good endgame, and for No Rest for the Wicked, it's a roguelite that just got a huge update

No Rest for the Wicked, the Early Access ARPG from the developers behind Ori and the Blind Forest, just got its first major content update since release, and it's a big one.

It's that endgame mode that received most of the attention with this first content update, released yesterday.

It features an expanded Crucible roguelite mode that's nearly doubled in size with additional art themes, more randomization, and an entirely new enemy type.

They've also addressed some pesky performance issues that have soured some early access players, who otherwise seem to quite enjoy the game.

Personally, I'm excited to give No Rest for the Wicked a shot, despite generally being leery of early access.

8 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Actors' union 'not happy' about GTA 6 strike exemption, but confirms it's in a contract: 'Insane, but it's there'
Actors' union 'not happy' about GTA 6 strike exemption, but confirms it's in a contract: 'Insane, but it's there' Actors' union 'not happy' about GTA 6 strike exemption, but confirms it's in a contract: 'Insane, but it's there'

Videogame actors are on strike: The approximately 160,000-member SAG-AFTRA union says that major game makers have refused to include sufficient protections against generative AI in their contracts.

The game makers disagree, and for now, the parties are at an impasse.

The strike means that union actors will not work on new games in production at a number of major studios until they can agree on a new contract.

GTA 6 is exempt from the strike, because it doesn't affect games that started production over a year ago, according to statements from the union and the game makers, which were acquired by Kotaku.

That could include actors who previously did work for the games under daily contracts and…

8 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
I hope Elden Ring never gets a boss rush mode like Sekiro⁠—helping out strangers in co-op is a much more interesting way of revisiting these fights
I hope Elden Ring never gets a boss rush mode like Sekiro⁠—helping out strangers in co-op is a much more interesting way of revisiting these fights I hope Elden Ring never gets a boss rush mode like Sekiro⁠—helping out strangers in co-op is a much more interesting way of revisiting these fights

A quick and dirty search of the Elden Ring subreddit turns up a number of threads asking for just such a feature, and I remember there being some wishcasting that Elden Ring's arenas⁠—locked at launch, now devoted to PvP⁠—might have some replayable PvE element to them.

But I've come to believe that the convenience of such a mode just wouldn't be worth what we'd lose.

I'd much rather have the magical, warts-and-all experience of running back Rellana or Messmer alongside a squishy wizard spamming Impenetrable Thorns than the safe, boring, "quality of life" we'd find in a formal boss rush mode.

Co-op with strangersIt's been on my mind after clearing Shadow of the Erdtree for a second time and …

8 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Survival RTS Cataclismo added a sandbox mode, because sometimes we just want to make our silly little castles in peace
Survival RTS Cataclismo added a sandbox mode, because sometimes we just want to make our silly little castles in peace Survival RTS Cataclismo added a sandbox mode, because sometimes we just want to make our silly little castles in peace

In fact, the building is so satisfying that the lack of a sandbox mode was one of our few sticking points.

Earlier today Cataclismo got its first patch since its early access release, adding a much-requested sandbox mode.

With Sandbox mode, you can design and save new blueprints without having to contend with the resource restraints and besieging mist horrors of the other game modes.

To celebrate the addition of sandbox mode, Cataclismo developer Digital Sun is holding a Lord of the Forts building contest in its Discord.

The devs will apparently be judging on unit placement, strategic considerations, and most importantly, "aesthetics & almightiness."

9 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
After 3,878 days in early access, zombie survival game 7 Days to Die finally releases
After 3,878 days in early access, zombie survival game 7 Days to Die finally releases After 3,878 days in early access, zombie survival game 7 Days to Die finally releases

Veteran zombie survival game 7 Days to Die has released out of Early Access after more than 11.5 years of availability on Steam.

7 Days to Die is a first-person zombie survival crafting game in a sandbox world designed to be destructible, seamless, and to give you the ability to build anywhere.

7 Days to Die hit Steam early access in December 2013—if I've got my dates right, that's about 11 years, 7 months, and 13 days in early access.

Of the megahit games from the first waves still in early access, and still in active development, perhaps only Project Zomboid remains.

Early access as a model has evolved a lot from when it was first proposed—almost as much as game development has evolved.

9 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
We made 5 types of polyamorous families with The Sims 4's new romantic boundaries system and most of them actually work
We made 5 types of polyamorous families with The Sims 4's new romantic boundaries system and most of them actually work We made 5 types of polyamorous families with The Sims 4's new romantic boundaries system and most of them actually work

You could play a solo sim with totally open relationship boundaries dating around, but the real fun is in managing a bigger family with its own quirks and challenges.

Lauren: To achieve this relationship, I gave our "hinge" partner Sergio closed relationship boundaries but his two partners Joaquin and Ella both have open boundaries.

This scenario is pretty easy to achieve, but it does highlight how The Sims 4's romantic boundaries work a bit backwards.

The monogamous partner (Bob, here) needs to have open romantic boundaries so their polyamorous partner (Eliza) can freely pursue other relationships but the poly partner should have closed boundaries.

Kieran and his wife Hailey, who have open…

10 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
The grandest WoW guilds raced for a world first raid clear hinged on a new secret boss, and the winner was 'None of the Above'
The grandest WoW guilds raced for a world first raid clear hinged on a new secret boss, and the winner was 'None of the Above' The grandest WoW guilds raced for a world first raid clear hinged on a new secret boss, and the winner was 'None of the Above'

There are some interesting kinks to the Molten Core rework, notably the "Heat Level 3" difficulty, and the addition of a mystery secret boss, the 11th in the raid.

Most excitingly, the final challenge of this raid was the new secret boss on Heat Level 3, which is a fairly good gag unto itself: none other than the Molten Core.

Blizzard went there, and the final boss of this raid on the highest difficulty is the gigantic ball of lava from which Ragnaros himself emerged.

The Molten Core has a whopping 4 million health alongside a guild-wilting selection of fire-based spells and a bunch of Primal Flame Elementals helping it out.

World first Molten Core Kill (Heat Level 3 last boss).

11 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Date Everything is a dating sim with 100 fully voiced household objects to woo, such as a smoke alarm and a cabinet
Date Everything is a dating sim with 100 fully voiced household objects to woo, such as a smoke alarm and a cabinet Date Everything is a dating sim with 100 fully voiced household objects to woo, such as a smoke alarm and a cabinet

Date Everything | Announcement Trailer - YouTube Watch OnDating sims have let you date swords and pigeons and Colonel Sanders from KFC , but the dating sim-gularity had yet approached—only now we are arrived.

Upcoming dating sim Date Everything will feature 100 fully-voiced household objects to romance, befriend, or even become enemies with.

"Date Everything brings an exciting new twist on the dating simulator genre.

100 dateable characters, all voiced, is a truly shocking number of weirdos to put in what is effectively a dating sim joke post.

If I saw a dating sim from 2034, would I even recognize it as such?

11 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Scientists think there's a 10-mile-thick layer of diamond beneath the surface of Mercury, which would make you around 876 billion Minecraft pickaxes if my math is right
Scientists think there's a 10-mile-thick layer of diamond beneath the surface of Mercury, which would make you around 876 billion Minecraft pickaxes if my math is right Scientists think there's a 10-mile-thick layer of diamond beneath the surface of Mercury, which would make you around 876 billion Minecraft pickaxes if my math is right

(Image credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington)The team's models indicate that the diamond layer would've grown over time.

Today, if the study's calculations are correct, Mercury's mantle has a layer of diamond at least 10km thick.

In Minecraft, each block represents a cubic meter, and you can craft a block of diamond from nine individual diamonds.

Meaning, in total, Mercury's 16 km-thick diamond layer would produce about 2 trillion, 628 billion diamonds.

And Mercury's got almost 300 billion cubic meters.

12 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Nintendo Life Nintendo Life
последний пост 1 час назад
Funko Fusion New Story Trailer Revealed, Out On Switch This November
Funko Fusion New Story Trailer Revealed, Out On Switch This November Funko Fusion New Story Trailer Revealed, Out On Switch This November

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 773k10:10 Games has shared an official story trailer for Funko Fusion, and it looks like the game is now set to arrive on Switch on 15th November 2024.

As previously revealed, this game will feature all sorts of franchises from Back to the Future to Five Nights at Freddy's.

Here's a bit about the evil "Eddy", who threatens every Funko land with his own "distorted image":"Meet Eddy.

Fight back, build your own team of playable heroes, each with unique tools for use in both combat and puzzles."

Once again, Funko Fusion will include over 60 playable characters, from more than 20 franchises.

1 час назад @ nintendolife.com
Fortnite Celebrates Deadpool & Wolverine Movie With New Skins, Available Now
Fortnite Celebrates Deadpool & Wolverine Movie With New Skins, Available Now Fortnite Celebrates Deadpool & Wolverine Movie With New Skins, Available Now

This week marks the return of Deadpool in cinemas with the new movie Deadpool & Wolverine.

To celebrate, Epic's free-to-play battle royale Fortnite has added two new "pen & ink" style skins for Deadpool and Wolverine.

These skins can be used in not only Battle Royale but also Fortnite Festival and Rocket Racing.

Here's a look:Like this tweet and reply with epic usernames if you want the Deadpool & Wolverine Bundle or a V-Bucks code in DM’s!

pic.twitter.com/1S8PgvS2vI July 27, 2024Adding to this, LEGO Fortnite has added a Wolverine minifig to the game shop and Rocket League has a special Deadpool collaboration as well:Get the Wolverine Minifig in the Shop!

3 часа назад @ nintendolife.com
Under Night In-Birth II Sys:Celes Adds A New DLC Fighter
Under Night In-Birth II Sys:Celes Adds A New DLC Fighter Under Night In-Birth II Sys:Celes Adds A New DLC Fighter

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 773kThe Arc System Works fighting game UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes today adds a new character to the roster.

In case you missed the previous announcement, it's Uzuki "the witness of all deaths" and "the Black Monger who lurks in the night".

The Uzuki DLC will set you back $4.99 USD (or your regional equivalent).

This character is also available in the season pass for $9.99, which includes four new DLC characters all up.

You can see what we had to say about this fighter in our review here on Nintendo Life.

6 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Soapbox: 20 Years After His Last Mainline Appearance, Tingle Deserves A Comeback
Soapbox: 20 Years After His Last Mainline Appearance, Tingle Deserves A Comeback Soapbox: 20 Years After His Last Mainline Appearance, Tingle Deserves A Comeback

One: You believe that Tingle deserves another mainline Zelda appearance.

Three: You think we must have made a typo because there's no way it's been 20 years since Tingle last appeared in a mainline game.

Yes, it has been 20 years since this weird little guy last appeared in an original mainline game (excluding remakes and remasters, obviously) and also yes, his comeback is long overdue.

can we stop pretending that the series has "outgrown" Tingle and give the weird little fella a second chance?

We may have coped for 20 years without a mainline Tingle appearance, but we find the series in a different place today.

12 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Poll: Do You Prefer Fire Emblem: Three Houses Or Engage?
Poll: Do You Prefer Fire Emblem: Three Houses Or Engage? Poll: Do You Prefer Fire Emblem: Three Houses Or Engage?

Believe it or not, today marks five years since Fire Emblem: Three Houses launched on Switch.

We'd imagine that most of you SRPG fans out there have polished it off by this point — we'd go even further to wager that you have likely done the same for its successor, Fire Emblem Engage, which is now a little over a year old.

The Weapon Triangle was back, the interpersonal dialogue was diminished and the focus was put back, firmly, on the combat.

The two games are so very tonally different, in fact, that it's difficult to definitively weigh in on which one's better.

We awarded both a 9/10 in our Nintendo Life reviews — you can read our Three Houses and our Engage ones for a refresher.

14 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Coral Island Switch Port "In A Place Of Uncertainty" Following Publisher Layoffs
Coral Island Switch Port "In A Place Of Uncertainty" Following Publisher Layoffs Coral Island Switch Port "In A Place Of Uncertainty" Following Publisher Layoffs

The layoffs at publisher Humble Games — where all staff were reportedly made redundant due to "restructuring" — are having immediate repercussions for some video games under the publishing label.

One such title is Coral Island, a farming sim heavily inspired by Stardew Valley.

The game is already out on Steam, PlayStation 5, and Xbox, and a Switch port was on the way thanks to a Kickstarter goal.

As it stands now, "The impact of Humble Games' restructuring on Coral Island remains uncertain for all things related to consoles, whether porting or publishing hotfixes, as they are responsible for these platforms."

But given Humble Games' "restructuring" and the uncertainty of the port even makin…

15 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Final Fantasy & Persona Voice Actors Are Making A Game Where You Can Date Everything
Final Fantasy & Persona Voice Actors Are Making A Game Where You Can Date Everything Final Fantasy & Persona Voice Actors Are Making A Game Where You Can Date Everything

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 773kTeam17 and Sassy Chap Games have announced a brand new video game that will let you date 100 different objects.

Date Everything is coming to all platforms, including Switch, "soon".

Sassy Chap Games' is a new name on the block, but the studio has a number of recognisable names behind it.

Look, Boyfriend Dungeon let us date weapons — toasters are clearly the next step, right?

Date Everything doesn't have a release date yet, but we know it's coming to all platforms.

17 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Review In Progress: The Garden Path (Switch) - A Green-Thumbed Ode To Animal Crossing That Needs Tending
Review In Progress: The Garden Path (Switch) - A Green-Thumbed Ode To Animal Crossing That Needs Tending Review In Progress: The Garden Path (Switch) - A Green-Thumbed Ode To Animal Crossing That Needs Tending

carrotcake's debut game, The Garden Path, fits this mantra to a tee.

Captured on Nintendo Switch (Docked)The Garden Path answers the age-old question: "What if Animal Crossing stopped to smell the roses once in a while?"

Captured on Nintendo Switch (Handheld/Undocked)Luckily, your garden will attract visitors daily, some of whom will be looking to take that stuff off your hands.

Captured on Nintendo Switch (Handheld/Undocked)Getting these residents to stay will take time – sometimes, a lot of time.

Captured on Nintendo Switch (Handheld/Undocked)We've also experienced several glitches that prevented us from doing certain things.

19 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
AI Generator Scraped YouTube Videos Without Permission, Including Nintendo's
AI Generator Scraped YouTube Videos Without Permission, Including Nintendo's AI Generator Scraped YouTube Videos Without Permission, Including Nintendo's

has reportedly trained its text-to-video generator by scraping thousands of videos from YouTube, potentially including several of Nintendo's channels.

As discovered and reported by 404 Media, the information comes via a comprehensive spreadsheet obtained by the outlet, in which Nintendo's regional channels are listed across ten rows.

An anonymous Runway employee spoke to 404 and stated:“The channels in that spreadsheet were a company-wide effort to find good quality videos to build the model with.

Despite Google's investment, however, a previous Bloomberg article highlights that utilising YouTube videos as a way to train AI would be a violation of the company's policies.

Nintendo is staunch…

20 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Random: Zelda: TOTK Meets Super Mario 64 In Latest Ridiculous Ultrahand Creation
Random: Zelda: TOTK Meets Super Mario 64 In Latest Ridiculous Ultrahand Creation Random: Zelda: TOTK Meets Super Mario 64 In Latest Ridiculous Ultrahand Creation

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom players are still creating utterly ridiculous contraptions using the game's Ultrahand ability, but this latest build that injects a bit of Super Mario 64 into the experience might be one of the best ones yet.

What's especially impressive is that you can tell that it's not just a generic Bowser creation; this is clearly based off the in-game model used in Super Mario 64.

The creation joins a long list of amazing Ultrahand builds fostered by the Tears of the Kingdom community, including Metal Gear Solid's 'Metal Gear Rex', an insane tank from Metal Slug, and a fully functional in-game adder.

Nintendo, of course, has more Zelda in store for us later th…

21 час назад @ nintendolife.com
Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver I & II Remastered Branding Spotted At SDCC
Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver I & II Remastered Branding Spotted At SDCC Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver I & II Remastered Branding Spotted At SDCC

Branding for supposed remasters of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver I & II has been spotted at San Diego Comic Con, leading to speculation that a re-release of the classic action-adventure titles may be heading to Switch alongside other platforms.

Highlighed on Resetera before making the rounds on social media, the branding accompanies a new Dark Horse Comics statue featuring series protagonist Raziel facing off against the evil vampire lord Kain.

Dark Horse Comics has stated that the statue will be available in August, however the branding for the remasters has now been removed.

Gameplay required players to shift between material and spectral planes to progress, while sucking up the souls of va…

22 часа назад @ nintendolife.com
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Outlines Upcoming Story Expansion DLC
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Outlines Upcoming Story Expansion DLC Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Outlines Upcoming Story Expansion DLC

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 773kFollowing another update earlier this week, the Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes social media account has shared a reminder about the upcoming story expansion DLC, which will be released between now and the end of 2024.

The expansion content will kick off in August 2024 with Marisa's story:"Adventure awaits in the Marisa Story Expansion DLC, launching in August!

This will be followed by "the chapter of Seign" in September 2024:"Explore Seign's covert operations after his first mission with Nowa in the Seign Story Expansion DLC, launching in September!

And last of all will be an "extraordinary tale" in the Markus Story Expansion DLC, which was origi…

1 day, 1 hour назад @ nintendolife.com
PSA: Smash Bros. Pokémon Scarlet And Violet Spirits Now Permanently Available
PSA: Smash Bros. Pokémon Scarlet And Violet Spirits Now Permanently Available PSA: Smash Bros. Pokémon Scarlet And Violet Spirits Now Permanently Available

Earlier this year as part of the Super Smash Bros.

Ultimate fifth anniversary celebrations, Nintendo added brand new spirits to the game.

This included all sorts of franchises and one of the highlights was the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet spirit collection.

Some other spirits that joined Smash Bros. for its fifth anniversary event were based on series like The Legend of Zelda, Xenoblade Chronicles, Splatoon and even Pikmin.

A bunch of third-party spirits were also added to the game covering games like Hades and the Atlus hit, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim.

1 day, 3 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Mortal Kombat 1 'Year 2' Panel Announced - Story Expansion, New Fighters And "Big Surprises"
Mortal Kombat 1 'Year 2' Panel Announced - Story Expansion, New Fighters And "Big Surprises" Mortal Kombat 1 'Year 2' Panel Announced - Story Expansion, New Fighters And "Big Surprises"

Mortal Kombat 1 this week released the final 'Kombat Pack' fighter Takeda Takahashi, and if you're wondering what NetherRealm has planned for this game beyond this, it seems the studio will be sharing more at San Diego Comic Con this week.

Yes, instead of a reveal or panel at EVO 2024 last weekend, series co-creator Ed Boon has now announced there will be a panel taking place on 26th July 2024 (aka today).

It will focus on Mortal Kombat 1 "year 2" - covering the "kontinuing story", future fighters, and also some "big surprises".

Ed Boon previously mentioned how NetherRealm was planning to release a "second part with more story" in the future, and it seems a datamine may have already reveale…

1 day, 4 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
The Pokémon Company Banked $10.8 Billion In Retail Sales Last Year
The Pokémon Company Banked $10.8 Billion In Retail Sales Last Year The Pokémon Company Banked $10.8 Billion In Retail Sales Last Year

The Pokémon Company has plenty of huge money-makers from video games to trading cards, and we've now got a look at how it ranked alongside certain other companies over the past year, courtesy of License Global's latest retail report.

It seems it made a whopping $10.8 billion in retail sales - making it seventh on the list of "top 10 global licensors".

The Walt Disney Company took out the top spot - banking $62 billion.

This has pushed total retail and merchandise sales to $91.6 billion.

In the previous top 10 results, The Pokémon Company banked 11.6B and was two spots higher on this same list.

1 day, 5 hours назад @ nintendolife.com
Pocketgamer Pocketgamer
последний пост 14 часов назад
Once Upon a Galaxy is the newly-announced card battler from Million Dreams
Once Upon a Galaxy is the newly-announced card battler from Million Dreams Once Upon a Galaxy is the newly-announced card battler from Million Dreams

Game developer Million Dreams has unveiled their new game, Once Upon a Galaxy, coming to iOS and Android. Billed as a pick-up-and-play card game, Once Upon a Galaxy takes you into a fantasy-inspired sci-fi setting where you must manage your captain and crew in order to achieve victory. Once Upon a Galaxy joins Treasure Planet in the vanishingly small genre of 'fairytales in space', as it features not just more generic fantasy characters, but also some recognisable (even with the serial numbers filed off) fairytale characters. ... [MORE]

14 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
War Planet Online is collaborating with the famous Terminator film franchise once more
War Planet Online is collaborating with the famous Terminator film franchise once more War Planet Online is collaborating with the famous Terminator film franchise once more

Gameloft's hit real-time strategy MMO War Planet Online is set to renew its collab with the famous film franchise The Terminator. The event brings two new lieutenants, rewards and competitions to the game, starting today! Terminator (since we're now at a point in time where we need to remind people about it) is a film franchise directed mainly by James Cameron of Avatar fame. It follows a time-travelling war between rogue AI Skynet and the human Resistance of a post-apocalyptic future. To try and defeat the Resistance before they can even start, Skynet sends robot infiltrators called Terminators back in time to kill leader John Connor as a child, prompting the Resistance to send their own p…

14 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Sanrio celebrates the first anniversary of Hello Kitty: Island Adventure, out now
Sanrio celebrates the first anniversary of Hello Kitty: Island Adventure, out now Sanrio celebrates the first anniversary of Hello Kitty: Island Adventure, out now

Hello Kitty Island Adventure, the (currently) Apple Arcade-exclusive focused on Sanrio's famous cast of cuddly characters, is celebrating its one-year anniversary. A new trailer has been debuted to show off the in-game Friendship Festival, landing to mark the International Day of Friendship on July 30th. The titular Friendship Festival which runs from now to August 8th focused on just that topic. By taking photos with the various other characters like Cinnamoroll and Keroppi, you'll earn friendship charms. Trade those in at the Friendship Photo Booth to unlock emotes and other themed clothing rewards. ... [MORE]

14 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Arranger, the puzzle RPG, is out now for iOS and Android through Netflix
Arranger, the puzzle RPG, is out now for iOS and Android through Netflix Arranger, the puzzle RPG, is out now for iOS and Android through Netflix

Arranger, the puzzle RPG from Furniture & Mattress (yes, that's their name) has been released on Netflix Games for Android and iOS. If you're tired of puzzle games that simply pop you into an abstract location to solve problems, then maybe Arranger with its colourful cast and jazzy soundtrack is the game for you. You play as Jemma, an orphan adopted by villagers, who was born with the unique ability to rearrange the paths around her world and everything in them. She decides to venture out to explore the wider world and, perhaps, discover the truth behind her origins. ... [MORE]

15 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Stumble Guys collabs with My Hero Academia, bringing quirk-powered characters to the game
Stumble Guys collabs with My Hero Academia, bringing quirk-powered characters to the game Stumble Guys collabs with My Hero Academia, bringing quirk-powered characters to the game

Scopely's Stumble Guys is once more set to collaborate with a major multimedia franchise (and former Fortnite appearance) with My Hero Academia. The famous manga and anime will bring a new course, abilities system and of course a large portion of its cast to the game as Stumblers. In a world where almost everyone has some form of superpower, My Hero Academia follows the notably powerless Izuki Midoriya who was born without a 'quirk' of his own. When he's recognised for his potential as a hero and gifted a new ability by world-famous hero All Might, Midoriya enrols at the titular academy for heroes in training. ... [MORE]

17 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Epic Games to bring Fortnite to AltStore, remove the battle royale from Samsung Galaxy Store and more in latest move
Epic Games to bring Fortnite to AltStore, remove the battle royale from Samsung Galaxy Store and more in latest move Epic Games to bring Fortnite to AltStore, remove the battle royale from Samsung Galaxy Store and more in latest move

It seems like only a short while ago we were last writing about the Epic Games Store coming to mobile, and the furore surrounding the Fortnite developer once more. But now things have once more taken quite a turn; for one, Epic Games is bringing their mobile catalogue to the AltStore on iOS in the EU, while also removing them from the Samsung Galaxy Store! The stated reason for removing their games is to protest Samsung's policy against side-loading on their devices. Epic also revealed the new terms on their store (set to launch in the EU on iOS 'soon'), with a 12% fee for payments they process and no fees for third-party payments, which you may remember are the reason they got into hot wat…

18 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Tribe Nine, the upcoming ARPG from the creator of Danganronpa, shows off extreme baseball gameplay
Tribe Nine, the upcoming ARPG from the creator of Danganronpa, shows off extreme baseball gameplay Tribe Nine, the upcoming ARPG from the creator of Danganronpa, shows off extreme baseball gameplay

As we recently covered, the upcoming ARPG Tribe Nine (from the creator of Danganronpa, Kazutaka Kodaka and artist Rui Komatsuzaki) will be holding a PC beta, with its mobile release confirmed. But thankfully we've also got a brand new trailer to show off, featuring some of that "extreme baseball" gameplay that so caught us off-guard in the first place. Those who are sceptical about the idea of a baseball-themed ARPG will be glad to know that this trailer also shows off more familiar battles. But what caught our eye was what definitely looked like a mini-game adaptation (or something thereof) of the city-wide baseball games mentioned in Tribe Nine's plot. ... [MORE]

19 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Arena Breakout's first anniversary is here with the jam-packed Road to Gold
Arena Breakout's first anniversary is here with the jam-packed Road to Gold Arena Breakout's first anniversary is here with the jam-packed Road to Gold

MoreFun Studios' Arena Breakout has reached its first anniversary, and with it comes the new Road to Gold update, which is absolutely jam-packed with new content. There's a new map, a game mode, a vehicle and more! The biggest new addition, quite literally, is the Mine. A massive industrial landscape set in the heart of Arena Breakout's setting of Kamona, the Mine boasts perilous features and areas to explore, but most importantly it boasts a heck of a lot of gold. ... [MORE]

19 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Get a Skin Selection Chest for Honor of Kings in our latest giveaway
Get a Skin Selection Chest for Honor of Kings in our latest giveaway Get a Skin Selection Chest for Honor of Kings in our latest giveaway

Just over a month ago, Honor of Kings finally launched globally, promptly surpassing an impressive 50 million downloads. And for good reasons, according to Cristina's Honor of Kings review, it's an instant MOBA classic that ticks all the boxes, even if it doesn't push the genre forward. But, hey, not everything needs to innovate, right? But that's enough of that rambly intro. We all know why we're here. That magical word giveaway has enticed you to this page looking for free stuff, so let's get to it. Honor of Kings has given 200 Skin Selection Chests to give away through one code. This one, to be precise: ... [MORE]

20 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Final hours of voting for the Pocket Gamer People's Choice Award 2024
Final hours of voting for the Pocket Gamer People's Choice Award 2024 Final hours of voting for the Pocket Gamer People's Choice Award 2024

We're into the final hours of voting for this year's PG People's Choice Award. This still leaves time to check out the finalists (see below) and make your decision, of course – let's never forget how much Jack Bauer used to cram in a day – but life can get blink-and-you've-missed-the-deadline busy pretty quickly (Jack didn't have to contend with maintaining an active social media presence, for one). ... [MORE]

21 час назад @ pocketgamer.com
My Talking Tom 2 and Talking Tom Gold Run kick off the summer with sports-themed events
My Talking Tom 2 and Talking Tom Gold Run kick off the summer with sports-themed events My Talking Tom 2 and Talking Tom Gold Run kick off the summer with sports-themed events

Outfit7 is celebrating all things summer and sporty in My Talking Tom 2 and Talking Tom Gold Run, offering a bunch of ways you can join in on some fun under the sun this month. The Summer of Sports event will run until August 11th and will let you recruit two new characters in Talking Tom Gold Run. And you can also hype yourself up by watching sports-themed videos in My Talking Tom 2's new cinema feature. Both of these titles’ in-game summer events will put your athletic abilities to the test. In Talking Tom Gold Run, you can score trophy-shaped tokens and nab cool in-game goodies, including the new Champion Tom and Gymnast Angela characters. And you can run through a reskinned world that'l…

22 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
Cookie Run Kingdom: Creme Brulee Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide
Cookie Run Kingdom: Creme Brulee Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide Cookie Run Kingdom: Creme Brulee Cookie Toppings and Beascuits guide

In this guide, we'll talk about the best Toppings for Creme Brulee Cookie - the one and only, and my personal favourite Epic in the game. If you ever think of an Epic cookie that can rival Ancient-rarity cookies in terms of damage, that would be Creme Brulee Cookie. This cookie has been a staple in every team, especially for PvE, ever since his release, and you wouldn't be wrong to think that even months later, he's still viable. ... [MORE]

1 day, 3 hours назад @ pocketgamer.com
Super Snail codes (July 2024)
Super Snail codes (July 2024) Super Snail codes (July 2024)

If you want to claim the latest Super Snail codes, I'll share them all with you. The game already has quite a lot of codes, but luckily, you can claim multiple codes at once! All you have to do is copy or type them all into the textbox in the redemption window, and you can claim all the active codes together. And if you want to know why you might need these codes, that's because they give you a lot of useful resources, including Lottery Tickets, Fungi, and lots of Tadpoles. ... [MORE]

1 day, 4 hours назад @ pocketgamer.com
Cookie Run Kingdom Town Square Vault password
Cookie Run Kingdom Town Square Vault password Cookie Run Kingdom Town Square Vault password

In Town Square, everyone can enjoy a bunch of events that are available for a limited time, including the Vault! Each and every day, a new password is available, and players can work together to decipher it. If you've been around for the first run of the Vault and Town Square, you're probably familiar with it. If not, I'll walk you through everything you need to know about it! ... [MORE]

1 day, 5 hours назад @ pocketgamer.com
Guardian Tales codes for Gems, Gold, Stamina and more (July 2024)
Guardian Tales codes for Gems, Gold, Stamina and more (July 2024) Guardian Tales codes for Gems, Gold, Stamina and more (July 2024)

Updated on July 26, 2024 - Added new codes If you play regularly and are looking for Guardian Tales codes, your search ends here. We will share a list of all working Guardian Tales codes that you can use to claim free in-game rewards, such as gems, gold, stamina, EXP and much more. ... [MORE]

1 day, 7 hours назад @ pocketgamer.com
UploadVR + Road to VR UploadVR + Road to VR
последний пост 9 часов назад
Solara One Brings Relaxation To Space Exploration
Solara One Brings Relaxation To Space Exploration Solara One Brings Relaxation To Space Exploration

0:00 / 0:23 1×GameplayThe gameplay, if you want to call it that, in Solara One focuses primarily on exploration and relaxation.

The idea here is less about aggressive endeavors or a dark and ominous sci-fi story like we see in most VR space titles these days, but more about soaking in the cosmic wonders that you see all around you.

Once you finally make it to the ship, Solara One offers an environment that makes the absence of gravity a cornerstone of the experience.

This addition brings intuitive and responsive movements while navigating in the weightlessness of the many space walks you will be doing.

If you’re in search of a VR experience that offers both tranquility and awe, then embarki…

9 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
VRChat Now Has Beta Support For Hand Tracking On PC
VRChat Now Has Beta Support For Hand Tracking On PC VRChat Now Has Beta Support For Hand Tracking On PC

The open beta of the PC version of VRChat now natively supports hand tracking, via the SteamVR Skeletal Input system.

With the latest open beta of VRChat you can now use hand tracking on PC too, including the finger gesture control system originally designed for Quest.

0:00 / 1:21 1×VRChat doesn't use OpenXR yet, so to use hand tracking on PC you'll need software that supports forwarding hand tracking to SteamVR Skeletal Input.

0:00 / 0:06 1×VRChat on PC getting this hand tracking support should enable a significant leap in expressivity, and even expand the range of sign language signs able to be signed.

Combined with the platform's support for eye tracking, face tracking, and body tracking…

10 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Inside The World Of Virtual Photography
Inside The World Of Virtual Photography Inside The World Of Virtual Photography

It's virtual photography, and it's a popular pursuit in virtual reality.

Everything I've taught myself by doing virtual photography I've been able to apply to irl.

Kosmik: I didn't really do any irl photography before I started on VR Photography.

However doing VR Photography has actually made me want to pick up irl photography, so this question is kind of the opposite for me!

Virtual photography can be anything from portraits, to images of worlds, to close-up details of digital foliage.

13 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
SWERY Wants To Create A VR Multiplayer Game Unlike Anything Else
SWERY Wants To Create A VR Multiplayer Game Unlike Anything Else SWERY Wants To Create A VR Multiplayer Game Unlike Anything Else

Following his VR debut with Death Game Hotel, SWERY wants to create a "multiplayer experience that no one has ever seen before."

It's been two weeks since Death Game Hotel arrived on Quest, a gambling puzzle horror game that we believed "excels in multiplayer" in our recent review.

While it's the debut VR game from White Owls Inc., this isn't the first time Hidetaka "SWERY" Suehiro has explored virtual reality, following some VR experiments back in 2017 and a canceled food-themed PSVR game.

In an email interview with UploadVR, White Owls' CEO revealed that Death Game Hotel was conceived during 2020's COVID-19 pandemic.

Ideally, I would like to create a multiplayer experience that no one has…

17 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
Meta Ray-Ban Glasses Pair To Quest 3 For A Preview Of Our Wearable Future
Meta Ray-Ban Glasses Pair To Quest 3 For A Preview Of Our Wearable Future Meta Ray-Ban Glasses Pair To Quest 3 For A Preview Of Our Wearable Future

Quest 3 can pair to the Meta Ray-Ban glasses to privately download videos and photos anywhere.

In this case, I successfully downloaded videos and photos from my Ray-Ban Meta glasses to the Meta View app running on the Quest 3 headset.

Physical Androids and iPhones are currently best for running Meta View and managing Meta's Ray-Ban glasses.

Glasses For Public CaptureFor those moments when you're not in headset, glasses can capture a video of what you see up to three minutes at a time.

For Meta, glasses and headsets allow Zuckerberg to forge that new relationship with billions of people.

18 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
PlayStation VR2 On Sale For £350 In The UK, Its Lowest Price Ever
PlayStation VR2 On Sale For £350 In The UK, Its Lowest Price Ever PlayStation VR2 On Sale For £350 In The UK, Its Lowest Price Ever

PlayStation VR2 is currently on sale for £350 at all official UK retailersThat's a £180 discount from its regular price of £530, and by far the lowest price we've ever seen the headset sold at in any market.

We've recently been recommending against buying PlayStation VR2 for PS5, because Sony's commitment to the platform has become increasingly unclear.

And in March Bloomberg reported Sony was pausing PSVR 2 headset production to clear a backlog of unsold units.

PSVR 2 also still lacks some of the original PSVR's biggest titles, including Skyrim VR, Minecraft, and Star Wars: Squadrons.

And if you're considering PSVR 2 as your first VR headset, you'll find a decent selection of VR's best ind…

21 час назад @ uploadvr.com
Contractors Showdown Season 1 Adds A New Map, Vehicles & More
Contractors Showdown Season 1 Adds A New Map, Vehicles & More Contractors Showdown Season 1 Adds A New Map, Vehicles & More

Contractors Showdown, the VR battle royale game with a more realistic focus, launches its Season 1 update today.

Released in April, Contractors Showdown now receives a rather large content update that adds vehicles for faster chase sequences, and probably to run other players over.

0:00 / 1:11 1×Elsewhere, Contractors Showdown is also adding left-handed support, more customization and ammo options.

It will be interesting to see if this new update to Contractors Showdown helps the game compete a bit more with the more established title, especially when Contractors Showdown isn't free.

Contractors Showdown is available now for $19.99 on Steam and Quest.

1 day, 13 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Tentacular Adds Free Island Builder Expansion Today On Quest & Steam
Tentacular Adds Free Island Builder Expansion Today On Quest & Steam Tentacular Adds Free Island Builder Expansion Today On Quest & Steam

Tentacular, the kaiju-sized physics-based VR puzzler, gets a free expansion today on Quest & Steam.

Developed by Firepunchd Games and published by Devolver Digital, Tentacular first appeared two years ago, later receiving a 'Comfort & Clarity' update.

Titled the 'Island Builder' expansion, today's update adds a sandbox mode and roughly two hours of side missions as you visit La Kalma’s sister island, Salmoa.

As the title suggests, the Island Builder expansion involves creating islands using a new 'Creation Glove' ability.

Tentacular's Island Builder expansion is available now on Quest and Steam.

1 day, 14 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Walkabout Wallace & Gromit's Mini Golf Course With Mighty Coconut
Walkabout Wallace & Gromit's Mini Golf Course With Mighty Coconut Walkabout Wallace & Gromit's Mini Golf Course With Mighty Coconut

A new mini golf course in virtual reality starts at West Wallaby Street before winding through Wallace & Gromit's home.

Well, Wallace is building this mini golf course," Felix said.

They've always fantasized this idea of doing a Wallace & Gromit mini golf park.

Ben Whitehead, the voice actor for Wallace since Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, also voices the character in Walkabout.

Walkabout Mini Golf is available on Quest, Steam, Pico and PSVR 2 headsets with an iOS version in testing.

1 day, 14 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Real Racer XR App On Quest Puts You In An RC Car's Driver Seat
Real Racer XR App On Quest Puts You In An RC Car's Driver Seat Real Racer XR App On Quest Puts You In An RC Car's Driver Seat

Still, the feeling I had back then was recently rekindled by the Real Racer XR app for Quest and the RC car it pairs with from Kobotix.

Starting UpReal Racer XR is an app and RC car combo from Kobotix that fuses VR immersion with the real-world thrill of first-person video (FPV) radio-controlled (RC) racing.

Setting up Real Racer XR is a breeze.

Still, I noticed those connectivity issues with Real Racer XR occasionally even when the car was right next to me.

While not exactly mixed reality, the Real Racer XR mobile app, for example, offers filters which are not present in the Quest version.

1 day, 17 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Is This The First Clear Image Of Quest 3S?
Is This The First Clear Image Of Quest 3S? Is This The First Clear Image Of Quest 3S?

A VR headset accessory maker shared what appears to be the first clear image of Quest 3S, Meta's next headset.

VR Panda, whose real forename is Alex, shared the image on X with the caption "Quest3s 🫣".

A Quest 3S was also seemingly present in the background of a video posted by Meta CTO Andrew Bosworth in June, and Bosworth even replied at the time with a teasing confirmation.

A wide range of sources suggest Quest 3S is a more affordable version of Quest 3 that has the Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 chipset and color passthrough mixed reality, but uses the old fresnel lenses from Quest 1 and 2 to achieve a price of somewhere around $300.

For a full rundown of Meta Quest 3S and how it should compare t…

1 day, 18 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
FormulaX Is A Legally Distinct F1 Racing Game For Quest
FormulaX Is A Legally Distinct F1 Racing Game For Quest FormulaX Is A Legally Distinct F1 Racing Game For Quest

FormulaX is a legally distinct Formula 1-themed racing game in early access, and it's available now on Quest App Lab.

Developed by Enver Studio, whose previous work includes MotoX and SharkBait, we admittedly missed FormulaX launching back in May.

The official FormulaX website, linked by Enver's main website, appears to be a placeholder and includes screenshots from EA's F1 23.

Elsewhere, racing game fans on Quest can also jump into recent releases like VRIDER SBK and Downtown Club.

FormulaX is available now on the Meta Quest platform.

1 day, 18 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Thrasher Review - An Eely Good Time
Thrasher Review - An Eely Good Time Thrasher Review - An Eely Good Time

Thrasher is an aesthetically abstract puzzler with a superb soundtrack, though some technical hiccups hinder its success.

: A psychedelic rhythm puzzle game where you swipe at targets and avoid obstacles across a variety of changing levels.

Comfort Thrasher’s levels are all played from a fixed perspective, so there is no need to choose a movement system.

Thrasher’s eel protagonist is controlled by swiping your hand while it's outstretched in front of you, and you’ll have a choice between playing with your left or right hand.

Thrasher - Final VerdictThrasher combines the exhilaration of chasing moving targets with a unique visual style and a superb soundtrack.

1 day, 19 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
PlayStation VR2 App Listed On Steam Ahead Of PC Adapter Launch
PlayStation VR2 App Listed On Steam Ahead Of PC Adapter Launch PlayStation VR2 App Listed On Steam Ahead Of PC Adapter Launch

The tool for using PlayStationVR2 on PC is now listed on Steam, two weeks ahead of the official PC adapter launch.

The PlayStation VR2 PC Adapter was announced in June as coming on August 7, priced at $60.

Sony says you'll need your own DisplayPort cable, as one isn't included with the adapter.

The PSVR 2 PC app on Steam includes a SteamVR driver and will integrate with SteamVR to let you adjust settings such as brightness and the playspace boundary in the SteamVR dashboard.

The tool can now be wishlisted on Steam and will be available to download on August 6, one day before the PSVR 2 PC Adapter launches.

1 day, 20 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Meta Avatars Graphics Overhaul Being Tested Internally
Meta Avatars Graphics Overhaul Being Tested Internally Meta Avatars Graphics Overhaul Being Tested Internally

The upcoming Meta Avatars graphics overhaul is being tested by Meta employees.

VR enthusiast Luna has spotted that some Meta employees' Horizon profiles show a completely different avatar style to the current Meta Avatars, and provided UploadVR with links to independently confirm this.

The upcoming overhaul was first announced with a CGI mockup by Mark Zuckerberg at Meta Connect 2022 almost two years ago.

Current Meta Avatars, for comparison.

Meta will likely launch or at least announce the new overhauled avatars at Connect 2024, which will take place on September 25 and 26.

2 days, 11 hours назад @ uploadvr.com