Игры, железки и геймдев
Бета-версия подборки новостей об играх и всём, что с ними связано
На русском
последний пост 1 час назад
NASA впервые проведёт трансляцию с МКС на Twitch
NASA впервые проведёт трансляцию с МКС на Twitch NASA впервые проведёт трансляцию с МКС на Twitch

Чат сможет задать астронавтам вопросы.

1 час назад @ dtf.ru
Для The Sims 4 анонсировали большое DLC «Любимое дело» — с татуировками и малым бизнесом
Для The Sims 4 анонсировали большое DLC «Любимое дело» — с татуировками и малым бизнесом Для The Sims 4 анонсировали большое DLC «Любимое дело» — с татуировками и малым бизнесом

Игроки смогут открыть своё прибыльное дело.

2 часа назад @ dtf.ru
По Assassin's Creed Shadows выйдет манга-приквел
По Assassin's Creed Shadows выйдет манга-приквел По Assassin's Creed Shadows выйдет манга-приквел

Она расскажет о молодой ученице ассасина.

3 часа назад @ dtf.ru
Организаторы E3 анонсировали конференцию iicon для лидеров игровой индустрии
Организаторы E3 анонсировали конференцию iicon для лидеров игровой индустрии Организаторы E3 анонсировали конференцию iicon для лидеров игровой индустрии

Это не прямая замена E3, а больше корпоративное мероприятие.

4 часа назад @ dtf.ru
Даниэль Вавра о KCD II: «У нас почти столько же катсцен, сколько в Death Stranding, при бюджете в пять раз меньше»
Даниэль Вавра о KCD II: «У нас почти столько же катсцен, сколько в Death Stranding, при бюджете в пять раз меньше» Даниэль Вавра о KCD II: «У нас почти столько же катсцен, сколько в Death Stranding, при бюджете в пять раз меньше»

Также руководитель раскритиковал Metacritic.

4 часа назад @ dtf.ru
В Epic Games Store началась раздача 4X-стратегии Humankind о развитии человечества
В Epic Games Store началась раздача 4X-стратегии Humankind о развитии человечества В Epic Games Store началась раздача 4X-стратегии Humankind о развитии человечества

Также в магазине повторно раздают адвенчуру Beyond Blue.

5 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Российские учёные расшифровали рукописи Пушкина при помощи ИИ
Российские учёные расшифровали рукописи Пушкина при помощи ИИ Российские учёные расшифровали рукописи Пушкина при помощи ИИ

Технологии помогли распознать зачёркнутые слова в записях великого поэта.

5 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Для Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 на ПК вышел первый патч — теперь игра станет реже вылетать
Для Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 на ПК вышел первый патч — теперь игра станет реже вылетать Для Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 на ПК вышел первый патч — теперь игра станет реже вылетать

В обновлении также исправили несколько визуальных багов.

6 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Вышла Keep Driving — атмосферная адвенчура в сеттинге 2000-х о поездке на другой конец страны
Вышла Keep Driving — атмосферная адвенчура в сеттинге 2000-х о поездке на другой конец страны Вышла Keep Driving — атмосферная адвенчура в сеттинге 2000-х о поездке на другой конец страны

Игроков ждёт путешествие по процедурно сгенерированному миру под саундтрек от шведских инди-групп.

7 часов назад @ dtf.ru
5 из 25 фильмов, поддержанных Фондом кино, окупились в прокате в 2024 году
5 из 25 фильмов, поддержанных Фондом кино, окупились в прокате в 2024 году 5 из 25 фильмов, поддержанных Фондом кино, окупились в прокате в 2024 году

Это на четыре больше, чем в 2022-м.

7 часов назад @ dtf.ru
«Абсолютный» уровень сложности, система эмоций и больше добиваний: Space Marine 2 получила патч 6.0
«Абсолютный» уровень сложности, система эмоций и больше добиваний: Space Marine 2 получила патч 6.0 «Абсолютный» уровень сложности, система эмоций и больше добиваний: Space Marine 2 получила патч 6.0

Среди прочих нововведений — расширенная баржа, ещё одна карта для PvP и новый вид врагов.

8 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Утечка: ремейк Metal Gear Solid 3 выйдет 28 августа
Утечка: ремейк Metal Gear Solid 3 выйдет 28 августа Утечка: ремейк Metal Gear Solid 3 выйдет 28 августа

В сеть утёк новый трейлер.

9 часов назад @ dtf.ru
«Балерина» с Аной де Армас выйдет в российский прокат
«Балерина» с Аной де Армас выйдет в российский прокат «Балерина» с Аной де Армас выйдет в российский прокат

Спин-офф «Джона Уика» прибудет 5 июня.

9 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Death Stranding 2: On the Beach получила возрастной рейтинг в Южной Корее
Death Stranding 2: On the Beach получила возрастной рейтинг в Южной Корее Death Stranding 2: On the Beach получила возрастной рейтинг в Южной Корее

Недавно Кодзима сообщил, что монтирует трейлер к некой игре.

10 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Paradox приобрела студию Haemimont Games — она сделала несколько частей Tropico и Jagged Alliance 3
Paradox приобрела студию Haemimont Games — она сделала несколько частей Tropico и Jagged Alliance 3 Paradox приобрела студию Haemimont Games — она сделала несколько частей Tropico и Jagged Alliance 3

На текущие проекты команды сделка не повлияет.

10 часов назад @ dtf.ru
Stopgame Stopgame
последний пост 1 час назад
Организаторы E3 готовят новую конференцию под названием iicon
Организаторы E3 готовят новую конференцию под названием iicon Организаторы E3 готовят новую конференцию под названием iicon

В 2023 году культовая конференция E3 официально умерла, однако её организаторы из Entertainment Software Association не собираются прощаться с игровой индустрией.

Авторы описывают iicon как «объединение визионеров, лидеров мнений и новаторов из разных отраслей в области интерактивных развлечений».

С помощью iicon мы создаём площадку, где визионеры из разных отраслей могут объединяться, общаться и переосмысливать возможности интерактивных развлечений.

Sony Interactive Entertainment .

Первая в истории конференция iicon пройдёт в Лас-Вегасе с 27-го по 30 апреля 2026 года, а попасть туда можно только по приглашениям.

1 час назад @ stopgame.ru
[обновлено] В Сети обнаружили вторую часть коллекции Metal Gear Solid — в ней есть MGS 4 и Peace Walker
[обновлено] В Сети обнаружили вторую часть коллекции Metal Gear Solid — в ней есть MGS 4 и Peace Walker [обновлено] В Сети обнаружили вторую часть коллекции Metal Gear Solid — в ней есть MGS 4 и Peace Walker

Обновлено: стоит учитывать, что на представленном сайте много страниц с неанонсированными и несуществующими играми, так что достоверность этой «утечки» остаётся под вопросом.

Оригинальный текст новости:Осенью 2023-го Konami выпустила Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol.1 — сборник переизданий первых трёх частей Metal Gear Solid для современных платформ.

Уже тогда цифра 1 в названии намекала, что в будущем игроков ждёт аналогичное обновление последующих игр культовой серии, однако за почти что полтора года Konami так ничего и не анонсировала.

Тем не менее существование второго тома косвенно подтвердилась благодаря преждевременно открытой страничке на сайте магазина Instant Gaming.


3 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
В Marvel’s Spider-Man для ПК доработали трассировку и повысили стабильность игры
В Marvel’s Spider-Man для ПК доработали трассировку и повысили стабильность игры В Marvel’s Spider-Man для ПК доработали трассировку и повысили стабильность игры

У врагов, приклеенных паутиной к поверхностям, больше нет чёрного фона при игре с трассированными тенями и окружающим затенением.

На разных устройствах больше не синхронизируются следующие настройки — размер субтитров, размер текстовых описаний звуков, размер значков и кнопок, а также режим прослушивания аудио.

После установки апдейта эти настройки будут сброшены до стандартных значений.

3 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
В Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 для ПК доработали трассировку и повысили стабильность игры
В Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 для ПК доработали трассировку и повысили стабильность игры В Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 для ПК доработали трассировку и повысили стабильность игры

У врагов, приклеенных паутиной к поверхностям, больше нет чёрного фона при игре с трассированными тенями и окружающим затенением.

На разных устройствах больше не синхронизируются следующие настройки — размер субтитров, размер текстовых описаний звуков, размер значков и кнопок, а также режим прослушивания аудио.

После установки апдейта эти настройки будут сброшены до стандартных значений.

3 часа назад @ stopgame.ru
Новый уровень сложности и ворох контента в патче 6.0 для WH40K: Space Marine II
Новый уровень сложности и ворох контента в патче 6.0 для WH40K: Space Marine II Новый уровень сложности и ворох контента в патче 6.0 для WH40K: Space Marine II

Как и было обещано, сегодня авторы Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II из Saber Interactive выпустили очередное обновление с порцией дополнительного контента.

В состав крупного апдейта 6.0 под названием Datavault входят:Новые испытания и награды — на боевой барже игроки могут посетить новую область в виде хранилище данных, где техножрецы хранят информацию о врагах Империума.

За выполнение боевых задач из хранилища выдаются исследовательские данные, которые можно обменять на очки снабжения и различные косметические предметы.

«Абсолютный» уровень сложности — шестой по счёту и последний по сути уровень сложности для PvE.

Обладатели сезонного пропуска получат набор «Чемпион Саламандр» для снайпер…

5 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Сюжетный трейлер Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii
Сюжетный трейлер Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii Сюжетный трейлер Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii

До релиза морского приключения Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii осталось всего две недели.

Завязка Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii такова:Горо Мадзиму, печально известного бывшего якудза, выбросило на берег отдалённого острова в Тихом океане.

Само собой, не обойдётся без морских сражений — обстреливайте неприятеля из пушек и наносите урон, чтобы взять судно на абордаж.

«Бешеный пёс» делает ставку на скорость и ловкость — вы будете наносить точные и мощные удары, оглушающие врагов.

Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii доплывёт до ПК (Steam), PlayStation и Xbox уже 21 февраля.

5 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
«Раньше было лучше» — Civilization VII встретили смешанными отзывами
«Раньше было лучше» — Civilization VII встретили смешанными отзывами «Раньше было лучше» — Civilization VII встретили смешанными отзывами

В итоге, после часа игры в этот сырой кал, я игру дропнул.

Они схожи лишь жанром и не более…Да, игра далеко не идеальная, есть некоторые сомнительные моменты, но по большей части в мелочах.

Коротко говоря, понятия не имею, что это за феномен с негативом вокруг игры, но Civilization VII пока что реально отличная часть франшизы.

Три варианта размера карты и две из них такие же маленькие, как и мой ♥♥♥.

Это было в 5 части, это было и в 6.

6 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Подробнее о новом сезоне, системе подбора и борьбе с читерами в Apex Legends
Подробнее о новом сезоне, системе подбора и борьбе с читерами в Apex Legends Подробнее о новом сезоне, системе подбора и борьбе с читерами в Apex Legends

Respawn рассказала о 24-м сезоне Apex Legends, а также пояснила, какие действия предпринимает для борьбы с мошенниками и улучшения подбора в матчах.

«Нарушать статус-кво крупными изменениями в мете — наш приоритет в этом и будущем сезонах», — сообщил дизайн-директор Эван Николич (Evan Nikolich).

Также в студии пообещали поправить баланс буквально каждой пушки в Apex Legends.

Если верить статье от Respawn, после первых тестов инструмент продемонстрировал невероятную точность и низкий уровень ложных срабатываний.

Кроме того, начальное значение мастерства при первой игре в новом режиме будет зависеть от значения мастерства геймера в других режимах.

7 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Death Stranding 2 получила возрастной рейтинг от южнокорейского агентства
Death Stranding 2 получила возрастной рейтинг от южнокорейского агентства Death Stranding 2 получила возрастной рейтинг от южнокорейского агентства

С мометна анонса Death Stranding 2: On The Beach прошло уже более двух лет, а разработчики так и не раскрыли точной даты выхода.

Судя по всему, это изменится в ближайшее время, так как игра получила возрастной рейтинг в Южной Корее.

Вероятно, новый ролик покажут на предполагаемой февральской презентации State of Play, которая, согласно сведениям инсайдеров, пройдёт уже на следующей неделе.

Вернёмся к рейтингу — в Южной Корее Death Stranding 2 выдали взрослый возрастной рейтинг за наличие чрезмерного насилия, нецензурной брани, а также сцен применения наркотических веществ, включая алкоголь.

Death Stranding 2: On The Beach пока заявлена только для PlayStation 5.

8 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Утечка: Metal Gear Solid Delta выйдет 28 августа. Смотрите трейлер
Утечка: Metal Gear Solid Delta выйдет 28 августа. Смотрите трейлер Утечка: Metal Gear Solid Delta выйдет 28 августа. Смотрите трейлер

В PlayStation Store заметили возможную дату выхода Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater — 28 августа 2025-го.

Там же опубликовали свежий трейлер, который уже можно глянуть.

В ролике есть короткие геймплейные вставки, пафосные лица персонажей и много людей в камуфляже.

Сегодня же на сайте южнокорейского Комитета по рейтингу и администрированию игр обнаружили запись, посвящённую Death Stranding 2: On the Beach.

Напомним, Metal Gear Solid Delta готовится выйти на ПК (Steam), PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series с русскими субтитрами.

9 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Steam начал оповещать о заброшенных играх из раннего доступа
Steam начал оповещать о заброшенных играх из раннего доступа Steam начал оповещать о заброшенных играх из раннего доступа

Ранний доступ Steam — это отличный инструмент, помогающий геймерам ознакомиться с играми пораньше, а разработчикам допилить проект с учётом обратной связи.

Предупреждение появится в секции с описанием особенностей раннего доступа и уточнит, как долго тайтл кукует без апдейтов.

Систему предупреждений только начали развёртывать и в ней встречаются огрехи.

Публика оценила нововведение и похвалила Valve, что та продолжает ставить геймеров на первое место.

При этом некоторые отметили, что предупреждение всё же стоило выделить посильнее, мол, сейчас текст практически сливается с остальной информацией.

9 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Из Iron Galaxy уволили 66 человек, чтобы обеспечить выживание студии
Из Iron Galaxy уволили 66 человек, чтобы обеспечить выживание студии Из Iron Galaxy уволили 66 человек, чтобы обеспечить выживание студии

Студия Iron Galaxy, ответственная за почившую королевскую битву Rumbleverse, сократила 66 сотрудников в командах, связанных с разработкой и поддержкой.

Как гласит заявление от компании, руководству пришлось пойти на такой шаг, чтобы «обеспечить долгосрочное выживание студии».

За последние годы Iron Galaxy не раз пришлось идти на жертвы, чтобы сохранить рабочие места.

Как гласит послание, данный шаг в компании рассматривали исключительно как самую крайнюю меру для удержания на плаву.

В Iron Galaxy также подчеркнули, что нацелены на продолжение сотрудничества с партнёрами.

10 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Мультиплеерная Resident Evil Re:Verse закроется 30 июня
Мультиплеерная Resident Evil Re:Verse закроется 30 июня Мультиплеерная Resident Evil Re:Verse закроется 30 июня

Многопользовательскую Resident Evil Re:Verse заплевали со всех сторон, и Capcom наконец решила прекратить её мучения.

Resident Evil Re:Verse выпустили в октябре 2022-го, чтобы отметить 25-летие серии.

Тайтл также шёл в комплекте с Resident Evil Village.

В Capcom поблагодарили за серьёзную поддержку со стороны пользователей и заявили, что Re:Verse выполнила свою задачу.

Пока Resident Evil Re:Verse доступна на ПК (Steam), PlayStation и Xbox.

11 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
До 60 fps на Series X и никакого автолевелинга — больше деталей Avowed
До 60 fps на Series X и никакого автолевелинга — больше деталей Avowed До 60 fps на Series X и никакого автолевелинга — больше деталей Avowed

Геймеры смогут указывать компаньонам на цели для нападения, а также выбирать способ атаки.

Отправить недругов в воздух получится не только пинками — в тйтле хватает и «других способностей, придающих импульс».

Можно пройти игру и с парными пушками, но придётся часто перезаряжаться.

Ранее пользователь Reddit, поигравший в ревью-копию RPG, рассказал , что проект поддерживает режимы на 30, 40 и 60 fps на Series X, а на Series S — только на 30 и 40 fps.

Завести роман в Avowed не получится.

12 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Для Nightmare Kart анонсировали дополнение The Old Karts
Для Nightmare Kart анонсировали дополнение The Old Karts Для Nightmare Kart анонсировали дополнение The Old Karts

Фанатский картинг Nightmare Kart, который до вмешательства со стороны Sony назывался Bloodborne Kart, получит бесплатное DLC.

Добавку окрестили The Old Karts — почти как дополнение The Old Hunters для Bloodborne.

The Old Karts предложит следующий контент:Мини-кампанию.

Новые усиления и игровые режимы.

Загрузить дополнение получится через Steam и itch.io, как и основную игру.

13 часов назад @ stopgame.ru
Игромания Игромания
последний пост 2 часа назад
Автомобильное ретро-приключение Keep Driving получает 95% рекомендаций в Steam
Автомобильное ретро-приключение Keep Driving получает 95% рекомендаций в Steam

Студия YCJY Games, состоящая из двух разработчиков, объявила о релизе пиксельного ролевого приключения Keep Driving. Игра о жизни на трассе вышла в Steam и получает там 95% рекомендаций.

2 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Творцы Gothic Remake показали новые кадры в анонсе серии Making Of
Творцы Gothic Remake показали новые кадры в анонсе серии Making Of

Студия Alkimia Interactive опубликовала видеотизер новой серии Making Of, посвящённой апроцессу разработки ремейка культовой ролевой игры «Готика».

2 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Продажи Farming Simulator 25 преодолели три миллиона копий
Продажи Farming Simulator 25 преодолели три миллиона копий

Студия Giants Software объявила о новом достижении фермерского симулятора Farming Simulator 25. Его тираж уже шагнул за три миллиона копий, и это произошло меньше чем за три месяца с момента релиза.

2 часа назад @ igromania.ru
В Star Wars Outlaws добавили поддержку DLSS 4
В Star Wars Outlaws добавили поддержку DLSS 4 В Star Wars Outlaws добавили поддержку DLSS 4

Ubisoft объявила о выходе очередного патча к боевику Star Wars Outlaws.

Обновление 1.5.1 вышло не особо масштабным, его главное нововведение — поддержка графических процессоров Nvidia 50-й серии на РС и обновление PSSR на PlayStation 5 Pro.

Star Wars Outlaws на PC теперь поддерживает технологии DLSS 4 с функцией Multi Frame Generation для серии GeForce RTX 50, которая повышает FPS за счет использования искусственного интеллекта.

Помимо этого, патч добавляет поддержку графических процессоров Nvidia серии 5 на РС и правит пару игровых ошибок.

Он занимает от 1,93 Гб на PlayStation 5 Pro до 3,65 Гб на Xbox Series.

3 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Kingdom Come 2, Assassin's Creed и успехи/провалы 2024 года | ИГРОМАНИЯ INSIDE
Kingdom Come 2, Assassin's Creed и успехи/провалы 2024 года | ИГРОМАНИЯ INSIDE Kingdom Come 2, Assassin's Creed и успехи/провалы 2024 года | ИГРОМАНИЯ INSIDE

Встречайте пилотный выпуск Игромании INSIDE! Наша команда собралась вместе, чтобы обсудить лучшие и худшие игры 2024 года, какие проекты стоит ждать и что ждёт нас в будущем. 00:00 — бодрый тизер

01:07 — приветствие, знакомство

03:42 — чем запомнился 2024 год

06:40 — Indiana Jones and the Great Circle стала разочарованием?

11:43 — блиц: лучшие игры 2024 года

14:55 — провал Dragon Age: The Veilguard 20:31 — что не так с Black Myth: Wukong

23:15 — ожидания от 2025 года

28:18 — сервис-игры заменят одиночные приключения?

30:11 — судьба Assassin's Creed Shadows

33:55 — что будет с инди-играми в 2025 году

41:45 — увольнения в игровых студиях — плюсы и минусы

45:57 — подводные камни разработки игр…

3 часа назад @ youtube.com
EA анонсировала дополнение Businesses & Hobbies к The Sims 4
EA анонсировала дополнение Businesses & Hobbies к The Sims 4 EA анонсировала дополнение Businesses & Hobbies к The Sims 4

Коллаж The Sims 4Как и сообщали инсайдеры, следующее дополнение к The Sims 4 посвятят бизнесу.

Electronic Arts анонсировала The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies, которое выйдет 6 марта.

Симы с предпринимательской жилкой смогут открыть собственный бизнес: открыть магазин для продажи своих поделок, мастер-классы или салон на собственном участке или на лоте для малого бизнеса.

Они помогут вести свой бизнес по правилам или позволят срезать несколько углов.

По традиции дополнение откроет новый город, Nordhaven.В нём предусмотрены возможности как для встреч с единомышленниками, так и для развития собственного хобби.

4 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Ubisoft показала трейлер геймплея события Assault on Hereford в Rainbow Six Siege
Ubisoft показала трейлер геймплея события Assault on Hereford в Rainbow Six Siege

Ubisoft поделилась свежим трейлером шутера Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege. На сей раз в центре внимания оказался геймплей события Assault on Hereford, которое уже стартовало и продлится до 19 февраля.

4 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы Warhammer: Chaosbane рассказали о мире слэшера Dragonkin: The Banished
Авторы Warhammer: Chaosbane рассказали о мире слэшера Dragonkin: The Banished

Издательство Nacon и студия Eko Software, известная по серии How to Survive и боевику Warhammer: Chaosbane, выпустили свежий трейлер приключенческого ролевого слэшера Dragonkin: The Banished.

4 часа назад @ igromania.ru
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 оказалась в пять раз «дешевле» Death Stranding
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 оказалась в пять раз «дешевле» Death Stranding

Количество вложенных в игру средств не всегда соотносится с уровнем качества, которого удалось достичь. И это в очередной раз доказывает успех ролевой игры Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

5 часов назад @ igromania.ru
В свежем ролике выживалки Dune: Awakening показали красоты открытого мира
В свежем ролике выживалки Dune: Awakening показали красоты открытого мира

Разработчики из Funcom поделились свежим роликом многопользовательской выживалки Dune: Awakening.

5 часов назад @ igromania.ru
В сюжетном трейлере Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii показали главного героя и битвы
В сюжетном трейлере Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii показали главного героя и битвы

Sega показала сюжетный трейлер Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii.

6 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Авторы Dying Light 2 приготовили для игроков персональную статистику
Авторы Dying Light 2 приготовили для игроков персональную статистику

Десятилетие серии Dying Light продолжают праздновать создатели зомби-боевика и множество поклонников.

6 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Ролевой шутер Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone выйдет в раннем доступе в начале марта
Ролевой шутер Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone выйдет в раннем доступе в начале марта

Разработчики из The Farm 51 объявили, что ролевой шутер Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone выйдет в раннем доступе Steam уже 6 марта.

7 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Графику ультра-низких и высоких настроек Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 наглядно сравнили
Графику ультра-низких и высоких настроек Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 наглядно сравнили

Для Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 уже успели выпустить ряд модификаций, в том числе и пресет «ультра-низких» настроек графики.

7 часов назад @ igromania.ru
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 получила обновление с хранилищем данных и новой картой
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 получила обновление с хранилищем данных и новой картой

Для Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 выпустили обещанное крупное обновление 6.0 Datavault.

8 часов назад @ igromania.ru
IXBT.games IXBT.games
последний пост 2 часа назад
«Это каким дураком надо быть». Майк Лэдлоу прокомментировал желание EA сделать из Dragon Age: The Veilguard игру-сервисБывший творческий директор Dragon Age не совсем согласен с заявлением Эндрю Уилсона.
«Это каким дураком надо быть». Майк Лэдлоу прокомментировал желание EA сделать из Dragon Age: The Veilguard игру-сервисБывший творческий директор Dragon Age не совсем согласен с заявлением Эндрю Уилсона. «Это каким дураком надо быть». Майк Лэдлоу прокомментировал желание EA сделать из Dragon Age: The Veilguard игру-сервисБывший творческий директор Dragon Age не совсем согласен с заявлением Эндрю Уилсона.

«Это каким дураком надо быть». Майк Лэдлоу прокомментировал желание EA сделать из Dragon Age: The Veilguard игру-сервисБывший творческий директор Dragon Age не совсем согласен с заявлением Эндрю Уилсона.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Художник показал Высокий Хротгар из TES V Skyrim на движке Unreal Engine 5The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim продолжает становиться источником вдохновения для работы с Unreal Engine 5.
Художник показал Высокий Хротгар из TES V Skyrim на движке Unreal Engine 5The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim продолжает становиться источником вдохновения для работы с Unreal Engine 5. Художник показал Высокий Хротгар из TES V Skyrim на движке Unreal Engine 5The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim продолжает становиться источником вдохновения для работы с Unreal Engine 5.

Художник показал Высокий Хротгар из TES V Skyrim на движке Unreal Engine 5The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim продолжает становиться источником вдохновения для работы с Unreal Engine 5.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Stardew Valley получила мод-DLC Red Panda Bazaar с новыми локациями, персонажами, ивентом и вещамиStardew Valley много лет поддерживает не только разработчиков, но и преданные поклонники.
Stardew Valley получила мод-DLC Red Panda Bazaar с новыми локациями, персонажами, ивентом и вещамиStardew Valley много лет поддерживает не только разработчиков, но и преданные поклонники. Stardew Valley получила мод-DLC Red Panda Bazaar с новыми локациями, персонажами, ивентом и вещамиStardew Valley много лет поддерживает не только разработчиков, но и преданные поклонники.

Stardew Valley получила мод-DLC Red Panda Bazaar с новыми локациями, персонажами, ивентом и вещамиStardew Valley много лет поддерживает не только разработчиков, но и преданные поклонники.

2 часа назад @ t.me
В GTA Online открыли сезон дрифта на RUNE Cheburek. Rockstar запустила новое испытаниеВ ожидании GTA 6 некоторые ценители проводят время в Grand Theft Auto Online, для которой Rockstar Games активно поставляет контент.
В GTA Online открыли сезон дрифта на RUNE Cheburek. Rockstar запустила новое испытаниеВ ожидании GTA 6 некоторые ценители проводят время в Grand Theft Auto Online, для которой Rockstar Games активно поставляет контент. В GTA Online открыли сезон дрифта на RUNE Cheburek. Rockstar запустила новое испытаниеВ ожидании GTA 6 некоторые ценители проводят время в Grand Theft Auto Online, для которой Rockstar Games активно поставляет контент.

В GTA Online открыли сезон дрифта на RUNE Cheburek. Rockstar запустила новое испытаниеВ ожидании GTA 6 некоторые ценители проводят время в Grand Theft Auto Online, для которой Rockstar Games активно поставляет контент.

2 часа назад @ t.me
Blizzard спустя несколько лет призналась, что изменила шанс выпадения «Сердцееда X-45» и «Метлы ведьмы любви» в World of WarcraftДавние подозрения поклонников World of Warcraft получили внезапное подтверждение.
Blizzard спустя несколько лет призналась, что изменила шанс выпадения «Сердцееда X-45» и «Метлы ведьмы любви» в World of WarcraftДавние подозрения поклонников World of Warcraft получили внезапное подтверждение. Blizzard спустя несколько лет призналась, что изменила шанс выпадения «Сердцееда X-45» и «Метлы ведьмы любви» в World of WarcraftДавние подозрения поклонников World of Warcraft получили внезапное подтверждение.

Blizzard спустя несколько лет призналась, что изменила шанс выпадения «Сердцееда X-45» и «Метлы ведьмы любви» в World of WarcraftДавние подозрения поклонников World of Warcraft получили внезапное подтверждение.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Авторы Escape from Tarkov показали, как буквально раздавили китайский клон EFT с уточками Escape From Duckov в новом кроссовереEscape from Tarkov вдохновляет разных творцов. Недавний утиный ответ получил ответку от сообщества хардкорного шутера.
Авторы Escape from Tarkov показали, как буквально раздавили китайский клон EFT с уточками Escape From Duckov в новом кроссовереEscape from Tarkov вдохновляет разных творцов. Недавний утиный ответ получил ответку от сообщества хардкорного шутера. Авторы Escape from Tarkov показали, как буквально раздавили китайский клон EFT с уточками Escape From Duckov в новом кроссовереEscape from Tarkov вдохновляет разных творцов. Недавний утиный ответ получил ответку от сообщества хардкорного шутера.

Авторы Escape from Tarkov показали, как буквально раздавили китайский клон EFT с уточками Escape From Duckov в новом кроссовереEscape from Tarkov вдохновляет разных творцов. Недавний утиный ответ получил ответку от сообщества хардкорного шутера.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Team Spirit заключила контракт с 9-летним геймером, наигравшим более 7800 часов в Counter-Strike 2Киберспорт-сообщество Counter-Strike 2 разнообразно, иногда юные таланты бывают очень юнными.
Team Spirit заключила контракт с 9-летним геймером, наигравшим более 7800 часов в Counter-Strike 2Киберспорт-сообщество Counter-Strike 2 разнообразно, иногда юные таланты бывают очень юнными. Team Spirit заключила контракт с 9-летним геймером, наигравшим более 7800 часов в Counter-Strike 2Киберспорт-сообщество Counter-Strike 2 разнообразно, иногда юные таланты бывают очень юнными.

Team Spirit заключила контракт с 9-летним геймером, наигравшим более 7800 часов в Counter-Strike 2Киберспорт-сообщество Counter-Strike 2 разнообразно, иногда юные таланты бывают очень юнными.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Для Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 анонсировали русскую озвучку. Автор ИИ-локализации Baldur's Gate 3 представил первый трейлерСовременные технологии позволяют решить вопрос с озвучкой многих проектов, в том числе и Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
Для Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 анонсировали русскую озвучку. Автор ИИ-локализации Baldur's Gate 3 представил первый трейлерСовременные технологии позволяют решить вопрос с озвучкой многих проектов, в том числе и Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Для Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 анонсировали русскую озвучку. Автор ИИ-локализации Baldur's Gate 3 представил первый трейлерСовременные технологии позволяют решить вопрос с озвучкой многих проектов, в том числе и Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Для Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 анонсировали русскую озвучку. Автор ИИ-локализации Baldur's Gate 3 представил первый трейлерСовременные технологии позволяют решить вопрос с озвучкой многих проектов, в том числе и Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

3 часа назад @ t.me
В России изучают китайский сценарий жёсткого регулирования игрового рынка, взрослым не доверяют — СМИВ России озаботились вопросом регулирования игр. Изучают передовой зарубежный опыт.
В России изучают китайский сценарий жёсткого регулирования игрового рынка, взрослым не доверяют — СМИВ России озаботились вопросом регулирования игр. Изучают передовой зарубежный опыт. В России изучают китайский сценарий жёсткого регулирования игрового рынка, взрослым не доверяют — СМИВ России озаботились вопросом регулирования игр. Изучают передовой зарубежный опыт.

В России изучают китайский сценарий жёсткого регулирования игрового рынка, взрослым не доверяют — СМИВ России озаботились вопросом регулирования игр. Изучают передовой зарубежный опыт.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 получила первый патч с улучшением графики и исправлением критических баговПК-версия Marvel's Spider-Man 2 оказалась не очень качественной. Разработчики начинают исправлять проект.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 получила первый патч с улучшением графики и исправлением критических баговПК-версия Marvel's Spider-Man 2 оказалась не очень качественной. Разработчики начинают исправлять проект. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 получила первый патч с улучшением графики и исправлением критических баговПК-версия Marvel's Spider-Man 2 оказалась не очень качественной. Разработчики начинают исправлять проект.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 получила первый патч с улучшением графики и исправлением критических баговПК-версия Marvel's Spider-Man 2 оказалась не очень качественной. Разработчики начинают исправлять проект.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Star Wars Outlaws стала технологичнее на ПК и PS5 Pro. Ubisoft выпустила обновление с поддержкой RTX 50 и NVIDIA DLSS 4После релиза Star Wars Outlaws постепенно дорабатывают. Дело дошло до внедрениях новых технологий.
Star Wars Outlaws стала технологичнее на ПК и PS5 Pro. Ubisoft выпустила обновление с поддержкой RTX 50 и NVIDIA DLSS 4После релиза Star Wars Outlaws постепенно дорабатывают. Дело дошло до внедрениях новых технологий. Star Wars Outlaws стала технологичнее на ПК и PS5 Pro. Ubisoft выпустила обновление с поддержкой RTX 50 и NVIDIA DLSS 4После релиза Star Wars Outlaws постепенно дорабатывают. Дело дошло до внедрениях новых технологий.

Star Wars Outlaws стала технологичнее на ПК и PS5 Pro. Ubisoft выпустила обновление с поддержкой RTX 50 и NVIDIA DLSS 4После релиза Star Wars Outlaws постепенно дорабатывают. Дело дошло до внедрениях новых технологий.

3 часа назад @ t.me
GTA 5 показали с реалистичной графикой — авторы NaturalVision Evolved рассказали о прогрессе глобального модаGrand Theft Auto 5 вышла довольно давно. Некоторые энтузиасты решили обновить графику хита Rockstar Games.
GTA 5 показали с реалистичной графикой — авторы NaturalVision Evolved рассказали о прогрессе глобального модаGrand Theft Auto 5 вышла довольно давно. Некоторые энтузиасты решили обновить графику хита Rockstar Games. GTA 5 показали с реалистичной графикой — авторы NaturalVision Evolved рассказали о прогрессе глобального модаGrand Theft Auto 5 вышла довольно давно. Некоторые энтузиасты решили обновить графику хита Rockstar Games.

GTA 5 показали с реалистичной графикой — авторы NaturalVision Evolved рассказали о прогрессе глобального модаGrand Theft Auto 5 вышла довольно давно. Некоторые энтузиасты решили обновить графику хита Rockstar Games.

3 часа назад @ t.me
Активисты обвинили Valve в бане обзоров Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, в которых упоминается повесткаВокруг Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 продолжают разгораться PR-скандалы.
Активисты обвинили Valve в бане обзоров Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, в которых упоминается повесткаВокруг Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 продолжают разгораться PR-скандалы. Активисты обвинили Valve в бане обзоров Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, в которых упоминается повесткаВокруг Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 продолжают разгораться PR-скандалы.

Активисты обвинили Valve в бане обзоров Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, в которых упоминается повесткаВокруг Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 продолжают разгораться PR-скандалы.

4 часа назад @ t.me
Первый трейлер The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies, следующего крупного DLC с малым бизнесом, татуировками и гончарным деломКонвейер DLC The Sims 4 продолжает работу, на подходе крупное дополнение Businesses & Hobbies.
Первый трейлер The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies, следующего крупного DLC с малым бизнесом, татуировками и гончарным деломКонвейер DLC The Sims 4 продолжает работу, на подходе крупное дополнение Businesses & Hobbies. Первый трейлер The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies, следующего крупного DLC с малым бизнесом, татуировками и гончарным деломКонвейер DLC The Sims 4 продолжает работу, на подходе крупное дополнение Businesses & Hobbies.

Первый трейлер The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies, следующего крупного DLC с малым бизнесом, татуировками и гончарным деломКонвейер DLC The Sims 4 продолжает работу, на подходе крупное дополнение Businesses & Hobbies.

4 часа назад @ t.me
Ритм-игра Rift of the NecroDancer стартовала с 98% положительных отзывов в SteamФраншиза вернулась с Rift of the NecroDancer и многих очень сильно порадовала.
Ритм-игра Rift of the NecroDancer стартовала с 98% положительных отзывов в SteamФраншиза вернулась с Rift of the NecroDancer и многих очень сильно порадовала. Ритм-игра Rift of the NecroDancer стартовала с 98% положительных отзывов в SteamФраншиза вернулась с Rift of the NecroDancer и многих очень сильно порадовала.

Ритм-игра Rift of the NecroDancer стартовала с 98% положительных отзывов в SteamФраншиза вернулась с Rift of the NecroDancer и многих очень сильно порадовала.

4 часа назад @ t.me
На английском
последний пост 1 час назад
The Best LEGO Plants and Flowers for Building a Botanical Collection
The Best LEGO Plants and Flowers for Building a Botanical Collection

LEGO has been making a big push into flower and plant sets in recent years, which is great because they make gorgeous decorations. Here are our favorites.

1 час назад @ ign.com
Where to Stream Every Shrek Movie Online in 2025
Where to Stream Every Shrek Movie Online in 2025

The Shrek franchise is scattered across multiple streaming services.

1 час назад @ ign.com
How to Watch Invincible Season 3: Where to Stream and Episode Release Schedule
How to Watch Invincible Season 3: Where to Stream and Episode Release Schedule

Everything we know about Invincible Season 3, including where to stream and when new episodes are coming out.

3 часа назад @ ign.com
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Is Proof 'You Don't Need AI to Steal My Soul,' Harrison Ford Says
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Is Proof 'You Don't Need AI to Steal My Soul,' Harrison Ford Says

Indiana Jones actor Harrison Ford has said Troy Baker playing the beloved character in video game Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is proof "you don't need artificial intelligence to steal my soul."

3 часа назад @ ign.com
Amazon is Selling This Power Bank For Just $9 Today, But I'm Expecting it to Sell Out Fast
Amazon is Selling This Power Bank For Just $9 Today, But I'm Expecting it to Sell Out Fast 4 часа назад @ ign.com
Exclusive: Legendary Pokemon TCG Artist Returns to Magic: The Gathering
Exclusive: Legendary Pokemon TCG Artist Returns to Magic: The Gathering

Matsuhiro Arita is getting his very own Secret Lair drop.

4 часа назад @ ign.com
Love Hurts Review
Love Hurts Review

Yeah, we’re thinking Ke Huy Quan is back. Too bad his John Wick imitation isn’t better.

4 часа назад @ ign.com
Assassin's Creed Shadows Getting Prequel Manga
Assassin's Creed Shadows Getting Prequel Manga

Assassin's Creed Shadows is getting a prequel manga but not until after the game comes out, Ubisoft has announced.

4 часа назад @ ign.com
Moana 2’s 4K Steelbook Is Now Available To Preorder
Moana 2’s 4K Steelbook Is Now Available To Preorder

Moana 2's 4K UHD and Blu-ray Steelbook is now available to preorder for $65.99, releasing on March 18.

5 часов назад @ ign.com
Speed Demons 2 Announced for PC
Speed Demons 2 Announced for PC

Get your first look at Speed Demons 2, which brings this stylish, side-scrolling Burnout-like highway racing game to PC for the first time later this year, bringing with it 10 game modes and 120hz support.

6 часов назад @ ign.com
Post Malone Limited Edition Oreos Are Now Available
Post Malone Limited Edition Oreos Are Now Available

Post Malone and Oreo have collaborated on a new salted caramel shortbread flavored edition of America's favorite cookie, and you can buy them now.

6 часов назад @ ign.com
Every Disney Game on the Nintendo Switch in 2025
Every Disney Game on the Nintendo Switch in 2025

If you're looking to get your Disney (or Pixar) fix on the Switch, we've got you covered.

6 часов назад @ ign.com
Henry Cavill's 'Tremendous' James Bond Audition Seemingly Appears Online
Henry Cavill's 'Tremendous' James Bond Audition Seemingly Appears Online

James Bond audition tapes from 2005 have seemingly appeared online and show Henry Cavill's version of 007 before he eventually lost out to Daniel Craig.

6 часов назад @ ign.com
Jurassic World Rebirth: Everything We Know and Our Biggest Burning Questions
Jurassic World Rebirth: Everything We Know and Our Biggest Burning Questions

Jurassic World Dominion delivered a monster of a first trailer that features more details than meet the eye. We break down everything we know about the new dinosaur movie so far, and all of our biggest burning questions for the upcoming film.

7 часов назад @ ign.com
We're Taking Everyone Down With Us Reunites Punisher Creative Team at Image Comics
We're Taking Everyone Down With Us Reunites Punisher Creative Team at Image Comics

The minds behind Marvel's Punisher comic are reuniting at Image Comics for a new series called We're Taking Everyone Down With Us. Check out our exclusive preview.

7 часов назад @ ign.com
Rock Paper Shotgun Rock Paper Shotgun
последний пост 4 часа назад
Civilization VII is discounted for Steam when you pre-order today, here’s how to secure the deal
Civilization VII is discounted for Steam when you pre-order today, here’s how to secure the deal Civilization VII is discounted for Steam when you pre-order today, here’s how to secure the deal

Well, it's also just a friendly PSA, in case you're looking for the best deal right now.

The game is launching on February 11, and if you've been waiting to carve your place in history again, we've found a solid discount going right now for PC gamers.

If you were already planning on getting the game at launch on Steam at full price, this is an easy discount.

The Deluxe Content Pack rounds things out with two leader personas, four profile customizations, and an alternate scout skin.

This digital-only edition is currently going for and includes everything in the Deluxe Edition plus the "Right to Rule Collection".

4 часа назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Resident Evil's multiplayer spin-off Re:Verse is shutting down later this year
Resident Evil's multiplayer spin-off Re:Verse is shutting down later this year Resident Evil's multiplayer spin-off Re:Verse is shutting down later this year

Resident Evil Re:Verse, the multiplayer spin-off announced alongside Resident Evil Village, is being shut down.

"Resident Evil Re:Verse was developed in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Resident Evil series, and your overwhelming support for the game has far exceeded our expectations since the time of its release.

"We are incredibly grateful for your warm support for Resident Evil Re:Verse, and we deeply apologize for bringing you this disappointing news."

Releasing a multiplayer spin-off no one wants, no one likes, then closing it down shortly thereafter is all very Capcom, bless 'em.

Rumours continue to swirl around a Resident Evil 9 announcement to happen sometime this year.

8 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Keep Driving review
Keep Driving review Keep Driving review

Keep Driving reviewA free-wheeling RPG road trip that pushes all the right buttons.

| Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / YCJY GamesThe actual driving is (mostly) done automatically.

| Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / YCJY GamesWhat unfolds is a kind of card-based battle.

If this was a road trip movie, I realised, this would be the struggling lowlight of the trip.

| Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun / YCJY GamesThree days pass without us driving anywhere.

8 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Disco Elysium writer was told "people covet these items more than they care" when pushing back against ridiculous merch
Disco Elysium writer was told "people covet these items more than they care" when pushing back against ridiculous merch Disco Elysium writer was told "people covet these items more than they care" when pushing back against ridiculous merch

More taunting me from my screen maddeningly like a middle finger salute from a man with no hands.

It was a baffling piece of licensed merch from Disco Elysium studio ZA/UM and Atelier, who I assume are three hyenas in a board room sniffing each other's crotches for eternity.

That this loud minority doesn't matter because people covet these items more than they care about this."

Again, this is just one short clip from the writers talking about their experience with the company.

"This is not the only story like this in the industry," The 41st Precinct tells me.

9 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Monster Hunter Wilds brings hope with newly lowered PC requirements, then dashes it with a benchmark tool
Monster Hunter Wilds brings hope with newly lowered PC requirements, then dashes it with a benchmark tool Monster Hunter Wilds brings hope with newly lowered PC requirements, then dashes it with a benchmark tool

The minimum Nvidia GPU, for example, has dropped from the GTX 1660 Super to the standard GTX 1660, and you can supposedly get away with an Intel Core i5-10400 rather than the previously listed Core i5-10600.

Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/CapcomThis isn’t how frame generation is supposed to be used, at all.

With frame generation, the average rose to 45fps, but in an actual game-playing scenario that would feel crap because your controller or mouse/keyboard inputs are only registering for half the visible frames.

Which, again, puts it beyond the feasible help of frame generation.

Make that 110fps with frame gen too, though it doesn’t look like DLSS 4’s Multi Frame Generation is supported.

9 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Paradox are buying Haemimont Games, developers of Surviving Mars and several Tropico games
Paradox are buying Haemimont Games, developers of Surviving Mars and several Tropico games Paradox are buying Haemimont Games, developers of Surviving Mars and several Tropico games

Paradox are buying Bulgarian game developer Haemimont Games, the developers of strategy games including several in the Tropico and Jagged Alliance series.

The two companies previously worked together on Surviving Mars, which was originally developed by Haemimont and published by Paradox Interactive.

In a press release, Paradox attributed the acquisition to their "strategic focus on growing in the management games genre."

Haemimont have been producing strategy games of various kinds since 2000, often doing work-for-hire development on sequels for series created by others.

This acquisition does reunite Haemimont with Surviving Mars, the citybuilder they developed for Paradox about building a …

9 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Duskers is getting a ship-building sequel years after the sci-fi roguelike scared us to bits
Duskers is getting a ship-building sequel years after the sci-fi roguelike scared us to bits Duskers is getting a ship-building sequel years after the sci-fi roguelike scared us to bits

The creators of sci-fi corridor explorer Duskers are making a "spiritual successor" to the 2016 space game.

The studio revealed their plans in a video showing three prototypes they're currently working on.

Sad, busted-ass space robots just trying to get by?

I still love Duskers," says Tim Keenan, co-founder of Misfits Attic, in the video that shows off what the studio has been up to, including two other game prototypes.

Like I say, this is not the only thing the studio is working on.

10 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
"Apex 2.0" is on the horizon, says EA boss, but it probably won't happen until after Battlefield 6
"Apex 2.0" is on the horizon, says EA boss, but it probably won't happen until after Battlefield 6 "Apex 2.0" is on the horizon, says EA boss, but it probably won't happen until after Battlefield 6

Sci-fi battle royale Apex Legends is due a "meaningful update" , according to the CEO of Electronic Arts, something he's called "Apex 2.0".

An Apex 2.0, if you will.

The Apex update "will probably happen after a Battlefield launch," he added.

Of course, none of that means Apex Legends is going anywhere.

When I learned that Respawn were developing a battle royale all those years ago, my first thought was: "God, not another one".

12 часов назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
It's now slightly trickier to accidentally buy a 'dead' Steam early access game
It's now slightly trickier to accidentally buy a 'dead' Steam early access game It's now slightly trickier to accidentally buy a 'dead' Steam early access game

Steam early access games that haven't been updated in a long while will now be more prominently labelled as such, according to reports.

As noticed by third-party tracking platform SteamDB, Valve have begun adding warnings to early access info boxes, making it harder to accidentally spend your pocket money on a promising project that hasn't advanced in years.

I'm writing this up partly because I'm interested to know what you all consider too long an interval between early access updates.

My take is that the acceptability of a gap between early access update varies by the game or genre, and that I broadly subscribe to the Hooded Horse philosophy of let-devs-cook.

Personally, I only ever buy e…

1 day, 4 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Eternal Strands review
Eternal Strands review Eternal Strands review

Eternal Strands reviewDespite some janky controls and bland characters, this colourful tour through a ruined city is consistently surprising and enjoyable.

In Eternal Strands, Yellow Brick Games’ debut title, you play the leader of a "weaver band", a crew of freelance magicians, in a world where something extremely bad happened to magic.

The ice ability, too, acts as a way into the game’s elemental magic system.

It is arguably unfair to compare Eternal Strands’ telekinesis with Control’s apocalyptic rock throwing, or Half Life: Alyx’s razorwire tactility.

This review was based upon a release copy of the game provided by the developer.

1 day, 5 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Squint, and Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 looks like a fitting Steam Deck game
Squint, and Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 looks like a fitting Steam Deck game Squint, and Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 looks like a fitting Steam Deck game

Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun Steam Deck Academy brings together all our guides and explainers on getting the most out of your Steam Deck, no student loans or sweaty dormitories required.

Despite its system requirements arguably suggesting otherwise, it can even manage some decent 40fps-plus performance without dumping all the quality settings to their lowest.

Judging by that, Steam Deck OLED owners can likely expect a little over two hours.

Neither of these figures make Deliverance 2 an ideal Steam Deck game, but they’re not dealbreakers either, and in places it’s actually quite impressive how well its myriad interactions and interfaces adapt to the gamepad controls.

Deliverance 2 does …

1 day, 6 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Amazon has a GeForce RTX 5080 prebuilt PC available now, at least while stock remains
Amazon has a GeForce RTX 5080 prebuilt PC available now, at least while stock remains Amazon has a GeForce RTX 5080 prebuilt PC available now, at least while stock remains

So, if you need an RTX 5080-prebuilt gaming PCs are currently your best bet of securing.

It's the Skytech Azure Gaming PC, priced at $2,899.99 on Amazon, it packs an RTX 5080 16GB graphics card, liquid cooling, and an AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D processor.

Ryzen 7 9800X3D 4.7 GHz (5.2 GHz Turbo Boost), NVIDIA RTX 5080 16GB GDDR7, 2TB SSD, 32GB DDR5 RAM 6000 RGB.

The NVIDIA RTX 5080 16GB GDDR7 should easily handle 4K gaming and ray tracing.

That said, good luck getting your hands on an RTX 5080 anywhere right now.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Vendrán Las Aves is a short free game about burnout from Red String Club developers Deconstructeam
Vendrán Las Aves is a short free game about burnout from Red String Club developers Deconstructeam Vendrán Las Aves is a short free game about burnout from Red String Club developers Deconstructeam

Vendrán Las Aves - "The Birds Will Come" - is a brief, quiet, hopeful game about burnout recovery.

It's free to download from Itch.io, and takes the form of a snowglobe perspective of somebody's one-room apartment.

That said, it should of course be stressed that Vendrán Las Aves is not a mental health pamphlet.

I'm interested in the framing of this as a tamagotchi game - in practice, it reminded me more of Zoe Quinn's Depression Quest.

While I found Vendrán Las Aves to be a constructive, compassionate account of a low period in somebody's life, the association with virtual pets seems fraught and could be unpacked further, given that flesh-and-blood animals are often required to play the rol…

1 day, 8 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Wreckfest 2 is ramming through the barricades of early access next month and I will be waiting there patiently to get run over
Wreckfest 2 is ramming through the barricades of early access next month and I will be waiting there patiently to get run over Wreckfest 2 is ramming through the barricades of early access next month and I will be waiting there patiently to get run over

The sequel to the rootinest-tootinest gassiest-guzzlingiest racecar rasslin' game is launching into early access in March this year.

We can see a little bit of that in a new trailer below, which also gives us an exact early access release date.

I'm jazzed, even if it does look like the early access will be lighter on fun stuff than the previous game currently is.

As I said in my Space Engineers 2 review, early access sequels can be a hard sell when the previous game already does so much.

Recently the developers had to remove some of the game's features from its Steam page, because those features wouldn't actually be present in the early access version, and will come later.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Slender Threads is an engrossing point n' click horror with old school charm, out this week
Slender Threads is an engrossing point n' click horror with old school charm, out this week Slender Threads is an engrossing point n' click horror with old school charm, out this week

I don't end up covering as many classic point and click adventures as I'd like on RPS.

That's a real shame, because every time I play a good one, I'm reminded how much magic the genre still has.

Developer Blyts (Kelvin And The Infamous Machine) was kind enough to send me over a key for Slender Threads, which is out this Friday.

"Every night it's the same dream: my own head, mounted on a wall," begins both the Steam description and the game's introduction.

Slender Threads isn't overwritten or grandiose, but there's something immediately engrossing about the cadence of it all.

1 day, 12 hours назад @ rockpapershotgun.com
Polygon Polygon
последний пост 5 months, 3 weeks назад
All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game
All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game All new Helldivers 2 enemies should be revealed in-game

Arrowhead just added new enemies, like the Impaler!

In past patches, seeing new threats emerge organically on the battlefield was a thrill.

Helldivers 2 is also in a somewhat unique situation; since propaganda from our in-game superiors is such a core part of the setting, it makes sense to have the game actively gaslight players about new enemies and updates.

As Helldivers 2 continues, I hope Arrowhead doesn’t shift to sharing upcoming surprises in blog posts and promotional materials.

I want to be absolutely shocked as these new enemies show up and turn my poor Helldiver into chunky salsa; it keeps things fresh.

5 months, 3 weeks назад @ polygon.com
New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone
New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone New video from STALKER 2 studio leans into the authenticity of The Zone

The developers of Stalker 2, GSC Game World, released a massive 35-minute video to YouTube on Monday teasing the upcoming sequel of their beloved open-world shooter franchise.

In it, the Ukrainian team described how they leaned heavily into the authenticity of the experience.

That authenticity applies to the game’s real-world setting around the Chornobyl nuclear power plant.

STALKER 2 was originally expected on Sept. 5, but was delayed to Nov. 20.

The final game will be available on PC and Xbox Series X, where it will be included as part of the Xbox Game Pass program and available to all subscribers the day of its release.

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam
Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam Pick up the definitive Borderlands collection for its lowest price ever on Steam

At this point, I think we can safely assume that nobody is going to spend their hard-earned money on tickets to see the Borderlands movie.

The reviews from fans and critics have been absolutely scathing, and frankly, I think we all deserved better.

If you’d like to experience what is still the best version of Borderlands, you can currently pick up the Borderlands Collection: Pandora’s Box from Steam for just $37.12.

Pandora’s Box is a comprehensive collection of the four mainline titles in the Borderlands franchise in addition to all of their corresponding DLC, including cosmetic items and other extras, which total a $664.47 value.

Along with the FPS entries attached to the Borderlands lice…

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi
Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi Baldur’s Gate 3 just won the biggest award in fantasy and sci-fi

Baldur’s Gate 3 won the premier award for narrative excellence in sci-fiction and fantasy media on Sunday.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is the second video game to win the newly created category at the annual Hugo Awards.

The organization attempted to create an award for Best Interactive Video Game in 2006 but didn’t receive enough nominations.

That makes Baldur’s Gate 3 only the second game to win the award.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has already won the Game of the Year Award at five major video game award ceremonies: the Golden Joystick Awards, The Game Awards, the D.I.C.E.

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus
Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus Our first look at Netflix’s new One Piece anime shows how hard it is to adapt Oda’s opus

Netflix wanted to be in on the One Piece business — so much so that not only are they just doing live-action One Piece (with season 2 currently in production), they’re also working with Wit Studio to remake the One Piece anime.

The One Piece, said forthcoming anime that was first announced in December last year, would be running concurrently with the still airing One Piece anime.

One Piece now means something different than One Piece then, and a new anime could add a bit of polish to those first chapters.

The creative team at Wit wants very badly to get everything just right, as the new behind-the-scenes look at The One Piece above shows.

So how exactly do they capture what “One Piece” real…

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale
The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale The best deals from GOG’s massive RPG sale

The original Deus Ex its sequel Deus Ex 2: Invisible War remain some of the most influential titles in gaming, using the first person shooter genre as a canvas and painting over it an intriguing world of conspiracies and larger questions about what it means for technology to become an extension of humanity.

Those core tenets continued in the more modern sequels, 2011’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution and 2013’s Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

All four games are excellent in their own right, and all are on sale for over 80% off each.

You can pick up the whole series and DLC for less than $20 total.

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46
Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46 Rachael Lillis, the voice of Pokémon’s Misty and Jessie, dies at 46

Pokémon voice actor Rachael Lillis died Saturday, Lillis’ sister Laurie Orr announced on GoFundMe.

She filled our Saturday mornings and before/after school hours with her beautiful voice, her terrific comic timing, and her remarkable acting skills.”We all know Rachael Lillis from the many wonderful roles she played.

She filled our Saturday mornings and before/after school hours with her beautiful voice, her terrific comic timing, and her remarkable acting skills.

#RachaelLillis pic.twitter.com/XOjFqY0C1L — Veronica Taylor (@TheVeronicaT) August 12, 2024In 1998, Lillis began voicing Ketchum’s adventure companion Misty, Team Rocket’s Jessie, and several Pokémon, including Jigglypuff.

She also…

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
The best horror to watch on Netflix this August
The best horror to watch on Netflix this August The best horror to watch on Netflix this August

And there’s no better way to get ready than by throwing on a few horror movies just as the sun starts setting a little earlier.

Every month we pick out a few of the best horror movies that Netflix currently has to offer.

It’s also one of the most violent, creepiest, and most disturbing horror movies of the last decade, which certainly makes it worth a look.

All of this makes The Wailing a staggering, ridiculously ambitious horror movie, and unlike just about any other movie ever made.

Cave diving is dangerous enough under the best circumstances, but as you might expect, this particular group of caves is absolutely full of very scary sharks.

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic
Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic Almost 20 years in, World of Warcraft is the freshest it’s been in years — and it’s thanks to WoW Classic

And there can be no doubt about the source of the creative energy and good vibes: World of Warcraft Classic.

This was quickly masked the following year when World of Warcraft Classic drove a huge spike in popularity which was sustained by the pandemic gaming boom in 2020.

When he was speaking in March 2024, World of Warcraft subscriber numbers were higher than they had been at Dragonflight’s launch, and climbing.

But it was Classic updates, starting in August 2023, that prompted Hight’s graph to start trending upward.

There are currently no less than five ways to play WoW Classic: the original game, the Cataclysm expansion, Season of Discovery, and two Hardcore variants.

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher
Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher Hi-Fi Rush studio, shut down by Microsoft, saved by PUBG’s publisher

Krafton, the publisher behind PUBG: Battlegrounds and The Callisto Protocol, has acquired Tango Gameworks, the studio responsible for The Evil Within games and Hi-Fi Rush.

Tango was shuttered by Microsoft and ZeniMax Media in May, but the talent who formed the Tokyo-based studio will be integrated into Krafton, which now owns the rights to Hi-Fi Rush.

Hi-Fi Rush is available on PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X.

Tango Gameworks became part of Xbox’s stable of studios when ZeniMax was acquired by Microsoft in 2021.

The studio found great critical success with Hi-Fi Rush in 2023.

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music
Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music Lorelei and the Laser Eyes’ Daniel Olsén channeled Twin Peaks’ moody music

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

In “Interrogation” [from Lorelei], I used the theme from “Woman on the Other Side”, another song from Lorelei and the Laser Eyes.

It was also inspired partly by Angelo Badalamenti’s walking baselines and slow jazzy drums in “Audrey’s Dance” from Twin Peaks.

Is there anything else I should know about your approach to composing video game music?

It’s like an extension of the video game universe.

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Polygon’s favorite audiobooks
Polygon’s favorite audiobooks Polygon’s favorite audiobooks

Few things are better than settling down with a good book, but sometimes the settling is easier said than done.

For all those times, there’s no better place to turn than audiobooks.

All these options making picking your next audiobook a bit of a chore, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

The dramatized audiobooks for A Court of Thorns and Roses are probably the most popular option — they’re cast with different voice actors for each character, and the audio-engineered foley sounds help you envision the scenes as they happen.

It’s a delicious listen even if you don’t have the right setting, of course.

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice
Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice Elden Ring composer Yuka Kitamura used Zelda songs to motivate her piano practice

It’s easy to see the similarities between The Legend of Zelda games and many FromSoftware games.

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

Yuka Kitamura: Having spent my childhood and growing up with video games in the 1990s and 2000s, there are many masterpieces that have influenced me.

The desire to play the main theme of my favorite video game title of all time, The Legend of Zelda, on the piano motivated me to learn piano during my childhood.

Is there anything else we should know about your approach to composing video game music?

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga
The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga The Witcher 4: Everything we know about CD Projekt Red’s new Witcher saga

“We aim to release two more Witcher games after Polaris, creating a new AAA RPG trilogy,” CD Projekt Red said in 2022.

CD Projekt hasn’t announced a final title, gameplay details, or a release date for the fourth mainline entry in The Witcher.

Here’s everything we do know about the new Witcher saga.

The School of the LynxThe one very visible clue that CD Projekt Red has offered about its new Witcher saga is artwork of a medallion buried in snow.

Or, at the very least, CD Projekt wants to downplay the possibility that there’s any sort of exclusivity going on.

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac
A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac A Short Hike’s composer might never have gotten into games if not for The Binding of Isaac

Anyone who’s played A Short Hike knows the soundtrack makes up a hefty percentage of the experience.

And as it turns out, that soundtrack would probably never have happened if composer Mark Sparling hadn’t played The Binding of Isaac in college.

Polygon: Was there a game soundtrack or song that inspired you to pursue creating game music?

Mark Sparling: The soundtrack to the original Binding of Isaac by Danny Baranowsky was a big one for me.

Is there anything else we should know about your approach to composing video game music?

5 months, 4 weeks назад @ polygon.com
Eurogamer Eurogamer
последний пост 1 час назад
Prime Gaming gets another 20 games in February, including one for Xbox
Prime Gaming gets another 20 games in February, including one for Xbox Prime Gaming gets another 20 games in February, including one for Xbox

And now it's Amazon's turn, with the company having announced 20 more titles it's bringing to Prime Gaming before February is through.

This month's offerings - as is customary for Prime Gaming - arrive over the course of several scheduled content drops.

And following the inclusion of BioShock 2 Remastered in last month's Prime Gaming bucket, February's line-up continues the theme with the inclusion of BioShock Infinite.

Then, as we get further into February, Prime Gaming subscribers can look forward to a whole bunch more title,s including sci-fi salvage sim Hardspace: Shipbreaker, RPG deckbuilder Dark Sky, isometric stealth adventure El Hijo – A Wild West Tale, and Deus Ex: Human Revolution…

1 час назад @ eurogamer.net
The Sims 4's next expansion lets you run a pet cafe, laundrette, or tattoo parlour - depending what other DLC you own
The Sims 4's next expansion lets you run a pet cafe, laundrette, or tattoo parlour - depending what other DLC you own The Sims 4's next expansion lets you run a pet cafe, laundrette, or tattoo parlour - depending what other DLC you own

Entrepreneurially minded The Sims 4 players are about to get a whole new set of options, courtesy of the new Businesses & Hobbies expansion - which'll enable the likes of player-run pet cafes and tattoo parlours when it launches on 6th March - depending what other DLC you own.

The Sims 4's Businesses & Hobbies Expansion Pack - the 18th major expansion since its release back in 2014 - is, as its name suggests, focused on two key areas.

And as for the type of small business players can run, that'll depend on the Sims 4 expansions and game packs they own.

However, if the idea of running a tattoo parlour or pottery shop doesn't appeal, Cats and Dogs expansion owners can open pet cafes, while th…

3 часа назад @ eurogamer.net
Roblox shares drop by 20% as platform misses target active users
Roblox shares drop by 20% as platform misses target active users Roblox shares drop by 20% as platform misses target active users

Roblox shares have dropped by 20 percent after the platform's reported daily active users fell short of analysts' estimates.

For the fourth quarter (ending 31st December), the number of daily active users fell by four percent to 85.3 million compared to the previous quarter, Bloomberg has reported.

Now, Guthrie has stated this last quarter was "the first full quarter where Türkiye has been off".

On a more positive note, in this quarter Roblox shared a record $281m with its game developers.

Back in 2021, a report by People Make Games accused Roblox of exploiting children as young developers.

5 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Assassin's Creed Shadows prequel announced
Assassin's Creed Shadows prequel announced Assassin's Creed Shadows prequel announced

Assassin's Creed Shadows will get an official prequel story, fittingly told by a tie-in manga series.

pic.twitter.com/TLn6DyOVB7 — Assassin's Creed (@assassinscreed) February 6, 2025 To see this content please enable targeting cookies.

Manage cookie settingsFor starters, the moment that Naoe obtains the Hidden Blade for the first time is actually shown early on in Assassin's Creed Shadows itself - meaning she likely isn't the menacing looking Assassin shown here.

Earlier this week, spoilers for the upcoming Assassin's Creed Shadows popped up online after the game's unreleased artbook was leaked via an adult cartoon website.

"Shadows looks to be very much on track to become that feudal Japan…

5 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Helldivers 2 has received a 'stealth' PS5 Pro upgrade - and here's what it does
Helldivers 2 has received a 'stealth' PS5 Pro upgrade - and here's what it does Helldivers 2 has received a 'stealth' PS5 Pro upgrade - and here's what it does

Enter PS5 Pro.

While developer Arrowhead Game Studios hasn't announced a PS5 Pro enhancement, there's evidence the multiplayer shooter has indeed seen a substantial PS5 Pro bump.

Helldivers 2 looks significantly improved on PS5 Pro in performance mode when compared against its PS5 counterpart, with a number of image quality improvements.

Even on PS5 Pro, the same frame-pacing issues we saw at launch are present.

The PS5 Pro at least offers enough raw pixels to look decent enough, if not quite meeting the 4K60 standard many Pro titles aim for.

5 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Dungeons of Hinterberg PlayStation release date confirmed, features new "bonus episode"
Dungeons of Hinterberg PlayStation release date confirmed, features new "bonus episode" Dungeons of Hinterberg PlayStation release date confirmed, features new "bonus episode"

Excellent indie adventure Dungeons of Hinterberg will belatedly launch on PlayStation next month.

A PS5 version will become available on 13th March, after previously arriving for PC and Xbox Series X/S last summer.

This new version will also include a "new, secret bonus episode", publisher Curve Games said today - though details of what exactly this will be remain under-wraps.

"Combat and RPG progression get an ingenious social twist in this disarming slice of fantasy," our Chris Donlan wrote in Eurogamer's Dungeons of Hinterberg review, reserving particular praise for the game's overall narrative.

"If you play games for escapism, there are few this year that did it better," Chris Tapsell a…

6 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Broken Xbox? Microsoft says you can now get it fixed in Currys
Broken Xbox? Microsoft says you can now get it fixed in Currys Broken Xbox? Microsoft says you can now get it fixed in Currys

Microsoft has announced you can now head down to high street chain Currys to get your console repaired.

Currys has been named as the UK's first ever Xbox Authorised Service Provider, following the retailer's previous partnership with Microsoft to act as similar for the company's Surface laptops.

If you have a broken Xbox Series S or Series X, Currys stores will now host "expert colleagues" who may be able to help, a press release from Microsoft today states.

It will also seek to repair Xbox consoles, at nearly 700 participating store locations State-side.

Microsoft's next big gaming launch for Xbox is Avowed, which today was confirmed to feature a 60fps mode if you play on Xbox Series X.

8 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Bandai Namco reportedly lost over 100 staff in the last year
Bandai Namco reportedly lost over 100 staff in the last year Bandai Namco reportedly lost over 100 staff in the last year

Bandai Namco has reportedly lost over a hundred staff in the last year.

"There is no organisation like an 'oidashi beya' at Bandai Namco Studios designed to pressure people to leave voluntarily."

Eurogamer has once again contacted Bandai Namco to confirm this latest loss of staff, but the company declined to comment.

The Japan-only MMORPG Blue Protocol was cancelled by Bandai Namco in August last year, ahead of its Amazon Games published worldwide release.

Next for Bandai Namco will be the network test for Elden Ring spin-off Nightreign later this month.

8 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
"I'd probably, like, quit": former Dragon Age leads react to EA's suggestion The Veilguard should have been live-service
"I'd probably, like, quit": former Dragon Age leads react to EA's suggestion The Veilguard should have been live-service "I'd probably, like, quit": former Dragon Age leads react to EA's suggestion The Veilguard should have been live-service

Former Dragon Age lead developers have reacted to the suggestion by publisher EA that the series' most recent entry would have sold better as a live-service game.

The remarks raised eyebrows among fans, not least because Dragon Age: The Veilguard previously pivoted to being a live-service game mid-way through its development, only for EA to see sense and revert it back after BioWare's actual live-service effort Anthem was a flop.

No, not a spin off: fundamentally change the DNA of what people loved about the core game' to me, I'd probably, like, quit that job or something."

Laidlaw worked on the Dragon Age series from its creation, and was set to serve as director on what became Dragon Age:…

8 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater release date leaks
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater release date leaks Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater release date leaks

The release date for Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater has leaked early, along with a new trailer.

Could this release date have accidentally been uploaded early ahead of a State of Play later this month?

Last year, a PlayStation blog in January suggested the game would release in 2024, but the year passed without a firm release date.

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is a remake of the third Metal Gear Solid game, which is chronologically the first.

"After all, we leave behind much more than just DNA, as Solid Snake would say - but again, who is Solid Snake?"

9 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Bloodborne PSX demake now completely removed, but Nightmare Kart continues with DLC
Bloodborne PSX demake now completely removed, but Nightmare Kart continues with DLC Bloodborne PSX demake now completely removed, but Nightmare Kart continues with DLC

Nightmare Kart is set to receive an expansion, despite a DMCA takedown from Sony against the developer's Bloodborne PSX demake.

Originally known as Bloodborne Kart, the racer is a spin-off from the Bloodborne PSX demake from fan developer Lilith Walther.

The name was changed to Nightmare Kart once Sony got involved and requested Walther "scrub the branding" from the game.

Earlier this week, a legal takedown was issued by MarkScan Enforcement against a YouTube video of Walther's Bloodborne PSX demake.

Bloodborne DLC The Old Hunters introduced Lady Maria, who's already paralleled in Nightmare Kart as Mistress Mary.

9 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Obisidian confirms Avowed 60fps mode on Xbox Series X, after previously saying "you don't necessarily need" it
Obisidian confirms Avowed 60fps mode on Xbox Series X, after previously saying "you don't necessarily need" it Obisidian confirms Avowed 60fps mode on Xbox Series X, after previously saying "you don't necessarily need" it

Avowed will include the option to play at 60fps on Xbox Series X, developer Obsidian has now confirmed, after previously saying the game's "core" 30fps option was a benefit.

Last year, art director Matt Hansen said Obsidian had decided to target 30fps as Avowed was a single-player game, and therefore "you don't necessarily need that 60fps".

Indeed, 30fps allowed Obsidian to "get a lot juicier with VFX and lighting", he continued.

"Avowed plays like a funny Obsidian role-player where you buddy up with the voice of Mass Effect's Garrus," I wrote after going hands-on with Avowed last year.

"If you're after a fresh Obsidian hit... Avowed is one to keep an eye on."

10 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Harrison Ford praises Troy Baker's Indiana Jones: "it didn't take AI to do it"
Harrison Ford praises Troy Baker's Indiana Jones: "it didn't take AI to do it" Harrison Ford praises Troy Baker's Indiana Jones: "it didn't take AI to do it"

Harrison Ford has praised Troy Baker's depiction of his iconic whip-toting archaeologist in Xbox's recent release Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

Notably, his last appearance in the Indiana Jones film series includes a digitalised de-aged likeness of himself, seen through flashbacks.

Manage cookie settings Indiana Jones and the Great Circle ReviewWatch on YouTubeIndeed, Ford isn't concerned with AI.

If anything, Baker's performance as Indiana Jones proves AI isn't necessary to replicate an iconic character - talent is enough.

"Smart, fun and so very Indiana Jones, The Great Circle is a stealth action tour de force that marks a bold new era for MachineGames," reads our five star review o…

10 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist review
Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist review Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist review

Set a few decades after Ender Lilies (but which you don't need to have played to appreciate this standalone adventure), Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist begins in a very similar fashion.

Thankfully, Ender Magnolia has made a few welcome concessions here compared to its predecessor.

1 of 4 AttributionCombat in general is also more pared down than it was in Ender Lilies, for better and worse.

Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist remains a confident step forward in an increasingly crowded genre, and it's a brilliant addition to this increasingly essential series.

A copy of Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist was provided for review by publisher Binary Haze Interactive.

11 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 hits 1m sales in just one day
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 hits 1m sales in just one day Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 hits 1m sales in just one day

In just 24 hours, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 has shifted 1m copies, developer Warhorse Studios has announced.

The milestone was confirmed by the studio on social media, in a message thanking players who had stepped into the game's world so far.

Manage cookie settings Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 review.Watch on YouTubeIt's now been seven years since the original Kingdom Come: Deliverance first arrived on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, during which time work has progressed steadily on this sequel, which was originally set to arrive in 2024.

Next up for the game will be a series of post-launch updates adding content such as a barbers, and horse racing.

"This gorgeous medieval RPG continues t…

11 часов назад @ eurogamer.net
Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games Reddit: /r/gaming + /r/games
последний пост 48 минут назад
Looking for Recommendations for an Arcade Racer Without Auto Drift
Looking for Recommendations for an Arcade Racer Without Auto Drift

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Street Fighter 6 Reaches 1 Million Sales in Japan
Street Fighter 6 Reaches 1 Million Sales in Japan

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50 минут назад @ reddit.com
Another Bloodborne fan-project gets the legal takedown treatment, sparking speculation an official remake is coming
Another Bloodborne fan-project gets the legal takedown treatment, sparking speculation an official remake is coming

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1 час назад @ reddit.com
Civilization 7 Opens To Mostly Negative Reviews As Players Call It An "Unfinished Mess"
Civilization 7 Opens To Mostly Negative Reviews As Players Call It An "Unfinished Mess"

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Sony issues DMCA takedown against Bloodborne PSX demake from 2022
Sony issues DMCA takedown against Bloodborne PSX demake from 2022 Sony issues DMCA takedown against Bloodborne PSX demake from 2022

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
Former Dragon Age developers are not happy with EA CEO's suggestion that The Veilguard should have live service features: "My advice to EA, not that they care: you have an IP that a lot of people love. Follow Larian's lead and double down on that. The audi
Former Dragon Age developers are not happy with EA CEO's suggestion that The Veilguard should have live service features: "My advice to EA, not that they care: you have an IP that a lot of people love. Follow Larian's lead and double down on that. The audi Former Dragon Age developers are not happy with EA CEO's suggestion that The Veilguard should have live service features: "My advice to EA, not that they care: you have an IP that a lot of people love. Follow Larian's lead and double down on that. The audi

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First thoughts when u see this?
First thoughts when u see this? First thoughts when u see this?

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
Mass layoffs happening right now at HiRez Studios (SMITE 2 / Paladins)
Mass layoffs happening right now at HiRez Studios (SMITE 2 / Paladins)

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
Entertainment Software Association announces Interactive Innovation Conference (iicon)
Entertainment Software Association announces Interactive Innovation Conference (iicon)

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4 часа назад @ reddit.com
Days after EA CEO suggests players crave live service guff, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 boss says their single-player RPG made all its money back in one day
Days after EA CEO suggests players crave live service guff, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 boss says their single-player RPG made all its money back in one day

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5 часов назад @ reddit.com
What are best looking "element" graphics in 8bit and 16bit generation?
What are best looking "element" graphics in 8bit and 16bit generation?

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Games from your childhood/teenage days you loved that havent aged well?
Games from your childhood/teenage days you loved that havent aged well?

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes’ three story expansions launch February 27, March 13, and April 3
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes’ three story expansions launch February 27, March 13, and April 3

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5 часов назад @ reddit.com
Eurogamer/Digital Foundry: Helldivers 2 has received a 'stealth' PS5 Pro upgrade - and here's what it does
Eurogamer/Digital Foundry: Helldivers 2 has received a 'stealth' PS5 Pro upgrade - and here's what it does

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MH: Wilds Open beta test-2 next two extended weekends
MH: Wilds Open beta test-2 next two extended weekends

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App2Top App2Top
последний пост 7 часов назад
Годовой отчет Paradox Interactive: выручка упала на 17%, бизнес компании претерпел немало изменений
Годовой отчет Paradox Interactive: выручка упала на 17%, бизнес компании претерпел немало изменений Годовой отчет Paradox Interactive: выручка упала на 17%, бизнес компании претерпел немало изменений

Paradox Interactive подвела финансовые итоги четвертого квартала и всего 2024-го.

Выбрали главное из отчета.

7 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Paradox Interactive купила авторов Jagged Alliance 3 и Surviving Mars
Paradox Interactive купила авторов Jagged Alliance 3 и Surviving Mars Paradox Interactive купила авторов Jagged Alliance 3 и Surviving Mars

В рамках финансового отчета Paradox Interactive объявила о пополнении в рядах ее дочерних студий.

Известно только, что часть денег Paradox Interactive перевела сразу, а еще часть заплатит в течение нескольких следующих лет.

Также поглощение не скажется на играх Haemimont Games — студия будет и дальше заниматься находящимися в разработке проектами.

Haemimont Games открылась в 1997 году и специализируется на стратегиях и градостроителях.

Она разработала такие игры, как Victor Vran, Surviving Mars, Jagged Alliance 3, а также третью, четвертую и пятую части Tropico.

7 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Обучение молодых руководителей в пять этапов — кейс PlayFlock
Обучение молодых руководителей в пять этапов — кейс PlayFlock Обучение молодых руководителей в пять этапов — кейс PlayFlock

Собственным кейсом по повышению квалификации молодых руководителей в колонке для App2Top поделилась Анна Фролова, HR-директор PlayFlock .

Командам задавался один вопрос: «Чего вам не хватает от руководителей и компании в целом?».

Инвестиции в обучение окупаются многократно: лучшие сотрудники остаются в компании и, продолжая учиться, становятся еще профессиональней.

Персонал становится адаптивным к изменениям и новым технологиям, быстрее осваивает новые инструменты и привносит свежие решения в бизнес-процессы, способствуя их оптимизации и развитию компании в целом.

WN Academy подготовила программу корпоративного обучения руководителей с учетом основных потребностей и проблем, которые чаще вс…

7 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Продажи Farming Simulator 25 превысили 3 млн копий
Продажи Farming Simulator 25 превысили 3 млн копий Продажи Farming Simulator 25 превысили 3 млн копий

Студия Giants Software сообщила, что симулятор фермера Farming Simulator 25 купили 3 млн раз по всему миру.

Farming Simulator 25Напомним, предыдущий рубеж в 2 млн проданных копий Farming Simulator 25 преодолела всего спустя неделю.

Согласно данным сервиса VG Insights, на сегодняшний день Farming Simulator 25 только в Steam получила 33,5 млн долларов валовой выручки.

Сервис Gamalytic оценивает Steam-доход игры иначе — в диапазоне от 20,7 млн долларов до 50,2 млн долларов.

Сама студия Giants Software заработок Farming Simulator 25 не раскрывала.

7 часов назад @ app2top.ru
«Бука» подготовила комментарии к закону о регулировании российской игровой индустрии
«Бука» подготовила комментарии к закону о регулировании российской игровой индустрии «Бука» подготовила комментарии к закону о регулировании российской игровой индустрии

«Бука» вызвалась гарантированно дать от себя комментарии и правки к указанному сроку.

Что мы и сделали.

Гарантировать популярность той или иной видеоигры – сложно, почти невозможно для новой игры от молодых разработчиков, да и еще и не в известном сеттинге.

Учитывая коммуникацию с другими участниками рынка, можно ли говорить о том, что комментарии отражают общую позицию российской игровой индустрии по законопроекту?

№ 330-ФЗ «О развитии креативных (творческих) индустрии в Российской Федерации», который как раз направлен на поддержку творческой деятельности, в том числе и разработку видеоигр.

9 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Sid Meier’s Civilization VII вышла в Steam c «в основном отрицательным» рейтингом
Sid Meier’s Civilization VII вышла в Steam c «в основном отрицательным» рейтингом Sid Meier’s Civilization VII вышла в Steam c «в основном отрицательным» рейтингом

В ночь на 6 февраля новая часть стратегии Sid Meier’s Civilization стала доступна покупателям дорогих изданий.

Sid Meier’s Civilization VIIНа момент написания новости пользователи Steam оставили 1,4 тысячи отзывов на Sid Meier’s Civilization VII, из них позитивными были только 39%.

Значительная часть игроков недовольна состоянием, в котором Sid Meier’s Civilization VII подошла к релизу.

По данным SteamDB, на пике онлайн Sid Meier’s Civilization VII в Steam составил 43 120 человек.

Онлайн Sid Meier’s Civilization VII в SteamНапомним, на ПК Sid Meier’s Civilization VII помимо Steam доступна в Epic Games Store, также у игры есть версии для PlayStation, Xbox и Nintendo Switch.

10 часов назад @ app2top.ru
В студии разработчиков ПК-портов The Last of Us и Uncharted уволили 66 человек
В студии разработчиков ПК-портов The Last of Us и Uncharted уволили 66 человек В студии разработчиков ПК-портов The Last of Us и Uncharted уволили 66 человек

В этот раз они проходят в Iron Galaxy Studios.

Всего Iron Galaxy Studios покинули 66 разработчиков и специалистов по техподдержке.

Согласно аккаунту Iron Galaxy Studios в LinkedIn, до увольнений в студии насчитывалось порядка 300 человек.

В частности, студия участвовала в работе над ПК-портами обеих частей The Last of Us и сборника Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection.

Собственные игры Iron Galaxy Studios тоже делала.

11 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Steam стал предупреждать о заброшенных играх в раннем доступе
Steam стал предупреждать о заброшенных играх в раннем доступе Steam стал предупреждать о заброшенных играх в раннем доступе

Сервис SteamDB заметил, что в магазине Steam появилась новая функция.

На страницах игр в раннем доступе теперь можно увидеть предупреждение о том, что проект давно не получал обновлений.

В частности, на странице ролевого приключения Heartbound игроков предупреждают об отсутствии обновлений в течении 13 месяцев, тогда как в действительности последний патч для тайтла вышел меньше недели назад.

Какое количество времени должно пройти после выпуска патча, прежде чем Steam начнет предупреждать игроков — неизвестно.

В любом случае теперь у пользователей площадки больше шансов увидеть, продолжают ли разработчики трудиться над игрой или забросили ее.

13 часов назад @ app2top.ru
Продажи Kingdom Come: Deliverance II превысили миллион копий
Продажи Kingdom Come: Deliverance II превысили миллион копий Продажи Kingdom Come: Deliverance II превысили миллион копий

Kingdom Come: Deliverance IIДля сравнения: первая игра серии продавалась медленнее.

По состоянию на ноябрь 2024-го продажи оригинальной Kingdom Come: Deliverance составляли 8 млн копий.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II доступна на ПК через Steam и Epic Games Store, а также на консолях PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series.

Напомним, что предзаказы Kingdom Come: Deliverance II заняли второе место в чарте самых кассовых продуктов в Steam по итогам недели с 28 января по 4 февраля, уступив по кассе только фритуплейной Counter-Strike 2.

Онлайн Kingdom Come: Deliverance II в Steam

1 day, 5 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Аналитик: Dynasty Warriors: Origins заработала в Steam свыше 21 млн долларов, обогнав по кассе остальные релизы января
Аналитик: Dynasty Warriors: Origins заработала в Steam свыше 21 млн долларов, обогнав по кассе остальные релизы января Аналитик: Dynasty Warriors: Origins заработала в Steam свыше 21 млн долларов, обогнав по кассе остальные релизы января

Dynasty Warriors: OriginsИгра Koei Tecmo вышла 17 января и, по данным аналитика, к концу месяца выручила в Steam 21,4 млн долларов.

Карлесс отметил, что Dynasty Warriors: Origins отлично продавалась в Китае, но цифры по региональным продажам не раскрыл.

Dynasty Warriors: Origins доступна также на PlayStation 5 и Xbox Series, поэтому общий заработок игры должен быть еще больше.

Dynasty Warriors: Origins — 21,4 млн долларов;2.

К слову, к 4 февраля валовая выручка Steam-версии Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 достигла уже 13,3 млн долларов.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ app2top.ru
СМИ: Apple грозит расследование в Китае из-за монополии на рынке мобильных сторов
СМИ: Apple грозит расследование в Китае из-за монополии на рынке мобильных сторов СМИ: Apple грозит расследование в Китае из-за монополии на рынке мобильных сторов

Антимонопольный регулятор Китая готовится к расследованию в отношении Apple, пишет Bloomberg со ссылкой на знакомых с ситуацией людей.

По информации Bloomberg, власти Китая подозревают, что Apple вынудила разработчиков приложений платить слишком высокую комиссию — от 15% до 30% в зависимости от их уровня доходов.

Кроме того, антимонопольщики собираются оценить правомерность запрета на использование альтернативных платежных систем и мобильных сторов на iOS.

Примечательно, что ранее китайские разработчики пытались судиться с корпорацией, обвиняя ее в навязывании чрезмерно большой комиссии в App Store.

В мае 2024-го суд в Шанхае отклонил один из таких исков и указал — размер комиссии в App Sto…

1 day, 8 hours назад @ app2top.ru
В Китае запретят использовать мислид в рекламе игр
В Китае запретят использовать мислид в рекламе игр В Китае запретят использовать мислид в рекламе игр

Китайская ассоциация аудио-видео и цифрового издательства (CADPA) обновила стандарты для рекламы игр на территории Поднебесной.

Одно из новых положений направлено на борьбу с рекламой, которая вводит игроков в заблуждение.

В частности, им запретят показывать в рекламе несуществующие геймплей и события, использовать кадры из чужих проектов, манипулировать рейтингами и приукрашивать техническое состояние игры.

Кроме того, запрещено использовать неоднозначные метки и надписи, с помощью которых игроков хотят заставить кликнуть на рекламу или перейти по ссылке.

Если компании нарушат рекламные стандарты, сообщает GameMeca, им будет грозить как просто предупреждение, так и штраф, запрет рекламы ил…

1 day, 9 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Отчет EA: квартал вышел хуже ожиданий, после провала Dragon Age: The Veilguard компания сосредоточится на «более перспективных» проектах
Отчет EA: квартал вышел хуже ожиданий, после провала Dragon Age: The Veilguard компания сосредоточится на «более перспективных» проектах Отчет EA: квартал вышел хуже ожиданий, после провала Dragon Age: The Veilguard компания сосредоточится на «более перспективных» проектах

Компания Electronic Arts (EA) отчиталась за третий квартал финансового 2025-го, завершившийся 31 декабря 2024-го.

Полученные результаты не оправдали ее ожидания.

1 day, 11 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Kingdom Come: Deliverance II в полтора раза обошла первую часть по онлайну в Steam
Kingdom Come: Deliverance II в полтора раза обошла первую часть по онлайну в Steam Kingdom Come: Deliverance II в полтора раза обошла первую часть по онлайну в Steam

Kingdom Come: Deliverance IIТаким образом, новинка уже привлекла в Steam больше одновременных игроков, чем первая часть серии.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II стала самой популярной игрой издателя Deep Silver в Steam.

Онлайн Kingdom Come: Deliverance II в SteamС оценками у Kingdom Come: Deliverance II тоже все отлично.

Релиз Kingdom Come: Deliverance II состоялся спустя семь лет после релиза первой части.

Оригинальная Kingdom Come: Deliverance вышла в феврале 2018-го и три месяца назад преодолела рубеж в 8 млн проданных копий.

1 day, 14 hours назад @ app2top.ru
Kingdom Come: Deliverance II стала лидером недельного чарта самых кассовых премиум-игр в Steam
Kingdom Come: Deliverance II стала лидером недельного чарта самых кассовых премиум-игр в Steam Kingdom Come: Deliverance II стала лидером недельного чарта самых кассовых премиум-игр в Steam

В преддверии этого предзаказы игры забрались на второе место в общем зачете чарта самых кассовых продуктов в Steam по итогам последней недели — на первое, если убрать из чарта фритуплейные тайтлы.

Сразу после предзаказов Kingdom Come: Deliverance II в чарте разместилась Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, релиз которой на ПК состоялся 30 января.

Игра Insomniac Games показала хорошие продажи, несмотря на смешанный прием в Steam — на момент написания новости у нее 61% одобрительных отзывов.

Топ-10 самых кассовых премиум-продуктов в Steam за неделю с 28 января по 4 февраля:1.

Топ-20 самых кассовых продуктов в Steam за неделю с 28 января по 4 февраля с учетом бесплатных игр

2 days, 5 hours назад @ app2top.ru
GamesIndustry.biz GamesIndustry.biz
последний пост 46 минут назад
Blind Squirrel Games acquires Distributed Development
Blind Squirrel Games acquires Distributed Development Blind Squirrel Games acquires Distributed Development

Blind Squirrel Games has acquired Colombian-based studio, Distributed Development.

Rebranded as Blind Squirrel Colombia, the team - acquired for an unknown sum - will initially focus on co-development, and is expected to grow to 25-30 employees by the end of the year.

BSG said the acquisition "strengthens Blind Squirrel's footprint with teams already in the U.S. and New Zealand, creating an international network aimed at cost-effective AAA game development".

"The acquisition also enhances Blind Squirrel's creative capabilities, particularly through the integration of its proprietary AI tool for Unreal Engine," a press statement said.

"This tool is designed to improve project efficiency and …

46 минут назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Dozens of developers reportedly impacted by another round of cuts at Hi-Rez Studios
Dozens of developers reportedly impacted by another round of cuts at Hi-Rez Studios Dozens of developers reportedly impacted by another round of cuts at Hi-Rez Studios

At least 20 staff have lost their jobs following another round of cuts at Smite developer Hi-Rez Studios.

"I'm heartbroken to announce that I was affected by the layoffs at Hi-Rez Studios today," said broadcast producer, William Stonier.

These cuts follow another swathe of layoffs back in October, when, as part of an "internal reorganisation and reprioritisation," Hi-Rez Studios said it was "laying off some team members across Hi-Rez".

In January 2025 alone, over 750 developers have lost their jobs, with cuts and closures at Freejam, Splash Damage, Piranha Games, Jar of Sparks, as well as 185 jobs cut by Ubisoft.

This week alone, we've reported that ProbablyMonsters has initiated another ro…

1 час назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Currys becomes first Xbox Authorised Service Provider in the UK | News-in-brief
Currys becomes first Xbox Authorised Service Provider in the UK | News-in-brief Currys becomes first Xbox Authorised Service Provider in the UK | News-in-brief

Currys becomes first Xbox Authorised Service Provider in the UK | News-in-briefElectronics giant says all repairs come with "12-month parts and labour guaranteed"

1 час назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Steam now warns players if early access games have been abandoned
Steam now warns players if early access games have been abandoned Steam now warns players if early access games have been abandoned

Steam now warns players when games released in early access have not been recently updated.

As spotted by SteamDB, early access games that have not recently received an update will now carry a warning to prospective players, stating: "The last update made by the developer was over [X] months ago.

It's thought the message will display for games that haven't been updated for 12 months or more.

Valve has yet to publicly comment on the feature, but it's likely to have been introduced due to the rise in early access releases.

Back in November, Valve updated its guidelines for season passes, including new rules regarding release schedules.

2 часа назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Bandai Namco quietly sheds 120 jobs in less than a year, new report suggests
Bandai Namco quietly sheds 120 jobs in less than a year, new report suggests Bandai Namco quietly sheds 120 jobs in less than a year, new report suggests

Bandai Namco has reportedly shed over a hundred staff between April 2024 and February 2025.

The news follows reports that last October, the Tokyo-based company took a "traditionally Japanese approach to reducing staff by sending workers to rooms where they are given nothing to do, putting pressure on them to leave voluntarily".

At the time, it was alleged 200 of its then 1300 employees have been moved into these "expulsion rooms" – or "oidashi beya" – and almost half of these have since voluntarily resigned.

At the end of November 2024, Bandai Namco Online was dissolved and merged with its parent company.

Bandai Namco called it an "absorption-type merger" that saw subsidiary Bandai Namco On…

2 часа назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Farming Simulator 25 tops 3m sales | News-in-brief
Farming Simulator 25 tops 3m sales | News-in-brief Farming Simulator 25 tops 3m sales | News-in-brief

Farming Simulator 25 tops 3m sales | News-in-briefGiants Software marks milestone with pledge that "more content and updates are coming soon"

3 часа назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Digital Bandidos' management expands with three new senior hires
Digital Bandidos' management expands with three new senior hires Digital Bandidos' management expands with three new senior hires

Digital Bandidos has appointed three new hires to its senior team: Richard Iwaniuk, Richard Iggo, and former GamesIndustry.biz editor-in-chief, James Batchelor.

Batchelor joins as Digital Bandidos' communications manager after 18 years in games industry trade journalism, with editorial leadership roles at Develop and MCV as well as GamesIndustry.biz.

"Adding these excellent professionals to the Bandidos team levels up the company in a big way," said Steve Escalante, CEO of Digital Bandidos.

Creating a core brain trust to embrace these new tactics and strategies is essential and we couldn’t be happier with our progress."

New full-service publisher Digital Bandidos launched in August 2024, fo…

3 часа назад @ gamesindustry.biz
nDreams establishes new internal studio, shutters two others
nDreams establishes new internal studio, shutters two others nDreams establishes new internal studio, shutters two others

nDreams has launched a new studio called Compass, as it shuts down two others.

In a statement to Game Developer, the firm confirmed the closure of nDreams Studio Orbital and nDreams Studio following its restructuring program announced last September.

nDreams now consists of three studios: Compass, nDreams Studio Elevation and Near Light.

Godfrey has been at nDreams since November 2023, when he joined as the head of third party publishing.

"Drawing from nDreams' vast VR experience, Compass is fully focused on creating titles that will touch the lives of a new generation of VR players."

6 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Paradox acquires Haemimont Games
Paradox acquires Haemimont Games Paradox acquires Haemimont Games

Paradox Interactive has acquired Belgian developer Haemimont Games for an undisclosed amount.

The studio, known for its strategy games including Surviving Mars, will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Paradox following the acquisition.

Haemimont Games' current leadership team and staff will remain at the studio, and ongoing projects will continue development.

"We're delighted to become part of the Paradox family," said Haemimont Games founder Gabriel Dobrev.

We spoke to Paradox Interactive deputy CEO Mattias Lilja last year to discuss the issues the company has faced with its overall strategy, including the cancellation of Life By You and the closure of Paradox Tectonic.

7 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
App Store games must be licensed to remain available in Vietnam
App Store games must be licensed to remain available in Vietnam App Store games must be licensed to remain available in Vietnam

The Vietnamese Ministry of Information and Communications now requires game developers to obtain a license for apps to remain available on Apple's App Store.

In response to the law, Apple has issued an update to developers advising them on how to obtain said license, and how to submit an update for an App Review so their apps remain on Vietnamese storefronts.

If developers have any questions regarding the submission process, Apple suggested contacting the Authority of Broadcasting and Electronics Information under the Vietnamese MIC.

12 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Voldex acquires Roblox title Brookhaven
Voldex acquires Roblox title Brookhaven Voldex acquires Roblox title Brookhaven

User-generated content (UGC) studio Voldex has acquired the Roblox life simulation game Brookhaven.

As reported by Pocket Gamer, the title was bought for an undisclosed sum and funded through capital investment led by Raine Partners.

Voldex also had debt financing from Shamrock Capital, including participation from Ares Management Credit funds and Cadma Capital Partners.

"This acquisition is transformational for Voldex," said Voldex CEO and founder Alex Singer.

Voldex has acquired other games from Roblox in its catalogue, including Driving Empire, Zo Samurai, and Ultimate Football.

13 часов назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Iron Galaxy lays off 66 to protect "long-term survival"
Iron Galaxy lays off 66 to protect "long-term survival" Iron Galaxy lays off 66 to protect "long-term survival"

Iron Galaxy has laid off 66 developers.

"Today, Iron Galaxy is parting ways with some of our developers and support staff.

"It’s a measure we do not take lightly to enable our long-term survival."

We’ll be doing everything we can to support them in the search for the next phase of their careers.

CEO Adam Boyes left Iron Galaxy in August after eight years with the developer.

1 day назад @ gamesindustry.biz
2K fires 31st Union president Michael Condrey
2K fires 31st Union president Michael Condrey 2K fires 31st Union president Michael Condrey

2K has reportedly fired 31st Union president, Michael Condrey.

Despite this, 2K said it remained "very committed" to both Project Ethos and 31st Union, and thanked Condrey for his "dedication, passion, and work ethic".

“We are grateful to Michael Condrey for the dedication, passion and work ethic it took to build an incredible team and shape the vision of 31st Union,” a 2K spokesperson told Kotaku in an email.

"Michael will be transitioning his role in the short term to focus on advising on the future of Project Ethos.

We remain very committed to the forward path for Project Ethos and the people and culture of the 31st Union studio."

1 day, 1 hour назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tops 1m sales in just 24 hours | News-in-brief
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tops 1m sales in just 24 hours | News-in-brief Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tops 1m sales in just 24 hours | News-in-brief

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 tops 1m sales in just 24 hours | News-in-briefWarhorse Studios thanks players for making PC, PS5, and Xbox launch a "triumph"

1 day, 1 hour назад @ gamesindustry.biz
ProbablyMonsters initiates fresh round of job cuts
ProbablyMonsters initiates fresh round of job cuts ProbablyMonsters initiates fresh round of job cuts

ProbablyMonsters has reportedly initiated another round of layoffs.

ProbablyMonsters has reportedly declined to comment.

The cuts come just months after ProbablyMonsters laid off "about 50 people" at the end of October 2024.

The swath of job cuts from last year continue in 2025.

In January alone, over 700 developers have lost their jobs, with cuts and closures at Freejam, Splash Damage, Piranha Games, Jar of Sparks, as well as 185 jobs cut by Ubisoft.

1 day, 1 hour назад @ gamesindustry.biz
Gamasutra Gamasutra
последний пост None
Kotaku Kotaku
последний пост 1 час назад
Nintendo Patent Confirms Switch 2 Joy-Con's Most Innovative Feature
Nintendo Patent Confirms Switch 2 Joy-Con's Most Innovative Feature Nintendo Patent Confirms Switch 2 Joy-Con's Most Innovative Feature

Now the potential game-changer has been all but officially announced thanks to a new patent breaking down how the Joy-Con mouse functionality will work.

The Best Reveals From The Game Awards 2023 CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish view video The Best Reveals From The Game Awards 2023The Best Reveals From The Game Awards 2023 CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish The Best Reveals From The Game Awards 2023The patent documents were filed back in 2023 and published on Thursday before being shared on social media by Wario64.

Presumably, the “mouse operation” feature will allow some games on Switch 2 to be played with either traditional controller inputs or mouse inputs.

Or it could be used for some very weir…

1 час назад @ kotaku.com
New 2K Sale Gives You 20 Games For $20, But There's A Catch
New 2K Sale Gives You 20 Games For $20, But There's A Catch New 2K Sale Gives You 20 Games For $20, But There's A Catch

This year marks the 20th anniversary of 2K Games.

Normally we don’t celebrate publisher birthdays, but we’ll make an exception this time as 2K Games is honoring the milestone with a big sale on Steam that has one particularly noteworthy offer: a package that includes 20 games for $20.

AdvertisementAdvertisementThe biggest deal in the 20th Anniversary sale, though, is the “20 for 20" bundle.

This brings together 20 games into one big package that only costs $20.

It’s still not bad and you might still want the other games in the 20 for 20 bundle, but just double-check what you own already before purchasing the package.

1 час назад @ kotaku.com
Is The 2005 Fantastic Four Movie As Bad As You Remember? Pretty Much
Is The 2005 Fantastic Four Movie As Bad As You Remember? Pretty Much Is The 2005 Fantastic Four Movie As Bad As You Remember? Pretty Much

While the movie got a sequel two years later, Fox axed plans for a full trilogy and we didn’t see Mr.

Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch or The Thing back in theaters until the much-maligned 2015 reboot.

Why This Under-the-Radar AAA Title Is More Than Just A Far Cry Clone CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish view video Why This Under-The-Radar AAA Title Is More Than Just A Far Cry CloneWhy This Under-the-Radar AAA Title Is More Than Just A Far Cry Clone CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish Why This Under-The-Radar AAA Title Is More Than Just A Far Cry CloneSadly, yeah, it’s pretty bad.

The Fantastic Four movie is weighed down by too many of the worst aspects of its mid-2000s era, and I’m not just ta…

1 час назад @ kotaku.com
Watch Homelander Audition To Be James Bond As Fans Joke: 'Breast Milk, Squeezed Not Pumped'
Watch Homelander Audition To Be James Bond As Fans Joke: 'Breast Milk, Squeezed Not Pumped' Watch Homelander Audition To Be James Bond As Fans Joke: 'Breast Milk, Squeezed Not Pumped'

In it, he recites a scene from the GoldenEye screenplay in which Bond is at a Blackjack table flirting with femme fatale assassin Xenia Onatopp.

So as Gamesradar notes, existing fans have had a field day going back and imaging his James Bond performance through the lens of Homelander.

“Lander, Homelander,” wrote another (if you’re not familiar with The Boys then, uh, how do I explain...)AdvertisementBut screen tests are all relative.

From the long black hair and facial stubble to the Jonathan Turner biker jacket, it’s all very not Bond.

You can watch his much more polished screen test and see that they maybe had a point, and Starr, Cavill, and others may have just been backups in case the b…

2 часа назад @ kotaku.com
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2's Most Popular Mods All Make The Game Easier, Less Annoying
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2's Most Popular Mods All Make The Game Easier, Less Annoying Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2's Most Popular Mods All Make The Game Easier, Less Annoying

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 has only been out for 48 hours and yet it already has a ton of mods available to download and install.

Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Devastating Contagion ExplainedLike the its 2018 predecessor, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a big, sprawling, “authentically medieval” open-world RPG that tries to be very immersive and realistic.

AdvertisementAs spotted by PC Gamer, over on Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2's Nexus Mods page, you can see that two of the most popular mods—with over 50,000 downloads combined—simply let you save wherever you want, no potion or bed needed.

Other popular mods include the ability to skip animations, make potions last longer, and gain more XP.

Kingdom Co…

3 часа назад @ kotaku.com
Become Death, The Destroyer Of Sand Castles, In Mika And The Witch's Mountain
Become Death, The Destroyer Of Sand Castles, In Mika And The Witch's Mountain Become Death, The Destroyer Of Sand Castles, In Mika And The Witch's Mountain

Mika and the Witch’s Mountain is a breezy little, zero-combat adventure that sends you flying around delivering packages to the inhabitants of a small island.

Here’s where to find the sand castle in Mika and the Witch’s Mountain and send it to its doom.

AdvertisementThe sand castle is located on the beach in Orilla Town.

AdvertisementHowever, keep in mind that the sand castle can only be trampled during the first half of the game.

Mika and the Witch’s Mountain is available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Switch, and Windows PC via Steam.

4 часа назад @ kotaku.com
Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: How To Crack The Captain's Code
Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: How To Crack The Captain's Code Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: How To Crack The Captain's Code

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle was one of 2024’s best games, filled with adventure, intrigue, history, and globe-trotting (as Indy is wont to do).

This Narrative Adventure About Doomed Teenage Dinosaurs Feels Too Real CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish view video This Narrative Adventure About Doomed Teenage Dinosaurs Feels Too RealThis Narrative Adventure About Doomed Teenage Dinosaurs Feels Too Real CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish This Narrative Adventure About Doomed Teenage Dinosaurs Feels Too RealHow to find the Captain’s Code in the HimalayasAdvertisementTo reach the final stretch of the Himalayas section, you’ll need to unlock the Captain’s door first.

With the code machine lined up pro…

5 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Space Marines 2 Boss Predicts The End Of $400 Million Triple-A Games
Space Marines 2 Boss Predicts The End Of $400 Million Triple-A Games Space Marines 2 Boss Predicts The End Of $400 Million Triple-A Games

I don’t think it’s appropriate.”AdvertisementBy some estimates, average AAA game budgets have more than doubled every console generation.

But the games don’t sell dramatically better and are only priced $10 higher.

He pitches Space Marine 2 as an alternative.

Advertisement“We can make games [like] Space Marine,” Karch told Game File this week.

Its budget was a quarter of what anybody else would spend.”Whether Space Marine 2 proves to be the exception or the new rule remains to be seen.

6 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Invincible's J.K. Simmons Was Just As Shocked As We Were About Oliver's True Nature
Invincible's J.K. Simmons Was Just As Shocked As We Were About Oliver's True Nature Invincible's J.K. Simmons Was Just As Shocked As We Were About Oliver's True Nature

Invincible fans, we need to come to terms with an unsettling truth: Invincible has an Omni-Man (J.K. Simmons) problem.

After the third episode of the current season, it’s clear his son Oliver (Lincoln Bodin) is ready to pick up that mantle, and Simmons is ready for it.

Up until his duel with the Mauler Twins, we were made to believe Oliver’s superhero inexperience was simply an excuse for lightheartedness.

AdvertisementIn a matter of seconds, Oliver kills one of the Mauler Twins by flying through his body.

When we spoke with Simmons, even he couldn’t believe what his fake son had done.

7 часов назад @ kotaku.com
How To Stretch The Limits Of Mr. Fantastic In Marvel Rivals
How To Stretch The Limits Of Mr. Fantastic In Marvel Rivals How To Stretch The Limits Of Mr. Fantastic In Marvel Rivals

While he is a little late to Marvel Rivals, the namesake of Marvel’s first family has joined the multiplayer hero shooter.

Live Forever in the Universe of 'New World: Aeternum' Share Live Forever in the Universe of New World: AeternumWhat are Mr. Fantastic’s abilities?

Fantastic also has a defensive skill titled Reflexive Rubber.

Once his elasticity is completely used up, use Reflexive Rubber to protect yourself while moving away from the crowd.

Once Full Elasticity is reached, try to tank and cause disruption for the enemy team before using Reflexive Rubber to safely retreat.

7 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Harrison Ford Doesn't Really Care That The Last Indy Movie Flopped
Harrison Ford Doesn't Really Care That The Last Indy Movie Flopped Harrison Ford Doesn't Really Care That The Last Indy Movie Flopped

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny arrived in theaters back in 2023 and critical reception to the film was mixed.

Meanwhile, it ended up losing money for Disney even after it brought in over $380 million at the box office.

But as you might expect, the laidback star of the movie, Harrison Ford, doesn’t really seem to mind and is still happy that it got made.

Advertisement“He did a brilliant job, and it didn’t take AI to do it,” Ford added.

The Blade Runner actor further explained that there won’t be a need for digital Harrison Fords because there will always be new actors in the future.

7 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater's Release Date Accidentally Announced
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater's Release Date Accidentally Announced Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater's Release Date Accidentally Announced

It’s always a bit disappointing that they don’t do the same when the leak’s coming from inside the house.

Such is the case for Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, after Sony seemingly accidentally uploaded a trailer that contains the release date straight to the front page of your PS5.

The Week In Games: What’s Releasing Beyond Pikmin 4 CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish view video The Week In Games: What’s Releasing Beyond Pikmin 4The Week In Games: What’s Releasing Beyond Pikmin 4 CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish The Week In Games: What’s Releasing Beyond Pikmin 4August 28, since you asked.

That’s the intended release date for the long-awaited remake of 2004's Metal Gear Solid 3.

From this we ca…

7 часов назад @ kotaku.com
Steam Adds A New Warning For Dead Early Access Games Like Unsung Story
Steam Adds A New Warning For Dead Early Access Games Like Unsung Story Steam Adds A New Warning For Dead Early Access Games Like Unsung Story

Have you ever come across an Early Access game on Steam, decided it looked pretty cool and downloaded it, only to realize it was kind of busted and never getting updated again?

A warning on Steam pages for Early Access games will now tell prospective buyers how long it’s been since the game was last updated.

The Top 10 Most-Played Games On Steam Deck: November 2023 Edition CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish view video The Top 10 Most-Played Games On Steam Deck: November 2023 EditionThe Top 10 Most-Played Games On Steam Deck: November 2023 Edition CC Share Subtitles OffEnglish The Top 10 Most-Played Games On Steam Deck: November 2023 EditionAs SteamDB pointed out earlier today, the revised warnin…

23 часа назад @ kotaku.com
30+ WB Movies Are Now Free On YouTube, Including One Of The Worst Films Ever Made
30+ WB Movies Are Now Free On YouTube, Including One Of The Worst Films Ever Made 30+ WB Movies Are Now Free On YouTube, Including One Of The Worst Films Ever Made

Since the start of the year, Warner Bros. has been quietly uploading full movies to its YouTube channel, letting anyone watch them for free.

There are currently 31 movies available to stream right now on YouTube, and some of them are good!

Every few days now since the start of 2025, an older film gets dropped onto the channel for free.

But hey, it’s free to watch on YouTube.

And here’s the full list of movies currently streaming on YouTube for free.

1 day, 1 hour назад @ kotaku.com
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Puts A New Spin On Captain America: Civil War
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Puts A New Spin On Captain America: Civil War Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Puts A New Spin On Captain America: Civil War

When it comes to Marvel Cinematic Universe lore, few things have been more impactful than Captain America: Civil War, which signaled a seismic shift in the MCU’s future by introducing characters and moments Marvel fans still gush about.

But, in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, that wouldn’t have happened.

AdvertisementIn Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Parker is not part of that fight, and instead finds out about it from a news report.

I doubt Marvel would ever make a series named Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and turns its lovable character into a villain.

Another wrinkle in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is that Parker’s fandom is reserved for Captain America, …

1 day, 2 hours назад @ kotaku.com
MCV/Develop MCV/Develop
последний пост 1 week, 1 day назад
[From the industry] Nacon has unveiled a new range dedicated to the Nintendo Switch 2
[From the industry] Nacon has unveiled a new range dedicated to the Nintendo Switch 2 [From the industry] Nacon has unveiled a new range dedicated to the Nintendo Switch 2

[From the industry] Nacon has unveiled a new range dedicated to the Nintendo Switch 2Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

In celebration of the announcement of the Nintendo Switch 2, NACON, premium gaming accessories designer, is pleased to introduce its new range of products dedicated to the console, all of which will be available at launch.

For racing fans, NACON offers a duo of Joy-Con steering wheels to optimize the console’s gyroscope, designed for small hands and ideal for children.

The compatible Joy-Con grip also optimizes joystick ergonomics by enlarging the joystick to the optimum size, grip, comfort, and precision…

1 week, 1 day назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Blockbuster line-up grows for London Games Festival
[From the industry] Blockbuster line-up grows for London Games Festival [From the industry] Blockbuster line-up grows for London Games Festival

Momentum for 2025’s biggest UK event for video games continues to build – with speakers and side events added to the London Games Festival schedule as tickets officially go on sale.

The 10th anniversary London Games Festival takes place Wednesday 2 April to Sunday 13 April.

London Games Festival is supported by the Mayor of London and is delivered by Games London, an initiative from Film London, the capital’s screen industries agency, and video games trade body Ukie (The Association for UK Interactive Entertainment).

London Games Festival is joined by the BFI (British Film Institute) as an official partner for Screen Play, which takes place on Thursday 10 April.

Momentum is also building fo…

1 week, 2 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] FTC sends refund payments to American consumers impacted by Epic Games’ unlawful billing practices
[From the industry] FTC sends refund payments to American consumers impacted by Epic Games’ unlawful billing practices [From the industry] FTC sends refund payments to American consumers impacted by Epic Games’ unlawful billing practices

The Federal Trade Commission is sending refunds totalling more than $72 million to American consumers who were tricked by Epic Games, maker of the popular video game Fortnite, into making unwanted purchases.

The FTC is sending its first round of payments in this matter and will distribute additional money at a later date.

Today, the FTC is sending 629,344 total payments, about half of which are PayPal payments and the other half are checks.

The Commission’s interactive dashboards for refund data provide a state-by-state breakdown of refunds in FTC cases.

In 2023, FTC actions led to $330 million in refunds to consumers across the United States.

1 week, 3 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Curve has announced an mobile publishing deal with anime streamer Crunchyroll
[From the industry] Curve has announced an mobile publishing deal with anime streamer Crunchyroll [From the industry] Curve has announced an mobile publishing deal with anime streamer Crunchyroll

[From the industry] Curve has announced an mobile publishing deal with anime streamer CrunchyrollShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

Curve Games has partnered with Crunchyroll to bring three new games to mobile platforms for the first time this summer.

The titles will launch exclusively on Crunchyroll Game Vault—a growing library of premium mobile games available to Crunchyroll Mega Fan members worldwide without ads or in-app purchases.

“This is an exciting partnership for us, demonstrating the strength of our catalogue and deep global approach we take to extending our indie successes,” said Curve Games’ executive chairman …

2 weeks, 2 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Keywords Studios’ Sound Lab welcomes games industry veteran Savina Ciaramella as Senior Director of Music
[From the industry] Keywords Studios’ Sound Lab welcomes games industry veteran Savina Ciaramella as Senior Director of Music [From the industry] Keywords Studios’ Sound Lab welcomes games industry veteran Savina Ciaramella as Senior Director of Music

Audio post-production boutique Sound Lab, a Keywords Studio, is elevating its music division with the appointment of Savina Ciaramella as Sr. Director of Music.

A seasoned music executive with over two decades of expertise producing scores for AAA games, Ciaramella will lead the charge in shaping immersive soundscapes across video games, film, television, and beyond, cementing Sound Lab‘s reputation as an industry leader in audio excellence.

Working with the world’s largest video game companies, Ciaramella has delivered projects for Sony Interactive Entertainment, Kojima, Xbox Game Studios, Blizzard, Ubisoft, Epic Games, Riot Games, Tencent Games, Wizards of the Coast, Netflix Games and man…

2 weeks, 3 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Pocket Sized Hands welcomes Jim Woods to its Board of Directors
[From the industry] Pocket Sized Hands welcomes Jim Woods to its Board of Directors [From the industry] Pocket Sized Hands welcomes Jim Woods to its Board of Directors

Pocket Sized Hands is thrilled to announce the appointment of Jim Woods to its Board of Directors in a non-executive role.

“We’re really pleased to welcome Jim to the Pocket Sized Hands Board,” said Gary McCartan, Managing and Creative Director of Pocket Sized Hands.

Woods joins the board as the first non-executive and non-founding member of Pocket Sized Hands.

“Pocket Sized Hands has ambitious growth plans for the coming years.

Jim Woods joins a longstanding group of leaders on Pocket Sized Hands’ Board of Directors, including Gary McCartan, Managing and Creative Director, Alan Yeats, Operations Director, and Rory Thomson, Technical Director.

2 weeks, 3 days назад @ mcvuk.com
These are the categories for the MCV/DEVELOP Awards 2025 (and nominations are now open!)
These are the categories for the MCV/DEVELOP Awards 2025 (and nominations are now open!) These are the categories for the MCV/DEVELOP Awards 2025 (and nominations are now open!)

These are the categories for the MCV/DEVELOP Awards 2025 (and nominations are now open!)

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe MCV/DEVELOP Awards will be back on Thursday, June 19, 2024, and are returning to the Royal Lancaster Hotel, which overlooks London’s Hyde Park.

There’s no limit on the number of nominations you can send, or in how many categories you can be nominated.

We look forward to all nominations in all of our categories, but as usual, please nominate responsibly.

If you (or your brand) would like to sponsor the MCV/DEVELOP Awards show itself, please reach out to Alex Boucher or Vanessa Joyce.

3 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] AMC Studio has expanded into co-development services and opened a new division
[From the industry] AMC Studio has expanded into co-development services and opened a new division [From the industry] AMC Studio has expanded into co-development services and opened a new division

[From the industry] AMC Studio has expanded into co-development services and opened a new divisionShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

One of Romania’s leading players in the video game development industry, AMC Studio, a Keywords Studio that specializes in 3D Art Services, is marking its nearly 30 years of activity by expanding its operations into Full Co-Development Services (“Co-Dev”).

Before joining the AMC team, Eugen worked for AMC’s sister studio in Canada, Snowed In , also part of Keywords Studios .

Vlad Alexandru, Studio Head at AMC Studio, comments: “AMC has an incredibly solid foundation through our strong core te…

3 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
Nintendo has announced the Nintendo Switch 2 will release later this year
Nintendo has announced the Nintendo Switch 2 will release later this year Nintendo has announced the Nintendo Switch 2 will release later this year

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInNintendo has officially announced the successor to Nintendo Switch will release later this year, and has given video game fans a first official look at the upcoming hardware.

The Nintendo Switch 2 announcement was made on the official Nintendo website, as well as Nintendo’s various social media and YouTube channels, at 1PM on Thursday, January 16, 2025.

While little has been said about the actual technical specifications of the machine, a brief snippet of what is apparently an as of yet unreleased Mario Kart title shows that the system will both have increased graphical fidelity, and will be able to be played both in portable and ‘docked and connected to an exte…

3 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
Develop:Brighton is now accepting speaker applications for its 2025 conference
Develop:Brighton is now accepting speaker applications for its 2025 conference Develop:Brighton is now accepting speaker applications for its 2025 conference

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInTandem Events has launched an open call for speakers for the Develop:Brighton 2025 conference.

Those that have never given a talk before will also be offered additional support, and can be paired with an experienced mentor that will be able to help them better prepare their presentations for the event.

People that do become speakers at the event will also receive a complimentary pass to the rest of the conference, as well as a variety of publicity opportunities.

Tandem and the Develop Conference are currently looking for speaker submissions on:AIARTAUDIOBUSINESSCODINGDISCOVERABILITYINDIEINDIE BOOTCAMPMOBILEROUNDTABLESVR/ARIf you’d like to get involved, you can d…

3 weeks, 2 days назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Cooldown Games has announced itself as a new independent publisher
[From the industry] Cooldown Games has announced itself as a new independent publisher [From the industry] Cooldown Games has announced itself as a new independent publisher

Cooldown Games proudly announces its official launch as an independent publisher of PC and console games.

The team is dedicated to Cooldown Games’ core belief that great games don’t need to be all-consuming and can still fit seamlessly into a busy lifestyle.

“Our team is confident rational business models will be a long-term strength of Cooldown Games and that just might be a refreshing contrast from many recent industry trends,” said Steve Gibson, CEO of Cooldown Games.

Let’s make some great games together.”“Over the last five years, we all individually noticed that we’ve been gravitating away from many of the predictable new releases,” said Jeff Skal, Chief Marketing Officer of Cooldown G…

4 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] CULT Games to forge ahead with acquisition of Neonhive
[From the industry] CULT Games to forge ahead with acquisition of Neonhive [From the industry] CULT Games to forge ahead with acquisition of Neonhive

Today, CULT Games announces it has acquired Scottish publisher and boutique marketing agency Neonhive – levelling up the next-gen independent publishing offering under the CULT Games banner.

Founded by industry leader Korina Abbott — named one of the most influential women in the UK games industry by GamesIndustry.biz — Neonhive brings award-winning expertise across the spectrum from independent gems to AAA titles.

“I’m excited to bring that expertise to CULT Games to propel them to even greater heights.”CULT Games has been releasing consistently acclaimed games with their superindie peer-partner approach.

Headed by founder and CEO Helen Burnill, CULT Games began as a boutique, releasing hi…

4 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Clear Angle Studios opens new Culver City hub to support growing demand for its scanning services
[From the industry] Clear Angle Studios opens new Culver City hub to support growing demand for its scanning services [From the industry] Clear Angle Studios opens new Culver City hub to support growing demand for its scanning services

[From the industry] Clear Angle Studios opens new Culver City hub to support growing demand for its scanning servicesShare FacebookTwitterLinkedInThis is a press release posted in addition to our usual editorial content.

Clear Angle Studios is thrilled to announce the opening of its new full-service studio in Culver City, LA.

Clear Angle Studios was founded in 2013 and has its main headquarters at Pinewood Studios, London.

Dominic Ridley, Co-Founder and CEO at Clear Angle Studios, commented:“This is an exciting step in the growth of Clear Angle Studios.

Clear Angle Studios will be growing the team in early 2025 with new roles being announced on the website in the coming months.

4 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
Issue #1000 of MCV/DEVELOP and the 30 Under 30 Annual 2024 are online now!
Issue #1000 of MCV/DEVELOP and the 30 Under 30 Annual 2024 are online now! Issue #1000 of MCV/DEVELOP and the 30 Under 30 Annual 2024 are online now!

Share FacebookTwitterLinkedInThe much-anticipated MCV/DEVELOP #1000 and the 30 Under 30 Annual for 2024 should now be arriving in homes and in offices, ready to be accompanied by a seasonal latte and only the best of festive Michael Bublé tracks.

Incoming Editor Vince Pavey has also prepared an all-new, first-of-its-kind MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2024 Annual for the occasion, which looks at the inception of the award, checks in with people previously selected for the spotlight, and then announces the new cohort of the best and brightest young talent for this year.

Luckily for you, both magazines are also available in digital form, so that you can read them wherever and whenever you want at ab…

1 month, 3 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
[From the industry] Video Game Development and Services Company PTW Opens Studio in Charleston, South Carolina
[From the industry] Video Game Development and Services Company PTW Opens Studio in Charleston, South Carolina [From the industry] Video Game Development and Services Company PTW Opens Studio in Charleston, South Carolina

PTW, a global game development and services provider for many of the industry’s largest publishers and studios, today announced the opening of its latest studio in Charleston, South Carolina.

Its opening makes PTW the first gaming services company in the city, marking a pivotal moment for Charleston’s game development landscape.

Rieder will oversee day-to-day operations of the facility, leveraging Charleston’s vibrant tech ecosystem and the wealth of local talent it harbors.

Expected to be ISO 27001 compliant by next year, the Charleston studio will provide an ideal environment for nurturing local talent and providing top-tier game development services to PTW’s clients, all from a secure fa…

1 month, 4 weeks назад @ mcvuk.com
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последний пост 2 weeks назад
Warner Bros. Gaming Chief David Haddad Steps Down After 12 Years
Warner Bros. Gaming Chief David Haddad Steps Down After 12 Years

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2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
EA Says Bookings Slid on Weakness in Soccer, ‘Dragon Age’ Games
EA Says Bookings Slid on Weakness in Soccer, ‘Dragon Age’ Games

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2 weeks, 1 day назад @ bloomberg.com
Sony Cancels Two More PlayStation Projects
Sony Cancels Two More PlayStation Projects

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2 weeks, 6 days назад @ bloomberg.com
Ubisoft Hires Advisers to Weigh Options, Delays a Key Game
Ubisoft Hires Advisers to Weigh Options, Delays a Key Game

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4 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Ex-Annapurna Video-Game Staff to Absorb Former Take-Two Indie Label
Ex-Annapurna Video-Game Staff to Absorb Former Take-Two Indie Label

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1 month назад @ bloomberg.com
CD Projekt Reveals ‘Witcher IV’ With a New Female Protagonist
CD Projekt Reveals ‘Witcher IV’ With a New Female Protagonist

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1 month, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Grand Theft Auto VI Will Rule the Video Game Industry in 2025
Grand Theft Auto VI Will Rule the Video Game Industry in 2025

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1 month, 4 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Blizzard Brings Back Old ‘Warcraft’ Games as Global Franchise Turns 30
Blizzard Brings Back Old ‘Warcraft’ Games as Global Franchise Turns 30

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2 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Take-Two Sells Small-Game Division for Undisclosed Sum
Take-Two Sells Small-Game Division for Undisclosed Sum Take-Two Sells Small-Game Division for Undisclosed Sum

Video-game publisher Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. sold Private Division, its label responsible for smaller-scale titles, for an undisclosed price.

The unnamed buyer purchased the rights to “substantially all of Private Division’s live and unreleased titles” with the exception of No Rest for the Wicked, an action role-playing game that was released earlier this year, Take-Two said Wednesday in a statement.

3 months назад @ bloomberg.com
After Era of Bloat, Veteran Video-Game Developers Are Going Smaller
After Era of Bloat, Veteran Video-Game Developers Are Going Smaller

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3 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
PlayStation Shutters Studio Behind ‘Concord’ Video-Game Flop
PlayStation Shutters Studio Behind ‘Concord’ Video-Game Flop

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3 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
EA’s BioWare Looks For Redemption With New ‘Dragon Age’ Game
EA’s BioWare Looks For Redemption With New ‘Dragon Age’ Game

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3 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
The Power Struggle That Imploded Megan Ellison’s Video Game Unit
The Power Struggle That Imploded Megan Ellison’s Video Game Unit

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4 months, 1 week назад @ bloomberg.com
Inside Activision and Blizzard’s Corporate Warcraft
Inside Activision and Blizzard’s Corporate Warcraft

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4 months, 2 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
Annapurna Video-Game Team Resigns, Leaving Partners Scrambling
Annapurna Video-Game Team Resigns, Leaving Partners Scrambling

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4 months, 3 weeks назад @ bloomberg.com
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последний пост 39 минут назад
Martin Shkreli Blasts The Peddlers Of The SPX6900 Meme Coin As “Degenerates” Who “Belong In A Psychiatric Ward”
Martin Shkreli Blasts The Peddlers Of The SPX6900 Meme Coin As “Degenerates” Who “Belong In A Psychiatric Ward” Martin Shkreli Blasts The Peddlers Of The SPX6900 Meme Coin As “Degenerates” Who “Belong In A Psychiatric Ward”

To wit, Martin Shkreli recently posted a snapshot of what looks like massive short positions against meme coins.

— Martin Shkreli (@MartinShkreli) February 6, 2025Next, Martin Shkreli went on the offensive against the SPX6900 meme coin, terming it an "insult to capitalism and the hard-working people of America."

He also termed the peddlers of such meme coins as "degenerates" who "belong in a psychiatric ward."

SPX6900 Price From CoinMarketCapAnd, the SPX6900 meme coin has given up over half of its peak gains.

At this rate, Martin Shkreli might soon have his desired-for vindication against meme coin peddlers.

39 минут назад @ wccftech.com
Entertainment Software Association announces Interactive Innovation Conference 2026
Entertainment Software Association announces Interactive Innovation Conference 2026 Entertainment Software Association announces Interactive Innovation Conference 2026

It's been announced by the Entertainment Software Association that the first-ever Interactive Innovation Conference, also known as "iicon," will be taking place on April 27 to 30, 2026.

The Interactive Innovation Conference will be an invitation-only event that will "connect visionaries, thought leaders, and innovators from across industries to harness the power of interactive entertainment."

This event aims to bring together "A broad spectrum of sectors" that utilize interactive entertainment.

So far, confirmed exhibitors for the Interactive Innovation Conference include Amazon Games, Disney, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, Nintendo, Square Enix, Microsoft, Take-Two Interactive Software, Ubis…

44 минуты назад @ wccftech.com
AMD Surpasses 100 Million Gaming Consoles This Generation
AMD Surpasses 100 Million Gaming Consoles This Generation AMD Surpasses 100 Million Gaming Consoles This Generation

Chipmaker AMD revealed in their Q4 Earnings Call that this console generation has been incredibly strong, with the company's cumulative unit shipments surpassing $100 million during the fourth quarter.

It was said that AMD gaming revenue was down by 59% year-over-year in the fourth quarter.

AMD's gaming segment made $563 million in the three-month period ending December 2024.

The Earnings Call also mentioned the plans for the next year in the AMD gaming segment.

For the 2025 financial reports, AMD plans to combine the client and the gaming segment into a single segment.

1 час назад @ wccftech.com
Hi-Rez Studios Lays Off Developers from Smite Team
Hi-Rez Studios Lays Off Developers from Smite Team Hi-Rez Studios Lays Off Developers from Smite Team

The last layoffs from Hi-Rez Studios came in late 2024, and now they have seemingly conducted layoffs again this week.

Jake Lucky suggests that the cuts to the team are "massive," with most of the layoffs impacting the Smite team, with a team currently working on Smite 2, which is in Open Beta.

The previous layoffs at Hi-Rez came in October 2024, with the impacted staff working on cosmetic and system features on the original Smite.

The staff impacted have been releasing their statements regarding their time at Hi-Rez Studios and also going on to express their frustration regarding the layoffs.

Whether any of the staff members impacted will be given an opportunity to transfer to other depart…

1 час назад @ wccftech.com
ASUS Is Asking A Whopping $3409 For RTX 5090 Astral, MSI Has Too Increased RTX 50 GPU Prices Drastically
ASUS Is Asking A Whopping $3409 For RTX 5090 Astral, MSI Has Too Increased RTX 50 GPU Prices Drastically ASUS Is Asking A Whopping $3409 For RTX 5090 Astral, MSI Has Too Increased RTX 50 GPU Prices Drastically

NVIDIA's board partners are officially changing significantly higher prices for both the RTX 5090 and RTX 5080 graphics cards due to shortage.

While the most expensive ASUS RTX 5080 is the ROG Astral RTX 5080 OC edition, selling for $1,649, the same edition for RTX 5090 is selling for a whopping $3,079.

MSI does look a bit generous with its RTX 5080 and RTX 5090 editions, but the prices are still not justifiable.

The cheapest MSI RTX 5080 is the Ventus 3X at $1,139 and the most expensive one currently is RTX 5080 16G Suprim Liquid SOC at $1,499.

Thankfully, not as insane as some of the RTX 5090 editions, starting at $2,379 for the Ventus 3X, all the way up to $2,789 for the RTX 5090 Suprim …

2 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Former Bioware & EA Devs Reveal New ARPG, Cloudheim
Former Bioware & EA Devs Reveal New ARPG, Cloudheim Former Bioware & EA Devs Reveal New ARPG, Cloudheim

Cloudheim is a brand-new multiplayer action RPG from the independent studio Noodle Cat Games.

This game comes from a studio comprised of veteran developers from Epic Games, EA, Codemasters, Disney, and Bioware.

To celebrate the reveal of Cloudheim, the developers have released a gameplay trailer that you can see down below.

"Cloudheim blends the exceptional talent of a veteran team with an experimental, iterative development process informed by science and modern psychology.

If you want to be kept up to date on this title, the Cloudheim website will provide all the info you could need on this upcoming ARPG.

3 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone to Launch on Steam Early Access on March 6
Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone to Launch on Steam Early Access on March 6 Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone to Launch on Steam Early Access on March 6

Today, Polish developer The Farm 51 announced the early access release date of their upcoming title, Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone.

The game, which is currently on Kickstarter to gather funds, will be available on Steam starting on March 6.

Cole's ultimate goal is, of course, to escape the sinister Exclusion Zone and return home.

The Kickstarter campaign for Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone is going well so far.

The system requirements are also available on the Steam page, so we've embedded them below for those interested.

3 часа назад @ wccftech.com
GeForce NOW Adds Kingdom Come: Deliverance II at Launch, Alongside Six New Games
GeForce NOW Adds Kingdom Come: Deliverance II at Launch, Alongside Six New Games GeForce NOW Adds Kingdom Come: Deliverance II at Launch, Alongside Six New Games

It's GeForce NOW's 5th anniversary month, and to celebrate that milestone, there will be five major releases added to GeForce NOW.

For this week, there are seven games that are being added to the service, with a total of 17 games being added to the service this month.

If you are an Ultimate or Performance member, you'll be able to play Kingdom Come: Deliverance II at the highest frame rates on your devices.

This game has enhanced graphics powered by GeForce RTX, which makes it one of the better-suited games to play through GeForce NOW, even if you don't have a game-ready rig.

Legacy: Steel & Sorcery (Steam, Feb. 12)Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered (Steam, Feb. 14)Avowed (Steam, Battle.net, Xbox…

4 часа назад @ wccftech.com
Star Wars Outlaws Update 1.5.1 Introduces NVIDIA DLSS 4, Multi Frame Generation Support, Updates PSSR to Latest Version on PlayStation 4 Pro
Star Wars Outlaws Update 1.5.1 Introduces NVIDIA DLSS 4, Multi Frame Generation Support, Updates PSSR to Latest Version on PlayStation 4 Pro Star Wars Outlaws Update 1.5.1 Introduces NVIDIA DLSS 4, Multi Frame Generation Support, Updates PSSR to Latest Version on PlayStation 4 Pro

A new Star Wars Outlaws update is now live on PC and consoles, introducing support for NVIDIA DLSS 4 on PC and a PlayStation 5 Pro-specific improvement, among other small fixes.

The new Star Wars Outlaws title update also brings, as mentioned above, a PlayStation 5 Pro-specific improvement, updating the PSSR upscaler to the latest version, which addresses some image quality issues that were very clearly noticeable in the previous version of the game.

Additionally, the update fixes a few other small issues on every platform, as detailed in the official patch notes.

Star Wars Outlaws launched last year in a far from optimal state, but developer Ubisoft Massive has consistently improved the ga…

5 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Arm CEO Stresses AI Demand Is Accelerating As Stock Dips 4% Following Earnings
Arm CEO Stresses AI Demand Is Accelerating As Stock Dips 4% Following Earnings Arm CEO Stresses AI Demand Is Accelerating As Stock Dips 4% Following Earnings

Arm CEO Rene Haas stressed earlier today that his firm continues to see tailwinds from AI demand.

The firm's shares dropped by more than 4% at market open today after investors sold the stock on worries about lower AI demand.

Arm CEO Stresses Demand For AI Products Will GrowHaas's comments about AI demand appeared to have a soothing effect on the stock as it reversed the trend and retook more than a percentage point of losses while he was talking.

NVIDIA's Blackwell chips are the "flagship product," within which "Blackwell is the GPU and Arm is the CPU," according to the ARM CEO.

He also commented on how DeepSeek demonstrating lower costs didn't mean that existing AI models had lost relevan…

5 часов назад @ wccftech.com
MSI Preps More Budget-Friendly AM5 “B850” Motherboards, Tuned For Ryzen X3D CPUs & Offer Latest IO Features
MSI Preps More Budget-Friendly AM5 “B850” Motherboards, Tuned For Ryzen X3D CPUs & Offer Latest IO Features MSI Preps More Budget-Friendly AM5 “B850” Motherboards, Tuned For Ryzen X3D CPUs & Offer Latest IO Features

MSI is preparing even more AM5 "B850" motherboards for budget PC builders who are going to invest in AMD's latest Ryzen X3D CPUs.

Planning To Build A Budget-Friendly Gaming PC With AMD's Ryzen X3D CPUs, Better Wait For MSI's Upcoming AM5 "B850" MotherboardsMSI has released a vast array of AM5 motherboards featuring the B850 chipset and while these options are great themselves, the company is prepping even more options for budget builders.

The rest of the motherboards are featured within the PRO series and there is a good range of options here too.

The MAG series already has Tomahawk and Mortar options, which are solid designs for AM5 PC builders.

In terms of features, the MSI AM5 "B850" mot…

6 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Crucial Design Details Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Leaked, Slated To Feature A 12-Inch Internal Display With 9.2mm Thickness And A Dual-Lens Camera Setup
Crucial Design Details Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Leaked, Slated To Feature A 12-Inch Internal Display With 9.2mm Thickness And A Dual-Lens Camera Setup Crucial Design Details Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Leaked, Slated To Feature A 12-Inch Internal Display With 9.2mm Thickness And A Dual-Lens Camera Setup

Apple's foldable iPhone will be bigger than previously anticipated, with a 12-inch internal display and a dual-lens camera setupAccording to an X account HaYao, Apple's first foldable iPhone will be a book-style device, similar to the Galaxy Z Fold lineup.

The tipster claims that the foldable iPhone will feature a 12-inch internal display, which will be larger than it was previously speculated.

The middle frame of the foldable iPhone will be made of aluminum, but it remains to be seen whether the company will shift to titanium for enhanced durability.

As for the launch, the foldable iPhone is slated to launch in the fall of 2026, which is in line with prior reports.

The company will aim to …

6 часов назад @ wccftech.com
OpenAI Has Made ChatGPT Search Accessible To Everyone By Removing The Sign-In Requirement For Using The Platform
OpenAI Has Made ChatGPT Search Accessible To Everyone By Removing The Sign-In Requirement For Using The Platform OpenAI Has Made ChatGPT Search Accessible To Everyone By Removing The Sign-In Requirement For Using The Platform

OpenAI has removed the sign-in requirement for users and made ChatGPT Search accessible to everyoneUsers who wanted to use ChatGPT Search previously needed an account and had to fulfill the sign-in requirement to access the search engine feature.

The company took it to X to announce that now everyone can use ChatGPT Search without having to go through a cumbersome sign-up process.

ChatGPT search is now available to everyone on https://t.co/nYW5KO1aIg — no sign up required.

Users can access the ChatGPT Search on the ChatGPT website or use the tool through mobile apps or desktops.

With the seamless access now, a wide variety of people might find it worth exploring.

6 часов назад @ wccftech.com
Trump Media And Technology Group’s CEO Says That Truth.Fi Aims To “Provide A Competitive Alternative To The Woke Funds And Debanking Problems That You Find Throughout The Market”
Trump Media And Technology Group’s CEO Says That Truth.Fi Aims To “Provide A Competitive Alternative To The Woke Funds And Debanking Problems That You Find Throughout The Market” Trump Media And Technology Group’s CEO Says That Truth.Fi Aims To “Provide A Competitive Alternative To The Woke Funds And Debanking Problems That You Find Throughout The Market”

The author has no position in any of the stocks mentioned.

By launching the Truth.Fi brand, Trump Media and Technology Group is aiming to provide expedited access to thematic investments centered around "American growth, manufacturing, and energy companies as well as investments that strengthen the Patriot Economy," as per the company's own press release.

After all, with just 646,000 daily visits, Truth Social barely makes any money.

He also noted:"We aim to give investors a means to invest in American energy, manufacturing, and other firms that provide a competitive alternative to the woke funds and debanking problems that you find throughout the market."

Meanwhile, Trump Media and Technol…

6 часов назад @ wccftech.com
NVIDIA Cuts GeForce RTX 4060 Supply By Up To 60% As The GPU Gets Close To EOL
NVIDIA Cuts GeForce RTX 4060 Supply By Up To 60% As The GPU Gets Close To EOL NVIDIA Cuts GeForce RTX 4060 Supply By Up To 60% As The GPU Gets Close To EOL

The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 is soon going to disappear from the market and has already been cut into supply as per the latest reports.

If you remember, we reported that NVIDIA discontinued the GeForce RTX 4070 in January and there won't be another restock of RTX 4070 moving forwards.

This was the same leaker who reported that the RTX 4060 and RTX 4060 Ti would also reach the end of their lives in the first quarter.

Since NVIDIA discontinued the RTX 4070, which is most likely due to the RTX 5070 launch, the RTX 5060 Ti and RTX 5060 launch will also mark the end of the RTX 4060 Ti and 4060 GPUs.

It's rumored that the RTX 5060 Ti and RTX 5060 will be priced a bit higher than their predecessors.

6 часов назад @ wccftech.com
последний пост 6 months, 2 weeks назад
COLORFUL Announces the Launch of the CVN Z790D5 ARK FROZEN Motherboard
COLORFUL Announces the Launch of the CVN Z790D5 ARK FROZEN Motherboard

Late in the Z790 life cycle, we're still seeing new boards come out for the platform. Case in point, Colorful announced their CVN Z790D5 Ark Frozen motherboard. The new SKU sports titanium gray on the heatsinks and PCB, a change from the black and white we're used to. Additionally, you get well-rounded specifications and robust power delivery to handle any 12th-14th generation processor, even when overclocking.

6 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review
Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB 48GB DDR5-8000 Memory Kit Review

Overclockers and enthusiasts know the Xtreem memory series well, as it's always associated with exceptional performance and high overclocking results. The non-RGB version already confirmed great overclocking potential and high performance.

6 months, 3 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Corsair MP700 PRO SE 4TB PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review: The fastest SSD, now even faster!
Corsair MP700 PRO SE 4TB PCIe 5.0 x4 SSD Review: The fastest SSD, now even faster!

We didn't have to wait long for the updated version of the already exceptional Corsair MP700 Pro SSD. The SE version brings us multiple improvements, which we will present in this review.

Corsair provided us with the 4TB version of the MP700 Pro SE SSD, which has the highest capacity so far and is also the fastest Corsair SSD available in stores. In the upcoming weeks, we will see lower capacities and various cooling options for the MP700 Pro SE.

8 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
ADATA SD810 2TB USB 3.2 External SSD Review
ADATA SD810 2TB USB 3.2 External SSD Review

We do not often review portable storage devices, but we are always happy to present interesting products. ADATA sent us the SD810 external SSD, which is designed to resist heavy conditions like water or shock caused by drops on the ground. The SSD also has a high capacity of 2TB and promises exceptional performance, so it is the full package for our important data.

8 months, 1 week назад @ overclockers.com
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 GRE Gaming OC 16G Graphics Card Review
Gigabyte Radeon RX 7900 GRE Gaming OC 16G Graphics Card Review

Radeon RX 7900 GRE wasn't planned for a global release; it was a product designed for the Chinese market. However, it became so interesting that AMD decided to make it available around the world, and we didn't have to wait long for leading partners to present their versions. In this review, we will focus on the RX 7900 GRE from Gigabyte, which uses a custom PCB and power design. The card is also overclocked, so it promises better than standard performance.

9 months, 2 weeks назад @ overclockers.com
Reddit: /r/hardware Reddit: /r/hardware
последний пост 2 часа назад
Putting Thermalright on notice - ID-Cooling A620 Pro SE
Putting Thermalright on notice - ID-Cooling A620 Pro SE Putting Thermalright on notice - ID-Cooling A620 Pro SE

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2 часа назад @ reddit.com
Puget Systems Most Reliable Hardware of 2024
Puget Systems Most Reliable Hardware of 2024 Puget Systems Most Reliable Hardware of 2024

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
Minisforum MS-A1 two GPU support
Minisforum MS-A1 two GPU support

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3 часа назад @ reddit.com
AMD GPUOpen: Solving the Dense Geometry Problem
AMD GPUOpen: Solving the Dense Geometry Problem AMD GPUOpen: Solving the Dense Geometry Problem

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4 часа назад @ reddit.com
PSU scenario - Larger ATX 2.0 or new ATX 3.1
PSU scenario - Larger ATX 2.0 or new ATX 3.1

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6 часов назад @ reddit.com
MSI and Asus increase Nvidia RTX 5090 and RTX 5080 prices by up to $400
MSI and Asus increase Nvidia RTX 5090 and RTX 5080 prices by up to $400 MSI and Asus increase Nvidia RTX 5090 and RTX 5080 prices by up to $400

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7 часов назад @ reddit.com
HUB Has Nvidia Fixed Ugly Ray Tracing Noise? - DLSS 4 Ray Reconstruction Analysis
HUB Has Nvidia Fixed Ugly Ray Tracing Noise? - DLSS 4 Ray Reconstruction Analysis HUB Has Nvidia Fixed Ugly Ray Tracing Noise? - DLSS 4 Ray Reconstruction Analysis

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9 часов назад @ reddit.com
What is the Nvidia equivalent of an Adreno 830 GPU?
What is the Nvidia equivalent of an Adreno 830 GPU?

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11 часов назад @ reddit.com
Billet Labs - Building a watercooled gaming PC from the 1800s
Billet Labs - Building a watercooled gaming PC from the 1800s Billet Labs - Building a watercooled gaming PC from the 1800s

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13 часов назад @ reddit.com
will AMD fumble the ball with the 9070xt while their opponent can't even provide stock?
will AMD fumble the ball with the 9070xt while their opponent can't even provide stock?

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15 часов назад @ reddit.com
asus vivobook s14 or Lenovo IdeaPad Pro 5 or wait?
asus vivobook s14 or Lenovo IdeaPad Pro 5 or wait?

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16 часов назад @ reddit.com
Could Blackwell's Subpar Ray Tracing Be Caused By Worse L2 Cache Latencies?
Could Blackwell's Subpar Ray Tracing Be Caused By Worse L2 Cache Latencies?

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17 часов назад @ reddit.com
Apple's Upcoming M5 SoC Enters Mass Production
Apple's Upcoming M5 SoC Enters Mass Production Apple's Upcoming M5 SoC Enters Mass Production

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19 часов назад @ reddit.com
NVIDIA Blackwell Has 8x More Performance Counters Than Ada Lovelace
NVIDIA Blackwell Has 8x More Performance Counters Than Ada Lovelace

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23 часа назад @ reddit.com
SoftBank Nears Deal to Acquire Chip Designer Ampere
SoftBank Nears Deal to Acquire Chip Designer Ampere SoftBank Nears Deal to Acquire Chip Designer Ampere

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23 часа назад @ reddit.com
Xbox Wire Xbox Wire
последний пост 4 часа назад
Make History Today: Sid Meier’s Civilization VII Founders Edition is Available Now for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One
Make History Today: Sid Meier’s Civilization VII Founders Edition is Available Now for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One Make History Today: Sid Meier’s Civilization VII Founders Edition is Available Now for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One

Expand the strategic horizons of your empire and enjoy more options for your reign with Sid Meier's Civilization® VII Founders Edition!

Purchasing Sid Meier's Civilization VII Founders Edition entitles digital versions of the game on both Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One!

TECUMSEH AND SHAWNEE PACK This content pack adds the leader Tecumseh and the Shawnee civilization to Civilization VII!

Sid Meier's Civilization® VII empowers you to build the greatest empire the world has ever known!

©2024 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Sid Meier’s Civilization, Civilization, Civ, 2K, Firaxis Games, Take-Two Interactive Software and their respective logos are all trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Softwar…

4 часа назад @ xbox.com
Free Play Days – Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (MP & Zombies only), NBA 2K25 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants Unleashed
Free Play Days – Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (MP & Zombies only), NBA 2K25 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants Unleashed Free Play Days – Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (MP & Zombies only), NBA 2K25 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants Unleashed

Grab a slice of pizza and prepare for a totally tubular weekend with Free Play Days!

NBA 2K25 is available this weekend for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, Standard and Core members to play from Thursday February 6, 12:01am Pacific until Sunday, February 9, 11:59pm Pacific.

Call of Duty Black: Ops 6 (MP & Zombies only) is free for all Xbox members to try from February 6, 10am Pacific to February 10, 10am Pacific (Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, Standard and Core membership not required).

Express your personality with an array of customization options and explore an all-new City (Xbox Series X|S) or urban metropolis in the Neighborhood (Xbox One).

Free Play Days For AllCall of Duty®: Black Ops 6 – Cross-G…

5 часов назад @ news.xbox.com
How Candy Crush Solitaire Takes on a Classic Game With a Vibrant Twist
How Candy Crush Solitaire Takes on a Classic Game With a Vibrant Twist How Candy Crush Solitaire Takes on a Classic Game With a Vibrant Twist

The first step was identifying the right type of solitaire gameplay that would best align with the Candy Crush experience.”Unlike the suit-matching solitaire you might be familiar with – known as Klondike – a key change here is that Candy Crush Solitaire bases itself on another variant, known as TriPeaks.

It was the right choice for Candy Crush Solitaire because it allows for a faster-paced, more intuitive gameplay experience that aligns with the rewarding, pick-up-and-play nature of the Candy Crush franchise​.

The original card game tends to be built for standalone rounds but, in classic Candy Crush style, each round of Candy Crush Solitaire is now part of a series of escalating levels.


8 часов назад @ news.xbox.com
Stellar Ghosts Settlers a Third Person Shooter that Sticks to the Basics
Stellar Ghosts Settlers a Third Person Shooter that Sticks to the Basics Stellar Ghosts Settlers a Third Person Shooter that Sticks to the Basics

Seven playable characters to upgrade.

The wait is over: single player Sci Fi fantasy Third person shooter Stellar Ghosts Settlers ((SGS)), is out today on Xbox.

Upon succeeding a mission, the player will receive credits that can be spent towards upgrading the player characters’ stats of his choice.

Making the best use of those hard-earned credits is crucial to enhance your favourite playable characters so that it gets easier to complete the missions.

So, if you plan on upgrading all the playable characters, you’ll have to redo the missions.

23 часа назад @ news.xbox.com
What’s Coming in 2025 for Age of Empires and Age of Mythology
What’s Coming in 2025 for Age of Empires and Age of Mythology What’s Coming in 2025 for Age of Empires and Age of Mythology

2024 was a year for Age of Empires and Age of Mythology players and —a year shaped by your passion, creativity, and epic moments.

Immortal Pillars Expansion Launches March 4, Pre-Order NowFor Age of Mythology: Retold players, the wait is almost over!

Age of Empires II: DE and Age of Mythology: Retold coming to PlayStation 5I’m delighted to share that we are giving fans more choice to play where they want by bringing Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition and Age of Mythology: Retold to PlayStation 5.

Age of Mythology: Retold on PlayStation 5First, on March 4, Age of Mythology: Retold will expand into new myths, new cultures, and welcome new players alongside the Immortal Pillars expansio…

2 days, 2 hours назад @ ageofempires.com
Four Ways Rogue Waters Lets you Live the Pirate Life
Four Ways Rogue Waters Lets you Live the Pirate Life Four Ways Rogue Waters Lets you Live the Pirate Life

We hope you’ve worked on your sea legs because it’s time to set sail in Rogue Waters!

Rogue Waters sets sail on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One starting today!

Rather than break open a bottle of oh-so-precious rum, we threw together a list of four ways Rogue Waters lets you live the pirate life.

In Rogue Waters, the Kraken is very, very real.

So, hoist anchor and set sail in Rogue Waters on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One today!

2 days, 3 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Lore of Eora – The Gods | A Pillars of Eternity and Avowed Visual Guide
Lore of Eora – The Gods | A Pillars of Eternity and Avowed Visual Guide Lore of Eora – The Gods | A Pillars of Eternity and Avowed Visual Guide

The post Lore of Eora – The Gods | A Pillars of Eternity and Avowed Visual Guide appeared first on Xbox Wire.

2 days, 3 hours назад @ youtube.com
PGA TOUR 2K25: First Look – Find Out More About the New Demo
PGA TOUR 2K25: First Look – Find Out More About the New Demo PGA TOUR 2K25: First Look – Find Out More About the New Demo

2K Games and HB Studios invite you to get your hands on PGA TOUR 2K25: First Look, the free demo for the newest in the PGA TOUR 2K series.

What to Expect in PGA TOUR 2K25: First LookPGA TOUR 2K25: First Look is just a slice—no pun intended—of what you can expect in the full game.

PGA TOUR 2K25 adds this new difficulty setting to give you the feeling of hitting that Perfect Swing with every swing.

In PGA TOUR 2K25, you can have multiple MyPlayers all suited to a different style of play.

The PGA TOUR 2K25: First Look demo is available to play right now on Xbox Series X|S.

2 days, 3 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Field the Future: Annual Event Returns to Give Back to Community
Field the Future: Annual Event Returns to Give Back to Community Field the Future: Annual Event Returns to Give Back to Community

Summary EA Sports joined forces with Xbox, the San Francisco 49ers, and Gamers Outreach for this year’s Field the Future event.

EA Sports Madden NFL 25 coming to the Play List for EA Play and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members on February 6, 2025.

Madden NFL 25 also includes updated visuals and presentation with two additional commentary teams, aiming to provide realistic NFL gameplay through various modes.

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and Xbox Game Pass PC members receive EA Play with their Game Pass subscription.

Visit the EA Play page for more details, and to stay up to date on the latest from EA Play, follow EA Play on, Instagram, or X.

2 days, 5 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Building an Authentic Bohemia in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II
Building an Authentic Bohemia in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Building an Authentic Bohemia in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Summary Discover the bone-clad chapels and natural wonders that await you in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II ..

century world.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is available today for Xbox Series X|S.

The task of authentically recreating 15th century Bohemia for Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is one that’s part careful forensic work, and part respectful artistic interpretation.

It’s a world you’ll be able to experience for yourself when Kingdom Come: Deliverance II launches on Xbox Series X|S today.

2 days, 5 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Coming Soon to Game Pass: Avowed, Madden NFL 25, and More
Coming Soon to Game Pass: Avowed, Madden NFL 25, and More Coming Soon to Game Pass: Avowed, Madden NFL 25, and More

Madden NFL 25 (Cloud, Console, and PC) EA Play – February 6Game Pass Ultimate, PC Game PassRead the defense and drive downfield with precision and get unlimited access to Madden NFL 25, coming soon to The Play List.

Members can dominate the gridiron with Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta), PC Game Pass or Game Pass Ultimate via EA Play.

Kingdom Two Crowns (Cloud and Console) – February 13Game Pass Ultimate, Game Pass StandardMaking a return to the Game Pass library!

Game Pass Ultimate and PC Game Pass members can purchase the Avowed Premium Upgrade Addon to receive up to 5 days early access, two sets of premium skins, and access to the Avowed digital artbook & original soundtrack.

We’ll be back soon …

2 days, 7 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
ID@Xbox Showcase Returns with IGN on February 24
ID@Xbox Showcase Returns with IGN on February 24

The post ID@Xbox Showcase Returns with IGN on February 24 appeared first on Xbox Wire.

3 days, 3 hours назад @ ign.com
Blood Hunting on Xbox Begins February 14, Pre-Order Now
Blood Hunting on Xbox Begins February 14, Pre-Order Now Blood Hunting on Xbox Begins February 14, Pre-Order Now

Investigate what really happened and how to surviveExclusively brought to you by Xbox Wire, Blood Hunting arrives to Xbox for Pre-Order on January 31, 2025.

Enjoy this first-person horror survival experience while finding clues to solve puzzles that help explain the true story behind the mystery.

As you play Blood Hunting you will receive text messages for hints along the way from a stranger that is trying to help you.

Pre-order your copy of Blood Hunting to start playing early.

Let the blood hunting begin!

3 days, 4 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Honoring Black History: A Global Celebration of Culture and Creativity in Gaming
Honoring Black History: A Global Celebration of Culture and Creativity in Gaming Honoring Black History: A Global Celebration of Culture and Creativity in Gaming

Spotlighting Emerging Black Creators: Xbox is proud to continue to amplify the voices of new and upcoming Black creators, showcasing their unique perspectives and innovative contributions to the gaming industry.

As we celebrate Black History Month, it’s important to recognize that Black culture is vast, diverse, and rich in its many expressions.

PLAYMinecraft Celebrates Black History Month with Education and Community ImpactAs part of its celebration of Black History Month, Minecraft is continuing its mission to amplify the voices of Black individuals, foster education around Black history, and highlight the power of community.

Discover Games Shaped by Black Creators and Featuring Black Pro…

3 days, 4 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
Turbo Overkill Chainsaws Its Way to Xbox Series X|S Today
Turbo Overkill Chainsaws Its Way to Xbox Series X|S Today Turbo Overkill Chainsaws Its Way to Xbox Series X|S Today

Turbo Overkill’s Highlights:Iconic Combat : Wield absurd firepower, from dual magnums to plasma railguns, and turn every encounter into a gory spectacle.

Their performances add depth to Turbo Overkill’s adrenaline-fueled narrative, ensuring every encounter and interaction is as unforgettable as the carnage.

This might be the fastest shooter you’ve ever played, and that’s one of the reasons that led me to calling it Turbo Overkill.

Turbo Overkill is now available on Xbox.

With its unapologetic carnage, lightning-fast gameplay, and neon-drenched world, Turbo Overkill is a glorious evolution of the boomer shooter.

6 days, 3 hours назад @ news.xbox.com
PlayStation Blog PlayStation Blog
последний пост 5 часов назад
Apex Legends: Takeover launches February 11 with creator-made challenges and items
Apex Legends: Takeover launches February 11 with creator-made challenges and items Apex Legends: Takeover launches February 11 with creator-made challenges and items

These Creator Commissioners will create challenges based on their own Apex experiences, with fresh and unique items available to earn.

All of this, plus the addition of Legend updates and bold meta changes, we’ve planned quite the party this season.

Apex Legends: Takeover launches on February 11.

Work through five individual challenges to unlock a creator-selected Legendary weapon skin and the Apex Packs you chased in the first week.

You can purchase one per season per Legend in the in-game store, and it will also unlock the Legend if you haven’t already.

5 часов назад @ blog.playstation.com
Helldivers 2: one year later
Helldivers 2: one year later Helldivers 2: one year later

Like thisCelebrate liberty and the meteoric rise of Helldivers 2 with a deep dive of the year that was.

So, grab a steaming cup of liber-tea and join Game Director Mikael Eriksson for a chronological, intergalactic jaunt through what made Helldivers 2 such an explosive hit.

To that end, Helldivers 2’s emergent, often unpredictable systemic gameplay is partnered with social aspects that means players create a constant feedback loop of engagement.

It’s a crazy way to make a video game, but we love it.”April 2024 – Helldivers strike backA month of great victory.

“We’re really honoured that people are having a great time in Helldivers 2, and from our point of view, this is just the beginning.”M…

8 часов назад @ blog.playstation.com
New Monster Hunter Wilds trailer reveals Iceshard Cliffs and the monsters within
New Monster Hunter Wilds trailer reveals Iceshard Cliffs and the monsters within New Monster Hunter Wilds trailer reveals Iceshard Cliffs and the monsters within

We are excited to share the latest trailer, as well as additional information on the second open beta test (OBT2).

What kind of threat will the fearsome Gore Magala pose in Monster Hunter Wilds?

OBT2 marks your first chance to take on Arkveld, the flagship monster of Monster Hunter Wilds.

The full version of Monster Hunter Wilds will support PS5 Pro via a day 1 patch.

Carry over your created characters from both Open Beta Tests to the full version of Monster Hunter Wilds!

1 day, 22 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Capcom shares updates on Onimusha series, Capcom Fighting Collection 2, and Monster Hunter Wilds
Capcom shares updates on Onimusha series, Capcom Fighting Collection 2, and Monster Hunter Wilds Capcom shares updates on Onimusha series, Capcom Fighting Collection 2, and Monster Hunter Wilds

Onimusha: Samurai’s Destiny remaster announced, Onimusha: Way of the Sword updateAdditional details were shared on the brand-new title in Capcom’s legendary swordplay action series, Onimusha: Way of the Sword.

New Monster Hunter Wilds revealsPlay VideoIn the Monster Hunter Wilds Showcase, we debuted a new trailer for the game, introducing the Iceshard Cliffs locale, the new monster Hirabami, returning monsters Nersyclla and Gore Magala, and a wide array of customization options for your hunter.

There’s plenty more to discover from the Monster Hunter Wilds Showcase.

Capcom Fighting Collection 2 launches May 16The flames of the fight never die out in this collection of eight fighting games, c…

1 day, 23 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
New MLB The Show 25 gameplay and modes revealed
New MLB The Show 25 gameplay and modes revealed New MLB The Show 25 gameplay and modes revealed

Tune in on Twitch and YouTube for deeper breakdowns of new modes, updates, and everything else coming to MLB The Show 25.

Each physical MLB The Show 25 Standard Edition purchase (physical editions only) that displays the Topps sticker (see above) on the front of the cover will include 1 of 3 exclusive physical MLB The Show 25 Topps trading cards, while supplies last*.

Trading cards also include special /299, /99, /49, /25, /10, /5, /1 parallels and chase cards variants.

*These physical Topps trading cards are only available at participating retailers, and only included in physical versions with Topps trading card stickers on the outside packaging.

After creating your MLB The Show account, l…

2 days, 4 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Helldivers 2: Servants of Freedom Warbond launches February 6
Helldivers 2: Servants of Freedom Warbond launches February 6 Helldivers 2: Servants of Freedom Warbond launches February 6

Like thisLet’s be honest, Helldivers: Super Earth is worth it.

They need to look like the democratic disciples they are inside, and the only way we know to properly show it off is with the gear from our next Warbond*: Servants of Freedom which launches on February 6.

Play VideoSo what does true devotion to Democracy look like?

There’s a new kind of throwable in Servants of Freedom, too.

Become one of Super Earth’s most faithful fighters and show the squad your fervor for Managed Democracy with the Servants of Freedom Warbond on February 6!

2 days, 8 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
(For Southeast Asia) PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for February: Payday 3, Sol Cresta, Pac-Man World Re-Pac
(For Southeast Asia) PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for February: Payday 3, Sol Cresta, Pac-Man World Re-Pac (For Southeast Asia) PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for February: Payday 3, Sol Cresta, Pac-Man World Re-Pac

Like thisPlan the ultimate heist, team up with talkative weaponry then jump and chomp your way through an island adventure with the PlayStation Plus Monthly Games lineup for February!

Payday 3, High on Life and Pac-Man World Re-Pac will be available to PlayStation Plus members from February 4*.

Please note, this won’t affect the PS4 Monthly Games that you have already redeemed from PlayStation Plus.

As we shift our focus to PS5, we look forward to adding new PS5 titles monthly for you to enjoy.

*PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup may differ in certain regions.

2 days, 15 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Players’ Choice: Vote for January 2025’s best new game
Players’ Choice: Vote for January 2025’s best new game Players’ Choice: Vote for January 2025’s best new game

Like thisIt's time to vote for your favorite gaming experience from the first month of 2025.

At the end of every month, PlayStation Blog will open a poll where you can vote for the best new game released that month.

After the polls close we will tally your votes, and announce the winner on our social channels and PlayStation.Blog.

If you were only able to recommend one new release to a friend that month, which would it be?

The PlayStation Blog editorial team will gather a list of that month’s most noteworthy releases and use it to seed the poll.

3 days, 6 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 507: Rogue Metaphor
Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 507: Rogue Metaphor Official PlayStation Podcast Episode 507: Rogue Metaphor

Like thisThis week the team talks Alien: Rogue Incursion, Metaphor: ReFantazio, and what’s right around the corner.

This week the crew sits down to talk about this week’s news.

This week, Tim and Kristen discuss their playthroughs of Dynasty Warriors: Origins, Alien: Rogue Incursion, and Metaphor: ReFantazio.

[Editor’s note: PSN game release dates are subject to change without notice.

Game details are gathered from press releases from their individual publishers and/or ESRB rating descriptions.]

6 days, 3 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Share of the Week: Waterfall
Share of the Week: Waterfall Share of the Week: Waterfall

Like thisLast week, we asked you go chasing in-game waterfalls and share your best moments using #PSshare #PSBlog.

Here are this week’s highlights:mariprosilva shares a massive waterfall in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

M_Joe_Hort shares a waterfall with a moose standing before it in Red Dead Redemption 2.xenobitz strikes a pose in front of a waterfall in Infinity Nikki.

Want to be featured in the next Share of the Week?

Share characters climbing or ascending to great heights from the game of your choice using #PSshare #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.

6 days, 4 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Fortnite OG Chapter 1 Season 2 goes full tilt into the past, live now
Fortnite OG Chapter 1 Season 2 goes full tilt into the past, live now Fortnite OG Chapter 1 Season 2 goes full tilt into the past, live now

It’s time to grab your Glider and hop off the Battle Bus as Fortnite OG Chapter 1 Season 2 is now here.

Unleash your inner Fort Knight as Fortnite’s new OG Season will bring back OG loot like the Boogie Bomb, Minigun, and more.

Fortnite OG Chapter 1 Season 2 starts today and wraps up March 25, 2025.

Swimmin’ in a reminiscin’ loot poolThroughout OG Chapter 1 Season 2, the loot pool will expand with gear from the classic Chapter 1 Season 2:Small Shield Potion (live now.)

Unlock costalgia-infused rewards in the Chapter 1 Season 2 OG PassAn all-new OG Pass is here with 45 tiers of rewards based on the classic Chapter 1 Season 2.

6 days, 12 hours назад @ blog.playstation.com
Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.55 details revealed, live today
Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.55 details revealed, live today Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.55 details revealed, live today

This month’s Gran Turismo 7 update delivers a wide range of cars, from the original Gran Turismo F3500-A formula car to the Hyundai IONIQ 5 N ’24.

View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close CloseHyundai IONIQ 5 N ‘24(Can be purchased from Brand Central)A fearsome driving machine that challenges the preconceptions of BEVs.

View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image Download the image close CloseToyota C-HR S ’18(Can be purchased from Brand Central)The unconventional crossover SUV that took on the Nürburgring 24 Hours.

View and download image Download the image close Close View and download image …

1 week назад @ blog.playstation.com
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 PC features and ray-tracing options detailed, out tomorrow
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 PC features and ray-tracing options detailed, out tomorrow Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 PC features and ray-tracing options detailed, out tomorrow

Furthermore, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 on PC includes NVIDIA DLSS Ray Reconstruction1, which improves raytracing quality on supported hardware.

In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 on PC with ray reconstruction enabled, we see more detailed ray-traced reflections and better-defined ray-traced shadows, especially when viewing raytracing effects at steep angles.

To cater to this, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 on PC offers a wide range of graphics settings and presets, including options without ray-tracing, like dynamic resolution scaling.

To celebrate Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s upcoming PC release, Marvel Rivals players can purchase this suit in-game starting 6PM PST on January 29.

Play VideoNixxes and Insomniac, along…

1 week, 1 day назад @ blog.playstation.com
Introducing MLB The Show x Homage apparel partnership
Introducing MLB The Show x Homage apparel partnership Introducing MLB The Show x Homage apparel partnership

Like thisToday, MLB The Show is excited to announce our new partnership with Homage, a renowned brand in the apparel industry.

This MLB The Show x Homage collaboration creates the first officially licensed line of attire for MLB The Show fans to purchase while celebrating the legacy of MLB The Show through Homage’s expertise in quality, culture, and design.

*“Marking the 20th anniversary of MLB The Show is a celebration of baseball’s enduring legacy brought to life through gaming,” says Homage Founder Ryan Vesler.

We’re excited to share our first t-shirt as the initial drop from the MLB The Show x Homage collection featuring MLB The Show 25’s cover athletes: Paul Skenes, Elly De La Cruz, an…

1 week, 1 day назад @ blog.playstation.com
PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for February: Payday 3, High on Life, Pac-Man World Re-Pac
PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for February: Payday 3, High on Life, Pac-Man World Re-Pac PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for February: Payday 3, High on Life, Pac-Man World Re-Pac

Like thisPlan the ultimate heist, team up with talkative weaponry then jump and chomp your way through an island adventure with the PlayStation Plus Monthly Games lineup for February!

Payday 3, High on Life and Pac-Man World Re-Pac will be available to PlayStation Plus members from February 4*.

Please note, this won’t affect the PS4 Monthly Games that you have already redeemed from PlayStation Plus.

As we shift our focus to PS5, we look forward to adding new PS5 titles monthly for you to enjoy.

*PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup may differ in certain regions.

1 week, 1 day назад @ blog.playstation.com
PC Gamer PC Gamer
последний пост 44 минуты назад
Skald: Against the Black Priory review
Skald: Against the Black Priory review Skald: Against the Black Priory review

Review catch-up (Image credit: Coal Supper) There were a few games last year that we didn't have time to review, so before 2025 gets too crazy we're playing review catch-up and rectifying some of these omissions.

Before playing Skald: Against the Black Priory, I liked the idea of this throwback roleplaying game, but wasn't sure it was for me.

Roll for initiativeImage 1 of 5 (Image credit: High North Studios) (Image credit: High North Studios) (Image credit: High North Studios) (Image credit: High North Studios) (Image credit: High North Studios)When I'm playing an RPG with its own bespoke rules (that is, not based on something familiar like D&D or SPECIAL), I always feel like I'm making a l…

44 минуты назад @ pcgamer.com
The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies expansion announcement includes a ton of cross-pack play that I'm pretty psyched for
The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies expansion announcement includes a ton of cross-pack play that I'm pretty psyched for The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies expansion announcement includes a ton of cross-pack play that I'm pretty psyched for

The Sims 4 is now well into its nostalgia-fueled "Motherlode season" celebrating the series' 25th anniversary and also revealing the next Sims 4 expansion pack: Businesses & Hobbies.

The new expansion pack is all about the rise and grind lifestyle of turning your hobbies into small business hustles.

The Sims 4: Businesses & Hobbies release date is on March 6, 2025.

Check out the Businesses & Hobbies first look trailerThe Sims™ 4 Businesses & Hobbies Expansion Pack | Official Reveal Trailer - YouTube Watch OnThe first reveal trailer for the Businesses & Hobbies expansion confirms a lot of the broad details about the new tattooing and pottery skills.

(Image credit: Electronic Arts)New ownable…

2 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Baldur's Gate 3's Patch 8 is so big, it needed its own patch before it even released, and we're one step closer to a Permanent Booming Blade Economy
Baldur's Gate 3's Patch 8 is so big, it needed its own patch before it even released, and we're one step closer to a Permanent Booming Blade Economy Baldur's Gate 3's Patch 8 is so big, it needed its own patch before it even released, and we're one step closer to a Permanent Booming Blade Economy

Larian has published a blog post detailing an update to the Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 8, which isn't actually out yet and is still in stress testing.

The update fixes a number of crashes, bugs, and scripting errors introduced with all of Patch 8's changes, including some tweaks to Baldur's Gate 3's long-awaited crossplay.

I was surprised to see a balance change of this nature pushed out without any similar tweak to tune down the power on the new Booming Blade cantrip.

As it stands, Booming Blade is effectively a free Paladin smite that can be used as many times per turn as you can attack.

Even if Patch 8 goes live with Booming Blade war god Eldritch Knights, I'll still probably have my first ru…

2 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
The organizers of E3 announce a new event called iicon, but it's not open to the public and you probably don't want to go anyway
The organizers of E3 announce a new event called iicon, but it's not open to the public and you probably don't want to go anyway The organizers of E3 announce a new event called iicon, but it's not open to the public and you probably don't want to go anyway

Two things right off the start: No, this is not a reborn E3, and no, I didn't spell it wrong.

"It’s a natural role for ESA to host and support an event that fosters an open exchange of new ideas with our peer industry leaders.

"Iicon is bringing together changemakers from across industries to envision how the strengths of the interactive entertainment industry can break entirely new ground."

It doesn't sound like much fun in the way that E3 was, even in the days before the public was allowed to attend.

What makes less sense is it being held in Las Vegas just two months after DICE, another businessy, industry-only event.

2 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Civilization 7 influence guide: How to make friends and influence people
Civilization 7 influence guide: How to make friends and influence people Civilization 7 influence guide: How to make friends and influence people

Here's how to generate influence in Civ 7, and—more importantly—how to put it to good use:How do I get influence in Civilization 7?

Spending influence on City-StatesOne of the best ways to spend Influence, especially if you're playing as a leader like Tecumseh, is befriending City-States.

Declaring a Surprise War, for instance, will usually start you on the back foot in terms of War Support.

Both combatants can spend Influence to swing War Support to their side, but it gets more expensive every time.

EspionageEventually, you will gain the ability to spend Influence on Espionage actions, such as stealing technologies from another leader.

2 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Paradox is the new owner of Jagged Alliance 3 and Surviving Mars developer Haemimont Games
Paradox is the new owner of Jagged Alliance 3 and Surviving Mars developer Haemimont Games Paradox is the new owner of Jagged Alliance 3 and Surviving Mars developer Haemimont Games

Haemimont Games has spent the last 25 years knocking out an impressive list of strategy and management romps, including corkers like Tropico 3-5, Surviving Mars and Jagged Alliance 3.

Announced today, Paradox has acquired all shares in Haemimont Games and now wholly owns it.

For Paradox, Haemimont feels like the opposite of a risky investment.

Though after its impressive handling of Jagged Alliance 3—the first good Jagged Alliance in a long, long time—I'd be just as keen to see it tackle another tactics game.

We'll have to wait and see, since it's yet to announce its first project as a Paradox studio.

3 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
If showing off that you actually own an RTX 5090 isn't enough, why not show off that you own a golden one for double rarity points
If showing off that you actually own an RTX 5090 isn't enough, why not show off that you own a golden one for double rarity points If showing off that you actually own an RTX 5090 isn't enough, why not show off that you own a golden one for double rarity points

I don't care because I know I'm never going to get my hands on the just-announced Asus ROG Astral RTX 5090 Dhahab OC Edition (via VideoCardz), and that makes me a little bitter.

عاجل ‼️ إطلاق النسخة الخاصة بالشرق الاوسط بإسم: ROG Astral GeForce RTX™ 5090 DHAHAB Edition pic.twitter.com/u5TCCA5iTEFebruary 5, 2025And look, I'm not immune to gold-plated lust syndrome any more than the next gamer who enjoys scarce and shiny things.

But come on, owning an RTX 5090 isn't enough?

No, it's a full-on fan on the flipside, just like you find on the regular ROG Astral RTX 5090, this being the most expensive Asus models and one of the most expensive RTX 5090 models in general.

Anyway, if you want the bli…

3 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
ZA/UM gets away with $165 plastic bags because its execs know hypocritical moaners are the same 'ones ordering the expensive items' anyway, says former Disco Elysium writer
ZA/UM gets away with $165 plastic bags because its execs know hypocritical moaners are the same 'ones ordering the expensive items' anyway, says former Disco Elysium writer ZA/UM gets away with $165 plastic bags because its execs know hypocritical moaners are the same 'ones ordering the expensive items' anyway, says former Disco Elysium writer

I wasn't exactly angry that the rights-holders of Disco Elysium were selling a $165 shopping bag made of a trademarked stronger-than-Kevlar material.

Isn't this kind of hip poverty-chic stuff—the kind of thing very well-to-do students dress up in for a bourgeois jape—exactly what Disco Elysium spends a lot of time making fun of?

So says former ZA/UM dev and Disco Elysium writer Dora Klindžić in a chat with YouTuber The 41st Precinct (via RPS): "This is an incredibly successful business for [ZA/UM], incredibly successful" said Klindžić.

Will that extend to a pricey shopping bag?

Ultimately, of course, whether or not you buy an expensive shopping bag isn't really a great moral question.

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Eight months into the brave new world of Windows on ARM, and this is the state of play for PC gaming outside of the x86 arena
Eight months into the brave new world of Windows on ARM, and this is the state of play for PC gaming outside of the x86 arena Eight months into the brave new world of Windows on ARM, and this is the state of play for PC gaming outside of the x86 arena

Companies like Cyrix, VIA and even Fujitsu have produced x86 chips too, but when it comes down to home-use gaming PCs in the 21st century, there have only been two horses in this town.

Prior to launch, Qualcomm had been bizarrely bullish about the platforms PC gaming performance, with claims that native Windows games would "just work" on the Snapdragon setup.

It's a common Intel integrated graphics unit for laptops, though ours is actually inside a mini desktop PC.

As an additional test of the hardware and the Qualcomm chip's compatibility, the Hitman test was run in both DirectX 11 and 12.

This is where things fall down for the Qualcomm chips, then.

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
NASA is hosting the first Twitch stream from space and I'm already picturing the chat with equal parts fear and excitement
NASA is hosting the first Twitch stream from space and I'm already picturing the chat with equal parts fear and excitement NASA is hosting the first Twitch stream from space and I'm already picturing the chat with equal parts fear and excitement

It's 2025 and somehow we've still yet to see a Twitch stream happening from space—until next week, that is.

NASA has announced it'll be doing a livestream a whole 250 miles from Earth aboard the International Space Station, on Wednesday 12 February.

I'm all for cool stuff like this happening on social and streaming platforms, and I'm sure NASA has already calculated the positive exposure it'll have on their end.

"I want to stream in space one day," he told Forbes in December last year.

Especially if I'd just so happened to very recently proclaim my desires to stream from space, only to have Big Space itself do it first.

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
This Steam Deck mount looks silly, but greatly reduces the risk of dropping Valve's handheld on your face while gaming in bed
This Steam Deck mount looks silly, but greatly reduces the risk of dropping Valve's handheld on your face while gaming in bed This Steam Deck mount looks silly, but greatly reduces the risk of dropping Valve's handheld on your face while gaming in bed

Let me set the scene for you: there I am, lounging around while playing the office Steam Deck when suddenly it happens.

Alas, my face and eyeglasses could've been saved had I simply used the GoPro Mount (via SteamDeckHQ).

That means that you'll need the sold separately Deckmate grip before you can even attempt to strap your Steam Deck onto your GoPro harness.

Furthermore, just because you can attach a GoPro accessory to your Steam Deck doesn't mean it will be able to support the weight.

The Deckmate grip will set you back $19/£16, and then the GoPro Mount costs another $9/£8 on top.

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Bill Gates laments Pat Gelsinger's failure to save Intel: 'I was hoping for his sake, for the country's sake that he would be successful'
Bill Gates laments Pat Gelsinger's failure to save Intel: 'I was hoping for his sake, for the country's sake that he would be successful' Bill Gates laments Pat Gelsinger's failure to save Intel: 'I was hoping for his sake, for the country's sake that he would be successful'

Gates sums up Intel's general problem better than I can: "[Intel is] kind of behind in terms of chip design and they are kind of behind in chip fabrication.

We've seen this in Meteor Lake, Lunar Lake, and Arrow Lake.

Gelsinger, as an engineer himself, sought to push into the manufacturing and fabrication side of the business to try to turn things around.

18A might not be dead in the water, but as Gates says, it does look pretty tough for Intel at this stage.

Although Intel is obviously a much bigger desktop processor operation and, unlike fabless AMD, until recently held the promise of home-grown chips.

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
Former Dragon Age developers are not happy with EA CEO's suggestion that The Veilguard should have live service features: 'I'd probably quit'
Former Dragon Age developers are not happy with EA CEO's suggestion that The Veilguard should have live service features: 'I'd probably quit' Former Dragon Age developers are not happy with EA CEO's suggestion that The Veilguard should have live service features: 'I'd probably quit'

EA's CEO, Andrew Wilson, recently voiced some bizarre criticism of Dragon Age: The Veilguard during a quarterly financial call.

He suggested that the game struggled because it didn't have any live service components.

I'm not sure any amount of live service elements could've saved this game from the poor writing, pacing, and lackluster companions.

It seems that a few former Dragon Age developers agree with this sentiment that live service is not the right move.

"Look, I'm not a fancy CEO guy," former Dragon Age creative director Mike Laidlaw says (via Eurogamer).

4 часа назад @ pcgamer.com
This no-vidia gaming PC is a great example of how small design decisions can make it feel like you're building a PC on easy-mode
This no-vidia gaming PC is a great example of how small design decisions can make it feel like you're building a PC on easy-mode This no-vidia gaming PC is a great example of how small design decisions can make it feel like you're building a PC on easy-mode

The specsImage 1 of 7 (Image credit: Future) (Image credit: Future) (Image credit: Future) (Image credit: Future) (Image credit: Future) (Image credit: Future) (Image credit: Future)Swipe to scroll horizontally Component Model US price UK price Buy links CPU Intel Core Ultra 5 245K $319 £276 Buy link GPU AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT $700 £630 Buy link Chassis Be Quiet!

As I mentioned in the headline, altogether this felt like a gaming PC build on easy mode.

The buildImage 1 of 20 (Image credit: Future) Prep the motherboard (Image credit: Future) Fit the CPU into the socket (Image credit: Future) Plug in the RAM sticks Make sure to use the correct two slots—usually the furthest away in both banks, …

5 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
EA CEO says the magic words 'Apex 2.0': It won't happen until after the next Battlefield, but 'this will not be the final incarnation of Apex'
EA CEO says the magic words 'Apex 2.0': It won't happen until after the next Battlefield, but 'this will not be the final incarnation of Apex' EA CEO says the magic words 'Apex 2.0': It won't happen until after the next Battlefield, but 'this will not be the final incarnation of Apex'

In the last earnings call before this one, Wilson himself claimed there were no plans for an Apex 2.0 and pushed back against the idea.

As he puts it, EA thinks about Apex in terms of in decades rather than years.

"What I think we've demonstrated as a company is an ability to build franchises that last 10, 20, 30 years."

That's also bad news for fans of what EA's CFO calls "blockbuster storytelling," with Dragon Age: Tthe Veilguard's underperformance a major area of focus.

"Dragon Age had a high quality launch and was well-reviewed by critics and those who played; however, it did not resonate with a broad-enough audience in this highly competitive market."

5 часов назад @ pcgamer.com
Nintendo Life Nintendo Life
последний пост 3 часа назад
Review: Turbo Overkill (Switch) - Ridiculous, Relentless Boomer Shooter Gets A Solid Port
Review: Turbo Overkill (Switch) - Ridiculous, Relentless Boomer Shooter Gets A Solid Port Review: Turbo Overkill (Switch) - Ridiculous, Relentless Boomer Shooter Gets A Solid Port

Turbo Overkill nails everything it sets out to achieve.

Turbo Overkill has got you covered.

Captured on Nintendo Switch (Docked)When in action, Turbo Overkill is a match for almost anything we've played in this most overstuffed of genres.

Captured on Nintendo Switch (Handheld/Undocked)Having played Turbo Overkill at 60fps already on another platform, it's a bit of a shame to have this understandable concession made, but it's one we can stomach here.

Captured on Nintendo Switch (Handheld/Undocked)If you can handle the framerate drops and lack of gyro, we really can't recommend Turbo Overkill enough.

3 часа назад @ nintendolife.com
Bandai Namco Studios Has Reportedly Reduced Its Staff By Over 100 People
Bandai Namco Studios Has Reportedly Reduced Its Staff By Over 100 People Bandai Namco Studios Has Reportedly Reduced Its Staff By Over 100 People

Bandai Namco Studios has reportedly reduced its staff by more than 100 people within the last year, as reported by Automaton.

This news comes after reports in 2024 that Bandai Namco had cancelled a number of projects, including one commissioned by Nintendo.

According to the initial article from Bloomberg, the company had allegedly used 'oidashibeya' – expulsion rooms – to pressure 200 employees into voluntary resignation.

Although this is supposedly a traditional Japanese approach to reducing staff numbers, Bandai Namco denied that this was the case.

It remains to be seen, then, whether the 100+ employees who have now left had done so "willingly", or were let go with severance.

4 часа назад @ nintendolife.com
'Operation Night Strikers' Brings Four Action-Packed Arcade Classics To Switch This Year
'Operation Night Strikers' Brings Four Action-Packed Arcade Classics To Switch This Year 'Operation Night Strikers' Brings Four Action-Packed Arcade Classics To Switch This Year

Developer M2 and publisher Taito have today announced that the '80s arcade compilation title Operation Night Strikers will also receive a Switch release at some point this year.

The compilation originally consisted of only the NES shooter Operation Wolf and the MEGA CD's Night Striker, but the news of the Switch release brought with it another two titles joining the proceedings: the SNES' Thunderbolt and Master System's Space Gun.

Operation Night Strikers presents each title in both its console and arcade formats, so you can choose a level of nostalgia that suits you.

Your mission code name is Operation Wolf.

Roy Adams, hero of Operation Wolf is back, and this time his former green beret te…

4 часа назад @ nintendolife.com
'Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes' Story DLC Lands New 2025 Release Dates
'Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes' Story DLC Lands New 2025 Release Dates 'Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes' Story DLC Lands New 2025 Release Dates

After a pretty meaty delay, developer Rabbit & Bear Studios has announced revised release dates for the three upcoming Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes DLC packs, the first of which arrives later this month.

According to the developer's newly-issued roadmap, the first wave of DLC will be available on the Switch eShop on 27th February, with Marisa in the starring role.

Next up is Seign, whose DLC pack will drop on 13th March, before the Markus expansion arrives on 3rd April.

3rd April will see the release of The Chapter of MarkusIn this story expansion, Markus, Carrie, and Nowa brace themselves for an intriguing discovery.

Each DLC pack will set you back $7.99 / €7.99 / £5.99, which we supp…

5 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Nintendo Download: 6th February (North America)
Nintendo Download: 6th February (North America) Nintendo Download: 6th February (North America)

Genome Guardian (Stingbot Games, 6th Feb, $11.99) - COMBINE WEAPONS in the microscopic roguelite turret shooter with macroscopic depth.

Jumping Ninja (NOSTRA GAMES, 6th Feb, $3.99) - Find your warpath and go all the way.

Pilots, songstresses, and characters from five MACROSS series (MACROSS Plus, MACROSS 7, MACROSS Zero, MACROSS Frontier & MACROSS Delta) take center stage in a completely original story.

Malu the Princess (Afil Games, 6th Feb, $4.99) - Embark on an exciting journey with Malu in Malu the Princess!

Games, 6th Feb, $17.99) - Teams of darsanauts got lost during their mining missions on the different moons of the planet Darsalon.

6 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Japanese Charts: Donkey Kong Is Still The King Despite Diminishing Sales
Japanese Charts: Donkey Kong Is Still The King Despite Diminishing Sales Japanese Charts: Donkey Kong Is Still The King Despite Diminishing Sales

There are a few new additions this week, with Black Myth: Wukong getting a physical release on the PS5, and the delightfully titled Cardfight!!

Nippon Ichi Software's Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero also just managed to scrape though to land at number nine.

PlayStation managed to shift 10,173 units, while the Xbox continues to lag behind with just 3,070.

Just look at that difference between the Switch OLED and the Switch Lite, though.

Shout-out to the 19 folks who bought a PS4, too (or perhaps just one person bought 19 PS4s - who knows!).

6 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Opinion: All My Pokémon TCG Pocket Headaches Help It Nail Playground Trading Nostalgia
Opinion: All My Pokémon TCG Pocket Headaches Help It Nail Playground Trading Nostalgia Opinion: All My Pokémon TCG Pocket Headaches Help It Nail Playground Trading Nostalgia

I am a creature of habit, so when The Pokémon Company revealed Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket and its two-packs-a-day hook system, I knew that I was going to be a sucker for it.

Trading is a nightmare in TCG Pocket.

You can't tell me that such theories wouldn't have set the playground collecting scene on fire back in the day.

Look, it's very easy to sit and pick holes in Pokémon TCG Pocket and for the past three months, I (and others at Nintendo Life) have been doing just that.

Is Pokémon TCG Pocket taking you back to the old days of card collecting, or is this something new and totally different?

7 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
We're Getting Serious 'The Witness' Vibes From This Upcoming Open-World Puzzler
We're Getting Serious 'The Witness' Vibes From This Upcoming Open-World Puzzler We're Getting Serious 'The Witness' Vibes From This Upcoming Open-World Puzzler

Taiji is another one that we'd bundle into this group, a 2D open-world puzzler that arrives on the eShop on 25th February.

This is a game where you explore a mysterious world, solving a series of grid-based puzzles as you go.

Taiji switches The Witness' first-person perspective to a top-down, 2D pixel art, but the answers-hidden-in-plain-sight approach is all still present and correct.

Unlike many adventure games, the puzzles in Taiji all use a consistent interface: a grid of tiles which can be toggled on or off.

Although this might seem simple, the consistency of the interface frees the player from guesswork or pixel hunting that happens in many adventure games.

8 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Metroid Prime Remastered Studio 'Iron Galaxy' Confirms Lay Offs
Metroid Prime Remastered Studio 'Iron Galaxy' Confirms Lay Offs Metroid Prime Remastered Studio 'Iron Galaxy' Confirms Lay Offs

Iron Galaxy, a studio known for its work on titles such as Metroid Prime Remastered, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and Diablo III on Switch, has confirmed that it has laid off 66 development and support staff.

Confirmed via a post on LinkedIn (thanks, GamesIndustry), the studio said that the decision was made to "enable our long-term survival".

For now, Iron Galaxy's primary focus will be on the teammates that have sadly been let go, pledging to support them in their search for new roles elsewhere.

Iron Galaxy was confirmed to have assisted on the development of Metroid Prime Remastered alongside original creator Retro Studios.

In addition, the game received support from the following teams:…

8 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Forget The Retail Delay, Nintendo's Tucking Alarmo In At Japanese Hotels
Forget The Retail Delay, Nintendo's Tucking Alarmo In At Japanese Hotels Forget The Retail Delay, Nintendo's Tucking Alarmo In At Japanese Hotels

If visiting Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Japan wasn't enough Mario for you, you can now rent an Alarmo for the night at some of the park's hotels so you can even have Nintendo on the mind while you sleep.

In a post on Nintendo's Japanese website, the company revealed that it was partnering with Universal Studios to bring Alarmo rentals to seven different hotels.

The rental package includes an Alarmo and an AC adapter for plugging it in, both of which can be collected from the hotel reception desk, the post claims.

The announcement doesn't specify how much an Alarmo rental will cost, but we'd have to imagine it's cheaper than the clock's usual £89.99 price tag, right?

We'd be ly…

9 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Celeste Fans May Want To Check Out This Adorable New Platformer On Switch
Celeste Fans May Want To Check Out This Adorable New Platformer On Switch Celeste Fans May Want To Check Out This Adorable New Platformer On Switch

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 795kIf you're a fan of precision platformers like Celeste or perhaps even Super Meat Boy, then a newcomer from developer Purple Tree might well be up your street.

Desvelado is launching on the Switch eShop on 20th February 2025, and honestly, it just looks so adorable.

It boasts a wonderful modern cartoon aesthetic with superb animation and over 100 levels to explore.

Purple Tree has previously been responsible for the Punch-Out-inspired fighting game Thunder Ray, which we awarded a score of 7/10.

We called it "a brief but solid tribute" that showcased gorgeous visuals and challenging gameplay, but perhaps wasn't quite as slick as Punch-Out!!

10 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Special Dragonite Short From 'Your Name' Anime Studio Heading To YouTube For Pokémon Day
Special Dragonite Short From 'Your Name' Anime Studio Heading To YouTube For Pokémon Day Special Dragonite Short From 'Your Name' Anime Studio Heading To YouTube For Pokémon Day

We are quickly edging ever closer to Pokémon Day on 27th February, and while we all wait for confirmation of the inevitable Presents showcase that it will likely contain, we do know that a new animated film will be dropping to mark the occasion.

As revealed by Serebii, this year's anniversary will see the debut of 'Dragonite and the Postman' on The Pokémon Company YouTube channel.

Assuming that the studio can channel some of its signature beauty into the Pokémon short, this could be one to watch.

Serebii Update: A special animation, Dragonite and the Postman, is to release on February 27th 2025 www.serebii.net — Serebii.net (@serebii.bsky.social) 2025-02-06T05:54:49.328ZWe'll be keeping our…

11 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Sega Files New 'Sonic Blitz' Trademark
Sega Files New 'Sonic Blitz' Trademark Sega Files New 'Sonic Blitz' Trademark

Sega has filed a new trademark for something called Sonic Blitz, as revealed via Chizai Watch (thanks, Sonic Stadium).

Honestly though, with a name like Sonic Blitz, we're making a baseless assumption that it could simply be another mobile game.

"Blitz through 50 variants of Green Hill Zone in the brand new auto-runner, Sonic Blitz!"...

Sega recently launched its own account service for fans of the brand, with users able to redeem unique rewards and track their playtime across Sega and Atlus games.

Meanwhile, the firm also recently confirmed that Sonic X Shadow Generations passed 2 million units sold after its launch in October 2024.

11 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Digital File Size Seemingly Reduced
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Digital File Size Seemingly Reduced Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Digital File Size Seemingly Reduced

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube 795kAhead of the release of Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition next month, Nintendo has supposedly updated the file size of the Switch release.

Listings online previously suggested the game would take up around 15 GB of space and now the estimated file size on the Switch eShop says the game will require an installation of 13.4 GB (thanks, necrolipe).

If you do end up getting the digital version of this definitive edition, you can use a game vouched in select regions.

In addition to this, you'll also receive a free 14-day trial for Switch Online if you purchase the digital version of this game.

This latest update about the Xenoblade Chronicles X:…

16 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Round Up: The Reviews Are In For Hello Kitty Island Adventure (Switch)
Round Up: The Reviews Are In For Hello Kitty Island Adventure (Switch) Round Up: The Reviews Are In For Hello Kitty Island Adventure (Switch)

Here's what a bunch of other outlets thought about the Switch version of this release:"Hello Kitty Island Adventure on the Switch is giving players a chance to finally get their hands on one of the biggest surprises of the last five years.

While it may not be as good as games like Animal Crossing, it never tries to copy or replicate.

"Playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure on the Switch after following it since its Apple Arcade debut means I got to see it grow, and this Animal Crossing style game improved since its debut.

"Hello Kitty Island Adventure is cute and colorful, but the mindless tasks and artificially slow pace of its daily progression make it suited for little more than filling up…

18 часов назад @ nintendolife.com
Pocketgamer Pocketgamer
последний пост 3 часа назад
Devil's Purge is going free-to-play and expanding its soundtrack
Devil's Purge is going free-to-play and expanding its soundtrack Devil's Purge is going free-to-play and expanding its soundtrack

Coming from Ontop, this AR shooter saw you blasting demons and the devil himself, all set to a hardcore heavy metal soundtrack.

Now, if you've been putting off trying Devil's Purge there's no better time to jump in as not only is said soundtrack expanding, but it's also going free to play!

Inspired by its spiritual predecessor Doom, Devil's Purge is also taking a shareware approach.

Devil's Purge sees you not just standing there and pointing, but also actively moving to dodge enemies and reveal their weak spots!

The shift to free-to-play starts today, you can find Devil's Purge over on the iOS App Store!

3 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
My Dear Farm+ is out now on Apple Arcade for free-to-play cosy fun
My Dear Farm+ is out now on Apple Arcade for free-to-play cosy fun My Dear Farm+ is out now on Apple Arcade for free-to-play cosy fun

Farm freshMy Dear Farm is one of the latest additions to the Apple Arcade lineupManage your own farm and decorate your own home, even partner up with othersThink Stardew Valley, but even cosier, and available on Apple Arcade!

Then look no further because alongside golf and doodle jumping Apple Arcade is also adding the cosy farming simulator My Dear Farm+ to its lineup today!

In My Dear Farm+, you're able to customise your own avatar to run and tend to your very own farm.

Either way, My Dear Farm promises a lovingly crafted pastel farming experience in the same vein as something like Stardew Valley, just with a few softer edges.

Because this is on Apple Arcade there's no need to worry about…

4 часа назад @ pocketgamer.com
Doodle Jump 2+ brings the hit platformer to Apple Arcade, out now
Doodle Jump 2+ brings the hit platformer to Apple Arcade, out now Doodle Jump 2+ brings the hit platformer to Apple Arcade, out now

Now if you haven't had the chance to try it yet you can do so right as Doodle Jump 2+ comes to Apple Arcade!

Doodle Jump is simple, deceptively so.

Functionally, it's not that different from the original (a great platformer in its own right) but in Doodle Jump 2 you'll have access to a whole new suite of worlds to explore.

With its numerous spin-offs and pedigree on mobile, although Doodle Jump may not have become the flagship release of some world-spanning studio, I think it has a fond place in the hearts of many players.

Admittedly, it's a long time for it to be coming to mobile, with Doodle Jump 2 having launched all the way back in 2020, but it's better late than never, right?

5 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
PGA Tour Pro Golf brings championship-level play to mobile, out now on Apple Arcade
PGA Tour Pro Golf brings championship-level play to mobile, out now on Apple Arcade PGA Tour Pro Golf brings championship-level play to mobile, out now on Apple Arcade

PGA Tour Pro Golf brings iconic courses and golf simulation to Apple ArcadeUpgrade your gear, compete with other golfers and more!

It's all about golf with PGA Tour Pro Golf, out now on Apple ArcadeWhen it comes to worldwide golfing competitions the PGA Tour is widely regarded as the most prestigious for good reason.

And now, you golfing fans out there can finally take top-level championship play into the palm of your hand as PGA Tour Pro Golf comes to Apple Arcade.

While it's easy to outline how it simulates real-world golfing and its various conditions, I'm sure more of you are intrigued by how PGA Tour Pro Golf will recreate some of the most iconic courses for the sport.

I really don't l…

6 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
App Army Assemble: Reviver - "Should you play this time-travelling, narrative-driven puzzler?"
App Army Assemble: Reviver - "Should you play this time-travelling, narrative-driven puzzler?" App Army Assemble: Reviver - "Should you play this time-travelling, narrative-driven puzzler?"

We ask the App ArmyA few weeks ago, Cotton Games released Reviver for iOS and Android, bringing the time-travelling puzzler to mobile.

It caught my eye with its distinctive art style, but, sadly, point-and-click adventure games have never been my bad.

So, I handed Reviver over to our App Army to see what they made of it.

A casual point-and-click adventure across time.

This is a time manipulation, point-and-click adventure game.

6 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Steel Paws, the upcoming Netflix Games exclusive from Yu Suzuki, is now in pre-registration
Steel Paws, the upcoming Netflix Games exclusive from Yu Suzuki, is now in pre-registration Steel Paws, the upcoming Netflix Games exclusive from Yu Suzuki, is now in pre-registration

The mind behind Shenmue's new title, Steel Paws, is now open for pre-registration as it's set to arrive exclusively on Netflix Games!

As you might expect from a designer known primarily for his work on Virtua Fighter and the aforementioned Shenmue, Steel Paws is a third-person beat 'em up where you ascend a mysterious tower.

Steel Paws will see you traversing distinct environments as you ascend the tower, in between getting the chance to upgrade your mecha-animal Buddies or alter your gear.

Subscribe to Pocket Gamer onIt's heartening to see that, despite issues with the Netflix Games catalogue recently, there are still some great exclusives coming to the service.

Speaking of which if you do…

7 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Candy Crush Solitaire launches worldwide today, giving this card classic a sweet touch
Candy Crush Solitaire launches worldwide today, giving this card classic a sweet touch Candy Crush Solitaire launches worldwide today, giving this card classic a sweet touch

The seismic success of this series rakes in more cash than some small countries, and now the latest spin on their candy-coated classic is releasing today with Candy Crush Solitaire.

What is Candy Crush Solitaire?

The premise here is that this is the familiar card game that's known and loved by millions worldwide, just given that familiar King branding and a sweet coating familiar to Candy Crush fans.

But while the gameplay remains mostly the same there are also a few features brought over from Candy Crush.

Big Candy Crush player?

8 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Interview: Marta Cortiñas tells us how Candy Crush Solitaire brings King's usual magic to the classic card game
Interview: Marta Cortiñas tells us how Candy Crush Solitaire brings King's usual magic to the classic card game Interview: Marta Cortiñas tells us how Candy Crush Solitaire brings King's usual magic to the classic card game

Candy Crush Solitaire is now available for iOS and Android, bringing King's classic stylings to the classic card game.

So, we spoke to Marta Cortiñas, the Executive Producer on Candy Crush Solitaire all about it.

I’m Marta Cortiñas, the Executive Producer on Candy Crush Solitaire.

We have cross-promotions planned within all our existing games in the King portfolio, including Candy Crush Saga, Candy Crush Soda Saga, and more.

What can we expect from Candy Crush Solitaire in the coming months in terms of events or updates?

8 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel celebrates third anniversary as the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championships return to Europe
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel celebrates third anniversary as the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championships return to Europe Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel celebrates third anniversary as the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championships return to Europe

Big news for Master Duel and beyondYu-Gi-Oh!

Master Duel is set to celebrate its third anniversaryExclusive rewards and more await you just for logging in!

as not only are the World Championships set to return to Europe for the first time in five years, but it's also the third anniversary of the hit mobile adaptation Master Duel!

So while some folks will be duelling it out in real life come August, Master Duel fans can log in now for some exclusive rewards!

to give Master Duel a try.

8 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Wizardry Variants Daphne celebrates 1M downloads - that's a million dungeon-exploring adventurers just raring to go
Wizardry Variants Daphne celebrates 1M downloads - that's a million dungeon-exploring adventurers just raring to go Wizardry Variants Daphne celebrates 1M downloads - that's a million dungeon-exploring adventurers just raring to go

A million downloads and risingPlenty of giveaways to celebrate a million downloadsLimited-time quests throughout the monthNew Handbooks addedDrecom has plenty of reasons to celebrate as the studio surpasses a million downloads for Wizardry Variants Daphne, hot off the heels of the recent launch of the new Ninja class.

This means that starting today, you can expect to score some bountiful goodies including a Class Change Guidance Certificate, and on top of that, a total of 2,000 Gems of Org will also be available.

There's the Adventurer's Remains and a limited-time quest to take on across this 3D dungeon RPG as well.

To help you with that, though, why not take a look at our Wizardry Variants…

11 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Age of Empires Mobile heroes tier list
Age of Empires Mobile heroes tier list Age of Empires Mobile heroes tier list

Hero Type Miyamoto Mushashi Cavalry Lu Bu Cavarly King Arthur Cavarly, Swordsmen Hua Mulan Archer Attila the Hun Archer, Cavalry Leonidas PikemenAt the top of the tier list are obviously the best heroes that you can get.

Make sure to use the ones that synergize nicely with the type of army you are trying to build.

If you are F2P, I'd suggest you stay away from Cavarly type.

About Hua MulanAbout King ArthurAbout LeonidasHua Mulan is a great choice for your archer army.

The best talent tree for Leonidas includes skills like Firm Strike, Unyielding Soul, Fearless Retribution, and Whirlwind Sweep.

12 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Dungeon Hunter 6 Lieutenants tier list
Dungeon Hunter 6 Lieutenants tier list Dungeon Hunter 6 Lieutenants tier list

Dungeon Hunter 6 lieutenant tier list ranks each of them by their power, starting from the best ones that every player should aim to get.

That being said, the hack-and-slash gameplay remains at the core of Dungeon Hunter 6, but it introduces a few tweaks to appeal to the modern gamer without sacrificing its distinctive charm.

We decided to create this Dungeon Hunter 6 Lieutenant tier list to help you pick the best option for your character, objectives, and playstyle.

Feel free to use some of the Dungeon Hunter 6 gift codes while you're aroundS-Tier: Most powerful LieutenantsA-Tier: Great LieutenantsB-Tier: Average LieutenantsC-Tier: Weak LieutenantsTo create our Dungeon Hunter 6 tier list f…

13 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
King Arthur: Legends Rise tier list
King Arthur: Legends Rise tier list King Arthur: Legends Rise tier list

I will give you a clear idea of which the best heroes are in the game because, in the King Arthur Legends Rise tier list, we have ranked every hero.

That's why this King Arthur Legends Rise tier list will shed some light on which heroes you need to have, upgrade and place on your team for the best battle results.

We already covered the King Arthur Legends Rise codes, so if you haven't had a chance to claim them yet you should - they give some free Summon Tickets!

The best heroes in King Arthur Legends RiseRight from the beginning, you will get a free Legendary hero that ranks right at the top.

Complete King Arthur Legends Rise tier listName Flame Relic Frost Relic Storm Relic Lot B A B Clau…

13 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Capybara Go tier list - Pets, Skills and Gear ranked
Capybara Go tier list - Pets, Skills and Gear ranked Capybara Go tier list - Pets, Skills and Gear ranked

- Version: 1.4.1Do you want to know what the best gear is in Capybara GO?

Then let me tell you all about that because today we've got a complete Capybara GO tier list where we not only discuss weapons and armor but also everything else you can equip.

About this Capybara GO tier listI have compared all the gear you can currently get in Capybara GO, as well as all the pets and skills and ranked them into a Capybara Go tier list.

The best ones are right at the very top, while the ones that might not be worth your investment are sitting in the lower tiers.

The best pets in Capybara GOThe best skillsThe best gearThe game has quite a few pets, and they all offer different benefits.

13 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
Brown Dust 2 tier list and a reroll guide
Brown Dust 2 tier list and a reroll guide Brown Dust 2 tier list and a reroll guide

When you start playing gachas like this one, knowing which characters to aim for is crucial, and Brown Dust 2 tier list is here to assist in that pursuit.

Following its predecessor, Brown Dust 2 comes with unique console-like retro JRPG gameplay and graphics, dotted with glorious eye candy being served on a silver platter even the most hardcore NIKKE enjoyers will find irresistible.

Off the bat, all the characters on the Brown Dust 2 tier list are ranked without considering any dupes - as some duplicates can turn the character's effectiveness around.

Come by and check out our awesome tier lists for the hippest games!

Contrary to most tier lists, we have made an exception to exclude a D rank…

13 часов назад @ pocketgamer.com
UploadVR + Road to VR UploadVR + Road to VR
последний пост 3 часа назад
Gorilla Tag Celebrates 4th Anniversary With Limited Time Birthday Bash Event
Gorilla Tag Celebrates 4th Anniversary With Limited Time Birthday Bash Event Gorilla Tag Celebrates 4th Anniversary With Limited Time Birthday Bash Event

Gorilla Tag is celebrating its fourth anniversary with the new Birthday Bash event starting today.

An in-game community celebration, Another Axiom confirmed that the VR multiplayer hit Gorilla Tag is splitting this planned event across three days.

February 7th introduces limited time cosmetics claimable until March 6; the Lemming Squishy and Windup Toys, plus a 4th Anniversary Badge.

Finally, the one-day Birthday Bash event begins on February 8th from 10am PT, with the transformed space featuring a big cake as the centerpiece, decorations, and other party gear.

Gorilla Tag is available as a free-to-play game on Quest and PlayStation VR2, while the Steam release costs $20.

3 часа назад @ uploadvr.com
Meta Responds To VR Developer Concerns Over Discoverability & Sales
Meta Responds To VR Developer Concerns Over Discoverability & Sales Meta Responds To VR Developer Concerns Over Discoverability & Sales

Meta responded to developer concerns over discoverability and sales on its platform with a blog post detailing the rise of in-app purchases and free-to-play content.

The figure gives useful context to our in-depth report talking with nearly two dozen developers struggling with visibility on Meta's platform.

"This shift signals a growing opportunity for new business models," Ryan wrote.

"In 2024, existing Meta Quest owners drove a wave of device sales as they upgraded from earlier models, accounting for 27% of Quest 3 and 20% of Quest 3S users for the year," Meta noted.

"To reach younger audiences looking for fun, social, free-to-play experiences, we’re expanding the ways you can build and m…

4 часа назад @ uploadvr.com
Free-To-Play VR Shooter FRENZIES Heads To The Super Bowl With New Event
Free-To-Play VR Shooter FRENZIES Heads To The Super Bowl With New Event Free-To-Play VR Shooter FRENZIES Heads To The Super Bowl With New Event

Free-to-play VR multiplayer shooter FRENZIES kicks off a new Super Bowl-themed event today on Quest.

Following its early access launch in October, nDreams announced that FRENZIES is celebrating the upcoming Super Bowl LIX with a weekend-long special event.

FRENZIES isn't the only VR game we've seen celebrating this weekend's Super Bowl so far.

The Humble Experience arrives today as a timed Apple Vision Pro exclusive, and it'll launch on other headsets at a later date.

The announcement also follows today's news that nDreams is closing two internal VR studios but opening a new one called Compass.

5 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
nDreams Closes Two Internal VR Studios But Opens A New One, Called Compass
nDreams Closes Two Internal VR Studios But Opens A New One, Called Compass nDreams Closes Two Internal VR Studios But Opens A New One, Called Compass

nDreams is closing two studios as part of its ongoing restructuring program, bringing some workers into its new 'Compass' studio.

Following last September's news that the UK publisher would lay off employees in a new restructuring program, nDreams announced that two of its internal studios have now shut down: nDreams Studio Orbital and nDreams Studio.

Speaking to Game Developer, the publisher confirmed that 40 members across both teams have formed a new team, Compass, while the remaining staff were laid off.

“As part of the strategic refocus that we announced in September, we regrettably lost talented members of our teams and also altered our multi-studio development structure,“This unfortu…

6 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
‘Ancient Dungeon’ for PSVR 2 Gets Long-awaited Multiplayer Co-op Mode
‘Ancient Dungeon’ for PSVR 2 Gets Long-awaited Multiplayer Co-op Mode ‘Ancient Dungeon’ for PSVR 2 Gets Long-awaited Multiplayer Co-op Mode

Ancient Dungeon VR, the rogue-lite dungeon crawler, just got an update on PSVR 2 that finally brings multiplayer co-op to the game.

Initially launched in 2021 on Steam Early Access and the now-defunct App Lab for Quest, Ancient Dungeon was designed as a single player experience, taking you through 20+ hours of twisting dungeons for physics-based combat against blocky wizards, skeletons and other classic D&D-inspired foes.

While Quest and the SteamVR version gained four-player co-op in mid-2024, unfortunately this didn’t include the PSVR 2 version at the time, which launched on that platform in December 2023.

Now, the game’s creator Eric Thullen has released the long-awaited multiplayer upda…

7 часов назад @ roadtovr.com
VR Roguelike Ancient Dungeon Gets Co-Op Mode Today On PlayStation VR2
VR Roguelike Ancient Dungeon Gets Co-Op Mode Today On PlayStation VR2 VR Roguelike Ancient Dungeon Gets Co-Op Mode Today On PlayStation VR2

VR roguelike Ancient Dungeon added multiplayer support on PlayStation VR2 and more in today's update.

Initially launched in 2021, Ancient Dungeon later reached PS VR2 in 2023 through publisher Maze Theory.

Maze Theory confirms cross-platform multiplayer support for PlayStation VR2 users isn't available at launch, though it will be implemented at a later date.

Ancient Dungeon now features two new “challenging alternative floors” called The Luminous Depths and The Noxious Sewers, each featuring new bosses.

Ancient Dungeon is out now on the Meta Quest platform, Steam, and PlayStation VR2.

8 часов назад @ uploadvr.com
From Quest To Horizon: How Meta's Shifting Priorities Are Affecting Developers
From Quest To Horizon: How Meta's Shifting Priorities Are Affecting Developers From Quest To Horizon: How Meta's Shifting Priorities Are Affecting Developers

Some developers are buoyed by revenue through subscription programs like the Quest+ gaming catalog, with every new Quest 3S headset including three months of Quest+.

UploadVR spoke to developers with concerns about declining sales to learn about the current state of VR game development on Meta's store.

Horizon WorldsMost developers feel Horizon Worlds is getting increased attention at the expense of store apps, mentioning it when asked how they view Meta's general direction.

Technically, this content type isn't supported by Horizon Worlds, which still requires physical input of some kind.

If you're a VR gamer, some months may seem like there are more older games getting VR mods than new VR …

21 час назад @ uploadvr.com
Prepare Your Planning Permits As DIG VR Heads To PS VR2 & Steam This March
Prepare Your Planning Permits As DIG VR Heads To PS VR2 & Steam This March Prepare Your Planning Permits As DIG VR Heads To PS VR2 & Steam This March

Just Add Water's comedic construction simulator, DIG VR, makes its PlayStation VR2 and Steam debut this March.

In DIG VR , you become a construction god, digging up pesky dirt around the comically named Diglington in the County of Digshire.

On March 20th, PS VR2 and Steam players will have their chance to work through the building simulator's quirky campaign and enjoy DIG VR's handful of minigames and sandbox game mode, too.

Developer Just Add Water also introduced two new radio stations, Oceanic Beach Radio and Cultural Rhythms Radio, for players to listen to as they work.

DIG VR is available on Quest now, and it's coming to PS VR2 and SteamVR on March 20.

1 day, 7 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Steam Now Warns Players If Early Access Games Aren't Updated For Over A Year
Steam Now Warns Players If Early Access Games Aren't Updated For Over A Year Steam Now Warns Players If Early Access Games Aren't Updated For Over A Year

Steam now issues a warning to players if an early access game hasn't been updated for over a year.

Other SteamVR Early Access games like H3VR, Ghosts of Tabor, Sword Reverie, Bootstrap Island and Strayed don't show any warnings.

We've contacted Valve for further clarification about this new system, and we'll update this article if we learn more.

It's the latest development we've seen from the Steam Early Access program, which Valve began in 2013.

Presently, each EA game requires developers to fill out an FAQ stating why it chose EA, how long they anticipate a game to be in EA, how the full release is planned to differ, and more.

1 day, 8 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Budget Cuts Ultimate & PowerWash Simulator VR Are The Quest+ Monthly Games For February
Budget Cuts Ultimate & PowerWash Simulator VR Are The Quest+ Monthly Games For February Budget Cuts Ultimate & PowerWash Simulator VR Are The Quest+ Monthly Games For February

From room-scale stealth thrills to power washing everything you see, here are the Quest+ monthly games for February 2025.

The Meta Quest+ subscription offering lets you redeem two pre-selected games each month, alongside a rotating selection of titles in its Games Catalog.

Quest+ is available on Quest 2, Quest Pro, Quest 3, and Quest 3S.

This month, February 2025, the Quest+ monthly redeemable games are Budget Cuts Ultimate and PowerWash Simulator VR.

Here's the full Quest+ Games Catalog library as of February 5, 2025:2MD: VR Football Unleashed ALL☆STARAcron: Attack of the Squirrels!

1 day, 11 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Is Vision Pro Worth Buying in 2025? Our No-nonsense Recommendation
Is Vision Pro Worth Buying in 2025? Our No-nonsense Recommendation Is Vision Pro Worth Buying in 2025? Our No-nonsense Recommendation

Vision Pro, Apple’s very first headset, just turned one year old.

Vision Pro isn’t worth the cost for most people.

Vision Pro was too expensive for most people on the very day that it launched.

Who should buy Vision Pro?

Like Apple CEO Tim Cook has said, Vision Pro is a glimpse into the future that you can get today.

1 day, 23 hours назад @ roadtovr.com
Meta Plans To Launch "Half A Dozen More" Wearable Devices
Meta Plans To Launch "Half A Dozen More" Wearable Devices Meta Plans To Launch "Half A Dozen More" Wearable Devices

In Meta's CTO's leaked memo, he referenced the company's plan to launch "half a dozen more AI powered wearables".

Oakley Meta GlassesTwo weeks ago, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman reported that Meta and EssilorLuxottica plan to expand their smart glasses product lineup later this year with Oakley Meta glasses.

In the same report in which he described the Oakley Meta glasses, Gurman says that Meta employees are telling him to expect Hypernova to cost around $1000.

The Neural WristbandAs mentioned, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman reported that Meta's HUD glasses may come with Meta's neural wristband.

In the same report in which Gurman described the Oakley Meta glasses and the apparent price and input device …

2 days, 1 hour назад @ uploadvr.com
Paid ‘Quest Games Optimizer’ Tool Now Has Over 100,000 Users
Paid ‘Quest Games Optimizer’ Tool Now Has Over 100,000 Users Paid ‘Quest Games Optimizer’ Tool Now Has Over 100,000 Users

Quest Games Optimizer, the paid software that lets Quest users boost game performance, has now topped over 100,000 users.

Initially released in 2022, Quest Games Optimizer is a tool Quest users can run in the background during gameplay that can increase resolution, performance, frame rate, and increase battery life across all Quest headsets—from the 2019 original all the way up to Quest 3S.

Now, its creator ‘Anagan79’ announced Quest Games Optimizer has reached over 100,000 users.

Granted, the optimizer doesn’t work with all Quest games, however the team has included a reference list of supported titles, amounting to 1,000 Quest apps which have been tested and approved to work with Quest Ga…

2 days, 5 hours назад @ roadtovr.com
Hands-On: The Roto VR Explorer Chair Turns You In VR
Hands-On: The Roto VR Explorer Chair Turns You In VR Hands-On: The Roto VR Explorer Chair Turns You In VR

The Roto VR Explorer attempts to change the way you engage with VR experiences by using motorized 360-degrees spinning motion and haptic feedback.

What is a good fit for the Roto Explorer, though, are VR games with gaze-based directional movement.

At the time of this writing, if you buy a Roto VR Explorer, Dig VR is the only natively working game available.

Overall, the Roto VR Explorer chair does deliver an innovative approach to seated VR and one that enhances the immersive qualities of certain games.

While I enjoyed my time using the Roto VR Explorer, I can't justify replacing my regular and very comfortable swivel chair.

2 days, 5 hours назад @ uploadvr.com
Apple Reportedly Cancels Mac-connected AR Glasses Due to Poor Internal Reviews
Apple Reportedly Cancels Mac-connected AR Glasses Due to Poor Internal Reviews Apple Reportedly Cancels Mac-connected AR Glasses Due to Poor Internal Reviews

According to a Bloomberg report, Apple has shuttered an AR glasses project aimed at mainstream consumers.

Originally planned for release in 2027, the device, codenamed N107, was a Mac-connected pair of AR glasses which the company was positioning as a more accessible alternative to the $3,500 Vision Pro mixed reality headset.

This comes as competitors are gearing up their own XR projects targeted at consumers, including Google’s Android XR platform for MR headsets and AR glasses, and Meta’s ongoing research into AR, which is said to culminate in a pair of AR glasses slated to launch before 2030—based on technology developed for Orion.

Notably, Orion offloads processing and battery to a wire…

2 days, 7 hours назад @ roadtovr.com